How many dog ​​breeds are there in the world. How many dogs live in the world

More than 7 billion people now live on Earth. You can read about this gigantic figure everywhere. And I wonder how many dogs live in the world? How to individually (at least approximately) count all the puppies and their parents living on the planet today? The task, of course, is insanely difficult and not completely solvable. Not all people register their pets with kennel clubs or government agencies. In many countries, stray dogs roam, the total number of which is not known to anyone.

Extras, they are extras. They are interested in everything related to numbers. Most recently, the results of statistical data on the number of dogs living on Earth were announced. The data are far from perfect for the reasons outlined above. But still, most dogs in highly developed countries and large cities have been counted. Representatives of dog food companies provided a great deal of assistance in the study. Many people now buy ready-made food for their pets. Founders and employees of the "feed" business get good money for it. And they would like to know how many animals they can feed in their country, taking into account the profit from the sale of feed in that interest.

Businessmen in the USA were especially interested in marketing research on counting dogs. Yes, this is understandable: almost every American family has a dog (often several dogs). They spend a lot of money to feed them. Americans spend nearly $40 billion a year buying food for their pets! This colossal amount helps to understand that there are a lot of dogs in the USA. The approximate number of individuals of the canine family is 73 million. Forty-odd million families keep four-legged friends. But in Canada, there are significantly fewer dogs than in the USA - there are a little more than 6 million of them.

The total number of animals living in Western Europe was also calculated. Interestingly, there are more dogs in France (8.8 million) than in other Western European countries. Maybe this is due to the mentality of the state and its age-old traditions? There are almost 6.8 million dogs in the UK. Italy and Poland have almost equal numbers - 7.5 million.

South America in the so-called dog census was represented by three states: Colombia, Brazil and Argentina. It was possible to establish that somewhere around 30,000,000 dogs live in Brazil, 6,500,000 in Argentina, and 5,000,000 dogs in Colombia. And that's not counting the stray tailed ones, of which there are plenty of darkness in South America!

In Australia, the situation is as follows: 4 million registered pets. There are documents for each such dog. Only now, according to unofficial information, a huge number of wild and domestic (left without a master) dogs live in the country. And this number is very impressive!

Among Asian countries, only Japan can boast of pedantry: all dogs in the country are registered. There are 9.5 million of them. Many people live in China and India. Therefore, there are much more dogs there than in other countries. But there is no order in dog breeding. There are a lot of stray dogs, and even more unregistered ones. People in India and China don't care much about it. More than 110 million dogs live in China, 52 million in the Indian state.

The World Health Organization recently announced that there are 70 million stray dogs in African underdeveloped countries. This indicator cannot but affect the incidence of rabies in humans. 78 million dogs in these countries have owners. In South Africa, the summary of registered dogs comes down to just over 9 million.

Russia is a country where dogs live in almost every home. Calculations revealed the result: 12 million animals. Ukraine has 6.9 million fewer dogs.

If you add up all the above figures, you get 525 million. There are approximately 525 million dogs living on planet Earth. Although there are much more of them. But even this approximate total result makes you think: how many of them!

The diversity of man's closest four-legged friends is amazing: for more than 10 thousand years of evolution, dogs have "divided" into huge mastiffs and tiny chihuahuas, aggressive pit bulls and good-natured Labradors, docile poodles and wayward Siberian huskies. But they are all representatives of the same species. So how many dog ​​breeds are there in the world?

Number of breeds and purebreds

According to the International Kennel Federation, at the moment there are only a few officially recognized over 400 breeds. Moreover, this number is constantly increasing, albeit rather slowly: after all, as a result of selection, more and more new varieties of dogs appear.

The main criterion for a dog to belong to a particular breed is purebredness. It is determined on the basis of information about the parents of the dog, which must necessarily belong to the same breed.

Since ancient times, people have been actively involved in the formation of those varieties of animals that could be of practical use: to hunt, graze livestock, protect property. At the moment, all officially registered breeds are divided into groups, selected according to a functional basis:

  • Guard - the most numerous group, which includes both large and small dogs. These dogs are docile, well trained, they need proper upbringing and training and a competent approach of the owner (representatives are schnauzers and pinschers).

  • Shepherd - these dogs are characterized by quick wit, intelligence and endurance necessary to monitor the herd and protect it from various dangers (representatives are all shepherd dogs).

  • Terriers are burrowing dogs bred to hunt prey underground. Now these dogs get along well in urban environments and act well as companions, thanks to their inexhaustible energy and lively temperament (Jack Russell Terrier).

  • Primitive, or aboriginal, are breeds that were formed under conditions of natural selection, that is, without human intervention. These dogs were used by nomads (Mansi, Yakuts, Eskimos, etc.) as sledding, hunting and watchdogs. They are hardy, have good health and working data (representatives are huskies, spitz, Siberian huskies).

  • Dachshunds are loyal, intelligent and temperamental pets, close in spirit to terriers. Dachshunds were bred in Germany, their purpose was to hunt badgers.

  • Retrievers are working dogs that need sufficient exercise and are prone to training. In addition, they are distinguished by good looks, fidelity and intelligence (an example of a representative is a Labrador).

  • Pointers are hunting breeds with the corresponding characteristics: a good reaction and a keen sense of smell. By nature, they are complaisant and calm, which makes them excellent companions and frequent participants in exhibitions (representatives are setters, pointers, kurtshaars).

  • Hounds - this hunting subgroup is one of the most numerous. It was bred to track and pursue prey. Pets are loyal, unpretentious in maintenance, but at the same time, they are self-sufficient and tend to wander.

  • Greyhounds are hardy, stubborn and very beautiful, unusual dogs. Designed to chase prey. A distinctive feature of these dogs is that they are not very trainable and need an experienced owner (the representative is the Russian Borzoi).

  • Decorative - the subgroup includes, as a rule, small breeds of companion dogs - Chihuahua, Pekingese, pugs, etc. They differ greatly in exterior. Despite their miniature size, these pets need special care.

The above groups are recognized by the FCI. A similar classification is used in our country. However, in other countries the list of groups may differ from the international one - for example, American, Australian and Scandinavian cynologists use their own classification system. So it is impossible to say exactly how many dog ​​breeds there are in the world.

Development and consolidation of breed qualities

Previously, the properties of a particular breed were determined mainly by the exterior (appearance) of the dog, as well as its working data. Now, in addition to this, cynologists have another method - genetic analysis. The DNA of representatives of different groups or one of them is scrupulously studied and compared, and in the future, on the basis of these data, cynologists and breeders plan to consolidate and develop breed properties by crossing different genetic lines with each other.

All this allows you to maintain and develop positive traits, get rid of the negative aspects of character and appearance, get puppies with the desired characteristics and improve the breed as a whole, as well as create new varieties. Thanks to modern methods, this process is much faster than before.

How many dog ​​breeds are there on earth? What breeds live where? What breeds are considered extinct? What breeds are considered domestic and which are hunting? Where can guard dogs be kept? What to feed them? What breeds are considered faithful and how to train them? How are breeds divided, what are the classification parameters? What is the study of dog breeds called?

6 answers Reply

19.02.2013 22:26

sergej_i Helpful answer? |

How many exact breeds of dogs exist today, scientists are still arguing. However, the International Cynological Association now officially recognizes about four hundred breeds, and this number is constantly growing. By the name of some breeds, you can determine where it comes from, for example, it’s clear where the German Shepherd or Russian Greyhound comes from. At the moment, such breeds as the Sanmigel Shepherd Dog, Norwegian Elkhound, Stabihon, Thai Ridgeback, Norwegian Lundehund, Moody, Otterhound, Carolina Dog, American hairless terrier, chinook. Domestic breeds include small, friendly dogs such as pugs, English bulldogs, chihuahuas, well, in general, those that belong to the "companion" classification. Hunting breeds include huskies, greyhounds, cops, etc. The guard dog that will guard your house should be accustomed to the street, it is better to keep it in a booth. The basis of the diet of any dog ​​is raw meat, offal, poultry and fermented milk products. Cereals and vegetables can be used as additives, not as a base. Every dog ​​is loyal to its owner. They train them with the usual commands "fu", "come to me", etc. They classify dog ​​breeds into 10 groups. These include shepherds, pinchers and schnauzers, terriers, dachshunds, spitz and breeds of a primitive type, hounds, pointers, retrievers, water spaniels, companions, greyhounds. The science that studies dog breeds is cynology.

10.03.2013 23:15

IvachkovDmitrii Helpful answer? |

It is impossible to say exactly how many dog ​​breeds there are. To date, there are about four hundred of them (according to the International Cynological Association). The whole variety of dog breeds is divided into groups according to their purpose: hunting dogs, shepherd dogs, guard and service dogs, gun dogs and English gun dogs, greyhounds, terriers, dachshunds and indoor decorative dogs (classification adopted in Russia). Previously, the properties inherent in breeds were determined by the appearance of dogs or conformation, and today genetic analysis is also available to dog handlers.

06.03.2013 02:12

NosovAnton Helpful answer? |

At the moment, there are about four hundred to five hundred types of dog breeds. Each dog has its own breed, some of them are endangered, and some are distributed all over the world. There are many types of breeds like hunting or guard dogs, fighting dogs, etc. Some specially breed dogs for some official purpose, and some for the continuation and improvement of the breed, someone breeds for commercial activities. The size of this animal is such that it fits in the palm of your hand.

14.03.2013 13:59

Knigolub Helpful answer? |

I am afraid that it is very problematic to give exact answers to this question, because the answers of different organizations dealing with this issue are very diverse. So, according to the magazine "The Dog Collection", there are more than 70 (seventy) breeds of dogs. The International Cynological Association has officially recognized about four hundred breeds. And how many more unrecognized, must be, breeds. And in the encyclopedia of dog breeds, the number of breeds reaches 433. Moreover, all the data is constantly growing, as more and more new breeds appear, obtained by genetic crossing.

Probably, there is hardly at least one person in the world who can name all existing breeds without a “cheat sheet” and tell at least a little about each of them. MirSovetov invites you to get acquainted with the rarest representatives of man's best friends.

Thai Ridgeback. The national ancient hunting breed of Thailand, which is a real treasure of the nation. Archaeologists say that already 2000-3000 years ago there were dogs similar to modern Thai Ridgebacks. The first written mention of this breed is found in 1611-1628. The peculiarity of this breed is the ridge on the back, that is, the area on the back where the coat grows “against the coat” - in the opposite direction.

Today, the Thai Ridgeback is used as a companion, protector and hunter. A rather unpretentious breed with excellent health, a stable psyche, unpretentiousness, independence and even independence from the owner. There is a belief that these dogs are able not only to feed themselves, but also to provide food for the owner. Height 56-66 cm, weight 23-32 kg. Color: red, black, blue (gray), deer (Isabella), brindle (the rarest).

Tibetan mastiff(Tibetan dog, do chi, do khy). One of the most ancient breeds of dogs was bred in Tibetan monasteries for protection, perhaps that is why the origin of this breed is shrouded in secrets and myths. It is believed that this particular breed is the progenitor of all mastiffs and mountain dogs that exist today. Despite its impressive formidable appearance, it is a very calm and friendly dog. The Tibetan Mastiff has excellent health, so the average life expectancy is about 20 years.

The Tibetan Mastiff is a real pet who loves his owner and his family, so he is ready to give his life for her. There are legends about the devotion and loyalty of these dogs - there is a belief that the Tibetan mastiff, who protects his master, can fight a lion or a bear. Height from 72 to 78 cm, weight - up to 85 kg. Color: black and tan or pure black, golden, brown-brown, and gray in different shades.

dosa inu(Korean mastiff). This breed was bred in South Korea only 150 years ago. Currently, this is the most popular breed of dog in their homeland, but outside of it, these skinned dogs are practically unknown.

Dosa Inu is a versatile breed: it is not only an excellent watchdog and guard, but also a nanny dog ​​and a devoted friend for children. Height at least 75 cm, weight 80-85 kg. Color: deep dark red.

Levchen(levkhen, lion dog, levhun, lyon bichon). An old French breed of indoor-decorative dogs, which was already found in the 16th century. Then these fluffy kids were favorites of court ladies. Often these dogs were depicted by artists on their canvases. In the early 1960s, the Levchen was the rarest breed of dog in the world (for which he got into the Guinness Book of Records). Today, this breed is no longer so rare, however, the number of livestock has not yet increased to the point where one could not worry about this breed. The name of the breed was given because of the peculiar haircut of these dogs, thanks to which they look like lions - with a large mane and a tassel on the tail.

Levchen is a wonderful companion and a tireless companion. These dogs are able to both sit on their hands for hours and frolic from morning to evening in the garden. Height from 25 to 33 cm, weight from 3.5 to 8.5 kg. Color: any.

Pharaoh Hound. One of the most ancient Egyptian dog breeds, which has a 5000-year history, although the standard was approved only in 1975. The Pharaoh Hound has a very noble and majestic appearance.

The Pharaoh Hound is a great companion. At home, it is used as a hunter "in a sighted way." Height 53-64 cm, weight 20-25 kg. The color is bright red or hazel.

Double-nosed Andean Tiger Hound. Perhaps this breed of dog from Bolivia is the most unique in the world, because only these animals have two ... noses! Despite the fact that the International Cynological Organization has not identified this type of dog as a separate breed, there are already many fans of these animals all over the world. The first specimen was found in the Andes village of Ohaki in 2005. The origin of dogs is unknown, but a persistent mutation, as many skeptics call "double-nosedness", can be traced through all generations.

Two-nosed dogs are wayward, aggressive, and sometimes just wild, so they are practically not adapted for apartment maintenance. But dogs have just a unique sense of smell - perhaps if you seriously start breeding this breed, then these dogs will be able to look for drugs. Height - about 50 cm. Color: any.

Chongqing. Today it is the rarest Chinese dog breed. It is believed that the breed existed for more than 200 years BC. Historians say that these unusual dogs were faithful companions of rich and noble people who had a lot of weight in society. But then, it is not clear for what reason, almost the entire Chongqing clan was destroyed. Now enthusiasts are engaged in the restoration of the breed, so for a long time the export of dogs outside the country was prohibited and punished to the fullest extent of the law. By the way, these dogs are long-lived, as they live on average 20 years!

Chongqing is a wonderful companion with a charming appearance, besides, he is a good watchman and hunter (for small game). Height 35-50 cm, weight 15-25 kg. Color: brown, mahogany.

Chinook. The American service dog breed was bred relatively recently - at the beginning of the 20th century. Breeder Arthur Walden dreamed of breeding a completely new sled dog breed that could not only pull a sled, but also protect its owner (as you know, sled dogs have practically no guarding instinct and distrust of strangers). Currently, the breed is practically unknown outside the United States.

This breed of dog is very hardworking - it is not suitable for a "sofa" content, as the Chinook needs daily physical activity. The growth of dogs is from 53 to 66 cm, weight 29-40 kg. Color: golden.

Cau Fila De San Miguel(Azores shepherd dog). The Portuguese breed of dog, which is very rare even in its homeland - and this despite the fact that dogs similar to round-eared kau were found on the islands of the Azores archipelago as early as the 15th century. This breed of shepherd dogs could have disappeared altogether if, in 1981, Portuguese cynologists had not seriously taken up its revival. A distinctive feature of this breed is round, like a bear cub, ears - they are stopped, giving the desired shape, shortly after the birth of the puppies.

Cau Fila De San Miguel is an excellent shepherd dog, which has also established itself as an excellent guardian of the owner's property. The growth of dogs is from 48 to 60 cm, weight - 20-35 kg. Color: brindle, fawn, deer, grey.

american hairless(naked) terrier. Fans of this breed claim that today there are only seventy representatives in the world. This is a rather young breed - the first puppy was born in 1972 in the USA (Louisiana) in a litter of ordinary rat terriers. The owners of the litter - Willie and Edwin Scott - decided to breed a new breed and over time they succeeded. Remarkably, the American Hairless Terrier is simply an amazing phenomenon in nature. Of course, there are other hairless dog breeds in the world, but the new breed has an autosomal recessive hairless gene. That is, to get hairless puppies, there is no need for "transitional" individuals that have hair. In addition, all puppies are born with full teeth (unlike other hairless dogs that lack permolars).

This breed is an excellent companion for both adults and children. The growth of the hairless terrier can vary from 23 to 36 cm. The weight is from 3 to 6.5 kg. Color: pinkish-beige with gray, black or golden-red spots. Hairless terriers need special care: they can not freeze, and from the direct sun, burns can form on the skin.

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There are a number of factors that make a dog expensive. The main ones are the rarity and purity of the breed, the number of awards and titles, the state of health and the exterior of the dog.

Us in website I also wanted to find out how much the most valuable breeds of dogs cost. And although it is difficult to determine exactly which breed is the most expensive, you can make a rough list of breeds based on the average cost in the world.

Bichon Frize

A miniature breed of decorative dogs of French origin, which became known several centuries ago. The Bichon Frize is a playful, intelligent and intelligent companion dog that ranges from $500 to $1500.

Siberian Husky

Factory specialized breed of dogs, registered in the 30s of the XX century as a sled dog, obtained from aboriginal dogs of the Russian Far East. Friendly and calm, but alive at the same time. Huskies require great physical activity, long walks. The cost varies from 500 to 1600 $.

bearded collie

One of the oldest breeds of Scottish Cattle Dogs. Slender, strong dog with excellent character. They lend themselves well to training, smart, cheerful, adore children, able to easily adapt to any conditions. The price of bearded collie puppies ranges from $ 800-1500.

chow chow

One of the oldest dog breeds in the world, belonging to the Spitz group. It is a guard dog and companion dog. They were used for protection, hunting, reindeer herding and as sled dogs. They are distinguished by special stubbornness and willfulness, which in the process of education requires great patience and appropriate knowledge. With the right approach to training, they grow up to be gentle and kind dogs. The cost of puppies is 600-1700 $.


A very ancient breed of service dogs, which managed to avoid the intervention of breeders and survive to this day in its original form. They are distinguished by a calm character, a sharp mind, cheerfulness, poise and sociability. They love people and are happy to make contact. Training and education should be taken seriously enough. You can buy a puppy of this breed for $600-1800.


A large watchdog breed of shepherd dogs that have been serving man for more than 10 centuries. Komondors are very intelligent, calm, balanced and at the same time very brave animals. They are easy to train and are distinguished by special devotion to the owner. The cost of dogs of this breed is $ 1200-2000.

Irish wolfhound

The breed of hunting dogs, included in the list of the largest dogs in the world. Their character is kind and calm, distinguished by courage, strength and endurance. The price of Irish Wolfhound puppies can range from $1,300 to $2,300.

English bulldog

Bred in England in the second half of the XIX century. According to the type of use, the breed refers to companion dogs and bodyguards. He embodied truly gentlemanly features: equanimity, solidity, even some phlegm, elegance and aristocracy. English Bulldogs need a lot of attention, and their maintenance requires a lot of responsibility. You can buy a puppy of this breed for $600-2500.

Biewer Yorkshire Terrier

A relatively new breed of small toy dogs originating in Germany. Beaver Yorkies are companion dogs. They are very kind, affectionate, peaceful animals with a big heart, in whose company it will always be warm and cozy. Biewer Yorkshire terrier puppies cost between $700 and $2,500.

King Charles Spaniel

A breed of small dogs bred by English cynologists in the 16th century. Dogs of this breed are distinguished by special endurance and cleanliness. The main advantages of the King Charles Spaniel are considered to be a kind character and devotion. They are easy to train and love children. The price of dogs of this breed can range from $ 800-2500.

Saluki (Persian Greyhound)

One of the oldest breeds of domesticated dogs. Representatives of this breed have a very calm character, affectionate with all family members, but they are somewhat wary of strangers. The cost of Saluki dogs can range from $800 to $2,500.

Chinese chongqing dog

Very rare, almost extinct dog breed. To date, there are approximately 2,000 representatives of the Chongqing breed in China. They are very friendly, calm animals, get along well with children. One of the main advantages of the breed is life expectancy - up to 20 years. The price of Chinese Chongqing dog puppies reaches $3,500.

Akita Inu

Their homeland is Akita Prefecture, in northern Japan. In its native country, it is recognized as a national treasure and has the status of a natural monument. Dogs of this breed can be described as restrained, intelligent, courageous, noble and very devoted to their owner. They have excellent watch qualities and are easy to train. You can buy Akita Inu puppies for $1000-3500.

pygmy spitz

A decorative breed of miniature dogs originally from Germany. The Pomeranian has a cheerful disposition and a loyal character, is distinguished by intelligence and quick wit, and is easy to train. The cost of puppies of this breed can range from $700 to $4,000.



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