How much should your basal temperature be before menstruation? What should be the basal temperature before menstruation? Basal temperature is normal in early pregnancy

Many women want to know about their health status and determine periods favorable for conceiving a child. Today, in addition to ovulation tests and maintaining a monthly calendar, there is another method - drawing up a schedule before menstruation. Knowing what the temperature should be, you can determine the onset of menstruation or pregnancy, as well as days that are safe for sex or favorable for conception.

Basal temperature (abbreviated as BT) is the low temperature that a person experiences after waking up. From it you can determine all the necessary data. Basal temperature depends on how much hormones the body releases into the blood. That is why many may note that the graph constantly fluctuates - it sometimes falls, sometimes it rises.

If you do everything correctly and follow the graph of your basal temperature, then you can learn a lot about your own body: about its health, condition, preparations..

Basal temperature quickly changes its indicators as soon as a woman gets out of bed and begins to get ready for work, do household chores, etc. It is pointless to measure it during the daytime. Therefore, you should follow clear rules for measuring BT, which will help in drawing up a schedule:

  • Always use one thermometer and apply it only in one way: rectally (in the rectum), orally (in the mouth) or vaginally (in the vagina). Everywhere the readings will be different.
  • Measure BT at the same time every day with a maximum interval of 30 minutes.
  • Before measurements, you should get a good night's sleep, the duration of which should be at least 4-5 hours continuously, and preferably 6-8 hours.
  • In the evening, you should prepare the thermometer for the procedure (shake it) and place it near the bed. In the morning you are not allowed to get up or strain your muscles. You just need to reach for the thermometer and measure your BT with it.
  • Make notes about what influenced changes in basal temperature readings. This could be a short sleep, sexual intercourse the day before, overeating, getting out of bed, drinking alcohol, stress, taking medications (especially contraceptives), a different thermometer or measurement time, etc.

If you follow all the rules and take the necessary daily measures throughout the entire monthly cycle, you can display a BT schedule that will give a lot of information about your state of the reproductive system.

BT schedule before menstruation

Keep a low temperature chart not only before menstruation, but throughout the entire cycle after menstruation and before its onset. A BT schedule that has accurate data should be drawn up for at least 3-4 months, in the best case – from 6 months. This is the only way to accurately find out about all BT readings before menstruation in order to clarify certain points:

  1. Why doesn't pregnancy occur within a year?
  2. Is it possible to detect infertility in a girl?
  3. Are there hormonal imbalances?
  4. Determining the period when you can conceive a child of a certain gender.
  5. Does egg maturation occur and when does it occur?
  6. Are there any disruptions in the functionality of the endocrine system?
  7. Are the required amounts of hormones being produced to indicate proper ovarian function?
  8. Is ovulation occurring?
  9. Are there any problems with reproductive function? If any, which ones?
  10. On what day will your period come?
  11. Has there been a pregnancy?

The BT chart undoubtedly provides all the useful information about a woman’s health status, especially if menstruation does not occur, pregnancy does not occur, or ovulation does not occur. Also, experienced doctors can, on a schedule, identify various abnormalities in the functioning of the reproductive system, which is why other abnormalities arise. Without additional diagnostic measures, a woman cannot be given a final diagnosis. Only after undergoing tests and obtaining various results after undergoing instrumental testing can the exact cause of a particular pathology be identified.

In order for all the data to be accurate and correct for diagnosis, it is necessary not only to correctly determine the basal temperature, but also to build a graph. This is done according to the following rules:

  • The date and month are indicated.
  • The date of the beginning of the menstrual cycle is indicated.
  • The basal temperature is noted exactly to all decimal places.
  • Factors influencing changes in BT are identified.

Since a woman, first of all, keeps a BT schedule for herself, she needs to know about all the normal and abnormal indicators. Only when they are identified, it is recommended to contact a gynecologist for a more detailed consultation, especially if there are deviations or suspicions of diseases that have not yet manifested themselves.

What should be the norm before menstruation?

It is necessary to draw up a BT schedule with knowledge of what the norm should be before menstruation and during the remaining periods of the menstrual cycle. In a healthy woman, the BBT graph constantly fluctuates (it rises and then falls) before and after menstruation, before and after ovulation, during the period of conception, etc.

  • During menstruation itself, the temperature should be up to 37°C.
  • In the last days of menstruation, the “morning” temperature can drop significantly to 36.2-36.3 ° C.
  • In the follicular phase (when the egg matures), the normal low temperature is 36.6-36.8°C.
  • Before ovulation (per day), BBT normally drops by 0.1-0.2 degrees.
  • At the moment of ovulation itself, the temperature rises significantly to more than 37°C.
  • In the luteal phase (after ovulation), the temperature drops slightly to 36.8-37.5 degrees. However, during conception it does not decrease significantly, but gradually increases for favorable implantation of the embryo.
  • 1-2 days before menstruation, the low temperature drops to 36.7°C.
  • Before menstruation itself, BT rises to 36.9°C.
  • The first day of menstruation is marked by a basal temperature of 37 degrees or more.

Indicators are normal when the basal temperature in the follicular (first) phase differs from measurements in the luteal (second) phase by 0.4-0.8 degrees. If these indicators are lower than indicated, then there are pathologies in the body.

Of course, it should be remembered that every woman’s body is individual. Here there may be slightly different indicators than those noted. The most important thing should remain the following:

  1. In the follicular phase, the temperature should be lower than in the luteal phase.
  2. Before the day of ovulation, the temperature should fall, and on the day of ovulation it should rise.
  3. The difference between the readings in both phases should differ by more than 0.4 degrees.

Such norms are indicators that everything is in order with a woman’s body. There are no pathologies or diseases that would interfere with normal conception or the onset of menstruation. However, with various deviations, we can talk about the presence of pathologies that should be eliminated.

You should also familiarize yourself with the BT indicators that are noted during pregnancy. They are accompanied by the absence of menstruation and pain in both mammary glands.

Reasons for deviations from the norm

Various deviations from the norm indicate that pregnancy has occurred or pathological processes are occurring in the woman’s body, the treatment of which must be addressed together with a doctor. A pleasant reason for a deviation from the norm will be the onset of pregnancy, which can be determined by a temperature of more than 37.2 ° C for 14-18 days before menstruation.

Even if there is spotting, you should take a pregnancy test to refute or confirm your suspicions. Otherwise, we may be talking about the presence of some kind of disease. This is also indicated by a basal temperature of more than 37°C before the onset of menstruation itself.

  • If a high temperature (37.5°C) is observed for several cycles before menstruation, this may indicate inflammatory processes in the ovaries or tubes. There are also cases of inflammation in other organs.
  • If before the menstruation itself the BT drops significantly (below 36.9°C) and in the first days increases abnormally (more than 37°C), then we can talk about the appearance of endometritis - inflammation of the uterus.

If the temperature rises the day before your period and then drops, then you should not worry. Perhaps the measurement rules were violated. In any case, you should not rely only on 1-2 days when making diagnoses.

The causes of elevated temperature immediately before menstruation are:

  1. Hormonal imbalance, when the body does not produce enough estrogen.
  2. The influence of progesterone.

An increase in “morning” temperature in the follicular phase (after menstruation before ovulation) is also abnormal. If its readings are more than 37 degrees, then you should contact a gynecologist.


Experts draw the attention of readers to the fact that one should not focus on single indicators. The measurements may have been taken incorrectly. The thermometer could be faulty. To make any diagnoses and make predictions, you need to have several BT charts drawn up over a period of 3-6 months in a row. It is impossible to say anything based on one graph.

Basal temperature does not indicate life expectancy. It only helps in identifying certain periods for conception, safe sex, and also in case of disorders of the reproductive system, including the production of sex hormones.

Basal temperature measurements need to be taken in order to know about the characteristics of your body, to be able to conceive a child, or to identify diseases in the early stages that may not show symptoms until they reach the peak of their development.

Basal temperature is an important indicator that can visually display a woman’s condition. Temperature should be measured in strict compliance with all recommendations.

Every woman who closely monitors her health should know that her body is completely controlled by hormones , capable of influencinghuman temperature. Having learned to measure it, you can accurately count important days. It should be measured every day, only then will it be possible to create a cyclic calendar; it can be used well in the following cases:

  • when the time is right for successful conception
  • conception
  • determination of gynecological inflammation
  • talk about hormonal imbalance
  • tell about the imminent onset of menstruation

Placing a thermometer and measuring in the armpits will be ineffective. It is best to measure rectal temperature with a simple electronic pharmacy thermometer and only on the mucous membranes of the body.

The temperature in the intestines should be measured in a supine position immediately after waking up, without even getting out of bed. For this reason, the thermometer should be prepared in advance and placed next to the bed. An electronic thermometer will determine the temperature in seconds.

Basal temperature during pregnancy

  • If fertilization has occurred, the temperature level will have slightly different values. Rectal temperature in the early stages serves as a unique way diagnosing conception
  • If you are completely sure that pregnancy has occurred, then the rectal temperature decreases from the mark 37 indicates any threats of disruption
  • Do not assume that measuring the temperature level is - grueling task. After all, not every woman needs to do this regularly. Temperature should be measured for those who have repeatedly faced threats and miscarriages in their lives

Normal basal temperature before menstruation

Remember that taking medications, drinking alcohol the night before, or not being in a healthy state can change your body temperature.

temperature chart before menstruation

Before menstruation, a change in temperature occurs in the female body. This can be observed by noticing a slight increase from 36.6 to 37.6 maximum (that is, by one degree). This temperature may be accompanied by some sensations:

  • breast tenderness
  • headache
  • nervousness and irritability

The days preceding your period are characterized by elevated temperatures and these days are the most unfavorable for conception. You can have unprotected sex due to your low chance of getting pregnant.

measurement in the morning

Remember that basal temperature should be measured while lying down. Any activity can disrupt it and mislead you.

If you measure your basal temperature for several months in a row, you can accurately study the characteristics of your body and know exactly the days preceding the menstrual cycle.

When does basal temperature fall and rise before menstruation?

Basal temperature is a proven gynecological method that has been successfully used for decades and hundreds of years. Women's hormonal background (sex hormones) influence how the temperature changes with the arrival of each stage of the cycle. Temperature becomes especially important before the onset of critical days.

Temperature data can provide a lot of information to doctors, and to the woman herself, about what is happening to her body. For example, this way you can determine the time of release of the egg - the most favorable time for conception or even the pregnancy itself. It is not uncommon for a temperature to “scream” about the presence of an inflammatory process or disease. But most often, or rather every month, it warns us about the approach of menstruation.

normal temperature level
  • As detailed observation of the female body shows, the body temperature before the onset of menstruation is normally slightly lower than the rectal temperature (that measured rectally). This temperature can vary completely, but its value ranges from 36.7 degrees to 37.6 degrees. Before the onset of menstruation, you may notice how it becomes a little lower. This happens a couple of days before the discharge starts
  • During discharge, a temperature of 37 degrees is considered optimal. This is considered the most acceptable indicator and indicates the normal course of the cycle. But you don’t always need to focus only on a value measured just once. Here you need to keep a detailed table of measurements every day and strictly take into account all phases, where it is easy to notice the difference in other phases
  • If the temperature rises before critical days, this is normal, because this is the body’s reaction to a natural process. It is very easy to understand why this happens. During ovulation, an excessive amount of progesterone, the female main hormone, accumulates in the female body. It is this hormone that can influence the temperature center. which is located in the brain
  • Commands come from the center of the brain that the temperature should be increased. This happens about a week before the onset of menstruation itself and only a couple of days (about two) before the onset of bleeding - the temperature drops significantly. During menstruation, the temperature normalizes

Basal temperature charts before menstruation

First of all, before you start measuring your basal temperature, you should understand how to do it correctly:

  • the thermometer should be at an accessible distance so that you can get it without getting out of bed
  • You can measure temperature with an electronic thermometer (this will be easier and more accurate) or with a mercury thermometer
  • the tip of the thermometer should be lubricated with baby cream, after which the thermometer is inserted into the anus no deeper than two or three centimeters
  • The electronic thermometer itself gives you a signal that the value has been determined; the mercury thermometer must be kept in you for about five or even seven minutes
  • you should not make any movements: walk, bend over, squat - this provokes blood flow and the results may not be correct

normal cycle

Based on this table, you can clearly see how the temperature changes over the course of the cycle. During menstruation, the basal temperature stabilizes to an acceptable state of 36.6 or 36.7. After this, a decline sets in, which can fluctuate within one degree every day.

Before ovulation, the basal temperature reaches its minimum value and remains there for two to three days. After this, the egg provokes a sharp release of progesterone and the temperature rises significantly, rising to 37, 37.1, 37.2 degrees. This temperature is maintained for ten to fourteen days and only then begins to decline again before the onset of a new cycle.

cycle without releasing an egg

Basal temperature charts during pregnancy

  • Ovulation is maintained for two to three days and the minimum temperature is maintained throughout this time. After the egg is released, it triggers the release of the hormone progesterone into the body. It is the saturation of progesterone that maintains and raises the temperature
  • The following days after the release of the egg are the most favorable for fertilization. You can see how the temperature level gradually increases. However, on a day when the temperature dropped sharply and the next day it rose sharply. most likely fertilization occurred
  • After this jump, you can notice a significant increase in temperature, which in some cases can reach 38 degrees. All this depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the health of the woman.
  • 37.2 is the temperature that indicates pregnancy

Measuring basal temperature will allow a woman to determine how well her body works, determine the exact onset of ovulation for favorable conception, and correctly calculate the days on which she can have “unprotected” sex.

Of course, the most accurate measurement values ​​can be obtained only when the temperature is measured several cycles in a row.

It is normal for a woman's body temperature to fluctuate within the minimum range. The female body is controlled by hormones and they are responsible for the decline and rise of thermometer marks. Before menstruation, the temperature, which rose to its minimum values, begins to decline. this is unchanged and it only means that discharge will begin soon.

In normal condition, it reaches levels of 37, 37.1, 37.2 and even 37.5 degrees. It depends only on how the female body is structured. Be careful, a rise in temperature from 36 degrees to 37 and above should only be achieved when the second half of the cycle begins.

What does a basal temperature of 38 before menstruation mean?

It is possible that before the onset of your critical days, you may experience an increased basal temperature. This may symbolize the presence of any disorders or diseases in the body.

First, check yourself for any inflammatory diseases in the body. They provoke an increase in body temperature in general. If the temperature was observed for only one day. Most likely it was ovulation.

elevated temperature level

A basal temperature that remains between 37.1 and 37.5 before the expected discharge and does not subside indicates pregnancy. Please note that a high temperature of 38 degrees, which lasts for more than one day, indicates the presence of disease and inflammation.

Before taking your temperature, pay attention to the following factors:

  • sex that occurred at least six hours before taking your temperature
  • not a calm state, getting out of bed and moving
  • alcoholic drinks drunk the day before
  • taking medications
  • small and very short sleep

All these factors cause incorrect and incorrect temperature measurements. Movement and sex increase blood circulation in the pelvic organs and cause an increase in temperature.

If you notice a temperature of 36.9 in the first and second cycle, most likely this indicates that the egg is simply not ripe this month. There is no need to panic here, since ovulation may not occur for several months of the year. However, if you observe this frequency over a long period of time, you should consult a doctor.

Video: " Basal temperature during pregnancy, before menstruation, during ovulation, measure basal temperature"

Back in the last century, doctors found out that if you measure the temperature inside a woman’s body day after day, you can learn a lot about how her reproductive organs function.

Basal temperature before and after menstruation allows you to track important changes in the female genitourinary area. Using daily temperature recording, the most suitable or unlikely days for conception are calculated. The BT method helps to “detect” pregnancy even before the delay, that is, the end of the cycle, and also to identify deviations in women’s health.

Basal temperature is changes in temperature recorded rectally, orally or vaginally in a woman immediately after a night’s sleep.

Regardless of the method, for accurate measurement results you should follow some rules:

  • The selected measurement method must be used only once. If during this cycle you started measuring BT in the anus, then continue until your period. And only in the next cycle can the method be changed;
  • Temperature readings are recorded daily for at least 3-5 months on a special schedule.
  • Measurements are taken early in the morning at a fixed time immediately after the woman wakes up;
  • During the measurement periods, deep sleep should be at least 3-5 hours. That is, if you got up to go to the toilet in the morning, 1-2 hours before getting up, then the measurement result will be unreliable;
  • The graph should reflect not only the basal temperature numbers, but also the factors influencing its changes: stress, sexual contact, taking alcohol or medications, changing the time of the study. All this can suddenly increase BT. Therefore, make notes under the schedule. For example: “5 dc – woke up 3 hours later.”

But these are not all the important nuances. Read the detailed article and how to interpret it.

BT in different phases of the cycle

The female body is a complex mechanism controlled by numerous hormones. They are the ones who influence digital temperature changes in different cyclic phases: it decreases or increases. That is, the graph clearly shows two phases: before and after ovulation.

Basal temperature in the second phase of the cycle is an important indicator of how the female organs function. But measuring it only at this time is not enough: you need to see the whole “picture” as a whole, that is, measuring BT over a whole month, or preferably several, is important.

Let's analyze what basal temperature should be at different cyclic phases in a non-pregnant young woman.

Time of menstruation

On the first day of the cycle, the readings are usually not high, but not low either - 36.7-36.9 degrees. Further, an increase in temperature may be observed, but it does not rise above 37 degrees. By the end of the critical days (on days 4-7), BT decreases.

Egg maturation phase (first phase)

During the period when the egg matures, immediately after menstruation, numbers from 36.2 to 36.6 degrees are considered optimal. There may be a slight drop before ovulation. The temperature will begin to rise as soon as the egg begins to leave the follicle.

Luteal phase (second phase)

The temperature after ovulation increases and reaches maximum numbers (37-37.5 degrees). This happens due to the active production of the hormone progesterone.

At the final stage of the luteal phase, the indicators begin to decrease slightly again. The optimal BT before menstruation (2-4 days before) is considered to be a basal temperature of 36.8-37 degrees.

Your rectal temperature before your period may not coincide with the reference temperature. A difference of plus or minus 0.3 degrees is considered normal, because each of us has our own characteristics. That is why it is extremely important to conduct research for several months to identify “your” indicators.

However, the main thing here is the general trend: the basal temperature in the second phase of the cycle increases by 0.4-1 degrees, and a few days before menstruation (2-3 days) it decreases slightly (by 0.2-0.4 degrees).


Sometimes the results of basal temperature readings before menstruation may have readings that differ from the standard ones. The reason for these changes lies in the malfunction of hormones, which occurs due to two factors:

  • Deviations in the functioning of the reproductive system;
  • Impending conception.

Let us analyze the features of deviations in rectal indicators when the BT chart indicates the presence of diseases of the female genitourinary system.

Anovulatory cycle

A monophasic graph, when measurements are recorded at almost the same level, indicates the absence of ovulation. In this case . This situation is often caused by hormonal problems. Regardless of the reason, a woman will not be able to get pregnant.

Almost every woman can experience an anovulatory cycle 1-2 times a year. In this case there is no reason to worry. However, if the graph shows a monotonous straight line for a long time, consultation with a gynecologist to identify and eliminate the causes is necessary.

Progesterone deficiency

A lack of the hormone progesterone provokes a condition called progesterone deficiency. Due to illness, temperatures rise very slightly and even a week before menstruation do not reach 37 degrees.

A distinctive feature of the disease is the shortened second phase of the cycle, which causes menstrual bleeding to appear earlier than expected.

Inflammatory diseases

Inflammatory processes in the uterine mucosa cause endometritis, which can also be recognized using a curve on the graph.

A striking, characteristic feature of the disease is rectal readings around 37 degrees on the first day of the cycle, and after a slight drop they rise again. Such deviations from the norm require mandatory consultation with a specialist.

In case of inflammation of the appendages (adnexitis), BT is consistently high throughout the entire cycle – 37 degrees and above.

When to see a doctor

In addition to important knowledge about what basal temperature should be before menstruation, a woman needs to record the duration of each phase.

The length of the second (luteal) phase is normally 12-13 days. As for the indicators before ovulation, the time frame here is looser. However, in a healthy woman such fluctuations should be negligible. Moreover, such “minor violations” should only be noted within the first phase.

We list the important signs, after identifying which a woman needs to undergo a full gynecological examination:

  • After ovulation, the basal temperature rises, but just a little - by 0.3 degrees or even less;
  • The numbers recording changes throughout the entire cyclic period have approximately the same indicators or exceeded or decreased values;
  • In the middle of the cycle there is a very slow rise in values;
  • The first phase lasts more than 18 days, and the second – less than 10.

BT and pregnancy

However, indicators that differ from the norm can be evidence of a pleasant and often long-awaited event.

After all, many women are starting to use this technique to calculate the best time to conceive and quickly.

What should be the basal temperature after ovulation if a woman has conceived a child?

Sometimes, about a week after ovulation, BT decreases sharply or slightly - by 0.2-0.5 degrees. This is the so-called implantation retraction - the moment when the egg attaches to the wall of the uterus. It does not last long - on the chart the decline is usually only for one day. Then the indicators return to their previous elevated values. Before menstruation, the basal temperature remains at 37.1 and above (and does not decrease, as usual).

During pregnancy, temperature data after the release of the egg remain high for a long time: from 37 to 37.5 degrees. If these factors are accompanied by a delay in menstruation, and the breasts feel tight or tender, then the pregnancy test may be positive.

However, if these symptoms are accompanied by bleeding from the vagina, you should definitely visit a doctor, as in this case there is a high risk of miscarriage.

If pain and fever are added to the above symptoms, you need to urgently go to the hospital, as these signs may indicate an ectopic pregnancy.

Is the method reliable?

Patients and gynecologists have been using rectal temperature values ​​for a long time, despite the fact that new, modern diagnostic methods have already appeared.

  • Physical exercise;
  • Stressful conditions or psycho-emotional tension;
  • Taking hormonal medications;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • ARVI;
  • Drinking alcohol;
  • Sexual contact;
  • Short or excessively long night sleep;
  • Long journeys.

It is impossible to take into account all the factors influencing changes in temperature indicators, so measuring basal temperature cannot be considered a 100% reliable method.

It would be more correct to use this technique as an aid along with such diagnostic methods as folliculometry or tests for hormone levels.

The lowest temperature indicator of the human body is considered to be basal temperature (BT). The most reliable data is obtained through measurements in the vagina and rectum.

The need to study temperature values ​​is based on the close relationship between a woman’s hormonal background and the process of thermoregulation. When the level of progesterone, which is directly related to fertilization, fluctuates, the indicators change. This occurs at different stages of the menstrual cycle. Thanks to the measurement and analysis of basal temperature during menstruation, the state of reproductive health is assessed and deviations are identified in a timely manner.

This gynecological method has been known for a long time. Many doctors recommend keeping a basal temperature calendar, despite the fact that this is an auxiliary way of studying the normal course of physiological processes.

There are more reliable and modern methods, but in certain situations, a graph of basal temperature before menstruation can be useful. The correctness of measurements and interpretation of data is of great importance.

The main requirement is to take measurements every day, regardless of your health status. Indicators are recorded in the chart for 3–4 months. Mandatory items must include dates and temperature values. Days when the usual way of life was disrupted are separately marked: feasts with alcohol consumption, illness and stress, taking medications.

How does temperature change during the menstrual cycle?

Each phase of the cycle has its own standards and temperature standards. Any fluctuations in values ​​in a healthy woman are a reaction to changes occurring in the body.

Studying basal temperature before menstruation allows you to identify and understand many important points. Based on the information received, doctors and women themselves learn about hormonal disorders, days of ovulation and future periods, and the presence of gynecological diseases. The cyclic calendar is used when planning and diagnosing conception, as well as in cases where pregnancy is unwanted and needs to be prevented.

The essence of the gynecological method is to assess cyclic changes. During menstruation, basal temperature can rise and fall. The values ​​depend on how the egg behaves.

In a non-pregnant woman, on the first day of menstruation, the temperature remains normal - within 37 degrees. The same indicators are observed a week before menstruation. With each subsequent day, the values ​​begin to fall, fluctuate, and by the last day they become extremely low - 36.3–36.5 ºС. This is the most optimal period for the formation and growth of the follicle.

When the dominant follicle breaks through, the corpus luteum is formed, producing progesterone, which is responsible for conception and prepares the uterus to receive the egg. A sharp release of the hormone during menstruation causes a temperature increase to 37–37.5 ºС. This is the most favorable time for pregnancy.

If conception has occurred, the data in the graph will not change. With accurate recording, there should be stability in the indicators. This picture indicates that fertilization has taken place. You can confirm your assumptions using a test.

Even the day of conception is determined using the temperature chart. This is usually reflected in temperature fluctuations: first it drops sharply, then rapidly rises. Such surges occur under the influence of progesterone. When its level drops, the readings decrease, indicating that fertilization has not occurred.

When studying the graph, it is necessary to take into account errors and factors affecting the reliability of the values. Incorrect data may be caused by:

  • stress;
  • gynecological and colds;
  • serious physical activity;
  • sexual contacts;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • taking contraceptives and medications;
  • bad (short) sleep.

These factors increase blood flow and provoke temperature fluctuations during menstruation.

What does a rise in basal temperature indicate?

Before the start of menstruation, the values ​​vary between 36–36.5 ºС. This is the norm, but temperature deviations are possible depending on climatic conditions, health status, lifestyle, and physiological characteristics.

An increase in indicators is accompanied by the second phase of the menstrual cycle, when ovulation occurs. A high temperature (37–37.5 ºС) may indicate pregnancy.

Atypical situations are also identified when changes and increases in basal temperature are caused by gynecological diseases and hormonal imbalances.

Let us highlight the most common deviations associated with an increase in basal temperature before menstruation:

  1. Progesterone deficiency. The presence of serious pathology is accompanied by a slight increase in temperature, which lasts no more than 7 days. The difference is 0.4 degrees, while the cycle is shortened to 10 days, which provokes the onset of menstruation ahead of schedule.
  2. Risk of miscarriage. With a confirmed pregnancy, a temperature rise of up to 37.2 ºС and untimely onset of menstruation may indicate a threat of miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy.
  3. . The inflammatory process that begins in the first days of menstruation causes the temperature to rise to 37 ºС. Such fluctuations before menstruation are one of the signs of pathology in the mucous layer of the uterus. Similar phenomena are observed with inflammation of the appendages.

It is important! If, against the background of stable changes during menstruation, sharp temperature fluctuations are observed, consult a doctor. Indicators of 38 ºС and above indicate the presence of serious gynecological diseases.

How to measure correctly

The resulting BBT chart during menstruation is a kind of health scale that reflects the full picture of changes in the female body. The reliability of the information from this technique depends on the correctness of the procedure.

Two measuring methods are used: rectally (in the rectum) or vaginally (in the vagina). To determine pregnancy, measuring rectal temperature is considered the most effective. When using a mercury thermometer, the measurement time is 5–7 minutes; it is enough to hold the electronic device for 1 minute. The insertion depth is 2–3 cm.

The procedure is carried out in the morning after waking up, preferably at the same time. It is better not to get out of bed, so the thermometer should be within reach. When taking measurements, walking, bending and squatting are not allowed. Any movements affect blood circulation and are reflected in indicators.

To determine the day of ovulation, you can use an alternative method -. You can read more about the procedure in a separate article on our website.

Bt deviations

Deviations of basal temperature from the norm. Basal temperature increased during menstruation - inflammatory processes are possible. If the basal temperature dropped after ovulation, it is possible that the mature egg was not viable. Too high a temperature before ovulation - low estrogen levels (the egg may not mature). The absence of menstruation in combination with a temperature at the level of the follicular period most likely means pregnancy. If the basal temperature decreases after ovulation and menstruation does not occur, then ovarian dysfunction is possible. If before the onset of expected ovulation the temperature several times...

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Hello, dear doctor! Sorry for taking up your time. But such despair... Please tell me what to do in this case: in December 2009 I had a medical abortion. A week later, during the ultrasound, they said that there were leftovers, they recommended waiting for menstruation. After menstruation, everything was normal. All subsequent years, everything was fine: the cycle was normal, there was no pain or painful discharge. A year ago, during one of the ultrasounds, they diagnosed me with a polyp. They recommended “not to touch it.” During the medical examination, another doctor, having heard about this, said that I had no indications for a polyp, perhaps they made a mistaken diagnosis. Three months ago I.. .



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