Description of the classic multi-tabs vitamin and mineral complex. Vitamins multi-tabs "multi-tabs classic" vitamin-mineral complex

At different stages of growing up, in order to grow normally and fully develop, a child needs various vitamins and minerals. Multi-tabs is vitamin supplements developed taking into account the needs of the body of children of different ages. In this review you can find information about the drugs in this series: get acquainted with their composition, indications and method of use, as well as reviews from doctors and patients.

Multi-tabs contains almost 100% of the daily value of nutrients.

Composition and mechanism of action

The compositions of Multi-Tabs children's vitamin complexes differ. This is due to the changing needs of the body as they grow older: the drugs that are useful for a teenager will not be suitable for an infant. The table shows the types of vitamins produced for children and their composition.

Additive name Age,
Baby 0–1 Vitamins A, C, D
Baby 1–4 Vitamins D, B1, C, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12, B5, E, A
Iodine, iron, manganese, selenium, chromium, zinc, copper
Baby Calcium+ 2–7 Vitamins A, D, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, E, H, K
Calcium, iron, chromium, manganese, zinc, selenium, iodine
Junior 4–11 Vitamins D, C, B12, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, E, B1, A
Iodine, iron, chromium, selenium, zinc, manganese, copper
Teenager Over 11 Vitamins A, D, C, B1, B2, E, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, H, K
Iodine, iron, calcium, chromium, zinc, selenium
Vitamin D3 Over 3 Vitamin D
Imuno Kids 7–14 Lactobacillus GG
Vitamins A, D, B1, C, B2, B3, E, B5, B6, K, H, B9, B12
Zinc, selenium, chromium, iron, iodine, manganese

Immuno Kids contains lactobacilli, which help children's immunity cope with diseases.

Each component is important for the formation of a child’s body. Let's look at how the main components of vitamin supplements affect it.

  • Vitamin A is an important element that is needed at any age. It is involved in the formation of the skeleton and is needed for vision and digestion. It also strengthens the immune system and protects against pathogens.
  • B vitamins influence metabolic processes and are necessary for proper absorption of nutrients, as well as for blood circulation and the synthesis of new cells. These supplements promote harmonious functioning of the central nervous system and normal mental development.
  • Vitamin C stimulates the production of collagen protein, which is then used by the body to renew the skin and mucous membranes. Under its influence, cells of the immune system are synthesized, which protect the child from infections. It is also considered a powerful antioxidant.
  • - without this element, the process of growth of bones and cartilage is impossible: calcium and phosphorus cannot be absorbed by the body.

Vitamin D will save your baby from rickets.

  • Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant. It prevents pathological chemical reactions with free radicals that lead to cell destruction. It is also part of some enzymes necessary for metabolism.
  • Vitamin K enhances blood clotting and prevents hemorrhagic disease.
  • Iodine is necessary for the functioning of the thyroid gland. Its hormones influence the growth and development of all organ systems and regulate the functions of the brain.
  • Iron - takes part in the processes of blood cell synthesis.
  • Zinc is needed no less than iron for the formation of blood elements. It also accelerates the growth and development of the child and strengthens the immune system.
  • Selenium is a component of enzyme systems that protect cells from free radicals.
  • Chromium has a direct effect on the production of the hormone insulin.
  • Copper promotes the production of red blood cells, which carry oxygen to all cells and tissues.
  • Manganese is necessary for the proper functioning of the immune system and is involved in the synthesis of immunoglobulins.

The number of components in vitamin complexes depends on the age of the patient. Additionally, these preparations contain formative ingredients (water, gelatin, starch and others) and flavoring additives.

Indications for use

Multi-Tabs drugs are prescribed in the following cases:

  • with a deficiency of vitamins and microelements;
  • to prevent ;

One of the clinical signs of rickets is a receding hairline in an infant.

  • with the growth of milk teeth or their replacement by permanent ones;
  • if it is impossible to provide a complete balanced diet;
  • after diseases of infectious or non-infectious origin;
  • during the period of active growth in children of preschool and primary school age;
  • with an increase in mental or physical activity (when visiting sections, at the beginning of the academic year).

During the formation of a child’s body, it is important to maintain a balance of vitamins and minerals.

Before you buy a children's vitamin complex, Be sure to consult your doctor. Forms such as Multi-tabs Baby, Toddler and Junior are medications that have contraindications.

Download instructions for Multitabs:

The supplement for infants is available in a bottle with a built-in measuring pipette.

Complexes Baby Calcium+, Teenager, Immuno Kids, Vitamin D3 are supplements that can be taken according to instructions without a doctor’s prescription.

Elena Mikhailova, a pediatrician with 15 years of experience, left her review of the Multi-Tabs children's series:

“Multi-tabs complexes are high-quality drugs. I prescribe them to my patients from birth to middle school age, and they are excellent in helping to replenish the reserves of all necessary substances in the body. However, parents should not buy supplements “just in case,” since they are only useful for vitamin and mineral deficiencies. If the diet is complete, there is no need to supplement it with anything, because an excess of elements is no less harmful than their deficiency.”

Manufacturers, release forms and prices

The manufacturer of the entire Multi-tabs series is Ferrosan A/S Corporation, Denmark. Different release forms are designed for ease of use. For infants, the drug is produced in the form of drops in a glass bottle with a measuring pipette. For older patients, the drug is given in the form of chewable tablets with different flavors.

A dietary supplement for teenagers provides the body with a full dosage of iodine, which improves intellectual abilities.

The shelf life of the tablets is 2 years. Store them in a dry place, out of reach of children, at room temperature.

A closed bottle with Multi-tabs Baby drops is good for 18 months, it must be stored at a temperature not exceeding 15°

After opening the drug, place it in the refrigerator and use it within 2 months.

Alena, 32 years old, gave Multi-Tabs to an 8-year-old child:

“In winter it is very difficult to feed my son so that he gets enough of all the nutrients. He began to get tired quickly; he didn’t even have enough strength to do his homework. Our pediatrician friend advised us to give him Multi-Tabs Junior, and I really liked this drug. After a month, it became noticeable that my son had enough strength; after school and training, he now comes out energetic. At his age, he could already take regular pills, but these are also good, with a pleasant taste.”

The Junior supplement promotes better adaptation in kindergarten or school.

Dosage and administration

Vitamins are a supplement to main meals. Give them to your child without changing the diet or reducing the mental and physical stress on him. After purchasing the drug, read the instructions for use and follow them.

In the table you can familiarize yourself with the rules for using the products, dosages for children of different ages and recommendations regarding the duration of the course.

Dosages are indicated taking into account the body's daily requirement for components. Do not exceed them and do not give the drug to your child more than once a day: although the tablets taste good, they are intended to promote health, and not as a treat.

Olga, mother of 3-year-old Anya, shares her impressions of the drug:

“Our pediatrician prescribed Multi-Tabs Baby last year. My daughter had chickenpox and needed to regain her strength. This supplement contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals, due to which it strengthens the immune system. Special thanks for the fact that the lozenges come in a berry flavor (my daughter chewed them with pleasure). We didn’t have any allergies, but these are probably individual issues.”

Contraindications and side effects

Multivitamins, like any other medications, can cause allergies. This is an individual reaction, which is manifested by a skin rash, itching, swelling of the mucous membranes or an increase in body temperature. If any of these signs occur, stop taking the vitamins.

A possible side effect is an allergic reaction: rash or itching.

Some forms of supplements have their own contraindications, in addition to allergies. Check the chart to make sure your child does not have any of these.

Age restrictions are indicated on each package.

Buy only those forms that are suitable for your child, otherwise, due to incorrect dosage, there is a risk of disrupting the balance of vitamins and microelements in his body.

With long-term use of Multi-Tabs, a slight laxative effect may be observed.

Dr. Komarovsky has his own opinion about children's vitamins:

“Multivitamin complexes improve health. I recommend taking them for prevention during seasonal immunodeficiencies, so that the child grows and develops all year round. However, no supplements can replace a complete diet: try to diversify it with vegetables, fruits and quality products.”

A balanced diet has been and remains an effective measure for preventing diseases.

Interaction with other drugs

Do not give Multi-Tabs to children if they are already taking other multivitamins. Too high a dosage of components can cause disruptions in metabolic processes and lead to serious hypervitaminosis.


In pharmacies you can find a huge number of analogues of Multi-Tabs drugs.

  • -chewable lozenges that allowed from 3 years of age. The average price for 30 lozenges is 510 rubles, for 60 pieces - 720 rubles.
  • - syrup for children from 1 year of age or tablets (from 4 years of age). The cost of a 150 ml bottle is 285 rubles, 30 tablets are 180 rubles.

Supplements should be selected individually, taking into account the age and characteristics of the child’s body.

Let's sum it up

Multi-tabs vitamin complexes are developed taking into account the age-related needs of the body for nutrients. Indications for their use are seasonal shortages of microelements in food or increased physical and mental stress in children. The products are available in the form of a solution for infants and in tablets with different flavors for older adults. Before taking them, consult your doctor - perhaps your child does not need an additional portion of vitamins and minerals.

Elizaveta Kobeleva

Multivitamins with macro- and microelements

Active ingredients

Pantothenic acid (as calcium pantothenate)
- magnesium (in oxide form) (magnesium oxide)
- iron (in the form of fumarate) (ferrous fumarate)
- zinc (in oxide form) (zinc oxide)
- manganese (in the form of sulfate) (manganese sulfate)
- iodine (in the form) (potassium iodide)
- selenium (in the form of sodium selenate) (selenium)
- chromium (in chloride form) (chromic chloride)
- retinol acetate (vit. A) (retinol)
- riboflavin (vit. B 2) (riboflavin)
- (vit. B 6) (pyridoxine)
- cyanocobalamin (vit. B 12) (cyanocobalamin)
- α-tocopherol acetate (vit. E) (tocopherol)
- ascorbic acid (Vit. C) (ascorbic acid)
- copper (in the form of pentahydrate sulfate) (copper sulphate, pentahydrate)
- nicotinamide (Vit. PP) (nicotinamide)
- calcium (in the form of carbonate) (calcium carbonate)
- colecalciferol (vit. D 3) (colecalciferol)
- thiamine mononitrate (vit. B 1) (thiamine)
- (vit. B c) (folic acid)

Release form, composition and packaging

Film-coated tablets yellow, oval, biconvex, with a notch on one side; on the fracture there is a yellowish mass interspersed with patches of different colors.

1 tab.
(vit. A) 800 mcg (2666 IU)
α-tocopherol acetate (Vit. E) 30 mg (44.7 IU)
colecalciferol (vit. D 3) 10 mcg (400 IU)
(vit. C) 200 mg
thiamine mononitrate (vit. B 1) 5 mg
riboflavin (vit. B 2) 5 mg
pantothenic acid (in the form of calcium pantothenate) (vit. B 5) 10 mg
hydrochloride (vit. B 6) 5 mg
folic acid (vit. B c) 400 mcg
cyanocobalamin (vit. B 12) 7 mcg
Nicotinamide (Vit.PP) 30 mg
calcium (in the form of carbonate) 200 mg
magnesium (in oxide form) 100 mg
iron (as fumarate) 5 mg
copper (as sulfate pentahydrate) 2 mg
zinc (in oxide form) 15 mg
manganese (as sulfate) 2.5 mg
(as potassium iodide) 150 mcg
Selenium (as sodium selenate) 50 mcg
chromium (in chloride form) 50 mcg

Inactive ingredients included in the active substances: sucrose, gelatin, modified starch, corn starch, butylated hydroxytoluene, sodium aluminosilicate, triglycerides, hypromellose, maltodextrin, sodium citrate, citric acid, water.

Excipients: microcrystalline cellulose, calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate, corn starch, methylcellulose, croscarmellose sodium, magnesium stearate, gelatin, colloidal silicon dioxide, glycerol 85%, stearic acid, water, ascorbic acid.

Shell composition: hypromellose 3, hypromellose 15, titanium dioxide, glycerol 85%, riboflavin, water, talc.

15 pcs. - blisters (2) - cardboard packs.
15 pcs. - blisters (4) - cardboard packs.

pharmachologic effect

A combined preparation containing a complex of vitamins and minerals. The action is determined by the properties of the vitamins and minerals that make up the drug.

Vitamin A promotes proper growth and development of the body. Increases the body's resistance to various infections. Normalizes visual function. It is an essential component of the body's antioxidant defense.

Vitamin D 3 protects bone tissue from osteoporosis and fractures.

Vitamin E stimulates and improves the immune system. A natural antioxidant, which is an important property in the prevention of premature aging.

Vitamin B1 is a necessary component of carbohydrate metabolism as an integral part of the coenzyme for the decarboxylation of keto acids; plays an important role in carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism, and is involved in the conduction of nervous excitation at synapses.

Vitamin B2 is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, and the synthesis of hemoglobin. Promotes good functioning of the skin, tissue regeneration, and maintains the normal structure of the mucous membranes.

Vitamin B 6 is involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters, so it is important for the normal function of the central and peripheral nervous system.

Vitamin B 12 is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system and hematopoiesis.

Nicotinamide effectively reduces total cholesterol levels. Regulates higher nervous activity and functions of the digestive organs.

Pantothenic acid plays an important role in regulating oxidation and acetylation processes. Participates in the metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids. Promotes wound healing, stimulates the synthesis of antibodies. Reduces the side and toxic effects of antibiotics.

Folic acid is involved in the synthesis of amino acids, nucleic acids, pyrimidines, and is important in the formation of hemoglobin in red blood cells.

Vitamin C helps increase the body's resistance to various infections. Plays an important role in the synthesis of corticosteroid hormones and thyroid hormones, which are responsible for the body’s resistance and adaptation to changing environmental conditions. Improves lipid metabolism, helping to normalize cholesterol metabolism. Stimulates collagen synthesis.

Calcium is responsible for the formation, growth, hardness and renewal of bones and teeth, supports the normal functioning of the non-wound and muscular systems, normal blood clotting, regulates the activity of the cardiovascular system, increases the body's resistance, and reduces allergic reactions.

Magnesium is involved in the regulation of myocardial contractile function.

Iron is involved in hematopoiesis processes.

Zinc is necessary for the formation of red blood cells and other blood cells. Affects the synthesis of sex hormones. Stabilizes the body's immune processes.

Copper is a vital trace element. Plays an important role in metabolic processes.

Manganese is part of several enzyme systems and is necessary to maintain normal bone structure.

Chromium is involved in the process of insulin synthesis. A decrease in chromium levels in the human body can cause sharp fluctuations in blood glucose levels and contribute to the development of diabetes.

Selenium, thanks to its antioxidant properties, prevents the formation of free radicals, which have a damaging effect on the body.

Iodine is part of the thyroid hormones, which perform vital functions. Regulate the activity of the brain, nervous system, reproductive and mammary glands, growth and development of the body.


For children over 12 years old and adults.

prevention of hypo- and avitaminosis, as well as mineral deficiency;

to improve performance during physical and intellectual stress;

to increase the body's resistance in the complex treatment of acute and chronic diseases and during the recovery period after them;

with unbalanced and poor nutrition, and dieting;

during active training for athletes.


- children under 12 years of age;

— hypervitaminosis A and D;

- increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.


Vitamins MultiTabs is a multivitamin complex that is produced by a pharmaceutical company called Ferrosan International, Denmark.

This complex bears the general name of the series, which consists of a large number of pharmaceutical units, some of which are for children, from 0 to 17 years.

In contact with

Description, release form and types

People of all ages need vitamin complexes, starting from the moment of birth. At the same time, it is worth noting that the body of some children reacts negatively to the pills. The manufacturer foresaw this factor, as a result of which they developed various forms of release of a multivitamin preparation:

  • The drops are a dosage form that is intended for babies under one year of age. It has a pleasant taste and aroma. Thanks to a specially designed bottle with a drop dispenser, vitamins are convenient to use.
  • The syrup has an excellent berry aroma with a fruity taste.
  • The tablet form of the multivitamin complex comes in berry, vanillin, orange, cola, banana or lemon flavors.

Regardless of the form of release used, the multivitamin complex includes a daily dose of nutrients that the body of a child of any age needs.

Composition and effects of components on the body

The complex includes various components, which perform the following functions:

In addition to all the above vitamins, The drug also contains the following microelements:

Types of vitamins Multi Tabs

It is worth noting that each of the existing types of multivitamin complex includes the balanced needs of children of different ages.

  • Multi Tabs baby: price and composition. This medicine is intended for use babies under one year of age. The drug contains the main vitamin compounds that are necessary for the full development of the baby, important for the development of the skeletal system and teething. The multivitamin supplement is sold in the form of a 30 ml bottle, which comes with a built-in measuring pipette. After opening the container, the drug must be stored in the refrigerator. In domestic pharmacies the price varies from 200 to 300 rubles.
  • Multi Tabs for children. This complex has a different composition, compared to Multi Tabs: baby. The composition of this complex includes 11 vitamins, which are supplemented with advanced mineral compounds, among which iodine plays the most significant role. The supplement is sold in the form of chewable tablets with a strawberry-raspberry aroma and taste, which are sold in volumes of 30 or 60 pieces per pack. It is worth noting that the drug does not contain artificial colors or preservatives. The cost of a package of 30 tablets varies from 400 to 500 rubles.
  • Multi Tabs classic: instructions for use and cost. This nutritional supplement provides a growing body complete dosage of iodine, which significantly improves intellectual abilities and increases the child’s concentration. The classic multivitamin complex is sold in the form of chewable tablets of 30 and 60 tablets with vanilla-orange or cola-lemon flavors. In domestic pharmacies, the price of Multi Tabs classic vitamins varies from 300 to 400 rubles for 30 pieces.

Instructions for use

The following dosage of the drug is based on the original instructions for use. according to age restrictions.

  • from 0 to 12 months: up to 1 ml of syrup once a day;
  • 1 - 4 years: one tablet per day;
  • 4 – 11 years: one tablet per day;
  • 11 - 17 years: one tablet per day.

It is worth noting that the MultiTabs multivitamin complex is not a drug and is therefore available in pharmacies without a prescription.

When parents select a vitamin supplement for their child, they often pay attention to complex supplements from well-known manufacturers. One of these additives is Multi-Tabs complexes from Pfiser. Which of the drugs in this vitamin line are developed for children, when should they be taken and how to do it correctly?


The following vitamin supplements for children are produced under the Multi-tabs brand:

  • Baby – vitamins in drops for children in the first 12 months of life. The drug includes vitamin compounds that are essential for the development of the infant, important for the formation of bones, teething, the formation of connective tissue and other processes in the body of the infant. The supplement is available in a 30 ml bottle, which has a built-in measuring pipette. After opening, it is important to store this drug in the refrigerator.

Multi-tabs Baby is available in the form of drops

  • Baby is a multivitamin complex for children aged from one to four years. It contains 11 vitamins, supplemented with essential mineral compounds, among which the most valuable is iodine. The supplement is presented in the form of strawberry-raspberry chewable tablets, which are sold in 30/60 pieces per pack. The drug does not contain artificial colors or preservatives.

Multi-tabs Baby contains 11 vitamins does not contain dyes or preservatives

  • Junior is a multivitamin formula for children over 4 years of age that can be taken up to 11 years of age. The supplement promotes better adaptation in kindergarten or school, the acquisition of knowledge, and a reduction in the frequency of infections during visits to child care institutions. The drug is produced in the form of chewable fruit or strawberry-raspberry tablets, placed in packs of 30 or 60 pieces. The complex is characterized by a high iodine content, which supports the immune system of children and also promotes the development of intelligence. There are no preservatives or synthetic dyes in Junior tablets.

Taking Multi-Tabs Junior will protect your child from viral infections when visiting childcare facilities

  • Teenager is a drug specially designed for teenage children, from which a child over 11 years of age receives the main vitamins and mineral compounds. The supplement provides the growing body of a teenager with a full dosage of iodine, which improves intellectual abilities and helps in preparing for exams. The drug is chewable tablets in packs of 30 and 60 pieces with lemon-cola or vanilla-orange flavor.

Multi-tabs Teen is intended for children over 11 years old

  • Baby Calcium+ is a complex vitamin preparation that contains calcium. The drug is recommended for children 2-7 years old in the absence of dairy products in the children's diet, during the recovery period after illness, as well as when changing baby teeth. The supplement is a banana or vanilla-orange chewable tablet, packaged in packs of 30 or 60 pieces.

Baby Calcium+ is recommended for children who are cutting their baby teeth

  • Vitamin D3 is a vitamin supplement that is a source of vitamin D, which is key for child development. This drug contains 400 IU of colecalciferol. The drug is approved for use in children over 3 years of age. It is produced in the form of tablets, packaged in 180 pieces in one pack.

  • Immuno Kids is a multivitamin formula that includes minerals and probiotic bacteria, so the supplement supports the child's immune system. The complex is intended for children aged 7-14 years. Its use will strengthen the child’s body’s defenses, including the period after antibiotic therapy. The supplement is produced in the form of sweet chewable tablets with strawberry-raspberry flavor, packaged in 30 pieces per pack.


Name of the complex Multi-tabs

Main Ingredients

Vitamins A, C, D

Vitamins D, B1, C, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12, B5, E, A

Iodine, iron, manganese, selenium, chromium, zinc, copper

Vitamins D, C, B12, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, E, B1, A

Iodine, iron, chromium, selenium, zinc, manganese, copper


Vitamins A, D, C, B1, B2, E, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, H, K

Iodine, iron, calcium, chromium, zinc, selenium

Baby Calcium+

Vitamins A, D, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, E, H, K

Calcium, iron, chromium, manganese, zinc, selenium, iodine

Vitamin D3

Vitamin D

Immuno Kids

Lactobacillus GG

Vitamins A, D, B1, C, B2, B3, E, B5, B6, K, H, B9, B12

Zinc, selenium, chromium, iron, iodine, manganese

Vitamins Multi-tabs for children contain all the vitamins and microelements necessary for this age


Multivitamins of the Multi-Tabs brand are prescribed to children:

  • With a deficiency of vitamin compounds and minerals.
  • To prevent the development of rickets in the first years of life.
  • With an inadequate or insufficiently balanced diet.
  • In order to increase the child’s body’s resistance to infectious agents and other unfavorable factors.
  • With increasing mental stress.
  • With active growth in preschool children.
  • During the recovery period after infectious diseases, operations or injuries.
  • When visiting sports sections.
  • During the change of teeth.

Among doctors there are both supporters and opponents of introducing vitamin complexes into a child’s diet. The arguments “For” are given by a doctor from the Union of Pediatricians of Russia in the following video.


Multi-Tabs should not be given to a child if:

  • Severe renal pathologies.
  • Intolerance to any component of the supplement.
  • Hypercalcemia or hypervitaminosis D (if the supplement contains vitamin D or calcium).
  • Hypervitaminosis A (if this vitamin is included).
  • Serious heart disease.
  • Phenylketonuria (if aspartame is present in the composition).

It is also important to take into account age restrictions, for example, Multi-tabs Baby is not allowed under the age of 12 months, Multi-tabs Junior should not be given to children under four years of age, and the Teenager complex is prohibited for use in children under 11 years of age.


  1. The Baby complex is given to infants during one of the feedings or immediately after feeding. The daily dose is 0.5-1 ml.
  2. The drug Malysh is given every day to children from 1 to 4 years old, one tablet. The drug is taken with meals or after one of the meals. If necessary, the tablet can be crushed and given to the child in powder form.
  3. The Junior complex is given to a child 4-11 years of age during meals, one chewable tablet per day. The drug can also be taken immediately after any meal (preferably breakfast).
  4. The Teenager supplement is given to children aged 11-17 years, one tablet per day. The child is asked to chew the tablet during breakfast, after it, or at any other meal.
  5. The drug Baby Calcium+ is given with meals. A child 2-7 years old is offered to chew one tablet during any meal. The supplement is taken once a day.
  6. Vitamin D3 supplement is given to children over three years of age, one tablet per day.
  7. The Immuno Kids complex is prescribed to children 7-14 years old for 1 month, offering the child 1 chewable tablet every day during one of the meals.

Prices and reviews

Parents respond differently to Multi-Tabs complexes. In most cases, they are satisfied with the composition of the supplements, and children like the taste of drops and chewable tablets. Among the advantages, mothers emphasize ease of use, because the child only needs to be given one tablet per day. Many parents note that after using Multi-Tabs multivitamins, the child’s appetite improved and the frequency of colds decreased.

There are also negative reviews, mainly due to the fact that Multi-Tabs multivitamins were not suitable for some children due to allergies. In addition, mothers often complain about the large size of the tablets and the overly cloying sweet taste.

Many parents appreciated Multi-Tabs vitamins for children

Among the disadvantages of such supplements, parents also note the rather high price. The average cost of the Baby complex is 200-300 rubles. For a package of drugs from the Multi-Tabs line, such as Malysh or Junior, you need to pay an average of 300-400 rubles. Multi-tabs for teenagers, like the Immuno Kids complex, costs about 400-500 rubles.

Replacement Products

You can replace the Baby, Toddler, Junior or Teen multivitamin complexes, which are produced under the Multi-Tabs brand, with similar preparations containing all the vitamin compounds and minerals that are key for the development of children. Among the analogues of the complexes from Multi-tabs are the vitamin preparations Pikovit, Vitrum, Centrum, Alphabet, Kinder biovital and many others.

If a mother wants to avoid taking synthetic vitamin and mineral complexes, she should pay attention to the child’s nutrition. If it is balanced and of high quality, all the necessary vitamins and minerals will enter the child’s body with food.

A child’s diet must include dishes from vegetables, dairy products, fish, fruits, cereals, meat, fresh herbs, vegetable oil and many others.

It is also important to remember that vitamin D is formed in the skin under the influence of the sun's rays, so the child should be exposed to direct sunlight for at least a few minutes a day.

Many pediatricians do not see the need to introduce vitamin complexes into the diet of healthy children. The authoritative doctor Komarovsky is one of them. See the next video for more details.

Composition and release form

Film-coated tablets 1 table
Vitamin A (retinol acetate) 800 mcg
(corresponds to approximately 2666 IU)
vitamin D (colecalciferol) 5 mcg
(corresponds to approximately 200 IU)
Vitamin E (D-alpha tocopherol acetate) 10 mg
(corresponds to approximately 14.9 IU)
vitamin B 1 (thiamine nitrate) 1.4 mg
vitamin B 2 (riboflavin) 1.6 mg
vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) 2 mg
vitamin B 12 (cyanocobalamin) 1 mcg
nicotinamide 18 mg
pantothenic acid (calcium pantothenate) 6 mg
folic acid 200 mcg
vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 60 mg
magnesium (magnesium oxide) 75 mg
iron (iron fumarate) 14 mg
zinc (zinc oxide) 15 mg
copper (copper sulfate) 2 mg
manganese (manganese sulfate) 2.5 mg
chromium (chromium chloride) 50 mcg
selenium (sodium selenate) 50 mcg
iodine (potassium iodide) 150 mcg
inactive ingredients included in the substances: sucrose; gelatin; starch; corn starch; butylated hydroxytoluene; sodium aluminum silicate; triglycerides; hypromellose; maltodextrin; sodium citrate; citric acid; purified water
Excipients: MCC; calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate; corn starch; croscarmellose sodium; ascorbic acid; magnesium stearate; gelatin; anhydrous colloidal silicon dioxide; glycerol 85%; stearic acid; purified water
shell: hypromellose 3; hypromellose 15; glycerol 85%; titanium dioxide; iron oxide yellow; talc

in plastic jars of 30 or 100 pcs.; 1 can in a cardboard box or 15 pcs in a blister; There are 2, 4 or 6 blisters in a cardboard box.

Description of the dosage form

Round, light yellow, biconvex, film-coated tablets.


A combined preparation containing a complex of vitamins and minerals.

pharmachologic effect

pharmachologic effect— replenishes the deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

The action is determined by the properties of the vitamins and minerals that make up the drug.

Vitamin A promotes proper growth and development of the body. Plays an important role in the formation of the immune system, increases the body's resistance to various infections. Normalizes visual function. It is an essential component of the body's antioxidant defense.

Vitamin D protects bone tissue from osteoporosis, fractures, increases the body's resistance to tuberculosis infection.

Vitamin C helps increase the body's resistance to various infections. Plays an important role in the synthesis of corticosteroid hormones and thyroid hormones, which are responsible for the body’s resistance and adaptation to changing environmental conditions. Improves lipid metabolism, helping to normalize cholesterol metabolism. Stimulates the synthesis of connective tissue elements. An important antioxidant and immunostimulant for the body.

Vitamin E improves the condition of the immune system. A natural antioxidant, which is the most important property that determines its importance in the treatment and prevention of coronary artery disease. Prevents premature aging. Prevents the development of cataracts.

Vitamin B 1 is a necessary component of carbohydrate metabolism as an integral part of the coenzyme for the decarboxylation of keto acids; plays an important role in carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism, and is involved in the conduction of nervous excitation at synapses.

Vitamin B 2 is of great importance in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, and the synthesis of hemoglobin. Provides good condition of the skin, promotes tissue regeneration in case of wounds and cuts, maintains the normal structure and function of the mucous membranes.

Vitamin B 6 participates in the synthesis of neurotransmitters, therefore it is important for the normal function of the central and peripheral nervous system, and mitigates the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome.

Nicotinamide effectively reduces total cholesterol levels. Regulates higher nervous activity and functions of the digestive organs.

Pantothenic acid plays an important role in the regulation of oxidation and acetylation processes. Participates in the metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids. Promotes wound healing, stimulates the synthesis of antibodies. Reduces the side and toxic effects of antibiotics.

Folic acid participates in the reproduction of genetic material during normal cell division, incl. blood cells, in the synthesis of amino acids, nucleic acids, pyrimidines, is important in the formation of hemoglobin in erythrocytes.

Magnesium is of great importance in the regulation of myocardial contractile function and ensures normalization of the cardiac cycle. Promotes better tolerance to stressful situations and suppresses depression.

Iron participates in hematopoietic processes. Helps maintain cellular and local immunity.

Zinc necessary for the formation of red blood cells and other blood cells. Affects the synthesis of sex hormones. Stabilizes the body's immune processes. Not synthesized in the body.

Copper is a vital microelement. Plays an important role in metabolic processes.

Chromium participates in the process of insulin synthesis. Low levels of chromium in the human body can cause sharp fluctuations in blood sugar and contribute to the development of diabetes.

Selenium, Thanks to its antioxidant properties, it prevents the formation of free radicals, which have a damaging effect on the body.

Iodine is part of the thyroid hormones that perform vital functions (regulate the activity of the brain, nervous system, reproductive and mammary glands, growth and development of the body).

Indications of the drug Multi-tabs ® Classic

prevention and treatment of vitamin and mineral deficiency to normalize the body's metabolic processes;

during the period of recovery after illnesses;

with inadequate and unbalanced nutrition and dieting.


Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Side effects

In rare cases, allergic reactions to the components of the drug are possible.

Directions for use and doses

Inside, simultaneously with a meal or immediately after it. Adults and children over 11 years old - 1 tablet. in a day.

Precautionary measures

Do not exceed the indicated daily dose.

special instructions

While taking Multi-Tabs ® Classic, it is not recommended to take other multivitamin preparations.


Ferrosan A/S, Denmark.

Storage conditions for the drug Multi-tabs ® Classic

In a dry place, at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life of the drug Multi-tabs ® Classic

3 years.

Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Synonyms of nosological groups

Category ICD-10Synonyms of diseases according to ICD-10
E61 Insufficient other batteriesDeficiency of vitamins and microelements in the winter-spring season
Disaccharidase deficiency
Nutritional disorders
Vitamin and mineral deficiencies
Weight loss
E61.7 Insufficiency of many batteriesAbsolute or relative deficiency of vitamins and minerals
Vitamin deficiency and lack of minerals
Restoring the body's energy status
Hypovitaminosis and mineral deficiency
Hypovitaminosis and/or deficiency of minerals and trace elements
Macronutrient deficiency
Nutritional dystrophy
Additional source of minerals
Additional source of minerals and vitamins
Macronutrient deficiencies
Insufficient intake of minerals
Mineral deficiency
Malnutrition during periods of intense growth
Poor nutrition
Unbalanced diet
Period of intense growth
A period of intense growth and development
Oral nutrition
E63 Physical and mental overloadRecovery period for athletes
Restoring the physical performance of athletes
High psycho-emotional stress
High physical and mental stress
High physical activity
Long-term overload and stress
Prolonged physical and mental stress
Prolonged physical activity
Intellectual loads
Intense mental and physical activity
Intense physical activity
Intense mental activity
Impaired mental performance
Malnutrition due to physical and mental overload
Neuro-emotional overload
Nervous and physical stress
Nervous overstrain
Nervous fatigue
Increased mental and physical stress
Increased physical activity
Increased physical and mental stress
Increased physical and psycho-emotional stress
Increased physical and emotional stress
Increased psycho-emotional stress
Increased physical activity
Decreased mental performance
Decreased physical and mental performance
Reduced performance
Mental and physical fatigue
Psychological and physical stress
Psycho-emotional overload
Psycho-emotional stress
Psycho-emotional disorder
Physical overexertion syndrome
Decreased mental performance
Reduced tolerance to psychophysical stress
Reduced mental performance
State of fatigue
Mental and psycho-emotional stress
Mental and physical overload
Mental and physical fatigue
Mental and physical exhaustion
Mental and physical stress
Mental and physical stress
Mental and physical fatigue
Mental overload
Increased physical and mental stress
Physical and mental performance
Physical overload
Physical and emotional overload
Physical exercise
Physical overload
Physical and mental stress
Physical and mental stress
Physical overexertion
Physical loads
Chronic fatigue
Chronic physical stress
Excessive physical and mental stress
Excessive physical and mental stress
Excessive mental and physical stress
Z54 Convalescent periodRecovery period
Recovery period after illness
Recovery from flu and colds
Recovery after illnesses
Insufficiency of mineral salts during convalescence
Recovery period after illness
Recovery period after illness
Recovery period after illnesses
Recovery period after illnesses and surgeries
Recovery period after serious illnesses
The recovery period after illnesses
Rehabilitation period
Recuperation period after infectious diseases
Convalescence period
The period of convalescence after surgery and infectious diseases
The period of convalescence after illnesses
The period of convalescence after prolonged infections
The period of convalescence after serious illnesses
The period of convalescence after severe infections
Rehabilitation period
Convalescent states
Convalescence after illness
Convalescence after infectious diseases
Convalescence after debilitating diseases
Convalescence after infectious diseases
Convalescence with increased blood loss
State of convalescence after illness


2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs