Hunting grounds and hunting facilities. Hunting grounds in Sunny Furrows

Many Horizon Zero Dawn guides say that the hunting challenges are easy and enjoyable. Don't believe it! Even at level 50 and with the best equipment, this is still nerdy. We put off writing this guide until the last minute to come up with some strategies that work. Whether it worked out or not is up to you to decide. The truth is that the most stubborn get the good stuff. Three boxes with excellent weapons (on the instructions of the House of Hunters in Meridian), and as many as four trophies for the piggy bank:

  • All suns within one area
  • Shining suns within one area
  • All the suns in all the lands
  • Shining suns in all areas

How to complete all hunting grounds in Horizon Zero Dawn?

To begin with, I would like to give a couple of general tips. First, get to at least level 30. Otherwise, it will be very, very difficult to pass some tests, and at the best time it will be completely impossible. Secondly, get armor. It makes you invulnerable for a while, which is very helpful in a couple of places. Thirdly, shop and stock up on resources for arrows and traps. But really, you will need your own small arsenal. Ready? Well then let's go.

Hunting Grounds Nora

It would seem that these lands are designed for level 8, and even a child should be able to handle it. Nothing like this! It was on them that we fought the longest for all the shining suns. To pass you will need a regular bow and a thread thrower. If you have a high-precision bow with rebound arrows, that’s generally good.

Parts Only Challenge - 1:30
Everything is very simple here. You need to knock down 10 containers from the backs of the Chewers. Slide down the rope and immediately hide in the grass. The robots will be straight ahead. One breakaway arrow knocks down 3 components at once. So you only need to hit 4 cars. Even if they start to scatter, it’s still not difficult to hit. If there are no knockdown arrows, then it will take you a little longer to complete this test. The point is that by shooting at the Chewing Gum, you turn on the alarm counter for him and the neighboring robots. If you shoot at such a frightened car a second time, the whole flock will break away and run. It will be more difficult to get into them. One arrow - one component.

Test "Logs" - 2:00

Here we already had to tinker a little. The point is to lure the Chewers into a trap with logs, and then activate it. The following algorithm worked for us: if you drive a flock away from the water or to the left, then they almost always run along the road to the right and stop just under the logs. You can carefully run along the top and collapse the trap on their heads. You can set the direction of the flock either with the help of a sling or simply with your appearance. A couple of times we simply crawled out of the river, menacingly waving our spears.

Explosive Thread Challenge - 3:00

It was with this test that we suffered the most. Here you need to kill the Chewers using an explosive thread delivered by a thread thrower. In all the English guides, the robots ran in a disciplined manner towards the traps, but in ours, they ran exclusively away from them. And without any reason. In the end, we passed it like this: when you go down the rope, there will be a road immediately to your right. Further to the right is another one, with a rope stretched over it. So they need to be mined. One thread - one robot. Then we go further to the right along the rope and from that side we begin to drive the flock into a trap. With proper luck, the cars will run in just the right direction.

Hunting grounds at Meeting of the Valleys

These areas are designed for level 18 and can be completed more quickly. You will have to buy at least a sling, and better yet, a combat bow. Among the skills, concentration and triple shot are very useful.

Test "Firefight" - 0:40

In this challenge, you need to hit the fire containers on the Runners' backs with fire arrows. At first it seems that there is very little time, but in fact there is enough. The point is not to chase individual robots, but to find a clustered flock. Hitting one of them will cause an explosion that will hit nearby cars. So they will most likely be counted towards you too. You can look for and mark a suitable flock even before you ride down the rope. Just use the visor.

Shock Challenge - 1:00

In this test we need to stun the wineskins and knock down the containers under their belly. One waterskin is enough to get through; he has just three canisters with him. Stunning in this case is important. If the machine manages to wake up, the result will not be counted towards you. So we take a sling with electric bombs and go hunting. This robot is quite slow and clumsy; getting into it will not be difficult. It's better to plant several bombs at once just to be sure. After the wineskin flops onto the ground, get closer to it and knock down the components. Be careful and don't try to shoot through the paw. You only need to hit it once with a rebound arrow.

Cold Challenge - 1:30

In this challenge, robots must be killed while frozen. The most obvious way is to use a sling with freeze bombs. But somehow things didn’t work out with we went a different route. Take a combat bow and insert three freezing arrows into it at once. Such a hit is guaranteed to freeze a car like a runner. All that remains is to finish off with a more impressive arrow. A very convenient way.

Hunting grounds in Zubtsy

This is perhaps the easiest hunting ground of all. Among the skills, a silent attack is required, and all sorts of stealth skills, such as silent running, are useful. You won't need anything special from a weapon, except maybe knock-off arrows.

"Beware" Challenge - 2:00

In this challenge you need to kill four Knights with a silent attack. This skill is one of the first that we master in the game, so you shouldn't have any problems. They sneaked up and killed. He walks far from the bushes - they lured him with a pebble, as Rast taught. It is in close combat that a one-shot to the head from the bushes does not work. Again, it is better to mark the cars in advance. By the way, you can fail the test if you kill a couple of Knights in the wrong way. There are a limited number of them in the location.

Challenge "Stalker Extermination" - 2:00

A delight, not a challenge. You just need to kill two hunters. Without any additional conventions. We killed enough of them throughout the game. Find and mark them with the visor before rappelling. As a snack, you can treat the robots with a blast arrow to break invisibility. Well, then act as you feel comfortable.

Box Challenge - 0:50

Here we need to take resources from Scarab boxes. And not from the robots themselves, but only from boxes that lie in piles of three on the ground. They are healthy enough, so you won't pass them by. There is not much time, so it is better not to get involved in battles and run stealthily.

Hunting grounds in the Great Channel

Quite a fun hunting ground where you will need excellent rope shooting skills and the ability to run fast. Designed for level 20. You will need to learn critical attack as a skill.

Test "Detailed analysis" - 1:30

In this test we need to destroy the processing unit of the bound Bison. Again, it is very important that it is connected. If he manages to free himself, the result will not be counted. So nail it to the ground properly with ropes using a rope launcher and only then take care of the component. It explodes well when hit by hard-tipped arrows.

Tempo Challenge - 1:30

Do you like to run and climb? Then you will definitely enjoy this challenge. You need to search the carcasses of the Knights that lie on small cliffs. It would seem, why is it so complicated? Firstly, other cars will want to get to know you. Secondly, the unscrupulous Kites are trying to steal the body you need. If you hit a mechanical bird with an arrow, it will certainly let go of the Ryskary and want to take care of you.

Test "Fetters" - 2:00

Another rather tedious test of accuracy. Here we need to kill three connected kites with a critical attack. And to tie them up, you need to hit the rope launcher from a fairly close distance. This is not so easy to do, given their jerky movements. There is no secret. Just practice and sooner or later you will succeed. You need to run up to the tied bird and press R1. This will be a critical attack.

Hunting grounds in Sunny Furrows

These lands are perhaps our favorite. Big cars, action and everything in an adult way. To pass, you will have to prepare and learn how to intercept control of the Likhodei (Ro boiler), and even better, the Gromozevs (Zeta boiler). You can read more about boilers.

Test "Likhodey vs. machines" - 1:10

In this test you need to kill cars using Likhodeev weapons. The first option is to knock the weapon off its back with a knockdown arrow and take matters into your own hands. The second is to simply seize control of the villain and set him on the Ryskary. Here you can see for yourself what is more convenient for you. In the second option, the main thing is not to let your pet animal be distracted by large machines. It is he who must deliver the final blow, otherwise it will not count.

Test "Gromozev vs. villain" - 2:00

In this case, it is absolutely easier to intercept control of Gromozev. If you shoot off his disc launcher, he will no longer leave you behind and will get in the way. But if you take control, it will also bring benefits. In this case, it doesn’t matter how he kills Likhodei, he can simply trample him under his feet. But keep in mind that Gromozev is a lazy and unpunctual machine, and does not monitor the timer. You will have to lead your enemies to him, and also help him a little.

Test "Management of villains" - 2:40

Here we need to first seize control of two Likhodei, and then kill Gromozev. Moreover, we can kill him ourselves; these are two different sequential goals. As always, it’s better to mark Likhodeev in advance. Otherwise, this fight will be no different from many others in the game. We usually shoot off all the protruding components of the animal and actively dodge. It is convenient to use his own disc launchers against him. It is very difficult to hit vulnerable spots due to their small size.

Where to hunt animals? It’s clear with the protected area - there’s no need to go there. Where can you officially hunt animals? If ducks are swimming in a city park, is it a good idea to go there with a gun and shoot them? Alas, in this case there is a high probability that the person will be held accountable. Even if it’s a hooligan thing. But it will. After all, you can’t shoot and scare law-abiding citizens in broad daylight. You can drive off and look for prey in the fields. But here too there are some peculiarities. The best option is specialized land. They have created the necessary conditions for the development of living creatures. There are private hunting grounds and public areas. Let's focus on the second ones.

Introductory information

It should be noted that in terms of regulatory support, everything is bad with this. For example, the legality of transferring certain territories for private use is now quite topical. After all, many such events took place in the dark, in violation of the current antimonopoly legislation. But before we sort all this out, we should turn to the regulations. Namely, Federal Law No. 209 of July 24, 2009 “On hunting and on the conservation of hunting resources and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation.” According to this Federal Law, the following division is provided:

  1. Assigned hunting grounds. These include objects that are used by individual entrepreneurs or legal entities on the basis provided by federal law.
  2. Public hunting grounds. These include objects on the territory of which individuals have the right to freely stay to hunt animals.

There is one interesting clarification. Thus, according to current legislation, publicly accessible hunting grounds must occupy at least one fifth of the entire territory of the subject allocated for the hunting of animals. It is also possible to change the hunting grounds registered before the adoption of the regulatory framework from the option of long-term licenses to hunting agreements.

Controversial issues

The state of affairs discussed above has attracted much criticism. For example, in the Voronezh region, the number of publicly accessible hunting grounds is only three percent of the total allocated territory. The transfer to hunting relations from licenses leads to the fact that the norm required by law is unlikely to be fulfilled. After all, such a change does not lead to the emergence and formation of publicly accessible lands. It turns out that the actually distributed licenses will now be indefinite. This causes quite a significant intensity of passions. Now information about this has been transferred to the Constitutional Court in order to somehow influence the situation. Why is this so important? The fact is that, according to the Tax Code, a hunting permit in such public lands costs only 650 rubles. Whereas assigned territories operate on a different principle - the price in them is determined by the tenant. And in such cases, as a rule, the cost is tens of times higher.

About the allocation of territories

Many people are concerned about the issue of boundaries. Public hunting grounds often do not have a clearly established boundary. Although this is important for planning, territorial hunting management and conservation of natural resources. The Sakhalin region can be cited as an example of good work. They prepared a document that described the physical and geographical data of the territory, the number of hunting resources, the socio-economic characteristics of the subject, as well as an action plan for their rational use. Attached to the diagram was a map indicating land (both public and assigned), green areas, and so on. In addition, a separate consideration is given to where such a territory could be created in the future. Moreover, an electronic version of the map is available on the official website of the Ministry of Forestry and Hunting of the Sakhalin Region. Therefore, anyone can familiarize themselves with it and even download it. The Tyumen region has also proven itself quite well. They decided to work through auctions. The Ivanovo region evokes mixed feelings. Thus, all territories that were transferred under license were recognized as publicly accessible lands. Whereas things didn’t go any further: a map with boundaries was not drawn up, no auctions were held. As a result, we had to reap our own mistakes - many local decisions had to be overturned through the courts. Information instructive for officials came from the Tver region. There, due to non-compliance with federal legislation and administrative delays, Deputy Governor Melnikov resigned. And after him came the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Protasov.

Implementation of legal requirements

Public hunting grounds are being created slowly and with difficulty. In many regions there are still no designated territories or they are present in insufficient quantities. So, the same can be said about Moscow, Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod, Ryazan, Tula, Smolensk, Kaluga and many other regions. By the way, for several years there has been active discussion about the fact that there are literally no public hunting grounds in Russia. And then suddenly the heads of those responsible began to roll. At the same time, the transition period created a number of unique situations. For example, money is not going to the state budget due to the fact that the situation is in limbo. At the same time, tenants, on the basis of previously concluded licenses, continue to receive funds, while almost all of it goes to them as net profit. In essence, this situation has led to legalized lawlessness. Without schemes for placement, use and protection, hunting lands turn into a real stumbling block between various “murky” personalities with people who want to live according to the law, and not according to concepts. It is very important. After all, a scheme is a document of territorial structure, which should contribute to the rational use and conservation of natural diversity.

Consideration from different points of view

Public hunting grounds should be considered not only as a place where animals can be hunted, but also as a habitat for wild animals. They perform feeding, protective and nesting roles. In the first case, everything depends on the available amount of food. Protective properties are manifested in how well you can hide from enemies and bad weather. Nesting suitability shows how suitable the territory is for the birth and rearing of young animals. In this regard, the type of hunting area plays an important role. It is determined by a set of characteristics that have a certain significance for the life of animals and the process of their production. As a rule, living conditions are taken into account, mainly feeding and protective ones. In this case, the composition of birds and animals is taken into account. In addition, one should not discount the wide variety of natural landscapes. The largest unit here is the category. On the territory of the Russian Federation there are:

  1. Tundra.
  2. Steppe.
  3. Forest.
  4. Swamp.
  5. Aquatic.
  6. Alpine.

Each of the listed categories is divided into classes and groups. What are they? Classes are distinguished depending on what biological forms of forest-forming species are present in the land. In this case, deciduous, mixed, dark coniferous and light coniferous are distinguished. At the same time, forested areas that are not afforested (cleared areas, dry areas and burnt areas) are a separate class. Now about the groups. In this case, the typological division is carried out depending on the predominant tree species: cedar forests, birch forests and pine forests.

What does the participation process look like?

The hunting grounds of the Leningrad region were chosen as the object. You can find a diagram that shows clear boundaries. In this regard, the situation is not bad. True, this scheme, even in 2018, is still not in the “approved” state. At the moment, over 150 hunting grounds are assigned. Their popularity and activity are due to the fact that, despite the difficult climate, hunting the animal is quite effective. In addition, a large area is allocated for hunting. The Leningrad region, thanks to coniferous forests with a large number of fur-bearing and ungulate animals, has well developed hunting tourism. People come here not only from other regions of the Russian Federation, but also from neighboring Baltic states. There are also many swamps, rivers and lakes. For example, wild boar hunting is popular. True, such popularity also has a number of negative consequences. For example, the same wild boar hunt will cost from 10 to 25 thousand rubles per unit on private territory. But with public lands, as mentioned above, there are significant problems. Although in some places the cost can be even higher. The size of public areas is not very large. Several small plots are located near St. Petersburg. The rest, larger in area, are located in Podporozhye and Tikhvin districts. To obtain a permit, you must pay a fee. Although, as an alternative option, you can negotiate on the spot with the duty forester or huntsman. If you are interested in renting hunting grounds, then this option is not suitable. Everything will have to be decided centrally within the framework of the order established in 2012.

Criticism of public areas

Why is this happening? Why can't critics rest? The point here is simple - problems arise with security, biotechnology is not carried out, and there is a risk that poachers will kill the game. But at the same time, the task is to preserve nature for children. This is much more important than holding various World Football Championships and Olympics. Moreover, nature, which helped the formation of our ethnic group, should not only be preserved, but also increased. This applies not only to plants, but also to the animal world. That is why it seems that there is no need for the land to occupy a large area.

Correcting the situation

The creation of publicly accessible hunting grounds is unlikely to lead to the extinction of wildlife. Despite the criticism that there is no one to protect and monitor the increase in natural resources. Is it so? When hunting in this area you have to pay money. And not only for the opportunity to hunt, but also when harvesting licensed species of animals. And all this money goes to the owner - the state. Therefore, if you think logically, it is on his shoulders that the concern for the protection and enhancement of natural resources that exist in publicly accessible lands should fall. How to use the available opportunities? A likely solution to the current situation will be a situation in which publicly accessible lands will become training grounds where the system of state management of hunting will be developed. The ranger service could take on the responsibility for protecting the territory. Game managers will be able to draw up plans for relevant work. To do this, you can involve not only specialists, but also everyone who wants to hunt game. Of course, it will be necessary to provide state coercive rights, uniforms, means of communication, transport and service weapons. But before attempting something like this, the boundaries of hunting grounds throughout the country should be established and approved by decisions of authorized structures.

Continuation of thoughts about development

How to finance events? As an experiment, you can create some kind of structure, for example, the “All-Russian Fund for the Augmentation of Wildlife on the Territory of Public Hunting Grounds.” Financing will be provided through payments from natural resource users. If desired, you can find many sources of income. For example, order excursions, accompanying experienced shooters. For this purpose, it is possible to create forest areas and carry out the required work on the development and conservation of existing natural resources. In this case, it is necessary to take care of the presence of a rigid vertical of power. This is necessary so that local bureaucrats do not establish their own rules and regulations, ruining a good idea in the bud. It is desirable that this be a federal structure with direct subordination to the government. This includes not only foresters, fisheries protection and similar structures, but also scientific institutions. This will allow you to make complex, rational decisions. For example, it was decided to cut down a section of forest. But there is a breeding ground for wood grouse on it. Or there are plans to build a road. In such cases, it is necessary to carefully study all factors and make competent, scientifically based decisions. It is necessary to provide for the possibility of compensation for damage caused to nature. And only taking into account numerous factors will a permit for hunting or a decision to suspend it be made for the growth of populations.


As you can see, there is still a long time until the situation in the hunting sector is completely resolved. Let’s start with at least a full-fledged introduction of the regulatory framework both at the federal level and at the local level. After all, unaccepted schematic maps and many other issues to this day do not allow one to calmly enjoy the hunting process. There are complaints about the symbols used, the speed of work, and the implementation of laws in full. Moreover, after a fairly long period of validity of the law, voices are increasingly being heard to abolish the practice of assigning hunting lands. The argument is based on the fact that hunting users often receive money from both ordinary people and the state. At the same time, funds are not invested in the development of the economy, which entails the depletion of natural resources.

Hunting grounds

Hunting grounds- considered in two aspects: as a territory in which hunting can be carried out, and as a habitat for wild animals, considered in terms of food, protection and nesting. The feeding properties of hunting grounds are determined by the supply of available food per unit area. The protective properties of hunting grounds are determined by the ability to shelter animals from bad weather and various enemies. The nesting suitability of the land is determined by the possibility of giving birth and raising young animals in feeding and protective conditions.

Due to the very large diversity of natural landscapes (plant communities), a classification system for hunting areas has been developed. The largest taxonomic unit in the classification of land is considered to be a category. On the territory of Russia, the following main categories of hunting grounds are distinguished:

  • tundra
  • forest
  • steppe
  • alpine
  • aquatic
  • swamp

Type class

In forest lands, classes of types are distinguished according to the biological forms of forest-forming species: light coniferous, dark coniferous, deciduous, mixed. Forested unforested areas (mountains, clearings, dry areas) constitute a separate class.

Type group

Types are distinguished according to the predominant tree species: pine forests, cedar forests, birch forests.

Type of hunting area

This is the main classification unit. The type is determined by a set of characteristics that have a certain significance for the life of game animals and for hunting them.

The type of hunting ground should be understood as areas of vegetation with similar living conditions for game animals (mainly forage and protection), with a homogeneous composition of animals and birds and requiring the same hunting and economic activities under equal economic conditions.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “Hunting Grounds” is in other dictionaries:

    According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, all land, forest and water-covered areas that serve as a habitat for wild animals and birds and can be used for hunting. See also: Forest lands Game management Financial dictionary... ... Financial Dictionary

    According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, all land, forest and water-covered areas that serve as a habitat for wild animals and birds and can be used for hunting... Legal dictionary

    HUNTING GROUND Legal encyclopedia

    Hunting grounds- 15) hunting grounds of the territory, within the boundaries of which activities in the field of hunting are allowed;... Source: Federal Law of July 24, 2009 N 209 Federal Law (as amended on December 6, 2011) On hunting and on the conservation of hunting resources... Official terminology

    hunting grounds- medžioklės plotai statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Žemės, miškų, vandens plotai, kuriuose gyvena ir veisiasi medžiojamieji gyvūnai. atitikmenys: engl. hunting ground vok. Jagdrevier, n rus. hunting grounds... Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

    Hunting grounds- 1) (for the purposes of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation) forest areas provided for hunting; 2) (for the purposes of hunting and game management) all land, forest and water-covered areas that serve as a place... ... Environmental law of Russia: dictionary of legal terms

    HUNTING GROUND- forest, s. agricultural, water and other areas, where hunting can be organized and hunting can be carried out. In O. u. Areas unsuitable for hunting and not subject to hunting management are not included. exploitation (forest reserves). OK … Agricultural Encyclopedic Dictionary

    hunting grounds- hunting grounds, forest, agricultural, water and other areas where hunting can be organized and hunting can be carried out. In O. u. Areas that are not suitable for the life of game animals and are not subject to... ... are not included. Agriculture. Large encyclopedic dictionary

    Hunting grounds- forest, agricultural, water and other lands suitable for feeding, protective and nesting conditions for the habitat of animals, birds and the organization of hunting... A brief dictionary of basic forestry and economic terms

    In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, all land, forest and water-covered areas that serve as a habitat for wild animals and birds and can be used for hunting... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law


  • Hunting grounds. Study guide, Leontyev D.. The study guide describes the ecological and geographical properties of hunting grounds. The methodological approaches to inventorying hunting grounds, their methods...


Hunting grounds include all land, forest and water-covered areas in which wild animals and birds live (or may live) and which can be used for hunting. It should be remembered that the concept of hunting grounds distinguishes between the ecological side, lands as a habitat for game animals and birds, and hunting grounds, lands as a production area where hunting farms can be created and hunting can be carried out.

Areas in which there are no living conditions for game animals, as well as territories in which, although there are game animals and birds, but there is no possibility of hunting, are not included in the hunting grounds.

Such areas include nature reserves, green areas, populated areas; they make up no more than 3-4% of the country's territory.

The entire territory of our Motherland is 22.4 million square meters. km. Two thirds of the hunting areas are managed by forestry and agriculture. This obliges hunting in this territory in agreement with the main land users.

It is customary to divide hunting grounds into six categories of similar homogeneity: forest, which also includes shrubs; arable land (area occupied by the cultivation of agricultural crops); meadows (hayfields, pastures, pastures); swamps, ponds; other lands, which include tundra, desert sands, salt marshes, ravines, rocky areas, etc.

Hunting grounds are not equal in terms of conditions for the habitat of wild animals. Their quality is determined by the presence of food, protective, nesting and other conditions necessary for the life and reproduction of animals and birds. These conditions are determined primarily by the composition of flora representatives characteristic of specific areas.

However, abundant vegetation alone is not enough to create optimal living conditions and reproduction of certain species of wild animals.

The depth of snow cover is a factor limiting the growth in the number of roe deer, wild boar, and sika deer. Badgers, foxes and wolves need ravines and hillocks to make burrows.

The methods of hunting different types of game are also consistent with natural conditions, i.e., types of land. Most often, when determining the typology of hunting grounds, plant groups are taken as a basis: spruce forests (green moss spruce forests, blueberry spruce forests), pine forests (white moss pine forests, lingonberry pine forests), leaf frogs, feather grass steppe, fescue steppe: lakes with a border of tall vegetation, etc. . P.

In a typology constructed taking into account plant groups, the name itself gives an idea of ​​the nature of the land, the composition of its vegetation, and the possibility of storing food for game.

Forest hunting areas are divided into types based on the morphology of plant communities. Forest areas with similar habitat conditions and a homogeneous composition of game are called types of forest hunting grounds.

In forest areas of the same type, the same measures are taken to reproduce wild animals and birds, as well as to hunt them.

The initial distribution of forest areas into types of hunting grounds is made according to the dominant type of tree stand. Within these types, lands are distinguished according to the age of the main species - young stands, middle-aged stands and types formed by old trees. Rare areas are classified into a separate type - open spaces.

All other forest stands are divided into types of hunting grounds, taking into account the places of growth. The designation of the type of land has a double name: swampy spruce forest, lichen pine forest, young cedar, etc. Such names of types of hunting grounds are associated with their characteristics and are understandable to the huntsman and hunter.

Types of forest land are grouped into classes - spruce forests, pine forests, cedar trees, foliage forests, and the classes, in turn, are divided into land categories - forest lands.

Forest management materials are the basis for determining the typology of forest hunting grounds and their subsequent inventory. This is carried out similarly to land management in agricultural enterprises. The relative commercial assessment of forest lands shows the degree of suitability of land types for the reproduction of game of certain species, and the specific one determines the yield of fur products per unit area (land productivity) assigned to the farm.

One of the most reliable indicators of the value of hunting land types is the average productivity over several years. D. Danilov proposed dividing land into five quality classes:

THE BEST LANDS are distinguished by high protective conditions, species diversity of the food supply, frequent and plentiful food harvests, and the highest population density of game animals (grade I).

GOOD LAND - the main habitat, the protective properties are high, the yields of basic feed are good, the population density is significant (II quality).

MEDIUM LAND - the food supply is more uniform in species composition, protective conditions are satisfactory, forage harvests are rarer and smaller in size, population density is uneven over the years, on average low (grade III).

BAD LAND - low-forage, with poor protective conditions, stations of sporadic settlement in years with good food yield (grade IV).

VERY BAD LAND - sites that are not very characteristic of a given species (V class).

Two types of hunting management work have been legalized - inter-farm and intra-farm. The task of inter-farm hunting management includes the distribution of land between tenants, legal registration of the boundaries of the allocated land and the development of a first-stage action plan. As a result of this, documents are drawn up and issued to the tenant for the right to use the state hunting fund.

After the legal assignment of land to the tenant and the creation of a farm, on-farm hunting management is carried out, the first stage of which consists of drawing up a game management project, and the second includes a number of measures to implement the project’s recommendations into farm practice.

When developing a project for on-farm hunting management, the following is taken into account: inventory of hunting grounds; mapping; accounting of game animals and birds and food for them; land valuation; results of studying natural and economic conditions; organization and equipment of the territory (allocation of reproduction and fishing areas); long-term plans for reproduction activities; methods of exploitation of game animals on the farm; calculations of use and standards for shooting and catching; possibilities and extent of using by-products (berries, nuts, mushrooms, etc.); opportunities for developing auxiliary activities; the methods of game breeding used, objects and their volume; capacity (in person-days) for sports facilities.

Hunting grounds are considered to be all field, forest and wetland areas that serve as habitat for animals and birds and can be used for hunting. These lands are leased to the hunting user. In the concept of hunting grounds, two sides should be distinguished: ecological - lands as a habitat for game animals, and hunting - lands as a production area on which the hunting process takes place. Hunting grounds cannot include areas that are unsuitable for game animals (settlements, roads, quarries). These lands are not leased to the hunting user.

To characterize hunting grounds, categories and types of hunting grounds are distinguished.

Type of hunting grounds – these are areas of territory with similar habitat conditions for game animals (mainly food and protective conditions). With the same intensity of economic use, areas classified as one type of hunting grounds have a homogeneous composition, equal density of animals and birds, and require the same biotechnical measures.

All lands of the branch of the BSTU - “Negorelsky educational and experimental forestry enterprise” (hunting grounds fund) are divided into three main categories:

    Forest hunting grounds.

    Field hunting grounds.

    Wetland hunting areas.

Forest hunting grounds – forested lands of the State Forest Fund (SFF) and other land users. They serve as a habitat for ungulates, the white hare, upland game, some fur-bearing species of game animals and partly the brown hare.

Table 1.2 shows the distribution of hunting grounds by type for the hunting industry as a whole.

Table 1.2 - Distribution of hunting areas by category and type

Name of types of hunting grounds


Pine young trees

Dry boron

Boron complex

Bor is wet and swampy

Continuation of Table 1.2

Spruce forest is complex

The spruce forest is damp and wet

Birch forest is dry and complex

Birch forest damp and swamp


Broadleaf plantings

Renewed fellings

Total forest


Total field


Raised bogs

Lowland marshes

Transitional swamps

Total wetlands

Total hunting grounds


Area within approved boundaries

As can be seen from Tables 1.2, forest hunting lands leased occupy more than half of the area of ​​hunting lands (67.5%). Of the forest types, complex boron is the most widely represented (34.1%).

The area of ​​oak forests and other broad-leaved plantations, although small (0.6%), but their participation significantly improves the quality of forest land for ungulates (wild boar, deer, roe deer). It should be noted that oak is often found in other plantings as an admixture, and also in significant quantities in the undergrowth.

The field hunting grounds of the established farm can be characterized by a significant number of fields used in agriculture.

The main wetlands are concentrated in the floodplain of the Ussa and Peretut rivers. There are no large or medium-sized lakes on the farm’s territory.

The reclamation network on the farm is very wide, but it is of little use for the habitat of semi-aquatic mammals and waterfowl, since it does not have a constant water level, is 80% devoid of coastal woody vegetation and is subject to the negative influence of the anthropogenic factor.

Lands unsuitable for hunting animals (settlements, of which there are 28 in the territory being developed, roads, quarries, existing peat mining) occupy 1400 hectares or 6.1% of the total area of ​​the site being constructed.

        Division of the hunting area into hunting economic zones.

On the territory of the hunting farm there are 4 hunting economic zones:

    rest zone;

    zone of predominant hunting of ungulates (seven areas);

    zone of predominant hunting for fur-bearing animals, upland, field and waterfowl;

    area for training, driving and (or) competitions of hunting dogs, birds of prey and decoy animals (three areas)

The area of ​​the rest zone is 2021.5 hectares or 8.6% of the farm area, which is located in the south of the Negorelsky forestry. By decision of the Uzdensky district executive committee No. 759 in the Litvyansky forestry on June 13, 2008. A biological reserve of local importance, Lenchino, with an area of ​​288.8 hectares (1.1%) was formed. On the territory of which hunting is prohibited, except for hunting in quarters 113 and 133. It is advisable to include the territory of this reserve in the rest zone (except for quarters 113, 133). This means that the total area of ​​the rest zone is 2262.5 hectares (9.7% of the farm area).

The boundaries of the local biological reserve "Lenchino" are as follows: in the north - from the north-western corner of the square. 111 of the Litvyanskoe forestry of the Negorelsky educational and experimental forestry enterprise in a westerly direction along the northern border of blocks 111, 112 and the northern border of section 2 of the quarter 113 of the Litvyansky forestry of the Negorelsky educational and experimental forestry enterprise; in the east - along the eastern border of divisions 2, 6, 11, 15 of quarter 113, then along the eastern border of quarters 133, 149, 166 of the Litvyanskoye forestry of the Negorelsky educational and experimental forestry enterprise; in the south - along the southern border of block 166, along the western border of blocks 166 and 149; along the southern border of blocks 148 and 147 of the Litvyansk forestry of the Negorelsky educational and experimental forestry enterprise; in the west - along the western border of blocks 147 and 130, along the western border of block 111 of the Litvyanskoye forestry of the Negorelsky educational and experimental forestry enterprise to the starting point.

7 areas of predominant farming of ungulates have been identified. The area of ​​this zone on the farm is 13087.5 hectares or 56.2% of the territory.

Hunting dog training zone (3 areas) with a total area of ​​725 hectares or 3.1% of the territory.

The remaining area is reserved for hunting small game, which is 7215.0 or 31.0% of the territory, where hunting for ungulates can also be carried out.



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