Should we be afraid of white discharge and mucus in girls? If I have leucorrhoea, does that mean my period is coming? What discharge is considered normal?

The birth of a girl is a pleasant event for all family members. As she develops, parents should monitor the process of formation of her organs. This will help understand why changes are occurring in her vaginal mucus.

A clear indicator of the development of the reproductive organs is vaginal secretion. By watching him, the mother can monitor the girl’s health. By regularly inspecting the mucus on your panties, she will notice any changes, which will help her react in time.

Factors causing white secretion

White discharge in teenage girls occurs for various reasons. Among the most common are the following:

  • climatic conditions (heat, cold, damp);
  • lifestyle (active, passive);
  • food preferences (spicy, sour or sweet foods);
  • type of underwear (thongs, shorts, bikini).

As it may seem, the reasons are not particularly serious, but they should be paid attention to. In some cases, there may even be a delay in menstruation, which is a serious signal in adolescence.

For information! The wall of the uterus and vagina is covered with a mucous membrane, under the influence of which white mucus is formed. In girls under 11 years of age, it occurs in small quantities and is considered normal.

Research shows that after birth, hormones found in the placenta remain in a girl’s body. In addition, a large amount of glycogen accumulates on the baby’s vaginal mucosa, which is also part of the secretion. After some time, it comes out through the genitals. White discharge in a newborn baby most often consists of hormones and natural vaginal flora.

In a teenage girl, leucorrhoea occurs during the formation of the hormonal system of the reproductive organs. They are especially pronounced before the first menstruation. The resulting white discharge provides the body with protection from the following problems:

  • eliminating dryness through vaginal moisturizing;
  • cleansing the internal female organs;
  • fight against pathogenic microbes;
  • protection against various infections;
  • maintaining natural microflora in the vagina.

Normal vaginal discharge may be clear, slightly whitish, or milky in color. It all depends on the level of hormonal levels in a girl’s body at 12 years old. The consistency of the secretion is usually thick and viscous, which is considered normal. The amount of mucus varies and depends on the general health of the teenager. Frequent stressful situations, colds, problems with digestion, kidneys and heart affect the formation of secretions. Careful observation of what accompanies white mucus will help identify the disease at an early stage.

The main signs of internal pathologies manifested in secretions are:

  • change in odor, with the smell of rotten fish;
  • green or gray color;
  • the appearance of foam or elements resembling cottage cheese;
  • pain – itching, swelling, redness, unpleasant burning sensation;
  • unexpected bleeding in adolescents 10 years of age;
  • vaginal discharge with blood elements at the age of 13.

In addition, to the surprise of teenagers, sexually transmitted diseases can affect the teenager. These include chlamydia or syphilis, which are contracted through household contact. Often the disease occurs without visible symptoms. Only after a while, signs of the inflammatory process are noted. It is not easy to determine the disease of a girl under 14 years of age, since the doctor may not even think about such a problem.

Important! Girls who live in dysfunctional families should be periodically checked by a gynecologist. Thanks to this, it is possible to identify a sexually transmitted disease at an early stage of development.

White secretion as a signal of pathology

Some teenagers think that if I am 12 years old, then gynecological diseases will bypass me. In fact, such thinking speaks of self-confidence and childish naivety.

Even before the menstrual rhythm begins, the white secretion can give signals of pathological diseases. Thus, changes in the color and consistency of vaginal fluid indicate the presence of a gynecological disease. The appearance of yellow or green secretion in copious amounts of a thick consistency indicates the presence of serious diseases. This may mean infection with bacterial vaginitis of the vulva or colpitis.

In some cases, girls experience unpleasant dryness in the genitals. This condition is occasionally replaced by a translucent mucous secretion. It is he who signals allergic vulvovaginitis.

If very little mucus is released, but at the same time you feel excessive itching in the perineum, it means that there are worms in the intestines.

Sometimes a little girl may complain to her mother: “I have dark spots on my panties that smell bad.” A wise woman will suspect trouble, because purulent mucus and a foul odor are the result of a foreign object in the vagina.

On a note! It is necessary to start sex education as early as possible. By the age of 6, a girl should learn to care for her intimate area. This will help avoid many troubles.

Due to the factors discussed, parents or teenagers over 16 years of age should be aware of what to do in such situations. The white discharge will do its job, and then it is important to consult a doctor in time.

The gynecologist will conduct an examination and conduct tests that will more accurately reveal the reason for the change in secretion. If a pathology is detected, comprehensive treatment will be prescribed.

Every wise mother wants her daughter to enjoy life at the age of 15 and not suffer from gynecological ailments. Everything needs to be done on time!

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  • Maryana | 14.03.2018 13:18

    My daughter had this because of thrush. Our pediatrician is elderly and didn’t bother me, she told me to wash it with soda and anoint it with Metrogyl Plus for 5 days. And everything passed. Although this drug is not usually prescribed to children, the risk was justified.

    • Svetlana | 22.07.2018 12:40

      The appearance of white discharge with a slightly runny consistency at this age
      is considered a physiological norm. It is associated with change
      hormonal background of a girl’s maturing body and indicates
      that soon (within about a year, although these times vary)
      your period will begin.
      If this phenomenon is not accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the form of
      itching, pain in the genital area, formation of wounds, changes
      color, the appearance of flakes or stringy “threads” - no need to worry.
      A curdled discharge with a sour odor indicates
      candidiasis. This is a fairly common occurrence. Yellow or
      greenish leucorrhoea may indicate a bacterial infection. IN
      In such cases, you should contact a pediatric gynecologist to clarify

      diagnosis and treatment prescription. Personal precautions should always be observed
      hygiene, carry out water procedures, you can use chamomile or calendula.

  • Christina | 12.07.2018 11:32

    My daughter is 11 and a half years old (11.5), hair has already grown on her armpits and in one other place, first the former white, thick mucus, then semi-white, but thinner, and then completely transparent and liquid. The mucus has been going on for quite some time, a couple of my classmates have already had their periods, so we are afraid for our daughter, maybe some kind of illness. If it's not difficult, answer.

  • Vika | 15.10.2018 18:01

    Hello, I am 12 years old (13 in November), and for the past 2-4 years (approximately) I have had something similar to white mucus. Half of my classmate is already menstruating (7th grade), but I’m the skinniest in the class and I’m afraid that I’m sick with something

  • Olya | 19.10.2018 22:15

    I am 13 years old and I already had my period at the age of 11, for 3 weeks now I have had wet, mucous white discharge and a slightly sour smell, about a teaspoon of liquid per day, itching, redness in the intimate part, it is uncomfortable to walk. Along with this, I suffer a lot from the flu and I also have tonsillitis. Could it be thrush or something to do with the immune system?

  • Marina | 13.11.2018 21:20

    Hello! About 5 days ago my right nipple started to hurt. A few days later, clear mucus appeared on my panties. It was thick, stretchy, odorless. So far I've only been once. Am I maturing? I am 11 years old.

  • Darina Alexa | 9.12.2018 01:35

    I’m 13 years old, in January I’ll be 14 (I got my period for the first time in September, twice) then I went to the mountains for a week and on the 11th it will be exactly 2 months since I haven’t had a period, and at that time I started to see some kind of white transparent mucus similar to a type of slam on stretchy rubber, and I have one lip much larger than the other (they don’t call it a lip), this is what comes after the main lip and that’s where this mucus comes from, please tell me what it is? Could it be thrush?

Leucorrhoea occurs in girls of any age, even in newborns. In some cases they are caused by physiology, in others they require contacting a specialist.

Just like in women, leucorrhoea in girls can be of different shades, cause discomfort or be almost invisible. Timely detection of discharge depends on the attention of the mother and the daughter’s ability to tell about it. Treatment, if necessary, is prescribed by a pediatric gynecologist based on test results.

A girl's first leucorrhoea

The very first discharge in a girl’s life appears within a week or two after birth. They are caused by the maternal hormone estrogen, which causes hormonal shifts. Newborn leucorrhoea looks like a yellow-white mucous discharge. They can be very strong, and this is considered normal.

Appearance of the first leucorrhoea

The nature of physiological leucorrhoea in newborns is based on the accumulation of glycogen in the cells of the vaginal mucosa. It is this substance that is formed from the influence of maternal estrogen remaining in the baby’s blood after birth. This glycogen is joined by gram-positive bacteria - Dederlein rods. They are an integral part of the vaginal microflora. Together, glycogen and Dederlein's rods form specific secretions. Their number is proportional to the volume of these bacteria.

Mom should not worry about the appearance of such leucorrhoea in a girl. For your own peace of mind, you can have your baby’s smear tested. The secretion should not contain leukocytes. Mom should bathe her daughter every day. No treatment required.

When does the first leucorrhoea end?

Leucorrhoea in newborns stops 2 weeks after birth. Then, until about 8-9 years old, the baby will not have any physiological secretions. If a mother notices leucorrhoea on her diaper or panties, she should consult a pediatric gynecologist.

Puberty discharge

Puberty begins at age 9 and lasts until age 17-18. These figures may vary, since the development of each girl is individual. During this period, the baby becomes an adult girl with fully formed reproductive function. At the age of 9, changes in hormonal levels begin, while in different girls it can occur later - from 11-12 years. In general, this age depends on the onset of menstruation - it begins 2 years before their appearance.

Leucorrhoea during puberty looks like this:

Without smell

Less viscous

Average quantity

The girl notices sticky, mucous stains on her panties. Discharge color: slightly yellowish, white, cloudy, rarely transparent. In older teenage girls, leucorrhoea occurs constantly, with varying intensity. They have physiological causes and do not require treatment.

When does constant leucorrhoea begin?

After menarche (the first menstruation), the menstrual cycle normalizes within a year or two. Leucorrhoea takes on a cyclical character, characteristic of a woman.

Other causes of teenage leucorrhoea

In adolescents, in addition to physiological discharge, pathological discharge is possible. They are associated with the following situations:

- infections

- irritation

- mechanical

- general reasons.

Pathological leucorrhoea looks different on panties (depending on the cause):

- purulent

- with blood

- sometimes foamy

- there is almost always a bad smell

- often accompanied by itching and diaper rash.

Infectious leucorrhoea

Infection always leads to an inflammatory process. It occurs when infected through domestic contact (in adolescent girls under 10-12 years of age), and in older adolescents (up to 17 years of age) through sexual contact. As a rule, infectious leucorrhoea is characteristic of girls under 12 years of age. In older teenagers, the nature of such diseases is different, since their vagina self-cleanses. That is why inflammation is not typical for them.


Infections in girls under 12 years of age can be divided into the following groups:

1. Primary: colpitis, cervicitis, vulvitis, vulvovaginitis, infections from the STD group due to household infection (for example, syphilis).

2. Secondary: insufficient ovarian function, diabetes mellitus, exudative diathesis, obesity, helminthic infestation.

What does leucorrhoea look like from inflammation?

Inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs in adolescents manifest themselves as follows:

- a large amount of leucorrhoea

- swelling of the vulvar and vaginal mucosa

- itching, redness, irritation, burning of the mucous membrane

- erosion of the perineum, sometimes - microcracks in the skin.

Features of discharge in girls

For adolescents over 12 years of age, diseases from the STD group (sexually transmitted diseases) are typical. Some of them, for example, chlamydia, syphilis, are dangerous due to the risk of household infection. Many begin asymptomatically and then develop signs characteristic of inflammation.

This development of diseases from this group makes diagnosis difficult in adolescents, especially under the age of 12, when a pediatric gynecologist may not suspect the presence of such an infection. Girls from families at risk for STDs should be screened for sexually transmitted diseases.

In adolescents, depending on the cause of the disease, leucorrhoea looks like this:

1. Bacterial vulvovaginitis, colpitis, vulvitis: yellow-greenish, thick, abundant.

2. Allergic vulvovaginitis: translucent, mucous leucorrhoea with a dry state of the epithelium of the vagina and vulva.

3. Bacterial vaginosis: milky or grayish in color with a fishy odor.

4. Worms in the gastrointestinal tract: there is little discharge, but there is severe itching of the vulva and perineum.

5. Foreign object in the vagina: purulent leucorrhoea with an unpleasant, fetid odor.

Important reason: poor hygiene

Leucorrhoea often occurs in teenage girls due to poor hygiene. The mother needs to wash her daughter 2 times a day, and if the cleanliness of the labia and perineum is not ensured, leucorrhoea of ​​an infectious nature will occur. The cause of the infection in this case will be bacteria from the vulva.

It is important to teach a girl intimate hygiene from childhood. At the age of 5-6 years, a baby should be able to wash herself. Standard: morning and evening, but better after each visit to the toilet.

The following conditions lead to leucorrhoea of ​​common causes:

- heart diseases

- powerful emotions

- metabolic disease

- pulmonary tuberculosis (leucorrhoea from intoxication).

In these cases, there is mucous leucorrhoea of ​​a milky or transparent color. The girl notices wet, mucous stains on her panties. There are no changes in the vagina itself, but redness of the epithelium may appear due to irritation.

How to treat discharge in teenagers?

Treatment of vaginal discharge in girls after 12 years of age begins with a detailed diagnosis. The mother needs to take her daughter to the pediatric gynecologist. It is important that the mother does not self-medicate. Taking into account the specifics and cause of the disease, treatment in most cases is local. It includes douching and personal hygiene.

Many people mistakenly assume that white discharge in girls can appear only after the onset of menstruation, which is caused by increased activity of the organs of the reproductive system. But that's not true. Leucorrhoea can be observed at any age - in a newborn, school, teenager, etc. And now you will find out what factors provoke their appearance.

What is considered normal?

There are certain standards that characterize the general health of girls. If they are rejected, we can talk about the development of diseases that require immediate treatment.

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In newborns

Discharge in newborn girls appears at approximately 2–3 weeks of life. They do not have an unpleasant aroma and do not irritate the delicate skin of the baby. Sometimes there may be streaks of blood, which is also normal.

This is caused by too high levels of hormones that the child received from the mother while still in the womb. And a few weeks after birth, their level decreases sharply, which causes the onset of a sexual crisis, which is accompanied not only by the appearance of discharge, but also by an enlargement of the mammary glands.

The sexual crisis lasts for a long time - 7 - 8 years. But in newborns it makes itself felt only in the first year of life. And if there are no signs of inflammation or infection (the newborn’s labia do not swell, do not peel, do not turn red, etc.), then the mother should not worry and run with her baby to the hospital to get tested.

Important! If a little girl’s pussy discharges profuse leucorrhoea of ​​a constant nature and is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, immediately go to the doctor. Since if the mother has infectious diseases, they can easily be transmitted to the child during childbirth when passing through the birth canal.

Girls aged 7–8 years also experience white vaginal discharge. And this is due to the onset of puberty, during which the active process of puberty occurs.

During this age period, the body again experiences increased production of sex hormones, which is the absolute norm. They prepare the reproductive organs for the imminent onset of menstruation. This process is long and can last about 4–5 years.

But it is necessary to understand that girls’ discharge normally has a mucous consistency; it is either transparent or whitish in color, odorless and homogeneous. The appearance of dense lumps, flakes, blood streaks, etc. in them. is a serious reason to see a doctor.

This age is characterized by the formation of hormonal levels and the onset of menstruation. At the age of 11, the ovaries already begin to actively produce sex hormones, which is accompanied by profuse leucorrhoea. Moreover, they appear only on certain days of the menstrual cycle. So, often girls at the age of 11 have white mucus from the vagina at the time when she was supposed to have her period. After the first menstruation, which usually occurs at 13 or 14 years of age, and the complete formation of hormonal levels, they disappear.

It should be noted that if white mucus discharge from the vagina is observed for a long time, then it is necessary to show the girl to the doctor, since this phenomenon can signal serious hormonal disorders that require correction with the help of special medications.

What is not the norm?

Speaking about why girls have discharge on their panties, it is also necessary to talk about the pathologies that are accompanied by this symptom. Since their appearance can negatively affect the state of the girl’s reproductive system in the future.

At this age, there is no vaginal discharge of any kind, including leucorrhoea in girls, since during this age period the ovaries produce too few hormones. Their appearance is considered a direct sign of hormonal imbalance or the development of inflammation in the vagina.

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Often girls aged 1 to 7 years have thick discharge, which is characteristic of infections. Their development occurs due to the lack of lactic acid bacteria in the vaginal environment, which are necessary to maintain the balance between “good” and “bad” microorganisms present in the vagina from birth.

And if a girl between the ages of 1 and 7 produces white mucus, she should be shown to a doctor. As a rule, if there are no infectious processes, it does not have an unpleasant odor and does not irritate the skin. But if there is still an infection, a mucous secretion with an odor begins to be released, which can provoke irritation on the skin of the labia.

When a girl has discharge, it is necessary to pay special attention to its character, that is, color, smell, consistency, etc. If they become yellow or greenish, have an unpleasant pungent odor, contain streaks of blood and lumps resembling cottage cheese, then this is a serious reason to consult a doctor. Such symptoms mean the development of inflammatory diseases in the pelvic organs.

Often the appearance of heavy discharge in girls aged 12 years and older is observed with the development of vulvitis, vulvovaginitis or candidiasis. These diseases arise due to decreased immunity and are, in principle, easy to treat, if, of course, you seek help from a doctor in time.

White fluid may come out of the vagina in teenagers and young children due to:

  • Long-term use of antibacterial drugs that disrupt the vaginal microflora, after which the growth of opportunistic microorganisms is activated.
  • Previous diseases of the respiratory tract.
  • Infections.
  • Allergic reactions (can occur both to synthetics and personal hygiene products).
  • Intestinal lesions due to helminthic infestation.
  • Metabolic disorders (observed mainly with excess weight or development of diabetes).
  • The presence of urogenital infections in a woman during pregnancy or after childbirth (transmitted by contact).
  • Violations of hygiene rules (lack of water procedures, incorrect washing technique, etc.).

The appearance of teenage leucorrhoea in girls is more often observed at the moment when they independently begin to monitor their hygiene. Therefore, in order to avoid health problems in the future, every parent should convey to their child how to do this correctly.

At 15 and 17 years old, during the summer holidays, girls often attend various events where they have to use public toilets. At the same time, they use wet wipes, which can not only provoke allergic reactions due to the high content of fragrances, but also the development of infections, especially if used after bowel movements. The fact is that incorrect movements when using them can cause stool to penetrate into the vagina, which will lead to serious consequences.

After bowel movements, use toilet paper or napkins correctly. All movements should be carried out upward, in the direction of the lower back, and not the vagina. The same goes for washing. Movements during such procedures should occur from the pubis to the butt, and not vice versa. In addition, you need to make sure that there is no soap left in the perineum and on the surface of the labia, as it can lead to irritation of the mucous membranes and their inflammation.

You need to understand that nothing happens for nothing. There is a reason for everything. And if suddenly a girl develops leucorrhoea that was not previously observed, or if it changes its character, you should immediately go to the doctor. Only he will be able to determine the exact cause of their occurrence and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

Aliya asks:

Good afternoon, what should I do? I’ve been having white discharge for about a year now, but at night, on weekends and after school it’s getting smaller. I haven’t had my period yet, but I’m already 13.5 years old. For about 2-3 months I’ve been having dark-colored discharge. about a week or more. Mom said that this means my period should come soon. But as I observe, there is no pain, there is no pain in the lower abdomen. All this discharge is without itching and odor. My weight is now 42.5-43 kg. Am I sick with anything and when should I be ready and wait for my period? Thanks in advance!


Hello Aliya! Your vaginal discharge indicates normal puberty. They usually appear approximately 1-1.5 years before the onset of the first menstruation. Normally, menstruation begins in girls under the age of 15, so there is no reason to worry yet. Read about the correct course of puberty in girls in the article on our medical portal. It is best to discuss any problems that arise with the reproductive organs at a face-to-face appointment with a teenage gynecologist. Take care of your health!

Vika asks:

Hello, I’m 16 years old, my periods started at the age of 10, they always come in different ways, sometimes they may not come for a month. I’m a virgin.
At about 9 years old, white “curd” discharge began with an unpleasant odor, but not purulent, it continues to this day and constantly, but nothing hurts, only sometimes it “grabs” very strongly in the lower abdomen and below, so that you cannot move. I have never gone to a gynecologist and I don’t want to.
what could it be? Thank you

Answers Medical consultant of the portal “”:

Hello, Victoria! The cause of an irregular menstrual cycle and unpleasant vaginal discharge may be hormonal imbalances in combination with an inflammatory process in the vagina. Since it is impossible to understand your condition, make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment without examination, examination and conversation, you have two options. Or overcome your dislike for doctors and go to a gynecologist - then you will solve your problem and forget about it forever. Or stand your ground and refuse to visit a doctor - then a problem that does not bother you much today will over time take on the dimensions of a tragedy when you are faced with such concepts as infertility and miscarriage. But you will have no one to blame for this but yourself. Take care of your health!

Ekaterina asks:

Hello! I will be 13 in two weeks. I started having white and yellowish discharge from the vagina, about 1.5 years ago it was slightly whitish in color. At the moment it began to stand out more and began to cause discomfort. Also, before, the discharge had no odor, but now it has a rather unpleasant and pungent odor. Please tell me what to do! I’m starting to be afraid because I’m thin (I’m only 27 kg) and my breasts are small. I haven’t had my period yet. Is it necessary to go to a gynecologist?

Answers Medical consultant of the portal “”:

Hello, Ekaterina! Detailed information about the possible causes of unusual vaginal discharge in girls and women is contained in the popular scientific article Vaginal discharge: normal and pathology on our medical portal. The exact cause of vaginal discharge can only be determined after examination and examination by a gynecologist during a face-to-face consultation. You also need to find the cause of underweight - for 13 years old you weigh very little, and this may be the cause of health problems. You need to go to the doctors with your mother. Take care of your health!

IRINA asks:

I AM 17 YEARS OLD. I HAVE SOME DISCHARGE. And my period has NOT started yet. It is white and has an unpleasant odor. I don’t want and am very afraid to go to the doctor. Maybe you can recommend some drug for treatment without going to the doctor?

Answers Mikityuk Alexander Vladimirovich:

Hello. Dear Irina. You can’t recommend treatment if you don’t know what to treat! Such discharge can occur during infection, thrush, and dysbacteriosis. Treatment is different in each case. You don’t write whether you are sexually active or whether you have a permanent partner. Your period hasn't started - are you talking about a delay? Not quite clear. Today you have the opportunity to choose a doctor, talk to your friends, find a good doctor whom you can trust. Not a single modern woman has ever lived without a gynecologist, so sooner or later you will still get to him. But it’s better earlier, believe my experience. Time in treatment is a very important factor, and your health is one thing and you cannot neglect it, especially at such a young age. Be healthy!

Ksenia asks:

Hello. I am 15 years old, I started my period at almost 14. I have been sexually active for 4 months. Not so long ago after the appearance of my period, I began to secrete mucus, at first it was transparent and odorless, and then white and with an odor. And the first question is what does this mean, please tell me?
Lately, sex has not been protected, but the partner is sweaty and says that everything will be fine. But today is May 3rd and I should get my period, but it’s not there, and only white mucus takes its place. Second question, could it be that I'm pregnant?

Answers Medical consultant of the portal “”:

Hello, Ksenia! Detailed information about the possible causes of unusual vaginal discharge in girls and women is contained in the popular scientific article Vaginal discharge: normal and pathology on our medical portal. The exact cause of vaginal discharge can only be determined after examination and examination by a gynecologist during a face-to-face consultation. Unprotected sex is the main cause of unwanted pregnancy, no matter what your experienced partner says, so pregnancy in your case is quite likely. Take care of your health!

Nastya asks:

I’m 14 years old, I don’t have a period, I can’t tell what color it is, transparent white, so you say the itching may be from inflammation of the sexual life, I don’t have it, but could the itching be due to the fact that hair grows on the pubic area, please help

Answers Medical consultant of the portal “”:

Hello, Anastasia! The discharge you describe is absolutely normal for your age and status as a virgin. You can read more about the nature of discharge depending on age, phase of the menstrual cycle, and the presence of sexual activity in the article Vaginal discharge: normal and pathology, posted on our portal. Itchy pubic skin can actually be associated with hair growth. If you have any questions related to your women's health, then remember that the answer to them will always be given to you by a teenage gynecologist, whom girls and women need to visit at least once every six months. Take care of your health!

Lisa asks:

Hello, my 12-year-old daughter has yellow discharge and smells like rotten fish from her vagina, she admitted that she has been masturbating since she was 10 years old in the shower under running water, could the smell and discharge be associated with masturbation under running water, what is it? help me please

Answers Medical consultant of the portal “”:

Hello, Elizaveta! Detailed information about the possible causes of unusual vaginal discharge in girls and women is contained in the popular scientific article Vaginal discharge: normal and pathology on our medical portal. The exact cause of vaginal discharge can only be determined after examination and examination by a gynecologist during a face-to-face consultation. Masturbation can cause inflammation and/or disruption of the vaginal microflora, which leads to unusual discharge with an unpleasant odor. Take care of your health!

Maftun asks:

Hello, I’m 19, and I have yellow discharge and blood (a small amount, like a streak) with discharge, and an unpleasant smell, yesterday about 5ml of blood came out like water, but the smell is terrible, and I always discharge in large quantities, and The menstruation cycle is scary, it goes normally for 5 days, stops after 2-3 days, it comes again, and my kidneys, stomach, and vagina often hurt, what should I do?

Answers Medical consultant of the portal “”:

Hello Maftuna! Detailed information about the possible causes of unusual vaginal discharge in girls and women is contained in the popular scientific article Vaginal discharge: normal and pathology on our medical portal. The exact cause of vaginal discharge can only be determined after examination and examination by a gynecologist during a face-to-face consultation. The peculiarities of the menstrual cycle make a visit to the gynecologist even more necessary. Also, contact a therapist for examination - you need to find out what is wrong with your kidneys. Take care of your health!

Julia asks:

Hello. I am worried about constant clear discharge. It's probably been a week now. There was menstruation. And this morning there was a stringy transparent discharge. Thick. Is this an infection? Or does this always happen before menstruation? I'm very afraid. Another question... I had my period twice. a month later. And the third time only after 3 months. And that was very little. It looked like a discharge, but it was red and there was very little of it... it was 3 days and it was just very little in quantity.. I was very worried, Suddenly something was wrong... Please tell me what it could be.. Is this normal or does it happen to everyone when Is your period just starting?

Answers Medical consultant of the portal “”:

Hello! For a year after your first period starts, your menstrual cycle may be irregular. Menstruation delays of up to 3 months are allowed, as well as changes in the amount of menstrual flow. Before your period, you may experience thick, clear discharge - this is normal. Detailed information about normal vaginal discharge and possible causes of unusual vaginal discharge in girls and women is contained in the popular scientific article Vaginal discharge: normal and pathology on our medical portal. Take care of your health!

Irina asks:

My daughter is 15 years old, she has a very long break between periods and doesn’t want to see a doctor.

Answers Medical consultant of the portal “”:

Hello Irina! If the break between menstruation is more than 35 days (counting from the first day of the previous menstruation to the first day of the next) - this is the norm. If the interval between menstruation exceeds 35 days, but less than 1 year has passed since the arrival of the first menstruation, this is also the norm. If the break between menstruation is more than 35 days and menstruation has been going on for more than 1 year, this is a clear deviation (possibly of hormonal origin), which shows that the girl needs examination and treatment. In this case, you must insist on visiting a gynecologist, using all your parental influence. Explain to your daughter that irregular periods are the first sign of future serious gynecological problems - miscarriages, infertility, etc. Take care of your health!

Vika asks:

Good evening! I am 14 years old. I had my periods twice, about 3 months apart. Until now, my discharge has been normal, almost transparent with a slight sour smell. 2 days ago their color changed. They turned light brown, without a pungent odor, and had the same consistency. Now they have become light yellowish, also without a pungent odor and the same consistency. There is no itching, and no signs of irritation either. I absolutely don’t want to go to the gynecologist. What could it be?

Answers Medical consultant of the portal “”:

Hello, Victoria! Since you are now in the period of formation of menstrual function and it is quite difficult to predict the time of the next menstruation, it is possible that a change in the color of vaginal discharge indicates the approach of menstruation. The normal smell of discharge and the absence of discomfort in the genital area makes the presence of inflammation in the genitals unlikely, so perhaps there is no great need for an urgent visit to the gynecologist. However, now you need to get used to the fact that women’s health is a very fragile condition, and if unusual phenomena (sensations, discharge, etc.) appear, it is best to immediately contact a gynecologist, without waiting until the problem becomes catastrophic. Take care of your health!

Alena Ivanchenko asks:

Please tell me I haven’t had a period for 14 years and not long ago I started to see fluid that is NOT CLEAR, BUT WHITE, everyone says that my period is coming soon and I would like to know what this discharge is for and if it is for my period, how soon will it start?

Answers Medical consultant of the portal “”:

Hello, Alena! We cannot say how soon your period will begin, since there is no clear relationship between the timing of the appearance of discharge and the timing of the onset of menstruation. Detailed information about the possible causes of unusual vaginal discharge in girls and women is contained in the popular science article

The amount, smell and color of a girl's vaginal discharge can tell about her health. If in an infant, a girl aged 5-7 years and older, the secretion acquires a strange aroma or shade, there is cause for concern and a visit to the doctor. What kind of discharge is normal? What does the appearance of a pathological secretion mean, why does this happen, what to do in such cases - let’s figure it out together.

If parents notice discharge that is unnatural for their daughter, the child should be shown to a pediatric gynecologist.

What discharge is considered normal?

A specific secretion is secreted from the vagina of every woman or girl. However, its composition, color and consistency may vary depending on a whole range of reasons - health status, stage of the menstrual cycle, general hormonal levels. Discharge that meets the following characteristics is considered normal:

  • smell – slightly sour or absent;
  • impurities – a small amount in the form of white or transparent crumbly or “stringy” thread-like inclusions;
  • character – homogeneous mucous (the consistency of the mucus should not be too thick, but not watery);
  • shade – light, transparent, unexpressed yellowish is allowed.

Causes of discharge at different ages

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Pathological secretion occurs in girls of any age. The main reasons are weakened immunity, frequent use of antibiotics, genital and general infections, allergies (sometimes provokes atopic vulvovaginitis), diabetes mellitus (often accompanied by fungal vulvovaginitis), helminthic infestation, foreign body.

Mucous discharge, sometimes bloody, occurs in newborn babies. Their appearance is usually associated with a reaction to an increase in the level of maternal hormones entering their body. This anomaly does not require treatment and is not dangerous, but you need to visit a doctor to rule out pathology.

Discharge in newborn babies does not require treatment, but it is still necessary to report their presence to the attending physician (more details in the article:)

Menstruation usually begins at the age of 13-15, so the nature of the discharge, especially its volume, changes. When the secretion is produced in large quantities, it acquires a faint sour aroma, while the girl feels well, and there are no sores or redness on the genitals. This usually indicates normal sexual development of the child.

Brown discharge usually occurs before menstruation and lasts for several days. If after menstruation the secretion becomes normal, then the teenage girl is healthy. Brown secretion is secreted for a long time, regardless of the cycle - there is reason to suspect the development of an inflammatory process.


In most cases, white discharge in girls is quite normal if there are no associated symptoms. However, if there is a white secretion of a cheesy consistency on the child’s underpants, candidiasis cannot be ruled out, even when the baby is only a few months old or 4-6 years old. This fungal disease occurs with a general weakening of the immune system, during antibiotic therapy, and is transmitted from mother to daughter during childbirth.

Yellow or yellow-green

Dark or light greenish discharge in girls of any age - at 2 years old, at 9, and at 13 years old - is a sign of the development of a pathological process that cannot be ignored.

You need to contact a pediatrician and pediatric gynecologist to determine the factors that triggered the appearance of discharge of an unnatural shade.

Yellowish discharge does not always act as a symptom. In girls aged 11-13 years (sometimes slightly younger or older than 10-12 years old), they say that hormonal changes are beginning. There is no need to worry when the yellow discharge is not accompanied by discomfort and other signs of the disease. If the girl is 5-7 years old or younger, a change in the color of the secretion is accompanied by other symptoms, this is a reason to suspect:

  • diaper rash;
  • irritation from synthetic underwear;
  • ingress of foreign objects;
  • reaction to hygiene products;
  • helminthic infestation;
  • dirt getting into the vagina;
  • violation of child hygiene rules.


If a child’s vaginal secretion contains purulent inclusions, this is always a symptom of a disease. The cause may be infection, inflammation in the uterus and/or ovaries, or colpitis. At the first sign of any of these diseases, you should immediately consult a doctor. Otherwise, the pathological process will lead to the development of complications or become chronic.

Purulent discharge and pain in the lower abdomen may be symptoms of an inflammatory process in the uterus or ovaries

With and without scent

Normally, girls' discharge should be odorless; the presence of a subtle sour aroma is allowed during puberty, about a year before the onset of menstruation. An intense foul odor often indicates that a foreign object has entered the vagina. An unpleasant fishy odor combined with greenish discharge is a sign of bacterial vaginosis.

A sharp, unpleasant odor of vaginal secretions may indicate the development of an infectious disease. If it is intense, accompanied by copious thick discharge that has an unnatural bright color, admixtures of blood and/or pus, this indicates a serious pathology caused by infection. You need to urgently consult a doctor.

Symptoms accompanying discharge

Pathological vaginal secretion is usually accompanied by a set of other symptoms, which helps the doctor quickly and correctly diagnose the problem. If the baby complains of painful and frequent urination, pain in the lower abdomen, and her body temperature rises, these are signs of cystitis (see also:). Also, common accompanying symptoms for diseases of the genitourinary system include:

  • sores, redness, blisters (herpetic infection);
  • white discharge, similar in consistency to cottage cheese (thrush);
  • green or yellow-green secretion (infection with Trichomonas);
  • smell of rotten fish (bacterial vaginosis);
  • bloody impurities;
  • burning;
  • redness of the vulva.

Discharge with an unpleasant odor usually indicates a bacterial infection.

Diagnosis of pathologies

If pathological vaginal discharge occurs in a baby, you need to contact a pediatric gynecologist as soon as possible. Only a specialist will be able to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis, identify the cause of changes and select effective and safe treatment. The main diagnostic measures are:

  1. laboratory blood test to determine the level of hormones it contains;
  2. visual examination of the genital tract to detect mechanical damage and the presence of foreign bodies;
  3. stool analysis - allows you to identify helminthic infestation, confirm or exclude dysbacteriosis;
  4. a vaginal smear to identify pathogenic microorganisms that provoked the inflammatory process;
  5. general analysis of urine and blood;
  6. to identify the type of pathogen - PCR.

Treatment of diseases with discharge

A treatment strategy for diseases accompanied by pathological discharge in girls can only be developed by a qualified specialist, based on the results of the examination.

Depending on the cause of changes in vaginal secretions established during the diagnostic process, the following therapeutic methods are used:

  • diseases of the excretory system - antibiotic therapy, use of antiseptics, drinking plenty of fluids;
  • bed rest (for some acute diseases);
  • regular change of bed and underwear;
  • local therapy - lubrication with special gels, ointments and creams, washing, baths;
  • adjusting the diet for allergies;
  • hormonal imbalance – hormonal therapy;
  • drug therapy - local and general - to eliminate the causative agent of the pathology;
  • special treatment for the girl and all members of her family in case of detected helminthic infestation;
  • removal of a foreign object from the vagina.

Preventive actions

From early childhood, children need to be taught personal hygiene.

Simple preventive measures will help keep the girl healthy and avoid many problems in the future. The main elements of prevention are regular visits to the pediatric gynecologist and compliance with the rules of personal hygiene for the child. The latter require close attention from parents from the first days of a little girl’s life:

  • underwear should be made from fabrics of natural origin with a minimum content of synthetic fibers;
  • do not use rough washcloths and sponges for intimate hygiene to avoid mechanical damage;
  • teach the girl to wash her genitals correctly, in particular, explain that all actions should be carried out in the direction from front to back;
  • select hypoallergenic products for intimate hygiene;
  • for washing, use warm water, if possible boiled, use potassium permanganate solution and herbal decoctions only during treatment, no longer than the course prescribed by the doctor;
  • the child must use his own towel, which must always be clean;
  • Hygienic procedures must be carried out twice a day - morning and evening.



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