Unreasonable aggression in men: causes and methods of treatment. Aggression - treatment, manifestation, types and causes of aggression

Have you ever dreamed of starting a relationship with a man who would raise his hand against you, insult you, show anger, etc.? Women usually answer this question in the negative. However, why some of them do not break off relations with their partners when they turn out to be aggressors and tyrants still causes misunderstanding on the part of adequate people. Women do not want to live in unhappiness and troubles, but they continue to maintain relationships that bring them this. What is the psychology of men here?

The women's site says that a man would never allow himself to be insulted and humiliated. Notice how men break off relationships with women if they humiliate and infringe on them in various ways. Why do women endure?

Psychologists refer mainly to the style of raising girls and the mentality of the Russian people, where the female sex must endure bullying and humiliation. They should thus receive the benefit. Although life shows that women living with tyrants and aggressive men often die at their hands or forever remain the most unfortunate and helpless.

If you initially dreamed of being loved and respected, then you should have the courage to break up with a man if you notice signs of aggressive or dominant behavior in him. Don't expect a man to change. He is already an adult and formed person who will not change only at your request.

How to recognize a tyrant or aggressor?

It is impossible to recognize aggressive or despotic traits in a person if you don’t know him well. Unfortunately, a woman will not be able to immediately recognize a tyrant or aggressor. Usually, such men at the beginning of acquaintance are always kind, friendly and the most loving. Sometimes they shower women with gifts, flowers, sing songs, read poems, and even demonstrate jealousy in order to stroke women’s pride.

Almost all women like such gestures. A man does all this just to attract attention and make his partner fall in love with him. As soon as the relationship has begun or even the marriage has been registered, then the man relaxes. He may continue to give the woman gifts or flowers, but often this happens after he has offended, insulted, or even hit her.

Now pleasant moments are made in order to make peace with the woman. The rest of the time, the man minds his own business and pours out his aggressive emotions on the woman.

At first, identifying an aggressor or tyrant is quite difficult, since he understands what this threatens him with. Only over time, when a woman has already fallen in love and created a serious relationship, marriage, does a man allow his qualities to manifest themselves in full force. What are they?

  1. Focusing on physical strength as a way to solve any problems. If a man tells you stories about how he beat someone or was beaten for one reason or another, you should pay attention to this. If he was a victim of domestic violence, this is also an indicator of what kind of gentleman he is. If a man often tells stories about how he insulted or hit someone in order to solve a problem that has arisen in this way, then you should understand that he will solve love/family difficulties in the same way.
  2. It's all others' fault. An aggressor and a tyrant always blame other people for their troubles. That's why they show their negative emotions on others. Others are to blame, which means they need to be punished.
  3. Irresponsibility. The category of men in question never takes responsibility. When bad things happen, other people are always the culprit. It was they who provoked such behavior on the part of the man. It should be understood that in a family, a man will blame his wife for everything. He will be an easy-going husband. However, at critical moments he can lash out at his wife, insulting or beating her.
  4. The desire to break or beat. How does a man behave when he is emotionally stressed? If he resorts to insults, swearing, and humiliation of other people, then it is possible that the same behavior will manifest itself towards a woman. If a man tries to break, beat, or break something, then soon this can spread to the woman.
  5. Jealousy. Of course, this criterion is not indicative. Not all jealous men are tyrants and aggressors. However, all tyrants and aggressors experience jealousy when their women look at other men or smile at someone.
  6. The desire to take possession of a woman as quickly as possible. A tyrant or aggressor does not like to delay asking a woman to start a serious relationship with him or register a marriage. He understands that until she is in love with him, no one will tolerate his behavior. But as soon as the woman is ringed, he begins to terrorize her, gradually increasing his pressure on her. A woman will not want to break up with him quickly; she will think about ending the relationship/marriage for a long time. To prevent this from happening, a man is always ready to ask for forgiveness and give his wife something... and then humiliate and beat her again.
  7. Attitude towards children and animals. Tyrants and aggressors often pour out their negative emotions on the weak - these are children and animals. By the way, this category of men always chooses weak women, whom they can then subjugate to their will. Only with such women will aggressors and tyrants be able to build long-term relationships where they will humiliate not only them, but also children and animals.

The aggressor is an immature person

Aggression is a manifestation of an immature personality. If you receive aggression, anger, or hostility from another person, know that you are communicating with an immature person. It is better not to communicate with an immature child than to experience aggression for any reason, because aggressive people get angry for absolutely any reason that does not suit them.

Where does aggression (anger) come from? This is a feeling that arises due to the discrepancy between the actual state of affairs and the desired one. For example, a person wants to buy a red sweater, but he only comes across blue and black sweaters. He is angry at the fact that what he wants does not coincide with what is real. Just imagine how many such situations can happen during the day when a person wants one thing, but his expectations are not met and he gets something else.

The inability to understand that events may not develop according to the scenario that a person has come up with for himself is a manifestation of personal immaturity. This is what leads to aggression, anger and hostility. A person wants everything to happen the way he wants. But here’s the problem: sometimes events don’t develop the way he would like. This leads to anger if a person does not accept the fact that wishes sometimes do not come true.

If children are not yet accustomed to the fact that everything in this world does not obey their desires, then adults already need to understand this. But there are people who, even at 30 and 40 years old, want all their whims to come true, otherwise they will get angry and behave aggressively, as children do. And often this aggression spills out on loved ones.

You should not wait until you find yourself in a trap set by a tyrant/aggressor. It is better to identify the characteristic manifestations of a person at the beginning of acquaintance. For example, create a situation where a man’s desire is not fulfilled (he wants sex, but you don’t give it; he wants to kiss you, but you don’t give it). In other words, destroy the plan that the man has built for you. How will he react to this?

All people show their resentment and anger differently. How a man reacts to your resistance will show you how he will act in the future when you again disagree with him about something.

What motivates a man’s aggression?

Many stories have been told about violent acts by men. A man beats his wife or children. He sexually assaults strange women. He arranges physical showdowns during any quarrel. Where does so much aggression come from in the stronger sex?

Scientists conducted a study which found that the less masculine a man considers himself, the more aggressive he becomes. Uncertainty about one’s own masculinity leads to the desire to prove its presence through physically aggressive actions.

It is believed that a man is a strong being. His muscle mass exceeds that of a woman. He is stronger than a woman in terms of his physical parameters. Accordingly, men believe that they must prove their belonging to the stronger sex through force. That is why they are fond of various strength training activities and resort to strength whenever possible. A man shows his masculinity through force - this is what the representatives of the stronger sex believe, constantly resorting to forceful actions.

Does a man's physical strength define him? Yes, it does. But the less confident a man is, the more disgusting manifestations of his strength he resorts to. He beats those who are weaker than him - how courageous is that? Someone who cannot stand up for himself is of interest to a person who does not consider himself courageous. This can be seen in comparison with other men who are confident in their masculinity and never attack weaker and defenseless people.

What to do with the aggressor?

Does your loved one criticize you? It is not uncommon to find situations within a family where people treat each other as if they were their worst enemies. Children suffer humiliation from their parents. Spouses insult each other. This creates the atmosphere in relationships that causes many families to break up and children to run away from their own parents. What to do if you are in a relationship with an abuser?

In order not to react to the words of your family and loved ones, you should separate from them. Separation occurs at all levels where you are connected to them. This can be emotional dependence, especially if we are talking about a married couple. It could be a monetary dependency. Sometimes children are very dependent on their parents financially.

You should understand that it is this addiction that makes you suffer and be upset because of the behavior of a loved one. And your aggressor takes advantage of the fact that you depend on him for something, and therefore does not stop his attacks.

In a relationship where one of the partners resorts to insults and humiliation, it is impossible to change the situation until the second partner is ready to break the union. As long as you are afraid, try to prove something, defend your opinion, but feel your own powerlessness, the situation will not change. Only one thing can help here: your separation from the aggressor. If you depend on your spouse to provide you with money, you should start earning money yourself. In what you depend on, you need to find another source of obtaining this benefit. By doing this, you will show that if the aggressor continues to treat you poorly, you will break up with him because you are independent of him.

As long as you depend on your aggressor, he can do whatever he wants to you. Let's take an example from the work world, where subordinates may suffer bullying from their boss. Subordinates depend on the boss, who pays them money. But if subordinates find another job where they earn the same or even more money, then the boss, who has lost qualified workers, will reconsider his behavior.

Bottom line

While you are dependent, the aggressor takes advantage of your helplessness and does whatever he wants. But when you show that you can live without him, then he is able to reconsider his behavior towards you. And other methods, such as persuasion, conversations, contracts, will not help in the end. This will only give a temporary effect, which will quickly turn into further humiliation and insults directed at you.

In most cases, the causes of nervousness, irritability and bad mood are accumulated fatigue after a working day or some everyday problems. But if negativity spills out very often and for any reason, then this may indicate a mental disorder that needs to be treated. Of course, it is very difficult to live under the weight of a bad mood all the time. And in order to counteract this condition, the main causes of constant nervousness should be determined.

Causes and symptoms of irritability

There are physiological and psychological reasons for frequent grumpiness and sometimes rudeness. In the first case, increased irritability is caused by any chronic diseases, mainly of the digestive organs or endocrine system. Representatives of the fairer sex are more susceptible to physiological nervousness when hormonal changes occur in the body during pregnancy or premenstrual syndrome.

The result of increased psychological irritability is chronic lack of sleep, constant overwork, depression and, of course, stress. A man is often dissatisfied with himself, and accordingly, he is irritated by the people around him. Also, the cause of increased nervousness can be a lot of noise from neighbors: daily parties, ongoing renovations, very loud TV sound. People usually try to restrain their irritation, but at one point, the long-accumulated negativity spills out. The result is a nervous breakdown, scandal, mutual insults. Sometimes a person accumulates anger for years, then this condition develops into an advanced form and is very difficult to cure.

Irritability, bad mood and nervousness are usually accompanied by general weakness, fatigue, fatigue, excessive drowsiness or, conversely, insomnia. Very rarely, an irritated person becomes tearful, a feeling of apathy and anxiety arises, most often anger, rage and unmotivated aggression predominate. The main signs of an irritated state can be called: sudden movements, a shrill loud voice and frequently repeated movements - tapping fingers, swinging a leg, continuous walking from side to side. In this way, people try to relieve emotional stress and put their mental balance in order. Nervousness often causes a decrease in sexual activity and loss of interest in any activity. Irritability outbursts manifest differently in different people. Sometimes a person is boiling inside, but he doesn’t show it outwardly. And in some cases, attacks of anger manifest themselves with the use of physical force, damage to property, and moral humiliation. There is no protection against sudden outbursts of irritation and aggression. Human aggression can be directed both at a random passerby and at the person who caused it.

More recently, medicine has become aware of a new disease - male irritability syndrome (MIS). Nervousness and irritability in men mainly occur during menopause due to the fact that the body produces little testosterone. Due to a lack of testosterone, representatives of the stronger sex become more irritable and aggressive, and at the same time they are worried about fatigue and drowsiness. In addition, irritability is further increased due to the large amount of work and the fear of developing impotence, which will have to be treated. During menopause, it is advisable for men to include foods containing protein in their diet. Sleep should be complete (7-8 hours), and the patient and caring attitude of loved ones is especially necessary.

How to get rid of irritability

In no case should you take increased irritability lightly, attributing its presence to character traits or difficult living conditions. It may indicate some kind of disease. If this problem is not treated, then in the future it can lead to depletion of the nervous system, the development of neurosis and other complications. If irritability occurs for more than a week without any apparent reason, you should immediately consult a neurologist. If necessary, he will refer the patient to a therapist, psychologist or psychiatrist.

Psychologists recommend not focusing on negative emotions, learn to switch to thoughts that are pleasant for you. You should not isolate yourself; it is better to tell about troubles to a person you trust. Try to control outbursts of anger. You can count to ten in your head; such a pause will help you cope with your emotions. You should not strive for unattainable ideals, because it is impossible to be perfect in everything. It is advisable to further increase your physical activity, this will help cope with anger and irritation. Always try to get enough sleep; the body needs 7-8 hours of good sleep to recover. With increased irritability and overwork, even a short week-long vacation will be of great benefit.

In some cases, irritability and aggression are treated with medications, but only as prescribed by a doctor. If the cause of the problem is a mental illness (for example, depression), then antidepressant drugs are prescribed: Prozac, Fluoxetine or Amitriptyline. They improve the patient's mood, thus reducing irritability. With this problem, special attention is paid to normalizing men’s sleep. For this purpose, sleeping pills and sedatives (tranquilizers) are prescribed. If sleep is fine, but an anxious state is observed, then the patient is prescribed sedatives that do not cause drowsiness. If irritability is the result of stressful situations in the patient’s life, then mild herbal or homeopathic anti-stress medications are prescribed, for example, Notta, Adaptol, Novo-Passit and others.

Traditional medicine methods are often used to combat irritability. Medicinal herbs in the form of tinctures and decoctions (valerian, borage, motherwort, coriander), as well as in the form of medicinal baths, are very helpful. For excessive aggression and irritability, traditional healers advise ingesting spice powders of cloves, cumin or cardamom. A very effective remedy is a mixture of honey with chopped walnuts, almonds, lemon and prunes. This tasty medicine is a real storehouse of microelements and has a mild anti-stress effect.

However, folk remedies cannot be used in cases of mental illness. Hot baths, for example, can trigger an exacerbation of schizophrenia. Such treatment is possible only with the permission of a doctor.

Irritability - manifestations, causes, treatment methods, advice from a psychologist


Manifestations of irritability


  • psychological;
  • physiological;
  • genetic;
  • various diseases.

Psychological reasons are overwork, chronic lack of sleep, fear, anxiety, stressful situation, drug addiction, addiction to nicotine and alcohol.

Genetic causes – inherited increased excitability of the nervous system. In this case, irritability is a character trait.

Irritability in women

Irritability during pregnancy

Irritability after childbirth

PMS (premenstrual syndrome)


Irritability in men

Irritability in children

1. Psychological (desire to attract attention, resentment at the actions of adults or peers, indignation at the prohibitions of adults, etc.).

2. Physiological (feelings of hunger or thirst, fatigue, desire to sleep).

  • perinatal encephalopathy (brain damage during pregnancy or childbirth);
  • allergic diseases;
  • infectious diseases (flu, ARVI, “childhood” infections);
  • individual intolerance to certain products;
  • psychiatric diseases.

If, with proper upbringing, irritability caused by psychological and physiological reasons softens by about five years, then a genetically determined hot-tempered, irritable character can remain in the child for life. And diseases accompanied by irritability must be treated by a medical specialist (neurologist, allergist, infectious disease specialist, psychiatrist).

2. Don’t keep troubles to yourself; tell about them to a person you trust.

3. If you are prone to outbursts of anger, learn to restrain yourself, at least for a short time (count to ten in your head). This short pause will help you deal with your emotions.

4. Learn to give in to other people.

5. Don’t strive for unattainable ideals; understand: it’s simply impossible to be perfect in everything.

6. Increase your physical activity: this will help cope with anger and irritation.

7. Try to find an opportunity in the middle of the day to rest and relax for at least a quarter of an hour.

8. Take up auto-training.

9. Avoid lack of sleep: to restore strength, the body needs 7-8 hours of sleep.

10. With overwork and increased irritability, even a short (week-long) vacation away from all worries will be of great benefit.

Drug treatment

Traditional medicine

A mixture of honey with chopped walnuts, almonds, lemon and prunes is considered a useful remedy. This tasty medicine is a source of microelements and has a mild anti-stress effect.

What to do with attacks of aggression in men

Negative emotions and attacks of aggression occur to everyone from time to time, but while most of us prefer to restrain ourselves, some people cannot restrain themselves and experience uncontrollable attacks of aggression. Aggression in men and women today is generally frowned upon. But the number of people who are unable to cope with their emotions is not getting smaller, and their families and close people suffer from attacks of aggression in men - it is on them that most of the negative emotions “spill out”. What to do with irritability and aggression in men and is it possible to cope with this problem on your own?

Causes of aggression in men

Aggressive behavior is considered more characteristic of males. This is explained both by the action of hormones and by social factors, as well as by upbringing. Some men continue to consider it a variant of the norm, not realizing that aggressive behavior not only spoils their relationship with others, but also negatively affects their own well-being.

It is customary to distinguish between “positive” or benign aggression - in the form of defensive reactions, courage or sporting achievements - and negative or malignant aggression, characteristic only of humans. Under the influence of such aggression, a person commits destructive, sharply negative actions that are not approved by society.

There are many types of attacks of aggression in men, the reasons for their occurrence can also be different:

  • Diseases of the internal organs - acute and chronic diseases of the internal organs, accompanied by pain and other symptoms, often cause irritability and aggression in men. Especially if such patients are not treated and hide their condition from others.
  • Hormonal imbalance - the level of aggressiveness depends on the concentration of testosterone and some other hormones in the blood. Hormonal imbalance can be caused by thyrotoxicosis, diseases of the pancreas, adrenal glands and other glands.
  • Neurological diseases and injuries - increased intracranial pressure, injuries and other pathologies of the nervous system can cause aggressive behavior.
  • Personality disorder - unmotivated aggression may indicate serious mental problems; there are many psychopathy, one of the main signs of which is the aggressiveness of the patient.
  • Psychological trauma - too strict upbringing, experiences of violence and aggression in childhood often provoke outbursts of aggression in men in adulthood.
  • Stress - negative experiences, irritation, personal failures and other problems cause hidden or obvious irritation, which easily turns into aggression.
  • Overfatigue - excessive physical and neuropsychic stress causes exhaustion of the nervous system, loss of control over one’s feelings and behavior.
  • Use of alcohol and psychoactive substances - under the influence of these substances, a person’s character and attitude change. If it is impossible to obtain a new dose of a psychoactive substance or during a period of abstinence, a person’s aggressiveness increases several times, and restraining motives (social, moral) cease to have their influence.
  • Features of character and upbringing - sometimes aggressiveness can be a character trait or the result of improper upbringing. In such cases, manifestations of aggression can only be dealt with through self-control and learning other ways to resolve conflicts.

Male aggression can be different. There are several main types of aggressive behavior.

Active aggression - negative emotions “splash out” in the form of destructive actions, words or behavior. Active aggression, in turn, is divided into physical, verbal, and expressive.

  • Physical – when a person uses his strength to cause harm or destruction.
  • Verbal or verbal - negative emotions are manifested by shouting, swearing, and cursing.
  • Expressive – expressed by non-verbal means of communication: facial expressions, gestures, intonation.

Auto-aggression - aggressive actions directed at oneself. In this state, people can cause real harm to themselves and cause physical injury.

Passive or hidden - this type of aggression is typical for family relationships. Not wanting to enter into an open conflict, people ignore requests made to them and do not complete the assigned work. Passive aggression in men is considered a socially acceptable form of relationship. But often, people who do not give themselves the opportunity to openly express their experiences “accumulate” negative emotions, which can lead to an explosion.

The most common types of aggression in men are family, alcohol and drug abuse. An aggressive man in the modern world can rarely find a socially acceptable outlet for his feelings, therefore, his aggression manifests itself in family and personal relationships, as well as when “disinhibiting” emotions after taking alcoholic beverages or drugs.

Family is the most common type of aggression. A husband's aggression can be expressed both in physical actions and in moral violence, constant nagging or passive failure to fulfill the duties of a husband and father. The causes of family aggression in men can be different: misunderstanding and stressful situations, jealousy, financial or domestic problems, as well as disturbances in sexual life or neglect of household responsibilities.

Alcohol and drug aggression - the toxic effect of alcohol and drugs on the brain causes the death of nerve cells and reduces a person’s ability to adequately perceive the situation. Disinhibition of instincts leads to the fact that a person stops following generally accepted norms of behavior and returns to the “primitive” state.


Aggressive men rarely seek help themselves; usually, the wives of aggressors ask how to deal with their husband’s aggression.

There are a lot of ways to deal with aggression, but the most important thing is a person’s understanding and desire to cope with his character. It is impossible to help a domestic tyrant who takes pleasure in intimidating his family. Such a person does not see a problem in his behavior and does not want to change anything.

When communicating with such people or when interacting with aggressive people whom you do not intend to help, you should follow the following rules:

  • No Contact – Avoid any conversation, communication or any interaction with such people.
  • Do not answer questions and do not give in to provocations - this is the most important thing when dealing with family aggressors. No matter how difficult it may be, you need not to succumb to various methods of provocation and remain calm.
  • Asking for help is important not to be shy and not to become dependent on the aggressor. Seeking help helps avoid further aggression.

You can cope with attacks of aggression on your own using the following techniques:

  • Control over your behavior - you need to know what situations or factors can cause aggression and avoid such situations or find other ways to solve the problem.
  • The ability to relax - the ability to switch and relieve nervous tension helps reduce aggression.
  • Breathing exercises or physical exercises – a good way to deal with aggression is to do a few exercises or “breathe” through emotions.
  • Sedatives - herbal preparations help cope with irritability, improve sleep and reduce aggression.

Regular attacks of aggression are a reason to consult a neurologist, endocrinologist and therapist. Only after excluding endocrine and neurological diseases can treatment of aggression begin. It is equally important to establish a daily routine, reduce physical and mental stress and devote time to sports and walks in the fresh air every day.

What are the reasons for constant irritability and aggression in men?

Irritability and aggression are those affects that always cause harm to people around them, mainly to loved ones. This can be both physical and moral impact. Those around him suffer, and the person himself, who cannot restrain himself, suffers.

It is believed that aggressive behavior is more characteristic of men. This is not entirely true; aggression comes in different forms. Men are more prone to direct aggression, expressed in physical actions. This does not necessarily mean beating someone, it can be threats, shouting, sudden movements, or destruction of objects. But there is also indirect, hidden, verbal aggression, which is more characteristic of women (gossip, slander, slander, veiled humiliation).

Male irritability syndrome - a new diagnosis?

The topic of aggression, violence, and incontinence in men has been very relevant lately. Recently, a term such as Male Irritability Syndrome (MIS) has appeared and is being widely discussed on the Internet.

There is no exact definition of this syndrome, just as it is not included in the ICD classification of diseases. Probably, it was originally invented as an analogy with menopause in women: in men, also at a certain age (after 40 years), the production of the sex hormone begins to decrease. And indeed, during this period, changes in mood and behavior occur.

But if we now type “male irritability syndrome” into the search, we can see that absolutely any episodes of “bad” male behavior at any age are dumped there, and all this is explained by testosterone.

On the one hand, it's easier. On the other hand, it’s a shame for men. They are presented as absolutely primitive creatures. Although our behavior originates from animal instincts, so many things are layered on them: upbringing, culture, education, awareness of our role in society, the ability to control ourselves. In addition, our nervous system is a very complex thing, and is regulated not only by testosterone.

In the end, there are various diseases, both somatic and mental, that need to be treated, and not hidden behind a non-existent syndrome.

The most likely causes of male irritability

It is impossible to analyze absolutely all the causes of irritability and aggression in men in one article. We will indicate the most likely reasons and the most general recommendations.

Natural type of temperament

Everyone knows four types of temperament: phlegmatic, sanguine, melancholic and choleric. The most excitable type is, of course, choleric. He is quick-tempered and impulsive, reacts to the situation very quickly, without thinking, sometimes quite violently.

At the same time, melancholic people can be irritated by fuss and the need to make quick decisions.

Natural temperament cannot be changed; the only way out is self-education. Automotive training, yoga classes, and various relaxation methods will help with this. A very effective tip: if you want to “explode,” take a deep breath and count to 10.

Physiological hormonal disorders

The level of male sex hormone really affects mental stability. Testosterone is the hormone that makes a man a man: it ensures the formation of genital organs, secondary sexual characteristics, stimulates muscle growth, sexual arousal, and sperm production.

Testosterone levels also affect mental processes in the brain. When testosterone levels decrease, a man becomes irritable, quickly gets tired, and outbursts of anger are possible. The level of testosterone production is influenced by various factors; its wide fluctuations throughout the day are known.

Its natural decrease is observed during the andropause period (postnatal age). In addition to changes in behavior, other signs will be noticeable: weight gain, decreased sex drive, decreased muscle strength.

Testosterone treatment is prescribed only in severe cases. And so you can establish its production using non-drug methods. The main thing is to switch to an absolutely healthy lifestyle with sufficient physical activity, eliminating bad habits. Review the medications you are using; some of them may affect testosterone production.

Biochemical changes in the brain

This is primarily a decrease in serotonin levels. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter. It is responsible for many processes in the body, including mood. It is known that in a bad mood the level of serotonin is reduced, and in a good mood it is increased.

The mechanism of regulation of this hormone in the body is not fully understood. But two natural factors are reliably known to increase serotonin levels in the brain: sunlight and carbohydrate foods. A man is angry when he is hungry - this is a lack of serotonin. Addictions (nicotine, alcohol, drugs) are also mainly serotonin.

In addition, it is necessary to strive for positive emotions. In the serotonin-mood relationship, it is not clear enough what is the cause and what is the effect.

A long-term and persistent decrease in serotonin levels in the brain can lead to depression. And this is already a reason to contact a psychiatrist.

No one measures serotonin levels routinely. Intuitively, you need to strive for those activities that will improve your mood: sports, a good movie (comedy), your favorite music, sex, communication with people you like. More walks in the sun, more light in general. Eat on time to avoid severe hunger. The diet should be rich in carbohydrates, but you need to remember that fast carbohydrates in large quantities can cause addiction to sweets. Alcohol is allowed in very moderate quantities.

Increased stress levels

We all know what stress is. For many, it is synonymous with change and anxiety. All that makes us worry is stress. At the same time, the level of stress hormones in the body increases - cortisol, catecholamines and others. These are the hormones that historically caused our bodies to run and escape from danger.

Nowadays, stress is not hunger, cold or wild animals; there is no need to run anywhere. Stress is overwork, public transport, traffic jams, inadequate management. Stress can also be attributed to the discrepancy between our capabilities and our desires. For men, this often means the loss of their role as a “leader”, provider, failure in their personal and intimate life.

You won't be able to avoid stress at all. You need to learn to relieve constant internal irritation. This is relaxation, good sleep, walks, sports, favorite music, light film, sex, hobbies. During vacation, it is better to go away and change the environment.

Asthenia, irritable weakness syndrome

According to WHO forecasts, asthenia and depression will take second place after cardiovascular diseases by 2020. Irritable weakness syndrome is a special type of asthenia. It is characterized by a combination of increased excitability, irritability with weakness and fatigue. In such individuals, short outbursts of anger are replaced by a sharp exhaustion of emotions or tears, a quickly flared-up interest by apathy, a rapid start to activity by a sharp drop in performance.

Such people are incapable of prolonged stress, get irritated over minor issues, are touchy, and picky. In addition to sudden changes in mood, they also experience somatic complaints: headache, heart pain, palpitations, sweating, gastrointestinal disorders.

Asthenia is already a diagnosis, and this is a reason for treatment by a psychotherapist or psychiatrist.

Somatic diseases

Some diseases are accompanied by hormonal disorders and, as a result, increased excitability and irritability. Most often these are diseases of the thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus, infectious diseases, pituitary and adrenal adenomas.

Any pain in the body also does not give peace of mind. Taking some painkillers can reduce testosterone production.

Therefore, if a man is not just irritable, but he has symptoms of a particular disease or pain, he needs to be examined and treated.

Mental illness

In addition to asthenia, incontinence, increased excitability, and aggressiveness can be symptoms of other mental or borderline diseases. We won’t list them here, let’s just say: you shouldn’t be afraid to turn to a psychotherapist or psychiatrist. If you realize that your condition does not quite fit into the framework of normal behavior and the people around you are suffering, then, in the language of psychiatrists, “criticism is preserved” and all this can be corrected with special drugs (not necessarily antipsychotics).

Reason to turn to specialists:

  • feeling of constant internal anxiety and tension;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • a frequent desire to cause physical harm to someone (to hit, beat);
  • vegetative reactions (panic attacks);
  • too long period of depression;
  • inability to perform one's usual work.

Irritability in men - what to do for women

From time immemorial, a man has had to be the breadwinner and protector. He takes responsibility for the entire family, ensuring safety and comfort. He solves problems at work and at home. The accumulation of a variety of tasks leads to stress, and increased irritability in men is often associated with fatigue from the burden of responsibility.

Men are from Mars, women are from Venus

Men and women are so different that it is difficult for them to understand each other. Everyone has their own reactions to the same situations. And the reasons for nervousness will also be different. What can cause irritability in men? The answer must be sought in the peculiarities of male psychology.

Causes of male irritability

Such an emotion as shame has a very strong impact on a man. A man is ashamed to appear weak, insolvent, unworthy. This emotion is inherent in nature and is experienced so strongly that it leads to the release of the stress hormone - cortisol, and even worsens physical well-being.

From childhood, boys are diligently raised to be real men. They instill that you need to be strong, that you shouldn’t cry, that you need to fight back to the offender. As a result, a man develops two behavioral strategies - attack or retreat.

Even in family life, a man will use exactly these strategies. Women have a completely different behavior by nature. A woman's most powerful emotion is fear. And the basis of a woman’s strategy is to look after others and ask for help. When a problem needs to be resolved, a woman turns to her man; this is natural for her. She simply says: “We need to talk about the problem,” and just from these words the man already produces cortisol and becomes physically ill. Then one of the strategies he is unconscious of turns on: he either attacks or retreats.

You haven't even gotten to the bottom of the issue yet, and the man begins to react aggressively? This increased irritability indicates that he has chosen an attack strategy. And it is not so important what issues you are discussing - moving or replacing curtains. He subconsciously perceives your very appeal as an accusation of his male insolvency.

If a man chooses a retreat strategy, he simply avoids conversation - he goes to his friends or sits down at the computer.

When a woman complains about harmful clients or an evil boss, for a man it all sounds like accusations against him. He feels responsible for his woman. He feels guilty that she is upset. He cannot solve the problem and this makes him feel ashamed and bad. And as a result, he again resorts to one of the usual strategies, leaving the woman perplexed. She cannot understand the reasons for his irritation and is offended, and this only aggravates the situation.

What women shouldn't do

Understanding the reasons for male aggressiveness is very important. Knowing what irritates a man, a woman will stop stepping on the same rake. We can generally distinguish two erroneous communication styles:

  1. Claims against a man. Any accusations release cortisol, and your man will simply attack in response. And it’s even more impossible to start a conversation with a complaint. This way you won't achieve anything at all. A man will not hear the essence of the problem itself, he will only hear your accusation.
  2. Generalizations. You should try to avoid them in any relationship. But especially when communicating with a man. Try to remove from your speech the phrases: “you never”, “you always”, “you always”.

It is also better to avoid you-statements themselves. And when discussing a specific situation, do not recall other negative examples with pedantic precision.

Weather at home - how to avoid thunderstorms

Having realized the reasons for male irritability and your main mistakes, you can move on to the next stage - establishing a dialogue. How to talk to a man about problems without causing his aggression?

The main reason for misunderstandings in the family is the desire to express all your emotions as quickly as possible. He wants to tell a woman everything at once. But in order for the dialogue to take place, you need to learn to slow down. You shouldn’t blurt out: “We need to talk,” it’s better to take a deep breath or even go into the next room for a while. You can discuss issues when the man is not busy, but is focused on another task - driving a car, helping prepare dinner.

Don't try to force him to look at you while talking. It is psychologically difficult for men to look a woman in the eyes for a long time. It's better to let his gaze be directed at something else.

When you see that your man is upset about something, there is no need to interrogate him. The reaction will be nothing but irritation and short temper. Again, it's best to slow down here. Remember Russian folk tales? “First feed me, give me something to drink, put me to sleep, and only then ask me questions,” - this is what the good fellows said. The formula for family well-being looks similar:

  1. Emotional adjustment. Show that you are there and support your man. You can just hug him without saying or asking anything.
  2. Start doing with him what he is good at. When a man can show off his talents in front of you, even if it's just chopping onions, he feels like a hero. And then he feels the closeness between you. In this state, the conversation will be calmer.

The essence of all techniques for building a dialogue is to slow down the reactions of our brain so as not to say too much. When you start making emotional adjustments, think about how dear your man is to you, how much you love him. Then the right words will appear on their own. You will voice your request or ask a question completely differently than you would have said in the heat of the moment. Then your man will be able to hear you, and he will no longer have to get annoyed in response to your questions.

Irritability syndrome in men

It is important to understand that sometimes increased irritability in a man can be caused by medical reasons. Male irritability syndrome (MIS) is a very real disease, it consists of a decrease in testosterone levels in the body. The causes of the disease can be hormonal changes, chronic fatigue, a lot of stress, lack of sleep, unhealthy diet, and menopause.

If, along with sudden irritability, your man experiences rapid fatigue and drowsiness, you need to consult a neurologist, because these symptoms may indicate the presence of a disease.

You cannot neglect your physical condition; this can lead to various complications. The doctor will make medical prescriptions, and the main recommendations will be good sleep, healthy eating and support from loved ones.

Nervousness and irritability

Today, for many people, nervousness and irritability have become constant companions of life. The ever-increasing pace of life, the pursuit of success, disrupted sleep and rest patterns, overwork and chronic diseases lead to the appearance of symptoms such as nervousness and irritability. Doctors recommend finding something you enjoy that will distract you. Many people, for example, are distracted by activities in the kitchen and cooking.

What causes nervousness and irritability?

Unpleasant conditions that color life black can be caused by various reasons, such as:

  1. mental state
  2. physiological diseases
  3. hereditary predisposition
  4. pain and injuries

Psychological causes of nervousness and irritability

The human psyche is a finely tuned mechanism for processing and receiving information, and its subsequent release both in behavioral patterns and in the ability of rational thinking. Therefore, the suppression of a favorable psychological state is influenced by such factors as:

  • insomnia – due to disruption of the sleep structure during the transition from receiving subconscious information to consciousness, serious psychological problems appear, which may be accompanied by symptoms such as aggression and irritability
  • fatigue - anger and irritability are often associated with it, due to exhaustion of the nervous system
  • anxiety and fear - they cause such defensive reactions of the psyche as aggression and irritability
  • Withdrawal is a psychological dependence on obtaining pleasure through the use of drugs and alcohol; withdrawal is necessarily accompanied by aggression and irritability, as well as anger.

Stress is the main reason that a person is subject to such negative emotions as anger and irritability. Constantly being in a borderline state between the norm and deviation, a person under stress can commit rather rash actions. Which he may not remember later, and even if he remembers, he will not be able to explain what caused the anger. This behavior is called inappropriate

Inappropriate behavior is when a person is under psychological pressure from any situation or drugs. For example, inadequacy may appear in a person from euphoria - extreme excitement of positive emotions. Or appear as a result of an extreme degree of negativity (threat, bullying, etc.), this is where emotions such as anger and irritability appear in a person. There is another third option for the occurrence of this condition - this is the use of psychotropic substances that also have a depressant effect on the nervous system and psyche; in this case, aggression and irritability are not uncommon.

Physiological diseases causing nervousness and irritability

Somatic diseases often cause nervousness and irritability due to negative effects on the brain and nervous system.

  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Diseases of the female genitourinary system
  • Male diseases
  • Infections

Symptoms such as nervousness and irritability are constant companions of all chronic diseases.

Hereditary predisposition to aggression and irritability

Often anger and irritability can be explained by heredity. But genetic disposition is not an independent cause. Of course, some aggressive behavior may be due to a character trait that is passed down from generation to generation in the same family. But it’s still worth getting to the bottom of the truth, because often relatives of one branch may suffer from hidden diseases or dysfunction of organs or body systems.

To be completely sure that anger and irritability are character traits, it is worth conducting a full examination of at least one family member. If a cause of anger other than character is identified, then most likely it will be found in other close relatives with a similar symptom.

If an examination is impossible for some reason, it is worth using another method to identify the cause of anger. To do this, several family members, close relatives of different ages, should keep a health diary for several months, two is enough. It must display all the symptoms, time of occurrence, daily routine, sleep and rest, as well as the daily menu. If there is a hidden reason for anger, then most likely it will be found by analyzing the diaries and looking for matches for each subject.

Pain and injury as a cause of nervousness

Constantly arising discomfort or pain keeps the body's nervous system in tension. A person becomes irritable, and along with pain, as a result, he begins to be bothered by anxiety and fear. Especially if a person does not know why something hurts.

Causes nervousness and irritability:

  • Headache
  • Toothache
  • Pain at the site of injury
  • There is also psychosomatic pain at the site of a removed organ or limb - phantom pain

Agree, if you constantly have pain somewhere, itching and itching, you don’t want to smile at all.

Causes of anger and irritation in women

Women's anger and irritability are associated with the peculiarities of the reproductive and hormonal systems. Constant surges of hormones entail changes in the nervous system, the quality and structure of sleep, and the production of endorphin (the hormone of joy). All this happens during important periods for a woman.


About a couple of days before the start of menstruation, a woman begins to actively produce the hormone progesterone. The hormone is responsible for the formation of eggs. When its level begins to exceed normal, a woman during this period feels:

  • Anger and irritability
  • Nervousness
  • Weakness
  • Drowsiness
  • Lack of or increased appetite
  • Sometimes increased sexual desire

In order to alleviate symptoms during this period, you can take sedatives of plant origin, herbal soothing decoctions and infusions, and procedures.

Warm baths have a calming effect, but you can take them no more than 15 minutes a day. Massage in the abdomen and groin area also helps. If there is sexual dissatisfaction, there is no indication for stopping sex during menstruation. If this allows you to relieve symptoms such as aggression and irritability, then it is best not to deny yourself this desire.


In the first trimester of pregnancy, immediately after conception, hormonal changes occur in a woman’s body. Some hormones are replaced by others, and as a result, a woman often experiences insomnia during this period, causing nervousness and irritability.

  • Failure in the production of the sleep hormone - melanin
  • Concerns about future motherhood and the health of the child
  • Nightmares
  • Frequent urge to go to the toilet
  • Heartburn
  • Toxicosis

During this period, a woman needs the care and attention of loved ones. In order to be sure of the normal course of pregnancy, you need to register with the antenatal clinic. Where the obstetrician-gynecologist will conduct all the necessary tests and examinations and tell you in detail how the pregnancy is going. The doctor will also give advice on insomnia and nervousness.

It is almost impossible to avoid frequent urges to go to the toilet, because a heavier child puts pressure on the bladder, sharply reducing its volume. In this case, you can reduce the number of nightly visits to the toilet only by reducing the amount of liquid you drink at night. And to improve your sleep, you can drink a glass of warm milk at night; this proven remedy will help you fall asleep faster and sleep soundly throughout the night.

You can treat heartburn during pregnancy by taking calcium tablets or dairy products; the same glass of milk will help “put out the fire” in the stomach.

Toxicosis is a dangerous condition during pregnancy, which, in general, should not occur in women during pregnancy. But today toxicosis is considered almost the norm. You should not rely on these speculations; you need to consult a doctor and alleviate this condition. Since toxicosis seriously prevents the child from receiving the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Postpartum period

At the time of childbirth and after it, the female body undergoes another hormonal change. The maternal hormones oxytacin and prolactin, which are responsible for breastfeeding, begin to be actively produced. During this period, a woman may show emotions such as aggression and irritability towards others.

By directing all attention to the newborn, the maternal instinct is subconsciously activated, which considers everyone a potential danger to the baby. The woman does not realize this and acts, unconsciously taking out her anger on others.

Sleep disturbance adds additional fuel to the fire of irritation. In the first months, the little person does not sleep all night and wakes up every few hours to feed or because of dampness. Also, the baby may suffer from colic, and at night the mother becomes unable to sleep.

During this period, the woman needs to be supported by distributing responsibilities for feeding, changing diapers and rocking to sleep among all family members, so that the young mother can rest, sleep and come to her senses.


Over time, a woman's reproductive system weakens, progesterone levels drop and the woman enters menopause. This event is difficult both from a physiological and psychological point of view.

From the physiological side, a woman’s body is subjected to such tests as:

  1. hypertension
  2. tides
  3. sweating
  4. decreased physical activity
  5. insomnia
  6. fatigue
  7. weakness
  8. dryness of the vaginal mucosa
  9. occurrence of chronic diseases

The physiological components of menopause have a negative impact on a woman’s psyche, appearing:

  • nervousness and irritability
  • mood swings
  • prostration

Taking sleeping pills, sedatives of herbal origin, and drugs that maintain hormone levels in the body can help cope with such conditions as nervousness and irritability.

Also, a woman during menopause should not be exposed to stress and negative emotions. Massage helps to relax and bring all systems back to normal. Several procedures per week will not only relieve the physiological symptoms of menopause, but will also have a beneficial effect on the psyche.

Nervousness and irritability in men

Men are more likely than others to suffer from nervousness because they are naturally designed to be more aggressive than women. Moreover, in addition to their natural inclination, men are more likely to experience stress and, as a result, aggression and irritability appear.

Stressful situations force a man to activate his natural instincts and show aggression for protection. As a result of stress, men experience complications such as depression, anger, and fussiness.

More recently, scientists have determined that the stronger half of humanity experiences the same menopause as women. Over time, the hormone testosterone, which is responsible for male reproductive function, ceases to be produced. A decrease in testosterone levels entails:

  • fatigue
  • emotionality
  • anger and irritability
  • diseases
  • hypertension
  • impotence
  • insomnia

A man can be helped during menopause by taking medications that increase hormone levels in the body, sleeping pills, and sedatives. Physiotherapeutic treatment, going to the pool, and playing sports also worked well.

Aggression and irritability in children

Children often show aggression and irritability due to a lack of behavioral experience in communication. Everything new causes them fear and anxiety and, presumably, irritability. But at the same time, they adapt to changed conditions faster than adults and adapt to them more easily.

  • In the first year of life, irritability is often caused by a speech crisis. The baby begins to master the kingdom of sounds and this scares him a little. A simple show of attention to his efforts to pronounce the first word can help.
  • In the third year, the baby is already faced with self-awareness in the world around him. The “I myself” period begins, at this time it is necessary to support his desire for independence and not interfere with his development.
  • At seven years old it is time to go to school, the period of carefree childhood ends, the first responsibilities and mistakes appear, and this can lead to aggression and irritability. It is necessary to help the child during this period, but under no circumstances fulfill responsibilities for him in an attempt to prolong childhood.
  • The next crisis age occurs in a child during adolescence. Everything that is possible is collected here: hormonal changes in the body, opposition to society, first sexual experience, and growing up associated with all this.

The essence of the manifestation of unmotivated aggression

Unmotivated aggression can arise as a result of a strong shock or a critical situation. However, this symptom may appear out of nowhere, which should alert a person. Unmotivated aggression for no particular reason may indicate the presence of a serious illness.

Aggression as a symptom of a disease

The appearance of unmotivated aggression occurs as a result of certain diseases. These include:

  • hyperthyroidism;
  • excess weight;
  • neurological disorders;
  • personality disorders;
  • injuries;
  • malignant neoplasms.

Hyperthyroidism. Increased irritability for no particular reason may indicate problems with hormonal levels. Often this symptom develops in women. Affected people may feel hungry but remain thin. Excessive food consumption does not affect your figure in any way. The disease can be recognized by nervousness, high activity, red skin and excessive sweating.

Excess weight. Fat deposits can provoke the production of estrogen. As a result, there is a negative impact on the psyche, both in women and men. It is enough to get rid of extra pounds - and the unpleasant symptom will go away by itself.

Neurological disorders. Aggression can be a symptom of serious illnesses and can lead to Alzheimer's disease. A person gradually loses interest in life and withdraws into himself. In this case, excessive aggressiveness and memory problems are noted. This symptomatology is a serious reason to consult a doctor.

Personality disorders. Unmotivated aggression can be a sign of serious mental problems and even schizophrenia. Most schizophrenics live normal lives, presenting no danger to others. During periods of exacerbation, their aggressiveness increases, which requires psychiatric treatment. Trauma and malignant neoplasms. Mental excitability can be caused by brain damage. Rage and high activity may give way to apathy. All this indicates a serious injury or tumor process.

Often the causes of aggression are hidden in sociopathy, stress disorder or alcohol addiction. The first condition is a character anomaly. A person does not need the company of other people, moreover, he is afraid of them. This is a congenital problem associated with the inferiority of the nervous system. Stress disorder creates a hostile attitude towards others. This happens if a person is constantly in the midst of unpleasant situations. An aggressive state is also typical for people suffering from alcoholism.

Aggression in men

Unmotivated aggression among representatives of the stronger half can occur due to physiological and psychological characteristics. Increased irritability may indicate chronic diseases, in particular damage to the endocrine system. Nervousness is caused by constant conflicts and stressful situations.

Attacks of aggression can occur due to grumpiness and rudeness. Psychological nervousness can appear as a result of constant lack of sleep, hormonal changes, overwork or depression. The man is dissatisfied with himself and takes his anger out on others. Aggression can also be motivated, namely, associated with noisy neighbors, loud music or TV.

Sometimes even the most non-conflict people lose their temper and take out their anger on others. This is often due to the fact that a person has been accumulating negative emotions for years and simply does not give them a way out. Over time, patience runs out and aggression comes out for no apparent reason. Sometimes one negative sign is enough for a symptom to appear. This could be a loud voice or a sudden movement. The person breaks down instantly and is unable to control himself. It is necessary to monitor your own condition and try to stop aggression in time.

Aggression in women

The main reason for aggression in women is misunderstanding and powerlessness. This happens when a representative of the fair sex is unable to express herself without the support of others. The absence of a specific plan of action causes an emotional explosion.

Aggression is not dangerous in all cases. Sometimes this is the only way to throw out emotions to activate new strength and energy. However, you should not resort to this all the time. Aggression is a positive phenomenon, but only if it is aimed at solving a specific problem. If this condition is constant and does not bring any relief, family members and relatives fall under the negative influence. In this case, aggression indicates chronic fatigue and can appear as a result of constant noise, an influx of negative emotions and minor troubles. If you do not learn to deal with this condition, there is a risk of developing constant aggression. This entails dissatisfaction with one's own life. As a result, not only the woman herself suffers, but also the people around her.

Motivated aggression can be caused by diseases, lack of communication and constant noise. Often a woman is susceptible to this condition while raising a child. She has a lack of communication and opportunities for self-expression. All these conditions need to be controlled.

Aggression in children and adolescents

The cause of unmotivated aggression in children can even be the upbringing of parents. Excessive care or, on the contrary, its absence instills certain thoughts and emotions in the child. Dealing with this condition is not so easy, since in adolescence everything is perceived most acutely.

Aggression is based on gender differences in children. Thus, boys reach a special peak of aggressiveness as they age. For girls, this period begins earlier, at 11 and 13. Aggression can arise as a result of not getting what they want or out of the blue. At this age, children believe that they are right, but their parents do not understand them. The result is aggressiveness, isolation and constant irritability. You shouldn’t put pressure on your child, but waiting until everything goes away on its own is also dangerous.

There are several main reasons why childhood aggression can develop. These include:

  • indifference or hostility on the part of parents;
  • loss of emotional connection with loved ones;
  • lack of respect for the child's needs;
  • excess or lack of attention;
  • denial of free space;
  • lack of opportunities for self-realization.

All this indicates that parents themselves are capable of creating the cause of aggression. The formation of character and personal qualities is carried out in childhood. Lack of proper upbringing is the first path to aggression. In some cases, specialized treatment is required aimed at suppressing negative emotions.

How to deal with aggression

The first step is to reconsider your own life and, if possible, slow down its pace. A person constantly needs quality rest. Its absence and high loads provoke the risk of developing aggression. A person needs to learn to avoid stressful situations. You need to engage in introspection, understand what exactly causes negative emotions, and try to find a way out of the situation.

To control your own anger, you need to get enough sleep. Frequent lack of sleep provokes negative emotions in a person. It is advisable to drink soothing teas before bed; they promote relaxation. If you ignore irritability and do not seek the help of quality treatment, there is a risk of developing psychological problems and diseases. A feature of attacks of aggression is their sudden appearance and disappearance.

Usually, after an outburst of negative emotions, a person is tormented by a feeling of guilt and becomes depressed.

Therefore, it is important to control your own emotions and not bring aggression to its climax. However, it is also not recommended to constantly accumulate it; someday your patience will run out. And the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases is too great. You need to learn to control your own emotions. Finally, sedatives will come to the rescue. It is enough to take the course and life will become much easier. However, a specialist must select high-quality treatment.

Psychologists say that men are more susceptible to fears than women. They are also more susceptible to the need to hide these fears. To be afraid is not like a man; to be afraid means to be weak. A man in his life faces an urgent need to mask his self-doubt and his weakness. One of the many veils behind which a man hides is aggression. Men by nature are more afraid than women, and, accordingly, react to their fear with greater aggression. However male aggression is caused not only by fear, but also by the more responsible social role that a man bears. Already in the natural world, the greater aggressiveness of males is associated with his dominant position in relation to the female and his role in the preservation of the species.

From a biological point of view, aggression has many functions: self-affirmation, obtaining food, protecting one’s territory, social dominance. Dominance in any hierarchical social structure is, from a biological point of view, very important.

Almost everything we think of as behavior inherited from animals is a response to a specific stimulus. What could be an external stimulus, the response to which is a genetically programmed reaction of aggression? Aggression is a natural, programmed response to threat. Any threat causes fear, and fear causes flight or aggression. Without the very close coupling of readiness to escape and aggression, many actions would end in death. In nature, deadly fights among animals of the same species or closely related species occur very rarely. Male aggression As a reaction to fear and self-defense, it came out of the biological animal basis of man.

Men react more receptively to fear-inducing stimuli; they are more sensitive to them. Reply male aggression must be fast and intense, only then will it be effective in a biological sense. If its manifestation is preceded by a “long run-up”, reliable protection will not be provided. If there is a threat to which an aggressive reaction is genetically programmed, then this threat should be perceived as the most powerful stimulus, since its perception ensures the manifestation of an aggressive reaction in full.

The fact that men have different strategies than women when they feel fear is almost as clear as the fact that their potential for aggression is higher. Their methods of avoiding fear are diametrically different from those used by women. The upbringing that boys still receive today leads to the emergence of sources of fear of women. Clearly, boys are traumatized by having to hide their fears. The phrase that separates the two sexes (“You’re a boy...”) never leaves the children’s room. It is childhood upbringing that is responsible for much of the suffering of future men, because fathers, mothers and other adults decisively determine the worldview of their children and their attitude towards the other sex until the children become adults.

It is a truism that people are brought up exactly the way they become. If the result does not always correspond to desires, then it is often possible to trace how the interaction occurs between the influence of parents and the reaction of children to it. Often, when a dog begs near the table, it is scolded, but with gentle intonations in the voice, and then it still gets its tidbit. Sorry for the comparison, but few people know that this is how children are raised.

A mother and father who are touched by the wildness of their three-year-old child, who throws a flower vase on the floor or throws food around the kitchen, and perhaps does not even take it seriously, will be irritated several years later by the obvious aggressive actions of their child. In education, there are many ways to direct cases of negative manifestations of masculine qualities onto the right path. Both private bad habits and the general role image have equal social consequences. A boy may be overcome by fear for very specific reasons, and as he grows up, he learns to hide this fear. At this time, he develops a feeling of expectation of a woman, and also, possibly, a fear of her. Before school, he creates an image of a young woman, the prototype of which is the girls around him. The image of adult women is based on the mother, neighbors or aunts, and the image of adult men is based on the father, neighbors or male relatives. And finally, the image of a little man - from himself.



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