White tiger ointment. Balms and ointments from Thailand: application and beneficial properties

Many of us, as soon as we feel unwell, immediately rush to the pharmacy in order to somehow alleviate the condition. However, few people think that by swallowing a “magic” pill, we cause irreparable harm to the body. The main problem lies in the fact that almost all drugs are of chemical origin with all the ensuing consequences. But, unfortunately, we have long become accustomed to this state of affairs. The same cannot be said about the Vietnamese, who have been using the gifts of nature for healing purposes for many centuries. From generation to generation they pass on miraculous recipes for ointments, decoctions and infusions based on medicinal plants.

The “White Tiger” balm, which is truly a folk remedy for the treatment of many ailments, has received great recognition and respect throughout the world.

About the balm

An ointment preparation called “White Tiger” is produced by the famous Vietnamese pharmaceutical laboratory “Bao Linh”. Since it is based on traditional ancient recipes, the White Tiger balm has an exclusively natural composition in the form of medicinal plant extracts.

The cream-balm, thanks to its effective herbal composition, has a high therapeutic effect: it improves local blood circulation, dilates superficial vessels and warms the tissues, and has a local analgesic effect. Most often, the remedy is used to eliminate joint, muscle and headache pain.

The effect of the balm is achieved through pinpoint stimulation of biologically active points that are located on the surface of the skin.

Compared to numerous synthetic drugs, White Tiger balm is safe for human health, has proven high efficiency, natural composition and an affordable price. The low cost is due to the fact that all the medicinal components of the balm grow in Vietnam, and the production process is completely simple and low-cost.

The product has a pleasant smell and comes in a convenient 20 gram transparent glass jar. It is used quite economically, so one package is enough for almost 500 spot applications.

What's in it

What active ingredients does White Tiger balm contain? The instructions for the medicinal product indicate the following composition:

  • camphor oil;
  • Eucalyptus oil;
  • ethereal;
  • cinnamon oil;
  • clove oil;
  • menthol (alcohol solution);
  • Methyl salicylate.

What cures

The healing properties of the balm are as follows:

Has a local analgesic effect;

Improves blood circulation;

Produces a therapeutic warming effect;

Protects against hypothermia.

The most effective treatment results can be obtained by using the acupressure technique. In this way, it is possible to reduce pain, reduce nervous and muscle tension, balance energy balance, increase blood circulation, regulate blood supply to tissues and the functioning of endocrine organs, excite or calm (depending on the method of influence) the autonomic nervous system.

Thanks to the manufacturing features of the balm, its active ingredients are able to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin when applied and rubbed. Conducted studies have proven high therapeutic effectiveness in the treatment of various ailments.

The White Tiger balm provides significant assistance to:

For neurological back problems (sciatica, lumbago);

For muscle and joint pain;

For arthritis;

For post-traumatic syndrome;

For insect bites.

Through its impact on special points, the product has shown high effectiveness for toothache and headaches, colds and gastrointestinal disorders.

An important advantage of the balm is that after time its healing effect is not lost.

How to use

White Tiger Balm is for external use only.

Apply it in a thin layer, rubbing it into the skin using light massage movements for 5 minutes. It is recommended to repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day. To obtain the maximum therapeutic effect, it is recommended to use the acupressure method, applying Vietnamese White Tiger balm to special areas.

The rules of application also depend on specific situations. For example, for headaches, the remedy is applied to the temples and forehead.

For colds, the balm is rubbed into the bridge of the nose, chest, back and neck.

In order to warm up the muscles before sports training, 5 minutes before exercise, perform a light massage using a small amount of the product.


The balm, despite its fairly wide range of uses, has some contraindications. These are individual intolerance to the components of the drug and age under 5 years.

Precautionary measures

When using White Tiger Balm (Vietnam), be careful. Try to avoid getting it into your eyes and mucous membranes.

Since the drug has a pronounced irritating effect, its application is not allowed on areas where there are scratches and open wounds.

If you have an allergic reaction to one of the components, use of the balm should be discontinued.

Otherwise, it has no other side effects.

Today there are many fakes on the market, so to get the desired result, purchase the original product.

One type of ointment that is made in Thailand is tiger balm red (red ointment). This is the most powerful of all existing Thai ointments in terms of the degree of impact on the human body. This balm is always talked about as one of the best local analgesics on the planet. It is also the main component of many Chinese ointments. But first things first.

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O Chu Kin developed a unique composition of this drug. This is a famous Chinese herbalist who lived in Rangoon in the seventies of the 19th century. He used valuable oils that were originally used to create a formula for medicinal ointments for the Chinese emperors. Having opened his medical shop in Rangoon, he began selling his warming product. After his death, all the knowledge of the herbalist remained with his sons, who continued his endeavors. They began selling tiger balm in Singapore and Malaysia. The goods were sent there along with an image of a tiger, which personified vital forces.

In Singapore in the twenties of the last century, the sons opened a factory for the production of balm, which they called “Tiger”. After some time, they founded a company called Hawpar. Today, tiger balm from Thailand from Hawpar is very popular in the world and is used for a variety of diseases.

There are 2 types of this product in Thai pharmacies: white and red balms. They differ only in the strength of action and the volume of essential oils included in their composition. Red tiger balm has a more pronounced effect. It can relieve even the most severe pain.


Red ointment has a noticeable warming effect, relieving aches and pain. This is a reliable remedy for the treatment of polyarthritis, radiculitis, and salt deposits.

The balm is also used to relieve inflammation, tumors and pain. Nedeko is used for pain relief for lumbago, sciatica, and gout. Helps quickly heal bones in case of fractures. It is used to relieve muscle pain (from sprains, impacts, strains, etc.), to warm up the muscles. Helps resolve hematomas. Tiger balm perfectly relieves irritation that occurs after bites of various insects. It is also used for colds for massage and inhalation. It may even relieve heartburn. If you apply the product to your stomach, it relieves pain in it and also helps with indigestion.


It should be noted the rich composition of plant components that tiger balm contains. The instructions for its use, included with each package, contain a detailed list of ingredients. In general, the unique formula of the drug is based on herbs and inherited from ancient Chinese medicine. This composition has been used for many years and is currently extremely popular. The drug contains about a hundred different components of medicinal plants from the mountain forests of China. It is known for sure that the components of the product are menthol, camphor, mint oil, cajeput oil, cassia and clove oils, borneol, ginger, and barleria.

Menthol is effective for various colds, for relieving fatigue and muscle pain, and rheumatism. Its cooling effect helps reduce itching and irritation caused by insect bites and various allergic reactions.

Camphor is used for rheumatism, inflammation, muscle pain and arthritis. Quickly penetrating into tissues, it has a calming effect on peripheral nerves.

Peppermint oil is famous for its ability to fight bacteria and viruses, as well as its antiseptic properties. It is used in the treatment of various colds and improves immunity.

Clove oil has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

Cajeput oil is used as an antispasmodic, antineuralgic and antiseptic. Very effective in the treatment of bronchitis, flu, otitis media, laryngitis, rheumatism, and various skin diseases.

Cassia oil is an excellent antibacterial and antiviral agent.

The ointment also contains paraffin and petroleum jelly.

Methods of application

Tiger balm is applied in a small amount externally to the affected areas. In case of a cold, it is recommended to smear it on the back, chest, bridge of the nose and neck. Balm is also added to the solution for inhalation.


Red balm is contraindicated for breastfeeding and pregnant women, as well as people who are prone to allergies to the components of the drug. It is necessary to use the balm with great caution when treating young children. Do not use internally; care must be taken to ensure that the product does not come into contact with damaged skin or mucous membranes.

Buying a balm

You can buy the drug in special stores that sell real Thai ointments, as well as by ordering online from Thai manufacturers. But, of course, it’s best to visit this wonderful country yourself, where red balm can be found in every pharmacy.

Tiger balm: reviews

Despite the fact that this drug is not so easy to find on Russian shelves, reviews about it are not difficult to find. People who managed to purchase it say that it has an amazing effect, relieving pain and irritation. It is also actively used by athletes before training. The only disadvantage we can highlight is that it is not easy to buy a real red balm, since there are now many fakes on the Internet.

Tiger balm is one of the souvenirs that visitors to Thailand take in their luggage when returning home. But this is not a trinket or a strong drink, but a medicine prepared by oriental herbalists based on ancient recipes.

History of the drug's creation

Tiger balm first appeared on store shelves in Rangoon, once the main city of Myanmar, in the 19th century. The recipe was developed by O Chu Kin, a Chinese herbalist. In it, he used components from which they had previously made rubbings for the emperors of the Celestial Empire. He introduced a new product, which began to be in demand among local residents, in his shop.

Why was the product called “tiger ointment”? To answer this question, you need to look at the jar: it depicts a tiger in a jump, which in Eastern culture symbolizes strength and power.

The Tiger balm recipe was passed down to the sons of the healer. They not only continued production, but also expanded the business. This contributed to the appearance of the product on the shelves of pharmacies in Singapore and Malaysia, where it was also appreciated. The Hawpar tiger ointment factory was founded in Singapore in 1920. In 1969, the company became a corporation.

Composition of Tiger ointment

There is still a legend, which many people believe, that the basis of the drug is processed animal remains. However, these are just idle speculations that have no basis. In fact, tiger ointment is made from plants native to Asian countries. In total, the composition includes more than a hundred components that enhance the effect of each other, which increases the effectiveness of treatment. Among them:

Camphor. Used in medicine and aromatherapy. It is obtained from plants - resin or wood - camphor laurel, which grows in Japan, China, Indonesia, or from fir oil (synthetic camphor works no worse than natural one). Used for rheumatic pain, inflammatory processes, arthritis.

A derivative of essential peppermint oil with local anesthetic and antiseptic properties. Used for colds, rheumatism, and to relieve muscle pain. Thanks to its cooling ability, Tiger balm relieves pain, irritation, and itching.

Peppermint oil. To the properties inherent in menthol, one should add effectiveness against viruses and bacteria, as well as the ability to increase the strength of the immune system.

Cajuput tree oil. The tree is found in Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, and one of the most powerful antiseptic oils is obtained from it, not only in Tiger ointment. Anesthetizes, relieves spasms, works as a diaphoretic. It is used for diseases of the respiratory system - bronchitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, helps even with congestive runny nose, and fights viruses.

Clove oil. Relieves inflammation and eases pain. Promotes rapid tissue restoration, relieves cramps, improves blood circulation, and is used for rheumatism, asthma, and bronchitis. Regenerates tissue in case of burns, mechanical damage to the skin, furunculosis.

Tiger ointment is based on Vaseline, paraffin, ozokerite (mountain wax). The latter is characterized by absorbable, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effects.

The Hawpar company produces the product in a red and white jar, the contents are almost identical in composition. However, the drug in red packaging warms thanks to an additional ingredient - red pepper, while in white it cools. In order not to make a mistake with the jar, you should read the instructions for Tiger balm before use.

Tiger ointment: action

What ensures the effect of Tiger ointment? The secret is in stimulating the sensitivity of nerve endings located in the skin and dilating blood vessels.

Essential oils and camphor dilate the vessels through which blood circulates.

This brings blood cells closer to the surface of the skin, which ensures the warming effect of using Tiger balm and activates local circulation, resulting in faster healing. It also produces a distracting effect: heat prevents you from concentrating on the pain syndrome and reduces discomfort.

Tiger balm is used to relieve varicose veins, to relieve swelling and fatigue of the legs. Relieves itching and redness from insect bites.

White ointment is rubbed on the stomach for indigestion and pain in the epigastric region, which eliminates discomfort.

Rubbing is used as a treatment in reflexology, since this herbal complex contains many essential oils that relax and help overcome pain. The effect of Tiger ointment is especially strong at reflexogenic and pulsating points. At the same time, muscle inflammation is weakened, bone healing is accelerated, hematomas are resolved, and swelling is eliminated.

Drivers can use Tiger Balm. Inhaling the vapors of oils clears the mind, but does not excite the nervous system. The product is not addictive.

Red and white tiger balm: application

For white tiger balm the application is as follows:

Rheumatism and arthritis, age-related changes in joints;
- joint and muscle pain, including those arising from stress;
- pain in the back, neck;
- sprain;
- neuralgic ailments;
- osteochondrosis, in everyday life - deposition of salts in the joints;
- itching due to allergic diseases, insect bites;
- runny nose – acute and chronic;
- numbness and paralysis.

Tiger balm in white packaging is used for massages and to warm up muscles before sports training.

Red ointment is effective for the following ailments:

Severe pain syndrome;
- muscle fatigue;
- sprains and bruises;
- myositis (inflammation of the skeletal muscles);
- colds;
- impaired blood circulation;
- cough, colds;
- joint diseases.

Tiger ointment is used both independently and in complex treatment, if the main remedy has no contraindications to this combination of drugs.

In general, the product in the red jar has a more pronounced stimulating effect, while the product in the white jar is more suitable for adults with highly sensitive skin and small children over 3 years old.

Tiger balm: instructions

For Tiger balm, the use depends on the disease. It is recommended to apply the product 3-5 times a day.

1. For a cold

Tiger ointment is applied to the chest for colds and used as a warming agent instead of mustard plasters. To do this, rub the preparation on the feet, between the toes, and then put on socks made of wool fiber. This warms up the feet and eliminates the first signs of a cold.

The drug is used for inhalation. A portion of Tiger balm the size of half a nail is placed in water (3 liters). Bring water to a boil, remove from heat. Then the patient bends over a pan of water, covers his head with a towel and inhales the vapor. This is how they treat not only colds, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, but also headaches. However, the use of tiger balm in a nebulizer is prohibited.

2. Rubbing before training

A small amount of the drug is applied to the muscles and rubbed 5 minutes before the start of classes.

3. From insect bites

For insect bites, to get rid of itching and redness, rub the product into the affected areas of the epidermis. But Tiger balm has other uses: if you apply it before a walk, mosquitoes will not land on your skin at all.

4. Fight headaches

To get rid of headaches, rub a little tiger balm into reflexogenic points and massage for 1-2 minutes.

Reflexogenic zones through which cephalgia is affected:

The highest point of the head, midway between the tips of the ears;
- a dimple under the occipital protrusion, slightly extending beyond the hairline;
- whiskey;
- the point between the eyebrows, above the nose.

5. For a runny nose

Use tiger balm to wash off the skin on the bridge of the nose, wings of the nose, and temples.

6. For inflammation of muscles and joints, hematomas, injuries

If the muscles become inflamed as a result of hypothermia, the problem area of ​​the body is treated with Tiger balm and wrapped in a woolen scarf. You don't have to use a warming bandage, but then the effectiveness of rubbing will be somewhat reduced.

7. When overtired

Tiger balm is used to massage points located in the middle of the eyebrow line, directly above the pupils (the gaze is directed straight), as well as on the temples.

8. For varicose veins

Foot baths help with varicose veins. A piece of Tiger balm the size of a match head is dissolved in 3 liters of water, then kept on fire until it boils, removed and cooled to a temperature of 37-38 °C. Session duration is up to 10 minutes. This relieves puffiness, eliminates fatigue, and gives lightness.

9. For painful menstruation

Lightly rub the skin of the lower abdomen with tiger balm. After some time, the pain subsides.

Cautions, contraindications

Contraindications apply primarily to people with hypersensitivity to the drug or its components. Shelf life of Tiger balm is 5 years. Store it at room temperature; unauthorized access of children to the jar should be prevented.

Tiger balm contains essential oils, so the product may be harmful to children under 3 years of age, as in some cases it causes bronchopulmonary spasm or allergic reactions.

The product is contraindicated during pregnancy and when the child is breastfed. It contains esters that are contraindicated during pregnancy - cajuput oil, clove oil, cinnamon oil and eucalyptus oil. Clove tree, for example, stimulates the function of the uterus, so inhaling its smell is fraught with miscarriage.

According to the instructions for Tiger balm, do not use the product at high body temperatures, do not apply to pustules, moles, neoplasms, warts.

The effectiveness of oriental medicine has been proven by consumers who willingly buy products made according to the recipes of Asian healers. However, for serious illnesses, you should not rely solely on these drugs. But after the permission of the attending physician, they are used as an adjuvant - then the Tiger balm will not cause harm, but will only improve health and give longevity.

    Composition of tiger balm

Thailand is famous for its huge number of useful ointments made with herbs and natural ingredients. They are all very useful, and many of them are quite versatile. Perhaps the most famous and universal balm for a huge number of ailments is tiger balm!

Thai Tiger Balm description

Tiger balm is indeed a means of combating many ailments, bruises and other problems of the body. Tiger balm is a powerful analgesic! Based on the strength of the impact on the source of pain, it is divided into two colors.

Difference between white and red tiger balm

White and red tiger balm differ in the amount of essential oils and herbs they contain. Red balm is more concentrated. It is suitable for extensive damage and severe trauma.

White balm has a less strong effect on the damaged area of ​​the body; it is used for minor injuries, bruises, and sprains. Also, white balm can be used on small children - red is contraindicated for children!

Tiger Balm contraindications

Before using tiger balm, you need to make sure that the drug is tolerable. To do this, smear a small area near your elbow with tiger balm to make sure that you have normal tolerance to the drug and no unwanted reaction has begun!

Do not use tiger balm near the eyes or mucous membranes of the body.

Do not apply tiger balm to an open wound!

The drug should not be used by people who are intolerant to the ingredients contained in tiger balm!

Ingestion is not allowed!

Tiger balm beneficial properties

    good for athletes to warm up muscles

    relieves pain in the back, lower back, joints

    relieves tumors

    accelerates the process of resorption of hematomas

    increases blood flow to the site of injury

    relieves inflammation

    helps with muscle stretching

    used for respiratory diseases, cough

    helps with a runny nose

    reduces headaches

    helps with digestive problems (if applied to the stomach)

    relieves itching, irritation and inflammation after mosquito bites and other insects

    used for colds, flu and other diseases

    improves immunity

How to use Thai Tiger Balm

Tiger balm is applied 2-4 times a day to the damaged area of ​​the body and rubbed in with massage movements.

Composition of tiger balm

As we described above: red and white tiger balm differ in the amount of certain herbs and essential oils it contains. Let's see what the difference is!

Red Tiger Balm

Camphor: 25%, menthol: 10%, cajeput oil: 7%, mint oil: 6%, clove oil: 5%, cassia oil: 5%, paraffin, petroleum jelly and other oils and herbs.

Ingredients: Camphor: 25%, Menthol: 10%, Cajuput Oil: 7%, Dementhoised Mint Oil: 6%, Clove Oil: 5%, Cassia Oil: 5%, Parafin, Petrolatum and other oils and herbs.

White Tiger Balm

Camphor: 11%, menthol: 8%, eucalyptus oil: 13.7%, clove oil: 1.43 and other oils and herbs.

Ingredients: Camphor: 25%, Menthol: 8%, Eucalyptus oil: 13.7%, Clove oil: 1.43% and other oils and herbs.

Thai Tiger Balm price

Average price in online stores in Moscow: 400 baht/10 g.

Shelf life: 4 years.

You can buy this product in our set No. 1: “What to bring from Thailand?”


Thailand has a large selection of balms and ointments made from natural herbs and ingredients, all of them are effective and very healthy. Today you learned, perhaps, about the most powerful, versatile and famous balm of the Kingdom of Thailand! Be sure to buy this balm for yourself and your loved ones while on vacation in Thailand. If for some reason you were unable to buy it, order from us!


Expand your knowledge about Thai products, learn about Thai toothpaste made from natural herbs and ingredients Twin Lotus Dok Bua Ku Herbal Original!

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Tiger Balm is a product made in Thailand that has a reputation as one of the best topical pain relievers. The ointment is also used to treat a whole range of diseases, since Thai balm is available in several variations of composition and purpose. It is also worth noting that the ointment is included in many pharmacological products, which makes the product even more popular as a universal healing tool.

Composition of Thai tiger ointment

The composition of the described product for contact use is based on natural, plant components. In total, the balm is made from more than one hundred extracts of mountain plants in Thailand. The basis consists of the following components:

  • camphor oil - about 11 percent;
  • Cassia oil – 5 percent;
  • menthol;
  • oils of cloves, mint, cajuput, etc.

The complex of herbal components allows you to minimize risks and side effects; the recipe for preparing the ointment was created by Thai culture over more than one century.

What does tiger balm help with?

The product has a powerful warming potential, due to which the ointment is used to relieve inflammation in joints and aches in muscle tissue. The balm is effective in relieving pain and increased sensitivity of the body. Thanks to its natural balanced composition, the product stimulates blood flow to the inflamed area and normalizes overall blood flow.

The healing properties of Tiger Balm include the fact that it has a beneficial effect on the recovery of the body after complex injuries, as well as fractures, and gives high-quality results in the treatment of inflammation and even gout. The composition is often used as part of sports therapy for muscle sprains, ligamentous tears, and overstrains. The ointment helps relieve the itching sensation due to insect bites, and also promotes the resorption of bruises.

During colds or bronchial illnesses, it significantly facilitates breathing and stimulates the body, relieving general asthenic syndrome. Within the framework of these diseases, inhalations and massages using the described remedy are most common. It is used even for acute stomach colic and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, applied to the abdominal area.

A positive effect is achieved using the following components included in the balm:

  • camphor – relieves stimulation of the peripheral nervous system, reduces pain and inflammation in the body;
  • menthol – relieves itching, irritation, relieves pain from injuries, is effective in the treatment of colds;
  • mint – has antiseptic and antiviral properties, etc.

Difference between red and white ointment

There is a difference between white and red tiger balm, but it is not significant. The main difference is that the red product has a more pronounced effect due to the inclusion of essential oils. Such ingredients are present in both types of product, however the white ointment is less concentrated.

When using the product, the red balm has a great stimulating and restorative effect, while the white cream is more suitable for treating people with sensitive skin. For the treatment of young children, therapists and pediatricians recommend using the white component.

Instructions for use of the drug

It should be remembered that Tiger Balm is a pharmacological drug that must be used according to the instructions and prescriptions of the doctor. The dosage will be different in each individual case.

For the treatment of joints

For inflammatory processes in the joints, the ointment is applied locally to the affected area. To do this, rub the ointment thoroughly into the skin, applying a warming bandage on top. You need to resort to the procedure no more than four times a day; in childhood, the permissible number of therapeutic measures should not exceed two per day.

For runny nose and cough

During a runny nose or other cold symptoms, the balm is applied to the chest, neck, bridge of the nose, and also to the earlobes. Inhalations based on Tiger Balm or warming massages are no less effective.


Since the ointment is considered highly concentrated, it should never be brought near the eyes so as not to burn the cornea. It should also not be applied to mucous membranes or damaged skin. It is better not to use the product if you have hypersensitive skin. Some allergic reactions of the skin are possible, manifested in the form of a rash or burns of the dermal layer. For this reason, before applying the balm, you should conduct a small allergy test, during which a small amount of the product is applied to the area under the elbow, after which the reaction is observed.

The product should not be used during breastfeeding or pregnancy. When treating children under two years of age with Tiger Balm, you must be extremely careful and closely monitor the baby’s condition. It is important to remember that the product described can only be used locally, that is, applied specifically to an area of ​​skin. It must not be allowed to enter the body in any other way.

One of the varieties of ointments produced in Thailand is red ointment (Ya Mong Sud Pai Red), which is also known as “Tiger Ointment” (or “Tiger Balm”). In terms of its effects, Thai red ointment produced in Thailand is the strongest of all Thai ointments. Thai Red Tiger Balm is always talked about as one of the best topical analgesics in the world. It is the main component of many Chinese balms. However, let's start in order.

A little history

The development of the unique composition of the drug belongs to the famous Chinese herbalist O Chu Kin, who lived in the 70s of the 19th century in Rangoon. He used valuable oils that were originally used in creating an ancient ointment formula for the emperors of China. Having opened his medical shop in Rangoon, he began selling warming ointment. After the death of the herbalist, all his knowledge remained to his sons O Bun Pa and O Bun Ho, who continued his endeavors. They started selling ointments in Malaysia and Singapore. The goods were sent along with a drawing of a tiger, representing his vitality.

In the 20s In the 20th century, in Singapore, the sons founded a factory for the production of balm, which they called “Tiger”, and in 1969 they founded the Hawpar Corporation. Now Hawpar balms are one of the most popular, used for various diseases. Today, patients in more than 100 countries around the world know that tiger balm from Thailand - Thai red ointment.

However, Thai pharmacies offer two types of Tiger Balm: red and white. They differ only in the quantitative content of essential oils and potency. Red Tiger Balm, unlike white, has a more pronounced effect and relieves even severe pain.

Properties of Tiger Red Ointment

Red ointment has a powerful warming effect, which relieves pain and relieves aching muscles. Its healing power is based on a skillfully selected combination of mint, camphor, cajuput, cinnamon, clove buds, and menthol, which are effective in reducing hypersensitivity, can increase blood flow and gently relieve pain. Red ointment is a traditional treatment for polyarthritis, radiculitis, and salt deposits in joints.

It is used to relieve pain, swelling and inflammation in the joints, for pain relief for lumbago, sciatica, and gout. In case of fractures, it helps the bones heal faster. Used to relieve muscle pain (from impacts, sprains, strains, etc.), to prepare muscles (warms up) during sports. Helps resolve hematomas. The ointment perfectly relieves irritation from insect bites. It is used for colds for inhalation and massage. When coughing, the back and chest rub. It can even relieve heartburn if you rub it on your chest. If applied to the stomach, it relieves abdominal pain and helps with indigestion. This ointment also helps with numbness in body parts or paralysis of the limbs.

What does it consist of?

Modern tiger ointment has a rich composition and contains only herbal ingredients. It contains more than a hundred different components of medicinal plants from the mountain forests of Thailand. It is known that its composition uses: camphor (11%), menthol (10%), cajeput oil (7%), mint oil (6%), clove oil (5%) and cassia oil (5%), Zingiber ginger officinale (Thai: Plai, Pai), borneol, Barleria cristata and other components.

*Camphor is used for inflammation, rheumatism, artiritis and muscle pain. Penetrating well into tissues, it has a calming effect on peripheral nerves.

*Menthol is effective against colds, rheumatism, and in relieving muscle pain and fatigue. Its cooling effect reduces itching and irritation from insect bites or allergic reactions.

*Peppermint oil is known for its antiseptic properties and ability to fight viruses and bacteria. Used in the treatment of colds, helps improve immunity.

*Cajeput oil is used as an antineuralgic drug, antispasmodic, and antiseptic. Effective in the treatment of influenza, bronchitis, laryngitis, otitis media, rheumatism, and skin diseases.

*Clove oil is used as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent.

*Cassia oil is an antiviral and antibacterial agent, which is applicable for colds.

* The ointment is based on Vaseline and paraffin.

Methods of application

Tiger red ointment is applied externally in a small amount to the affected areas and rubbed in (2 to 4 times a day). For colds - on the chest, back, neck and bridge of the nose. Added during inhalation.


However, red balm is contraindicated for pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as people prone to skin allergies to these ingredients. It should be used with great caution when treating children under 2 years of age. Not to be taken orally; care must be taken to ensure that the ointment does not get into the eyes, mucous membranes or damaged skin.

Where can you buy tiger balm?

Only in special stores selling real Thai ointments, or without intermediaries, ordering from manufacturers from Thailand via the Internet. Better yet, visit the kingdom of Thailand yourself, where you can find Red Balm in any pharmacy and where, they say, there are no counterfeits in traditional medicines.

So we talked about how useful tiger ointment is, the instructions for its use are given in a loose presentation, and therefore read its official version before use.

Tiger balm is an over-the-counter pain reliever. It comes in the form of a cream, ointment or liniment that is applied superficially to the area of ​​pain and absorbed through the skin. It is used to relieve a wide variety of pain, including back pain, joint pain, muscle pain, sprains, and more.

Many who go on vacation to Thailand or China bring a jar of this balm with them.

What is tiger balm

Tiger balm is a combination medicine used to relieve lower back or joint pain. It is used for coughs and nasal congestion caused by flu or colds.

For many patients, it has become an indispensable tool in the home medicine cabinet. Athletes use it for muscle strains, bruises and other injuries. Unlike iboprofen or aspirin, it acts directly on the source of pain.

The components included in its composition cause a slight warming and at the same time cool effect on the skin. It gently stimulates nerve endings, thereby providing an analgesic effect.

Despite its more than one and a half century history, it is still popular. Recently, interest in it has increased in the wake of understanding about the harmful effects of chemical drugs.

Origin story

According to some sources, the recipe for this remedy was developed in China, according to others in Burma. There are references to its production in Singapore. The only thing that unites these versions is the name of the author. He was the Chinese herbalist Au-Chu-Kin. His desire to treat his patients with drugs made from natural ingredients led to the creation of a recipe. Yes, at that time there were no other means except natural ones.

Initially, it was only used to treat the imperial family. Then the secret of the miracle ointment became known among the people and it began to be mass produced. It was one of the first medicines available in pharmacies.

Gradually, the original formula of the balm expanded. Now it has several items, united under the name “Tiger Balm”.

More than 20 million cans are produced annually and sold worldwide. This is one of the most popular remedies in many Asian countries that travelers take home with them.

Composition of the balm

Contrary to its name, it does not contain a single ingredient that is associated with the tiger. On the contrary, only plant components. So, it includes:

Peppermint oil;

Clove oil;

Cajput oil.

Camphor is one of two active ingredients. It reduces pain by acting as a distraction component. Activates skin temperature sensors, creating a feeling of coolness, which masks pain.

Menthol is the second active ingredient. It is obtained from mint oil. Like camphor, it activates temperature receptors. Due to this, blood flow and swelling are reduced.

Because it also appears to interact with opioid receptors, menthol may have pain-relieving effects beyond its ability to distract and reduce inflammation.

Peppermint oil

Peppermint oil contains menthol. In addition, it helps other ingredients penetrate the skin.

Cajuput and clove oil

They have many properties, including painkillers and anti-inflammatory. They have an irritating effect on nerve receptors.

A mixture of paraffin (wax) and soft petroleum jelly is used as the base for these components. Both are petroleum derivatives consisting of chains of carbon and hydrogen.

In paraffin they are longer, which allows the balm to remain solid at room temperature. While Vaseline promotes a more even distribution on the skin surface.

Together they form a semi-solid mass that softens with body temperature.

In addition to these components, the balm may contain essential oils of eucalyptus, cassia and others.

Types of Tiger Balm

There are several recipes under this name. They differ from each other in consistency and method of application. Accordingly, the composition is also different. Even if it is not significant. There is a balm for joints, for colds, red, white and others.

Can be used in different ways depending on the type and location of pain. They may have been created in hopes of winning over more customers by offering them new products. Here are just a few of them.

Tiger balm extra pain reliever. (Tiger Balm Extra-Strength Pain-Relieving Mint). With a strong menthol scent. The rest of the composition is standard, with the exception of the increased content of menthol and mint oil.

Tiger Balm Extra. It is the main product in the assortment line. Its active ingredients are camphor and menthol). The percentage of camphor is 11%, and menthol is 10%.

Tiger balm for arthritis. Designed specifically for the treatment of arthritis. It is a cream, not an ointment. Does not irritate the skin as it contains no alcohol.

Balm for pain in the neck and shoulders. Designed to quickly relieve pain in this particular part of the body. Its difference is its quickly disappearing characteristic odor. Contains propylene glycol and eucalyptus oil.

Tiger balm liniment. Liquid version that can be applied to a larger area of ​​skin.

Tiger Balm Muscle Rub. A non-greasy cream designed to relieve muscle tension, relieve pain during physical activity and sprains.

Tiger balm instructions for use

This is a high quality analgesic drug. It is not greasy, easy to apply and does not stain clothes.

Provides rapid, temporary, soothing relief from minor muscle aches, muscle tension, back pain and lower back pain.

Deeply penetrating soft heat begins to soothe sore muscles and reduce musculoskeletal pain. Use it for:

Herpes zoster;

Insect bites;



Runny nose.

It is not prohibited to use the balm simultaneously with prescription and over-the-counter painkillers.

Another plus is that it can be applied only when pain occurs.

Most people use the balm several times a day. Relief occurs after 10-20 minutes.

Use as directed on the label or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.

The ointment is taken with a medicine spatula (the end of a teaspoon) and applied to the problem area. Rub in with light massage movements until it is completely absorbed.

After application, it is better to insulate this area by draping it over your shoulders or tying a warm scarf around your back.

Wash your hands before and after using this medication.

When using for the first time, test on a small area of ​​skin. See how she reacts.

Camphor and menthol may cause a burning or cooling sensation, which is usually mild and should decrease over time with continued use. If this sensation causes significant discomfort, wash your skin with soap and water.

Do not use on tanned, dry, chapped, irritated or damaged skin.

Do not cover the treated skin with a bandage, film, etc.

Do not expose her to heat from a hot bath, heating pad, or sauna.

Do not use within 1 hour before or no earlier than 30 minutes after taking a bath or shower.

Contraindications and side effects

Before using the balm, ask your pharmacist or doctor how to use it properly.

Cannot be used by small children and without consulting a doctor.

Be sure to do the test if you have sensitive skin.

Use caution if pregnant or breastfeeding. It's best to talk to your doctor or obstetrician first.

It is intended for external use only. Avoid contact with mucous membranes, nose, ears, eyes. In case of accidental contact, rinse immediately with water.

A complete ban on its use is due to individual intolerance to one of the components. It can manifest itself in the form of an allergic rash, burning, itching and other symptoms.

As a side effect, some people may have:

Severe burning sensation;


Breathing problems when applied to the chest or neck area.

Overall it is safe. And it cannot be completely classified as a medicine. It does not cure, but only relieves symptoms of pain and improves the condition. Therefore, nothing will happen if you forget to apply it. This means the pain no longer bothers you.

There have been no cases of overdose.

How to store

Remember that all medications should be kept away from small children.

The ointment is stored at room temperature in a tightly closed jar away from light.

Do not keep it open when applying.

Sometimes pain is associated with serious health problems. In this case, you must undergo an examination and find out its cause.

But if you already have a diagnosis and know that changing weather causes arthritis to worsen, then there is no reason to go to the hospital. In this case, tiger balm can come to the rescue.

One of the types of ointments that are made in Thailand is tiger balm ointment). This is the most powerful of all existing Thai ointments in terms of the degree of impact on the human body. This balm is always talked about as one of the best local analgesics on the planet. It is also the main component of many Chinese ointments. But first things first.


O Chu Kin developed a unique composition of this drug. This is a famous Chinese herbalist who lived in Rangoon in the seventies of the 19th century. He used valuable oils that were originally used to create a formula for medicinal ointments. Having opened his medical shop in Rangoon, he began selling his warming remedy. After his death, all the knowledge of the herbalist remained with his sons, who continued his endeavors. They began selling tiger balm in Singapore and Malaysia. The goods were sent there along with an image of a tiger, which personified vital forces.

In Singapore in the twenties of the last century, the sons opened a factory for the production of balm, which they called “Tiger”. After some time, they founded a company called Hawpar. Today, the tiger brand Hawpar is very popular in the world and is used for a variety of diseases.

There are 2 types of this product in Thai pharmacies: white and red balms. They differ only in the strength of action and the volume of essential oils included in their composition. Red tiger balm has a more pronounced effect. It can even make it easier


Red ointment has a noticeable warming effect, relieving aches and pain. This is a reliable remedy for radiculitis and salt deposits.

The balm is also used to relieve inflammation, tumors and pain. Nedeko is used for pain relief for lumbago, sciatica, and gout. Helps quickly heal bones in case of fractures. It is used to relieve muscle pain (from sprains, impacts, strains, etc.), to warm up the muscles. Helps resolve hematomas. Tiger balm perfectly relieves irritation that occurs after bites of various insects. It is also used for colds for massage and inhalation. It may even relieve heartburn. If you apply the product to your stomach, it relieves pain in it and also helps with indigestion.


It should be noted the rich composition of plant components that tiger balm contains. The instructions for its use, included with each package, contain a detailed list of ingredients. In general, the unique formula of the drug is based on herbs and inherited from ancient Chinese medicine. This composition has been used for many years and is currently extremely popular. The drug contains about a hundred different components of medicinal plants from the mountain forests of China. It is known for sure that the components of the product are menthol, camphor, mint oil, cajeput oil, cassia and clove oils, borneol, ginger, and barleria.

Menthol is effective for various colds, for relieving fatigue and muscle pain, and rheumatism. Its cooling effect helps reduce itching and irritation caused by insect bites and various allergic reactions.

Camphor is used for rheumatism, inflammation, and arthritis. Quickly penetrating into tissues, it has a calming effect on peripheral nerves.

Peppermint oil is famous for its ability to fight bacteria and viruses, as well as its antiseptic properties. It is used in the treatment of various colds and improves immunity.

Clove oil has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

Cajeput oil is used as an antispasmodic, antineuralgic and antiseptic. Very effective in the treatment of bronchitis, flu, otitis media, laryngitis, rheumatism, and various skin diseases.

Cassia oil is an excellent antibacterial and antiviral agent.

The ointment also contains paraffin and petroleum jelly.

Methods of application

Tiger balm is applied in a small amount externally to the affected areas. In case of a cold, it is recommended to smear it on the back, chest, bridge of the nose and neck. Balm is also added to the solution for inhalation.


Red balm is contraindicated for breastfeeding and pregnant women, as well as people who are prone to allergies to the components of the drug. It is necessary to use the balm with great caution when treating young children. Do not use internally; care must be taken to ensure that the product does not come into contact with damaged skin or mucous membranes.

Buying a balm

You can buy the drug in special stores that sell real Thai ointments, as well as by ordering online from Thai manufacturers. But, of course, it’s best to visit this wonderful country yourself, where red balm can be found in every pharmacy.

Tiger balm: reviews

Despite the fact that this drug is not so easy to find on Russian shelves, reviews about it are not difficult to find. People who managed to purchase it say that it has an amazing effect, relieving pain and irritation. It is also actively used by athletes before training. The only disadvantage we can highlight is that it is not easy to buy a real red balm, since there are now many fakes on the Internet.



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