Treatment of uterine atony in cows. Endometritis, etiology, clinical signs, treatment of hypotension and uterine atony

The complete absence of contractility of the uterine walls (atony) or insufficient contractility (hypotonia) and subinvolution of the uterus are common complications of the postpartum period in animals of all species.

Etiology. The cause of atony and hypotension of the uterus in animals can be difficult childbirth, overdistension of the uterus with a large number of fetuses, trauma to the uterus, etc. Subinvolution of the uterus in animals develops as a result of insufficient contractility of the uterus during the postpartum period.

Predisposing factors are violations of the basic rules of animal feeding, inadequate feeding, exhaustion or obesity of the animal; mineral starvation, stabling of goats and sheep, lack of regular active walks in dogs, various diseases (etc.) have a particularly strong influence on the occurrence of atony and hypotension of the uterus in animals. .).

Pathogenesis. The development of uterine atony and hypotension in small domestic animals may be based on disorders of the mechanisms of nervous and endocrine regulation of the contractile function of the uterus or structural changes in the myometrium. In this case, the direct causes of atony and hypotension may be: insufficiency of impulses causing contraction of the myometrium, which occurs with reduced secretion of oxytocin, acetylcholine, serotonin, etc., as well as the inability of the myometrium itself to perceive these impulses as a result of functional disorders existing in it (low level of bioenergetic processes in the tissues of the myometrium, imbalance of estrogen and progesterone, etc.) or when the muscle fibers of the uterus are replaced in the myometrium by connective tissue (as a result of the animal suffering from metritis). Atony, hypotension and subinvolution of the uterus in small domestic animals predisposes them to the occurrence.

Clinical picture. It is extremely difficult to clinically detect atony, uterine hypotonia and uterine subinvolution, especially in sheep, goats and sows during their normal course because the general condition of the animals is not disturbed, body temperature is within normal limits.

In dogs, cats and rabbits, in the first 24-48 hours after birth, by palpation through the abdominal wall, the veterinarian identifies a poorly contracted, flabby uterus, which has unclear contours.

Upon clinical examination, liquid or thick lochs of a dark brown or brownish-red color without an unpleasant odor are released from the genital slit. With subinvolution of the uterus, serous-bloody discharges occur from the birth canal of animals for a long time, while the time of lochia secretion is extended (in dogs up to 4-6 weeks). Lochia accumulated in the uterine cavity is a favorable environment for the proliferation of various microorganisms that penetrate into the uterine cavity through the open canal of the cervix. With a decrease in the body's resistance, animals develop various postpartum diseases (endometritis, metritis, parametritis, etc.).

Subsequently, the owners of the animals note irregular sexual cycles, signs of estrus and heat are weakly expressed, and the animals do not become fertilized for a long time.

When making a diagnosis, the veterinarian should focus on medical history (extension of the duration of labor - the stage of fetal hatching and the postpartum stage).

Treatment. Sick animals are prescribed oxytocin subcutaneously: sheep and goats 30 U.D., sows - 50 U.D., dogs 5-10 U.D. A modern drug oxylate that stimulates the contractility of the myometrium and regeneration processes in the endometrium. Oxylate is administered to the sow intramuscularly in the neck area in a dose of 5 ml, after 24 hours the administration of the drug is repeated; for goats and ewes, oxylate is administered subcutaneously in a dose of 3-5 ml, after 48 hours the administration of the drug is repeated; For dogs and cats, the drug is administered subcutaneously at a dose of 1 ml per 30 kg of body weight for 5 days.

To increase the general tone of the sick animal’s body, a 40% solution of glucose, a 10% solution of calcium chloride, and calcium gluconate are injected intravenously. If atony, hypotension and subinvolution of the uterus are complicated by endometritis, appropriate treatment is carried out.

Prevention. Prevention of atony, hypotension and subinvolution of the uterus in animals is based on the elimination by owners of private household plots, peasant farms and agricultural enterprises of all predisposing factors leading to the appearance of hypotension, atony and subinvolution of the uterus, namely, to ensure adequate feeding of productive animals in accordance with their physiological state. Animals and dogs should exercise regularly. Pregnant dogs must be provided with adequate feeding ("", "").

Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 5 minutes


The appearance of offspring in domestic animals that are bred for this purpose is always expected. In cattle, this process is especially important. The gestation period for cows lasts nine months. No more than two calves are born. Therefore, any problems with the ability to fertilize and bear a calf are fraught with financial losses and disruptions in the health of the animal. One of them is uterine atony.

The essence of atony

The inability of the uterus to contract is called atony. She becomes as if paralyzed. Slowdown of the reverse development of the uterus is especially common in cows; in other animals it is much less common.

Contributing factors

In some obstetric and gynecological diseases, an atonic phenomenon is observed. It manifests itself in two cases:

  • as a cause of disease;
  • as a sign of genital infections.

Thus, in the first option, the development of pathology is facilitated by insufficient labor, post-maturity, and prolonged leaving of the placenta in the uterine cavity.

In the second case, the cow could have suffered acute and chronic endometritis or other diseases.

Course and progression

Experts note that subinvolution is a harbinger of atony. The fact is that during gestation the uterus stretches, and after childbirth it returns to normal. This is a process of involution that lasts approximately three weeks. But if the period lasts longer and slower, then this is subinvolution. This is how it goes:

  1. Various inflammations associated with pathogenic microflora interfere with the natural system of returning the uterus to its prenatal state. In particular, atony of the uterine muscles develops. The muscles are in no hurry to recover. Suckers appear in the uterine cavity, which decompose over time;
  2. the process is accompanied by a disgusting smell. The suckers become brown or gray in color and their particles enter the bloodstream. Against this background, a general infection of the body occurs;
  3. after this, experts already talk about the severity of the uterine disease. In particular, mastitis and reproductive cycle disorders are likely;
  4. at this time, a poor environment for sperm is formed in the uterine cavity. And the mucous membrane cannot implant the embryo. There may be slight bloating, as with rumen atony, in which digestive processes are disrupted;
  5. The general condition of the cow throughout the entire period of illness was slightly disturbed. Only internal changes can become a reason for complaints from owners of personal or collective farms about the absence of estrus in a cow, sexual heat, inability to become fertilized, which can help the veterinarian make a diagnosis.

Establishing diagnosis

In the case of atony in a cow, a rectal examination of the uterine area is mandatory. The specialist reveals her relaxed state, lack of tone. Also, the horns of the uterus appear somewhat larger, and even descend into the abdominal cavity. Uterine contractions are not observed at all.

IMPORTANT! When mucus accumulates, some animals experience a fluctuation in one of the uterine horns. An abundance of mucous secretions threatens to stop the resorption of the corpus luteum in the ovary. Ultimately, this can lead to loss of sexual function and even infertility.

In some cases, the veterinarian notices a thickened wall of the uterine horn. It becomes covered with tubercles or becomes suspiciously thin in some places. When examined, it looks like the wall of the intestine or bladder.

There are specific signs that will help establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe timely treatment for uterine atony in cows.

  • prolonged discharge of lochia with a change in color;
  • there is no sexual arousal for a long time.

Examination technique

During the examination, the specialist uses a polystyrene obstetric-gynecological Pankov spoon. It is a round rod up to twenty-seven centimeters. No more than half a centimeter in diameter. When inserted, mucus samples are collected due to the sharp leading edge. The device is designed specifically in such a way as not to damage the delicate walls.

The prerequisite is the following: the spoon case is filled with antiseptic.

It is black in color, which helps to distinguish the presence of mucus or pus on it.

The device comes with a card with multi-colored circles and inscriptions for them. Each color reflects a different process occurring in the animal’s body. In the laboratory, samples are compared and pathologies are determined.

Risk phenomena

When symptoms of a particular disease occur, the cattle owner tries to understand the causes. This is important not only for understanding methods of combating infection or pathology. But also to prevent the situation from reoccurring. At least there are ways to avoid it. Risk factors for atony include:

Separately, it is worth dwelling on caesarean section. It is used for narrow pelvis, small dilation of the cervix, abnormal position of the fetus, and torsion of the uterus. If general anesthesia was used in this case, uterine atony may occur. Some of these medications relax her muscles too much.

Then the veterinarian-obstetrician gives special injections of oxytocin with a solution of calcium chloride and glucose. The scar remaining after this operation can also contribute to pathological processes.

What should I do?

If uterine atony occurs in cows, treatment should be started without delay. Sometimes the disease does not respond to existing methods when the processes have gone too far. Then the only option is a slaughterhouse. But if the wet nurse can be saved or she is the only one in the family, it is worth making the effort.


Competent treatment is:

  1. adjustment of feeding and maintenance. Additional care and creation of comfortable conditions will be required. The diet needs to be enriched with vitamins, carbohydrates and proteins. The approach in this case is similar to that for ruminal atony;
  2. Outdoor walks are advisable. Premises for keeping cattle must meet all sanitary standards and requirements;
  3. To restore the contractile function of the uterus, even in the presence of a scar, they resort to proven medications. Among them are oxytocin, pituitrin or mammophysin. They also secrete oxylate, which can eliminate atony. It is injected subcutaneously in the neck area once a day;
  4. A solution of glucose, calcium chloride, calcium gluconate or Kamagsol will help to raise the tone of the body for about three days;
  5. If complications are detected during a gynecological examination, additional medications are prescribed.

Responsible approach

As in many cases, cattle owners must attach great importance to feeding. An unpretentious cow at first glance needs a responsible attitude towards the choice of food for her. Good nutrition often becomes the prevention of many diseases.

IMPORTANT! Active and regular grazing is an integral part of an animal’s life. Walking is necessary for cows to the same extent as for other types of large and small livestock. Decent content plays an equally important role.

Subinvolution Uterus– a disease characterized by a slowdown in the processes of reverse development of the uterus after birth to the state inherent in this organ in non-pregnant animals. Against this background, in 95% of cases, postpartum acute catarrhal-purulent or purulent-catarrhal endometritis occurs. Based on: violation of tone, weakening of the contractile function of its muscles. Blood supply and tone are disrupted, all processes are extended over time.

Lochia accumulate in the cavity, undergo decomposition, and cause intoxication of the body.

Sign: absence of formation of a mucus plug in the cervical canal and abundant discharge of liquid bloody lochia within 2-3 days after birth, usually while the animal is lying down.

Acute Form . On the 5-7th day after birth, abundant discharge of lochia of a dark red or dark brown color is noted, which later acquires a brown or dirty gray color, a watery consistency with impurities, and an unpleasant putrid odor. The cow makes efforts, the root of the tail is raised, the animals often take a posture for urination. Depression, decreased appetite and productivity. Increase in body temperature, rumen contractions are reduced - in some animals. The horns of the uterus hang over the edge of the pubic bones, are not covered by the hand, upon palpation the uterus does not respond with contraction, there is fluctuation, the walls are flabby, without pronounced folding, after the massage, lochia with a corresponding odor may be released. Recovery to the size of non-pregnant animals takes up to 35-45 days


Katerinova's test

0.5 ml of lochia, add 5-6 ml of distilled water, mix, boil (in a test tube) - after boiling, a dirty-cloudy color with flakes.

Dudenko test

2 ml of lochia, 2 ml of 20% 3-chloroacetic acid (TCA), stir, through a paper filter, add 0.5 ml of nitric acid to 2 ml of filtrate, boil for 1 minute, cool, add 1.5 ml of 3.5% hydroxide solution sodium In the presence of a pathological process, yellow-green or amber color.


Diagnosed a month or more after birth, it is characterized by an increase in the size of the uterus, thickening of its walls, decreased tone, weakened response to rectal massage, absence of discharge and lochia, anaphrodisia or the manifestation of defective sexual cycles. An important diagnostic technique is to identify the flatness of the uterine horns descending into the abdominal cavity when they are slightly compressed from the sides, especially in the bifurcation area.

Clinical and biological indicators, course and severity of the process: 3 degrees:

    1. In cows, the uterus is 1.4 times enlarged, it responds poorly to massage, the horns can be half lowered into the abdominal cavity, the horns are flattened only in the area of ​​their bifurcation. Morphologically: thickening of the wall of the horns, increasing their lumen. When opened, there are caruncles on the surface with papillae of 3-4 mm (normally no more than 2); 2. The horns are enlarged 1.5 times, hang 2/3 into the abdominal cavity, do not respond to massage, flattened in all parts, the walls are thickened to 2 cm, the caruncles are 5-6 mm in size. The longitudinal and transverse folding of the uterus is pronounced, its asymmetry, the horn cavity is 3-4 cm in diameter. Often accompanied by a functional disorder of the ovaries (hypofunction, luteal cysts).

Treatment: complex schemes that ensure normalization of metabolism, trophism in the affected organ, restoration of tone, release of the uterus from contents, etc.

Uterine remedies: oxytocin, pituitrin, sinestrol. Massage through the rectum. Exercise, autohemotherapy, vaginal irrigation with cold solutions, faradization. Drinking amniotic fluid. Amnistron. Novocaine therapy in combination with active exercise. Subcutaneous injection of colostrum for the prevention of endometritis.

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1. Definition of disease

2. Etiology

3. Pathogenesis

4. Clinical signs and course

5. Diagnosis

6. Forecast

7. Treatment

8. Prevention


Subinvolution of the uterus is a disease characterized by a slowdown in the processes of its reverse development after birth to the state inherent in this organ in non-pregnant animals. The particular danger of this pathology for subsequent reproductive function in cows is that against its background, inflammatory diseases of the genital organs and functional disorders of the ovaries often develop, leading to long-term or permanent infertility of animals.

A particular danger of uterine subinvolution is that it leads to the appearance of acute and chronic postpartum endometritis, various functional disorders of the ovaries and other pathological processes in the reproductive system and, as a consequence, infertility. This pathology is the most common of all postpartum diseases in cows. Particularly often, subinvolution of the uterus is recorded in the winter-spring period. With timely treatment, the disease ends in recovery. However, this disease is often complicated by endometritis, which leads to infertility. Also, subinvolution of the uterus entails economic damage due to the loss of offspring. There is a reduction in the period of productive use of animals, that is, their culling.

1. Definition of disease

Subinvolution of the uterus is a slowdown in the reverse development of the uterus to the state inherent in this organ in non-pregnant animals. This complication can affect animals of all species, but cows are especially susceptible to it.


During pregnancy, the uterus increases in size, and after childbirth, its reverse development occurs, i.e. involution. During the process of involution, the uterus decreases to the size characteristic of a non-pregnant state. Uterine involution is usually completed within 3 weeks. However, sometimes this process takes longer. The slowing down of uterine involution is called subinvolution.

Pathological childbirth, uterine prolapse and retained placenta are the main causes of the disease.

Subinvolution of the uterus occurs after strong stretching of its walls by a hydrocele, twins, triplets, as well as with persistent corpus luteum and retention of the placenta. The reasons for the massive disease of cows with subinvolution of the uterus can be the lack of active exercise (especially in the second half of pregnancy), insufficient or monotonous feeding, especially mineral and vitamin deficiency, excessive feeding of succulent feed (silage, stillage, pulp). Various diseases that weaken animals, as well as other external and internal factors that reduce the neuromuscular tone of the body.

The weakening of the general resistance of cows and heifers of breeding age is facilitated by metabolic disorders, which are caused by an imbalance of the diet in acid-base equivalents, minerals and vitamins. Metabolic disorders cause endocrine insufficiency and hormonal disorders. These disorders lead to a disorder in the neurohumoral regulation of sexual functions, and favorable conditions are created for the development of pathogenic microflora in the genital organs, which enter the uterine cavity immediately after calving, which complicates inflammatory processes. Frequent violations of the technology for preparing and laying roughage and succulent feeds leads to a decrease in their nutritional value. A decrease in the amount of hay, an increase in the percentage of silage and concentrates in the diet also leads to a decrease in the alkaline reserve in the body of females and metabolic disorders such as acidosis and ketosis. Year-round stall-free (in winter) and stall-pasture (summer) maintenance of broodstock creates a high concentration of opportunistic microflora in livestock buildings. All this, combined with the presence of stress factors on farms and extended lactations, leads to a significant decrease in natural resistance and disruption of the neurohumoral regulation of sexual functions. With ketosis and acidosis, after the fetus is removed, the uterus does not remain in a contracted state, but relaxes again, since the mechanisms of retraction and contraction are disrupted. This leads to the lowering of the uterus into the abdominal cavity and the “sucking” of air infected with opportunistic microflora into the cavity.

3. Pathogenesis

With subinvolution of the uterus, hypotonia or atony of the uterine muscles and slow retraction of its muscle layers develop. As a result, the uterine cavity decreases slowly and lochia accumulates in it. Microorganisms that penetrate the uterus cause the decomposition of lochia, which acquires a dark brown or grayish color with an unpleasant odor. The breakdown products of lochia, when absorbed, cause intoxication of the body.

4. Clinical signs and course

Contractions of the uterine walls are weakened (hypotonia) or absent (atony), the excitability of the myometrium is reduced, the retraction of muscle fibers is slowed down, the uterus becomes flabby, and lochia accumulates in its cavity.

Early signs of uterine subinvolution are: the release of liquid bloody lochia and vibration of the middle uterine arteries after 4 days after birth in cows or the absence of lochial discharge in the first 5-6 days after birth, which is associated with decreased uterine tone. Subsequently, an extension of the lochial period is observed (up to 30 days). Lochia is dark brown in color, has a smearing consistency or is liquid, dirty gray in color, with an unpleasant odor. Abundant discharge of lochia is observed in the mornings, while the animal is lying down.

During vaginal examination, hyperemia and swelling of the vaginal mucous membranes are noted. It is noted that the cervical canal is slightly open (one or two fingers patency), lochia are released from it. Closure of the cervical canal may be delayed for up to 30 days or more. A rectal examination carried out on days 7-12 after birth reveals that the uterus is enlarged, stretched and lowered into the abdominal cavity. The wall of the uterus is flabby, does not respond to massage with contractions or contracts weakly, fluctuation of the horn, which served as a fetal receptacle, is felt. Caruncles are often felt through the wall of the uterus. A corpus luteum is found in one of the ovaries. The general condition of the animal is usually unchanged. However, in some cases, with intensive decomposition of lochia, intoxication of the body occurs. At the same time, the animal becomes depressed, appetite decreases, the activity of the cardiovascular and digestive systems is disrupted, milk production decreases, and mastitis often occurs.

If the necessary therapeutic measures are not taken in time, then the subinvolution of the uterus takes a chronic course. In this case, over the course of several weeks, the release of lochia is observed, the uterus increases in size, its walls become flabby or thicken, sexual cyclicity is disrupted, or multiple inseminations are ineffective.

A particular danger is that it often leads to the appearance of acute and chronic endometritis and various functional disorders of the ovaries.

Early clinical signs of uterine subinvolution are the absence of formation of a mucus plug in the cervical canal and abundant discharge from the first day after birth of liquid bloody, then brown-red lochia, usually while the animal is lying down.

In the acute (severe) form of the pathological process, by 6-7 days the lochia acquires a brown-brown or dirty-brown color, a watery consistency, an admixture of gray-brown flakes of a crumbly mass, and an unpleasant putrefactive odor. The cow exhibits straining, the root of the tail is raised, the animal assumes a urinating posture, general depression, decreased appetite and milk production are noted. On rectal examination, the uterus is revealed deep in the abdominal cavity, cannot be encircled by hand, is atonic, fluctuates, its walls are flabby, without pronounced folding.

Abundant bloody discharge, which is a favorable environment for the proliferation of various opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms, provides conditions for their penetration through the open canal of the cervix into the uterine cavity, as a result of which on days 8-10, and after the placenta is retained for 6-7 days, subinvolution of the uterus may be complicated purulent catarrhal or purulent endometritis.

The mild (simple) form of uterine subinvolution is characterized by prolonged release (up to 25-30 days after birth) of red-brown or dark brown, thick, ointment-like consistency lochia, usually after an overnight rest or massage of the uterus through the rectum. The uterus is usually enlarged, its walls are flabby, with weakened tone and response to massage. Restoring its size to a non-pregnant state takes up to 35-45 days or more.

Chronic subinvolution of the uterus in cows is diagnosed one month or more after birth and is characterized by an increase in the size of the uterus, thickening of its walls, decreased tone and weakened response to massage, lack of lochia secretion, anaphrodisia or incomplete sexual cycles. An important method for diagnosing chronic subinvolution of the uterus is to identify the “flattening” of the uterine horns descended into the abdominal cavity when they are slightly compressed from the sides (especially in the area of ​​bifurcation and interhornal groove) through the wall of the rectum.

Clinical, gynecological, macroscopic and histological indicators, the course and severity of the processes make it possible to diagnose three degrees of manifestation of chronic subinvolution of the uterus.

In the first degree of chronic subinvolution, the uterus in cows is increased in size by 1.2 - 1.4 times, has an elastic consistency, and responds poorly to massage. The horns of the uterus are half lowered into the abdominal cavity. A slight “flattening” of the horns is noted in the area of ​​their bifurcation. Morphologically, thickening of the wall of the uterine horns and an increase in its lumen are determined. During autopsy after slaughter, caruncles in the form of papillae 3–4 mm high (normally I–2 mm) are revealed on the surface of the endometrium.

In the second degree of chronic subinvolution, 2/3 of the uterine horns hang into the abdominal cavity, are increased in size by 1.5-2.0 times, and do not respond to massage. The “flattening” of the horns is well expressed throughout their entire length. There are uneven thickenings of the wall of the horns, an increase in their cavity in diameter to 1.5 - 2 cm. The remains of caruncles in the form of papillae on the uterine mucosa in some animals reach 5 - 6 mm.

In the third degree of chronic subinvolution, the uterine horns hang down behind the pubic fusion, increase in size by 1.7 - 2.5 times, do not respond to massage, and their “flattening” is pronounced.

Pronounced longitudinal and transverse folding of the uterus, uneven thickening of its wall and asymmetry of its horns are recorded. The cavity of the uterine horns reaches 2.5-3.0 cm in diameter. On the endometrial mucosa, the remains of caruncles are visible in the form of papillae up to 6-8 mm in size.

Chronic subinvolution of the uterus is often accompanied by functional disorders of the ovaries in the form of their hypofunction and luteal cysts. If sexual cyclicity persists, growing follicles and functioning corpus luteum can be detected in the ovaries.

5. Diagnosis

When diagnosing uterine subinvolution, attention is paid to such signs as prolonged separation of lochia, changes in their color and absence of sexual arousal for a long time. In order to clarify the diagnosis, the genitals are examined using a vaginal speculum and palpation of the uterus by hand through the rectum (rectal examination).

You can also use a polystyrene obstetric-gynecological Pankov spoon to make a diagnosis. Pankov's polystyrene obstetric spoon (ALP), a device for diagnosing the condition of the genital organs in cows, consists of a round rod 27 cm long and 5 mm in diameter. At the working end of the rod there is an ellipse-shaped spoon with a slightly pointed leading edge for “cutting off” a sample of mucus-exudate. The LSA handle has a recess (hole) on the side of the open part of the elliptical spoon, so that when introducing the LSA into the cervix, the convex part is pressed against the vaginal wall, and when removing a sample of mucus-exudate, the open part is pressed. This prevents injury to the vagina. After taking the mucus, the upper edge of the spoon is lightly pressed against the vaginal wall, and the mucus sample is removed by moving the spoon along the “bottom”, and at the urethra it unfolds and is pressed against the side wall of the vagina. Samples of mucus-exudate are taken in compliance with antiseptic rules. The LSA case is filled with an antiseptic solution. The ALP is black so that fragments of pus or the color of the inflammatory exudate contrasts with the color of the ALP. A test card with colored oval circles and inscriptions on them is attached to the LSA. Each colored circle corresponds to a diagnosed pathological process or normal condition in the genital organs. Samples of mucus exudates taken under the cervix are compared.

6. Forecast


7. Treatment

The main objectives of treating cows with uterine subinvolution are to restore the tone and contractile function of the myometrium, stimulate the processes of regeneration of epithelial tissues in the uterus, increase the general resistance of the body and prevent endometritis.

When choosing treatment regimens for cows with uterine subinvolution, it is necessary to take into account the severity of the pathological process. In case of an acute form of the disease, cows are simultaneously administered intramuscularly with estufalan in a dose of 500 mcg or clatraprostin - 2 ml, twice, with a 24-hour interval, an oil solution of sinestrol is injected intramuscularly, 4-5 ml of 1% concentration or 2-2.5 ml 2 % concentration and within 4-5 days inject 40-50 units of oxytocin (pituitrin) or 5-6 ml of 0.02% solution of methylergometrine (0.05% solution of ergotal), or 2- 2.5 ml of 0.5% solution of proserin, 0.1% solution of carbacholine.

To prevent the development of endometritis, it is advisable to introduce broad-spectrum antimicrobial drugs into the uterine cavity once or twice. In the subacute form of uterine subinvolution, the same drugs and treatment regimens are used, with the only difference that a 1% solution of sinestrol is administered only once in a dose of 3-4 ml, and antimicrobial drugs intended for administration into the uterine cavity are not apply.

For chronic subinvolution and uterine atony, along with pathogenetic general stimulating therapy (ichthyologemotherapy, tissue therapy) and myotropic drugs, prostaglandin F-2-alpha preparations and gonadotropic hormones are also prescribed. If there are functioning corpora lutea or luteal cysts in the ovaries, estrofan or clathroprostin 2 ml is administered at the beginning of the course of treatment. Prostaglandins are administered again at the same dose on the 11th day in combination with a single injection of gonadotropin FFA at a dose of 2.5-3 thousand IU. With subinvolution of the uterus, accompanied by ovarian hypofunction, prostaglandins (estuphalan, clathroprostin, gravoprost, gravoclatran) are administered to cows once at the beginning of the course of treatment. On the 11th day, animals are injected with only gonadotropin FFA at a dose of 3 - 3.5 thousand IU.

Means that increase the tone and contractility of the uterus include uterine preparations. They can be divided by origin into herbal preparations of ergot, shepherd's purse, and so on, and into hormonal preparations - pituitrin, oxytocin, estrogen - sinestrol, estrone, estradiola benzoate; synthetically - isoverine and others. To increase the tone of the uterus, you can use anticholinergic drugs - carbacholine, proserin, and other synthetic prostaglandins.

Herbal preparations

Ergot is rich in alkaloids. Ergot alkaloids have complex effects on the body. One of the characteristic pharmacological features (especially of ergometrine and ergotamine) is their ability to cause uterine contractions. Under the influence of small doses of ergot, rhythmic contractions of the uterine muscles develop. With large doses of ergot, spasm of the uterine muscles develops. The muscles of the uterus are especially sensitive to ergot during pregnancy and after childbirth. Ergot and its preparations are widely used for atony and also for subinvolution of the uterus. In postpartum development, ergot preparations accelerate the reverse development of the uterus. The use of ergot preparations is prohibited during pregnancy and childbirth, since titonic contractions of the uterine muscles can lead to fetal asphyxia. Ergot, powder and extract are included in List B. Among the alkaloids, the drugs that have the greatest therapeutic value are Ergotal, Ergometrine, Ergotamine. Various ergot preparations have similar effects on the uterus, while at the same time the effect of ergometrine on the uterus develops faster than the effect of ergotamine and ergotoxin.

Estrogen drugs

The therapeutic effect of drugs in this group is based on their ability to activate the contractile activity of the genital organs. Stimulate the growth of follicles, induce estrus and hunting. In addition, under the influence of estrogen drugs, the protective functions of the uterus and the regenerative abilities of its tissues increase; they also contribute to the opening of the cervix, which is necessary to remove exudate in case of endometritis.

Oxytocin is a hormone produced synthetically by the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland. The drug is free from vasopressin, peptides and other impurities contained in extracts of the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland. The main property of oxytocin is the ability to cause strong contractions of the uterine muscles due to its action on the membranes of the uterine myometrial cells. Under the influence of the drug, the permeability of the cell membrane for potassium ions increases, its potential decreases and its excitability increases. The drug increases milk secretion by increasing the production of lactogenic hormone from the anterior pituitary gland. It has a weak antidiuretic effect and does not increase blood pressure. Oxytocin can be administered intravenously without fear of anaphylactic effects. It is used for weak labor, especially in small animals, for stimulation of the uterus after cesarean section, for atony, hypotension, inflammation, for removing the placenta, accelerating the involution of the uterus after childbirth, stimulating milk secretion during agalactia of pigs and cows. The drug is administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly, epidurally in combination with novocaine and intravenously (administered slowly, preferably by drip). Dosage takes into account individual sensitivity; small doses are recommended at the beginning. The dose for cows for subcutaneous and intramuscular administration is 30-60 units, for epidural administration 15-20 units, for intravenous administration 20-40 units. Pituitrin is a hormonal drug obtained from the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, consisting of the hormones oxytocin and vasopressin, used for atony, subinvolution, and endometritis. Contraindicated during pregnancy. A dose of 3-5 ml is administered subcutaneously to cows.

Vagotropic drugs

Prescribed for atony, sluggish contraction of the uterine muscles in order to stimulate labor, to improve the separation of the placenta and for subinvolution. The action of these drugs is carried out through the central nervous system, helping to normalize metabolic processes in the body and establishing neuro-endocrine connections.

Proserin is used to increase the tone of the uterus and, in the absence of its activity, when the placenta is retained, endometritis, to stimulate labor; for subinvolutions, proserin is often used three times in doses of 0.01 g with an interval between administrations for subinvolution of 2 days.

It is administered subcutaneously in the form of a 0.05-0.5% aqueous solution. In order to stimulate or enhance contractions of the uterine muscles, a rectal massage of the uterus is performed every 2-3 days.

It has been noted that with subinvolution of the uterus, the sensitivity of its muscles to drugs (oxytocin, pituitrin) is sharply reduced. Therefore, to enhance the uteretonic effect, it is advisable to inject the cow subcutaneously or intramuscularly 12-24 hours before their use with 2-3 ml of a 2% solution of sinestrol, once.

Oxytocin or pituitrin can be injected intravenously or intra-aortically at a dose of 8-10 units per 100 kg of animal weight. In this case, the drugs cause a rapid and sharp increase in uterine contractions. To increase the overall tone of the body and the contractile function of the uterus, especially in cases of intoxication, 200-500 ml of a 40% glucose solution, 100-150 ml of a 10% calcium chloride solution or 100-200 ml of Kamagsol are administered intravenously once a day. for 2-3 days, sometimes longer.

Among the means of general stimulating therapy, autohemotherapy can be used - three intramuscular injections in increasing doses of 30, 100 and 120 ml every 48 hours; 3-fold intravenous injection of a 1% solution of ichthyol in a 20% glucose solution in a dose of 200 ml at an interval of 24 hours; tissue preparation (extract from the spleen and liver in a dose of 15-20 ml or biostimulgin in a dose of 20-40 ml subcutaneously, if necessary, injections are repeated after 5-7 days.

Drugs that enhance the body’s regenerative and immunological responses

It is necessary to remove lochia from the uterus with a vacuum pump or by subcutaneous injection of ergot, oxytocin, sinestrol or colostrum. Irrigation of the vagina with hypertonic solutions of table salt is allowed. If there is no intoxication, rectal massage of the uterus and ovaries is effective. Novocaine therapy and autohemotherapy are useful. Neofur, hysteroton, metromax, exuter or furazolidone sticks are administered intrauterinely; intravenous solution of glucose with ascorbic acid.

The queens are provided with active exercise all year round. After childbirth, be sure to drink amniotic fluid (cows) or warm salted water with bran; Newborns are kept in maternity wards for 2-3 days; together with his mother.

The positive effect of colostrum administered subcutaneously in a dose of 25-30 ml on the involution of the genital organs and restoration of sexual activity has been established; intra-aortic administration of novocaine (according to D.D. Logvinov, 1971) in a dose of 100 ml with the addition of penicillin, streptomycin (500 each) has been successfully used thousand units) and 10 units of oxytocin. Good therapeutic and prophylactic effect with 3-4 injections with an interval of 48 hours (A.S. Tereshchenko, 1990).

Along with general therapy, local treatment is prescribed for uterine subinvolution. Regularly perform rectal massage of the body and uterine horns for 3-5 minutes, 4-5 sessions in total. Massaging the clitoris also has a positive effect.

A good therapeutic effect is achieved by intravaginal use on the 17th, 18th, 20th, 22nd day after calving of saprokel heated to 45°C. Under its influence, the contractile function of the uterus is activated, the removal of lochia from the uterine cavity is accelerated, and metabolic and regenerative processes in the genital organs are improved.

Vitamins are widely used for the prevention and treatment of vitamin deficiencies, increasing the body's resistance and as nonspecific pharmacological agents for a number of diseases. In addition, they are used as stimulants that increase the body's resistance.

The feasibility of vitaminization for obstetric and gynecological diseases is determined by the fact that in most farms, by January - February (the period of mass calving), the reserves of vitamins in the body of cows are depleted, and hypovitaminosis A develops. Vitamin deficiency, along with other negative factors (physical inactivity, unfavorable microclimate of livestock premises etc.), causes a slowdown in postpartum involution, a delay in the resumption of sexual cycles, and a decrease in the fertility of cows in the first stage of initiation of the sexual cycle after calving.

It is preferable to use complex vitamin preparations. Trivitamin is applied intramuscularly 20, 30, 40 days before calving or 10, 20, 30, 60 days before calving and on the 10th and 20th days after calving. The dose of the drug for a single injection is 10 ml. In order to normalize metabolism and activate restoration processes in the tissues of the uterus, vitamins D, E (2-3 times), feeding at weekly intervals can be prescribed.

Intravascular administration of novocaine gives a good therapeutic effect for postpartum diseases. Intravascular injections of novocaine ensure maximum delivery to the lesion.

In addition to chemotherapeutic agents for the treatment of uterine diseases, a number of authors recommend the use of uterine lavage, indicated in acute forms of endometritis, when the inflammatory process occurs with pronounced atony. Washing of the uterus is carried out with warm (40-42°C) solutions of sodium chloride 3-10%, ichthyol 3-4%, potassium permanganate 1:5000, hydrogen peroxide 1-2%, 0.5% a solution of Lysol, 1-2% salt-soda and other solutions of rivanol, potassium alum, copper sulfate, tannin, xeroform, formaldehyde, chloramine, etc. The positive effect of these drugs is their antimicrobial effect. However, as many authors point out, the introduction of solutions of astringents and disinfectants into the uterine cavity does not always have a therapeutic effect, but, on the contrary, sometimes complicates the course of the pathological process and worsens the health of the sick animal.

8. Prevention

Prevention of uterine subinvolution in cows includes a set of agronomic, zootechnical, veterinary and organizational general and special measures.

With daily active exercise of 3-4 km per day, the involution of the genital organs in cows is completed by the 24th day after birth; in cows that do not use walks, this process is completed much later.

In addition, it is necessary to carry out measures in terms of obstetric and gynecological medical examination.

Starting from the 4th day after birth, calving cows are monitored on a daily basis. If, from the 4th to the 8th day after birth, the lochia becomes cloudy or an admixture of pus appears in them, this indicates the development of a pathological process in the uterus. Such cows are examined vaginally and rectally and treated according to the diagnosis of the disease.

On the 10-14th day after birth, regardless of the amount and nature of lochia, a vaginal and rectal examination of cows is carried out to identify animals with pathology of the genital organs. Based on the results of the study, sick cows are separated and treated. Repeated planned rectovaginal examination of cows is carried out after 3 weeks. after childbirth.

Improve animal feeding and provide exercise. The uterus is massaged through the rectum. Oxytocin or pituitrin is administered subcutaneously at a dose of 30-40 units, and a 1% solution of novocaine is administered intra-aortically. Intravenous injections of 20% glucose solution in a dose of 200 ml, 10% calcium chloride solution 100-150 ml, 0.5% novocaine solution 100 ml and 40% glucose solution 100 ml are prescribed 2-3 times per day. at intervals of 48 hours.


1. V.P. Goncharov, V.A. Karpov Prevention and treatment of gynecological diseases of cows. M.; Rosselkhozizdat, 1981

2. B.C. Shipilov Veterinary obstetrics and gynecology. // M.; Agropromizdat, 1986

3. Directory of veterinarians "Lan" 2000

4. Methodological manual 2009


With subinvolution of the uterus, hypotonia or atony of the uterine muscles and slow retraction of its muscle layers develop. As a result, the uterine cavity decreases slowly, and lochia (lochiometra) accumulates in it. Microorganisms that penetrate the uterus cause the decomposition of lochia, which acquires a dark brown or grayish color with an unpleasant odor. The breakdown products of lochia are absorbed into the blood, which causes intoxication of the body.

In the cavity of the non-contracting uterus, lochia accumulate and linger, which undergo decomposition due to the introduction of microorganisms into them. As a result, the body becomes intoxicated with the breakdown products of lochia, which enter the blood, which leads to varying severity of uterine diseases and general septic processes. Its contractile function is weakened, the retraction of muscle fibers slows down, as a result of which atrophic-degenerative and subsequently regenerative processes inherent in the normal course of the postpartum period are disrupted. In particular, the restoration and degeneration of the coruncles, mucous membrane, blood vessels of the uterus, and ligamentous apparatus is delayed. Lochia accumulates in the uterine cavity, which causes stretching of the uterine walls and prevents their contraction. The accumulation of liquid dark brown lochia in the uterus leads to lochiometra and the formation of toxins. Intoxication of the body with the breakdown products of lochia causes mastitis. Sexual cycles are disrupted.

V.A. Samoilov (1988) found that cows with uterine subinvolution on the first day before birth have a relatively high level of progesterone in the blood with a low concentration of estradiol -17/3. In cows with uterine subinvolution, 1-2 days after calving, there is a more rapid decrease in the concentration of estradiol - 17/3 and a slow decrease in progesterone compared to animals with a normal course of the postpartum period. At the same time, a lower content of prostaglandin F-2 alpha in the blood of cows with uterine subinvolution was established, both 1 day before calving and in the first 10 days after it (A.S. Tereshchenko, 1990).


When diagnosing uterine subinvolution, attention is paid to such signs as prolonged separation of lochia, changes in their color and absence of sexual arousal for a long time. In order to clarify the diagnosis, the genitals are examined using a vaginal speculum and palpation of the uterus by hand through the rectum (rectal examination).

You can also use a polystyrene obstetric-gynecological Pankov spoon to make a diagnosis. Pankov's polystyrene obstetric spoon (ALP), a device for diagnosing the condition of the genital organs in cows, consists of a round rod 27 cm long and 5 mm in diameter. At the working end of the rod there is an ellipse-shaped spoon with a slightly pointed leading edge for “cutting off” a sample of mucus-exudate. The LSA handle has a recess (hole) on the side of the open part of the elliptical spoon, so that when introducing the LSA into the cervix, the convex part is pressed against the vaginal wall, and when removing a sample of mucus-exudate, the open part is pressed. This prevents injury to the vagina. After taking the mucus, the upper edge of the spoon is lightly pressed against the vaginal wall, and the mucus sample is removed by moving the spoon along the “bottom”, and at the urethra it unfolds and is pressed against the side wall of the vagina. Samples of mucus-exudate are taken in compliance with antiseptic rules. The LSA case is filled with an antiseptic solution. The ALP is black so that fragments of pus or the color of the inflammatory exudate contrasts with the color of the ALP. A test card with colored oval circles and inscriptions on them is attached to the LSA. Each colored circle corresponds to a diagnosed pathological process or normal condition in the genital organs. Samples of mucus exudates taken under the cervix are compared.

Criteria for diagnosing ALP

1. If the entire spoon up to the handle has entered the vagina and when you remove your hand from the handle of the spoon it does not come out under the pressure of the cervix, then we can assume that the cervix is ​​at the edge of the pubic fusion. Diagnoses: in a healthy animal, in the presence of a small amount of sticky mucus, pallor and dryness of the vaginal vestibule - pregnancy (more than 2 months), and in a fresh cow, in the presence of reddish or brown-reddish lochia in the sample - subinvolution of the uterus; The return of the ALP from the genital fissure under the pressure of the cervix to half its length after its insertion to the cervix means that the cervix is ​​in the middle of the bottom of the pelvic cavity.

Diagnoses: in healthy animals - involution is complete (the sample contains transparent liquid or thick and sticky mucus) and in full heat it is necessary to inseminate, regardless of the timing after calving; in inseminated animals, fertilization is possible; in patients - exclude hidden endometritis using a mucus-exudate sample; A full spoonful of brown-red, odorless, decomposed liquid with liquefied brown fragments - involution or subinvolution, depending on the timing after calving; a full spoon of cloudy lochia with the smell of decomposition - sapremia (excessive amount of saprophytic microflora); a full spoon with liquid and thick exudate of a purulent nature - purulent-catarrhal endometritis; a full spoon of pus - pyometra or stage 4 of purulent-catarrhal endometritis;

The spoon is easy to insert, it contains transparent, light, odorless mucus, the vestibule of the vagina is pale pink - the follicle is maturing in the ovary, the animal is healthy; The spoon is easy to insert, it contains clear or slightly cloudy mucus, the vestibule of the vagina is hyperemic - the preovulatory stage of a mature follicle;

The spoon is easily inserted, it contains cloudy or light, but thick mucus with fragments of pus (1: 6-10). The spoon is inserted with some effort, you have to alternately push back the walls of the vagina, and in the spoon there is a little thick sticky mucus - the corpus luteum of the reproductive cycle is in the ovary; The spoon is inserted to its length with some difficulty (as in step 7), the spoon contains a little thick mucus with a brown tint - perhaps the animal is pregnant (2-3 months); The spoon is inserted without effort, and in the sample (twice, with an interval of 10 days), a small amount of thick sticky light mucus is a yellow persistent body.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs