The cat is vomiting yellow mucus. The cat vomited bile: causes of vomiting, first aid methods, preventive measures

😿 Causes of vomiting in cats. What to do if your cat is vomiting white foam or mucus. ⭐ Diagnosis of green, red, black, yellow, orange, pink and clear vomit. The cat vomits after eating. Treatment.

Vomiting in cats and cats 😿


There is hardly a single owner who would not observe such a phenomenon as cat vomiting. But the cat owner does not always pay due attention to what happened, considering it simply the body’s reaction to food. Yes, this happens, but it also happens that bad changes occur in the cat’s body, and this is one of the first symptoms of a serious illness. Therefore, it is better to figure out whether there is a reason to treat your pet.

Causes of vomiting in cats


Here is a list of diseases that can cause a cat to burp regularly:

    chronic renal failure. Often with chronic renal failure in the morning, the ejected contents consist of empty saliva, and uremic syndrome manifests itself;

    gastroenteritis, gastritis - mucus may be visible;

    But it is inappropriate to attribute such an unpleasant phenomenon only to pregnancy - infections can attack a cat at any time, so if you suspect it, it is better to show the animal to a veterinarian.

    Diagnosis of cat vomiting

    People often forget that it is necessary not only to remove the symptom, but to understand the cause of the phenomenon. Vomit can be a symptom of various disorders in the cat's body. To understand the true cause of regurgitation, you need to look at vomiting - after diagnosis it will become clear whether the animal requires urgent treatment, and what kind of treatment.

    The cat is vomiting blood

    When an owner notices blood in a cat's vomit, they may begin to panic. Should not be doing that. You need to get together and first of all study the unpleasant phenomenon.

    Perhaps there is scarlet blood in the mass, or the mass itself is thick and brown. If the vomit is still brown, then there is a high chance of gastric bleeding. It could be caused by a foreign body, a tumor, an ulcerative process, liver disease, acute gastritis and some other diseases. Why brown? Because vomit contains not only blood, but also gastric juice.

    Scarlet bloody vomit or a distinct pink mass indicates bleeding in the esophagus or mouth. There is nothing that can be done here other than taking the cat to the clinic.

    Black vomit

    Black vomit in a cat can also scare the owners. Typically, such a scourge does not manifest itself without accompanying symptoms: along with regurgitation, fever, drowsiness, weakness, pain, diarrhea, and signs of dehydration appear. They do not take any independent action - only a specialist treats the problem. The owner's task is not to try to feed the cat, but to get him to the doctor as soon as possible.

    Clear vomit in a cat

    Both an adult cat and a small kitten can vomit clear liquid. Instead of the contents of the stomach with pieces of food, there is simply clear water with some gastric juice. A small amount of mucus from the esophagus may be present.

    Simple yellow vomit occurs when a cat's diet consists of industrial food. But if the vomit is a bright, rich yellow color, even orange, it means that bile has spilled into the stomach.


    Bile entering the stomach is caused by problems with the biliary tract or liver disease.


    It is better to re-learn the nutritional tips for cats: fatty foods are completely excluded, not to mention stale ones. The second step will be to consult a veterinarian to check the animal’s condition.

    The cat has green vomit

    Green vomit appears when a lot of bile or even intestinal contents have spilled into the stomach. Usually the process is triggered by a severe infection. This requires urgent help from a veterinarian, and not treatment at home, take care of your cat!

    When a kitten or cat vomits greens and wool, everything is not so critical: the pet probably tasted green grass, and before that it swallowed its own wool - and so the stomach self-cleanses from the fur that has filled it.

    The cat is vomiting white foam

    It happens that a cat vomits white foam - a one-time occurrence does not pose a threat. Nausea begins when food has been digested and sent to the intestines, and mucus and gastric juice remain in the empty stomach. The air that gets into them helps to form a foamy white mass. This happens at any age: both in old cats and in young ones after giving birth.

    Multiple foamy vomiting in cats indicates the presence of chronic stomach diseases. Foam is a derivative of mucus that protects the walls of the organ, and in its absence, ulcers can form.

    Foam vomiting is often observed in a kitten after switching to solid food: the stomach is often full, which triggers the gag reflex. The process is quite long and stops only when mucus and gastric juice come out in the form of white foam. In adult animals, such a stomach reaction is also possible when switching to a new type of food.

    Veterinary medicine indicates that beginning gastritis is one of the causes of morning white cat vomiting with foam. Parallel symptoms may include alternating diarrhea and constipation, refusal to eat, and apathetic behavior.

    If the foamy vomit contains some hairs, the cause of the problem is a hairball stuck in the stomach. The green grass fibers will help the animal get rid of the foreign body.

    It is not at all good if, in addition to foam, bile or blood is found in the contents ejected from the stomach: the cat is shaking and is tormented by constant diarrhea, nervous attacks develop: urgently see a veterinarian.

    Vomiting mucus

    Vomiting in a cat with mucus in it does not bode well: among the causes include erosive and chronic gastritis, intestinal diseases, and viral diseases.

    Vomiting in cats after eating

    There are several reasons for this: the cat could have eaten to its heart’s content, and the gag reflex was triggered. Or the cat ate too hastily, swallowing pieces - such a meal will not go well. In both cases the phenomenon will be one-time.

    Sometimes the owner notices that the pet is constantly vomiting immediately after eating undigested pieces - the veterinarian is already waiting for his patient, because this is a serious sign of inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. This happens due to pain while eating and the stomach’s refusal to digest food in the usual manner. Why is it worth going to the clinic as soon as possible? There were cases when cat vomited after eating due to volvulus.

    The cat has a gag reflex without vomiting

    While watching their pet, owners sometimes notice vomiting, which ends in nothing. Most likely, the pet has accumulated fur in its stomach. Weak peristalsis fails to cope, and the number of hairs increases. The veterinarian will remove the hairball, and the owners will be given advice on how to comb their pet's fur.

    What to feed your cat after vomiting

    After the cat has vomited, the attentive owner continues not only to monitor the condition of the purr, but will also offer him dietary food. It does not cancel taking medications, but accompanies it. A fasting diet is required in the first 10 hours. Instead of water, after a single nausea, it is better to let the cat lick a couple of ice cubes. Repeated vomiting dehydrates the cat, so you will have to try to give the cat fresh, clean water to drink.

    The diet in this case is therapeutic: the stomach and intestines will react poorly to fatty, spicy and salty foods. If the cat eats dry food, medicinal forms are chosen.

    The animal is given rice water, baby purees, and boiled chicken for two days in a row.

    Treating a cat for vomiting

    You should not try to stop vomiting on your own - without knowing the true cause, you can cause serious harm to your pet.

    When the owner notices that the cat has vomited after sterilization, he may panic, but there is no reason to worry: the cat has undergone anesthesia and is recovering from it, or she was fed early. No treatment required. A single vomiting in a cat after vaccination also does not require help.

    In case of poisoning, the cat should be given absorbents; if severe poisons are suspected, a veterinarian will be treated.

    In any case, you can help your cat with vomiting with drugs that restore the water-salt balance.

    The doctor will prescribe a diet and prescribe pills that will protect the cat’s body from new vomiting.


    The gel has a uniform consistency, has a pleasant taste and is white in color. The contents of the sachet are used according to the dosage: for cats, 0.5 ml is calculated for each kilogram of the pet’s weight.


    Mezim is classified as a human drug approved for ingestion by animals. For treatment, use a quarter of the tablet, which is turned into powder and treated to the kitty 15 minutes before meals.


    Cerucal can be purchased in the form of tablets and injections. The dosage is calculated based on the weight of the animal: 0.2-0.4 mg per kilogram of the animal’s weight. Reception is carried out 3-4 times a day.


    The substance is in the form of a white powder, available in sachets. For a medium-sized adult cat, 1.5 g of medicine is enough. The powder is diluted to a mushy state with boiled water (50 ml).

    Don't let the process go cat vomiting of course - the owner is responsible for the health of the animal.

    Video about vomiting in cats

During the creation of the organism, nature calculated everything down to the smallest details. Sneezing or coughing is a natural protective reaction. The same applies to vomiting. Due to this, the cat’s body wants to get rid of substances that are perceived by the animal as foreign. Naturally, if a pet vomits, this causes great panic in the owner. But no need to worry.

Perhaps the reason is not dangerous, but it is necessary to determine why the cat is vomiting and what to do in this case. So, your cat is vomiting: what to do, how to treat it, and should you sound the alarm?

Cats vomit after a reflex signal coming from the brain. There can be many reasons for this:

  • pathology of the bile ducts and stomach;
  • pain in the throat;
  • high intracranial pressure;
  • Taking this into account, a first aid or treatment strategy is selected.

Vomiting foam

When a cat vomits white foam, then, first, it is necessary to exclude diseases such as panleukopenia or plague. With this pathology, the cat vomits white or yellow liquid with foam. What is distinctive is that this vomiting does not occur with food debris or hair. Most often, the urge occurs frequently and does not provide relief.

In addition, cats develop apathy, animals refuse food and even their favorite dish. Just like in dogs, this pathology often leads to death if treatment is not started in a timely manner. Thus, in the event that a cat begins vomiting yellow or white liquid with foam, you need to see a veterinarian as quickly as possible and prescribe treatment.

Vomiting after eating

After eating, cats vomit for various reasons. The main and most likely cause is overeating. In this case, if the cat swallows food quickly, overeating may occur and, as a result, vomiting food covered in saliva or mucus. Also, the cat vomits after eating during food changes. If until this time the cat was fed natural food and for some reason the pet’s daily menu suddenly began to consist mostly of dry food, then a problem with the digestive system may also arise.

In this case, it is necessary to exclude diseases. Thus, overeating appears only through vomiting after eating with saliva or food residues with mucus.

Vomit should not contain:

  • bile with water;
  • wool;
  • worms.

In addition, diarrhea will not appear, the cat will not refuse to eat, and a single vomiting will provide significant relief.

Just like in dogs, these problems tend to appear at a young age and in older cats.

Vomiting hair

A cat, unlike a dog, licks itself all the time, and the hair ends up in the digestive system. As a result of the accumulation of hair, the patency of the digestive tract is disrupted, which leads to a reflex cleansing of the stomach. Moreover, the cat is tearing up its fur. Vomiting with yellow liquid or foam, along with mucus, is not excluded. Neither changes in the cat's behavior nor diarrhea should occur at this time. Most often, this condition appears several times a month.

But it's not that simple. Very often, long-haired cats develop blockage of the intestinal tract. In this case, the pet is vomiting all the time; impurities are formed with blood, the remains of unprocessed food and bile. Moreover, the cat is weak, she simply does not eat anything and, as a result of this process, dehydration occurs. In this case, it is necessary to urgently perform surgery, since there is simply no conservative treatment for this pathology. But to the delight of owners of long-haired cats, it must be said that there is a specially developed paste that prevents this condition and is used as a preventive measure.


When a cat's throat is damaged, vomiting is also possible. Of course, the pet does not eat anything at this time, weakness appears, and vomit may be found in the masses. blood impurities. When the bronchi or lungs are affected, vomiting with white foam is possible. What is distinctive is that cats do not have diarrhea during injuries, which prevents an infectious disease. In this case, it is necessary to examine the animal’s mouth and determine the reason for this situation.

Any change in hormonal levels can cause vomiting. For starters, this applies to pregnant cats. In the first stages Vomiting mucus is considered normal. If a cat vomits yellow foam, then this means that there is a disease of the gallbladder, which chronically worsened during pregnancy. As a rule, the urge appears in the morning, just like in dogs and humans.

There is no need to treat a cat that is pregnant unless, of course, it has a fever and is not diarrhea. It is enough to provide easily digestible food and often give the animal water to drink. You should not allow your cat to eat unsuitable objects. Often, a pregnant cat undergoes a transformation of taste; it begins to chew wallpaper, pieces of polyethylene, and the like. It is necessary to feed with specially selected food, which contains all the necessary microelements and vitamins.

Diseases of internal organs

Most often, a cat vomits during pathology of the gallbladder and liver. Moreover, vomiting occurs with bile of the corresponding odor. Often, a cat does not eat anything, and yet after eating it becomes much easier. Diarrhea, which contains impurities with bile, cannot be ruled out. Moreover, the cat vilifies very often and most often this happens in the morning, since it is at this time that the work of these internal organs is activated.

There are statistics that a cat, as a rule, vomits after eating fatty foods and dry food. If this condition is associated only with non-compliance with the diet, then you only need to decide on the food and provide the food with water.

Also, intestinal pathologies can lead to vomiting. These are possible ulcers, gastritis, trauma, that is, all the same diseases as in humans or dogs. During certain of them, diarrhea may appear, the animal does not eat anything, and vomiting contains pieces of food. During the presence of an ulcer, diarrhea can sometimes even be bloody. In the last version the condition becomes more complicated after eating dry food, since it can cause mucosal damage.

In this case, it is necessary to determine the reason for the vomiting, which organ is infected, and begin treatment directly.

Infectious diseases

It is all the more important to pay close attention to a cat when it often vomits bile and has noticeable diarrhea with water. This often implies an infectious disease. It's possible the plague. It is slightly different from the one that appears in a dog, but it is just as unsafe for the life of a cat.

Also such pathologies may occur, How:

  • rhinotracheitis;
  • herpes;
  • calicivirus and the like.

All these diseases have certain characteristics. This is precisely why it is necessary to closely monitor cats and note any changes.

Other reasons

In addition to the above, cats may vomit after sterilization or any other operation. Moreover, when the cat does not refuse food and does not vilify, then nothing should be done. If the animal does not eat anything, diarrhea appears, impurities with bile or blood are noticeable in the vomit, then it is necessary to see a veterinarian as quickly as possible in order to prevent complications after sterilization.

In addition, after surgery, liver damage sometimes appears as a protective reaction of the body to anesthesia, which is also manifested by vomiting. It is also necessary to note that after sterilization, the protective properties of the immune system decrease, therefore, any vomiting with foam, especially water with a bad smell, requires contacting a venereologist in order to prevent distemper.

What to do?

To begin with, if a cat is vomiting, it is necessary to rule out poisoning or infection and this must be done as soon as possible. Then the nature of vomiting is revealed. If you are vomiting with worms, go to the hospital immediately for treatment. Vomiting with food indicates overeating; nausea during sterilization is considered normal, but only when there are no other signs; vomiting in the morning indicates a gallbladder infection.

Prevention is considered to be compliance with the rules of housing and feeding. Try to eliminate dry food when your cat has stomach problems. If the cat is picky and does not eat anything other than it, then try making it with boiling water, which will make the food softer. If cats eat wallpaper, it is necessary to provide them with a toy. That is, knowing why a cat is vomiting, you will no longer think about what to do, and will immediately take measures to alleviate the condition of your pet.

Often, pet owners are forced to observe an unpleasant picture: a cat burps yellow liquid. Of course, this shouldn't happen. However, Barsik’s body is designed in such a way that vomit comes out quite often.


If you see your cat belching yellow liquid, but you firmly believe that he is in excellent health, then this is probably a sign that he has simply overeaten. In this case, the vomit will necessarily contain undigested particles of Whiskas (or other food). In some cases, the mustachioed predator specifically provokes it in order to clear the stomach of fur accumulated in it.

However, when you notice that your cat is burping yellow liquid, this is a “serious” reason to pay attention to your pet’s health.

Dangerous forms of diseases

It is possible that the vomit has an orange tint because bile has leaked into it. Such a symptom may well indicate that the cat is sick and needs the help of a qualified veterinarian. Bile in vomit can only mean one thing: your pet has a liver or gallbladder disorder. Moreover, pathologies can be very diverse, including those that lead to death.

Failure of the liver often leads to diseases of the pancreas, intestines, kidneys and other organs.

If a cat burps yellow liquid, then it is likely that he is diagnosed with pathologies such as hepatitis, lipidosis, etc.

How can you help your animal before going to the vet?

Of course, you should under no circumstances self-medicate - in these cases, you should be helped by a qualified specialist.

He will not only prescribe the pharmacological medications necessary for treatment, but will also recommend the optimal diet for your pet so that its gastrointestinal tract functions in a gentle manner for some time. Before contacting a doctor, you can alleviate your pet’s suffering if you prepare herbal infusions for him (chamomile, St. John’s wort, rose hips, calendula).

Be prepared for anything

Be prepared for the fact that the above ailment can acquire a complicated form, in which case the cat burps yellow foam for several months. Moreover, the pet will have a high body temperature and there will be a lack of appetite. Liver failure can even cause coma.

The animal may develop jaundice, which, again, may last several months.

As soon as you notice that your cat is belching yellow liquid, and her mucous membranes and sclera have acquired an orange tint, immediately change the diet, or better yet, go straight to the veterinarian for advice.

Cholecystitis, an inflammation of the gallbladder, is very dangerous for the health of a pet.

This disease is accompanied by frequent diarrhea, elevated body temperature and pain in the liver area. In this case, it is also necessary to seek help from a veterinarian as soon as possible. It would be a good idea to include easily digestible foods in your diet, and apply a heating pad to the liver area.

Proper nutrition is the key to health

Do not forget that your pet must receive a complete and balanced diet, which is rich in minerals, vitamins, microelements, proteins, fats and carbohydrates.


To minimize the risk of the above pathologies, you should remember about preventive measures. You should regularly show your pet to the veterinarian, do all the vaccinations recommended by experts, and do not forget about such an important procedure as deworming the animal. Particular attention should be paid to your cat's nutritional system. As soon as the mustachioed predator feels sick, quickly run with him to the veterinarian

If your pet’s gag reflex occurs quite often, and you are absolutely sure that in this way he is trying to clean his stomach of fur, then do not be lazy and buy a special paste for him. It will help remove particles of fur from the animal’s body along with feces.

Vomiting in a cat is a protective reaction of the body to external and internal irritants. Usually, such an animal’s reaction is quite normal: the cat can simply clear its stomach of accumulated hairballs. But sometimes nausea and vomiting in a pet indicate a serious illness. If timely assistance is provided, the painful condition will pass without consequences for the pet.

What kind of vomiting happens in cats?

By carefully observing your cat, you can notice signs of distress even before she starts vomiting. The cat begins to behave strangely, sits in an unusual tense position, or makes strange noises. At this moment, it is necessary to trace exactly how the pet vomited. There are several types of vomiting, signaling completely different problems in the animal’s body.

Types of vomiting in cats:

  • Vomiting with foam. If a cat vomits foam without any impurities in the form of fur or food debris, this indicates the presence of some kind of disease.
  • Vomiting of undigested food. It happens that a cat eats food too quickly or starts playing active games immediately after eating: this type of vomiting should not cause serious concern.
  • Vomiting bile - yellow vomit without any inclusions.
  • Vomiting hair. Since cats constantly groom themselves and groom themselves, hair accumulates in their stomach. To prevent the stomach from becoming clogged, animals regurgitate fur.
  • Vomiting blood. Light blood in the vomit indicates injury to the larynx or esophagus. The cat could have been injured by swallowing a sharp object. If the animal belches only blood and it is dark in color, this indicates deeper damage: perhaps to the stomach or intestines. In this case, urgent consultation with a veterinarian is required.

Causes of nausea and vomiting in cats

With the exception of physiological factors such as regurgitation, there are several reasons why a cat burps:

Vomiting that continues for several days is a serious reason to consult a veterinarian.

Yellow vomit

If a cat vomits yellow liquid, this indicates that there is bile in the vomit. This is not typical for this type of ailment, since bile should not enter the stomach. The presence of this component in vomit indicates liver or gallbladder disease.

If the illness lasts for several days, the stomach begins to fill with bile. In this case, the walls of the stomach become inflamed, since bile is a hostile environment for the digestive organs.

The pet owner must accurately determine the color of the masses before contacting a doctor. Vomiting of bile is usually a very bright, rich yellow color. If the masses are colored with dyes contained in feed, they are of a dull gray-yellow color.

The cat is sick: does not eat or drink, constant vomiting - possible causes

Vomiting with foam

If foam pours out of a cat's mouth, this is a sign of feline distemper. A clear sign that the cat will vomit foam is frequent reflex movements, up to 8-10 times. Along with frequent vomiting, other signs of distemper also occur - the cat does not lick itself, hides in dark corners, and ceases to be interested in the world around it.

Vomiting in a cat is a protective mechanism whose task is to rid the animal’s body of foreign substances. Vomit can come out in a wide variety of forms, including yellow liquid. It is not always possible for pet owners to independently determine the cause of vomiting, so the best choice in this situation would be to contact a veterinarian.


Vomiting can occur in a cat due to a number of factors. Thus, undereating or overeating often leads to digestive disorders. If a cat falls asleep hungry and its stomach remains empty at night, then there is a high probability that the cat will vomit in the morning. Eating too much food will cause your pet's stomach to become full, and the food will not pass into the intestines, even if it goes in the opposite direction. Food poisoning can also trigger vomiting.

A cat's vomit takes on a yellow tint due to the presence of a small amount of bile in the secretions. If your pet's health is fine, bile acids should not be in the stomach. The appearance of bile acids in the stomach is usually caused by reverse peristalsis of the duodenum. Vomiting yellow liquid poses a rather great danger to a cat’s health, since bile secretions provoke severe irritation of the gastric mucosa, which threatens the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the future.

There may be several reasons for the malaise. So, a cat can swallow a foreign object. If the object is small, then it should be excreted along with the feces, but if its size exceeds the capabilities of the intestines, then in this case the increased production of bile acids will begin in the stomach. Vomiting of yellow foam in a cat may begin after too drastic a change in diet, if the food has become more high-calorie. The liver does not have time to react to new feeding conditions, and in this case undigested food can be found in the vomit, surrounded by a yellow liquid. The activity of helminths can also lead to vomiting of bile: in this way, the cat’s body tries to get rid of the worms.

Vomiting yellow foam may indicate problems with the cat's gallbladder. Another cause of illness may be chronic liver or intestinal diseases. Infectious diseases are often the cause of vomiting of yellow liquid in a cat, since when foreign bacteria and viruses enter the body, the liver begins to actively cleanse the blood of toxic substances that have penetrated there. As a result, without proper treatment, the intervals between vomiting will be constantly reduced. Vomiting on an empty stomach is also often mixed with yellow liquid. Finally, the most common and, unfortunately, the most serious cause of this ailment is feline distemper. So, the reasons for vomiting bile may be the following:

  • ingestion of a foreign object;
  • change in diet;
  • gallbladder problems;
  • infectious diseases;
  • chronic liver and intestinal diseases;
  • helminthic infestation;
  • feline distemper (panleukopenia).

Symptoms of diseases that cause bile vomiting

Symptoms of a number of diseases include vomiting yellow foamy liquid. Thus, with hepatitis, a cat may experience an increase in body temperature, a decrease in appetite up to its complete loss, darkening of urine, yellowness of the mucous membranes, and diarrhea. Vomiting yellow liquid, which has a sharp and unpleasant smell, can be a sign of liver failure, both acute and chronic. In addition to vomiting, this disease is characterized by the presence of a bad odor from the mouth, regular fainting, incessant nausea, and yellowing of the sclera. In addition, vomiting yellow foam is a symptom of lipidosis, which can be recognized by the rapid exhaustion of the animal, complete loss of appetite, accumulation of toxic elements in the liver and its subsequent inflammation. Feline plague (panleukopenia) manifests itself with a sharp increase in temperature to 40–41 ̊C, pet apathy, frequent vomiting, diarrhea with a pungent odor, lack of appetite and thirst, and a hunched posture.

First aid

If the cat’s discomfort does not stop, it is necessary to force the cat to drink more water by any means, as the animal becomes severely dehydrated. However, drinking plenty of water does not guarantee that vomiting will stop, so if vomiting continues, try giving your pet small portions of water every 30 minutes. At the same time, you should stop giving the cat any food and put it on a fasting regime, which must be maintained for about a day. It is strictly not recommended to treat your cat yourself by giving it antiemetic drugs intended for humans. If the vomiting does not go away after 24 hours, it is necessary to take the cat to a veterinary clinic, otherwise there is a high risk of losing the animal due to rapid dehydration.



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