Houseplant pomegranate - medicinal properties, description. Pomegranate - medicinal properties and medicinal uses

Deciduous evergreen shrub or low tree Punica granatum - the common pomegranate is a member of the loosestrife family (Lythraceae). Contrary to popular belief, pomegranate is not a vegetable, but a fruit.

Botanical description

This is a highly branched plant with oblong or lanceolate, glossy leaves, short shoots ending in spines.

Thanks to its large, berry-like fruits with red skin, it is often called the “grainy apple.”

There is a version that in Russian this name was given to it for the similarity of the blood-red grains of the fruit with the garnet gemstone.

History has conveyed many legends, myths about the tree and fruits of Punica granatum. According to the famous botanist and biogeographer Alphonse Decandolle, pomegranate has been a cultural item since prehistoric times. The Italians call it the apple of paradise, with which Eve was seduced in paradise.


This rare, declining species was included in the Red Book of the USSR in the 20th century. The habitat of wild pomegranates is Transcaucasia, Asia Minor and Central Asia. And as an ornamental fruit tree, the common pomegranate grows in the south of Russia, Dagestan, and Crimea.

Chemical composition

Juicy, granular pomegranate fruits contain up to 63% juice, up to 19% sugar, their chemical composition includes vitamin C, citric, oxalic, malic acids, vital macro- and microelements, so their benefits are difficult to overestimate. It is consumed fresh, as well as as sauces for national dishes, syrups, extracts, and various drinks.

Not only berries with seeds, but even the skin and membranous partitions are of interest for their high content of vitamins, carbohydrates, steroids and other healthy substances.

Applications of pomegranate

Hippocrates also appreciated the medicinal properties of pomegranate and recommended using its juice to prepare potions for stomach pain, the peel of the fruit for dysentery and wounds, the seeds for headaches, and the bark for worms.

Avicenna considered pomegranate juice one of the best medicines for urolithiasis.

Doctors of the XV-XVII centuries. pomegranate was included in recipes for astringents and sedatives, and was also used to cure nasal polyps and hemorrhoids.

Useful properties of pomegranate

Today, the common pomegranate (fruits, juice, seeds, peel, flowers, roots, bark) as a medicinal product has not lost its popularity in both official and folk medicine. Its juice is an excellent general tonic after complex operations, infectious diseases, in the treatment of scurvy, gastrointestinal tract, etc.

For colitis, gastritis, dysentery, diarrhea, and inflammatory processes, decoctions of crushed peel are used, and to expel worms, decoctions are used from the roots and bark of pomegranate. Juice with powder from dried pomegranate peel is very effective for open treatment of burns.

Contraindications to the use of pomegranate

However, the use of pomegranate preparations requires prior consultation with specialists. After all, it is they, following the commandment “Do no harm!”, who will be able to correctly establish a diagnosis, help understand contraindications and avoid causing harm to the body.

Pomegranate peel contains poisonous alkaloids.

  • Pomegranate is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance.
  • Contraindicated in case of duodenal ulcer.
  • With increased acidity of gastric juice.
  • Pomegranate juice should be diluted with water as it is too concentrated and can damage tooth enamel and also irritate the gastric mucosa.
  • Pomegranate is contraindicated for hemorrhoids and anal fissures.

Pomegranate - description.

The medicinal plant pomegranate is a bush or small tree up to 5 m high. It belongs to the pomegranate family. The branches of the pomegranate tree are brown-yellow, smooth, curved, and opposite. The leaves of the common pomegranate are entire, opposite, oblong, short-petiolate, leathery, lanceolate. Pomegranate flowers are bright red, in bunches or single, 2-5 pieces, regular, large. Its fruits are red, spherical, large, with a leathery pericarp. The seeds of the fruit have a juicy outer layer, sweet and sour taste, large and numerous. The common pomegranate blooms in May - June and bears fruit in September.


Wild pomegranate is widespread in the Caucasus. Grown in Crimea and Central Asia. Lately it has been a houseplant.


The houseplant pomegranate is used for medicinal purposes. To do this, take the peel, pomegranate fruits, flowers, plant bark and juice. The fruits are collected after ripening, the bark - in the spring, and the flowers of the plant - during its flowering. The raw materials are dried in dryers at a temperature not exceeding 60 C or under a canopy in the open air. The shelf life of finished raw materials is 2 years.

Chemical composition of the plant.

The bark of the medicinal pomegranate plant contains steroids, carbohydrates, alkaloids, resins, tannins, and betulinic acid. The leaves contain betulinic, phenolcarboxylic and triterpenic acids, steroids.
The fruits contain minerals, vitamin C, sugars, citric and malic acids. The flowers contain the dye punicin.

Pomegranate - medicinal properties.

Medicines made from pomegranate have wound-healing, stimulating, restorative, antidiarrheal, anti-inflammatory, astringent, analgesic, anthelmintic, antipyretic and hemostatic properties.


Pomegranate has been used in medicine for a long time. Modern medicine recommends pomegranate juice after severe operations and infectious diseases as a general tonic. It is also used externally in the treatment of skin inflammation and burns.

A decoction of pomegranate bark is used for joint pain, inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, liver, eyesight, oral cavity, and hearing. Pomegranate is widely used as a remedy against diarrhea. Its use helps to normalize the function of the gastrointestinal tract and eliminate abdominal pain. Pomegranate bark powder in the form of powders is used for cracked skin.


Infusion of pomegranate peel for chronic cough.

1 tbsp. Brew a spoonful of pomegranate peel with 1 cup of boiling water in a sealed container. Leave the peel covered until the water turns pink. Drink 1 glass of infusion warm throughout the day.

Infusion of pomegranate bark.

Pour 2 teaspoons of crushed raw material into a quarter liter of hot water. Next, leave it in a boiling water bath for half an hour. Strain the resulting infusion and squeeze out the raw materials. Bring the infusion to its original volume by adding boiled water. Drink a quarter glass before meals 2-3 times a day.

A decoction of pomegranate bark for helminthiasis.

Pour 40-50 g of crushed raw materials into 2 glasses of warm water. Leave for 6 hours. After this, boil the solution until the liquid has evaporated to 1 cup. Cool and strain. Drink 1 glass of decoction within an hour, and after half an hour, drink a laxative.

A decoction of pomegranate root bark is an effective remedy against tapeworm.

Pour 50 g of raw material into half a liter of water and boil for a quarter of an hour. Then cool. Drink the resulting decoction within 2-3 hours.

Contraindications to the use of the medicinal plant pomegranate.

Before drinking sour pomegranate juice, you need to dilute it with water. And even after this, drink the drink through a straw so as not to damage the enamel of your teeth and not to irritate the gastric mucosa.

Excessive ingestion of decoctions from the bark, roots, or peel may increase blood pressure, irritation of the gastric mucosa, deterioration or loss of vision, dizziness, convulsions, and weakness. At the first signs of such poisoning, you should seek help from a doctor.

Pomegranate is contraindicated in acute nephritis and hepatitis. It is not advisable to mix its juice with other medications, especially antihistamines.

Pomegranate juice is contraindicated for pancreatitis, gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice, and stomach ulcers.

Think and guess!

Why is the pomegranate named this way?

We can assume that the correct answer is the third. And that it got its name for its resemblance to precious garnet stones. However, the correct answer is number four. The ancient Romans had two names for the tree - malum punicum and malum granatum. The first means "Punic apple". Why the fruit looks like an apple is clear. Malum granatum means “grainy apple”. The proof that it was this translation that gave the name to the fruit is contained in its modern names. In Italy, pomegranate is melograna, in France it is grenade, in Prussia (Germany) it is Granatapfel (where Apfel is again an apple), in Sweden it is Granatapple. Therefore, the fourth answer is correct!

Everyone loves fruits and berries for their sweet and sometimes sourish pleasant taste. They are consumed as dessert or added to various dishes. However, not many people think about the benefits these fruits can bring. And we are talking not only about the vitamins contained in them, but also about their healing properties. Pomegranate is considered one of the healthiest fruits. It not only has a very piquant taste, but also has a lot of useful and even healing properties, for which doctors and cosmetologists love it. Today we propose to talk in more detail about pomegranate.

Useful properties of pomegranate

Since ancient times, pomegranate has been known to everyone for its beneficial properties. It contains an incredibly large amount of vitamins, amino acids and microelements. Some of them can be found in pomegranate and meat. Therefore, it is especially necessary for vegetarians to eat pomegranate fruits.

This fruit is believed to contain huge amounts of iron. However, in fact, the amount of this trace element in pomegranate is much lower than in beef and its offal and in buckwheat. This fruit is recommended to be consumed for anemia because it contains acid. Which helps the hemoglobin obtained from other products to be fully absorbed.

Pomegranate has medicinal properties. Its rich composition helps to overcome a lot of problems associated with various ailments. Therefore, we advise you to take a good look at this fruit and try to include it in your weekly diet.

Useful properties of pomegranate:

  1. Pomegranate contains vitamins B5, B6, B12, E, C, P. Thanks to this, pomegranate strengthens blood vessels, the heart, the nervous system and increases hematopoiesis.
  2. Pomegranate juice contains 15 amino acids. These elements are necessary for the full functioning of the body, so it is very important for vegetarians to consume pomegranates.
  3. Pomegranate juice, when squeezed without peeling or removing seeds, is able to fight tuberculosis, E. coli and dysentery.
  4. For heart diseases and problems with blood vessels, eating pomegranate is also very useful. This also applies to those who suffer from thyroid problems. Therefore, this fruit is very useful for older people.
  5. Half a pomegranate fruit a day will help you fight a cold. Thanks to vitamin C, it improves immunity.
  6. Pomegranate is able to remove toxins from the human body. Therefore, it is recommended for use by people with liver disease.
  7. For malaria, atherosclerosis and anemia, eating pomegranate speeds up healing.
  8. Pomegranate juice lowers blood pressure. However, we do this gently and gradually.
  9. The amino acids and antioxidants contained in pomegranate fight the formation of bad cells. Thus, pomegranate is an excellent preventative against cancer.
  10. For bronchial asthma and anemia, pomegranate allows you to quickly cope with the problem.
  11. Treatment of scurvy, uric acid diathesis and gastrointestinal disorders with pomegranate has found its application in modern medicine.
  12. Pomegranate helps reduce the level of radiation in the human body.
  13. The healing properties of pomegranate are also manifested in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys, liver and lungs.

As you can see, the list of beneficial properties of pomegranate is really huge. This plant helps solve many problems related to the health of the body.

Pomegranate: treatment of women's problems

Pomegranate is an amazingly healthy and tasty plant. Its grains have also found their use in gynecology. Doctors recommend that all women include pomegranate in their diet.

Growing pomegranate at home is the dream of many people, but a correct description of such a process is quite difficult to find. To grow an indoor pomegranate that will have flowers, leaves and even fruits, you first need to select a pot and soil. Take a clay pot, you will also need soil, peat and sand. Use a pencil to make a centimeter-long hole in the ground and plant a seed there. Fill the hole with soil and cover with film until the seeds sprout.

Pomegranate is very useful for women. It allows you to cope with the most serious women's problems. Therefore, representatives of the fair sex should include pomegranate in their diet.

What problems does pomegranate help solve?

  1. Pomegranate contains estrogens, which help cope with the unpleasant symptoms of menopause. This berry also reduces pain during menstruation.
  2. Ellagotannin is one of the most important substances for the female body, contained in pomegranate. It helps to avoid problems such as breast cancer.

Pomegranate is very useful for women. In addition, it is also useful for men. It allows the strong half of humanity to improve their erection.

Applications of pomegranate peel, seeds, leaves and flowers

Many people don’t know, but pomegranates use more than just the pulp and juice. Its peel, leaves and flowers are also incredibly healthy. Also, do not throw away the seeds of this fruit. They contain maximum benefits.

Pomegranate flowers will help you make delicious and healthy tea. To do this, one dried flower is added to a cup of black tea.

The use of pomegranate peel, leaves and seeds is widely used in folk medicine. These parts of the plant contain many useful substances, and therefore are indispensable for solving certain problems.

Applications of pomegranate seeds, leaves and peel:

  1. Pomegranate seeds help relieve pain and normalize blood pressure.
  2. Also, pomegranate seed can increase human hormonal activity.
  3. Drying the peel of a pomegranate and then crushing it creates a powerful astringent. It can be used to treat enterocolitis and diarrhea.
  4. Ground pomegranate peel can be used as a powder for problem skin, wounds, cracks and scratches.
  5. A decoction of pomegranate peel will help cure colds. However, the dosage of this product cannot be exceeded, as it contains toxic substances.
  6. For bleeding gums and stomatitis, use a decoction of pomegranate peel to rinse your mouth, and you will quickly deal with the problem.
  7. Pomegranate leaves are used for weight loss and to normalize gastric activity. Also, the greens of this fruit can be consumed for hepatitis.
  8. Pomegranate leaf paste helps cure eye infections. However, you should not use the greens of this plant collected at a stage such as flowering.

As you can see, even the peel has a lot of useful properties. Therefore, in order not to regret when you need it, do not throw away the skin of the eaten pomegranate, but dry it.

Contraindications and medicinal properties of pomegranate

Pomegranate juice is definitely incredibly healthy. However, it also has some contraindications and side effects. Therefore, it is very important to know all the nuances of consuming this tasty and tart fruit.

Harm of pomegranate:

  1. Pomegranate should not be consumed by people with high acidity and stomach ulcers.
  2. You should not drink pomegranate juice until you are one year old. Until three years, the juice will have to be diluted with water.
  3. It is advisable to consume pomegranate juice in diluted form and for adults. The fact is that this drink in concentrated form has a bad effect on tooth enamel.
  4. For constipation and hemorrhoids, you will have to give up pomegranate juice. Otherwise the problem will get worse.

As you can see, pomegranate has many contraindications. Therefore, before consuming it, make sure you can eat it.

Application of pomegranate oil in cosmetology

Not many people know that oil is made from pomegranate seeds. It is actively used in cosmetology and helps maintain youthful skin. Let's see how cosmetologists use pomegranate oil.

Properties of pomegranate oil:

  • Pomegranate seed oil moisturizes the skin. This helps prevent wrinkles and helps dry skin bounce back to normal.
  • Pomegranate oil helps accelerate the growth of new skin cells, and also gives it elasticity and firmness. Thanks to this, it keeps the skin youthful and slows down the aging process.
  • The anti-inflammatory properties of pomegranate oil help fight pimples, blackheads and dark spots. It also prevents the appearance of melanoma.

Due to its properties, pomegranate oil is actively used in the creation of lotions and face creams. It is also used in home cosmetology.

Pomegranate: beneficial properties (video)

Pomegranate is a tasty and healthy fruit. If you have no contraindications, then you should definitely include it in your diet. Watch your diet and be healthy!

Hello friends!

I really love the pomegranate fruit and truly consider it the king of fruits☺And it really is.

Now I’ll tell you everything in more detail and I think you’ll agree with me too)

So, what are the benefits of pomegranate fruit?

From this article you will learn:

Pomegranate fruit - beneficial properties and recipes for use

In summer, the benefits of “local” fruits are undeniable. Everyone strives to replenish their vitamin supply by eating apples, apricots, plums, cherries, etc.

But when cold days come, foreign “guests” replace the fruits familiar to our fellow citizens on supermarket shelves.

Everyone has already appreciated the taste and benefits of lemons, oranges and tangerines, but, for example, the pomegranate fruit, or rather its characteristics for the body, is not known to everyone.

In it you will find out who the pomegranate is useful for and who it can harm, how to choose it correctly and whether it is worth throwing away the seeds and peel, as well as a lot of other important and very interesting information about it.

Pomegranate - botanical information (description of the plant, where it grows, how it bears fruit)

The pomegranate fruit initially grew exclusively in South America and the East, but people liked its taste so much that they began to grow it as a cultivated plant in almost the entire southern part of the former USSR.

Today, the largest plantings are in Crimea, Georgia and Azerbaijan.

The fruit or berry (today it has not yet been fully decided what the correct name for the pomegranate fruit will be) is mostly of a rich red color, although yellow specimens are increasingly being found on sale.

The size varies from 8 to 20 cm in diameter and inside the fruit contains 500-900 grains wrapped in a juicy shell.

The chemical composition of pomegranate fruits - the main useful components

The positive effect of the fruit on the human body is explained primarily by its composition.

One pomegranate weighs approximately 200-250 grams and contains about:

  • 160 g of water;
  • 18 grams of proteins;
  • 25 grams of carbohydrates.

En. the value of the product is only 52 kcal per 100 grams of product, and the fat content is generally zero!!

There are a lot of useful substances in pomegranate, but vitamins deserve priority attention:

  • C, which has a strengthening effect on the immune system;
  • B6, which is indispensable for the normal functioning of the nervous system;
  • B12, necessary for hematopoiesis;
  • P, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, etc.

Health Benefits of Pomegranate Fruit

Thanks to its rich composition, red pomegranate is indispensable for the prevention and treatment of:

  • infections with dysentery, intestinal and tuberculosis bacilli;
  • poisoning and diarrhea;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • thyroid problems;
  • decreased immunity and exhaustion;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • disorders of arterial and intracranial pressure.

Note! It has been proven that regular consumption of pomegranate prevents the development of tumors, especially stomach cancer.

The pomegranate fruit is, of course, very useful for the human body, but if we are talking about treatment, then in some cases it is better to use juice, and in others - grains.

Pomegranate juice is a cure for any ailment

You can do it in several ways:

  1. You can go the simple route and use a juicer familiar for such cases, but this option, although it differs in the speed of preparation, does not have the required quality, since it contains pieces of seeds and membranes.
  2. The manual method requires some time, but the result is worth it. You need to cut off the top of the fruit and soak it in cool water for an hour. After this, open the tap and, holding the fruit under it, break it into several pieces with your hands. At this time, the grains themselves will fall into the placed plate or colander. All that remains is to put them in a plastic bag, tap it with a rolling pin or kitchen hammer, make a small hole and drain the resulting juice.
  3. If one of the family members has good physical fitness, you can crush the pomegranate in your hands, make a hole in it and drain the juice, but in this case there will be very little of it.

The power of pomegranate juice should be used primarily for prevention and treatment:

  • anemia;
  • inflammatory and infectious processes in the stomach
  • cancer diseases,

Even people who have normal immunity, knowing the benefits of taking pomegranate juice, understand that it will not be superfluous in the diet, to say nothing of a weakened state of health.

Strengthening the body's protective functions is one of the most important abilities of pomegranate.

It is also indispensable for the prevention and treatment of influenza and ARVI.

Note! The juice diluted 1:4 with warm water can also be used to gargle.

Fruit juice has a positive effect on those suffering from high blood and intracranial pressure and its sudden changes.

Pomegranate - use in folk medicine

The benefits of pomegranate could not go unnoticed by traditional doctors and healers.

Also, its abilities help tidy up blood cells and protect against dysentery bacillus.

If for prevention you just need to eat the fruits, then for treatment it is advisable to use juice.

It will help quickly relieve fever and fever, increase hemoglobin, normalize cholesterol, and relieve pain in bones and joints.

By wiping your face with a cotton pad soaked in juice, you can give it an even tone, get rid of acne and pustular rashes, remove irritation and peeling, and smooth out facial wrinkles.

We present to your attention the most effective folk recipes for health and beauty:

Note! All recipes that call for the use of juice should not be prepared using a store-bought drink. We are talking about something obtained at home.

What are the benefits of pomegranate peel and seeds?

It is believed that only the pulp of a pomegranate is edible, and the seeds and peel should be thrown away. This is a huge mistake.

The fact is that these are the components:

Note!! Regular consumption of pomegranate seeds and peels prevents the development of malignant tumors and the development of breast cancer.

Do not use hard pomegranate seeds or peels with spots, eat them if there are ulcers and inflammations in the mouth, or if tooth enamel is damaged.

It is important! Dried pomegranate seeds and peels are not as aggressive as fresh ones, but they also will not bring the same effect to the body.

Pomegranate - contraindications - Caution is a good idea

Despite the huge number of beneficial properties that the fruit has, its use can be harmful to the body, and this primarily concerns:

  • those suffering from chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • hypertensive patients;
  • regularly experiencing abdominal cramps;
  • prone to constipation and hemorrhoids.

Pregnant women, breastfeeding women and children under 3 years of age should avoid eating pomegranate. The minimal contraindications of the fruit once again confirm the need for its presence in the diet of any person.

Pomegranate - use in cooking

The sweet-sour pomegranate fruit has long been in demand among chefs from different countries.

Considering the benefits of the “foreign” guest, it is often used for preparing dietary dishes and as the main character in proper nutrition, and its attractive and original appearance contributes to its frequent use for table decoration.

The grains, peel, juice and even leaves and roots of the plant are quite in demand for:

  • decoration of prepared dishes;
  • use as an original and very tasty dessert;
  • creating marinades;
  • preparation of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks;
  • confectionery products;
  • giving a special note to jams, marmalades, etc.

Pomegranate goes well with almost all foods, including meat and fish. It helps soften the taste of the finished dish, giving it an original and unique touch.

Very often they cook with pomegranate:

  • pilaf;
  • lamb kebab;
  • compotes, jelly, preserves and some alcoholic drinks;
  • stewed pork or chicken;
  • salad, which also contains lean fish, crab meat, cheese, etc.

This is interesting! One of the most popular and specific sauces, Narsharab, is boiled pomegranate juice with the addition of spices.

Pomegranate - benefits and harm - interesting video

How to choose a ripe pomegranate?

Pomegranates are not a cheap pleasure, so no one wants to buy a fruit, peel it and discover that it is sour and completely unripe, or, on the contrary, already spoiled and has an unpleasant aftertaste.

To avoid this, follow these simple rules:

  • the color of the fruit should be red (orange shades are allowed);
  • the peel should tightly fit the grains inside;
  • stains indicate that the pomegranate was mechanically damaged during transportation or began to rot;
  • the peel should look a little dried out (woody);
  • if the fruit is ripe, all the grains are filled with juice, there are no dummies;
  • the fruit should be firm to the touch;
  • the place where the flower was previously located normally looks like a crown in color, similar to the main peel; there should be no greenery or yellowness there.

These are the main ways to determine the ripeness of a fruit by external signs. Of course, it’s best to taste it, but most often you can’t do this.

How to peel a pomegranate?

To fully utilize the power of the fruit, you need to know how to peel a pomegranate. First, using a sharp knife, you need to evenly cut off the top (crown) and look into the middle of the fruit.

There should be white veins there, and it is advisable to make the next cuts along them so that as few grains as possible are damaged during cleaning. Next, you can shake out the grains from the peel, or you can simply divide the fruit into slices.

You shouldn’t pass by the pomegranates lying on supermarket shelves, especially now you know their benefits and harms, how to choose and how to use them correctly for your health and beauty.

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!

There is no doubt about the wisdom of nature. It seems that she has given us everything we need to live a long time, while remaining healthy and vigorous. In all her creations she contained not only amazing power, but also the key to understanding it. Pomegranate is considered one of the most ancient and healing fruits on the planet. The beneficial properties of literally all parts of this plant were noted by Hippocrates and Avicenna. And what do its edible grains, hidden under a thick and rough skin, look like? That's right - droplets of scarlet blood. Therefore, it is no coincidence that pomegranate juice is actively used in maintenance therapy for blood diseases. It not only increases hemoglobin, but also improves its quality in general.

The list could take quite a long time. The wealth of vitamins and minerals sets it apart from other fruits. Calcium, magnesium, potassium, as well as manganese and sodium - pomegranate is famous for these minerals. Beneficial properties are inherent not only in fruits, but also in all other parts of the plant. Which ones are represented in the greatest numbers have also been determined long ago. This is, first of all, vitamin C. The immunostimulating effect of pomegranate juice is due to the high content of this particular substance. For colds, flu, and long-term illnesses, consuming the fruits of this magical fruit is extremely desirable. The vitamin contained in its healing juice is responsible for the nervous system - vitamin B6, B12 is designed to promote hematopoiesis. In addition, plant parts contain phytonicides, phytohormones and all kinds of organic acids. Not a fruit, but a chemical laboratory from the top to the roots, because the peel, root and leaves also cure many diseases.

But not only does pomegranate have a positive effect on health. The beneficial properties of its juice have a positive effect on the preservation and enhancement of beauty. Pomegranate masks are used in cosmetology. With their help you can destroy pigmentation, freckles, acne, whiten facial skin, strengthen nails and hair. affects beauty not only from the outside, but also from the inside. It has the properties of stimulating metabolic processes in the body. And juice mixed with sour cream in equal proportions turns into a nourishing lotion that prolongs the youth of the skin.



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