Which lenses are good: reviews of manufacturers. Optometrist's advice on choosing lenses

Long-term use of a computer without special glasses, incorrect reading, infectious diseases, genetic predisposition - all these are factors that can negatively affect eye health. Vision correction can be carried out using glasses and lenses. The last option is more preferable for many, since it does not change the image of a person as a whole. This way it is possible to hide the fact that there are any vision problems at all. How are lenses selected? You can't do it without the help of a specialist.

What are contact lenses?

Contact lenses are designed on the same principle as glasses for glasses. These are transparent devices of a special shape that are installed on the eyeball and refract light so that it correctly enters the retina. How to choose contact lenses? The choice is made primarily based on the diagnosis given to a particular patient. The same lenses cannot be used equally for myopia and farsightedness. In addition, there are special corrective devices designed for patients who suffer from astigmatism or presbyopia.

How to choose lenses for your eyes? The first thing to do is visit an ophthalmologist for a thorough diagnostic examination. Only a specialist can choose the most suitable device for vision correction.

What types of contact lenses are there?

Today you can find options of various shapes on sale. In addition, these devices can be hard or elastic. Silicone hydrogel lenses have become very popular lately. They are able to transmit oxygen, which makes it possible not only to correct vision, but also to maintain the functionality of the eyes. The cornea “breathes” the same way as without lenses. Silicone devices are the most expensive today.

A more economical option is hydrogel lenses. These are also flexible devices additionally saturated with moisture. These lenses can be easily installed. The only negative is insufficient oxygen access to the cornea. For this reason, it is recommended to use lenses as needed and always remove them at night.

Optical glass options are considered the least expensive. A huge disadvantage is the limitation of moisture and lack of oxygen for the cornea. At the same time, such lenses are the most durable and durable.

Another modern option is daily lenses. This device can only be used once. This is an ideal option for people who travel a lot and cannot carry out high-quality disinfection of contact lenses. However, this option cannot be called cheap. How to choose lenses for your eyes without a doctor? You will have to consult a specialist at an optical salon.

An eye examination is the first step to making the right choice.

As soon as you notice that your vision has deteriorated significantly, you should make an appointment with an ophthalmologist. There is no need to delay; with many diseases, the condition of the eyes can deteriorate rapidly. The first thing the doctor will do is listen to the patient's complaints, and then conduct a series of tests to determine the health of the cornea. Aspects such as the state of vision in general, peripheral visual acuity, work of the eye muscles, intraocular pressure, etc. will be taken into account.

How to choose lenses by dioptre? It all depends on the method of vision correction chosen by the ophthalmologist based on the results of the study. The worse your vision, the higher diopters the lenses will have.

Selection of contact lenses

Diagnosis is the main aspect in the selection of lenses for vision correction. But physical characteristics also matter. Eyeballs may vary in size and shape. It is important that the devices do not cause discomfort during operation and sit well on the eyes. It is almost impossible to choose lenses without a doctor. An ophthalmologist uses special equipment to measure the eyeball. The correct fit is primarily influenced by the curvature of the eyeball.

An indicator such as eye moisture may also differ from patient to patient. So, for people who suffer from excessive dryness, ordinary glass lenses are not suitable. They require an elastic option with additional moisture (hydrogel lenses).

Properly selected contact lenses do not contribute to the development of myopia, but can affect changes in the tissues of the ocular surface, which is often accompanied by discomfort and dry eye syndrome. A comprehensive solution helps - the use of ophthalmic gel and eye drops.

Korneregel gel helps eliminate the causes of discomfort. It contains carbomer on a soft gel base, which maintains complete hydration, and dexpanthenol, which has a healing effect. When using Korneregel, you should remove contact lenses or, using a gel for prevention, apply it at the end of the day, at night.

Those who feel discomfort and dryness throughout the day should choose Artelak Balance drops, which combine a combination of hyaluronic acid and vitamin B12. Hyaluronic acid forms a film on the surface of the eye that provides hydration. The moisturizing effect of hyaluronic acid prolongs the special protector. Vitamin B12 is an antioxidant that protects cells from damage by free radicals.

For those who experience discomfort occasionally and usually towards the end of the day, Artelak Splash drops containing 0.24% hyaluronic acid are suitable.

There are contraindications. You need to read the instructions or consult a specialist.

In conclusion, the specialist must make sure that there are no factors that could complicate the use of contact lenses. A thorough examination of the cornea is carried out. If any mechanical damage is detected, the ophthalmologist will advise you to choose glasses.


Before choosing lenses, sometimes you have to try on several options. The ophthalmologist should look at how the lenses fit on the eyeball and whether they interfere with the patient. It is possible to assess whether the selected type of lenses is suitable for a particular person only 10-15 minutes after trying them on. The eyes must adapt to the lenses.

You need to be prepared for the fact that choosing lenses is a long process that requires attention. Choosing glasses can be much easier. In addition to the fact that the doctor must assess the health of the eyes, other important factors are taken into account (the patient’s age, physical characteristics, the presence of chronic diseases). Often ophthalmologists refuse parents who come to pick up lenses for a preschool child. Due to their age, children will not be able to talk about their feelings while trying on a corrective device. In addition, children will not be able to use the lenses correctly.

The next stage is learning how to handle lenses

Be that as it may, contact lenses are a foreign object on the eyeball. Any wrong movement can damage the cornea. Therefore, before choosing lenses for your eyes, you need to listen to a specialist’s instructions on how to use such a delicate device. Ophthalmologists say that learning how to put on and remove lenses is not that difficult. After just a few tries on, the movements become automatic. An indicator that the lenses are put on correctly will be the absence of the sensation of a foreign body in the eye.

It becomes clear how to choose the right lenses. How should you care for them? The ophthalmologist will also tell you about this at your appointment. The ideal option is daily lenses. Each pair must be discarded immediately after use. But reusable devices should be properly disinfected and stored in a special liquid.

Follow-up visit to the doctor

After the lenses are selected, they visit the ophthalmologist several more times. What is it for? The specialist must evaluate whether the choice was made correctly and whether the contact lens does not interfere with the functionality of the eyeball. It is recommended to visit a specialist after two weeks of regular use of the vision correction device. The doctor again conducts a thorough examination of the patient using the same indicators as before selecting lenses.

If the eye condition worsens over a short period of time, the doctor will consider the advisability of using the chosen vision correction technique. Lenses are not always beneficial. In some cases, the best choice will be glasses that are familiar to many.

Selection of lenses without a doctor

It will not be possible to make a choice without a specialist. You will still have to visit an ophthalmologist in order for him to make an accurate diagnosis. But you can go to an optical salon yourself. How to choose lenses for your eyes without a doctor? This can be done if you have a prescription for glasses. Based on the certificate's indicators, a salon specialist will help you make the right choice. The patient will be offered several options at once. And, again, you can’t settle on a certain option without trying it on. It will no longer be possible to return the lenses after several days of use. This is an item for purely individual use.

How to choose contact lenses if you have to deal with vision correction for the first time? Ophthalmologists say that the most suitable option would be classic spherical lenses. They fit perfectly on any eyeballs if you additionally use special moisturizing drops.

Adaptation of the eyes is also important. If you have encountered such a device for the first time, it is recommended to use it for the first day for no more than 2 hours. Further, the operating time should be increased by 1-2 hours. It is advisable to remove lenses at night, even if they are suitable for 24-hour use.

A little about colored lenses

Recently, colored lenses for the eyes have become extremely popular, which can not only correct vision, but also change eye color. Some options generally have a purely decorative function and allow you to create a mysterious image with a “cat-like” look. It is worth remembering that playing with natural eye color is not always safe. How to choose colored lenses? Only in a specialized optics salon! Under no circumstances should you purchase decorative eye accessories from unknown online stores. The seller must have the appropriate license.

Poor-quality colored lenses can worsen visual acuity and trigger irreversible pathological processes. A bright image with an unnatural eye color can even result in blindness!

It is not always enough to know how lenses are selected. You can maintain the functionality and health of your eyes if you use the device correctly. It is worth carefully studying the instructions for use offered by the manufacturer. You should never use lenses longer than the specified period. Over time, any material, even high-quality material, ages, loses its functionality, and ceases to allow oxygen to pass through. Mechanical damage may appear on the lenses, which will affect vision.

Lenses must be cleaned regularly with a special solution. This will prevent the accumulation of pathogenic microorganisms on the surface of the device. Use lenses with caution if you need to instill medications into your eyes. Before taking the drug, you must carefully study the instructions. Manufacturers usually indicate whether the medication can be used in conjunction with lenses or whether the foreign body must be removed.

If you have to deal with eye inflammation, you will have to temporarily stop using contact lenses.


Contact lenses are an excellent device that will help restore visual acuity. But the choice should be made with special attention. It will not be possible to do without the help of an ophthalmologist. Experts recommend avoiding the use of lenses to correct eye color.

The number of people with poor vision, unfortunately, continues to grow constantly. Everything comes into play here: spending a long time at the computer, not the best environment and nutrition, and just laziness, because vision deterioration can be prevented by regularly doing eye exercises. So, the number of myopic (mostly) people is growing, but recognizing a real “bespectacled person” is not so easy, since most of them have already replaced the not-so-convenient element of their wardrobe - glasses - with lenses. The lenses are practically invisible on the eyes (they can only be seen by the same “bespectacled” person who knows what to look for), vision with lenses becomes much sharper, and in order to look down or to the side you don’t need to turn your head (as you did if it were with glasses), just squint your eyes. The lenses will not fall out of your eyes if you suddenly decide to go on a cool ride, and they will not fog up when the temperature changes sharply. With lenses, you can afford to wear dark glasses of any shape without specially ordering chameleon glasses with diopters, watch a movie in a 3D cinema without trying to fit one pair of glasses over another, play paintball, calmly putting on a mask and without losing the ability to see , and in general, engage in any kind of sport without tying an elastic band to the temples of your glasses... The advantages can probably be listed endlessly. Naturally, there are also disadvantages. Incorrectly selected lenses can lead to eye irritation and even vision impairment. And there are those who, due to a very sensitive cornea, simply cannot wear lenses at all. Fortunately, this syndrome is rare, and for the most part, people with poor vision can enjoy all the benefits of contact lenses. Today we’ll talk a little about the most popular manufacturers and some of the differences between their products. I, as an experienced bespectacled person, will express my personal opinion about some of them that I have already tried.


Probably, these lenses and products for their care were among the first to appear on the Russian market. Who doesn’t remember the famous Renu cleaning and storage liquid, which can still be found in any pharmacy. As for lenses, we can highlight the Soflens, Optima and Pure Vision 2 HD lines.

Material: hydrogel Price: 490 rub. for 6 lenses with a replacement period of 1 month, i.e. 164 rub. per month.

It seems cheap and cheerful. But there is one “but”: these lenses must be removed at night, otherwise you may develop corneal edema and other unpleasant consequences. And in general they are not for long-term wearing. 6-8 hours a day is the maximum you can afford without fear of consequences. The fact is that the hydrogel does not transmit oxygen well enough. Those. your eye does not “breathe” in such a lens. However, if you don’t wear lenses all day, don’t sleep in them, and your eyes feel good, then this is a good option.

Optima FW

Material: hydrogel Price: 490 rub. for 4 lenses with a replacement period of 3 months, i.e. 82 rub. per month.

For all parameters, see the previous paragraph. True, here the manufacturer promises an improved design of the lens profile and, therefore, unusually comfortable wearing. As for the reviews on the forums, opinions were divided exactly in half. Some people consider both Soflens and Optima to be an excellent combination of price and quality, while others refuse to wear them ever again.

PureVision 2 HD

Material: silicone hydrogel. Price: 1190 rub. for 6 lenses with a replacement period of 1 month, i.e. 397 rub. per month.

Silicone hydrogel lenses are highly oxygen permeable. This means that they are suitable for continuous wear both day and night. They are also more suitable than hydrogel ones for people with dry eyes. Oddly enough, this happens because silicone hydrogel lenses contain less moisture than hydrogel lenses. The thing is that with a high water content, lenses quickly lose their moisture under the influence of the environment. Plus, if you have dry eyes and you wear lenses with a high water content, your tears are replaced by water, the dryness increases, and you feel discomfort. Accordingly, for dry eyes we choose silicone hydrogel. As for the PureVision 2 HD lenses, the manufacturer promises us excellent clarity of vision and the absence of any halos and glare. Clear vision in any lighting conditions. But here I can insert my 2 cents. For me personally, these lenses turned out to be unsuitable. They seemed very hard to me, I literally felt them before my eyes. My colleague, with whom we ordered them at the same time, shares the same opinion. As for the forums, users note an improvement in vision clarity (this is especially pleasing to drivers), but many also note dryness and discomfort in the eyes, however, sometimes the eye adapts. Let's turn to the next manufacturer.

Ciba Vision

Their most popular lines are Air Optix and Dailies. We'll be looking at the Air Optix Aqua and the DAILIES Aqua Comfort Plus.


Material: silicone hydrogel Price: 690 rub. for 3 lenses with a replacement period of 1 month, i.e. 690 rub. per month (+1 spare lens in case one gets damaged). And if you buy 2 packages, you will immediately receive 2 additional lenses.

These lenses have something that we did not see in Bausch&Lomb products - protection from UV rays. Why is it important? Because with excessive exposure (let's say you went on vacation), even damage to the eye can develop: clouding of the lens, corneal dystrophy, etc. Sunglasses do not completely protect against this. But if both lenses and glasses work together, you can count on high-quality protection. There are quite a lot of good reviews about these lenses: thin, invisible to the eye, but not torn. Quite moisturized and comfortable to wear. They allow oxygen to pass through perfectly, which allows you to wear them for 6 days in a row without taking them off at night.

DAILIES Aqua Comfort Plus

Material: hydrogel Price: 910 rub. for 30 lenses with a replacement period of 1 day, i.e. 1820 per month.

Comfortable lenses with UV protection. Thanks to special components, the lens is constantly moisturized throughout the day. There are a lot of good reviews about them and personally, I will also add mine to this collection. The downside is that they are very thin. Even for an experienced person like me, it was a bit difficult to put them on and take them off. True, it seems like she didn’t break a single one. However, many people complain about this too. So, if you have problems putting on and taking off with long-wear lenses, then they will be even more so with these. Since we have already mentioned daily lenses, let’s talk about the advantages of wearing them in principle. In general, the shorter the planned replacement period, the better. This can be explained very simply - it is more hygienic. Imagine how much less you will touch a monthly lens compared to a three-month lens? Every cycle of putting it on and taking it on will contaminate the lens, no matter how clean your hands are. You have to buy additional deep cleaning products. In addition, if you are sick, the infection remains on the lenses, and the next day, when you put them on, you bring it back into your eyes. If you take all this into consideration, then daily lenses are, of course, gorgeous. No fuss with containers or liquid, you can wear it even when you’re sick - you still have to throw it away in the evening, and it’s an excellent option when outdoors or on a trip. Because under these conditions you obviously will have neither the special opportunity nor the desire to perform sacred acts with all the lens attributes.


I am not personally familiar with this manufacturer, but the reviews on the forums are mostly positive, so I wondered if I should try them too.

Biomedics 55 (SoftView 55)

Material: hydrogel Price: 610 rub. for 6 lenses with a replacement period of 1 month, i.e. 204 rub. per month.

According to the manufacturer, the lens has increased moisture content, which ensures good eye hydration and improves corneal metabolism. The lenses fit comfortably on the eyes. UV protection - up to 98%.


Material: silicone hydrogel Price: 1790 rub. for 6 lenses with a replacement period of 1 month (2 weeks with continuous wear), i.e. 597 rub. per month (2 weeks).

It is these lenses that have especially good reviews. They say that they are absolutely not felt on the eyes, while providing excellent vision without any specific glare that is familiar to everyone who has been using lenses for a long time. The disadvantages are that they are a little expensive and sometimes break, as they are quite thin. And the last company we’ll talk about today:

Johnson & Johnson


Material: silicone hydrogel Price: 990 rub. for 30 lenses with a replacement period of 1 day, i.e. 1980 r. per month.

These are perhaps one of the most comfortable daily lenses available today. They are made of silicone hydrogel (usually daily lenses are made of hydrogel) and are 100% oxygen permeable. TruEye lenses make you feel especially comfortable and even almost forget that you have poor vision.


Material: silicone hydrogel Price: 760 rub. for 6 lenses with a replacement period of 1 month (2 weeks in continuous wear mode), i.e. 254 rub. per month (2 weeks).

Perfect vision is very rare. It is worth its weight in gold, because in our age of computerization, patient visits to an ophthalmologist have become more frequent. One of the modern and effective methods of vision correction is contact lenses. This is a great alternative to glasses.

Lenses allow you to quickly correct visual dysfunction of any degree. Their main feature is complete coverage of the entire surface of the optical system. The result is high-quality vision of direct and lateral vision. The quality of vision does not decrease, but remains unchanged for many years.

The procedure for selecting contact lenses is painless and not expensive. Any eye corrective product has its advantages and disadvantages. Which contact lenses are best to choose to improve vision quality?

General characteristics

Contact lenses are clear, small devices that are worn directly on your eyes to improve your vision. They differ depending on the material, service life, wearing mode, degree of transparency and even design.

Contact lenses come in soft and hard types. Experts recommend the first option. Rigid models are indicated only in rare cases, for example, with severe keratoconus. Depending on the type of correction, they are of three types:

  • spherical;
  • toric – for correction of astigmatism;
  • bifocal – for senile farsightedness.

Models also differ depending on the material from which they are made. In fact, they are all safe for health and provide a sufficient level of comfort while wearing. However, in terms of oxygen permeability, the leading place is occupied by models made of silicone hydrogel. As for the possible complications when wearing contact lenses, hypoxia most often develops. So, silicone hydrogel lenses effectively combat it.

Research by scientists has shown that contact lenses are the safest for good vision for one day. You put them on in the morning, and take them off in the evening and dispose of them. In this case, the risks of contamination are minimized. Safety depends not only on the model itself and the material from which it is made. Skills and caution in operation also play a big role.

ATTENTION! Silicone hydrogel lenses are considered the best.

Some modern contact lenses do not need to be removed at all. Studies have confirmed the safety of their continuous use for a whole month. This is very convenient for people leading an active lifestyle. Still, some scientists, citing the results of other experiments, believe that it is better to use corrective devices during the daytime.

Contact lenses for eyes have the following advantages:

  • absence of any restrictions on the field of view;
  • do not fog up;
  • no glare;
  • not felt;
  • do not slip;
  • possibility of active recreation;
  • do not distort the view;
  • difficult to lose;
  • there is UV protection in some models;
  • Possibility of simultaneous use with sunglasses.

However, these devices have a number of disadvantages. To use them, certain skills and abilities are required. Careful care and regular disinfection are required. When worn, the quality of the device decreases. Wearing time is limited. It is necessary to gradually get used to the presence of a foreign object in the eye.

The right approach to choosing

The selection of contact lenses is best done under the guidance of an ophthalmologist. This is reasonable, because there are certain restrictions in connection with use, for example, allergies, inflammation, glaucoma. The ophthalmologist will explain the features of hygiene measures and talk about the service life.

Computer diagnostics is the best option for selecting lenses. It is very important that a person feels comfortable. If you experience pain for fifteen minutes, then these lenses are definitely not suitable for you. There shouldn't be any discomfort. When choosing a model, experts focus specifically on the presence of pain, since the appearance of nausea and headaches may be a consequence of a lack of habit. In the first days of using corrective devices, doctors recommend wearing them for no more than two to three hours.

IMPORTANT! If you follow the wearing regime and rules, contact lenses will be a wonderful opportunity to correct your vision.

Daily lenses are best suited for some events. This may be necessary for those people who do not wear corrective devices on a daily basis. It is economically beneficial to choose lenses that will have to be changed every three months. However, the special solution evaporates after a month, so in the future you will have to constantly put drops in your eyes.

If, when going on a long trip, you are not sure that you will be able to take them off in the evening, it is better not to take them with you at all. Two-day models are suitable for those who, due to certain circumstances, cannot take a container with the solution with them.

CAREFULLY! Almost all complications arise due to improper care of lenses and failure to properly observe personal hygiene rules.

Improper use of eye devices can lead to complications:

  • allergic reaction;
  • spread of infection;
  • corneal damage;
  • hypoxia.

Following the rules of hygiene will help to avoid complications.

Recently, gas-permeable rigid models have begun to appear on the pharmaceutical market. They are made on a silicone basis and allow oxygen to pass through. The service life of these devices has increased significantly. However, patients report some discomfort when wearing it. Rigid models are slightly smaller in size, which is why you can feel the edges.

Instructions for correct selection

The first and mandatory point in selecting corrective devices is a thorough comprehensive examination, which will provide complete information about the condition of the eyes as a whole. The first step is to check visual acuity. Consultation with an ophthalmologist is equally important. At this stage, it is important to rule out any contraindications to the use of ophthalmic devices.

The procedures that will be performed by an ophthalmologist cannot be carried out independently. This won’t take much time, but it will help avoid dangerous complications.

ATTENTION! A competent selection of contact lenses for vision is carried out by an ophthalmologist directly for a specific person, based on the results of the examination. Therefore, simply choosing the first option you like is unwise.

If you are wearing lenses for the first time, you should not wear them for too long. Your eyes need to get used to it. At first, you may experience headache and nausea. For the first time, two hours of wearing is enough.

When choosing a model, it is important to pay attention to the diopters. The lower your vision, the more of them you will need. Determining them on your own can lead to vision deterioration. Experts usually select lens diopters slightly lower than vision diopters. This allows your eyes to become less tired.

Is it possible to choose lenses for your eyes without a doctor? In this case, you can limit yourself only to choosing a design or manufacturer. However, only a qualified specialist can accurately select the type of lens to improve vision.

When choosing optical lenses, you should follow the recommendations of an ophthalmologist

Many people don't even realize that wearing lenses can be worn incorrectly. At first glance, it may seem that everything is very simple: put it on, wear it, take it off. Yes, it is, but it also needs to be put on and worn correctly.

The correctness of the procedure will be indicated by a tight fit to the cornea. The corrective device should not cause burning, itching, lacrimation, redness, or pain. While wearing it, do not rub your eyes, or dive under water and open your eyes.

If your vision problem is not so serious and does not require correction, wearing lenses is not recommended. If the instructions say that the device must be worn for a month, then do not use it for six months. This can cause serious harm to your health.

Rating of the best

Each brand is good in its own way. Let's talk about contact lenses, which are very popular today:

  • Acuvue from Johnson & Johnson. These lenses are made on a silicone hydrogel base. They are suitable for correcting myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism. The brand offers frequent replacement devices, one-day, two-week. This allows each patient to choose his own option. Acuvue contact lenses are a world famous brand. They have gained the trust of many users. Acuvue is soft and comfortable to wear. The products allow air to pass through perfectly. The lenses have a bluish tint, so they are clearly visible in the container;
  • Biomedics. The products contain a large amount of moisture and have the additional function of protecting against ultraviolet rays. They are not recommended for constant wear. The most popular are daily options and lenses for two-week wear;
  • Proclear. The products are suitable for the most sensitive eyes. They are very thin, which ensures comfortable wearing;
  • Cooper Vision. These are thin contact lenses that are absolutely not felt on the eye. The product protects the eyes from dust and wind. They require increased care in rooms with insufficient air humidity. Products are subject to mechanical damage. Before putting it on, it is important to make sure that they are intact, since any crack, even the smallest one, can cause serious harm;
  • TuttiPremium. The model of this brand fits well to the cornea. Lenses have different colors. They allow air to pass through and are not felt by patients. Due to the heavy strain on the eyes, long-term wearing is undesirable;
  • VizoTeque Supreme. Considered best for long stays in a dry room. They are less susceptible to external influences and therefore safer.

For farsightedness

People with hypermetropia see distant objects well, but nearby objects become blurred. Because of this, difficulties arise when reading, writing, knitting, and sewing. Often, in order to focus on a certain subject, a person becomes so tense that he experiences headaches and severe fatigue. Farsightedness often occurs in older people, and this is due to the natural aging processes of the body, including the visual apparatus.

Multifocal lenses help correct visual dysfunction by improving both central and peripheral vision. They eliminate the need for glasses because one eye focuses far and the other close.

Contact lenses do not cause progression of farsightedness, but do not cure it either

The correct selection of corrective devices for hypermetropia allows you to relieve tension and stabilize the functional activity of the eye. Optical lenses allow you to slow down the pathological process that has already begun.

Farsightedness is corrected using soft eye devices. They are easy to use. They can be worn for a long period of time.

For myopia

Myopia requires mandatory treatment. The specificity of this pathology is that a person sees objects well up close, while images at long distances are distorted.

For myopia, it is better to give preference to hydrogel or silicone hydrogel products. Hydrogel lenses contain a large amount of moisture and allow oxygen to pass through them.

Perifocal lenses are used to restore peripheral vision in case of myopia. They allow vision to be brought closer to natural perception, and the light load is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the retina.

For strabismus

There is an opinion that if you have strabismus, wearing contact lenses is contraindicated. But this is a big misconception. The occurrence of pathology is associated with dysfunction of the muscles responsible for the quality of vision. The pathological process can occur as a result of fears, stressful situations, injuries, and infectious diseases.

Strabismus can lead to farsightedness or nearsightedness, up to complete loss of vision. Pathology is also fraught with the development of disorders of the central nervous system.

Often, patients with strabismus are prescribed soft optical lenses based on silicone hydrogel. Another method of correcting visual dysfunction is to use lenses with a shaded pupillary zone, but recently this has hardly been used.

In some cases, surgery is mandatory. For example, with muscle paralysis or traumatic injury. In this case, the use of lenses is contraindicated.

For astigmatism

Astigmatism is a vision defect in which the eye loses its ability to focus rays to one point. As a result, the sick person sees an image with unclear contours.

IMPORTANT! Toric lenses have been developed specifically for the correction of astigmatism. They allow vision correction at any stage of the process.

If previously the only alternative to glasses were hard lenses, now patients have a choice. If desired, they can use soft and comfortable products.

Optical lenses for astigmatism are different from corrective devices used to improve vision for myopia or hypermetropia. They have two additional parameters that are not available in conventional lenses. They have an axis and a cylinder force.

Soft lenses are eighty percent water, allow oxygen to pass through them, and completely cover the cornea. Blood vessels do not pass through it, so oxygen comes directly from the air. In the absence of liquid, they become rigid, and when moisture is absorbed, they become softer and more flexible.

Contact lenses are lenses made of clear material that are needed for vision correction and cosmetic purposes. This is the most popular remedy for increasing visual acuity.

According to experts, more than 125 million people in the world use contact lenses. This method of improving vision or brightening (changing) eye color is available to everyone.

The choice of contact lenses most often consists of the following stages: consultation with an ophthalmologist or computer diagnostics, familiarization with the types of lenses and rules for caring for them, determining the optimal option and choosing a store.

Consultation with a doctor- this is the first and most necessary stage when choosing lenses. Only a specialist will tell you whether it is possible to use eye lenses in a particular situation. The doctor will make the correct conclusion, in addition, he will teach and warn about possible difficulties.

To make the right choice, you need to know the classification and features of lenses.

Material of manufacture

  • Soft— the frequency of replacement of these lenses is up to six months. They differ in moisture content and degree of oxygen transmission. Soft contact lenses more convenient easy to use, easy to get used to and learn to put on and take off.
  • Hard— recommended for high degrees of astigmatism or irregularly shaped cornea. They are recommended for use when soft lenses do not provide the desired result. Indications for use may include previous laser vision correction.

Purpose of adjustment

  • Spherical— designed to correct farsightedness and myopia.
  • Toric- can correct vision with astigmatism.
  • Multifocal— the use of such lenses is recommended for presbyopia, as well as farsightedness in older people.

Duration of wearing

  • 1 day. Great for busy people, they don't require any maintenance. A new pair is used every day, this reduces the likelihood of eye infection.
  • 2 weeks. Two-week lenses are designed for daily wear. It is recommended to use for anti-pollution treatment.
  • 1 month or more. which can be worn daily for 30 days. They require constant care: removal of dirt, proteins and other deposits that appear during wearing.
  • High(up to 70%). The increased water content provides maximum comfort when wearing lenses. The eyes are better supplied with oxygen, but the shape of the lenses can quickly deteriorate.
  • Average(up to 55%). The best option for any time of year. In the hot summer, a sufficient amount of available water will prevent the occurrence.
  • Low(up to 37%). A small percentage of liquid in the lens increases its service life. Recommended for wearing in winter, when the air temperature is not high and the humidity level is optimal.

Wearing contact lenses with low water content in summer requires additional wetting with special eye drops, similar in composition to tears.


  • Colorless- a classic version of contact lenses for the eyes, which are aimed exclusively at correcting vision;
  • Lightly tinted— this option also corrects vision and in addition makes the natural eye color brighter;
  • Tinted— lenses for vision correction, which radically change the color of dark eyes. They only make the light shades of the iris deeper and more expressive;
  • Colored- These lenses are purely cosmetic in nature. They are used if you want to radically change your eye color.

Where can I buy?

Nowadays there are many optical stores and online stores, which offer a wide variety of lenses. Buying online can be used only when lenses are not purchased for the first time. For beginners, it is better to get examined by a specialist and buy lenses recommended by him.

Largest contact lens companies:

  • Maxima Optics,
  • CIBA Vision,
  • Cooper Visiov,
  • Johnson & Johnson
  • Interojo.

To have clear and clear vision and ensure maximum comfort when wearing lenses, you need to follow simple tips for caring for them.

    Before taking lenses, hands should be washed thoroughly with soap. Each lens removal is accompanied by disinfection in a special liquid.

    The optimal period for using lenses is three months. It is advisable to change them after this period of use.

    Avoid contact of lenses with cosmetics and other substances.

    Use special care products take care of your lenses and monitor their expiration dates.

In order for contact lenses to last as long as they should and not damage the membrane of the eye, you must carefully follow the rules for their use and care.

Colored lenses are created for those who want to add a touch of mystery and uniqueness to their image. These optical products contain a special coloring pigment that allows you to partially or completely change the color of the iris. Nowadays there is a large selection of colored lenses on the market, both with and without diopters. You can choose products that will not only create a stylish look, but also improve your vision.

Many people are interested in how to choose colored lenses so that they blend seamlessly with their appearance and are as safe as possible for the eyes. When purchasing optics, it is important to consider not only the brightness and color of the pigment, but also a number of other important parameters: oxygen permeability, moisture content, curvature, wearing mode, replacement schedule, etc.

Modern colored lenses are made from high-quality materials that allow the eyes to “breathe.” Thanks to this, they can be used for 4-5 hours, eliminating the risk of corneal hypoxia.

How to choose lenses for your eyes?

Currently, the market offers a huge range of color optical products. They can be divided into several main groups. For those who want to radically change the color of the iris or hide some external defects of the organs of vision, cosmetic products are ideal. These colored eye lenses have a rich pigment that allows you to completely cover the natural shade of the cornea. They are equally suitable for owners of both light (gray, blue) and dark (brown, green) eyes.

If you want to add an original touch to your look, we recommend choosing tint-type lenses. These are translucent models that have a slight tint. The degree of coloring of these products is up to 20%. They look great on light eyes as they enhance the natural shade and also make the look richer and deeper. On brown and green eyes, tint lenses are almost invisible.

Carnival lenses are very popular among young people. They can change not only the natural color of the iris, but also its pattern. These products are created for creative individuals who want to attract attention to their person. They depict emoticons, stars, cobwebs, soccer balls and other original designs. As a rule, carnival colored lenses are produced without diopters and are used for decorative purposes. This is a great option for creating a shocking image.

Do you want to choose unusual colored lenses? We recommend paying attention to new beauty models. They give the eyes an extraordinary radiance and shine, preserving the natural color of the iris. In addition, models with a rim around the cornea are widely in demand, allowing to visually increase the volume of the pupil to create a “doll” style.

What types of colored lenses are there?

  • Cosmetic - with bright color pigments for a dramatic transformation.
  • Tinted - translucent models that enhance the natural color of the cornea.
  • Carnival - models with original patterns to create a shocking image.
  • Beauty lenses are optical products that give the eyes extraordinary shine and radiance.

Products should be selected based on individual requirements. Some models perform a purely decorative function. In turn, for vision correction you can purchase colored lenses with diopters. To do this, you need to undergo an examination by an ophthalmologist and receive a prescription for the purchase of optics.

How to choose the right colored lenses: what to look for?

The selection of optics depends on what effect you want to achieve: completely change your image, enhance the current shade of the iris, attract the attention of others, etc. It is worth noting that light-eyed people have much more opportunities to experiment with color. Both tinted and cosmetic models are equally suitable for them.

In turn, achieving a light shade on eyes with a natural dark brown color is possible only with the help of colored lenses, which have a very dense pattern and rich coloring pigment. However, in each specific case, optical products will look different. The final result may differ significantly from that shown in pictures on the Internet. To select colored lenses, you can “try on” the optics in special online editors by uploading your photo.

Each person's appearance is individual. The naturalness of the lenses on your eyes will largely depend on whether the chosen color suits you. Some people prefer it to be in harmony with their hair color, while others choose original shades (purple, emerald, gold, etc.) to effectively highlight their eyes from the overall image.

How to choose lenses for your eyes?

  • Decide what effect you want to get as a result.
  • First, see if the selected tone is suitable using a special online service.
  • Read the instructions and descriptions to determine what type of eyes the optical products are intended for and what properties they have.
  • Consult an ophthalmologist and clarify the necessary parameters: diopters, radius of curvature, etc.

If you doubt that colored or tinted lenses are right for you, order a small package of one-day products to try. They require no maintenance - at the end of the day you just need to remove and dispose of the products, and replace them with a new pair in the morning.

How to choose cosmetic lenses: features of color choice

According to makeup artists, people with dark brown eyes should prefer colored lenses in green, blue or gray. In addition, all shades of brown will look harmonious, since they are as close as possible to the natural tone of the iris.

Owners of green eyes are advised to choose blue, emerald, blue or violet options. You can also try gray, brown shades or original colors: honey, walnut, etc.

Any colored lenses will look equally good on gray and blue eyes. Selecting optical products should be based on personal preferences. Some people buy optics to match their hair, clothes or accessories. In turn, connoisseurs of creativity are sure that the eyes should stand out effectively against the background of the main image.

How to choose colored lenses with diopters?

Optical products are medical products. Before purchasing colored lenses with diopters, you must undergo an examination by an ophthalmologist and determine the required optical parameters. The doctor will draw up a prescription, taking into account the condition of your visual system, as well as your individual lifestyle, habits, etc.

How to choose colored lenses for your eyes: basic selection criteria

  • Dioptres (optical power).
  • Curvature of the lens (must match the curvature of your iris).
  • Level of oxygen permeability and moisture content.
  • Wearing mode and replacement schedule.

Remember that independently choosing colored lenses can lead to negative consequences, such as blurred vision, swelling of the iris, as well as various inflammatory processes.

Review of popular colored lenses

Have you thought about how to choose lenses for your eyes? We bring to your attention the TOP 5 popular colored contact correction products. They combine impeccable quality, as well as simplicity and safety of operation. The products are made of modern materials that provide maximum comfort during use.

  • FreshLook ColorBlends from CIBA Vision. They imitate a real iris using a unique “3 in 1” production technology.
  • Soflens Natural Color from the manufacturer Bausch + Lomb. They have a perfectly smooth surface and are resistant to protein deposits.
  • Adria Crazy by Interojo. Carnival optical products for creating spectacular and extravagant images. It is worth noting that colored lenses are transparent in the pupil area. They do not change the viewing angle at all and do not distort the perception of the picture. The coloring pigment is located inside the body of the optics, which eliminates the risk of accidental staining and allergies.

You can purchase colored lenses in an online store (including on the Ochkov.Net website), as well as in optical stores.



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