What are the rules of conduct established by society called? Norms of behavior in society

Introduction 3

1. Norms of behavior in society 4

2. Culture of marital relations 6

3. Greeting 7

4. Conversation Rules 8

5. Etiquette observed in letter 10
6. How to behave at the table 12

7. Giving gifts 12

8. In the theater, museum and restaurant 13

9. Etiquette on the road 14

10. International etiquette 15

11. Rules of business etiquette 16

12. Clothing and appearance 17

13. What is tolerance? 18

14. Rules of network etiquette 18

15. Ethics in the use of mobile communications 21

Conclusion 22

List of used literature 23

Etiquette (from the French "etiquette") is a word that means a manner of behavior, that is, the rules of courtesy, politeness and tolerance that are accepted in society.
These norms of morality have been formed over a long period of formation of relationships between people. Political, economic, cultural relations are based on these norms of behavior, because existence without observing certain rules is impossible.
Modern etiquette has inherited all the customs and experience of all the peoples of the world from ancient times to the present. Cultural behavior should be universal and should be followed not by individuals, but by the whole society as a whole. In each country, the people make their own corrections and additions to etiquette, which is predetermined by the social, political, social life and the specifics of the country's historical development, the origin, traditions and customs of the people.
The norms of etiquette are "unwritten", that is, they have the character of a certain kind of agreement between people regarding the observance of certain standards of behavior. Every cultured person should not only know and adhere to the basic norms of etiquette, but also understand the need for the existence of certain rules and relationships between people. A person's manners are an indicator of the wealth of a person's inner world; they reflect moral and intellectual development.
In today's world, cultural behavior is very important: it helps to establish contacts between people, communicate and create lasting relationships.

1. Norms of behavior in society
Since a person is a social being, then his full life outside the life of society is simply impossible. A person must reckon with the norms and forms of behavior that are established in society as a whole and in specific situations or in a particular society. Often what is unacceptable in one society can be afforded in another situation. But still, each person must form for himself the fundamental principles of behavior that will determine his life norm and line of behavior and thus shape his relationships with other people, and hence his success in life. The norms of human behavior in society and in dealing with other people have been formed over the centuries. But these norms were not always the same. The social system, the social and estate division of the population changed, the customs in the society of the aristocracy, philistines, clergy, workers, peasants, intelligentsia, and military were different. At the same time, the behavior of young people and adults was different, the national and social traditions on which these norms of behavior were based were not the same. For representatives of the highest state, the aristocracy, there were fixed rules of conduct, ignorance or violation of which was considered a lack of education. Also, often the norms of behavior of the corresponding state of society at different times were evaluated differently: at the time of their formation they were appropriate, and in another period of the development of society they were already considered inappropriate, testifying to the low culture of man. When talking, people tend to get together. Either in a smaller or in a larger society, and these meetings of a larger number of people are mainly caused by something. The reason may be some personal or family event (birthday, angel's day, weddings, anniversaries) or public (state and local holidays, celebrations of some historical event, etc.). The participants of such meetings are, as a rule, people who know each other well. But when a stranger first enters such a society, he must first of all introduce himself so that those present know about this person. Therefore, most often such a person in society is accompanied and recommended by the owner of the house or a person who knows society well. If there is no such person, then the stranger introduces himself: Dear, let me introduce myself. My name is (you should give your name, patronymic or surname), I am by profession ... (here you can indicate either a profession or a position, etc.). Before entering the room, they usually take off their outerwear and hats in the dressing room, and women can leave their hats on. It is not considered obligatory to kick off the shoes, instead, they should be wiped well on the mat.
what to do when you are late for a party where many acquaintances and strangers have already gathered? Then you should go up to the owners and say hello, and politely nod to the rest.
When a woman older than you offers her hand in greeting, you should politely bend down slightly and kiss her hand. Moreover, this symbolic kiss should fall on the back of the fingers, a kiss on the palm or wrist will have a completely different meaning - this is most likely evidence of a low culture or a frank desire for intimate relationships. As a rule, young girls do not kiss their hands. In a large society, hugs and kisses are also unacceptable.
The habit of introducing oneself has become more and more widespread in our time. This makes it possible immediately from the moment of meeting to know a person from the perspective of what or whom he represents, as well as to imagine common topics or a range of interests that could bring you together, on the basis of which to start a conversation.
Usually, the basis of behavior in a society of acquaintances or strangers should be a polite attitude towards others. An intelligent person always knows how to keep up a conversation on any topic, listen and turn to someone. Therefore, one should not be closed in society, because it is here that we find our chances and opportunities for self-expression, self-development and self-improvement. Society, in turn, also helps us in the formation and implementation of our ideas and plans. The idea heard in society is very important, because this is how your already implemented idea will be perceived by other people, and your success in life as a whole will depend on it.
The good tradition of the old days emphasized the courtesy and intelligence of communication in the family, in society, among young people. The guys were "cavaliers", the girls - "young ladies". This did not allow shamelessness and rudeness in communication between young people, emphasized the appropriate upbringing and status. Students who completed their studies at universities and were looking for a decent job and position, respectively, were called "academicians", the first task was for them to "stand firmly on their feet" in this life and find themselves, in accordance with their condition and status, a couple-wife (best of all a young lady who will have an appropriate upbringing and an appropriate “dowry” to start her own household and adequately raise his children). Girls, on the other hand, cared less about higher education, because they did not have such a good chance of getting a decent job. To some extent, this has remained even now, although signs of emancipation indicate that guys who are not active, do not have a clearly defined goal in life, expect a “gift” of fate regarding work or personal life, are very quickly thrown into the “background” by society. and are forced out by representatives of the "weaker" sex, who have an active
position in life, beautiful manners, sufficient knowledge and desire to achieve the goal, which is currently considered not just fashionable, but an absolutely real life necessity. The modern pace of life leaves no chance for inert people, the future belongs to the brave and knowledgeable, which in turn is also a sign of good manners. Young people, communicating with each other, usually turn to "you", showing the simplicity of communication itself and friendly relations. On "you" we usually turn to older persons, people who are unknown or little known to us, represent the relevant authorities or some organizations, and the like. In some families, the tradition has remained to address parents with "you". This emphasizes special respect for parents and courtesy, parenting style. After all, it is the father and mother who are the highest authority and the highest power for the child. Such treatment also creates a "barrier" for "simple" communication with elders and does not allow communication with parents of the so-called youth slang, which is not necessarily the best choice. The use of slang words in any case does not make a person "his boyfriend" in any society, but it gives rise to a bad habit in a person of using not always the most pleasant words, which under certain conditions can manifest itself in an inappropriate society or at home and completely change the opinion of this person, as about a courteous and well-mannered face. The fourth Commandment of God should be fundamental in the relationship between children and parents: "Respect your father and your mother, so that you feel good and that you live long on earth!" With a sense of respect for a person, love is combined. We can love the one we respect. Therefore, a courteous person will always be grateful to his parents for bringing him into this world, teaching him to love life, giving him the opportunity to learn, get a profession, help and support him always with the right advice. Keeping this in mind, you should already support your parents, who, with age, very often need support and care. After all, for parents, there is nothing in the world more expensive and more dear than their children. Along with parents, a significant place in a person's life is occupied by an educator, teacher, teacher - people who tried to transfer knowledge, educate a real person and guide in life. These people should also pay tribute to honor and memory.

2. Culture of marital relations
Marital relationships can be filled with both happiness and solid difficulties, disappointments and resentments. Often at home we allow ourselves to be gloomy, dissatisfied with something, and this negatively affects the atmosphere in relationships. How to change it? First of all, you must adhere to the well-known rule: "behave the way you want to be treated with you." If we transfer this rule to relations between spouses, then it will mean that it is imperative to respect the interests of your half, as well as be interested in her affairs. Understanding in the family is very important. You don’t need to prove your case right up to a quarrel - you need to make concessions to each other. You should not constantly ask meticulously what your couple did in every second of the time without you. This only leads to mutual reproaches and mutual insults. Also, do not discuss all the details of your life with a girlfriend, boyfriend or other people. Such behavior can put your half in an uncomfortable position. No wonder there is a saying: "Do not wash dirty linen in public." If there is a need to discuss something, then this should be done at the "family council". Don't expect a crisis in your relationship. Start changing your family life from gray and everyday to happy. Remember: harmoniously built relationships are the main key to a successful family life.

3. Greeting
All over the world, when meeting, people greet each other, thus expressing sympathy. Often, the greetings are followed by a conversation. When we meet someone, we say hello, but we hardly think about whether we are doing it right. First of all, it must be said that it is unacceptable not to say hello to a familiar person - this will be perceived as an insult. In addition, it is worth sticking to the order of greetings. The first to greet a man with a woman. In addition, the junior should be the first to greet the elder, as well as the subordinate with the leader. In a handshake, the opposite is true: a senior or leader gives a hand to a junior or subordinate. When greeting, we say the appropriate words: "Good morning", "Good afternoon / evening", "hello", "greetings". Further, in official address, the name of the person follows, for example: "Good afternoon, Ivan Petrovich." It is also customary to look into the eyes when greeting. The greeting is said in a friendly tone and with a smile. However, if at a meeting someone avoids your gaze or does not notice you, then you should not say hello. Likewise if you notice someone too late. If you are not walking alone, and your traveler greets someone, then you should also do this, even if the person is unfamiliar to you. To greet a person means to show respect to him. And following the simple rules of greeting will allow you to avoid many misunderstandings.
4. Conversation rules
Do you know the situation when we meet beautiful young people, we are fascinated by them until the moment when they start talking? Unfortunately, such a situation can be observed daily both in public transport and on the street, and the like. This happens because young people do not know how or do not want to communicate beautifully. Therefore, a short text is appropriate: "speak so that I can see you." The author of The Little Prince, a well-known French writer and pilot, and simply an educated and intelligent person, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, accurately noted that the greatest luxury is the luxury of human communication. Much of our life depends on the ability to communicate. Communication is a bridge to making real friends, getting what you want, a job, a career, achieving a goal. Ultimately, the ability to communicate depends on whether you will be interesting to people at all, which means whether you can win their respect and authority. Therefore, it is not in vain that they say that communication is a whole art. Communication begins with an appeal. It is very unpleasant when a stranger addresses us on "you". This not only testifies to bad manners, but also makes us immediately disdain for this person, unwillingness to communicate with him. As a rule, relatives, friends, colleagues, friends, children address each other with "you". Before switching to “you” in communication, you should ask what kind of person this is and whether this “bridge” will be in your favor. The proposal to switch to "you" should come from an older, more respectable person, or a person who occupies a higher official position. The younger ones may be asked to address them as "you", although they themselves continue to address them as "you". Women are allowed to refuse to switch to "you" with a man, without any explanation. The art of communication also lies in the general intelligence, education, and hence the choice and support of the topic of conversation and the correct tone of the conversation. You should not shout, crack, abuse the attention of another courteous person. And sometimes even greater art than the art of communication is the art of being silent at the right moment. When you are talking to someone in society, it is important to focus on the topic of the conversation, take part in it, support it and add some interesting moment to it so that you, as a conversational partner, will be remembered by others. This will be a kind of "green light" for the subsequent support of relations with these people. The conversation should be unobtrusive, relaxed. When telling any jokes or stories, think about whether they will offend any of your interlocutors in a direct or indirect way.

It is considered bad manners not to answer questions posed to you. This is allowed only if the question, in your opinion, was incorrect or inappropriate. In this case, you should leave it unattended and try to move the conversation in a different direction. When different points of view or views are expressed in a conversation, you should listen and take part in the conversation when you know exactly what you are talking about. To defend your point of view, not being completely sure of the correctness of thought, looks unwise. In communication, one should not allow disputes in which, as a rule, no one wins and which occur simply for the sake of an argument. In this case, the interlocutors no longer hear at all and do not want to hear each other, they allow themselves harsh statements, manifestations of neglect, which is unacceptable for educated people. You should not be intrusive in a conversation, but you must adhere to the principle of speaking in turn. You should not interrupt the interlocutor, but you must wait until he finishes the thought, and you can convey your point of view to him. If you didn’t hear the appeal to yourself well, then you should ask again, and not try to answer anything. Because it can be regarded as your inattention or even neglect. Try to express yourself in full sentences, and not in fragments of them from one or more short words. If someone else joins you during the conversation, then you should briefly explain to him what exactly the conversation was about. If this does not concern him at all, then we can say that the topic was private, family, and the like. But a courteous person who wishes to join in a conversation will first of all make sure that it is appropriate for him to participate in this conversation. Since ancient times, people's communication has been based on such universal moral and ethical values ​​as benevolence, love, meekness, friendliness, honor, good breeding. Actually, our people have long been famous for these virtues. This was always noted by travelers, travelers, officials who have been in our area.

It is language etiquette that shows the full range of politeness and good breeding in communication: these are words of greeting, farewell, appeal, gratitude, congratulations, apologies, wishes, invitations, praises, and the like. It is politeness that is considered the basis of communication. And the origin of this word, its primitive meaning, is not strange. Polite is the one who looks directly into the eyes. And the mentality of the people is precisely the expression of its etiquette signs - peacefulness, lack of hostility, aggressiveness. After all, the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Therefore, when communicating, the interlocutors look into each other's eyes. Only those who tell a lie or try to hide something or are dishonest turn their eyes away. Over time, the adjective "polite" was rethought and acquired a figurative meaning: "one who adheres to the rules of decency shows attentiveness, courtesy." The highest manifestation of politeness is good manners and courtesy. Brought up - "respectfully polite in dealing with people."
Unfortunately, today we are increasingly confronted with youth slang in communication, which is sprinkled with words imposed on us from other languages, impolite, often even rude words of foreign origin, which are used in a literal or figurative sense, a fusion of words, alien to our language tradition and communication. For some reason, some young people consider such communication to be fashionable or modern, at a time when conscious young people who have national consciousness and dignity and value it, reviving the national and ethnic-linguistic traditions of the people, try to communicate courteously and behave courteously, which causes significant sympathy. Therefore, our duty at the present time is to revive what has been lost in human communication, to establish what has been forgotten, to discard communication that is unusual for our culture, imposed on our people by force or thoughtlessly copied by someone else, rude. After all, over a long history, our people have developed their own system of speech etiquette, which is a kind of phenomenon and reflection of the general culture of the people. In ancient times, there were different traditions regarding conversions in our territory, and various studies were even written on this topic. However, today this issue has already been resolved in society. The type of address is usually determined by the relationship between people, their proximity or official position. If you are still not sure how you should address this or that person, then you should resolve this issue directly with him or avoid direct contact. When to switch to "you" depends only on you and your interlocutor, there are no exact rules regarding this. However, this should be done carefully so as not to put your interlocutor in an uncomfortable position. Nowadays, it is common practice to switch to "you" after drinking glasses together. This is wrong, since conversion does not depend on the alcohol consumed, but on human feelings, sincerity and intimacy.

5. Etiquette in writing
With the advent of the Internet, writing email letters has faded into the background. After all, the rapid transmission of information is much more convenient, and sometimes it is simply a vital necessity. However, one should not forget that a letter written by one's own hand is a kind of description of a person, his handwriting, his character, a reflection of his life style and tastes. According to the content of the letter, there are: business, friendly, love, letters of response, letters of greeting, letters of sympathy ... The style and form of writing each letter must be polite, certify our personal culture and honor to the addressee. When we write letters by hand, we should take neat clean paper, it can be special letter paper. Even if it is a sheet from a notebook, it should be neatly cut and even. At the top, write the date the letter was written. Next comes the appeal to the addressee and the actual content of the letter itself. You need to write according to spelling, clearly and competently. A fuzzy or illiterate letter speaks of the ignorance of the person who writes it. Writing is a reflection of the intellect of a person. Starting a letter, you should retreat 2-3 cm from the date, leaving a paragraph on the left. The appeal indicates the attitude towards the person - respect, love, service dependence or officiality. Examples of the beginning of a letter might be the following:
Honorable Mr. Consul! Dear Mr. Professor! Reverend Father! Dear Editors! Dear friend Andrew! My dear parents! Dear mother! My dear little sister! My unforgettable friend! After that, you should touch on the reason that prompted the writing of the letter. If this letter is a response, then you should definitely thank for the letter, and only after that give an answer. It must be remembered that in letters you need to capitalize all personal and possessive pronouns that relate to the face of the addressee, therefore, the words You, You, You, You, You, You, Yours, Yours, with you and the like, as well as nouns , which are the names of the nearest family of the addressee: “Your Mom”, “How is Your Wife?”... If you are late with the answer, then you should definitely apologize, possibly explaining the reason for the delay, and only after that proceed to the main content of the letter. If this is a letter to well-known comrades, then first of all we ask about the affairs of the addressee, we are interested in his health, the health of his closest relatives, his work and success, and then we already announce ourselves with due modesty, not forgetting to emphasize also our merits and achievements . You should also think about what exactly would be interesting and the addressee needs to know from what you can tell. A letter is a reflection of an attitude towards a person, therefore letters to elders - parents, teachers, mentors should be imbued with deep respect, love and gratitude. In any case, familiarity should not be allowed here. After all, the word has extraordinary power. Business letters are letters sent mainly to some institutions, organizations, representative offices, government bodies, and the like. They should be specific, concise, express as clearly as possible the essence of the matter and the essence of the reason for writing (petition, request, etc.). As for letters to loved ones, there is a large space for the best words, fantasies and wishes. A whole life can depend on one phrase in such a letter. These letters are a manifestation of very personal feelings, so you should remember that they must fall into the hands in which you sent them. A beautifully written letter is a manifestation of the general level of education and culture of the person who wrote it. Letters should be answered immediately, or within a maximum of two weeks.

6. How to behave at the table
Visitors should come at the time appointed by the hosts. Well-mannered people can tolerate a delay of 15-20 minutes. This is not considered a breach of etiquette. When guests sit down at the table, first of all, you should take care of your lady: give a chair and help you get comfortable. Hosts invite guests, often designating seats for the most important or distinguished guests. The location of the guests according to the degree of acquaintance or interests is successful: then they will have the opportunity to start or support one or another topic of conversation and the party will not be boring. The older ones are usually seated together, the younger ones are also chosen the appropriate places so that they can start an interesting conversation. At the table, you should sit straight, but relaxed, slightly leaning on the back of the chair. The hosts try to find topics for communication so that guests are interested. They, in turn, try to keep up the conversation, avoiding gestures, raised voice tones, shouting, and the like. The conversation should be general. When older parents are talking, the younger ones should not interrupt them, it is better to support the topic. It is ugly to start eating until the hosts have offered to treat themselves to all the guests. In the process of eating, it is not recommended to put your elbows on the table. It is only in some cases that women can afford it. Cavaliers usually take food from the table, first offering it to women, and then to others who are sitting nearby. Each salad or dish is served with a spoon or fork; you should not pick up food with your own spoon or fork. It is ugly to reach across the entire table, trying to string a tidbit. Educated people ask those who are sitting near the food to give them a plate of refreshments.

7. Giving gifts
Every time we are going to visit someone for a birthday, name day or some other holiday, the question of a gift appears. It is much easier when the host of the holiday asks for a specific thing. But this situation is not always possible. Then you need to show imagination, and find yourself the thing that the owner will need. No wonder they say that both giving and receiving gifts is a whole art. Therefore, both giving and receiving gifts has a number of nuances. The choice of a gift depends on the circumstances and the holiday to which you were invited. But do not look for and buy a gift at the last moment - such behavior usually does not lead to anything good. The gift is chosen depending on the person to whom it is assigned. No less important is how you present it: in this way, even a modest gift will leave a pleasant impression. If you do not have the opportunity to personally transfer the gift, then you need to add a congratulation to it and send it by mail or through an intermediary. But it is highly undesirable for him to arrive late. Usually the gift is wrapped in gift paper. Also, sometimes flowers are given in addition. During the personal presentation, it is necessary to say a few wishes. It is absolutely unacceptable at this moment to remember its price. It is also important to accept gifts properly. First of all, you need to look at what was given to you (and not put it aside!) And thank you. At the same time, it is absolutely unacceptable to show your dissatisfaction. The only possible reaction is joy. Whatever the gift, you should treat everyone equally cordially. It is impolite to refuse a gift. However, if there are good reasons, then this should be done tactfully, explain everything and reach an understanding with the one who gives. Remember: the person who came to you and gives a gift probably wants to bring you joy, so in return he expects at least your sincere smile and friendly attitude.

8. In the theater, museum and restaurant
If you are going to the theater, it is best to dress in classic clothes in soothing colors (for men, for example, this is a dark suit), too bright and original clothes are not recommended. It is unacceptable to be late for the start of the performance, you must definitely arrive in advance in order to have time to hand over your outerwear to the wardrobe and find your seats in the hall. A man should go first into the hall and along the row, it is customary to walk along the row facing the audience and with your back to the stage. In any case, try not to disturb other spectators, it is not recommended to clap loudly, shout "bravo". It is unacceptable to talk, rustle or knock during the performance (women - be careful with heels), as well as eat. Mobile phones must be turned off during the performance. It is also worth getting to the museum in advance in order to have time to see all the exhibits. Arriving 10 minutes before closing and trying to run through all the museum exhibits is ugly. In order to better navigate the exposition, it is worth buying a special guide catalog, which is sold at the entrance to the museum. It is forbidden to speak or shout loudly in the museum, as well as critically evaluate the exhibited exhibits. In addition, the exhibits must not be touched by hands, as this may damage them. If you have agreed to meet in a restaurant, and especially with a woman, then you must go there first. It is customary to remove outerwear and hats and leave them in the wardrobe or you can take them with you. The restaurant requires an appropriate style of clothing - it can be classic or festive, but in no case sports. The higher the rank of the restaurant, the more refined should be your manners in it. A man should give a chair to a lady, and only after that sit down himself. Also, drinks and food are served first to the lady. Eating in a restaurant should be done slowly, but enjoying the meal. Communication also belongs to the main manners of behavior in a restaurant. After all, people come here to have a nice time or an evening, listen to music, eat delicious food, chat, or dance. If you liked the service, it would be polite to leave a "tip" to the waiter who served you, the amount of which is 7-10% of the total bill, respectively, if they have not already provided for this. Leaving the restaurant, you can thank the staff for the pleasant service and delicious cuisine.

9. Etiquette on the road
In the modern world, many modes of transport have appeared that were inaccessible to our ancestors, but in general they can be divided into 2 groups: urban transport and intercity transport. City transport is fixed-route taxis, trams and trolleybuses. When entering and exiting these modes of transport, it is customary to let the elderly, the disabled, women and children go forward, and to help if they need help. Seating places in the cabin should also be occupied by the above groups of people in the first place, so if you are sitting, but noticed, for example, an old grandmother, then you definitely need to make room and politely offer it to her. Intercity transport is buses, trains and planes. First of all, you need to come to such modes of transport on time or in the best way in advance. By being late, you will create not only inconvenience for passengers, but you may not be in time at all. Usually, in long-distance transport, seats are assigned for tickets, in another case, you must adhere to the priority rules described above. The trip will go faster if you occupy yourself with a conversation with fellow travelers, but if they do not have the desire to talk, then do not bother them with your conversations on the road. On the plane, you must follow all safety rules, such as the ban on smoking or the use of mobile phones. Listen to all the advice of the crew and do not break the etiquette. Try to avoid disturbing the peace of other passengers, because, for example, singing or scandal is unacceptable. After the flight, it will be polite to thank the crew respecting you for a successful flight. A special category of road etiquette rules are driving etiquette rules. Without cars today it is difficult to imagine your life, they are used as a means of transportation in the city and on long trips outside the city. But imagine what would happen if all these cars moved without any rules. Therefore, first of all, you need to follow the rules of the road. If you want order on the roads, then you should start with yourself. Be sure to give way to cars with special signals, every second of their delay can cost someone their life. Help other road users. If you see that someone cannot drive out of a turn, park, or make another difficult maneuver, then slow down, flash your headlights and make a gesture with your hand. You can also get into such a situation, because if someone helped you, then thank him with an alarm or a grateful hand gesture.

10. International etiquette
Being in different countries, you can immediately understand that they all differ at the cultural level: their customs, traditions, of course, etiquette and rules of conduct. Therefore, when arriving in a foreign country, first of all, it is necessary to remember about respect for these differences. When preparing for a trip, it is worth finding enough information about the peculiarities of behavior abroad. However, there are some general tips to keep in mind. Abroad, for the locals, you are a certain embodiment of your country, so behave carefully and decently. Do not make noise, shout, loudly give out your disagreement or discontent about something. Do not dress loudly - dress modestly and in accordance with generally accepted norms. Try to express yourself in simple phrases so that foreigners can understand you. This is important enough, as certain phrases often have a double meaning. No need to try to teach someone about something - show delicacy and tact. Sometimes different situations are possible, but you should never forget about tolerance. Respect for a foreign culture is the basis of international etiquette.

11. Rules of business etiquette
In modern business, compliance with the rules of etiquette plays an important role. It is unacceptable to violate them, since in commercial activity it is unacceptable not to pay attention to economic indicators and the basic provisions of entrepreneurship. Compliance with the rules of business etiquette reflects your professionalism and serious approach to business, and their non-compliance indicates that it is better not to do business with you. Etiquette is one of the components of your business image and experienced business partners pay attention to this aspect of your behavior as well. Consider the basic rules of business etiquette: The first rule is to be punctual. It is very important in business to properly organize and calculate the time. Planning and punctual execution of all planned tasks is the key to success. Being late is incorrect in relation to the person who was waiting for you. And even the most sincere apologies and assurances about the impossibility of coming on time are unable to completely make amends, because even at the subconscious level there will be a certain unpleasant aftertaste, which will mean a somewhat negative treatment towards you. The second rule - do not say too much to others. Every millionaire has certain secrets to success, but no one will tell you. You should not talk about the affairs of your own business, because sometimes even the smallest hint can affect the activities of a competitor. The third rule is don't be selfish. It is impossible to conduct business successfully without taking into account the thoughts and interests of partners, customers, buyers. Often it is selfishness that prevents success. It is very important to be tolerant of your opponent or partner, learn to listen and explain your point of view. Fourth rule - dress as usual in society
Clothing is a demonstration of your taste and status in society. Do not take this rule lightly. Appearance is the first aspect that a person pays attention to and this immediately sets him in the right mood. The fifth rule is to keep your speech clean. Everything that you say and write should be presented in beautiful language, correctly. The ability to communicate, competently lead a discussion and convince an opponent is very important for negotiating. Watch your pronunciation, diction and intonation. Never use foul language or offensive language. However, do not forget that the ability to listen to the interlocutor is an equally important aspect of communication.

12. Clothing and appearance
Everyone knows the well-known proverb: "Meet by clothes, but see off by mind." Although the mind is considered much more important, clothing still determines what impression you will make on another person. The appearance reflects the personality, reflects the essence and inner world of a person, with all his habits and inclinations. The culture of clothing is no less important than the culture of behavior. In clothes, you need to consider color, line, texture and style. Clothing is also predetermined by the position, style, tastes and material condition of a person. The main rule is that clothes should not be dirty, sloppy or torn. This indicates the negligence of its owner, disrespect for people and, first of all, for himself. Clothing should be comfortable and not contrary to the generally accepted requirements of decency. Fashion is a significant factor influencing clothing. To a greater or lesser extent to adhere to it - the person himself decides. A man's clothing influences his success in business circles, contributes to the creation of an appropriate image. A businessman's suit should be quite conservative, any soft color, one-color. The vest and jacket must cover the top of the trousers, the sleeves of the coat must cover the sleeves of the jacket. A tie is the main indicator of the taste and status of a man, therefore it is necessary that when tied it reaches the buckle of the belt, and the width should correspond to the width of the lapels of the jacket. Pants should just go down to the boots in front, and reach the heel in the back. Socks should match the suit, but their color should be a little darker, preferably black, but never white. The color of shoes must be identical to the color of the belt and watch strap. In an official setting (when they enter the office, speak, sit on the presidium), the jacket must be buttoned up. You can unfasten it while sitting on a chair (for example, at a table). Women enjoy greater will in choosing clothes, its style, color and fabric. In women's clothing more than in men's clothing, her individual style and personal character are displayed. It is important to choose a suit that suits the situation. A beautiful suit with a skirt emphasizes the authority of a woman. The skirt should be dark in color, and the suit lighter. It is not customary to walk in luxurious dresses. Hair, makeup and jewelry should complement the business attire. Make-up should not be defiant and too noticeable, jewelry should be as small as possible, but they should be expensive and in harmony with the costume itself. Spirits should be felt only at close range. And remember: "There are no ugly women, there are women who do not know how to make themselves beautiful!".

13. What is tolerance?
Tolerance is the ability, without aggression, to perceive the thoughts, behavior, forms of self-expression and lifestyle of another person that differ from one's own. There was tolerance in Western civilization at the religious level. The emergence of this concept is associated with the signing of the Edict of Nantes. First of all, tolerance means a benevolent and tolerant attitude towards something. The basis of tolerance is the openness of thought and communication, the personal freedom of the individual and the evaluation of human rights and freedoms. Tolerance means an active position of a person, and not a passive-tolerant attitude towards surrounding events, that is, a tolerant person should not be tolerant of everything, for example, violation of human rights or manipulation and speculation. Anything that violates universal morality should not be tolerated. Therefore, one should distinguish between tolerant behavior and slavish tolerance, which does not lead to anything good. It is necessary to carefully distinguish between these concepts, because manipulators (including most politicians) call for false tolerance, since people who are loyal to everything are easier to manage. Consequently, tolerance is a rather subtle category, which certainly must be adhered to, since it determines the moral, social and democratic development of society.

14. Rules of network etiquette
Etiquette is the order of conduct adopted in certain social groups. The Internet, which is also a public group, has also formed its own generally recognized rules, on the basis of which network communication is built. When communicating online, do not forget that you are dealing with real people. The rules of etiquette for the ordinary world and for the virtual are the same. Do not write or do anything that you do not want to hear or see yourself. Learn to prove your position without humiliating your opponent. Remember, the person with whom you communicate through the keyboard does not see your emotions, does not hear your voice. Try to imagine yourself in the place of this person and form your thoughts correctly in order to avoid misinterpreting your opinion. There is another reason why you should carefully monitor what you write online. "The word is not a sparrow, it will fly out - you won't catch it" - this saying is especially true for cyberspace, because everything you write is stored in network storages, which means it can surface in the future and cause a lot of trouble. Summarizing all of the above, we can say that the main and fundamental principle of network etiquette is to treat virtual opponents as if they were real people. Do not do anything that you would not do in real life, where we are all, consciously or not, subject to unspoken rules. In a network society, it is relatively difficult to hold people accountable for their actions. Therefore, people feel impunity and behave inappropriately, justifying themselves by saying that the network is "not at all like in life." No matter how people try to justify themselves, it will be wrong anyway. Standards of behavior vary more or less, but in general, they are more lenient than in ordinary life. Try to maintain the ethics of communication at the proper level, ignoring the opinions of those who say "here is freedom - whoever wants, says what." Don't believe it. If you happen to be in a difficult ethical situation, then put yourself in this place in real life and you will quickly find the right solution. Another important point of network etiquette. If you use non-free software - pay for it, your contribution will contribute to the development of the software market. Violators of the laws of virtual space, usually violate them in real life. Do not forget that you are in a virtual information space and the norms of behavior adopted on one site may differ from the norms of another. For example, if on one forum it is customary to abruptly deviate from the main topic of discussion and this is normal, then on another it will be perceived as bad form. In order to avoid unpleasant situations, before entering into a discussion, I recommend that you take a closer look at the rules and procedures. After that, you can communicate. Respect the time and opportunities of others, because not all Internet users have high-speed data transmission channels. For a person who has connected to the network using a modem connection, it will be very difficult to download your letter, with an attached photo (of your favorite cat) in the size of 20 megabytes. By reducing the photo size, you save the other person's time. Online, if you wish to remain anonymous, no one will know your age, skin color, manner of speaking, family details and other personal things. Therefore, your interlocutors on the network will form an opinion about you, only on the basis of the manner in which you express your thoughts. Watch what you write and how you write. Avoid spelling mistakes, because for most people spelling rules play an important role. About a person who chronically makes mistakes, netizens can only think negatively - a stupid teenager. Incorrectly submitted, false information in advance can bring a flurry of emotions from your interlocutors. If this is repeated repeatedly, then a situation may occur like in the game "broken phone" - your words will be perverted beyond recognition, and your reputation will suffer forever. Pay attention to the content of your messages. They must be logical, consistent and sustained. You can write a page of text, but it will be very difficult to understand any of this. This often happens when a person, not understanding the topic too well, wants to convince the interlocutor and uses polysyllabic terminology for this, in which he himself is weak. Never offend virtual opponents, be patient and polite, do not use profanity and do not make conflicts for no reason.

Help people in those matters in which you are competent enough. If you yourself raise a question - make it as meaningful and correct as possible. This way you will get the correct answer faster. Thanks to your answers and the answers of other people, the amount of knowledge on the network is increased, which will be useful to many other people.
If you receive information from another person via a short message system containing a large number of small remarks, summarize the data received and send it to the forum - the information will be prepared for perception in a convenient form. Knowledge sharing is what the global network was created for, do not deviate from these traditions, share information.
If you have interesting information that may be of interest to other people, send it to the conference. By doing this, you will make your contribution to the global information space. Do not get involved in conflicts and prevent them. Flames are emotions expressed by text that are made without taking into account the opinions of other participants in the conversation. Is flame forbidden by netiquette? Yes and no. Flame refers to the old network traditions. In a qualitative form, it can bring pleasant emotions for all participants in the conversation. But the flame, which develops into numerous malicious messages that are usually exchanged by several people, is prohibited by netiquette. Such "flashes" can overwhelm the entire conversation and drown useful information in the garbage, destroying all the positive atmosphere.

Respect the individual's right to personal information. Don't abuse your power. Thanks to the skills acquired in the professional field, some people get a significant advantage over other network users. There are many examples of this - system administrators, programmers, information coding specialists.
Due to their wide knowledge, they can gain an advantage and use it against you. For example, read your personal correspondence. But this shouldn't be! Don't abuse your power!
Forgive other people's mistakes. And help fix them, because you, too, were once a beginner. If you see a person making commonplace mistakes, such as asking stupid questions or building their answers in the wrong way, be tolerant of him. But helping a person does not have to behave arrogantly. Modesty adorns. Tell me about the error not at all, but in personal communication.

15. Ethics of using mobile communications

Knowledge and observance of the rules of mobile etiquette are a criterion for a good upbringing and culture of a mobile subscriber.
If there is a "Please turn off your mobile phone" warning on airplanes, in medical facilities, or elsewhere, try to follow the warning and turn off your mobile phone. Do not forget that you should switch your mobile phone to silent mode or use the "Voice mail" service in cinemas, museums, theaters, and exhibitions. By following these rules, an unexpected ringing of your mobile phone will not disrupt the performance with an unexpected loud signal (ringtone).
When choosing ringtones, be guided by your taste, but do not forget that they should not disturb the people around you. When you are driving, keep your phone volume down and stay away from phone calls and conversations to make your trip safer. If you have the opportunity to use the hands free function, then do not neglect it when talking while driving - it will greatly facilitate negotiations.
At business meetings and negotiations, always remember to put your mobile phone on silent mode or use the "Voice mail" service, unless otherwise agreed. If you need to write a text message in a library or theater, turn off the keyboard tones first. If you work in an office, do not forget to take your mobile phone with you, even if you are away from your workplace for a short time. In order not to distract others with your conversations on the phone, while in public places: transport, elevators, shops, etc., try to speak as quietly and briefly as possible. In the library, in order not to distract readers, switch your mobile phone to silent mode, and if it becomes necessary to answer, then speak quietly and to the point. In order not to embarrass others, do not install ringtones on your mobile phone that are obscene language, rude language or unpleasant sounds.
It is impolite of you to use other people's mobile phones for personal purposes and give their mobile numbers to strangers without permission. You should check your phone for ringtone volume levels at home, but not in public places.
Respect the privacy of others by using the video recording function and taking photos. Before shooting or photographing, be sure to ask permission from the person you want to photograph or film. It is also appropriate for you to tell your friends about mobile etiquette. Compliance with the rules of mobile etiquette can tell a lot about you to the interlocutor and the people around you.

Intelligence is not only in knowledge, but also in the ability to understand another person. It manifests itself in a thousand and a thousand little things: in the ability to argue respectfully, to behave modestly at the table, in the ability to quietly help another person, to protect nature, not to litter around oneself - not to litter with cigarette butts or swearing, bad ideas.
Intelligence is a tolerant attitude towards the world and towards people.
At the heart of all good manners is the concern that the person does not interfere with the person, so that everyone feels good together. We must be able not to interfere with each other. It is necessary to educate in oneself not so much manners as what is expressed in manners, a careful attitude to the world, to society, to nature, to one's past.
No need to memorize hundreds of rules, but remember one thing - the need for a respectful attitude towards others.

"Etiquette of a business person" E. Ya. Solovyov
"Business protocol and etiquette" N. V. Demidov
"Rules of social life and etiquette" Yuryev and Vladimirsky
Internet Etyket.org.ua

Natalya Petrovna
Conversation "Rules of conduct and social norms of society"

Target conversations: form the concept of social norms and rules of behavior in society.


Reveal the content of the concept social norms;

Summarize Features rules of conduct in society;

Conduct a survey to identify the level of assimilation of the studied material.

Rules of conduct in the theater, to the cinema

When going to the theater, cinema or concert, remember that not only you, but also others want to relax and enjoy. Therefore, do not interfere with others to have a good time. This is the main exit commandment"to the people".

Ceremonial clothes: to come to the theater in jeans and a T-shirt is a sign of bad taste.

Come to the theatre, cinema and concerts in advance in order to have time to catch your breath, put your outerwear in the wardrobe, put yourself in order and find seats. If your seats are in the middle of the hall, go towards them facing those who are sitting. If you come with a girl, you go first, paving the way and apologizing to disgruntled neighbors. By the way, a well-mannered person, if he is disturbed, will never show his irritation and will not wait until he is asked for permission to pass, but will get up in advance himself, noticing those walking along the narrow passage. When getting up and sitting down, try to avoid noise. Lower the seat of the chair silently (you should do it for your girl). Standing up, hold the seat with your hand so that it does not hit the back of the chair. Do not occupy both armrests, because your neighbor may also want to lean on his elbows. Keep your things on your lap, and don't throw them on the floor under the seat. Do not lean on the back of the next chair and do not rest your feet on it. Do not take other people's places; it is unpleasant to look at those who are expelled with disgrace from other people's places.

If for any reason you are late, enter the hall quietly and sit down in empty seats, if there are none, stand near the door. You can only take your seats during the intermission.

Some people have a habit of reciting the content before starting a movie or play. This cannot be done. Your companion will soon have the opportunity to find out for himself.

During the performance, you should only listen and watch. Even if the play or film is uninteresting, courtesy obliges you to sit silently until the end of the play. If this is unbearable, the hall can be left during the break.

When the program begins, you need to stop all conversations. During the performance, it is forbidden to do anything that interferes surrounding: whispering with a neighbor, giggling, fidgeting in an armchair, rustling candy wrappers, chewing, commenting out loud on what is happening on the stage or screen, singing along to the performer or beating the beat with your foot, sitting with your beloved head to head, talking on a cell phone. Cell phones must be switched off during the performance. If you have a cough or runny nose, think before you go out. You need to take care not only about your health, but also about the peace of others. You go another time.

How to leave. Some break out of their seats and rush to the wardrobe without waiting for the end of the play. This is highly impolite. Wait until the curtain falls and all the artists leave the stage, only then get up.

Last note. You don't have rights leave the girl to her fate in the middle of the night city (many performances end quite late). You are obliged to accompany her, if not to the door, then at least to the entrance of her house. Although if you have already reached the entrance, then you can bring it to the apartment.

Rules of conduct on the street

There are a lot of people on the street, and therefore you must observe the basic mass communication rules to avoid stress and conflict.

So we have right-hand traffic, therefore, walking along the street, do not rush against general flow. Oncoming bypass with right side. Even if you are in a hurry, do not fly, knocking everyone down, do not push your way with your elbows, but ask for permission pass the: "Excuse me, let me pass".

In a crowded crowd, do not turn into a turtle, otherwise you can wait for someone to give you a boost. Don't suddenly stop in the middle of the sidewalk, even if you have a brilliant idea. Walk in rhythm with everyone.

Bags are usually carried in right hand, trying not to hit passers-by on their legs and not to soil their coats. Carry the umbrella upright. Hold an open umbrella over your head so that water does not flow onto passers-by, and the knitting needles do not get into their eyes. If you are under an umbrella with a girl, then you are holding the umbrella.

The rule says: the man accompanying the lady always walks on the left side. This custom dates back to the Middle Ages, when every man had a saber or sword hanging on his left side. So that the weapon does not hit the legs of the companion when walking, the man tried to walk to the left of the lady. This rule in our time, only the military in uniform does not obey. In order to give a military greeting to the oncoming military and not touch their lady with the elbow, it is more convenient for them to go on right.

A real man is obliged to take any heavy burden of his companion into his own hands, but not a handbag - the girl carries it herself. A man with a handbag in his hands looks ridiculous and ridiculous.

In a small crowd, young people can walk in an embrace if they manage to walk beautifully and not interfere general movement. It is indecent to laugh, kiss and be drunk on the street.

If you meet your friend on the street, do not stop in the middle of the sidewalk to exchange a few words with him - step aside. If you are waiting for someone on the street, then it is better to walk back and forth, and not stand in one place.

If a girl, walking with you, met another friend of a guy, then she is not obliged to introduce you to each other. You should walk forward at a slow pace or stand at a distance while she talks to the person she meets. At the same time, modern etiquette forbids a guy to leave a girl alone in such a situation. You must introduce your companion and only after that start conversation.

If you need to turn to passers-by to find the way, do not forget to use words: "Thank you", "Please" And "Sorry". If, on the contrary, they turn to you for help, answer clearly and briefly. If you don't know, then Tell: "Unfortunately, I do not know" rather than confusing the person with lengthy explanations. It is absolutely unacceptable to pass by, ignoring the question or muttering something unintelligible through your teeth.

Eating outside is unacceptable, even if you are as hungry as a wolf. Better go to a cafe or bar. In the heat of the summer, you can eat ice cream - this must be done quickly and gracefully, without letting it melt.

It's no secret to anyone that you must strictly observe Traffic Laws. Always stick to right side of the road, and if there is no sidewalk, then go towards the traffic.

Do not cross the carriageway of the street obliquely, do not cross the street in the wrong place. Do not walk with friends in a line on the sidewalk, you will close the entire passage, and passers-by will be forced to bypass you. Where you can only go one at a time, let the elders go ahead.

Do not speak loudly and do not laugh out loud; do not scatter gum and candy wrappers around - there are garbage containers for this.

Do not point your finger at people or objects. It is absolutely unacceptable to show curiosity towards people with external defects. Help such people, as well as the elderly, if the situation requires it. However, do not impose your services if people do not need your help or refuse. If you notice a person (even strangers) some errors in clothes, then quietly tell him about it - the person will be grateful to you. If a person drops a handkerchief, it should not be touched. We must approach its owner, quietly say: "You Dropped" and show with your eyes.

When entering the store, first let the exiting ones through, and then go in yourself.

It must be remembered that a man or a guy with a cigarette in his mouth, accompanying a woman, compromises this woman one hundred percent.

How to behave in public transport

You can not hang on the steps or run after a moving vehicle, and even more so jump up and jump on the go - this is life threatening. If the bus is full, it's better to wait for the next one.

When boarding and disembarking, let children and the elderly go forward, give them a seat. It is necessary to give up seating to the sick, pregnant women, parents with children and the elderly. This rule no one has canceled yet. Bypass the tram in front, the bus and trolleybus in the back.

To pass in a crowded bus or trolleybus, you should not "work with your elbows", push, climb ahead, just ask to step aside, skip ahead.

IN public transport, it is unacceptable to eat anything, gnaw seeds, pick your teeth, smoke, shake snow or raindrops from your clothes, throw garbage on the floor, look at passengers, unfold a newspaper half a wagon, look into a neighbor’s book, lead conversations about personal life and official affairs, eavesdrop on other people's conversations.

If you are transporting piercing and cutting items, then carefully pack them, otherwise you may injure or tear the stockings or clothes of passengers.

Rules of conduct when traveling abroad

Recently, Russian people are increasingly traveling abroad, and there are some sharp moments here.

First, remember, another country - other mores. The customs of another country must be treated delicately. Abroad you represent our country, and by your actions and behavior will judge the people as a whole.

When going abroad, learn about the climate, customs and sights of the country you are going to visit, so as not to get into trouble. Do not be too lazy to learn a few English words and phrases - they may come in handy there.

It is necessary to arrive at the airport in advance in order to have time to complete the necessary formalities. Do not take customs clearance as personal insult: such is the order everywhere.

On the plane, think not only about your peace, but also about the peace of those around you. Do not make screams of surprise or fear during takeoff and landing. Do not tell your neighbors scary stories about accidents and catastrophes in the sky. Do not take other people's places, you have your own. Do not flaunt your courage and fasten your seat belt, these are rules.

On the train rules etiquette remains in effect. When entering the compartment, say hello to your companions. It is not necessary to introduce yourself, only if there is a desire to continue acquaintance.

Don't abuse right to the bottom shelf, which is formally assigned to you by a ticket. After all, a person from the top shelf will not be able to spend the entire trip there. Give him the opportunity to periodically go down and sit next to you. Remember that the luggage box is also shared.

A well-bred young man will always give way to a better place for a sick or elderly person.

You need to eat on the train so as not to disturb the neighbors. Do not eat foods with strong aroma: garlic, onion, herring and the like. When eating, do not bite off a whole tomato so that splashes fly in all directions, do not tear a piece of meat with your teeth, do not break out chicken wings, do not champ, in general behave with dignity.

Quiet, pleasant conversation help pass the time on the road. However, do not overwhelm your fellow travelers with your excessive sociability: do not tell them the whole story of your life, do not devote to your personal problems, do not ask incorrect questions: who and why is going, where he works, how much he earns, etc. You shouldn’t be gloomy silent either - this has a depressing effect on others. The best way to end a conversation with an annoying neighbor is to delve into a book or magazine.

Don't make noise on the train conversations, do not play cards until late at night (there is no need to say that in no case do not play cards with strangers, otherwise you risk being skinned like a sticky, do not sing, do not walk around the car, do not slam the doors and do not occupy the toilet for a long time.

Rules of conduct in a team

A polite, cultured person is inherent in tact. Tact is a sense of proportion. Being tactful means being able to feel the mood of another person, take into account the peculiarities of his character, take into account the properties of his nature and, depending on the individuality of each person, find one form or another. communication with him.

In a team - at school, college, etc. - be polite. Rudeness is unacceptable anywhere.

Attention to friends, classmates should not be intrusive. Do not go into the soul of people, do not burden them with your problems. Avoid familiarity in relation to others, do not allow it in relation to yourself.

Never wash the bones of others, do not discuss their manner of dressing, figure and complexion, do not judge who looked at whom, otherwise there will be no grief you will manage: already on the third person, your words will take on a completely different meaning. Gossip is a dirty business, try not to stoop to it yourself, and try not to let it touch you.

If you like to joke, make sure that your jokes do not hurt the vanity of others, try not to hurt with an inappropriate joke. Remember important rule: in 99% out of 100, your jokes about the appearance of people, their names or some habits of success will not bring you success and they are unlikely to add friends.

The real mistakes of people should be pointed out calmly, without insults.

If there is any misunderstanding, if you feel that you have been treated not fair Try to calmly deal with the situation. Irritation is a bad helper, you need to control yourself. A guy who has lost control of himself and becomes personal is in an even more depressing position.

In the course of their life, people constantly interact with each other. The diverse forms of interaction between individuals, as well as the connections that arise between different social groups (or within them), are commonly called public relations. A significant part of social relations is characterized by conflicting interests of their participants. The result of such contradictions are social conflicts that arise between members of society. One of the ways to harmonize the interests of people and smooth out the conflicts that arise between them and their associations is regulatory regulation, i.e. regulation of the behavior of individuals with the help of certain norms.

The word "norm" comes from lat. norma, which means "rule, pattern, standard". The norm indicates the boundaries within which an object retains its essence, remains itself. Norms can be different - natural, technical, social. Actions, deeds of people and social groups that are subjects of social relations, regulate social norms.

Social norms are understood as general rules and patterns, the behavior of people in society, due to social relations and resulting from the conscious activity of people. Social norms are formed historically, naturally. In the process of their formation, being refracted through the public consciousness, they are then fixed and reproduced in the relations and acts necessary for society. To some extent, social norms are binding on those to whom they are addressed, they have a certain procedural form of implementation and mechanisms for their implementation.

There are various classifications of social norms. The most important is the division of social norms depending on the characteristics of their emergence and implementation. On this basis, five varieties of social norms are distinguished: moral norms, customary norms, corporate norms, religious norms and legal norms.

Moral norms are rules of conduct that are derived from people's ideas about good and evil, about justice and injustice, about good and bad. The implementation of these norms is ensured by public opinion and the internal conviction of people.

Norms of custom are rules of conduct that have become habitual as a result of their repeated repetition. The implementation of customary norms is ensured by the force of habit. The customs of moral content are called mores.

A variety of customs are traditions that express the desire of people to preserve certain ideas, values, useful forms of behavior. Another kind of customs are rituals that regulate the behavior of people in everyday, family and religious spheres.

Corporate norms are the rules of conduct established by public organizations. Their implementation is ensured by the inner conviction of the members of these organizations, as well as by the public associations themselves.

Religious norms are understood as the rules of conduct contained in various sacred books or established by the church. The implementation of this type of social norms is provided by the internal beliefs of people and the activities of the church.

Legal norms are rules of conduct established or sanctioned by the state, while church norms are rights established or sanctioned by the state, and sometimes directly by the people, the implementation of which is ensured by the authority and coercive power of the state.

Different types of social norms did not appear simultaneously, but one after another, as needed.

With the development of society, they became more and more complicated.

Scientists suggest that the first type of social norms that arose in primitive society were rituals. A ritual is a rule of conduct in which the most important thing is a strictly predetermined form of its execution. The content of the ritual itself is not so important - it is its form that matters most. Rituals accompanied many events in the life of primitive people. We know about the existence of rituals of seeing off fellow tribesmen for hunting, taking office as a leader, presenting gifts to leaders, etc. Somewhat later, rituals began to be distinguished in ritual actions. Rites were rules of conduct, consisting in the performance of certain symbolic actions. Unlike rituals, they pursued certain ideological (educational) goals and had a deeper impact on the human psyche.

The next social norms in time, which were an indicator of a new, higher stage in the development of mankind, were customs. Customs regulated almost all aspects of the life of primitive society.

Another type of social norms that arose in the era of primitiveness were religious norms. Primitive man, aware of his weakness before the forces of nature, attributed to the latter divine power. Initially, the object of religious admiration was a real-life object - a fetish. Then a person began to worship any animal or plant - a totem, seeing in the latter his ancestor and protector. Then totemism was replaced by animism (from the Latin "anima" - soul), i.e., belief in spirits, the soul, or the universal spirituality of nature. Many scientists believe that it was animism that became the basis for the emergence of modern religions: over time, among supernatural beings, people identified several special ones - gods. So the first polytheistic (pagan), and then monotheistic religions appeared.

In parallel with the emergence of norms of customs and religion, moral norms were also formed in primitive society. It is impossible to determine the time of their occurrence. We can only say that morality appears along with human society and is one of the most important social regulators.

During the emergence of the state, the first rules of law appear.

Finally, corporate norms emerge most recently.

All social norms have common features. They are rules of conduct of a general nature, that is, they are designed for repeated use, and operate continuously in time in relation to a personally indefinite circle of persons. In addition, social norms are characterized by such features as procedural and sanctioned. The procedural nature of social norms means the presence of a detailed regulated order (procedure) for their implementation. Sanctioning reflects the fact that each of the types of social norms has a certain mechanism for the implementation of their prescriptions.

Social norms define the boundaries of acceptable behavior of people in relation to the specific conditions of their life. As already mentioned above, compliance with these norms is usually ensured by the internal beliefs of people or by applying social rewards and social punishments to them in the form of so-called social sanctions.

Social sanction is usually understood as the reaction of society or a social group to the behavior of an individual in a socially significant situation. According to their content, sanctions can be positive (encouraging) and negative (punishing). There are also formal sanctions (coming from official organizations) and informal (coming from informal organizations). Social sanctions play a key role in the system of social control, rewarding members of society for the implementation of social norms or punishing for deviation from the latter, i.e. for deviance.

Deviant (deviant) is such behavior that does not meet the requirements of social norms. Sometimes such deviations can be positive and lead to positive consequences. Thus, the well-known sociologist E. Durkheim believed that deviation helps society gain a more complete picture of the diversity of social norms, leads to their improvement, promotes social change, revealing alternatives to already existing norms. However, in most cases, deviant behavior is spoken of as a negative social phenomenon that is harmful to society. Moreover, in a narrow sense, deviant behavior means such deviations that do not entail criminal punishment, are not crimes. The totality of the criminal actions of an individual has a special name in sociology - delinquent (literally - criminal) behavior.

Based on the goals and direction of deviant behavior, its destructive and asocial types are distinguished. The first type includes deviations that harm the individual himself (alcoholism, suicide, drug addiction, etc.), the second - behavior that harms people's communities (violation of the rules of conduct in public places, violation of labor discipline, etc.).

Exploring the causes of deviant behavior, sociologists have noticed that both deviant and delinquent behavior are widespread in societies undergoing a transformation of the social system. Moreover, in the conditions of the general crisis of society, such behavior can acquire a total character.

The opposite of deviant behavior is conformist behavior (from Latin conformis - similar, similar). Conformist is called social behavior that corresponds to the norms and values ​​​​accepted in society. Ultimately, the main task of normative regulation and social control is the reproduction in society of precisely the conformist type of behavior.

etiquette, norms of behavior, interaction of people, competent socio-cultural space


One of the basic principles of life in a modern secular society is the maintenance of normal relations between people and the desire to avoid conflicts. In turn, respect and attention can be earned only with respect for courtesy and restraint. But in life you often have to deal with rudeness, harshness, disrespect for another person. The reason for this is that very often the basics of etiquette culture are ignored, which is part of the general secular culture, the foundations of which are attention and respect for others.

Article text:

A person throughout his life is in the socio-cultural space, where the rules of behavior play one of the main roles. These rules are called etiquette.

Etiquette (French - etiquette) is a set of rules of conduct adopted in society, establishing the order of secular behavior, which enables people to effortlessly use ready-made forms of decent behavior and generally accepted politeness for cultural communication among themselves at various levels of the structure of society, in light, while in the process of communication it is worthy to take into account the interests of others in their behavior.

The word etiquette itself has been used since the time of Louis XIV, at whose receptions guests were given cards listing the rules of conduct required of them. These cards are "labels" and gave the name to etiquette. In French, this word has two meanings: a label and a set of rules, a conditional order of conduct.

Understanding etiquette as a system of established mutual expectations, approved “models” and rules of secular communication between people, it should be recognized, however, that the real norms of behavior and ideas about “what should be done” change significantly over time. What was previously considered indecent may become generally accepted, and vice versa. Behavior that is unacceptable in one place and under one circumstance may be appropriate in another place and under other circumstances.

Of course, various peoples make their own corrections and additions to etiquette, due to the specifics of the historical development of their culture. Therefore, etiquette also reflects a specific system of national signs-symbols of communication, positive traditions, customs, rituals, rituals that correspond to the historically determined conditions of life and the moral and aesthetic needs of people.

Consideration of all aspects of etiquette is not possible, since etiquette passes through all areas of a person's public and private life. In turn, we will focus on its most important norms such as tact, politeness, and sensitivity. Let's touch on such a thing as "inequality". Let's analyze the levels of behavior, the internal and external culture of a person. Let's highlight the rules of telephone communication. The last position was not chosen by chance, since the telephone currently occupies a leading position in communication, sometimes replacing interpersonal, and sometimes even intergroup communication.

One of the basic principles of life in a modern secular society is the maintenance of normal relations between people and the desire to avoid conflicts. In turn, respect and attention can be earned only with respect for courtesy and restraint. But in life you often have to deal with rudeness, harshness, disrespect for another person. The reason for this is that very often the basics of etiquette culture are ignored, which is part of the general secular culture, the foundations of which are attention and respect for others.

In this regard, one of the most necessary norms and foundations of etiquette is politeness, which is manifested in many specific rules of conduct: in greeting, in addressing a person, in the ability to remember his name and patronymic, the most important dates of his life. True politeness is certainly benevolent, since it is one of the manifestations of sincere, disinterested benevolence towards people with whom one has to communicate.

Other important human qualities on which the rules of etiquette are based are tact and sensitivity. They imply attention, deep respect for those with whom we communicate, the desire and ability to understand them, to feel what can give them pleasure, joy, or, conversely, cause irritation, annoyance, resentment. Tact, sensitivity are manifested in a sense of proportion that should be observed in conversation, in personal and official relationships, in the ability to feel the boundary beyond which words and deeds can cause undeserved resentment, grief, pain in a person.

In addition to the basic principles of etiquette: politeness, tact, modesty, there are also general rules of secular behavior. These include, for example, the "inequality" of people in the field of etiquette, expressed, in particular, in the form of advantages that have:

  • women before men
  • older before younger
  • the sick before the healthy,
  • superior to subordinates.

The norms of etiquette - in contrast to the norms of morality - are conditional, they are in the nature of an unwritten agreement about what is generally accepted in people's behavior and what is not. The convention of etiquette in each case can be explained. Aimed at uniting people, it offers generally accepted forms, stereotypes of behavior, symbols of the manifestation of thoughts and feelings, which make it easier for people to understand each other.

At the same time, etiquette can also be considered as an aesthetic form of manifestation of moral, secular culture, since it is simultaneously directly related to morality, to the moral character of a person and to the aesthetic aspects of his behavior. Beautiful manners, beautiful behavior, beautiful gestures, postures, facial expressions, smile, look, i.e. what speaks about a person, his feelings and thoughts without words; speech addressed to elders, peers, younger at a meeting and parting, in anger and joy; the manner of moving, eating, wearing clothes and jewelry, celebrating sad and joyful events, receiving guests - a person should give all these types of communication not only a moral, but also an aesthetic character.

In any case, etiquette is an integral fragment of the structure of the socio-cultural matrix and is a significant part of modern secular behavior, although, of course, not all human behavior in general. In fact, it implies only the generally accepted rules and manners of human behavior in society in the places determined for this, where one can observe the external side of the actions of individuals, in which they manifest themselves like a kind of pre-learned game of the intellect.

Based on the current lifestyle of a modern person, his social relations and activities, it is easy to list all those conventions of secular behavior that are initially associated with generally recognized etiquette and determine its corresponding ethical and aesthetic norms. All of them should be studied and repeated, be well known to all citizens of the country. These norms apply to almost all aspects of life and life, as well as areas of human social activity, causing his behavior in the family, at a party, at school, at work, and in public places, on the roads, when he is a pedestrian and when he is a driver, in hotels, in parks, on the beach, on an airplane, at an airport, in a public toilet, etc. and so on.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that in most public places, citizens need only a simple knowledge of good manners and the ability to behave with restraint, culture and politeness, without attracting attention from other people and thereby not preventing them from being in your society.

At the same time, there are also such public places where knowledge of etiquette alone is not enough for citizens. Other basic fragments of the socio-cultural matrix considered above (ethical, aesthetic, civic, value, environmental, etc.) should be used to some extent, as well as the ability to feel the system of balance of interests and, above all, to have the ability to take into account the interests of others put them above your own.

For this, more serious norms and laws of conduct are applied, arising from the rights, duties and interests of citizens, civil servants, and entrepreneurs. Without knowledge of the relevant fragments of the socio-cultural matrix, individuals cannot be named, certified by status or admitted to the corresponding cells of social activity or government positions. And the higher the social place of an individual's activity in the structure of social relations, the greater the requirements, in addition to knowledge of etiquette, should be imposed on his behavior, the more his behavior should be determined by the duties of this individual to other members of society, society in understanding their specific interests, the interests of society as a whole. - national interests.

Based on this, it can be argued that the culture of human behavior consists of two parts: internal and external.

Internal culture is the knowledge, skills, feelings and abilities that underlie the fundamental fragments of the individual socio-cultural matrix of a person, acquired through his upbringing, education, development of consciousness and intellect, professional training, the signs of good results of which should be his virtue, knowledge of the interests of others, diligence and high morals.

External culture is a lifestyle and behavior patterns that are manifested in everyday life and in social activities during direct contacts, communication with other people, with environmental objects. External culture, as a rule, is a direct product of a person's internal culture, is closely related to it, although there are some nuances.

So, individual manifestations of external culture may not reflect the internal culture of the individual or even contradict it. This happens in cases of painful manifestations of the psyche, as well as in cases of behavioral "mimicry", when an ill-mannered individual tries to impersonate a well-bred one. However, with a longer observation of it, these contradictions are easily detected. Therefore, a truly cultured and efficient person can be such only thanks to his diligent upbringing. And, on the contrary, the outward manifestations of an individual's bad manners testify to his inner emptiness, which means immorality, the complete absence of an elementary inner culture.

External culture is not always completely dependent on the internal one and sometimes for some time can hide the lack of the latter. A good knowledge of the rules of etiquette and their observance can mitigate the lack of a high internal culture, developed consciousness and intelligence, although not for long.

External culture is called differently: a culture of behavior, etiquette, good manners, good manners, good manners, culture ... This suggests that, depending on the specific task, people focus on one side of the external culture: most often either knowledge of the rules of conduct and their observance, or on the degree of taste, tact, skill in mastering external culture.

External culture consists of two “parts”: that which comes from the elements of social sociocultural matrices (various instructions, charters, generally accepted rules, decency, etiquette) and that which comes from the upbringing and enlightenment of a secular person (manners, delicacy, tact, taste , sense of humor, conscientiousness, etc.).

There are rules of conduct of different levels and content:
1) the level of universal rules adopted in modern secular society, incl. among well-bred people - the intelligentsia;
2) the level of national regulations or regulations adopted in a given country;
3) the level of rules adopted in a given locality (in a village, city, region);
4) the level of rules adopted in a particular non-secular social stratum (among the inhabitants, among adherents of a particular religious denomination or sect, among corrupt high-ranking officials, in the beau monde, among oligarchs and other individuals with ultra-high incomes, etc. .).
5) the level of secular rules adopted in a particular professional community or public organization (medical workers, lawyers, policemen, military, among actors, civil servants, members of a particular party ...)
6) the level of secular rules adopted in a particular institution (educational, medical, state, commercial ...)

Speaking about the external manifestations of ethical or aesthetic fragments of the sociocultural matrix of individuals, it should be noted that here, too, one can observe a wide variety of types of behavior: both delicacy and rudeness, and good and bad manners, and good and bad taste.

In situations where a person does not know certain rules of conduct adopted in a given society, but he has certain skills of upbringing and knowledge of the basics of etiquette, he can to some extent compensate for his ignorance with flair, intuition, based on innate or acquired delicacy, tact, taste.

There are very complex relationships between rules and internal regulators of behavior. They are opposite - internal and external, typical and individual, although at the same time they can "work" in one direction. Normal relationships between people are generally a delicate matter that is easily torn if people treat each other rudely, especially now in the age of constant stress and increased mental stress.

The ability to listen to the interlocutor is an indispensable requirement of speech etiquette. This, of course, does not mean that one should sit silently. But it's tactless to interrupt another. When talking together, you also need to be able to listen, It happens that you have to be silent when you feel that your words can inflame passions. Do not start a heated argument in defense of your opinion. Such disputes spoil the mood of those present.

If a person wants to improve, to be better, to be worthy of love, kindness, wants to be respected, then he must take care of himself, his words-actions, cleanse himself, not give himself rest in this. After all, it is known that good breeding is an outward expression of the inner delicacy of the soul, which consists in general benevolence and attention to all people.

Politeness does not necessarily mean really respectful treatment of a person, just as rudeness does not necessarily mean really disrespectful treatment of a person. A person can be rude due to the fact that he rotated in a rough environment, did not see other patterns of behavior.

Thus, politeness is a moral quality that characterizes the behavior of a person for whom respect for people has become a daily norm of behavior and a habitual way of dealing with others.

An important aspect of etiquette is the concept of good manners, which requires study and exercise; it must, so to speak, become second nature to us. True, much that is called good tone and refined taste is an inborn delicacy, and therefore it is true that a person can assimilate everything and learn everything, but not delicacy. But delicacy is not everything, and natural taste needs to be improved. Good examples and personal efforts contribute to this.

In addition, in etiquette there is such a thing as decency. This is the least conspicuous of all the concepts of etiquette, but the most revered.

So, only the one who embarrasses the least number of people has good manners. After all, each person, as a rule, lives in society, i.e. among other people. Therefore, his every act, every desire, every statement is reflected in these people. For this reason, there must be a boundary between what he wants to say or do, and what is possible, what will be pleasant or unpleasant to others. In this regard, he needs to make a self-assessment every time, whether any of his statements or actions will cause harm, cause inconvenience or trouble. Every time he must act in such a way that the people around him feel good.

To the basics of etiquette, known to everyone since childhood, there are three magic words: please, thank you, sorry (sorry).

Every request must be accompanied by the word "please".

For any service or help, you need to thank, say “thank you”.

For any trouble caused to another, you need to apologize or ask for forgiveness.

These magic words need to be learned to speak without thinking, automatically. The absence of these words in appropriate situations or their non-automatic, unnatural use means either impoliteness, rudeness, or a declaration of hostility.

There are no “little things” in etiquette, more precisely, it all consists of “little things” strung on a single rod of politeness, attention to people. Etiquette begins with a certain order and rules of greetings, addresses, introductions and acquaintances.

Given the "inequality" in etiquette, it should be borne in mind that the young are obliged to be the first to greet the elders, those who enter are present, those who are late are waiting, etc. At official receptions, first of all, they greet the hostess and the owner, after them the ladies, first the older ones, then the young ones, then the older and older men, and then the rest of the guests. The mistress of the house must shake hands with all invited guests.

It should be remembered that the handshake accepted in our country and in the West when meeting and introducing a man and a woman in Muslim countries is completely inappropriate: Islam does not accept even the simple contact of people of different sexes who are not related by blood ties. It is not customary to shake hands among the peoples of Southeast Asia.

Of great importance when greetings is the manner of holding. You should look directly at the person you greet with a smile. When addressing a stranger, unfamiliar person or official, you should always say “you”. The form of address "you" expresses a closer relationship with a person. When referring to "you", many formalities that testify to an external, detached form of politeness disappear.

No less complex are the etiquette rules of dating. The first step to establishing an acquaintance is introduction. When introducing themselves or introducing someone, they usually call the surname, first name, patronymic, sometimes - the position or title. If you are visiting an institution or official on official or personal business, then before starting a business conversation, you should introduce yourself and, if available, give your “visiting card”. Representation is also necessary if you are addressing a stranger by what or question.

An integral attribute of modern etiquette is the ethics of telephone conversations. Its most important points include the following:
1) You should always introduce yourself when you call if you are not familiar or unfamiliar with the addressee or if you rarely call this addressee. It should also be taken into account that telephone communication can be poor, i.e. your voice is barely audible or distorted, and therefore even a good friend may not immediately figure out who he is talking to.
2) It is almost always necessary to ask whether a person is busy or not and how much time he has for a telephone conversation. Unceremonious is the behavior of the caller, who immediately, without the necessary clarification of the boundaries of the conversation, begins to conduct this conversation.
3) If you get a call, and you are very busy and cannot talk, then, as a rule, the burden of a second call is not on the one who called, but on you. There can be two exceptions here:
- if the caller does not have a phone;
- if for some reason it is difficult to call the person who called you. It is impolite to force the caller to call you back because you are busy. When you do this, you unwittingly make it clear that you value-respect him less than yourself.
4) When they call on the phone and ask not you, but another person, it is impolite to ask “who is this?” or "who's talking?". First, it is indecent to answer a question with a question. Secondly, with your question, you can put the person who asks in an uncomfortable position. The questioner is not always disposed to introduce himself to an outsider who picks up the phone. His right is to remain incognito to strangers. Asking "Who's talking?" voluntarily or involuntarily "climbs into the soul" of the caller. On the other hand, asking "who is speaking?" voluntarily or involuntarily, "penetrates into the soul" and the one who is directly called, since the addressee may also want to keep the secret of his relationship with the caller. (So ​​parents sometimes act in their desire to control every step of their adult children, which limits their right to privacy. Excessive control and excessive guardianship on the part of parents leads to the fact that adult children either remain infantile, dependent or alienated from their parents.) in the absence of the addressee, you need to ask not “who is speaking?”, but “what to send to the addressee?”
5) In a telephone conversation, business or telegraphic style should prevail, with rare exceptions. Talking around and around is inappropriate. It is necessary, if possible, to immediately formulate the questions for which you are calling, and do not be shy to ask the same interlocutor if he is “carried away” by a conversation on extraneous topics. You need to ask the interlocutor to move to the subject of a telephone conversation tactfully, without rude interruption of his speech. In principle, non-business conversations on the phone are also acceptable, but only after it turns out that both parties have the desire and time to conduct such conversations.
6) It must be kept in mind that telephone communication is not as complete as face-to-face communication. Therefore, the requirements for the conversation as a whole are more stringent, i.e. you need to be more careful and prudent. A word spoken on the phone and a word spoken face to face can be evaluated in different and even opposite ways.

In a telephone conversation, you need to speak less emotionally, joke more carefully, try to avoid harsh words and expressions.

Two more concepts of etiquette that should be noted are commitment and accuracy. An optional person is very inconvenient for others, although he can be nice, courteous, etc. Such a person cannot be relied upon, cannot be counted on. Let him not be offended if they cease to respect him and avoid communication with him. “Accuracy is the courtesy of kings,” says the saying. He is not a king who is not obligatory, who behaves carelessly in relation to his own obligation.

Since a person is a social being, then his full life outside the life of society is simply impossible. A person must reckon with the norms and forms of behavior that are established in society as a whole and in specific situations or in a particular society. Often what is unacceptable in one society can be afforded in another situation. But still, each person must form for himself the fundamental principles of behavior that will determine his life norm and line of behavior and thus shape his relationships with other people, and hence his success in life.

The norms of human behavior in society and in dealing with other people have been formed over the centuries. But these norms were not always the same. The social system, the social and estate division of the population changed, the customs in the society of the aristocracy, philistines, clergy, workers, peasants, intelligentsia, and military were different. At the same time, the behavior of young people and adults was different, the national and social traditions on which these norms of behavior were based were not the same. For representatives of the highest state, the aristocracy, there were fixed rules of conduct, ignorance or violation of which was considered a lack of education.

Also, often the norms of behavior of the corresponding state of society at different times were evaluated differently: at the time of their formation they were appropriate, and in another period of the development of society they were already considered inappropriate, testifying to the low culture of man.

When talking, people tend to get together. Either in a smaller or in a larger society, and these meetings of a larger number of people are mainly caused by something. The reason may be some personal or family event (birthday, angel's day, weddings, anniversaries) or public (state and local holidays, celebrations of some historical event, etc.). The participants of such meetings are, as a rule, people who know each other well. But when a stranger first enters such a society, he must first of all introduce himself so that those present know about this person. Therefore, most often such a person in society is accompanied and recommended by the owner of the house or a person who knows society well. If there is no such person, then the stranger introduces himself: Dear, let me introduce myself. My name is (you should give your name, patronymic or surname), I am by profession ... (here you can indicate either a profession or a position, etc.).

Before entering the room, they usually take off their outerwear and hats in the dressing room, and women can leave their hats on. It is not considered obligatory to kick off the shoes, instead, they should be wiped well on the mat.



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