What is a herpes infection and how to treat herpes in an intimate place. Manifestation and treatment of herpes in intimate places

The difficulty of treating the infection is explained by the fact that it is almost impossible to get rid of herpes forever. Once they enter the human body, viruses are integrated into the DNA of the body’s nerve cells, sophisticatedly camouflage themselves from leukocytes, and thereby actively suppress the natural immune defense. Therefore, the most effective method of combating a recurrent disease can be prescribed after consultation with a urologist, gynecologist, or only an immunologist. For each patient, the medicine for herpes in intimate places is selected strictly individually. However, among the numerous antiviral drugs, practicing doctors recommend choosing combinations of the most modern active tablets, creams and gels. We are publishing the list.

Antiviral capsules and tablets

For the treatment of herpes, complex use of immunomodulatory drugs is prescribed. After the release of medicinal active substances in the stomach, they are instantly distributed through the bloodstream to the cells of the body, block the replication of viruses, preventing them from spreading further, and then destroy them. But uncontrolled use of tablets can cause harm to the liver, kidneys, and negatively affect the nervous system, so self-treatment with them is prohibited. All herpes medications are taken only with a doctor's prescription.

The main medicinal component of the tablets is famciclovir, which is metabolized into penciclovir triphosphate. This substance stops the reproduction of viruses for up to 12 hours at the lowest immune defense, so the drug is more effective than the previously popular Acyclovir.

In addition, Famvir for genital herpes has unique medicinal advantages:

  • immediate analgesic effect;
  • preventing further spread of viruses;
  • high clinical activity against herpes;
  • 90% guarantee of relapse prevention;
  • long-term antiviral effect;
  • does not have a negative effect on healthy cells;
  • promotes rapid regeneration of affected tissues;
  • prevents viral resistance to the drug.

Indications. Herpes in the intimate area, complicated by low immunity, is usually treated as follows: 500 mg twice a day for 7 days.

Prophylactic doses: twice a day 250 mg. The timing of use is determined by the doctor. The high effectiveness of Famvir is evident on the very first day.

Antiviral tablets are an analogue of Famvir, with the same active ingredient, famciclovir.

The medicine actively suppresses viral replication in genital herpes in acute and recurrent forms of the disease.


  • Instant reduction in the intensity of pain and itching.
  • Significant anti-resistant efficacy against herpesvirus strains.
  • Rapid cellular absorption of the medicinal ingredient.
  • Duration of antiviral action.
  • No damaging effect on healthy cells.

Contraindications: individual intolerance. With caution: when feeding a baby, pregnancy, as well as for the elderly, children (up to 12 years), people with renal failure.

An antiviral drug is prescribed for the treatment of recurrent genital herpes and for the prevention of exacerbations. The active drug ingredient valacyclovir is transformed into acyclovir and valine.


  • speed in destroying viruses;
  • repeated reduction of pain symptoms and burning;
  • guaranteed exclusion of infecting other people from the first day of taking the medicine;
  • after treatment there are practically no relapses;
  • the rarity of negative side effects;
  • has a longer action than Acyclovir tablets.

Herpes in the intimate area can be treated with Valtrex in a shorter time: from 3 to 5 days you need to take 1 tablet of 500 mg twice a day during an exacerbation, and for prevention - 1 tablet once a day.

Contraindications: for pregnant, lactating women and children strictly as prescribed by a doctor. With caution in case of pathologies of the kidneys and liver. In case of hypersensitivity, use should be stopped immediately.

Immunostimulating tablets

To increase the effectiveness of antiviral drugs, doctors must prescribe an immunomodulatory drug for genital herpes. The most popular tablets:

The medicine has increased antiviral effectiveness due to an increase in the activity of protective lymphocytes and an increase in the number of macrophages. When treating genital herpes with Isoprinosine, cells begin to produce the maximum amount of interferon, immunoglobulins, and cytokines. Directions for use: from 5 to 6 tablets (500 mg each) per day for 5–7 days for exacerbations of diseases, and for prevention - 1 tablet. Daily, 1 month.

Lavomax (analogs - Amiksin, Tiloron)

The active medicinal component tiloron stimulates the formation and production of all types of interferon: beta, gamma and alpha. At the same time, immune protection increases many times within 4 hours after consuming the tablets and remains at a significant level for up to 1 month.

Directions for use: in the first two days, 125 mg per day, in subsequent days - 125 mg every other day.

Attention! All immunomodulatory drugs for treatment should not be used without a doctor’s prescription.

Ointments, suppositories, gels, injection solutions

Herpes in the intimate area is treated more effectively with the combined use of tablets and topical medications. Among the best ointments, creams, suppositories, the following names stand out:

An antiviral drug with the active ingredient tromantadine hydrochloride. Operating principle:

  • prevents the penetration of viruses through the membranes of healthy cells;
  • reduces pain, itching, inflammation, burning of the epithelium;
  • does not allow viruses to become resistant to the active drug substance;
  • helps to lengthen periods of remission;
  • causes rapid tissue regeneration.

Gel treatment: cover areas affected by the herpes virus are smeared with a thin layer of the drug 3 to 6 times a day and lightly rubbed in to improve absorption.

Suppositories, ointments, gels, solutions based on a medicinal extract from potato tuber shoots are distinguished by effective immunostimulating and antiviral properties. Therapeutic actions:

  • Painkiller.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Wound healing.
  • Neuroprotective.
  • Antipyretic.

Long-term stable remission is observed in 80% of Panavir use.

How are such drugs used to treat herpes in the intimate area:

  1. For intravenous injections - a course of 2 injections of 1 ampoule of 200 mcg 1 time every 24 hours.
  2. Rectal suppositories - place 1 piece every 24 hours, for two days in a row, inside the anus or vagina.
  3. The gel is applied to the groin area 5 times for 5 (10) days.

Intended for the treatment of genital herpes at the initial symptoms of its manifestation, for people with low immunity. The medicinal active component doconazole prevents the fusion of viruses with cell membranes, prevents their absorption and replication.


  • Localization of the virus in the damaged area, protection of neighboring cells from infection.
  • Instant reduction of pain symptoms, as well as cessation of burning and hyperemia.
  • Reducing the area of ​​damage to the genital areas.

During the day, lubricate the epithelium with a thin film of cream until the symptoms of herpes completely disappear.

Due to the active antiviral ingredient penciclovir, herpes in the intimate area stops progressing immediately from the initial dose of use.


  • Prevents the formation of bubbles.
  • Causes the disappearance of itching, pain, inflammation, burning.
  • Promotes the immediate death of herpes viruses at any stage of the disease.
  • Has a long-lasting and strong antiviral effect.
  • Guarantees 90% acceleration of epithelial regeneration.
  • Less toxic than acyclovir ointment.

Course application: from 5 to 6 lubrication of the affected areas of the genitals over 4-6 days.

Suppositories against herpes Genferon and Viferon

Preparations with interferon have powerful antiviral and immunostimulating properties.

Therapeutic effect:

  • Painkiller.
  • Regenerative.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Antioxidant.
  • Wound healing.

Application: 1 or 2 candles per day for 5 (7) days.

Combination candles

Very often, genital herpesvirus infection develops in combination with infection with chlamydia, trichomonas, and candida fungus.

In such cases, the doctor may prescribe double-drug suppositories:

  1. Genferon - to destroy chlamydia and genital herpes virus.
  2. Vagiferon is a suppository with universal anti-infective effectiveness: for the treatment of trichomoniasis, chlamydia, candidiasis and genital herpes at the same time.

When breastfeeding a baby and pregnancy, most medications against herpes in intimate areas are contraindicated. However, doctors usually recommend lubricating the genitals with antiviral creams Erabazan or Fenistil Pencivir. These treatment drugs are considered the safest with fairly high efficiency.

The appearance of herpes in the intimate area in women, the symptoms of which are somewhat different from the same disease in men, can have unpleasant consequences. Despite the fact that about 90% of the world's population is infected with this virus, there is still no way to get rid of it completely. You can only block this virus for a certain time.

How does the disease manifest itself?

Many people believe that the appearance of rashes in intimate areas is, of course, a symptom of a sexually transmitted disease. They are embarrassed to share their problem, and as a result, they trigger the disease.

Herpes is not a sexually transmitted disease, but an infectious disease. Failure to treat it in a timely manner can lead to quite negative consequences. Therefore, you should not hesitate - you need to seek medical help.

Herpes in the intimate area in women manifests itself as specific blistering rashes. They increase in size, gradually filling with infectious fluid. Having reached a certain size, the bubbles burst, after which wounds form. These wounds can merge into one or several large erosive spots, which gradually dry out and their crusts fall off. Often, primary herpes stops its activity this way. The virus returns to the nerve nodes and “falls asleep” there. Periodically, when the immune system weakens, it makes itself felt again.

As already mentioned, the symptoms of female herpes in the intimate area differ from male ones in greater severity. They may depend on how the infection occurred. The most common method of infection is unprotected sexual contact. According to statistics, as a result of such contacts, women are much more likely to acquire the herpes virus than men.

It is quite rare, but circumstances do occur where infection occurs through skin-to-skin contact.

For example, athletes who are injured during training or competitions “release” the infection through the damaged areas.

In addition, women can become infected through poor personal hygiene. So, if herpetic rashes are present, for example, on the face, then touching the face with a towel or hands, and then touching intimate places, can transmit the infection. There are also cases where herpes entered the female body through the toilet seat.

When infected through sexual contact, the following symptoms may appear over a period of 3 to 14 days: headaches, fever, general malaise. Female representatives experience itching and pain in the area of ​​the rash. The discomfort especially increases after the bubbles are opened.

Herpetic rashes can be observed in various intimate areas: in the vulva, vaginal mucosa, cervix, urethra, thighs, perineal skin. Herpes in an intimate place provokes the formation of swelling, redness of the mucous membranes and skin.

If the rash appears in the perineal area, the woman may feel pressure in this area. During intimacy, spotting often appears. Contact is accompanied by significant pain.

Urethral infection

A herpes infection manifests itself differently in the area of ​​the urethra or bladder. Its symptoms are characterized by dysuria, cramps and pain during urination, and urinary retention.

This kind of herpes is called internal, as it is located on the internal genital organs. In this case, blisters form within 7–10 days, and the ulcers begin to heal after approximately 2–3 weeks.

  1. Herpes in the intimate area in the anal or perianal areas occurs as a result of unprotected anal penetration.
  2. Infected women experience mucous discharge mixed with blood from the anus.
  3. There are also quite strong painful sensations in the rectum.
  4. In addition, ulcers and erosions form in the anal area.

If intimate herpes appears

The consequences of female intimate herpes can be quite serious. In addition to the presence of unpleasant or painful sensations, the mucous membranes of the genital organs dry out.

As a result, cracks form and pain intensifies. Because of this, you have to give up sexual relations. All of these factors lead to depression and neurasthenia in women.

For women, a serious consequence of herpetic infection can be infertility. Complications can also manifest themselves as adhesions of soft tissues in intimate areas, and the addition of other bacterial infections. By affecting the internal genital organs, herpes leads to pathologies of the genitourinary system. With weakened immunity, the disease takes on an extensive form. In advanced stages, the risk of developing cancer increases - in women this is cervical cancer.

Based on this, we can conclude that it is necessary to combat the symptoms of herpes infection. After the first signs of the disease appear, you must go to the hospital, where a doctor will conduct an examination. Vaginal discharge is often collected for analysis. For external rashes, you can take liquid from the bubbles. In addition, immunofluorescence and polymerase chain reaction analysis will be required. Once the diagnosis is made, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Herpes in an intimate place is treated with antiviral drugs. They are produced in the form of tablets, ointments, and creams. Among the tablets that eliminate the symptoms of herpes infection in women, Acyclovir, Valacyclovir, Pharmciclovir and others are widely used. The course of treatment with tablets usually lasts from 5 to 10 days. The duration of the therapeutic course is determined by the doctor depending on the stage and characteristics of the disease.

Herpes in an intimate area can also be treated with topical medications. Acyclovir, Zovirax, Levomekol, Panavir, and zinc ointment can be prescribed. The principle of action of all ointments is practically the same. The components included in their composition dry out the rashes and relieve unpleasant symptoms: pain and itching. They should be used strictly as prescribed by a doctor.

There are cases when pregnant women become infected with intimate herpes. Its symptoms are the same as in other cases, however, given the interesting situation, gentle treatment is chosen. Any medications can cause complications for the health of the expectant mother and her baby. Therefore, self-medication should be excluded.

Since herpes infection manifests itself as a result of decreased immunity, drugs that help restore the body’s defenses are often prescribed to eliminate its symptoms. This effect can be achieved with the help of Lavomax, Amiksin, Kagocel. In addition, you can take preventive measures, for example, get vaccinated with Herpovax. This remedy must be used every six months for frequent relapses of the disease.

Traditional medicine to help

Herpes in an intimate place in women can be treated. It will not be possible to completely get rid of the disease, but it is quite possible to alleviate the symptoms. There are quite a few such tools, but few are widely used. For women there will be no problem in preparing medicinal infusions, decoctions, and ointments.

For example, a compress made from arnica inflorescences can give a positive result. First, prepare a decoction: 1 tbsp. herbs are poured into 1 glass of boiling water. The composition must sit for at least 2 hours under a closed lid. Then the broth is filtered. A piece of cotton wool or bandage is moistened in the resulting product and applied to the affected area. The compress is left for 15 minutes.

A remedy made from honey and celandine will also help eliminate the symptoms of herpes infection in women. You will need celandine in dried form - you can dry it yourself or buy it at the pharmacy. Before preparing the product, dried celandine herb is crushed into powder and combined with liquid honey in a 1:1 ratio (it is recommended to take 40 g of components). The resulting composition is carefully applied to the area of ​​the rash and left for 15 minutes. After time, wash off with warm water.

An infusion of birch buds successfully combats the unpleasant symptoms of infection. To prepare it you will need 20 g of buds and 1 glass of alcohol. The components are mixed, after which the product is put in a dark place to infuse. After 2 weeks the drug is ready for use. A cotton swab is moistened in it and the areas with the rash are wiped with it. Considering that alcohol can burn healthy skin, you need to use the tincture very carefully. If the burning sensation is severe, it is recommended to dilute the infusion with a small amount of water.

Traditional healers also advise eliminating herpes in an intimate place with the help of medicinal plants such as aloe and Kalanchoe. It is better to use aloe, but if it is difficult to find, kalanchoe will also do. A leaf is cut from an existing indoor plant and the hard skin is removed. This is how you get pulp saturated with healing juice. This pulp must be used to treat rashes every 3-4 hours until the unpleasant symptoms subside.

So, every woman must know the main signs of intimate herpes. Having the necessary information, you can seek medical help in time and avoid complications of the disease. It is important to remember that self-medication by any means is undesirable, as its consequences can be quite dangerous.

Herpes in the intimate area is a delicate problem; it can be classified as a sexually transmitted disease. Often, people who have a disease such as genital herpes are forced to hide the disease because they are afraid of the opinions of others, while people try to cure primary genital herpes on their own, which can lead to aggravation of the problem. No matter how scary this disease may sound, there is no need to panic. Herpes in an intimate place is not as serious a disease as it might seem at first glance. You cannot die from it, for women it does not threaten infertility, internal organs function in a normal rhythm without any disruptions.

The only serious problem is pain, itching in the pubic area, anus, butt, anus and perineum.

Herpetic rashes in the intimate area are similar to those on other parts of the body

Causes of genital herpes

Where does herpes come from in the intimate area? Herpes, like colds or herpes on the lips, occurs due to the appearance of a virus, which is divided into two types.

Anal herpes, colds on the butt and pubic area are caused by the HSV virus, which is very contagious and is also responsible for vaginal herpes.

The main causes of infection:

  • sexual intercourse;
  • household way;
  • inoculation method of infection;
  • decreased immunity;
  • stress;
  • presence of bad habits;
  • poor nutrition;
  • violation of intimate hygiene rules;
  • promiscuous sexual intercourse;
  • the occurrence of vitamin deficiency;
  • overheating or hypothermia of the body.

Sexual intercourse (promiscuous, non-traditional, oral sexual intercourse) is perhaps the most common reason why genital herpes occurs. The everyday way is non-compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene (using someone else's towel, soap and other products). The perinatal method refers to the infection of the child by the mother (who has genital herpes) during childbirth.

Unprotected sex is the most common cause of herpes virus infection

A less common method of infection is inoculation, in which case lichen on the butt, pubic area and other localization sites can occur due to ordinary carelessness, that is, if there is herpes on the face or on any other part of the body, it can be transferred to the genitals.

Poor nutrition and adherence to various types of diets lead to the development of genital herpes; it is necessary to include in your diet a sufficient amount of nutrients found in fresh vegetables and fruits, meat, fish, eggs, and seafood.

The frequency of infection depends mainly on a person’s immunity, for example, with a weakened immune system, the virus can manifest itself a couple of times a month, and in a healthy person, a cold on the genitals may appear only once every few years, or even not manifest itself at all.

Types of intimate herpes

There are the following types of genital herpes:

  • anal;
  • vaginal;
  • inguinal;
  • a virus that originates in the buttock;
  • asymptomatic genital herpes;
  • atypical.

The full name of the latter is atypical genital herpes, which can only be detected in laboratory conditions, since this type of disease can disguise itself as another ailment. Anal herpes, or anal herpes, occurs in the anus and causes maximum discomfort both physically, morally and aesthetically.

Diagnosis of herpes is done in a laboratory

Vaginal herpes, or perineal herpes, occurs in the vaginal opening; pregnant women who suffer from this type of infection can transmit the disease to their child when passing through the reproductive tract, so this type of herpes causes a lot of trouble.

The inguinal appearance appears on the pubis in the form of blisters; with this type of herpes there is a burning sensation and itching. The next type of herpes occurs on the buttock or between the buttocks. Asymptomatic genital herpes can be observed in many patients. The fact that a person has herpes on the genitals may be discovered by chance during examination or treatment of any other disease. This type of disease can lead to a severe epidemic.

Herpes symptoms

The first signs and symptoms of intimate zone herpes in people can be observed during severe stress, vitamin deficiency, infections and colds. The incubation period lasts from 1 to 10 days, then you may notice slight redness, swelling, itching and burning sensations in the pubic area, buttock and other genital organs.

So, the first signs and symptoms:

  • pain, swelling in the affected area;
  • increased body temperature;
  • pain in the muscles;
  • general deterioration in physical condition.

After a few days, a rash appears in the affected genital area in the form of small blisters filled with clear liquid. This rash is accompanied by characteristic pain, which prevents a person from leading a normal normal life.

Stages of disease development

After a couple of days, the blisters begin to burst, resulting in small ulcers, that is, open wounds, this is the most dangerous and contagious, since such wounds can become infected, worsen the condition and prolong the wound healing process.

A cold on the genitals is a fairly common cause of deterioration in a person’s well-being. Such ulcers not only cause pain, but also complicate the procedure for personal hygiene of intimate places.

After a certain period of time, the blisters dry up, the ulcers heal and heal quickly enough, if you don’t touch them, not a trace will remain of them.

Genital herpes in children

In children and newborns, herpes can also be found in intimate places. Newborns become infected when passing through the birth canal. This occurs if a woman was sick with genital herpes during childbirth. Babies have several forms of herpes:

Diagnostics and prevention

To diagnose herpes in an intimate place, you need to take an analysis of the fluid in the ulcers and blisters. Pregnant women should definitely undergo such an analysis, since there are diseases that are very similar to genital herpes (ulcer on the genital organ).

You should not self-medicate; at the first signs and symptoms of the disease, you should consult a doctor so that he can conduct a full examination, receive the results of the tests, and prescribe the necessary treatment.

For prevention purposes, it is first of all worth having one trusted sexual partner, avoiding promiscuous sexual intercourse, and using contraception during sexual intercourse, namely condoms. This helps reduce the risk of infection. After sexual intercourse, you can treat the area of ​​the buttocks and pubis with a special antiseptic solution (for example, Miramistin).

Treatment of pathology

All doctors know how to treat herpes in an intimate place, since this disease is not rare. This type of disease includes vaginal herpes, anal, on the buttocks and other genitals. The disease can be transmitted through sexual contact, so treatment should be carried out for both men and women.

Antiviral drugs are prescribed by a doctor

A sick person must be treated by a specialist who knows a lot about medications for herpes.

By resorting to self-medication, you can only worsen the patient’s condition, because it is almost impossible to completely cure such a disease.

The following drugs are mainly used for this disease:

  • antiviral agents;
  • interferons;
  • medications that boost the immune system.

To treat genital herpes, you need to perform certain tasks, namely:

  • suppress the replication of the virus;
  • eliminate the main clinical symptoms of immunity.

Genital herpes always causes a lot of inconvenience. To enhance the effectiveness of treatment, doctors recommend combining drug therapy with another method (for example, laser irradiation).

Treatment with Panavir intravenously is prescribed for complex forms

To cure herpes in the intimate area, systemic and local medications are used. Systemic drugs include the following drugs:

  • Acyclovir;
  • Valtrex;
  • Pentsivir;
  • Zovirax and others.

Such medications are available in the form of tablets to be taken orally. The period during which you need to take the pills is determined by the doctor. In general, this period is approximately 10 days. In combination with taking tablets, you can use Gerpferon ointment for external use; the ointment contains acyclovir. Such a remedy can suppress the activity of the virus, stimulate the immune system, eliminate pain, and reduce the inflammatory process.

Treatment with folk remedies

In order to definitely get rid of herpes, you can use traditional methods of treatment. These include:

  • echinacea tincture;
  • chamomile infusion;
  • a mixture of honey and ginger.

Folk remedies for herpes

Also an effective remedy is tincture of calendula and cloves. A tincture of lemongrass with alcohol, essential oils of cedar, eucalyptus, tincture of oak bark, walnut, celandine and arnica helps relieve symptoms of the disease. It is recommended to take herbs internally. It has been noted that if you take herbs as rubs, this can cause an allergic reaction, which will only worsen the patient’s situation.

During the course of treatment, you should follow some rules:

  • it is necessary to avoid promiscuity or use condoms and observe personal hygiene rules;
  • It is advisable to give up smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • you should lead an active and healthy lifestyle and eat only healthy foods rich in healthy vitamins;
  • you need to wear clothes and underwear made of cotton fabrics,
  • Do not touch the affected areas with your hands.

Treatment menu for intimate herpes

So, herpes is a delicate problem, but you should not remain silent about it, but you should immediately consult a doctor. He will conduct an examination and prescribe the necessary treatment. The causes of herpes can be very different, but the most basic one occurs during promiscuity or unprotected intercourse, therefore, for safety and prevention purposes, you should protect yourself with condoms. You should maintain intimate hygiene, use your own towel and soap.

During treatment, you need to give up smoking and alcoholic beverages, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and eat only healthy foods.

It is advisable to abstain from sexual intercourse and avoid contact with affected areas so as not to transfer the disease to another area. Regular showering is required. Do not self-medicate under any circumstances; consultation with a doctor before taking medications is mandatory, with the exception of traditional medicine. The use of decoctions, tinctures and medicinal herbs is allowed. Antiviral drugs are allowed to strengthen the immune system.


Genital herpes is a dangerous sexually transmitted disease. The virus occurs in almost 20% of the adult population of the planet.

Basic facts about the disease

Causes of the disease:

  • unprotected sexual contact with an infected partner;
  • oral sex with a person who has herpetic blisters on the lips or face;
  • self-infection with common herpes due to non-compliance with personal hygiene rules.

Genital herpes can be transmitted to a child during childbirth from a sick mother if the disease is in the active stage.

Treatment can drive the virus deep inside the body, but some factors provoke a re-exacerbation. Reasons for relapse:

  • frequent colds and immunity problems;
  • stress;
  • lack of adequate nutrition;
  • overwork and exhaustion;
  • diabetes;
  • alcohol or coffee abuse.

Genital herpes can occur without any symptoms. This is why the virus is dangerous: the patient, not knowing about his illness, can continue to infect others.

Typically, the disease during an exacerbation is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • itching, burning and pain in intimate places;
  • blisters with clear liquid on the penis or labia;
  • ulcers and wounds at a later stage;
  • temperature increase;
  • muscle pain;
  • headache;
  • fatigue;
  • frequent urination;
  • enlarged lymph nodes in the groin.

If treatment is not started in time, genital herpes can lead to the following negative consequences:

  • joint damage;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system;
  • cracks in the genitals;
  • swelling of intimate places;
  • serious fetal defects due to herpes in pregnant women;
  • oncological diseases of the prostate and cervix.

Can genital herpes be cured forever? Scientists say that modern medicine cannot offer a drug that completely eliminates the virus. Folk and pharmacy remedies only allow you to keep the disease in an inactive form and prevent relapses from developing.

Treatment with hydrogen peroxide

Traditional medicine actively uses hydrogen peroxide to treat herpes. This remedy is also used against a virus that appears in the intimate area. You will need 3% hydrogen peroxide in liquid form or hydroperite tablets. This product has strong antiseptic properties, thanks to which hydrogen peroxide cleans and disinfects wounds that appear at the site of herpetic blisters. In addition, hydrogen peroxide releases active oxygen, which can fight viruses.

At home, hydrogen peroxide for the treatment of sexually transmitted herpes is best used in combination with other drugs with antiviral effects. Hydrogen peroxide will cleanse the affected area of ​​dirt and dead cells and dry out the vesicles. Apply the product to a cotton applicator and gently wipe the area with rashes. It is important to change sponges during the procedure to thoroughly cleanse the skin. Then it is recommended to smear the genitals with an antiviral agent.

Hydrogen peroxide is used for compresses for herpes on the labia. You need to dissolve 4 teaspoons of the product in half a glass of water. Gauze or soft cotton cloth is soaked in liquid and applied to the intimate area. After the compress has dried, you can apply antiherpetic ointment. The procedures are repeated at least three times a day until the rash goes away. When using hydrogen peroxide to treat sexually transmitted herpes, you need to be extremely careful not to burn the mucous membrane.

Alternative medicine suggests taking hydrogen peroxide internally. This is a risky method that has no scientific evidence of effectiveness. Those who still decide to drink hydrogen peroxide need to pay attention to the reaction of the digestive organs. Drink a 3% solution of the product, five drops per glass of water three times a day. Course duration is 10 days. If the treatment does not help, the single dose is gradually increased to 10 drops. Hydrogen peroxide must be taken for 14 days.

Products to strengthen the immune system

When infected with the genital herpes virus, it is important to eliminate any causes that could cause an exacerbation. A healthy lifestyle and good immunity will help prevent rashes in the intimate area. This can be achieved at home using folk remedies.

You can treat herpes on the labia using the Bulgarian method. To prepare the medicine you will need the following components:

  • - 10 tablespoons;
  • walnut leaves - 2 tablespoons;
  • woodruff grass - 8 tablespoons.

The recipe for preparing the product is as follows:

  1. Grind and mix all ingredients.
  2. Pour boiling water over the collection. For a glass of liquid you will need two teaspoons of plant material.
  3. Leave for 30 minutes.
  4. Filter.

You need to drink 200 ml of infusion per day.

At home, treatment and prevention can be carried out using sweet clover infusion. It is prepared in this way:

  1. Grind the sweet clover herb.
  2. Pour boiling water over the plant material at the rate of a glass of water per tablespoon of sweet clover.
  3. Cover the container and let stand for two hours.
  4. Strain the infusion.

The drug is taken half a glass three times a day before meals.

To prepare an antiviral agent you need the following plants:

  • tripartite;
  • black poplar buds;
  • penny herb;
  • sandy immortelle flowers;
  • river gravilate root;
  • meadowsweet flowers;
  • meadowsweet inflorescences.

This folk medicine is prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. Grind the ingredients.
  2. Mix in equal parts.
  3. For 500 ml of water you need a tablespoon of raw material.
  4. Place the mixture in a water bath and keep for 15 minutes.
  5. Infuse the decoction for half an hour.
  6. Filter.

The daily dose of the drug - 200 ml - should be divided into three times. Treatment of the acute stage is carried out for a month. To eliminate the cause of relapse, the course can be extended to three months.

How to quickly remove symptoms

To quickly cure rashes on the labia or penis, you can use folk remedies for external use.

Calendula ointment

To prepare a simple ointment with an antiviral effect you will need:

  • olive oil.

The ointment is prepared as follows:

  1. Grind plant materials.
  2. Add oil to calendula: for one part of flowers - 10 parts of oil.
  3. Mix.

This ointment should be applied to the affected areas of the skin in the morning and evening. After 20 - 30 minutes, the product is washed off with warm water.

Mint decoction

It will be effective at home. For two tablespoons of leaves you need 0.5 liters of water. The mixture is boiled in a water bath for 15 minutes. The strained broth should be used to periodically wash the rashes on the labia.

Celandine juice

For frequent relapses of sexually transmitted herpes, treatment with celandine juice is practiced. So that it can be used at any time of the year, you need to prepare a preservative:

  1. Collect fresh with roots and grass.
  2. Wash the raw materials.
  3. Grind the plant in a meat grinder.
  4. Squeeze out the juice.
  5. The juice is poured into dark containers. It is important that there is at least 2 cm from the top level of the liquid to the lid.
  6. Close the bottles tightly and place in a dark place.
  7. In a week, the fermentation process will begin. It is necessary to open the containers from time to time and release the gases.

Celandine juice should be smeared on the vesicles in the intimate area for three minutes. After a break of 5 minutes, repeat lubrication. This treatment is carried out another 3-4 times. It is recommended to do the procedure three times a day.

Be careful! Celandine juice can burn the mucous membrane.

With the help of this folk remedy you can get rid of herpetic rashes quite quickly.

Essential oils

To cure inflammation and itching, and partially remove the causes of exacerbation, use the following essential oils: .

Compress with milk

A milk compress will help cure the disease faster:

  1. Pour dry birch buds (15 grams) with milk (200 ml).
  2. Cook in an enamel bowl for 5 minutes over low heat.
  3. After cooling, strain. Do not throw away plant materials!
  4. Apply birch buds wrapped in gauze to the sore spot.

To quickly cure genital herpes, you can use. It is prepared according to this recipe:

  1. Grind 5 tablespoons of fresh St. John's wort flowers.
  2. Add a glass of olive oil to the raw material.
  3. Mix and place in a glass container. Don't close!
  4. Infuse the oil in a warm place away from the sun.
  5. The drug will begin to ferment, so it needs to be stirred periodically.
  6. After the fermentation process is completed, the container is closed and placed in the sun for about 1.5 months.
  7. Once the liquid turns bright red, separate the oil and water.

This folk remedy has antiviral, soothing and anti-inflammatory effects.. An additional plus is that St. John's wort oil can be applied to the mucous membrane.

Cold compress

If there are no medications or herbs at home, cold therapy is suitable for pain relief. It will not eliminate the causes of herpes, but it will help alleviate the patient’s condition. Simply wet the gauze or applicator in very cold water and apply to the affected area of ​​skin for a couple of minutes.

  • Causes

    Herpes is a contagious disease, most often it is transmitted from one person to another during unprotected sex. Transmission of the infection is possible through any type of sex, including oral sex, including if the infected partner has herpes rashes on the lips or in the oral cavity.

    There is also a chance of transferring the virus from your own lips affected by the disease if you touch your genitals after touching or scratching with unwashed hands.

    There have been cases of infection through contact with the secretions of patients, this is especially likely when visiting doctors - venereologists or gynecologists, or insufficient level of treatment of medical instruments.

    At birth, herpes can be transmitted to children from the mother, often it becomes congenital, and the person is haunted by relapses of the disease all his life.

    Important! You can become infected from a partner, even if the manifestations of the disease are invisible. can be read in our article.


    Symptoms of herpes can be similar to those of other diseases, so when diagnosing it is important not to hide details about the likely infection.

    During primary infection, symptoms are always more pronounced than during subsequent relapses of the disease. After infection, general malaise, increased body temperature, and chills may appear within a week.

    A more typical symptom is a rash in the form of inflamed, fluid-filled blisters on the genitals, or in exceptional cases on the inner thighs or buttocks. After a short time, usually 3-4 days, the blisters burst, leaving confluent ulcers. A person with sores is contagious for another two weeks.

    Additional symptoms that sometimes interfere with correct diagnosis:

    • swelling, cracks in the mucous membrane in intimate places;
    • lower back pain;
    • discomfort in the back, lower abdomen;
    • itching, areas of redness.

    Allergic reactions are not uncommon, which also interfere with diagnosis.

    Features of the course in women

    The symptoms of herpes in women are usually more pronounced. Symptoms of general malaise are more noticeable; the appearance of rashes is accompanied by severe swelling and heaviness. Women are more likely to experience itching.

    During sexual intercourse, bleeding may occur and it becomes much more painful. In addition to the vulva, herpes can affect the mucous membrane of the vagina, cervix, urethra, thighs and buttocks.

    As the disease progresses, the lymph nodes may become inflamed and problems with the bladder may appear.

    Features of the course in men

    In men, on average, herpes is less painful than in women. The rash is localized on the penis and rarely extends beyond it. Inflammatory processes are usually accompanied by difficulty urinating.

    Important! If such symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.


    When diagnosing herpes, describing external manifestations is not enough; it is necessary to conduct a series of studies, since similar symptoms occur with other viral infections and diseases.

    Typically the following analysis is required:

    • swab from the genitals or rashes (if any);
    • carrying out PCR from materials obtained using a smear.

    The result of such an analysis is very accurate, there is no reason to doubt it after it has been carried out.

    It is best to consult a doctor and take a test at the stage of rash formation, when the rash becomes ulcers; additional expensive tests may be required.

    Important! For a correct diagnosis, you should consult a doctor as soon as the first symptoms appear.

    Primary infection: what to do

    First of all, you need to consult a doctor as soon as the first signs of infection appear. Women should go to a gynecologist, men - to a urologist or venereologist.

    It is best to start treatment before serious rashes appear; it is strictly not recommended to start treatment before the formation of ulcers. The blisters that appear should not be combed or opened, this will only lead to the spread of infection.

    During illness, you need to carefully monitor personal hygiene. After visiting the toilet and touching the genitals, you should definitely wash your hands, otherwise you can transfer the infection to your face or infect the mucous membranes of your eyes or mouth.

    During the acute stage with the appearance of rashes and ulcers, be sure to exclude any sexual contact for a period of at least 14-20 days. At this time, the virus is active and easily transmitted to partners.

    During the acute period, ultraviolet rays should be avoided, so you should not appear on the beach or in the solarium. It is better not to expose the lesion to unnecessary intense exposure.

    For better and faster healing of ulcers, you should wear cotton underwear that is breathable and absorbs secretions.

    Important! Failure to follow the rules can seriously hinder the healing process.

    It’s quite difficult, relapses can happen all the time, and the virus is not completely eliminated from the body. Therefore, after a single incident, as a rule, you need to take care of yourself throughout your life.

    Drug treatment

    Treatment for genital herpes is aimed at healing the resulting rashes and ulcers, eliminating pain and reducing the frequency of relapses of the disease. The most commonly used antiviral medications are those that interfere with viral DNA synthesis:

    • Acyclovir (Vektavit, Cymevene);
    • Famciclovir (Famir).

    These medications are used in tablet form; the intensive course lasts one to two weeks, depending on the severity of the lesion. The exact timing and dosage are selected by the doctor individually for each case.

    If relapses of the virus occur very often, a vaccine (Herpovax) is prescribed to enhance the effects of the drugs; it is administered on average once every six months.

    Taking tablets is usually accompanied by the use of external medications (for example, Zovirax), immunotherapy agents (Kagocel, Methyluracil) and vitamins C.

    Important! Only a specialist can prescribe medications.

    Treatment at home with folk remedies

    Self-medication for herpes is not recommended; without special medications you cannot achieve a good result. But home and folk remedies will help boost immunity, improve the body’s resistance and reduce pain, which will contribute to a speedy recovery.

    Various decoctions and infusions from medicinal plants boost immunity and help recovery. For example:

    1. Echinacea infusion. Sold in a pharmacy. For herpes, you need to take no more than two teaspoons per glass of water, take once a day. The main thing is to ensure that there is no allergy to this plant.
    2. Tincture of calendula. – marigold is a plant that helps alleviate many skin diseases and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The tincture is prepared as follows: two tablespoons of flowers are poured with 100 grams of vodka and infused for two weeks. Take tincture 20 drops a couple of times a day.
    3. Tea from the pharmacy. You need to buy dried chamomile in ready-made bags; one of these should be brewed for a quarter of an hour. Drink a couple of times a day to maintain immunity.

    For genital herpes, it is better to refrain from using external folk remedies, since the mucous membrane is very sensitive to allergens and other irritants.

    Important! If an allergy to medicinal herbs occurs, traditional treatment should be abandoned.

    Features of treatment during pregnancy

    Little different from conventional treatment. The main subtleties depend on whether a relapse occurs before the birth itself. If a PCR study reveals the presence of an active virus, then natural childbirth should be abandoned and it should be carried out through a cesarean section.

    A natural birth with antiseptic treatment of the birth canal using iodine, Vocadin or other substances is also possible, but cesarean is preferable and safer for the child.

    Treatment of newborns

    If during childbirth the child nevertheless becomes infected from the mother, treatment should be started immediately, since the newborn is at risk of brain damage.

    Signs of infection become apparent 7-15 days after birth. In newborns, rashes appear in the form of blisters on the mucous membranes, skin, and conjunctiva, which disappear after a week.

    Brain damage is possible, so treatment should be started as quickly as possible. Antibiotics, immune system stimulants (Cytotec), and drugs that improve brain nutrition (Actovegin) are prescribed.


    Herpes in any form never leaves the body completely; relapses will occur from time to time. Therefore, the main consequence is constant monitoring of one’s own condition and periodically forced use of medications.

    This disease also greatly reduces immunity, which will negatively affect people with already low immunity and can provoke frequent illnesses.

    The infection can be asymptomatic, especially for relapses of the disease, so a person can transmit it to their partners without even knowing it.

    There is a greater danger in terms of consequences in pregnant women.

    Possible consequences of herpes during pregnancy

    Herpes during pregnancy poses a danger not only to the woman, but to her unborn child. During the gestation period, the course of the disease should be constantly monitored. It has been proven that a viral infection can lead to fetal deformities and other abnormalities.

    There are not many possible complications that are caused specifically by herpes, but their consequences can be fatal.

    1. Frozen pregnancy, when the fetus stops developing in the first trimester.
    2. Miscarriage.
    3. Premature birth.
    4. Stillbirth.

    Maternal herpes can affect the unborn child as follows:

    • heart defects;
    • damage to the central nervous system;
    • developmental delay;
    • jaundice;
    • blindness, deafness;
    • micro- or hydrocephalus;
    • epilepsy;
    • other developmental anomalies.

    It is worth considering that the likelihood of a child becoming infected in the womb is extremely low. Typically, a newborn becomes infected with this viral disease during childbirth, passing through the birth canal and coming into contact with the mother's genitals.

    Even being sick with the herpes virus, many mothers give birth to completely healthy children. The most dangerous is only primary infection during pregnancy. If you are observed by a doctor throughout pregnancy and follow all instructions, the child will be born healthy and the virus will not affect him in any way.


    Prevention of herpes in intimate places is simple; simple rules will help protect you from unpleasant diagnosis and constant treatment.

    1. The most important thing is protection. It has been proven that using condoms during sexual intercourse significantly reduces the risk of contracting herpes and other, even more serious infections.
    2. If a partner has recurrent herpes, sexual intercourse should be avoided for periods of exacerbation lasting about three weeks.
    3. If herpes occurs on the lips or other parts of the body, be sure to wash your hands after touching them.

    It is worth remembering that the likelihood of contracting herpes through towels or a toilet seat is very small; the virus dies almost immediately in the external environment. Therefore, the main source of infection is direct contact with a sick person.



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