What to do if your child has a runny nose and high fever with nasal congestion. High fever in a child and snot Features of providing assistance with fever, cough and runny nose

All children suffer from rhinitis (runny nose) from time to time. As soon as the baby begins to attend kindergarten, he begins to “snot” regularly. The appearance of malaise is facilitated by contact with sick peers, stress, and hypothermia while walking. Parents often do not pay much attention to a child’s runny nose, especially when it is not accompanied by other symptoms and does not cause much inconvenience to the child. It’s another matter if a child has a runny nose, cough and fever at the same time. This is a cause for serious concern and consultation with a doctor.

Diseases that cause runny nose and fever in a child

The flow of liquid discharge from the nose, accompanied by a slight increase in temperature, in an infant may be a consequence of teething. But the situation is not always so harmless. The simultaneous appearance of catarrhal symptoms and fever in babies may be a sign of one of the following ailments:

  • Sinusitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane in the maxillary cavity). It is characterized by the child having a runny nose and a temperature of up to 38 degrees. Discharge from the nose is yellowish and mucous. The baby is capricious, sleeps poorly, loses appetite;
  • Sinusitis. The symptoms are similar to those of sinusitis; only an otolaryngologist can distinguish one disease from another (that is, clarify the localization of the inflammatory process) using an x-ray examination;
  • Frontitis (inflammation of the frontal sinuses). Nasal discharge is liquid, serous or purulent, odorless. Characterized by pain in the forehead, which increases in the first half of the day and becomes weaker in the evening. The child experiences acute pain when touching the skin of the forehead, cries, and rubs the sore spot. Watery eyes and photophobia often develop;
  • Nasopharyngeal sore throat. The disease is rare. In addition to a profuse runny nose and very high temperature, there is a night cough and redness of the throat;
  • Colds, seasonal viral infections (flu or ARVI).

The development of sinusitis, sinusitis or sinusitis is usually a consequence of an advanced or poorly treated runny nose of a viral or bacterial nature. Therefore, under no circumstances should rhinitis be caused in a child. When your baby shows the first signs of nasal congestion, you should consult a doctor and immediately begin treatment.

How to help if your child has a fever and runny nose

Experienced parents usually keep medications and devices in their home medicine cabinet that help reduce the symptoms of rhinitis in children. Usually, when there is congestion in the baby’s nose, a solution of table or sea salt, or mineral water is instilled. Washing with a decoction of chamomile or sage gives good results. To make breathing easier for the little ones, liquid discharge from the nose is removed using special suction or cotton swabs. Older children may benefit from inhalation.

A sick baby needs constant warm drinks. You should not force-feed a baby if there is no appetite, but a baby who refuses to suckle due to a stuffy nose can be fed with expressed milk or an adapted formula from a spoon. With a runny nose and fever, the child has difficulty breathing. High humidity and moderate air temperature in the room help alleviate its condition.

Parents should know that it is impossible to treat the baby using antipyretic, antiviral, antibacterial or vasoconstrictor drugs at their discretion. All medications should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the age and health status of the small patient. Therefore, if a child’s nasal congestion cannot be relieved by rinsing for several days (especially if the baby develops a fever), you should immediately contact your local pediatrician.

At the first symptoms of a runny nose and fever in a child, few parents try to understand the reasons for such reactions. Parents immediately try to give their child medicine that will help bring down the temperature and eliminate a runny nose, but not everything is as simple as we would like.

A runny nose and fever in a child indicate infection of the body with viruses or bacteria. The child’s body is still very weakened due to incompletely developed immunity, so any negative influences contribute to the development of diseases in the baby. Most often, a child develops a runny nose when the child attends kindergarten. At the same time, the baby’s immune system encounters new types of pathogenic bacteria that infect the body. In this article we will look at why symptoms such as runny nose and high temperature occur, and what they could mean.

Causes of runny nose in children

A runny nose is an ailment that is inflammatory in nature and occurs directly in the nasal mucosa. The main causes of a runny nose are due to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the nasal cavity, which the baby inhales with every breath. How severe the symptoms of a runny nose will be depends on the cause of its origin, as well as accompanying complications. If a child once gets sick with a runny nose, which was provoked by certain viruses, then repeated damage to the body may not cause these symptoms to appear.

In almost every child, a runny nose can occur with the development of additional symptoms, for example, fever, cough, chills. If the cough occurs without additional symptoms, then parents do not seek to take measures to cure it. This leads to various complications, as a result of which the disease becomes more complicated and can lead to irreversible consequences. One of the dangerous complications of a runny nose is the chronic form of rhinitis, as a result of which the child will snot almost constantly.

The following stages of development are characteristic of a runny nose, by which one can judge concomitant diseases. These stages are caused by the following symptoms:

  1. Initial stage. It manifests itself with the development of signs of nasal congestion. The duration of this stage is several hours, during which parents detect a deterioration in the child’s health. In this case, the child may develop symptoms such as a dry nose, as well as itching and a desire to sneeze.
  2. The second stage contributes to the development of the disease. The second stage is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, and its duration is up to several days. If the child’s immunity is strong, then the disease has a minimal duration. A child with a runny nose and fever most often indicates a cold, such as influenza, a cold or ARVI. Often, a child’s temperature rises due to a runny nose, the development of which is preceded by pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. The third stage, caused by the development of bacterial inflammation. A runny nose with fever can last for up to several days. At this stage, the symptoms of a runny nose gradually disappear, breathing improves, and it becomes possible to independently blow your nose without the use of medicinal drops.

Before treating a runny nose, you need to pay attention to the color of the discharge. The snot may be green, yellow, or clear. The yellowness of the snot indicates the development of complications, resulting in the release of pus. Green snot in a child indicates a cold, while clear snot occurs due to a deviated nasal septum.

Runny nose and fever

Fever and runny nose in a child can occur due to two reasons:

  1. The body's response to the development of the inflammatory process in the nasopharynx.
  2. Penetration of infection into the body through the nasal passages.

With colds, the child has a runny nose and a temperature of 37 degrees. This means that the immune system fights microorganisms that caused the development of the disease. If the temperature exceeds 38-39 degrees, then parents need to give the child an antipyretic drug.

When you have a runny nose, you may experience a fever of 38 degrees, which may not subside for several days. This temperature often precedes the development of inflammation in the body, so you should definitely consult a doctor. Rhinitis and fever in children can occur due to improper treatment of colds. In this case, the main danger lies in the fact that the disease can become chronic, as a result of which the baby will get sick at every opportunity.

There are a number of specific diseases in which a baby may develop a runny nose and fever:

  • sinusitis;
  • frontitis;
  • diseases of the maxillary sinuses;
  • angina;
  • flu;
  • cold;
  • ARVI.

If signs of rhinitis do not go away for more than 7 days, parents should take the child to the doctor. In case of prolonged rhinitis, it is imperative to prevent the development of sinusitis.

Features of treatment and diagnosis of runny nose

What to do if symptoms of a runny nose develop in children? If your child goes to kindergarten or school, then it is necessary to leave him at home during his illness. In this case, the child should be shown to a doctor, because it is possible that the underlying causes may involve serious pathologies. Appropriate treatment of nasal congestion is the best way to prevent the development of complications.

When a runny nose is observed in a newborn, you should consult a therapist immediately. For children 2 years of age and older, parents should monitor their health status. If the temperature rises and the baby only gets worse, then you need to call an ambulance. If you have symptoms of a runny nose, your doctor will definitely examine the outside of your nose and then feel it. If necessary, a blood test, a nasal swab, and an x-ray of the maxillary sinuses will be required. If the need arises, the doctor can rinse the nasal cavity.

For washing at home, parents can use preparations such as Aquamaris, Salin or Physiomer. After the drugs have a softening effect on the crusts of the nose, an improvement in mucus separation will be observed. The indoor environment should be as comfortable as possible. To prevent the virus from spreading indoors, it should be regularly ventilated. To strengthen the immune system, it is necessary to feed the child mainly healthy foods. If the baby refuses, then you cannot force him. When sick, the body spends all its energy fighting pests, so digestion can only lead to a deterioration in well-being. Children starting from 5 years old should go swimming - this is a great way to strengthen a child. Moreover, hardening occurs not only externally, but also strengthens the immune system.

A runny nose is accompanied by a temperature of 38℃ in a 3-year-old child if any disease develops in the nose. This part of the body has many nerve endings that are directly connected to the rest of the body systems. At the initial stage of the disease, the child often sneezes - this is the body’s own attempt to clear the nose of mucus, and there is a burning sensation in the nose and dry mucous membranes.


Rhinitis and hyperthermia very often go “hand in hand”, and this is quite logical; with an increased value of the thermometer, the body declares an inflammatory process in the baby’s body.

Also, a temperature of 38 in a three-year-old may indicate an infectious disease, and this is a more complex case. And the main thing here is to identify the disease in a timely manner.

If the baby has snot and the temperature stays in the range of 37.2 -38.2-3°C, most likely these are symptoms of a common ARVI. When the thermometer shows 38.4°C and above, this is a clear sign of the presence of an inflammatory process in the baby’s body.

Diseases and main symptoms of runny nose and fever



Colds, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections

Fever, lethargy, runny nose, headache, body aches

Sinusitis, otitis, pneumonia, meningitis

If the runny nose is of a cold etiology, the nose can be washed with a spray based on sea salt, and vasoconstrictor drugs can be used no more than 2 times a day.

As a rule, ARVI symptoms subside 2-3 days after the onset of the disease.

Sinusitis as a prognosis for advanced runny nose

This disease indicates inflammation in the sinuses. In children 2-3 years old, the disease can be acute, with high fever.

At the age of three, the doctor can already make an accurate diagnosis, while in younger children this is difficult to do due to the undeveloped nasal passages.

Here treatment needs to be given special attention so that the disease does not turn into pathology.

An approximate treatment regimen consists of:

  • new drops that act as vasoconstrictors;
  • medications that reduce the risk of allergy recurrence;
  • pharmaceuticals that remove swelling.

If the temperature rises with this disease, you should not self-medicate; medical supervision and control of tests are necessary.

What to do?

At a temperature of 38, using traditional methods is not only pointless, but even dangerous. Treatment should be prescribed by a qualified specialist, and, having determined the diagnosis, the pediatrician will prescribe the optimal treatment regimen.

When the thermometer shows 38.5°C or higher, antipyretics are prescribed, most often Analdim, Paracetamol for children, Nurofen, Ibuprofen.

In addition, a course of antibiotics may be prescribed if the disease is of bacterial etiology, drops for the runny nose and saline solutions for rinsing the sinuses.

How not to treat ARVI?

According to statistics, 90% of respiratory diseases are of a viral nature, and antibiotics have no effect on viruses. Unfortunately, many parents consider antibiotics to be an invariably effective therapy for the slightest symptoms of a cold.

Of course, pediatricians know about the negative side of antibiotics, but it is quite difficult to determine the disease at home based on superficial symptoms, so to make a correct diagnosis it is necessary to take a urine and blood test, and, if necessary, take an x-ray.

How to bring down a fever without medication?

In addition to medications, there are physical ways to cool the body; they will help reduce the temperature of children by 1-2 degrees.

  1. If the baby is red. When the child’s skin is pink at temperature and the body is hot, there is no need to wrap him in blankets; on the contrary, you need to undress the child as much as possible and leave him to lie quietly in a ventilated room for 20-30 minutes.
  2. If the baby is pale. For white hyperthermia, the child should be wrapped in a warm blanket and given hot tea. Use the method of local rubbing with water, rub the soles of your feet and palms.
  3. Cold on vessels. To do this, take a plastic flask and fill it with cool water, apply it to your armpits. This way we will cool the large vessels through which blood passes.
  4. Grandmothers' method. There is no need to put a hat on your child indoors; the body’s main heat loss occurs through the head, and at high temperatures it is better to apply a cooling compress to the forehead.

After some time after birth, every baby inevitably develops symptoms such as fever, snot and cough. What does this symptomatology mean in children? It means that the child’s viral disease is worsening, which must be treated immediately. But before treating the disease, it is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis. To do this, you cannot do without the help of a specialist.

Underlying causes of symptoms

If a child has a runny nose, cough and fever, then the cause of these symptoms is viral diseases. Such diseases occur after a viral infection enters the body, which the immune system is unable to cope with. In this case, the child initially develops snot and a temperature of 38, after which the throat begins to sore, and the next day in the evening the baby begins to suffer from a rending cough.

It is important to know! Such symptoms indicate viral diseases, but to determine a more accurate diagnosis, you need to go to the hospital to see a specialist. This is necessary so that the doctor examines the baby and determines the exact disease.

If a baby develops a respiratory disease, then the temperature rises to 39 degrees. A high temperature lasts in children with respiratory diseases for no more than 3-4 days. Fever, as well as a cough and runny nose in a child indicate that a viral disease is developing. In addition, the following additional symptoms will help confirm this diagnosis:

  • nasal congestion;
  • lack of appetite;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • lethargy and passivity;
  • nervousness.

A wet cough indicates that the patient has signs of respiratory tract damage. If, during the examination of the neck, the doctor finds signs of redness of the mucous membrane, he will prescribe appropriate treatment. At the beginning of the disease, a dry cough develops, which turns into a wet cough after a day. A wet cough indicates that mucus is being coughed up from the lungs.

Why is treatment prescribed for colds? A severe cough, runny nose and high temperature must be treated for the reason that the disease can develop into a complex form, causing complications such as bronchitis, pneumonia, chronic rhinitis and other pathologies.

It is important to know! If your baby exhibits symptoms such as snot, cough and high fever, you should immediately show him to a specialist.

Why do colds cause symptoms of cough, runny nose and high fever?

Acute respiratory and viral ailments include such types of diseases as influenza, parainfluenza, adenoviral and enteroviral diseases, as well as acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections. Why do these types of illnesses provoke snot, fever and cough in a child?

When a virus enters the body, it does so primarily through the respiratory system. The virus helps provoke irritation of the mucous membrane, resulting in the occurrence of inflammatory processes. These processes form in the nose, resulting in a severe runny nose, in the bronchi, which contributes to coughing. Why does body temperature rise?

After the virus penetrates, the body recognizes it as a foreign object and seeks to neutralize it using all possible methods. This is a normal reaction of the body, therefore, when the process of fighting the virus is activated, hyperthermia occurs. Based on the readings of the thermometer, you can understand how strong the viral infection that has entered the body is. Usually, with viral illnesses, a child develops a temperature of 38, but it cannot be ruled out that it can rise to 39 or even 40 degrees.

It is important to know! Temperatures above 38.5-39 degrees in children and adults must be brought down with the help of antipyretic drugs. For children under one year of age, it is necessary to reduce hyperthermia when the thermometer reading reaches 38.5 degrees.

Viral intoxication causes the baby's nasal mucosa to swell. Initially, the nose is stuffy, especially in a horizontal position of the body. When you have a runny nose, stuffy ears are also observed, because organs such as the ear, throat and nose are interconnected. A child's cough and sniffles usually occur on the second day after signs of malaise and fever are detected.

It is important to know! It is impossible to resort to lowering the fever in children if the thermometer readings do not exceed 38-38.5 degrees. If you reduce the fever of a patient with low-grade fever, this will only lead to an exacerbation of the developing disease.

Features of providing assistance with fever, cough and runny nose

A child's fever is not dangerous, especially if it lasts for one day and no more. It is possible to cure the symptoms of cough and runny nose in children even without the use of medications, but you should consult a specialist in a timely manner. If parents contact you no earlier than on the fifth day of symptoms developing, then you cannot do without the use of medications. Such treatment should be carried out when the child begins to get sick.

It is important to know! Treating children under 15 years of age with drugs such as Analgin and Aspirin is contraindicated.

In this case, how to treat children with symptoms of cough and runny nose, which indicate that the baby has a cold? To reduce the temperature, it is necessary to resort to the use of antipyretics. To do this, you need to give preference to Paracetamol or Ibuprofen.

It is important to know! If there are signs of increased hyperthermia, temperature measurements should be taken regularly.

It is advisable to treat fever, cough and runny nose in a child with complex therapy methods. For this purpose, medications, rubbing, compresses, medicinal baths and inhalations are used. Cupping and mustard plasters should not be used if the baby has signs of hyperthermia. To combat the symptoms of cough and runny nose, inhalations using a nebulizer are prescribed. You can resort to using steam inhalations, but in this case, do not forget that they are contraindicated for children under 5 years of age, as well as in the presence of hyperthermia.

How to treat runny nose in babies? The child’s body is still quite weak, so the use of powerful medications for viral diseases is permissible only as prescribed by a doctor. To ease breathing, nasal drops based on sea water and salt are prescribed. A saline solution, which can also be dripped into the nose, can help clear the nasal passages from mucus. Drugs such as Otrivin, Sanorin or Nazivin will help relieve swelling. To combat viruses and bacteria, drops called Pinosol or Protargol are prescribed.

To cure a dry cough, you should initially make sure it is wet. For this purpose, antitussive syrups are used, such as Doctor Mom, Doctor Theis, Tussamag and others. Such syrups are prescribed for the treatment of children under 2-3 years of age. Older children are prescribed antitussives called Ambroxol and Lazolvan. It is necessary to give medications to the baby even when he has been coughing for several days.

For treatment, it is necessary not only to use traditional methods of treatment, as well as medications, but also to provide comfortable conditions in the room. To do this, it is necessary to carry out regular cleaning, ventilate the room, and not make noise in the room where the baby is. The temperature in the room should not fall below 18 and rise above 24 degrees. When the air dries out, respiratory illnesses worsen. After treatment, the treating baby should experience relief by the second day, and after a week the baby should recover.

If the diagnosis has been made correctly, then appropriate treatment will avoid the development of complications. Regardless of what diseases the child suffers from, it is necessary to contact a specialist in a timely manner to reduce the risk of complications.

Every child experiences cold symptoms with greater or lesser frequency. During the year, a runny nose can bother you 2-3 times or occur every month. It all depends on the cause of the disease and the strength of the child’s immunity. If the disease is caused by inflammation of the lower respiratory tract, the cough may drag on for several weeks or even months. Only a doctor can cure a child’s runny nose and cough, and normalize the temperature.

Often, diseases of the ENT organs and respiratory system are diagnosed during the cold season, as well as during sudden changes in weather conditions. Much depends on the parents, how well the child eats, in what conditions he lives, with whom he communicates, and how acute forms of the disease are treated.

Why does a child cough and have a runny nose?

There are many reasons that provoke a runny nose and cough. Let's start with the allergic reaction. Every person has a genetic predisposition to various diseases. If parents suffer from allergies, the risk of developing similar reactions in children increases.

Under certain conditions, the immune system may respond inadequately to environmental factors. The consequence of this is the development of allergies and the appearance of typical symptoms. The allergen may be:

  • pollen, dust, animal hair, strong odors of household chemicals, cosmetics, perfumes. All these factors affect the mucous membrane of the nasal cavities;
  • food products (chocolate, citrus fruits, seafood) that penetrate the body through the digestive tract;
  • medicines, including vaccines.

The following group of reasons includes the negative effect of environmental factors:

  1. dry, cold air;
  2. increased dustiness;
  3. coolness in the children's room (temperature below 18 degrees), which can lead to hypothermia.

Children may get sick:

  1. against the background of teething;
  2. due to hormonal fluctuations caused by endocrine diseases;
  3. against the background of diseases of the nervous system;
  4. due to congenital defects in the structure of the ENT and respiratory organs;
  5. against the background of a chronic infection (tonsillitis, adenoiditis), which maintains inflammation in the tissues over a long period.

High temperature can join the symptoms of the disease if the body is infected (primary, secondary). Infection in this case is a complication of the disease and requires qualified treatment.

If a child has a fever, cough, or runny nose, in most cases the cause of the disease is viral or bacterial pathogens:

  • influenza virus, measles;
  • diphtheria bacteria, whooping cough. Staphylococci, streptococci, Haemophilus influenzae, and pneumococci can also cause the disease.

Hyperthermia above 37.5 degrees is an indicator of an infectious disease.

Clinical features of the disease

If a child is bothered by a runny nose and cough, one should suspect the appearance of an inflammatory focus in the nasopharynx and bronchial tree. What diseases might these symptoms indicate?

1. Pneumonia, when inflammation covers the lung tissue. In most cases, pneumonia is a complication of inflammation in the throat or bronchi, when treatment of the disease is not carried out or is ineffective. Clinically, pulmonary inflammation manifests itself:

  • high fever;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • severe intoxication;
  • severe cough;
  • shortness of breath;
  • chest pain when breathing;
  • increased sweating;
  • headache;
  • decreased appetite.

As respiratory failure increases, shortness of breath may increase, the skin of the ears, nose, and lips may become blue, and the cough may worsen. High temperature can persist for 5-6 days.

2. Tracheitis - indicates the spread of inflammation from the nasopharynx to the tracheal mucosa. The symptom complex includes:

  1. dry cough in a paroxysmal form, which intensifies in the morning;
  2. sore throat;
  3. nasal congestion;
  4. mucous discharge from the nose;
  5. low-grade fever (not always);
  6. headache.

3. Bronchitis - accompanied by a severe cough, hyperthermia (not always), severe shortness of breath. With the accumulation of sputum in the bronchi, respiratory failure worsens. To prevent complications, it is necessary to begin therapy when even a slight cough appears. A dry cough gradually turns into a wet cough, which requires adjustment of therapy.

4. Laryngitis is a dangerous disease for children. Improper treatment of inflammation of the larynx can lead to stenotic laryngitis. It is accompanied by severe shortness of breath and suffocation. The disease is characterized by:

  • barking cough;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • sore throat.

If a child gets sick with rhinitis, the pathology often turns into the form of nasopharyngitis, which indicates inflammation of the mucous membrane not only of the nasal cavities, but of the posterior pharyngeal wall.

In this case, the child notices periodic coughing, sore throat when swallowing, talking, as well as signs of rhinitis (nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, difficulty breathing through the nose).

Treatment rules

An increase in fever and deterioration in the child’s general condition are considered indicators of ineffective treatment at home.

When a runny nose or cough appears, parents should first measure the temperature and pay attention to the child’s activity and appetite. If he is lethargic, capricious, constantly wants to sleep and refuses to eat, these are the first signs of illness.

After examination, the doctor may authorize treatment at home or recommend hospitalization. You should not refuse therapy in a hospital, because there is a high risk of complications. It could be:

  1. attack of suffocation (due to bronchospasm, swelling of the vocal cords);
  2. convulsions (against the background of high temperature);
  3. impaired consciousness (as a consequence of hypoxia);
  4. deterioration of hearing function (as a result of inflammation of the Eustachian tube and ear cavity);
  5. chronic inflammation.

It is especially important to carry out treatment in a hospital if the child is diagnosed with a concomitant pathology of the respiratory tract, for example, bronchial asthma or cystic fibrosis.

If the doctor has approved home treatment, parents should:

  1. provide optimal conditions for recovery. This applies to temperature conditions (temperature 20 degrees) and humidity (70%). To maintain sufficient humidity, you can use humidifiers or hang wet diapers in the baby's room. In addition, regular ventilation (not drafts) and cleaning the room can reduce dust concentrations;
  2. normalize nutrition. During illness, the body experiences a lack of vitamins. You can overcome hypovitaminosis with the help of fruits and vegetables. It is not recommended to abuse sweets, flour products, fast food and other unhealthy products;
  3. increase drinking. To quickly remove toxins and replenish fluid losses against the background of severe sweating during fever and shortness of breath, it is necessary to ensure sufficient fluid intake into the body. To do this, you can use tea, compote, juice or still water. It is especially important to control the daily volume of drinking in young children, because for them dehydration is a serious threat to life. The daily drinking volume is calculated by the doctor, taking into account the child’s age and the severity of the disease;
  4. ensure healthy sleep and rest for the child to restore the body’s strength.

Systemic treatment

Many parents believe that at elevated temperatures it is necessary to take antibacterial agents, but this is not always justified. In case of a viral disease, antibiotics, on the contrary, are extremely undesirable. They kill beneficial microbes, further reducing the body's immune defenses. Against the background of artificially created immunodeficiency, the viral infection multiplies with greater activity.

Here is what can be prescribed from medications for internal use:

Antibacterial Flemoklav Kills bacteria From birth (calculated in kilograms)
Zinnat From one month
Antiviral Groprinosin Fight viruses With a weight of 10 kilograms
Immunomodulatory Viferon (suppositories) Strengthen immunity From birth
Echinacea From the age of six
Antihistamines Zodak For an allergic form of the disease From six months
Antipyretics Panadol syrup To reduce hyperthermia From three months
Mucolytic ACC 100 To reduce the viscosity of bronchial secretions From two years old
Expectorants Herbion plantain To facilitate mucus discharge From two years old

Local therapeutic effect

Medicines with systemic action are not always allowed for children due to the large number of side effects. In this case, the basis of treatment is medications with local action:

  • rinsing the nose with saline solutions (Humer, No-salt);
  • instillation of vasoconstrictor drugs (Pinosol, Otrivin baby);
  • inhalations with Fluimucil, Ambroxol, saline, Ventolin and Decasan;
  • gargling with antiseptic solutions (Givalex, Furacilin, Chlorophyllipt).

Taking into account the cause of the runny nose, nasal drops with a hormonal, antihistamine or antibacterial composition can be used.

To reduce the incidence of diseases in a child, it is necessary to maintain the level of immune protection at a sufficient level. To do this, it is recommended to play sports, carry out hardening procedures, eat right and promptly treat acute forms of diseases.

Colds with symptoms such as cough, runny nose and fever are quite common not only among children, but also among adults. The first thing they do in this case is to buy medications that can alleviate the condition and lead to recovery. But often parents prescribe treatment for symptoms without finding out the cause. The correct approach to treatment is not to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but to treat the disease that caused them. Let's look at the main reasons why a child develops a cough, runny nose and fever.

The main causes of cough, runny nose and fever

With the onset of cold weather, colds are considered the most common disease, especially among children. Children begin to cough, a high temperature rises, and a runny nose is added to them. This condition in a patient can be caused not only by a cold, but also by other reasons. Let's consider the main ones:

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Physiological reasons

Cough and runny nose can be caused by:
inhaling unclean air,
entry of a foreign body into the respiratory system,
food entering the trachea,
eruption of baby teeth.

A cough and runny nose may be accompanied by a temperature that will vary between 37-37.5°C. If the reason that caused such symptoms in the baby is one of the factors described above, then all symptoms should disappear within 2-3 days.

Pathological causes

Pathological causes include the development of diseases such as ARVI, influenza, acute respiratory infections and respiratory diseases. At the initial stage of development of the disease, the child may complain of a sore throat, then a runny nose and cough, and low-grade body temperature appear. Such symptoms serve as the first and serious signal that a viral infection has entered the body.

Viral infection

With a viral infection, the patient begins to cough, and the sputum passes on its own without much difficulty. That is, there is a reproductive cough, which does not require special treatment. It is enough to give your child herbal tea, and after all the microbes have left the body, the cough will disappear on its own.

Runny nose and its first symptoms

A runny nose or acute rhinitis is an individual reaction of the body to the penetration of infection through the nasal mucosa. Timely treatment of a runny nose can prevent the development of ARVI. But to do this, you need to consider its first manifestations at an early stage.

The first symptom of a developing runny nose is a discomfort in the throat. Children may cough in the morning without any other significant symptoms.

Allergic reaction

If it’s summer outside, and the child has a cough and fever and a runny nose, then doctors first of all suspect an allergy to pollen. Allergies to pollen can also occur in the winter months, and the reason for this may be your favorite flowering houseplants. In this case, you need to give sedatives and remove the sources that caused the allergic reaction.

Important! Runny nose, cough and fever, which are caused by an allergic reaction, go away immediately after the source of the allergy is eliminated.

The child needs to be shown to a doctor who will develop a treatment regimen and prescribe the right medications, the action of which will be aimed at eliminating the symptoms of an allergic reaction.

Respiratory diseases

Any of these manifestations may indicate a respiratory disease, and the nature of the symptoms will always depend on the cause of the disease. In any case, with infection, the temperature rises to 38°C, a runny nose and cough, chills and aches appear.

In some cases, nausea may occur.

1. The duration of the acute stage of the disease is up to two weeks.
2. If the course is prolonged, the disease can last up to 4 weeks.
3. The chronic form requires correct diagnosis, because it is often confused with a relapse. In the chronic form, in most cases, only a cough is present, and all other symptoms do not appear.

How to treat cough and runny nose

Cough and runny nose are common symptoms in children that may result from a cold. If such symptoms appear in children under one year of age, you should immediately call a doctor to find out what to treat and what will help prevent the development of more complex pathologies.

Remember that incorrectly selected treatment can provoke the development of diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. Therefore, seemingly harmless symptoms, such as a runny nose and cough, can cause the development of complications, the treatment of which must be taken more seriously.

If the attending physician does not detect an inflammatory process in the upper respiratory tract during examination, then the cough can be cured and the temperature can be reduced by drinking plenty of fluids.
If a child’s temperature remains at 38 and he has a strong dry cough, then it is necessary to use medications that will block the cough reflex.
For wet coughs, children are prescribed expectorants that help reduce the viscosity of mucus.

Traditional methods in the fight against cough and runny nose

Cough, runny nose and fever can be treated with folk remedies. But, under no circumstances use these methods without consulting a doctor, especially when it comes to young children.

Black radish with sugar can cope with the most severe cough. To prepare the medicine, wash the vegetable and cut off its top and bottom. Make a hole 2/3 of the way through the root vegetable with a knife and pour granulated sugar into it. Place the radish in a glass in such a way that the juice can flow freely into the container. After 6-8 hours you will receive 35 grams of healing juice, which should be given to the child in small portions before meals.

An equally effective method is sugar fried in a frying pan, which must be diluted in water in a ratio of 2 tbsp. sugar per 100 ml. water. Give the child 1 tsp. before eating.


Many people are interested in the question of whether a child needs to lower their temperature when they have a cough or runny nose. If the baby has a high temperature and exceeds 38.5°C, then the patient can be given antipyretic drugs. At the same time, you should not quickly reduce it, but just knock it down a few notches - try to give the body the opportunity to cope with infections on its own.
When a child’s health worsens and he feels unwell at a high temperature, it is better to call a doctor who will conduct a full examination and prescribe the correct treatment.

Accompanied by high temperature due to inflammation of the nasal mucosa. The nasal cavity has a large number of nerve endings; they are connected to different systemic organs. When the disease occurs, the nose may burn strongly, dryness is observed, the child constantly sniffs and has a sore throat.

Symptoms of a runny nose with fever

At the beginning of the disease, the child weakens, is constantly lethargic, and is bothered by a severe headache. After 2 days, a large amount of nasal discharge appears; it can be transparent, liquid, and in severe cases it becomes green and thick.

The temperature jumps to 38 degrees. The mucous membrane is swollen, breathing becomes difficult, problems with smell and taste arise. Sometimes it also lays.

If a runny nose with fever occurs in a newborn, the mucous membrane swells and narrows, and respiratory function is impaired. All this leads to the fact that the child cannot fully feed from the breast and breathes through his mouth. The child is constantly restless, sleeps poorly, does not eat enough, and is losing a lot of weight. It is dangerous when a child begins to choke in his sleep.

Causes of runny nose with fever

A runny nose in a child can be infectious or non-infectious. The latter occurs when a bead enters the nasal passage. Most often, a runny nose is infectious and occurs due to ARVI or influenza. Viruses disrupt the condition of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. They are permeable. A bacterial infection may occur, then the temperature rises to 39 degrees.

Rhinitis is characteristic of the autumn-winter period, when the child becomes hypothermic. Hypothermia of the feet is dangerous.

In some situations, a child with a runny nose and fever is triggered by an allergic reaction to smoke, dust, or fragrances. The nasal mucosa can become infected and an inflammatory process develops.

Stages of development of a runny nose in a child

  • The symptom begins to develop rapidly. A runny nose is observed for a maximum of 1 day. When the blood vessels narrow, the mucous membrane turns pale, there is a gesture in the nose, dryness is observed, and the person constantly sneezes.
  • The catarrhal stage, at which the blood vessels dilate, the nasal mucosa turns red and swells. It's hard for a person to breathe. With a viral infection, the discharge is clear, profuse, and watery. Problems with the sense of smell arise, lacrimation increases, the ears become blocked, and a nasal tone appears in the voice. The mucous membrane is bright red.
  • At this stage, the discharge becomes yellow, green, and thick. The nasal mucosa becomes normal, and the nasal passages may expand. The disease goes away after a week. If the immune system is strong, the child recovers after 2 days. When the defenses are weakened, rhinitis drags on for a month, can become chronic, and leads to serious complications.

The danger of a runny nose with fever for a child

A prolonged runny nose in a child can lead to pathological formation of the facial skeleton and chest, and oxygen metabolism is disrupted. As a result, problems with the heart and blood vessels arise. The child is developmentally delayed, gets tired quickly, and has problems sleeping.

A runny nose also affects memory. The child cannot concentrate and is constantly distracted. Chronic rhinitis is dangerous because it can lead to allergic disease. An inflammatory process in the nose with fever can aggravate kidney diseases and bronchial asthma.

Diagnosis of a runny nose in a child

It is important to comprehensively examine the child in a timely manner in order to prescribe treatment. Contact an ENT doctor. If a runny nose occurs in a newborn, you should immediately call a therapist. First, the doctor interviews the mother, then uses a special instrument to examine the nasal mucosa. Be sure to sit the child upright, so the middle turbinate will be clearly visible. The specialist carefully examines the outer part of the nose and feels it.

Additionally, the attending doctor prescribes a general blood test, x-ray of the maxillary sinuses, and chest. An allergic and immunological examination is necessary. To reduce a runny nose, the child is taught to blow his nose. It is recommended to use sea water for rinsing - Salin, Aquamaris, Physiomer. A decoction of the herbs sage, chamomile, and St. John's wort is especially useful. Medicines will soften the crusts and improve mucus separation. Also, if the child is not allergic, it is recommended to use almond, peach, and olive oil.

It is advised to ventilate the room as often as possible; the air in it should be constantly humidified. If a child refuses food, there is no need to force feed him. When the newborn does not want to take the breast, express the milk and give it to the baby, you can do this with a spoon. Constantly remove mucus that has accumulated in the nasal passages.

Vasoconstrictor drops - Brizolin, Otrivin, Nazivin - will help relieve the symptoms of a runny nose in a child under one year old. Infants can use nasal drops through their nose. In the case when a bacterial infection occurs, it is necessary to use antibacterial drugs - spray, Bioparox aerosol, Bactroban ointment. It is recommended to use homeopathic medicines – Euphorbium. It is best to instill pre-warmed drops into the nose; to do this, immerse them in warm water.

Acupressure will help strengthen the immune system; it should be performed twice a day. Please note that there is no need to lower the temperature below 38.5 degrees. For preventive purposes, perform a set of breathing exercises.

Older children, if there is no fever, are advised to take foot baths using mustard powder. The feet are reflexogenic zones and contain a large number of nerves. Inhalations will help get rid of a runny nose; for them it is recommended to use baking soda, mineral water, essential oils, and herbal decoctions.

Thus, a runny nose with fever should not be caused in a child; it must be treated promptly to avoid serious consequences.



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