Itching of the outer labia. Dry labia

Women of any age face the problem of itching around the labia. Irritation appears both in the perineum and in the genitals. Does this symptom indicate a serious pathology or is it a consequence of wearing the wrong underwear and neglecting hygiene? There are several reasons that cause itching, and not all of them pose a threat to the body. In addition, in some cases, seeing a doctor may not be necessary to get rid of irritation and redness of the labia.

However, when a visit to a specialist is required to solve a problem, women are in no hurry to go to the doctor due to embarrassment or extreme busyness. This cannot be done, since many causes of itching cause dangerous complications and are difficult to treat in their advanced form. Pregnant women should not neglect going to the doctor, as there is a high probability of fetal death.

Why do the labia itch, and what to do when faced with this symptom?

Causes of itching

There are internal and external factors that cause redness of the labia and itching in the “bikini zone.”

Itching can occur due to neglect of personal hygiene. Doctors advise washing yourself twice a day and always after sex.

It is especially important to monitor the cleanliness of the intimate area during menstruation.

In the first days, when the discharge is abundant, the pads must be changed every two hours and do not forget to wash. It is pads and tampons, due to their absorbent function, that cause the labia to itch and inflammation to develop. In addition, pads containing impurities with a pleasant smell cause redness of the labia and severe itching.

The most useful underwear for women is cotton, but most people prefer synthetics because of their attractive appearance. The harm of such panties is that they block air circulation, do not absorb moisture well and rub the skin, causing itching.

One of the common external causes is the excessive use of antibacterial soap, deodorant, and spray. After them, it begins to pinch in the intimate area.

In addition to neglecting cleanliness in the intimate area, pathologies of the reproductive system become the reason why areas of the skin itch. Most often, itching is caused by the following diseases:

  1. Genital herpes– this infection is transmitted through contact with an infected partner; inflammation is caused by the herpes simplex virus, which enters the body through the vagina, rectum or mouth. itching, redness of the labia, and rash occur.
  2. Candidiasis - the disease is accompanied by a burning sensation in the genitals, the clitoris itches unbearably. White vaginal discharge is observed, which has the smell of sour milk. Candidiasis develops due to yeast-like fungi Candida, which normally exist in the genital tract of every woman. Emotional stress, low immunity, unhealthy diet and hormonal imbalance provoke the spread of the fungus that causes candidiasis. The labia minora itch after sexual intercourse.
  3. Trichomoniasis – the infection is transmitted after sexual intercourse with an infected partner. When the disease occurs, the genitals itch and discharge appears with an unpleasant odor.
  4. Gardnerellosis - with this disorder, there is an imbalance of lactobacilli and gardnerella in the body. The disease is characterized by a burning sensation when going to the toilet, itching and discharge with an unpleasant odor.
  5. Athlete's inguinal– can develop in the body if personal hygiene rules are not followed. Symptoms of the disease: itching of the labia and the appearance of small red spots, indicating inflammation.
  6. Endometritis is an inflammation of the inner mucous membrane of the uterus. The disease develops due to infection entering the organ cavity. Endometritis is characterized by painful sensations in the lower abdomen, discharge of pus, changes in the size of the labia, and itching in the perineum.
  7. Kraurosis of the vagina and vulva– the infection is common mainly among older women. When the disease occurs, itching and dryness in the vagina are observed, and the labia may become swollen.
  8. Urogenital fistulas– occur after childbirth or surgical intervention in the female reproductive system. When the disease occurs, the labia majora itch. In the absence of proper treatment, inflammation develops.
  9. Oncological diseases of the reproductive system.

Changes in hormonal levels cause irritation of the genital organs. Problems with hormones occur during menstruation, pregnancy, menopause and after childbirth. Stress and depression can cause your labia to itch a lot.

Other causes of itching on the labia:

  • pubic lice;
  • inaccurate hair removal in the intimate area;
  • contraceptive drugs;
  • worms.


What to do if your labia are itchy? When the itching in the labia does not stop, the organs are swollen, the woman needs to see a doctor to find out the cause of the disorder. First of all, the doctor will ask the patient questions about the symptoms of the disease. The patient will examine the condition of the external genitalia.

Treatment for a reddened genital organ depends on the cause of the disease. It is not recommended to engage in therapy on your own. Medicines purchased without a doctor's prescription can harm the body and delay the recovery process.

For itching, the doctor prescribes topical agents; in addition, antibacterial, antipruritic, antihistamine and hormonal drugs, and vitamins may be offered.

In addition to taking medications, if the labia majora and minora are irritated, you should:

  • exclude sweet, salty and spicy foods from the diet;
  • abstain from sex until complete recovery;
  • change underwear: the fabric should be cotton;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • do not allow the body to become hypothermic;
  • maintain personal hygiene;
  • hold back if you feel the urge to scratch the affected area.

The labia begin to hurt less and cause inconvenience if, during treatment, the intimate area is wiped externally with an infusion of celandine, string or chamomile.


To make the skin in your intimate area less itchy, you need to maintain personal hygiene. You should use hygiene products wisely and not overuse them. After a shower, the intimate area should be thoroughly wiped dry with a cotton towel. Underwear should not rub or pinch the crotch. After going to the toilet, you should dry yourself thoroughly, preferably rinsing with warm water.

The genitals require special attention: you need to frequently change pads or tampons and wash yourself. During menopause, you should avoid water treatments using soda or manganese, which dry out the skin, allowing infections to enter the body.

With proper care of the body, the immune system will become stronger, and the risk of developing genital diseases will decrease.

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Questions and answers on: dryness and itching of the labia

2014-01-03 09:12:08

Vera asks:

Good afternoon, I have the same problem, two years ago I had everything removed due to gynecology, now I am suffering from terrible itching and dryness of the labia, tell me what can be done, I am 52 years old

2013-01-26 11:43:09

Olga asks:

Hello, Doctor! Please help me clarify the situation. I’ll say in advance that I visited a gynecologist at home in Lithuania, but now I’m in a completely different country. Therefore, you have to think for yourself how to proceed. I was bothered by severe itching, discharge, dry mucous membranes, cracks in the external vaginal mucosa, and once I even had some “abrasions” near the anus. The cracks disappeared after Bepanten. There are no sexually transmitted diseases, but a tank culture showed fecal enterococcus (or staphylococcus, no test results). I cannot say in what exact quantity, but the gynecologist said that she would not prescribe me antibiotics, but only Ecovag vaginal capsules, which I recently finished using (10 days) and I cannot say that all the symptoms have gone away. The itching appears and disappears; a slight redness is visible inside the labia minora. Please tell me, prescribing antibiotics is not always necessary for this infection, does it depend on the number? Or will this only make matters worse? And is this infection transmitted sexually, i.e. can I infect my partner? And how effective is the use of products to restore vaginal microflora in the presence of such an infection? I mean various gels for oral administration with lactobacilli. What else would you recommend getting tested by a gynecologist? I also have chronic “cystitis”, a very long-standing one, but without any pain, from the very beginning of the disease. Just a frequent urge to urinate, no pathologies of the bladder were found. Put it down to nervousness. I also have chronic pyelonephritis. It seems to me that the causative agent of these diseases was simply not found in me. But now I would like to get rid of bacterial vaginosis first of all. Thank you in advance.

Answers Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

It is very bad that you do not indicate your age and the presence of menstruation. Fecal enterococcus is a group of streptococci, belongs to the intestinal microflora and does not normally live in the vagina. You need to take a bacterial culture of secretions and a bacterial culture of urine for microflora and sensitivity to antibiotics. If you use the method of restoring microflora in treatment, then you need immunostimulants so that the body accepts lacto and bifidobacteria. It is necessary to drink lactobacilli and place it in the vagina for a long course of up to 1 month. If you have pyelonephritis and cystitis, then the first course still requires antibacterial therapy (antibiotics), after which you can start what I wrote about - a course of microflora restoration

2013-01-24 15:21:06

Olga asks:

Hello, Doctor! I was bothered by severe itching, discharge, dry mucous membranes, cracks in the external vaginal mucosa, and once I even had some “abrasions” near the anus. The cracks disappeared after Bepanten. There are no sexually transmitted diseases, but a bacterial culture showed fecal enterococcus or staphylococcus - I do not have the test results on hand, and I am abroad. I cannot say exactly how much infection was found, but the gynecologist said that she would not prescribe me antibiotics, but only Ecovag vaginal capsules, which I just finished using and cannot say that all the symptoms went away. The itching appears and disappears; a slight redness is visible inside the labia minora. Please tell me that prescribing antibiotics is not always necessary for this infection, does it depend on the growth rate of this infection? And is this infection transmitted sexually, i.e. can I infect my partner? How effective is the use of products to restore vaginal microflora in the presence of such an infection? Can I use Biseptol, which I have with me now? And such a question. My doctor said that this infection in me essentially does not need treatment. But the situation is not clear to me, nothing has been revealed, but the discomfort remains. By the way, the problem began after an exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis. Ultrasound showed a kidney stone. I then took a course of antibiotics and still take Cyston. What else would you recommend to be examined for, or should I continue to use means to restore microflora, since they didn’t find anything else for me? Thank you in advance.

Answers Ostroverkh Elena Ivanovna:

In your situation, prescribing antibiotics is not justified. This infection is not sexually transmitted. I would like to know how old you are and whether you have maintained your menstrual cycle. There is no need to take Biseptol. But you need to put in suppositories for vaginal sanitation, for example Fluomezin or Hexicon, or suppositories with polyvidone-iodine (Betadine). And then, Gynoflor suppositories (estriol with lactobacilli). And I advise your partner to get tested for STIs. Be healthy.

2012-02-07 14:32:08

Nadya asks:

Good afternoon, can using synthetic underwear cause itching and dryness of the labia?


Hello, Nadezhda! Synthetic underwear can cause irritation to the external genitalia and can even cause an allergic reaction. And from irritation and allergies to dryness and itching in the vagina - one step. Stop using synthetic underwear and vaginal secretion will most likely be restored. If this does not happen, you will need to undergo an examination by a gynecologist to identify other possible causes of vaginal dryness, including hormonal disorders, inflammatory processes in the genital organs, vaginal dysbiosis, taking medications (oral contraceptives, antibiotics, antiallergic drugs), exposure to psychological factors (fatigue , depression, chronic stress), irritation of the external genitalia with intimate hygiene products, significant physical activity, allergic reaction to the latex condom. Until vaginal secretion is restored (on your own or with the help of a doctor), lubricants (vaginal moisturizers that reduce friction and the risk of injury to the mucous membrane) or the spermicide-related vaginal cream Farmatex, which not only reliably protects against pregnancy (!), will help you get rid of vaginal dryness. but also acts as a lubricant, moisturizing the vaginal mucosa, and also has an antiseptic effect. Take care of your health!

2012-02-07 14:27:53

Sveta asks:

Hello! I'm interested in this question! I had thrush, but after treatment the symptoms went away. But recently I have been worried about the dryness of the labia majora, a slight burning sensation and redness. There is no inflammation, peeling or itching, the discharge is profuse and yellowish, during sexual intercourse a burning sensation is felt inside, and afterwards there is pain at the entrance to the vagina; before this I had not been sexually active for a very long time.

Answers Medical consultant of the website portal:

Hello Svetlana! The presence of redness, burning, pain in the vaginal area and external genitalia, as well as unusual copious vaginal discharge indicates a high probability of re-development of the inflammatory process in the vagina (colpitis). The inflammatory process can be caused by a sexually transmitted infection, or it may be associated with the activation of your own opportunistic flora. It will be possible to determine the causative agent of inflammation and select an adequate treatment regimen only during a face-to-face appointment with a gynecologist. It is better to abstain from sexual intercourse until the examination and course of treatment is completed. If this is not possible, be sure to use a condom (to protect yourself and your partner), as well as Farmatex vaginal cream (to reduce the severity of discomfort during sex associated with the increased sensitivity of an inflamed vagina). An additional advantage of Farmatex cream is its antiseptic effect, which will speed up recovery from the inflammatory process and reduce the risk of relapse. Take care of your health!

2012-02-06 08:18:35

Olga asks:

Please let me know if it is possible to misdiagnose trichomoniasis? A week ago, the gynecologist, after taking a smear and examining it under a microscope, immediately diagnosed me with trichomoniasis, which caused me a lot of doubts, since I do not have symptoms characteristic of t. The doctor immediately prescribed medazole therapy ( which I have decided not to take for now). I also passed the bacterial culture aerobically, the result is sterile, what does this mean? Although, having treated ureaplasmosis in January 2011 (therapy for 14 days with doxycycline) and changing my place of residence, the following symptoms began to bother me every month a week before menstruation: swelling labia, redness, itching, odorless milky-yellow discharge, dryness and sometimes cracking and sores on the outer side of the labia. What could this be? and what tests do I still need to take? I passed a whole package of PCR urogenous infections, everything is negative. Please help me very much. Thank you in advance. I want to finally understand what’s wrong with me and what should be treated.

Answers Serpeninova Irina Viktorovna:

Currently, many diseases occur atypically, not at all as described in textbooks, and the symptoms you described, which bother you on the eve of menstruation, are sometimes found in women with trichomoniasis. Trichomonas is a microbe that, upon microscopic examination, is very difficult to confuse with any other microorganism or epithelial cells, because it differs in coloring, size, presence of a flagellum and sometimes an undulating membrane. Sometimes trichomoniasis is detected only after provocation. You are lucky - it was detected immediately. Treat with your partner and undergo a control study after provocation.

2011-12-19 16:35:56

Olga asks:

Hello, please tell me. I just got sick, as I was told, with intestinal flu, the illness was severe with a high fever, but I didn’t take any pills, everything went away on its own within 3 days. Just on the third day, I felt that my labia were very dry and outwardly they were reddish, there was no burning, itching or pain, just discomfort after every trip to the toilet, dryness. I started lubricating it with cream, it lasts exactly until the next hike, I remembered about chlorophyllipt oil, it helped much better, but it’s still dry and reddish, there’s still no such sensation as before... I’m at a loss as to what it could be?! so scary.. .are these really due to a violation of the flora in the intestines??? and will this go away on its own after the body recovers???

Answers Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

You need to visit your doctor for an examination. It is impossible to make a diagnosis in absentia. You need an examination, especially since it’s your health and you need to know what you’re dealing with.

2011-11-21 18:44:02

Katerina asks:

1.5 years ago I gave birth to a child, I was given spinal anesthesia. After this, my outer labia became dry and very itchy. And now, the dryness has intensified and even cracks have appeared. The itching is incredible, it is simply impossible to live, especially difficult at night. I saw a gynecologist, she didn’t see anything wrong, based on the discharge she thought it was thrush, she took smears - the suspicions were not confirmed! help me please

Answers Kravchuk Inna Ivanovna:

Dear Ekaterina. Your description corresponds to the inflammatory process, the search for the cause should not be limited to candidiasis: colpitis, cervicitis, helminthiasis, hemorrhoids, leukemia, obstructive jaundice, diabetes mellitus, vitamin deficiencies, allergic dermatoses, achlorhydria, fungal infections - this is an incomplete list of possible diseases.

2012-01-26 21:49:29

Natasha asks:

Hello! I have the following problem: I have a very profuse white, curd-like discharge, at first I thought it was thrush, when I went to the doctor they told me it was some kind of bacteria and prescribed me to use suppositories. I went through a course of treatment but nothing helped. Not long ago Again I went to the gynecologist to get checked, she said that I have very little erosion of the uterus, that it is not terrible and that it is very easy to cure it with medications without a surgeon. interventions. And she also didn’t like my discharge. But after doing the tests, she told me that they were good, nothing. But I don’t understand anything, what kind of discharge do I have? Sometimes there is itching, frequent pain during sexual intercourse (lower abdomen hurts) and There is a burning of the labia. The microflora of the vagina may be disturbed, as during sex there is a feeling of dryness. And most importantly, a very unpleasant smell scares and annoys me. I don’t know what to do. Please help, advise something. I’m only 21 years old, and I’m already I can’t have a normal sexual life. And by the way, I very often don’t want to have a sexual life, because when I do this, traces of my discharge remain on my boyfriend’s penis (douching doesn’t help).

Answers Medical consultant of the website portal:

Hello! Any analysis can be good by mistake. Moreover, if there is even a small erosion, you should definitely be examined for infections that can cause it (these tests are not routine and, judging by the information provided, you have not taken them yet). That is, it is necessary to exclude the presence of chlamydia, and also to evaluate the quantitative composition of vaginal microorganisms (in particular, ureaplasmas, mycoplasmas). You should not douche - this only promotes an ascending infection of the genital tract and washes out the normal flora. Be sure to undergo a colposcopy and take a cytological test from the cervix. If indicated, you may undergo a cervical biopsy. In order to be able to do a biopsy, it is necessary to cure the inflammatory process in the vagina if it is present, for which broad-spectrum antiseptics can be used, for example, the drug Betadine (Egis company). You can read more about the problem in the feature article on our medical portal:

Our skin is endowed with the ability to react with itching to all kinds of irritants. However, the most unpleasant sensations occur when itching in the intimate area, when the labia majora or minora itch. It is very difficult for representatives of the fair sex to get rid of discomfort without attracting attention to themselves. A problem can be quickly eliminated only if you know the exact cause of its occurrence.

Causes of itching in the genital area

There are an incredible number of reasons for the appearance of this disease. Doctors conditionally divide them into the following groups:

  • the presence of external stimuli;
  • the presence of various inflammations in the reproductive organs;
  • diseases of the circulatory system, diabetic disease, dysfunction of the genitourinary system and kidneys and other disorders of internal organs;
  • stress;
  • hormonal imbalance.
Eliminating discomfort in the intimate area is directly related to identifying and eliminating the root cause of the disease. Source: flickr (Nora S).

Why do the labia majora itch?

The labia majora (pudenda) are part of the external reproductive organs of girls. They are located between the perineum and abdomen, covering the inner lips and vagina, as well as the urethra.

Characteristic signs for pathologies of the labia majora and labia minora include the following symptoms: swelling, burning, pain, severe itching.

The main causes of this discomfort include the following:

  • non-compliance with the basic rules of intimate hygiene (delay in taking water procedures, using low-quality cosmetic products, wearing pads for a long time (both daily and during menstruation);
  • overheating or severe hypothermia;
  • wearing synthetic panties;
  • infectious diseases;
  • pathologies of internal organs;
  • use of medications.

Diseases associated with itching of the labia

If the labia are itchy, this may indicate that there is a disease that can be both infectious and non-infectious. Some of the most popular of them are:

  1. Inflammation of the female external genitalia. The medical name of the disease is vulvitis. The cause of the pathology is most often infections (staphylococci, fungi, viruses, streptococci, etc.); allergies caused by chemical pathogens; taking medications, in particular antibiotics or hormones. The manifestation of the disease is expressed in the occurrence of itching, burning, pain, which intensifies when the girl moves, as well as when urinating; in the appearance of a characteristic plaque on the inside of the labia; There may be an increase in body temperature. The disease should be treated only with a specialist.
  2. Thrush or candidiasis. A well-known and fairly common disease caused by the presence of a fungus. It manifests itself in the occurrence of unbearable itching of both the labia majora and minora, vaginal discharge, and a feeling of severe discomfort. It is treated primarily by eliminating irritants and using antifungal medications.
  3. Infectious venereal disease trichomoniasis. It appears in the form of vaginal discharge of a yellowish tint with a characteristic odor. Sometimes there may be scanty bleeding of the mucous membrane if there are ulcers or erosions. The mucous membrane of the labia majora also becomes inflamed. May manifest as pain during urination or during sexual intercourse. The labia majora, as well as the labia minora and vagina, itch and a burning sensation appears.
  4. Vaginitis. This is an inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. It can develop as a result of mechanical damage to the walls of the vagina, after an abortion, as well as due to malfunctions of the endocrine system. Along with itching and burning in the vaginal area, women experience severe itching of the labia majora from the inside. Purulent discharge with a strong unpleasant odor may also appear. The disease is usually treated comprehensively with the prescription of antibiotics, drugs to strengthen the immune system, douching, etc.

Itching of the labia minora

The labia minora are thin folds of skin and are located under the labia minora. Itching and discomfort in this area are quite common these days. The reasons are different and depend on many factors, although the main ones are diseases of the genitourinary system.

Thrush or candidiasis is a common cause of itching in intimate areas. The disease occurs as a result of long-term use of antibiotics, violation of hygiene rules, poor diet, and wearing synthetic underwear. Source: flickr (Fanboy30).

So, diseases that cause itching of the labia minora:

  • thrush;
  • vulgovaginitis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • vaginal dysbiosis.

Note! If the labia minora itch, this indicates the presence of one of the above diseases. It is necessary to urgently visit a gynecologist.

Itchy labia without discharge

If the unpleasant sensations are not accompanied by discharge, then there is no particular reason to panic. You just need to eliminate the root cause of the discomfort. The main reasons are:

  1. Unsuccessful depilation. If hair removal occurs using “improvised” means (razor), then the surface layer of the skin is removed, which leads to severe irritation, accompanied by itching and burning. In addition, irritation often appears due to the fact that new hairs begin to grow.
  2. Synthetic panties. Gynecologists strongly recommend wearing underwear made from natural fabrics, especially for those patients who experience allergic reactions.
  3. Poor quality hygiene products. The problem is that some products contain substances that cause allergies. If you find that the problem worsens after taking water treatments, we recommend changing your intimate hygiene gels.
  4. Stress. Often, burning and itching occur due to stressful situations. Most often, when stress subsides, the problem resolves itself.

Important! If discomfort is accompanied by vaginal discharge of a different nature, this is a signal that you need to consult a gynecologist, and possibly a full examination of the body.

Homeopathic solution to the problem

Recently, people have increasingly begun to turn to alternative medicine to solve multiple health problems, and homeopathy is one of the first in the list of alternative methods of treatment. This popularity can be explained very simply: homeopathy, unlike traditional medicine, involves eliminating the root cause of the disease, and not temporary symptoms.

Thus, for the pathology under consideration, the homeopathic method of therapy is often used. After conducting a series of studies, the homeopathic doctor prescribes suitable treatment with homeopathic medicines. In some cases, complex therapy with the prescription of conventional medications is required. If we talk about homeopathy drugs, the most famous of them in this case are:

  1. Ambergris (Ambra) - helps well against swelling, accompanied by mild inflammation and pathological bleeding in the period between menstruation. Eliminates itching in the reproductive organs, as well as in the anus;
  2. (Carbo vegetabilis) – prescribed for itching of the genitals, if varicose veins are also present;

All women face delicate problems in the intimate area. Sometimes their labia are very itchy, painful, or flaky. These conditions should not be ignored.

Itching of the genitals can be caused by harmless reasons: uncomfortable underwear or poor-quality products for caring for the intimate area. In other situations, a burning sensation confirms the presence of diseases (itching will be accompanied by other symptoms).

Why do the labia itch?

Conventionally, there are two main reasons that cause itching. The first is safe for women’s health. It is associated with third-party factors. This is irritation of delicate skin in response to poor-quality items, linen, and depilation.

The second group is disruptions in the functioning of the body. Itching is caused by gynecological pathologies, sexually transmitted diseases and diseases of the endocrine gland (diabetes mellitus).

Based on the pathology, women have pain and itching of the labia majora (external) or minor (inner) labia. In some cases, a burning sensation accompanies both the labia and the vulva.

When is itching safe?

Often, a burning sensation is caused by extraneous factors that do not cause serious harm to health. In these cases, itching is not accompanied by any additional symptoms (for example: no unusual discharge or pain when urinating).

The main causes of burning include:

  • Unsuccessful - the outer labia not only itch, but may also swell. Sometimes a burning sensation appears a few days after hair removal. Hair begins to grow back and irritates delicate skin.
  • Poor-quality intimate area care products - if soap or gel causes an allergic reaction, you should discard them and take any antihistamine.
  • Synthetic underwear – a similar reaction is caused by wearing tight panties and frequent use of scented panty liners.
  • The outer labia swell during pregnancy - they become filled with blood, swell and cause mild itching.

A burning sensation can be the body’s reaction to stressful situations or manifest itself as an allergy to any irritant.

Diseases of female organs

Vulvitis in diabetes mellitus

In this case, itching is one of the symptoms of gynecological diseases. The vaginal microflora includes beneficial microorganisms and opportunistic ones. Under favorable conditions (decreased immunity), bacteria begin to actively multiply, causing itching.

Common illnesses that cause burning include:

  • Vaginitis is a disease in which the lips and vagina become inflamed. Develops after an unsuccessful abortion, if the reproductive organs are injured, or as a result of a malfunction of the endocrine system. Women experience copious discharge with a pungent odor and impurities of pus.
  • Thrush – vaginal candidiasis occurs due to the active proliferation of Candida fungi. The disease develops with a persistent decrease in immunity (for example: after using antibiotics). Thrush is accompanied by striking symptoms: cheesy discharge, severe itching (lips major and minor are itchy), pain during and after sex, swelling and redness in the intimate area.
  • Vulvitis is an inflammation in which the upper labia swell. The infection is caused by staphylococci, streptococci or other microorganisms. The lips are red and itchy, women feel pain when emptying the bladder, and plaque is noticeable inside the labia majora.
  • Ganderellosis is a pathology characterized not only by a burning sensation, but also by discharge with a strong smell of rotten fish.
  • Acute period of endometriosis - this disease has an endocrine nature, but during the period of exacerbation, patients complain that their genitals are very itchy and bleeding is possible.
  • Leukoplakia is a pathology accompanied by the appearance of white plaques on the genitals.
  • Bartholinitis – located near the vagina. When it becomes inflamed, the genitals suffer. The vagina, lips and clitoris become red and swollen. Purulent ulcers appear on the vulva. Urination is also possible.

Venereal diseases

Itching accompanies most sexually transmitted diseases. Some of them are transmitted only through sexual contact, while others can be infected even by using the patient’s personal belongings.

Treatment of sexually transmitted diseases is prescribed only by a doctor (venereologist or gynecologist). Self-therapy will worsen the condition and can lead to infertility.

Trichomoniasis and gonorrhea

Severe burning is accompanied by copious discharge with serous-purulent contents and a pungent odor. In women, the labia, vulva and even the urethra hurt and swell.


The disease can be transmitted through household means. Additional symptoms: women have pain in the lower abdomen and perineum, and the amount of discharge increases greatly. Itching begins after urination and sexual intercourse. Similar symptoms are observed with ureaplasmosis.

Genital herpes

The pathology is chronic and worsens with any decrease in immunity, even during allergies. Small pimples with purulent contents form on the skin in the intimate area. The papules burst and then peel off a little.


If unpleasant symptoms appear, consult a gynecologist. After making a diagnosis, he will tell you how to treat the disease. The treatment regimen is individual and depends on what microorganisms caused the disease, the general condition of the woman, contraindications and a number of other factors.

Most sexually transmitted infections are treated with penicillin or cephalosporin antibiotics. After recovery, itching and other symptoms disappear.

To treat gynecological diseases, suppositories, creams or other local therapy products are usually used. Sometimes doctors recommend that patients take antifungal tablets (for example, Fluconazole, Itraconazole). After treatment, the microflora of the vagina and intestines should be restored with the help of probiotics.

The treatment regimen for endocrine diseases is prescribed by an endocrinologist, based on the general well-being of the patient and the form of the disease.

During therapy, you should not have sex, avoid drinking alcohol and stick to a diet: limit fried, spicy and fatty foods, baked goods and sweets.

Preventive measures

Prevention will help reduce the risk of itching of the labia. However, this is not a panacea; in rare cases, these measures are powerless.

The main preventive measures include:

  • wearing underwear made from natural materials (linen or cotton). Even if you wear lace panties, the gusset should be made of cotton;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene, but do not overdo it with the use of care products, they can cause irritation;
  • use barrier methods of contraception, especially when having sex with a casual or unfamiliar partner;
  • Strengthen your immune system: balance your diet, drink mineral and vitamin complex regularly, eliminate bad habits.

Throughout their lives, women face various intimate problems that are not usually discussed in polite society. Naturally, they are not subject to discussion, but they should be a reason to contact a specialist. Vaginal dryness is a condition in the intimate area when the amount of natural lubrication secreted by the body decreases sharply (the process of its secretion stops). As a result of a lack of fluid, the vaginal walls become thinner, causing unpleasant symptoms that interfere with a healthy, active life.

Causes of vaginal dryness

In medical practice, this pathology is called atrophic vaginitis (). However, this term applies only to some variants of the occurrence of pathology. The processes of thinning of the vaginal mucosa, changes in size, and loss of elasticity of squamous stratified epithelium are not always associated with hormonal imbalances in the female body. Infections of the urinary tract, an abundance of perfumed intimate cosmetics, and long-term use of antibiotics sometimes become the causes of the disease.

A number of gynecologists prefer the term “vaginal atrophic dermatitis,” which more accurately indicates the manifestations of the disease. Typical symptoms are:

  • a feeling of tightness in the inner walls of the vagina;
  • itching in the labia area, vaginal opening;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse, which is accompanied by pain;
  • bleeding of the mucous membrane due to the appearance of wounds and ulcers on the epithelium of the intimate zone.

The above symptoms are accompanied by a number of specific ones if a woman has classic signs of colpitis caused by hormonal disorders of the body:

  • Reluctance to have sexual intercourse with a partner. Low estrogen levels reduce libido. In addition, pain, dryness, bleeding during sex negatively affect a woman’s intimate life.
  • Infectious diseases. A decrease in natural lubrication leads to thinness of the epithelium of the internal and external genital organs, deterioration of the beneficial microflora of the mucous membrane, and dryness of the mucous membrane. Therefore, the pathogenic environment becomes a source of inflammation in the intimate area.
  • : frequent urge, burning sensation.
  • General deterioration in health, headaches, lethargy, weakness.

In order to normalize the functions of the glands, balance hormonal dysfunction, remove dryness, and determine the correct treatment, it is necessary to find out the reasons, which can be divided into three groups:

  1. Serious illnesses/diseases of the body. Only a doctor can establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe competent treatment. Observed when:
    1. the appearance of neoplasms;
    2. vaginosis caused by a bacterial infection;
    3. , uterine fibroids;
    4. inflammation of the mucous membranes of the entire body due to disruption of the glands (Sjogren's syndrome).
  2. Changes in a woman's hormonal levels. In most cases, pathology occurs at the time of menopause or during pregnancy.
  3. Common reasons. Appears when:
    1. improper intimate hygiene;
    2. unreasonable use of douching;
    3. taking antibiotics or diuretics, medications that lower blood pressure;
    4. allergic reactions to components of washing powders, soaps, gels;
    5. deterioration of blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
    6. irregular sexual activity or lack thereof.

The now popular use of perfumed shower gels poses a danger to a woman’s body: fragrances and an excess of chemical components cause disturbances in the activity of the mucous glands. They cease to function normally, their secretion decreases: as a result, an unpleasant sensation appears. We should not forget about possible allergic reactions to components of intimate cosmetics.

The acidic environment, which stimulates the production of beneficial lactic acid bacteria by the woman’s genitals, is destroyed under the influence of gels that are unbalanced in acidity level. The optimal value should be 4-4.5 pH. To get rid of problems, you should abandon the new-fashioned deodorized toilet products in favor of ordinary soap, toilet paper without impurities and additives.

Tight underwear that compresses blood vessels and impairs blood circulation in the pelvic organs; synthetics, sometimes of poor quality, from which panties are made are harmful to a woman’s health. The disease makes itself felt by irritation, tingling, and itching of the perineum. Replace fashionable, beautiful polyamide underwear with equally beautiful and elegant cotton ones - and you will forget about the problem.

Another threat is the lack of hygiene of the intimate area. Pathogenic microflora displaces beneficial lactobacilli: many women face problems caused by Candida fungus. The appearance of an unpleasant odor, itching and burning, and thinning of the mucosal epithelium signal problems with the body. Even with heavy discharge, signs of atrophic vaginitis and discomfort appear.

Before your period

Unpleasant sensations periodically bother healthy women of reproductive age before menstruation. About 10% of the fair sex consult a gynecologist with this problem: a few days before the onset of menstruation, the amount of the gestagen hormone in the body increases, which suppresses estrogen production for a short period. Such phenomena do not relate to pathologies and are considered absolutely harmless.

During pregnancy

Waiting for motherhood is a wonderful period in a woman’s life. However, sometimes pregnancy is accompanied by certain health problems: morning sickness, nausea, dryness in the intimate area, and common thrush are due to changes in the body and the activity of the gestagen hormone. An enlarging uterus creates additional pressure on all organs, resulting in changes in the vaginal microflora, decreased elasticity, and the appearance of symptoms of itching and irritation.

After childbirth

In the postpartum period, in most cases, vaginitis goes away on its own: hormonal levels normalize and the secretory glands of the vagina begin to work in their usual rhythm. About 20% of women in labor complain of a feeling of dryness and burning in the area of ​​the labia minora. This is due to the release of the hormone prolactin, which temporarily “interrupts” estrogen. The recovery period takes from 60 to 90 days. For women who gave birth by cesarean section, gynecologists advise allowing up to 120 days to restore hormonal levels.

During menopause

Menopause () is a time of significant age-related changes in a woman’s life. The restructuring of the body is associated with a significant decrease in the production of the female hormone estrogen. Vaginal dryness occurs in 50% of women over the age of 55. During menopause, this pathology is called atrophic vaginitis. Narrowing of the vaginal walls, loss of natural lubrication, deterioration of the glands lead to the formation of an alkaline environment, causing a feeling of friction and itching. Be sure to contact a gynecologist who will prescribe hormone replacement therapy.

During sexual intercourse

Unpleasant sensations during sex have a negative impact on the sex life of both partners. Pain, discomfort, and, sometimes, bleeding, discourage a woman from having an intimate life, and a man will get a little pleasure from intimacy. However, gynecologists advise not to give up carnal pleasures: hormonal suppositories and lubricants will help improve your sex life.

If the reason is simple ineptitude or haste of the partner, then the solution to the problem will be to increase the time for foreplay. When aroused, a woman’s body reacts with an increased flow of blood to the genitals and vagina, enhancing the natural secretion of secretions from the glands. Constant use of condoms negatively affects the amount of lubrication formed in the vagina: if the epithelium of the mucous membrane is irritated, try to abandon the condom at least for a while.

Age-related dryness

5-7 years after menopause, the amount of estrogen secreted by the body decreases by 80%. According to scientists, at the age of 60 to 65 years, more than 75% of women suffer from atrophic colpitis with all the accompanying symptoms: decreased vaginal lumen, dryness, bleeding of the mucous membrane. References to age and reluctance to see a doctor can end in failure: with this disease, not only the stratified epithelium of the vagina, but also the walls of the bladder (urethral tissue) becomes thinner and loses elasticity.

Treatment options

Only a gynecologist can determine and prescribe the correct treatment after examining and determining the causes of vaginitis. Among the necessary procedures, a woman will have to undergo a gynecological examination, during which the doctor will take a Pap smear (to exclude cancer) and prescribe a general (clinical) blood test to avoid the possible development of urinary tract infections.

General measures aimed at eliminating pathology such as vaginal dermatitis include the following:

  • During menopause, women may be offered non-hormonal or hormone replacement therapy to relieve vaginal dryness and irritation.
  • During pregnancy and when breastfeeding, the doctor will advise women to use special moisturizers - gels, ointments, topical lubricants that are not absorbed into the blood to protect the baby.
  • If you experience dryness due to violation of intimate hygiene rules, it is preferable to refuse any intimate cosmetics, toilet paper or wet wipes with aromatic additives.
  • Any medications, especially Atropine, antihistamines, blood pressure lowering medications, or diuretics, should be used only when necessary and with a doctor’s prescription. Self-treatment is dangerous due to the occurrence of side effects: from dryness to inflammatory processes in the vagina and urinary tract.
  • Refusal of bad habits that impair blood supply to the vagina and cause dryness, itching, burning.
  • A balanced diet with a high content of legumes to normalize the production of secretions by the vaginal glands and prevent dryness of the intimate area.
  • Have regular sex life with a regular partner. In the first stages, it is advisable to use intimate gel lubricants to reduce dryness. It is preferable to avoid condoms with aromatic additives.
  • The presence of diseases of the genitourinary system, the side effect of which is dryness of the mucous membranes of the vagina, is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. In this case, surgery or a lengthy treatment procedure may be necessary.

Medicines: tablets, suppositories and creams

Uncomplicated cases of atrophic colpitis, slightly associated with impaired production of the hormone estrogen, doctors suggest treating with non-hormonal drugs. They are also good in situations where hormone replacement therapy is not possible for a number of reasons. Vaginal tablets, homeopathic preparations, gels and ointments, topical creams (moisturizing the mucous membrane) will help get rid of unpleasant sensations.

  • Before sexual intercourse, use lubricants without fragrances or fragrances.
  • – support the healthy state of the mucosal epithelium without irritation.
  • Calendula-based suppositories "Vagikal" help relieve irritating factors - burning, itching, dryness, and heal wounds and cracks.
  • Vaginal suppositories “Feminela”, “Cicatridin” of oval shape provide long-term hydration of the vagina due to hyaluronic acid - the elixir of youth, and aloe and calendula remove dryness.
  • Homeopathic medicines “Cyclodinone” and “Klimadinon” act on the pituitary gland, stimulating the production of estrogen, protecting the intimate area from dryness.
  • Vaginal gel "Ginocomfort" relieves symptoms of colpitis, normalizes the acidity level of the vagina, and protects against infections.

Hormone therapy

With menopause and age-related hormonal changes, the optimal solution to the problem of dryness in the vaginal area will be. Self-prescribed estrogen medications (on the recommendation of a friend, neighbor, or the Internet) are dangerous to health: they can cause the formation of malignant tumors or dysplasia. Hormone therapy suggests the use of vaginal rings, ointments or lubricants, suppositories, tablets:

  • Gels “Dermestril”, “Klimara”, “Divigel” are inserted into the vagina with a special applicator. The discomfort disappears within an hour.
  • Hormonal rings are installed by a gynecologist. They contain a certain dose of estrogen, which is gradually absorbed by the vaginal epithelium (effectiveness lasts from 1 to 3 months), relieving dryness and burning.
  • Vaginal suppositories “Ovestin” and “Oripod” are used in a course: daily for 2 weeks, gradually reducing the dosage to a minimum until the feeling of dryness disappears.
  • In some cases, systematic use of tablets is prescribed as part of complex hormone replacement therapy.

How to eliminate dryness using folk remedies

Herbal infusions, baths, douching are very important aids in the treatment of atrophic dermatitis of the vagina. Taking into account individual characteristics (intolerance, allergies), a woman can avoid the symptoms of dryness, itching and burning in the vagina by taking orally or taking baths with medicinal herbs:

  • You will need: nettle, oregano, calendula in the ratio (60 g, 20 g, 30 g), chamomile and speedwell 50 g each. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and cook for at least 5 minutes. Leave it to brew. The course of administration is 10-12 days, 100 ml daily. If dryness in the labia area does not go away, consult a gynecologist.
  • A decoction of the uterus and motherwort is very good at removing dry walls in the vagina. Mix 50 g of each type of herb, add 400 ml of water and boil. Take a third of a glass 3 times a day before meals.
  • Douching with calendula decoction is an ideal way to get rid of atrophic colpitis during menopause, to remove the feeling of dryness and tightness of the walls. In order not to disturb the beneficial microflora of the vagina, the number of douches in one course is no more than 5.
  • Baths with motherwort decoction relax the nervous system, relieving itching and discomfort: pour 60 g of herb into 500 ml of boiling water and cook for 2-3 minutes. Let it brew for half an hour, strain and add to the bath. To make the feeling of dryness disappear, take such baths at least once a week.
  • Homemade tampons from a sterile bandage moistened with a liquid oil solution of vitamin E will help remove dryness and strengthen the walls of the vagina. Combine the contents of the capsule with 10 teaspoons of boiled refined sunflower oil, dip the tampon in the mixture and place it in the vagina for 5 minutes. Can be used to lubricate the mucous membrane until symptoms disappear.


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