Green discharge in women after cesarean section. When does the discharge end after childbirth?

After childbirth they occur quite often. For many women, this raises a lot of questions: is this normal or should you see a doctor? Read more about this in our article.

Week and their color

For young mothers, especially those who have given birth for the first time, everything seems strange and incomprehensible. Not only do you have to master a new role - being a mother, learning to breastfeed, but you also need to take care of your body. For example, yellow discharge after childbirth frightens women who have recently given birth. It is worth knowing the physiological side of their appearance.

When a woman gives birth to a baby, her body begins to change rapidly. There is no longer a need to carry a child in the womb, and therefore everything returns to its pre-pregnancy state.

They last quite a long time: from two weeks to one and a half months. The reason for such a long process is the release of the placenta, which is firmly attached to the wall of the uterus. Now a wound will form in it, which will heal. This is what causes postpartum bleeding. As a rule, the discharge is bright red. However, the shades of each individual woman can vary: from dark brown to light pink.

Their color depends on whether they continue. At the very beginning they are brighter, burgundy, and after a couple of weeks they are lighter.

The secretion changes its consistency. Any deviations, such as the color and amount of discharge, alarm every new mother.

Yellow discharge: normal or not?

It is believed that a woman who breastfeeds her baby goes through the stage of postpartum discharge much faster. The uterus contracts more intensely, and therefore returns to its postpartum state more quickly. However, during this period, girls need to be as careful as possible in terms of their hygiene. Yellow discharge may appear precisely when this rule is not followed. In addition, doctors strictly prohibit the use of anything other than pads. For example, tampons. They delay the normal process of cleansing the uterine cavity. During normal menstruation, this is not critical, but immediately after the birth process, blood should flow freely.

In most cases, yellow discharge is normal. Especially during the period when lochia ends. The blood mixes with the secretion, sometimes acquiring a yellowish tint. If there is no smell, pain or itching, then most likely there is no need to worry.

It happens that even at the final stage of postpartum discharge, a woman notices streaks of blood on the pad. This is also normal because the uterus needs quite a long time to heal.


Every inexperienced woman in labor is interested in how many days the discharge lasts after childbirth. Uninformed women panic when they last longer than their normal period. This comes from ignorance of the physiology of this process. The purpose of menstruation is to release the “unused” egg. Lochia cleanses the uterine cavity, promoting its rapid contraction. Therefore, their duration is much longer. Normally it is from three to eight weeks. For some girls, especially young ones, this process may go faster. If the discharge lasts longer than expected, you should consult a doctor. It is possible that this process was complicated by bleeding.

There are cases when a woman gives birth with internal ruptures. At the same time, she should not actively move or even sit to avoid damage to the seams. However, not everyone manages to follow such a strict rule. In this case, the stitches tear and begin to bleed.

The closer to completion the process of lochia secretion, the lighter they become. Pain in the abdomen disappears, secretion becomes less abundant. If a month after giving birth the discharge is yellow, you should not be alarmed. This is a normal phenomenon that predicts the imminent end of lochia.


Yellow discharge in some situations can signal diseases of the genitourinary system. The body of a woman in labor is more vulnerable to various infections. You should be wary if some of the following signs are added to such discharge:

  • Stomach ache. Especially cutting ones. At the very beginning, this is normal as the uterus contracts. But, for example, after a month this phenomenon is most likely a pathology.
  • Unpleasant smell. This may indicate an infectious disease.
  • Greenish-yellow discharge after childbirth mixed with pus indicates that the girl urgently needs to see a doctor. Inflammation is likely occurring.
  • Itching and severe burning.
  • Excessively long (more than two weeks) discharge that is yellow in color.
  • Body temperature is more than 37.

See a doctor immediately!

If a woman is attentive to her health, then an infection that could get into the vagina will be cured quickly enough. However, if you start this process, the consequences can be disastrous. The most harmless disease is cervical erosion in the initial stage. But if it is not diagnosed and treated in time, it can turn into a malignant form.

Reduced immunity of a young mother can lead to thrush or colpitis. In this case, the discharge will not just be yellow, but also have a cheesy consistency.


The presence of pathologically prolonged yellow discharge may indicate endometritis. This disease is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane covering the uterine cavity. Anyone who has experienced endometritis knows how difficult it is to get rid of it.

In addition to unusual discharge, the woman complains of pain in the lower abdomen, which can radiate to the back. If you notice such symptoms, be sure to consult a doctor.

To ensure that none of the women encounters troubles associated with discharge after childbirth, experts recommend strictly following hygiene rules. The uterus is completely cleansed of the waste products of the baby in the womb, and therefore the blood that comes out is not at all similar to menstrual blood. For this reason, precautions should be taken more carefully after the baby is born.

  1. Only pads should be used, tampons are prohibited. Today, pharmacies sell special postpartum hygiene bags. They allow the skin to breathe and can absorb quite a lot of blood.
  2. Hygiene products should be changed as often as possible. It is best to do this once every three hours or, if necessary, earlier.
  3. Be sure to wash yourself several times a day. If there are external breaks, you can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate or chamomile decoction.
  4. Underwear should be as comfortable and natural as possible.
  5. Yellow discharge after childbirth is usually a common occurrence, only if it does not last long. Therefore, to avoid infection in the vagina, take a shower rather than a bath.
  6. You should abstain from sex. An open wound in the uterus during sexual intercourse can become very painful and begin to bleed more profusely.
  7. Be vigilant if lochia ends after a month and a half and suddenly returns again. Perhaps this is no longer postpartum discharge, but bleeding that has begun.


Information about how many days the discharge lasts after childbirth, information about its nature and physiology is extremely necessary for first-time women. If you notice that you have yellow lochia for too long, a burning sensation appears in the vagina, and your health has worsened, consult a doctor immediately. This probably indicates the onset of an infectious disease.

If no accompanying symptoms are observed, there is no need to be alarmed. Yellow discharge in most cases is the most common variant of the norm and does not in any way affect the health of the young mother.

After delivery, all women begin lactation. For some, it disappears some time after childbirth (a week or two), while for others, it persists for six months or more. Such mothers are called lucky, because they can give their child the most valuable thing - breast milk, which contains a huge amount of useful substances necessary for the normal development of a small organism. However, during lactation, women are faced with one problem - atypical vaginal secretion, which for certain reasons changes its character. So what kind of discharge should women experience during breastfeeding? And is the change in their character related to the development of pathological processes in the body? Now you will find out everything.

Immediately after birth

Immediately after delivery, women experience heavy bleeding that continues for 4–7 weeks. They arise due to the fact that during childbirth the placenta departs from the walls of the uterus and the baby passes through the birth canal, which leads to serious damage, which results in bleeding.

In this case, bloody clots may be observed in the discharge, which indicate normal cleansing of the uterine cavity from the remains of the placenta. Moreover, their appearance is often accompanied by painful cramping sensations in the abdomen, which arise due to spasms of the uterus and help it in the cleansing process.

Copious vaginal bleeding usually occurs around 2-3 weeks after birth. If delivery took place by cesarean section, bleeding can be observed much longer, this is caused by severe trauma to the uterus, since it is dissected during the operation. After a few weeks, the volume of blood released from the vagina decreases, and they acquire a darkish tint, and after 4-5 weeks they turn brown, which is also normal. After the brown discharge stops, a whitish or transparent mucous secretion appears, which indicates the successful completion of the recovery period.

After recovery

When postpartum bleeding stops, subsequent menstruation does not begin soon. This is due to the fact that during lactation there is active production of prolactin, which suppresses the functionality of the reproductive organs.

However, if the level of this hormone is low, a woman may have periods even during lactation. But in this case, as a rule, they are meager and irregular. Moreover, the first menstruation usually appears only 2-3 months after the end of postpartum bleeding. It lasts from 3 to 7 days. At the same time, when the baby is fed, the amount of blood released may increase, which is also not a deviation.

The absence of menstruation during breastfeeding is also considered normal. This only means that the level of prolactin in the body is increased and lactation on its own will not go away soon. In this case, the first heavy periods are observed after breastfeeding ends, when the level of this hormone decreases. Moreover, until the menstrual cycle is restored, periods may also be irregular.

Basically, women experience discharge of a mucous consistency during breastfeeding without menstruation, which is observed in very small quantities and may have a whitish or light yellow tint. They do not smell anything and do not cause irritation in the intimate area. But in cases where the discharge acquires an unpleasant aroma, contains bloody streaks, is accompanied by abdominal pain and other symptoms, then you should immediately go to the doctor, since all this indicates the development of postpartum complications, which in no case should be left without attention.

Blood discharge

Bloody vaginal secretion during breastfeeding can occur for various reasons. At the same time, it is immediately worth noting that we are now talking not about those discharges that occur immediately after childbirth, but after their completion. In this case, bleeding may indicate:

  • Endometritis.
  • Cervicitis.
  • Endometriosis.
  • Polyps in the cervix.

All these diseases often develop in women during the postpartum period and they arise due to:

  • Severe injury to the birth canal during delivery.
  • Hormonal changes in the body.

Quite often, scanty periods during breastfeeding appear in women against the background of the development of cervicitis. This disease is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the cervical canal as a result of their injury. It manifests itself not only by the occurrence of bloody discharge, but also by nagging pain in the abdomen, which often intensifies after sexual intercourse or severe physical exertion.

Endometritis is also an inflammatory disease, only in this case it affects the mucous membranes of the uterus rather than the cervical canal. Its development is also often a consequence of injuries received during childbirth, but it can also occur as a result of abrasion, which is often performed on women when the uterus is not completely cleansed of placental elements after delivery.

Endometriosis is a disease in which there is an overgrowth of the lining of the uterus. And the main provoking factor in this case is also injuries received during childbirth. This disease can manifest itself as spotting during breastfeeding and abdominal pain, which often radiates to the lumbar region and groin.

Important! Endometriosis is a dangerous disease that can cause cancer. Therefore, under no circumstances should you delay in treating it!

Polyps in the cervical canal also arise as a result of damage to the mucous membranes and are benign neoplasms of various sizes. The appearance of bloody and pinkish discharge is most often observed after close sexual contact, during which there is a mechanical effect on the cervical canal.

Important! Despite the fact that polyps are benign, if they are constantly injured, they can become malignant, which will cause the development of cancer. Therefore, delaying treatment is not recommended.

Brown daub

During the lactation period, women may also smear from the vagina. If scanty discharge occurs only on certain days of the cycle, then this is considered normal and their appearance is due to the fact that menstruation should begin during this period, but since the level of prolactin in the body is increased, they never begin.

But if scanty brownish discharge is accompanied by abdominal pain and lasts more than 10 days, then this is no longer normal and indicates the development of pathological conditions that need to be treated immediately.

Often the occurrence of brown spotting in the postpartum period occurs due to erosion on the cervix. It is diagnosed in almost 40% of women after childbirth and is treated very easily - by cauterization. This procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and does not affect lactation in any way.

Important! Erosion is a kind of ulcer that can grow and become ulcerated. And in order to avoid complications arising from it, it should be treated immediately after the first signs of development appear.

If the brown smear begins to acquire a dark color (almost black) and is accompanied by the discharge of mucous clots from the vagina, then you should immediately run to the doctor, since the appearance of such symptoms indicates the development of cancer.

Yellow and green discharge

If a woman experiences green or yellow vaginal secretion during breastfeeding, which emits an unpleasant odor and is accompanied by a burning sensation in the vagina, this indicates the development of infectious diseases that require immediate treatment.

They can occur either a few days after delivery or after a couple of months. And the main provoking factors in this case are:

  • Inflammatory diseases (endometritis, cervicitis).
  • Decreased immunity.
  • Negligence of doctors who used poorly sterilized instruments during childbirth.
  • Early entry into sexual intercourse, when the uterus and cervix have not yet recovered after childbirth.

Infectious diseases can be provoked by various pathogenic microorganisms, for example, gardnerella, chlamydia, staphylococcus, etc. If an infection occurs, it is necessary to immediately stop breastfeeding the newborn, since pathogenic microorganisms can be transmitted to him through milk and provoke the development of various pathological conditions.

Treatment of infectious diseases is carried out only by taking antibacterial drugs, after which it is not recommended to carry out breastfeeding for about 3-5 days until their active substances are completely removed from the body. This is due to the fact that such preparations contain components that inhibit the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestine, which causes disruption of its microflora. And this can lead to some digestive problems in the child.

Important! Infection from the reproductive organs can easily spread throughout the body, causing serious complications. Therefore, if yellowish or green odorous discharge appears, you should immediately visit a doctor and undergo a full course of treatment.

Prevention of complications

To prevent the development of complications in the postpartum period and provide the baby with breast milk for as long as possible, a woman needs to be attentive to her health and carry out simple preventive measures. In this case they are:

  • Proper nutrition.
  • Regular visits to the gynecologist.
  • Constant compliance with personal hygiene requirements.

If a new mother still experiences complications during lactation, she should immediately visit a doctor. Since only a specialist can tell you what to do in this situation and how you can maintain your health for many years.

After childbirth, every woman has to recover for some time. After all, it is during this period that the genitourinary system is completely cleansed. Therefore, it is so important to observe the rules of hygiene, as well as adhere to all the recommendations and instructions of the gynecologist. Normally, after childbirth, a woman first experiences bright red discharge, after which it becomes lighter, but sometimes it can be brownish-brown in color. At the end of the recovery period, the discharge stops completely - it turns yellow, and then white. There should be no green discharge - this is a symptom of a serious pathological process in the female genital organs.

Causes of green discharge after childbirth

Natural green discharge will have no odor, it is not accompanied by painful sensations in the abdominal area, as well as itching and high temperature.

A week after giving birth and after a cesarean section, a woman may experience a pale yellow discharge. When green discharge with an unpleasant odor occurs, a serious inflammatory process of the uterine mucosa – endometritis – can be suspected.

For any gynecological disease, the discharge is green. There may be pus in them, and they also have an unpleasant odor. In addition, endometritis is difficult after childbirth - the woman has severe pain in the lower abdomen, and the temperature rises sharply. Endometritis begins to develop if a woman’s uterus was damaged during childbirth. Green discharge may appear due to the fact that the uterus contracts poorly and the lochia does not come out. When a large amount of lochia accumulates in the uterus, they begin to fester and, as a result, an inflammatory process occurs.

Some women experience green discharge a month after a cesarean section. In this case, this indicates that endometritis proceeds slowly. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate. Endometritis is a serious disease; it is possible that during complications the patient may be hospitalized. When green discharge is noticed in the maternity hospital, immediately after labor, the attending doctor carries out all the necessary manipulations.

Green discharge after childbirth with an unpleasant odor

Please note that if you have postpartum discharge that is also green and has an unpleasant odor, then this is very dangerous. In such a situation, the help of a gynecologist is required.

Such discharge is a deviation from the norm, and it occurs if a woman has an inflammatory process in the genitals. The smell and green color of vaginal discharge is characteristic of a disease such as endometritis. If the disease is not treated in time, it can even end in death.

A green color with an unpleasant odor can be a sign of dangerous diseases such as gardnerellosis and chlamydia. Only a comprehensive examination will help clarify the diagnosis.

It is dangerous when green discharge is caused by infectious processes such as gonorrhea, bacterial vaginosis, thrush, and trichomoniasis. Green discharge appears due to the vaginal bacterium Trichomonas. Such diseases can only be transmitted sexually, and they are initially aimed at affecting the genitourinary organs. In this clinical situation, the green discharge may have a foamy consistency.

With bacterial vaginosis, a woman notices white-gray marks that have an unpleasant odor. In addition, the woman begins to experience severe itching. Afterwards, the secretion of discharge increases, and it becomes green, thick and completely affects the vagina. The infectious disease is accompanied by redness of the genitals.

With chlamydia, the amount of green discharge does not increase. The disease is characterized by painful urination and severe pain in the lower abdomen. The same symptoms are characteristic of gonorrhea.

With colpitis, the amount of green discharge increases, it becomes thick, and you can see pus and blood in it. There is severe itching in the genitals, and sometimes an unpleasant burning sensation appears.

Green postpartum discharge, which occurs as a result of the inflammatory process in the cervix, vagina, and fallopian tubes, is dangerous. Such secretions contain a large number of leukocytes. When an acute bacterial inflammatory process is observed, the amount of discharge may be small. In this case, unbearable pain occurs in the lower abdomen, and the woman’s body temperature rises sharply.

Treatment methods for green discharge after childbirth

You can relieve inflammation from the uterine mucosa with the help of antibiotics, multivitamins, and local procedures. In advanced cases, curettage will be required, during which the mucous membrane is cleaned of damaged epithelium. This way, the top layer of the shell can recover over time.

Many postpartum and cesarean section women cannot take medications because they are breastfeeding. In this situation there are two options:

  • Postpone treatment for a while.
  • Stop breastfeeding.

It is important to consider that green discharge always accompanies the pathological process. Treatment is urgently needed! It is effective to use Polygynax vaginal capsules - they help with bacterial and fungal vaginitis. Polygynax is a combination drug; it contains antibiotics such as Polymyxin B, Neomycin.

First, it is necessary to destroy the opportunistic microflora, and only then restore the natural microflora of the vagina. For this purpose, gynecologists prescribe vaginal suppositories and douching.

In order to protect yourself from green discharge after childbirth, you need to carefully follow the rules of hygiene:

  • After each trip to the toilet, wash yourself, preferably with a decoction of chamomile and calendula.
  • Change gaskets as often as possible.
  • Avoid intimate hygiene products that contain fragrances and dyes. Give preference to baby soap.

Thus, green discharge after childbirth and after cesarean section is a serious reason to consult a doctor. The symptom can accompany various infectious and bacterial diseases. If you do not promptly treat the underlying pathology that caused the green discharge, then everything can end in a serious complication. It is necessary to be promptly examined and complete a full course of therapy.

Over the course of several weeks after the birth of the baby, the lining of the uterus is restored. In a young mother, this process is accompanied by discharge (lochia) from the vagina. What are they, and when can symptoms of diseases in the body appear? Let's try to figure it out.

It should be immediately noted that the nature of the discharge after childbirth gradually changes, and what color it should be cannot be said with certainty. Throughout the postpartum period, the shade of lochia varies. At first they look like menstruation and are red in color, but then their shade changes.

Yellow discharge after childbirth

Yellow discharge after childbirth is almost never a pathology. They can occur at the final stage of uterine restoration, but their color should not be pronounced. In addition, they should not be accompanied by an unpleasant odor. When is yellow mucous discharge after childbirth a sign of pathology? Only in cases where they are accompanied by an increase in body temperature, pain in the lower abdomen, green pus, burning and itching in the genital area. Such discharge may be a sign of endometritis - inflammation of the uterine mucosa. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor for treatment.

Bloody discharge after childbirth

Bloody discharge begins immediately after birth and is observed over a fairly long period. The strongest discharge after childbirth with blood clots is observed in the first few days, then its color and consistency gradually change. Scarlet discharge after childbirth, similar to menstrual discharge, lasts only a few days: from about two to seven, then it turns into bloody discharge. If the birth took place by caesarean section, the contraction of the uterus occurs more slowly than during a natural birth, so the discharge in this case can last much longer.

Green discharge after childbirth

Yellow-green discharge or green discharge after childbirth is a clear sign of pathology in the body of a young mother. Especially if they are accompanied by an unpleasant putrid odor. Typically, this type of discharge indicates the development of endometritis - inflammation of the uterine mucosa, as well as other gynecological diseases. Green color is an admixture of pus in the lochia.

If such discharge appears, accompanied by chills and fever, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In addition to endometritis, green lochia can be a sign of poor uterine contractions. If the discharge does not come out well, it can accumulate in the uterus and fester, resulting in inflammation. In this case, the young mother may need curettage.

Greenish discharge may also appear a month after a cesarean section. They will indicate that endometritis is slowly developing in the female body. You cannot self-medicate. You should immediately consult a doctor who will prescribe a competent treatment regimen for the disease.

Brown discharge after childbirth

Usually, light or dark brown discharge after childbirth causes new mothers to panic. But there is no need to be afraid. This is just one of the stages in the release of lochia from the body. Approximately 8-9 days after birth, the dark shade of the discharge changes to a lighter shade: yellow-transparent. At this point, bloody veins practically do not appear in the lochia.

During the postpartum period, a young mother must carefully maintain hygiene so as not to provoke the occurrence of inflammatory diseases. Change pads as often as possible: at the initial stage of the period, you can use special postpartum pads, and after 4 or 5 days, switch to regular ones.

White discharge after childbirth

As already written above, dark discharge after childbirth gradually changes to lighter ones. At first, the lochia becomes yellow, and then white and transparent. Clear discharge begins around the 10th day after birth and lasts about three weeks. They can have not only white, but also a yellowish-white tint. Such lochia is not a sign of the presence of a disease in the female body.

The birth of a child is not only a joyful, life-changing event, but also a huge stress for the mother’s body. Regardless of whether the process of delivery took place naturally or surgically, restorative changes in the uterus will be accompanied by bleeding of varying intensity and shade. Let’s figure out which discharge after cesarean section means normal and which is pathological.

Physiological processes after surgical delivery

Caesarean section (CS) is an abdominal surgical intervention, the purpose of which is artificial delivery. The fetus is removed through an incision in the anterior abdominal cavity and the wall of the uterus.

Many women mistakenly believe that, together with the baby and the placenta, the doctor also performs curettage during the operation.

Curettage is a surgical procedure during which, using an appropriate instrument or vacuum system, the mucous surface of the uterus is removed from foreign epithelial compounds.

This idea is completely wrong. Cleansing of the internal cavity occurs spontaneously with the help of lochia - mucous secretions that wash away postpartum “garbage” from the fallopian tubes. This process is quite lengthy, because during this period the uterus spontaneously decreases by more than 20 times. In fact, the cavity and the mucous membranes surrounding it are completely restored in the postoperative period, but before activating tissue regeneration processes, the body rejects dead particles remaining from the placenta and other epithelia that are not removed during cesarean section, which come out in the form of blood clots and mucus - lochia.

Breastfeeding helps produce the hormone oxytocin needed to speed up the process. Its “production” is accompanied by discomfort in the abdominal area. The production of this component in women who have undergone cesarean section. That is why additional administration of the hormone in the form of injections may be necessary.

Step-by-step description of discharge after surgery

Discharge after cesarean section can be schematically divided into several stages:

  1. The first postoperative period lasts about a week and is accompanied by a voluminous discharge of bright red, burgundy, and sometimes scarlet.
  2. The second period can begin as early as the 2nd week after delivery. The amount of discharge decreases significantly and becomes spotty in nature. Visually, the substance has a brown tint, and the inclusions are almost invisible.
  3. The third period can last about a month. The discharge is less active, more like daub. The blood veins hardly stand out against the background of the general brownish secretion. At the end of the period, the pigmentation acquires a yellowish tint. Such metamorphoses are associated with the presence of a huge number of leukocytes in the mucous substance. These secretions “wash” the walls of the uterus, preventing the development of pathogenic bacteria.
  4. The last stage is marked by the appearance of a transparent substance and marks the scarring of the internal suture and the end of the recovery process after cesarean section.

How long does discharge last after caesarean section?

The answer to this question directly depends on the general condition of the mother in labor and the degree of complications received during the birth process. But, based on the diagram described above, we can approximately guess their duration. The physiological time frame for uterine contraction, scarring of sutures and renewal of mucous membranes ranges from 7 to 9 weeks.

If the rejection of spotting physiological fluids lasts longer than the established norm of 2 months, but there are no putrefactive changes, a pungent odor or burning sensation, and ultrasound showed no abnormalities, then we can talk about a significant drop in hemoglobin levels both after pregnancy and as a result of the difficult stage of recovery after cesarean section. To diagnose such a deviation in a timely manner, doctors recommend donating blood from a finger prick at least once every two weeks after surgery.

Most often, such a pathology is observed in women who combine the recovery process and breastfeeding. In this case, it is necessary to immediately seek help from specialists to prevent the development of anemia.

Little or no discharge after cesarean section

There is no reason to be happy if the process is completed much faster than the deadline. The fact is that such a phenomenon indicates the development of pathological processes in the uterus and requires immediate medical intervention.

The duration of the discharge, as well as its color and consistency, allow the specialist to diagnose the recovery process after cesarean section and possible deviations from the physiological norm.

The reason for the lack of bleeding after a cesarean section is a bend or spasm of the cervix. Such a pathology is fraught with the accumulation of rejected fluids in the uterine cavities, which, during the process of stagnation, begin to fester. When diagnosing such phenomena, you must immediately contact a specialist!

If the end of discharge occurred earlier than 5 weeks after surgery, then this phenomenon indicates insufficient contraction of the uterine muscle. Such a pathology can lead to the retention of rejected particles inside the body and start the process of decay. Based on the individual characteristics of the postpartum period, the doctor may recommend that the woman in labor go for a cleanse.

Long-term lochia

When discharge after a cesarean section does not lose intensity for 10 weeks or more, such a process may indicate the onset of internal bleeding or the development of endometritis.

Attention! Endometritis is an extremely dangerous disease characterized by the presence of an inflammatory process in the inner layer of the uterus, the endometrium. This phenomenon requires immediate medical intervention.

Depending on the duration of the inflammatory process, surgical cleansing under the guise of powerful antibiotics may be required.

Lochia ended and started again

It happens that there is a sudden cessation of discharge after a cesarean section, followed by a resumption. Among possible pathologies, this is the most common. This phenomenon is associated with insufficient contraction of the cervix and, with timely contact with a specialist, will not require repeated surgical intervention.

You can increase muscle contractility with the help of a special massage and oxytocin injections.

What does the color and consistency of lochia indicate?

Surgical intervention in the birth process entails a protracted process of regeneration, which takes place not under the close supervision of a specialist, but at home, in parallel with caring for the child. Therefore, it is especially important to monitor the nature and intensity of physiological fluids rejected after cesarean section. Timely changes recorded will help prevent the development of pathological processes.

Bloody lochia with clots

In the first days after the section, such symptoms should not cause concern to the woman in labor. These physiological fluids are associated with mechanical damage to tissues and blood vessels during contractions. It is necessary to carefully monitor the duration of this type of lochia after cesarean section.

The bloody substance must be rejected by the body within 7–8 days. Longer discharge and increasing volume may indicate that bleeding has begun!

The clots released during this period are particles of dead endometrium and the remains of the placenta. Their duration should also not exceed 7–8 days.

Pink lochia

Most often, this type of discharge appears a month to a month and a half after the CS. This sign is not called a physiological norm, but they also do not talk about the development of pathology. The presence of pink discharge is associated with a protracted process of regeneration of mucous tissues or, most often, injury to the surface of the uterus. This complication is associated with the onset of sexual activity before the final tissue restoration. It does not cause serious pathological conditions, but the appearance of pink discharge requires increased attention in matters of personal hygiene.

Brown lochia

Often women notice the appearance of these discharges 6–7 weeks after surgery. In their structure, they are closest to the usual menstrual spotting and are a physiological stage in the recovery process and do not indicate deviations.

Yellow discharge

This phenomenon is considered physiological only in the first 2–3 weeks and only if there is a poor consistency. An orange, smearing, viscous substance on a pad with a pungent odor indicates the initial stage of the development of endometritis, but abundant yellow mucous clots with putrid inclusions indicate an advanced stage of the disease, most often requiring surgical intervention.

Black lochia

If a woman in labor notices stains on the pad that do not have a specific odor, then, oddly enough, there is no need to sound the alarm. This substance is a physiological norm and its presence is dictated by hormonal changes in the composition and quality of blood.

White discharge

Such discharge without accompanying symptoms can begin at the stage of completion of the excretory process. But the emerging itching, redness, cheesy consistency and characteristic, sour smell require immediate diagnosis using a smear. These symptoms may indicate prolonged thrush.

Mucous lochia after cesarean section

Mucus, which is clearly visible in the discharge in the first days after cesarean section, is a physiological norm and cannot be present in it for a long time. Its appearance is associated with the excretion of the child’s intrauterine waste products from the body.

Watery lochia

Having noticed an abundant clear liquid, the consistency of which resembles urine and gives off an unpleasant odor associated with rotten fish, a woman should inform her gynecologist about this. Symptoms require immediate medical intervention. Such manifestations are typical in cases of serious injury to the circulatory system or lymph. And the substance is a transudate, a liquid that fills them. Also, the cause of such unpleasant discharge may be the development of vaginal dysbiosis.

Purulent discharge after cesarean section

This type of physiological fluid is the most dangerous and indicates not just a deviation during the postpartum period, but the development of a serious disease inside the uterine cavity - endometritis. after cesarean section they can occur at any stage of recovery. Often, accompanying signs of putrefactive processes on the mucous membrane are an unpleasant odor of the substance, increased temperature and acute pain in the lower abdomen.

Purulent discharge of a greenish tint may also indicate infections during the recovery process after cesarean section:


This disease indicates inflammation of the genitourinary system. Most often, it is transmitted sexually.

Bacterial vaginosis

This is a complex of non-infectious, non-inflammatory pathological changes with the participation of anaerobic microflora. Most often, this phenomenon can be caused by a sharp hormonal change in the body and a dysbiotic shift. At the initial stages of development, the disease manifests itself as gray discharge with a sharp, disgusting odor, itching and burning in the groin area. The presence of thick, viscous, rich green discharge indicates advanced disease and the need to use antibiotics.

Chlamydia or gonorrhea

These infectious diseases are, first of all, characterized by spotting, light discharge of a greenish tint and purulent properties. Accompanied by constant nagging pain in the lower abdomen and problematic urination, aggravated by sharp pain.


This infectious fungal disease is accompanied not just by greenish smears, but by copious mucous discharge of a purulent nature mixed with blood, severe itching and burning in the perineum.

Please note that whatever the cause of the appearance of purulent substances after cesarean section, such symptoms require immediate antibiotic intervention! An advanced problem can bring a woman to the operating table for curettage.

Discharge with odor

Not only the color and consistency, but also the characteristic smell of vaginal fluids can tell a lot about the quality of the postpartum process.

Discharge accompanied by a characteristic odor during the first 3–5 days after cesarean can be considered a physiological norm.

The presence of a sharp, “heavy” aroma in smears is the first sign of the onset of an inflammatory process in the uterine area. Typically, such odors are caused by the introduction and spread of pathogenic bacteria.

Prolonged symptoms, accompanied by a sour aroma, indicate inflammation of the uterine mucosa and, most often, are accompanied by sharp, cutting pain in the lower abdomen and perineum.

Prevention of pathological changes

Surgical delivery is a serious abdominal operation that requires not only postoperative treatment of sutures, but also special rules of personal hygiene and care for injured areas:

  1. In the first month after cesarean section, it is recommended to clean the perineum with each visit to the toilet. Depending on the situation, this could be a shower with baby soap or a special care product, a decoction of string, chamomile or calendula.
  2. During the first week after surgery, obstetricians strictly prohibit the use of pads familiar to women. This personal hygiene product creates a “diaper rash effect” and promotes the development of pathogenic bacteria. It is recommended to replace the usual attribute with ordinary diapers or pharmaceutical gauze, which have excellent “breathing” properties. But it is recommended to change improvised pads every 3-4 hours.
  3. To improve uterine contractions, gynecologists recommend, at least in the first month, lying on your stomach for 15–30 minutes.
  4. For the first few weeks after surgical delivery, it is recommended to apply an ice heating pad to the abdomen. This procedure is familiar to many women whose labor took place naturally. They were given a heating pad for several hours at once, and for those who had undergone a section, it was recommended to apply it for 5–10 minutes up to 5 times a day.
  5. Circular massage movements will also have a positive effect on the contractility of the uterine muscles and speed up the recovery process after cesarean section.
  6. Immediately after the operation, the woman in labor is recommended to wear a postpartum retaining bandage.


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