Sprouting wheat for food. Getting wheat, rye, oat sprouts on a plate

Recently, in pharmacies and diet food departments in supermarkets, bags with a variety of grains for sprouting have been found. What to do with them and why do you need to germinate grains? Let's find out!

Alexandra Aslanova - 10 out of 10 - 90

Our scientists have finally recognized and proven the benefits of sprouted seeds, which our ancestors knew about for thousands of years. So, for example, in Rus' in winter and spring, jelly, porridge were made from sprouted grains, and they even added such grain to soup.

The bread deserved special attention. Instead of yeast, they used sourdough, for which sprouted grains were also prepared. This bread was rich in a wide variety of vitamins and microelements.

Now, thanks to ancient recipes, similar bread has appeared and it is very expensive. But knowing the addiction of manufacturers to all kinds of chemicals, the best option would be to prepare a healthy dish and germinate the grain yourself.

The benefits of sprouted wheat

Let's pay special attention to sprouted wheat. Thanks to a group of vitamins and microelements, grain helps replenish the body’s vitamin reserves, this is especially true in the spring, when pharmacies buy multivitamins or order dietary supplements. There is no need to talk about the latter, their effectiveness is not recognized, and one can only guess about the composition. Multivitamins are created synthetically.

Sprouted wheat is a storehouse of natural benefits. B vitamins, which people so often lack, are present in wheat germ in full, folic acid, the benefits of which all pregnant women know, vitamins D, E, P, selenium, calcium, iodine, and this is not a complete list. As you can see, there are antioxidants that fight age-related changes, and vitamins to preserve vision. It's nice to know that by including wheat in your diet, you are benefiting your entire body.

But it is sprouted wheat grains that have particular benefits on the heart muscle, blood vessels and human brain. In addition, it triggers a person’s ability to self-heal, which means this product is also a first-class immunomodulator.

The scourge of our time is excess weight. This problem can be solved if, in addition to proper diet and physical activity, sprouted wheat is included in the menu, as it normalizes metabolism and helps cope with intestinal problems.

The only contraindication is acute stomach disease, such as an ulcer, and the person’s age. Children are not recommended to eat raw sprouted wheat. In this case, healthy bread or adding wheat to soup or jelly can come to the rescue, as our ancestors did.

How to properly germinate wheat at home

We buy grain in a special department or pharmacy. It’s not worth buying on the market, since nowadays all grain is treated with chemicals, which cannot be considered a useful addition to the menu.

To sprout wheat, we choose dishes; here it is better to do without plastic containers; a clay bowl or glass jar would be a good option. We wash the grain; what floats to the surface is no good, so you can throw it away without regret.

Soak the material in the dish for about 6 hours, but no more than eight. Then we wash the swollen grain and distribute it in a small layer on a plate, cover the top with a natural cloth, such as gauze, which we regularly moisten and do not allow it to dry out. In the next two days, small roots up to 2 mm long will appear. Now the grains are ready to eat.

They are washed before use. It is recommended to always make fresh portions, but if you have prepared a lot of grains, then store them in the refrigerator for no more than two days, and so that they do not disappear, we wash them once a day. An important point is that clean water is needed for soaking, because it nourishes the sprout.

How to eat sprouted wheat

Grains are eaten raw, no more than 2 tbsp. spoons a day. If this is not for you, then you can add them to any healthy salad or natural drink.

And the best option would be sochivo, which has been made in Rus' since time immemorial. The base is sprouted grain, to which are added nuts, dried fruits, honey and even vegetable oil, but without chemical treatment with a natural smell. For lovers, you can add poppy seeds. The mixture is simply a godsend for those who need to strengthen their immunity.

The easiest way is to sprinkle wheat sprouts on any vegetable salad.

Conclusion - the benefits of sprouted wheat are undeniable at any age and for any person! Be sure to include it in your daily diet.

Sprouting wheat at home is a simple process. If you are already, then the general algorithm of actions is familiar to you. Only wheat takes a little longer to germinate.

To germinate wheat you will need:

  • actually the wheat itself. Of course, the grains must be whole, unprocessed. Sprouting wheat is sold in many supermarkets, as well as small health food stores.
  • Bowl or deep plate. Dishes should be glass, porcelain or enamel. Aluminum should not be used.
  • Baking tray or flat dish.
  • A piece of gauze folded several times. If there is no gauze, cotton cloth will do.
  • Clean water at room temperature. It is best to use filtered water.
  • Sieve for washing wheat.

How to germinate wheat

Wash the wheat and place it in a bowl or deep plate. If you notice spoiled, rotten grains, they should be removed immediately. Fill the wheat grains with water so that it covers the grains completely.
Leave the soaked wheat overnight. In the morning we look to see if there are floating grains.
Eat? We catch them and throw them away! They are not edible.

Drain the water from the remaining grains, rinse them and fill them again with clean water. Leave for 8 hours, then repeat the procedures - drain, rinse, fill :)

The next day, drain the water and wash the wheat again. Now place it on a flat dish or baking sheet. Lightly water with water. The grains should not be completely submerged in water!
We cover this home garden with damp gauze and leave the wheat to germinate in a warm place (20-22 degrees C). It is necessary to periodically check the condition of the gauze. If it is dry, spray it with water again. Wheat requires moisture to germinate!
Soon the wheat will sprout small white sprouts. At this stage it is most useful!

Sprouted wheat must be washed again. That's all! The healing product is ready for use.
Chew it long and thoroughly to get all the beneficial substances from sprouted wheat.

You didn’t have time to eat sprouted wheat right away, and its sprouts stretched out, turned green and became more than 3 mm long?

This wheat can also be eaten. But in this case, the healing qualities of the product are significantly reduced. Enzyme activity drops, and the grain has time to transfer most of its nutrients to the sprouts. At the same time, the sprouts acquire a noticeable sweet taste - they contain a lot of sugars.

You can add some strawberries and wait until the green sprouts stretch out even more, up to about 10 cm, and then cut them off. Feel free to throw away the remaining grains with roots. And we only eat sprouts - like any other fresh greens. You can chew them plain or add them to salads.
By the way, if you grind fresh wheat greens in a blender, you will get healthy wheat juice, and at the same time a magical remedy for the skin. Apply to skin, leave until dry and rinse. This mask perfectly nourishes and smoothes the skin.

Sprouting wheat at home is becoming increasingly popular. After all, such a product is very often eaten by many people, since it contains a large amount of nutrients. Sprouted wheat seeds are also used to make moonshine. All the intricacies of creating such a product are described below.

Benefits of sprouted wheat

A healthy diet today for many people is the only chance to get their body in order. Recently, various experts have strongly recommended that people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract include sprouted grains in their diet.

Sprouting wheat at home is a bit of a troublesome process, but not difficult. To do this, you first need to purchase grain from the store.

This product enriches the human body with many useful substances: macro- and microelements, proteins, minerals, carbohydrates and vitamins.

It should be noted that home-sprouted wheat is considered the most valuable product. Therefore, it is often used by people who eat food exclusively raw.

Wheat germination: where to start?

Indeed, the above process is not as simple as described in the literature. It needs to be taken seriously. The first thing you need to do is select the wheat grains to germinate. It must be remembered that the seeds taken are of exceptionally high quality. Now this product can be bought in a specialized store or in large supermarkets.

Wheat grains for germination can also be purchased from farmers. It is important to find out from the seller the expiration date of the product, and whether it grew near roads or near industrial enterprises. Also, the grain should under no circumstances be pickled.

Sprouting wheat: method No. 1 (“Jaring”)

It is recommended to place 80 g of pre-prepared grain in a jar and fill it with water (1/3 of the volume). The liquid is taken at room temperature. This wheat is left overnight. In the morning, drain the liquid from the grain. The wheat itself needs to be thoroughly washed.

Wheat germination at home is further carried out as follows:

  • wet gauze is placed at the bottom of the jar;
  • swollen overnight, wet seeds are poured onto it in a thin layer (no more than 2 cm);
  • the wheat is covered with a layer of wet gauze on top;
  • every 6 hours it is recommended to open the grain and ventilate it for a quarter of an hour;
  • after airing, you need to rinse the seeds with cold boiled water;
  • then put the wheat back on the bottom of the container.

Experts advise carrying out the above procedure until the first sprouts appear in the wheat grains. It is important to carefully ensure that the seeds do not dry out and are constantly moist.

After about two days, the first sprouts of white grain up to 2 mm long appear. The wheat itself will then become very soft. Next, it is recommended to rinse the sprouted grains quite well (at least three times) to eliminate the specific odor.

Sprouting wheat: method No. 2

This method involves performing the following actions with grain:

  • It is recommended to thoroughly rinse 80 g of wheat with lukewarm running water;
  • discard damaged and immature seeds immediately;
  • take a liter jar, put the wheat in it and fill it with water at room temperature, but be sure to boil it first, so that it completely covers the grains;
  • leave the above container overnight;
  • In the morning, cover the top of the jar with gauze;
  • drain the water and shake the grain well;
  • Place the jar at an angle of 45 degrees.

Experts note that the first sprouts of wheat appear as early as the next morning. Then the gauze needs to be removed from the jar, and the sprouted grains themselves should be washed several times with water.

Sprouting wheat for moonshine

To make excellent malt, it is important to properly soak and sprout the grain. This is done as follows:

  • wheat for germination - expert reviews insist on this - is washed well in water at a temperature of about 55 degrees Celsius several times;
  • then the grain is soaked in an enamel container (preferably wooden) and half filled with liquid;
  • water is changed every 8 hours;
  • floating debris and grains are removed immediately.

When the skin of the grain cracks, the husk is quite easily separated from the pulp, and the second phase of preparing wheat for moonshine begins: germination of malt. Experts advise spreading a layer of grain 3 cm thick on a baking sheet, covering it with damp gauze and leaving for 5 days. It is important to remember: every 6 hours the grains must be regularly ventilated and the fabric must be moistened.

Sprouting wheat for moonshine is carried out until the sprouts and roots reach the required length. This is 5-6 cm - the first, and 12 cm - the second. Such grains do not have a floury taste, have a pleasant cucumber smell, and crunch well when bitten.

It is known that the above process is not overly complicated, but still requires sufficient attention and the implementation of some recommendations. Sprouting wheat at home should be carried out taking into account the following important points:

  1. Aluminum cookware is absolutely not suitable for sprouting wheat. Porcelain or glass is used for this.
  2. Before soaking the grain, it is important to rinse thoroughly under running water.
  3. Protection against fungus and mold is provided by regular washing of wheat with boiled liquid at room temperature.

How to eat sprouted wheat correctly?

Sprouting wheat seeds is a great way to improve your overall health. But when using the above product for cooking, you should follow some rules:

  1. Wheat grains with sprouts up to 2 mm long are used for preparing dishes. They contain a very large amount of nutrients. Sprouts longer than 3 cm are already poisonous.
  2. The water that remains after the first washing of such grain cannot be used for food. The liquid from the second rinse can be added to various juices, as it is rich in nutrients.
  3. Sprouted wheat can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days.
  4. To extend the shelf life of dishes that contain the above product, sprinkle it with lemon juice.
  5. Sprouted grains do not need to be heated to boiling point, as they lose their properties.

Sprouting wheat for food is the key to good health, especially the digestive system and its organs, and their trouble-free functioning. Experts advise chewing the finished, already sprouted grain thoroughly and for a long time. During this process, the above product turns into a very valuable substance - “wheat milk”, which is very beneficial for the body of every person.

The transition to proper nutrition has been a trend in recent years.

Tired of illness and stress, humanity finally paid attention to its own health and began germinating wheat!

This is an ideal product for increasing energy, treating many diseases and preventing various diseases.

And it’s just a very tasty thing if you know how to germinate wheat at home correctly.

How to germinate wheat at home: selection of raw materials

Not all wheat can be made to germinate under atypical conditions. The ideal option is if you can specifically purchase raw materials with the appropriate labeling. Today, many companies that supply healthy food products to specialized retail outlets also package wheat grains for sale. However, it is not necessary to buy them. If you have the opportunity to purchase farm raw materials, you need to use it.

The main thing is to be sure that the wheat was not treated with any chemical nasty things and that you were not given food garbage. Unfortunately, it is simply impossible to determine the quality of grain by eye (especially for a city dweller who has never even seen “live” wheat). Therefore, you will have to pay attention at least to the appearance of the raw materials.

What you should be wary of:

Grains of different sizes;

Many small, undeveloped grains;

The grains are broken, mechanically damaged;

The raw material looks strange: the grains are wrinkled, cracked, and covered with mold.

All this indicates poor quality of raw materials. You cannot buy such wheat. Healthy, healthy, high-quality grains - uniform in size, large, dry, pleasant yellow in color. They have convex sides, on which neither dry plaque nor mold is visible.

It is not a fact that such grains will germinate. Wheat may look beautiful and healthy, but instead of sprouting, it will begin to mold when it swells. This means that the grains are overdried and should not be eaten under any circumstances.

Please note that different varieties of wheat may behave differently during germination. Some will swell and germinate faster, others will take longer. More or less water, lower or higher temperature may be needed. All these are variants of the norm. However, when it comes to sprouting wheat at home, the general rule for safe use is this: it is better to under-expose the grains in water than to over-expose them.

How to germinate wheat at home: necessary utensils

To sprout wheat at home, you will need a small set of utensils, which can probably be found in any kitchen;


Container for germination: glass jar, plastic container or wide deep dish.

You will also need gauze and clean water, which must be changed at least twice. Gauze is necessary so that the grains do not dry out and remain moisturized throughout the germination cycle. If it is possible to wash the grain regularly, then there is no need to cover it with gauze.

You will have to stop using metal utensils: the grain oxidizes in it, and the quality of the product is lost. If you are planning to get serious about healthy eating, the ideal option is a regular, fairly voluminous plastic food container with an air hole in the lid. It is easy to wash, cannot be broken if handled carelessly, and the grains in such a container will be warm and cozy.

How to germinate wheat at home: soaking rules

The basic rule for soaking grain is: do not flood it with water, but provide a constant moist environment. The ambient temperature should not be too high, optimally - twenty degrees.

Germination of grains usually takes 1-1.5 days. During this time, they must be washed every eight hours.

How to germinate wheat at home:

Fill the grains with water and rinse, removing debris and floating grains that are unsuitable for germination;

Place in a sieve and rinse again;

Throw clean raw materials into a container for germination in a thin layer;

Fill with drinking or purified water, put in a quiet, dark place and leave to swell;

After eight hours, place in a sieve and rinse again;

Place in a bowl, cover with a lid and a hole or gauze folded in four to five layers. The gauze should be damp (wet it, squeeze it lightly). Please note: there should be no water in the container;

Leave for germination for another eight hours, but so that direct rays of the sun do not fall on the wheat.

After 18-20 hours, the first white sprouts will appear. Grains that are not covered with gauze will be covered with mucus, which must be washed off by placing the wheat in a sieve. The grain should be kept moist until germination is complete.

When washing sprouted raw materials, pay attention to the fresh, aromatic smell that should come from the sprouts. They should be eaten when the size of the sprouts reaches two to three millimeters, and the initial volume of raw materials doubles.

How to germinate wheat at home: beginner mistakes

If you are just starting to master the technology of germinating wheat at home, there may be errors and inaccuracies. Germination may fail in the following cases:

The grains are filled with too much water. Germination requires a moist environment, and not a lake of water, in which the wheat will simply burst from swelling and not germinate. Therefore, all excess moisture after washing should be drained;

The grain dried up, barely having time to hatch. The problem is the opposite: a humid environment was not created. At first, it is convenient to use a gauze “coat”: soak it with enough water and check for dryness every few hours. If the gauze layer begins to dry out, add water to it;

The wheat is laid out too thickly, causing the lower grains to suffocate and overheat;

The wheat has stood still and outgrown. It cannot be eaten.

It is very important to wash the raw materials on time. “Bathe” the grains needed at least twice during the germination period. To guarantee germinating wheat at home, it is very convenient to use the following cycle:

1. morning – soaking;

2. evening – rinsing;

3. morning – washing;

4. day – eating.

Good, healthy wheat sprouts all the grains at once in about a day. As soon as the sprouts have reached the desired size, the product should be consumed immediately. If the grains have darkened and the white sprouts have become longer than three millimeters, you should stop eating wheat: it has become too old.

What to do if sprouts do not appear within two days? Alas, such raw materials should be thrown away: the quality of the grain is unusable. This is why it is very important to find a good supplier so as not to waste money on a bad product.

It is important not only to know how to germinate wheat at home, but also how to properly store the finished product. The sprouts should be washed with cold running or drinking water, placed in a food container, tightly closed with a lid and placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Ready-made sprouts cannot be stored for longer than two days. When taking out a portion, do not forget to rinse it with clean drinking water.

Cereals are the basis of human nutrition. Each grain contains everything necessary for the development of the plant. That is, it is protein and vitamins, microelements and amino acids. And, of course, cereal seeds - our usual cereals - generously share their beneficial substances with humans. But in order for the body to fully receive all this, you need to be able to prepare them correctly. Let's talk about how to germinate wheat.

"Live products"

Today flour is produced from wheat. Unfortunately, products made from it do not provide anything to your body. This is energy only for a few hours, after which carbohydrates are deposited on the sides. The reason for its uselessness is that the nutritional value and vitamins are lost during industrial processing.

That is why we started talking about how to germinate wheat. This is a sure way to unlock the full potential of grains and provide the body with a huge amount of nutrients. In fact, it is a replacement for vitamin complexes.

What are the benefits of sprouts

But before we talk about how to germinate wheat, we will find out in detail what the benefits of this type of food are. The fact is that the less you process grains, the more benefits they will give to your body. Therefore, refined white flour is a nutritious, but almost useless product. But unprocessed grains are a source of vitamins and fiber.

Since it is very easy to sprout wheat, you can easily diversify your diet. Seeds with sprouts are a natural storehouse of useful substances:

  • Eating them regularly improves intestinal motility and removes toxins.
  • You can normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The vitamins contained in grains can improve the condition of the skin and internal organs.
  • The high biotin content allows you to maintain normal weight, and a large amount of folic acid normalizes metabolism.

This is just a small part of the benefits that living grains bring, and a direct incentive to learn how to germinate wheat. Now we move directly to this.

Where to buy grains for germination

Since it is possible to germinate wheat at home only if you have high-quality material, you need to look for a trusted supplier in advance. Don't buy grains from grocery stores. There are pharmacies and specialized departments for this. Since it is very easy to germinate wheat for food (you just need to increase the humidity), cereals are specially processed so that they lose germination. This means that they will become moldy, but will not produce sprouts.

The correct grains for sprouting can be purchased on the market. Today they have begun to appear in supermarkets. Be sure to pay attention to the release date. If the deadline has passed, then you should not buy them; germination will most likely be low.

Criterias of choice

Speaking about how to germinate wheat at home, I would like to once again emphasize the importance of buying high-quality seeds. When making your choice and preparing your grains, follow these rules:

  • Carefully inspect the grains. There should be no damaged or moldy ones among them.
  • The first step is to soak the grains. Don't forget to rinse them first to get rid of dust.
  • It is best to choose containers made of clay, porcelain or glass for this.
  • You need to germinate no more than 80 g at a time.
  • Any seeds that float to the surface should be discarded. You can only eat those that settle to the bottom.

Conditions for germination

In order to get high-quality sprouts that will be truly beneficial for your body, one more set of conditions must be observed. It is not difficult to germinate wheat at home for food, following these rules:

  • It is very important to maintain an optimal temperature of 24 °C.
  • The container with seeds should be placed in a warm place. It is imperative to maintain optimal humidity and sufficient lighting, but direct sunlight is unacceptable.
  • Seeds need to be washed in the morning, afternoon and evening. The water should be cold or slightly warm.
  • Wheat should be soaked for 2 days to obtain sprouts. And if you want green Sprouts, you will need to wait 8 days.
  • The length of the sprouts should not exceed 3 mm. Otherwise, they become poisonous and unsuitable for food.

Simple instructions

Let's now talk in more detail about how to properly germinate wheat. It's not that difficult, but it requires certain knowledge and skills. The most important thing is to act strictly in accordance with the given algorithm.

  1. Rinse a glass of grains with water and pour into a small saucepan.
  2. They need to be mixed thoroughly and left for a few minutes. Once most of the seeds have settled, remove any that remain floating.
  3. Leave the cup overnight.
  4. In the morning, rinse the seeds with cold water and place on a plate.

Now you can proceed directly to germination:

  1. To do this, the grains need to be covered with clean, damp gauze, which is first folded three times.
  2. Remember to rinse the grains every 6 hours.
  3. Literally in 15 hours the first shoots should appear.

For the whole family

Now you know how to sprout wheat for food at home. But you still need to learn how to eat them with maximum health benefits.

It is not enough to eat a large cup of sprouted seeds once, this way you can only cause significant harm to digestion. It is enough to eat only 3 tablespoons per day.

Before eating, the seeds must be washed with water. They taste quite neutral, but some might describe them as unpleasant. The most important thing is to chew them thoroughly.

Combining sprouts

Wheat is not the only grain that can be sprouted. Almost any seeds with white sprouts released are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. The grain awakens, and all reserves are activated, and therefore they can be available to our body.

You can mix wheat sprouts with chickpea, lentil or mung bean sprouts. Together they are best absorbed by the digestive system. True, sprouted seeds may seem like a completely tasteless dish, but you don’t have to eat them on their own. Add a spoonful of sprouted seeds to porridge, soup or baked goods. They can be twisted with honey, nuts and dried fruits. It will turn out not only healthy, but also very tasty.

Nutritional shakes

There is a very simple option for using sprouts. If you are limited in time, then this will be a real salvation for you. Grind the sprouted wheat using a blender along with vegetables or fruits, or prepare wheat cakes based on them, which you use for a snack.

Ground sprouts can also be added to fresh juice, which is prepared in a juicer. Add a banana to it and get an excellent snack. But it is better not to mix dairy products with cereals, as this leads to increased gas formation.

Stock for several days

It's always tempting to soak a large batch of grains at once and then eat them throughout the week. This is a good time saver. But you shouldn’t save much on your health. It is best to germinate little by little so that it lasts for 1-2 days. And if you still exceed the required volume, you can store the wheat in the refrigerator. There the growth process slows down. If you wash the sprouts regularly, you can save them for 3-4 days. Although experts strongly recommend sprouting a small portion every day.

Instead of a conclusion

Sprouted wheat is a natural source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Moreover, these raw materials are very accessible and cheap. Anyone can buy grains for sprouting. The main thing is not to be lazy and put a small portion of grains into a cup for germination every day. The benefits for the body are enormous. And if you develop the habit of performing a simple procedure every day, then you will be free from the risk of vitamin deficiency. Make cocktails, add sprouts to porridges and soups. It's inexpensive and delicious.



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