Polyploid fibroblast cells. Method for increasing the proliferative properties of diploid human fibroblast cells

A polyploid is an organism derived from one or two parental forms by doubling the number of chromosomes. The phenomenon of increasing the number of chromosomes called. polyploidy. This doubling may be spontaneous or artificially induced. For the first time, the phenomenon of polyploidy was discovered by I.I. Gerasimov in 1890.

POLYPLOIDY is an increase in the number of sets of chromosomes in the cells of the body, a multiple of the haploid (single) number of chromosomes; type of genomic mutations. Sex cells of most organisms are haploid (contain one set of chromosomes - n), somatic - diploid (2n).

Organisms whose cells contain more than two sets of chromosomes are called polyploids: three sets are triploid (3n), four are tetraploid (4n), etc. The most common organisms with a multiple of two chromosome sets are tetraploids, hexaploids (6 n), etc. Polyploids with an odd number of sets of chromosomes (triploids, pentaploids, etc.) usually do not give offspring (sterile), because the germ cells they form contain an incomplete set of chromosomes - not a multiple of the haploid one.

Polyploidy occurs when chromosomes do not separate meiosis. In this case, the germ cell receives a complete (non-reduced) set of somatic cell chromosomes (2n). When such a gamete fuses with a normal one (n), a triploid zygote (3n) is formed, from which a triploid develops. If both gametes carry a diploid set, a tetraploid is produced.

Polyploid cells can arise in the body with incomplete mitosis: after chromosome doubling, cell division may not occur, and two sets of chromosomes appear in it. In plants, tetraploid cells can give rise to tetraploid shoots whose flowers produce diploid gametes instead of haploid ones. Self-pollination may result in a tetraploid, while pollination with a normal gamete may result in a triploid. During vegetative propagation of plants, the ploidy of the original organ or tissue is preserved.

Polyploidy is widespread in nature, but among different groups of organisms it is represented unevenly. This type of mutation was of great importance in the evolution of wild and cultivated flowering plants, among which approx. 47% of the species are polyploids. A high degree of ploidy is inherent the simplest- the number of sets of chromosomes in them can increase hundreds of times. Among multicellular animals, polyploidy is rare and is more characteristic of species that have lost the normal sexual process - hermaphrodites (see. Hermaphroditism), e.g. earthworms, and species in which eggs develop without fertilization (see. Parthenogenesis), e.g. some insects, fish, salamanders. One of the reasons why polyploidy in animals is much less common than in plants is that plants can self-pollinate, and most animals reproduce by cross-fertilization, and, therefore, the resulting polyploid mutant needs a pair - the same mutant - polyploid of the opposite sex. The likelihood of such a meeting is extremely low. Quite often, animals have polyploid cells of individual tissues (for example, in mammals - liver cells).

Polyploid plants are often more viable and prolific than normal diploids. Their greater resistance to cold is evidenced by the increase in the number of polyploid species in high latitudes and high mountains.

Since polyploid forms often have valuable economic traits, artificial polyploidization is used in crop production to obtain initial breeding material. For this purpose, special mutagens(e.g., alkaloid colchicine), which violate the divergence of chromosomes in mitosis and meiosis. Productive polyploids of rye, buckwheat, sugar beet, and other cultivated plants have been obtained; sterile triploids of watermelon, grapes, banana are popular due to seedless fruits.

Application of remote hybridization in combination with artificial polyploidization allowed domestic scientists in the 1st half. 20th century for the first time to obtain fertile polyploid hybrids of plants (G.D. Karpechenko, hybrid tetraploid of radish and cabbage) and animals (B.L. Astaurov, hybrid tetraploid of silkworm).

(Polyploid series)


-autopolyploidy(a multiple increase in the number of sets of chromosomes of one species), characteristic, as a rule, for species with a vegetative method of reproduction (autopolyploids are sterile due to a violation of the conjugation of homologous chromosomes during meiosis),

-allopolyploidy summation in the body of the number of chromosomes from different species), when cutting, the number of chromosomes in an infertile diploid hybrid usually doubles, and as a result it becomes fertile.

- endopolyploedy - a simple increase in the number of chromosomes in one cell or in the cells of an entire tissue (tapetum).

As can be seen from the diagram, mitotic polyploidization occurs as a result of doubling the number of chromosomes in a somatic cell without the subsequent formation of a cell septa. With zygotic polyploidization, the formation of zygotes proceeds normally, but the first division according to the type of mitosis is not accompanied by its division into two cells. As a result, the cells of the resulting embryo will have a double set of chromosomes (4x). And finally, meiotic polyploidization takes place in the absence of a reduction in the number of chromosomes in generative cells (egg, sperm).

Spontaneous polyploidization- a very rare occurrence. In studies, heat shock and nitrous oxide were most often used to obtain polyploids. However, real progress in the study of polyploidy was made after the discovery by Blaxley et al. in 1937. colchocin alkaloid(C 22 H 26 O 6), obtained from colchicum. Since then, it has been successfully used to produce polyploids in hundreds of plant species. Colchicine acts on the spindle of division in the cell, preventing the divergence of chromosomes to the poles at the anaphase stage, thus contributing to the doubling of their number in the nucleus: see fig.

The apical meristems are exposed to colchicine, which makes it possible to obtain quite fertile forms of plants with a doubled number of chromosomes.

Polyploidy is important in the evolution of cultivated and wild plants (it is believed that about a third of all plant species arose due to P.), as well as certain groups of animals (predominantly parthenogenetic). Polyploids are often characterized by large size, high content of a number of substances, resistance to adverse external factors. environment, and other economically useful features. They represent an important source of variability and might. used as starting material for breeding (on the basis of P., high-yielding varieties of agricultural plants that are resistant to diseases have been created). In a broad sense, under the term "P." understand both multiple (euploidy) and non-multiple (aneuploidy) changes in the number of chromosomes in the cells of the body.

· Autopolyploidy- a hereditary change, a multiple increase in the number of sets of chromosomes in the cells of an organism of the same biological species. On the basis of artificial autopolyploidy, new forms and varieties of rye, buckwheat, sugar beet and other plants have been synthesized.

Autopolyploid An organism that has arisen by spontaneous or induced direct increase in the number of chromosomes by a factor of two. An increase in the number of chromium in the class of autopolyploids leads to an increase in the size of the nucleus and cells. generally. This entails an increase in the size of stomata, hairs, vessels, flowers, leaves, pollen grains, etc. The increase in the number of chromium is associated with the enlargement of the whole plant as a whole and its individual organs.

to the physiological characteristics autopolyploids include:

Deceleration of cell division

Growing period extension

Low osmotic pressure

Decreased resistance to abiotic environmental factors, etc.

As a rule, autopolyploids are characterized by reduced fecundity (this is due to the peculiarities of meiosis).

The inheritance of traits in autopolyploids and diploids is also different, since in the genome of the former, each gene is present in four doses. Therefore, for example, a heterozygous tetraploid AAaa with complete dominance forms the following gametes: 1AA + 4Aa + 1aa. The ratio (number) of gametes of a certain type depends on the probability of conjugation of chromium-m carrying genes A and a:

These five genotypes are named:

- quadriplex (AAAA)

- triplex (АААа)

- duplex (AAaa)

- simplex (ahhh)

- nullplex (aaaa)

According to the dose of dominant alleles. In general, the ratio will be 35:1, in contrast to the Mendelian splitting in monohybrid crosses in diploids, equal to 3:1.

In the wild, as well as in culture, autopolyploids are isolated from diploids by a barrier of inbreeding, usually determined by the absence of normal germination of pollen tubes on the stigma of pistils, and impaired development of the embryo and endosperm.

Increasing the size of plants, the size of flowers, seeds, etc. led to the use of autopolyploids in ornamental floriculture (varieties of chrysanthemums, asters, etc.) and the selection of field grain and fodder crops.

· Allopolyploidy- a multiple increase in the number of chromosomes in hybrid organisms. Occurs during interspecific and intergeneric hybridization.

Alloploid is an organism resulting from the combination of chromosome sets of different species.

One of the first such hybrids was obtained by G.D. Karpechenko when crossing radish with cabbage. Both species have a diploid number of chromium = 18 and belong to different genera. Usually the resulting plants are sterile, but in this case the gametes with unreduced chromium number spontaneously combined, resulting in a fertile plant with 2n=36 (18+18). It was called the rare-cabbage hybrid. With the discovery of colchicine, obtaining such hybrids does not present a problem.


Aneuploid is an organism with an increase or decrease, not a multiple of the haploid number of chromium. The most common types of aneuploids are:

Nullisomics 2n-2

Monosomy 2n-1

Trisomics 2n+1

Tetrasomics 2n+2

Monosomy, cat. One chromium is missing (2n-1), and nullisomics (2n-2) do not survive in most plants.

Nullisomics are obtained by self-pollination of monosomic. These plants lack both homologues of a particular chromosome.

Monosomics have reduced fertility. This is explained by the fact that male gametes (n-1) practically do not survive, and less than half of the eggs survive.

Trisomics (2n+1) are obtained by crossing triploids with diploids. At the same time, trisomics also survive in plants with a small amount of chromium, while monosomics in these plants are not completely viable.


Haploid - an organism containing in somatic cells a complete set of non-homologous chromium-m (n) for a given species. In appearance, haploids correspond to diploid plants, but are much smaller, because. have small cells with small nuclei.


fibroblasts(fibroblastocytes) (from lat. fibra - fiber, Greek blastos - sprout, germ) - cells that synthesize components of the intercellular substance: proteins (for example, collagen, elastin), proteoglycans, glycoproteins.

In the embryonic period, a number of mesenchymal cells of the embryo give rise differon fibroblasts, which includes:

stem cells,

semi-stem progenitor cells

unspecialized fibroblasts,

differentiated fibroblasts (mature, actively functioning),

fibrocytes (definitive forms of cells),

myofibroblasts and fibroclasts.

The formation of the ground substance and fibers is associated with the main function of fibroblasts (which is clearly manifested, for example, in the healing of wounds, the development of scar tissue, the formation of a connective tissue capsule around a foreign body).

Semi-specialized fibroblasts are low-growth cells with a round or oval nucleus and a small nucleolus, RNA-rich basophilic cytoplasm. The cell size does not exceed 20-25 microns. In the cytoplasm of these cells, a large number of free ribosomes are found. The endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria are poorly developed. The Golgi apparatus is represented by clusters of short tubules and vesicles.
At this stage of cytogenesis, fibroblasts have a very low level of protein synthesis and secretion. These fibroblasts are capable of mitotic reproduction.

Differentiated mature fibroblasts are larger in size. These are active cells.

In mature fibroblasts, intensive biosynthesis of collagen, elastin proteins, proteoglycans, which are necessary for the formation of the ground substance and fibers, is carried out. These processes are enhanced under conditions of reduced oxygen concentration. Stimulating factors of collagen biosynthesis are also iron, copper, chromium ions, ascorbic acid. One of the hydrolytic enzymes collagenase- splits immature collagen inside the cells, which regulates the intensity of collagen secretion at the cellular level.

Fibroblasts are mobile cells. In their cytoplasm, especially in the peripheral layer, microfilaments containing proteins such as actin and myosin are located. The movement of fibroblasts becomes possible only after their binding to the supporting fibrillar structures with the help of fibronectin- glycoprotein synthesized by fibroblasts and other cells, providing adhesion of cells and non-cellular structures. During movement, the fibroblast flattens, and its surface can increase 10 times.

The fibroblast plasmalemma is an important receptor zone that mediates the effects of various regulatory factors. The activation of fibroblasts is usually accompanied by the accumulation of glycogen and increased activity of hydrolytic enzymes. The energy generated during glycogen metabolism is used to synthesize polypeptides and other components secreted by the cell.

According to the ability to synthesize fibrillar proteins, reticular cells of the reticular connective tissue of hematopoietic organs, as well as chondroblasts and osteoblasts of the skeletal variety of connective tissue, can be attributed to the fibroblast family.

Fibrocytes- definitive (final) forms of fibroblast development. These cells are spindle-shaped with pterygoid processes. [They contain a small number of organelles, vacuoles, lipids and glycogen.] The synthesis of collagen and other substances in fibrocytes is sharply reduced.

Myofibroblasts- cells similar to fibroblasts, combining the ability to synthesize not only collagen, but also contractile proteins in a significant amount. Fibroblasts can turn into myofibroblasts, functionally similar to smooth muscle cells, but unlike the latter, they have a well-developed endoplasmic reticulum. Such cells are observed in the granulation tissue of healing wounds and in the uterus during pregnancy.

fibroclasts- cells with high phagocytic and hydrolytic activity, take part in the "resorption" of the intercellular substance during the period of organ involution (for example, in the uterus after the end of pregnancy). They combine the structural features of fibril-forming cells (developed granular endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, relatively large but few mitochondria), as well as lysosomes with their characteristic hydrolytic enzymes. The complex of enzymes secreted by them outside the cell breaks down the cementing substance of collagen fibers, after which phagocytosis and intracellular digestion of collagen occur.

The following cells of fibrous connective tissue no longer belong to the differon of fibroblasts.

Perhaps, of all the cellular rejuvenation technologies available in Russia today, fibroblasts are the most logical, healthy and reliable. Thanks to a fundamentally new method of rejuvenation - cell therapy - today it is already possible to fulfill the wildest dreams and look great at any age.

Therapy fibroblasts legally and quite successfully used in many countries. Since 1999, the technique of treatment and rejuvenation with own fibroblasts has been used in the USA, England and Switzerland. This procedure costs 5-7 thousand dollars. Among the lucky ones who have used this method of rejuvenation, there are our compatriots. In Russia, even a new type of tourism has arisen - to travel abroad to rejuvenate with fibroblasts.

A quite logical question arises, why so much attention to fibroblasts? What are these cells? How do they "work"? What is so unique about them and, most importantly, useful for us?

Let's start to figure it out....


Fibroblast (from "fibra" - "fiber", "blastos" - "sprout") is the most common and valuable cell of loose connective tissue. They have a round or elongated, fusiform flat shape with many processes and a flat oval core. Fibroblast precursors are fibroblast-like or mesenchymal stem cells. Fibroblasts are the main cells of the middle layer of the skin, called the dermis, form its framework and are "factories" for the production of biologically active substances. Their main role (function) is the metabolism of the intercellular substance.


1. Fibroblasts "produce" and secrete into the intercellular space substances that provide turgor, elasticity and firmness of the skin. These include collagen (responsible for the strength of the skin) and elastin fibers (provide elasticity, extensibility and contractility of the skin), as well as a jelly-like gel that fills the space between cells, which is called the intercellular substance. The components of the intercellular substance are: well-known hyaluronic acid (retains water in the skin, thereby maintaining turgor, elasticity and fullness) and less "famous", but important glycosaminoglycans, chondroitin sulfate, nidogen, laminin, tinascin, proteoglycan, etc.

2. Fibroblasts also secrete enzymes, with the help of which they destroy collagen and hyaluronic acid, and then synthesize these molecules again. In other words, they are also the "orderlies" of the dermis, continuously destroying old, obsolete fibers (collagen, elastin) and creating new ones, as a result of which the intercellular substance is constantly updated. The metabolism of hyaluronic acid is especially intensive.

3. Fibroblasts produce a large number of regulatory proteins, the so-called growth factors, which in turn accelerate the division and growth of all types of skin cells, promote the formation of new blood vessels, thereby activating regeneration processes. Here are some of them:

4. Among other things, fibroblasts are the main cells that provide wound healing and tissue repair after any other damage. At the moment of injury, they begin to rapidly divide and secrete growth factors that attract young epidermal cells (keratinocytes), fibroblasts, fibroblast-like cells (mesenchymal stem cells) and other cells to the site of injury, and also accelerate their division, growth, maturation and synthetic activity. and the formation of new blood vessels.



Statistics from American researchers claim that the age at which a person can remain absolutely healthy is 44 years for women (with an average life expectancy of 78.8 years) and 40 years for men (with an average life expectancy of 72.6 years). That is, for the last 32-35 years, every average person has been suffering from the physical weakness of a fading life. As scientific studies show, the aging process begins at the age of 30. The intense rhythm of modern life, as well as stress, take a lot of energy and thus exacerbate the aging process. Several conclusions can be drawn from the results of this study:

1. In our body, 2 processes of renewal of cells and intercellular substance, as well as the destruction of old, already outdated cells and components of the intercellular substance, go hand in hand at the same time. The state of health - disease, youth - old age depend on the balance of these processes.

2. After 30 years, the intensity of the general metabolism in the human body falls, cell renewal is slower, and then fades away completely. For some time, the destruction process still persists, as a result of which the volumes of tissues (muscle, fat, bone, dermis, etc.) gradually decrease. The result of this destructive mechanism is not noticeable for a long time - there is a natural reserve of cells. Pay attention to the people around you - for a long time up to 40 - 45 years, a youthful appearance is preserved, and then age-related changes begin to appear and progress very quickly. Not without reason, there is a saying: “Until the age of 30, you drink all night, walk around - and in the morning you can’t see anything like a cucumber. From 30 to 40 years old you drink all night, walk around - and in the morning you can see everything on your face, and after 40 years you sleep all night, don’t walk - and in the morning on your face, as if drinking all night, walking. A good figurative example is the elderly - they "shrink" and "shrink". After some time, the destruction process stops. Again, a balance is established between the processes of creation - destruction.


Numerous scientific studies have shown that the use of own (autologous) fibroblasts skin helps to restore the physiological balance of the skin and stimulates the natural processes of its renewal. To reverse the aging process, it is enough to introduce a few cultured, young fibroblasts into the body in the form of special cocktails. The cells contained in them not only rejuvenate the skin on their own, but also encourage the residual fibroblasts of the patient located in the dermis to do so. Those begin to actively share, which leads to a more intensive renewal of the epidermis. Remember: it is fibroblasts that are responsible for the production, organization and renewal of the intercellular matrix of the dermis: collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid and other components responsible for the density, hydration and elasticity of the skin.

As a result, the appearance improves, firmness and elasticity increase, wrinkles are reduced and the aging process of the skin slows down for a long time. Thus, when the population of functionally active fibroblasts is replenished in the tissues, subsequent cosmetic procedures and plastic surgeries will be much more effective. transplantation of cultured autologous fibroblasts is a great help for plastic surgery in the fight for youth and longevity.

The effect is really fantastic! Small wrinkles disappear, and large ones are smoothed out, the skin becomes elastic, elastic and moisturized. The color and oval of the face changes, the neck is perfectly tightened and the hands become younger, which, as you know, always give out age. After the course, the quality of the skin improves noticeably and for a long time: it ceases to be dry, gets rid of age spots, restores a healthy color, tightens and changes its relief by smoothing fine and medium wrinkles. And, of course, local immunity is strengthened and the protective barrier functions of the skin are restored, antioxidant protection of skin cells is provided, and the production of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid is stimulated.

In other words, time turns back and 2-3 months after the start of the procedures, you flourish, striking and amazing everyone around you with your youth, beauty and freshness. And I want to finish with the words of the well-known advertising: You deserve it!

fibroblasts- leading cells of loose connective tissue, producing components of the intercellular substance. These are process, fusiform or spread cells about 20 microns in size. They have well developed organelles of the internal metabolic environment. The fibroblast nucleus is oval in shape, contains evenly scattered chromatin and 2-3 nucleoli. The cytoplasm is distinctly subdivided into intensely stained endoplasm and weakly stained ectoplasm. The cytoplasm of fibroblasts (especially young ones) is basophilic. It reveals a well-developed endoplasmic reticulum with a large number of ribosomes attached to the membranes in the form of chains of 10-30 granules. Such an ultrastructure of the granular endoplasmic reticulum is characteristic of cells actively synthesizing protein "for export". There are also numerous free ribosomes, a well-developed Golgi complex. Mitochondria are large, their number is small. Cytochemical methods have shown the presence in the cytoplasm of fibroblasts of glycolysis enzymes and hydrolytic enzymes of lysosomes (especially collagenase). Mitochondria oxidative enzymes are less active.

Musculoskeletal system of the cell ensures their mobility, shape change, attachment to the substrate, mechanical tension of the film to which the cell is attached in culture. There are many microvilli and vesicular outgrowths on the cell surface. Fibroblasts in suspension in a liquid medium have a spherical shape. A fibroblast becomes flattened after sticking to a hard surface, along which it moves due to pseudopodia.

The main function of fibroblasts- synthesis and secretion of proteins and glycosaminoglycans, which are used for the formation of components of the intercellular substance of the connective tissue, as well as the production and secretion of colony-stimulating factors (granulocytes, macrophages). Fibroblasts retain the ability to proliferate for a long time. Fibroblasts that have completed the development cycle are called fibrocytes. These are long-lived cells. The cytoplasm of cells is depleted of organelles, the cell flattens, and the proliferative potential decreases. However, the cell does not lose the ability to participate in the regulation of metabolic processes in the tissue.

intercellular substance. Consists of fibrillar and basic (amorphous) components. Using the methods of histoautoradiography with the introduction of labeled amino acids (3H-proline, 3H-glycine, etc.), it was found that protein molecules are synthesized in fibroblast polysomes. Fibroblasts can simultaneously synthesize several types of specific proteins and glycosaminoglycans. For the synthesis of collagen protein, the presence of vitamin C is essential, with a lack of which collagenogenesis is sharply inhibited. The synthesis of intercellular substance is more intensive under conditions of reduced oxygen concentration. Simultaneously with the synthesis of collagen, the fibroblast destroys approximately 2/3 of this protein with the help of the collagenase enzyme, which prevents premature tissue sclerosis.

Synthesized molecules of procollagen brought to the surface of fibroblasts by exocytosis. In this case, the transition of the protein from a soluble form to an insoluble one is carried out - tropocollagen. The combination of tropocollagen molecules into supramolecular structures - collagen fibrils - occurs in the immediate vicinity of the cell surface due to the action of special substances secreted by the cell. In particular, a protein, fibronectin, was found on the surface of fibroblasts, which performs adhesive and other functions. The subsequent steps of fibrillogenesis occur by polymerization and aggregation of tropocollagen on previously formed fibrils. At the same time, the maturation of collagen fibers can proceed without a direct connection with fibroblasts.
Glycosaminoglycans are regulators of collagen formation and are part of the main (amorphous) component of the intercellular substance.

fibrillar component intercellular substance of loose connective tissue includes three types of fibers - collagen, elastic and reticular. They have a similar formation mechanism, but differ from each other in chemical composition, ultrastructure, and physical properties. The collagen protein is identified by the amino acid composition and the sequence of amino acids in the collagen molecule. Depending on the variation of amino acids in the polypeptide chain, immune properties, molecular weight, etc., 14 or more types of collagen proteins are distinguished, which are part of the connective tissue of organs. They all make up the 4 main types, or classes, of collagen.

Type 1 collagen found in connective and bone tissues, as well as in the sclera and cornea of ​​the eye; type II - in cartilaginous tissues; type III - in the wall of blood vessels, in the connective tissue of the skin of the fetus; IV-ro type - in basement membranes.

In recent decades, in the field of professional cosmetology, the method of correcting the skin by means of restorative biological technologies has become increasingly popular. These include, in particular, rejuvenation by injection of autologous fibroblasts.

Scientific Validity

This technique has a serious biological basis and is based on the body's natural ability to regenerate. Fibroblasts are fibrous cells found in every human body. Their goal is the constant production of the most valuable substances on which the healthy state of the human body directly depends.

First of all, these cells synthesize the structural components of proteins, as well as connective fibers and hyaluronic acid. The presence in the tissues of these elements in the required quantity and in the correct proportions ensures the stability of the hydrostatic pressure in the cells and gives them elasticity. During life, as a person approaches adulthood, the percentage of fibroblasts in the skin decreases. They lose their elasticity and under the influence of gravity become flabby and saggy.

At the end of the 20th century, cellular rejuvenation by fibroblasts was included in the number of classical surgical techniques. Feedback from the first patients to whom this technique was applied showed that in 100% of cases the use of injections passed without any negative consequences.


Tissue collection for solution preparation is performed under local anesthesia. Samples are sent to the laboratory, from where, within a few weeks, ready-made materials are delivered to the clinic, which are necessary in order to carry out rejuvenation with fibroblasts. How the procedure takes place can be seen in the photo below.

The skin of the face, as well as the neck, décolleté and hands are subjected to extensive injection. Shortly before the start of therapy, the areas indicated by the doctor are carefully treated with an anesthetic cream. The drug is injected using special thin needles. Once in the layers of the dermis, active cells begin to produce the most important proteins for the body (collagen and elastin), as well as hyaluronic acid and other elements that are an integral part of the matrix.

The rest of the fibroblasts not used for injection, at the request of the patient, remain in the cryobank, where they are stored indefinitely at a low temperature in liquid nitrogen. They can be obtained at any time for repeated procedures.

Cellular rejuvenation with fibroblasts: the essence of the procedure

Renewal of connective regenerating cells not only accelerates the recovery processes in the structure of the skin, but also allows for their correction. Along with the folds, shallow scars and other aesthetic defects disappear.

Fibroblast rejuvenation is a complex of medical procedures tailored to the individual characteristics of the patient and is called SPRS therapy. It is carried out strictly in clinical conditions.

For injection, the surgeon takes samples of the patient's skin and makes many copies of its structural elements in the laboratory. Since fibroblasts are human's own, and not foreign, cells, the procedure for their implantation occurs absolutely naturally. Natural recovery processes are launched in the body, which after a while becomes noticeable visually.

The injection procedure is no more painful than any of the so-called "beauty injections" and does not leave behind any visible traces other than positive ones.

Rejuvenation course

Most often, the introduction of the required amount of fibroblasts is carried out in two short procedures. They are held for 12 weeks at regular intervals. However, this schedule may vary, since SPRS therapy involves an individual approach, depending on the particular characteristics of the patient's skin.

The result of the procedure is often obvious after the very first session, which indicates the amazing speed with which fibroblast rejuvenation occurs. The photo below clearly demonstrates the effect of ongoing recovery processes.

SPRS therapy does not give side effects in the form of allergic reactions. Since fibroblasts are the main element of mesenchymal stem cells, the probability of their rejection by the body is excluded. Courses of therapy are perfectly combined with almost all other methods that currently exist in cosmetology.

Indications for the procedure

The introduction of cloned regenerating cells is indicated for people aged 40 years. However, this technique can be applied at earlier stages. In addition, it is worth remembering that the saturation of the skin with fibroblasts is also carried out in order to correct minor scars or defects.

The technology of introducing repair cells is recommended for people:

  • with pronounced signs of aging;
  • middle-aged (for the prevention of withering of the skin);
  • with various kinds of defecation (scars, pockmarks, burns, etc.);
  • wishing to start the formation of fibroblasts in order to improve and maintain tone.

For patients who have indications for rehabilitation measures after cosmetic procedures (peeling, polishing, plastic surgery), rejuvenation with fibroblasts can also be indicated. Feedback on this procedure suggests that collection of samples for cell propagation is best done at a younger age, when their ability to regenerate is highest.

The principle of operation of the introduced cells

Morphological studies of the dermis artificially saturated with fibroblasts testify to the extraordinary productivity of such technologies. Soon after the injection, the newly acquired cells are fixed in small groups. This is due to the dosed introduction of biological material, which is characterized by weak diffuse properties.

Synthesized substances begin to be observed inside the intercellular fine-grained substance, which is a direct consequence of active restoration work. Characteristic features persist for up to 18 months, after which the fibroblasts are fully integrated into the structure of the skin and become no more active than all its components.

After these processes, active cells can be introduced again according to an individually selected scheme. As a rule, the effect of the repeated procedure differs in a brighter result, since the regenerative processes in the skin are already running.

Benefits of restorative biotechnologies

Fibroblasts embedded in the skin retain their activity for at least one and a half years. The necessary proteins are produced in the dermis, resulting in natural cell renewal. The intensity of the rejuvenating effect during the entire period of action is parabolic, increasing and then gradually fading away. By the end of the period, the activity of the implanted cells begins to correspond as much as possible to the real age of the patient.

Signs of correction of age-related and other changes make up the following list:

  • the number of folds and the depth of old scars are significantly reduced;
  • skin tone is evened out, its elasticity returns;
  • the regenerative abilities of cells are obviously enhanced;
  • there is a pronounced rejuvenation.

Fibroblasts are cells responsible for the freshness of the skin and, ultimately, for the beauty of a person. Constituting the framework of the dermis among other elements, they produce and organize various components, maintaining its necessary physiological state.

  • active stage of an infectious disease;
  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • dysfunction of the immune system;
  • rashes and other defects not associated with the action of infection.

In addition, this therapy is contraindicated in pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Fibroblast injections are quite a productive base for other procedures, the purpose of which is to restore the microstructure of the skin and correct its defects. The extensive practice of applying biological rejuvenation technologies shows that the effect of each cosmetic product applied to the SPRS therapy procedure is significantly enhanced.



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