Useful and correct carbohydrates. Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are an integral part of a complete human diet. Food rich in them not only provides the body with energy, but also plays a significant role in many vital internal processes. Often, people seeking to lose weight make the wrong decision to exclude carbohydrate foods from their diet. They are unaware of the harm they cause by such actions to the body.

Passion for such diets has become the cause of diseases of the liver and pancreas in many people. In addition, by completely removing carbohydrate foods from the menu, you can disrupt the metabolism in the body so much that you will have to restore the lost balance under the supervision of a doctor for a long time.

What about the conventional wisdom that carbohydrates in food is a direct path to weight gain? In fact, everything is not so difficult! Any competent nutritionist will tell you that it is necessary to distinguish between carbohydrates that are useful and necessary for health and harmful, which are empty calories and do not carry anything positive for the body.

  • Simple carbohydrates (monosaccharides) are just the latter.
  • Medium complex carbohydrates (disaccharides) and complex carbohydrates (polysaccharides) are found in healthy foods.

"Fast" and "slow" carbohydrates

For convenience, it is customary to determine the degree of "usefulness" of a carbohydrate-containing product by the level of the glycemic index. The lower its indicator, the more preferable this food is for those people who care about their health and look after their appearance. The higher the glycemic index, the more simple carbohydrates the food contains. Therefore, it is better to eat such food as little as possible or to refuse it altogether.

Foods that contain complex carbohydrates are slowly broken down during digestion, maintaining a stable blood sugar level, preventing sudden changes in it. They provide the body with the necessary amount of energy for a sufficiently long time.

Simple carbohydrates are digested almost instantly, and blood sugar levels rise just as quickly. Not being able to quickly spend a huge amount of energy, the body converts glucose into fat, and the accumulation of excess weight begins to rapidly gain momentum.

Food rich in carbohydrates

What foods are carbohydrates? If you start listing them all, then this list will be very long. Summarizing it, you can easily remember that carbohydrates are present in large quantities in sweets, in flour baked goods, in cereals and potatoes, in berries and fruits. They are found in dairy products in the form of lactose (milk sugar). But it should be remembered that variants of animal origin also contain cholesterol, and their quality is questionable. For this reason, adherents of a healthy lifestyle and nutrition prefer to make their menu from plant foods.

It should be noted that almost all food contains carbohydrates. Products differ only in the amount of these substances and other components in their composition, as well as in the glycemic index. Even lettuce contains carbohydrates!

In order to always have a clear idea of ​​​​what exactly is on the plate, many make a table of those products that they are used to eating. At the same time, the amount of carbohydrates per 100 g is noted, for example, your favorite grain bread or healthy buckwheat porridge, natural honey or fresh berries. Using this table, you can easily control the amount of substances entering the body, given the following:

  • to lose weight, you will have to limit yourself to 60 g of carbohydrate food per day;
  • when the weight is normal, then 200 g of foods containing carbohydrates will allow you to stay in perfect shape, if you do not abuse fatty foods;
  • eating foods with carbohydrates in excess of 300 g per day, you can observe a gradual weight gain.

Important: a plate of oatmeal rich in complex carbohydrates can give a feeling of fullness for several hours in advance, supplying the body with energy.

At the same time, a rich sugar bun made from white flour will dull hunger for a maximum of half an hour, but due to the high glycemic index (simple carbohydrates) it will very quickly and comfortably settle down on the waist or hips in the form of body fat.

Grocery list

The minimum amount of carbohydrates (from 2 to 10 g per 100 g) is found in foods such as:

  • onion, green onion, leek, red lettuce;
  • carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, celery - root and stems;
  • white cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and broccoli;
  • cucumbers, tomatoes, turnips and radishes;
  • lettuce leaves of any variety and any other greens;
  • lemons, grapefruits, oranges and tangerines;
  • sour apples, pears, plums, peaches, apricots and nectarines;
  • watermelons and melons;
  • sour berries;
  • mushrooms;
  • natural vegetable juices.

A moderate amount of carbohydrates (10 to 20 g per 100 g) is present in the following foods:

  • beets, potatoes;
  • sweet apples and grapes;
  • sweet berries;
  • figs;
  • natural (and not from boxes and packages) fruit and berry juices without added sugar.
  • whole grain unsweetened bread;
  • halva, bitter chocolate;
  • dried peas and fresh green peas, corn;
  • beans red, pink, white and all legumes.

The highest level of carbohydrates (from 65 g per 100 g of product) is observed in foods such as:

  • caramel, milk chocolate, sweets and other sweets;
  • granulated sugar, refined sugar, lollipops;
  • cookies, cakes, pastries, sweet pies and other rich pastries, sweet crackers;
  • dried fruits - prunes, dried apricots, raisins, dates;
  • natural honey;
  • preserves, jams, marmalade, jams;
  • pasta;
  • buckwheat, rice, barley, millet, oats and other cereals.

As you can see from this list, the category of foods high in carbohydrates includes not only harmful sweets that will bring nothing but weight gain, but also dried fruits and honey that are very healthy for health and cereals that are absolutely necessary in a healthy diet.

Each person decides for himself what kind of food to cook and eat for breakfast, lunch or dinner, because not only his appearance will depend on this, but, first of all, the state of the body, the correct functioning of all its organs and systems, and, consequently, well-being, mood and performance. You need to treat yourself carefully, and the first step to this is a careful choice of dishes.

Balanced Diet

  • almost two-thirds of meals should be rich in carbohydrates with a low glycemic index;
  • slightly less than a third - protein foods;
  • the remaining smallest part is fats, without which the body is not able to do.

Another very important tip for creating an optimal diet: foods high in carbohydrates will bring the greatest benefit if they are on the plate in the morning. For example, having eaten millet porridge with dried fruits for breakfast, you don’t have to worry about your figure and don’t think about food until dinner.

For lunch, pea or bean soup with whole grain bread and fresh vegetables is perfect. You can even treat yourself to herbal tea or rosehip broth with dried fruits or a dessert spoon of honey. But dinner can consist of baked mushrooms with a drop of vegetable oil and a green salad, since the protein eaten in the evening will serve as a material for building and repairing body tissues.

Bad habits

Speaking of food, it is impossible not to mention bad habits.

Alcohol is liquid calories. It not only does not bring a feeling of satiety, but, on the contrary, leads to overeating. In addition, alcohol slows down the metabolism, so food that has entered the body along with alcohol is less well absorbed and mainly accumulates in adipose tissue.

Smoking. Most people who smoke have weight problems. One of the reasons is nicotine hunger, which is perceived by the human brain as a normal hunger.
When a smoker cannot smoke for a long time, he begins to seize his nicotine hunger with sweets, salty or peppery - everything that can cause a vivid taste sensation. As a result, a person consumes a lot of useless carbohydrates, fats and harmful substances. Avoiding this is easy - just quit smoking, and food preferences will change by themselves. Will stop "pulling" on sweet, salty, smoked, you will want to eat more healthy food, vegetables and fruits. Sounds incredible, but it's true! If you're thinking about quitting smoking, find out how to do it quickly and easily.

Fast food and sweets. As for “dangerous” carbohydrates, in particular, all kinds of sweets, which also contain fat (cakes, sweets with cream filling, etc.), it is better to completely refuse to use such products. Not only are they completely useless, they are actually harmful.

If we talk about where “wrong” carbohydrates are present in large quantities, then the list of products that are subject to unconditional exclusion can be crowned with sweet carbonated drinks and fast food.

This is absolutely "dead" food, saturated with sugars, fats and preservatives so much that even a healthy body is not easy to cope with the consequences of such a meal. In addition, carbohydrate foods are addictive. Very many, having got used to it, with great difficulty get rid of cravings for these dishes. Choose the best! Choose useful!

Carbohydrates are called organic compounds that supply the body with the energy necessary for a full life. They are part of every tissue and cellular structures. Carbohydrates account for approximately 2.7 percent of total body weight. Without them, internal organs and systems cannot function normally. Maintaining the ratio of carbohydrates in the body becomes possible with a balanced diet, which includes foods containing data and other useful substances.

To understand why these organic compounds are so important, it is necessary to study what functions they have. Carbohydrates that enter the body with food have the following range of actions:

  1. They supply energy resources to the human body. This is due to the oxidation of the compound. As a result of this process, one gram of carbohydrate produces 17 kilojoules or 4.1 calories. Oxidation is accompanied by the consumption of either glycogen (a reserve supply of carbohydrates) or glucose.
  2. They take part in the formation of various structural units. Thanks to carbohydrates, cell membranes are built in the body, nucleic acids, enzymes, nucleotides, and so on are produced.
  3. Form energy reserves for the body. Carbohydrates, taking the form of glycogen, are deposited in muscle and other tissues, the liver.
  4. They are anticoagulants. These substances thin the blood and also prevent the formation of blood clots.
  5. They are part of the mucus lining the gastrointestinal tract, the surface of the respiratory and genitourinary systems. Covering these internal organs, mucus resists viral and bacterial infections, provides protection from mechanical damage.
  6. Have a positive effect on digestion. Carbohydrates stimulate the function of digestive enzymes, and, consequently, improve the digestive processes and the quality of absorption of nutrients and valuable substances, activate the peristalsis of the stomach.

In addition, these organic compounds increase the protective functions of the body, determine the blood type, and also reduce the likelihood of developing oncological pathologies.

Types of carbohydrates

Organic substances from the group of carbons are divided into two large groups - simple and complex. The former are also called fast or easily digestible, and the latter are slow.

Differ in simple structure and are quickly acquired in an organism. This feature of carbohydrate leads to a sharp increase in blood glucose. The body's response to the use of simple carbohydrates is a large release of insulin - a hormone that is responsible for the production of the pancreas.

The level of sugar under the influence of insulin falls below the standard norm. Thus, a person who has recently eaten foods rich in simple carbohydrates already quickly begins to feel hungry. In addition, the conversion of sugar molecules into subcutaneous fat occurs in a ratio of one to two.

If you abuse food that is rich in fast carbohydrates, this will lead to the following adverse effects:

  • constant feeling of hunger and desire to eat;
  • insulin damage to blood vessels;
  • rapid wear of the pancreas;
  • increased risk of developing diabetes.

These negative effects have become the main reason that these carbohydrates have come to be called harmful or undesirable.

Slow organic compounds, which are fiber, glycogen, starch, act on the body in a completely different way. The substances included in this group have a complex composition, which means that the rate of their assimilation is much lower than that of fast ones. These compounds have a high nutritional value and therefore the concentration of sugar practically does not increase, and, therefore, a person feels full for a long time.

Since the concentration of sugar is not too high, the liver has time to process it. This means that it is almost completely converted into energy resources, and not deposited in body fat. Thus, complex carbohydrates do not do any harm to the body, that is, they are useful.

The daily rate of consumption of an organic source of energy is determined by age, gender, weight, lifestyle and some other factor. To calculate your daily carbohydrate intake, you can use the following calculation:

  1. determine your weight norm, that is, subtract 100 centimeters from height;
  2. multiply the resulting number by 3.5.

The resulting number will become the daily consumption rate. If the height is 170 cm, then the amount of carbohydrates consumed per day should be 245 grams.

What foods contain simple carbohydrates?

Sources of fast carbohydrates include:

  • natural honey, sugar, jam;
  • rich pastries, confectionery, loaves;
  • semolina and rice white flour;
  • white wheat pasta;
  • juices and carbonated drinks, as well as syrups;
  • dried fruits and sweet types of fruits;
  • some varieties of vegetables.

These products are not the most useful.

food products
Granulated sugar99,6
Wafers stuffed with fruit jam80,7
Rye malt66,8
Milk chocolate60,2
Instant Pasta56,9
Sweet pastries55,2
Chocolate candies54,1
Viennese waffles with caramel filling53,7
Potato chips52,8
Cookies "Nuts"49,3
White bread48,9
french bun47,4
Cakesabout 46
Coca Cola42,3
Apple pie38,3
Cake "Eclair" with cream filling35,9
Alcoholic drinks (wine, vermouth, etc.)20–35
Ice cream24,9
Boiled white rice24,7
Fried potatoes23,2
canned sweet corn22,6
White bread croutons19,6
Hot Dog19,4
Boiled potatoes16,8
Mashed potatoes14,3
boiled beets10,2
Orange juice8,4
boiled carrots4,9

What foods contain complex carbohydrates?

Sources of slow carbohydrates include:

  • bakery products from wholemeal flour;
  • various types of mushrooms;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • cereals and legumes;
  • most types of vegetables;
  • various greens;
  • unsweetened fruits.

These products are helpful.

food productsThe amount of carbohydrates in 100 g (in grams)
bitter chocolate48,3
Wholemeal bread46,1
Durum wheat pasta23,2
Green pea13,2
celery root10,8
Red Ribes8,1
Black currant7,9
Nuts (except cashews)7,1–11,6
vegetable marrow5,8
White cabbage5,7
Brussels sprouts5,1
bell pepper4,9
feather green onions4,2
string beans4,2
Leaf salad2,1
Fresh mushrooms (except champignons)1,1–3,6

What is dangerous overabundance and lack of carbohydrates?

An excess of carbohydrates that enter the body with food leads to the fact that the concentration of insulin in the blood rises sharply and the rapid formation of fats begins. In other words, the cause of obesity, diabetes, and other health problems associated with being overweight is carbon-based foods.

The lack of such products in the body is also harmful. If carbohydrates are supplied in a limited amount, glycogen reserves are progressively depleted, fats accumulate in the liver and various dysfunctions of this organ develop. The deficiency of this organic compound leads to increased fatigue, a general feeling of weakness, and a decrease in physical and intellectual activity.

When there is a lack of carbohydrate, the body receives the energy necessary to maintain vital functions from adipose tissues. The high rate of fat breakdown causes increased production of harmful catenas. This leads to oxidation of the body and ketoacidotic coma.

The appearance of the first signs that signal a deficiency or excess of carbohydrates should be carefully reviewed and further adjusted in the daily diet. A properly designed menu avoids the negative consequences associated with an overdose or lack of carbonaceous food.

Carbohydrates - what do we know about them? Considering the increased interest in them by modern nutritionists, they are one of the most important macronutrients. And at the same time, the most dangerous - after all, it is the main source of energy or calories that turn into excess weight. However, not all saccharides are harmful, but only those that hide behind the prefix "mono". But first things first.

Many people prefer sucrose and fructose, simple and refined carbohydrates, to starch, glycogen and fiber. Consequences - a wave of obesity among adults and children, diseases directly related to overweight - diabetes mellitus, hypertension.

What is the difference between slow macronutrients and fast ones? Their impact on the health and performance of people has been studied by nutritionists around the world. And they found that even these two groups have their own varieties. We will talk about them, as well as about products containing the most useful carbohydrates, in this article.

Simple and fast

In another way, they are called monosaccharides. Scientists have discovered more than two hundred macronutrients belonging to this class, but they are not known to everyone. Most often we hear about the following types:

  • Glucose

Or dextrose. This is sugar in its purest form, found in confectionery, soda, candy bars and other products that are so loved by both children and their parents. Is it worth it to get so carried away by what causes an unbridled desire to eat or drink more? One glass of sweet fizzy drink contains 5.25 teaspoons of sugar. It is hardly necessary to talk about how dangerous such a sugary energy boost is for our figure.

  • Galactose

A monosaccharide found in animal products. Galactose is similar in composition to glucose. Most of it is in lactose. The level of this carbohydrate in the blood in a healthy person should remain at around 5 mg / dL. Each of us receives our daily allowance by consuming dairy products. One of the known plant sources of a monosaccharide belonging to the hexose class is celery. It contains more of this important substance than in root crops.

  • Fructose

Converted to glycogen in the liver. Therefore, it is used as one of the main ingredients in sports energy drinks. This type of simple carbohydrate is found in both natural and artificially produced foods. It can be found in sugar and corn syrup, ketchup, processed foods, cakes and other foods that promote weight gain.

Why are simple and fast carbohydrates so dangerous for our figure?

    They almost instantly enter the bloodstream and provoke an increase in glucose levels.

    All we feel is energy satiety, followed by fatigue and hunger.

    Monosaccharides do not nourish, but only provoke us, whet our appetite. Hence the desire to take a double portion of french fries in fast food restaurants, eat another candy, cake or a piece of cake.

By increasing portions and eating improperly, you earn not only excess weight, but also health problems. This is the harm of fast carbohydrates.

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Products containing monosaccharides are not recommended for weight loss. Athletes who need to gain muscle mass also refuse them. The reason is the same - these macronutrients instantly turn into fat, reduce the level of insulin in the blood, they always want more and more. The result of excessive consumption of sweet and harmful becomes a vicious circle of "eat-get fat-eat again", leading to the development of obesity.

Can fast carbs be helpful?

The positive effect of monosaccharides is said by athletes who note the effect of carbohydrates on the fat burning process during intense strength training. However, the rules of professional bodybuilding in the life of an ordinary person, far from the gym, do not work.

Simple carbohydrates are most dangerous for our figure in the afternoon. It is at this time that the body is especially actively processing them into fat.

Monosaccharides are found in:

  • Sahara
  • Sweets
  • Jam, jams and other homemade and store preparations
  • milk chocolate
  • Soda, milkshakes
  • Some fruits (grapes, bananas, etc.)

If you are looking after your figure, it is in your best interest to reduce the consumption of foods containing simple carbohydrates or to refuse some of them - for example, sugary confectionery, refined sugar (replacing it with stevia), milk chocolate (in exchange for bitter),

How complex carbohydrates are good for the body

Now let's turn to polysaccharides - they are called so because they contain several chains of monosaccharide molecules.

  • Starch

It is abundant in potatoes, baked goods, pasta, cereals and some legumes, as well as in rice. The beneficial properties of starch are to slow down the absorption of sugar and a prolonged feeling of satiety after eating, improving bowel function. However, you should not abuse this polysaccharide if you do not want to earn colic, flatulence and new kilograms.

  • Cellulose

Coarse dietary fiber found in plant products. Fruits and vegetables stored raw accumulate this important component, losing vitamins and minerals. During heat treatment, the beneficial substances of this polysaccharide come to naught - the effect of quenching is especially strong.

Accumulating in the body, fiber forms a “food lump” in it, which moves through the intestines without lingering in it. The most important function of dietary fiber is to maintain the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Their deficiency leads to constipation, irregular stools, congestive processes in the pelvic region.

Fiber plays a huge role in the diet of losing weight. By eating an apple containing this polysaccharide, you will be satiated for a long time. No wolf appetite - no overeating and extra pounds. Even dietary fiber normalizes metabolism - the body begins to work like a clock. The risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, colon cancer, and diabetes is reduced.

  • Glycogen

It contains glucose molecules that are stored in reserve. How? After eating, it enters the blood - sometimes in excess. It is this extra energy material that is sent to the storerooms in the form of glycogen. When blood sugar levels drop, the complex macronutrient is broken down. So our condition is normalized, and the body receives the necessary nourishment.

So, the question of which carbohydrates are most useful can be answered with confidence - complex. It is they that allow us to stay in good shape for a long time without feeling hungry, but they do not allow insulin to rise in leaps - as is the case with monosaccharides.

Where to get energy fuel for the body

We have already told where to look for simple carbohydrates - they are found in abundance in those foods that children love so much - everything is sweet and harmful. Dangerous derivatives of fat are found not only in confectionery, but also in products that we used to consider healthy - fruits, even muesli with sugar, presented by manufacturers as a healthy diet.

But depriving yourself of melons, bananas, grapes, carrots, honey, corn and other fruits, vegetables and favorite foods is not worth it - the body needs them as a source of essential vitamins and minerals. Count calories and eat sweet fruits and vegetables before 16:00 - after this time they are instantly transformed into fats, but we do not need this.

A list of products for weight loss containing the correct and healthy "slow" carbohydrates can be found in the table.

Do not forget: the higher the glycemic index, the worse for our figure. Do not give up food containing fiber. Coarse fibers are part of a complete diet, and monosaccharides are a blow to our figure and health. Eating right is enough to make your weight problems a thing of the past.

The benefits of some products from the list, containing complex carbohydrates and indispensable for weight loss, must be said separately.

    Oat flakes - our usual porridge - is a real storehouse of dietary fiber. Cook it with pieces of fruit in milk or water - such a start to the day will provide a charge of vivacity and strength for several hours.

    Seeds and nuts are sources of fiber, which saves us from hunger and makes the body work properly, acting like a hard brush that sweeps out toxins and toxins. Do not forget that almost all nuts are very high in calories - eat a little, but for the benefit of yourself.

    Zucchini - contains not only the dietary fiber we need, but also vitamins B, A and C. The use of this natural source of essential substances will help reduce blood cholesterol levels and normalize metabolism. Zucchini can be added to salads and soups, baked - it all depends on your culinary imagination.

    Celery - in addition to valuable fiber contains proteins, vitamins, minerals and amino acids, helps slow down the aging process and stimulates digestion, regulating the gastrointestinal tract. From it you can cook not only a delicious salad, but also vegetarian cutlets, and also a fragrant and tender cream soup.

    Beans - complex carbohydrates contained in legumes saturate for a long time. Another property of beans, appreciated by nutritionists, is that it prevents the absorption of starch that enters the body with other foods. And it also allows you to show the skill of a cook in all its glory - you can stew, bake, boil it, make a light soufflé or steam cutlets.

    Apples - they have a lot of fiber, pectin, vitamins, trace elements and a minimum of calories. They not only improve metabolism and perfectly saturate, but also normalize the work of the heart and blood vessels. Apples can be boiled, baked, added to homemade cakes - diversify your menu by inventing new useful combinations.

How to cook foods with complex carbohydrates

There are several rules that will help you switch to a healthy diet and lose weight without denying yourself culinary delights:

  • Look for new flavors

Make habitually sweet oatmeal spicy by adding unusual seasonings.

  • Don't forget to watch your calories

To do this, start a special diary and write down the calorie content of each dish in it. All results must be honest - otherwise you will not wait for weight loss.

  • Choose only useful combinations

For example, make a bright and tasty salad with spinach and beets, stew beef with carrots, serve fish with grilled vegetables, and season durum wheat pasta with a light sauce of lemon juice, olive oil and finely chopped garlic.

Our experts will help you figure out which carbohydrates are best left in a past life, and which ones to take with you to a new one - slim and happy. We will draw up an individual program, give advice on proper nutrition and tell you how to lose weight easily and simply without giving up your favorite foods.

Carbohydrates are complex compounds that should make up at least 50 percent of a person's diet. The famous book “On Tasty and Healthy Food” even recommends a ratio of 1:1:4 (proteins, fats and carbohydrates, respectively). The list of carbohydrate foods is extremely long and you need to navigate it if you want to keep track of your figure.

The most carbohydrate foods

Limiting the consumption of only carbohydrate or fatty foods is not always the way out, because. these compounds perform important functions in the body. For example, carbohydrates help the normal functioning of the liver, provide muscles with energy. The carbohydrate table of products will help you in choosing the right diet.

That is why it is worth carefully reviewing the list of carbohydrate foods, which is based on the classification of carbohydrate-containing foods. The list of carbohydrate products is divided into the following items:

Low carbohydrate foods (the amount of HC ranges from 2 to 4.9 grams per 100 grams of product):

  • lettuce leaves
  • radish
  • tomatoes
  • lemons
  • mushrooms (fresh)

Foods for carbohydrate nutrition are often those that do not contain a lot of carbohydrates. Low or limited HC content (about 5-10 grams per 100 grams of product):

  • melon and also watermelon
  • citrus
  • apricots
  • carrot
  • pumpkin
  • peach
  • pear

With a moderate concentration of HC (up to 20 grams per 100 g):

  • ice cream
  • beets, potatoes
  • grapes and sweet apples
  • fruit juices

Rich in carbohydrates (on average 40 to 60 grams of carbs per 100 g):

  • bread products
  • chocolate
  • halva
  • peas and any beans

With a very high concentration of HC in 100 grams of product (more than 65 g):

  • candies
  • refined sugar
  • bakery
  • dried fruits (dates, raisins)
  • jam and jam
  • pasta
  • rice, other cereals

Almost any diet prescribes to cut the "norm" for carbohydrate foods. Below is a list of carbohydrate foods.

Carbohydrate food table

The table forms a clear concept of the need for a particular product in the diet: for example, you should not replace healthy cereals and fiber-containing foods with sweets and other simple carbohydrates. The carbohydrate table of products is best printed out and always kept in sight.

Do not forget that belonging to the last three groups is not a reason to exclude a particular product from the diet. No one doubts that the usefulness of halva and beans is by no means equal, as well as the usefulness of beets and ice cream. The most carbohydrate foods are sweets and this cannot be changed.

"Friends" and "enemies": how to calculate the right one?

Many nutritionists tend to divide carbohydrates according to the principle of usefulness. They include "positive" carbohydrates - complex compounds (for example, starch) as useful ones. The processing of such compounds by the body lasts long enough, which allows a person to feel full for a long time. On the other hand, they also do not contribute to a sharp increase in blood sugar (which then leads to the production of insulin and the same sharp decrease, as a result of which the feeling of hunger after eating sweets overtakes very, very quickly).

For an approximate calculation of the diet, you can use the well-known rule of dividing a portion into three parts. About a third of a serving of food should be "protein", a little less than two-thirds - carbohydrate, preferably - complex, positive carb and low-carb foods. The “fat” component should account for very little, but it is impossible to completely exclude fats from the diet in any case. The list of carbohydrate foods in this article will help you make the right diet depending on your goals.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body and are mainly obtained from plants and dairy products. There are three types of carbohydrates - starch, sugar and fiber.

Starch is made up of a chain of small sugars. These circuits must be broken in order to produce energy. Each gram of starch contains 4 calories. Sugars are simple carbohydrates that are easily absorbed by the body. Fiber has no calories because our body does not absorb it during digestion.

Foods that contain high levels of sugar: candy, jelly, soda, cake, and fruit. Foods that contain starch: noodles, bread, grains and vegetables. Moderate consumption of healthy, high-fiber carbohydrates will help you maintain a healthy weight. But too many calories can lead to weight gain and high blood pressure, especially in those people who suffer from diabetes.

Most people opt for low-carbohydrate diets in order to lose weight. But our intake of carbohydrate foods must be well balanced, otherwise it can be harmful to the body. Each gram of carbohydrates contains 3.75 kcal. Our body needs 40 to 60% of calories from carbohydrates, and in portions that are not unhealthy. The recommended daily intake of carbohydrates is 130 g for adults.

List of carbohydrate foods

1. Potato:

Potatoes contain the required amount of carbohydrates in the form of starch. One cup of boiled potatoes has 31g of carbs and a cup of mashed potatoes has 36g. Fritters have the most carbs at 35%, while french fries have 27% of carbs. Potatoes are also rich in potassium. The medium-sized vegetable contains only 110 calories and is completely devoid of sodium, cholesterol and fat, so it is suitable for any diet. It also contains vitamin C, B6, fiber and iron.

Whole grains are an excellent source of complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber.

Almost every whole grain contains a large number of complex carbohydrates, as well as bran and endosperm, which provide the body with various nutrients and other health-promoting components. Grains containing carbohydrates include: rice, corn, wheat, barley, oats and buckwheat. Brown rice contains 38 mg of carbs per serving. It not only provides our body with energy-giving carbohydrates, but also contains the necessary amount of fiber, which improves digestion. Whole grains contain similar, and sometimes more, disease-fighting chemicals than many typical fruits and vegetables. Whole grains improve the digestive tract and help control weight.

3. Citrus fruits:

Citrus products are known to be a good source of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber that promote healthy growth, development, and well-being of the body.

The main source of energy in citrus fruits are carbohydrates. These fruits contain just simple carbohydrates: fructose, glucose and sucrose, as well as citric acid, which provide us with energy. A medium-sized grapefruit contains 18.5 g of carbohydrates and 2.7 g of fiber. 151 g of oranges contains 14 g of carbohydrates.

Sweet and juicy berries are rich in pro-anthocyanins, natural pigments and antioxidants. Strawberries, such as blueberries and blackberries, also contain a significant amount of carbohydrates. Both have 14g of carbs, with blueberries having a higher carb count of 21g per 1 cup. These berries also help rid the body of harmful oxygen and protect it from cancer and other infections.

In addition to being delicious and low in calories (watermelon has a lot of water), this berry is an excellent source of vitamin C (a powerful antioxidant) and beta-carotene, and thus provides enough vitamin A, which prevents cataracts and improves eyesight. ? A cup of watermelon cubes contains 5.5 g of carbohydrates and also has an average glycemic index of 72.

6. Apples:

Delicious and crunchy, apples are one of the most popular fruits and also a favorite of health-conscious fitness enthusiasts.

7. Sweet Potato:

Sweet potatoes provide the body with good carbohydrates to give us energy. 227 grams of sweet potatoes contain 240 calories and 55 grams of carbohydrates. It has almost no sodium, and very little saturated fat and cholesterol. It is a good source of fiber, vitamin B 5, potassium, vitamin A, C, and manganese.

8. Nuts and legumes:

Legumes, as an important source of nutrition, are very close to cereals. They contain more protein than any other vegetable and thus resemble animal meat in nutritional value. Just like grains, nuts and legumes are rich in complex carbohydrates.

In addition to carbohydrates, they also contain proteins, omega-3 fatty acids and a complex of vitamins and minerals, as well as plenty of fiber, which aids in digestion and in maintaining a healthy weight. Protein-rich foods include lentils, peas, soybeans, beans, and beans.

9. Cereals:

Most ready-to-eat cereals contain a lot of sugar, although manufacturers claim on the package that they are whole grains. These cereals have 98% carbohydrates, unlike sprouted counterparts such as oats or rye, which contain 13-15% carbohydrates. Other nutrients in grains are fiber, protein, zinc, iron, and vitamins. Oats are the healthiest breakfast option.

Dried fruits such as kiwi, prunes and dates contain the required amount of carbohydrates along with other important components (fiber and vitamins). They can be consumed in moderation to satisfy your sweet tooth.

Dried fruits such as apples, prunes and bananas contain 88% carbohydrates, while dried peaches, apricots and raisins are about 75%. 1/4 cup of raisins provides 45g of carbs. Many nutritionists recommend using dried fruits in salads and baked goods.

11. Bananas:

Bananas are rich in fiber and potassium. So, one banana has 24 g of carbohydrates. It also contains more sugar than any other fruit. Bananas are rich in vitamin B6, C and fiber. Include at least one banana in your daily breakfast or add it to cereals, fruit salads, yogurts and milkshakes.

Bread provides our bodies with a significant portion of the nutrients needed for growth and to maintain the health and well-being of the body. It is a good source of vitamins, minerals, fiber and carbohydrates and contains almost no cholesterol and fat.

A slice of whole grain bread contains about 20 g of carbohydrates, and white bread contains even more carbohydrates. Try to limit your bread intake or choose black instead of white. It is also rich in fiber, which helps keep you full longer and controls hunger.

13. Pasta:

Pasta made from white flour and semolina contains a large amount of carbohydrates and glycemic acid. Try using quinoa or wheat pasta instead of unhealthy alternatives, and add healthy veggies for toppings. Three cups of spaghetti will provide your body with 97 g of carbohydrates. Durum wheat pasta is also rich in B vitamins and iron, which add to its nutritional value.

Some green vegetables are also rich in carbohydrates and contain important vitamins and minerals. While you should minimize your intake of simple carbohydrates, the low levels found in green vegetables do not make them harmful due to their high nutrient content. Peas, acorn juice and asparagus can contain up to 30 g of carbohydrates. Other vegetables are beans, okra fruits, cucumbers, squash and spinach.

As you can see, not all foods containing a lot of carbohydrates can be harmful to the figure. It is important to always remember which of them can really harm the body and which can not, because our body needs not only proteins and fats, but also primarily carbohydrates.



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