Why does my child sleep poorly at night, and how to correct the situation? What are the reasons for a newborn’s poor daytime and night sleep, Dr. Komarovsky on why the child does not sleep.

Most parents, before the birth of their baby, prepare for the fact that the newborn will change the established family structure. A newborn baby, indeed, brings a lot of pleasant and sometimes not very pleasant troubles. One of the most common causes of concern for mothers and fathers is that the child does not sleep well at night.

An infant often wakes up at night when he wants to eat. However, many babies stop sleeping at various times in their lives for no apparent reason. Sometimes a baby who previously slept soundly throughout the night begins to wake up and cry. Why is sleep worsening and what should parents do to change the situation?

Sleep phases

Sleep is one of the most important physiological needs of humans. During sleep, many processes occur in the human body that ensure the normal functioning of all vital organs, namely:

Sleep has two main phases - slow and fast, each of which performs an important function for a person. During the slow phase, the body is renewed, lost energy is replenished, and thought processes are regulated. This phase has several stages:

  • Falling into slumber. The brain continues to work, the information received is processed. Many adults in a state of drowsiness can solve issues that puzzled them the day before.
  • Falling asleep. Consciousness turns off and on again, but the brain continues to work. In the intervals between switching on and off, a person can hear everything that happens around him. The muscles come to a relaxed state, the pulse slows down. Children may be awakened by the slightest sound while falling asleep.
  • Transitional deep stage. The brain gradually switches off, the body completely relaxes, and processes in the body slow down.
  • The deepest sleep. The brain stops responding to the outside world, breathing becomes deep, blood circulation slows down. It is very difficult to wake a person at this time. Even if the sleeper wakes up, he will not immediately understand where he is and what is happening to him.

After the slow phase comes the fast one. During this time, a person may have vivid dreams. If a child is woken up during the rapid phase, he will be able to describe the dream in vivid colors. During the fast phase, the following processes occur:

  • brain development;
  • memory training;
  • elimination of nervous tension;
  • assimilation of new information;
  • brain rewiring.

The four stages of slow-wave sleep and REM sleep make up one cycle. A person can undergo from 4 to 6 cycles during the night. The duration of each of them depends on age. In newborns, REM sleep predominates over slow wave sleep. They are able to enter the fast phase immediately after falling asleep. In adults, slow-wave sleep makes up the bulk of a night's rest.

The duration of cycles in children depending on age and the ratio of sleep phases are shown in the table:

Person's ageCycle duration, min.Ratio of REM sleep to NREM sleep, %Need for sleep, hours per day
0 – 1 month40 75 16 - 20
1 – 3 months45 45 - 50 14 - 16
3 – 5 months45 - 50 37 - 40 12 - 15
6 months - 1 year45 - 50 35 - 40 11 - 14
15 years50 25 10 - 13
5 - 10 years60 25 9 - 11
Over 10 years old90 - 100 20 - 25 8 - 10

Why does a child sleep poorly and often wake up at night: possible reasons

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The physiological characteristics of the body lead to the fact that the baby sleeps poorly. The newborn does not sleep well because it needs milk. He practically does not fall into deep sleep, so any sound can wake him up. However, when a newborn constantly gets up without sleeping even half an hour, or a child over a year old wakes his parents out of bed crying, it means that something is preventing him from getting a full rest.

Physiological factors

Many newborns have trouble sleeping at night when they don't have enough breast milk. In some women, due to improper diet, milk loses its nutritional value. The baby doesn't get enough to eat, so he wakes up and cries. Physiological causes of poor sleep also include:

Psychological reasons

The child does not sleep at night at a new stage of development. One-year-old babies begin to worry when they take their first steps. They feel that they are moving away from their mother, and this worries them greatly. Night vigils also begin during the period of getting used to kindergarten. The child finds himself in a new environment, which is very stressful for him.

Children 6–7 years old may experience bouts of sleepwalking during the period of adaptation to school. The child wakes up, cries, can walk around the apartment, and in the morning remember nothing.

Psychological factors also include:

  • Fears. Children are very impressionable. Vivid or frightening images seen during the day can lead to the baby being afraid of the dark, loneliness, and extraneous sounds.
  • Excessive impressions before bedtime. Active games, the visit of a beloved grandmother, conflicts between relatives, and quarrels with parents affect the emotional state of children. An overabundance of both good and bad impressions disrupts sleep.
  • Absence of mother. Babies are very attached to their mother. When for some reason they do not see her during the day or before bed, they begin to worry internally.
  • Stress due to weaning. For many infants, breastfeeding is an essential attribute of falling asleep, the absence of which leads to night vigils.
  • A change of scenery. Children are worried about moving to new places. Even changing wallpaper or furniture can affect a child's psychological state.
  • The birth of a second child affects the peace of mind of the older child.
  • Mom is stressed. If the mother is restless, something worries her, then the baby subconsciously perceives her condition.

Other circumstances

Among the reasons that affect children's sleep are also:

If a child sleeps poorly at night not because of problems solved by a neurologist, and the crying is not caused by illness, mom and dad themselves can make sure that their child sleeps peacefully. To normalize children's sleep, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

In matters of children's sleep, Dr. Komarovsky advises adhering not to generally accepted norms and concepts, but to the personal characteristics of the child and the moral peace of his mother. If one baby needs to sleep 2 times a day to feel good, then another may need one nap during the day.

Komarovsky advises monitoring how the child behaves during the day. When the baby walks a lot and sleeps little during the day, at night he will let the whole family sleep. If a child is inactive, he will have trouble falling asleep and wake up frequently.

The doctor recommends that parents do not adapt to the baby’s schedule, but rearrange his schedule so that the mother can rest peacefully at night. A child needs a calm mother much more than an extra hour of daytime sleep. You need to work with your child during the day so that in the evening he barely has enough strength to eat and fall asleep.

Dr. Komarovsky does not recommend giving your baby a pillow before he turns 2 years old. Until this age, his spine is not fully formed. Sleeping on a pillow can be uncomfortable for your baby.

If a baby wakes up due to a wet diaper, parents need to choose a more expensive or more comfortable product for the baby, at least for night sleep. Before going to bed, be sure to ventilate the room. The temperature in the nursery should always be no more than 20 degrees. An air humidifier is a must.

Children at any age need a lot of attention during the day. They need to be listened to and helped solve personal problems. It is important to prepare your child for the upcoming changes. If you are expecting a move, the birth of a second baby, or other significant events, you need to discuss the possible consequences in advance with the younger family member.

A child's restless sleep is a frequent cause for concern for parents. The baby fidgets all night, falls asleep for a short time, but his sleep is weak, restless, and any rustle can disturb it. What's happening to the baby? Experienced parents with experience, as a rule, are well versed in the needs of their child, but even they sometimes have questions related to the baby’s restless sleep.


There may be several reasons. Both physical and psychological.

  • The child sleeps restlessly at night if he starts to get sick. The disease has not yet manifested itself on a physical level, and outwardly the baby is quite healthy. But he already feels unwell and begins to worry in advance. If the baby is already 5 months old or more, then teething may be the reason for troubled sleep. In any case, it makes sense to show the little one to the pediatrician so as not to miss the onset of the disease.
  • Poor sleep can be caused by increased intracranial pressure. Only a doctor can detect this problem and prescribe treatment. Restless sleep in a small child can also be a consequence of serious illnesses - encephalopathy, rickets or a brain tumor. Otitis media, dysbiosis, and various infectious diseases prevent you from sleeping normally. Therefore, the search for the cause of disturbing sleep should begin with a visit to the doctor to rule out the disease.

  • In newborns up to 3-5 months, a common cause of restless baby sleep is intestinal colic. The intestinal microflora of the toddler is not yet fully formed, and his body is still just adapting to independent life. These processes are accompanied by increased production of gases. The baby's tummy swells, especially severely in the evening and at night. Having barely dozed off, the baby wakes up, screams shrilly, turns purple, and presses her legs to her tummy. You can relieve his discomfort with the help of various drops and syrups based on simethicone, dill water, and a gas outlet tube.
  • Your baby may have difficulty sleeping if he is cold or hot. Many young parents, having listened to enough “good” advice, strive not to spoil the baby, so they once again try not to take him in their arms, and many mothers and fathers generally have a negative attitude towards sleeping in the same bed with the child. But in vain. Because the baby may be worried because he feels “cut off” from his mother. And he needs physical contact with her. In addition, at night the body temperature drops somewhat, and the baby needs to be warmed by his mother's hands. The other extreme is that the baby is hot or stuffy. Mothers are afraid of catching a cold in their child, so they tightly close the window in the room and wrap the baby up.

The room where the baby sleeps must be ventilated. The temperature in it should ideally be about 19-20 degrees with an air humidity of 50-70%. These are the most comfortable conditions for a small person.

  • Another reason for restless sleep is hunger. Perhaps the baby did not eat enough at the previous feeding, and in this situation there is no need to give up night feedings. A child may need night feeding until he is 6 months old. After this age, according to pediatricians, the child has no physiological need to eat in the middle of the night.

Breastfed babies may experience hunger if their mother's milk is not nutritious enough. Review your diet. And also contact your pediatrician with a request to conduct a control feeding by weighing the child before and after meals to determine how much the toddler eats. If he doesn't have enough of your milk, the doctor may allow "complementary feeding."

  • “Artificial babies” often swallow a lot of air when feeding, this creates a false feeling of fullness. Hunger returns again when the little one relaxes and tries to fall asleep. Therefore, babies fed with adapted formulas must be allowed to burp air after eating. Minor regurgitation is normal. The nipple on the bottle should please the baby and be comfortable. Some babies prefer latex nipples, others prefer silicone nipples. Choose for your baby the option that he will perceive best.

The cause of restless sleep may also lie in a violation of the daily routine. For example, the baby slept well during the day, or even confused day and night. The baby's regimen should be adjusted in accordance with his age needs.

  • A baby aged 1 to 3 months needs 17-20 hours of sleep per day.
  • Sleep requirements for children aged 6 months are 14 hours a day.
  • At 1 year of age, a child should sleep at least 13 hours a day.
  • At 2 years old, the daily sleep requirement is 12.5 hours.
  • At 4 years old, the baby should sleep at least 11 hours a day.
  • At 6 years old, the need for sleep is 9 hours.
  • At 12 years old, a teenager needs 8.5 hours of sleep per day.

Tips from a popular pediatrician on improving the quality of sleep for babies in the next video.

Lack of vitamins also leads to disturbances in night sleep in children. Children are also very sensitive to weather conditions - they react to changes in atmospheric pressure and precipitation, and often “anticipate” them.

Psychologists say that a baby’s restless sleep may be due to age-related characteristics. The fact is that the sleep structure of children at 2 months and at 2 years is different. From birth to 1 year of age, shallow sleep in babies predominates over the deep phase, which is why babies often wake up. Only some fall asleep easily again on their own, while others require parental help.

It happens that a calm baby begins to wake up and toss and turn restlessly at 7-9 months of age. At this age, the baby develops the first psychological problems that interfere with normal sleep - the fear of being away from his mother. If parents sleep in the same room with the baby, then the child will not experience a sense of defenselessness and such disturbing night awakenings will gradually disappear.

At 2-3 years of age, sleep can become anxious and restless due to the development of the baby’s imagination. He already knows how to fantasize; it is at this age that nightmares and fear of the dark appear. A cozy night light by your baby’s crib and a favorite soft toy that he can take to bed will help you cope with this.

Another “critical” age is 6-7 years. At this time, the child's sleep may be disturbed due to worries associated with starting school.

At any age, children are very sensitive to the psychological climate that reigns in your home. If they often quarrel, get nervous, or worry, this will definitely affect the quality of the child’s sleep, and not for the better.

Create a calm, peaceful home atmosphere for your baby

Restless sleep can also be an “echo” of the baby’s innate character traits and temperament. It is known that choleric children sleep worse than phlegmatic children, and sanguine children have a harder time waking up in the morning. Each child requires an individual approach, taking into account all his personal characteristics and general factors affecting the quality of sleep.

Consequences of sleep deficiency for children

If the problem of a child's restless night sleep is ignored, pretty soon the baby will begin to suffer from lack of sleep. A lack of sleep will affect all functions of his body. First of all, disorders occur in the nervous system. Then the hormonal levels will “fail.” The fact is that the growth hormone STH (somatotropin) is better produced in children during sleep. If a child does not get enough sleep, he lacks growth hormone, and, as a result, he grows and develops more slowly not only physically, but also intellectually.

Another “night” hormone, cortisol, helps the body cope with stress. If a child sleeps little, his cortisol level is low, which means the baby’s psyche becomes vulnerable.

Chronic lack of sleep reduces a child’s mental and intellectual abilities; such children have difficulty learning and have severe memory problems.

Be sure to regulate your baby's sleep to avoid problems with the child's future development.

How to improve your child's sleep?

If your child's restless night sleep is not the exception, but rather the rule, you need to contact your pediatrician. He will recommend a way to improve your baby's sleep, taking into account age-related characteristics.

If the cause is illness, treatment will be beneficial and the baby will begin to sleep normally.

If the child is healthy, then you can “even out” his sleep on your own.

  • Bathing before going to bed and a light soothing massage help a lot. You can add a few drops of valerian or motherwort to the water in which the baby bathes.
  • In the evening, it is better to avoid increased activity; try to arrange all noisy games and educational activities with your child during the daytime. An excited toddler, by definition, cannot sleep soundly.
  • Don't forget that walks are important for your baby. Children who don't get enough walks are more likely than others to suffer from sleep disorders. If the weather and season permit, take short evening walks.
  • The bedding in the baby's crib should be made only of natural fabrics, the mattress should be smooth and moderately soft (the best option is an orthopedic mattress), and the diaper should be proven, high-quality and reliable. Children under 2 years old do not need a pillow.

Special rituals help improve nighttime sleep. Every mother can come up with them, taking into account the needs of her child. In my family, it is mandatory to read one fairy tale after bathing before bed. Make your ritual mandatory. Whatever happens, it should be strictly followed. This will allow the baby to quickly understand what his parents want, and he will wait for events to occur in a certain order. This reduces stress levels and makes bedtime softer and smoother.

Hello, Doctor. I understand that not all questions can be answered correctly, but I would still be interested to know your opinion. My son is 2 years old. The boy is good, he speaks, he knows colors, he knows a lot of brands of cars, he likes to “read” books, in short, he is developing more or less normally. Not capricious, although it happens... But you can come to an agreement with him. The only problem is that she cries at night and only at night. He has been sleeping poorly for two years now (all 2 years). Wakes up from 2-3 to 7-8 times a night, sometimes just whimpering, sometimes crying. Taking him into bed, stroking him on the head, putting him on the potty doesn’t help. During the day he sleeps from 2 to 3 hours a day without waking up. What they did: ultrasound of the brain - 2 times (without pathologies), Dopplerography (went to the recommended osteopath), were treated by a homeopath, drank everything from Valerianohel to..., soothing baths at night, etc. and so on. Once in the hospital, where we were standing in line for an ultrasound, a doctor walked past Dimka and said: “What are you doing here? In my opinion, you don’t need to come here.” We don't know this doctor. She just saw how Dimka played and generally behaved. I say: “Well, he doesn’t sleep well at night.” Answer: “It’s not from the head, but his vegetative system is like that,” and she tried his palm, then mine. And she left. I've been thinking about it ever since. None of the neurologists paid attention to this. Everyone recommended an ultrasound, Dopplerography, and an electroencephalogram (at 1.5 years old, Dimka did not allow him to put a cap on, he cried very much). So I have a question - what could such a remark from a passing doctor mean? Of course, it would be more logical to find her and ask, but now it’s not realistic, and her remark can’t get out of my head. I have the vaguest understanding of the autonomic system and have heard the term “vascular-vegetative dystonia.” But how does this translate through a child’s bad sleep, and most importantly, what to do. I am raising a child alone. I haven't slept at night for 3 years now. Thank you if you answer. Tatiana

Hello Tatiana! To tell you the truth, to explain from an accurate medical point of view the remark of a doctor passing by, is completely impossible. But approximately - instability, sensitivity of responses to what is happening around. This “happening” can include emotional reactions, changes in atmospheric pressure, physical activity, etc. Those. some special type of temperament. Unfortunately, our medicine is increasingly trying to clumsily copy Western models. It is absolutely obvious that if a two-year-old child “speaks well, knows colors, knows a lot of brands of cars, loves to “read” books, in short, develops more or less normally...” then we simply cannot talk about any organic pathology of the nervous system (organic pathology is something that can actually be seen - inflammation, abscess, tumor, underdevelopment of anything, etc.). This means that the existing problems relate to the emotional sphere, which was, is and, apparently, will be a secret behind seven seals for a long time. But doctors simply cannot tell a worried mother “we don’t understand anything here” or admit that medicine in this case does not have harmless options for help. So they “examine” you for self- and mutual reassurance - ultrasound, dopplers, etc. “Well, you can see for yourself - there’s nothing terrible...” The problem of night sleep really exists and you must clearly imagine the real possibilities - your own and the doctor’s. Making sure that the child sleeps at night with the help of serious drugs is not a problem at all. But such drugs are very dangerous strategically, although they are tactically convenient - at least they give the mother the opportunity to sleep. Therefore, we immediately reject the option of using all sorts of tranquilizers and antipsychotics as unacceptable. Real options for pharmacological assistance nevertheless exist.

1. Sleeping pills and sedatives based on medicinal plants. You have already tried a lot, but there is one peculiarity in this direction: very often there is a very good reaction (i.e., achievement of the desired effect) to one drug, but almost no reaction to others. Those. one feels good with valerian, the second with mint, the third with motherwort, the fourth with lemon balm, etc. Almost all herbal sedatives are harmless, and you can experiment in different ways, look, with some drug and you’ll guess. Naturally, you can also try complex preparations (that is, those with a little bit of different herbs) - Persen, Sanason, etc.

2. Be sure to make sure that the child receives enough calcium. During the period of intensive growth of bones and teeth, a decrease in the level of calcium in the blood serum is very often observed, and one of the classic manifestations of this decrease is a significant increase in nervous and psycho-emotional excitability. The essence of the test is not to drag the child to another laboratory, but to give the baby 2-3 tablets of calcium gluconate or calcium glycerophosphate per day for 2-3 weeks. The presence of a positive effect (sleeps better, is calmer, etc.) confirms the version of a calcium metabolism disorder due to its lack. Next, and this is very (!) important. Very often, when a child is constantly fed vitamins, there is an overdose of vitamin D, which, again, requires calcium. And if vitamin D is given, but calcium is not, then you can sleep poorly both day and night.

3. Another, previously widely used, but now undeservedly forgotten drug is sodium bromide solution. About 50 years ago, no one would have done an ultrasound, but they would have prescribed bromine for the baby, he would have slept much better and everyone would have felt good. Sodium bromine is used in the form of a 2% solution, it must be ordered at the pharmacy - this is the main inconvenience - doctors have forgotten how to write out prescriptions. The dose for a two-year-old child is 1.5 teaspoons 3 times a day, you can also do this: 1 teaspoon in the morning and afternoon, 2 teaspoons at night. Give 10 days at this dose, and then gradually reduce the amount of the drug over 2-3 weeks. In order to obtain bromine, you should ask your local pediatrician to write a prescription. This is where safe pharmacology ends. Now let's forget about chemistry. The situation when a child feels well and develops well, but at the same time his mother does not sleep at night for 3 years is absolutely abnormal!!! This is wrong on many levels. This is masochism, this is a lack of understanding of your own prospects - well, at least the fact that your son still needs a healthy mother! Therefore, if you think at least a little about yourself, and raise your boy even a little, this will not at all mean that you are an evil, unkind stepmother. This will only mean that the happiness of the child and the happiness of his mother are interconnected things. What should you do to help your baby sleep better at night? The answers are actually obvious, you just need to analyze for yourself, what should you do to yourself to sleep better? 1. Not getting enough sleep. Those. The child should be prevented from getting enough sleep during the day. I guess that Dimkin’s nap during the day is also a reason for you to take a nap, especially since the night is still ahead... But! Wake him up in an hour, it won’t help - don’t put him to bed at all. Sing, dance, walk, negotiate, etc. - but don't sleep. 2. In the evening, do not go to bed until you see that you are “ready”, will be ready - at 22 - please. No - let him run at least until 2 am, but after he gets into bed, communication should end until the morning. 3. Until the night's sleep improves, limit emotional stress - all these cars, colors, letters, books and other educational games.

4. On the contrary, try to increase physical activity. Walk more, jump and gallop, be sure to take a walk in the evening.

5. It is very important that the children's bedroom (any bedroom) has clean and cool air. No more than 20 C, ideally 18 C.

Last thing. Stop thinking that in such a situation at least someone will help you. No homeopaths and other healers, no neurologists, uzologists and osteopaths (by the way, I have no idea who they are) will help you. In relation to your situation, the idea that a person is the architect of his own happiness is 100% correct. All the best to you, good luck and Dimka, special greetings and good night from Uncle Doctor. Komarovsky Evgeniy Olegovich

The birth of a baby is the happiest event in the life of any family. From this moment on, a huge responsibility falls on the shoulders of the parents - raising the baby. For the first few months, the baby mostly just sleeps and eats. He is rarely awake and this is considered an absolutely normal phenomenon, because it is in his sleep that the child grows and develops. However, not all parents can boast that their baby sleeps well. It often happens that a child sleeps little and restlessly, wakes up all the time and is capricious, thereby not allowing mom and dad to rest.

Unfortunately, not every parent can boast of sweet, long sleep for their baby.

Causes and solutions

Why does this happen and how can you help your baby get sound and restful sleep? Let's consider several reasons not related to health:

  • The baby may wake up due to a feeling of fear. This is due to the fact that he does not yet perceive the world in the same way as adults, because of this, he may associate closing his eyes with an anxious state. To calm your baby down, you just need to stay close to him for as long as possible (we recommend reading:). Don't rush to leave him as soon as he falls asleep.
  • The baby may begin to groan and fidget due to the fact that he unconsciously jerked his arm or leg in his sleep. This happens quite often in the first half of the year after the baby is born. To prevent this from happening, you just need to swaddle not only during the day, but also at night.
  • Overflowing diaper. No baby wants to lie in a wet diaper. Toxic substances in urine and feces cause discomfort. This is due to the fact that the baby’s too delicate skin begins to be irritated under their influence. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the filling of the diaper and change it promptly.
  • Your child may have difficulty sleeping at night because you have disrupted their daily routine. A baby should sleep as much as his small, fragile body requires: if you forced him to stay awake for half a day, his sleep pattern may go wrong (we recommend reading:).
  • Transferring your baby to his crib after he's slept with you for a while. If the child begins to be capricious, then you should wait a while. He may simply be afraid to sleep alone. Too strong emotions received by the baby during the day can also affect the quality of his sleep.

When introducing a new food product to a baby, sleep problems sometimes also arise. If a mother is breastfeeding, then failure to follow the correct menu can lead to anxiety and discomfort.

If a child falls asleep with his mother and is then transferred to his crib, he may become frightened

Health-related causes of restless sleep

  1. The child is hungry. The stomach of one-month-old babies is small, as a result of which mother’s milk is digested in a very short time. This is why a baby in the first few months after birth can wake up 3 and sometimes 4 times a night. He just wants to make up for the lack of milk in his body. In such a situation, just give the baby the breast. This way he will eat, calm down and quickly fall asleep again.
  2. The baby may have problems with nasal breathing or may have a sore throat, so he tosses and turns and groans in his sleep. Monitor your baby's health closely. Be sure to consult a doctor if you see nasal discharge or notice difficulty breathing. You should also contact a specialist if your child develops a cough and a fever.
  3. Sometimes restless sleep in a baby can be associated with the narrowness of the nasal passages. As a rule, this goes away with age, but in some cases the help of a specialist may be required, so it is important to identify the problem in the early stages of its occurrence in order to avoid possible complications.
  4. The baby may lack vitamin D3. This usually happens in winter. In order to solve this problem, you just need to add a drug with this vitamin to the baby’s diet. Your doctor will help you choose the right vitamin complex individually.
  5. Your baby's gums may be bothersome. This may be due to teething. Buy a special dental gel for your baby, but read the instructions carefully before using it. Allergies are a common reaction to such drugs.

Sometimes the cause of poor sleep can be improper formation of the cerebral cortex. In such a situation, the child sleeps equally poorly both day and night. In this case, only a good doctor can help you.

Teething may well be the cause of poor sleep

Colic in the stomach

A restless baby may have colic in the tummy. As a rule, they are observed in newborns starting from 2 weeks. Colic can last up to 4 months. During this period of life, the baby's intestines adapt to mother's milk or formula. Due to the fact that the digestive system is still imperfect, its disorder is often observed.

Breasts experience a wide variety of abdominal pain. Some feel only a slight tingling sensation, while others experience sharp pain in the abdominal area. This problem is not so easy to deal with, because currently available medications can only reduce pain by 8-12%. They also help calm the baby’s nervous system for a while.

What pharmaceuticals can be given to a baby? You can select a small list: “”, “”, “”, “Simethicone”, “Baby Calm”. You can also try giving dill water to drink or simply putting a warm diaper on your tummy. Also, don't leave your nutrition to chance. Don't forget that often tummy pain occurs precisely because mom ate something wrong. So, while breastfeeding, you should not eat cabbage, onions, garlic, corn, beans, brown bread, whole milk and many similar foods.

Additional solution methods

What else can help a child sleep well? For example, choosing the right climate for the baby in the children's room or adding various soothing herbs, such as chamomile and string, to evening baths. They will not only help to relax the child and set him in the mood you need, but will also help cope with various types of diaper rash. Besides:

  • walk outdoors as much as possible;
  • carefully consider the choice of mattress - it must be hard;
  • Give your baby a light massage with warm and clean hands, this should help him sleep better.

Monitor how your baby eats throughout the day. If during feeding he is constantly distracted by some other activity and does not eat everything he should, then you should remove all possible distractions from the feeding process and make sure that he eats his entire portion.

How to arrange your baby's evening so that he sleeps better:

  • 2-3 hours before bedtime, take a walk with your child in the fresh air;
  • 1-1.8 hours before bedtime, give your baby a swim in cool water for 30-40 minutes;
  • 30 minutes before bedtime, feed your baby thoroughly.

IMPORTANT: Do not swear or scream in front of your baby. Babies sense their mother's condition very well. They may also begin to worry, which can make their sleep worse.

Even a very young child can feel when things are not going well between their parents.

What causes babies to startle in their sleep?

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Until 10-12 months, babies startling in their sleep is completely normal. This may happen for the following reasons:

  • too much overexcitation received during the day by the baby;
  • sudden change in sleep phases;
  • uncontrolled and unconscious movements of the baby’s arms and legs.

Mostly, such shudders occur in children only in the first few months of their life. Over time they will definitely disappear. What to do to make your baby startle less in his sleep:

  1. Swaddle (we recommend reading:) the baby before going to bed, then he will not have the opportunity to accidentally move his leg or arm. This will also reduce the chance of him unknowingly hitting or scratching himself. Even if you are an ardent opponent of swaddling in general, you can simply refuse to swaddle your baby during the day. This must be done at night. In some cases, there is even a need to swaddle the baby for up to one and a half years. Only here he does not need to be swaddled completely, but only his arms.
  2. Stick to a certain daily routine and never deviate from it. This is very important in the first years of life. This way you will save yourself from many problems and your child from discomfort.
  3. Lie next to your newborn for a while after he has fallen asleep. If he suddenly starts to shudder and wake up, then sing a calm song/lullaby, stroke his head, leg or back, help him relax and calm down.
  4. Do not overload your baby's nervous system. You should not invite a large number of guests or go on too long trips. Also, you should not play active games with your baby for a long time. This may frighten and overstimulate him.

Active games and physical exercises are best done in the morning, as they have a stimulating effect on the nervous system.

By following these simple rules, it is possible to avoid flinching and constant waking of the baby. Maintain physical and emotional comfort.

Does your baby need a pillow to sleep?

Before the birth of a baby, many parents ask the question: does the baby need to buy a pillow? The answer to this question is no! In children, from the moment of birth until they reach 2 years of age, the body proportions are very different from those of an adult. Thus, newborns have a large head, a rather short neck, and narrow shoulders. The main purpose of a pillow is to fill the gap between a person’s head and the surface of the bed. This is necessary to prevent neck curvature.

The baby’s head lies on the surface of the crib and the neck still remains flat. This is precisely due to the fact that the baby’s head is large, and his shoulders, in turn, are short.

In what position should a baby sleep?

Under no circumstances should babies under one year of age be placed on their stomachs while sleeping! This is the general opinion of doctors all over the world. This position of the baby in a dream can lead to tragic consequences, namely his sudden death. At some point, the baby may simply stop breathing. Why this happens has not yet been clarified, so all doctors advise placing newborns and infants on their backs, not forgetting to turn the baby’s head to the side. This must be done so that he does not choke when burping. You can also place your baby on his side. After the baby turns one year old (or better yet, 2 years old), he can decide for himself how to go to bed. From now on, sudden infant death syndrome practically disappears.

Before the age of one year, a child should sleep exclusively on his back

What does E. O. Komarovsky think about a baby’s good sleep?

Pediatrician and author of many famous books on children's health, E. O. Komarovsky, believes: the whole family will have healthy sleep only if the baby has healthy sleep. Only parents can help their baby sleep soundly and well. To do this, you just need to properly organize feeding, spend as much time as possible with the baby in the fresh air, monitor the air humidity in the house, and also clean the room in a timely manner.

For an infant, sleep is one of the best helpers in stimulating growth and development. It is good if by the age of 8 months the child falls asleep on his own and does not wake up at night. But the completely opposite situation also happens. Then it is important to find out why he sleeps poorly or wakes up often. Dr. Komarovsky has his own thoughts. They are useful to know for any parent facing similar problems.

Natural causes

It is necessary first of all to find out its physiological characteristics. You should build on them. 8 months is a rather difficult period. The baby wakes up for many reasons, the main ones are two.

  1. Specific “sleep architecture”. At 8 months, the baby's shallow sleep is much “stronger” than deep sleep. Waking up frequently at this age is normal.
  2. Need for feeding at night. Just at 8 months it is especially pronounced. All breastfed babies can wake up. This applies less to babies on artificial formula.

Above are only the so-called physiological reasons for awakening. There are other situations that can lead to sleep problems. They can be called “situational”.

What can interfere with sleep

It is possible to name many situations when sleep becomes sensitive. According to Komarovsky, many of them can be eliminated fairly quickly and without significant effort. But parents must determine exactly what the problem is. If the described situation arises, Komarovsky advises paying attention to these most fundamental points.

  1. Lack of proper sleep and rest patterns. By the age of 8 months, the baby’s routine should be fully developed.
  2. Wrong place to sleep. The absence of parents near the baby worsens sleep.
  3. Excess sleep during the day. Some children get enough sleep during the day.
  4. Poor timing of feeding. It is not necessary to feed at night. If the baby wakes up to attach itself to the mother's breast, it is necessary to reconsider the diet.
  5. Lack of sufficient physical activity during the day.
  6. Uncomfortable conditions. The reason is also due to incorrectly selected humidity and inappropriate temperature in the room. The quality of the mattress and diapers used is also of great importance.

These are the main cases when the baby wakes up. Komarovsky's recommendations will help you teach your baby to sleep well.

What should parents do?

The rules for healthy sleep for an eight-month-old baby are clear and easy to follow. Komarovsky asks parents to rely on the following recommendations.

  1. Before going to bed, the baby should be well fed. That way he won't get hungry at night.
  2. At 8 months, it is even better to place the child in the same room with his parents. It is harder to sleep in a separate room.
  3. Before going to bed, you should ventilate the room to avoid stuffiness. Optimal air humidity is 60%.
  4. It is necessary to provide the baby with daily exercise.
  5. It is not recommended to put your child to sleep during the day if he clearly does not want to. Otherwise, he will wake up frequently at night.
  6. The child must be taught to alternate periods of sleep and rest. Gradually he will get used to sleeping at night, the problem will disappear.

There is nothing difficult about following such rules. In general, Komarovsky recommends first of all paying attention to the presented aspects. It will be possible to survive the age of 8 months without any special nerves. Over time, sleep returns to normal. After a year of life, the baby will begin to sleep much more soundly, and mom and dad won’t have to put him to bed several times. The correct approach to such an issue will allow us to raise a full-fledged and developed person.



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