Planned rehabilitation. What is oral sanitation and why is such a procedure performed?

Sanitation of the oral cavity is a set of health measures performed for the purpose of preventing and/or treating various diseases of the oral cavity, which in the future could lead to the development of more serious complications. Timely and adequate sanitation not only reduces the risk of complications, but also creates favorable conditions for the normal development of teeth and other tissues of the oral cavity. This procedure is also a mandatory preparatory step when planning various surgical interventions.

Who is recommended for oral sanitation?

Sanitation of the oral cavity should be carried out by all people, especially those who have chronic oral diseases or a predisposition to them.

Sanitation of the oral cavity should be carried out:

  • Before surgical operations. Performing operations in the oral cavity, teeth or respiratory tract requires prior treatment of all diseases of the oral cavity ( especially infectious). Otherwise, during surgery, an infection may enter the surgical wound or the patient’s respiratory tract, which can lead to the development of serious complications.
  • Children of preschool and school age. Before entering a preschool or school educational institution, you should make sure that the child does not have dental or oral diseases.
  • Women before and/or during pregnancy. Before the birth of a child, it is also recommended to cure all diseases of the teeth and oral cavity. Otherwise, during gestation, childbirth or during breastfeeding, various complications may develop that can jeopardize the health of the mother and baby ( as an oral infection progresses, infection of the fetus may occur; when treating the infection with antibiotics, damage to the internal organs of the fetus may occur, and so on.).
  • Patients with diabetes. With this pathology, the body's defenses are reduced, resulting in an increased risk of developing infectious diseases, including the oral cavity. It can be extremely difficult to cure such diseases in diabetics. That is why such patients are recommended to regularly perform oral sanitation for preventive purposes.
  • In the presence of chronic diseases of the oral cavity. If a patient has a pathology that cannot be completely cured, he is also recommended to undergo regular preventive examinations with a dentist in order to early identify and eliminate complications.
  • People working with hazardous substances. Various chemicals can damage a person's teeth and also lead to the development of other oral diseases. Patients working with such substances are recommended to be regularly examined by a dentist for the purpose of early detection and timely treatment of oral diseases.

Sanitation of the oral cavity before dental implantation

Dental implantation is a complex procedure in which a metal implant is inserted into the jawbone, which is subsequently covered by a tooth-shaped crown. If there is any infectious or other pathological process in the patient's oral cavity before implantation, this may lead to infection in the wound. In the future, this can lead to implant rejection and the development of other complications. That is why, before starting the procedure, a thorough sanitation of the patient’s oral cavity should be carried out to eliminate all such pathologies.

How often should you perform oral hygiene?

In the absence of any chronic dental diseases, doctors recommend sanitation of the oral cavity for preventive purposes at least 2–3 times a year. This will make it possible to promptly identify possible pathologies and treat them in the early stages of development, which will significantly reduce the cost of treatment measures and reduce the risk of developing complications in the future.

If the patient has chronic diseases of the oral cavity, sanitation can be performed more often ( the frequency of visits is determined by the doctor depending on the type of disease, the effectiveness of treatment, concomitant pathologies and other factors).

What does oral sanitation include?

As follows from the above, during the sanitation of the oral cavity, the doctor identifies and eliminates all pathologies that could lead to damage to the teeth, jaw bones, gums, oral mucosa, and could also cause complications in the future.

Sanitation of the oral cavity includes:

  • . This pathology is characterized by initial damage to tooth enamel ( covering the tooth). Without timely treatment, caries can destroy the enamel and damage the deeper structures of the tooth, which can ultimately cause its complete destruction and the development of other complications. Regular sanitation of the oral cavity allows you to identify caries in the early stages of development, when it is very easy to eliminate.
  • Treatment of pulpitis. Pulpitis is an infectious and inflammatory lesion of the soft tissues of the tooth ( blood vessels, nerve endings). The presence of pulpitis is a contraindication to dental implantation, since after the procedure the pathological process can spread from the affected tooth to neighboring tissues, including the lower jaw bone in which the implant is fixed. This can lead to implant rejection and the development of other infectious complications.
  • Treatment of periodontitis. This pathology is characterized by damage to the structures that fix the tooth in the jawbone, as well as the spread of the infectious-inflammatory process to the jawbone and neighboring teeth. Treatment of periodontitis and its complications is a prerequisite before dental implantation, since otherwise there is a high probability of implant rejection after its installation.
  • Treatment of dental erosions. This pathology is characterized by the destruction of tooth enamel. In the initial stages of the disease, the surface layer of tooth enamel is affected. If pathology is detected at this stage, the doctor can perform so-called remineralization ( restoration of enamel structure), which will prevent further progression of the disease. In later stages of development, the deeper structures of the tooth are affected, and treatment may require a filling or crown.
  • Filling pathological cavities. When deep erosions are detected, as well as when cavities form after treatment of caries or other pathologies in the dental tissue, the doctor can install a filling in the resulting cavity. This will restore the tooth structure and prevent further damage.
  • Dental prosthetics. The essence of the method is that instead of missing teeth, special dentures are installed that do not differ in appearance from their teeth. This allows you to eliminate cosmetic defects, and also relieves the patient from difficulties while chewing food, talking, and so on.
  • Correction of dental deformities. Congenital or acquired ( for example, after an injury) tooth deformations can be corrected using fillings, prosthetics, crowns and other methods.
  • Removal of dental stones. Tartar can form as a result of improper dental care ( if they are not cleaned regularly), with metabolic disorders, and so on. To remove tartar, your doctor may use ultrasound and other techniques.
  • Removal of damaged teeth. If teeth are damaged by caries, infection, or after injury, they may need to be removed. In the future, an artificial implant can be installed in place of the extracted teeth, but before installing it, all infectious, inflammatory and other pathologies of the oral cavity must be eliminated.
  • Treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes of the oral cavity and jaw bones. When preparing for dental implantation, as well as before any surgical intervention on the oral cavity, stomatitis should first be treated ( inflammation of the oral mucosa), gingivitis ( inflammation of the gums), alveolitis ( inflammation of the alveolar processes of the jaw bones where the teeth are attached) and so on. Otherwise, complications may develop after implantation, which can lead to damage or even rejection of the implant.
  • Cleaning gum pockets. Gum pockets are pathological depressions that form between the tooth and the gum. They can accumulate plaque, tartar, pathogenic microorganisms, and so on. All this leads to the development and progression of an infectious-inflammatory process, which can spread to the gums and neighboring teeth. When cleaning such a pocket, all pathological deposits located in it are removed.
  • Treatment of teeth with fluoride-containing preparations. This procedure is carried out after removing tartar and after brushing the teeth. Fluoride-containing preparations penetrate deep into tooth enamel and strengthen it, which reduces the risk of damage in the future.
  • Teeth whitening. Today, there are many techniques to make teeth whiter. This procedure is not mandatory when sanitation of the oral cavity, but can be performed at the request of the patient.

It is worth noting that during each examination, the dentist carefully examines the patient’s oral cavity, after which he gives him a number of recommendations for dental care ( brush your teeth regularly, use dental floss, etc.). This also reduces the risk of developing oral diseases in the future.

Oral sanitation – is it painful?

Today, sanitation of the oral cavity ( and any dental procedure in general) is absolutely painless. Before starting treatment, the doctor examines the patient’s mouth and teeth. If you need to perform any manipulations that could cause pain to the patient, the doctor first uses local painkillers. As a result of this, the patient, remaining conscious, feels absolutely no pain. After the end of the procedure and the cessation of local anesthesia, minor or moderate pain may appear in the area of ​​damaged tissue, however, these pains are short-lived and can be easily eliminated with painkillers.

Oral sanitation - what is it? This simple question may arise in many people's minds. So, there is nothing complicated here, and in translation from Latin, sanitation is translated as treatment or recovery. This is a set of procedures aimed at preventing and necessary treatment of diseases affecting the oral cavity. When the mucous membranes of the mouth and teeth are sanitized, an examination is carried out, diseases, such as caries, are identified, and the necessary treatment is carried out.

Also, during the examination, various histological defects are identified and eliminated, decayed teeth are removed, and dental plaque is eliminated. In addition, if gingivitis, periodontitis, stomatitis and other diseases are detected, the necessary anti-inflammatory measures are taken.

The procedure involves a number of necessary measures which include:

Examination of the oral cavity by a dentist. Identification of possible diseases;

Elimination of dental deposits (bacterial soft plaque, tartar);

Treatment of detected diseases and their complications (caries, periodontitis);

Treatment of non-carious lesions;

Carrying out the necessary gum and periodontal therapy. Anti-inflammatory treatment is carried out in case of detection of gingivitis, periodontitis, stomatitis, tongue diseases;

Necessary removal of decayed teeth and their roots, wisdom teeth, if they are in the way or located in the wrong position;

Carrying out measures to correct bite and prosthetics, if necessary.

During sanitation, all necessary types of therapy are used that are aimed at eliminating the source of infection. Antibiotics are usually not used in order to avoid developing bacterial resistance to it.

Conventional instruments are used, for example a dental bur, which is used for mechanical cleaning. Ultrasound or laser treatment is carried out, and antimicrobial rinsing of the mucous membrane and teeth is mandatory.

Impact of Oral Infections on General Health

In this regard, rehabilitation measures are aimed at improving health and treatment. After all, as you know, the oral cavity can be a source of various common diseases. That is, an infection that develops in the oral cavity easily spreads throughout the body.

For example, according to dental experts, such chronic infections cause the development of atherosclerosis. In this case, a direct connection can be traced: the more infectious foci in the mouth, the more atherosclerotic plaques appear in the blood vessels.

In addition, such infections are one of the main causes of the development of chronic tonsillitis in children, as well as the cause of rheumatic lesions of the heart, bones and joints.

In addition to infectious diseases, viral diseases of the mucous membrane are also distinguished and are detected quite often. They can have a chronic or latent course, that is, they develop slowly and imperceptibly. The most common disease is herpes.

The symptoms of the herpes virus are similar to other viral diseases, such as chickenpox. First, a bubble filled with liquid (vesicle) appears on the mucous membrane, after which it turns into a painful ulcer. Viral diseases are usually a manifestation of general diseases of the whole body.

Fungal diseases are often detected on the oral mucosa. These include, for example, the well-known candidiasis (thrush).

Thus, we can say with confidence that classical sanitation of the oral cavity is the key to good health of the whole organism.

Forms of reorganization

There are three forms of conducting these events:

- Individual. When a patient goes to the dentist on his own. After which he is given a full course of necessary measures.

- Periodic(one-time). It is carried out in certain, limited groups of the population, based on a plan of developed medical examination measures.

- Planned sanitation of the oral cavity (therapeutic and prophylactic). Systematic work to detect and treat oral diseases in certain groups of people who are undergoing dispensary services. For example, it is mandatory in all preschool institutions, schools, military units and commissariats (for conscripts) and in industrial enterprises.

There are also centralized and decentralized methods of reorganization.

In case of centralized treatment, procedures are carried out in medical institutions.

When decentralized, procedures are carried out in special treatment rooms that are available in enterprises or schools.

A team method is often used, in which a medical team consisting of doctors with a nurse and a nurse is sent to an enterprise or rural area on a specially equipped bus. They carry out rehabilitation of workers or the population.

This procedure is absolutely necessary for patients awaiting surgery. This will help prevent possible complications. Sanitation is also necessary for those who are going to go on a long business trip or expedition. But this is especially true for women who are planning a pregnancy or are already expecting a baby. Be healthy!

Modern medicine deals not only with the treatment of existing diseases, but also with the prevention of their occurrence or complications. Dental problems occupy a leading place among diseases. Dental services are considered one of the most in demand, and a disease of the hard dental tissues, such as caries, is common among representatives of any gender and age. Oral health is one of the most important aspects of healthcare. Problems of the maxillofacial region affect not only the aesthetic component of the quality of life, but also the communicative, mental and behavioral ones. Preventive dentistry considers the oral cavity not as a separate part of the body, but as a component of the whole organism.

It should be noted that prevention can be primary and secondary. Primary prevention is a set of measures that prevent the occurrence and impact of risk factors on the development of the disease. Secondary is aimed at eliminating pronounced risk factors that can lead to the occurrence, complication and relapse of the disease. Some authors highlight tertiary prevention, which is basically a set of rehabilitation measures. A procedure such as oral sanitation can refer to any type of prevention, which will be discussed in this article.

Definition of rehabilitation

Sanitation of the oral cavity is a set of therapeutic and preventive measures to improve its condition, identify and prevent dental pathologies. It is one of the most basic elements of preventive dentistry.

Dental sanitation includes the following activities:

Interesting! One third of the rehabilitation measures consists in patients following all the doctor’s recommendations at home (hygienic procedures, nutritional correction, taking medications), which will differ slightly depending on the specific case. The rest of the activities necessary for a complete rehabilitation are carried out professionally.

The reorganization process can be classified as follows.

Sanitation is carried out in two ways: centralized and decentralized. In the first case, the process takes place in a medical institution, and in the second case, on the basis of educational institutions and workplaces.

Decentralized rehabilitation method

Execution steps

The algorithm for professional sanitation varies depending on the indications and the specific condition of the oral cavity, however, in general terms, the sequence of manipulations and measures is as follows.

Important! This algorithm is based on the list of services included in oral sanitation. The need for some measures is eliminated during the examination and assessment by the doctor himself.


Special indications for sanitation of the oral cavity include the following.

  1. Preschool age.
  2. Some chronic diseases.
  3. Conscription or military service.
  4. The need for surgical intervention.

Each indication should be analyzed separately.


Sanitation, like other preventive measures, is best carried out before conception. A whole range of services, including dental, are provided to the expectant mother, since protecting the health of mother and child is the most important goal of healthcare.

Pregnancy leads to enormous neurohumoral changes in the mother's body, which is certainly associated with a high incidence of oral diseases. Calcium is necessary for the formation of a child's skeleton. It is washed out of bone tissue. The mineral composition of saliva changes, which, together with hormonal imbalances, leads to a decrease in local and general resistance to dental infections. This can lead to complications both during pregnancy and childbirth, and after the birth of the baby. More than ninety percent of pregnant women experience caries (gum inflammation) and periodontal disease.

Important! A third of all pregnant women may experience damage to intact teeth.

Examination and improvement of the oral cavity of a pregnant woman should not be limited to a one-time doctor’s appointment. Dynamic monitoring of a woman is necessary at all stages of pregnancy. The frequency of visits to the dentist during natural uncomplicated pregnancy in low-risk groups is once per trimester.

There are unfavorable reasons why a woman may be vulnerable to invasive dental procedures during pregnancy.

  1. Stress of a psycho-emotional nature, caused by the trip to the dentist itself and the expectation of unpleasant sensations.
  2. Spending a long time in a horizontal position in a chair, which is a particular difficulty in late pregnancy.
  3. Necessity of use in the process of sanitation.

Some factors can be prevented by increasing the woman's awareness and the professionalism of the dentist, who will choose medications for sanitation, taking into account all possible contraindications for the baby and mother.

In the sixth week of pregnancy, a woman’s blood circulation becomes hyperdynamic: the filling of blood vessels increases and the pulse quickens. Pulse pressure increases, and arterial pressure is often reduced. At the end of the second trimester and in the third trimester, pressure surges are possible.

Important! Such unstable hemodynamics and inadequately intense cardiac output increases the consumption of oxygen and nutrients. This can lead to cardiopulmonary failure in response to prolonged horizontal positioning and emotional stress.

Fainting, extrasystoles and hypertension up to eclampsia are possible. Ten percent of women, when in a horizontal position, develop compression syndrome of the inferior vena cava, the flow to the heart decreases, and blood pressure decreases. On the part of the gastrointestinal tract, dyspeptic symptoms (vomiting, heartburn), as well as reflux disease, are caused by a combination of relaxed smooth muscles with an increase in intra-abdominal pressure associated with a horizontal posture. Therefore, the woman in the chair should be in a semi-sitting position.

When choosing medications (especially anesthetics), it is important to take into account that the reparative processes of bone structures and the process of restoring antibacterial protection of the oral cavity in pregnant women differs from the norm. This is due to some changes in the body of the expectant mother.

  1. Iron deficiency associated with the presence of the fetus and placenta, as well as the need for breastfeeding after childbirth.

  2. Calcium deficiency, which slows down and complicates the process of regeneration of jaw bone tissue.

  3. Immunosuppression in response to foreign fetoplacental antigens. T-suppressor populations predominate. The number of T and B lymphocytes decreases.

  4. Anaphylactic reactions leading to the formation of microthrombi. Microthrombi isolate fetal antigens from the mother's immune defense system.
  5. It is not surprising that against the background of such hormonal, psycho-emotional and immunological changes, the sensitivity of a pregnant woman’s body can differ significantly from the reaction of a non-pregnant woman. All of the above makes a woman vulnerable to any invasive intervention, including dental surgery, but the risk of developing postpartum complications is much lower in women who have undergone oral sanitation procedures.

    Important! The mineral composition of the child’s baby teeth also depends on the general condition of the expectant mother.

    The maximum risk of inflammatory processes in a woman’s periodontal tissues is observed in the second trimester, and the risk of cariogenic changes is increased in the third trimester.

    Important! The optimal time frame for preventive sanitation of the oral cavity is based on this information.

    Preschool and school age

    Dental preventive measures aimed at children differ in a number of features. Caries in children is a fairly common problem that requires taking into account the age-related characteristics of not only the maxillofacial apparatus and other organs, but also psycho-emotional development. A special approach is required for children who have dental phobia (which is a fairly common problem).

    Instrumental research methods such as probing and percussion of teeth are difficult.

    Important! The examination is carried out without instruments based on anamnesis.

    The doctor collects information about antenatal and postnatal risk factors that contribute to the destruction of dental tissue and other dental diseases. Antenatal factors include features of the course of pregnancy and maternal illness. Postnatal – undeveloped hygiene skills, night feeding, excessive consumption of sweets and others.

    Important! Due to the increased incidence of dental phobia in childhood and the negative attitude towards medical workers in general, preventive dentistry pays special attention to teaching children the skills of sanitation of the oral cavity at home.

    Special attention is paid to planned sanitation in educational institutions. Primary sanitation is carried out in the first year of school (from six to eight permanent teeth have already been cut), in the fifth grade (all permanent teeth have been cut), in the ninth and eleventh. Secondary sanitation is carried out in the second, sixth and tenth grades. The rest of the time, the dentist observes the condition of the teeth of young patients.

    Interesting! In preschool age, sanitation begins at the age of three, since children at this time already experience uncomplicated forms of future dental problems.

    Chronic diseases and other indications

    The oral cavity serves as an indicator of the condition of a number of internal organs. It is not surprising that certain underlying pathological processes can increase the risk of dental disease. These include gastroesophageal reflux disease, diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, gastroduodenal peptic ulcer disease, arterial hypertension, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

    Important! Dental diseases can be the result of both chronic diseases themselves and their treatment.

    During reflux disease, acid enters the oral cavity and changes the pH of the mucous membrane, which leads to demineralization of the teeth and dysregulation of the number of microorganisms in the hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity. Characterized by soft tissue lesions, enamel erosion and halitosis - bad breath.

    Arterial hypertension increases the risk of complications during dental procedures, since local anesthetics have a vasoconstrictor effect. In addition, the risk of developing dental problems may be associated with chronic circulatory hypoxia.

    In diabetes mellitus, changes are observed in the composition of saliva, the structure of the salivary glands changes, and the frequency of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity increases. Symptoms are aggravated by neurological manifestations in the form of burning. Pathogenic microflora multiplies, and against the background of an immunosuppressive state, chronic diseases of the oral mucosa develop. The rate of repair of damaged tissues decreases.

    The need for sanitation of the oral cavity in people of military age is associated with the prevalence of carious and non-carious lesions in this category, and odontogenic inflammatory diseases are one of the common causes of hospitalization in military personnel.

    Important! Before surgical interventions, the need for sanitation of the oral cavity is explained by the risk of the spread of infection from foci of inflammation.

    Complications and possible errors

    Errors in sanitation of the oral cavity are associated with the following factors:

  • technical violations during local injection anesthesia;
  • violation of the technique of surgical and therapeutic interventions;
  • choosing a local anesthetic without taking into account concomitant somatic problems and possible hypersensitivity.

When choosing medications, the doctor must take into account the presence or absence of the following somatic lesions in the patient.

The above conditions and processes are accompanied by liver diseases, determine the risk groups for hypersensitivity and are taken into account when choosing a local anesthetic.

Preventive medicine is the most effective branch of medicine, which requires the competent development of health programs and increased public awareness.

Interesting! Prevention is the result of high-quality and close interaction between healthcare systems, doctors and patients. The oral cavity and maxillofacial region, like any other human organ, must be considered as a component of the whole organism.

The patient should also adjust their diet if necessary - this measure will also help avoid oral diseases

Sanitation should not be just a set of dental procedures. In most cases, proper nutritional correction is necessary, which is of particular importance with concomitant diabetes mellitus. Isolated perception of dental pathologies can lead to unforeseen and serious complications.

Video - What television says about oral sanitation

Everyone who regularly visits a dental office has an idea of ​​what oral sanitation is. This is a set of measures whose main goal is to prevent the development of any dental diseases. Oral sanitation also allows you to improve the health of your teeth and gums, restore their functionality and beautiful appearance if necessary. The procedures will help get rid of pathogenic microflora, all kinds of foci of infection that can affect not only the teeth, but also penetrate inside the body.

The editors of the portal website suggest not to ignore this topic, but to understand in as much detail as possible all the nuances of sanitation of the oral cavity. This will be very useful for enriching your horizons and will help you understand exactly when a useful event may come in handy.

When is oral sanitation performed?

Oral sanitation is not a one-time event. It is always important to remember that your teeth and gums require constant monitoring by your dentist. This is a guarantee of their safety and health. Therefore, everyone, without exception, simply needs to undergo the procedure at least several times a year. Please note that this approach will help reduce the number of therapeutic procedures or even reduce them to a minimum.

A set of health-improving activities is also recommended:

  • who is indicated for surgical intervention,
  • before prosthetics,
  • before enamel whitening,
  • in front of the teeth: the presence of unresolved infection, diseased teeth can lead to an inflammatory process, implant rejection and peri-implantitis,

You will be interested to know: sanitation of the oral cavity is a procedure that must be completed even before surgery on the eyes (glaucoma, cataracts), ears and sinuses. It is also necessary to cure all teeth before pregnancy, when treating pyelonephritis. After all, all these areas are closely interconnected, so an infection in one of them can lead to complications in another.

And now we propose to talk about those procedures that are included in the complex of oral sanitation. They can be combined in different clinical cases, some of them can be excluded if they are not necessary.

“When we were preparing to send our children to a private kindergarten, they also asked us for a certificate of oral sanitation. Today, along with a medical examination, this is a mandatory condition for admission to kindergartens, schools, and in some places at work they ask for it. And I believe that such a measure is simply necessary in order to at least somehow insure against health problems, infections and improve the situation in the country. Look, more and more people are losing all their teeth at a young age because they started having problems. As my grandmother says: if you don’t want to go and take care of your condition, at least let them force you to do it!”

Vitalinka@vitaminka, twice mother, from correspondence on

1. Oral examination and diagnosis

Sanitation of the oral cavity is impossible without a thorough collection of anamnesis about the patient, his individual characteristics, age and state of health, and diagnostics. In order to have the most complete picture of the clinical case and act step by step, the doctor first conducts a visual examination. Then he prescribes an X-ray: this can be a targeted X-ray, panoramic or computed tomography of the jaw. Obtaining radiographic images gives an idea of ​​what hidden processes are occurring inside the patient’s dental system.

Based on the analysis of these data, the specialist moves on to the second stage of reorganization.

Prevention of dental diseases should begin from a very early age. But this is only possible if parents are conscientious and personally bring their children for annual checkups. However, separate studies in some schools have found that about 48% of all parents turn to a pediatric dentist only in case of an obvious problem or pathology, 4.6% do not take their children to the doctor at all, even if a problem is detected. 21% of respondents believe that it is possible to show the child to a doctor once a year for the purpose of prevention. And only 24% of all respondents do this twice a year on an ongoing basis.

2. Removal of dental plaque

The main goal of this event is to eliminate pathogenic microflora, which is present in large quantities on the teeth and gums in soft and hard plaque and tartar. By the way, once the deposits are removed, the bad breath will go away, and the enamel will acquire a natural shine and tint.

On a note!

Bacterial deposits on teeth and gums appear in all patients without exception throughout life, even in those who regularly perform hygiene procedures. After all, the process of their accumulation is facilitated by the conditions that exist in the oral cavity: constant humidity and warmth, microparticles of food, consumption of sweets and carbohydrates. Unfortunately, people cannot remove such deposits on their own. But the dentist will do this easily and simply with the help of an ultrasonic scaler and an Air Flow device.

After this procedure, in agreement with the patient, the doctor can strengthen the enamel with fluorine compounds and remineralize it, which will increase its resistance to bacterial attack and improve its structure. The procedures will help restore the integrity of the enamel structure, eliminate the slightest cracks and even caries at the stain stage. They are especially useful if you are considering whitening or braces.

“Even before treating tooth decay, I recommend that my patients first visit a hygienist and have a professional hygiene done if necessary. This will make it easier to diagnose all foci of carious destruction. Otherwise, they may go unnoticed under a layer of bacterial deposits. In addition, the procedure will make subsequent treatment better and more successful. After all, it significantly reduces the risk of reinfecting a diseased tooth.”– explains Malysheva Antonina Yuryevna, a dentist, whose experience in dentistry is 11 years.

3. Therapeutic and endodontic treatment

This means treatment of caries, pulpitis, periodontitis, root canal cleaning, installation, elimination of inflammation on the gums, periodontal tissues and mucous membranes. Without these measures, the doctor cannot move on to other, more important procedures, such as restoring the crown of a tooth or installing a prosthesis.

4. Removal of decayed teeth

Sick, decayed teeth that are not viable are a threat to the health of the entire body. Their porous, heterogeneous surface becomes a source of contamination, infection, bad breath, and problems with the stomach and intestines.

Sometimes the patient thinks that it is better to keep these, because they are their own, family. But no professional doctor will carry out, for example, implantation or prosthetics without this stage. Preserving such teeth means risking your reputation and the health of the patient. For example, during implantation, bacteria from an infected tooth can migrate into the wound and cause inflammation of the periodontal tissues and implant rejection.

5. Restoring the shape and aesthetics of teeth

Sanitation in dentistry is a set of measures that are primarily aimed at preventing various dental diseases or getting rid of existing problems with teeth and gums. If, during the development of the disease, the beauty and functionality of the patient’s dentition has suffered, then the specialist will help him solve this issue.

Translated from Latin, sanatio means “treatment” or “healing.” For the entire range of sanitation measures, it is often necessary to involve not only the dentist. But it may also require coordinated work of a surgeon, orthopedist, orthodontist, periodontist...

Veneers can help correct dental defects

Depending on the clinical picture, the doctor can install veneers or lumineers, restore with composite or filling material, fix inlays, single crowns or bridges, carry out implantation and subsequent fixed prosthetics, and perform removable prosthetics.

Upon completion of therapeutic and health-improving measures, the doctor will definitely tell you how to take care of your teeth and gums, and recommend the right type of toothbrush and prophylactic paste. If necessary, will teach proper hygiene techniques.

Your main task is to follow all instructions at home and show up for your dentist appointment on time. If you do this several times a year, then you won’t have to go through the entire range of procedures for sanitation of the oral cavity. Everything will be limited to the first two points described in our article.

  1. Sabanov V.I., Romanchuk E.V. Epidemiological indicators of caries among first-graders and the dental awareness of their parents. Pediatrician, 2011.


I heard that it is useless to sanitation the oral cavity if there are internal diseases of the body. Is it really?

    Dear Veronica! Indeed, all diseases need to be treated comprehensively. For example, scientists have proven that pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract can have the greatest impact on the condition of the oral cavity, because It is from there that pathogenic microorganisms best penetrate the oral cavity and begin to circulate there. If gastrointestinal diseases are not treated, a vicious circle will form. But this does not mean the opposite: if you have stomach problems, this does not mean that you need to avoid measures to sanitize the oral cavity. This way, you risk losing all your teeth many times faster and increasing the number of health problems.

When I started a new job at the plant, I was forced to provide a certificate stating that my oral cavity had been sanitized. Although I have to work as a cashier. How legal are such demands?

    Dear Lyudmila Konstantinovna! Each specific organization sets the rules for hiring. Often at manufacturing enterprises, the conditions for admission and further employment are the same for everyone: both for administrative personnel and for people who work at production sites. A certificate is an officially confirmed document. Moreover, most likely, every year you will now need to confirm data for your personal file about the state of your health, i.e. undergo oral sanitation and other body examinations on an ongoing basis. You can only find advantages for yourself in this, because the company allocates time for you for what employees of many other organizations have to find hours other than work.

Sanation is a Latin word that implies two actions - healing and treatment. Dentists define oral debridement as a series of procedures that allow an examination to identify problems with the teeth and the inner oral region. In addition to the examination, the doctor also carries out therapeutic measures, eliminating the identified diseases. If there are no problems, then sanitation of the oral cavity is a preventive measure that works to prevent diseases.

What is included in the complex of rehabilitation measures?

The initial appointment for sanitation of the oral cavity is carried out by a dentist. If certain problems are found, the patient may be referred to an orthopedist or surgeon. Sanitation of the oral cavity consists of several stages:

  • performing a panoramic photograph of the teeth;
  • professional cleaning of the oral cavity;
  • drawing up a treatment plan if treatment is required.

Having completed the examination and drawn up a treatment plan, the doctor is obliged to correct all identified problems and bring the treatment to a positive result. Only after all the necessary procedures have been completed can the restoration be considered completely completed. This approach is relevant for all categories of the population, including children and pregnant women, for whom sanitation is doubly important.

If during the examination certain problems are noted that require treatment, it is carried out in accordance with the plan developed by the dentist. Some actions to treat inflammation are carried out at home using special gels and ointments.

What may be included in treatment procedures:

  • removal of teeth that can no longer be cured;
  • cure caries;
  • anti-inflammatory therapy;
  • dental restoration;
  • preparing the oral cavity for prosthetics;
  • procedures to correct bite;
  • removal of plaque and tartar, whitening procedures;
  • filling teeth and replacing fillings;
  • orthodontic procedures.

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After checking the condition of the teeth and gums, the doctor tells the patient about the presence of problems or their absence. A specialist can advise which toothbrush and toothpaste to use and how to brush your teeth correctly (this information is especially important for children). If necessary, the doctor recommends the use of a certain dental elixir. In addition, in case of serious dental problems, the dentist prescribes a course of treatment or gives a referral to other specialists whose competence lies in correcting the detected problem.

When is planned rehabilitation prescribed?

Planned sanitation is equivalent to general medical examination and is indicated for all people. In addition, it is mandatory to carry out when:

  • pregnancy;
  • preparation for long-term hospitalization and before surgery;
  • prescribed installation of braces to straighten the bite;
  • when the child reaches preschool age;
  • planning a trip to another country.

Doctors rightly believe that every person who cares about their health regularly undergoes the procedure of their own free will. For the dentist to work effectively and to maintain dental health, oral sanitation should be carried out twice a year. This period is established by medical standards; it allows you to identify all problems in time and solve them at the initial stages.

How is sanitation performed during pregnancy?

An oral health check should be carried out during pregnancy planning or directly during pregnancy. A woman must understand that the normal functioning of her own body at the time of global restructuring depends on the condition of her oral cavity. In addition, microbes formed during caries and inflammatory processes can harm the child. If your mouth is sanitized on time, it means that you have taken proper care of the normal development of the fetus.

What problems can be identified?

The hormonal changes in the body that occur during pregnancy cause an imbalance in the acid-base balance in the oral cavity. Pathogenic microbes take advantage of the moment and begin to multiply intensively, causing the formation of caries and inflammatory processes. Every second mother carrying a child complains of:

  • painful sensations in the mouth when eating;
  • noticeable swelling of the gums and the appearance of a bluish tint;
  • bleeding gums.

Annoying changes are a consequence of hormonal imbalances, which can lead to gingivitis. When examining a pregnant woman, the dentist removes tartar, if any. After removing the plaque, the doctor treats the tooth enamel with fluoride to strengthen and protect it during pregnancy. All actions of specialists are aimed at ensuring comfortable gestation of the fetus and protecting it from pathogenic microbes that can penetrate the mother’s body.

Medical procedures during pregnancy are not contraindicated; they are carried out using anesthetics approved during this period

Visit plan

As a rule, dentists advise carrying out sanitation before conception. If for some reason a woman is unable to undergo the procedure before pregnancy, she should go to the doctor as soon as possible. Diseases discovered during a dental examination are treated in the second trimester. An exception is made if the patient suffers from acute pain or inflammation.

Treatment with anesthesia is carried out with drugs that are approved for use on pregnant patients. The composition of such products means that they are harmless to the mother and fetus. After you visit the doctor, appropriate treatment will be carried out, he will write down in your card that you have undergone sanitation. Such a record means to the gynecologist that everything is fine with your teeth and gums, and there are no threats to the child.

Carrying out the procedure in children

The formation of the body, diet and developmental characteristics are good reasons for children to visit the dentist frequently. Children undergo oral sanitation much more often than adults. Scheduled examinations of children are established for kindergartens and schools, which include sanitization. A dental examination can be carried out in children's camps and sanatoriums. If during rehabilitation it is revealed that the child needs treatment from an orthodontist, braces may be installed. The duration of wearing them can last for 1.5-2 years, during which time the small patient needs to undergo sanitation several times.

Timing of inspections

If the baby’s teeth are all clean and without problematic changes, routine examinations at school or kindergarten are sufficient. If a child has teeth affected by caries, in order to avoid complications, sanitation must be carried out according to the following plan:

  • initial degree of caries - once a year;
  • second degree – once every 6 months;
  • third degree – once every 3 months.

Preparing for treatment

Dental treatment for young patients requires a careful and attentive approach from the doctor. It is often performed under general anesthesia. Many children are unconsciously afraid of dentists, so a few days before the procedures it is useful to give the child sedatives to calm the nervous system. If the baby is in a stressful state, the specialist may resort to general anesthesia. Sanitation is considered complete if the child has received full treatment and all defects have been corrected.



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