Is cleft lip inherited in children? Surgery will help correct the congenital defect of cleft lip. Causes of cleft lip in a child.

Cleft lip is one of the types of embryopathies - pathologies of the formation of the human embryo. It is formed due to mutations in one or more genes responsible for the formation of the maxillofacial part of the skull. As a rule, mutations occur up to 8-10 weeks of pregnancy, which once again emphasizes the need for a responsible approach to bearing a child.

Doctors and geneticists identify the following reasons that provoke mutations and the birth of a child with a cleft lip. In first place are hereditary ones: the presence of cases of cleft lip in the family increases the risk of having a child with this pathology by 7%. The second group is toxic-chemical preconditions: smoking (smoking mothers are 3-6 times more likely to have children with cleft lip), alcohol, drug addiction, taking medications without the consent of a doctor. In third place are maternal diseases, including infectious ones, and unfavorable course of pregnancy.


External manifestations of a cleft lip are visible immediately after the birth of a child. A cleft lip may look like a small defect, in the form of a cut deep into the upper lip - usually on the left, if the cheiloschisis is unilateral. If the cleft lip is bilateral, then the defect looks like a deep groove, as if tearing the lip to the nose and deeper, to the right and left of the midline. In the gap, teeth, the premaxillary process are visible, and the nasal cavity is visible.

Diagnosis and treatment

The diagnosis of cleft lip can be “seen” on an ultrasound after 16 weeks of pregnancy. But this is not a reason to terminate the pregnancy - the child’s development is not impaired, he will not have mental retardation (unless, of course, the cleft lip is part of congenital pathological syndromes, which are also diagnosed before birth). After the baby is born, the cleft lip is immediately visible and making a diagnosis is not difficult.

Treatment is surgical, carried out in several stages, the operation is called cheiloplasty. The timing of the operation, its volume and the number of operations in general are determined by the doctors caring for the child with this pathology. In addition to closing the defect and correcting the structure of the lip, treatment by an otorhinolaryngologist is necessary - such children are prone to colds, otitis media, and they often develop hearing, sound perception and speech impairments, which requires the intervention of a phoniatrist and audiologist. Surgeon, orthodontist, speech therapist, psychologist - a lot of effort needs to be directed towards the complete rehabilitation of the child. Careful oral care is required before surgery, and after surgery it is important to prevent wound infection.


The joint efforts of doctors, parents, rehabilitation specialists, and teachers make it possible to eliminate the defect and make the scar less noticeable. A cleft lip in itself does not give reason to doubt the “normality” of the child, including mental.

Newborn babies are not always born without defects. In a certain group of children, types of deformities of the face and mouth area such as cleft lip and cleft palate may be found. Their peculiarity is that the process of their formation occurs in the first months of pregnancy, when the child is still in the mother’s womb.

The formation of such deformations is facilitated by improper connection of certain parts of the body, caused by an insufficient amount of tissue in a particular area.

A cleft lip looks like a cleft, formed on both sides of the upper lip, resulting from a physiological deviation. In appearance, it resembles a narrow hole or gap in the skin of the upper lip. There are cases when the cleft reaches the nasal area and also affects the upper jaw bone and upper gum.

The cleft palate is also a kind of expansion that affects the palate area. In some newborns, the cleft palate may involve the hard or soft palate.

General a sign characteristic of each of the considered defects, is that they can affect one or both sides of the mouth at once.

Because the lips and palate develop separately, a child may have one or both of these deformities.

Who gets cleft palate and cleft lip?

Looking at a cleft lip that may appear alone or in combination with cleft palate, it should be noted that such a deformity is diagnosed in every seven hundred child every year. In the USA, this deformation is one of the most common; it is ranked 4th in the list of such defects. Children of Asian, Hispanic, or Native American descent are most susceptible to them.

More often than others these deformities affect boys, in whom they are diagnosed 2 times more often than in girls. In this case, this refers to a cleft lip. At the same time, girls are much more likely to have a cleft palate or cleft palate, and there are 50% more such cases than in boys.

What are the causes of cleft lip and cleft palate?

To date scientists cannot say what reasons cause the appearance of such deformations. Therefore, they cannot provide advice on how to avoid these defects. According to some experts, such defects are primarily associated with the combined influence of genetic and environmental factors. Therefore, if the parents of a newborn, his relatives or brothers already have such a deformity, then there is a high probability that it will be passed on to the child.

Also similar defects may arise as a result maternal use of medications during pregnancy. Among the medications there are those that can cause the appearance of a cleft palate or lip.

The list of the most common should include:

Also create favorable conditions for the development of cleft lip or cleft palate may expose the fetus to viruses or chemicals. In all other cases, such deformations are usually associated with the development of diseases that have a different etiology.

How is cleft palate and cleft lip diagnosed?

The very fact that with the development of a cleft palate or lip physiological defects are noted, this significantly simplifies the process of diagnosing them. In some cases, the fact of their presence can be determined using a prenatal ultrasound examination. If the prenatal ultrasound examination does not give positive results, then after the birth of the newborn, a physical examination of the mouth, nose and palate is required to obtain confirmation that there are no conditions for the development of such defects. In some cases, such a diagnosis can be made during an examination carried out to identify other developmental disorders.

What problems are associated with the appearance of cleft palate and cleft lip?

If a child has such deformities, this seriously limits him in performing the usual actions necessary to maintain life.

Difficulty eating

If a child has one of these deformities, then During a meal, food and liquid may begin to move into the nasal cavity, and from there get into the mouth. Today, this problem is being actively solved and special bottles and nipples for infant feeding are offered for such newborns, thanks to which they can be fed in such a way that food moves down to the esophagus.

To it was easier to feed children with cleft palates, they will need to install an artificial palate, with which it will be possible to facilitate the process of food entering the esophagus. They will have to be fed in this way until the attending physician decides to perform the necessary surgical operation.

Ear infections and hearing loss

If a child has a cleft palate, there is a high chance that he will be diagnosed with an ear infection. This risk is high due to the fact that such children have a tendency to form and accumulate fluid in the middle ear. This condition requires appropriate treatment, otherwise there is a risk of hearing loss in the child.

To avoid this for such children it is recommended to use special tubes, which are installed on the eardrum, thereby creating conditions for the removal of fluid. In addition, children with these risks should be examined annually by a doctor to confirm good hearing.

Speech problems

The presence of deformities such as cleft lip and cleft palate in a child increases the likelihood that it will be difficult for him to master speech. Due to the characteristics of the body, such children can make nasal sounds, and this can often prevent others from understanding their speech. Fortunately, this does not happen to all children. There are cases where, through surgery, it was possible to restore the ability to normal speech to a child with similar defects.

If a child has clearly visible difficulties in mastering speech, then he will need to work with a speech therapist. This specialist will work separately with the child, creating exercises for him so that he can restore his speech to a normal level.

Dental problems

One of the problems that can affect children diagnosed with cleft palate and cleft lip is tooth decay. Sometimes they extra, crooked or displaced teeth may be found, which usually requires the help of a specialist dentist or orthodontist. In addition, there are cases where alveolar ridge defects were discovered in children with similar deformities. The alveoli are the bony part of the upper gums that act as the basis for the teeth.

If a child has an alveolar defect, this is fraught with the following troubles:

  • A defect associated with the location of permanent teeth, which can be expressed in their displacement, protrusion or rotation;
  • Interfering with the normal development of permanent teeth;
  • Creating difficulties for the normal formation of the alveolar ridge.

To combat such manifestations, modern medicine offers methods of maxillofacial surgery that can effectively eliminate the above problems.

Who treats children with cleft palate and lip?

Considering that such deformation affects areas that are under the jurisdiction of various specialists, most often it is necessary to involve a whole team of doctors to combat these defects. And, as a rule, such a team includes the following doctors:

Treatment of a child provides for the preparation of a special program, which involves the joint participation of each specialist and taking into account the individual needs of the patient. Most often, already in infancy, specialists prescribe and carry out the first measures to get rid of detected deformities. However, this process is quite lengthy and most often ends when the patient reaches early adulthood.

How is a cleft palate or lip treated?

To completely remove the deformity, specialists have to perform one or two surgical operations. The final decision is made after studying the condition of the defect. The first time surgery is performed when the child reaches three months of age.

Treatment of cleft palate is difficult because to eliminate such a defect a large number of operations have to be performed and therefore, most often, only after reaching 18 years of age can the patient return to a normal appearance. The first time an intervention aimed at correcting the palate is performed when the patient is 6 months or 1 year old.

After the first operation, there is not only an improvement in the functioning of the palate, but also a decrease in the risk that fluid will enter the middle ear. Other positive effects include the creation of conditions for the proper formation of teeth and facial bones.


They are quite serious diseases that can complicate the life of any person even in early infancy. Therefore, from birth such children require the attention of doctors. Fortunately, today medicine offers many methods to return such children to a normal life.

Cleft palate and cleft lip

Unfortunately, this process is quite long and often requires multiple operations. However, by adhering to the recommendations of specialists and carrying out the entire range of procedures prescribed by a group of treating doctors, in most cases the prognosis for curing this disease is favorable.

A cleft lip is not something terrible and irreparable. If parents find out that their baby will be born with such a pathology, do not panic and despair, because now there are modern and safe methods of surgical intervention that allow you to get rid of the disease almost without a trace.

Cleft lip is a congenital pathology that occurs due to unfused tissues of the nasal cavity and upper jaw in the prenatal state. The pathology is a cleft in the upper lip, dividing it into two parts.

The medical name for the disease is cheiloschisis. According to medical statistics, per 1,000 newborn children, there is 1 baby with a cleft lip.

In addition to the negative impact on appearance, the defect creates functional problems in eating and the formation and development of the child’s speech. But this defect does not have a pronounced negative effect on the body as a whole and on the overall development of the baby.

There are 2 types of cleft lip:

  1. Unilateral or bilateral cleft lip.
  2. Isolated or continuous cleft lip.

The cause of the pathology lies in a genetic mutation associated with a change in the TBX22 gene. The mutation occurs between 8 and 12 weeks of pregnancy. It can occur for various reasons:

Based on the strength of influence of the above reasons on the formation of a defect, the most significant can be identified: chemical factors - approximately 22%, mental - 9, biological - 5, physical - 2 percent.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the internal and external organs of the fetus are formed, so this is a very responsible and dangerous time. The mother definitely needs to isolate her body from the effects of teratogenic factors (reasons that may cause disruption of the development of the fetus and its organs).

A family that already has one child with this disease is recommended to consult a geneticist.

In most cases, newborns have a cleft on the upper lip and very rarely you can find a defect on the lower lip.

There are several types:

1. One-sided splitting:

  • Incomplete - part of the lip tissue remains untouched in the upper part.
  • Complete is a complete cleft of the upper lip.
  • Hidden - only the muscles of the lip are split, and the skin and mucous membrane are intact.

2. Bilateral splitting:

  • Symmetrical - incomplete or complete cleft on both sides.
  • Asymmetrical - incomplete or hidden on one side, complete on the other (and other options).

A split on one side is a depression on the upper lip. In this case, the middle nasal and right maxillary processes do not have fusion. The defect can have different configurations, for example, in one case it affects only the soft tissues of the lip, and in another it can also affect the bones of the upper jaw.

Nowadays, the existence of such a pathology in the fetus is easily determined using ultrasound in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

If a cleft lip is discovered, then this is not a reason to terminate the pregnancy, because the development of the fetus is not impaired, and the child after birth will not suffer from mental retardation (unless, of course, cheiloschisis is not part of congenital pathological syndromes). Children born with a cleft lip do not differ in any way in mental and mental development from other babies.

After the birth of the baby, the doctor must fully examine the child, after which he can accurately diagnose the disease and establish the fact that cleft lip is in no way connected with mental illnesses, and that it is an independent disease.

Modern medicine is capable of helping patients with such a genetic disease. With the help of plastic surgery, it is possible to completely and without problems eliminate cleft lip in children. There are 3 types of plastic surgery to eliminate cleft lip:

  • Cheiloplasty.
  • Rhinocheilognatoplasty.
  • Rhinocheiloplasty.

The operation is selected taking into account the nature and configuration of the defect and is performed under general anesthesia.

Surgical intervention can be performed only in those children who were born on time and who do not have contraindications: serious pathologies of vital organs, serious diseases (cardiovascular, respiratory tract, etc.), birth injuries, etc.

The operation can be performed as early as the 1st month of life. But as a rule, the operation is performed on babies aged three to six months. However, with deep lesions, treatment can begin as early as the 1st week of the child’s life.

Surgeries can completely eliminate the disease in almost ninety percent of cases. The full result can be assessed after a year has passed from the time of the operation.

Cheiloplasty is an operation to eliminate cleft lip. Before cheiloplasty, it is mandatory to conduct a complete medical examination of the baby.

During plastic surgery, the split tissues are connected and the correct position of the bones is restored. After the operation is completed, a gauze swab is inserted into the nasal cavity for some time to protect the sutures. After removing the tampon, a tube is inserted into the nose for three months.

Sutures are removed approximately ten days after surgery. Very often, after the main operation, additional cosmetic and other procedures are subsequently carried out to correct the remaining consequences of the cleft lip.

Rhinocheilognatoplasty is a complex operation used when it is necessary to eliminate pathology of the alveolar process and for severe anomalies of the facial part of the skull. It helps to form the normal position of the mouth muscles. The operation improves the shape of the upper lip, reduces the nasal cartilage defect, and eliminates the likelihood of developing dental anomalies.

Rhinocheiloplasty is a more complex operation that eliminates not only the cleft lip, but also corrects the muscles of the mouth and nasal cartilage. Reconstructive plastic surgery is performed at any age. Depending on the severity of the defect, procedures may be carried out to correct residual defects in the child.

Many patients require subsequent surgeries to correct nasal deformities. At the age of 4 to 6 years, it is worth having surgery to correct the wings of the nose and lengthen the skin part of the nasal septum. And the final operation to correct the nose is best performed at 16–18 years of age, since at this age children experience a slowdown in the growth of the facial skeleton due to age-related changes. You will also need plastic surgery to remove the scar on your lip.

Children, after removal of a cleft lip, must be periodically observed by an otolaryngologist, because they are prone to colds and otitis media. It is necessary to be constantly monitored by a speech therapist and dentist, and also to visit an audiologist and phoniatrist due to speech, sound perception and hearing disorders.

Famous people, including actors and musicians, also include people who were born with cheiloschisis and have had surgery to correct it. For example, the famous Hollywood actor Joaquin Phoenix. A scar on his upper lip is clearly visible on his face. The harelip is attributed to the famous Russian musician Andrei Makarevich and TV presenter Masha Malinovskaya.

The risk of having a child with a cleft lip can be minimized if you carefully monitor your health during pregnancy and be attentive to factors that can trigger the formation of a defect in the fetus. It is best to plan your pregnancy and undergo all examinations before conception to identify all diseases, folic acid and vitamin deficiencies. Be sure to lead a healthy lifestyle, completely give up alcoholic beverages and smoking. And if the mother’s job is in a dangerous workplace, it is better to refuse it.

Plastic surgery > > > Cleft lip

It is difficult to cope with the emotions of hearing during an ultrasound of the first or second trimester that the long-awaited baby may be born with a cleft lip and other disorders. Usually it is during these studies that the doctor finds signs of pathology. Before you panic or get upset, it is worth reminding yourself that cleft lip in children can be treated with modern surgical methods, and the defect itself does not lead to severe developmental disorders.

Cleft lip or cheiloschisis is a congenital pathology of the fetus that occurs during the formation of the maxillofacial elements. A gap appears in the child’s upper lip, through which the oral cavity is partially visible. It can damage not only the lip, but also lead into the nasal cavity.

The active process of formation of the maxillofacial system occurs from 4 to the end of 11 weeks. It is at this time that the middle nasal fusion occurs with the right and left maxillary processes. The appearance and location of the gap depends on which process with which the fusion will be disrupted. The earlier the exposure to a damaging factor occurred, the higher the risk of developing pathology and the more serious it can be.

The violation occurs with a frequency of 1 in 2,500. According to some reports, it occurs more often in boys. In rare cases, the defect is accompanied by a cleft palate - a cleft in the middle part of the palate.

There is no clear answer why children are born with a cleft lip. Among the main causes of the defect are:

  • The influence of toxic and chemical components in the first trimester: alcohol, drugs, smoking, medications, dietary supplements, adverse environmental factors, food additives, harmful substances contained in products. This reason is found in 22.8% of cases.
  • Heredity. According to statistics, if one of the parents had a cleft lip, then the probability of its occurrence in the children born to him is 7%.
  • Development of a more complex disease, for example, Stickler, Van der Woude or Robin syndromes.
  • Various viral and infectious diseases, including sexually transmitted ones. Their influence is detected in 5% of cases.
  • Physical effects on the expectant mother and child: frostbite, injury, radiation, tumors, adhesions, overheating.
  • Stress and emotional tension.
  • Late pregnancy in the presence of certain concomitant factors.
  • Unbalanced nutrition during pregnancy with a lack of folic acid, copper, proteins or an excess of vitamins.
  • Obesity.
  • Cardiovascular and endocrine diseases.
  • Severe toxicosis.
  • Anemia.

Studies have shown that only in 10-15% of cases the formation of a cleft lip is due to heredity. Other cases arise under the influence of other factors.

In this regard, a woman expecting the birth of a baby needs to reduce the influence of harmful factors on her body: stop working in hazardous industries, eat healthy foods without chemical additives, try to be less upset and tense.


In most cases, the gap forms on one side of the upper lip, mainly on the left. According to statistics, deformation of the right lip is 2 times less common than the left. Sometimes pathology forms on both sides or the lower lip. Bilateral and unilateral clefts can be complete, i.e. lead from lip to nose, or incomplete - limited only to the lip.

One-sided can be hidden - the pathology concerns only muscle tissue and does not affect the skin and mucous membranes. Bilateral can be symmetrical or asymmetrical. In the latter case, the defect is more pronounced on one side.

Symptoms and diagnosis

Signs of pathology are detected during an ultrasound scan performed in the first or second trimester. Accurate description and confirmation of diagnosis, however, cannot be made before the baby is born.

When newborns are born, attention is immediately drawn to a unilateral or bilateral gap on the upper or lower lip. The cleft lip sometimes reaches the baby's nose. If this defect is detected, an ENT specialist is examined to clarify the presence of pathology in the oral and nasal cavities.

It is sometimes believed that signs of a cleft lip detected during an ultrasound are grounds for artificial termination of pregnancy. This issue is decided by a medical commission only in the presence of other developmental defects that threaten the child’s life.


A deformity affecting only the lip leads to problems associated with feeding, speech development, tooth growth and hearing.

A child up to one year old eats mainly milk and liquid food. The gap in the lip causes food to sometimes enter the nasal cavity. It is quite difficult to make sure that all the food gets into your mouth. In case of severe pathology, a special feeding tube is used for feeding.

Pathology leads to improper formation and growth of teeth. So, it can lead to the absence of some teeth or, conversely, the appearance of extra ones. In some cases, teeth grow at the wrong angle, which leads to malocclusion and, as a consequence, incomplete chewing of food and deterioration in its processing in the gastrointestinal tract. Irregular dental growth also contributes to development.

In many cases, a cleft lip leads to disturbances in the formation of sounds. The voice becomes nasal, speech becomes unclear. It is difficult for a child to pronounce consonant sounds accurately and clearly.

Increased susceptibility to colds. There is a high risk of complications in the form of otitis media, middle ear effusion and, as a consequence, hearing impairment.

The problem of adaptation is one of the most important. A grown-up child feels inferior because he is different from others and because they laugh at him. Closedness and self-doubt develop. Mental tension, susceptibility to depression and stress are often characteristic.


Correction of a cleft lip is carried out only by surgical intervention. Treatment tactics are determined depending on whether the cleft lip is an isolated pathology or is accompanied by other anatomical disorders: clefts of the soft and hard palate, nasal deformities. Most often, one or more plastic surgeries are performed.

Surgical intervention is prescribed for a child who is born at term and has no contraindications, for example, respiratory problems. Usually the operation is performed when the baby reaches 3-6 months. If there are indications, it can be done earlier. Theoretically, before the age of one month, the operation could have a positive effect on the baby’s lips, nose and overall development, as well as relieve psychological stress from the parents. But the lips at this age are still too small, and the child himself is prone to blood loss.

The operation is aimed at restoring the integrity of the lips, eliminating anatomical disorders of the palate and nose and normal development of the maxillofacial system.

It is expected that all stages of surgical treatment should be completed before 3 years. It is during this period that the formation and development of speech occurs. After all stages of the surgical intervention, treatment is carried out aimed at eliminating the scar that arose after the operation, correcting the bite and correcting speech therapy disorders. Typically, complete treatment is completed by the age of 6 – the time when baby teeth begin to change to permanent ones. However, in cases where the cleft affects the alveolar process, surgery can be performed at the age of 7-8 years. Correction of nasal deformity is corrected at the age of 16-18 years.

Modern surgery provides 3 types of operations for the treatment of cleft lip:

  • Rhinocheiloplasty;
  • Rhinocheilognatoplasty.

This type of surgical intervention is indicated if the deformity is only on the lip and does not affect the cartilaginous and bone elements. In this case, one of three methods is used:

  • For minor violations - the linear method;
  • For a deep cleft, use the method of forming a quadrangular flap;
  • For clefts extending into the nasal cavity, the triangular flap method is used.

Cheiloplasty is often the first stage of a cycle of operations.


This surgical intervention is indicated for complete cleft lip with deformation of the cartilage tissue of the nose and oral muscles. During the operation, the cartilage is installed and fixed in the correct position, then the lip tissue is sutured. At the end of the operation, a tampon is inserted into the nose to prevent food from entering the nasal cavity and narrowing the passages. After 2-3 days, a tube is installed instead of a tampon, aimed at maintaining the correct position of the nose. It may remain in the nose until it is completely healed.

In case of significant violations, repeated surgery is indicated.


Aimed at restoring the anatomical integrity of the lips, forming the muscles around the mouth, eliminating nasal deformities, and disorders of the alveolar process. This is a complex plastic surgery, followed by a long rehabilitation period.

After the operation is completed, the child will remain in the hospital for some time. Doctors will monitor his condition and continue pain medication. Feeding during this period is carried out through a tube and using soft nipples. A bandage will be placed on your face to prevent the stitches from coming apart. The stitches themselves are removed on the fifth day.

Treatment must be continued after discharge from the hospital. Clinic specialists will prescribe procedures aimed at accelerating the healing of damaged tissues and, if necessary, continue pain relief. Older children may need to see a speech therapist and dental treatment. A consultation with an otolaryngologist is indicated.

There is no need to be afraid that a child was born with a cleft lip. Modern surgical methods make it possible to correct deformities, eliminate scars, restore the shape of the nose, and correct the bite. Timely measures taken will help avoid the influence of pathology on the child’s mental state.

Cleft lip, or in medical terms cheiloschisis, is a pathology of the maxillofacial region, which is characterized by the division of the upper lip into two parts. The disease ranks second among the most common facial defects.

Photo: boy with a cleft lip

If you believe the statistics, then for every thousand babies there is one child with this pathology.

Despite the fact that the pathology disrupts the aesthetic appearance of the face, it also interferes with leading a normal life: it interferes with normal speech, and also makes it difficult to eat.

This mutation is formed during the intrauterine period at 8-12 weeks of pregnancy. However, young parents, don’t panic right away!

A cleft lip is not a disability and can be corrected. You can find out about the methods at the end of the article.



The presence of a cleft lip can be determined immediately after the birth of the child. It may appear as a small defect, namely a shallow groove, most often on the left side, or it may appear as a deep cut that exposes the space for the front teeth and ends at the nose or even enters the nasal cavity.


Photo: birth defect - cleft palate

There are two types of this disease in children:

  • One- or two-sided cleft lip;
  • Through splitting.

The first type of this mutation is easier to correct than the second. End-to-end cleavage involves the complete absence of part of the upper lip, when normally part of the lip is simply collected in one place. Nowadays, cosmetic surgery copes well with both the first and second cases. Surgeries for children with cleft lip are best performed after 5 months of age.

Video: Bilateral complete cleft lip and palate


The pathology can currently be seen even on an ultrasound after the fourth month of pregnancy. However, the doctor can make the diagnosis itself only after the birth of the child with a full examination in order to make sure that this mutation is not part of any mental illness, but an independent pathology.


There are 3 types of plastic surgery aimed at solving this problem:

  • Rhinocheiloplasty - a more complex type of operation, when in addition to aesthetics, it is also necessary to achieve functional convenience. The operation takes place both on the lip itself and on the muscular frame of the facial region;
  • Cheiloplasty - surgical intervention, before which a full diagnosis and detailed tests are always carried out. This type of operation is the simplest, as it does not require correction of other tissues. While the sutures are healing, a cotton swab is inserted into the nose to prevent tissue fusion. Sutures are usually removed 10 days after surgery;
  • Rhinocheilognatoplasty - the most difficult type of operation, which includes cheiloplasty and rhinocheiloplasty, but also with correction of the pulmonary canals. .
If the child has no other health problems, then surgery can easily be scheduled at the age of 3-6 months. Typically, the cleft lip is removed after surgery in 80-90% of cases.

The doctor evaluates the results of the work after a year, when the scars have healed and the patient has gotten used to his “new” lips.

Celebrities and cleft lip

A cleft lip is not a reason to give up on your life; believe me, even some famous actors had this defect in childhood.

For example, Joanique Felix has a scar on his lip. He himself does not give any comments on this matter, but doctors have long said: “This Hollywood star had a cleft lip as a child!” This mutation did not spare the famous Russian actor. As many tell the journalist, Boyarsky also has a scar, which he hides under his mustache.

Video: What to do if your lip does not heal

Cost of the operation

If you are wondering how much the operation costs, then now we will tell you about it. If the operation is performed in a private medical hospital, the stay of the baby and mother for 7-8 days along with the operation will cost about 40 thousand Russian rubles.

It is also quite possible to do this operation for free. To do this, you need to get a policy for your baby, get in line and get a quota for the operation.

Photos before and after



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