Ovulatory syndrome. Ovulatory syndrome - what does abdominal pain indicate? Ovulatory syndrome code according to ICD 10

Ovulation for most women goes unnoticed, occurring about two weeks before menstruation. But for some it is accompanied by painful symptoms, discomfort, and bleeding. Such women suffer from ovulatory syndrome. According to statistics, almost half of women have experienced discomfort at least once during ovulation, and a fifth suffer pain regularly.

Ovulatory syndrome is an officially registered disease, designated in ICD-10 by code N94.0. Although many doctors do not recognize it as an illness and do not prescribe any treatment. The causes and methods of treatment are still not precisely known. But it’s still worth checking with a doctor - this condition can be a beacon of more serious diseases, such as inflammation and adhesions, or it can mask appendicitis.

Ovulatory syndrome usually appears by the age of 20, and is not typical for adolescents. During menopause it stops.

Ovulatory syndrome is an officially registered disease, designated in ICD-10 code N94.0

Causes of ovulatory syndrome

At the moment, the following possible causes of ovulatory syndrome are identified:
  • theory about the growing follicle. Each of the two female ovaries simultaneously contains from 10 to 15 follicles and inside each there is one immature egg. At a certain time, one of them becomes dominant, begins to grow and stretches the walls of the ovarian capsule in which it is located, which causes pain;
  • theory about follicle rupture. According to many researchers, unpleasant sensations occur when the egg is released into the abdominal cavity. The wall of the follicle ruptures under the influence of luteinizing hormone (LH) produced in the pituitary gland, causing discomfort;
  • concept about contraction of fallopian tubes. After release, the egg must travel to the uterus. To do this, the fallopian tubes peristalt, in other words, they contract, pushing the cell along its path. This contraction may cause pain;
  • assumption of spasm of smooth muscle cells. LH causes not only rupture of the follicle, but also an increase in the level of prostaglandins, due to which the smooth muscle cells in the ovary and its ligament contract.
  • theory about peritoneal irritation. Blood in small quantities from the ruptured follicle enters the peritoneal cavity, causing irritation and pain there. Over time, the fluid resolves and the inflammation goes away.

Women with adhesions and connective tissue growth are prone to manifestations of ovulatory syndrome

Women with adhesions and growth of connective tissue are prone to manifestations of ovulatory syndrome, which can pose a danger to her health. Also, pain is often experienced by patients with a low pain threshold, in whom severe discomfort is caused even by completely normal ovulation.

Signs of ovulatory syndrome

This condition manifests itself differently in women. Today, the main symptoms of ovulatory syndrome are identified:

  • pain or discomfort on the side of the abdomen where the ovary in which ovulation occurs is located. If the pain is on the right side, it may be caused by appendicitis;
  • there is a non-localized dull pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes becoming sharp and strong;
  • discomfort increases during physical activity or sex, with changes in body position;
  • the pain moves to the lower back, sacrum, gradually intensifying;
  • slight bleeding appears, lasting up to a couple of days;
  • in severe cases, nausea, vomiting occurs, and weakness is felt throughout the body.

Pain or discomfort on the side of the abdomen where the ovary in which ovulation occurs is located

Diagnosis of ovulatory syndrome

It is impossible to independently determine this condition - diseases such as cystitis, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, ectopic pregnancy and many others can be masked under it. If pain occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor. In addition to the general examination, the specialist conducts a conversation with the patient, during which he finds out:

  • what is the woman complaining about?
  • at what time, how often and regularly does pain appear;
  • analyzes the patient’s card for previous operations or illnesses, or the use of strong medications;
  • clarifies the features of the menstrual cycle - regularity, duration, pain, amount of discharge.

To exclude other diseases, instrumental studies are prescribed:

  • Basal body temperature is measured, increasing by about 1 °C during ovulation. If the increase in temperature coincides with the onset of symptoms, we can speak with a high degree of confidence about ovulatory syndrome.

Basal body temperature is measured, increasing by about 1 °C during ovulation

  • Ultrasound examination of follicles. During a breakthrough, they reach their maximum size - from 18 to 24 mm. After ovulation, an ultrasound will reveal a corpus luteum in its place, and a small amount of fluid in the abdominal cavity.
  • The level of sex hormones is measured. When a mature egg is released, the amount of LH in a woman’s body increases and the level of estrogen decreases.

Only after a complete examination is a diagnosis made - ovulatory syndrome. If necessary, other types of examination may be prescribed - puncture, laparoscopy, culture and smear for flora. To exclude other diseases, the gynecologist may involve a surgeon and urologist.

Therapy for ovulatory syndrome

Disorders caused by the release of an egg are not considered a pathology. There is no treatment for ovulatory syndrome as such. If the symptoms are mild, consult a gynecologist about what medications you can use to relieve pain. These can be both analgesics and antispasmodics. If pregnancy is not planned, abstain from sex for a couple of days.

In case of severe symptoms, the doctor may prescribe hormonal therapy in the form of contraceptives, the use of which prevents ovulation.

Hormonal therapy in the form of contraceptives

The duration of ovulatory syndrome is usually short - no more than 1 day. Long duration is an alarming symptom in which you should immediately consult a doctor. The following factors can prolong pain: hormonal imbalance, vitamin deficiency due to diet or diseases of the digestive system, stress and increased physical activity, sexually transmitted infections.

Prevention of ovulatory syndrome

To prevent pain syndrome, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • on the day of ovulation, refrain from sex and physical activity;
  • mark menstruation on the calendar to know in advance about the onset of ovulation;
  • visit a gynecologist regularly, at least twice a year;
  • protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Rest more often, devote time to normal sleep and healthy eating.

It should be understood that ovulatory syndrome is a normal state of the body caused by natural processes in the body. It is not dangerous in itself and will not cause you any harm.

N92.3 Ovulatory bleeding


Every third woman has constant ovulatory syndrome. Every second woman has encountered manifestations of this syndrome at least once in her life. As a percentage, more than 85% of women with menstrual irregularities also have problems with severe ovulatory syndrome. But oddly enough, more than 30% of women, having symptoms of ovulatory syndrome, do not know what they are talking about and do not consult a doctor, considering this a normal phenomenon

Causes of ovulatory syndrome

The main reason for the development of ovulatory syndrome is blood entering the peritoneal receptors. Taking into account these pathogenetic mechanisms, there is no need to talk about a pathological process. Therefore, treatment of this syndrome is not mandatory and depends entirely on the severity of the clinic. If we are talking about the development of complications that are associated with this syndrome, then it has a different direction.

Risk factors

Speaking about the main reasons for the development of this syndrome, it is necessary, first of all, to find out the risk factors, having which we can assume a high probability of developing the pathology. Risk factors include all pathologies that are accompanied by disruption of the normal structure and function of the ovaries and uterus:

  1. Ovarian cysts - they occur when the proliferation of ovarian or corpus luteum cells is impaired. This is directly related to hormonal changes, therefore, in the presence of this pathology, the risk of disorders associated with egg maturation and its release increases.
  2. Chronic inflammatory diseases of the ovaries - they cause the formation of adhesions on the ovary and this in turn disrupts the normal release of the egg from the follicle.
  3. Disorders of the ovario-menstrual cycle of a central or peripheral nature also disrupt the functioning of the endometrium and its regulation with the development of characteristic symptoms.
  4. Algodysmenorrhea in a woman - painful menstruation increases the risk of developing pain syndrome during ovulation, since the nervous regulation of this process is primarily disrupted.
  5. A history of frequent abortions increases the risk of developing adhesions and disrupts normal ovulation.

All these risk factors, through hormonal imbalance or due to local changes, can disrupt normal ovulation. Therefore, speaking about ovulatory syndrome, it is necessary to determine how it goes through the normal process of ovulation.

Ovulation is the process of the release of an egg from the follicle after its maturation. Normally, this process occurs at the peak of changes in the levels of various hormones. At the same time, the amount of follicle-stimulating hormone and estrogens decreases, which causes a gradual increase in progesterone and luteinizing hormone - it is at the peak of its increased concentration that the follicle ruptures. Ovulatory syndrome occurs when a follicle ruptures due to insufficient concentrations of certain hormones. Therefore, the main cause of ovulatory syndrome is the rapid rupture of the follicle, which is accompanied by blood entering the peritoneum outside the uterine space - this leads to its irritation and the appearance of symptoms.


The pathogenesis of the development of this syndrome also lies in the presence of local adhesions of the tubes or ovaries, which leads to improper movement of the egg - not into the ampullary part of the tube, but into the pelvic cavity, since there is an obstacle to its movement and even fimbriae do not correct this process.

The development of symptoms is also due to other changes. During ovulatory syndrome, hormonal imbalances are also observed, which do not normally occur. But in this case, when the follicle ruptures, the amount of estrogens that were synthesized by the egg decreases, and a sufficient amount of progesterone has not yet been produced. Therefore, initial small changes occur at the level of the endometrium. It can peel off in some places at the level of the functional layer, which leads to the development of the corresponding clinical picture.

Symptoms of ovulatory syndrome

It is difficult to argue that ovulatory syndrome is a pathology. It is not accompanied by any organic changes in the uterus or ovaries and does not interfere with the process of normal pregnancy, therefore it is not considered a disease. But as symptoms become more severe, it can cause functional problems. After all, normally the process of ovulation is almost imperceptible, especially since there are no painful sensations. Some women don't even know when they ovulate. And some may experience a slight increase in secretion in the form of an increase in serous discharge from the uterus. The stages of development of ovulation are the gradual growth of the egg from the primordial follicle to the tertiary one, when full maturation occurs and its release from the membranes for fertilization.

The first signs of ovulatory syndrome can appear after the age of twenty, when menstruation becomes regular. Girls, as a rule, do not suffer from this pathology. This syndrome is characterized by lability - it can disappear, for example, after childbirth or appear for the first time after childbirth. If there are risk factors, this symptom may appear in such compromising situations and disappear just as suddenly.

Then the first clinical manifestations of this syndrome appear. The most pronounced symptom is pain in the lower abdomen, usually one-sided. This pain occurs due to irritation of the peritoneum by blood particles that enter when the follicle ruptures. In this case, a pathognomonic symptom is the occurrence of pain precisely on the 13-14th day of the menstrual cycle, if it lasts 28 days, or the coincidence of such pain with ovulation for a different cycle length. Such pain can have varying degrees of severity - from mild to very pronounced. This depends on the degree of irritation and the amount of fluid that has entered the peritoneum. The process is one-sided, because ovulation occurs most often due to the rupture of one follicle.

Also, the second most severe symptom is bloody vaginal discharge. They are not massive and, as a rule, insignificant - these are manifestations of relative hypoestrogenism against the background of insufficient stimulation of the ovaries and partial detachment of the functional layer of the endometrium. Such discharge may also be serous in nature.

The duration of ovulatory syndrome should not be more than two days, otherwise we may be talking about another serious pathology.

Ovulatory syndrome with a temperature within normal limits can be manifested by a slight increase in temperature by no more than one degree. This is due to the fact that normally the ovulation process occurs with an increase in basal temperature under the influence of luteinizing hormone, but it does not exceed 0.8 degrees. If we are talking about ovulatory syndrome, then such an increase in temperature may be systemic due to a hormonal reaction and an increase in the level of catecholamines. But it is very important that such an increase in temperature should not last more than a day and should not exceed 38 degrees. If the temperature rise is strong and prolonged, then you need to immediately think about the development of an acute abdomen. This is very important for timely diagnosis of pathology and clear differential diagnosis.

Psychosomatics in ovulatory syndrome is of great importance for assessing the severity of manifestations. Indeed, against the background of increased emotional inconsistency, there is an increase in the production of catecholamines - stress hormones. They, in turn, contribute to the development of increased blood circulation in the area of ​​the uterus and ovaries - this can cause an increased reaction when the follicle ruptures and minor local bleeding, which will cause symptoms of ovulatory syndrome. Therefore, a woman’s increased emotionality also contributes to this syndrome, as does constant stress. Increased severity of symptoms can be aggravated against the background of increased emotionality, so these are interconnected processes, which must be taken into account when correcting this condition and include in the complex drugs that are also aimed at reducing nervous excitability.

Complications and consequences

Complications that can arise from ovulation disorders are mainly associated with incorrect and untimely differential diagnosis. If acute abdominal pain is misinterpreted, serious inflammatory complications can occur.

The consequences of ovulatory syndrome can be expressed mainly in disruption of a woman’s daily activity, decreased libido and the development of depressive thoughts during this period. If ovulatory disorders are caused by adhesions, then serious pathology may develop in the form of tubal obstruction and infertility. Then interventions are needed to correct this condition. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude such a cause of ovulatory disorders in time.

Diagnosis of ovulatory syndrome

Diagnosis of ovulatory syndrome can be limited only to medical history, but when the severity of symptoms is intense, more serious research methods may be needed. First of all, it is necessary to find out from the woman whether these manifestations are for the first time or whether they have already bothered you before and the degree of their severity then and now. The reaction to antispasmodics or painkillers also plays an important role. If a woman says that after these remedies it becomes easier, then we are probably talking about functional disorders. It is also necessary to find out data regarding the duration of the menstrual cycle and the severity of the pain syndrome. You need to pay attention to what day of the cycle the pain syndrome occurs and if it is during the period of expected ovulation, then we can say that we are talking about ovulatory syndrome. And in most cases, further diagnosis is not necessary; at this stage, you can decide on treatment. But there are cases when it is impossible to associate symptoms with ovulation in an irregular cycle. Then it is necessary to carry out clarifying research methods.

Tests aimed at diagnosing ovulatory pain syndrome are laboratory methods for confirming ovulation. In this case, the most reliable method is to determine the level of luteinizing hormone. The peak concentration of this hormone leads to the process of ovulation, so its determination within certain numbers may indicate ovulatory syndrome. In this case, you can use simple quick tests based on the qualitative determination of this hormone, which can be bought at the pharmacy. Quantitative tests can also be used, but this test is more specific. If there is massive discharge during ovulatory syndrome, then there is a need to determine the level of estrogen and progesterone during the ovulation period. At the same time, a reduced amount of estrogen can cause similar symptoms and this must be taken into account when drawing up a treatment program.

Instrumental diagnosis of ovulatory pain syndrome must be carried out in order to differentiate it from other manifestations in complex manifestations of the pathology. The main method that allows us to exclude serious pathology of the pelvic and abdominal organs is an ultrasound examination of the pelvis. In this case, it is possible to determine the presence of a cyst, apoplexy, and free fluid in the periuterine space.

Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis of this syndrome in case of a severe pain attack must be carried out with diseases that give the clinical picture of an acute abdomen and require immediate surgical intervention.

When pain is localized in the right lower abdomen, it is necessary to carry out a differential diagnosis with acute appendicitis. In this case, a distinctive feature of appendicitis is that the pain begins first in the epigastric region, and then migrates to the right iliac region. Also, appendicitis is accompanied by an intoxication syndrome with an increase in temperature and a change in blood count (a shift in the leukocyte formula to the left). Ovulatory pain from the very beginning is localized in the right iliac region and is not accompanied by symptoms of inflammation, in addition, the symptom of peritoneal irritation is not typical.

Ovarian apoplexy is a specific syndrome that occurs when bleeding into the ovary. Characteristic of this condition is, as a rule, a sharp pain that occurs during physical activity or during sexual intercourse. In this case, also based on the results of ultrasound, it is possible to determine free fluid in the pelvis and unclear echogenicity of the ovary.

A ruptured ovarian cyst may be accompanied by severe abdominal pain. Moreover, during the examination of the woman on the chair, pain from the cyst is determined and there is evidence of this disease in the anamnesis. The rupture of such a cyst has nothing to do with ovulation and can occur at any period of the cycle, which is what distinguishes ovulatory pain.

It is very important to differentiate ovulatory syndrome from ectopic pregnancy, which can also be accompanied by bleeding from the vagina. But at the same time, the main symptom can be considered a delay in menstruation if pregnancy is suspected and a normal menstrual cycle with ovulatory pain and corresponding discharge.

These are the main pathologies with which it is imperative to differentiate ovulatory pain in order to establish a diagnosis in time and, if necessary, not to delay surgical treatment. Anamnesis data is not always sufficient, so the diagnosis must be comprehensive.

Treatment of ovulatory syndrome

Treatment of ovulatory syndrome is exclusively symptomatic if it is only a functional disorder. The use of hormonal drugs is possible only if there is a confirmed deficiency of certain hormones, which may be the cause of discharge during ovulatory syndrome. There are also traditional methods of treating this pathology, which can be successfully used to reduce symptoms.

Of course, it is important during ovulation if a woman has such a syndrome to limit physical activity, give preference to rest and normalize her diet by consuming vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and minerals.

The main medications are as follows:

  1. Baralgin is a three-component remedy that helps well with algodismenorrhea and menstrual pain. The drug contains a non-narcotic analgesic (Metamizole sodium) and an antispasmodic (Pitofenon + Fenpiverinium bromide), which have a complex effect and relieve symptoms. Therefore, this remedy is a drug for symptomatic treatment. The drug is used for severe pain and is dosed in one tablet. If the effect is not achieved, then after half an hour you can take another tablet. Precautionary measures - should not be taken while feeding a child and taken for a long time, since it may have a depressing effect on hematopoiesis. Side effects are possible in the form of a decrease in blood pressure and allergic phenomena.
  2. Tamipul is a comprehensive remedy for the symptomatic treatment of pain of any origin, including ovulatory syndrome. It contains two non-narcotic analgesics (paracetamol and ibuprofen) and codeine. It has a central analgesic effect. The method of administration of the drug is oral. Dosage of one capsule for pain syndrome, it is better only at its beginning, then the effect is more pronounced. Side effects are possible in the gastrointestinal tract in the form of glossitis, damage to the esophagus, stomach, intestines with symptoms of dyspepsia, and impaired intestinal evacuation function. Allergic manifestations of varying severity are also possible. The effect of the drug on the hematopoietic system may cause anemia, a decrease in the number of platelets and granulocytic neutrophils. When acting on the heart and vascular system, rapid heartbeat, pain in the heart area, heart rhythm disturbances, and blood pressure lability may occur. Precautionary measures - in case of severe pain syndrome, which is accompanied by severe intoxication syndrome, taking this drug can hide the clinical picture of an acute abdomen, so the drug should not be used if another etiology of the pain syndrome is suspected.
  3. Mirena is a contraceptive that can be used in the complex treatment of ovulatory pain, which is intense and persistent. This drug, containing levonorgestrel, is the treatment of choice for women who have children and ovulation symptoms are accompanied by uterine discharge. At the same time, estrogen deficiency is regulated and at the same time a contraceptive effect is achieved. The method of using the drug is the placement of an intrauterine device, which is performed only by a specialized obstetrician-gynecologist. Such a spiral is installed for five years with further replacement of the product. Precautions – Minor preparation is required before using the IUD. The mechanism of action of this drug is based on the effect of the gradual release of estrogen hormones and the normalization of secretions during ovulation.
  4. Perfectil is used for the complex treatment of ovulatory syndrome, since it has an effect not only on vitamin deficiency, but also on the regulation of nervous excitation with a pronounced psychosomatic component of the ovulatory syndrome. The drug contains vitamins - A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, D, E, H, as well as trace elements - magnesium, calcium, copper, manganese, zinc, iron, molybdenum. The drug is available in the pharmacological form of capsules. Take one capsule once a day (preferably after meals, as this improves absorption). Side effects are not detected if the dose is observed; changes in the color of urine are possible due to the composition of the drug. Contraindications to taking the drug are serious impairment of kidney and liver function. Precautions - do not combine with other vitamins.

Physiotherapeutic treatment has a positive effect in the acute period, especially when adhesions form on the ovaries. In the acute period, heat can be used on the lower abdomen, as well as radiation therapy. If there is a suspicion of an acute inflammatory process, then thermal procedures are strictly contraindicated.

Surgical treatment of ovulatory symptoms is not used; only some surgical manipulations are possible in case of formation of tubal adhesions and their obstruction.

Alternative treatment for ovulatory syndrome

Traditional methods of treatment are also aimed at eliminating pain and normalizing the emotional state. They use methods that eliminate spasm and have an analgesic effect.

  1. A salt heating pad dilates spasmodic blood vessels and relaxes muscles, which reduces the intensity of ovulatory pain. For such a heating pad, you need to heat the salt in a frying pan until warm, pour it into a towel, fold it in several layers so that it is not hot, and then apply it to the lower abdomen. If there is any increase in temperature, then no heating pads should be used.
  2. You need to make a sitz bath from an infusion of chamomile and cinnamon. To do this, brew two bags of chamomile herb in a liter of water and leave until the solution becomes warm. Then you need to add a teaspoon of cinnamon and take such a bath, sitting in it for at least ten minutes.
  3. Before expected ovulation, you need to use a tampon made from calendula herb. It has antimicrobial and analgesic effects. To do this, you need to brew calendula flowers, wet a gauze swab, and insert it into the vagina for two hours.

Herbal treatment can be used for several days, using medicinal herbs for two days before the expected ovulation and two days after it. It also normalizes the nervous system and blood circulation.

  1. Celery is a plant that is not only eaten, but also used to reduce pain. The root of this plant is poured with cold water, the juice of half a lemon is added and half a glass of this drink is drunk three times a day. It also normalizes the amount of missing hormones.
  2. One tablespoon of horsetail should be mixed with several sprigs of lemon balm and poured with hot water. This infusion should be drunk three tablespoons warm.
  3. The combination of boron uterus with strawberries regulates bleeding during ovulatory syndrome. To do this, you need to take the leaves of the hogweed and add a tablespoon of fruit or strawberry leaves. This infusion can be drunk as tea three times a day, a glass.
  4. Water pepper and nettle leaves can be used if ovulatory syndrome is combined with heavy discharge, which indicates a sharp deficiency of gestagens. To do this, use an infusion of these herbs and consume half a glass of them twice a day.

Homeopathic remedies have the same principle of action as other drugs, that is, symptomatic treatment is used. Treatment may also be preventive in nature in correcting the formation of adhesions on the ovary.

  1. Lachesis-plus is a combined homeopathic remedy that affects all disorders of regulatory processes in the body, and also due to its rich herbal composition, has an analgesic and antispasmodic effect. The drug is available in the pharmacological form of homeopathic granules and is dosed in eight granules five times a day, half an hour before meals or an hour after. It is necessary to dissolve the granules until completely dissolved and do not drink with water. Side effects are not common. There may be a slight increase in abdominal pain, then it is necessary to increase the dose to five drops. Treatment must be carried out for at least two months, and for the purpose of prevention, reduce the dose and take five granules three times a day.
  2. Ignacy Homaccord is a complex herbal and animal homeopathic remedy that is especially effective in the case of psychosomatic disorders accompanying ovulatory pain. The drug is available in the pharmacological form of homeopathic drops and is dosed in ten drops once a day. In this case, the drops should be diluted in a tablespoon of water and taken regardless of meals. No side effects were identified.
  3. Pulsatilla compositum is a homeopathic remedy of natural origin. The drug is available in the pharmacological form of a homeopathic solution in ampoules and is dosed in a third of the ampoule once a week, with possible oral use. Side effects are not common, but stool disorders, dyspepsia and allergic reactions may occur. Precautionary measures - the drug cannot be used in case of an acute process in the uterus.
  4. Belladonna is a one-component drug that has a very pronounced antispasmodic effect due to blocking cholinergic receptors in muscle fibers. Directions for use: one tablet once a day. Side effects are possible with an overdose of the drug, so you need to follow the doctor's instructions.

These are the main folk remedies, the advantage of which is the possibility of their preventive use.

It is important to know!

Ovulation syndrome is painful sensations in the area of ​​the ovulating ovary, sometimes accompanied by bloody discharge. Pain syndrome occurs most often against the background of an excess of prostaglandins, which regulate the pressure inside the dominant follicle and participate in the process of rupture of its wall with the release of a mature egg.

According to statistics from the World Health Organization, 50% of women have experienced pain in the lower abdomen at least once in the middle of the lunar cycle, and 20% experience it monthly. After examination, some of the patients are diagnosed with ovulation syndrome. What kind of “disease” is this, what are its symptoms and methods of treatment - you will learn about all this from our article.

Ovulatory syndrome - disease or symptom

Gynecologists believe that ovulatory pain is a conditional norm when no special treatment is required. Most often, the release of the egg from the fallopian tube occurs imperceptibly or is accompanied by mild discomfort. In such cases, there can be no talk of any illness. If physical suffering is obvious, it is worth examining to exclude other possible diseases. And if the examination results indicate only ovulatory syndrome, the doctor will recommend measures that can be used to alleviate the painful condition.

Possible causes

The reasons for the development of ovulatory pain syndrome may be the following factors:

  1. Injury to the ovarian membrane during the emptying of the follicle and the release of the egg. After all, there are many nerve endings on the surface of the ovary.
  2. Irritation of the peritoneum when blood and fluid enter the pelvic cavity from a ruptured follicle.
  3. A woman’s sensitivity to the factors described, as well as to contractions of the fallopian tube, causing the egg to move through the tube.
  4. The formation of adhesions between the pelvic organs, which also make themselves felt during contractions of the fallopian tube.


Ovulation syndrome has many signs that can be used to make a primary diagnosis. And if the picture is accompanied by additional symptoms, then it is necessary to undergo an examination to establish a final diagnosis.

How to recognize ovulatory pain

Here are the most common signs of ovulatory syndrome:

  • painful sensations in the ovarian area - lower abdomen, right or left;
  • the spread of these sensations to the lumbar region, sacrum or groin;
  • increased sensations during physical activity, sudden body movements or during sex;
  • discharge of cervical mucus;
  • change in color of discharge to pink or reddish;
  • increase in basal temperature;
  • increased libido;
  • in rare cases, weakness and lightheadedness;
  • changes in hormonal balance, which can be measured with special tests sold in pharmacies.

Not all abdominal pain is ovulatory

According to the international classification of diseases ICD-10, ovulatory pain is assigned code N94: “Pain and other conditions associated with the female genital organs and the menstrual cycle.” However, not all pain is a sign. Pain in the lower abdomen, according to the strength, nature and duration of its course, is divided into the following types:

  • sharp, sharp;
  • paroxysmal (attacks);
  • pulsating;
  • incessant;
  • growing imperceptibly.

Did you know? The first scientific document on gynecology was the work of Soranus of Ephesus, Gynekaia, dating from the 2nd century AD. Until the 17th century, it was the main methodological manual on gynecology.

Each such physical suffering, coupled with additional symptoms, indicates a certain pathology, which only a gynecologist can diagnose.

Thus, spotting not related to regulation, accompanying pain, most likely indicates inflammation of the woman’s reproductive system.

An increase in temperature, as well as pathological discharge, are signs of infection of the pelvic organs.

Fever and sharp pain in the center of the abdomen are likely symptoms.

An increase in temperature and incessant aching pain in the center of the abdomen are manifestations of a chronic uterus.

Problems with urination may indicate diseases of the urinary system.

Lightheadedness, vomiting, loss of appetite that accompany “gluttonia” indicate disorders of the digestive tract.

Acute, persistent pain that occurs in the area of ​​the xiphoid process or near the navel and migrates to the right iliac region is a clear sign of inflammation of the appendix.

Important! Polycystic ovary syndrome is a predisposing factor in the development of a malignant tumor. Therefore, when diagnosing this pathology, the urgency of its treatment is important.

Cramps in the abdomen above the pubis, coupled with painful urination, indicate cystitis.

How long does the pain last?

How long ovulatory pain lasts depends on the woman’s body: hormonal balance, characteristics of the genitourinary system, pain sensitivity threshold, etc., as well as the presence of chronic diseases. Usually their duration is 2 days.

How to reduce pain intensity

If physical suffering accompanies every menstruation, you need to systematize your general diet and improve your diet during the ovulation period, excluding starchy and sugar-containing foods, yeast baked goods, spicy and fatty foods, legumes, all varieties of cabbage, chocolate, carbonated drinks, coffee and strong tea. Elimination of stress and complete psychological relaxation also normalize the course of physiological processes. Suffering can be reduced with warm baths, if there are no signs of acute infectious diseases.

Without a doctor's prescription, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be taken to relieve the syndrome: Ibuprofen, Indomethacin, Naproxen, Ketoprofen. Antispasmodics also help: “No-shpa”, “Spazgan”, “Spazmalgon”.

Who is most likely to suffer from ovulatory syndrome?

Despite the fact that the syndrome can manifest at any age, the World Health Organization has defined a “risk group”. These are women over 50 years of age, since predisposing factors most often appear at this age:

  • chronic inflammation of the pelvic organs;
  • infectious sexual diseases;
  • refusal of hormonal contraception;
  • constant stress;
  • psychological disorders and stress;
  • micronutrient deficiency,
  • restrictive diets;
  • excessive physical activity.

Diagnosis and treatment options

Diagnosis is extremely important if ovulatory pain bothers you for a long period. Only a gynecologist can reliably determine the symptoms and prescribe adequate treatment. In this case, delaying the examination is fraught with the development of dangerous complications.

Did you know?In the Islamic state of Bahrain, male gynecologists are allowed to examine female genitalia only through reflection in the mirror.

A comprehensive examination includes:

  • blood and urine tests;
  • ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, genitourinary system and liver;
  • analysis of vaginal discharge and cervical mucus;
  • electrocardiography and cardiotocography.
Treatment is prescribed in accordance with the identified pathology.

Hormonal drugs are prescribed only in cases of deficiency of certain sex steroids.

Basic means of pharmacological treatment:

"Baralgin". It consists of an analgesic and antispasmodic and is prescribed to relieve symptoms of severe menstrual pain associated with various pathologies of the woman’s reproductive system.

Contraindications: breastfeeding and long-term use, to avoid inhibition of hematopoiesis.

Side effects: decreased blood pressure and individual intolerance.

"Tamipul". It contains analgesics and Codeinum; it is prescribed for pain of any origin, but preferably only at the beginning of the syndrome.

Contraindications: individual intolerance, suspicion of another origin of pain.

Side effect: digestive tract disorders, anemia, increased heart rate, blood pressure instability.

"Mirena"- intrauterine contraceptive device, used in complex therapy to regulate hormone deficiency and installed for a long time with the renewal of the drug.

"Perfectil"are capsules that restore the deficiency of vitamins of groups A, B, C, D, E and H, as well as trace elements: Mg, Ca, Cu, Mn, Fe, Zn and Mo, and in addition relieve nervous tension.

Contraindications: impaired renal and liver function.

Hormonal contraceptives block ovulation and prevent pain.

Contraindications: woman's desire to become pregnant.

Physiotherapy helps with adhesions. We are talking about warm compresses on the painful area and radiotherapy.

Contraindications: acute inflammatory processes.


To prevent pain, doctors advise:

  • control menstrual cycles in preparation for their mid-stages;
  • in case of any disturbances in the usual rhythm and lifestyle, immediately contact a gynecologist for examination;
  • Periodically, once every six months, visit your gynecologist for scheduled preventive examinations.


The goal of treating ovulatory syndrome with folk remedies is the same as pain relief and restoration of emotional balance.

Salt heating pad dilates blood vessels and relaxes muscles, smoothing out pain. Salt, heated in a frying pan, is poured onto a towel, which is then rolled up in several layers and placed on the site of physical suffering. When the temperature rises, this remedy is not suitable.

Sitz bath from a decoction of chamomile and cinnamon. 10 liters of strong chamomile tea should be cooled until warm, add a teaspoon of ground cinnamon and sit in a basin with the broth for ten minutes.

, dipped in calendula tea leaves, inserted into the vagina for 2 hours, has an analgesic and antiseptic effect. This course is recommended to be carried out for two days before ovulation and for two days after it.

Celery root infusion normalizes hormonal balance. The root should be poured with cold boiled water, add the fresh juice of half a lemon to the infusion, and then drink the drink half a glass three times a day.

Infusion of horsetail and lemon balm made from a mixture of these herbs and hot water. The drink should be drunk three tablespoons three times a day.

Infusion of boron uterus and strawberries prevents bleeding. To do this, you need to drink three glasses of warm drink a day.

Infusion of water pepper and nettle prevents heavy, prolonged discharge, restoring the lack of gestagens. The drink should be drunk half a glass in the morning and evening.

Ovulatory syndrome and pregnancy

Weak, aching pain during the procedure is considered normal. And yet the doctor should know about them. If the suffering intensifies, worsens or takes on the nature of contractions, you should immediately contact an obstetrician-gynecologist. The main reasons for this condition are either threatened placental abruption or disorders of the digestive tract.

Paroxysmal pain in the lower abdomen coupled with bleeding may mean. And if they become sharp and cutting, urgent surgical intervention is required - such symptoms indicate a rupture of the fallopian tube.

Now you know that ovulatory pain is a common occurrence in women of childbearing age, and that they do not require medical supervision - only in rare cases, when the character changes and suspicious symptoms appear. So don't worry for no reason. Just take them for granted, and smooth out the severity of sensations if necessary. But if there are any warning signs, consult your doctor immediately.

Ovulation for most women goes unnoticed, occurring about two weeks before menstruation. But for some it is accompanied by painful symptoms, discomfort, and bleeding. Such women suffer from ovulatory syndrome. According to statistics, almost half of women have experienced discomfort at least once during ovulation, and a fifth suffer pain regularly.

Ovulatory syndrome is an officially registered disease, designated in ICD-10 by code N94.0. Although many doctors do not recognize it as an illness and do not prescribe any treatment.

The causes and methods of treatment are still not precisely known.

But it’s still worth checking with a doctor - this condition can be a beacon of more serious diseases, such as inflammation and adhesions, or it can mask appendicitis.

Ovulatory syndrome usually appears by the age of 20, and is not typical for adolescents. During menopause it stops.

Ovulatory syndrome is an officially registered disease, designated in ICD-10 code N94.0

Causes of ovulatory syndrome

There is not yet a unified theory of the occurrence of the disease among specialists. At the moment, the following possible causes of ovulatory syndrome are identified:

  • theory about the growing follicle. Each of the two female ovaries simultaneously contains from 10 to 15 follicles and inside each there is one immature egg. At a certain time, one of them becomes dominant, begins to grow and stretches the walls of the ovarian capsule in which it is located, which causes pain;
  • theory about follicle rupture. According to many researchers, unpleasant sensations occur when the egg is released into the abdominal cavity. The wall of the follicle ruptures under the influence of luteinizing hormone (LH) produced in the pituitary gland, causing discomfort;
  • concept about contraction of fallopian tubes. After release, the egg must travel to the uterus. To do this, the fallopian tubes peristalt, in other words, they contract, pushing the cell along its path. This contraction may cause pain;
  • assumption of spasm of smooth muscle cells. LH causes not only rupture of the follicle, but also an increase in the level of prostaglandins, due to which the smooth muscle cells in the ovary and its ligament contract.
  • theory about peritoneal irritation. Blood in small quantities from the ruptured follicle enters the peritoneal cavity, causing irritation and pain there. Over time, the fluid resolves and the inflammation goes away.

Women with adhesions and connective tissue growth are prone to manifestations of ovulatory syndrome

Women with adhesions and growth of connective tissue are prone to manifestations of ovulatory syndrome, which can pose a danger to her health. Also, pain is often experienced by patients with a low pain threshold, in whom severe discomfort is caused even by completely normal ovulation.

Signs of ovulatory syndrome

This condition manifests itself differently in women. Today, the main symptoms of ovulatory syndrome are identified:

  • pain or discomfort on the side of the abdomen where the ovary in which ovulation occurs is located. If the pain is on the right side, it may be caused by appendicitis;
  • there is a non-localized dull pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes becoming sharp and strong;
  • discomfort increases during physical activity or sex, with changes in body position;
  • the pain moves to the lower back, sacrum, gradually intensifying;
  • slight bleeding appears, lasting up to a couple of days;
  • in severe cases, nausea, vomiting occurs, and weakness is felt throughout the body.

Pain or discomfort on the side of the abdomen where the ovary in which ovulation occurs is located

Diagnosis of ovulatory syndrome

It is impossible to independently determine this condition - diseases such as cystitis, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, ectopic pregnancy and many others can be masked under it. If pain occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor. In addition to the general examination, the specialist conducts a conversation with the patient, during which he finds out:

  • what is the woman complaining about?
  • at what time, how often and regularly does pain appear;
  • analyzes the patient’s card for previous operations or illnesses, or the use of strong medications;
  • clarifies the features of the menstrual cycle - regularity, duration, pain, amount of discharge.

Source: https://sindrom.guru/szvo/ovulyatornyj-sindrom

Ovulatory syndrome: how to recognize by symptoms and is it worth treating?

Ovulatory syndrome is usually called a complex of symptoms that arise in connection with ovulation. Unlike premenstrual, the first occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Ovulatory syndrome and pregnancy - is there a connection between them?

Possible causes

Ovulation is the release of a mature egg from the follicle.

It is captured by the villi located in the funnel of the fallopian tube and moves further into the uterine cavity under the influence of tubal peristalsis (contractions) and vibrations of the villi of the ciliated epithelium of its mucous membrane. There is no pattern or sequence in which of the ovaries the egg matures.

During reproductive age, this process occurs monthly. It is regulated by the endocrine glands (hypothalamus and anterior pituitary gland) through universal hormonal feedback between them and the ovaries. Ovulation is initially accompanied by blood filling of one of the ovaries in the area of ​​the follicle. Then the capsule of the latter ruptures and the egg is released.

In this case, slight swelling of the ovary and moderate bleeding occur. Blood is released into the pelvic cavity and partially into the fallopian tube, from where it enters the uterine cavity.

In addition, in the pelvic cavity in the space behind the uterus (Douglas pouch), aseptic fluid is formed, which is the result of a mild inflammatory reaction to the shed blood.

All this is accompanied by irritation of pain receptors.


Thus, the symptoms of ovulatory syndrome are predominantly minor bleeding from the genital tract, discomfort and pain in the abdomen, the duration of which, as a rule, is about 20 minutes, rarely up to 3 days. Sometimes swelling of the labia may occur on the part of the ovulating ovary, as well as emotional instability associated with changes in hormonal levels.

Painful sensations can be of varying intensity - from mild to severe.

They are pulling, pressing, sometimes sharp in nature and are localized mainly in the lower abdomen, usually on one side, rarely below the navel.

The pain can radiate to the sacrum, lumbar or groin area on one side, and intensify during sexual intercourse, fast walking, physical activity, sudden changes in body position, etc.

The influence of various factors on pathology

How long does ovulatory syndrome last?

It can appear at any age, and more or less pronounced occurs in 50-80% of women. Its occurrence or intensification of manifestations is facilitated mainly by:

  1. Acute and chronic inflammatory and adhesive processes in the pelvic organs, especially caused by sexually transmitted infections.
  2. Hormonal imbalance, for example, due to hypo- or hyperthyroidism, as well as the condition after discontinuation of coccus (combined oral contraceptives).
  3. Endometriosis.
  4. Psycho-emotional instability and lifestyle changes.
  5. Sleep disorders and stress;
  6. Deficiency of vitamins and microelements due to impaired absorption in diseases of the digestive tract, liver, insufficient intake when following special diets to reduce body weight.
  7. Intense physical and mental stress.

Does the manifestation of ovulatory syndrome depend on the use of oral contraceptives?

After fertilization of the egg and during the development of pregnancy, there is no ovulation, which means there is no reason for the development of the syndrome. Also, ovulatory syndrome almost never occurs when taking oc (oral contraceptives). This is explained by their progestogenic effect, that is, an effect similar to the mechanism of action of the corpus luteum hormone (progesterone).

The essence of this mechanism is that, when hormones are supplied from the outside, thanks to the mechanism of negative hormonal feedback between the endocrine glands, the synthesis and secretion of the pituitary gland's own hormones - follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) - are blocked, which leads to suppression of ovulation processes. In addition, oral contraceptive drugs have the property of directly suppressing the maturation of follicles. This is also manifested by the complex of their therapeutic effect for various disorders in the body.

Thus, while taking COCs, the natural regulation of the normal menstrual cycle, which is carried out by the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system, is blocked, which helps eliminate the manifestations of ovulatory syndrome, namely bleeding and pain in the middle of the cycle. However, after discontinuation of COCs, they can resume.


Treatment for ovulatory syndrome is usually not carried out, since it is considered a normal variant and indicates the presence of ovulation. If pain occurs, you can take analgesic or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The latter suppress the release of prostaglandins that promote its formation.

But if the pain and/or bleeding is prolonged, intense, accompanied by nausea, vomiting and/or persists for 1 day or longer, you should definitely consult a doctor.

This is necessary for the purpose of differential diagnosis of ovulatory syndrome with ectopic pregnancy, ovarian apoplexy or torsion of its pedicle, appendicitis, perforation of the intestinal diverticulum, calculus in the ureter and other diseases.

In case of frequently recurring signs of the syndrome, after examination and at the request of the woman (taking into account pregnancy planning), the gynecologist may recommend taking oral contraceptives.

Source: http://ginekolog-i-ya.ru/ovulyatornyj-sindrom.html

Ovulatory syndrome

Ovulatory syndrome is a rather interesting “disease”. For women who are ready to become mothers, it marks the best time for the closest possible communication with their husband behind closed doors, which has far-reaching consequences.

Girls who want to live for their own pleasure should, on the contrary, exercise maximum caution and competently select reliable contraceptives so that an unexpected pregnancy does not ruin all their life plans.

Usually, several “critical days” pass unnoticed, and the release of the egg from the ovary is not accompanied by any unpleasant sensations.

However, sometimes the individual characteristics of the body give ladies a big “pig” when ovulation can easily erase several days from life.

But if the patient, due to increased consciousness and careful attitude towards her own health, decides to see a doctor, she will be quite surprised.

She will be informed that the “obvious” symptoms are one of the variants of the norm, therefore the treatment in this case will consist in... its absence.

How long will the “illness” last and what are its causes? What is ovulatory syndrome? Is it possible to minimize the negative effects of ovulation? This is what we will talk about today.


Ovulatory syndrome, which is sometimes (and not entirely correctly) called “ovulation syndrome”, is, we repeat, one of the variants of the norm. And if we approach the issue formally, then looking for its causes or, God forbid, prescribing this or that treatment would be stupid. But stereotypes sometimes turn out to be stronger, so it is still worth briefly listing possible predisposing factors:

  1. Minor damage to the ovarian wall at the time of ovulation. This can really cause pain. In this case, there is no specific treatment, and the doctor will recommend that the patient refrain from heavy exercise for several days.
  2. Irritation of the inner lining of the abdomen, resulting from the reflux of a small amount of blood from a burst follicle into the pelvic cavity.
  3. Low pain threshold. Most women are able to easily tolerate unpleasant symptoms, but sometimes hypersensitivity can provoke subjective pain.
  4. Hidden adhesive process. But this is much more serious. The formation of connective tissue constrictions and fusion of internal organs is a dangerous pathology that can remain undetected for a long time.


They can be completely different, so identifying the clinical manifestations that are “mandatory” for every woman is quite difficult.

Moreover, the symptoms largely depend on individual anatomical features, so in general the question is “how long should I tolerate this?” is not entirely correct.

The most common manifestations (assuming that the ovulatory syndrome proceeds more or less standardly) are the following:

  1. Painful sensations localized in the lower abdomen. Most often they occur either on the left or on the right (depending on which ovary ovulation occurred in). Sometimes the pain radiates to the sacrum, lumbar region or groin, intensifying even with minor physical activity.
  2. Dyspareunia (discomfort and pain during sex). This is a natural reason to see a doctor, especially if you are planning a pregnancy.
  3. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract (vomiting, nausea, heartburn).
  4. Minor bleeding from the genital tract. Young ladies often attribute them to hypothermia, another outbreak of thrush, or a partner’s uncleanliness, but only a gynecologist can certainly figure out the problem.


It is basically impossible to diagnose “ovulatory syndrome” (OS) over the phone or online. Therefore, if you want to find out what is happening to you, you will have to take the time to go to the doctor. Most readers are well aware of how a gynecologist conducts a general examination, so we will focus on factors that can help make a diagnosis.

1. Conversation with the patient

  • analysis of the patient’s subjective complaints (see the corresponding section);
  • clarification of existing individual characteristics (frequency of unpleasant sensations, approximate time of onset of symptoms);
  • careful study of the medical record (past illnesses, surgical interventions, long-term use of potent medications);
  • clarification of the characteristics of the menstrual cycle (time of appearance of the first menstruation, regularity, approximate duration, amount of discharge, pain).

2. Instrumental studies

  • palpation of the abdomen;
  • measurement of basal temperature;
  • An ultrasound of the pelvic organs will reveal signs of ovulation that has just occurred (increased endometrial thickness, corpus luteum at the site of follicle rupture).

When making a final diagnosis, it is important to exclude any acute conditions that can sometimes be disguised as OS: appendicitis, renal colic, pathologies of the pelvic organs. This point is especially important for those women who are planning a pregnancy, since any surgical intervention, even in the earliest stages, is categorically not recommended.


If after reading the article you decide that the OS does not need any treatment, then you will be only partly right:

  1. The syndrome is not a disease or pathology in the generally accepted sense of the word. This means that there is no need to talk about therapy in this case.
  2. The realization that unpleasant symptoms are “just” the individual characteristics of your body will not help at all with a severe pain attack. Agree, you will be primarily interested in your own broken state and what can be done with it, and not in the reasons that can explain it.
  3. As we have already found out, OS is a group of possible symptoms that accompany ovulation. However, it is impossible to exclude the possibility that they may not be hiding a harmless syndrome, but a formidable pathological condition. Appendicitis, many diseases of the pelvic organs, and even the initial stages of cancer can have similar clinical manifestations. Therefore, talking about the absence of the need for treatment can be done with very big reservations.

If the preliminary diagnosis is confirmed, the gynecologist may advise the following to relieve symptoms:

  1. Temporary refusal of sex. We agree that this is a rather unpleasant recommendation, but you can tolerate it for a few days (that’s how long the characteristic clinical picture lasts).
  2. Avoiding excessive physical activity. We do not encourage you to turn into a muslin young lady and deliberately take time off from all household chores, but you will have to give up taking the GTO standards, running a marathon, or going to the dacha to weed the weeds.
  3. If all else fails, ask your gynecologist to prescribe medications to relieve pain. These can be either the usual antispasmodics (no-spa, ibuprofen) or analgesics (baralgin, paracetamol, solpadeine). But remember that it is the doctor who should prescribe them, and not the friend who “understands” everything.


To prevent pain during ovulation, ladies are advised to:

  1. Monitor the duration of the menstrual cycle in order to know in advance about its midpoint.
  2. Any health problems that disrupt your normal lifestyle should be interpreted by a doctor after a comprehensive examination. It is likely that your poor health is due to OS, but making a diagnosis yourself or, even worse, being in the dark in the initial stages of an ovarian cyst or uterine fibroids is not the wisest decision.
  3. Don’t be lazy to visit your gynecologist 2-3 times a year, no matter how trite it may sound. After all, treating “female” diseases is a long and very expensive process, and the sooner you learn about the problem, the better.

Ovulatory syndrome and pregnancy

OS itself is not an obstacle to the desired pregnancy. Moreover, women in an interesting position often forget about “difficult days” and poor health forever. But we have already said several times that under the guise of ovulatory syndrome there may be a chronic pathology hidden, the treatment of which during pregnancy is an extremely difficult task.

Therefore, if you are thinking about adding to your family, you should first undergo a complete (and not formal!) examination. And only then, if the doctor confirms that you are healthy, proceed to the most important thing. Believe me, women who have been stuck in hospitals for years: playing Russian roulette and betting your life is not a good idea!

Source: http://prosindrom.com/internal-diseases/endocrine-system/ovulyatornyj-sindrom.html

Signs of ovulatory syndrome and methods of its treatment

The eggs in a woman's body are placed in a follicle capsule. At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, a leading cell is identified and begins to grow. By the middle of the cycle, it matures due to the action of hormones, reaches the desired size (20–24 mm), ruptures the follicle and exits into the fallopian tubes.

The release of a mature egg from the ovary, or ovulation, occurs every month in a woman of her childbearing period. For most representatives of the fairer sex, this moment passes without changes in well-being. But some ladies feel discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen, lasting 1-2 days. This condition is called ovulatory syndrome.

Causes of ovulatory syndrome

Despite the fact that ovulatory syndrome is an officially recognized disease, many doctors do not consider it a pathology. Doctors have not reached a consensus on the causes of discomfort in women. The following assumptions are considered:

  1. Growing follicle - during maturation, the enlarging egg stretches the ovary, which leads to pain in the side.
  2. A ruptured follicle - having reached the desired size, the egg damages the capsule and enters the fallopian tubes through a small hole. Perhaps the moment of breakup creates discomfort.
  3. Contracting fallopian tubes - the villi of the tubes move the egg towards the uterus, these movements can create pain.
  4. Abdominal irritation - a small amount of fluid and blood is released from the ruptured follicle, which enters the abdomen, causing discomfort and pain.
  5. The presence of adhesions between the uterus, ovaries, tubes, and intestines leads to ovulatory syndrome.
  6. An increased concentration of hormones causes pain in the ovary area.
  7. Contraction and spasm of the smooth muscles of the ovary, provoked by an increase in the level of luteinizing hormone.
  8. Reduced pain threshold.

Symptoms of pathology

Normally, the ovulation process occurs unnoticed and painlessly for most women. The fact that changes are occurring in the body is indicated by an increased content of vaginal discharge. When measuring basal temperature, an increased result is obtained.

The following symptoms indicate the presence of ovulatory syndrome:

  • painful sensations in the lower abdomen, which are concentrated in one side (depending on in which ovary the egg has matured);
  • pain radiates to the back, tailbone, lower back and intensifies from additional stress (weight lifting, exercise, walking, sudden change in body position);
  • discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse;
  • spotting disappears within 1–2 days;
  • weakening of the body, nausea are less common than the previous symptoms.

The following factors can increase pain:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • sexually acquired infections;
  • lack of certain vitamins caused by diets;
  • stress and physical activity.

If symptoms of ovulatory syndrome persist longer than expected, you should see a doctor. The manifestations of the syndrome may hide serious disorders in the body. Based on the location and nature of the pain, the following are excluded:

  • appendicitis;
  • inflammatory process in the bladder;
  • changes in the ovaries;
  • gastrointestinal ulcer;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • problems with the endometrium;
  • neoplasms on the ovaries.

Possible complications

The syndrome itself does not cause consequences unless secondary diseases are identified. Correct diagnosis allows you to prescribe treatment on time and avoid consequences.

Ovulation pain has symptoms similar to serious inflammatory processes. The formation of adhesions threatens further obstruction of the fallopian tubes, and this is a direct path to infertility.

The consequences of ovulatory syndrome manifest themselves:

  • decreased attraction to a partner;
  • development of depression;
  • suppression of business activity;
  • apoplexy of the ovaries.


Determining the disease begins with collecting an anamnesis. In a conversation with the patient, the doctor finds out the following:

  • duration of the menstrual cycle, presence of pain during menstruation;
  • at what time of the cycle pain occurs, its location and duration;
  • are they regular for each cycle;
  • whether there is discharge, its quantity and duration.

To confirm ovulatory syndrome, basal temperature is measured, which in case of an anomaly increases by a degree.

An ultrasound is performed to determine the size of the follicle, which increases under the influence of luteinizing hormone. LH reaches a peak concentration, which is checked using a test at home.

An ultrasound examination will show the presence of a corpus luteum in the ovary and a small amount of fluid in the peritoneum.

When diagnosing a disease by exclusion, suspicions of other, more serious pathologies are removed.

  1. Acute pain in the right side may indicate acute appendicitis. Pay attention to the fact that the pathology begins with the manifestation of pain in the upper abdomen (epigastric region), and then is localized in the side. A blood test will definitely reveal an increase in the number of white blood cells.
  2. Sharp pain in the ovary indicates bleeding if it is associated with increased physical activity or bothers you during sexual intercourse. An ultrasound will show this.
  3. Rupture of an ovarian cyst is also accompanied by acute pain. Pathology occurs at any time of the cycle. Data about changes should be recorded in the patient’s medical record.
  4. Suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy is excluded if the woman has a normal menstrual cycle without delay.

Effective treatments

Treatment of ovulatory syndrome comes down to reducing physical activity associated with household chores and sports. During the period of ovulation, intimate contacts should be avoided, but only if the woman does not plan to conceive a child.


If ovulatory pain is a serious concern, the doctor prescribes medications:

  1. "Baralgin" consists of three components, has an analgesic effect and relieves spasms. The drug does not contain narcotics and eliminates the symptoms of the syndrome. There is no need to abuse it, as the medicine has a negative effect on the circulatory system.
  2. "Tamipul" was created specifically to prevent menstrual pain. Therefore, it also copes with the symptoms of ovulatory syndrome.
  3. Mirena is a contraceptive in the form of a spiral that regulates the ovulation process and hormone levels. The IUD is installed in women who do not plan to become pregnant.
  4. “Perfectil” is a complex drug that replenishes the lack of vitamins and microelements, and also normalizes the psycho-emotional state of the female body.

Typically, a phenomenon called ovulatory syndrome lasts several days. If it does not improve with medication, then there are serious problems in the body.

Folk remedies

The main task in the treatment of ovulatory syndrome is pain relief. There are traditional methods to improve the quality of life during this period:

  1. Use a salt-based heating pad. The component is heated in a frying pan, wrapped in cloth so as not to get burned, and applied to the stomach. Heat dilates blood vessels, relaxes muscles and relieves spasms.
  2. Warm up with a bath of chamomile decoction with the addition of cinnamon. The procedure should not take more than 10 minutes.
  3. Anesthetize with a tampon soaked in a decoction of calendula. The solution has an antimicrobial effect. A tampon is inserted into the vagina for two hours. If the procedure is done before ovulation, the effectiveness will increase.

Important! Under no circumstances should warming procedures be used at elevated body temperatures.

To support the nervous system and normalize blood circulation, they use recipes that include medicinal herbs. Traditional herbalists recommend taking decoctions orally for several days before and after ovulation:

  1. Celery root eliminates pain and normalizes hormone levels. To do this, pour the chopped vegetable with cold water for a couple of hours, then add the juice of half a lemon and drink half a glass three times a day.
  2. Horsetail in combination with lemon balm relieves tension and calms the nerves. Pour boiling water over a tablespoon of horsetail and 5-6 lemon balm leaves, drink 3 tablespoons of the warm solution.
  3. Nettle leaves and water pepper regulate heavy discharge during ovulatory syndrome. Use tincture of water pepper from the pharmacy according to the attached instructions. Pour boiling water over nettle leaves, leave for 20 minutes, drink a glass 2-3 times a day.

Prognosis and prevention

Ovulation syndrome has a favorable prognosis for the female body, since this disorder is corrected by following the recommendations of the attending physician. Prevention of ovulation failures comes down to correcting:

  • intimate life, resulting in hormonal balance being achieved;
  • intimate hygiene, which negates the occurrence of inflammation and sexually transmitted diseases.

To prevent painful symptoms, follow the rules:

  1. Make marks on your calendar when your period arrives. This way the woman finds out the approximate date of ovulation.
  2. Visit a gynecologist regularly for preventive examinations.
  3. Consult a doctor if you suspect sexual problems.
  4. Use contraceptives to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Ovulatory syndrome is not a pathology and usually does not require any treatment. This is a short-term condition that passes without consequences. The syndrome confirms the presence of ovulation, which is necessary to conceive a child. Women seeking to have a baby have only one thing left to do – endure the discomfort.

Source: https://ProSindrom.ru/gynecology/ovuljatornyj-sindrom.html

What is ovulatory syndrome and how long can it last?

Ovulatory syndrome is a medical term that is familiar to most women. They face the problem of small vaginal discharge in the middle of the menstrual cycle, which is accompanied by nagging pain. Is such a syndrome normal, what can such discharge indicate? These are the questions that women ask at an appointment with a gynecologist.

A woman’s body is designed in such a way that in the middle of the menstrual cycle, a mature follicle ruptures, and the egg begins its movement through the fallopian tubes for fertilization.

During this process, a woman may feel aching pain in the lower abdomen, which is accompanied by slight discharge. The causes of discharge are rupture of the follicle, in which a small part of the ovary comes out of the general work and is torn away from the surface of the uterus.

The syndrome lasts from 1 to 3 days, after which the symptoms and discharge stop.

Symptomatic manifestations

Ovulatory syndrome always combines a complex of symptoms. Pain sensations are different for every woman; they can be sharp, cutting, pulling, short-term and long-lasting. Also, during the examination, each woman points out different locations of pain. This could be the lower back, sacrum, groin, intestinal area.

Symptoms of this syndrome may be accompanied by scanty bleeding, which is explained by the bursting of the follicles. Often women complain of nausea and general weakness, heartburn, and vomiting.

A special signal for women should be pain during sex during ovulation. If a woman is of reproductive age and plans to have a child, then such a symptom should be examined by a gynecologist.

The psycho-emotional state of a woman plays a big role. When the background is unstable, the body releases a stress hormone - catecholamine. It causes increased blood circulation in the uterus and ovaries. Such manifestations cause an increased reaction when the follicle ruptures.

Therefore, systematic stress is the best soil for the development of the syndrome. If a woman’s psyche has been exposed to stress for a long time, then doctors recommend first of all treatment with a psychotherapist, since no therapeutic drugs will relieve the syndrome.

Who is most often susceptible to ovulatory syndrome?

Medical research shows that the syndrome can occur at any age, but most often occurs in women over 50 years of age. Doctors state that at this age such manifestations can be caused by:

  • chronic inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • infectious diseases that are sexually transmitted;
  • discontinuation of oral contraceptives;
  • endometriosis;
  • systematic stress, depression;
  • insomnia;
  • lack of vitamins and microelements in the body, which are caused by chronic diseases of the digestive system, diets to reduce body weight;
  • increased physical activity;
  • frequent abortions, which caused chronic inflammatory processes;
  • mental stress.

Diagnosis and treatment options

For many women, ovulatory syndrome becomes the reason for a visit to the gynecologist. According to experts, such manifestations are considered normal, so no special diagnostics are suggested. But very often such symptoms indicate gynecological diseases. Therefore, to exclude the possibility of developing diseases, diagnostic measures may be proposed.

As a diagnosis, the doctor may suggest the following examination:

  1. Blood test for hormones. It is the change in hormonal levels during ovulation that provokes pain, weakness, and nausea. Gynecologists suggest conducting hormonal blood tests several times to see the dynamics of changes.
  2. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and pelvic organs. Often similar symptoms can occur with adhesions, inflammatory processes in the fallopian tubes, and with ectopic pregnancy. An ultrasound can also be performed on the day of ovulation to see how the follicle enlarges and bursts.

Some experts suggest diagnosing your body yourself to determine whether your symptoms are a manifestation of ovulatory syndrome or any serious illness. To do this, you need to observe the following criteria:

  1. Timing of symptoms. If this is a syndrome, then it should appear in the middle of the menstrual cycle, when ovulation occurs.
  2. Monitoring basal temperature. During the onset of symptoms, the temperature should increase slightly, and then drop the next day.

If the doctor, after examination, determines that such manifestations are ovulation syndrome, then therapeutic treatment will not be needed. Gynecologists emphasize to women that this condition is not a disease, you need to endure it for a couple of days, and everything will return to normal.

To alleviate the symptoms of the syndrome, the doctor may offer the following recommendations:

  1. Do not have sex during the syndrome. This option allows you to avoid severe symptomatic manifestations in women.
  2. The day before and during ovulation, completely eliminate physical activity. You need to give up carrying heavy bags, fitness, long walks, and gardening.
  3. If these measures do not bring the desired result, the gynecologist may recommend a number of medications to relieve pain. The most effective are: No-shpa and Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Solpadeine. You should not select painkillers and anti-spasm medications on your own, as they may also have side effects.
  4. Very often, gynecologists offer their patients the use of oral contraceptives. They help normalize hormonal levels and reduce or completely eliminate the manifestations of ovulatory syndrome.


All folk recipes are aimed at relieving pain and psycho-emotional stress. Among the most effective methods are the following:

  1. Dry heat helps to relax muscles and relieve spasms. A salt heating pad is considered the best option. It is strictly forbidden to use this method if a woman’s body temperature rises.
  2. Baths with chamomile and cinnamon decoction. 2 tbsp. l. chamomile is brewed in boiling water and 1 tsp is added. cinnamon. Take a bath with the resulting solution for no more than 10 minutes.
  3. A tampon made from calendula decoction helps relieve inflammation and reduce pain. Such a tampon is inserted into the vagina for 2 hours.
  4. Celery will help reduce pain. A drink is prepared from its root and lemon juice, which should be drunk a glass 3 times a day.
  5. Tea made from lemon balm and mint helps relieve psycho-emotional stress and relax, which also has a beneficial effect on a woman’s body and helps cope with the syndrome.
  6. If spotting during ovulation is profuse, you can reduce it by taking a decoction of mint and strawberry leaves.
  7. Nettle tea reduces bleeding and pain. Drink 1 glass 3 times a day until the onset of the syndrome.

Preventive actions

Pain during the syndrome can be prevented by following the following recommendations:

  1. Keep a calendar of the menstrual cycle. It should mark all phases of the cycle in order to know exactly when ovulation occurs. This will allow you to avoid physical overload, which provokes unpleasant symptoms.
  2. Regular sex life with one partner helps normalize hormonal levels and completely eliminate ovulatory syndrome.
  3. Consultations with a gynecologist. Any symptoms should be told to a doctor. Correct diagnosis will eliminate the development of serious diseases, and timely treatment will return health to normal.

If you do not consult a specialist in a timely manner and do not undergo diagnostic measures, serious inflammatory complications may occur.

Long-term syndrome can negatively affect a woman’s libido, provoke the development of adhesions, tubal obstruction and infertility.

Doctors strongly recommend that every woman undergo medical examinations at least 2 times a year and seek qualified help. Women's health depends on the woman herself; only understanding the problem, proper therapy and timely diagnosis will help eliminate or alleviate the syndrome and make life comfortable and painless.

Ovulatory syndrome is usually called a complex of symptoms that arise in connection with ovulation. In contrast, the first occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Ovulatory syndrome and pregnancy - is there a connection between them?

Possible causes

Ovulation is the release of a mature egg from the follicle. It is captured by the villi located in the funnel of the fallopian tube and moves further into the uterine cavity under the influence of tubal peristalsis (contractions) and vibrations of the villi of the ciliated epithelium of its mucous membrane. There is no pattern or sequence in which of the ovaries the egg matures.

During reproductive age, this process occurs monthly. It is regulated by the endocrine glands (hypothalamus and anterior pituitary gland) through universal hormonal feedback between them and the ovaries. Ovulation is initially accompanied by blood filling of one of the ovaries in the area of ​​the follicle. Then the capsule of the latter ruptures and the egg is released.

In this case, slight swelling of the ovary and moderate bleeding occur. Blood is released into the pelvic cavity and partially into the fallopian tube, from where it enters the uterine cavity. In addition, in the pelvic cavity in the space behind the uterus (Douglas pouch), aseptic fluid is formed, which is the result of a mild inflammatory reaction to the shed blood. All this is accompanied by irritation of pain receptors.


Thus, the symptoms of ovulatory syndrome are predominantly minor bleeding from the genital tract, discomfort and pain in the abdomen, the duration of which, as a rule, is about 20 minutes, rarely up to 3 days. Sometimes swelling of the labia may occur on the part of the ovulating ovary, as well as emotional instability associated with changes in hormonal levels.

Painful sensations can be of varying intensity - from mild to severe. They are pulling, pressing, sometimes sharp in nature and are localized mainly in the lower abdomen, usually on one side, rarely below the navel. The pain can radiate to the sacrum, lumbar or groin area on one side, and intensify during sexual intercourse, fast walking, physical activity, sudden changes in body position, etc.

The influence of various factors on pathology

How long does ovulatory syndrome last?

It can appear at any age, and more or less pronounced occurs in 50-80% of women. Its occurrence or intensification of manifestations is facilitated mainly by:

  1. Acute and chronic inflammatory and, especially caused by sexually transmitted infections.
  2. Hormonal imbalance, for example, due to hypo- or hyperthyroidism, as well as the condition after discontinuation of coccus (combined oral contraceptives).
  3. Psycho-emotional instability and lifestyle changes.
  4. Sleep disorders and stress;
  5. Deficiency of vitamins and microelements due to impaired absorption in diseases of the digestive tract, liver, insufficient intake when following special diets to reduce body weight.
  6. Intense physical and mental stress.

Does the manifestation of ovulatory syndrome depend on the use of oral contraceptives?

After fertilization of the egg and during the development of pregnancy, there is no ovulation, which means there is no reason for the development of the syndrome. Also, ovulatory syndrome almost never occurs when taking oc (oral contraceptives). This is explained by their progestogenic effect, that is, an effect similar to the mechanism of action of the corpus luteum hormone (progesterone).

The essence of this mechanism is that, when hormones are supplied from the outside, thanks to the mechanism of negative hormonal feedback between the endocrine glands, the synthesis and secretion of the pituitary gland's own hormones - follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) - are blocked, which leads to suppression of ovulation processes. In addition, oral contraceptive drugs have the property of directly suppressing the maturation of follicles. This is also manifested by the complex of their therapeutic effect for various disorders in the body.

Thus, while taking COCs, the natural regulation of the normal menstrual cycle, which is carried out by the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system, is blocked, which helps eliminate the manifestations of ovulatory syndrome, namely bleeding and pain in the middle of the cycle. However, after discontinuation of COCs, they can resume.


Treatment for ovulatory syndrome is usually not carried out, since it is considered a normal variant and indicates the presence of ovulation. If pain occurs, you can take analgesic or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The latter suppress the release of prostaglandins that promote its formation.

But if the pain and/or bleeding is prolonged, intense, accompanied by nausea, vomiting and/or persists for 1 day or longer, you should definitely consult a doctor. This is necessary for the purpose of differential diagnosis of ovulatory syndrome with ovarian apoplexy or torsion of its pedicle, appendicitis, perforation of the intestinal diverticulum, calculus in the ureter and other diseases.

In case of frequently recurring signs of the syndrome, after examination and at the request of the woman (taking into account pregnancy planning), the gynecologist may recommend taking oral contraceptives.



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