No period after early miscarriage. When your period comes after a miscarriage, how long does it take? When to start your period after a miscarriage


When a pregnancy is spontaneously terminated, bleeding occurs, but it should not be confused with menstruation. Menstruation after a miscarriage begins 21-35 days later. The exact period depends on the patient’s health status, hormonal levels, and the regularity of the cycle before spontaneous abortion.

Features of the menstrual cycle after miscarriage

When pregnancy occurs, the amount of progesterone, a hormone necessary for the development of the fetus, increases significantly. If the fertilized egg is rejected, it turns out that the hormonal background changes dramatically, and a restructuring of the body begins. This affects the nature of menstruation, which begins after a spontaneous abortion.

Bleeding that occurs after a miscarriage is similar in nature to menstruation. It is necessary for the uterine cavity to be freed from the endometrium, which has grown under the influence of progesterone. The discharge will be heavier than during normal periods. During this period, you need to monitor their intensity so as not to miss the onset of bleeding.

Some women have no problems after pregnancy loss. Sharp fluctuations in hormone levels can lead to malfunctions of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, and ovaries. As a result, the regularity of a woman’s cycle is disrupted, the intensity and nature of the discharge changes.

How long after a miscarriage does your period start?

After an unplanned termination of pregnancy in the absence of complications, menstruation begins after 28-35 days. If a woman had a cycle length of more than 35 days before pregnancy, the situation will not change. You should expect the onset of your next menstruation after the usual number of days. The countdown starts from the date when the pregnancy was terminated.

If you experience a delay in menstruation after a miscarriage, you should consult a gynecologist. In the absence of menstruation, a gynecological examination and ultrasound are performed. Examinations are needed to assess the condition of the uterus and ovaries. Sometimes drug therapy is required to restore hormonal levels.

Important! If there is heavy discharge, doctors recommend monitoring blood counts in order to promptly detect the onset of anemia.

Periods after early miscarriage

Termination of pregnancy, even in the first weeks, is severe stress for the body. In the absence of complications and rapid recovery of the body, the next period will come after 4 weeks.

With early miscarriage, complications are rare. The fertilized egg comes out completely; the likelihood that the uterine cavity will not be freed from foreign bodies is low. The nature of discharge after spontaneous abortion in the early stages is practically no different from standard menstruation.

When does your period start after a late miscarriage?

If you have a miscarriage in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, the risk of complications is higher. If there are no problems, your period will start in 3-5 weeks. During a long pregnancy, complex hormonal changes occur in a woman’s body. It takes time for the condition to normalize.

If you have a long-term miscarriage, complications may arise; recovery takes 1-6 months. Some women experience their periods earlier than expected. If they are brown in color or have a distinct unpleasant odor, an ultrasound is required. The cause of this condition is the incomplete delivery of the fetus, the child's place, in which foreign bodies remain in the uterine cavity.

Patients with late spontaneous abortion are prescribed curettage. The operation allows you to free the uterine cavity from foreign objects. This reduces the likelihood of complications.

Periods after miscarriage without cleaning

If a woman's fertilized egg is completely expelled, no additional medical intervention is required. The next menstruation will begin in a month. Doctors recommend a control ultrasound a week after the fertilized egg leaves the uterus. An examination is necessary to make sure that all foreign bodies have come out and that no inflammatory or adhesive process has begun in the cavity.

Important! The nature of menstruation may vary. If there is a miscarriage without subsequent curettage, many women's periods are heavier and more painful.

Periods after miscarriage with cleaning

Immediately after a surgical abortion for medical reasons, menstrual-like discharge begins. They last 3-5 days. If there are no problems after the miscarriage and curettage, menstruation will begin a month later. If your period appears before the 21st day of your cycle, you should see a gynecologist. The doctor will assess your health and check for postoperative complications.

After a surgical abortion, a woman may face the following problems:

  • development of endometriosis;
  • the appearance of hormonal disorders;
  • activation of the adhesive process.

The nature of the discharge after curettage should not differ from normal. If your periods are scanty or heavy, the release of blood is accompanied by the appearance of a large number of clots and an unpleasant odor, then you need to check your reproductive health.

Duration and nature of the first menstruation after a miscarriage

The first menstruation after an unplanned termination of pregnancy in the absence of health problems should not differ from normal menstruation. The onset of discharge 3-5 weeks after the date of miscarriage is considered normal. Over time, the regularity of the cycle is restored.

In the first 1-2 cycles, women complain of heavy periods, which cause severe pain in the lower abdomen and sacrum. The appearance of blood clots and mucus is allowed. But after 2 months the situation should normalize.

Do not panic if you experience heavy discharge in the first days of your period. The exception is when the pads have to be changed every 1-3 hours. A visit to the gynecologist is necessary if the condition has not returned to normal by the 3rd cycle.

If after the birth of the fetus a woman does not stop bleeding, the discharge continues for a whole month, then doctors recommend an ultrasound scan. Based on its results, it is decided whether it is necessary to scrape the uterine cavity. This procedure is performed to stop bleeding.

How many days does your period last after a miscarriage?

The standard duration of bleeding after termination of pregnancy is 7-10 days. The next menstruation should begin in a month. The duration of menstruation varies from 3 to 7 days. A reason for panic will be the appearance of scanty discharge that stops after 2 days, heavy bleeding lasting more than a week.

What discharge is considered normal?

Gynecologists recommend that patients after spontaneous abortion monitor the nature of menstruation. It is considered normal if about 20-50 ml of blood is released per day, the maximum permissible blood loss is 80 ml. If 4-6 pads are enough for a day, then there are no deviations from the norm.

Attention! The appearance of a small amount of blood clots and mucus is normal.

Scanty periods after miscarriage

As a result of stress and sudden hormonal changes in the uterus, some patients develop synechiae. One of the symptoms of adhesions is scanty periods.

A decrease in the amount of discharge may occur due to hormonal imbalances. To identify problems, hormonal levels are examined, the condition of the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes is checked.

Heavy menstruation after miscarriage

Women who have to change pads every 2-3 hours should contact their gynecologist with complaints of heavy periods. By establishing their cause, you can avoid worsening the condition and causing complications. Some patients may confuse heavy discharge with the onset of bleeding. Lack of timely medical care is one of the causes of death.

The appearance of heavy periods is possible with the activation of the inflammatory process, the development of endometriosis, and the addition of an infection. Depending on the situation and cause, doctors prescribe diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity or select drug hemostatic therapy.

Why are there no periods after a miscarriage?

If a patient does not begin menstruation after 5 weeks after termination of pregnancy, then they speak of a delay. Reasons why your period may not start on time:

  • the appearance of a new pregnancy;
  • functional disorders of the ovaries;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • inflammatory diseases;
  • adhesive process.

Sometimes the absence of menstruation is a consequence of severe stress experienced by a woman. If there are no physiological changes indicating a deterioration in health, then wait-and-see tactics are used.

Possible complications

After a spontaneous abortion, a woman needs to closely monitor her health; during this period, many chronic diseases worsen, and new ones arise. After a miscarriage, the following complications may occur:

  • hormonal imbalance, malfunction of brain structures, ovaries;
  • development of infectious and inflammatory diseases due to activation of pathogenic microflora;
  • adhesive process, as a result of which the fallopian tubes become obstructed.

These reasons can lead to secondary infertility. You can avoid the occurrence of most complications if you control your condition, take prescribed medications, and consult a doctor if problems arise.

Important! After a miscarriage, you need to do an ultrasound of the uterus and appendages, check for hidden infections: mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, cytomegalovirus, HPV, herpes.

If a spontaneous abortion occurs, doctors often prescribe oral contraceptives. You need to take the pills for 3-6 months. They are recommended to be taken to minimize the likelihood of pregnancy during this period and to avoid the development of hormonal problems.


Menstruation after a miscarriage, in the absence of health problems, begins after 21-35 days. If the body was able to recover within a month, then the nature and intensity of the discharge will be the same as during normal menstruation. Minor changes in the amount of discharge over 1-3 months after spontaneous abortion are normal. If you notice significant deviations in the nature of menstruation, pain, or a disturbance in your general condition, you should consult a gynecologist.

Spontaneous early abortion is a widespread phenomenon. The woman’s physical and psychological condition after this injury leaves much to be desired. Menstruation after a miscarriage often comes late, which is worrying.

Miscarriage refers to the inability of the uterus to hold the fetus after conception. This phenomenon is often observed in the presence of gynecological pathology, which is transmitted genetically.

The risk of spontaneous miscarriage due to diseases of the reproductive system in the 1st week of pregnancy is very high.

During a miscarriage, acute cramping pain and profuse vaginal bleeding occur. When the uterus rejects the product of conception (the fetus), the physiological process of termination of pregnancy occurs. In this case, the cervix dilates prematurely. It is through this that the embryo is expelled.

After a spontaneous abortion, painful sensations in the lower abdomen make themselves felt within 1–3 weeks. Usually, after an unsuccessful pregnancy, periods come late. They appear after restoration of reproductive function.

Depending on the period of failure, the following types of miscarriage are distinguished:

  1. Biochemical. This is a spontaneous abortion that occurs only in the early stages. Vaginal bleeding that begins during the process of the uterus rejecting the fetus is often confused with the onset of menstruation.
  2. Spontaneous. Such spontaneous abortion is possible in the interval between the 3rd and 20th weeks of pregnancy. It is characterized by complete rejection of the product of conception by the uterus.
  3. Late. Miscarriage occurs between the 21st and 37th weeks of pregnancy. Doctors classify it as a long-term labor.

Regardless of the type of miscarriage, the female body needs long-term recovery. To understand, we recommend that you read additional information on our website.

What will happen to the cycle?

After a spontaneous abortion, any woman loses her cycle. Menstruation starts late after a miscarriage. They should come after complete restoration of reproductive function. In the absence of gynecological pathologies, menstruation will come from the 14th to the 17th day after the start of ovulation.

Discharge will not appear until the uterus returns to its previous limits. Its movement provokes hormonal imbalance.

Restoring hormonal levels may take from 1 to 3 weeks. After normalization of the thyroid gland, menstruation will begin.

Also, spontaneous abortion provokes an increase in the size of the uterus, which is one of the main causes of menstrual irregularities. Over time it decreases.

Full menstruation after this unpleasant event will begin within 21–35 days. However, this applies to biochemical spontaneous abortion. If it belongs to another group (spontaneous or late), then your period will have to wait at least 40–65 days after an unsuccessful pregnancy.

Sometimes the doctor prescribes it, which will also affect the menstrual cycle. Find out in more detail about how necessary cleaning is and how it is done.

What will your period be like?

The first periods after an early miscarriage are quite heavy. The amount of menstrual flow that begins in a month will gradually decrease.

The nature of the first menstruation after a miscarriage depends on the development of possible gynecological diseases. The presence of prolonged heavy discharge after spontaneous abortion, which is accompanied by pain, nausea and other unpleasant symptoms, is a reason for a medical examination. It is also recommended to consult a gynecologist if menstruation does not begin within 21–35 days after spontaneous termination of pregnancy.

Complications may arise in the event of unprofessional scraping of embryonic remains from the uterine cavity. If you do not remove all the particles of the embryo, they will begin to rot. This will cause severe pain in the ovarian area, nausea and vomiting. To alleviate a woman’s condition after an unsuccessful procedure, surgical cleaning must be done.

So, the successful recovery of the body after a miscarriage is evidenced by:

  1. The duration of menstruation is 3–7 days.
  2. Brown or dark red color of vaginal menstrual discharge.
  3. The amount of blood released is no more than 150 ml per day.
  4. Lack of a pronounced odor of menstrual blood.
  5. Absence of clots larger than 1 cm in menstrual flow.
  6. Moderate nature of PMS symptoms.
  7. Full ovulation.

In a healthy woman it recovers within 1–2 months.

How long does your period last after a miscarriage?

Your period after a miscarriage lasts approximately 5–7 days. If the recovery period is completed successfully, then the first menstruation after a spontaneous abortion will proceed in the same way as a normal one. That is, the trauma suffered does not affect the duration of critical days. It leaves its mark only on the nature of menstrual discharge.

There is no need to worry if the first menstruation after a miscarriage, which came late, is accompanied by severe discomfort. This is fine. Usually, pain during menstruation after an unsuccessful pregnancy goes away by the beginning of the second cycle.

Pathological symptoms

When a delay in menstruation after a spontaneous abortion is accompanied by a number of alarming symptoms, it is recommended to undergo a medical examination. It is necessary to consult a gynecologist if, after a miscarriage:

  1. No periods for more than 35 days.
  2. Menstrual bleeding does not stop for more than 7 days.
  3. Body temperature rises daily.
  4. Vomiting and nausea occur.
  5. Increased fatigue and lack of strength.
  6. Drowsiness occurs, which does not go away even after 8 hours of sleep.
  7. The aching pain in the ovarian area does not stop.
  1. Rotting of embryonic remains in the uterine cavity.
  2. Hormonal disbalance.
  3. Immune system disease.
  4. Gynecological pathology.

If pathological symptoms arise due to the remains of embryo particles in the uterine cavity, then treatment will begin with surgical cleansing.

Menstruation after a miscarriage is the first sign that a woman’s body is ready to try again to give life to a child. It is important for the expectant mother to know when her period comes after a miscarriage, what character it should be, and how it appears during a spontaneous abortion.

The appearance of secretion with blood from the vagina and sensations reminiscent of contractions in the lower abdomen will indicate an approaching miscarriage. When the fertilized egg completely leaves the uterus, for some period the woman may still have a peculiar secretion from the vagina. This is how the uterus gets rid of the additional layer of its inner lining, which it “built up” during the period of conception.

The time that passes from the time when signs of a miscarriage appear until the moment when the bloody discharge finally stops is called by gynecologists the beginning of the first menstrual cycle after a spontaneous abortion. How long this will take depends on the characteristics of the body of each individual woman.

It is believed that if there are no problems with the restoration of the endometrium or other disorders, menstruation after a miscarriage should appear as usual - within 25 - 35 days.

A miscarriage is a serious stress for the body, so in most cases the hormonal balance is restored somewhat more slowly. At the same time, many women complain not only about changes in the timing of their critical days, but also about the appearance of pain and more abundant discharge than they are used to seeing.

The length of the recovery period depends on the following factors:

  • why the miscarriage occurred;
  • at what stage the pregnancy was terminated;
  • whether there was additional surgical intervention;
  • How healthy is the woman?

It is believed that if a miscarriage occurs at an early stage (up to 16 weeks), strong changes in hormonal levels do not have time to occur, and therefore it recovers faster.

What are your periods like after a miscarriage?

A woman needs to be prepared for the fact that the menstrual cycle will not be restored immediately after the stress that has occurred. This does not mean that it will be much more difficult to get pregnant again, but for some time your periods in the period after a miscarriage may differ from your usual discharge. This is often related to whether the woman had a curettage.

Menstruation after a miscarriage without cleaning will continue in the same volume as usual. It is likely that they will not last long.

If you have cleaned, there may be heavy and prolonged discharge. This is natural for the body and is due to the fact that the uterus needs to get rid of more of the exfoliated endometrium that appeared as a result of cleansing.

Some women observe the first 2-3 cycles after a spontaneous abortion. For others, on the contrary, the same 2-3 cycles appear. For both the former and the latter, this period is accompanied by weakness and fatigue. All described manifestations are within normal limits.

To determine that after a miscarriage a pathology has arisen in the body and you need to see a doctor, the following signs will help:

Such symptoms may indicate ovarian dysfunction, hormonal imbalance, or the development of an inflammatory process. Sometimes a similar situation occurs if fetal particles remain in the uterus.

If there is no period after a miscarriage

Restoring the disturbed balance can last from several weeks to several months. This, as has already become clear, depends largely on the period at which the pregnancy failure occurred and the reasons why this happened. After an early miscarriage, the balance of sex hormones quickly returns to normal.

If, 40–45 days after a terminated pregnancy, a woman still does not have her period, doctors recommend undergoing an examination. The reason may be either simply a protracted recovery or health problems: ovarian dysfunction, infection, severe hormonal imbalance, endometritis, etc.

To identify violations, you first need to take standard tests (blood, urine) and undergo an ultrasound.

If pathological processes really begin to occur in the body, the doctor will most likely prescribe hemostatic and/or anti-inflammatory drugs.

In some cases, the reason that a woman still does not have menstruation 45 days or more after a miscarriage is the incomplete passage of the fetus from the uterus. In this case, additional cleaning may be necessary. If the pregnancy is terminated at a late stage, it may be necessary to eliminate the consequences in a hospital setting.

Feeling unwell cannot be ignored. When fetal remains are retained in the uterus, sepsis can begin, and the formation of intrauterine adhesions in the future can lead to infertility.

How to distinguish periods from early miscarriages

Not every woman understands how to distinguish menstruation from a miscarriage that occurred in the early stages. Moreover, this situation occurs during menstruation in approximately 20% of women. Most often this happens in the first 12 weeks of gestation, but a miscarriage is considered to be the loss of a fetus before 22 weeks. Many women do not even have time to distinguish that they were pregnant and that they had a miscarriage during menstruation.

It is quite difficult for the woman herself to understand what the onset of bleeding means - another menstruation or a miscarriage, but there are some signs that are worth paying attention to.

The first symptom that a spontaneous abortion could occur is a delay in menstruation.

A delay in menstruation for several days may indicate that there was a fertilized egg in the uterus. And when menstruation does begin, it lasts longer than usual, and the amount of discharge increases. In addition, it is accompanied by painful sensations, and the blood appears scarlet or brown. You can see dense clots in it, resembling bean particles of the fertilized egg.

Pain, indicating that a woman has had a miscarriage, usually appears in the lower abdomen and moves to the lumbar region. The sensations resemble contractions or have a pulling character. Some people feel worse in general: headache, nausea or vomiting appears.

However, most women, being pregnant in the early stages, feel as usual during menstruation, so they do not pay attention to the symptoms associated with a miscarriage.

If the pregnancy is terminated at a very short period of time, it is difficult to detect even traces of it and distinguish it from menstruation using the usual means - a test. Standard pharmacy tests are aimed at identifying human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the body. At the initial stage, its concentration in urine is so low that it is difficult for the test to detect it. But if you go to the hospital within 10 days of a suspected miscarriage, a blood test may reveal that the hCG was indeed elevated, which means pregnancy has occurred.

It is easier to determine pregnancy for women who monitor changes in their basal temperature and draw up a chart. During conception, this indicator usually increases sharply, and after a miscarriage, on the contrary, it is able to return to normal almost immediately.

The following factors influence whether a woman can have a spontaneous abortion:

  • heredity;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • diseases from the field of gynecology;
  • high physical activity;
  • stress;
  • presence of previous abortions.

But if a woman is healthy and has a miscarriage, perhaps the reason is that her body is simply not ready to bear a child. Therefore, if menstruation quickly returns after an interrupted pregnancy, you can try again if you wish.

But women who are not yet ready for motherhood need to be careful and not ignore contraception. In most cases, there is no absolute guarantee that after a miscarriage a woman will not be able to conceive again in the near future. Sometimes this happens immediately after a spontaneous abortion, and the new fetus is successfully implanted in the uterus.


After a woman has voluntarily terminated her pregnancy, it can take up to several months before her menstrual cycle finally returns. During this period, she will observe a change in the volume and nature of the discharge, as well as the duration of its appearance.

The ideal period for the restoration of menstruation is 25-35 days after a miscarriage, but in most cases, hormonal levels are restored within 2-3 months. A cause for concern may be a situation when, after 45 days, menstruation has not returned, but the woman feels weak and has a fever. In this case, you must immediately contact the antenatal clinic and undergo examination.

Miscarriage (spontaneous abortion) is an independent termination of pregnancy for various reasons. For a woman, it is a heavy blow in a psychological and physical sense. After termination of pregnancy, it is necessary to help the woman maintain her reproductive health in order to subsequently conceive and bear a child. That is why the question arises: how to restore the body when menstruation comes after a miscarriage?

If termination of pregnancy occurs in the first trimester (4–9 weeks), then you can do without cleaning (curettage of the uterine cavity).

Spontaneous abortion is accompanied by bleeding, with which the entire fertilized egg may come out; in this case, the uterus remains clean and curettage is not performed. In any case, pregnant women with bleeding in the early stages undergo an ultrasound examination. Based on the data of which, a decision is made to clean the uterine cavity.

If small remains of the fetus and membranes are found in the uterus, the doctor may decide to observe the patient without cleaning (although this is done quite rarely). These particles can come out along with the discharge, and after 14–21 days the uterus will clear. If they are not present on the control ultrasound, then no intervention is performed.

Curettage is performed if a frozen pregnancy is detected, bleeding is observed after a miscarriage, or large remnants of the fertilized egg are found in the uterine cavity.

Uterus after spontaneous miscarriage

Spontaneous abortion traumatizes the uterus, which can lead to massive bleeding that must be stopped. The inner walls of the uterus represent a wound surface. And the uterus itself is increased in size, even if the pregnancy was short.

Involution of the uterus, that is, its reverse development (reduction), occurs gradually. This process usually takes one month, during which healing and contraction of the organ occur simultaneously.

If cleaning has been carried out, adhesions may form in the uterine cavity, which will lead to a change in the nature of menstruation.

Menstrual cycle after miscarriage

When does your period start after a miscarriage? Usually, after a spontaneous abortion, bleeding is observed for 1 - 1.5 weeks. Every day the volume of discharge should decrease, otherwise you need to seek medical help.

When to expect your period? After a miscarriage without cleaning, your period should come in 3 to 5 weeks. The day bleeding occurs after a miscarriage is the first day of the cycle. Therefore, normally, menstruation should occur within a month, but there are often cases when they do not occur even after a month and a half. This is due to the individual characteristics of the body. Some people need more and some less time to restore the organ and its functions. Also, a delay in menstruation is observed due to high levels of progesterone, the decrease of which after termination of pregnancy occurs quite slowly.

If after a miscarriage there are no periods, and the body temperature rises sharply, then an inflammatory process is developing in the uterus. In this case, you must urgently seek medical help.

Duration and nature of menstruation

How many days does your period last after a miscarriage? The duration should range from 3 to 7 days, ideally they should last the same number of days as before pregnancy.

  • The first period is usually painful. But if the bleeding lasts longer than 7 days, it is profuse and accompanied by severe pain, then you need to consult a doctor, as complications may develop. In this case, it is necessary to do an ultrasound examination of the uterus, possibly curettage to stop the bleeding.
  • Also considered a deviation from the norm is the premature arrival of menstruation, in which the discharge has an unusual color (brown) and a foul odor. This may indicate the presence of fetal parts in the uterine cavity.

  • There may be scanty periods, which are no less dangerous if more than 2 cycles are observed in a row. The reasons for this discharge are adhesions in the uterus or severe stress;
  • Heavy discharge can cause anemia. Therefore, if you have any doubts, do not put off going to the gynecologist.
  • The absence of critical days after spontaneous abortion may indicate a dysfunction of the ovaries or the onset of a new pregnancy.

Pregnancy after spontaneous abortion

Pregnancy can occur as early as 30 days after a miscarriage, but it is worth remembering that the body has suffered a lot of stress and is not ready for new stress. That is why doctors recommend using protection for the first 2 to 4 months, or better yet, six months. During this time, the body will get stronger, and it is also necessary to identify the reason for the termination of pregnancy before planning a new conception.

If you don’t have your period, you need to take a pregnancy test, ultrasound, and visit a gynecologist.

Restoration of the body

In order for the body to fully recover, it is necessary to support it, starting from the moment of miscarriage:

  • Take medications as prescribed by your doctor: painkillers, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, hemostatic and others.
  • Rest. The first day after a spontaneous abortion, you must remain in bed. The body needs sleep to restore strength. If there is no prohibition, then the next day you need to take short walks.

  • The use of sanitary pads, which will help not only protect against leaks, but also control blood loss. Each time you change hygiene products, you must wash your external genitalia. You should take a shower 1 – 2 times a day. You cannot perform douching or any other vaginal manipulation on your own without prescription.
  • An important element in restoring the body is nutrition. It must be complete and balanced. It is worth giving preference to foods rich in protein, vitamins and fiber. You need to drink plenty of fluids (up to 1.5 liters per day). The body needs calcium, so it is worth including dairy products (cottage cheese, natural yogurt, milk, cream, sour cream) in your diet. Fruits, vegetables and herbs should make up 50% of the total daily diet.

  • For the first 30 to 60 days, it is necessary to abstain from sexual intercourse, as during this time the uterine cavity and vagina are healing. It is recommended to use contraceptives for 6 months after a miscarriage. Hormonal oral contraceptives are usually prescribed to help restore the menstrual cycle.
  • The loss of a child is a great stress for any woman. But you shouldn’t isolate yourself. If the doctor deems it necessary, he will prescribe antidepressants.

Spontaneous termination of pregnancy is a great stress for the female body. It takes him some time to fully recover. Usually the recovery period ends when the first menstruation arrives. How soon your period starts after a miscarriage determines whether you can try to get pregnant again. How long will it take for the regulation to come after a miscarriage? Does cleaning affect this?

What happens to the uterus during and after a miscarriage?

Spontaneous abortion occurs for various reasons. This may be due to:

  • pathologies of the structure of the uterus;
  • chromosomal pathologies of the fetus;
  • immunological and endocrine disorders in the mother;
  • infection, somatic disease or poisoning;
  • stress.

For one or more reasons, the uterus rejects the embryo and begins to shrink. The cervix of the reproductive organ opens prematurely, and the fetus is pushed out through it.

This phenomenon severely injures the uterus, its inner walls are an open wound. It is increased in size, even if the miscarriage occurred in the early stages of gestation. Then there is a gradual decrease in the mass and volume of this organ (involution). In most cases, this process takes no more than 30 days.

How does a woman’s body react to the termination of a spontaneous pregnancy?

The female body reacts in a certain way to this event. In case of spontaneous termination of pregnancy, the following are noted:

  • severe spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen and sacrum;
  • hyperthermic syndrome;
  • excessive weakness;
  • bleeding of varying intensity, lasting up to 10 days.
  • chills.

Cleaning after a miscarriage

Cleaning, or curettage, is curettage of the uterine cavity, during which the doctor uses a special device - a curette - to remove the top layer of the uterine mucosa and the remains of the fertilized egg. After a miscarriage, an ultrasound examination is mandatory. If during this procedure it turns out that the abortion was incomplete, the patient will be prescribed a cleaning. Otherwise, an inflammatory process will develop, fraught with many serious complications.

Curettage is performed under general or local anesthesia. First, the doctor dilates the cervix, after which he removes the remains of the fetus, membranes, and placenta. The whole procedure takes no more than 40 minutes.

Restoring the menstrual cycle to normal

After a miscarriage, the first period usually begins 26–36 days after the woman loses her baby. These terms apply to situations in which there was no need for curettage. If you resorted to cleansing after a miscarriage, your first period will begin normally no later than 21–35 days after surgery.

Often the first menstrual bleeding after spontaneous abortion is heavy. This is normal. After about 2 months, the cycle will completely normalize and the amount of bleeding will decrease. In this case, menstruation lasts no more than 7 days.

Deviations from the norm

It is important not only when your period first starts after a miscarriage, but also how long it lasts, as well as the intensity of the bleeding. Signs of pathology are too little or, conversely, heavy bleeding, delayed menstruation, and violation of the duration of regular periods. Why is this happening? In what cases is it necessary to see a doctor?

Delayed onset of menstruation

When menstruation begins after the loss of a child depends on how quickly the woman’s body recovers. If after 40–45 days there is no menstruation, a visit to the gynecologist's office is necessary. To find out the reason for the delay in bleeding, the doctor will prescribe the necessary examinations to the patient. If any pathological processes are detected in a woman’s body, treatment tactics will be applied, depending on the specific disease.

In no case should you ignore the absence of menstruation after a miscarriage. In this way, a woman’s body can signal dangerous pathologies. Lack of treatment in this case can lead to the development of serious consequences, including infertility.

Scanty discharge

It happens that the first menstruation after spontaneous termination of pregnancy, which was done without curettage, is weakly intense. This is a normal phenomenon and does not require special treatment measures. However, if after 2 months the situation has not changed, and the discharge is still scanty, you should immediately consult a doctor, because, most likely, an adhesive process is developing.

Stress can also be a cause of this problem. In this case, it is enough for the patient to take antidepressants. If the examination reveals the presence of adhesions, more serious treatment will be needed, which may require surgery.

Heavy discharge

Usually after curettage the bleeding is especially profuse. If they do not stop for a long time, the temperature rises, and your overall health significantly worsens, you should see a doctor. In this case, you cannot hesitate, because the listed symptoms indicate the development of an inflammatory process.

You should also immediately seek medical help if subsequent periods are accompanied by heavy blood loss. Timely measures taken will help avoid the development of such a dangerous phenomenon as anemia. In this situation, we can talk about danger if there is a need to change the gasket every 3 hours.

Irregular periods

Normally, menstrual bleeding after spontaneous abortion should last from 3 to 7 days, i.e. the same amount of time as before conception. However, in the first months after this event, when hormonal levels are at the recovery stage, the duration of menstruation may differ from the usual period.

If after 2-3 menstrual cycles the situation does not change, and menstrual flow still lasts longer than 7 days, most likely a pathological process is occurring. To find out the cause of irregular periods, you should consult a gynecologist. The doctor will prescribe the necessary examinations for the patient and, based on their results, develop a treatment plan.

What to do if your period does not start for a long time?

There are often cases when, after a miscarriage, the regulation does not begin for a long time. What to do in this situation? If more than 45 days have passed since the loss of the child, you need to contact a gynecologist. In this situation, doctors act according to the standard scheme: they diagnose the cause of the lack of bleeding, then begin to develop treatment tactics. The table provides information on what actions are taken in the event of a prolonged delay in menstrual bleeding after spontaneous termination of pregnancy:

Action plan for missing periods after miscarriage Stages Purpose of application
Survey History taking Analysis of patient complaints, development of examination scheme
Laboratory tests: blood and urine tests Detecting inflammation, infections, assessing the functioning of the ovaries and other hormonal organs
Instrumental studies: ultrasound of the pelvic organs,
Treatment Surgical: additional curettage The presence of an inflammatory process or remnants of the fertilized egg and placenta
Medication: anti-inflammatory, hormonal drugs Elimination of the inflammatory process, normalization of hormonal balance



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs