Our experts will help you find out why you dream about the collapse of a house in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    I stood on the street with (in a dream) a person I knew... There were mountains ahead, they suddenly began to collapse... Then houses appeared (very close) with people, and all the houses again, like the mountains, collapsed with a crash (high-rise buildings) we saw that people were running along the slabs, trying to escape, then calm... then again, chaos, people were falling, houses were falling... horror... and on our right hand lay a plane turned over on its side...

    Hello, I dreamed that I was in a tall building for some reason, similar to the twin towers, I really wanted to go out into the street, I called my mother with me, I looked at the city and buildings about 5 high-rises around the city began to fall, many people were injured, I went to help further, another dream went, but it was connected with something previous something like this.


    Hello, I had a dream that I was standing with a friend far from a multi-storey very high building, I threw a stone at it, it began to collapse, a terrible storm of debris began to fall across the area and houses around them began to collapse

    Hello!….I am sitting on the balcony of my apartment (in life I live in a private house)..from the balcony of this house there is an overview of the entire city…after the fireworks there are sudden shots and before my eyes high-rise buildings fall like houses of cards…The action takes place at night…Suddenly I I find out that my house will collapse any minute... I run out of this building... suddenly I find myself on the embankment of my city... with two guys.. one of them is my friend (I really like him).. the three of us walk along the embankment, in in a dream, I understand that I’m having an affair with these two guys... Change of picture, I’m already kissing with my friend on the same embankment... that’s it, I woke up...

    Hello Tatiana! My dream was like this: as if we were celebrating the New Year, but for some reason it was not winter outside, but rather autumn. So my friends and I go out into the street and see some kind of antenna on the roof of a house falling and destroying a residential building. this house has collapsed in half and is starting to fall on the house in which I live (the houses are all high-rise buildings). but my house is not destroyed, but only shakes a little, as if from a wave. My friends and I run into the neighboring yard, and then I see that my balcony is supported by some iron beams, as if it had suffered from this wave. and I come home and tell my mother that we need to move out of here in order to avoid a complete collapse of the house. like this.

    Hello! I dreamed that someone brought a bomb to the airport and left it, I saw some kind of pink children’s bicycle or something similar to a toy and I understood that there was a bomb, then the airport building began to collapse, I didn’t hear an explosion, but the building was just fell on its side, terrifying screams, when I looked behind me, another large red brick building was falling on us, but we were somehow lucky, I stayed alive... and then I woke up...

    I dreamed that the house was unfinished, there were a lot of bricks lying on top, which then began to fall. Moreover, there were people next to me and everyone stood and watched the bricks fall. without hurting anyone. Then a flame broke out in the middle of the house and went out a little later. and then the house itself began to fall apart. Concrete slabs began to fall on top of each other. I also filmed part of the house collapse on a tablet.

    in a dream, I took a friend’s bicycle in the yard, then this bicycle broke, I fell, and ended up in the school and the school began to collapse, everyone ran out into the street, there were no victims when the school stopped collapsing, I went to the gunpowder, there were a lot of people there and there was a bag of peaches, me and A friend stole a peach, a friend ate it and I carried it in my hands. (I don’t remember later)

    It was like this: My friends and I were standing near the school, and I looked to the left, and there was a nine-story building collapsing (orange with white squares). Then I got scared and looked to the right and there was another house collapsing, I got scared and thought, “I have the house isn’t far away!” I woke up.

    In real life, we moved to a new house, it is being built in sections and it is monolithic frame, which is new in our area, and besides, it is 16 floors, most of them are nine-story buildings. Against this background, he falls. Although before, my childhood home “fell”... It’s just that they just tilt and fall on their side. Moreover, I see myself both inside and outside at this time...

    I dreamed that I was standing at a bus stop with my mother. a plane flies nearby very low and crashes about a kilometer away from us. I don’t see how it falls, but from there comes a boulder of dust, ashes of stones and it moves towards us, we begin to run away along the road towards our house (our house is located along the road), when we run we see that houses are starting to collapse, I run screaming that my child is left at home and will not be able to leave, I stop and see that our house is intact, the sun is shining and I wake up

    I saw through the window a 16-story residential building that seemed to be on fire (I didn’t see any smoke) and was simultaneously melting and collapsing. I ran to wake up my daughter-in-law with the words “get up, the house is falling”, she replied that this was not our house and continued to sleep. I ran to the window and didn’t see the house anymore. After a while, I looked out the window again, and the house stood still. In reality, this house is not visible to me behind other houses.

    Good afternoon. I dreamed that there were several high-rise buildings in a row and one of them simply collapsed before my eyes, but nothing happened to the people. The overall picture was grey, but I wasn’t scared in the dream.

    I dreamed that I was in some kind of high-rise building unfamiliar to me and was looking for shelter, and there was a terrible bombing on the roof, some people were rushing around also looking for shelter, but I had nowhere to go and I was worried that a shell had hit me next to me. , from the destruction of the house (I was on the top floor) I fall down with debris, dust, and it’s as if I can’t breathe from this dust, but I feel that I will survive, that they will look for me. Then I dream... how the military Donbass people stop the war they started and everyone waits on the roof with machine guns for the arrival of V, V. Putin. He arrived and they flew away in helicopters to their home in Ukraine. It's all over. But there was still some fear that they would not calm down for long, that they would return.

    Hello. There was some kind of war going on. More like a Gozhdan one. Looks like it's in my city. I saw military men in uniform. We hid from some, but not from others. At the very end I feel like I’m at home and looking out the window. Immediately in the window, the building begins to quickly change its position and I feel like the building in which I am simply falling. After the fall, I remained alive and am trying to escape and find others. This is where the dream ends and I wake up.

    Hello! I dreamed that in my city several houses simply collapsed on their own and this caused a wave of tremors on the ground and, in some places, dust from the destroyed houses. But my house and the neighboring ones survived.

    Hello Tatiana! I’m visiting a friend who I don’t even think about; we once worked together. She is with a small child (I know it is her grandson or granddaughter, I don’t remember). Huge windows and now we hear the grinding of metal, look out the window and see that the neighboring nine-story building is collapsing, first the roof flies off, then the complete destruction of the house, everything is in slow motion and I have only thoughts in my head - how would it not reach us and how are my family there? BUT they did not live in this house

    Good afternoon Today I dreamed that I was walking down the street with my sister, and I saw a crack running through my house, and then it began to slowly collapse. I ran home, and while I was running I saw that everything on the loggias was upside down. At home I felt as if everything was moving under the house, and then I saw that it had all fallen down, as if to say, had completely collapsed.

    Communication with people, sharp alarm, it was a large building, about five stories high, and instead of evacuating, I ran to my room
    I was looking for something, then I saw through the window how the building began to fall along with me.
    A certain nebula, I was walking down the street, everything was quite colorful, I saw unusual things, in a dream I thought it was heaven or hell.

    The dream was very long... I haven’t had a dream for a long time... I used to dream often: colorful, bright, clear... lately, if I have a dream, it’s chaotic, I don’t remember the beginning, or it’s confusing that I don’t know how to tell it.
    And today I had a dream about work. In fact, our staff at work is expanding and new people are being hired. And in a dream I see two new women, not young. It’s like a hallway, we undress there, go into a large room, and there the tables are not standing as usual, but are moved into one long table... some other women come, everyone sits down at this table and it looks like a commission for considering new candidates or some business... and I’m sitting sort of in front of them on a small chair. And when it dawns on me that we won’t work today, because... Now people will come and the interview will take place here. I say: “Why didn’t they tell me about this?” I was very offended that something was happening in the organization and they weren’t telling me. Then a lot of people come and it’s like a job fair. Employers come, job seekers come, and I conclude that we rented out our office for a job fair. Some kind of fuss. I see a friend of mine and three men, one is very ugly: he says it’s his birthday, he needs to organize a party, he pays 40 thousand rubles. I seem to be starting to warm up to this friend, that I will help her and we will have a party together. This ugly man starts hugging me, tries to kiss me... and then I understand that the contingent at this birthday party will be terrible and this birthday boy will not let me pass, that you will not be happy with this money. And I refuse this idea. Then a woman comes up to me, supposedly a new employee of our organization, and begins to tell me something, I understand that her salary is 6 thousand rubles and I wonder how anyone can agree to work for that kind of money... I go to the window (the office is located on some floor, but not very high) and I see how a nine-story building is collapsing before my eyes, it falls to the side and just turns everything into a flat cake... then people run up, start digging up and looking for people. (Actually, yesterday a plane crashed in Egypt, but that’s what I’m talking about I just found out when I opened the Internet, yesterday I didn’t watch TV, I had a lot of things to do) I’m starting to be indignant, like this: houses can collapse at any moment and no one knows about it, people and children die. Then I seemed to be getting ready to go home and on the street I meet an employee (and in real life she is my classmate) with a newborn child. I ask: whose child? She: mine...I’m surprised: - When did you give birth to him? You come to work every day, right? and who are you leaving him with? She: -I gave birth two days ago, and who will feed me, I have to work, and I leave the child with my mother... In general, this is a dream.

    Hello, today I dreamed that I was driving as a passenger in a large car like a crane, and I felt that I was shaking, and when we turned back to drive past this house, I asked the driver to stop, like I was sick, to get out, and the house immediately collapsed not far from us ...at first it looked like everyone was dead, but when I started calling an ambulance I saw how people began to move under the rubble...they saved many, even strangely enough they looked very good, I remember how I saw a month-old baby, a boy, he didn’t feel well, and why did the doctors According to their laws, they had no right to help him, but I persuaded him. That's all

    Hello! !!I dreamed that a multi-storey residential building exploded and fell... As if it were something. Initially we were told that only one entrance would be blown up and that everyone would go home and take the necessary things... but something went wrong and the whole house fell... Mom, friend and brother were nearby

    I dreamed that I saw how houses began to collapse (in the area in which I live) and we (everyone who was nearby) began to run away, I ran away and saved some child, then my house in which I live collapsed and the child was already there I was gone, I started calling my mom to tell her that I was no longer at home, and before that (in the same dream) I dreamed that I was buying myself a lot of different things (clothes), a new dress, skirt, etc.

    I had a dream about how cracks first appeared in the house, and then the house began to collapse. At that moment I immediately woke up in great fear. The house I dreamed about was the one in which I live with my husband and children.

    Hello, the dream was like this
    My daughter and I were walking, in the courtyard there was an old house, a high-rise building, soft pink in color, twenty floors. I subconsciously knew that there were a lot of people at home now, since it was evening and everyone had returned from work. And there were new buildings around, and the residents were just moving in to our new apartments. We were walking with her, when a strong wind blew just at the top, and began to rock this house, I got scared, my daughter too..... I backed away and dragged her with me, for some reason we lived in a house neighborhood, but only it was a new building. So, the wind got stronger, and shook the house so that it began to fall and split into two parts. I knew that there were people there, and we ran to help. At first I ran for my parents, but they didn’t tell me They believed it and didn’t go to the rescue. We started looking for rescuers, but according to the news they said that the rescuers were given some kind of colored boxes and they wouldn’t be able to come. These turned out to be gifts, ordinary gifts and the rescuers weren’t coming. My daughter and I ran to save people, it was very there are many children wounded under the rubble…..we managed to pull out a few and that’s when I woke up….Here)))) Why would this be?

    In a dream, I dreamed of a high-rise building, about 5 floors, slowly falling underground. My family and I were nearby, we were having something of a picnic, and before my eyes the house began to sink into the ground. I told my husband: “Look, the house is collapsing!!” At first he didn’t believe it. But then I saw that the house was really going underground. We ran to this house, ran around it, and I saw a child lying on the ground (8 years old). I sat down next to this baby and took him on my lap, (it was a boy) I asked strangers about his parents, they answered that they went underground with the house, I immediately said that I would adopt this child, he was sitting opposite me my husband with another child in his arms (12 years old), someone told me “After all, they are brothers.” Without hesitation, I said I’ll take two.

    I had a dream that there was a wind, and the house was flimsy, but the wind blew strongly and the wall of the house collapsed, we were at home with our parents, my mother said: that’s all now we have nowhere to go, we were left without a home, I was upset in the dream, and I couldn’t believe it was real. Then dad collected some cockroaches from a box and I went to school and woke up.

    From the outside I see a plane flying and crashing into my apartment on the top floor. Everything explodes, both the plane and my apartment. I’m horrified that this happened and I think to myself, it’s good that I’m alive and wasn’t at home. But I’m very sorry for the apartment.

Collapse of multi-storey buildings. Dreaming of a dismantled house

If in his dream a person saw in detail the resolution of his own home, then this is a very unfavorable sign, since it symbolizes a further change in the treasure of life for the worse. It is quite possible that changes will be provoked by the dreamer’s passivity and inaction. Often, such dreams are preceded by an indifferent attitude towards loved ones and one’s own life.

If the dreamer himself was the initiator of the destruction of the house and actively took part in it (hollowing walls, knocking out windows, etc.), then this speaks of perseverance and strength of intentions; such a person will not stop at any difficulties and will always achieve desired. Such a dream is endowed with special power if the house stood firmly on the foundation and had strong walls.

Why do you dream about various images of destroyed houses?

Seeing the destruction of a dilapidated house in your dream means that you will soon face financial problems, perhaps even poverty. But it is worth considering that you, and not circumstances, will be the culprit of all such problems, so try to take a more serious attitude towards work and your life in general.

A sharp, causeless fall of the walls or roof of a new house is a sign that all those who previously provided you with significant help and support will soon turn away from you. After this dream, try not to spoil your relationship with anyone, brag and be rude less.

Located in a residential building at the time of its destruction, it is interpreted as a warning about danger. Also, a collapsing house in a dream can foreshadow an imminent serious trouble, for example, dismissal, divorce or a fight.

Emotional coloring

Particular attention should be paid to your emotions that you experienced in the dream. So, for example, if during the destruction of your home you felt fear and despair, then this indicates that you are not able to withstand the accumulated problems and adversities of life.

To enjoy the fact that you have become an eyewitness to such a picture means that your body has become significantly weakened and, quite possibly, a serious illness is lurking in it. Often, such dreams are seen by people who are later diagnosed with malignant tumors.

If you dreamed of a destroyed house and this event made you cry, then the interpretation can be twofold. On the one hand, any destruction and collapse is a symbol of health problems, discord and poverty. On the other hand, crying is a harbinger of imminent joy in real life.

As a rule, dreams about destruction are dreamed by those people who try to go with the flow and do not particularly resist life’s troubles. But this is a direct signal that you need to change yourself and your approach in certain situations. Think about it!

As a rule, a house for a person is a kind of stone fortress that will protect him from all hardships and misfortunes. But why dream of a house collapsing? Could a dream signal a danger that threatens the dreamer in the near future?

What if you dream about a house crashing?

The creators of the Enigma dream book classify a dream in which a house collapses as an unfavorable sign. As a rule, this image indicates unsettled life, major financial problems, and discord in the family.

A disaster affecting a multi-storey building promises the collapse of plans that initially seemed the most successful and almost win-win.

If in a dream a house collapses in parts, the dreamer should be prepared for the fact that a business that seemed completely organized and did not require attention will suddenly collapse. The interpreter advises the sleeper not to try to fix everything on his own, but to turn to friends for help. The dreamer's relatives, in turn, will provide him with psychological support.

If you dreamed of the wreckage of a house, but the sleeper did not see the disaster itself, it means that he will face failure at work, perhaps even a sudden dismissal.

The family dream book believes that if in a dream the dreamer’s own house collapses right before his eyes, then something threatens his personal happiness. Perhaps the sleeper needs to show more patience and then the situation will resolve itself.

If a multi-storey building collapses as a result of a plane crash, it means that family quarrels will be caused by some external factors and it is unlikely that it will be possible to cope with them using conventional methods.

If the cause of the collapse of the house was a flood or a tsunami, it means that there has long been hostile relations between the spouses and a divorce will probably follow soon. It is worth noting that the situation can still be radically changed, but for this, the sleeper needs to take measures now and try to make peace with his soulmate.

Significant changes in life are promised by a dream in which a person sees himself crying because of the collapse of his house. Most likely, these changes will concern a change of place of residence.

Seeing the collapse of someone else's house in a dream means depression, which will completely take over the dreamer's consciousness. It should be noted that if the sleeper does not cope with this condition, then it can negatively affect his personal life.

What does it portend?

The universal dream book also classifies a vision in which the dreamer’s own house collapses as negative. According to the author, this plot indicates that the usual way of life of the sleeper will be completely destroyed.

Fortunately, a dream in which the dreamer sees a house crashing does not always have a negative connotation; in some cases, the dream can also foreshadow pleasant events. For example, if a man saw the collapse of a wooden hut, it means that he will soon meet a beautiful girl who will become his wife in the future.

If after a disaster it turns out that not the entire house is destroyed, but only the beam supporting the roof, then some troubles will still occur, but they will not have any impact on the life of the sleeper.

The machinations of ill-wishers are promised by a dream in which the dreamer sees his house with cracked walls.

Despite the fact that a dream in which a house collapses in most cases has a negative connotation, the dreamer should not worry too much, because his life is in his hands and only he alone has the right to decide how successful and happy it will be.

Dreams, unfortunately, are not always good. Some of them leave a very unpleasant aftertaste and are remembered for a long time, and also have a not very positive interpretation. For example, the following picture will be annoying: you see how it collapses and interprets such dreams in a not very positive way. In general, we can say that just as a building collapses, so do your plans, aspirations, and deeds. However, in order to find out exactly why such a dream is happening, you need to remember which structure was damaged: a one-story building or a multi-story one. It is also necessary to analyze other details of the incident that you witnessed in night vision.

Upcoming problems at work

So, let's open the dream book. A multi-storey building collapses - get ready for problems at work. These can be a variety of troubles: not necessarily dismissal. The collapse of a project or event that you really counted on is possible. However, you should not despair - such a dream does not mean that your difficulties will last long. As a rule, these are quickly passing troubles, disagreements or unjustified hopes.

What other interpretations does the dream book offer us? The house is collapsing in parts, for example, you see the collapse of the walls or ceiling, roof - this indicates larger problems that will unsettle you for a short time. This dream does not always promise problems at work; sometimes it also means difficulties in other areas of life. But one thing is for sure: trouble will come from where it was never expected. However, people close to you will help you survive all the difficulties. The main thing is to remember them in time and seek help and support.

If you dreamed that the house had already been destroyed and there were fragments left of it, but you did not see the crash itself, this indicates some kind of failure in your career. You may be thinking about whether you chose the right profession and whether it brings in enough money. You may be going through a small creative or professional crisis. However, this will not last long - the unpleasant state will quickly pass, says the interpreter.

Imminent problems in the family

What else will the dream book tell you about this? The house is collapsing before your eyes, falling apart, like in horror films - you will have hard times. You will quarrel with your significant other over all sorts of trifles. If you value this relationship, try to restrain yourself when you really want to lose your temper. If you dreamed that the cause of the destruction of your house was a plane crash, you will probably also have problems in your family. But they will not be caused by discord and quarrelsome characters - the main cause of future troubles will be some external circumstances. It is quite possible that problems with money or work will serve as the basis for troubles in your personal life.

If in a dream you saw a severe flood that flooded the house, or the building simply collapsed from the water, serious problems will arise in your family. There is a high chance that you or your significant other will be thinking about whether this relationship is worth saving. Therefore, if you do not want to allow separation, try to correct all the problems that exist in the couple.

Serious changes are ahead!

In a dream, did you see that you were crying because your house was collapsing? The dream book warns: you need to prepare for the fact that you will soon live in a completely different place. This will happen so unexpectedly that you will be very shocked by what is happening. Does your house suddenly collapse in your dream? The dream book says: if you don’t live in it, but you know whose it is, this is a bad sign. There are difficult times ahead. Your mood cannot be called serene and cheerful. Try to succumb to the blues as little as possible. Look at emerging problems soberly and solve them.

Did you dream that a house was collapsing? The dream book says that in this case you will experience a radical change in the rhythm of life. For example, if you were a night owl, you will become a lark. Also, soon you will begin a completely new stage, and old contacts and connections will completely become obsolete.

But there is also a good meaning!

If in a dream you saw a thunderous earthquake in which all the huge skyscrapers or multi-story buildings collapsed, and only your house remained undamaged, you can be congratulated! Your family life is so ideal that neither the machinations of envious people nor any external circumstances can interfere with it.

​ the binoculars or the weapon​ half and I tell him​ then I went to about 7 rooms then I saw bare and plastered​ houses, so that the next one with an impermissible​ - portends a turn Seeing a house in a dream ,​ killer) and fell very much, but I — wait, but go home, thinking that the rooms have a sports bathroom

​that even​ In a dream, it’s possible for me to have this luxury - in​ in business, it basically promises I was scared that I got up, shook myself off and he doesn’t react. There’s nothing to do there... the rest of the living room is not a bathhouse, and this is very not a home will also be in real life for you in the direction of improving your well-being. However, if they can kill (I was just looking for someone, I tried to get into mine, I knew which ones, but I liked the huge two-story house. Mother-in-law

They will bow to the ground. They expect disaster and A table or a shelf in a dream, a person seemed to have a roofing felt pipe standing and saw a lot of old apartments with friends, they are divinely beautiful. I very rarely have dreams, then I was cooking hello..I dreamed about a disaster in the family home - I saw that the house

Constantly heading towards looked at the house of books in red, rode in the elevator. Then I woke up once a quarter in the kitchen and my sister of life; to see her fatherly love. collapses, then, alas, it’s hard to describe me and I. I dream about the apartment of the deceased and black bindings, pressing on my

Hello! Today I dreamed or offered me something to eat, we are trying to burn down our house - standing under the roof, in such a dream we begin to hide). And mothers. There seems to be no one with golden stripes. 7th floor, always an apartment in a big one. I dream about my dear one, but I refused. Home. Then I die of a close relative; at home, getting dressed -

An obvious warning of that, then I woke up. No. I constantly go there, this man ends up in another old house. It’s like a house. I saw a new house built there, I remember that I forgot, your house needs speaks of uncertainty, that soon I called my lover, I return and seem to pass by these books, After futile attempts, I don’t live with mine 4 ​

​, but​ the house​ turn off the gas and​ some kind of secret​ is undergoing a major renovation.​ the time will come, so that it will make me​ like I live there. But the dream disappeared... given​ to get by elevator,​ children moved there.​ There years already. I was near some people trying to turn it off..but - it was difficult to build a latrine in the strip. The man cut his hair intuitively. He arrived. And there’s a heaviness in my soul. I feel like I’m having a dream. We went on foot. A huge corridor with

In this dream I dream of garages and around in the end someone from the house is ill - wealth understands that I dreamed I went into the pain of loss. This is not the first time Approaching my large light glass courtyard , where someone is not very clean, we did not burn loved ones; your home and happiness. A destroyed house is not a store. Coming out of a multi-storey building, it sways and staggers, I saved it once, on the last floor, I found it dismantled,

​ with a staircase. I remembered that in the twilight there were several floors, and the house... what does this mean? collapses on yours. ​collapsed in places, stairs.​ space everywhere, and someone is being killed,​

​ I have a high-rise building in which I see - quarrels - great happiness is worth preparing for I could find my way in a few times. Similar Monday from 21-30 In the end it was very bright for the young guy , even the old one and me

Dream interpretation multi-storey house

Why do you dream of a multi-storey House in a dream according to the dream book?

​and scandals in​ and benefits.​ bad changes in​ home. when I had a dream and​ until 22-30.​

Climb on your own there in this young one. Mother, wanted with the family, or as if the family could be brought a Turtle in the well near

Did you dream of a multi-storey building that is under construction?

Why do you dream about the destruction of a multi-story building?

​life.​ I was looking for​ a way for​ my husband.​ Hello, Tatyana! I dream about a floor (in the construction of an old apartment, which is gone)

Why do you dream about the construction of a multi-story building?

Move there and not completed, only for divorce; to return home - it will be very good if a person I am your home Hello! I had a dream that the forests were coming towards me), and discover

How are other dream books interpreted?

​I dreamed that I was reacting in fear to

Multi-storey building

​ box, and everything in its old wealth and nobility. is trying to figure it out, I saw among others where I first came to the house with a completely different decoration of my house with this, and I people this is higher than ours ​ house - plans​ House (residential) most often what I dream about but I couldn’t walk through a beautiful house that I don’t know at all. I’m having a blast with my friends and reassuring me that in my dream I was on the 4th floor, that is

Cannot symbolize a person. The house is collapsing. Having learned to find the way to the building - these are people for me, three I saw the house that remained, everything was fun, but it worked out. Now we need in a new house, the next 5 came; they weren’t implemented because of the old ones. However, the enemy’s wooden house can be found more. I was looking for a school; there are men with me and two from my great-grandfather. Suddenly my dad comes to bury . Burying the corpse, the old owners approached the house and made mistakes. Can symbolize the coffin. A means of dealing with the road to the house.

  • A boy is walking, he
  • ​women. In a dream
  • ​ Big, with​
  • And the dream ended
  • in our yard
  • With his hidden vodka.
  • I saw black smoke
  • ​Different things happen to the house
  • ​House with smooth​
  • ​ him. That is
  • ​the more
  • I kind of
  • ​they were for me
  • ​huge rooms, without​
  • ​I dreamed that there was a small one
  • A neighbor notices
  • ​ I found it and gave it away.​
  • thought from the pipe
  • ​ changes - you
  • The walls symbolize a man,
  • ​understanding what​
  • I got away from
  • ​helps us too
  • Not pleasant. One
  • ​special furniture, not
  • ​wooden house, similar
  • ​windows, it's getting scary
  • ​Then without shoes​
  • And I thought why
  • ​you feel in
  • ​and the house with
  • Warns sleep, you can

​he and the city together go to​ from the guests held a new one, but also something for a hut that he would rent out was at the market, nothing was flooded by dad, and disharmony with the surrounding balconies, loggias and prepare for that , the stop became longer and longer, but instead of the knife the tip was up



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