How to improve your thinking skills. What are the ways of thinking in humans?

I am glad to welcome you, dear readers of my blog! What distinguishes us from animals is not only the ability to recognize our needs and set goals, but also the presence of such a thing as abstract logical thinking. And it not only distinguishes, but also makes a person unique, since no living creature has this ability. Today we will look at methods by which it is possible to develop it.


First, let's figure out what types exist and what the difference is between them:

  • Specific action , or it is also called practical. It appears in our lives when there is a need to solve specific problems. Can be domestic or industrial. Simply put, this is what we do based on our experience, as well as our ability to understand drawings, designs and other technical details.
  • Concretely figurative , or artistic. A distinctive feature is the connection to the present time, from which inspiration is drawn and ideas appear. There is also an emphasis on feelings and emotions; thanks to various experiences, a person becomes able to create.
  • Verbal-logical , abstract. Thanks to him, we see the picture of the world as a whole, abstracting from details and concentrating on broad concepts. It is necessary to develop this type, first of all, because it helps us make non-standard decisions, going beyond the boundaries of everyday life and modeling the relationships between real objects and images.


In our daily lives, sometimes unconsciously, we use three forms of abstract logical thinking:

  1. Concept – the ability to characterize an object according to its main features, which must be justified, using one word or phrase. For example, “night”, “cat”, “warm tea”...
  2. Judgment describes processes in the world, their connections with each other, and methods of interaction. It can deny something, and vice versa, confirm it. It has two types, simple and complex. The difference is that the complex takes on a more narrative character. For example: “Snow has fallen,” and “The water in the pan has boiled, which means you can pour in the porridge.”
  3. Inference – a very interesting form, really a foundation, because, based on one or several judgments, a process of summarization occurs, as a result of which a new judgment is born. It contains premises and conclusions. Example: “Winter has come, snow has fallen and it begins to get dark early.”


There are signs by which one can determine that this type of thinking predominates:

  • The need to build cause-and-effect relationships;
  • Clear systematization of the information received;
  • In communication, the use of formulas, calculations, and any conclusions predominates; hypotheses are put forward, and skillful manipulation of words is also noted.
  • High ability to summarize and analyze
  • The ability to argue your opinion, justifying it logically

If the above signs are not your strong point, do not despair, because it is easy to fix, you just need to be patient, because this is a long process, but very necessary. Because with the help of abstractions and logic, we can find our truth by questioning certain information. Quickly build a chain of certain conclusions and possible solutions to problems. A person becomes able to quickly make a decision and rely on his experience without devaluing or ignoring it. And who doesn’t want to calculate options for events in advance, anticipating them?

If you want to increase your level of development, you need to find time for classes lasting an hour and a half at least several times a week. Even with a heavy workload, this is quite possible, the main thing is desire and perseverance. And within a month you will be able to notice how easier it has become to make plans, solve tasks that were not so easy to cope with before, and generally think.

This type of thinking is inherently an acquired skill, an ability. It develops only through mental work, when the brain is busy solving problems, and is not simply an innate ability, the level of which is inherited. So it’s up to you how effectively you can use the gift given by nature.

There are two most basic ways to develop it: theoretical and practical. Theory is mainly taught in higher educational institutions, where they talk about categories, laws and, accordingly, the rules of logic. If you missed these points, it wouldn’t hurt to look for the information yourself. But practice is aimed at translating the resulting theory into reality, consolidating and applying it in order to gain experience. It is ideal when a person uses these two methods in a comprehensive manner. So, directly the most relevant practical methods of development:


Yes, having fun playing games helps keep your brain sharp.

  • The most popular are considered chess, checkers and backgammon . Because you have to calculate your steps in advance, anticipating events and possible moves of the enemy. If you don't know how to play, there are many mobile applications that will help you not only learn, but also practice without wasting time in a long line or on the road.
  • "Words", "Cities" ... Who doesn’t know the game where you need to make up others from the letters of a very long word? Or use a single letter to name objects that will fit in a bottle? Educate your children, because they could use not only mental development, but also information, for example, about existing cities.
  • Puzzles . A very painstaking process, especially when choosing a complex picture, for example, a landscape. In fact, this method not only helps to develop logic, but also perseverance, patience, and self-control. Fine motor skills in action, attention is focused as much as possible on finding the necessary parts, while the brain “completes” possible options for those already found. If you gather him as a family, this will also be able to bring you closer, because there is no better way to improve relationships than spending time together, especially with pleasure.
  • Rubik's Cube , even if you cannot assemble it by color, with daily practice you can develop possible combinations.
  • Poker . Just not for money, but for pleasure, making sure that gambling addiction does not appear. It helps to develop not only logic and calculate possible combinations, but also memory, attentiveness, and also such a useful skill as recognizing emotions through gestures and facial expressions. For those who have read the article, poker will be an excellent method for practicing and gaining experience.

2.Learning a foreign language

The sounds of new foreign words force our brain to work, because it is necessary to discover connections and make associations between our native speech and the one we decided to study. With this method, you, as they say, will “kill two birds with one stone” - you will improve your abstract-logical type of thinking and at the same time learn a new language.

  • The best option, of course, is to attend courses, but if for some reason this is not possible, do not despair, download online applications to your phone. Learn at least 10 new words every day, and the effect will not be long in coming. I recommend reading the article because I included in it a ready-made plan for learning English on your own; all you have to do is make adjustments if necessary.
  • Be sure to practice to consolidate the acquired knowledge and learn correct pronunciation. If you don’t know native speakers of the language you are studying, find communities of people on the Internet who are united by a common goal - sharing knowledge and practice.


We have already talked about its benefits in the article here.

  • One caveat - you need to read it, analyzing every page, line and phrase. The task is not to read at speed, but to store the necessary knowledge in memory.
  • Set up a game for yourself, thinking through different outcomes of events. Allow yourself to fantasize, play Sherlock Holmes.
  • Focus on fiction, classics, and scientific literature, from which, among other things, you can also gain knowledge that will certainly be useful in everyday life.


Modern psychology is constantly coming up with a lot of ways so that you can not only study yourself, but also advance. Take some tests more often that will motivate you to think, and at least a banal test to determine your level of intelligence. I wrote about him

  • Look for some mathematical and logical problems, and take the time to solve them in your spare time. The material can be school textbooks, yours and your children's.
  • Solve crosswords, puzzles, sudoku... whatever you like and enjoys.
  • An excellent way is to use online services with games to develop memory and thinking. For example this one, here is the link.


That's all, dear readers! As you remember, you should never stop there, and then success will definitely await you. Take cues from people who have achieved worldwide recognition because they were able to predict and anticipate events by working hard every day. For example, you can even use the principles of such a giant. You don’t have to be born a genius, it’s up to you how you organize your life and what kind of person you become. If you found the article interesting, you can add it to your social media. networks, the buttons are at the bottom. It will be useful to you, and I will be pleased that I was useful to you. Bye bye.

Page 1

Logical and heuristic thinking skills influence the formation of high intellectual feelings: clarity of mind, the need for knowledge, the ability to analyze life and business situations from a scientific point of view.

It is necessary to develop independent chemical thinking skills, master methods of mathematical processing of analysis results, and be able to draw correct conclusions.

Acquired knowledge and thinking skills do not always contribute to their revaluation and the acquisition of new knowledge and thinking skills. Sometimes the opposite condition occurs, the so-called associative inhibition, which creates some barriers to understanding and applying new methods of action. There is also a picture when, after mastering new knowledge and skills, old familiar knowledge and skills turn out to be predominant in mental work.

The acquired knowledge and thinking skills do not always contribute to the acquisition of new knowledge and thinking skills. Sometimes the opposite condition occurs, the so-called associative inhibition, which creates some barriers to understanding and applying new methods of action due to the inertial desire to perform them in a previously acquired way. There is also a picture when, after mastering new knowledge and thinking skills, old familiar knowledge and skills turn out to be predominant in mental work.

Sometimes, in order to develop heuristic thinking skills, it is advisable to slightly change the conditions of problems found in school and other textbooks. So, instead of the problem Prove that the sum of the squares of five consecutive natural numbers cannot be the square of a natural number (No. 1269), it is useful to offer students the following: Can the sum of the squares of five consecutive natural numbers be the square of a natural number. In this case, students must inductively formulate the appropriate hypothesis themselves and only then prove it.

In MLM, you gain the skills to think outside the box, says Williams.

Our goal here is to acquire the skill of thinking with the market, rather than thinking about the market.

The main goal of the book is to develop the skills of non-standard thinking. Acquaintance with the history of physics shows that the success of an experiment is often determined by the use of new, completely unexpected, measurement methods developed specifically for this case. The book contains over a hundred problems in which it is proposed to come up with a way to measure quantities using the most primitive instruments, which would seem to be completely unsuitable for this purpose.

Adherents of the direct method interpret the issue of developing thinking skills in the target language in an extremely simplified manner. They believe that if the meaning of linguistic signs is brought to the consciousness of the learner not by comparison with the signs of the native language, but by showing objects and demonstrating actions and descriptions, then this already ensures thinking in the language being studied. Until these conditions are created, no manipulation with objects (making straightforward teachers something like jugglers) will help matters, and students will still comprehend all demonstrated objects using the signs of their native language, in some cases mistakenly comparing them with foreign language signs. This does not at all mean a refusal to use object-based visualization at the initial stage of learning.

Thus, the current state of humanitarian education in technical universities does not instill the skills of independent thinking, the ability to act in the humanitarian and social field, and therefore does not contribute to the formation of civil society.

The leitmotif of Pólya's methodology is the idea of ​​the need to instill in students, along with logical reasoning skills, also strong heuristic thinking skills.

The questions posed allow us to pause and reflect on the extent to which existing teaching methods are geared towards developing thinking skills. The teaching equipment and its arrangement in a regular classroom are clearly not conducive to such activities. What in the classroom can at least remind you of real life situations in which the problems discussed may arise. Almost everything indicates the priority given to listening, reading and reproducing what was told and read. The contrast between these conditions and situations of active contact with things and people, in the family, on the playground, in life in general, is striking. The classroom is not the best place to discuss questions that a boy (girl) has while talking with others or reading books outside of school.

This textbook on the theory of state and law, offering a variety of, sometimes extreme, scientific positions on diverse political and legal issues, is designed to promote the development of independent thinking skills and proper attitude to scientific heritage. Terence's statement remains relevant: Nullum est jam dictum, quod non sit dictum prius - there is nothing said that has not been said before.

The speed of performing labor operations decreases more intensively than accuracy, therefore, for older people, the most acceptable work is the work that requires primarily experience and established thinking skills.

But the main thing is something else: symbolic language, not being tied to its specific software implementation, has a completely independent meaning for acquiring accounting thinking skills, regardless of whether the accountant uses a computer in his work or whether this is just his dream.

It can rightly be called the crown of human knowledge. It is a mental activity with its own goals, motives, operational functions and results. It can be characterized in different ways: as the highest degree of assimilation and processing of information and the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships between objects of reality, as a process of displaying the obvious properties of objects and phenomena and, consequently, the formation of ideas about the surrounding reality, and as a process of cognition of the world based on on the continuous replenishment of the baggage of concepts and ideas about it.

But, regardless of the interpretation, it can be established that the better a person’s thinking is developed, the more effectively he can interact with the world around him and other people, study and cognize, understand phenomena and truths. Thinking is formed as a person develops from his very birth, but life circumstances do not always develop in such a way that it continues to develop. It often happens that, having reached a certain level, development slows down. However, each of us is able to influence this process, like many others. In other words, everyone is capable
, and how this is done, we will talk in this article.

But before we get down to the main material, we should say a few words about what thinking is like in general. In total, there are several of its main types, studied by specialists most often and most of all:

  • Visual-figurative thinking;
  • Verbal-logical (aka abstract) thinking;
  • Visual-effective thinking;

Below we will provide a brief description of each type of thinking and indicate effective and simple ways to develop them.

Visual-figurative thinking and exercises for its development

With the help of visual-figurative thinking, reality is transformed into images, and ordinary phenomena and objects are endowed with new properties. It involves visually solving problems and problems without the need to resort to practical actions. The brain is responsible for its development. Visual-figurative thinking should not be confused with imagination, because... it is based on real objects, actions and processes, and not imaginary or fictitious ones.

Visual-figurative thinking can be developed in adults and children in the same ways. Here are some good exercises:

  • Remember several people with whom you had the opportunity to communicate today, and imagine in detail their clothes, shoes, hairstyle, appearance, etc.
  • Using just two nouns, one adverb, three verbs and adjectives, describe the words "success", "wealth" and "beauty".
  • Swipe: imagine the shape of the ears of your pet or, for example, an elephant; count the number of apartments in your entrance and imagine how they are located in the house; Now turn the English letter “N” 90 degrees and determine what came out of it.
  • Describe the following objects and phenomena in words: a flying swan, flashing lightning, the kitchen of your apartment, lightning, a pine forest, a toothbrush.
  • Recall in your memory the image of a recent meeting with friends and give mental answers to several questions: how many people were in the company, and what clothes did each of them wear? What food and drinks were on the table? What were you talking about? What was the room like? What position did you sit in, what sensations did you experience, what did you taste from the food and drinks you consumed?

These exercises can be modified at your discretion - you can do whatever you want, but the main thing here is to use visual-figurative thinking. The more often you use it, the better it will develop.

You can also check out a course that will help you develop your thinking in just a few weeks. Check it out here.

Verbal-logical (abstract) thinking and exercises for its development

Verbal-logical thinking is characterized by the fact that a person observing a certain picture as a whole isolates from it only the most significant qualities, not paying attention to unimportant details that simply complement this picture. There are usually three forms of such thinking:

  • Concept – when objects are grouped according to characteristics;
  • Judgment - when any phenomenon or connections between objects are affirmed or denied;
  • Inference – when specific conclusions are drawn based on several judgments.

Everyone should develop verbal and logical thinking, but it is especially useful to develop it from an early age in children, because this is an excellent training for memory and attention, as well as imagination. Here are some exercises you can use for yourself or your child:

  • Set a timer for 3 minutes, during this time write the maximum number of words starting with the letters “zh”, “w”, “ch” and “i”.
  • Take a few simple phrases, such as “what’s for breakfast?”, “let’s go to the movies,” “come visit,” and “there’s a new exam tomorrow,” and read them backwards.
  • There are several groups of words: “sad, cheerful, slow, cautious”, “dog, cat, parrot, penguin”, “Sergey, Anton, Kolya, Tsarev, Olga” and “triangle, square, board, oval”. From each group, select those words that do not fit the meaning.
  • Identify the differences between a ship and an airplane, grass and a flower, a story and a poem, an elephant and a rhinoceros, a still life and a portrait.
  • A few more groups of words: “House - walls, foundation, windows, roof, wallpaper”, “War - weapons, soldiers, bullets, attack, map”, “Youth - growth, joy, choice, love, children”, “Road - cars, pedestrians, traffic, asphalt, poles.” Choose one or two words from each group, without which the concept (“house”, “war”, etc.) could exist as such.

These exercises, again, can be quite easily modernized and modified, simplifying or complicating them at your discretion. It is because of this that each of them can be an excellent way to train abstract thinking in both adults and children. By the way, any such exercises, among other things, perfectly develop intelligence.

Visually effective thinking and exercises for its development

Visual-effective thinking can be described as the process of solving mental problems by transforming a situation that has arisen in real life. It is rightfully considered the first way to process received information, and it develops very actively in children under 7 years of age, when they begin to combine all kinds of objects into one whole, analyze them and operate with them. And in adults, this type of thinking is expressed in identifying the practical benefits of objects in the surrounding world, being the so-called manual intelligence. The brain is responsible for the development of visual and effective thinking.

An excellent way to learn and train here is the usual game of chess, making puzzles and sculpting all kinds of plasticine figures, but there are also several effective exercises:

  • Take your pillow and try to determine its weight. Then “weigh” your clothes in the same way. After this, try to determine the area of ​​the room, kitchen, bathroom and other areas of your apartment.
  • Draw a triangle, a rhombus and a trapezoid on album sheets. Then take your scissors and turn all these shapes into a square by cutting once in a straight line.
  • Place 5 matches on the table in front of you and make 2 equal triangles from them. After that, take 7 matches and make 2 triangles and 2 squares from them.
  • Buy a construction set at the store and use it to create various shapes - not just those indicated in the instructions. It is recommended that there be as many details as possible - at least 40-50.

As an effective addition to these exercises, chess and more, you can use our excellent.

Logical thinking and exercises for its development

Logical thinking is the basis of a person’s ability to think and reason consistently and without contradictions. It is necessary in most life situations: from ordinary dialogues and shopping to solving various problems and developing intelligence. This type of thinking contributes to a successful search for justifications for any phenomena, a meaningful assessment of the surrounding world and judgments. The main task in this case is to obtain true knowledge about the subject of reflection with the basis for analyzing its various aspects.

Among the recommendations for the development of logical thinking are solving logical problems (and this is also an excellent training for memory and attention in children and adults), passing IQ tests, logical games, self-education, reading books (especially detective stories), and training intuition .

As for specific exercises, we advise you to take note of the following:

  • From several sets of words, for example: “chair, table, sofa, stool”, “circle, oval, ball, circle”, “fork, towel, spoon, knife”, etc. you need to choose a word that does not fit the meaning. Despite its simplicity, this is a very effective technology for developing logical thinking, and similar sets and exercises can be found in large quantities on the Internet.
  • Group exercise: Get together with friends or the whole family and divide into two teams. Let each team invite the opposing team to solve a semantic riddle that conveys the content of some text. The point is to determine. Here is a small example: “The clergyman had an animal on the farm. He had strong warm feelings for him, however, despite this, he carried out a violent action on him, which led to his death. This happened for the reason that the animal did something unacceptable - it ate part of the food that was not intended for it.” Thinking logically, one can recall a children's song that begins with the words: “The priest had a dog, he loved it...”
  • Another group game: a member of one team performs an action, and a member of the other must find the reason for it, and then the reason for the reason, and so on until all the motives for the behavior of the first participant are clarified.

Let us repeat that these exercises (in particular the last two) are excellent ways to develop logical thinking and intelligence, suitable for people of all ages.

Creative thinking and exercises for its development

Creative thinking is a type of thinking that allows you to organize and analyze ordinary information in an unusual way. In addition to the fact that it contributes to an extraordinary solution to typical tasks, questions and problems, it also increases the efficiency of a person’s assimilation of new knowledge. Using creative thinking, people can consider objects and phenomena from different angles, awaken in themselves the desire to create something new - something that did not exist before (this is the understanding of creativity in its classical sense), develop the ability to move from one task to another and find many interesting options for doing work and ways out of life situations.

Methods for developing creative thinking are based on the idea that a person realizes only a small percentage of his potential during his life, and his task is to find opportunities to activate unused resources. The technology for developing creativity is based primarily on several recommendations:

  • You need to improvise and always look for new ways to solve everyday problems;
  • There is no need to focus on established frameworks and rules;
  • You should expand your horizons and constantly learn something new;
  • You need to travel as much as possible, discover new places and meet new people;
  • You need to make learning new skills and abilities a habit;
  • You need to try to do anything better than others.

But, of course, there are also certain exercises for the development of creative thinking (by the way, we advise you to familiarize yourself with our courses on the development of creative thinking and thinking in general - you will find them).

Now let's talk about exercises:

  • Take several concepts, for example, “youth”, “man”, “coffee”, “teapot”, “morning” and “candle”, and select for each of them the maximum possible number of nouns that define their essence.
  • Take several pairs of different concepts, for example, “piano – car”, “cloud – locomotive”, “tree – picture”, “water – well” and “plane – capsule” and select the maximum number of similar features for them.
  • Imagine several situations and think about what could happen in each of them. Examples of situations: “aliens are walking around the city”, “not water, but lemonade is running from the tap in your apartment”, “all domestic animals have learned to speak human language”, “it snows in your city in the middle of summer for a week.”
  • Look around the room where you are now and stop your gaze on any object that interests you, for example, on a closet. Write down on a piece of paper 5 adjectives that go with it, and then 5 adjectives that are completely opposite.
  • Think about your job, hobby, favorite singer or actor, best friend or significant other, and describe it (him/her) in at least 100 words.
  • Remember some proverb or, and write, based on it, a short essay, poem or essay.
  • Write a list of 10 purchases you would make before the end of the world.
  • Write a daily plan for your cat or dog.
  • Imagine that, upon returning home, you saw that the doors of all apartments were open. Write 15 reasons why this could happen.
  • Make a list of 100 of your life goals.
  • Write a letter to your future self – when you are 10 years older.

Also, to activate your creativity and intelligence, you can use two excellent methods in everyday life - and. These ways to develop creativity will help you destroy all stereotypes, expand your comfort zone and develop an original and unique type of thinking.

In conclusion, we will say that if you have a desire to organize or continue your education and develop your thinking more effectively, then you will certainly like one of our courses, which you can familiarize yourself with.

Otherwise, we wish you every success and well-rounded thinking!

The highest level of human knowledge is considered thinking. The development of thinking is the mental process of creating obvious, non-proving patterns of the surrounding world. This is a mental activity that has a goal, motive, actions (operations) and a result.

Development of thinking

Scientists offer several options for defining thinking:

  1. The highest stage of human assimilation and processing of information, the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships between objects of reality.
  2. The process of displaying the explicit properties of objects and, as a result, creating an idea of ​​the surrounding reality.
  3. This is a process of cognition of reality, which is based on acquired knowledge, constant replenishment of the baggage of ideas and concepts.

Thinking is studied in several disciplines. The laws and types of thinking are considered by logic, the psychophysiological component of the process - physiology and psychology.

Thinking develops throughout a person’s life, starting from infancy. This is a consistent process of mapping the realities of reality in the human brain.

Types of human thinking

Most often, psychologists divide thinking according to content:

  • visual-figurative thinking;
  • abstract (verbal-logical) thinking;
  • visually effective thinking.

Visual-figurative thinking

Visual-figurative thinking involves visually solving a problem without resorting to practical actions. The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the development of this species.

Many people believe that visual-figurative thinking and imagination are one and the same. You are wrong.

Thinking is based on a real process, object or action. Imagination includes the creation of a fictitious, unreal image, something that does not exist in reality.

Developed by artists, sculptors, fashion designers - people of the creative profession. They transform reality into an image, and with its help, new properties are highlighted in standard objects and non-standard combinations of things are established.

Exercises to develop visual-figurative thinking:

Question answer

If the capital letter N from the English alphabet is turned 90 degrees, what letter will the resulting letter be?
What is the shape of a German Shepherd's ears?
How many rooms are there in the living room of your home?

Creating images

Create the image of the last family dinner. Mentally picture the event and answer the questions:

  1. How many family members were present, and who was wearing what?
  2. What dishes were served?
  3. What was the conversation about?
  4. Imagine your plate, where your hands lay, the face of a relative sitting next to you. Taste the food you ate.
  5. Was the picture presented in black and white or color?
  6. Describe the visual image of the room.

Description of items

Describe each item presented:

  1. Toothbrush;
  2. Pine forest;
  3. sunset;
  4. your bedroom;
  5. drops of morning dew;
  6. eagle soaring in the sky.


Imagine Beauty, Wealth, Success.

Describe the highlighted image using two nouns, three adjectives and verbs, and one adverb.


Imagine the people you have interacted with today (or ever).

What did they look like, what were they wearing? Describe their appearance (eye color, hair color, height and build).

Verbal-logical type of thinking (Abstract thinking)

A person sees the picture as a whole, highlights only the significant qualities of the phenomenon, without noticing unimportant details that only complement the subject. This kind of thinking is well developed among physicists and chemists - people who are directly related to science.

Forms of abstract thinking

Abstract thinking has 3 forms:

  • concept– objects are combined according to characteristics;
  • judgment– affirmation or denial of any phenomenon or connection between objects;
  • inference– conclusions based on several judgments.

An example of abstract thinking:

You have a soccer ball (you can even pick it up). What can you do with it?

Options: play football, throw a hoop, sit on it, etc. - not abstracts. But if you imagine that a good ball game will attract the attention of a coach, and you will be able to get into a famous football team... this is already transcendental, abstract thinking.

Exercises to develop abstract thinking:

"Who's the odd one out?"

From a number of words, select one or more words that do not fit the meaning:

  • careful, fast, cheerful, sad;
  • turkey, pigeon, crow, duck;
  • Ivanov, Andryusha, Sergey, Vladimir, Inna;
  • square, pointer, circle, diameter.
  • plate, pan, spoon, glass, broth.

Finding differences

What is the difference:

  • train - plane;
  • horse-sheep;
  • oak-pine;
  • fairy tale-poem;
  • still life-portrait.

Find at least 3 differences in each pair.

Main and secondary

From a number of words, select one or two, without which the concept is impossible, cannot exist in principle.

  • Game - players, penalty, cards, rules, dominoes.
  • War - guns, planes, battle, soldiers, command.
  • Youth – love, growth, teenager, quarrels, choice.
  • Boots - heel, sole, laces, clasp, shaft.
  • Barn – walls, ceiling, animals, hay, horses.
  • Road - asphalt, traffic lights, traffic, cars, pedestrians.

Read the phrases backwards

  • Tomorrow is the premiere of the play;
  • Come visit;
  • let's go to the park;
  • what's for lunch?


In 3 minutes, write as many words as possible starting with the letter z (w, h, i)

(beetle, toad, magazine, cruelty...).

Come up with names

Come up with 3 of the most unusual male and female names.

Visual-effective thinking

It involves solving mental problems through transforming a situation that has arisen in reality. This is the very first way to process the information received.

This type of thinking actively develops in preschool children. They begin to combine various objects into a single whole, analyze and operate with them. Develops in the left hemisphere of the brain.

In an adult, this type of thinking is carried out through the transformation of practical usefulness of real objects. Visual-figurative thinking is extremely developed among people who are engaged in production work - engineers, plumbers, surgeons. When they see an object, they understand what actions need to be performed with it. People say that people in similar professions have their hands full.

Visual-figurative thinking helped ancient civilizations, for example, measure the earth, because both hands and brain are involved during the process. This is the so-called manual intelligence.

Playing chess perfectly develops visual and effective thinking.

Exercises to develop visual and effective thinking

  1. The simplest, but very effective task for developing this type of thinking is collection of constructors. There should be as many parts as possible, at least 40 pieces. You can use visual instructions.
  2. No less useful for the development of this type of thinking are various puzzles, puzzles. The more details there are, the better.
  3. Make 2 equal triangles from 5 matches, 2 squares and 2 triangles from 7 matches.
  4. Turn into a square by cutting once in a straight line, a circle, a diamond and a triangle.
  5. Make a cat, a house, a tree from plasticine.
  6. Without special instruments, determine the weight of the pillow you are sleeping on, all the clothes you are wearing, and the size of the room you are in.


Every person must develop all three types of thinking, but one type always predominates. This can be determined in childhood, while observing the child’s behavior.



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