How to write a fairy tale about animals? Fairy tales of my own composition. Short fairy tales about animals

Mosya and squirrels

There lived a life of a cat. His name was Mosya. He was a house cat and therefore stayed indoors, but he wanted to see the world. When people were taking out the trash, the door was open and Mosya ran away. The elevator door was also open. Mosya ran into the elevator, but did not reach the button. The elevator went down. When the elevator stopped, the cat got out. There was a boy Vanya at the entrance. He opened the door and Mosya ran out into the street. He ran towards the school. There was a break at school and the cat saw a familiar boy there - Marik. Mosya didn’t stop, he ran on, because he was afraid that Marik would notice him and bring him back home. At six o'clock in the evening the cat ran to the kindergarten. In the courtyard of the kindergarten he saw a cage with squirrels. Moses felt sorry for the squirrels because they were sitting in a cage. He chewed through the lock and freed the squirrels. They ran and ran and rejoiced in freedom. The squirrels thanked Mosya. Mosya invited them to go on a trip with him. Mosya and the squirrels went to the forest. A bear lived in the forest. The bear was sleeping in his den, but the squirrels made noise and woke him up. The bear woke up, got angry and attacked them. Mosya saved the squirrel: he bit the bear on the nose. The squirrels and Mosya ran away, the bear did not catch them and fell asleep in the den again. Mosya said that it was dangerous to stay in the forest, and they went to travel to different countries. Friends were in China and Europe, but then Mosya got homesick and they returned to Moscow. The cat came to his

owners, they were very happy and let him go home. Mosya no longer ran away from home, and his owners allowed him to walk with the squirrels.

About how the dog got a friend

There lived a dog. She was lonely. The dog walked the streets in order to meet someone. One day she went to Rainbow Street and met a horse there. The horse was small and beautiful, with a long thick mane. The horse asked the dog: “Who are you?” The dog replied: “I am a dog.” The dog had no name because she was homeless and there was no one to call her by name. The dog asked the horse: “What’s your name?” “Igo-go,” answered the horse. Igo-go invited the dog to be friends. The dog was very happy and asked if the horse had food. Igo-go knew what dogs eat and so she went up to the owner girl and asked her for food. The girl's name was Olya. “Can I have a piece of meat?” - asked the horse. “Why do you need meat?” - Olya was surprised. The horse told the owner that she had a friend - a dog that had no name and said that the dog was hungry. Igo-go also asked for water for her new friend. The girl went with Igo-go. She wanted to meet the dog. When she saw the dog, she really liked it because it was still a small puppy. The girl fed the puppy and invited him to stay with her and the horse. The girl and the horse came up with a name for the puppy. They named him Mitya. Mitya, Olya and Igo-go lived together and always helped each other.

Group essay 7 gr.

Horse and dog

There lived a horse. One winter she went for a walk in the forest and saw a small house. When the horse walked past the house, it tripped over a branch. The branch crunched. The horse screamed “Oh!” and a puppy jumped out of the house. The puppy began to scold the horse: “Why did you wake me up? I slept there." The horse replied: “Excuse me, I didn’t want to wake you up.” That's how they met. The horse's name was Rose, and the puppy's name was Watch. They became friends and began visiting each other.

One day Rose was visiting the Watch. At this time, Father Frost was riding past the Watch house on a sleigh and carrying a large bag of gifts. Suddenly a toy bunny fell out of the bag. Santa Claus didn't notice this. The bunny was left lying alone in the forest. Rose and the Watch ran past. They noticed the bunny, but did not immediately understand where it came from. And then the Watch saw traces of a sleigh on the road, and Rose guessed that it was Grandfather Frost who was riding. The patrol ran after the sleigh and returned the bunny to Santa Claus. Grandfather Frost was very happy, said “Thank you very much” and gave them gifts. He gave a doll to Rose, a car to Dozor, and a bunny to a little girl.

Christmas tree

The puppy was walking down the street and saw a deer there. They met, became friends and went for a walk together. Friends went into the forest to choose a Christmas tree for the New Year. There the deer and the puppy saw the cat. The cat and puppy were not friends. The cat asked the puppy: “What are you doing here? This is my territory." "And who are you?" - asked the puppy. “I’m Murka” - “Who are you?” . The puppy replied: “My name is Tuzik.” The cat also came to the forest to choose a Christmas tree. They dispersed through the forest to find a suitable tree.

After a while, Tuzik called everyone and said: “I found the most suitable Christmas tree for us, let’s celebrate the New Year together.” The cat and deer agreed. Murka said: “Let’s put a Christmas tree at my house.” Tuzik asked: “Why to you, and not to the deer.” The deer said: “Why are you arguing? We are friends. Let’s leave the tree in the forest and go get some toys ourselves.” The dog brought elegant glass balls of different colors from home. The deer brought golden balls with a drawing of Santa Claus. The cat brought cookies with tangerines and bags with portraits of a deer and Tuzik. So the puppy and the cat became friends with the deer and began to live amicably and cheerfully.


In one fairy-tale country there lived a little girl, and she loved to ride on the clouds on her magic horse and pick different flowers. The sun was warm, the clouds were like paths. The girl was always happy that there was such a wonderful horse, beautiful flowers and sun in the world. Everything that was around seemed very kind and good to her. One evening, a car drove past a girl and her horse. Soot came from the car, and the flowers next to it withered, the clouds turned black, and the sun stopped being yellow, it was wrapped in clothes and turned green. A boy was sitting in the car, and the girl shouted to him that he needed to stop the car. The car stopped, the boy got out and saw that where he had passed, the grass had drooped and the flowers had withered. Then he said that he would no longer drive a car, that he should walk. And they and the girl went on foot. The guys brought water from the river and watered the flowers. Then the flowers came to life and different animals came out to meet the children: an elephant who was collecting grass and a lion with his mane fluffed up. The animals thanked the boy and girl for caring about nature.

Journey of a Cucumber

There lived a cheerful cucumber in the garden. He was an unusual cucumber: he had small hands, he could talk and loved to take photographs. The cucumber was bored sitting in the garden with other vegetables, because they could not speak. He dreamed of becoming a traveler and finding a magic crystal that makes wishes come true. One day, a cucumber went on a trip, and, of course, took his favorite camera with him. He went into the forest. In the forest, the cucumber met the Hedgehog.

The hedgehog carried apples and pears with him.

Hello, Hedgehog - said the cucumber.

“Hello, cucumber,” answered the hedgehog.

Let's be friends.

Where are you going? - asked the Hedgehog.

“I’m looking for a magic crystal that makes wishes come true,” answered the Cucumber. “Let’s go together.”

Hello, frog - said the cucumber.

Hello, Cucumber and Hedgehog - answered the frog. - Where are you going?

We are looking for a magic crystal that makes wishes come true.

The cucumber called the bear:

Clubfoot, come with us to look for the crystal!

And the bear went with them. And then the travelers saw the mountain. The cucumber knew that the crystal was in a cave in the mountains. They went into the deepest cave in the rock and saw a crystal. Everyone made a wish

The cucumber missed home and wished to meet his family.

The hedgehog dreamed of growing up big and strong.

The frog wanted to see a beautiful pond.

The bear wanted to eat honey and go to sleep in the den.

The crystal sparkled. The friends closed their eyes. When they opened their eyes, they saw that a large cucumber had come out to them. It was the little cucumber's dad. And the whole cucumber family came out behind dad: mom, grandparents. The animals also remembered their parents and got bored. And then the parents of the animals came out. Everyone was very happy. Cucumber took a photo of them all together as a souvenir.

When everyone left the cave, Hedgehog noticed that he had grown, become stronger and could help his mother carry the bag. The frog went straight along the path and came out to a large pond. The bear ate a jar of honey and went to bed in the den.

And when our heroes grew up, they met their love, created families and had children. He gave everyone a photo of a cucumber. And friends always remembered each other.

To practice reading skills, children who are beginning to read need texts that are easy to understand and have a vocabulary that is easy to understand. Short stories about animals are suitable here.

Stories, fabulous and not so, about animals are useful not only for schoolchildren, but also for preschoolers who are starting to read, because in addition to reading skills, they broaden the children’s horizons. You can see examples of texts.

Understanding and memorization are greatly facilitated. Not all children (for various reasons) like to draw. That's why we came up with stories for coloring books: we read the text and color the animal. The site "Non-standard children" wishes you success.

Short stories about animals.

A story about a squirrel.

A squirrel lived in an old forest. The squirrel gave birth to a squirrel daughter in the spring.

Once a squirrel and a squirrel were collecting mushrooms for the winter. Suddenly a marten appeared on a nearby tree. She prepared to grab the squirrel. The mother squirrel jumped towards the marten and shouted to her daughter: “Run!”

The squirrel ran away. Finally she stopped. I looked around, and the places were unfamiliar! There are no mother squirrels. What to do?

A squirrel saw a hollow in a pine tree, hid and fell asleep. And in the morning the mother found her daughter.

Story about the owl.

An owl lives in the northern forests. But not an ordinary owl, but a polar one. This owl is white. The paws are shaggy and covered with feathers. Thick feathers protect the bird's legs from frost.

The white owl is not visible in the snow. The owl flies quietly. He will hide in the snow and watch for a mouse. A stupid mouse won't notice.

A story about a moose.

The old elk walked through the forest for a long time. He is very tired. The elk stopped and dozed off.

The moose dreamed that he was still a little moose calf. He walks with his mother through the forest. Mom eats branches and leaves. And the elk calf is happily jumping along the path nearby.

Suddenly someone buzzed terribly near my ear. The little elk got scared and ran to his mother. Mom said: “Don’t be afraid. It’s a bumblebee. It doesn’t bite moose calves.”

In a forest clearing, the calf liked the butterflies. At first the elk calf did not notice them. Butterflies sat quietly on the flowers. The elk calf galloped into the clearing. Then the butterflies flew into the air. There were a lot of them, a whole swarm. And one, the most beautiful, sat on the moose calf’s nose.

Far beyond the forest the train whistled. The old elk woke up. He rested. You can move on with your business.

A story about a deer.

Deer live in the North. The homeland of deer is called the tundra. Grass, shrubs and gray reindeer moss grow in the tundra. Reindeer moss is food for deer.

Deer walk in herds. There are deer of different ages in the herd. There are old deer and little fawns. Adult deer protect babies from wolves.

Sometimes wolves attack the herd. Then the deer surround the fawns and put their antlers forward. Their horns are sharp. Wolves are afraid of deer antlers.

There is a leader in the herd. This is the strongest deer. All deer obey him. The leader protects the herd. When the herd is resting, the leader finds a tall stone. He stands on a stone and looks in all directions. He will see the danger and blow his trumpet. The deer will get up and move away from trouble.

A story about a fox.

At the foot of the mountain there was a round lake. The place was deserted and quiet. There were a lot of fish swimming in the lake. A flock of ducks liked this lake. The ducks made nests and hatched ducklings. They lived like this on the lake all summer.

One day a fox appeared on the shore. The fox was hunting and came across a lake with ducks. The ducklings have already grown up, but have not yet learned to fly. The fox thought it would be easy to catch its prey. But it was not there.

The cunning ducks swam far to the other shore. The fox destroyed the ducks' nests and ran away.

In the Khibiny Mountains in the North you can meet a bear. In the spring the bear is angry because he is hungry. All winter he slept in a den. And winter in the North is long. The bear was hungry. That's why he's angry.

So he came to the lake. He will catch a fish and eat it. He'll drink some water. The lakes in the mountains are clean. The water is fresh and clear.

By mid-summer the bear will have eaten enough and become fat. It will become more good-natured. But you still shouldn't date him. A bear is a wild animal, dangerous.

By autumn, the bear eats everything: fish, berries, mushrooms. Fat under the skin accumulates for hibernation. The fat in the den in winter both feeds and warms it.

The tales of Lera Bannikova, Masha Lokshina, Lena Nekrasova, Artem Levintana, Dani Levin, Dasha Popova and Masha Chernova were awarded special diplomas.

We present the guys' work.

Chernova Masha

Strong love

Late in the evening, an evil sorceress settled in the castle. She wanted to become the most powerful sorceress in the world to take over the world. For this she came up with a plan. The sorceress wanted to turn into a beautiful princess who lived next door, and turn the princess into some kind of animal or bird. Then she could take possession of her kingdom and the neighboring one.
The princess of that kingdom had beautiful black hair, green eyes and a slightly snub nose. The princess's name was Aurora. She was friends with a prince from a neighboring kingdom.
The prince's name was Charles. He was a real prince.
The witch wanted to turn Aurora into a fat Christmas goose so that she would be eaten at Christmas, but the princess turned into a beautiful swan because she was very good, kind and beautiful. The swan princess flew out the open window and settled in the forest.
Charles went looking for Aurora because he loved her very much. He was riding a horse and came across the witch's palace. The cunning witch came out to the prince in the form of Aurora and said to him:
- Take me away from here quickly!
Charles did not believe the witch; he felt that the princess was somehow different from always.
Then the angry witch cast a spell on him so that the prince would believe her every word. But the prince's love was so strong that her spell did not work.
Charles did not show that the spell had no effect on him. And he took the witch Aurora through the forest. They drove up to the river. The bridge was very fragile, and it could not have supported the three of them. Charles let his horse go first. When the horse walked across the bridge, the bridge suddenly became wider, and the horse passed as if nothing had happened. Then the witch went. But the bridge did not expand, but, on the contrary, began to narrow even more. The sorceress fell off the bridge, but grabbed onto a stone. Charles helped her get out - he extended his hand to her. But then he suddenly grabbed her by the neck and began to shake her over the abyss, asking: “Where is the real Aurora?” The sorceress replied: “You will never find her!” She flies in the forest with wild birds!” Charles threw the witch into the abyss.
The prince went to look for the princess in the forest. One thing he knew for sure was that the princess was now a bird. He thought: “Why didn’t the spell break?” While thinking, he came across a lake where birds were swimming - white and black swans. And the prince suddenly felt that his beloved was here. A snow-white bird flew up to him. He felt that it was her, it was Aurora. He took the bird in his arms and carried it to his palace.
A good old wizard lived in Charles's palace. The wizard told the prince that the spell could be broken with a kiss. Charles kissed the bird and it turned into Aurora.
They lived happily ever after, had many children and died on the same day.

Nekrasova Lena

Tale of a cat

Once upon a time there lived a good sorceress. Her name was Cecile. She knew how to turn evil creatures into good ones. She had an angry black cat named Melida. Cecile didn't know that she was evil because Melida only became evil at night. When Cecile slept, Melida turned into a spirit, and in order to become a cat again in the morning, she needed to find any ordinary black cat and kill it. Without this, she could not regain her cat form.
On a summer night, when Cecile was fast asleep, Melida, as always, turned into a spirit and went to look for her new victim. She searched all night, but never found it.
When morning came, Melida's spirit sat on the apple tree that grew in the yard. But in doing this, he was very mistaken.
The fact is that Cecil’s brother Jack, who was famous for his incredible strength, picked apples from this particular apple tree every morning. This morning Jack came in as usual and began shaking the apple tree. No matter how hard Melida tried to stay in the branches, she still fell.
Jack covered it like a butterfly with a handkerchief, put it in his pocket and took it to Cecile. Cecile began to ask the spirit who he was, where he came from and what he was doing on her tree? The spirit realized that Cecile was not going to do anything wrong, and revealed that he was actually the enchanted cat Melida.
Cecile felt sorry for Melida and all the other cats that her spirit had to kill at night. So she turned the spirit back into a cat.
Now forever.

Maritime history

One girl went to the sea with her mom and dad. Dad and mom were sunbathing in the sun, and the girl swam and swam far, far away. Then a strong storm began. The girl's circle was carried away and she drowned.
She woke up at the bottom. There were many colorful fish swimming around. As soon as she opened her eyes, a large, very beautiful fish swam up to her. Oddly enough, the girl could breathe, speak and even hear. She tried to float up, but she couldn’t because two jellyfish were holding her hands. As soon as she jerked, one of the jellyfish stung her. It didn't hurt very much.
The girl looked around. She saw that she was in an old ship, and she also saw a door through which a large beautiful fish swam in. The girl gathered her strength and tried to break free. And she succeeded. She opened the door and was free.
She surfaced not far from the shore and saw that mom and dad were still sunbathing in the sun.

Life in a dream

The girl Zhenya played the computer a lot. One day, dad gave her a strange game. It was called “If you lose, you won’t come out again.” Zhenya began to play it. She suffered for a long time, nothing worked for her, and most importantly, she couldn’t leave the game either. Evening came. Zhenya left the computer on. At night she had a dream in which she played her new game and easily completed all the tasks, although during the day she could not do anything.
In the morning, Zhenya started playing on the computer again. The same game. And again I couldn’t get out of it. That night the girl had a terrible dream. Zhenya woke up, saw a hole in the wall and looked into it. She saw how the sun was shining, although it was night, how the children were playing... And she went there. It was very similar to the game her dad gave her. As soon as Zhenya entered, she saw that there was no way out. The girl began to hammer at the wall, but all in vain. She ran up to the children, but they turned out to be not alive, but just dolls. So the girl remained living in her dream.

Tarasova Kristina

Little Fairy

On the shore of a large lake, a little Fairy lived in a beautiful house. She had a magic wand.
With her help, the Fairy helped the unfortunate and made everything beautiful around her house. On the other side lived an evil Magician. He didn't like the Fairy because she was kind. He wanted to destroy her. The magician turned into a gray wolf and ran to the other side of the lake. The fairy noticed the limping wolf and ran out of her house, taking the medicine with her. The wolf began to whine, but the Fairy felt something was wrong. She took out her magic wand and recited the spell. The wolf turned into a magician again. He started throwing fireballs at her. The Little Fairy decided not to use her magic and hid behind a tree. She took a ball of thread from her pocket, quickly pulled it between the trees and called the Magician. "I'm here! I'm here! – the Fairy shouted, luring the Magician. The evil wizard did not notice the trap, stumbled and sprawled on the grass. The Fairy instantly picked a dandelion, because she knew that if she blew on the Magician, he would explode. She did just that. The fairy gathered all her strength and blew. The magician has disappeared. A real holiday began in the forest, everyone was singing and having fun!

Marmontov Andrey

Once upon a time there lived a woodcutter. His name was Jack. He worked all day at work. And he received a pittance. And then he met the devil. And the goblin said: “Don’t cut down the trees, take this wallet, but promise that you will use it if you count all the money in it.” Jack said, “I promise!” – and, grabbing his wallet, ran home.
He didn’t eat or sleep, but kept counting and counting. Counting and counting, he died, counting the third million.

Levintan Artem


In one fairy-tale forest there lived animals who could talk. They had a wise ruler - a bear named Stepan. But he had a grief: his daughter disappeared. The king of the forest kingdom gave an order: whoever finds his daughter will receive half of the forest castle.
The hare decided to do this. He came to the palace of the king of the forest kingdom and told the king that he would go look for his daughter. The next morning the hare took the bag of food and walked, moving further and further from the kingdom. He walked and saw a crying bird. The hare asks: “Why are you crying, bird of Horus?” Horus replies: “I can’t find food for my chicks.” The hare says: “Take half a loaf of bread.” The bird said: “Thank you, hare.” What can I do for you? He asks: “Did you see who stole the princess?” She replies: “I saw who stole it - it was a wolf.” They walked along the path.
They walk and walk and see that the path ends. And suddenly two fox cubs crawl out of the bushes. The hare asks: “Did you see where the wolf went?” And the little foxes responded: “We saw it, but we’ll tell you if you take us with you.” He agreed and they went together. And suddenly they noticed that rain was approaching. The hare said: “We should find shelter before it starts to rain.”
They saw a spruce tree in the distance and went towards it. We waited under it all day. The next morning they woke up and saw mice running around in the distance. And when the mice approached them, the hare asked: “Didn’t you see where the wolf and the princess went?” And the mice said that it was over there, and begged to be taken with them.
They walked and walked and saw that there was a big river ahead. And the hare says: “Let's build a raft.” Everyone agreed and began to build a raft. Two little foxes carried the roots, and the hare took the logs and tied them with the roots. The next morning the raft was ready to sail. Their whole team was assembled, and they swam.
They swam and swam and suddenly saw an island. And they landed on this island and went into the cave. They found the princess there, untied her and ran with her to the raft. But the wolf noticed them and ran after them. But they were already on the raft, and the hare gave the command to sail away. But the wolf went crazy. He wanted to jump onto the raft. But the raft was far away. The wolf jumped and fell into the water. And he drowned.
When the hare brought the princess, her father fulfilled his promise.

Popova Dasha

Spring came

It was bad for the animals this winter. The chickadees say - we want warmth, the bunnies say - we want warmth, and winter has become even more angry. The squirrels, who had stockpiled supplies, hid some and waited for even colder days to come. And suddenly, out of nowhere, a magpie flew in and started babbling: “Spring is coming! Spring!"
The animals were happy. Winter says: “I’ll freeze spring, I’ll destroy it!” there were many sad and disappointed faces in the forest. The bunnies, squirrels, and bear cubs cried because spring could not cope with winter: the cold snow did not go away, it lay as if nothing had happened. Small thawed patches glowed, but the snow immediately covered them up. Winter did not want to give power to spring. And then spring decided to outwit winter. She went to the meadow and began to defrost it. Winter rushed to sweep it away, and spring ran into the forest, warming the Christmas trees and animals. Winter couldn't do anything.
Spring won, and each animal gave her a snowdrop. In the end, a whole mountain of snowdrops showed off in the warm hands of spring.

Larionova Dasha

A tale of all sorts of things

Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman by the very blue sea. The old man went fishing. The first time he caught Emelya on the stove - it didn’t help! The second time he caught the trough, thought... He thought and threw the trough. The third time I caught the golden frying pan. He took it home and said: “Here’s an old golden frying pan for you, now you’ll bake pancakes for me.” Well, the old woman began to bake. I prepared it and put it in the window to chill. And the frying pan was not simple, it was rejuvenating. Whoever fries something on it and eats what he cooks will become forever younger. But the old man and the old woman did not know this. They wanted to live and live, which is probably why they got the golden frying pan. When the pancakes cooled down, the old woman set the table. The old people began to eat. When we ate and looked at each other, we couldn’t believe our eyes! Who were they? In my opinion, they dreamed of being a boy and a girl. And they began to live even better than they had lived!

Ivanov Vova

Magic stick

Once upon a time there lived in a certain village an evil man named Gazli. And the good boy Samm worked for him. One day the owner sent the boy to the forest for firewood. There was little brushwood in the forest, and it took him a long time to collect it. When he picked up an armful of brushwood and came home, the owner began to scold Samm for staying in the forest for a long time. At this time, an old man approached Gazli’s house. He walked from afar and was very thirsty. The old man asked Gazli for water to drink, but he drove the poor man out of the yard. Samm took pity on the old man and gave him a whole ladle of water. For this the old man gave the boy a stick. And this stick was magic. If you told her: “Come on, help me with a stick,” then the stick began to beat the one who offended the boy.
One day the evil owner of Gazli was beaten with a stick, and since then he has never hurt the boy Samm.

Levilien Danya

Friendly trees

Two trees grew nearby - an elm and a hazel. They were very friendly with each other.
One clear winter morning the men arrived there. They cut down these trees, loaded them onto sleighs and took them to their home. And so the hazel tree says: - Goodbye, brother! Now we will never meet again. And how fun and friendly we lived!
- Farewell, my comrade, and remember me! - answered the elm.
Time has passed. The men made sleds and skis from elm, and ski poles from hazel.
The guys came to ride down the hill.
- Great, buddy! - the skis exclaimed when they saw the nut sticks. “Now we will meet every day on this hill and will always be friends.”
Both the hazel and the elm were very happy with their fate.
That’s the end of the fairy tale, whoever wrote it is a great guy.

Arosyeva Ira

Two kittens

Once, when I was relaxing at the dacha, I became friends with a girl named Alice. And at her dacha there were two abandoned kittens, a brother and a sister, although we didn’t know their names.
The kittens lived under Alice's house. And in the morning and evening they came to me for a walk. The boy was gray, and the girl was red and white. I fed them milk and cookies. They really liked the food. They climbed trees. When they didn't like something, they bit lightly. They loved to run after each other around the well.
Once a boy climbed onto the roof of our house and could not get down. And we are from the attic window. Meanwhile, his sister climbed a tree and could not come down. And then we went down from the attic and took it down. In order for the kittens to survive the winter, we built a house out of a box, laid a warm rug there and put food and drink there.

Bannikova Lera

Two stars

Once upon a time there lived in space one small beautiful star, and no one noticed her. But once a little star saw next to her the same very small one - a little star. The next night she went to see that little star. And I told her that she wanted to have a girlfriend. She readily agreed, and they went for a walk together to celebrate.
They walked further and further from the house and did not notice how lost they were. The stars began to look for the way home, but they did not find it. They began to look for other planets and stars.
The first planet they came across was the strange name Mercury. The stars asked Mercury: “Where is the Blue-Red region?” Mercury said the area was little known and he didn't have a map. Mercury suggested that they go to his younger brother Pluto.
But Pluto did not have the card that the stars needed. Then Pluto said that the stars should go to his friend Saturn.
The stars flew towards Saturn. On the way we almost fell into a black hole, but finally got there.
Saturn had the map that the stars needed. Saturn showed the stars where their area was, called the comet and strictly ordered that the comet take the stars to their home. The stars landed on the comet and flew to their home in a few moments.
But the comet did not want to part with them. Then they came up with an activity that was interesting for all three.
The comet began to transport the stars to different planets and stars, and the stars studied everything they saw.
Since then, the stars have never been lost. And, perhaps, we visited planet Earth.

Lokshina Masha

There lived a king. He had a daughter - a beauty - a beauty! He decided to marry her off. The ball was fun! Suddenly all the candles went out, the curtains came off and the evil sorcerer Tam-Tam appeared. He approached the king and asked for his daughter's hand in marriage. The king refused. Then the evil sorcerer got angry, growled and turned the princess into a green prickly cactus. And disappeared.
The king was grieving. I watered the cactus all the time and placed it in the sun in the window. So two months passed. The king called all the gardeners, all the botanists to him and said: “Whoever lifts the spell from my daughter, I will give her to him as a wife and half the kingdom.”
Botanists thought for a long time, but no fertilizers helped the cactus (princess).
At night, one astrologer jumped out of bed with the words “Eureka!” and rushed to the sovereign’s bedroom. He dreamed that if the handsome prince kissed the cactus, the spell would break. It didn't take long to find Prince Charming! The next day, as always, going out onto the porch, the king saw a carriage. Prince Ivanushka was sitting in it. Seeing the cactus, the prince asked to stop the carriage. He picked up a prickly cactus and wanted to buy it, since the prince did not have a cactus in his garden. But suddenly all the horses were stung by bees at once. The horses took off running, and the prince flew face first into a cactus and kissed it! The princess has lost her spell! And they fell in love with each other!

Nikolaeva Zhenya

Giraffe and turtle

Once upon a time there were two friends: a giraffe and a turtle. The turtle's birthday was coming soon: it was turning 250 years old. The holiday was planned to be wonderful. There was only one thing that upset the giraffe: he didn’t know what gift to give the turtle. And the turtle loved to dance, but could not, because he moved very slowly. Then the giraffe came up with a great idea: he would give her two pairs of skates.
The turtle's birthday has arrived. The giraffe solemnly handed her the roller skates and taught her to ride them. When the stars came out in the evening, the dancing began. And in the center, the giraffe and the turtle on roller skates danced the most fun of all.

Sipeikin Nikita

flying hat

One day, when my friend Vova was visiting me, we decided to read. We sat down on the bed, Vovka opened a magazine about cars. Suddenly it became cool, I looked at the open window. And for some reason there was a hat on the windowsill. The hat is my grandfather's favorite one. I wanted to take her, but she jumped and flew to the floor. Suddenly the hat lifted, we got scared and ran into the next room. Vovka told me that N. Nosov had such a story, there was a kitten under his hat. And suddenly we heard from the next room “Kar! Kar!” I say: “So this is, right, a crow? Maybe the hat was a vacuum cleaner?”
And then grandfather came and saw the flying hat and picked it up. And we all saw a little crow. We went into the yard and let him out.

From the site administration

Writing fairy tales with your mother is a type of creativity that was very common in the families of the intelligentsia in the nineteenth century. Home magazines and newspapers were even published back then. Now this type of speech creativity is almost forgotten. Let's try to revive it and see what comes of it?

Surely all the adults, walking with the child, responded to his endless "Why" - why is the sky blue, why is there fog, why does the water in the river rise so much, why is it so difficult to catch a butterfly, why does a cat hiss at a dog and hundreds of other reasons. Surely your child can already answer many of his questions, because you have talked with him more than once, trying to answer his questions. They told him about domestic and wild animals, and your child knows how they differ from each other. And today, based on your child’s existing knowledge and experience, we will compose with him his first author’s fairy tale about animals - a fairy tale about kittens. He will be a real writer and artist in it!

We write a fairy tale with children. A tale about the adventures of two little kittens.

How to teach how to build a storyline for a fairy tale.

I would like to suggest that you and your children create a fairy tale about the adventures of two kittens. Why this particular topic? First of all, children always like adventure. Secondly, by composing this fairy tale, the child will remember who pets are, why they are called that, and will learn to use the knowledge he has about pets in a new creative situation. And this means that he will learn to be not a consumer, but a creator!

If you do not first discuss the plot of the fairy tale with your child, he will forget the words, stammer, get confused, and the fairy tale will not work out. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss, even before writing, what your fairy tale will be about.

Ask your child:

  • “Our heroes are kittens. What are they like, describe their appearance. Are they very young or already grown up? Where did we see them? How did they get here? Do they have a mother? Will they have names?
  • “Where does our fairy tale begin?”
  • “What happens to the kittens in the fairy tale? Maybe they'll take a trip through our yard? Or will they meet a silvery web on their way and start talking to the spider? Or maybe along the way they will meet other animals that they have not seen before? Or will they find a friend in the face of some girl or boy?
  • “How will it all end?”

Such simple planning of a fairy tale will help the child build a plot. And then the process of composing and telling a fairy tale will be easy and enjoyable for the baby! You can even sketch the invented plot with schematic pictures if it turns out to be long enough.

Come up with a title for the fairy tale that will make it clear what it says. You can show the covers of children's books and read their titles as an example, remember the names of your child's favorite fairy tales and cartoons.

How to teach a child to tell his own fairy tale?

After creative planning - coming up with the plot of a fairy tale, start telling the fairy tale with your baby.

If the child is still small (3-4 years), then start the phrase, and the baby will finish it. It will look something like this: “Once upon a time, a cat gave birth to... who? (child – “kittens” ). And they lived at... (child finishes). The kittens... ended up on the street. One day a strong man walked... The kittens were very scared...", etc.

By setting the beginnings of phrases, you help your child build connections between sentences and parts of the text. Such co-creativity is very useful for a child, because in it the child accumulates a unique "dictionary" connectives and fairy words (once upon a time, suddenly, one day, asked, said, answered, was surprised, began, and they began, etc.). Often writing fairy tales with my mother and "absorbing" this experience, after a while a turning point will occur: you will suddenly notice that the child has begun to actively use fairy-tale words and connectives in his speech, in his essays without your help, he easily constructs the text and does not stumble between sentences, he has a smooth, rich expressive speech! This is exactly the result we are striving for!

If the child is 5-6 years old, then your help will depend on the level of speech development of the baby and his individual characteristics. Some children do not need help, others need to be given the beginnings of phrases as at 3-4 years old, for others a hint question is enough: “What happened next? Who did they meet? What did they say?

The technique of dictating a fairy tale to an adult.

I highly recommend recording the resulting fairy tale from your child’s dictation. This technique "dictations" a child develops speech into an adult in a way that no other technique can develop it. And the point here is that the child is placed in a situation where he has to dictate, which means he has to think through his speech and every word he says! With this technique we are preparing the transition from oral to written speech! When a child dictates, he constructs sentences that he would not be able to construct in another situation! That is, dictation of text is like "bar" growth for the baby!

If a child repeats the same word many times, you can correct it: “Listen to how we did it. The kittens said: "Hello" , Butterfly said: "Hello" . Kittens said: “Who are you?” And the butterfly said: “I am a butterfly. And who are you? You and I repeat the same word “said” all the time. . Let's try to replace it. How can you say it differently? (together with the child, choose words - whispered, said, exclaimed, answered, asked, was surprised)" By using the technique of your child dictating your fairy tale, you will not only enrich your child’s vocabulary and develop coherent speech, but will also make a significant contribution to the successful preparation of your child for school.

How to make a homemade book with a children's fairy tale?

The fairy tale can be compiled into a homemade book. Fold the album sheet in half. It turns out "book" of 4 pages. The first page is the cover. A child draws it. On the cover we sign the name of our fairy tale. We make sure to choose a title that makes it clear what the fairy tale is about. The next three pages are the fairy tale itself: its beginning (second page), middle (third page) and the end (fourth page). You can write the text at the bottom of the page under dictation. And the child will draw pictures.

The child quickly forgets his actions, especially his words. Speech is generally a phenomenon that cannot be touched, stroked, or felt in any way. Such books show the child the visual result of his speech, his efforts and arouse great interest among all children. After all, this result is beautiful, you can show it to a friend, dad, grandma, stroke it, touch it!

I think your child will love this activity!

This is the kind of fairy tale, most likely the story, that my daughter came up with (5 years):

Fairy tale "Kittens"

One day two kittens appeared at our entrance. They were still very small. One was black with a white chest. I named him Murzik. And the other one was completely black. I named him Tangle. Murzik was very nimble, and Tangle was careful. The kittens were hungry and scared. My grandmother and I brought them a cutlet and milk. The kittens were afraid at first, but then they came up and started eating. The kids cheered up and I was able to pet them.

Someone left them on the street completely alone. The kittens were afraid of everything and sat in the bushes. When the door slammed, Tangle got scared and hid under the car. So many dangers in the yard! Murzik ran after Tangle and also hid under the car. They felt safe there. I decided to visit and feed them every day!

Author's fairy tales by students of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 3, Pavlovo, Nizhny Novgorod Region.
The age of the authors is 8-9 years.

Ageev Alexander

Once upon a time there lived an orphan named Timoshka. Evil people took him in. Timoshka worked a lot for them for a piece of bread. He sowed wheat, and in the fall he harvested, went to the forest to pick berries and mushrooms, and caught fish on the river.
Once again his owners sent him into the forest to pick mushrooms. He took the basket and went. When he had picked a whole basket of mushrooms, he suddenly saw, not far from the clearing, in the grass a large, beautiful boletus mushroom. Timoshka just wanted to pick it, and the mushroom spoke to him. He asked the boy not to pick it, for which the boletus would thank him. The boy agreed, and the mushroom clapped his hands, and a miracle happened.
Timoshka found himself in a new home, and next to him were his kind and caring parents.

Denisov Nikolay
Vasya Vorobyov and his goldfish

In one small town, Vasya Vorobyov, a 4-B grade student, lived. He studied poorly. He lived with his grandmother, and his mother worked in another city. She rarely came to Vasya, but every time she brought Vasya gifts.
Vasya's favorite pastime was fishing. Every time Vasya went fishing, the cat Murka was waiting for him on the porch with his catch. Returning home from fishing, the boy treated her to ruffs, perches, and roaches.
One day, Vasya’s mother brought an unusual spinning rod as a gift. Forgetting about his lessons, he ran with new fishing gear. I threw the spinning rod into the river and a fish immediately bit, so big that Vasya could barely hold the fishing rod. He brought the fishing line closer and saw a pike. Vasya contrived and grabbed the fish with his hand. Suddenly the pike spoke in a human voice: “Vasenka, let me go into the water, I have small children there. You will still need me!”
Vasya laughs: “What will I need you for? I’ll take you home, grandma will cook your fish soup.” The pike again begged: “Vasya, let me go to the kids, I will fulfill all your wishes. What do you want now?” Vasya answers her: “I want me to come home and have my homework completed in all subjects!” The pike says to him: “When you need something, just say “at the pike’s command, at Vasya’s desire...” After these words, Vasya released the pike into the river, it wagged its tail and swam away... So Vasya lived for himself. The magician did his homework for him fish He began to please his grandmother and brought good grades from school.
One day, Vasya saw a computer from a classmate, and he was overcome by the desire to have the same one. He went to the river. I called the pike. A pike swam to him and asked: “What do you want, Vasenka?” Vasya answers her: “I want a computer with the Internet!” Pike answered him: “Dear boy, in our village river such a technique has not yet been tested, progress has not reached us, I cannot help you with this. In the modern world, everyone must work on their own.” After these words, the pike disappeared into the river.
Vasya returned home upset that he would not have a computer, and now he would have to do his homework himself. He thought about this problem for a long time and decided that it would be impossible to catch even a fish from the pond without difficulty. He corrected himself and began to please his mother and grandmother with his successes. And for his good studies, his mother gave Vasya a brand new computer with the Internet.

Tikhonov Denis
Savior of the planet Cats

Somewhere in a distant galaxy, there were two planets: the planet of Cats and the planet of Dogs. These two planets have been at enmity for several centuries. On the planet Cats there lived a kitten named Kysh. He was the youngest of the six brothers in the family. All the time his brothers offended him, called him names and teased him, but he did not pay attention to them. Kysh had a secret - he wanted to become a hero. And Kysh also had a mouse friend, Peak. He always gave Kysh good advice.
One day, dogs attacked the planet of Cats. So they came with the war to the city of Koshkinsk, where Kysh lived. None of the cats knew what to do. Our Kysh asked the mouse for advice. Peak gave Kysh his treasured chest, from which a wind blew so strong that it could be compared to a tornado. Shoo made his way to the dog base at night and opened the chest. At one point, all the dogs were blown away to their planet.
That's how Kysh's dream of becoming a hero came true. After this incident they began to respect him. So from a small, useless kitten, Kysh turned into a real hero. And the dogs no longer dared to attack the planet of Cats.

Golubev Daniil
Boy and the Enchanted Goat

In this world there lived a boy, he had no parents, he was an orphan. He wandered around the world and begged for a piece of bread. In one village he was sheltered and fed. They forced him to chop wood and carry water from the well.
One day, when the boy was fetching water, he saw a poor goat.
The boy felt sorry for him and took him with him, hiding him in the barn. When the boy was fed, he hid a piece of bread in his bosom and brought it to the goat. The boy complained to the goat how he was being bullied and forced to work. Then the goat answers in a human voice that an evil witch has bewitched him and separated him from his parents. To turn into a human you need to dig a well and drink water from it. Then the boy began to dig a well. When the well was ready, the goat drank from it and turned into a man. And they ran away from home. We went to look for our parents. When they found the parents of the boy who was a goat, they were happy. The parents began to kiss their son. Afterwards they asked who this boy was who was nearby. The son replied that this boy saved him from the evil witch.
The parents invited the boy to their house as their second son. And they began to live together amicably and happily.

Lyashkov Nikita
Good Hedgehog

Once upon a time there lived a king. He had three sons. The king himself was evil. Once the king wanted to eat mushrooms, so he said to his sons:
- My children! Whoever finds good mushrooms in the forest will live in my kingdom, and whoever brings me fly agaric mushrooms will drive me out!
The elder brother went into the forest. He walked and wandered for a long time, but never found anything. He comes to the king with an empty basket. The king did not think long and expelled his son from the kingdom. The middle brother went into the forest. He wandered through the forest for a long time and returned to his father with a full basket of fly agarics. As soon as the king saw the fly agarics, he kicked his son out of the palace. The time has come for the younger brother Prokhor to go into the forest to pick mushrooms. Prokhor walked and wandered through the forest, but did not see a single mushroom. I wanted to come back. Suddenly a Hedgehog runs towards him. The entire prickly back of the animal is covered with edible mushrooms. The younger brother began to ask the Hedgehog for mushrooms. The hedgehog agreed to give the mushrooms in exchange for the apples that grew in the royal garden. Prokhor waited until it got dark and picked apples from the royal garden. He gave the apples to Hedgehog, and Hedgehog gave Prokhor his mushrooms.
Prokhor brought mushrooms to his father. The king was very pleased and transferred his kingdom to Prokhor.

Karpov Yuri

Once upon a time there lived a poor family. There were three brothers there. The youngest's name was Fedor. He was always unlucky, they nicknamed him Fyodor the Misfortune. Therefore, they did not trust him with anything and did not take him anywhere. He always sat at home or in the yard.
One day the whole family left for the city. Fyodor went into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. I got carried away and wandered into the thicket of the forest. I heard the groan of the beast. I went out into the clearing and saw a bear in a trap. Fedor was not afraid and freed the bear. The bear says to him in a human voice: “Thank you, Fedor! I am now your debtor. I’m needed, I’ll be there, go out, turn to the forest and say - Misha the bear, answer!”
Fedor wandered home. And at home, the family returned from the city with the news that the Tsar had announced: “Whoever defeats the strongest warrior on the festive Sunday will give him the princess as his wife.”
It's Sunday. Fyodor came out to the forest and said: “Misha the bear, answer!” There was a crackling sound in the bushes and a bear appeared. Fyodor told him about his desire to defeat the warrior. The bear says to him: “Get into my ear and come out of the other.” That's what Fedor did. Strength appeared to him, and heroic prowess.
He went to the city and defeated the warrior. The king fulfilled his promise. He gave Fedora the princess as his wife. We played a rich wedding. The feast was for the whole world. They began to live well and make good money.

Groshkova Evelina
Zamarashka and the fish

Once upon a time there was a girl. She had no parents, but an evil stepmother. She did not give her food, dressed her in torn clothes, and therefore they nicknamed the girl Zamarashka.
One day her stepmother sent her to the forest to pick berries. The little thing got lost. She walked and walked through the forest and saw a pond, and in the pond there was not an ordinary fish, but a magical one. She approached the fish, cried bitterly and told about her life. The fish took pity on her, gave the girl a shell and said: “Walk along the stream that flows from the pond, it will lead you home. And when you need me, blow into the shell and I will fulfill your deepest desire.”
Zamarashka walked along the stream and came home. And the evil stepmother is already waiting for the girl at the doorstep. She attacked Zamarashka and began to scold her, threatening to throw her out of the house and onto the street. The girl became scared. She so wanted her mom and dad to come to life. She took out a shell, blew into it, and the fish fulfilled her deepest wish.
The girl's mother and father came to life and kicked the evil stepmother out of the house. And they began to live well and make good things.

Kim Maxim
Small but remote

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman. They had three sons. The eldest was called Ivan, the middle one Ilya, and the youngest was not very tall, and he did not have a name, his name was “Small, but remote.” So the grandfather and woman say: “Our century is coming to an end, and you are good fellows, it’s time to get married.” The older brothers began to make fun of the younger one, saying that without a name you wouldn’t even be able to find a bride, and this went on for several days. Night came, “Small but remote” decided to run away from home from his brothers to seek his destiny in a foreign land. The younger brother walked for a long time through meadows, fields and swamps. He went into an oak grove to rest in the shade. “Small, but remote” lay down on the grass near the old oak tree and looked at the Boletus mushroom standing. Just as he wanted to pick this mushroom and eat it, he said to him in a human voice: “Hello, good fellow, don’t pick me, don’t ruin me, and I won’t remain in debt for this, I’ll thank you like a king.” At first he was frightened, “Small, but remote,” and then he asks what mushroom you can give me when you yourself only have a leg and a hat. The mushroom answers him:
“I am not an ordinary mushroom, but a magic one, and I can shower you with gold, give you a white-stone palace, and woo a princess as your wife. “Small but remote” didn’t believe it, say “What princess will marry me, I’m small in stature, and I don’t even have a name.” “Don’t worry, the most important thing is what kind of person you are, not your height and name,” the mushroom tells him. But to live like a king, you need to kill the tiger that lives on the other side of the grove, replant the apple tree that grows like a reed next to the oak tree, and light a fire on the hill. “Small, but remote” agreed to fulfill all the conditions. He walked through the grove and saw a tiger lying down, basking in the sun. He took a “small but distant” oak branch, made a spear out of it, quietly crept up to the tiger and pierced his heart. After that, he transplanted the apple tree into an open clearing. The apple tree immediately came to life, straightened up and bloomed. Evening came, “Small but remote” climbed up the hill, lit a fire, and saw the city standing below. The townspeople saw the fire on the hill, began to leave their houses on the street and gather at the foot of the hill. People found out that “Small but Remote” had killed the tiger and began to thank him. It turned out that the tiger kept the whole city in fear and hunted the residents, they didn’t even take them out of their houses. After consulting, the residents of the city made the “Small and Remote” their king, presented him with gold, built a white-stone castle, and he married the beautiful Vasilisa. And now the residents, when they go to the oak grove to pick mushrooms, treat themselves to apples along the way and remember their king by his good name.

Shishulin Georgy
Black cat

Once upon a time there lived an old man, and he had three sons, the youngest son was called Ivanushka, and Ivanushka had an assistant - a black cat. So the old man says to his sons: “Someone is stealing my cabbage, come and have a look, and I myself will go to the fair so that the thief will be caught by the time I return!”
The eldest son went first; he slept all night. The middle son is coming, he stayed out all night. Ivanushka is walking, but he is afraid, and he says to the cat: “I’m afraid to go herd a thief.” And the cat says: “Go to bed, Ivanushka, I’ll do everything myself!” And Ivanushka went to bed, in the morning Ivanushka gets up, he has a cow lying on the floor. The black cat says: “This is the thief!”
An old man came from the fair and praised Ivanushka.

Botenkova Anastasia
Girl Pumpkin

Pumpkin Girl lived in one garden. Her mood depended on the weather. When the sky frowned, sadness appeared on her face, the sun came out and a smile blossomed. In the evening, Pumpkin loved to listen to Grandfather Cucumber's stories, and during the day she played word games with the wise Uncle Tomato.
One warm evening, Pumpkin asked Carrot why they had not yet picked it and made delicious pumpkin porridge from it. Carrot answered Pumpkin that it was still very small and it was too early to pick it. At that moment a cloud appeared in the sky. The pumpkin frowned, jumped out of the garden bed and rolled far, far away.
Pumpkin wandered for a long time. Because of the rains, she grew and became big. The sun painted it bright orange. One morning the village children found Pumpkin and brought her home. Mom was very happy about such a useful find. She prepared pumpkin porridge and pies with pumpkin filling. The children really enjoyed the pumpkin dishes.
Thus the Pumpkin Girl’s cherished dream came true.

Botenkova Anastasia
Marya and the mouse

Once upon a time there was a man. He had a beloved daughter, Marya. His wife died and he married another woman.
The stepmother forced Marya to do all the hard and dirty work. There was a mouse in their house. The stepmother forced Marya to catch her. The girl placed a mousetrap behind the stove and hid. The mouse got caught in a mousetrap. Maryushka wanted to kill her, and the mouse says to her in a human voice: “Maryushka, dear! I have a magic ring. You let me go, and I will give it to you. Make a wish, and it will come true.”

Serov Denis
Cornflower and Zhuchka

Once upon a time there was a boy. His name was Vasilek. He lived with his father and evil stepmother. Vasilko's only friend was the dog Zhuchka. The bug was not an ordinary dog, but a magical one. When Vasilko’s stepmother forced him to do various impossible jobs, Zhuchka always helped him.
One cold winter, the stepmother sent the boy into the forest to pick strawberries. The bug did not leave its friend in trouble. By waving her tail, she turned the snow into green grass, and there were many berries in the grass. Cornflower quickly filled the basket, and they returned home. But the evil stepmother did not stop. She guessed that Bug was helping Vasilko, so she decided to get rid of her. The stepmother put the dog in a sack and locked it in the barn so that she could take it to the forest at night. But Cornflower was able to save Zhuchka. He made his way into the barn and freed her. The boy told his father everything, and they kicked out the evil stepmother.
They began to live amicably and cheerfully.

Nikitov Nikita
Stepushka is a little head of trouble

There was a fine man who lived in the world. His name was Styopushka the poor little head. He had neither father nor mother, only a turtle-bone shirt. We lived poorly, there was nothing to eat. He went to the master to work. The master had a beautiful daughter. Stepushka fell in love with her and asked for her hand. And the master says: “Fulfill my will, I will give my daughter for you.” And he ordered him to plow the field and sow it so that by morning golden ears would grow. Stepushka came home, sat and cried.
The turtle took pity on him and said in a human voice: “You took care of me, and I will help you. Go to bed, the morning is wiser than the evening.” Stepushka wakes up, the field is plowed and sown, the golden rye is earing ears. The master was surprised and said: “You are a good worker, you’ve done well!” Take my daughter as your wife." And they began to live well and make good.

Fokin Alexander
Good old lady

Once upon a time there lived a husband and wife. And they had a beautiful daughter, Masha. Whatever she takes on, everything comes together in her hands, she was such a needlewoman. They lived happily and amicably, but their mother fell ill and died.
It was not easy for father and daughter. And so the father decided to get married, and he got a grumpy woman as his wife. She also had a daughter who was disobedient and lazy. The daughter's name was Martha.
Masha’s stepmother didn’t like her and put all the hard work on her.
One day Masha accidentally dropped a spindle into an ice hole. And the stepmother was delighted and forced the girl to follow him. Masha jumped into the hole, and there a wide road opened in front of her. She walked along the road and suddenly saw a house standing there. In the house, an old woman is sitting on the stove. Masha told her what happened to her. And the old woman says:
Girl, heat the bathhouse, steam me and my children, we haven’t been to the bathhouse for a long time.
Masha quickly heated the bathhouse. First I steamed the hostess, she was satisfied. Then the old woman gave her a sieve, and there were lizards and frogs. The girl steamed them with a broom and rinsed them with warm water. The children are happy and praise Masha. And the hostess is happy:
Here's to you, good girl, for your efforts, and he gives her the chest and her spindle.
Masha returned home, opened the chest, and there were semi-precious stones. The stepmother saw this and was overcome with envy. She decided to send her daughter into the hole for wealth.
The old woman also asked Marfa to wash her and her children in the bathhouse. Martha somehow heated the bathhouse, the water was cold, the brooms were dry. The old lady in that bathhouse froze. And Marfa threw the lizards and baby frogs into a bucket of cold water, crippling half of them. For such work, the old woman also gave Martha a chest, but told her to open it at home in the barn.
Marfa returned home and quickly ran to the barn with her mother. They opened the chest, and flames burst out of it. Before they had time to leave the place, they burned out.
And Masha soon married a good man. And they lived happily and long.

Fokina Alina
Ivan and the magic horse

Once upon a time there lived a boy. His name was Ivanushka. And he didn't have parents. One day his adoptive parents took him to live with them. He began to live with them. The boy's adoptive parents forced him to work. He began to chop wood for them and look after the dogs.
One day Ivan went out into the field and saw that the horse was lying there.
The horse was wounded by an arrow. Ivan took out the arrow and bandaged the horse's wound. The horse says:
- Thank you Ivan! You helped me in trouble, and I will help you, because I am a magic horse. I can make your wish come true. What wish do you want to make?
Ivan thought and said:
– I want when I grow up to live happily ever after.
Ivan grew up and began to live happily. He married a beautiful girl, Catherine. And they began to live happily ever after.

Pokrovskaya Alena

Once upon a time there was a girl. Her name was Mashenka. Her parents died. Evil people took the girl to live with them and began to force her to work.
One day, they sent Mashenka into the forest to pick mushrooms. In the forest, Mashenka saw a fox dragging a hare into its hole. The girl felt sorry for the bunny, and she began to ask the fox to let the hare go. The fox agreed to let the hare go on the condition that Mashenka agreed to go live with her and serve her. The girl immediately agreed. Masha began to live with the fox. The fox went hunting every day, and Mashenka did housework.
One day, when the fox went hunting, the hare brought good Ivan Tsarevich to Mashenka. As soon as Ivan looked at Mashenka, he immediately decided to marry her. Mashenka also liked Ivan. She went with him to his kingdom. They got married and began to live happily ever after.




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