What year is the year of the camel? Putin will be overthrown in the Year of the Camel - astrologer

General forecast for the 32-year Zoroastrian calendar

The Year of the Camel is traditionally associated with Rashnu, the archangel of justice and judgment (the highest, heavenly court).

According to both calendars (32-year and 12-year), the information is practically duplicated: both years are associated with judgment and retribution. And as you can see, in reality, 2017 for many is the year of retribution for their deeds and restoration of justice. And this will be both at the level of individuals and at the collective level, at the level of the country and state.

This is a year of judgment that exposes many to obstruction, even ridicule and insults. The year is good for skeptics who do not take anything for granted. There will be many revelations and legal processes, and for many famous and not so famous figures, their careers will even end.

At various levels and on different scales, the struggle for the restoration of any lost values ​​is visible; questions of ownership of territories will be contested. This year, for some reason, everyone thinks that they were wronged before, they demand an amnesty, a trial of the oppressors. And if wars break out this year, they usually do not last long and end very quickly. So this year is also a year of reconciliation of many warring factions, relatively peaceful resolution of conflicts. Amnesty or conviction – Themis scales are shaking.

We must expect revelations, show trials, and hype. The importance of propaganda and the importance of related professions such as journalism are increasing.

On a personal level, 2017 - when asceticism is required, limiting oneself to excesses - then the Camel (Rashnu) will reward us for moderation. Rewards are strictly proportional - to each his own.

A valuable recommendation is that it is better not to be alone this year, but to look for your team with whom you can work together on a common cause. New parties and movements will also begin to appear, which will attract quite a lot of people. This is because the Camel is a herd animal.

In the worst case, you can expect a lot of chatter, noise, noise, dust, and meaningless actions.

And in the best case, and this is what we need to strive for, meaningful actions carried out with a specific purpose.

Many situations this year should be approached with humor, which in this case will be a good defense against depression and despondency. We must learn to look at all things from different sides and develop objectivity, refraining from any one-sided interpretations. Such people are lucky.

The Heavenly Camel gives its protection to people who are hard-working, faithful and reliable. And this despite their mockery and seeming frivolity. So you need to be really serious and responsible, despite external sarcasticity and mockery.

In order to match the qualities associated with the Camel. And this is distrust; the desire to understand everything meticulously, independently; the desire to show more perseverance in business; efficiency and caution.

Camels can sometimes be fanatics, and also bear the cross in the family: they forgive loved ones everything, despite the fact that they “ride” on them.

This year’s motto: “I carry everything I own with me!” - Therefore, it is necessary to make the necessary supplies and save money. There is no need to make large reserves, but in such a year everyone should always have everything they need with them.

Many will begin to uproot themselves and go on long-term work trips, just as a camel goes on a long voyage through the desert. There is no need to be tied to any one place of residence, but it is better to always have a travel suitcase with you and be ready to hit the road immediately.

Reasonable asceticism and the ability to be content with little are shown, and stocking up is a must. Luck will favor precisely such people in 2017.

Many will both gain and lose wealth.

Also, for many people, the year will be quite interesting and bright in terms of their personal lives, because Camel has a special interest in love adventures, he never denies himself this. And here it is still recommended to be careful, since these love affairs will quite often lead to dependence, the emergence of very large obligations and even subsequent suffering.

We need to do more about raising children, and in general the year is very good for childbearing and procreation. So many of those who could not have children for a long time will receive them this year as a gift from above - it is possible to expect a surge in childbearing.

Horoscope for all representatives of the 32-year Zoroastrian calendar for the year of the Camel (from March 21, 2017 to March 20, 2018)

For people who were born in the years of Badger (1952, 1984, 2016) and Hedgehog (1954, 1986), this year will be a year of strengthening their well-being and position in society. Success awaits you in the material field. Feel free to make business contacts, establish partnerships, take risks and place big bets. Fate will certainly give you a number of opportunities, using which you can significantly improve your financial situation.

For those born in the years of Tour (1951, 1983, 2015) and Lani (1955, 1987), this year will confront them with the need to perform fateful actions and make responsible decisions. A renewal of feelings and a surge of creative activity awaits. For people of creative professions, this will be a time of self-realization. The stimulus for disclosure will be long trips and the experiences associated with them. This is also a time of searching for an ideal, rethinking your place in life. In material terms, the year is not very good - it is better not to take big risks.

Those born in the years of the Rooster (1950, 1982, 2014) and the Elephant (1956, 1988) must be prepared to fight. For them, the year of the Camel is a period of testing and strength testing. You will need self-discipline and the manifestation of military qualities. We must be prepared for the fact that problems will arise that no one else can solve. The chances of winning increase if you do not cut from the shoulder. It is possible to break ties that have exhausted themselves. The year is busy, but it can bring quick achievements due to an active life position.

For those born in the years of the Raven (1949, 1981, 2013) and the Horse (1957, 1989), this year promises good luck in a variety of endeavors, especially if you rely on working in a “team”. It will be quite problematic to “break through” in business and bring creative plans to life. This year will be remembered as a period of successful partnership and finding harmony in relationships with others. There is no need to refuse to help others and reject offers of cooperation, and then positive changes in your life will not keep you waiting.

The events of the year will clarify the social status of people who were born in the years of Squirrel (1948, 1980, 2012) and Cheetah (1958, 1990). The significance of this time for them is quite great. On the one hand, the time has come to work off karmic debts, and on the other hand, they will be encouraged to great social activity. You will have to deal with legal issues, which will determine your position in society. There will be wonderful opportunities for self-affirmation, but you need to work hard and pay off your past obligations.

For those born in the years of Magpie (1947, 1979, 2011) and Peacock (1927, 1959, 1991), 2017 will be remembered as a time of intense struggle and active defense of their interests. Put off your thoughts until a better time, because now the time has come for real actions and accomplishments. Only those who do not bow their heads under the blows of fate will be able to emerge victorious from this crucible of fate. You won't be able to relax here. Moreover, you should be careful, beware of the machinations of your enemies.

For representatives of the year of the Turtle (1946, 1978, 2010) and the Swan (1928, 1960, 1992), the year of the Camel will open the gates to a certain world of the mysterious and enigmatic. You will be able to witness unexplained and strange phenomena. It is possible that this year will be difficult, even critical. At worst, this is a year of fog, illusions and delusions, as well as the evil eye and damage, and at best, prophecies and revelations, creative rebirth and the awakening of charisma. A year of secret love affairs, a lot of unclear and confusing things happen in personal relationships.

Those born in the years of the Beaver (1945, 1977, 2009) and the Lynx (1929, 1961, 1993) will be rewarded for their loyalty to principles and the ability to achieve their goals. 2017 is a harmonious year, you attract happy occasions, fortune smiles. You will be able to take your time and find a use for your creative abilities. A year of stability, confidence, success, manifestation of creativity. However, one should not fall into permissiveness, so as not to lose strength. Also, you should not rest on your laurels, because this can lead to complacency, lack of development, and laziness. To put it another way, you will benefit from this year’s help if you know how to use the powers given to you and you do it!

For people born in the years of the Snake (1944, 1976, 2008) and the Donkey (1930, 1962, 1994), a time of testing will come. A critical year, associated with intrigue, even the possibility of betrayal. You may find yourself under some kind of surveillance, being entangled in a network of intrigues. We must be prepared for struggle and competition, aggression and stabs in the back. At best, events harden you; this is a year of testing your fortitude; they do not allow you to relax. You should not trust your feelings to strangers. You may have to part ways with someone you previously trusted.

For those born in the years of the Spider (1943, 1975, 2007) and the Polar Bear (1931, 1963, 1995), the entire 2017 will be almost constantly at work. The year will require patience, it is associated with social upheavals, but it provides opportunities for promotion, good luck in your career, and is good for self-affirmation. Various kinds of surprises cannot be ruled out. It is not recommended to take on debt obligations: do not give, do not borrow. It is necessary to solve the problems of the past, because there is a return to long-forgotten problems. A wonderful year for studying philosophy and religion, there is a possibility of finding a spiritual path.

For those born in the years of the Stork (1942, 1974, 2006) and the Eagle (1932, 1964, 1996), the year of the Camel will bring a number of unexpected events that can influence the further course of their lives. You won’t be bored, as this is a time of sharp turns in your destiny. You can start everything from a “clean slate”, start completely new things, using completely new approaches. There is a lot of anxiety due to the fact that situations change and turn around. In principle, it is possible to wait for anything; fussiness, which creates interference and obstacles, is dangerous. Don’t get attached to clear plans and calculated schemes, live by inspiration and create by inspiration. This is a year of big bets, when you can either lose big or win big.

For those born in the years of the Wolf (1941, 1973, 2005) and the Fox (1933, 1965, 1997), 2017 will be a dual and strange year. On the one hand, they “fry”, and on the other, they “cool” and there is no feeling of stability. Implementation depends personally on your position and how correctly you act. That is, there will be happiness or unhappiness - it depends on your personal choice. We must take responsibility. This is a period of difficult choices, and many things are on the line between victory and defeat. Be vigilant, beware of enemies. You may encounter rumors and gossip. But there will also be positivity - you attract temporary help and support.

Representatives of the years of Mongoose (1940, 1972, 2004) and Dolphin (1934, 1966, 1998) this year will taste the fruits of their deeds. Fate will complete its circle and lead them to a new starting point or to the same place where they once started. In the year of the Camel, they will be held accountable for past mistakes, and if they realize their problems, they will have opportunities to get out of difficult situations. A year of rewards: from each according to his abilities, to each according to his deserts. Paying attention to the signs of fate, clarify many issues and then you can adjust your program and put things in order in your life. A good period for learning and serious work.

Those people who were born in the years of Mouflon (1939, 1971, 2003) and Boar (1935, 1967, 1999) will be surprised by the year of the Camel with mysterious events that can make a serious impression and deprive them of peace of mind for some time. Some incidents will present surprises that, most likely, you will prefer to keep secret. There is a danger of becoming dependent on people who can exert psychological influence on you. It is recommended not to “get hung up” on one thing; you need to act in many directions. What is needed is breadth of views and a somewhat greater lightness in attitude towards life. It is possible to achieve a lot in a completely unexpected way.

Representatives of the years of Deer (1938, 1970, 2002) and Owl (1936, 1968, 2000) will have to make an important choice in 2017, the consequences of which will be felt for quite a long time. Not only their fate, but also the fate of their loved ones will depend on their behavior during this difficult time. Actions in the near future will become the subject of close attention from the environment. Choose the right strategy and set your life priorities. Keep in mind that you can achieve success in business only with a group of like-minded people, sacrificing your personal interests. You need to take an active life position and, having made a choice once, stick to it until the end. And this is also the year of finding harmony in love, the opportunity to attract your missing half.

For representatives of the Year of the Camel (1953, 1985), their own year means the need to reflect on what they have lived and take stock. You will withdraw into yourself and need to concentrate on something important, because this is the time of finding yourself. Every 32 years, the calendar symbol - the ruler of your year of birth - repeats. And this is an opportunity, as it were, for a new birth, a return to normal. Get alone, concentrate, take care of yourself. There is no need to deal with other people's problems, because you are reminded of your old mistakes and unresolved problems. This year you should put your affairs in order, resolve all neglected and pressing issues, get rid of the unnecessary and old. And then you can achieve a lot, start a new development cycle and ensure many positive changes in the future.

In our country, New Year is celebrated four times. The first - on the night of January 1, like the whole world. The second is our domestic bonus - the old New Year. The third is a gift from our eastern neighbors. The fourth one we inherited from the ancient Aryans. celebrated on March 20. This is the Zoroastrian New Year, which is also called Navruz, which means “new day.”

The importance of this day is difficult to overestimate, and our distant ancestors understood this well. From them we received a 32-year calendar as a gift. It is unique in that every year it has its own ruler in the form of a sacred animal - a totem. The totem gives its wards protection and support, as well as certain character qualities.

The year that begins on March 20, 2017 is ruled by Camel. This totem animal is distinguished by its slowness and importance. The camel is ascetic, content with little. Its problem is that in our pragmatic age it is used for the most difficult work. But the honor of going through the biblical eye of the needle went to him, probably for his ability to work hard. And, alas, many do not like the Camel because he can express his opinion in a very harsh manner.

Well, now it’s time to find out what the Camel has prepared for each of us. We look for your year of birth and get a forecast for 2017.

Camel (1953,1985). This is your year! After a hard journey, you have reached a blessed oasis, and this is by no means a mirage. Whether you follow fate's lead or fate will follow your lead - it's up to you to decide.

Hedgehog (1954,1986). The year will not be easy. Routine tasks will take up a lot of time and energy. Success is possible only if you don’t fuss over trifles.

Doe (1955,1987). Dreamy Lani will begin to look for their ideal. And reality will force you to do everyday things. And only the most persistent will be rewarded.

Elephant (1956,1988). Any trials of the year will be like pellets to the Elephant. Be higher than those who envy you and weave intrigues.

Horse (1957, 1989). The year will be very active and productive, but in the mad rush for fame, do not forget about rest. It will give you a year and excellent chances to replenish your “herd.”

Cheetah (1958,1990). Your goal this year is to lay the foundation for future material well-being. The problem can be denying any, even constructive, criticism.

Peacock (1959,1991). Beautiful and vain Peacocks will have to restrain their love of luxury. Learn to soberly assess reality, be more economical.

Swan (1960,1992). This year, the independent Swan will be deaf to society’s attempts to impose mercantile aspirations on him. And you will achieve harmony only in pairs.

Lynx (1961, 1993). Happy times are coming for the unpredictable and active Lynx. Don't limit yourself in your desires. You will achieve everything you want, even if it means using blackmail and manipulation.

Donkey (1930, 1962, 1994). A hardworking Donkey will prudently and professionally carry out his work completely unselfishly. In the meantime, fate is in store for career growth!

Polar Bear (1931, 1963, 1995). Leadership qualities will allow you to achieve career heights. This is where you will test your strength. In your personal life, show romanticism and breadth of soul.

Eagle (1932, 1964, 1996). Your inherent aristocracy and sophistication will help you maintain yourself with dignity in high society. And skill in communication will help strengthen relationships.

Fox (1933,1965,1997). Your habit of “pulling chestnuts out of the fire with the wrong hands” needs to be adjusted, otherwise you will have to deal with law enforcement agencies. And changeability in character can bring problems in your personal life.

Dolphin (1934, 1966, 1998). The coming year will bring clarity and understanding of your purpose in life. Fulfill your love of travel with a unique trip to an exotic destination.

Boar (1935,1967,1999). This year, assertive Vepris will know what they want. And without hesitation they will destroy everything that stands in their way. However, your weak point is love, and those you love will twist ropes out of you.

Owl (1933,1968,2000). The habit of wise Eagle Owls to rely only on their own strength will give them the opportunity to live and work according to the principle: “There is only one warrior in the field.” But since you are ready to take responsibility only for yourself, it will be difficult for you in team work.

Falcon (1937, 1969, 2001). This year you will be judged on your flight. The long-standing dream of “performing on stage” will come true, even if there is only one spectator - the person who loves you.

Deer (1938,1970,2002). Perfectionist Deer will strive for perfection and wait for their finest hour. It is worth remembering that those who go ahead of others make the world a better place.

Mouflon (1939,1971,2003). You calmly and obediently “graze” on the collective lawn, completing the assigned tasks. High professionalism will provide you with increased material well-being.

Mongoose (1940, 1972, 2004). Charming and dexterous Mongooses will get out of any situation unscathed. The ability to change your point of view with lightning speed and an inimitable sense of humor will serve you well.

Wolf (1941, 1973, 2005). Sharp and assertive Wolves, with their unwillingness to compromise, will cause fire on themselves. But your firmness in standing up for your beliefs will ultimately bring great results.

Stork (1942, 1974, 2006). Thinking outside the box will allow you to achieve success. The desire to build or strengthen your own nest will be realized.

Spider (1943, 1975, 2007). Dexterous and tenacious Spiders will skillfully “weave a web”, manipulating those around them. Without rushing anywhere, by the end of the year you will be among the most successful.

Already (1944,1976,2008). The ability to intuitively sense danger will allow you to avoid many troubles. You may need to look to the past to analyze your actions and decisions.

Beaver (1945,1977, 2009). The year promises good prospects for skilled Beavers. You do not like to waste time on empty worries and will find a way out of any situation.

Turtle (1946, 1978, 2016). You will want changes in your personal life. And as you know, “a turtle in love can even swim across the sea.” But if you take too long to decide, there is a danger that by the time the suitcase is packed, the “ship” will already sail away.

Magpie (1947, 1979, 2011). What active and lively magpies bring “on their tail” will be “in their beak”. But at the end of the year you will be satisfied with yourself and the results achieved.

Squirrel )



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