The whole body itches. What does our skin complain about? Itchy body skin: when to see a doctor

Itching is a special sensation caused by various irritants from the body or the external environment that trigger the scratching reflex. Many scientists consider itching to be a modified feeling of pain, because it, like the latter, appears as a result of irritation of nerve endings located in the thickness of the skin between the dermis and epidermis.

But why does a person itch? Thus, he performs a kind of massage of the affected areas. As a result of friction, blood flow and lymph movement accelerate, harmful substances are removed and irritation of nerve endings stops.

Often itching of the skin is a physiological sensation of completely healthy tissues, resulting from the accumulation of metabolic products in one place. It has no visual manifestations and passes quickly enough.

In medicine, it is divided into 2 types: universal (localized in a limited area) or widespread (the whole body). The localized form can occur in various areas of the body, ranging from the head to the extremities. The most common sensations are in the anus and genital area.

Both types of itching can be constant or intermittent. The intensity of sensations is also distinguished, which can vary from slight to very strong. With severe manifestations, a person loses sleep and appetite, suffers from a constant desire to scratch sore spots, and often tears the skin until it bleeds.

Scientists have noted that the skin on the body itches more often at night and in the evening. The explanation is simple: in the evening the blood vessels dilate, which leads to increased blood circulation. Skin cells receive more heat, and this, in turn, increases the level of exposure to irritants. The degree of manifestation of itching is also influenced by a consistently high temperature that occurs when a person is in bed. It is believed that increased blood flow promotes rapid delivery of breakdown products to skin cells and tissues.

The psychological factor is of great importance when answering the question of why the body itches. During the day, a person is distracted by household or work matters, paying less attention to the manifestations of skin itching, while in the evening and at night the body switches to subjective sensations.

2 Factors causing the condition

If the patient complains for a long time that the body itches, but the skin and mucous membranes do not have visual changes, the doctor makes a preliminary diagnosis, which sounds like itching of unknown etiology, that is, the cause of the condition is not clear.

This condition can be explained by two influencing factors. One of them is related to:

  1. Increased sensitivity of the nervous system, responding to minor internal irritations with a strong feeling of itching. This can occur with neurasthenia, hysteria, after suffering from infectious and colds, with mental pathologies and stress. The condition is often accompanied by other symptoms of nervous disorders - increased reflexes, pain, etc.
  2. Increased impressionability, in which the body begins to itch not under the influence of irritants, but at one glance at them. So, suspicious individuals begin to itch when they see a flea, bedbug, caterpillar, cockroach or skin lesion on another person. With the conditioned reflex nature of the condition (mnemoderma), a sensation of itching occurs with memories of previous skin pathologies.
  3. Direct contact with external irritants. So, if the body itches, the reasons may be that a caterpillar gets on the skin, irritating the hairs on the body; some types of plants; household or industrial chemicals. External irritants can be low or high ambient temperatures, synthetic clothing and other factors.

The second factor is related to the influence of internal stimuli. If the whole body itches and itches, functional disorders of the internal organs may be the culprits. For example, with metabolic or gastrointestinal disorders, the amount of breakdown products increases. They affect the nerve endings in the skin, causing toxic itching.

This condition can occur due to pathologies of the liver or gallbladder, when bile accumulates in the blood. Or with slow bowel function and constipation, when the level of toxins in the body increases sharply.

Toxic itching is promoted by disorders in the body such as pathologies of the endocrine organs (especially the thyroid and pancreas), cancer, diseases of the blood and hematopoietic organs, hyperhidrosis, obesity, etc.

3 Pathologies accompanied by symptoms

A condition in which the whole body itches can be a symptom of various pathologies. The most common ones are:

  1. Neurodermatitis is a chronic multifactorial disease, often caused by neurogenic-allergic causes and manifested by skin rashes. Pathology can develop as a result of disorders of the immune and nervous systems, hereditary predisposition or allergic reactions. If the condition is caused by allergies, neurodermatitis may be called atopic dermatitis.
  2. Hives are skin inflammations caused by allergens. They are characterized by rapidly appearing rashes of intensely itchy, pale pink blisters. They differ from dermatitis in terms of manifestation: usually urticaria disappears after a few hours.
  3. Increased dryness of the skin, or xerosis, which occurs under the influence of frequently used detergents, sunlight and natural aging. The secretions of the sebaceous glands are reduced, which contributes to irritation, causing the skin to constantly itch.
  4. Diabetes mellitus, in which an increase in blood glucose levels leads to severe itching, but there is no rash or other defects. Typically, the body of people suffering from diabetes is in a dehydrated state, resulting in dry and itchy skin. In severe cases, the itching may be accompanied by cracks and fungal infections, which also cause discomfort.
  5. Scabies is an infectious pathology caused by the scabies mite, or itch. Characterized by severe skin lesions and itching sensation. Parts of the body begin to itch especially severely at night.

4 Treatments

If itching is not associated with any systemic diseases, measures should be as follows:

  1. Daily observance of personal hygiene rules.
  2. Elimination of dry skin, as well as all products that can lead to irritation.
  3. Limiting or completely avoiding foods that can cause vasodilation: coffee, alcohol, hot food, strong tea, spices, etc.
  4. Control the room temperature: it should not be too high. A person should not feel hot.
  5. Elimination of stressful situations from everyday life. Fighting bad mood, depression, nervous tension, anxiety.

What to do if your body itches for no apparent reason? A few recommendations will help:

  1. To eliminate excessive dry skin, which leads to body itching, baths are prescribed daily or every other day. The water temperature should not be hot. The duration of the procedure is from 10 to 20 minutes. To prevent your skin from itching, you can use only hypoallergenic soap, preferably unscented (the ideal option is “Children’s”). After the procedure, the skin is not wiped, but gently blotted with a linen or cotton towel. Then lubricate with moisturizers - ointment, cream, oil. Unsalted melted pork fat - lard - has a good effect.
  2. If your skin itches, you can try Cleopatra's bath. Add 1 tbsp to warm water. milk and 2 tsp. olive oils. After the procedure, the skin is gently blotted and left until completely dry. The use of moisturizing cosmetic products is not required.
  3. When various parts of the body itch, the cause may be excessive dry air in the room. You can avoid this by placing containers of water in the room, indoor plants and hanging wet towels on heating devices.
  4. If itching appears in certain areas of the body, it may be an allergy to wool or synthetic fabrics. It is necessary to completely remove them from the wardrobe of people prone to allergies. Some physiological characteristics of a person indicate a tendency to atopic dermatitis: emphasized folds of skin on the lower eyelids, a large number of lines on the palms, peeling and dry skin in the deltoid muscles and on the outer surface of the thighs.
  5. Allergy sufferers are advised to completely eliminate from their daily routine everything that could become an allergen: antistatic and washing powders, tight clothing, sudden temperature changes, irritating foods and drinks. Flowers, pets, etc. should be removed from the premises.
  6. If the body itches in different places, wet-dry or cooling bandages and bandaging the affected areas will help.
  7. To avoid injury, if you want to scratch the skin, you need to cut your nails short; in severe cases, you can wear soft gloves.
  8. Regular and thorough wet cleaning of the entire house is required. You need to give up down and feather pillows, blankets, etc. Upholstered furniture must be vacuumed daily, like carpets, but it is better to get rid of them, thereby eliminating dust mites, which are the strongest allergen.

If your whole body itches, but there are no symptoms of skin pathologies, you should normalize your diet.

Products should be easily digestible, nutritious, with a small content of extractive and irritating components. The most suitable diet for patients with itchy skin is a diet based on products of dairy and plant origin. In addition, milk in this diet also plays the role of a mild diuretic, removing waste and toxins.

What should you not eat? The list is quite wide: eggs, canned food, broths for meat and fish, smoked meats, marinades, cocoa, coffee, chocolate, sweets and spices.

What food is needed? Vegetable and cereal soups, low-fat boiled fish and meats, low-fat cottage cheese, curdled milk and kefir, fruits, vegetables and herbs are recommended. In case of a sharp exacerbation of discomfort, you should reduce your intake of table salt, consuming no more than 3 g daily.

Antihistamines will help get rid of itching: Suprastin, Tavegil, Claritin, Trexil, etc. The use of ointments with glucocorticosteroids is indicated: Symbicort, Triderm, Diprogent, Sinaflan, Fluorocort, etc. Ointments, creams, gels and powders with menthol are used, novocaine, anesthesin and other substances that have an analgesic and sedative effect. Itchy skin can be lubricated with tar and unsalted lard. You can use hot salt water rubdowns with the addition of a small amount of apple or table vinegar.

Skin itching is the most common complaint with which patients come to see a dermatologist. In most cases, this symptom is accompanied by a rash, but in some diseases itching can be an isolated symptom. Sometimes the clinical picture is supplemented by burning and tingling, but itching remains the main symptom and requires extensive examination. In rare cases, generalized skin itching can be a symptom of malignant tumors, so you should not postpone a visit to a specialist. It is possible to prescribe the correct treatment and eliminate the problem only after a thorough diagnosis and determination of the cause that caused the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.

Itching is a burning or strong tingling sensation in the superficial layer of the epidermis. It can occur not only on the surface of the skin, but also in the mucous membranes. Areas of the body that are constantly in contact with the environment, are often dirty or are in a wet state are often susceptible to itching. For example, for obese women, the problem area may be the space under the breasts. This part of the body often sweats, and sweat is an excellent breeding ground for fungus and pathogenic bacteria, which cause severe burning. Sometimes an unpleasant putrid odor may appear, but more often women only complain that the skin under the breasts itches.

Itching can occur on the skin of the genitals, feet, elbows, knees, and other areas. Such itching is called localized, since it appears in a certain part of the body (has a specific localization). Sometimes tingling and burning occurs over the entire surface of the body - this form of pathology is generalized.

Depending on the time of occurrence and severity of the process, itching can be:

  • sharp;
  • chronic.

The provoking factors for acute itching most often are various allergens: animal hair, house plants, food, dust. Sometimes such a reaction occurs when using certain medications, so people with poor tolerance to any synthetic components should definitely inform their doctor about this.

Chronic itching can be a sign of several diseases, and most of them are not related to dermatology. A qualified doctor will help you correctly determine the cause of discomfort. The examination should begin with a visit to a therapist or dermatologist; according to indications, the patient may be prescribed additional studies and consultations with specialized specialists: an endocrinologist, an immunologist, an allergist and a gastroenterologist.

Itching without rash: possible causes

If the itching has been bothering you for a long time, and there are no other signs of allergy (rash, lacrimation, redness of the eye sclera), it is necessary to check the functioning of the internal organs, since the causes of such symptoms can be very serious. Sometimes, to eliminate itching, it is enough to remove a product from the menu or refuse to use certain medications, replacing them with drugs with a similar effect, but in some cases, treatment can be long and difficult, so you should not delay going to the hospital.

Hepatitis and cirrhosis

More than 100 thousand people die from liver cirrhosis every year. In 80% of cases, the pathology has an extremely unfavorable prognosis, especially if in addition to the liver, the nervous system is also affected. Life expectancy with progressive cirrhosis is usually 4-5 years, while death can occur much earlier if the patient does not follow the doctor’s recommendations on the regimen and treatment.

At an early stage, cirrhosis is practically asymptomatic. The only sign by which one can suspect a disturbance in the functioning of the body’s “main filter” is generalized itching. It occurs due to the fact that liver cells (hepatocytes) are gradually destroyed, and the organ cannot fully perform the functions of filtering and purifying the blood from toxins, poisons and allergens.

As the pathology progresses, the patient may notice other manifestations, which include:

  • enlargement of the abdomen while maintaining the parameters of other organs;
  • yellowing of the skin and eye sclera;
  • periodic fluctuations in body temperature;
  • increased skin itching.

The same signs are characteristic of different types of hepatitis, so when they appear, it is necessary to urgently undergo tests and do an ultrasound of the liver to confirm or refute the alleged diagnosis.


Itching in diabetes mellitus of any type is localized and occurs mainly on the genitals. Sometimes the patient has a desire to scratch his arms around the elbows, feet and palms. Such symptoms are rarely diagnosed in young patients. Typically, women of retirement and elderly age (over 50-55 years old) complain of itching; in men, this symptom occurs only in 35% of cases.

Important! Increased itching in diabetes occurs with a sharp increase in blood glucose, so if there is a significant burning sensation, you should measure your sugar level using a glucometer and call a doctor if your overall health is unsatisfactory.

Depression and psychosis

Disorders of the psychoemotional state are one of the most likely causes of itching. In people with hormonal imbalances, even slight anxiety can cause exacerbation of skin manifestations and increased burning. If a patient develops a depressive disorder, it is important to consult a specialist in time, since delay is fraught not only with external manifestations, but also with deep emotional depression, which can lead to death even in people who do not have suicidal tendencies.

Teenagers fall into depression especially quickly and have a hard time with it, so parents need to closely monitor the child’s condition and notice any changes that may be the first warning signs. These include:

  • frequent mood changes;
  • too sudden lull and desire for solitude (especially if the teenager was previously quite active and liked to communicate with peers);
  • problems with sleep (the child may often wake up in the middle of the night and sit on the bed, looking at one point).

From external manifestations one can notice a constant desire to scratch any part of the body, flexion and extension of fingers, changes in gaze.

Important! Itching in depression is always generalized, so it can appear at any time and on any area of ​​the skin and mucous membranes.

Itching during psychosis is characteristic mainly of women over 40 years of age. It usually occurs on the scalp and resembles crawling insects. In medicine, this phenomenon is called “tactile hallucinations.” Outwardly, a woman may look as usual and show no signs of pathology, so if such complaints appear, it is necessary to urgently seek medical help.

Oncological diseases

It is very important to pay attention to any skin manifestations for people who have a genetic predisposition to malignant processes. Cancer at an early stage occurs without obvious symptoms, so any signs and changes in well-being should be alarming.

Generalized severe itching most often appears with pancreatic and intestinal cancer, especially if the tumor blocks the opening in the duodenum. Malignant formations in the organs of the genitourinary system can also occur against a background of moderate itching without a rash or any other symptoms. The table below shows the incidence of itching in various locations of cancerous tumors.

Important! Some believe that with helminthiasis, burning and itching occur only in the anus and genital area, but this is not so. Some types of worms (such as roundworms) can move into the pulmonary system and heart muscle, causing severe itching throughout the body. Ascariasis is deadly to humans, so such a symptom cannot be ignored.

Pediculosis– another cause of itching, which in this case will occur on the scalp. Lice infestations often occur in children's groups, so for girls with long hair, it is best to braid their hair, lifting it high and tying it tightly into a bun.

At scabies– an infectious pathology caused by scabies mites entering the body – itching is rarely an isolated symptom. It often appears with skin rashes, but if the lesion is mild, there may be no rash or other symptoms.

Blood diseases

With a lack of iron in the body and the development of iron deficiency anemia, every second patient complains of itching. It usually occurs in places of increased blood circulation: the genitals, pelvic organs and chest. It is not difficult to diagnose anemia, so if you consult a doctor in a timely manner, it is possible to prevent complications and avoid unpleasant consequences.

In addition to tingling, the patient also experiences a number of other symptoms, for example:

  • frequent headaches and dizziness;
  • pale skin;
  • changes in taste preferences;
  • recurrent bleeding.

Sometimes itching with anemia may be completely absent, but in most cases there is a chronic tactile disturbance with frequent relapses.

Other reasons

Lack of sufficient hygiene can cause isolated itching without the addition of a rash and other symptoms. Incorrectly selected cosmetics with a high content of fragrances and dyes can increase discomfort and cause significant discomfort. Even scented toilet paper can cause irritation to the skin of the genitals and around the anus, so it is better to choose neutral skin care products without the addition of strong synthetic substances.

Taking certain medications (most often opium) can trigger an attack of severe itching, which is difficult to relieve with antihistamines. If such side effects occur, it is necessary to consult your doctor as soon as possible, since self-prescription of allergy medications can aggravate the situation.

Video - 3 causes of itching

Senile itch

Age-related itching is considered normal and has several physiological causes:

  • loss of moisture and increased dryness of the skin;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • insufficient production of collagen and elastin;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys and liver, leading to insufficient purification of the blood and other fluids from toxins and allergens and their accumulation in the body.

Senile itching is usually of medium intensity and does not cause severe discomfort. To reduce the burning sensation, you need to add more fruits, greens, berries and vegetables to your diet. Meat and fish should be consumed at least 3-4 times a week, as they are excellent sources of protein and essential amino acids necessary for skin health and maintenance of its functions. Don't forget about dairy products - a source of calcium and phosphorus.

You can solve the problem in old age with the help of cosmetics, but they must be of high quality and safe. It is better to choose a cream for particularly sensitive skin, since such cosmetics do not contain parabens, fragrances and toxic dyes.

If the itching intensifies, a rash or painful cracks appear, you should consult a doctor.

Itching during pregnancy

A slight burning sensation during pregnancy is explained by changes in hormonal levels, so there is no cause for concern if there are no other complaints. Some women note the appearance of itching on the abdomen. The sensations intensify in the last trimester, when the belly of the expectant mother reaches its maximum size.

The skin on the abdomen constantly stretches as the abdomen grows. With rapid growth or lack of elasticity, the skin becomes too tight, stretch marks and severe itching appear. The gynecologist who is observing the woman will help you choose a remedy that will alleviate these symptoms, but the burning sensation will go away completely only after childbirth.

Itching without a rash is a rather dangerous symptom, by which one can suspect the presence of severe pathologies in the functioning of internal organs. Even if everything is fine with health, it is necessary to find out the cause of the phenomenon and take measures to eliminate it. Constant scratching of the skin leads to the formation of microcracks into which infection can easily penetrate, so you should visit a doctor immediately after such symptoms appear.

Itching is an unpleasant sensation that forces a person to scratch the affected area of ​​the skin. If the skin itches slightly, this is normal and occurs often, but sometimes this sensation can be strong and cause many problems. Constant and intense itching is usually a symptom of some disease of the skin, body organs or nervous system.

Sometimes itching is accompanied by a rash, but it can also occur on apparently unchanged skin. According to the degree of distribution they distinguish generalized itching- when the whole body itches and local (local) itching, covering only a specific area of ​​the skin.

Frequent scratching causes the skin to become thin, damaged and inflamed, which can cause it to become painful and itch even more. Regardless of the cause of the itching, some ways can help reduce its intensity and alleviate the condition:

  • rub the affected area of ​​skin with your fingertips or press on it with your palm;
  • moisturize itchy skin with emollients, then you will damage it less when scratching;
  • make cold compresses, for example, from a damp cloth, take cool baths;
  • use external antipruritics in the form of lotions, ointments, etc., for example, calamine lotion, antihistamines and steroid creams;
  • buy fragrance-free cosmetics and hygiene products;
  • Avoid clothing that irritates the skin: synthetic fabric, coarse wool, etc.

Nails should be clean and short, especially for itchy children. The ends of the nails should be filed rather than cut. The cut ends of the nails are sharp and uneven, causing more damage to the skin.

Causes of itching

In most cases, the sensation of itching occurs when sensitive nerve endings in the skin and mucous membranes - receptors - are stimulated. Receptor irritants can be: mechanical, temperature, influence of chemicals, light, etc. One of the main chemical irritants is a biologically active substance - histamine, which is produced in the body during allergies or inflammation.

There is also itching of central origin, that is, it develops without the participation of the nerve endings of the skin. The source of central itching is the focus of excitation of nerve cells in the brain, which occurs in some neurological diseases.

Finally, it is known that there are factors that can make the skin more sensitive to itching. For example, when exposed to heat in hot weather or when body temperature rises, the skin itches more, while cold, on the contrary, relieves the itching. People suffer most from itching in the evening and at night, which is associated with daily fluctuations in the diameter of blood vessels, and consequently, skin temperature.

The immediate causes of itchy skin can be various diseases of the skin, internal organs, nervous system, blood and even malignant tumors. Itching in a child is a common symptom of varicella (chickenpox) - a childhood infection, the main manifestation of which is a characteristic rash on the skin.

Itching due to skin diseases

Skin diseases, in addition to itching, are accompanied by the appearance of a rash: blisters, spots, nodules, blisters, peeling and other elements on the skin. The following skin conditions can cause itching:

In addition, the skin may itch after insect bites: mosquitoes, bedbugs, lice (for pediculosis), fleas, stinging arthropods (wasps, bees, etc.). As a rule, a small nodule forms at the site of the bite against a background of reddened and hot skin. Sometimes in the center of the nodule you can see the immediate site of the bite in the form of a dark dot. Insect bites are especially difficult for people with sensitive skin and a tendency to allergies.

Often the cause of skin itching is various chemicals that affect the skin, for example:

  • cosmetical tools;
  • paints or fabric coatings;
  • some metals, such as nickel;
  • juices of some plants (nettle, hogweed).

Under the influence of ultraviolet rays from the sun, it is easy to get a sunburn, after which itching appears, the skin turns red, and sometimes becomes covered with watery blisters. Another cause of itching can be excessive dry skin. If the above diseases occur, consult a dermatologist.

Itching of the skin due to diseases of the internal organs

A symptom of some diseases of the internal organs is generalized (general) itching. In most cases, the skin remains unchanged: normal color, without rash or peeling. Such diseases include:

  • Diabetes . Severe itching of the skin and thirst are sometimes the first symptoms of diabetes. Particularly severe itching usually occurs in the genital area and anus.
  • Hyperthyroidism is sometimes accompanied by complaints of itchy skin. This is due to an acceleration of metabolism and an increase in temperature. With reduced thyroid function, general itching associated with dry skin is also possible.
  • Kidney failure may cause itching. This is due to damage to the nerve fibers of the skin and a decrease in the sensitivity threshold of nerve endings. That is, weaker irritants begin to cause a sensation of itching.
  • Polycythemia is a blood disease associated with excessive production of blood cells, which thickens the blood and increases the risk of blood clots and blockages in blood vessels. With polycythemia, itching is a common problem; the skin itches especially severely after taking a shower or any other contact with water. Polycythemia is treated by a hematologist.
  • Iron deficiency anemia is a blood disease associated with impaired hemoglobin production. Taking iron supplements usually relieves the itching quickly.
  • Lymphogranulomatosis (Hodgkin's lymphoma) is a malignant blood disease that begins with enlarged lymph nodes, most often in the neck. Sometimes the first symptom of lymphogranulomatosis is skin itching, which intensifies in the evening and at night. The skin often itches in the area of ​​the affected lymph node.
  • Some types of cancer, such as breast, lung or prostate cancer, also cause itchy skin.

Somewhat less often, itching is accompanied by a change in skin tone, which, for example, happens with subhepatic jaundice associated with a violation of the outflow of bile from the gallbladder. The skin begins to itch due to the accumulation of bile acids in it. This can happen with cholelithiasis, some types of hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, pancreatic cancer, etc.

Sometimes itching occurs as a result of neurological or mental disorders or diseases. For example, after a stroke, with postherpetic neuralgia, stress and depression.

Itching during pregnancy and menopause

Itching often occurs in pregnant women and goes away after childbirth. A number of skin conditions that cause itching can develop during pregnancy, including the following:

  • Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (multiform dermatitis of pregnancy) is a skin condition that occurs during pregnancy in which an itchy, red, raised rash appears on the thighs and abdomen;
  • prurigo gravidarum - a red, itchy skin rash that most often appears on the arms, legs and torso;
  • itching of pregnancy - itching, without a rash on the skin, resulting from overload of the liver during pregnancy.

All these conditions usually appear in late pregnancy and disappear after childbirth. Their treatment is carried out jointly by a general practitioner and an obstetrician-gynecologist. If you experience itching or an unusual skin rash during pregnancy, consult your doctor.

Itching is also a common symptom of menopause. The cause of itching is considered to be a decrease in estrogen production and an imbalance of other hormones.

Itching in the anus

The causes of itching in the anus or anal itching can be a number of diseases, for example the following:

Itching in the intimate area (itching in the vagina, perineum, itching of the penis and scrotum) is one of the painful and delicate problems. The main causes of itching in this area are usually infection:

  • thrush (vaginal candidiasis and thrush in men) is a fungal infection of the genital organs that can sometimes spread to the rectal area, causing itching in the anus;
  • sexually transmitted infections - sexually transmitted diseases;
  • bacterial vaginosis can cause intimate itching in women;
  • lice pubis - infestation with pubic lice;
  • allergies, including to condom latex, intimate hygiene products, sperm, etc.

Why do my feet itch?

In addition to general causes, local itching of the legs may be associated with:

  • varicose veins of the lower extremities - accompanied by swelling, pain and heaviness in the legs in the evening;
  • fungal infection of the nails and skin in the spaces between the toes; in addition to itching, peeling of the skin, changes in the shape and color of the nails may occur.

Treatment of itching

Depending on why the skin itches, treatment recommendations will differ, but there are several general rules that, if followed, will help relieve the itching. Particular attention should be paid to the rules of personal hygiene. When taking a bath or shower, do the following:

  • Use cool or lukewarm water (not hot).
  • Avoid using soap, shower gel or deodorant with fragrances. Fragrance-free lotions or water-based creams can be purchased at your pharmacy.
  • Apply a moisturizing lotion or cream without fragrance after a bath or shower to prevent your skin from drying out.

Regarding clothing and bedding, adhere to the following rules:

  • Avoid wearing clothes that irritate your skin, such as those made from wool or synthetic fabrics.
  • Buy clothes made from cotton whenever possible.
  • Avoid tight-fitting clothing.
  • Use mild detergents that do not irritate the skin.
  • Sleep in light and loose clothing.

Anti-itch medications

Regarding medications, adhere to the following rules:

  • Apply a rich moisturizer to dry or flaky skin;
  • If prescribed by a doctor, you can use steroid (hormonal) creams for several days, applying them to inflamed, itchy areas of the skin;
  • Take antihistamines (anti-allergy medications) to stop itching - consult your doctor before use.

Antihistamine tablets can also cause severe drowsiness, so do not drive, use power tools, or do heavy work that requires alertness after taking them.

Some antidepressants, such as paroxetine or sertraline, can relieve itching (if your doctor prescribes them, it does not mean you are depressed).

If you have itching in hairy areas, such as your scalp, your doctor may prescribe a special lotion instead of using sticky creams.

Which doctor should I consult if my skin itches?

Using the NaPopravku service, you can quickly find doctors who usually diagnose and treat itchy skin. This:

  • dermatologist - if itching is associated with a skin disease;
  • allergist - if you are prone to allergies;
  • therapist/pediatrician - if the cause of the itching is not clear and initial diagnosis is required.

If you are not sure which doctor to see, use the Who Treats It section of the website. There, based on your symptoms, you can more accurately decide on the choice of a doctor.


Dryness, prolonged sun exposure, bites, diseases of internal organs, infections, allergies - any of these factors can cause irritating itching of the skin, which you want to get rid of as quickly as possible. Special ointments, usually containing camphor, menthol and other soothing ingredients, help relieve itching. The most undesirable thing is itching associated with bacterial infection; try not to disturb the skin: scratches and cuts become a path for infections. Prolonged itching, especially in combination with skin trauma, should be a signal to seek medical help.

How it manifests itself

Itching occurs as an irritated skin condition that causes the desire to scratch the affected area. He can be local(in a limited area) or widespread all over the body. In some cases, the body itches at night, preventing you from sleeping peacefully.

Itching that covers the entire surface of the body is more difficult to cure than local itching. Sometimes skin damage is observed in the area of ​​its manifestation: bumps, blisters, redness and other abnormal conditions.

Changes in the skin may indicate a serious illness (for example, scabies, lichen, eczema, etc.), so you should show them to a dermatologist; urgent medical attention may be required.

Why does it occur

Itching is caused by many reasons. Very often it is a psychological problem, the result of anxiety or stress. In turn, itching that occurs for other reasons can cause anxiety or provoke stress, increasing the problem and discomfort. Pay attention to the main causes of itching:

Diabetes, shingles, irritation from fabrics or cosmetics, deteriorating living conditions, pregnancy and many other factors can also be the cause. However, most people do not have serious illnesses and can get rid of the itching with a little effort.

How to relieve itching

Trying to get rid of itching, some victims scratch the affected areas with their nails; at first this leads to noticeable relief. But then the itching intensifies due to scratches from scratching. Damage provides access to infections, and prolonged scratching may cause dark spots and lumps to appear on the skin. Therefore, you should try not to scratch the itchy skin at all, although, as practice shows, most people do not have enough endurance for this.

Itching can be relieved by exposure to cold. The same nerve endings are responsible for these sensations, so cold relieves itching. Use any available means for this.

  • Apply a clean cloth dampened with cold water to the affected area;
  • Take a cold shower;
  • A cool bath with the addition of oat decoction is effective against itching;
  • Apply ice packs or home-frozen ice cubes wrapped in plastic wrap.

Hot showers are not recommended; they only provide temporary relief. In the future, the itching will intensify due to dry skin and the feeling of tightness caused by hot water. Cooling creams and ointments can be used as an alternative to cold. with camphor and menthol. They act on the nerve endings and stop the itching, but for a short time. Therefore, the cream must be used frequently and reapplied as soon as the effect wears off.

Sometimes ointment is used against itching with hydrocortisone, there is a high probability of getting a backlash, since this component is intended for a specific effect, for example, for eczema and seborrhea. And even for these diseases, over-the-counter ointment is completely useless, since it has a low concentration of the active substance (1%). Hydrocortisone has no effect on insect bites at all; use the ointment only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Also used to relieve itching antihistamines medicines sold without a prescription. Such drugs cause drowsiness and should not be used when working with complex equipment or driving a car. It should be noted that new generation antihistamines have virtually no sedative effect, some of them are available without a doctor's prescription.

If you have tried all the remedies and the itching does not go away, lumps or dark spots have appeared, do not sleep at night - it is time to seek medical help. The doctor will diagnose and prescribe treatment for the underlying disease that caused the itching, along with soothing ointments and, if necessary, recommend antihistamines.



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