American Staffordshire Terrier (Amstaff): appearance, differences, character and rules for choosing a puppy. American Staffordshire Terrier: description of the breed, character, photo Staffordshire Terrier black and white

The Amstaff, also known as the American Staffordshire Terrier, is a world-famous dog breed with a controversial reputation. Some consider him a nanny for children, others an evil fighting dog. In a sense, both sides are right. The Amstaff is universal, it can be trained in almost any specialty, but above all it is an athlete and companion, which is suitable for experienced dog breeders, people with a strong character and a steady hand.

The Amstaff descended from a pit bull, which was bred by crossing terriers, old-style bulldogs and some other breeds. But first things first.

Bulldogs have existed in Great Britain for a very long time, they were used for hunting, and then used for bull baiting and dog fighting. It’s just that in the 18th century they were significantly different from modern ones. These were proportionally built, agile dogs that stood on straight legs of medium length. Which terriers took part in the selection remains a controversial issue. Most likely, in each region of England these were different breeds. In Birmingham, the English White Terrier cross gave rise to the breed that is widely popular and known as the Bull Terrier. And it appeared in Staffordshire. The latter were actively exported to the USA and already at the end of the 19th century became widely known overseas as the Pit Bull Terrier or the American Pit Bull Terrier.

In 1898, American pit bull breeder Shaunsey Bennett founded the United Kennel Club, which began registering first fighting and then hunting dogs. Bennett paid attention to working qualities; an important condition was the presence of a game in dogs, a desire to fight and win. But over time, more and more owners began to appear who did not want to come into contact with fighting in one way or another and saw their pets exclusively as companions. They contacted the dog breeders association and asked for registration rights. The AKC was ready to open a stud book for the American Pit Bull Terrier, but on the condition that the name of the breed would be changed. In 1936, the American Kennel Club recognized pit bulls under the name American Staffordshire Terrier. A standard was written for the breed. The goal of selection was now to breed human-friendly, sporting companion dogs that would conform in appearance to the developed standard.

Thus, the breeds and the Staffordshire Terrier were divided, but this division can only be called conditional, since to this day their lines often intersect with each other, and some dogs have double registration in one association; they are registered as pit bulls, and in the other as Amstaffs.

Video review of the American Staffordshire Terrier (Amstaff) breed

What should Amstaff look like according to the standard?

The appearance of the Amstaff speaks without words of power, confidence and fortitude: the physique is compact, the look is straightforward, attentive, steel muscles roll under the dry skin. The dog stands firmly on even, strong legs, wide cheekbones, back and croup, massive chest - all this gives the impression of reliability and solidity. Ideal height: 43-46 cm for females and 46-48 cm for males.

The skull is almost square in shape. The muzzle is of medium length, the stop is sharp, the bridge of the nose is rounded. The jaws are well defined and very strong. The lips are dense, not saggy. The cheekbones are sharply expressed. The cheeks are well muscled. The nose is black and the eyes are dark brown. Preference is given to small, uncropped ears; they can be rose-shaped or semi-erect. The eyes are small, round, deep-set and widely spaced. The eyelids are well pigmented.

Ears can be cropped in countries where this is not prohibited.

In well-built dogs, the length of the body should be approximately equal to the height. The anterior part of the sternum is very well developed. It is worth considering that an excessively wide chest and correspondingly widely spaced paws reduce the dog’s mobility. The sides of the chest are rounded, but not barrel-shaped. The tail is set low, strong, wide at the base, tapering to the tip, not too long. The abdomen is moderately tucked. The neck is voluminous, of medium length, widening towards the shoulders. The legs are large, strong, and of normal length. The fingers are well collected.

The short, smooth, shiny coat lies close to the skin. There is no undercoat. Colors can be very diverse: solid, colored, spotted, brindle. Unacceptable for the Amstaff: black and tan, liver and white when it covers more than 80% of the body.


Amstaff is active and courageous, he has determination, strength and a unique intelligence. The character is in some sense paradoxical, because it combines a number of absolutely opposite qualities: tenderness and strength, perseverance and sensitivity, intransigence and good nature. Amstaff is fearless, but strives for safety. He is touchy to the core and can be vindictive.

Contrary to popular opinion, the Amstaff was not bred for fighting, but it came from a fighting breed and this left its mark on the psyche. If you look at the standard, you will see the following:

  • Temperament is strong, agile, balanced. By nature, the Amstaff should be cheerful, independent, self-reliant, vigilant, curious and very intelligent.
  • Flaws: increased excitability, nervousness, timidity.
  • Vices: unbalanced psyche, cowardice, aggression towards a person.

Amstaff is very attached to the owner and other family members. At home he behaves quite calmly, but on walks he is an active and inquisitive companion, an excellent athlete. He is insensitive to pain, is not one of the nervous dogs, is persistent and balanced, and always openly makes contact.

If necessary, this dog will defend the home and family, but purposefully training aggression is categorically not recommended. The Amstaff is naturally friendly and sociable; he will greet guests with a wagging tail and should not snap at strangers. Amstaff is strong, self-confident, he never growls and very rarely barks.

The Staffordshire Terrier should have such a wonderful character according to the standard. Unfortunately, not all dog owners and breeders select pairs responsibly and competently; offspring are produced by dogs with various shortcomings or even disqualifying defects: aggressive, stupid, cowardly. These qualities can be inherited by descendants, who are bred again and again “for health” or for material gain.

Education and training

To raise a good Amstaff, you will have to put in a lot of effort. Difficulties may arise due to the puppy’s stubbornness and hyperactivity, as well as due to increased interest in his brothers.

Amstaff is suitable for young, energetic people who are willing to devote a lot of time to training their dog.

The Amstaff is quite trainable; it learns commands quite quickly, but may not be in a hurry to carry them out. The dog must be raised strictly, but under no circumstances should it show aggression or cruelty. Amstaff needs a patient, strong leader who will become a friend and mentor. A dog that does not recognize its owner as a leader is a problem dog.

Video: correction of unwanted behavior of Amstaff:

Content Features

The Amstaff is not suitable for street life; moreover, the dog cannot be kept in a closed enclosure or on a leash; this affects its psyche and its behavior in the future can be unpredictable. The Amstaff is a companion dog that must constantly be in close contact with a person. He may not sleep on the master's bed, but he must always be nearby and participate in all family affairs. During the cold season, the Amstaff requires insulation. Clothing is selected according to the season, it must be of high quality and comfortable. At home, the dog must have a sleeping place, bowls for water and food, toys and ammunition. For training, it is recommended to use a noose or a strict collar; for walking an obedient dog, a harness is the best option.

You need to walk your Amstaff a lot in order to channel all his energy into a peaceful direction.

With sufficient physical activity, the Amstaff will behave calmly at home. If a dog is not given proper attention, it will begin to spoil things and release its pent-up energy in other unwanted ways. Very active puppies are often locked in a crate while no one is home, this helps keep valuables safe. Amstaffs are very attached to their toys, but on the street they prefer to play with something larger: a brick, a tire, a log. Amstaff performs well in various sports.

Video: epic parkour of the American Staffordshire Terrier


Amstaff care is simple. Periodically, the dog is brushed with a thick brush or a special mitten for short-haired breeds. This is necessary to help renew the coat and reduce the amount of wool in the house. They bathe no more than once a month. After a walk, if necessary, wipe the coat with a damp towel or rinse in the shower without shampoo. Monitor the condition of the eyes and ears, which should always remain dry and clean. The claws are slightly filed as they grow, but with good physical activity and walking on the asphalt, they grind down on their own. If the dog eats natural food, it is advisable to accustom it to brushing its teeth and perform the procedure 1-2 times a week.


Most owners prefer to feed their Amstaff natural products. The decision is explained by the fact that good ready-made food can provide a dog with a set of vital nutrients, but does not contribute to muscle gain. Another thing is natural nutrition, the basis of which is protein foods. On a meat diet, a dog who also plays sports looks really impressive: strong, strong with clearly visible muscle definition. A natural diet also includes a certain amount of cereals, vegetables, fruits, herbs, as well as fermented milk products, eggs and fish.

For pets who lead a moderately active lifestyle, ready-made super-premium or holistic food is also suitable. Pay attention to the diet for active medium-sized breeds.

It is enough to feed an adult dog 2 times a day. During intense physical activity, light snacks are allowed, increasing the daily diet by 20-40%. Portions should be eaten at one time.

Health and life expectancy

In general, Amstaffs have good health, but years of selection have left their mark on the genetics. There are a number of hereditary diseases in the breed:

  • Heart disease (valvular malformations, subaortic stenosis, cardiac arrhythmia);
  • Hip dysplasia;
  • Cataract;
  • Bloating and volvulus of the stomach;
  • von Willebrand's disease;
  • Hypothyroidism;
  • Cutaneous histiocytoma and hemangioma. With age, it is possible to develop other tumor diseases, including malignant ones;
  • Various types of allergies.

Selection and price of a puppy

Having considered the decision to buy an Amstaff, start looking for a suitable litter, paying attention not only to the puppies, but also to their parents. It is advisable to see how at least one of the parents behaves on the street, how they obey the owner and treat their fellow tribesmen. Ask the breeder to provide documents confirming the origin. Puppies at three months of age must be dewormed and given their first vaccinations.

You should never choose a dog based solely on a photograph, especially when it comes to such a serious breed.

When examining, you will understand, pay attention to their appearance; babies should be moderately well-fed, active, with shiny, smooth hair; there should be no redness or discharge on the mucous membranes. The bite is correct. Even puppies' eyelids, nose and lips should already be pigmented. Pink spots are a drawback; such puppies are sold cheaper and belong to the so-called pet class. They are unlikely to achieve high marks in shows and should not be allowed for breeding. It is recommended to pick up a puppy no earlier than two months of age. In rare cases, breeders give dogs to experienced owners at one and a half months, immediately after activation.

Usually after the expression “fighting dog” a portrait of a bloodthirsty, stupid monster with one goal in mind is drawn - to kill. It is precisely this hostage of human stereotypes, and sometimes, unfortunately, illiterate treatment of the breed, that the Staffordshire Terrier is. This is a dog with a menacing appearance and absolutely childlike trust in relations with humans.

History of the origin of the breed

The history of the breed dates back to the deep Middle Ages. Until 1800, spectacular gladiatorial fights were popular in England. Both man and man, man and animal, fought. For the crowd this was the main entertainment event. Gradually, bloody battles began to become more “humane”; people stopped participating in them. But the crowd was still entertained by dogs that poisoned other animals. Most often bulls.

But there is evidence that the King and his nobles loved to watch monkeys, lions, tigers and bears being poisoned. But initially, dogs did not show cruelty towards other animals; man made them that way for his own amusement. One day, the Earl of Stamford, an English city, was contemplating the views from his balcony, as usual, and a scene caught his eye: two bulls were fighting.

One of the bulls became mad with pain and rushed away. Then, several dogs chased him to return him to the grounds. The count liked the rampage of the bulls, and he officially ordered similar competitions to be held every year, including dogs.

Subsequently, bloody spectacles were practiced more and more. People began to bring out those suitable for battle. Mastiffs and bulldogs were used. These were heavyweight giants on the field. But their dimensions let them down and the dogs often found themselves under the hooves. Then they already understood that they needed a strong, muscular, but nimble and lean dog that moved quickly and maneuverably. From the bulldogs they began to choose the most muscular and agile ones.

This is interesting! In 1835, the English Parliament prohibited all forms of fighting involving bulls. But, unfortunately, people’s excitement does not subside and dog-dog fights appear.

By this time, breeds were known that can be called the forefathers of modern Staffordshire Terriers. This is a bulldog and terrier. The Bulldog of the 1840s-1860s is a dog weighing 22-23 kg, with high limbs, an elongated muzzle and a long tail. The terrier, according to some sources the fox terrier, was described as a small-sized but agile dog, temperamental and attacking until the enemy is completely defeated. The crossing of these two breeds gave birth to a new species called the bull and terrier, which absorbed all the qualities necessary for fighting from the bulldog and terrier.

From that time on, Bull and Terriers became indispensable participants in dog battles. Special rings with wooden walls were built. The fight was clearly regulated and had rules. Dogs with the best wrestling qualities were selected for the league. Soon these dogs are called pit dogs and pit bull terriers. After 1870, pit dogs came to America, where they continued to actively perform in animal fights. But at this time, some breeders notice that there are dogs that do not show aggression in fights and they are more drawn to humans.

Some American breeders, led by W. Brandon, began to specifically select such individuals, avoiding bloody battles, cultivating the qualities of companions and helpers. They were cuter than pit bulls, more friendly and relatively calm in reacting to other animals. And in 1936, the breed was officially registered - the Staffordshire Terrier. Later, the “American” Staffordshire Terrier is added in order to separate the breed from the Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

Description of the Staffordshire Terrier

The Staffordshire Terrier is a strong, resilient, muscular dog. Shows incredible courage and even more incredible devotion and love for a person. Suitable for security, hunting, sports. Great friend and... Wonderful .

Breed standards

  • Height: 46-48 cm for males, 44-46 cm for females.
  • Weight: 27-30 kg for males, 25-27 for females.
  • According to the standard, the dog should look strong and robust. Overweight or underweight is not allowed.
  • Head: wide, muscles are clearly expressed. A clear transition from forehead to muzzle.
  • Eyes: deep-set, small, dark.
  • Ears: Cropped and undocked are allowed.
  • Strong jaw. The nose is black.
  • Neck: Wide, muscular and massive.
  • Coat: short, shiny.

The forelimbs are widely spaced. Strong. Medium sized paws. The gait is springy.

Stafford colors

The colors are varied, among them there are the following types:

  1. Blue. Shades vary from light blue to bluish-dark. The lighter the shade, the lighter the nose.
  2. Black. In the light it does not give off any other shades, it is a deep black color. Small markings are acceptable in the area of ​​the nose and paws. The eyes are dark brown or almost black.
  3. “Seal” color: when the dog is completely black in the shade, but in the sun the color turns red.
  4. "Black Boston": white on the face, neck, back and paws. The rest is black.
  5. Brindle. Brindle-reddish, uneven brindle are allowed.
  6. Ginger. The color is even throughout the body. The nose is black. The eyes are dark brown.
  7. “Boar” color or red “with a touch.” When the main color of the coat is red, but on the surface some hairs are dark in color. A heart-shaped pattern is created on the head. Dark plaque can be only on the head, on the head and tail and throughout the body.
  8. White. The nose, eyelids, lips and eyes are pigmented. The nose is black or gray.
  9. Pale yellow. Or sand color. The eyes are dark. Black pigment on the nose, lips and eyelids.
  10. Blue-fawn color. The wool seems to have a silver coating. It can be on either light fawn or bright red fur. The eyes are dark. The nose is always gray.
  11. Black and tan. The main color is black, with tan markings on the eyebrows, chest, limbs, and under the tail. If there are white markings, then the color is called “tri-color” or “black and tan and white.” There are also variations of three-color colors: blue and tan, black and brindle, blue and brindle.

According to the 1971 FCI standard, any solid color, particolor and spotted, is allowed. White color should not occupy more than 80% of the body. Pure white, as well as black and tan and liver, are not desirable for this standard. However, in the AKC standard, pure white color is completely acceptable.

Dog character

Despite prejudices, the character of the Staffordshire Terrier is very gentle and good-natured towards people. This dog is by no means a plush couch potato - he needs to exercise a lot.

Amstaff loves his owner and his entire family endlessly and devotedly. This is an amazingly smart dog. She distinguishes between adults and children. In games with children it becomes more gentle, and adults will bravely and bravely defend. It attacks only if it sees a direct threat to the life of its owner or family members. To do this, it is important to raise the staff from a puppy. A careless “would-be owner” who doesn’t take the time to train the dog can get a lot of negative consequences.

Important! The owner will have to devote at least two hours a day to intensive outdoor exercise with an adult dog. You can combine it with your own sports training, as this dog will perfectly support you in Frisbee hobbies and swimming lessons.

The American Staffordshire Terrier breed standard excludes unmotivated aggression in the dog's character towards humans. Breeders deliberately excluded from breeding individuals who were equally aggressive towards other dogs and humans, leaving the most human-oriented representatives. Qualities that are inherent in a thoroughbred Amstaff, brought up according to all the rules: intelligence, devotion, courage, endurance, the desire to protect a person, respond to the slightest demands of the owner, be his guard and friend.

The only drawback of this dog is that it cannot ignore the command of its owner. And here it is extremely important that the owner himself is mentally healthy, adequate and does not pose a threat to society. The Staffordshire Terrier really needs attention from people and feels best in a home environment, with family. This dog is not suitable for living on the street or in an enclosure. In this case, she may lose her sociability, become rude or too distrustful.


On average, Staffordshire Terriers live 12-15 years.

Proper care and care brings human and animal together and increases the level of affection. Keeping a dog includes maintaining hygiene, proper feeding and proper training. This is an important component in maintaining your pet's health.

Care and hygiene

Despite the fact that this dog's coat is short and smooth, it still requires care in the form of periodic combing with stiff bristles. Before exhibitions, washing and grooming are required. But even in normal, non-exhibition times, Amstaffs are happy to do it. Before bathing, it is necessary to inspect the animal for scratches, cuts, and minor wounds. If there are any, the procedure is postponed.

This is interesting! To make the Amstaff's coat shiny, you can wipe it with car suede after bathing.

After washing, the dog should not emit any unpleasant odors. If they are present or suddenly appear, it is better to immediately show the animal to a doctor. An unpleasant odor may be a symptom of an infectious disease. The dog is walked daily for 1.5-2 hours. It is necessary to play and exercise with the dog in a specially designated area. In crowded places, keep nearby on a leash and muzzle to avoid unpleasant incidents when meeting drunk people or stray dogs.

The staff's eyes and ears should be inspected regularly and, if necessary, cleaned with a cotton pad previously soaked in warm boiled water. If the dog has redness, then this area can also be wiped with a cotton pad or rinsed with chamomile decoction. Anal gland care should also be done regularly and as needed. It is best to do this at your veterinarian's office. Also, under the supervision of a specialist, you can master this procedure and repeat it yourself at home.

Stafford diet

There are two approaches to feeding dogs. Natural food and... In both cases, you should choose quality products and carefully choose the manufacturer. If the owner feeds natural food, then it is imperative to balance the diet, add vitamins and microelements, and select a varied menu. If feeding dry food, you should choose food. They contain the most optimal and health-friendly composition.

When feeding dry food, there is no additional need to include a vitamin complex. Feeding should occur according to a schedule, at the same time. Best after a walk. Remaining food is immediately removed. Clean drinking water should be available to the dog around the clock, regardless of the type of food.

Let's take a closer look at the method of natural feeding

  • The basis should be animal protein. Raw and boiled meat is suitable. Beef, chicken or turkey, liver, offal, fish. Lamb should be given no more than twice a week.
  • From fermented milk products give cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt. It’s good to mix an egg into the cottage cheese, once a week.
  • Porridge: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, corn. Definitely with the addition of meat, vegetables, herbs.
  • Amstaffs are very popular feast on offal: giblets, scars, heads, ventricles, hearts. It is better to give this delicacy boiled.
  • Fish also very beneficial for the dog's health. Before serving, you can either boil and remove all the bones, or simmer until the bones become soft.

When the puppy begins to teethe, you need to give him sugar or spinal bones. But frequent feeding of bones to adult dogs can lead to constipation and damage to tooth enamel.

It is strictly forbidden to feed your dog the following foods:

Sausage, sausages, cookies, candy! You should not give leftovers from the table, since the dog’s stomach will not be able to cope with fatty foods, seasonings and all kinds of food additives. Salty, sweet, smoked, spicy, fatty, stale, moldy foods are not allowed.

Important! Under no circumstances should you overfeed your staff. Obesity has an extremely negative impact on the health of this breed!

As for dry food, as mentioned above, it is better to choose premium and super-premium class. The modern market provides an opportunity to choose such feeds. The Royal Canin, Hills, Acana, and Grandorf food lines have proven themselves well.

Diseases and breed defects

In general, the American Staffordshire Terrier is in good health. Like all dogs, they are susceptible to viral diseases, so it is important to get all the necessary vaccinations on time. Staffies have sensitive digestion. It is important to choose the right diet and not overfeed the animal. Breed-specific health problems for Staffordshire Terriers include:

  1. Dermatological diseases;
  2. Colitis;
  3. Inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  4. Benign tumors;
  5. Problems with ;
  6. Eye diseases: entropion, cataracts, etc.

The most unpleasant breed defect is ataxia is a genetic lesion of the cerebellum. Unfortunately, it is impossible to diagnose this disease until 3-5 years of age. Symptoms arise rapidly - the dog’s coordination of movements is sharply disrupted. The only thing the owner can do is to familiarize himself with the tests of the puppy’s parents for this disease.

Education and training

For successful training, motivation must be developed. There are three types of motivation in dogs:

  1. Food.
  2. Social.
  3. Gaming.

Amstaffs have all three types of motivation clearly represented and this helps them achieve incredible progress in their studies.

Important! You need to exercise your dog for at least 2-3 hours every day.

In a person, the Amstaff appreciates strength of character and constancy. You can’t “babble” with him. It will be much more useful to initially build a hierarchy where the owner is the leader. A person inevitably begins to communicate with animals as with people, so it is better and more correct to address the staff as an adult, and not as a child. It is also worth choosing firm and confident intonations. The owner’s word should sound clear and precise.

With this presentation, the dog quickly learns that any of its actions can only begin with permission. This is especially true for the FAS team. There are usually several people in a family. It is imperative that all family members behave the same way around this dog. There should be no connivance. Everyone must adhere to the same, clear parenting style. The basic minimum commands that the American Staffordshire Terrier is accustomed to from early childhood:

  1. « Sit“- you need to clearly, distinctly and loudly pronounce the command, showing a piece of treat. As soon as the puppy sees the piece, raise the food higher. The puppy will stretch forward and automatically sit on the floor. At this moment, it is important to help the dog sit down with your hand, say the command “Sit” again and be sure to give a treat in order to establish a positive cause-and-effect relationship between the execution of the command and the reward.
  2. « To me“- the command is pronounced at a time when the dog is at a distance, but in the person’s field of vision. When spoken, a treat is also shown. As soon as the dog runs up, the “Sit” command is executed and a treat is given.
  3. « Lie" - the command is executed similarly to the command "Sit", with a difference in position.
  4. « Near“- this command should be taught during a walk, after intense physical exercise.
  5. « Place"- the command is practiced before bedtime, when the puppy is on its bedding.
  6. « Aport"- performed while playing with the dog.

Training must be consistent and constant. It is necessary to choose the right load and stages of mastering commands and elements. If the owner has little theoretical knowledge and practical skills in training, you should definitely seek advice from specialist dog handlers.

If you dream of a strong, courageous dog with excellent guarding abilities, then the American Staffordshire Terrier is exactly what you need. The characteristics of the breed prescribe these dogs such qualities as fearlessness, strength, perseverance, devotion, intelligence, and the desire to be useful to their owner. The strength and power of this animal can be seen even in the photo.

The Amstaff, as it is also called, requires careful attention and needs skillful, proper training and active walks. The dog is not suitable for calm, insecure people, because they have a highly developed protective instinct. The main condition is that the Staff Terrier must be close to the owner. This is an unusually intelligent dog that is able to distinguish between real and imagined threats. They need long, active walks and feel great in an apartment or house, but such a dog cannot be chained or kept on the street.

A distinctive characteristic of the breed is phenomenal strength. American Staffordshire Terriers are trained in weight-pulling - dragging heavy objects over a certain distance (see video). By the way, this is a good way not only to keep your dog in shape, but also an opportunity to transfer the dog’s irrepressible strength and energy into a peaceful direction. Staff has won the hearts of those who are looking for a wonderful family protector, friend, companion.

The American Staffordshire Terrier dog breed was bred in the USA more than a hundred years ago primarily for dog fighting. The breed appeared after crossing game terriers, bulldogs, and possibly fox terriers. These breeds were taken from such qualities as endurance, strength, courage, unpretentiousness and, of course, intelligence. When the ancestors of modern dogs, called Staff Terriers, were brought to England, they were used to guard livestock, hunt with them, and some were used for dog fighting. The American Staffordshire breed received official recognition only in 1972.

Characteristics of the American Staffordshire Terrier breed

The American Staff Terrier is an energetic, strong dog with a muscular, well-built body, but at the same time agile and lively (see photo). The description of the breed regulates the size of the dogs. Thus, the height of males ranges from 45-48 cm at the withers, females are approximately 44-46 cm. Weight should be proportional to height, about 30 kg, but the Amstaff should not give the impression of being overweight or inactive.

The American Staffordshire Terrier has a well-developed deep chest and widely spaced front paws (see photo). The head is small, with pronounced muscles, quite wide with a clear transition from the forehead to the muzzle.

High-set ears may or may not be cropped in countries where this is possible, but they should be erect. The eyes are only dark in color, small, deep set. The nose is black.

The American Staff Terrier has medium-sized paws, straight with strong bones, and a light and springy gait (see photo).

The description of the breed does not clearly regulate the colors, but black and tan, a reddish tint, and white on more than 80% of the body are undesirable (see photo).


The American Staffordshire Terrier, as the breed description says, is a highly intelligent dog. Amstaffs are quite easy to train, remember commands well, but require careful attention and repeated command repetition for unconditional execution in any conditions. Unfortunately, the reputation of the American breed has been greatly damaged and in the wrong hands an adult Staff Terrier can become a rather dangerous opponent (see video).

It is worth noting that Amstaffs are quite stubborn; owners must take this feature into account by becoming their leader, who must be obeyed unquestioningly. Despite the fact that the main characteristic of the American breed presents us with a formidable fighter, the staff does not attack just like that, but only if there is a real threat to the owner or his property. But for this you need not only to choose the right puppy, but also to raise him well.

Training an Amstaff puppy should begin from the first days of life in a new home. Commands such as “come to me”, “fu”, “sit”, “near”, “no” should be brought to automaticity. The purpose of training is to make the pet obedient and act only after the owner’s command. Staff will not understand beating or coercion, a pet can only be punished by temporary neglect, the dog must respect you.

A very important condition in raising a puppy is its socialization. Immediately after appearing in your home, the Amstaff must learn that those around him do not want to harm him, and any attempts at unmotivated aggression must be stopped from childhood. Improper upbringing can pose a danger not only to others, but, unfortunately, also to the owner’s family. Once again, I would like to remind you that the American Staffordshire Terrier breed is still a “fighting” dog by definition, which requires the owner to have certain training skills; it is better for beginners not to get such a dog.

The characteristics of the American Staffordshire Terrier say that it is a short-haired dog without undercoat (see photo). There is no need to comb or cut the animal; after a walk, you just need to dry your pet well, if it gets dirty, comb it regularly with a massage brush to remove dead hairs. In addition, it is worth monitoring the animal’s ears, skin and, if necessary, trim its claws regularly. In general, this variety has good health and immunity.

High-quality physical activity, walks, and games are much more important for the full life of American Staffordshire Terrier dogs; they help them learn to interact with other animals and people. With proper care, the Amstaff can live 12-15 years. When walking in crowded places, you should keep your pet on a leash; it would be a good idea to purchase a muzzle.


The description of the Amstaff breed contains a reminder of the tendency of these dogs to obesity, which entails a competent approach to the choice of food. From the first days of a dog’s life in the house, the owner should decide to feed him industrial food or natural food. It is worth remembering, however, that natural nutrition is quite difficult to properly balance.

Dry food should only be of high quality, premium class, because it contains the correct ratio of protein, carbohydrates, fats and vitamins, and also contains the necessary microelements. There are fewer problems with it, because it does not need to be cooked, but often its disadvantage is its rather high price. With this type of feeding, water should always be fresh and freely available.

If it is not possible to feed your pet good quality food, you should choose natural food. The diet of a Staff Terrier pet should include: lean meat - turkey, beef, chicken, offal, always cereals and vegetables, but not more than 20% of the diet, eggs, cottage cheese, very rarely fish.

Proper nutrition can be judged by the condition of the coat; it should be smooth and shiny. In any case, you need to remember that it is strictly forbidden to feed your pet food from our table, smoked meats, fried, salty foods, or tubular bones.

The American Staff will become an intelligent and very devoted dog to its owner if you make every effort to raise it in childhood.

You need to start learning it literally from the first month of life.

Then the puppy will be obedient and caring. Terriers can also be trained for professional fighting.

If there is a small child in the family, you don’t have to worry, because the Amstaff’s behavior with children is distinguished by caution and understanding.

The dog knows very well that the child is much weaker and will succumb to the baby; it gets along well not only with children, but also with other pets.

Owners can recognize health problems by the following signs:

  • Amstaff's nose is warm and completely dry, the pupils of the eyes are dull;
  • poor sleep and loss of appetite;
  • unpresentable appearance of dog hair, loss of shine;
  • frequent urge to urinate, even breathing and wet mucous membranes.

Puppies need care and proper care. To prevent your dog from getting sick, you need to bathe it on time, walk it, and brush its teeth, ears and nose.

If you are thinking about buying a puppy of this breed, you need to know what types of terriers are available and what are their differences.

Breed varieties

Show-class staff belong to high-breed dogs and have clearly defined qualities described in the breed standard.

This puppy is worth buying if you are serious about preparing for exhibitions, competitions, or want to open a kennel of American Staffordshire Terriers.

Breeding class - such dogs are also called breeding dogs, these are typical representatives of the Amstafa breed, which do not have strong deviations from the breed standard, and are suitable for exhibition and breeding.

Pet class. Such a pet may have defects. This could be an asymmetrical skull, dental irregularities, an unusual color for a Staffordshire Terrier, or an atypical tail shape.

Such defects do not have negative consequences for the health of puppies, but they are not suitable for breeding.

The Amstaff puppy looks like a chubby round puppy with a bare belly.

He is very active, enjoys chewing on slippers and loves to misbehave in the house in every possible way.

For this reason, from the first days of acquaintance, you need to educate him and accustom him to order.

To prevent your dog from dragging your socks, T-shirts and other items around the room, make sure you have a sufficient arsenal of toys. They should be made of a variety of materials.

There are whole myths and legends about Staffordshire Terriers. It depends only on the owners how this pet will grow up.

If you abandon your dog and do not pay enough attention to its upbringing, the older dog may become angry and show aggression.

To achieve obedience and correct behavior from a four-legged animal, follow some rules.


    The educational process should begin at the age of no later than 1.5-6 months. Even as a baby, a terrier must understand what behavior is acceptable and what is not.

    Then you won’t have any difficulties when the dog grows up and his character develops.

    Introduce your four-legged friend to the environment from the very first days, always praise for correctly executed commands and punish for misbehavior and incorrect behavior.

    But you cannot punish a dog by shouting or using physical force.

    Provide your pet with a well-chosen and balanced menu. You can consult your veterinarian on this issue.

    The diet must contain water, dietary supplements, minerals and vitamins of groups A, B, C, D, E, K.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier puppies are smaller than American Staffordshire Terriers, but both breeds have bold personality traits.

Such dogs are good protectors and loyal friends for the whole family. The terrier is distinguished by intellectual abilities and the ability to restrain emotions even under the most unexpected circumstances.


Many owners, due to their inexperience, begin to play the game “tug of war” with terrier puppies.

This game is very useful and interesting for pets, but at the age of up to 4 months, it can be dangerous for the baby.

The essence of the game is to take away a rope or piece of fabric from each other. For this activity, buy a rope at a specialty store.

Why might this be dangerous for the puppy? She may develop an incorrect bite, and when all the teeth are fully formed, she can play with a rope or string without fear.

When all the teeth are replaced with new ones, they need care. The dog is not able to provide the necessary care for its oral cavity on its own.

You will need dog toothpaste, which should be periodically applied to your puppy's teeth with your fingers or a brush.

Never use human toothpaste, it is very foamy and causes stomach upset in animals.


Staffordshire Terrier puppies need to get used to certain things during childhood.

In the first months of life, they are fed up to 5-6 times a day, but in small portions so that the baby does not overeat.

If you find leftover food after eating, hide it until next time. Don't let your dog eat at random.

Your pet should have only water freely available at all times, because he spends a lot of energy reserves and strength on games and pampering.

As they grow older, the number of meals is reduced, but the volumes increase. Upon reaching 4 months, the dog eats three meals a day, and an adult dog needs two meals.


Your home must have a first aid kit containing everything your pet needs in case emergency assistance is needed.

Puppies are like children and strive to climb absolutely everywhere, they can chew through wires, dump something heavy on themselves, and so on.

The first aid kit should contain iodine, bandages, medications for treating the animal after injury, painkillers and other medications.

Your veterinarian can advise you on a more extensive list that you should stock up on.

Where is it generally customary to buy and sell these animals? First of all, we need to talk about nurseries.

By choosing an American Staffordshire Terrier kennel, you can find a healthy and beautiful dog of this breed.

But be prepared for the corresponding prices; check immediately how much a puppy costs in a particular nursery.

In such places, the best puppies of the litter are often kept, and the rest are offered for sale, and at an exorbitant price.

On the Internet you can find out how much such a puppy costs from private sellers. In this case, you need to try to protect yourself by asking the sellers to show not only the staff, but also his parents.

This method is good because it will be convenient to pick up the puppy in your city. But despite the prices, nurseries are safer places for such purchases.

If you decide to become a Stafford breeder yourself, know that it is troublesome, but can bring good income.

These puppies have always been appreciated, how much does a staff cost?

The price varies between 50-1000 dollars, depending on the pedigree, documents and place of purchase.

Once you get such a dog, you won’t want another one; the Stafford is a wonderful companion, a guard and just a funny dog!

Photo gallery

Despite the widespread opinion about the aggressiveness of this breed, it should be said that with proper care and education, your pet will pleasantly surprise others with its friendliness and calmness.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Brave
  • Stable psyche
  • Suitable for various jobs, hunting, sports
  • Easily trainable
  • Good health
  • Needs training and serious upbringing
  • Not at all suitable for inactive people

Description of the breed

The Staffordshire Terrier dog breed (also called Amstaff) belongs to the group of service dogs. These are strong, stocky and very muscular dogs that do an excellent job of guarding people and territory. The Amstaff is quite stubborn and self-willed, so only experienced owners should own it. To create an emotional contact between the owner and the dog, long training and excellent discipline are required. On the street, it is recommended not to let your pet off the leash, because... Terriers have a highly developed protective instinct. They will perceive any potential ill-wisher as a threat to the life of the owner, and will immediately attack.

The character of the American Terrier is flexible and adapts well to its owner. These dogs do not have an innate hostility towards strangers, but they are always on the alert. A dog will show its best qualities when guarding a house with a garden plot, where it can run freely. But if you decide to have an Amstaff in your apartment, it’s okay. Provided you take long daily walks and skillful upbringing, your pet will not cause you much trouble. Living together with other pets is only possible if the dog has become accustomed to them since childhood. Having a kitten with an adult amstaff is not a good idea.

Staffordshire Terrier breed standard

The first official description of the Staffordshire Terrier breed was adopted in America in 1936. Its creator is W. Brandon, who later organized the American Staffordshire Terrier Club of the USA. His passion for this dog breed, painstaking work to identify the main characteristics of the breed and communication with like-minded people caused a resonance in the world of dog handlers. Subsequently, the standard did not change at all, and by 1972 the Fédération Cynologique Internationale accepted it as the official international standard for the breed. Height is about 45-48 cm at the withers for males and approximately 44-46 for females. There is no weight limit, but must be proportional to the dog's build.

    General Appearance: Should give the impression of being a very strong, large dog for its height, with a robust build. Lethargy or excessive weight are not acceptable. Amstaff is a very lively and active dog with an incredibly courageous character.

    The head is small, wide, with prominent muscles. The transition from forehead to muzzle is clearly pronounced. Ears may or may not be cropped. If the ears are not cropped, they should stand up. The eyes are small, dark in color, and deep set. The jaws are very strong. The nose is pigmented black.

    The neck is massive, muscular, wide.

    The limbs are strong, the front legs are widely spaced, which ensures stability. Medium sized paws. The gait is confident and springy.

  1. The color of the Amstaff is not regulated, but black and tan or with a reddish tint is undesirable.

Character and characteristics of the Staffordshire Terrier

The character of an Amstaff is directly related to its pedigree. Initially, the dog breed was bred to participate in battles and bait wild animals. Strength, speed and agility are the main characteristics of the American Terrier. But, despite its complex history, the Amstaff is not a monster at all. He is very devoted to his owner and tries to please him in everything. To prevent a dog from perceiving others as a threat to a loved one, it is important to educate it from childhood. Terriers are very brave animals, ready to do anything for their family. All amstaffs cope well not only with the role of companion and protector, but also with official work. They are predisposed to tracking and search and rescue work, hunting (tracking prey), agility training and many other types of training.

Like many other dogs, Staffords are not suited to lying on the couch. This is an active dog that will happily support you in summer jogging, playing sports or swimming. Such a pet will be a full member of the family, and with the proper investment of effort and time in its education, it will pleasantly surprise you. Most often, having got one dog, owners no longer want to look at other pets, completely falling in love with the Amstaff.

Unfortunately, the reputation of this breed has been tarnished by unfavorable reviews in the media. Taking dog attacks as an example of the unreliability of the breed, people do not understand the most important thing - the Amstaff attacks only when it sees a direct threat to the owner. An ill-mannered dog that perceives everyone around them as a danger can do this. But it is not the dogs who are to blame for this, but the people who did not bother to put enough effort and time into training Staffordshire Terriers. The second danger is unscrupulous breeders who cross dogs that are far from the best in terms of genetics (often different breeds), and such puppies often turn out to be unbalanced. This affects not only the owners of such pets, but also the reputation of the breed as a whole.

Pedigree Staffordshire Terriers are devoid of unmotivated aggression at the genetic level. Breeders carefully select the most stable individuals, whose offspring will take the best qualities of their parents. The brave staff is completely devoted to the owner, whose word is law for him. A well-mannered terrier is the best companion you can imagine. His level of intelligence allows him to respond to the slightest demands of his owner.

Amstaff is distinguished by good health and is easy to care for. Genetics awarded him with strong immunity and excellent tolerance to different weather. It is recommended to bathe your pet no more than twice a year. It is important that the dog is in a warm, draft-free place. The pet's short coat does not require combing and practically does not shed. Proper feeding, sufficient exercise, education and love will allow the terrier to live a long and happy life. American Terriers live 10-12 years.

If your dog gets dirty after a walk, wipe it with a terry towel. This simple procedure will help keep your pet clean and at the same time remove dead hair. Once a year, be sure to visit a veterinarian for vaccination. Terriers are not predisposed to specific diseases.

The most important thing in caring for such a dog is to devote a lot of time to it. Walks, games, training, running, swimming - the staff will suit any physical activity. This is a real find for active people.

Feeding the Staffordshire Terrier

Feeding an Amstaff is no different from feeding other purebred dogs. His diet can consist of both dry dry food and natural food. Dry food is more convenient to use, it is stored for a long time and does not require pre-treatment. However, in order to keep your dog healthy, it is important to buy only high-quality industrial food of premium class and higher. If expensive food is not a suitable diet from the owner’s point of view, it is preferable to feed the pet natural food than to buy dubious cheap brands. Beef, poultry, lamb (no more than 2 times a week), and fish are perfect for this. Be sure to add vegetables and cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal). Cottage cheese, kefir and other fermented milk products have a good effect on digestion.

Staffordshire Terrier puppies

Amstaff breeds from 6 to 10 puppies. If you decide to get a four-legged friend, be sure to ask the breeders about its pedigree. It is also advisable to ask about the diet, vaccinations given, the character and condition of the parents and, if any, brothers and sisters from other litters. Dedicated breeders will be happy to tell you a lot of important and interesting things. Particular attention should be paid to the survey if you plan to participate in exhibitions and breed work.

American Terrier puppies are very playful. To direct their energy in the right direction, one should engage in systematic education.

Important tips for keeping a puppy:

    From the first day of arrival in the house, the puppy should know what is allowed and what is not. All people in the house must follow this rule and not allow the dog to do things that are not allowed. Otherwise, having become disillusioned with one owner, the dog will seek loyalty from another.

    Find a quiet place where your puppy can sleep comfortably.

    After a walk, wipe your pet with a towel to remove dust and dirt. Be sure to inspect your dog's ears, paws, and belly.

    In the summer, you can bathe puppies, accustoming them to water procedures.

    Toys are a must-have purchase for every dog. During the period of changing baby teeth, the puppy will chew everything it comes across. To avoid damage to furniture, wires and the pet itself, buy different toys for dogs.

    Physical activity must be strictly dosed. You cannot overload the animal, otherwise there is a risk of improper development of bones and joints.

    When practicing commands, do not shake the puppy by the scruff of the neck and do not hit him under any circumstances. To scold, it is enough to strictly say a prohibiting command.

    Feed only after a walk - running on a full stomach can cause a saggy belly. In addition, an overfed puppy will quickly get tired and go to bed.

    Bowls must be placed on a stand, the height of which should increase according to the height of the pet.

  1. The daily diet should contain at least 30% protein foods. Protein is the main building material for a growing animal’s body.

Training a Staffordshire Terrier

The main goal of training a Staffordshire Terrier is to make the dog obedient, to develop certain skills necessary for the owner for the socialization and further work of the pet. Amstaff is well trained and has the necessary skills.

These dogs have a predisposition to many types of work, ranging from hunting to sports and agility. However, the American Terrier is a rather stubborn dog, so it needs to devote a lot of time and carefully reinforce the material covered. Education will make the dog’s life safe, and the owner will receive maximum pleasure from such communication.

Basic commands that need to be taught to your pet:

    "Sit". Say the command and show the puppy a piece of treat. When the pet becomes interested, raise the food higher. The puppy will stretch and sit on the floor. Say the command again and give the reward.

    "To me". Say the command when the dog is in sight and lure it with food. After your pet runs up, teach him the “sit” command.

    "Lie". It is performed in the same way as sitting with a difference in position.

    "Near". It is better to practice at the end of the walk, when the dog is a little tired.

    Apportation is performed during the game.

  1. The “place” command is best remembered before bedtime, when the puppy falls asleep. Take him to the place and say the command. You can secure the team outside, after taking the bedding with you.

History of the breed

The history of the Stafford begins in England, where his ancestor, the English Bulldog, grew up. The bulldog's excellent fighting qualities were carefully selected and strengthened. Bulldogs were first used as rat arena fighters. After the invention of dog fighting, a more dexterous and agile dog became necessary, combining the tenacity of a bulldog and the agility of a terrier. The crossing of these two breeds revealed the Pit Bull Terrier breed to the world. After the ban on dog fighting, pit bulls remained the favorite dogs of many citizens, and the breed did not disappear. The fashion for pit bull terriers lasted quite a long time. Among wealthy citizens and nobility it was prestigious to keep such a famous dog at home.



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