The harm and benefits of leeches. Hirudotherapy: indications, contraindications

Treatment of diseases with the help of medicinal leeches is called hirudotherapy. This method was used to treat diseases back in ancient times, but even now it has not lost its relevance. Despite the fact that hirudotherapy is an unconventional method, its benefits are also recognized by official medicine. Leeches are capable of healing from many diverse diseases, so this method of treatment can be called almost universal.

The benefits of hirudotherapy

Real medicinal leeches that heal the body are only available in specialized medical institutions; they cannot be found in pharmacies or stores. Leeches must be used correctly, under the guidance of experienced specialists. Medical institutions use high-quality worms, which are grown in special biofactories. This ensures that the creature is safe and will not cause harm when used.

Really beneficial for health is the use of only medicinal leeches. Ordinary river water does not bring any benefit to the body, and if handled improperly, it can even cause harm.

The benefits of treatment with medicinal leeches are the result not only of the bloodletting process itself, but also of the worm’s saliva entering the body. It penetrates the human body at the moment of biting the skin, at the same time the effect of beneficial substances begins.

The mechanism of action and composition of leech saliva have not yet been fully elucidated. It began to be studied at the end of the 19th century and at the moment 20 of its components have been fully described. In total, the worm's saliva contains more than 100 microelements.

Medical leeches

The chemical composition of the saliva of these worms is considered unique. It includes:

  1. 1. Hirudin. The substance thins the blood, dissolves existing clots, activates blood circulation, relieves pain and inflammation.
  2. 2. Apiraza. It cleanses the blood of substances that form atherosclerotic plaques.
  3. 3. Destabilase. The component dissolves blood clots and prevents their formation.
  4. 4. Hyaluronidase. It resolves scars and adhesions.
  5. 5. Eglins. These substances relieve inflammation and reduce tissue damage. They are useful for treating rheumatoid arthritis, lung diseases, gout and others.
  6. 6. Bradykinins. They help reduce inflammation.


The use of pharmaceutical leeches is advisable to eliminate various disorders in the body. The healing worm can be used:

  • in gynecology - for the treatment of infertility, chronic inflammation of the appendages, endometriosis;
  • for the treatment of skin diseases, psoriasis, allergic rashes, dermatitis and others;
  • for the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, ischemia, atherosclerosis, hypertension;
  • to normalize the functioning of the endocrine system, treat diabetes;
  • for the treatment of diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys;
  • to improve vision, treat glaucoma;
  • for the treatment of vein diseases and thrombophlebitis;
  • for the treatment of diseases of the spine and joints.

In order to prevent the development of diseases, you can conduct a preventive course of hirudotherapy every year, consisting of 5-6 procedures. For each of them, only 2 leeches are used. The use of such sessions is useful for maintaining energy balance and rejuvenating the body.

Conducting a hirudotherapy session

Medical leeches are very sensitive to odors, so before the session you should not take a shower or bath with scented detergents or use deodorant. Otherwise, the worm refuses to attach itself. Immediately before planting leeches, the places of their attachment are washed with neutral soap and dried with a sterile swab. If the worm is planted on the scalp, then the hair in this area is shaved off.

The patient needs to sit comfortably to feel calm. For better attachment, the skin in these places is lubricated with a glucose solution. The leech is placed in a test tube with its tail down and applied to the desired area. After suction, the test tube is removed, and a piece of cotton wool is placed under the worm’s tail to prevent it from being sucked on by the second suction cup.

Leeches are placed using a test tube

The worms are kept until completely saturated. When this happens, they fall off on their own. When treating some diseases, weaning is done by force. In this case, a piece of cotton wool moistened with alcohol is brought to the leech. Used individuals are collected in a container and filled with a special solution for destruction. These worms are not reused.

Leeches on the human body

The wounds remaining on the patient's body are covered with sterile bandages. Blood may ooze out of them for a long time, this is completely normal. The blood-soaked bandage is simply removed and a new one is attached. When blood stops bleeding, the wounds are treated with a disinfectant solution and covered with a sterile bandage. Typically, wound healing occurs in 2–3 days.

In one session, no more than 5–7 individuals can be placed on the human body, each of which drinks up to 20 ml of blood. As a result of this procedure, the patient’s blood volume decreases slightly, but it is saturated with oxygen and beneficial substances secreted by the saliva of the worm. A repeat session is allowed only after 5–6 days.

There are as many different diseases as there are so many ways to treat them. People since ancient times, when the development of medicine was very far from the modern level, have used all sorts of methods to cope with their ailments.

The emergence and development of hirudotherapy

Since ancient times, people have been interested in various methods of treatment. So, unexpectedly for himself, a certain Nikander from Colophonia discovered that small vampire leeches have a healing effect on humans. This doctor is from Ancient Greece and is considered the founder of the science of hirudotherapy. Hirudina means leech in Latin. Since then, this science has found more and more recognition.

This method of treatment was used in many countries - Ancient Egypt, India, China. Confirmation of this can be found in frescoes found in tombs. The works of ancient healers such as Hippocrates, Avicena and Galen also contain references to treatment with leeches. Even the famous artist Botticelli painted a picture in which the process of hirudotherapy is clearly visible. This once again emphasizes the popularity of the method in those distant times.

We will try to understand the harm and benefits of leeches, and how they are used in medicine.

In the modern world, this science does not stand still and is in great demand. Scientists are constantly studying the harms and benefits of leeches, and are making more and more discoveries in this area.

A little about this worm

Leeches are classified as ringed worms. The Leech subclass has about four hundred species. The largest number of them live in ponds and rivers - where the name "leech" comes from the verb "to drink". And in many languages ​​it sounds almost the same.

It would seem like an ordinary worm, but no. Leeches have their own character. Not everyone will be able to establish contact with them to work together. For medical purposes, leeches are grown in special biofactories. Due to the capriciousness of these worms, employees are subject to a probationary period. Only a positive person with patience, love and attention can cope with a capricious worm. They sense ill will in their little bodies and may even get sick or die.

So, not everyone can be a hirudotherapist due to the special nature of the leech. You need to use hirudotherapy very carefully, taking into account that the harm and benefits of leeches will affect your health.

What is the healing effect of a leech?

All the most valuable things of a leech are contained in its saliva. It consists of biologically active components. But hirudin plays a very important role. It thins the blood, and this helps prevent heart attacks, thrombosis and strokes.

It also contains enzymes that help dissolve unnecessary formations in the body. These are cysts, stones, polyps, scars, adhesions and, of course, salts. Some things disappear completely, while others become less dense and are easier to treat with traditional medications. We are learning more and more about treatment, the benefits and harms of these medicinal worms.

How does the hirudotherapy treatment procedure work?

First of all, the patient must be examined. It is necessary to pass all tests. After this, the hirudotherapist determines in accordance with the disease. Then he plants a leech in this place. She sits without moving or takes a suitable place for her. The leech pierces the skin, and the healing saliva of this small creature begins to enter the human body.

In turn, the leech sucks out stagnant blood with a large amount of toxins. This procedure lasts for 30-40 minutes. As soon as the leech has eaten, it falls off or is carefully removed. Acupuncture points are changed at each session to increase the effectiveness of treatment.

Leeches should be used with caution. A wound appears at the puncture site, which usually bleeds for several days. A sterile bandage must be applied. There may be a bruise left. This is an indicator that the hirudotherapy process was successful, and the body received a dose of useful biological substances. Let us draw several conclusions about the impact hirudotherapy has on the human body.

  1. Reflexogenic. Leech affects skin receptors.
  2. Mechanical. Pierces human skin.
  3. Painful. The patient feels pain.
  4. Chemical. An infusion of healing saliva occurs.
  5. Hemorrhage. The leech sucks out the slagged blood.

Beneficial effects of leeches on the body

The harm and benefits of leeches, their effect on the body for an individual person, must be taken into account when prescribing hirudotherapy to a patient.

Let's consider the benefits of these little healers.

  1. The movement of lymph through the vessels at the site of inflammation or diseased organ is restored.
  2. Blood microcirculation in the capillaries returns to normal due to the fact that hirudin has an anticoagulant and antithrombic effect.
  3. Immunity is stimulated.
  4. Leech has an antimicrobial effect. It secretes a substance along with saliva that kills germs.
  5. The inflammatory process is relieved.
  6. The drainage function improves and due to this, swelling is relieved.
  7. Leeches act as a pain reliever.
  8. Improves the functioning of the neuroendocrine system.
  9. Counteracts atherosclerosis.
  10. They charge with energy and have a regenerative effect.
  11. They make local immunity work.

What diseases can be treated with hirudotherapy

Many diseases can be treated with leeches. Let's name some of them.

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Various skin problems.
  • Allergic asthma.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Neurological diseases.
  • Urological and gynecological diseases.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Diseases of the ears and eyes.

  • Used in cosmetology.
  • Treatment of excess weight.

There are two sides to using a leech - benefits and harm. The patient loses weight after such a procedure, this has a good and beneficial effect on the body as a whole. But there are always pitfalls with any treatment method.

Contraindications for treatment with leeches

Like any medicine, leeches have contraindications and side effects. It is worth considering when using leeches: the benefits and harms of hirudotherapy can significantly affect your health.

  1. If you have hemophilia.
  2. During pregnancy.
  3. Hypotension.
  4. Immunodeficiency states.
  5. For infectious diseases, fever.
  6. In case of poisoning.
  7. Anemia.
  8. Oncological diseases.

Side effects from hirudotherapy are mainly associated with allergic reactions to leeches. If you are interested in the question of whether there is harm from medicinal leeches, then you need to discuss all contraindications and side effects with your doctor.

Possible infection at the puncture site if non-compliance is observed. Possible swelling of the lymph nodes. The pressure decreases due to incessant bleeding as a result of improper placement of leeches. The most serious thing is

A few words for those who decide to undergo treatment on their own

The harm and benefits of leeches must be known to the person performing the procedure. If you decide to conduct a hirudotherapy session yourself, then you need to take into account some nuances:

  • Treatment is carried out only with medical pharmacist leeches.
  • Consult a hirudotherapist.
  • You must know your exact diagnosis and whether you are allergic to leeches.
  • Only healthy and hungry leeches can be used for the session.
  • The leech is used only once.

  • Before the session, it is forbidden to use perfumes, creams, or scented soaps. They also cannot tolerate the smell of tobacco and may refuse to cooperate.
  • If this is your first time, limit yourself to one leech, and subsequent times use no more than six.
  • It is better to conduct a hirudotherapy session in the evening.
  • To achieve a lasting positive result during treatment, you must follow a diet.

If you adhere to these simple rules, then you don’t have to be afraid that hirudotherapy will do more harm than good.

Treatment with leeches dates back to ancient times. For example, drawings depicting the use of leeches are found on the walls of ancient Greek tombs. Treatment with leeches was described in their writings by ancient Greek and Roman healers, such as: Hippocrates And Galen. The use of leeches for medical purposes was also mentioned in his writings by the great Arab physician Avicenna.

History of hirudotherapy

Hirudotherapy literally translated from Latin means “leech treatment”, since “hiruda” is translated as a leech, and “therapy” is treatment.

Treatment with leeches is most widespread in Europe. And although hirudas were used for medicinal purposes in Europe for hundreds of years, their peak occurred in the 17th and 18th centuries. This is due, first of all, to the fact that it was at this time in Europe that a rather interesting concept of the so-called “bad blood” appeared in medical circles. In general, in Europe they really liked to let blood. And there were two methods of bloodletting - vein And hirudny. The latter was popular for bleeding from hard-to-reach places and so-called “tender” places (for example, gums).

Sometimes doctors could simultaneously apply up to 40 leeches to a patient! Leeches were a very popular commodity at this time. In London at the time, with a population of approximately 3 million people, approximately 7 million leeches were used annually. And you need to take into account that not everyone could call a doctor, since treatment was expensive. Russia supplied Europe with up to 70 million leeches per year. It was a very profitable export item at that time.

However, after the second half of the 19th century, the concept of “bad blood” left Europe. The bloodletting has ceased. At the same time, research began on the substance contained in the saliva of the hiruda. The enzyme was discovered in 1884 by John Haycraft hirudin, contained in leech saliva. This discovery gave a strong impetus to further study and use of leeches in medicine on a scientific basis. In 1902, the first drugs based on hirudin were obtained.

Currently, hirudotherapy is experiencing a rebirth. This is due to several factors. In the 20th century, a real revolution took place in traditional medicine: fundamental discoveries were made, many diseases were defeated, many drugs were invented and put into mass production. But by the end of the 20th century, discoveries in medicine began to occur less and less often. The effect of many drugs on the human body was studied and it turned out that their beneficial properties did not always outweigh the negative effects. The global fascination with hirudotherapy in Asia, especially China and Japan, also played a role. These countries are characterized by a philosophy of harmony with the environment, and the position of alternative medicine is strong in them. All this together gave impetus to the revival of hirudotherapy.

A little about leeches

Leeches feed on blood. Blood is digested in the leech’s intestines for an extremely long time, so one feeding is enough for the leech to remain without food for a very long time. Leeches are hermaphrodites. They move with the help of special suction cups, which are located at both ends of their worm-like body.

Stages of treatment

1. Bite

The biting process occurs as follows: the leech is attached to the desired area on the patient’s body using suction cups. After the leech feels that it is securely attached, it bites through the skin. Its depth is usually 1.5 - 2 millimeters. After biting, the leech injects its saliva into the resulting wound, which, as is already known, contains hirudin, which prevents blood clotting.

2. Feeding

The leech usually remains on the patient's body for 20 to 60 minutes, depending on the disease. During this time, one leech can “drink” from 5 to 15 milliliters of blood.

3. Stopping blood sucking

In most cases, the leech should move away on its own after it is saturated. However, it is often necessary to remove leeches from the patient’s body prematurely. For this, a swab moistened with alcohol or iodine is usually used. As a rule, the leech immediately disappears after such use. Also practice
using blowing tobacco smoke on a leech, sprinkling salt or snuff on the leech, pouring wine or lemon juice on the leech, and sometimes vinegar.

If all these methods do not make the leech “lag behind” the patient, then take a scalpel. It is important to remember that a specialist will never cut a leech in half, as this will not stop it and the process will continue. Use a scalpel to separate the anterior sucker, letting air under it. When using the surgical method, the leech will definitely “fall off” from the patient.

After the bite, a wound will remain that will secrete blood and lymph for 6 to 16 hours. This is normal, since the wound contains hirudin. Normally, blood loss from one wound can range from 50 to 300 milliliters of blood.

Therapeutic effect:

  • the blood undergoes renewal as dosed bleeding occurs (the same effect is present during the blood donation procedure);
  • the action of biologically active substances contained in leech saliva is triggered;
  • a set of body responses occurs to blood loss, the bite itself, and active biological substances that get into the wound with the leech’s saliva.

Active biological substances contained in leech saliva have the following properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • pain reliever;
  • fibrinolytic.

In this regard, with the help of hirudotherapy it is possible to
reduce the risk of thrombosis, fight thrombophlebitis, relieve swelling from affected areas of the body (for example, with venous stagnation), improve blood circulation of internal tissues in osteochondrosis, relieve pain, remove toxic substances from the body.

Leeches are actively used in microsurgery to save transplanted skin areas. They are also widely used in the complex treatment of varicose veins, are used to relieve muscle spasms and help in the treatment of arthrosis.

Warnings and contraindications

In hirudotherapy, there is a risk of transmitting infection with leech saliva from the pathogenic environment of its stomach. The risk is minimal if more than 4 months have passed since the last feeding of the hiruda, since by this time only a small amount of “drunk” blood remains in its stomach, and the growth of pathogenic bacteria is suppressed by the symbiont bacterium produced by the leech itself. Reliable protection is considered to be the use of so-called “sterile” leeches, that is, leeches grown in an artificial environment, where, by definition, there cannot be pathogenic flora.

There are the following contraindications to treatment with hiruda:

  • low blood clotting (use of leeches can be fatal);
  • diseases that are accompanied by bleeding due to poor blood clotting (hirudin will increase bleeding);
  • anemia (anemia);
  • hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells with the release of hemoglobin into the environment);
  • low blood pressure;
  • extreme weakening or exhaustion of the body (for example, against the background of a long or serious illness);
  • weakened immunity (possible infection through leech titer);
  • individual allergic reaction of the body to leech enzymes;
  • pregnancy period;
  • lactation period;
  • childhood.

Only a specialist can prescribe treatment with leeches. It is he who should determine the risk of using hirudotherapy in each specific case.

Remember, the benefits should always outweigh the possible harmful effects!

From ancient times to the present day, one of the most popular methods of natural therapy remains treatment with leeches, which in medicine is called hirudotherapy. With the help of these small organisms, very serious ailments can be successfully treated. However, how safe is this method and is it suitable for everyone?

The value of a leech bite for people lies in the fact that a secret with hundreds of diverse and useful substances enters the body.

It should be remembered that in nature there are different subspecies of leeches. Not all of them are useful for people. Only 3 subspecies have a healing effect:

  • eastern;
  • medicinal;
  • pharmacy
But swamp leeches not only won’t help, but they can also additionally infect the body. Leeches used in medicine today are grown in special laboratory conditions in compliance with all hygiene rules.

Mechanism of therapeutic effect

During leech treatment sessions, the patient loses a certain amount of blood. Thus, the active mode of operation of the immune and circulatory systems is launched, which replenish lost fluid.

So what's the benefit?

  • leech secretion normalizes blood clotting;
  • has an excellent effect on blood flow;
  • relieves swelling and helps supply tissues with oxygen;
  • stimulates the work of the body's defenses;
  • effectively fights various inflammatory processes;
  • helps normalize blood pressure;
  • relieves feverish conditions;
  • eliminates subjective pain and psychological disorders;
  • Hirudotherapy has also proven itself to be effective for various neuropsychiatric disorders.

Main indications for use

  • Various diseases of the circulatory system, including thrombosis, varicose veins.
  • Diseases of the spine, including osteochondrosis.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Obesity.
  • Metabolic disorders (see also -).
  • Skin diseases, including such severe ones as psoriasis, eczema.
  • Respiratory diseases - frequent bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma.
  • Ear diseases, sinusitis, neuritis.
  • Problems with the thyroid gland.
  • Eye diseases (glaucoma, astigmatism).
  • Gynecological diseases - mastopathy, fibroids, acute menopausal conditions.
  • Urological ailments - prostatitis and even male infertility.
Professional cosmetologists began to pay special attention to hirudotherapy. With the help of leeches you can prevent premature aging of the skin and the appearance of a large number of wrinkles. They effectively fight cellulite and sagging skin.

The famous naturopathic doctor Zalmanov generally argued that if a person with a stroke applies leeches behind the ears, complications can be avoided, motor functions can be restored, and paralysis can be avoided.

Positive impact on women

Very often, problems in the functioning of the female body are directly related to various hormonal changes. Hormonal treatment of all kinds of gynecological problems has many contraindications. Sometimes it causes no less harm than drugs. The same statement is partly true when treating with antibiotics, which often suppress the immune system of the female body.

An alternative to such chemical treatment can be hirudotherapy. Leeches placed in the groin areas, on the tailbone, and lower abdomen help stimulate the body's immune system. In addition, signals from the central nervous system begin to work more clearly, thereby ensuring the correct functioning of the genitourinary system of the fair sex.

Positive effects on men

The leech secretion also has a great effect on microcirculation in the pelvic area in men. It eliminates various congestion, and the male genital organs begin to receive optimal nutrition, they are sufficiently saturated with oxygen. Various hormonal imbalances are also eliminated and blood vessels dilate.

In this way, you can effectively fight hemorrhoids, prostatitis, and urethritis. In addition, hirudotherapy helps normalize spermatogenesis, simultaneously restoring potency and increasing libido.

Leeches and the “natural filter”

It is no secret that many modern people eat poorly, abuse alcohol and fast food. With age, the liver can no longer cope with its functions. Hepatitis and cirrhosis can also be treated with hirudotherapy. Correctly conducted sessions help:
  • restore the walls of liver vessels;
  • reduce inflammatory processes;
  • saturate it with oxygen;
  • reduce swelling of liver tissue.

Hirudotherapy and children

There are many different opinions regarding the use of hirudotherapy methods in children. Today, most experts come to the conclusion that starting from the age of 14, leeches can be used in this group of patients. However, such therapy can be carried out by very experienced and highly qualified doctors.

Hirudotherapy and oncology

If a person has cancer, this therapy is contraindicated for him. This is true, since leeches in no case dissolve tumors and neoplasms. However, after intensive sessions of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, it is permissible to use leeches as an adjuvant. They can improve metabolism and boost immunity. But you can undergo a course of hirudotherapy only with the approval of the attending physician and only after partial recovery of the body.

Hirudotherapy and varicose veins

In some cases, with varicose veins, the application of leeches is indicated. Many consider this treatment option controversial. Of course, with the help of competently performed hirudotherapy, you can achieve positive dynamics, which is expressed by:
  • in general blood thinning;
  • restoration of microcirculation;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • general muscle relaxation and acceleration of impulse transmission.
All this has a positive effect on the general condition of the patient with this diagnosis. However, you also need to remember about the risks that can manifest themselves in the form of cellulitis, abscesses, and thrombosis.

An improperly performed procedure can even lead to the loss of lower limbs. If you have such a diagnosis, self-medication is excluded!

But is everything so clear? Contraindications

It should be noted that hirudotherapy is not a panacea for all diseases. Some experts argue that this method of treatment does not always pay off and it is permissible to use it only if the obvious benefit from it outweighs the possible harm. That is why it is very important before starting such therapy to consult with your doctor and undergo all the necessary tests.

This is necessary for:

  • correct clarification of the diagnosis;
  • avoiding the development of severe side effects;
  • studies of the individual characteristics of the patient’s body;
  • studies for the presence/absence of diseases for which this treatment option is unacceptable.
Among the main contraindications, doctors identify the following:
  • hypotension or simply;
  • pronounced asthenic conditions;
  • cachexia;
  • severe allergic reactions of the body;
  • cancer and autoimmune diseases;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • period of exacerbation of infectious or inflammatory diseases;
  • diseases associated with bleeding disorders, such as hemophilia;
  • individual intolerance to such treatment;
  • severe intoxication of the body.

Also, treatment with leeches is unacceptable for people who have lost a lot of blood or those who suffer from underweight or anorexia.

However, in some textbooks, the authors state that pregnancy without complications cannot be a contraindication to hirudotherapy. On the contrary, leeches can strengthen the immune system of a pregnant woman and help improve the overall well-being of both the mother and her unborn child.

General treatment process and side effects

Most experts do not recommend treatment with leeches at home. After all, in this case you need to know a lot of nuances:
  • in what places they should be planted;
  • how much to use in one session;
  • what is the interval and number of courses;
  • when they need to be removed from the body.
In addition, you should be aware of various complications and side effects, including:
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes (usually goes away on its own within 7 days). If the body temperature rises and pain appears, a course of antibiotics may be used under the supervision of a physician.
  • Skin itching, redness, swelling, which also disappear on their own within 3-4 days. Sometimes it is necessary to use desensitizing drugs (prescribed by a doctor).
  • Skin rashes over large areas, Quincke's edema.
  • Pyoderma, hematomas, low blood pressure.
  • Hyperpigmentation of the skin at the site of leeches.
  • General weakness.
  • Very rarely - anaphylactic shock.
When a leech is first applied to the skin, a person begins to feel a slight burning and tingling sensation. There is no need to be afraid of this. Within 15-20 seconds such unpleasant sensations will disappear – natural anesthetics will begin to act. The duration of the procedure is individual: in some cases, after sucking blood, the leeches disappear on their own. In other cases, they are removed by a doctor.

On average, one session lasts from half an hour to an hour. The optimal number of leeches is 3-5 pieces at a time; in cases of serious systemic damage to the body, their number can be increased to 10.



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