Why are there dimples in the lower back. What do the dimples on the lower back mean in women and men and how to develop them? Dimples add sexuality to their owner - this is a subjective opinion

Dimples on the lower back are quite common in both women and men. What do these two cute hollows mean, which, according to sexologists, give a special sexuality to the body?

Who “discovered” the dimples on the lower back?

For the first time, dimples on the lower back, as a unique element of the human body, were discussed in the Renaissance (approximately in the 12th century), when artists and sculptors in their creations depicted representatives of the beautiful half of humanity with sexual dimples on the lower back. Today, people close to art call the place of attachment of the tendons and gluteal muscles (dimples on the lower back) - Michelangelo's rhombus or Venus's rhombus.

What do the dimples on the lower back mean from a physical point of view?

The anatomical structure of the body provides for the appearance of dimples in the area of ​​fusion of the sacrum and pelvis, and this is not an individual at all. All people have such physiological “dents”, only in some they are clearly visible, while in others the depressions are invisible. This is provoked by the fact that in some people the muscles and subcutaneous tissue at the site of fusion are quite thin, and due to the lack of volume, peculiar “dips” appear inside the recesses on the bone tissue.

Dimples on the lower back and gynecology

Obstetricians, the bottom of the spinal muscles and the protrusion of the gluteal, are called the Michaelis rhombus. Since in the 19th century G.A.Miheelis (gynecologist) first described and scientifically substantiated the location of the dimples on the lower back. When medicine had not yet gone so far and they could only dream of a modern ultrasound machine, Micheelis came up with a way to assess the width of the pelvis, its structure, possible defects and displacements using the placement and severity of the dimples on the lower back, its structure, possible defects and displacements that can cause difficult childbirth.

Even today, gynecologists evaluate the bone status in pregnant women using the Micheelis diamond. So a rhombus with almost identical sides (square shape) with a diagonal of eleven centimeters is considered ideal. With a wide sacrum, the diagonal of the rhombus placed across is larger, and with the minimum value of the vertical axis of the same rhombus, there is a slope of the sacrum. If you draw a straight line between the dimples on the lower back, you will get two triangles, by the ratio of which you can diagnose:

  • displaced axes - scoliosis;
  • more upper - narrow pelvis;
  • the axes are shifted horizontally and vertically - the pelvic bones are obliquely narrowed;
  • pits located close to each other - the pelvis is narrowed.

How do dimples on the lower back affect sexuality?

Most men consider the hollows on the lower back to be sexy, and the owners of such a pronounced feature are loving. Sexologists say that women with dimples reach orgasm faster, including multiple ones. Since ancient times, a feature in the form of dimples on the lower back has been a sign of perfection, which is inherited at the genetic level.

After medical scientists began to understand the myths about increased sexuality, it turned out that the reason for increased libido is quite simple. The presence of dimples indicates the correct structure of the skeleton and, as a result, a woman in the lumbar region has good blood circulation. This contributes to the rapid rush of blood to the pelvic region, respectively, the saturation of the blood (oxygen) of the pelvic organs causes rapid excitation and maximum discharge.

In a detailed study of the human back, on the lower back of most subjects, one can find such cute genetic "defects" as two nearby depressions in the skin in the form of dimples. Moreover, such a phenomenon is most often found among the fair sex and is considered direct evidence of their undisguised natural sexuality. Which, in fact, explains the increased interest of men in such a piquant "roughness" of the female body.

What do the dimples on the lower back mean?

By the way, shrouded in a mystical idea of ​​an inextricable connection with the sensual nature of a girl, such depressions are often called "Venus dimples" in honor of the ancient Roman goddess of love, beauty and fertility.

However, as you understand, this is where the whole mythology ends. And specific scientific facts begin, the main of which is the presence of appropriate marks on all girlish backs without exception (the only difference is that for some they will be pronounced, and for others they will simply be less noticeable), regardless of temperament and fertility of its owner.

In addition, it is also erroneous to believe that the pattern of occurrence of dimples on the lower back to one degree or another depends on body weight and type of figure. Since from an anatomical and medical point of view, this phenomenon, namely the place of its manifestation, is considered quite reasonable and physiologically necessary.

In particular, the area of ​​fusion of the pelvis with the sacrum is characterized by insufficient development of connective tissues (tendons) and a small layer of subcutaneous fatty tissue, which together serve as a kind of natural shock absorber for our entire body. Accordingly, sharp changes in the volume and thickness of the layer in comparison with those parts of the body where their indicator is normal form such an interesting effect in the interval between the longitudinal muscles of the back and the gluteus maximus muscles.

But, most importantly, it is an indisputable indicator of the proper functioning and health of the iliosacral and sacro-lumbar joints. Since with the wrong movement of these joints (and they can move in four different directions), characteristic bends can appear in an unintended place on the back. The consequence of which will be a pinched nerve and the formation of an intervertebral hernia.

Attention! If you have not found such a “zest” in yourself or found it where it should not be, immediately seek the advice of specialists!

How to develop dimples in the lower back?

After the "dimples of Venus" began to be considered almost the height of perfection and a true manifestation of female beauty, many young ladies began to seriously think about the possibility of influencing their appearance on their backs. Moreover, this is not so difficult to do - it is enough just to systematically perform a certain set of specialized exercises aimed at strengthening the lumbar muscles.

However, before we proceed directly to the description of a particular exercise, let us dwell a little on the simplest recommendations regarding their implementation:

  • choose such an amplitude of movements in which you will not feel discomfort and pain, since, contrary to a common misconception, this is not an absolute indicator of the work and strengthening of the corresponding muscle group;
  • try not to make sudden impulsive movements, focusing yourself on doing a smooth and controlled exercise (in this way, you will achieve the greatest effect from it and eliminate the risk of possible injury);
  • at the initial stage of training, perform each exercise in 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions, over time increasing this load to 5-6 sets of 25-30 repetitions;
  • in order to pre-warm up the muscles, before the start of each lesson, it is advisable to carry out a small warm-up from an elementary set of exercises for the back, such as tilting forward and to the sides;
  • do not forget also about proper breathing, correctly alternating the “inhale-exhale” phases (with an effort, you should exhale, and when you return to the starting position, inhale).

Exercise 1

Stand on all fours so that your palms and knees rest perpendicular to the floor (when performing this exercise, you need to look straight ahead, without lowering, but without straining your eyes). And then alternately raise the opposite arm and leg (namely, the left leg corresponds to the right arm and vice versa), making sure that they are approximately at the same level and make up one parallel straight line to the floor. Now stay in this position for 5-10 seconds, then return to the starting position and repeat the same for the second pair of limbs.

Exercise 2

Take an emphasis lying on your stomach, stretching your arms along the body with palms down. Next, slowly raise your shoulders and chest as high as your physical fitness allows you to do without feeling discomfort. Hold this position for about 5 seconds, and then slowly lower your upper body to the floor, thereby returning to the starting position.

Exercise 3

Lie face down on a bench (bed or table), gradually moving forward until you take a position in which your pelvis is respectively on the edge of the bench (bed or table), and the torso is parallel to the floor (arms in this case it is recommended to lay behind the back in the castle). Now, in the same way as in the previous exercise, raise your torso with the maximum amplitude for you, lingering in this state for 2-3 seconds. And then again return to the starting position.

Attention! If you are not confident in your abilities, it will be better if someone holds your ankles during the exercise.

Exercise 4

Sit on the edge of a bench (chair, bed or sofa) and spread your legs bent at the knees to the sides. Further, holding gymnastic dumbbells in front of you at the level of outstretched arms and while maintaining a straight posture, perform a deep forward bend and return to the starting position again.

Exercise 5

Take an emphasis lying on your back, stretching your arms to the sides with palms down. Then, keeping your legs together, pull both knees to your chest and hold the resulting position for 2-3 seconds to stretch the muscles of the lower back. Then, without lifting your shoulders from the support, gently tilt your bent knees first to one side, and then to the other while simultaneously turning your head in the opposite direction (for example, if you turn your knees to the right side, then your head to the left).

The above exercises are presented in ascending order of difficulty. Therefore, you can choose those of them that correspond to the degree of your physical fitness at this stage, gradually increasing the level of load and complicating the training program.

As you can see, nothing is impossible - you just have to want to! Another question is whether it is worth attaching such great importance to this? Moreover, such intimate details of your body as dimples on the lower back are almost impossible to discern from the first meeting. Unless, of course, you yourself do not want to demonstrate them to a young man.

If you have curvy dimples on your back, you are very lucky! Dimples of Venus- a characteristic external sign that is inherited.

These recesses are more noticeable in people who do not have problems with being overweight and play sports. And that's what this amazing feature means...

Dimples on the lower back

Lovely dimples are located at the junction of the pelvic bones. They indicate good blood circulation and good health in both men and women. Such women usually give birth easily to children, without any complications.

There are also studies showing that women with dimples on their backs easier to reach orgasm! In addition, these lucky women have multiple orgasms - a desirable but not very common phenomenon.

Michelangelo's rhomboid, Michaelis's rhombus - as soon as they don't call this special place. Many men, and, as it turned out, not in vain!

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A closer look at the human back shows that many have two dimples on the lower back. Moreover, this is most often found in the female and only in 25% of cases in men. Dimples on the lower back

Dimples on the lower back have gained particular importance in recent years, when, following fashion, most girls began to prefer more revealing outfits that reveal some spicy parts of the body. Someone considered such a pretty "roughness" on the back and saw in it undisguised sexuality. Full confirmation of the expression - "imperfection is beautiful!". The dimples on the lower back in girls are very often called the "dimples of Venus."

There are a lot of myths about how their presence affects the sensuality of a girl, the number of future children, and much more. Let's open a little secret: every person has dimples on the lower back, only for some they are pronounced, while for others they are simply less noticeable. No need to think that to some extent it depends on body weight. In general, the pattern of dimples in any place is that they appear where it is “thin”. Dimples on the lower back in girls The layer of muscles and subcutaneous tissue is small, there are tendons and bones nearby, and since there is not enough volume in this place, dimples on the lower back, for example, may appear. Paradoxically, in the same case, dimples can appear both in obese people and in children, where everything is in order with the volume, for example, above the knuckles.

Many people wonder - what do the dimples on the lower back mean? The significance from a medical point of view is the normal functioning and health of the joints that form such an interesting symptom. If a person is healthy, then the sacrum during movement (and the accompanying joints can move along four axes) does not compress the vessels and nerves. In the case of improper functioning of these joints during movement, bends can appear in an unintended place in the spine, as a result of which a hernia occurs. So if you have not found such a “zest” in yourself, then it is advisable to turn to specialists! From an anatomical point of view, the place where the dimples appear is where the pelvis fuses with the sacrum, so their appearance is quite justified.

Even Michelangelo in the work "Marble Pieta" clearly highlighted this triangle. No wonder this area of ​​the female body is also called the “Michelangelo triangle” and is recognized as a vivid expression of the sexuality and sensuality of the owner girl. After the dimples on the lower back began to be considered a sign of the perfection of the female body and a true manifestation of good heredity, the girls began to think about how they could be influenced by their appearance.

You can make them more pronounced, even easy! Dimples on the lower back in girls You just need to play sports more often and achieve perfection in the waist and hips, in this case, what was given by nature will become more pronounced and noticeable. And this applies not only to dimples ... In general, you should not pay such attention to this - as you know, they love not for something, but in spite of! In addition, it is simply impossible to discern such juicy details from the first meeting.


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Whoever has not heard of such a phenomenon as dimples on the lower back, they are found in many women and even in one quarter of men. Doctors are ambiguous in their assessment of this physiological phenomenon. Some say that the mentioned dimples, which are also called the dimples of Venus because of the sexual context, are a sign of a healthy figure, normal body formation. This is also indicated by the fact that people suffering from diseases such as or from obesity do not have such piquant “notches” on their backs.

Other researchers, however, do not always agree with them. They believe that we are talking about a kind of genetic anomaly, formed as a result of insufficient volume of tendons and fiber in a certain place in our body. There are especially vulnerable places in our body, and this is one of them, where the pelvis connects to the back. This is a combination and intersection of certain muscle groups with each other. The tissues here play a protective role, and the presence of dimples eloquently indicates a lack of a protective layer in a single specific place.

Be that as it may, most women strive to get these dimples for themselves, because they believe that in this way they can effectively increase their own attractiveness and attract attention from the opposite sex. However, not all so simple. Scientists have identified the hereditary nature of dimples, so many women can put in long hours of training, diet diligently, exhaust their body, achieve impressive results, but they will not get the mentioned dimples. Doctors advise in this case to direct energy in a different direction, to accept your body, perhaps try to increase attractiveness in some other way.

Diagnostic value

As already mentioned, the dimples of Venus indicate an adequate connection of the iliosacral and sacro-lumbar joints. Dimples also allow doctors, when examining a patient, to notice the absence of back defects, the presence of an isosceles triangle, which clearly indicates the normal formation of the body.

With certain diseases associated with the formation of the back, some injuries may not have one dimple, periodically one is much more pronounced than the other. At times, the location of these peculiar marks shifts sideways, strongly upwards, and occasionally downwards. Such an anomaly indicates diseases that can lead to a hernia or pinched nerve.

Precautionary measures

Before you start doing certain workouts, you should make sure that these characteristic marks are normal for your body. Otherwise, you can overdo it by working hard. Dangerous are also diets in which women can get anorexia or severe problems with the digestive system.

Therefore, it is advisable to consult with an experienced doctor who can give advice on training. Also specify heredity: if all representatives of the older generation do not have anything like this, while the majority are not overweight, it is reasonable to look for another goal.

Norm and pathology

The dimples on the loins should not be too deep, although individual differences are quite acceptable. There are also restrictions on the size of these depressions.

Just like all other parts of the human body, they should not itch, hurt when pressed, have a heterogeneous structure under the skin.

Any deviations indicate either an injury to the tendon in a particular place, or a developing pathology. Therefore, at the first signs, you should consult a doctor.

Dimples in pregnancy

In pregnant women, the discussed feature of the body often disappears as the abdomen grows. This is normal, no need to worry. However, there is a certain percentage of women who retain dimples for quite a long time. We are talking about the individual characteristics of the body, the issue of heredity, the shape of the abdomen and its location.

Sometimes the stomach seems to stick out on the sides, periodically they give out to a greater extent forward. At times, the total mass can be evenly distributed. Due to this difference, other tissues also stretch differently. This process depends on the figure, the overall dimensions of the woman, the presence or absence of edema, and other factors.

A complex approach

To obtain dimples, experts recommend an integrated approach. First, there is a special group of exercises designed to strengthen the lumbar. Such exercises should be performed regularly, they will allow the necessary depressions to appear, your back will become more beautiful and more prominent, this approach is useful not only for those who want to find dimples, but also for those who want to make them more pronounced.

In addition, this group of exercises helps protect the back, has a positive effect on the likelihood of age-related lower back diseases. Reduces the risk of injury even when falling, because strengthened muscles will better hold the vertebrae. An integrated approach also includes a whole range of exercises for the back as a whole, to strengthen the muscle group that works with the hips, legs and arms.

There is a fairly large number of different exercises that can be alternated with each other. Some suggest the possibility of homework, others require special simulators. Doctors advise to pay attention to aerobic complexes, which give not only beauty to the back, but also significantly strengthen the body. Need to know how to properly muscle.

Representations and reality

Many women who are persistently trying to get the long-awaited dimples associate the presence of such a feature with sexual attractiveness, an indicator of health. Some even give them a sacred meaning. However, in practice, dimples simply indicate the presence of an individual structural feature of the body, and their absence does not at all indicate health problems.



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