Beautiful women posing on the street. Some tricks for successful photos

Summer is not over yet, and therefore the lovely girls still have to take pictures and take pictures! Today we will tell you about several successful poses for your photo shoot:

Full-length photograph showing the model from the back (Karen Abramyan)

From this angle the model will appear slimmer. (Ali ilker Elci)

This pose is well suited for a photo shoot both at home and outdoors. (Christian Teß)

The hands do not have to be folded in a certain position: they can be left relaxed, in a natural position. The same goes for the legs. The only thing you need to remember is that your body weight should be transferred to one leg. (Andy Quarius)

You need to take pictures from the bottom point, this way the model will look better. (Alexander Loginov)

A gentle pose for a summer photo shoot. (Brian Storey)

Elegant pose: the model leans slightly forward from the back of a chair, sofa, bench, etc. (Yuliya Sariy)

Long beautiful hair needs to be shown. This is best done while moving. Hair will develop if you turn your head quickly or shoot in a slight wind. (Maria Petrova)

It is generally accepted that crossed arms and legs are a kind of psychological barrier between people and it is better to avoid such poses during a photo shoot. However, you should still try to photograph the model with her arms crossed over her chest - it can turn out to be a very successful photo. (Pinterest)

A feminine and winning pose for photographing a full-length model. (Thomas Agatz)

A good pose for portrait photography is to have the model lightly touching a vertical surface with her hands. (Konstantin Lelyak)

A good pose for a full-length photograph is to have the model's hands partially or completely tucked into her pockets. (Alexander Loginov)

In this pose, the most important thing is the correct placement of the legs. Moreover, the model must be wearing high-heeled shoes. (Marco Ciofalo Digispace)

The most common and very successful pose. You need to transfer your entire body to one leg, while bending your body slightly so that the silhouette resembles the letter “S”. (Tjipto Suparto)

A great pose for photographing a model sitting on the ground. You can take pictures from different angles. (Ben Heys)

Open pose: model's hands behind her back or in her pockets. You can lean against the wall while taking photos. (Ali ilker Elci)

Beautiful and seductive pose. (Karen Abramyan)

Great pose for artistic photography. You can experiment endlessly with the position of the head, arms and legs. (Zhukov Vladimir)

One of the most successful poses is to sit on something. Suitable for both indoor and outdoor photography. (Marco Ciofalo Digispace)

A beautiful pose for a sitting model. (Pinterest)

This guide to the 20 best poses for photographing girls can help you out in a difficult situation. Many photographers use similar techniques both during the photo shoot itself and during preparation for it.

In previous articles in the “” series, we wrote about successful poses for photographing men, girls and couples.

The poses described in this article are provided as guidelines. I would personally recommend discussing these poses with your model, especially if she has little experience with photography. It is also useful to suggest to the model the most successful poses for her. Such communication produces excellent results and you will both feel more confident.

So let's start in order.

1. A very simple pose to start portrait photography. Ask your model to look over her shoulder at you. Notice how unusual and interesting a portrait can look if you simply shoot it from an unusual angle.

2. In portrait photography, little attention is paid to hand position. However, you can add a certain mood to your photos by asking your subject to experiment a little with the placement of her hands around her head and face. Don’t forget that there shouldn’t be any palms facing out in the frame; only shoot your palms from the side!

3. You may already be familiar with this rule of composition, usually the rule of thirds. Not only can you position your subject at certain points, but you can also use diagonal lines or tilt the camera. This way you will achieve interesting and unusual angles.

4. A very cute pose for shooting a sitting model. The knees should be closed.

5. Another open and attractive pose for a reclining model. You will need to get down and take the photo from a low angle.

6. Variant pose for a lying model. You can also place your hands on the ground. Very good for shooting outdoors, such as in the grass or in a flower meadow.

7. A versatile, simple pose that still looks gorgeous. You will need to get down and shoot almost from ground level. Then move around the model, taking a series of photos. Also ask the model to change the position of her head and hands.

8. Another simple but effective pose for women of any figure. Try experimenting with the position of your arms and legs. And don't forget that the focus should be on the model's eyes!

9. Very cute pose. Equally suitable for different shooting locations: the model can sit on a bed, or on the ground in the grass or on a sandy beach. Shoot from a low height and focus on the eyes.

10. A great yet simple pose for a seated model.

11. Another simple and inviting pose for a model sitting on the floor. Try shooting from different angles.

12. A great way to show off your model's good figure. Perfectly emphasizes the silhouette when shooting against a bright background.

13. Simple and relaxed pose. Many variations are possible. Have your model turn and experiment with hand position and head rotation.

14. Another very simple and elegant pose. The body of the model is slightly turned to the side, hands in pockets.

15. A slight forward lean can give you a very attractive angle. This is a great way to highlight your model's curves.

16. A very sensual pose. The model holds her hands behind her head, which emphasizes the curves of her body. Suitable for all body types.

17. There are endless options available for full body photography. This pose is simply a starting point. Ask the model to turn a little, change the position of her head, the direction of her gaze, etc.

18. Relaxed pose of a model standing straight and leaning against a wall. Don't forget that the model can not only lean against the wall, but also lean on it with her arms or legs.

19. Please note that full body shots are quite specific and are best suited for slender models. The secret of the pose is simple: the body should be curved like the letter S, the arms should be relaxed, and the weight should be distributed on only one leg.

20. A graceful pose for a slender model. Various options are possible. To find the best pose, ask the model to slowly move her arms and bend her body. When you spot a good one, ask your model to freeze and take a few shots. Repeat until you have taken as many frames as needed.

21. A very gentle and romantic pose. Any fabric can be used. Please note that the back does not have to be completely naked. Sometimes just baring your shoulders is enough.

So here are some poses to get you started. I hope that at least a couple of them will be useful for photo shoots on a variety of topics. Don't forget that every universal pose is just a foundation. Each of them has an endless number of options! Just be creative and change up each pose where necessary (for example, try different angles or ask the model to change the position of her arms, head, or legs).

The camera does its job, keeping the image in front of the lens, and the light – highlighting the necessary areas of the frame for artistic effect. The photographer sets the shooting parameters and clicks the shutter. What is the model doing at this time? If she had just stood there, there would have been no problem setting up the shot. And the work of a fashion model would not be so highly valued. The role of a model is to work with your body, in your stance, pose, facial expressions and hand position. Professionals from both sides of the lens know how to stand and turn around to hide figure flaws and highlight advantages.

Correct body curves during a photo shoot

There are poses for any type of shooting - standard options suitable for any body type: stand or sit beautifully, lean on a table or wall, add objects to the frame. The photograph should have an idea and story reflected in the details, outfits and pose of the model.

  • It’s quite simple to stand or sit correctly in order to get a beautiful figure and feminine curves in a photograph. Rule 3, following them, the camera will capture a photogenic image in any position.

Rule one

We stretch our neck, the body stretches, the shoulders drop, and the body automatically aligns. The lines become smooth, feminine, graceful. The main thing is not to overdo it, an unnatural neck that is too elongated will not add beauty. Bring your shoulder blades together as much as possible, and your back will straighten, your neck will lengthen, and the pose will look natural.

Rule two

A bend in the lower back will allow you to show off your figure. The “S” rule is commonly mentioned to indicate the correct body position for a photo shoot. Standing photography requires beautiful lines and curves: bend your waist as far as possible, with your shoulders back and neck long, and shift your weight to one leg. A similar situation will occur when shooting against a wall; if you lean your whole body, you will get a straight back without bends, and you won’t be able to bring your shoulder blades together. Lean slightly forward, arching your lumbar region, and squat slightly. In this form, the body is shaped like the English letter S, which looks beautiful and feminine in the photograph.

Rule three

Don't relax, especially when shooting in sitting poses. Bend your lower back as much as possible, lean forward, keeping your neck extended and your shoulder blades retracted. This will make it possible to draw in the tummy, emphasize the line of the chest and back, and beautifully show off the legs. Try to keep your shoulders below chin level, pulled back as much as possible. A simple rule will allow you to enlarge your breasts, emphasize the line of your neck, make your back softer and more beautiful, tighten your tummy, and make your butt round.

Poses for shooting while sitting

  • The main task in sitting shooting is to show the femininity and elegance of the model, hiding flaws. For example, extra centimeters in the waist area or legs that are not long enough.

You can sit on the floor or a horizontal surface, the body is located in one line, you can lean on the wall or interior items. The neck should be elongated, the shoulders should be straightened, and the back should be arched in the lower back to make the body look feminine and proportional. Do not strain your muscles too much and make the pose unnatural; try not to show any effort; your face should look relaxed. Try bending one leg and placing it in front of you, or stretching it out and sitting on your knees. The main thing is to make sure that there are no visible folds and that the tummy does not “fall out”, and that the hips do not appear flattened.

If you use a high chair, sofa or any surface that allows you to lower your legs to the floor, then it becomes possible to show their beauty and visually lengthen them. To do this, the photographer must be 30-40 cm below the level of the model’s face. And the legs need to be extended, but they should not overlap each other and look natural.

When shooting while sitting, it is permissible to round your back, lean on your knees, or hug them with your arms to achieve the effect of fragility and defenselessness. But the neck should still be kept tense, as should the abdominal muscles.

Poses for a standing photo shoot

The most popular type of filming with many variations of posing and framing has unlimited scope for imagination. A full-length photograph has several important features, unless the artistic idea provides for another option. The main thing that a photographer needs to know is that to get a proportional silhouette, you should shoot by lowering the camera to the level of your chin or chest, your legs will visually stretch out, and your body will appear slimmer, taller and thinner. Using this technique, you can visually add height to a girl. If the situation requires the opposite solution, then raise the camera a couple of centimeters above the model’s head, the body will visually shorten.

As for standing shooting in a photo studio, special backgrounds and cycloramas are used, as well as lighting devices and soft boxes that allow you to set the desired light for certain positions. Main rules:

  • If the photographer does not intend otherwise, then the back should be straightened, and the lower back will have to bend as much as possible. A straight stand without bends looks ridiculous and does not add beauty to the model. The standard is the English letter “S”, showing all the lines of the body. The weight should be transferred to one leg, the stomach should be pulled in and the shoulder blades should be pulled together, the head and chin should be pulled up, stretching the neck.
  • There are many variations in the position of your hands when shooting standing: raise them up, rest them on your sides, put them in your pockets, or play with your hair. They should look natural, a little relaxed, but without the “hanging lashes” effect. It is better to straighten your fingers, do not clench them into fists or fan them out.
  • The model should be relaxed and collected at the same time; the camera reinforces and emphasizes any tension. An excessively retracted stomach, clasped hands, and a tense face are the result of overexertion and look ugly in the photo.
    Don't be afraid to move, some successful shots are taken in motion, when the body is in a natural position and there is no feeling of being picturesque. Again, every photographer’s idea can look original and interesting, even if it violates all known posing rules.

Portrait photography, features

A close-up implies perfect clarity, the absence of visible imperfections and an emphasis on the eyes and face of the model. At the same time, do not forget about the position of the back and neck at this moment. If your back is not straightened and your neck is not stretched, then the effect of fullness and a double chin may appear, even where there was none at all. You can take pictures looking directly at the camera, half-turned, looking over your shoulder, and so on. In any of these options, you need to emphasize the jawline, and this can only be done by lifting it and stretching the neck as much as possible.

Poses for filming in a long dress

Putting on a long beautiful evening dress, every woman turns into a princess. When shooting in a photo studio, a long dress can be interestingly combined with decorations and interior items. Popular furniture in this situation are sofas and wedges, stairs, high chairs, armchairs and beds. How you need to stand so that not only the dress, but also the model itself looks beautiful in the photograph.
The main emphasis when shooting in a dress should be the silhouette, so pose and body position are the most important thing. A long train or a beautiful hem of a dress can be shown more effectively if you lower the camera below the level of the model’s chest and move away - you’ll get a long fairy-tale character.

In general, the pose should be as simple and majestic as possible. The back is only straight, the shoulder blades are brought together as much as possible, and the chin is extended. If the dress has a corset, it will tighten your waist and emphasize it. chest line, and without tightening you will have to keep your stomach tense throughout the photo shoot.

It will be beautiful to lean your elbows on a piece of furniture, sit on a sofa or stand against the background of a window. The main thing here is to maintain the image of a princess and not allow yourself to slouch, fall over or relax too much.

For a feminine and soft look, place your feet next to each other and shift your weight to one of them, then the pose will be more graceful. Regardless of the type of dress, wear high heels under the dress; they will highlight the desired curves and make the silhouette more proportional and harmonious.

  • Shooting in a dress allows you to turn your back to the photographer or stand half-turned, including turning your head in profile.

The recently popular cloud-type dresses create a fabulous image that allows you to do a photo shoot, practically without taking difficult poses. Corsets help you maintain your posture, and the chic, voluminous hem and train hide your legs and shoes, all that remains is to straighten your shoulders, lift your chin and place your hands beautifully. Another option for shooting in such a dress is to lie on the train, as if in the clouds. Hands are raised above the head or one rests on the chest, the other in the hair.

As for the hands, you can put them on your hips, raise one to your hair or face, bend your elbows in front of you, and many other things. The fingers should be slightly straightened, not tense, and it is not advisable to hide your hands behind your back.

Photography for curvy girls

Often girls are embarrassed by extra pounds, even eating a minimal amount of them. And that’s why they don’t arrange photo sessions for themselves, for fear of looking even fatter in the photos. The camera adds volume - this is true, but only an unlucky or inexperienced photographer does this cause reluctance to work. There are many beautiful poses for photo shoots, they are suitable even for girls who consider themselves fat.

  • The photographer’s job is to position the frame and model correctly, select light and pose, and only then comes post-processing.

For overweight girls or those with curvy figures, the following poses for photography are recommended.

  • Shooting while lying on your back with your legs raised - this pose will perfectly hide extra centimeters in the waist area and visually lengthen your legs, making them smoother and thinner. An excellent addition to the frame would be fabric or pillows; they can focus attention on attractive places and will perfectly hide what the model does not want to show.
  • When shooting while sitting, you will have to pull in your stomach as much as possible and arch your back; plus size models should not choose to shoot on a chair or lean on tables and walls - this will create additional volume in the buttocks and make their legs larger. Also, you should not lean on something with your side, hand or elbow, this will emphasize the curve of the body, and may unfavorably emphasize the tummy.
  • It is better to sit on the floor or on a sofa, the main thing is that your legs are at the same level as your butt. Then they can be thrown on top of each other or placed next to each other, the socks need to be pulled out as much as possible - this will create a beautiful line of the hips and distract attention from the extra centimeters in the waist area. It is encouraged to use objects, pillows, accessories, and also place your hands so that they also draw the eye to your feet.
  • Shooting while standing will require effort, as you need to straighten your shoulders as much as possible, stretch your neck, bend in the lumbar region and slightly turn your body. These actions will help highlight feminine lines, draw attention to the chest and make the figure a little slimmer.

Let's sum it up

The difficulty of shooting in a studio lies only in the emphasis on the model and her pose, so you need to pay more attention to all parts of the body and the silhouette in general. For thin girls there are practically no restrictions on the position of the body and arms: you can take pictures standing, lying down, sitting, leaning on a piece of furniture or a wall.
But girls with a size above 44 should not be upset and refuse photo shoots either. There are certain basic poses for shooting any body type and any build.

It is enough just to correctly place the accents, divert attention from the shortcomings, and emphasize the advantages. You can use accessories and furnishings to fill out the frame.

The main thing in a photo shoot is the professionalism of the photographer; it is he who will tell you the desired position of the body and hands, place it in the best way in the frame and process the photo after shooting. Properly placed light will make plump girls look slimmer, distract attention from flaws, veil and hide them, and emphasize what is needed.

Street photo shoots can be bright, stylish and original. Rays sunlight, scenery of a metropolis, architectural objects or natural landscapes - create a wonderful background. All that remains is to decide on the theme and choose beautiful poses for pictures.

Let's look at the most interesting and popular poses for outdoor photo shoots that will allow you to look impressive and at ease in the photo. When choosing a particular position, you should take into account the location where the shooting takes place, the image you want to create, as well as the individual characteristics of your appearance.

Poses for photo shoots on the summer streets

There are a huge number of creative ideas for summer street photo shoots. However, in order for the process to go flawlessly and please you with the result, you need to prepare for it. So, in what poses can you be photographed outdoors in the summer?

1. Napoleon pose is one of the most popular and beautiful poses. Looks great against the backdrop of modern city streets. Raise your arms up and spread them slightly to your sides. Bow your head slightly and, on the contrary, lift your chin up. We press one foot firmly into the ground, bend it at the knee and lift it higher. At the same time, the stomach should be tucked in and the chest should be slightly pushed forward.

2. Young lady on a bench - a very romantic and beautiful pose for girls. You need to relax and lie down on a bench. In this case, one of your hands should lie on your forehead, and the other should rest on the bench. Fix your gaze on the summer sky. In this case, it is recommended to pull one leg forward and bend the other slightly under you.

4. Another variation on the bench theme. Suitable for embodying a more daring, playful image. You should sit on the back of the bench, placing your palm on your knee. Bend one leg slightly at the knee, stretch the other forward in a relaxed state.

5. Girlfriends. An excellent theme for a summer photo shoot with a friend. The pose should be natural, relaxed, you can be a little naughty. Stand half-turned towards the camera and put your arms around each other's waists. This photo will look cute and add extra slimness to the silhouettes. For maximum artistic effect, the bridesmaids' hair and cheeks should touch slightly.

6.Another option for a full-length photo together. So, dress in beautiful long dresses, smile at the camera and hold hands.

7. Against the background of the building. Choose a beautiful architectural building as a background. Lean your back against the wall in a relaxed position. Bend your right leg slightly at the knee and move your left leg to the side.

The most beautiful poses

We bring to your attention the TOP of classic, time-tested, spectacular poses.
For girls:

1. Model. Stand half-turned towards the camera lens, turning approximately forty-five degrees.

2. Miss Universe. It looks especially impressive in a photograph with the “urban jungle” as a backdrop on a sunny day. Place your right leg slightly to the side, placing emphasis on your thigh, and smoothly transfer the main body weight on your leg. Place your right hand on the same thigh.

3. Crosshair. Pose standing. Keep your back straight, place your legs in a position that is comfortable for you, and cross your arms over your chest.

4. Fashion show. Lower your head slightly and tilt your body slightly away from the lens so that the illusion of you leaving is created. In this case, you should keep your back straight and your eyes clearly focused on the camera. This pose looks most harmonious during a photo shoot in a dress.

5. A full-length pose with crossed arms and legs is perfect for a plump girl, visually thinning the figure and emphasizing the smooth lines of the body.

For men:
1. Vertical. Stand in a position that is comfortable for you, relax and partially transfer your body weight to your right leg. One arm should be slightly bent at the elbow, and the other should be lowered freely.

2. Focus on the subject. Stand up straight, lower your left hand along your body, and take some interesting, stylish thing (diary, mobile phone or, alternatively, a decorative pistol) in your right hand. In this case, the gaze can be directed both at the object and at the camera lens.

3. With support. Lean your back against the wall of a building or a tree, hold your arms freely, and lift your head up. One of the options for this pose is a photo against the backdrop of a car, on which you can slightly lean your elbows or sit down.
For children:
1. Against a tree background. Pictures in which the baby seems to be peeking out from behind a tree trunk, smiling slyly, look funny. "At the playground". Place your child on the swing and sit next to him, hugging him by the shoulders. Such photographs come out very alive.

2. On the move. Kids usually don't like to pose for the camera. Therefore, for a photo session with a child, it is recommended to choose dynamic, natural and comfortable poses for him. For example, while riding amusement rides, flying a kite, etc.

Poses for photo shoots in nature

1. Lying down. Lie on your back or stomach. Look up. Photos from this angle look great against the backdrop of green grass, golden spikelets or a meadow of summer flowers.

2. Dynamics. In windy weather, you can wear a long, flowy dress and have a wonderful photo shoot in dynamic poses that imitate running or a quick step. In this case, the shoulders should be straightened, the head thrown back, the arms either spread out like wings, or also imitate active movements.

3. Romantic with a guy. Photos of loving couples look great against the backdrop of a natural landscape. The pose in this case should convey your feelings and emotions. For example, a guy can lift his beloved into his arms, or hug her from behind around the waist (both should look into the camera).

4. Photos taken in the park look charming - standing on the bridge or against the backdrop of a fountain. In this case, you can also pose together with your beloved guy or with your child.

5. In flight. Another option for posing during a photo shoot in the park. Climb a hill or climb onto a column, spread your legs slightly, spread your arms wide to the sides.

Wedding poses

Photos of the bride and groom in a wedding dress against the backdrop of nature or architectural landmarks look very touching, sensual and romantic. However, in order for the photo session to turn out magical, you should study the most successful wedding poses in advance.
1.Look in unison. The groom hugs the bride by the waist from behind. At the same time, the most important thing is that their views have the same direction. You can look at each other or at the camera, but certainly in one direction.

2. "Sweet kiss." Such pictures are great against the backdrop of nature, for example, in a park. The pose is quite simple and natural: the groom slightly lifts the bride and kisses her on the lips, she holds her hands on his shoulders.

3.In nature. The bride leans her back slightly against the tree, clutching a bouquet in her hands, her gaze slightly lowered. The groom rests his hand on the tree trunk on the other side, while looking at his beloved.

4.Classic. The groom holds the bride in his arms and spins her around slightly. Such photographs look impressive against the backdrop of local city attractions.

Thus, there are a huge number of interesting, original, imaginative poses for photo shoots on the streets. Approach your choice creatively and the result, in the form of memorable subject photographs, will delight you for many years!

Contrary to popular belief, a model's job is not just about looking good and looking at the camera. The success of a model is entirely tied to the ability to pose and give the photographer “that one shot” out of hundreds of photographs taken. However, the skill of posing, as well as the photogenicity of the model, often depends on the model herself and is the result of many years of experience and hard work. FashionTime - about what is the secret of correct posing and how to create an image that will conquer everyone using aesthetically correct poses.

Portfolio of an aspiring model

Creating a model portfolio is an opportunity to show a wide range of a model’s abilities and reveal as many of her advantageous sides as possible.

1. Poses for a photo shoot. Key principles

– Breathing: before taking a photo (while shooting/taking a certain pose), do not hold your breath, remain relaxed.

– If the model cannot easily achieve the required pose, then the problem is not in the model, but in the pose. Each posing should be natural, free and comfortable, so that the impression is created that the model is not posing at all, but simply “entered the frame.”

– You shouldn’t radically change your pose after each click of the camera: only one element of posing changes from frame to frame (tilt of the head, position of the hands, rotation of the hips).

– The position of the model’s hands and fingers should be as natural as possible:

1) Do not point your fingers (palms) into the camera.

2) Do not clench your fingers into a fist. Leave them slightly relaxed (otherwise the photo will look like they are missing).

3) Think of some use for your hands (hands on hips; hands resting on some surface, do not forget about point number 2) or simply hide your hands in your pockets/behind your back.

2. Body position during shooting

1) Full-length photographs are used in portfolios to give modeling agents (clients) an idea of ​​the model’s body type. Poses when creating such photographs should fully emphasize all the advantages of the model’s figure (narrow hips, waist, etc.):

– Classic model pose: turn your hips away from the camera, shoulders and chest towards the camera. This simple trick will make your thighs look slimmer

– Distribute your weight on your hips (or one thigh) and place your arms in an asymmetrical position. Professional models know that in order to look good in photos, there must be some asymmetry in their posing (for example, if one arm is straight, the other should be bent). This technique will create a feeling of relaxation and naturalness.

– When the arms are placed along the body, the model looks larger compared to a model whose elbows are spread out to the sides.

– The effect of high heels: the chest will become higher and the stomach will be slimmer if you move your elbows back, opening your chest, and slightly raise your head with your shoulders back.

2) Poses for a photo shoot in a sitting position require no less hard work from the model:

– One of the very first and most important rules in this position is straight posture (if you need to bend forward a little, choose the hip as the fulcrum without disturbing your posture).

– To avoid excessive fullness in the hips (and even thin models are concerned about this when sitting), sit sideways and transfer your weight to the thigh that is closest to the camera.

– The legs should be at an angle to the camera and at a slight distance from each other - this will make them more toned.

– The model’s legs do not look slender if the feet are pressed to the floor. You can visually lengthen your legs with your feet raised (while resting on your big toes).

3) Photos in a lying position can carry different meanings - from playful to pointedly erotic. In any case, the model and photographer have the same goal: to make the figure as toned as possible.

Beautiful poses for a photo shoot . Professional posing techniques:

– The model lies on her side, resting on a bent elbow, with the upper leg slightly bent and the lower leg remaining straight, making the legs look “endless.”

– The model rests on her left arm, slightly bent behind her, her right arm is relaxed, both legs are bent at the knees (the left thigh lies on the surface, the right one is raised).

4) Portrait (Headshot). The most commonly used type of model photography is the headshot, which is similar to a portrait and is a close-up shot of the model's face and shoulders. Such photographs are most often used in model portfolios, and models’ business cards (comp cards) are compiled from them. And although such shots do not require special poses, there are special rules that aspiring models should remember:

– The full-face position of the head and a direct look into the camera are not always aesthetically and compositionally justified and look good when the picture needs to be given a dramatic effect. For a softer effect, it is best to turn your face at an angle to the camera, then your gaze will also be directed at an angle, which will create a feeling of intrigue and mystery for the viewer.

– Watch which direction the light is coming from. Remember that light creates additional shadows on the face (skin imperfections that fall in the opposite direction from the light source will be enhanced, therefore, you need to turn your head so that they are completely illuminated).

– Make sure your shoulders are lowered and relaxed.

– Don't forget the principle of asymmetry: a head tilted towards a more elevated shoulder will create a playful impression, while a head tilted towards a lowered shoulder will help the model express a sense of self-worth.

Poses for a photo shoot depending on specialization

Whether you dream of a career as a runway model, lingerie model, glamor model, or a career as a high-fashion model, the ability to pose is the first (but far from the only) factor on which your success will depend.

1. Lingerie model / Bikini shoot

Photos of supermodels in bikinis create a feeling of impeccability, but the main secret lies not in the ideal forms as such, but in the correctly constructed pose for a photo shoot, which has an S shape:

– The weight is transferred to one hip so that it protrudes to one side (right or left) while the upper body protrudes to the other. Turn your head slightly towards your protruding hip. Now your silhouette takes on an S shape. The final touch: you can place your hands on your hips or run them through your hair (ideal for models Victoria's Secret)

To make the model more slim, use the following techniques:

– Place one leg in front of you and bend it slightly – this will lengthen your legs.

– Turn your body 45 degrees and your head towards the camera – this will avoid unnecessary folds and visually reduce your waist.

– In a lying position: lean on your elbow, extend one leg with the other bent - this will make your legs “endless.”

2. Glamor models (glamour model - model for filming for men's and lifestyle magazines)

Poses in such photo shoots are extremely frank and should emphasize the model’s chest and hips. Thus, the model’s appearance plays a dominant role, while clothing and accessories remain secondary.

Some poses used:

– The model’s leg, which is closest to the camera, is slightly bent, which gives the body an S shape and makes the transition from the back to the hips more advantageous.

– The shoulders are pulled back, the chest protrudes forward, while the stomach is pulled in so that it does not look too deliberate or forced.

– The model’s gaze is directed towards the camera, hands in the “butterfly” position (crossed on the chest, wrists and fingers slightly bent).

The pretentious and unnatural posing of this type of model is a tribute to fashion, which sets as its goal an unattainable ideal, which ultimately turns into a status item, the next “peak” of the season. However, it is these “constructed”, deliberate (and often uncomfortable for the models themselves) poses, as opposed to clothing and accessories, that set the tone for several decades to come. Let's look at some of them:

– The “broken doll pose”, which turns the model into a kind of broken Barbie doll (sitting: legs wide apart, elbows out to the sides), found a second wind thanks to the show America's Next Top model and her devoted fan of the supermodel and presenter - Tyre Banks

– The hunch (a variation of the “broken doll” in a standing position) – the founder of this pose is considered to be a model of the 50s Dorian Parker, who skillfully applied it in the setting of palace apartments. Now “The hunch” is a real hit in the modeling business, it can be seen everywhere: from print advertising to photo shoots Vogue. And this is not surprising: despite its pretentiousness, it is she who gives the illusion of harmony. Technique: shoulders tilted forward, stomach pulled in, hands squeezing the ribs - with external discomfort, this pose gives obvious results.

– Stride pose (step) – adds dynamics to the picture. The execution technique depends on the specific task (the width of the model’s step can make the photo grotesque, fluttering hair/clothes will emphasize the sharpness of the movement).

This technique was successfully used by the iconic photographer Richard Avedon, now he chooses her among others for his models Annie Leibovitz.

– Jump is a classic model pose that allows the model to literally “float in the air.” The innovator in this type of posing was the model of the 60s Veruschka, among the most famous photographs is a photograph taken in 1967 Richard Avedon. The technique of execution, according to the model, depends on the specific idea and task (“jump high and at the same time do something else. For example, toss an object while maintaining an indifferent expression on your face”).

The final image of the model

However, no matter how ideal and carefully selected the poses may be, they must fully correspond to the internal state / momentary mood of the model, otherwise they will reduce the model’s image to nothing. The following rules will help you avoid this:

– Remember that each photo shoot is a small story that you are going to tell the viewer (body language is inseparable from your emotions, so what you are going to tell should be clear and close to you personally).

– Remember that the model’s job is to be relaxed and adapt to the environment 100%, to fit into the conditions proposed by the photographer/customer as naturally as possible.

– Remember that each new order (contract) is an opportunity to improve your posing skills and ultimately realize what you could only imagine in your wildest dreams!



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