King Charles Spaniel. Characteristics of dogs of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed

Needs the attention of its owner, without which it may lose all interest in food and walks

Due to the small size of the King Charles Spaniel, dogs of this breed can be kept even in a small apartment. They get along well with both other animals and small children. But the English Toy Spaniel needs the attention of its owner, without which it may lose all interest in food and walks. Therefore, you should have enough time for your pet. There is nothing complicated in caring for this decorative breed. All you need to do is brush and wash it weekly when it gets dirty.

Origin and history

Country of origin: Great Britain

The King Charles Spaniel breed is considered truly “royal”; it has a centuries-old history. It owes its name to Charles (Charles) II, king of England, Scotland and Ireland, who ruled in the 17th century. The monarch was very fond of these elegant, energetic dogs with a proud head carriage, gracefully arched neck and free active movements. The ancestors of these dogs were used by the English nobility for hunting. However, gradually King Charles Spaniels turned into companions of their wealthy owners and took pride of place in aristocratic living rooms. As a result of crossings with oriental breeds and the preference for pets of ever smaller sizes, this favorite took on its modern appearance.

How does the breed characterize the owner?

Looking at the description of the King Charles Spaniel breed, you can say a lot about the person who chose this dog. Most likely, he is distinguished by kindness and great love for his pet. In addition, he should have enough time to spend with his pet.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is an aristocrat, a little hunter. His calling card is large, expressive, slightly sad eyes and a funny, flattened muzzle.

During the Renaissance, duchesses carried it in their arms and complemented the interior of their palaces with it. Today, Charles Spaniel fits perfectly into the rhythm of life of a modern person.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel brings peace and comfort to the home. His character is sincere and kind, he captivates from the first minute of meeting you. Such a dog will not offend or bite. Because she doesn't. This trait makes her vulnerable in relationships with other dogs.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel has a lively personality. He will happily share his favorite toy and bone. If the owners are busy, they won’t bother you. He will obediently wait for someone to pay attention to him.

Thanks to his natural gift, he knows how to sense a person’s condition and adapts to it. A pet of this breed is ideal for both a lonely person and a large noisy family.

In society, Charles Spaniel behaves like a real gentleman. He makes no noise, behaves with restraint and dignity. Sometimes this breed is called the Royal Spaniel and it lives up to the name. In him .

The direct purpose of the breed is to be a friend and companion. The Royal Spaniel knows this from birth and strictly follows the rules of behavior. Arriving at home as a small puppy, he quickly becomes a full-fledged member of the family.

Charles Spaniel will become a faithful companion in moments of relaxation, on walks and on long journeys. He will share your sorrow and joy. Look into his eyes, full of tenderness, charm, love, and all questions will disappear by themselves.

Attitude towards children

Charles Spaniel is ready to offer his paw of friendship to everyone, but the main object of his adoration is children. He can allow them literally anything.

She will become his toy, pillow, nanny. This is because the “gentleman” is an eternal child at heart.

Older children will be happy to play outdoor games. Run, jump, swim, chase a ball, carry a stick, lie on the sofa - as long as your loved one is nearby. This factor becomes fundamental when families with small children purchase a Royal Spaniel puppy for their home.

Attitude towards dogs

"Cavalier" is not a bully. He knows how to get along with dogs and does not get into fights with them. And if he doesn’t become friends, he will pass by, ignoring his fellow tribesman.

You will live in perfect harmony with your pet dogs. He does not show jealousy and considers them members of the royal family, in which the main king is, of course, the master.

Attitude towards cats

The Royal Spaniel has a twofold relationship with representatives of the cat world. He is able to eat well from the same bowl with her and sleep next to her. Strange cats can trigger the hunter's instinct in him and he will certainly chase them.

If you are not one hundred percent sure that your Cavalier Spaniel will quickly execute the command “fu” or “come”, do not let him off the leash within the city. Chasing a cat could cost your four-legged friend his life!

The need for training at home

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is smart from birth. However, it needs to be trained. He is trained well at home, the whole point is that he has no spirit of confrontation. A person's request is law for him.

The key to success is an incentive training method, regular training, love and patience. During the training process, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the breed: mobility, friendliness and desire to be the center of attention.

Possessing an excellent memory, representatives of this breed grasp the science of learning on the fly. They try to please the owner, to please him with their intelligence. By choosing a playful method of education, you will definitely achieve success.

Remember that the royal intelligence of the “gentlemen” allows them to master not only the science of training, but also the science of cunning and manipulation. If the dog suddenly lies on its side or tucks its paw, this is most likely a cunning move to pity you and beg for the coveted treat.

It will provide the “gentleman” with safety and the owners peace of mind about his fate. Commands that a dog needs to know: place, near, fu, sit, lie down, wait, give.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel can master challenging tricks or learn fun, circus tricks. He will be able to fetch a newspaper, slippers, look for toys, hidden treats, and can remember the names of objects.

Don't try to teach him to be evil and don't instill in him hostility towards others. He is a good “guy” and couldn’t be any different.


Aggression is a foreign concept for Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. He leads a peaceful and flexible lifestyle. Those who are afraid of dog fangs can safely get a dog of this breed.

The Royal Spaniel is a peace-loving dog. There is no known instance of him being aggressive towards anyone. Sometimes they call him that - the Champion of Peacefulness and Charm.

Features of education

A well-trained dog is the pride of the owner. Raising an obedient pet in a Cavalier Spaniel is not difficult. It is important to do this affectionately and purposefully. Explain to him what not to do, slightly changing the intonation of your voice. Praise and praise for obedience. It is forbidden:

  • biting hands and feet;
  • chew furniture;
  • take other people's things;
  • relieve yourself in the wrong place;
  • wake up early in the morning;
  • howl in the absence of people, bark;
  • pick up leftover food from the floor or ground;
  • chase cats and birds;
  • pull the leash.

Try to interest the puppy. Excessive severity and exactingness hurt the puppy's psyche, in this case the dog can grow up to be cowardly.

Useful video

Watch an interesting video from one of the exhibitions, in which the owner of a dog of this breed will talk about the character of his pet.

When buying a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy, many do not realize that behind its charm lies complex, painstaking care and education.

  1. “Cavalier” is a child even in old age.
  2. Responsibility for it rests on the shoulders of the owner.
  3. The dog will require special attention.
  4. The King Charles Spaniel is not a diaper breed, it requires a full-fledged walk.
  5. His ears get dirty when he eats.
  6. You can't scold him, you can't yell at him.
  7. The dog sheds hair and you cannot avoid hair in the house.
  8. Barks loudly and can dig the ground.
  9. Don't leave your four-legged friend alone for a long time.
  10. Once visiting a person’s bed, the “gentleman” will remain sleeping there forever.


Do you want to bring a small and beautiful dog into your home so that it is smart, kind and obedient? If you need a cheerful friend and a savior from loneliness, then feel free to get a “Cavalier”, you won’t go wrong.

In contact with

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is an English breed of dog that is extremely popular among all segments of the population. This small dog with strong hunting instincts adapts perfectly to urban conditions and is ideal for the role of a companion. In today's article you will find a detailed description of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and recommendations for caring for him.

Historical reference

The origin of this breed is shrouded in mystery. It is known for certain that the first mentions of such animals date back to the 9th century. They were brought to Britain by Celtic travelers. Several centuries later, breeders managed to obtain a breed of miniature dogs with excellent hunting qualities. Despite the fact that their main purpose was to catch pheasants, ducks, rabbits and other small game, they quickly won the love of the court nobility and became a decoration of luxurious interiors.

The greatest flowering of the breed occurred during the reign of Charles II. In the palace of this king there lived several of these dogs, which were considered full members of the family. Later, Charles II even issued a decree allowing Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, reviews of which were exclusively positive, to appear freely in any place, including the English Parliament. As a result, by the middle of the 19th century, representatives of this breed finally moved to soft sofas and practically ceased to be used as hunters. All this entailed exterior changes. The dogs not only decreased in size, but also acquired a more rounded skull with a slightly flattened muzzle. They received official recognition only at the beginning of the 20th century.

Description of appearance

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a dog with a memorable exterior. It immediately attracts attention with its harmony and miniature size. On a beautiful rounded head with a smoothed occipital protuberance and a wide flat forehead, there are large expressive eyes with tight-fitting eyelids and black edging and long hanging ears covered with rich, decorative hair.

Under the square body with strong bones and developed but not visualized muscles there are two pairs of strong, straight limbs with small, well-pigmented pads and curved dark claws. On dense brushes with fingers gathered into a ball, there is decorative hair that forms fringes.

The harmonious, moderately long and slightly sloping neck smoothly transitions into well-developed shoulders, prominent withers, a broad, strong back and a slightly convex strong loin, ending at the base of a gradually tapering, beautifully pubescent tail.

Representatives of this breed have well-expressed sexual dimorphism. The girl Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is much smaller than the boy. They are much more elegant and sophisticated. Despite this, the size of the animals is not divided by gender. The most important role in the exhibition examination process is played not by the size, but by the harmony of a particular dog. Nevertheless, the standard establishes the framework within which representatives of this breed must fit. Thus, the average weight of a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is from 6 to 8.2 kg with a height varying between 30.5-33 cm.

Coat and color

The compact body of representatives of this breed is covered with soft, silky fur, giving them a special charm. Straight or slightly wavy guard hair should be dense, but at the same time quite light and elastic. Dogs that have reached puberty develop decorative fur, forming feathering on the paws, tail, ears and lower part of the body.

When it comes to color, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel standard allows for four possible variations, including:

  • White-chestnut. This is the most common color. There are red-brown markings on the main pink and white background. The spots can be localized in the ears, cheeks and body.
  • Black and tan with red tint located in the groin, paws, ears, chest and eye sockets. In this case, there should be white spots on the animal’s body.
  • Tricolor. The main pearl background has black and red markings. On the head of a dog of this color there must be a white blaze going down to the muzzle and lips.
  • Red (ruby). This color assumes the presence of a uniform, rich shade without black or white hair.

Dogs with irregular markings do not meet the standard and are excluded from breeding.

Character traits

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, the photo of which can be seen in today's publication, has not only a pretty appearance, but also a wonderful disposition. Due to its natural nobility, it can become not only a source of pride for its owner, but also a devoted friend. This peaceful and calm dog is almost never sullen or aggressive. She gets along well with children and is sincerely attached to all members of the owner's family. This miniature dog needs constant contact with a person, and being alone for a long time makes him depressed. A yearning animal can whine, bark and even damage the owner’s property. Therefore, it is not recommended to start it for those who do not have enough free time.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, whose reviews are mostly rave, does not tolerate noise and fuss. Therefore, it almost never causes inconvenience. He is not pugnacious and easily gets along with other pets. Despite his calm and easy-going disposition, he is very playful and active. This little dog loves long walks. He will run with visible pleasure after any moving objects, be it a stick thrown by the owner or a neighbor's cat. When walking, representatives of this breed behave very intelligently and never initiate fights. It willingly follows its owner and is friendly towards strangers.

Education and training

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed is naturally intelligent. These cute little animals have excellent memories and are easy to train. They instantly understand what is required of them and quickly learn new commands. Since these dogs cannot stand rough treatment and strict intonations, in the process of raising them you need to act as patiently and gently as possible. In response to the love and affection shown, the dog will happily obey any of your commands.

Raising a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy follows the same principles as training any other breed. It should start from the first days of its appearance in your home. After the puppy adapts a little to the new place, it can be taught its name. After he starts joyfully running when called, you can gradually complicate the task by introducing new commands. To prevent your dog from causing inconvenience to you or others in the future, it must undergo a basic obedience course. It is important not to allow the baby to do things that would be prohibited to an older animal. If you don't want your dog to lie on your sofas in the future, then never allow him to climb there.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel adapts well to life in city apartments. He is quite unpretentious to the conditions of detention. But there are several important nuances that any caring owner should pay attention to.

To maintain the natural shine and silkiness of the coat, it is recommended to periodically comb it with a special brush. This simple procedure not only helps eliminate dirt, dust and dead hair, but also improves blood circulation. To enhance the effect, you can use special sprays sold in every modern pet store.

The animal’s long drooping ears require no less attention. Due to their tight fit to the head, they are poorly ventilated. In addition, large amounts of sulfur and dust accumulate in them. Therefore, they need to be systematically wiped with cotton pads. To ensure that this procedure does not cause dissatisfaction with the dog, it must be trained from puppyhood.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel needs regular teeth cleaning. It is advisable to do this no more than twice a week using a soft brush and special paste. During the procedure, you need to act as carefully as possible so as not to injure your pet’s gums.


Representatives of this breed are highly active. In order for them to have the opportunity to splash out the accumulated energy, they need to be walked. It is advisable to take your animal outside at least twice a day. While in the fresh air, the dog will happily run after the ball and participate in other outdoor games. Such activity will have a positive effect on the animal’s well-being and mood.

Since the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, the photo of which is presented in this publication, does not tolerate cold well, it is advisable to dress him in winter overalls in frosty weather. For the fall, experts recommend purchasing a waterproof suit for your pet. Using clothing will protect your little dog from many health problems, including colds and skin diseases. Therefore, buying dog clothes can be called not the whims of the owner, but an important necessity.

Diet features

Many years of experience of professional breeders who own kennels of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels shows that creating a menu for these dogs requires certain knowledge. The fact is that many representatives of this breed have a very sensitive gastrointestinal tract and a tendency to allergic reactions. Therefore, it is advisable to feed them with industrial food of super premium or holistic class.

Those who decide to give their pet natural products should remember that the basis of a dog’s diet should be fresh, raw meat. It could be beef, lamb or poultry. Several times a week, offal products, such as heart, liver or kidneys, should appear on the animal’s menu. In addition, you need to ensure that the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, reviews of which are very positive, regularly receives eggs, vegetables, cottage cheese, kefir, curdled milk and cereals. Owners who feed their dogs natural food should not neglect the use of special vitamin and mineral supplements.

Since representatives of this breed are prone to gluttony and quickly gain extra pounds, they must be limited in food. To avoid obesity, the dog must receive a strictly adjusted daily food intake, calculated taking into account its age, weight and level of physical activity.

Health and life expectancy

Representatives of this breed are prone to a number of diseases that are hereditary or acquired. One of the most common problems is mitral valve stenosis. The occurrence of this disease may be a consequence of genetic predisposition or the result of poor care. The disease affects both young and elderly animals. It has a detrimental effect on blood circulation. The first sign of the development of stenosis is considered to be a heart murmur. A sick dog requires individually selected treatment and can live a full, but relatively short life.

An equally common disease affecting the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel population is heart disease. It can be either congenital or acquired. The disease manifests itself in abnormal structure, deformation of the walls or valves of the heart muscle. A set of therapeutic measures is selected individually, taking into account the general condition of the dog.

Among other things, Cavaliers are predisposed to arthritis. This is inflammation of the joints, provoked by pathogenic microorganisms or an immune response. The disease is accompanied by severe painful sensations and is subject to complete or partial healing.

The next common disease is arthrosis. This pathology leads to degenerative changes in the cartilage tissue of the joints. It develops in a latent form and manifests itself at an acute stage, accompanied by severe pain.

Some puppies of this breed are born with a congenital anomaly called a soft palate. This disease causes the animal a lot of suffering. It is expressed in the abnormal structure of the upper palate, causing spasms. A sick dog often coughs, sneezes and cannot eat normally. This problem cannot be completely cured. But modern veterinarians have developed a whole range of measures aimed at relieving the acute condition.

In recent years, cases of allergic reactions have become more frequent among the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel population. The cause of this disease can be dust, food, fabrics, alloys or an insect bite. This pathology is accompanied by decreased appetite, hair loss, hyperactivity of the mucous membranes or itchy skin.

As for life expectancy, with proper care it can reach fifteen years.

Choosing a puppy

To purchase a dog, it is advisable to contact a professional breeder who owns a kennel of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. Only in this case will you be completely sure that you are purchasing a purebred animal that meets breed standards and has a full set of documents. It is important to understand that a real breeder will never sell a puppy that is under three months of age and has not been vaccinated.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: owner reviews

Most people in whose homes representatives of this breed live claim that they are very loyal and affectionate animals. They are distinguished by high intelligence and good learning ability. Despite their miniature size, such dogs are endowed with perfectly expressed hunting instincts and require long daily walks. While being outside, you need to carefully monitor your pet, as he may get carried away by sniffing out any smell and get lost.

The only thing that scares off many potential owners who are interested in how much a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel costs is its rather high price. For a purebred puppy of this breed you will have to pay from 600 to 1800 dollars.

A dog of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed, the photo of which makes you smile and touch at first sight, is very suitable for keeping for people with an active lifestyle. The pet will become a good companion for children and elderly people.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: description of the breed

These graceful animals are true gentlemen (after all, their homeland is Great Britain), their appearance and habits justify their royal name. Initially, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel was intended to perform hunting functions. But later, for their habits and external charm, the pets became companions of royalty and lived in luxurious palace conditions.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dog

Among the spaniel breed, the King Charles is considered the smallest dog. The dog reaches a height of about 30 cm, weighs on average from 5 and a half to 8 kilograms. It has a straight back and a short body. The tail, stretching out, forms a “solid” straight line with the back. Sometimes the tail is docked, but this is not necessary.

Dogs of this breed are decorated with excellent long hair that resembles light waves, especially on the ears. Color may vary:

  • black with tan;
  • ruby;
  • bright orange on a white background;
  • tricolor - with black spots, bright chestnut tan marks on a white background.

The muzzle is small, tapering, stretching forward. A characteristic feature of the Cavalier King is large, slightly protruding eyes. The ears are set high and have long fur. The neck is of medium size and smoothly flows into the shoulder section. The paws are even and not too large.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel black and tan

Who would suit the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel's personality?

The character of the four-legged pets of this breed is simply wonderful. These are cute playful dogs that will not leave anyone indifferent.

King Charles loves to be given attention, prefers to be in the center, always in a good position. He loves children very much and takes part in games with them with pleasure. He is friends with everyone around him, so he is unlikely to become a security guard.

The main pastime is communication with all family members, to whom he is immensely devoted. Lack of attention and communication to your shaggy friend will result in apathy, drowsiness, indifference to games and going outside, and depression can become a more serious manifestation.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, according to reviews from those who already have this wonderful animal, is a very smart dog and is excellent at training. He loves to travel with his owners and adapts to people of any character.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a very friendly dog.

The main features inherent in a dog of this breed:

  • very friendly. Considers everyone his friends, but for the purpose of personal protection he may show some aggression, for example, bite;
  • great love for games;
  • gets along with all other animals that are in the same room with her;
  • affection for the whole family, but shows the greatest love only to one person;
  • has a calm temperament and will not disturb you with noisy barking;
  • obeys his masters, follows all commands.

It is thanks to these characteristics that it can be suitable for any family: young active couples, families with children, pensioners, single people, as well as those who already have other animals.

This dog breed has a calm temperament.

What is the best way to buy Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies?

If you decide to purchase a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dog, the optimal time would be when the puppies have reached two months of age. First you need to decide what kind of dog you want - a purebred or a mixed breed.

Puppies must be seen by a veterinarian

You should pay attention to how the little Cavalier King behaves. If he is angry or angry, then it is better to choose another animal. You can gently stroke the puppy and watch his actions; if he likes you, the dog will be sociable.

You also need to observe the puppy’s attitude towards other relatives. This is especially important when participating in exhibitions, because a meek and timid dog will not be able to achieve victory.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a very active and active breed, so excessive lethargy should raise health concerns.

If you need Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies, you can buy them through numerous advertisements on the Internet, newspapers, and forums. But still, the best option would be to purchase through reputable breeders.

Ask about the dog's documents, its pedigree, medical certificates and vaccinations. Ask if the puppy's parents are close relatives; this largely determines the pet's health. If the answer is yes, there is no need to buy it. It is for these reasons that it is worth buying a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel from a kennel, and not from someone else through an advertisement.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed is very active and agile.

What are the conditions of maintenance and care?

The Cavalier King breed does not require special maintenance conditions or complex care. But you still need to pay due attention to your pet so that it is healthy and well-groomed. The rules are:

  1. Keeping the coat in order. To do this, you will need to comb it with a special comb. The procedure is performed once a week. You should especially carefully comb the back of the ears, on the elbow joints and on the stomach in the area of ​​​​the hind legs. You should wash your wool with shampoo and conditioner no more than once every 1-2 months. Wipe your eyes and mouth daily, removing all sorts of secretions and dirt after eating. Ears are cleaned as they become dirty. On the paws, the hair between the toes and the claws on them are trimmed, as well as the hair on the soles.
  2. Walks. Dogs of this breed do not need much physical activity. Taking them outside for a walk once a day is enough. To make your four-legged friend look good physically, you should gradually lengthen the time of walks, play with toys, and teach the dog to follow commands.
  3. Feeding. The number of meals depends on the age of the animal:
  • up to 12 weeks – three meals a day:
  • from 12 weeks to 1 year – twice a day;
  • from a year - one-time use. An adult dog can be fed twice a day, dividing the daily amount in half.

They need to be given low-fat cottage cheese

For a complete balanced diet, you can use special dry food. This will make life easier for the owners at the same time. When purchasing food, pay attention to the age indication.

You can create your own diet for your pet. But it must contain lean meat, raw or boiled, boiled offal without fatty layers, soft-boiled eggs, low-fat cottage cheese and kefir, rice and buckwheat, some fruits and vegetables, and vitamins.

Do not feed your dog from your table, especially sweet, hot, or spicy foods. Do not serve sausages. Bones are prohibited as they lead to various health problems.

Norms for dog height and weight depending on age

At birth, puppies weigh an average of half a kilogram. During the first month, they gain weight 5-6 times greater than at birth and during this period reach a weight of 2-3 kg.

After two months and up to six months, the mass of the young triples, and their body size also changes. Thus, the length at the withers doubles, and the length of the paws grows two to three times compared to the original. That is, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies (many well-known breeders in Moscow and St. Petersburg offer to buy them) grow very quickly at the age of 6 months. From 6 months up to 1 year of age, weight and height increases in basic indicators slow down.

After two months and up to six months, the weight of the young triples

It is during the period of intensive development that it is necessary to take care of the proper nutrition of the growing dog so that an exemplary exterior is formed. Otherwise, it will be impossible to correct existing deficiencies with age.

The average weight gain by age can be seen from the table:

At birth 350-550 grams
1 month 2-3 kg
2-6 months 6-9 kg
6-12 months 7.5-12 kg

How to train and train a pet

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dog breed will not have problems with training and training. Their character is soft, they are obedient and do not know how to be stubborn. Your pets can develop certain skills and habits for living in a family on their own, without turning to specialists. The main thing is to base all training on love and affection, give rewards for correctly completing tasks, then your four-legged friend will obey you.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dog breed will not have problems with training and training.

You need to start training from the moment you bring the puppy into your home. He must learn the basic rules of behavior - illegal actions must be stopped immediately so that this does not become a habit for the dog.

While in society, your ward must behave in such a way that it does not disturb other family members. You should not allow him to sleep in bed with you or beg while you are eating. The puppy should be taught not to be cowardly or, conversely, to avoid dangerous things.

A grown-up pet cavalier, after he has settled in a new place, is sent to undergo a general obedience course. He will learn common commands (such as “lie down, stay, sit, come to me” and others), he will know his place, he will be taught to wear a muzzle and not take food from strangers or pick it up on the street.

What is the health of gentlemen and their characteristic diseases

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dog is distinguished by fairly good health, of course, if it does not have inherited diseases.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dog is in fairly good health.

Among the diseases characteristic of the breed, cavaliers may suffer from the following ailments:

  • congenital or acquired heart disease, which can also be caused by streptococci;
  • narrowing of the mitral valve of the heart, which is accompanied by noise, while blood moves poorly through the vessels. Dogs live normally with this disease, but not as long as healthy dogs;
  • arthritis and arthrosis – pathologies associated with joint disease. With this disease there is pain;
  • endocarditis - inflammatory damage to the inner lining of the heart;
  • diabetes mellitus Dogs, like people, are given insulin injections;
  • allergies. Their manifestations are expressed in different ways: hair loss, loss of appetite, inflammation of the mucous membranes, etc.;
  • from the soft palate, associated with abnormal development of the upper palate. This causes attacks of coughing, sneezing, and interferes with eating. Acute conditions are treated using special methods.

Other hereditary pathologies include Legge-Perthes disease, when the femoral head is destroyed, diseases of the spinal discs, and epilepsy. Due to their constitution, cavaliers often suffer from dislocations of the kneecap when jumping from heights. The breed is also susceptible to eye diseases, among which it is worth noting cataracts, glaucoma and entropion.

When choosing Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies from a kennel, be sure to inquire about his health status, as well as his ancestors.

Systematic annual examinations by a veterinarian will help to identify the initial stages of diseases in time and take the necessary measures. A healthy pet will bring joy to you and your family.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Photo |

basic information

Estimation of breed characteristics

Adaptability A definition that refers to how easily a dog can adapt to changes in life.

Shedding level Level and frequency of hair loss in an animal.

Level of tenderness The level and amount of tenderness and affection that a dog gives in return for attention to itself.

Need for exercise The dog's daily activity level.

Social need The required amount of contact between the dog and other animals, as well as people.

Apartment ratio A factor that determines the level of noise and other inconveniences that a dog can cause to owners in relation to the size of the apartment to the size of the dog.

Grooming The number of baths, brushing, and the required number of professional grooming sessions required by the dog.

Friendliness in an unfamiliar environment Peculiarities of dog behavior in society with strangers or in unfamiliar surroundings.

Tendency to bark Tendency to bark and its frequency and volume.

Health issues The dog's potential health status.

Territoriality A dog's tendency to protect its owner's home, yard, or even car.

Friendly to cats Tendency towards tolerance towards cats and reduced expression of hunting instincts.

Intelligence The dog’s ability to think and solve emerging difficulties (not to be confused with learning ability!).

Education and training The level of difficulty in training a dog to perform certain actions.

Child Friendly A factor that determines how friendly a dog is to children, whether it likes to play with them and tolerate some children's pranks.

Game activity The concept is defined by its very name, and, as a rule, occurs in almost all dogs.

Observation A dog's ability to detect the presence of a stranger in its territory.

Friendly to other dogs The dog's tendency to find a common language with its other relatives.

Brief description of the breed

Big-eyed decorative dogs with the aristocratic name of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed, which once kept people from high society in Great Britain company, today get along well in ordinary families all over the world. These dogs are good-natured and excellent at establishing contact with both people and other animals. In some cases, hunters take cavaliers as assistants when hunting small game, but most often they are house friends, companion dogs. The compact size and light weight of these spaniels allow them to be kept in small living spaces, which is also important (especially for residents of megacities).

So, Cavalier King Charles spaniels are small, proportional dogs, whose weight ranges from 5 to 8 kg, height - 25-35 cm. The shape of the head in the ear area is flat, the muzzle is small, tapering towards the nose. A distinctive feature of these dogs is their large and protruding, widely set, round eyes. Cavaliers' ears are set high, drooping, with elongated hair. Scissor bite. The dog's neck is medium in length, has no dewlap, and smoothly blends into the shoulders. The body is stretched, the back is straight, blending into the dog’s smoothly sloping croup. The limbs are straight, parallel, paws are small in size. The tail is set low (sometimes docked). The coat is long, sometimes slightly wavy, especially long on the ears, paws, and tail, characteristic of the breed. The color of dogs can be of 4 colors: ruby ​​(red), Blenheim (red markings on a white background of fur, extending not only to the body, but also to the eye area and the lower part of the ears with a white blaze between the eyes), tricolor (black markings on a white background coat with a white blaze between the eyes and red tan markings in the area of ​​the eyes, cheekbones, the inside of the ears, tail, legs) and black with tan marks (red tan marks above the eyes, on the inside of the ears, on the throat, chest, on the forelimbs from the knees to the paws , on the hind limbs from the inside to the tips of the paws, at the bottom of the tail).

Photo of Cavalier King Charles Spaniel:

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Photos of Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dogs |

Origin story

In fact, these dogs have a very rich history, and the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed is inextricably linked with another breed - the King Charles Spaniel. The popularity of toy spaniels in Britain began around the 15th century, and the first mentions of similar ones accompanying nobles and royalty everywhere appeared in the 13th century. It is not known for certain what exactly the ancestors of the English Toy Spaniels were, since according to one version, these small dogs were brought to Britain by the Celts from the Iberian Peninsula in the 9th century, according to another version, such dogs (which are descendants) were imported from China in the same time period. According to the third version, toy spaniels were brought from Italy in the 13th century.

In the 15th and 16th centuries, toy spaniels became so popular in the British Isles that even royalty did not shy away from allowing these dogs into their luxurious living rooms. For example, spaniels were owned by the Tudor dynasty - the English king Henry VIII, Queen Elizabeth I. Spaniels became especially popular during the reign of the Stuarts - King Charles (Charles) I and his son Charles (Charles) II. It is generally accepted that it was in honor of Charles II that the breed (King Charles Spaniel) got its name, since this ruler was so attached to small dogs that they were allowed to enter the royal chambers, churches and the British House of Commons. Until the 19th century, King Charles spaniels were not only close to the court, but also accompanied monarchs during audiences and festive events. In the second half of the 19th century, short-faced dogs began to gain popularity, during which King Charles began to be crossed with Chinese Chins. The result of this relationship was a significant change in the appearance of the King Charles - a short muzzle, a round forehead and low-set ears.

The former King Charles (so beloved by English royal dynasties) became a curiosity. And only in the second half of the 1920s did English breeders, led by R. Eldridge, begin systematic work to preserve the traditional “old” appearance of the King Charles - flat-faced and long-faced. The best individuals were selected, which gave new life to the breed, undeservedly forgotten. The “new” breed, which, in fact, was centuries older than the “old” one, was called the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (thanks to Charles II and his fellow cavaliers).

Personality of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavaliers are quite intelligent, good-natured, emotional and loyal dogs to their owners. They are balanced and tolerant of guests at home. Their innate sense of friendliness towards people will not allow them to become guards, although they love to bark. Cavaliers certainly need communication and daily tactile contact with the owner. A bored dog can seriously suffer: become depressed, howl without doing anything, and become aggressive. Puppies accustomed to society are playful, obedient, and kind to children and animals. They are perfectly trainable, perceiving the owner’s commands as a game. In short, these dogs are great for families with a calm lifestyle. The main need of gentlemen is communication with their dear owner. These dogs do not try to take the palm into their paws, so the owner of the gentleman may be a person of a soft character, and not at all a leader with strict rules.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels do not tolerate harsh climates, temperature changes, and dampness very well. Therefore, their personal space should be within the boundaries of the house or. And thanks to their miniature size, it’s not at all difficult to carve out a comfortable corner without drafts, providing it with a bed, dishes and toys for games (and, perhaps, a tray for the first time, when the puppy is not yet accustomed to walking around, making puddles and piles).

These dogs cannot be called overly active, although they naturally need daily walks. At home they behave “culturedly”, but with a lack of attention from the owner and a rare promenade they are capable of doing a little mischief, for example, chewing shoes or furniture, and these dogs also quickly gain weight with little mobility. That is why it is worth giving these animals the opportunity to walk on a leash every day for at least an hour.

The thick, luxurious coat of Cavaliers should be brushed with a stiff brush and slicker daily (or at least a couple of times a week) to avoid the appearance of tangles. The thick fur between the toe pads can be trimmed carefully. Often animals are trimmed, shortening the so-called decorative long hair. You can resort to the services of a groomer, who will explain exactly how best to care for the coat of gentlemen.

Caring for the ears (long ears with luxurious hair in dogs of this breed require careful care), teeth and claws of the pet can also be entrusted to a specialist or done independently. Particular attention should be paid to the eyes of these animals, since cavaliers often suffer from eye inflammation. Dogs are bathed no more than 3 times a year with shampoo for long-haired dogs.

Cavaliers are unpretentious in food; you just need to choose a menu for them that will be rich in vitamins and minerals, be it natural food or ready-made industrial food. The dog should always have access to a bowl of clean water to drink.

Training and education

Good traits in cavaliers during the training process are obedience and the absence of stubbornness, which is characteristic of most breeds. Even inexperienced owners can, if they wish, instill in their dog of this breed the skills necessary for a comfortable existence in society. A kind attitude, encouragement for a well-executed command, and the absence of excessive stress - and the dog will become obedient, will not cause headaches for owners and annoy neighbors.

But from a young age the dog should be taught the rules of good behavior and socialization. To do this, you should stop the puppy’s attempts to chew something, make puddles in the wrong place, excessively annoy all family members with his company, climb into the bed, beg for goodies from the table, and so on. And also the puppy should be accustomed to the noises of the city, other animals, small children, and should not be afraid of everything or show excessive curiosity about potentially dangerous objects.

When the gentleman baby adapts sufficiently and gets used to the new home (and the owner earns the puppy’s trust), you can take the dog’s general obedience course (GOC). In the process of OKP, the animal will acquire the following skills: endurance, calling to the command “come to me”, walking “next to me”, following the commands “sit”, “lie down”, “stand”, “place”, refusal to accept food from the ground or from the hands a stranger on the command “fu”, the dog will be accustomed to a muzzle.

Health and illness

Cavaliers faithfully serve their master for about 10-12 (rarely 15) years. This breed is considered to be quite strong in terms of health (if we are talking about a dog with documents purchased from a reputable breeder). However, these decorative spaniels can also have congenital and acquired diseases, the most common of which are: Legge-Perthes disease (a hereditary disease characteristic of small dogs, consisting of destructive processes of the femoral head), patellar dislocation (congenital or traumatic nature , in which there is a displacement of one bone relative to the articular surface of another), epilepsy (genetic or acquired disease, neurological dysfunction of the brain), herniated discs (loss or protrusion of the intervertebral disc into the lumen of the spinal canal), hydrocephalus (large accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain ventricles), congenital and acquired eye diseases (increased eye pressure - glaucoma, entropion of the eyelid, clouding of the lens - cataract), otitis media (ear inflammation), heart failure (congenital, acquired or age-related).

Some interesting facts

  • Cavalier King Charles Spaniels have been recognized for many decades as one of the most popular and beloved dogs in the UK. Many dog ​​lovers from Europe choose gentlemen as a family friend due to their wonderful character and gentleness. They appeared in the USSR in 1986. The first Cavalier King Charles Spaniel in the Land of the Soviets was a one-year-old male named Herbie vom Douglas, tricolor, born in the GDR (died in 1999). In 1988, a Blenheim-colored bitch, Kenzie von Sachsenhof, was brought to the USSR for crossing. Their offspring appeared in 1990, so the breed has been gaining popularity in our country for 30 years.
  • Today on the Internet, in cynological publications, and just on the street you can see cute spaniels with sad, intelligent eyes of the Cavalier King Charles breed. But it is especially interesting to contemplate ancient paintings of the Renaissance and Enlightenment (and later periods), painted by such masters as: Anthony Van Dyck, Thomas Gainsborough, Joshua Reynolds Sargent and others. The canvases, whose age exceeds several hundred years, depict beautiful high society and sometimes royalty, and at their feet are dogs exactly similar to modern Cavalier King Charles Spaniels.



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