How to care for a dachshund puppy in the house. Proper care of a dachshund: everything a caring owner needs to know

The dachshund is a hunting breed with an unusual appearance. But dogs are popular not only among hunters. The best representatives of the breed take part in exhibitions. Many animal lovers choose a dog as a pet, but do not know how to care for a dachshund.

The first mention of dachshunds is their depiction on ancient Egyptian frescoes. Modern dogs of this breed are the result of selective breeding. Three categories of dachshund breeds have been developed, which have common features: an elongated body, short legs, long ears that hang down.

Table 1. Anthropological data of dachshunds depending on category.

INTERESTING! Dogs from foreign breeders have longer legs, so their height is higher than average.

The lifespan of a dog is 15 years.

Dachshunds can be long-haired or short-haired, with soft or hard coats. Color ranges from light yellow to dark shades with contrasting tan.

The animal is agile, with well-developed muscles of the body and limbs. The dog's jaws are also very strong.

Features of the character and behavior of the dachshund

Dachshunds are serious and businesslike. The dog is constantly busy, looking for something, sniffing around. The dog is a burrower, it has the habit of digging. The owner must decide how his pet will satisfy this need. A dachshund cannot be trained to dig.

Dog breeders identify the following character traits and behavioral features of the dachshund:

  1. The dog requires a lot of attention. If the dog is not given the required number of walks and games, he will ruin the environment at home.
  2. Dachshund is a hunter. If you spend little time with your pet, he goes out hunting and brings back prey. A neighbor's chicken that is caught becomes the dog's pride; he will not understand that he has done a bad thing.
  3. The dog is smart, quick-witted and trainable. The animal is willful and may not obey the owner’s command if it does not consider it necessary.
  4. The dachshund is brave and not afraid of risk. If it senses danger, it can attack an animal that is much larger in size.

Puppy behavior

The baby dachshund is clumsy but loves to play. The puppy regards any object as a toy. A dog will quickly tear a soft plush item, just like slippers, so these items are not suitable for play. It is better to use special balls or toys woven from thick rope. You can buy rustling or squeaking balls; your puppy will love to play with them.

The puppy is tireless, he does not notice fatigue and falls asleep at an unexpected moment in an unexpected place.

Raising a dachshund puppy

The dog is taken away from its mother at the age of three months. The dog learns the first skills of living in a pack with its mother and other puppies, but they need to be taught how to live among people. The dog must recognize its owner as the leader of the new pack.


In order for the puppy to get used to the nickname, the owner takes a treat in his hands and calls the puppy. At first, he will approach you only because of the delicacy offered. The owner should calmly say the dog’s name and praise the dog for coming. During the training process, you should not call the puppy using words other than its nickname.

The nickname is not pronounced if the dog has done something wrong; the command “No” (or “Ugh”) is used. They speak in a calm tone and do not shout out nicknames.


Small puppies go to the toilet while wearing a diaper. By the age of three months, the dog can be trained to use the tray. You can use a cat accessory filled with scraps of paper. During training, the pet is limited in space, bowls with food and water, and a tray are made equally accessible. At first you need to watch the baby. They usually go to the toilet after sleeping and feeding. If the puppy is worried, he is placed in the tray. At the same time, they prepare the puppy for the fact that in the future he will go to the toilet outside. To do this, say the command “Walk!” If the result is achieved, the pet is praised. Subsequently, there will be no problems with learning to go to the toilet outside.

Collar and leash

The collar is first put on the puppy at 2 months. If the dachshund came to the owner at an older age, the training will also be successful. The collar is selected according to size; it should be soft, preferably made of textiles. At first, the dog will try to remove the accessory, itch and get nervous. The dog quickly gets used to it and can be trained to use a leash. Choose light ammunition. The first time they attach it to the collar, while petting and praising the puppy. Next time the pet is allowed to walk with a leash. If the puppy calmly accepts manipulations, try leading him on a leash. The dog is stimulated with treats and lightly pulled on the leash. The dog should not be allowed to play with the equipment. After getting used to the dachshund's leash, it is convenient to use a tape measure. You can read about that in our article.

Walk outside

The first time a dachshund puppy is taken outside is when all vaccinations have been completed. For the first walk, choose a quiet and deserted place. The presence of other animals is also avoided. The pet may be afraid of space; it needs to be calmed down and given a treat. Gradually they move on to walks in crowded places and introduce the puppy to other dogs.

Training a dachshund puppy

Pet training begins after the dog has become accustomed to its name. It must be remembered that the owner must always ensure that the command is carried out. If the dog is stubborn and refuses to do what the owner says, you should be persistent. Commands are repeated clearly and in a stern voice. You cannot shout at the dog, and hitting you is also not allowed. Rough handling of an animal will cause aggression on its part. The owner will definitely not strengthen his authority with such behavior.

Table 2. Commands that need to be taught to a dachshund at home.

"To me"On command, the dog must approach the owner. If it is not possible to achieve this from the pet, the owner turns away and pretends to leave. Usually the dog runs after the owner. When this happens, you need to repeat the command and praise the dog for following it.
"Ugh" or "No"The team is needed for the safety of the pet and others. The words prohibit the dog from picking up food during a walk, damaging interior items, or barking at guests. The command is processed until it is immediately executed. During the training process, it is permissible to pull the dog away from a dangerous object by the leash and lightly clamp its mouth when barking.
"Place"The dog should have its own place (house) in the apartment. On command, the dog must lie down exactly there. The puppy is placed on the bedding and the command is spoken. The procedure is repeated until the baby learns to perform it. On the street, the command means that the pet must take a place next to the owner’s leg.
"Sit"Compliance with the command is achieved using treats. A piece of food is raised above the dog's head. To take it, the animal will have to sit down. If this does not happen, lightly press on the base of the tail.
"Lie"To teach the command, the hand with the food is lowered to the floor. The dachshund will have to lie down to get the treat. To consolidate the skill, the owner places his hand on the dog’s back and tries to hold the dog in this position for as long as possible.
"Voice" and "Quiet"Two commands taught sequentially. The dog must be able to bark and stop barking on command.

Practicing the “Lie Down” command

A well-mannered puppy grows up balanced. At the age of two, a period begins to test the strength of the established framework. During this period, the dachshund runs away during walks, does not follow commands, and barks for no reason. The owner needs to be patient and not allow the pet to refuse to follow the command.

Executing the “Sit” command

By the age of four, the dachshund’s character is fully formed, the dog becomes calm. Until this time, puppy playfulness remains.

Problems with the behavior of an adult dog arise due to the fault of its owner. Possible errors and their consequences:

  1. The owner is too soft and does not enforce commands and obedience. An older animal becomes uncontrollable.
  2. The owner is too strict and often punishes the dog. The dog grows up aggressive, but the situation can be corrected by a specialist using a professional approach.
  3. An unscrupulous breeder sells puppies from mentally ill parents. Such a pet will not make a balanced dog.
  4. The owner acquired the puppy from hunter parents, but does not train him and does not plan to hunt with him. The genetically inherent hunting instinct will not allow the dachshund to become an ordinary house dog.

Household and dog safety

To ensure the comfort of the dachshund and family members, a house is prepared for the pet. The litter in it should not contain small parts. Place soft material and a diaper on top. The outer fabric is changed as it gets dirty. The dachshund needs to have privacy.

Wires, electrical appliances, and poisonous indoor plants are removed from the puppy’s access area.

The dog does not show aggression towards children. But, if a child accidentally hurts the puppy, he may react by growling or even biting. Children are explained that they cannot play with a dog like a toy.

IMPORTANT! The dachshund has a weak back; children should not be allowed to sit on the dog or push it down the steps. For the same reason, the dog should not be lifted by the withers, pulled strongly on the leash, or allowed to stand on its hind legs.

Dachshund care

The short coat of a dachshund requires no less careful care than the coat of long-haired dogs. To remove fallen hairs, the pet is combed with a brush. Fleas may appear in the fur; they are removed with special drops and shampoos. A healthy dachshund is bathed once every three months. They try not to bathe the puppy at all. After a walk, wash their paws.

Eating soft food causes a tartar to form on a dachshund's teeth that needs to be removed. Untimely treatment leads to tooth loss. Dental care involves the use of cleansing bones and special toys. Your pet's teeth should be examined and cleaned with a toothbrush at least twice a month.

The dachshund has sharp claws; it can get caught on something and dislocate a limb. If the dachshund is walked several times a day, then its nails should be trimmed no more than once every three months. With an animal that rarely walks, the procedure is carried out once every two weeks. For processing, a special nail clipper is used. The claws are trimmed a couple of millimeters so as not to cause pain to the animal.

Every morning, the dachshund’s eyes are wiped with a cotton swab dipped in warm water. If it becomes noticeable that the discharge from the eyes has become more abundant, the dog should be shown to a doctor.

Dachshunds have their ears cleaned monthly. It is not recommended to use a cotton swab for this; it is safer to use a cotton pad or special drops. A heavily dirty ear is a reason to visit the veterinarian.


Dachshunds begin regular walking at an early age. The puppy needs to get used to the street, the presence of people and animals. An older dog will be calm in crowded places if it is accustomed to walks as a puppy.

It is optimal to walk your dachshund at least three times a day. If time permits, they go for a walk every time after feeding. Be sure to let your pet out in the morning and before bed.

Walk the dachshund on a 5 meter long leash. This way it is possible to control your pet and at the same time give him freedom. If the owner is sure that the dog will not run away, will not get scared and will not attack others, then it is allowed to walk without a leash.

During walks, the mental and physical health of the dachshund is formed, muscles develop and the skeleton is strengthened.

In the cool season, make sure that the dog does not freeze. If the dog is cold, its body is trembling, then you need to go home and warm your pet. Most often, a dachshund freezes while walking in rainy weather. If it’s dry and frosty outside, your pet will be happy to take a walk in special clothes. The wardrobe is light and suitable in size. In winter, be sure to protect your chest from the cold. Shoes are worn if you plan to walk along paths sprinkled with reagents.

In warm weather, walk the puppy more often and for longer. Dachshunds love to play with balls and thrown sticks. You cannot organize a game in which your pet needs to spin, as this could damage the spine. Displacement of the vertebrae can occur during the descent from the stairs; up to the age of six months, it is better to carry the dog in your arms while descending. Climbing stairs is useful and trains the muscles.

Feeding the dachshund

A healthy animal has a good appetite; the dachshund eats everything that is put in its bowl. The dachshund has an intense metabolism; it requires more energy per 1 kg of body weight than a large dog. For an adult pet, the norm is 85-90 kcal per 1 kg of weight. It is important not to overfeed the animal to avoid obesity.

An adult dog is fed twice a day. In two meals, the dachshund eats 800-1000 ml of semi-liquid food and drinks 1500 ml of water.

Products that need to be included in the diet when feeding naturally:

  • boiled or raw meat and offal (beef, lamb, horse meat, chicken);
  • boiled fish without bones;
  • oatmeal, rice and buckwheat (in the form of porridges cooked in broth);
  • raw fruits and vegetables (apples, carrots, tomatoes);
  • braised cabbage;
  • a raw egg;
  • dairy products (yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese).

Meat is given to the dachshund no more than 20 g per 1 kg of weight. It should be taken into account that if the dog was fed meat on the bone, then the next amount of food is reduced, since the product takes a long time to digest. Bones clean teeth and strengthen your pet's jaws. Salt is added to dachshund food.

When feeding with factory feed, preference is given to products with a protein content of 20-22%. The pet is gradually transferred to dry food. For better adaptation, wet food is first given. Products in the Economy category are not suitable for dachshunds. The food chosen is not lower than the “Premium” category; “Super-premium” and “Holistic” are optimal.

Feeding the puppy

At the age of 1-3 months, the puppy is fed five times a day. Give food in small portions, since the pet’s stomach is small. The baby is fed meat, cottage cheese, vegetables and porridge. Moreover, all of the listed products must be present in the diet daily.

From the age of three months, the pet is fed four times a day.

At 10 months, the dachshund is switched to an adult diet and fed twice a day.

The diet is varied and fed with fresh foods. In winter they give thicker food, in summer - liquid food. The food should be warm.

Prohibited products:

  • sausages and smoked meats;
  • pork;
  • chicken bones;
  • sweets and baked goods;
  • spicy seasonings;
  • legumes

When feeding holistically, additional vitamins are not required. The medications will be needed for signs of vitamin deficiency: low growth rate, dull coat, reddened eyes. The veterinarian must prescribe the vitamin preparation correctly.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

As with any other pet, you can highlight its positive and negative traits.

Positive traits of a dachshund:

  • intelligence and ability to assess the situation;
  • courage;
  • equilibrium;
  • playfulness;
  • endurance;
  • cleanliness;
  • good security qualities.

Negative qualities:

  • ability to be cunning;
  • sensitivity to cold;
  • weak spine;
  • habit of digging.

All negative traits of the breed are eliminated by a loving owner in the process of education and proper maintenance.

Video “Care and maintenance of a dachshund”

The dachshund is a hunting dog, inquisitive and active. She requires, due to the characteristics of the breed and character. Read the rules carefully caring for a dachshund puppy necessary before getting an animal.

Home preparation

To dachshund puppy in the house I felt good, I need to prepare my home for the arrival of a new family member.

It is necessary to remove electrical wires, household chemicals, and organize the storage of shoes in such a way that the puppy cannot try them on the tooth and get poisoned or get an infection. Move flowers that are harmful to dogs: carnations, poinsettias, ivy, out of reach. It is necessary to equip places where the puppy will rest, eat and. If there is a cat in the house, its bowls should be placed on a hill.

List of necessary purchases:

  • Disposable diapers;
  • Tray (regular for girls, special for boys, with a column);
  • The house is a hole where the dog could retire;
  • Bowls for food and water (preferably made of stainless steel);
  • Textile collar (other materials are suitable for an adult dog);
  • Claw cutter;
  • Toys (preferably latex);
  • Flea remedies;
  • Crisp bones for cleaning teeth.

The animal's resting place should be located in a quiet corner, not close to heating devices and cold air flows generated when turning, but not in isolation from people. The house needs to be made from environmentally friendly materials. In the store, such a house is expensive, but you can make it yourself. The litter needs to be soft, uniform, without additional details. A flannelette blanket works well. Replace the “sheet” on the bedding as it gets dirty.

Dealing with needs

When a puppy first gets to a new home, you need to immediately put him on a disposable diaper, wait for him to do big or small things, praise him and give him a tasty bite. For the first three months, the puppy should be planted in this way after sleeping, playing and eating. Then you can accustom him to the tray, first covering it with a diaper. Once he gets used to it, the diaper will no longer be needed.

It is strictly forbidden to take the puppy outside for a walk before taking it out. After the necessary vaccinations, take your pet out as soon as it wakes up, at night, and a quarter of an hour after eating.

Bathing a dachshund in water without special means at any age will not harm. With special shampoos and other products appropriate for age, once every 3 months. For short-haired dachshunds, brush with a soft brush or terry towel; for long-haired dachshunds, brush with brushes with bristles of different lengths. Trim the nails twice a week for a child; for a teenager who walks less often, they will wear down on their own. Clean the ears as they become dirty, using a cotton swab moistened with warm water. The nose does not require special care. should be rich in vegetable proteins, may contain low-fat cottage cheese. Dental health depends mainly on nutrition; special products are sold in veterinary pharmacies to remove plaque and tartar.

For the harmonious development of a dachshund puppy, he needs to find a walking companion who is slightly taller and stronger.

Due to the special structure of the spine, a Dachshund puppy should absolutely not be lifted by the scruff of the neck (like a cat), allowed to jump (even from your knees to the floor) and allowed to stand on its hind legs. These actions can lead to spinal deformation.

Be sure to communicate these rules to all family members, especially children. You can even conduct an exam. If you follow these simple recommendations, your “taxi” will grow healthy and delight its owners.

Representatives of this breed are distinguished by cleanliness and are quite unpretentious in everyday life.

However, they require special care and a certain diet.

How to care for a dachshund and what to feed it?

In contact with


Among most breeds, the dachshund is considered a long-liver. On average, she lives 15 years. However, with improper care and lack of proper nutrition, life expectancy can be significantly reduced. The owner of the dog should take a responsible approach to the issue of keeping in the apartment, menu, walks and health prevention. Let's consider the basic rules of care.

Necessary procedures

To maintain health, it is necessary to bathe her in a timely manner, brush her coat and examine her teeth, eyes and ears.

Bathing. Since this breed is considered one of the cleanest, frequent bathing is not required. It is recommended to wash it about 3-4 times a year using a special shampoo.

Wool. Smooth-haired dogs are wiped with a terry towel or a special mitt. As for the long-haired variety of the breed, in this case you need to use a brush with widely spaced teeth for combing. You need to brush the coat several times a week or as mats form.

To keep your eyes from watering, they must be wiped with a cotton sponge dipped in warm water or strong tea. Dirt in the corners of the eyes should be removed in the same way.

Ears: also require regular cleaning. It is recommended to inspect them at least once a month. To remove dirt and wax from your ear canals, gently wipe the inside of your ears with a damp cotton swab.

Claws: Adult dachshunds tend to grind on their own. But for puppies they should be trimmed as they grow.


An active lifestyle and regular physical activity are one of the components of health.
Owners should be aware that A dog's weak point is its spine. If your pet doesn’t move much, health problems will not be long in coming. This is why dachshunds need a daily walk.
Even as a puppy, she needs to be taught to go for walks so that she can quickly get used to people and the environment. It is recommended to walk an adult pet 2-3 times a day, 20 minutes after eating.
For walks, it is best to choose spacious places so that the dachshund can frolic to its heart's content. During a walk, such a dog needs careful supervision: it loves adventures. In the cold season, you need to take your dachshund outside in special warm clothing, since this breed is a heat-loving breed.

Precautionary measures

Due to its proportions it is quite vulnerable. A weak spine and other features of the body require careful handling of the dog:

  • make sure that your dachshund does not climb onto high furniture, protect it from jumping from heights, as it can damage its paws and spine;
  • do not even try to teach your dog to stand on its hind legs - this may cause deformation of the spinal vertebrae;
  • do not lift puppies by the scruff of the neck;
  • if you don’t want your pet’s ears to droop, don’t smooth them;
  • You should not select friends for your pet from dogs that are significantly superior to him in height and weight.


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What to feed

You cannot give your dachshund food from your table. She should have her own menu, selected taking into account her characteristics and age. Food can consist of both dry food and natural products. Mixing two types of food is not recommended. Let's consider the features of feeding natural food and dry food.

  • The basis of nutrition - meat. Its share should be 1/3 of the total diet. Dachshunds can be given rabbit, sheep, beef, chicken, and turkey meat. Quantity – 20 g per 1 kg of dog weight. The meat must be boiled. If you give it raw, it is better to pour boiling water over it.
  • Cereals that are suitable for a dachshund are buckwheat, oatmeal, rice and barley. Porridge should be cooked in water without salt, mixed with vegetables, meat or other products.
  • Fermented milk products: cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, yogurt, kefir. Choose products only low Fat.
  • Eggs should be given no more than 2 eggs per week. The yolk is of particular value. Eggs can be boiled or made into an omelet.
  • Vegetables and fruits: carrots, pumpkin, cabbage, zucchini, bananas, apples, dried fruits. Vegetables should be grated or cut with a knife before feeding. Can be given both raw and cooked. Fruits are more of a delicacy than a basis for a regular diet. Not all dogs eat them. But if your pet loves them, then why not give him a piece of apple for good behavior?
  • It is recommended to give fish of low-fat varieties and without bones. Seafood must be boiled. It is not recommended to feed raw fish.

Spicy, salty, pickled, fried and smoked foods should not be given. The list of prohibited foods also includes: tomatoes, sausages, sweets, mayonnaise, ketchup, semolina, millet and barley porridge, beans, beans, tubular bones, sausages, pork, citrus fruits, milk, onions, garlic.

Make sure your pet always has fresh water in a bowl at room temperature.

Dry food

If you decide to feed dry food, it is recommended to give it no earlier than two months. Before this, the puppy should receive mother's milk and some natural products (cottage cheese, boiled vegetables and meat).

When choosing food, be guided by the age and weight of the dog. Since the dachshund is a short breed, the food should be for small breeds. In such feeds, the granules are smaller, and the calorie content corresponds to the weight.

Allergies to food are not uncommon. If the dog feels well within 1-2 weeks, then there is no need to worry about choosing food. If you experience diarrhea, constipation and other signs of allergies and indigestion, you need to change your diet.

How to feed a puppy

In the first months, the baby needs a special diet.

  • the main food of a 1-month-old puppy is mother's milk. You should not introduce complementary foods, unless you can gradually give grated vegetables, cottage cheese and a little meat;
  • from one and a half months the diet should include raw liver. It is a source of B vitamins necessary for building tissues of the nervous system;
  • can be given from 2 months fish, and with 3 – cartilage;
  • a four-month-old puppy can already be given foods suitable for an adult dog.

A puppy up to 2 months old should be fed at least 6 times a day. From 2 to 3 months – 5 times a day. From 3 to 4 – 4 times, from 4 to 10 months – 3-4 times. From 10 months she should switch to two meals a day - morning and evening.

Dog in the apartment

A dachshund in an apartment can cause constant chaos if it does not have a place to rest and think through its leisure time. Don't want torn wallpaper and bitten shoes? Then take care of the safety of the apartment and create a space in which your pet is less likely to show curiosity about the owners’ things.

Remember that the dachshund is very inquisitive creature and fearless. Therefore, if you decide to adopt a puppy of this breed, remove from a high place anything that could harm the pet and your home: household chemicals, wires, toxic plants (ivy, carnations, poinsettia), fragile vases, etc.

A dachshund must have its own place to rest. Bed her rug or buy a dog house.

Don't forget about a tray and diapers that absorb moisture. Start toilet training from a very young age by rewarding her for good behavior. Don't scold your pet if he went the wrong way. If he has done his job on the floor, carefully transfer him to the tray.

The pet must have your toys. It is best if they are made of latex.


Don't forget that hunting skills make the Dachshund a special dog and will require you to respect its dignity in everything. This is a fairly well-known German burrow. Since the 16th century, it has made an indelible impression on hunting. The famous German zoologist A.E. Brem noted that they are understanding, smart, cheerful and very vigilant, and will not allow themselves to be lured by a stranger. In addition, dachshunds are considered excellent companions. Nowadays they are often found in cities.

Be sure to keep in mind that a balanced and calm, but at the same time energetic and cheerful dachshund brings joy to both single people and large families. Usually she prefers one owner, while being tenderly attached to all other family members. She perfectly protects the house, the owner, his things, possessing a booming and loud “voice”. Possessing excellent sense of smell and hearing, the dachshund is not distracted by unnecessary noises the way some breeds and dogs do.

Explain to your children and remember that the dachshund is very cute and funny, but it will never tolerate disdainful and rude treatment. She will begin to show stubbornness and may act out of spite, asserting her dignity. Remember that your Dachshund relationship should be built on love, mutual respect and trust. Don't resort to strict measures. If there is poor contact with the owner, she is vindictive, proud and touchy.

It is easy to keep a dachshund in an apartment: it is small and very clean. It is not at all difficult to care for her fur. For long-haired and wire-haired varieties, purchase a special brush, and brush smooth-haired dachshunds with a mitten.

Be sure to ensure that your pet does not overeat and exercises more. Don't let your dachshund jump too high. This could damage her spine and cause her discs to slip.

Interestingly, no dog shows as much ingenuity and independence as the dachshund. If you see a dog as a companion, then be sure to appreciate its strong personality, brave heart and intelligence. The dachshund is hardy and viable, rarely gets sick, and has a stable nervous system, which is typical for breeds with a strong constitution. She is a tireless companion and can withstand great physical exertion, despite her short legs and small size. Many dachshunds are good swimmers and hunt in water.

Walk your dog more. Dachshunds love to frolic in the fresh air, practicing their hunting instinct. While walking, do not forget that they also zealously perform guard duty and protect their owner. They can recklessly rush at dogs that are superior to them in both size and strength. It is important to know that the dachshund is respected by the entire dog tribe for its serious and courageous character. The determination and firmness of her intentions leaves no doubt even among the largest breeds.

When training your dachshund, be patient and persistent. There is an opinion that dachshunds can be stubborn and disobedient. This is easily explained by her hunting skills. After all, when hunting, fighting with an animal in a hole that sometimes exceeds her in size, she often uses her resourcefulness and resourcefulness rather than physical strength. Imagine that this small creature must make decisions independently, without relying on instructions from the owner. Therefore, the display of some cunning of the dachshund in everyday life is surprising, but completely justified. She will not rush to carry out your command if she is not sure of its complete necessity. But you will find unquestioning submission when her opinion coincides with yours.

Give your dachshund some freedom in the house. Here she feels like a mistress and always knows who is where and what she is doing. As a rule, she chooses warm and cozy corners for herself and loves to sleep wrapped in a blanket. This dog loves comfort and warmth. Trusting his owner, he loves to sit on his hands or lap.

The Dachshund is one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. Its short legs and elongated body allow dachshunds to climb into deep badger holes. Dachshunds are owned not only by hunters, but also by ordinary people who love these dogs for their courage, high intelligence, wonderful character, playfulness and unusual appearance.

Character and intelligence

Dachshunds are endowed with a balanced and stable nervous system, as befits a hunting dog. By the way, this factor is also typical for decorative species of the breed. The dachshund is also a reasonable dog that never panics, because it simply does not know fear. The sense of discipline and development of the breed dominates the basic instincts, so during a walk the dog will not rush forward after the cat or dog.

Dachshunds are classic sanguine people and are quite inquisitive. This is caused by the primary hunting vocation and genetics, since for successful work the dog must be interested in any creaking or rustling, in everything that happens around it. This breed has a well-developed guard instinct; they bravely and faithfully guard the family and home of their owner. They bark with the power and volume of large, ferocious dogs.

Dachshund care

Grooming a dachshund is quite simple; it involves basic hygiene procedures. The dog's coat does not require special care; it is enough to wipe it with a piece of hard terry towel or velvet cloth (long-haired dachshunds should be combed with a brush). After walks, wipe her paws with a damp cloth or wash her under. It is recommended to bathe your dachshund, if necessary, with a special shampoo designed for this breed.

To combat ticks or fleas, you can use a wide variety of medications: sprays, soap, shampoo, powder, collars or drops. Before you start treating your pet, carefully read the attached instructions. Be sure to take into account weight, coat type, age, degree of infection and tendency to allergic manifestations.

Don't forget about the claws. Using special nail clippers, carefully cut off only the tips of the claws, trying not to touch the passage of the blood vessels. You can contact your veterinarian for this; a specialist will show you how to do it correctly. In adult individuals, the claws wear off on the asphalt, so trimming is required only in rare cases.

Every morning, crusts and mucus accumulate in the corners of the dachshund's eyes, which must be regularly removed with a damp cloth soaked in boiled water or weak tea. If there is excessive discharge from the eyes, you should consult your veterinarian. Inspect your ears daily; if wax accumulates, carefully remove it with cotton wool wrapped around a match. Pre-moisten it in boric alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, try not to go deep into the ear. You can use special drops sold at pet stores to clean your ears. In adult dachshunds, tartar is deposited on the teeth, which can cause an unpleasant odor from the mouth or tooth decay. This can be prevented by using special toothpaste and brush.

Feeding dachshunds

An obvious advantage of dachshunds is that they eat little. It’s easy to calculate the serving size: for every kilogram of dog you need forty grams of food. Dachshunds up to three months old need to be fed at four-hour intervals. Then feed four times a day for up to a year. Gradually reduce your meals to three times a day. Then feeding is carried out once or twice a day. Your pet's diet should include boiled meat and fish. Add a little crushed garlic to prevent helminthiasis.

Rich sources of vitamins are vegetables and other vegetation. Pamper your dachshund with raw chopped carrots. The menu should include dried fruits, nuts and cheese - foods rich in calcium that can strengthen the musculoskeletal system. To satisfy your dog in mineral salts, buy your pet bones, sinews and tendons, and add a little salt to the food. Include a variety of grains in your dachshund's diet. Feed at strictly defined times. Always remove leftover food from the bowl. Clean water should always be available.

Under no circumstances feed your dog raw meat, confectionery, flour products, boiled bones or smoked meats. Dairy products can only be given to your dachshund for up to four months. Since it is difficult to create the right diet for a dachshund, you can purchase a vitamin and mineral complex.

Originally designed to help people hunt, the bold English dog with an elongated body and short legs moved into city apartments during the 20th century and became one of the most beloved breeds in the world.

No one can be left indifferent by her intelligent look and pronounced brow ridges, reacting to every event around her. It is worth noting that she is so popular for a reason - it is easy to care for your pet, and he is in good health. If the puppy is raised correctly by the breeder in the first months, then the dog will not cause any trouble to the owners.

Important! The most common problem that dachshund owners come to the doctor with is obesity. Do not overfeed your four-legged friend - food is strictly according to the schedule and diet.

Speaking of puppies, it is worth highlighting Several features that owners will encounter when starting this breed:

  • A puppy needs to be trained and raised, and quite strictly. The dachshund is distinguished by its stubbornness, liveliness of mind and character. The baby will immediately identify your weaknesses and will behave as he pleases. Accustom him to commands from the first days of his stay in the house. Don't let them chew on everything.
  • Along with willfulness, she is characterized by vindictiveness, so don’t shout at the dog, and especially don’t raise your hand - the animal will take revenge.
  • Dachshunds are very active and love to climb into places during walks that not every breed would want to climb.(hunting instincts make themselves felt), so they must be treated for fleas from March to October.

Important! Do not feed your dog sweets or food from the table, do not allow children to do this - the obesity that will develop in the animal after such handouts will lead to a hernia and problems with the spine.

This breed is very socialized, so do not leave dachshund puppies alone for a long time, take them on all walks in the parks or out of town. Also, do not allow your pet to jump high or stand on its hind legs frequently (until its spine is stronger).

Description and character of puppies

Since many nurseries now breed dachshunds, dogs of this breed can have any color - almost everyone fits the standard (except for albinos). Based on the type of coat, the puppy will immediately look like an adult dog - smooth-haired or short-haired.

They grow up to 27–30 cm, the minimum height is 15 cm, and weight varies from 4 to 12 kg. The puppies have an elongated muzzle and long ears - a dachshund puppy is similar to an adult, differing only in height at the withers and weight.

The character can be described by words such as curious, active, restless, spoiled and stubborn. Keep track of where your pet spends time in the apartment.

Advice!Hide wires, small objects, bottles and cans of household chemicals and anything else that could poison your dog or choke on him.

Puppy development from birth to six months

During the first weeks, a dog takes care of the babies - she feeds them and licks them. All the owner of a dachshund family needs to do is change the bedding where the puppies are kept and make sure that they are all well-fed, not crying, and looking healthy. Complementary feeding can be started from the age of 3-4 weeks, or when the bitch’s milk supply becomes less.

Reference. Upon reaching the age of 2 months, a dachshund puppy increases its weight by 8–10 times compared to a newborn. Make sure he actively gains weight during this period.

Complementary foods are introduced in very small portions, since due to short legs and an elongated spine, an overeating puppy will have a sagging back, which will lead to curvature of the shoulder blades and deformation of the vertebrae.

It is important to ensure that children do not develop rickets, thickening of the joints and the appearance of lichen on the skin. If you notice that your puppy is unhealthy, change the diet by adding fish oil, vitamins with calcium and phosphorus.

Active tooth change will begin after two months- give your pet cartilage first, and then soft bones (calf).

Feeding dachshund puppies

It is difficult to say which diet is more beneficial for dachshunds - natural food or dry food. When feeding naturally, it is important to give additional greens, vegetables (carrots, apples), cottage cheese, and natural yogurt. Dry food for dogs of the appropriate weight category already contains all the vitamins. But if you notice that the puppy is inactive or does not have enough portions, then increase them, adhering to the principle that a dachshund should not be thin or plump - no, it should be graceful and lean.

Diet depending on age (by month)

If you get a puppy accustomed to dry food, then there will be no problems. The packages have clear instructions on how often and how much to feed your pet. If you have any questions, you should contact your veterinarian, who will give instructions regarding the diet.

If the baby is naturally fed, then his diet will consist of meat, vegetables and cereals. The meat component is at least 50% (this also includes fish), ¼ of the diet is vegetables and fruits, ¼ is cereals. Dairy products are given infrequently - 1–2 times a week. Give the kids porridge cooked in meat broth.

Important! On average, they provide 40 grams of natural food (this includes meat, kefir, and vegetables) per 1 kilogram of animal weight.

An approximate diet for a dog is as follows:

  • Dachshunds under 2 months of age are given milk porridge, ground minced meat (beef), kefir and cottage cheese.
  • At 2–3 months, chicken is introduced into the diet and boiled. Porridge (buckwheat, rice) is cooked using the broth. Vegetables are given to the baby boiled (carrots, some beets, zucchini). Eggs should be fed no more than once a week.
  • A four-month-old puppy can eat raw meat, scalded offal, cartilage and whatever he ate before.

Important! Puppies under the age of 3 months are fed up to 6 times a day, at 4–6 months the baby eats 3–4 times a day, and from 7–8 months he eats 2 times a day.

Vitamins are prescribed to the animal by a veterinarian after inspection and analysis.

Diseases and their prevention

If the dachshund is not overfed, the dog will practically not develop diseases. It is important to take care of your dog's ears and eyes - inspect them every evening. If your pet is constantly scratching its ears, then it is likely that it could be ear mites - then you need to go to the doctor, who will prescribe drops. The same situation with the eyes - mucus that appears in the corners of the eyes should be removed with a cotton pad soaked in warm water.

What diseases are dachshunds prone to?

The main ailments that can affect your four-legged friend are spinal diseases and osteoporosis (decreased bone density). If you notice that the puppy is limping or his belly is sagging, the dog should be taken to the veterinarian.

Advice! If you notice that your pet's eyes are watery, he is sneezing, he has snot running, he is limping, he is not eating, he is not drinking, he is vomiting, or he is simply inactive for 1-2 days - this is a reason to be wary and immediately take him to the veterinarian. Only a doctor can identify the problem and solve it, keeping the dog healthy.

Vaccinations for dachshund puppies: which ones and when?

Puppies are vaccinated, like other dogs, at 1.5–2 months. The first vaccination will be a vaccine against infectious diseases. After 2–3 weeks, the 2nd vaccination is given(polyvalent), after it you can’t walk outside for 2 weeks.

Before the first vaccination (8–10 days), the animal is dewormed. On the day when the puppy is vaccinated, he should be healthy, but if he is sick, then first you need to cure the baby and then vaccinate him. The third vaccination is given when the dachshund is 11–12 months old. Afterwards they are vaccinated annually.

Prevention measures for puppies

The most important point of prevention is the inadmissibility of refusing the second vaccine. It is also important to take pet dogs for vaccinations every year - after all, without them, the animal is defenseless against such serious diseases as enteritis, viral hepatitis, and rabies.

Keeping dachshund puppies in the house and apartment

Since the dachshund is a short-haired breed, living outdoors is contraindicated for it. If the owners live in their own home, then the dog should live indoors, not in an enclosure. A compact pet will not take up much space - the main thing is to give it a corner where it can rest from games and after walks. Do not place your dog’s bed near a radiator or in a draft; the place should be quite secluded and warm.

Advice! Don't train your dog to sleep on your bed. If she gets there, the dachshund will constantly ask for owners, and since this is a very persistent breed, the probability of her winning is very high.

Preparing the site and necessary purchases

What will you need for the four-legged friend you decide to get? The main accessories will be the following:

  • A lounger or house where the dog will rest and wait for its owners.
  • Two bowls (for food and water). They should be heavy enough that she won't drag them out of the kitchen.
  • A leash and a collar - it is better to buy such pieces of equipment after purchasing the puppy, taking it with you to the store.
  • Dry food for the appropriate breed of dog.
  • Overalls for winter walks and nail clippers are also bought after you have an animal. It is important to choose the right size and try it on.
  • If the puppy has not been vaccinated again, then buy a tray, since walking is not yet allowed.
  • Eye drops, cotton pads.
  • Hydrogen peroxide and chlorhexidine (for wiping ears).
  • Treats, rubber toys that the dog will chew during the teething period.

Litter box training and walking

Every morning, put your puppy in the litter box, and when he goes to the toilet, praise him and give him a treat. Do the same after each meal, or when you notice that the dog is spinning around, looking for a place to relieve itself. The main thing is to clearly show your pet where he should go to the toilet. Gradually he will get used to it - dogs are quick to learn.

Walking should be carried out when the pet already knows the basic commands: “Near”, “Come to me”, “Ugh”, “Stand”, “Sit”. In the first days, walk in a place where there are no large dogs, and then gradually introduce the dachshund to other dogs. This breed is not shy, so the acquaintance should be successful. But make sure that the puppy is not harmed by large dogs!

Training your dog to be home alone

Important! If you are ready to adopt a pet, then take it at a time when you have a weekend or vacation ahead.

The first few days in a new home, the dachshund will be more comfortable with its owners. Gradually leave the puppy alone for several hours. At the age of 7 months, the dog will calmly wait for you all day.

How to care for a dachshund puppy: basic care rules

This breed is considered one of the easiest to care for. One thing is important: after each walk, the puppy’s paws are washed and dried. Afterwards, the ears, armpits, and abdomen are examined for the presence of ticks. If the dog has long hair, then brush it with a soft brush. There is no need to bathe dachshunds often - once every 3-5 months. The exception is if the dog is very dirty, then wash it immediately.

Caring for your ears, eyes and teeth

The ears are wiped with a cotton pad, soaked in warm water, or hydrogen peroxide (if there is wax in the ears).

Important! The ears are wiped very carefully! The animal should not be in pain.

Excessive lacrimation may be associated with conjunctivitis or allergies - take your four-legged friend to the vet. If it is minor, then wipe your eyes with a damp cotton pad.

Buy a toothbrush and toothpaste for dogs and Brush your pet's teeth once a week.

Paw and coat care

The hair of a short-haired dachshund only needs special care during the shedding period; then it is wiped every day with a palm soaked in water, so the hairs will stick faster. A long-haired dog is combed every evening with a special comb (with iron teeth).

If a dog constantly walks on the asphalt, then natural grinding of the claws occurs, but in winter this is impossible. Therefore, accustom your pet to nail clipping of overgrown claws - do this 2 times a month, after the procedure giving the dog a treat. If she kicks or growls, go to a groomer who can show you how to negotiate with your wayward friend.

The dachshund is one of the most active and socialized dog breeds, so it can be owned by both families with children and single people. She will not let her owners get bored, she will be ready to play, and if necessary, to hunt with them - but only after special training.



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