Hypoallergenic gel for teething. Why do you need gum ointment when teething in babies?

There are certain periods of eruption - at 6 - 8 months. But every child is individual. Therefore, it is considered normal to be 6 months late or slightly ahead of schedule.

The timing of eruption can be influenced by external factors - nutrition, water, climate. The hotter it is, the faster teeth appear. Therefore, summer is a great time of year for this process.

Dentists say that the later the baby tooth comes out, the later it will fall out.

The first tooth must appear before one year.

Eruption begins with the lower incisors. The teeth can emerge singly, in pairs, or even in groups of four. The more teeth erupt at the same time, the harder and more painful this process is for the baby. Then come the upper incisors, followed by the second incisors.

The second upper incisors are especially difficult to climb. They are located in the projection of the optic nerve. The eruption process can lead to conjunctivitis.

The molars and canines are the last to emerge. By the age of three, there are already twenty teeth.

  • itchy gums.

The industry produces a lot of teethers that you can use to scratch your gums.

But a piece of apple should be given with caution. If at least one tooth sticks out, the child may choke on the fruit.

Teethers are best stored in the refrigerator. Cold relieves itching;

  • temperature increase.

The temperature can rise to 38 - 39 degrees Celsius for 3 days. Don't panic. This is the body's response to the passage of teeth through bone and soft tissue.

It is necessary to reduce the temperature above 38.5 degrees Celsius using any antipyretic drugs allowed in childhood;

  • loose stool.

Excessive salivation causes a lot of saliva to enter the stomach, causing the stool to become loose. The color of the stool becomes green. Also one of the reasons is the acceleration of metabolism during eruption. Normally, indigestion lasts up to 3 days, bowel movements no more than five times a day, and does not cause dehydration in the child.

Limit your intake of fruits and vegetables. More liquids - rice water and fruit drinks. To maintain the intestinal microflora, Linex can be given. A child with this should not lose weight;

  • runny nose and first tooth.

In infants, the mucous membranes of the oral and nasal cavities are located close to each other. When teething, the gums become inflamed, a signal of inflammation is transmitted to the nasal mucosa. Hence the separation.

To prevent infection, rinse your nose with sea water a couple of times a day.

  • non-medicinal:
  1. Gum massage;
  2. Drink plenty of fluids;
  3. Teethers made of silicone, rubber or plastic;
  • drugs when teething in children to facilitate the process:
  1. Teething gels. They are divided into painkillers, bactericidal and homeopathic.
  2. Anti-inflammatory toothpastes. An example is NSP green tea toothpaste.

Gels are the most popular as teething medicines. They are distinguished by a wide range and ease of use.

Kalgel - first aid for teething

Anesthetic gel for teething containing lidocaine. Instantly relieves pain, but the effect lasts only 30 minutes. It can be applied from the age of five months, no more than six times a day. Has an insignificant antimicrobial effect.

Cholisal with anise oil scent

Ranks second in popularity. It has a leading antimicrobial effect due to the content of the antimicrobial drug choline. Can be used from 12 months, up to 2 times a day.

Contrary to the instructions, Cholisal does not have an analgesic effect.

Kamistad – chamomile + lidocaine

Gel for gums during teething. Has good analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Designed for older children. Leads to numbness of the tongue and lips, and a small child may bite them.

Dantinorm baby

A magical homeopathic solution to ease teething.

There are no age restrictions.

Can be used for up to 3 days by instillation into the oral cavity.


Gel for teething in infants with a pronounced analgesic effect. Apply with rubbing movements onto the inflamed gum.

Applied up to 3 times a day. According to the instructions, it has no age restrictions.

Caring for baby teeth

It is necessary to educate oral hygiene from the cradle.

  • when the child does not yet have teeth, you can remove food debris from the gums with a clean napkin 2 times a day;
  • With the appearance of teeth, oral care is performed using toothpaste and a brush.

The toothbrush should be soft, with a small handle. And children's toothpastes with a reduced fluoride content.

Prevention of caries

  • individual dishes;
  • drinking after every meal;
  • brushing your teeth with toothpaste without fluoride, starting with the introduction of complementary foods;
  • annual dental examination;
  • limiting sweets;
  • inclusion of cheese, dried apricots, raisins and cottage cheese in the diet.

The most common problems of primary teeth

  • gap between the upper incisors. Speaks of intensive jaw growth and a deeply located frenulum;
  • changes in tooth color. This is caused by excessive consumption of tea drinks or the use of certain groups of antibacterial agents. It is also necessary to exclude hereditary liver and blood diseases;
  • malocclusion. Associated with prolonged nipple sucking.

Baby teeth are the key to healthy permanent teeth. Follow all the recommendations on hygiene and nutrition, and a visit to the dentist will not be an ordeal.

The growth of the first teeth begins at a very early age. Unfortunately, all babies experience serious inconvenience associated with this process. The eruption of new teeth causes pain and severe itching. Special means are used specifically to relieve unpleasant symptoms in children. These include various gels, suppositories, tablets, solutions, etc. All medications differ in their principle of action (some cool, others fight inflammation, others have a complex effect). They also have different compositions, methods of application, etc. When choosing a teething product for your child, you should pay attention to some points:

  1. Composition of the drug. If a child has a high sensitivity to medicinal components, then products with a natural composition are perfect.
  2. Type of drug. The most popular are the following: homeopathic (consist of 100% natural ingredients, most often taken orally, have a cumulative effect), local effects (quickly have an analgesic effect, applied to the site of inflammation).
  3. Release form. The products can be presented in the form of gels, suspensions, and solutions. Basically, the choice here depends on your convenience and preferences.
  4. Cooling gels They are better suited than others for large swelling on the gums - they will have the fastest effect.

We found out which teething remedies are the most effective for children. The following characteristics were taken into account during the selection:

  • quality;
  • naturalness of the composition;
  • exposure time;
  • reviews from parents;
  • expert opinion.

Do not forget that before taking any medications, you must consult your doctor!

The best pain relief gels for teething

The main difference between teething gels is their instant action. They penetrate the gums, quickly relieving pain. Such drugs are based on analgesic components, and in some cases also have an anti-inflammatory effect. They relieve the baby from pain for a while. Below are the best pain-relieving gels for teething in children.

5 Kamistad-gel baby

Can be taken from 3 months of age, complex effects
Country: Germany
Average price: 300 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The German-made drug Kamistad-gel baby has an important distinctive feature - it simultaneously has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and even healing effects. This is achieved due to the presence of components such as lidocaine, chamomile extract, polidocanol, etc. The active substances quickly penetrate into the inflammation, blocking it. Suitable even for babies.

The pleasant taste and aroma of chamomile will appeal to any child. Available in a standard 10 g tube. One package is enough for a long time. It has a translucent gel consistency with a yellowish tint. The main advantages are considered to be a complex effect, rapid pain relief, and the minimum acceptable age is 3 months. The disadvantages include the presence of contraindications, the presence of unnatural ingredients (dye, food additive, flavoring).

4 Dentinale

The Power of Aloe Vera and Chamomile Against Pain
Country: Italy
Average price: 708 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Dentinale helps infants cope with the painful period more easily. There are no unsafe chemical anesthetics in the composition, only beneficial substances. One of the best teething remedies is based on aloe vera juice, chamomile extract and boswellia. They reduce gum sensitivity, relieve pain and inflammation. By forming a protective film, they help the baby fall asleep. The action lasts for several hours and the product can be applied multiple times.

In reviews, parents praise the components of the gel. Natural extracts inspire confidence. They are not inferior to chemicals in antiseptic action. It contains no sugar, parabens or lidocaine. At the same time, the taste is sweet, which children really like. The product is approved for use during teething in children with allergies. Contraindications are minimal, only intolerance to extracts. As commentators repeat, a couple of minutes is enough for the pain to subside.

3 Holisal

Longest lasting pain relief effect
Country: Poland
Average price: 321 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Cholisal is an anesthetic drug recommended for use from 1 year of age. Produced in Poland, it is distinguished by high quality and efficiency. It consists of several components, including the antiseptic tsetalkonium chloride. The active substance here is choline salicylate. It quickly relieves pain, relieves swelling and maintains an anti-inflammatory effect for 8 hours after use.

It is permissible to apply the gel to the baby no more than 3 times a day. The main feature is an excellent combination of antimicrobial and analgesic agents. The drug is not washed off by saliva, so it works longer than its analogues. Advantages: good combination of ingredients, complex action, long-lasting analgesic effect. Disadvantages: not recommended for use in infants.

2 Baby Doctor First teeth

Excellent composition, does not cause allergies
Country: Israel
Average price: 284 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The Israeli remedy Baby Doctor has an optimal composition for infants and older children. It helps to quickly relieve pain and calm the baby. An important feature is that the number of uses per day is not limited. The safe composition of the gel does not cause allergies in children. It contains various beneficial ingredients: calendula, echinacea, plantain, chamomile. They reduce inflammation of the mucous membrane, have an antibacterial effect and prolong the action of the active component, forming a kind of film.

The advantages include high quality, reliability, excellent results immediately after use, positive reviews from parents, recommendations from specialists, safe composition.

1 Kalgel

The most popular remedy
A country: Poland (made in UK)
Average price: 397 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The first place in the ranking of the best is occupied by the instant action product Kalgel. It consists of only 2 components: lidocaine and cetylperidine chloride. Together they have a powerful analgesic and antiseptic effect. The baby will stop being capricious and feeling the source of inflammation within a few minutes. The product is available in the form of a gel in a standard tube with a dispenser.

It has a pleasant taste, aroma and optimal consistency that does not spread when used. Approved for use from 5 months. Parents can use it no more than 6 times during the day. The advantages of Kalgel are: quick relief from pain, antiseptic effects, pleasant taste for babies, and excellent quality. The disadvantages include the short-term effect of use and the possibility of an allergic reaction.

Best Homeopathic Remedies for Teething

Homeopathic medicines have proven themselves to be effective methods of combating teething pain. Their main feature is their composition, which is entirely based on natural ingredients. Unlike the first category of remedies, homeopathic medicines have a gradual effect and have a cumulative effect. They relieve pain and discomfort in babies for a long time. Another plus is that many of them can be used from birth. We found out which homeopathic remedies are the best.

5 Dentokind

Complex effect, economical consumption
Country: Germany
Average price: 584 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The drug is available in the form of tablets, which are dissolved in water for infants or given in the usual form to older children. It is based on natural, harmless components, which together alleviate teething symptoms and return babies to their usual state of health. The drug reduces the secretion of saliva and slightly reduces the temperature.

The dose for children up to one year is a maximum of 6 tablets per day, given every 2 hours if necessary. The full course of treatment does not exceed 5 days. Contains five homeopathic substances created from different plants. The advantages include a safe composition, natural ingredients, and a calming effect. Main disadvantages: not a very convenient form of application, has a slight analgesic effect, there are contraindications for children with lactose intolerance.

4 Pansoral First teeth

The best homeopathic gel
Country: France
Average price: 330 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The drug based on herbal components Pensoral combines a good analgesic effect and a softening effect. The useful natural composition helps cleanse the bronchi and relieve coughs that occur due to the growth of new teeth. Ingredients such as chamomile and marshmallow root have a healing effect on the gums and prevent itching.

It is a gel packaged in a special tube with a 15 ml dispenser. It softens the mucous membrane and has an antiseptic effect. Approved for use by children over 2.5 years old. The advantages are considered to be excellent reviews from parents, convenient use, good composition, elimination of cough, powerful antiseptic and analgesic effect. Disadvantages: not suitable for infants, there are possible side effects.

3 NatraBio

Fast impact, high quality
Country: USA
Average price: 1,150 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Homeopathic medicine NatraBio contains 100% natural beneficial ingredients. It gently affects inflamed areas, blocking the occurrence of pain. Any baby will like the sweetish taste. Approved for use by children over 4 months old. The product is a solution created on the basis of plant components. Available in the form of a glass bottle equipped with a convenient pipette.

The main active substance is chamomile extract. The medicine does not cause side effects. Judging by the reviews, it instantly calms the baby and relieves pain. Main advantages: useful natural composition, the highest quality, quick effect. The only disadvantage is the high price.

2 Viburkol

The best suppositories for teething
Country: Germany
Average price: 405 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Viburkol is a complex action drug produced in the form of suppositories. One package contains 12 candles. They relieve spasms, pain, inflammation, and have a powerful calming effect. Approved for use from one month of age in infants. The safe formula actively affects the symptoms during the eruption of the first teeth.

Some components of the composition help reduce fever. For very young children, the permissible dose is two suppositories per day. Doctors recommend using the drug directly at night to ensure a restful sleep for the baby. Main advantages: high German quality, safety, use from a month old, excellent reviews, convenient form of release, pain relief for a long time.

1 Dantinorm baby

The most convenient use, proven effectiveness
Country: Austria
Average price: 813 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The most popular homeopathic remedy for teething in children is Dantinorm baby. It is a product with a completely natural composition, high efficiency and a convenient form of release. The liquid solution is placed inside capsules that are easy to give to a baby at any age.

Dantinorm baby has a cumulative effect. It must be used within 3 days. It is an excellent pain reliever and fights other teething symptoms. The components include ivy, chamomile, and rhubarb. The limited amount of product in each capsule eliminates the risk of overdose. Pros: good composition, high efficiency, positive reviews, no contraindications or side effects. The only negative is that it does not work immediately.

Best Oils and Liquids for Teething

Essential oils inspire confidence among parents due to their naturalness. Indeed, if you use them wisely and do not exceed the dose, they are absolutely harmless. The right remedies relieve itching and pain during teething, while strengthening the body. This group contains the best representatives of oils and liquids for infants.

5 Tantum verde forte

The most powerful action
Country: Italy
Average price: 295 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Parents often learn about Tantum Verde Forte from children's doctors, because relieving pain during teething is not its main property. The spray is intended for the throat, but it was quickly discovered that it also helps children during a difficult period. Benzydamine is used as an active agent: a powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic substance. The formula comes in a plastic tube with a tube and is similar to white water. The taste is sweet, babies like it. Menthol is cooling and gives immediate relief. Parents drip liquid onto the pacifier, the substance itself is distributed over the gums.

Judging by the reviews, the product is not recommended for frequent use. It helps with the most severe pain, then you can switch to essential oils and gels. The comments recommend chamomile and mint. Tantum verde forte has a high concentration of analgesic, at the same time it relieves discomfort in the throat. An antiseptic kills bacteria and prevents oral diseases.

4 IRIS Mint+

Soothes, relieves swelling and bleeding
Country Russia
Average price: 715 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Mint+ massage oil from IRIS quickly relieves teething pain for babies. The formula consists of vegetable and essential oils (calendula, mint, valerian, hyssop, eucalyptus) and has a complex effect. It relieves inflammation and swelling, soothes crying babies. When used regularly, it affects the stomach, which often suffers during this period. The brand calls the product hypoallergenic. Allows frequent application, 2-3 drops at a time is enough.

Parents who have tried the oil on themselves note an immediate cooling effect. It distracts the infants, then relief from pain comes. Mint and calendula are some of the best natural remedies for relieving puffiness and redness. The drug has powerful antiseptic properties and kills oral bacteria. Reviews call it wonderful for its ability to quickly calm a baby. With regular use, the wounds on the gums will heal, which will reduce pain in the future.

3 Boiron Camilia

Loved by parents all over the world
Country: USA
Average price: 740 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Many people learn about Boiron Camilia from friends; it is popular all over the world. The reason for popular love is the natural composition. The oils are collected in such a way that even babies with allergies can take it. One package contains 5 sachets for 5 uses. The capsules open easily, the ends break off. The manufacturer promises relief from teething pain in 5 minutes. Application can be repeated 9 times a day. The main advantage of the product is its effectiveness against inflammation and bacterial infection.

Reviews note the favorable price for the high quality of the product. They write that such a combination of ingredients cannot be found on the domestic market. They praise the neutral taste, the kids do not protest against the “water”. However, the drug only relieves symptoms, the effect is temporary. The pain and irritability of the gums will return within a few hours. The product combines well with stronger formulas; it is much harmless than chemical analogues.

2 wellness

Relieves not only pain, but also nervous conditions
Country: USA
Average price: 1,600 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Wellements oil has a multi-functional effect. It helps babies survive the teething stage with minimal losses. The product relieves symptoms, redness and inflammation. Natural oils in the composition calm the nervous system and help infants sleep peacefully. The manufacturer speaks of complete safety, warning only about individual intolerance. Application is extremely simple: dip a clean finger in the oil and rub it into your gums. The procedure can be repeated every few hours.

The basis of the drug is olive oil, supplemented with cloves, white willow, tocopherol, mint and stevia. The latter gives a sweet taste that children like so much. Buyers praise the formula and talk about quick relief from pain. Even if the baby swallows a drop, nothing will happen. The brand has thought out the release form: a dark bottle with a dropper that dispenses the correct amount of oil.

1 Karel Hadek BABY DENT

The best essential oils in the composition
Country: Czech Republic
Average price: 1,235 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

BABY DENT is the best essential oils for babies from Karel Hadek. A strong therapeutic effect allows you to comprehensively influence the problem. Sunflower, canola and olive oils not only relieve teething pain, but also help with bloating. Spearmint reduces fever. Manuka removes inflammation. Thyme disinfects and kills harmful bacteria. Babies get rid of symptoms, the body copes with a difficult period more easily.

In reviews, parents note the high effectiveness of natural analgesics. They mention the relief of spasms, the children gradually calm down. The composition is supplemented with tea tree essential oil, which heals gum wounds. BABY DENT has a pleasant light aroma and sweet taste. Kids really like it, they do not mind if it gets on their teeth and tongue. The drug is also suitable for older children to combat insomnia.

Most often, teething in babies causes great anxiety in their parents, many associate this period with sleepless nights, a constantly crying baby.

But this is not entirely true, there are cases when babies practically do not react to this unpleasant process, but in other cases, to improve the condition of the baby, there is a wide range of gels that can not only relieve symptoms, but also help teeth cut through the gum faster.

Before choosing a gel for your child, you should familiarize yourself with all the variety that is currently available.

Gels for teething in infants

  1. When choosing a gel for children from three months to a year, you need to carefully study the composition of the drug, as well as its contraindications. The gel should not contain chemical components, those gels, the composition of which will contain natural substances, are best suited, here we are talking about homeopathic remedies.
  2. After one year, children are less likely to need in the use of auxiliary drugs, and the pain is most often periodic, but even in this case, it is possible to use a gel that already contains some chemical components.

Teething symptoms

Of course, teething is a completely natural process, but very worrying for parents. However, there are cases when everything is asymptomatic and does not cause the child any discomfort.

But in most cases, you can observe similar signs:

  1. The child is acting restless, in this case, you shouldn’t panic, he’s in pain, of course, you need to try to distract him, rock him to sleep.
  2. One of the signs of teething may be a cough.. The reason for this is increased salivation. There is no need to take medication; it is best to move the child to an upright position.
  3. Redness of the gums. During this period, it is best to use specialized gels that cool the oral cavity. Kalgel is good for this.
    Of course, you cannot explain to the baby that hands should not be put in the mouth; the child is uncomfortable, so he tries to scratch the place where there is an itch. To prevent infection with infectious diseases, hygiene measures must be strictly observed.

    Now there are many modifications of teethers that will help the child cope with existing itching without harm to health. One of the more interesting modifications is a water-based teether that can be cooled before giving it to your baby.

  4. An increase in temperature in a child is also no exception.. In this case, it is best to use candles, as they are most suitable for use at this age. The most suitable is Nurofen.
    As for natural methods of reducing temperature, in the absence of antipyretics, this is cooling the body while completely removing the baby’s clothes. Next, you can apply wiping.

What measures need to be taken?

How to help a child at a time when pain and itching give him severe anxiety:

  • When breastfeeding, continue to feed him in the same way, take the baby in your arms more often, take walks in the air;
  • You can use specialized toys filled with water or gel, since they can be cooled in advance. The baby will try to chew them, which will significantly reduce the itching;
  • You can massage the itchy area yourself, naturally after washing your hands first.

Classification of teething gels

Combined anesthetic gels

Most often, the following gels are used to eliminate pain:

  • Kalgel. The most popular remedy is used to relieve painful syndrome; it also perfectly relieves inflammation.
    The drug is recommended for use in children from the age of five months. Kalgel. However

    You should avoid using it if the child has liver or kidney failure, bradycardia, heart failure, or hypersensitivity to the components of the gel.

    If an allergic reaction occurs, it must be stopped immediately with antihistamines, as this can result in urticaria and anaphylactic shock. The gel has a fairly high price, and is also available with a prescription. You should not apply the gel before meals; its penetration inside is undesirable.
  • Kamistad. A combined action drug that has an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. Also great for pain relief.
    The product contains chamomile, therefore, after application, it can be noted that damaged tissues heal faster at the site of application. Due to the fact that the drug is applied in the form of a gel, its penetration into the gums occurs faster.
    The gel can be used by children from three months. You can give water to drink or eat food only an hour after applying the gel. There have been no cases of drug overdose, although there may be manifestations in the form of vomiting, in which case you need to seek medical help to flush the stomach.
  • Holisal. The drug is recommended for children over one year of age, since anise, which is part of the gel, provokes increased salivation. Designed to relieve inflammation and reduce swelling. An allergic reaction to the drug can be noted as contraindications.
    quite high - 300-400 rubles. Its disadvantages include the fact that it does not begin to act immediately.
  • Dentinox. It is worth mentioning right away that the drug cannot be used if you are hypersensitive to fructose, or if the gums are damaged. In other cases, it can be prescribed to children starting from four months, it is intended to relieve inflammation and pain.

    It is necessary to avoid getting the drug into the stomach, as this can cause food poisoning. It is permissible to use the drug no more than three times a day.

  • Dentol baby. the local anesthetic, which is part of the gel, blocks nerve impulses that cause pain in the baby. The effect of the drug begins literally in one minute, and the effect lasts for about half an hour.
    It should not be used if the mucous membrane is significantly damaged or there is an inflammatory process at the site of application of the drug. The effect of the gel may in some cases be accompanied by burning, swelling, itching, and redness. Pediatricians do not recommend using the gel for more than seven days.

Effective homeopathic gels for tooth growth

The first feature of homeopathic dental gel is its safety for the child.

Let's look at several types that manufacturers offer:

  1. One of the most popular gels which are presented in this line is the “First Teeth” gel from Baby Doctor. It is great because it can be used by children from three months, and the first teeth begin to grow at about six months.
    Its main advantage is that there are no restrictions on use, and it perfectly relieves pain. Its composition is absolutely safe: echinacea, calendula, chamomile, plantain, marshmallow root. Thanks to this set of herbs, the gel heals wounds well, reduces inflammation, and kills germs. The only contraindication may be individual intolerance to the components of the gel.
  2. The next gel that is widely used is Carmolis. It contains propolis, chamomile, cloves, mint, and does not contain anesthetic. A pleasant addition for the baby is that the gel has a pleasant taste, provides excellent cooling and relieves inflammation at the site of gum eruption. There were no downsides to its use, except that if the pain syndrome is strong enough, then its effect may not be enough.
  3. And the last one on this list is Pansoral gel.. It’s worth saying right away that it is listed last because its price is quite high compared to existing analogues. The gel contains chamomile, saffron and marshmallow root. It copes well with severe pain and relieves existing irritation.

How to use gels?

Before using the gel, you need to carefully study the instructions and also understand whether the child fits the age category indicated.

The drug should be used if:

  • If the child experiences severe discomfort that does not go away for a long time.
  • the combined type can be used no more than five times a day, preferably every four hours.
  • The gel should be applied in small quantities.
  • Apply the gel to the gums in a circular motion with clean hands or you can use a cotton swab.

Usually the gel is used for children under one year old, because after teething it no longer causes severe pain.

Features of using gels

Before using any drug, and teething gel is a medication, you must consult a doctor. It is not for nothing that when reading the annotation, the manufacturer writes a fairly impressive list of contraindications for many products.

In order not to harm the baby, you should consider the following features:

  1. Before applying the product to your child, it is best to try it on yourself, see after what period of time the anesthetic effect occurs, and also how long it will last.
  2. To prevent infection and germs, it is best to use a disposable fingertip when applying the gel; it is better to apply with massaging movements, this will temporarily relieve the itching that bothers the child. If you don’t have a rubber fingertip, you can apply the gel with your hands, just wash your hands thoroughly before the procedure.
  3. You will need a little gel at first., it should be squeezed onto your finger no more than half a centimeter. Next, massaging the gums, the gel is rubbed into the place where there is redness. If the baby already has teeth and can bite his finger, then in this case you can use a cotton swab.

If the baby's teething does not cause any particular discomfort, then it is best not to use the gel again. If, on the contrary, the baby screams uncontrollably, you should definitely use the gel before bed so that the child can rest a little.


Since most gels contain an anesthetic, many drugs have a number of contraindications:

  • Cardiac dysfunction most often expressed in the form of bradycardia, as well as acute heart failure;
  • Low blood pressure;
  • Kidney or liver failure;
  • Limitation of age category, with the exception of homeopathic medicines;
  • Allergic manifestations to drug components.

It is worth remembering that teething in a baby is a periodic period, so do not panic, it will definitely pass, it is best to focus on how best to help the child survive these unpleasant sensations.

Do not forget that before using gels, it is best to consult a pediatrician.

When a child is teething, the mother is ready to do anything to help him relieve pain and alleviate the condition. What are the most effective teething remedies for babies? Is it necessary to use pharmaceutical drugs or can I limit myself to traditional and non-medicinal products?

How to tell if your baby is teething

Signs that a baby is teething vary. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the baby. Some mothers do not notice the teething period at all; in other families this time is considered very difficult due to the ailments and whims of the baby.

There are several general signs by which it can be determined that the baby’s discontent is not associated with some kind of illness, but with the appearance of new teeth.

  • Copious flow of saliva. Sometimes it even runs down the chin, causing irritation. The baby's clothes in the collar and chest area may become wet from salivation.
  • Refusal to eat.
  • General restlessness, reasonless crying.
  • The child constantly puts his fingers in his mouth, chews toys and other improvised objects.
  • Light and restless sleep.
  • Swollen, sensitive gums. A white stripe appears on the gum just before the tooth erupts.
  • A slight increase in temperature (no more than 37-38°C). If the temperature is higher, this indicates the addition of a viral or infectious disease.
  • Sometimes teething is accompanied by diarrhea, runny nose (liquid transparent snot), and wet cough. All these symptoms should go away immediately after the new tooth appears.

Signs such as fever, diarrhea, runny nose and cough should be treated with caution. By attributing them to new teeth, you may miss the development of a dangerous infection or virus. Usually, when teething, such ailment lasts no more than 3-4 days and goes away on its own without the use of medications.

Scheme of teething in babies by month. Depending on the child, the timing and order in which new teeth appear may vary significantly.

How to make teething easier for your baby

There are several ways to help your baby cope with painful sensations:

  • Medicines (dental gels, antipyretic anesthetic syrups).
  • Homeopathy (suppositories, drops, ointments).
  • Folk remedies.
  • Methods without the use of drugs.


Many mothers are afraid to give their little baby pharmaceuticals unless absolutely necessary, but all medications that are used for teething have been tested and are considered absolutely safe for babies.

Gel Kamistad

A topical teething gel that can be used from 3 months of age. The composition contains lidocaine as an anesthetic component. To relieve the inflammatory process - chamomile extract. Apply topically. It is necessary to rub a small amount of gel into the gums, where the process of tooth eruption is observed. Do not use more than 2-3 times a day. Since it contains chamomile, it should be used with caution in children with a tendency to allergic reactions. It is also not recommended to use this medicine in children with signs of stomatitis.

Gel Kalgel

Another gel for teething in infants based on lidocaine, but cetylpyridinium chloride is present as an antiseptic component. This tool can be used up to 6 times a day, it tastes good and has a pronounced analgesic effect. Can be used from 5 months.

All dental gels do not begin to act immediately, but a few minutes after application. When using any of these drugs, there will be an increased outflow of saliva. Cholisal has the longest analgesic effect

Gel Destinox

The composition includes lidocaine, chamomile extract and polidocanol as an antiseptic. For children under one year old, it is recommended to use this medicine only after consulting a therapist. Can be used no more than 2-3 times a day. To facilitate teething in allergic children, it should be used with caution, as it contains chamomile.

Gel Cholisal

This remedy is based on choline salicylate as an anesthetic and cetalkonium chloride as an antiseptic component. The gel is intended for children over one year old. At an earlier age, it should be used with great caution. It is permissible to rub it into the gums no more than 2-3 times a day.

Important: It is better not to use lidocaine-based products immediately before feeding the baby. This active ingredient can numb the lips and tongue, making it difficult for a child to swallow. The baby can also bite his tongue hard without feeling pain.


If a child has a fever during teething, then it is advisable to give him an antipyretic drug in the form of syrup or rectal suppositories. These medications include:

  • Nurofen (syrup and suppositories). Can be used from 3 months of age.
  • Panadol (syrup and suppositories). Can be used from the age of 3 months.
  • Cefercon D (candles). Medicine based on paracetamol. Use from the first month of life.
  • Children's paracetamol (syrup and suppositories). Use from 3 months of age.

Even if the temperature is not very high, you can give your child one of these medications at the dosage indicated in the instructions. The product will significantly reduce pain. But this can be done no more than once a day, for example, at night, so that the baby and the whole family can sleep.

Homeopathic medicines

Despite the fact that adherents of classical medicine call homeopathic medicines as drugs with unproven effectiveness, they are quite widely used to treat children. In the area of ​​teething relief, there are also a number of homeopathic medicines that can help during this difficult period.

Viburkol suppositories

The drug is used as a sedative and antipyretic and is produced on the basis of natural ingredients. It can have a positive effect when a child develops new teeth. Children under the age of six months can use one suppository up to 2 times a day. For babies over 6 months old - up to 4-6 times a day, 1 candle.

Ointment Traumeel S

A wide-spectrum drug for adults and children based on herbal ingredients. Most often, this remedy is prescribed to adults and children over 3 years of age for swelling after sprains and dislocations, diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Homeopaths also prescribe this ointment for gum inflammation during teething in babies.

You cannot use this product yourself, since the instructions say that the use of the ointment in children under 3 years of age is undesirable due to the lack of research. It is better to consult a doctor before use. Another significant disadvantage of ointments is that they adhere much worse to the gums and mucous membranes than gels.

Drops Dantinorm Baby

A very popular and advertised remedy for teething in babies. Contains only natural ingredients (chamomile, ivy, rhubarb). Drops are available in convenient plastic capsules. In this form they are easy to give to a child, and the risks of drug overdose are eliminated. The product is famous for its absence of side effects (the only exception is children with allergies, who may have a reaction to some of the components).

Dentokind tablets

A homeopathic preparation based on herbal components, which has a sedative and mild analgesic effect, improves baby's sleep. The tablets must be dissolved in the mouth, and for children dissolved in water. The release form is not entirely convenient, since it is inconvenient to give tablets to small children, but nevertheless this remedy is quite popular. The only contraindication is a possible allergy to the components of the medication.

Non-drug remedies for teething

Sometimes there is no need to use medicine or give your child herbs. There are a number of simple and affordable ways to alleviate your baby's condition.


In children's stores you can see a huge selection of special teething toys. They are made specifically for children who constantly chew on something when their teeth come out. These toys are made from safe, non-toxic materials. Their use is completely safe for the baby.

“Pimples” and other relief elements on teethers are made for a reason - they provide a massage to the gums, which relieves pain and prepares them for faster teething

It is better to choose those teethers that have elements filled with water (cooling teethers). This toy can be placed in the refrigerator. Then, when the child chews it, the cold will help relieve pain.

Amber beads

Succinic acid is a natural analgesic. When wearing the beads, it is absorbed into the skin and significantly reduces pain in the baby’s gums. In addition, exposure to succinic acid can relieve other symptoms, such as increased salivation, loose stools, and fever. This accessory has been used for teething in babies for many years, but even today it is popular in European countries.

Special children's amber beads can be used as an analgesic. The main thing is that the stone is natural

When using amber beads, we must not forget about the safety of the child:

  • The thread on which the beads are strung must be as strong as possible so that the child does not tear it or choke on the bead.
  • The beads should be small in size so that even if accidentally swallowed they cannot cause suffocation.
  • When the baby is sleeping, the beads must be removed so that during sleep they do not accidentally block his breathing.
  • It must be remembered that amber beads are intended only for wearing, they should not fall into the baby’s mouth. They should not be chewed, as the amber may crack and break off.
  • In order for the child to get used to the accessory and not touch it again, such beads should be worn from 2-3 months.

Special silicone brushes for teeth and gums

You can buy such brushes at any children's supermarket. They have two purposes at once: they accustom the child to brushing his teeth and massage the gums during teething. The accessory is put on mother's finger.

This method of relieving a child’s pain has a significant disadvantage - it can only be used when the first 4-6 teeth appear. Then the child may very painfully bite the mother’s finger on which the brush is placed.

If the baby is calm and allows manipulation in the mouth, then you can use this accessory for as long as you like until all the teeth come out or the child begins to clean his mouth on his own

Folk remedies for teething in babies

To calm your child and relieve pain, it is not necessary to buy pharmaceutical drugs. You can get by with the methods that our grandmothers practiced.

Sedative folk remedies

You can give your child various teas and infusions that have sedatives:

  • Chamomile tea (no more than 2-3 teaspoons at a time).
  • Infusion of chamomile, lemon balm, catnip and lavender (1 tablespoon of the mixture per 250 ml of boiling water, leave for half an hour). Give by teaspoon.


In order to reduce pain in swollen gums, you can rub into them:

  • Valerian tincture.
  • A mixture of one part almond and two parts clove oils.
  • Tincture of burdock root and chickweed.
  • Baking soda solution (a teaspoon per 250 ml of boiled water). Apply with a piece of gauze or bandage.

It must be remembered that herbs and honey can cause allergic reactions in young children, so such folk remedies should be used carefully, starting with small doses.

The period of teething is very difficult, but you can make it a little easier with the help of the following recommendations:

  • When using pharmaceutical ointments and gels, you must strictly follow the instructions and advice of your doctor. This will help avoid allergies, stomatitis and suppuration in the child’s mouth.
  • It is better to buy several teethers so that you can wash and cool them without leaving your baby without this useful accessory.
  • If you refuse food, you can try offering it cool rather than warm.
  • You cannot use alcohol-based drugs and folk remedies.
  • To bring down the temperature, you can use medications based on ibuprofen or paracetamol. Children should not be given aspirin!
  • To make it easier for the baby, you need to constantly distract his attention from the pain with new books, toys, games, rhymes, and songs.
  • You can’t get angry and scold your baby for whims and crying. It’s already hard for him, he needs to show perseverance and patience.

Every baby has to go through teething. Together with him, many unpleasant minutes and even hours fall to the lot of his parents. This process is rarely painless, but modern medicine has tools to help make it more comfortable.

Before choosing a particular gel, you need to familiarize yourself with its composition and study the presence of contraindications. The main component that has a strong analgesic effect in many gels is lidocaine. The effectiveness of drugs with it depends on the concentration of the active substance. The higher it is, the faster the analgesic effect will occur. However, their duration of action is short; after 20-25 minutes the pain may return.

Gels with semi-synthetic and natural components have a less pronounced analgesic effect. But it lasts much longer. This effectiveness is due to the fact that the active substances do not simply block pain, but eliminate its cause - inflammation of the mucous membrane.

At the same time, we must not forget about the possible side effects of any of the drugs. Therefore, when choosing a gel, you need to take into account the baby's tendency to allergies. After the first use of a new remedy, you need to monitor the condition of the child. Any negative reaction is an indication for discontinuation of the drug.


teething symptoms

Many parents look forward to the “first tooth”, organizing a real family celebration for this occasion. The mother looks into the baby’s mouth several times a day and periodically taps the baby’s gums with a spoon, trying to detect the first signs of teething.

Sometimes typical symptoms that appear during teething help to identify them:

  • the baby is naughty, does not sleep well;
  • gums may become inflamed, redden;
  • the child pulls everything into his mouth, trying to gnaw on any objects;
  • the temperature rises to 38 degrees, does not decrease for 2-3 days;
  • increased salivation:
  • active swallowing of saliva can provoke diarrhea.

Such manifestations are due to the fact that a burning and itching sensation occurs in the baby’s oral cavity due to internal swelling of the gums. It does not allow the child to sleep peacefully, eat. To relieve the itching, he instinctively puts objects in his mouth, trying to drown out the unpleasant sensation. To help the child survive this condition, parents can use special means.

What are gels used for?

Special gels are an effective remedy to help relieve pain. Their feature is low penetrating ability, so there is no need to worry about medicinal components getting into the blood. The anesthetic contained in the gel quickly and effectively relieves pain and makes it easier for the baby to endure the teething process. The anesthetic can be of synthetic or herbal origin.

Important! When choosing a gel, you cannot rely only on reviews from friends or advice on the Internet. The gel is not a universal remedy. It helps some, but irritates others. One baby feels better after a homeopathic remedy, while another will need a drug with a strong analgesic effect. Therefore, parents should make the decision on choosing a gel together with their doctor. Independent actions can lead to the fact that instead of relief, the child’s condition worsens.

It is strictly forbidden to abuse gels with lidocaine and benzocaine. Some parents, wanting to relieve their baby’s pain, do not adhere to the recommendations of the instructions and arbitrarily increase the number of applications and the single dose of the drug.

As a result, the child swallows part of the drug, he may experience convulsions and disruption of the heart muscle. The key to safety is a mandatory consultation with a doctor and strict implementation of his recommendations.

Characteristics and main types of gels

Pharmacists offer a huge variety of dental gels. They are distinguished not only by their name, but also by the set of components they contain. All gels have a complex effect, but their effectiveness varies according to different indicators.

Depending on this, the following types are distinguished:

  1. Cooling. Due to the content of lidocaine, the gel has a pronounced analgesic effect. This drug should be applied at least half an hour before meals. It is not recommended for children prone to allergies.
  2. Anti-inflammatory. They help relieve swelling and reduce painful symptoms. You can use the drugs regardless of meals.
  3. Homeopathic. They are considered the safest because they do not contain synthetic components. They act gently, the desired effect accumulates gradually.

Even the safest gel should not be used uncontrollably. Pediatricians recommend using them only in cases of severe inflammation, but before doing so, be sure to consult a doctor. The specialist must determine exactly what caused the inflammation. Often, inexperienced parents mistake symptoms that are caused by an infectious disease for teething. Only a doctor can make the correct conclusion.

If you decide to use the gel, it is better to use it at night. Then the baby and his mother will be able to rest normally. In this case, you should strictly adhere to the dosage and maintain the frequency of application of the gel. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to seek advice from a specialist.

Safe combination gels for babies (Review of drugs)

Many companies produce products for children. To understand them, we will give a brief description and dwell on their inherent advantages and disadvantages.


Let's start with gels that have a cooling effect. A popular remedy is Kalgel. It is approved for use in babies from 5 months. User reviews confirm a pronounced analgesic effect, and it also helps get rid of germs. The drug contains lidocaine and the antiseptic cytilperidine. Thanks to this, the gel is used not only for teething, but also for the treatment of thrush.

The disadvantages of Kalgel include a large number of contraindications. It is not recommended for problems with the kidneys, heart, liver, stomach, or low blood pressure. The saccharin contained in the composition limits its use in children with diathesis. The duration of the analgesic effect is short. After 20 minutes, you can reapply the drug, but no more than 6 times a day. The advantages of Kalgel include its affordable cost.

Kamistad Baby

Effectively relieves pain during teething Kamistad Baby. It has a wound healing effect and eliminates the inflammatory process. However, it has a weak antimicrobial effect. In children it can be used from 3 months, the frequency of application per day is no more than 3. Its use causes numbness of the mucous membrane, and the swallowing reflex may be impaired in infants. The drug will be inexpensive.


Dentinox contains a small amount of lidocaine, so it is suitable for those who are highly sensitive to this component. The gel contains chamomile extract, has a pleasant herbal aroma, and effectively fights germs. The number of uses per day is no more than 3, the maximum period of use is 2 weeks. The drug is contraindicated in children with fructose allergies.


Dentol gel has an excellent antiseptic effect. However, they should not be used to lubricate inflamed areas. The frequency of applications per day is 3-4 times, the duration is no more than a week. Before purchasing, you should check the percentage of active ingredient in the gel. Children from 6 years of age are allowed to use the drug with 10%, and from 4 months - with 7.5% benzocaine content. In terms of price, Dentol is one of the most affordable drugs.


Among the gels that have an anti-inflammatory effect, Cholisal is distinguished. It does not contain lidocaine, the drug is used against inflammation. It also relieves pain and destroys germs. You should know that in the first couple of minutes after lubricating the gums, the baby may feel a burning sensation. Then the swelling decreases, nearby tissues stop pressing on the gums, and the pain goes away.

The advantage of Cholisal is its prolonged analgesic effect – up to 8 hours. This is achieved due to the fact that the drug is not washed off by saliva. In addition, the gel has an excellent antimicrobial effect. This is especially true considering that the child puts everything in his mouth. The gel is applied no more than 3 times per day. Cholisal is used only in children over one year of age.

Homeopathic gels for teeth growth

A special feature of homeopathic remedies is their mild combined effect.

Brand “First teeth”

A well-known drug of this type is Baby Doctor “First Teeth”. It can be used by a child from 3 months. The advantage of the drug is its high effectiveness in eliminating pain, an unlimited number of uses. Thanks to the presence of a unique set of herbs (calendula, chamomile, echinacea, marshmallow root, plantain), the gel heals wounds, kills germs, and relieves inflammation. The only contraindication for use is individual intolerance to the components.


Karmolis phytogel, known to many parents, does not contain anesthetics. Its action is based on propolis, essential oils of chamomile, mint, and cloves. It has a pleasant taste, cools and softens inflamed gums. It has no disadvantages, but in cases of severe pain, the effect it provides is not enough.


Popular homeopathic gels include Pansoral. It contains marshmallow, saffron, and chamomile extract. It copes well with pain and soothes irritation. The only downside is the high cost.

The gel is a medical product, so before using it you must first consult a doctor. When choosing a gel, the specialist takes into account the general condition of the baby and the severity of symptoms. In addition, we must not forget about the possible negative consequences of uncontrolled use of drugs. It’s not for nothing that manufacturers spare no paper when describing contraindications and side effects.

The difficulty of treating children is due to the fact that any medicine is used for the first time, so it is impossible to predict the body’s reaction. Over time, the mother accumulates a list of drugs that caused an allergic reaction. In order not to aggravate the situation, you should strictly adhere to the instructions and doctor’s recommendations.

  1. Before applying the gel to your child, you can spread a small amount on your gums. In this case, it is necessary to detect the time after which the anesthetic effect occurs and its duration.
  2. To maintain cleanliness and not give your baby an infection, it is best to apply the gel with a disposable fingertip. It can also be used to massage gums. Light stroking of the gums has a calming effect on the child. In any case, hands should be thoroughly washed before the procedure.
  3. To apply the gel, first squeeze it onto your finger in an amount of about 0.5 cm. Then rub it into the gum with massaging movements in the place where the tooth “wants” to erupt. It can be determined by a slight swelling, the gum is denser here. If the child already has 1-2 teeth, then he can bite his mother's finger. Therefore, for application, you can use a cotton swab.

Pediatricians do not advise to abuse painkillers. If the baby behaves calmly, then you can do without medication. In case of severe negative symptoms during teething, it is better to carry out this procedure before bedtime to give the baby the opportunity to rest.

In any case, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary. Self-medication, especially for infants, is unacceptable. Of course, you need to listen to the advice of girlfriends and experienced mothers, but the final decision should be made by a specialist. The health of a child is not a lottery; acting at random and using trial and error in this case is unacceptable.



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