What is an extended day school group? Working with parents of younger students


To promote students’ development of cooperation, teamwork, and communication skills.


To form in children the need for productive activity through direct

introduction to various activities

Develop interest in various types of activities in accordance with

the child's individuality.

Form moral (learning moral standards of behavior through mastering

moral concepts) and emotional (through aesthetic ideas in

creative activity) components of children's worldview.

Form creative imagination and curiosity.

Develop cognitive interest and independence.

To carry out aesthetic, environmental, moral and patriotic,

vocational guidance, physical education of junior schoolchildren.

Foster the need for a healthy lifestyle. Protect the lives of children.

Basic requirements for organizing education:

Ensuring the quality of education;

Correspondence of the content, forms and methods to the goals and objectives of education;

Systematicity and unity of pedagogical requirements;

Implementation of a person-centered approach;

Creating conditions for the development of students’ creative abilities, including them in various types of socially significant activities;

Continuity and continuity in the content of education, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of students;

Prevention of illegal behavior, support for children in socially dangerous situations;

Pedagogical support for children's associations, development of their initiatives.

General goals and objectives of regime issues in the GPA

The objectives of educational work in the GPA in the extended day group are aimed at developing the cognitive, labor, and social activity of schoolchildren, their interests, developing abilities and improving physical development.

1. Conversation with teachers.

Goal: close relationship between classroom and extracurricular educational work of students within the framework of the continuity of the educational process, improvement of pedagogical management of students’ extracurricular educational activities.

2. Admission to the group.

Purpose: communication of the daily routine, work of the attendants in the dining room and group room, identifying the reason for being late.

3. Conversation or pre-dinner walk.

Goal: restoration of mental performance, broadening the horizons of children, instilling a culture of behavior.

4. Lunch.

Goal: instilling cultural behavior skills at school, in the cafeteria, at the table; maintaining personal hygiene.

5. Walk, excursion, OPT.

Purpose: restoration of mental performance, broadening the horizons of students, developing their cognitive interests, nurturing moral relationships, discipline in a team, instilling love for work, for nature.

6. Self-preparation.

Purpose: development of mental abilities of students, the formation of general educational skills and abilities, the need for independent acquisition of knowledge; fostering a sense of mutual assistance, camaraderie

Physical education pauses - maintaining active attention, increasing the productivity of educational work, performing motor activity.

7. Outdoor games.

Purpose: replenishment of motor activity, improvement of motor development of schoolchildren, education of organization, discipline.

8. Sports hour, club hours, work groups, matinees, holidays.

Purpose: physical improvement and strengthening of the health of students, development of the interests and abilities of children, to educate organization, collectivism, friendship, a sense of beauty, broadening the horizons of students.

Hygienic requirements for organizing the work of the gas pumping station

1. Regardless of weather and seasonal conditions, children are required to be outdoors.

2. Clothing and footwear must be comfortable and reliable in all respects, correspond to the season and the nature of the activity.

3. All classes are held in a sparing mode, since even children exempted from physical education lessons take part in them. Physical overload is not allowed.

4. A sufficient level of mobility is maintained during the lesson, which excludes hypothermia of the children's body.

5. Places for classes are selected taking into account the prevention of child injuries.

6. By the end of classes, physical activity is reduced so that the excitement caused by motor activity has decreased. Classes end with washing.

An equally important condition for effective activity is the rational construction of the daily routine in the group.

The regime may change taking into account the characteristics of a particular school, but sanitary and hygienic requirements must be observed in all main regime points:

The room must be ventilated (through ventilation is required).

Minutes of hygiene should be carried out before lunch and after games.

Each child attending the group must have individual hygiene products.

Children should be outdoors for at least 1.5 hours.

Sports activities must be at least 45 minutes long.

Preparation of homework: homework is not provided for the preparatory class, for students in grades 1 - no more than one hour, for students in grades 2-3 - no more than one and a half hours.

Breaks between lessons are 10–15 minutes.

During breaks, include physical education and corrective gymnastics exercises.

Objectives for the year.

    Improving the quality of homework; targeting children for productive work.

    Improving the behavior of individual students and the group as a whole.

    Activation of students' cognitive activity.

    To instill in children the need for a healthy lifestyle; compliance with hygiene standards, daily routine in the GPA.

    To instill in children a sense of self-respect, respect for their family members: (mother, grandmother, grandfather, sister, brother, their friends).

    Raising a sense of kindness in children, that is, the ability to rejoice at the successes of their comrades, worthily experience their failures and be there when the failure of another.

    Develop memory, speech, thinking, imagination, attention in children.

    To develop the curiosity of children, to captivate them with the process of learning.

    To expand the children's ideas of life about our village (city), to teach them to love it.


Attendance control;

Behavior control;

Self-training control;

Nutrition control;

Observing children's relationships;

Caring for indoor plants;

Control of order in the classroom.


Checking diaries;

Individual conversations with students;

News Information Service;


Summing up the month

Every trimester:

Participation in public affairs of the school;

Safety briefing.


Regime moments


The content of the work




Admission of children to the group

1.Meeting with children.

2.Changing clothes.

3.Acquaintance with the requests of children, teachers, parents.

1. A child after an illness.

2. Birthday boy.

3.Another occasion to communicate.

sports hour

Goals: health,

teaching, educational

1. Equipment.

2.Structure of a sports hour:

Warm up,

Main part,

Final part

Description of the exercise complex, games, relay races (in plan or on a card)

Practicing exercises, assistant teacher

Preparing for dinner


Contents of the conversation.

Table manners

Outdoor activity

Goals: health,

teaching, educational

Form (walk), view (workshop)

Event plan:

Instruction, conversation, group assignment, didactic game, outdoor games.

1. Conversation.

2. Learning to play

Sanitary procedures

When conducting a conversation, a topic is indicated and a goal is set.

Contents of the conversation.

(if available)



teaching, educational,


    Org. moment.


    Did. a game.

    Myself. Job.


    Summary of the lesson.

Working with students who have difficulty completing homework.

Indoor activity


teaching, educational,


Topic, format,

Contents: Mobilizing mt, conversation,

group work, lesson summary


If you want your child to go to the GPA with pleasure, then:

1. Don’t talk badly about the GPD, don’t criticize the teacher in the presence of children. Come to school and try to figure everything out. Remember, educators do not wish anything bad for your child.

2. Do not rush to blame the teacher for the lack of an individual approach; think about your own behavior. Remember! Parents are responsible for the behavior of their children. (Parental Responsibility for Raising Children Act) Parents are the first to introduce their children to the norms and rules of behavior at home, on the street, in public places, etc.

3. Having their own life experience, the father and mother organize educational work with children so that their son or daughter has a clear idea of ​​what is good and what is bad.

4. The example of parents (positive or negative) influences the formation of children's life experience.

5. Parents have 90% of the influence on children’s behavior. The family is the first stable community in a child’s life. As already mentioned, in the process of personality formation, the family plays a dominant role, we emphasize - the family! It is in the family, even before school, that the main character traits of the child, his habits, are formed. And what will be the child - prosperous or not - depends on what are the relationships in the family between its members.

6. Educated parents, loving and emotionally balanced, create a favorable environment for the moral development of children, for the formation of a kind and caring attitude towards people in the child.

A necessary component of the educational process in the extended day group is the planning and organization of work with the parents of pupils in order to enrich the parents with psychological and pedagogical knowledge, form their pedagogical position on the upbringing of the child, and establish a close connection between adults and children.

In the work plan of the educator of the extended day group with the families of schoolchildren, the following areas should be reflected:

    study of families and the conditions of family education in order to identify their capabilities in raising their child and pupils of the extended day group through questionnaires, tests, family visits at home, observation, individual conversations with children and parents, etc. Taking into account the information received when organizing interaction;

    providing families of pupils with psychological and pedagogical assistance through the integrated use of various collective, group, individual and visual-informational forms of work;

    involvement of parents in the educational process of the extended day group and the school. Involving parents in planning the educational affairs of the group, informing about the time and place of their holding, including in the preparation and holding of the event;

    analysis of intermediate and final results of joint educational activities of teachers and parents. Conducting discussions and reflection by all members of the interaction;

    spreading the experience of family education through organizing and holding presentations of families, round tables, parent conferences, etc.

Plan of work with parents of junior schoolchildren


Organization of work with parents

Study of families and conditions of family education

Working with a team of parents

Group interaction with parents

Individual work with parents

Visual and informational education of parents


1. Parent meeting “Let’s get to know each other.”

2. Open day “Birthday of the group”.

Group parent committee meeting (monthly throughout the year)

Involving parents in modeling the educational system of the group

Design of a corner for parents on the theme “Notes for parents”

1.Visiting families at home (during the year).

2. Questioning of parents “My child”.


1.Parents meeting “The constitutional duty of parents in raising children.”

2. Child-parent joint lesson "Training for constructive interaction"

Group consultation “Family parenting styles and their influence on the formation of a child’s personality”

Individual conversations with a psychologist “Childhood without tears”

Exhibition of creative works of students “Everyone is talented”

Family drawing “My family”


Evening of questions and answers “Junior school age and its features”

Group consultation with the participation of a psychologist “Child’s learning difficulties”

Individual consultations with the assistance of a psychologist “Children’s problems and ways to solve them”

Design of the moving folder “Age and individual characteristics of younger schoolchildren”

Testing parents “You are a teacher”


School for parents "How to help children study well"

Workshop "How to instill a love of books in a younger student"

Individual consultations with the involvement of a psychologist “Support and development of a child’s giftedness in the family”; "Development of memory, attention, thinking, speech of the child"; "Formation of volitional qualities of personality".

Preparation of a memo for parents on the rational organization of the daily routine of junior schoolchildren “Daily regimen of a junior schoolchild”


Parent meeting "Love as a factor in the child's mental health"

Workshop for parents "Effective parenting pedagogy"

Individual consultations with the involvement of a psychologist “The emotional life of a child and the education of his feelings”

Exhibition of books, articles from newspapers and magazines on the topic "Love without borders"

Mini-composition "Day off in my family"


Parent meeting "Punishment and encouragement in the family"

Workshop "The Art of Parental Prohibition"

Individual conversations with the involvement of a psychologist "Male education in the family"

Organization in the group of a permanent library for parents on family education issues

Questioning parents and children on issues of cruelty in parent-child relationships.


Round table on the exchange of experience in family education “Cultivating a culture of behavior in primary schoolchildren”

Discussion club "Child's participation in family life"

Individual consultations “Unified pedagogical requirements for a child as a necessary condition for proper upbringing”

Design of the mobile folder “Children-money-parents”

“Making wishes” technique


Parent meeting “The role of the family in raising a healthy generation”

Dispute “Television: pros and cons”

Discussion of the child’s individual “passport” of health

Health on a Plate Fact Sheet

Round-robin conversation “Evening in my family”


1. Final parent meeting “Turning through the pages of the calendar.”

2. Open day of the group “So we have become a year older”

School for parents “Summer holidays for children”

Organizing excursions for children to enterprises where parents work

Design of the stand “Bright episodes from the life of our group”

Project study of parents’ opinions “My child and group”

Organizational and disciplinary rules:

    Mandatory daily self-preparation.

    Economical and complete use of the time allocated for the lesson.

    Ensuring order in the workplace. Availability of all necessary supplies and textbooks for classes.

    The student must learn that it is impossible to:

a) waste time preparing for independent work;

b) break the silence;

c) distract comrades from work;

d) make any requests or advice unnecessarily;

e) engage in extraneous matters;

f) use work methods that cause noise;

g) perform the task in bad faith;

Instructions for a pupil of the GPD

Dear friend!

In an extended day group, you will learn not only to do your homework on your own, but also to think, explore the richness of the world around you, organize your leisure time and activities, communicate with friends and adults, and good manners.

Be honest and hardworking in everything you do. Respect your relatives and elders. Be good. Cherish the honor of the school.

Be obedient - that's it.

Don't waste words

Always think about everything - that's two.

Just take the best as an example - these are three.

And four - always know:

Life is not joy without work.

Elders must be respected

Don't offend kids - that's five.

If there is an order, it’s six.

Be attentive to everyone - this is sem

Responsibilities of a GPD teacher

The teacher must:

1.Check students’ attendance using the GPA log.

2. Find out the opinion of teachers about the well-being, behavior, and academic performance of children.

3. Learn about the features of homework.

4. If necessary, attend teacher lessons.

5. If necessary, make adjustments to the plan for the day.

At the beginning of work in the group, the following responsibilities are provided:

1. Receiving a message from the headman or duty officer.

2. Getting to know the requests of children and parents.

3. Acceptance of the group premises.

4. Checking the condition of the GPA corners.

5. Messages to children about the plan for the day.

6. Conducting individual and group conversations with students about academic success.

When organizing meals, the teacher must:

1. Compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules

2.Have a two-minute ethical conversation.

3.Monitor the behavior of children in the dining room.

4.. Monitor the orderly departure of schoolchildren from the cafeteria.

When organizing outdoor recreation, the teacher is obliged to:

1. Organize cleaning and ventilation of the room.

2. Monitor the dressing of children and their clothes.

3. Communicate your vacation plan.

4. Give a task and distribute responsibilities.

5. Monitor the well-being of children.

6. Conduct individual and group conversations.

7. Summarize the rest.

8. Monitor the order in which children return to school.

Responsibilities of the teacher when conducting classes indoors:

1. Organize preliminary preparations for the event.

2. Communicate the work plan.

3. Monitor the participation of children in the event and guide their activity.

4. Summarize the lesson

When preparing to do homework, the teacher should:

1. Organize ventilation of the room or wet cleaning.

2. Provide the group with visual aids, signal cards, and the “Learn to Learn” folder.

3. Monitor the readiness of workplaces and the placement of children.

During self-preparation you must:

1. Conduct instruction.

2. Determine the working time for each subject.

3. Select consultants (trust group).

4. Check diary entries.

5. Organize independent work of students.

6. Control the underachievers, help them in a timely manner.

7. Checking homework by students.

8. Summarize self-preparation.

9. Inform teachers in a timely manner about the progress and results of self-training.

Upon completion of the work of the GPA, the teacher must:

1. Assign duty officers for the next day.

2. Monitor the cleaning of the classroom.

3. Tidy up the play corner.

4. Have a conversation with your parents.

5. Summarize the work.

In addition to the above daily duties, the educator as a teacher has others - episodic, performed both during working hours and after hours.

These include planning responsibilities:

1. Drawing up an annual calendar and thematic plan.

2. Preparation of a schedule of general developmental classes.

3. Preparation of work plans, development of activities.

As a school employee, the teacher is obliged to:

1. Submit reports to the administration.

2. Speak at parent meetings, teacher councils, and MOs.

3. Submit one-time information.

The teacher must engage in self-education:

1. Constantly work on the topic of self-education.

2. Replenish your knowledge of modern pedagogy and psychology.

3. Work to expand your general educational horizons.

4. Regularly familiarize yourself with the latest pedagogical literature.

5. Timely familiarize yourself with regulatory documents.

6. Periodically undergo course training.

Basic goals:

    Wellness: to provide active recreation for schoolchildren, relieve children's fatigue, promote health, satisfy the need for children to move.

    Educational: education of moral qualities, diligence, respect for nature, a benevolent attitude towards comrades, the ability to subordinate one's desires to the team.

    Educational: learn to navigate the terrain; introduce different types and paces of walking and running; use of equipment when cleaning the area; learn to throw, catch, dribble, etc.

    Developing: to develop physical strength, agility, speed, flexibility, endurance; leadership skills; creative approach to completing tasks.

1. All classes are collective in nature.

2. Classes solve not only health-improving tasks, but also a certain range of educational tasks.

3. Each lesson requires the active participation of all pupils without exception, and for this it is necessary to determine its role for each.

4. The purpose of the lesson is communicated to all students. It should be clear to everyone.

5. During the day, not a single lesson in the chosen type of activity should be repeated. Variety and novelty should be present in all activities.

6. When choosing the motor content of classes, it is necessary to take into account the physical data of children.

7. It is necessary to saturate the classes with feasible activities as much as possible. Use the time allocated to them economically and profitably.

8. The teacher should not lose control of the lesson, you need to see and catch changes in the behavior and moods of children.

9. When conducting classes, it is necessary to encourage the initiative and activity of schoolchildren.

10. At the end of the lesson, sum up its results and give your assessment of the children’s behavior.


Often the concept of a walk is confused with such concepts as excursion, play, sports and work. This happens because in ordinary life, a walk is often combined with various types of outdoor activities.

When working in an extended day group, we suggest using types of walks that can be divided as follows:


seasonal changes in nature;

features of the plant world;

life of domestic and wild animals;

labor and rest of people.

2. WALK - TASK, purposeful

congratulate comrades or adults on the holiday;

invite guests to a class or school event;

notify the population, parents, comrades about some event or event;

provide patronage assistance.

3. WALK-TASK, aimed at solving some practical problem. For example, it is proposed to define:


the size of the object;

height of the object;

its color;

slope steepness;

wind direction and speed.

4. WALK-SEARCH. During this walk, students are tasked with finding:

medicinal herbs;


tree seeds;

natural material for herbarium, collection, etc.

5. WALK-HIKING on the:





terrain orientation.

6. WALK-FANTASY must present the possibility:

make a sketch;

make a craft from natural material;

weave a wreath, a basket;

make a bouquet of leaves, flowers, branches;

come up with a fairy tale, poem, story.

7. WALK-SHOW, poses a wide variety of tasks for the teacher. Introduce and show:

Local Attractions;

various items and objects;

rare flowers, trees, shrubs;

various properties, signs of an object.

8. WALK-PRACTICUM, provides for consolidation of students’ knowledge and skills:

according to traffic rules;

on safety precautions;

by labor skills;

on orientation;

on culture of behavior.

9. COMBINED WALK carried out in combination with:


sports activities;


excursion work.

10. Creative walk. Goal: to cause emotional uplift and organize creative activity. During such a walk, children can make sketches and make crafts. As a result of such a walk, you can organize an exhibition of works or a celebration of creativity.

11. Outdoor entertainment. The purpose of the walk: to organize mass outdoor games, fun competitions, rhythmic musical games, round dances, and performing magic tricks under a canopy during the rain.

12. Walk - excursion . Goal: to introduce you to the history of your region.

The walk is carried out once a week until self-preparation. Its duration is 1.5 hours. The teacher determines three goals of the walk: cognitive, educational, and developmental.


1. Determine the type of walk.

2. Set a goal.

3. Develop a route and become familiar with it.

4. Choose a venue.

5. Determine the time spent on a walk.

6. Develop a task.

7. Outline the types of activities of students.

8. Make a note of the walk.


1. Warn about the walk in advance so that clothes and shoes are appropriate for the weather.

2. Tell the purpose of the walk.

3. Talk about the route and tasks.

4. Indicate the order of the route.

5. Assign responsibility.

6. Conduct training on TB.

Walk structure

    Organizing time. Dressing children, instructing them about the time and purpose of the walk, about the rules of behavior, about the distribution of specific assignments. The briefing conversation is held in the school yard at the group’s permanent meeting place.

    Movement along the intended route and completion of assigned tasks, organized observation, teacher’s conversation on the topic of the walk, independent activity of schoolchildren.

    A brief summary of the walk at the group’s permanent meeting place.

    Return to school. Changing children's clothes, hygiene procedures.

    1. Take into account: the age of the children, the equipment of the room, the number of participants, the availability of equipment...

      When explaining the game, children should see and hear the teacher well. Name the goal of the game, tell about the course and rules.

      If a game has a lot of rules, then some of them can be omitted during the explanation, and talked about during the game.

      Choose the drivers according to the teacher's appointment, lot, counting rhyme.

      First, conduct a rehearsal of the game without counting the result.

      Start the game in an organized manner, on a signal.

      Develop the creative initiative of participants.

      Observe the guys’ mood and emotional tension.

      There must be healthy, friendly relationships between players.

      Pay special attention to children who do not want to play with.

      It is necessary to dose physical exercise, alternating exercise with rest.

      When announcing results, motivate them.

      During the game you must follow safety precautions.

Regulatory documents regulating the work of the GPD

    Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 “On Education” (as amended and supplemented)

    Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated July 23, 2008 No. 45 “On approval of SanPiN” (together with the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Standards “Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Organization of Meals for Students in General Educational Institutions, Institutions of Primary and Secondary Vocational Education . SanPiN")

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04/03/2003 No. 191 “On the duration of working hours (standard hours of teaching work for the wage rate) of teaching workers”

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 29, 2002 No. 781 “On the lists of jobs, professions, positions, specialties and institutions, taking into account which an old-age labor pension is assigned early in accordance with Article 27 of the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”, and on approval Rules for calculating periods of work giving the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension in accordance with Article 27 of the Federal Law "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation"

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 19, 2001 No. 196 “On approval of the Model Regulations on a General Educational Institution”

    Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated November 11, 1992 No. 33 “On the coordination of wage grades and tariff and qualification characteristics for positions of employees of educational institutions and organizations of the Russian Federation”

    Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated July 5, 2005 No. 440 “On establishing the identity of individual positions”

    Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 13, 2006 No. AF-213/03 “On the preparation and direction of variants of model methods”

    Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated September 25, 2000 No. 2021/11-13 “On the organization of education in the first grade of a four-year elementary school”


Self-training is a form of extracurricular educational activity in the GPA, compulsory and daily classes in which schoolchildren independently complete educational tasks in a strictly allotted time. The purpose of independent work in these classes is to develop skills of self-education, self-education and to promote the diversified development of the child’s personality.

During self-study, the teacher maintains the order necessary for independent work and ensures the successful completion of tasks by all students, trying to consolidate the knowledge that the children acquired in the lessons. The teacher must encourage the child to think independently, stimulate his volitional efforts in every possible way, and develop his thinking abilities.

The GPA teacher should provide developmental classes before self-training in order to prepare children for independent educational work that requires active mental activity from them. The short duration of such activities, a kind of mental gymnastics, requires clarity and dynamism in their implementation and always in a playful form. The most acceptable duration of such classes is 10–15 minutes. The teacher does not require students to strictly adhere to the order inherent in lessons, does not suppress the independence of children, their activity, as a result of which children receive the opportunity for positive self-expression, and therefore good rest. Rested, without signs of fatigue or agitation, children easily engage in mental activity when doing homework.

Teachers, especially in groups of different ages, often have difficulties due to the fact that students complete self-study at different times. Younger students, as a rule, cannot wait a minute for older students to complete assignments. They cannot, and should not, sit quietly and motionless at this time. What to do with them? What kind of activity can you offer so that they will be interested and will not disturb others? The same problem also arises in a group with students of the same age, since children of the same age also spend different amounts of time on self-preparation. The role of educational, entertaining games and exercises that contribute to the conscious and more lasting assimilation of knowledge and the development of certain skills provided for in modern curricula is enormous and irreplaceable here.

Activation of students' mental activity, as well as consolidation of knowledge acquired in lessons, is facilitated by entertaining games with mathematical content, which develop intelligence, attention, eye, ingenuity, and teach them to think.

The task of preparing homework follows from the general tasks of a special school, which are to develop and develop students’ skills of independence in educational and work activities. The implementation of these goals is achieved, first of all, by the correct organization of homework preparation, in which the knowledge acquired by students in the lessons is most effectively consolidated and improved.

In a lesson, students' independent work is only an element at one or another stage; when preparing homework, this is the main activity. It must be properly organized in order to correct cognitive activity and develop independence in educational work. Homework should not duplicate what happened in class. This is a special activity for each student who is in conditions other than in the classroom.

The student independently continues what he did with other students in the class, and at the same time acquires the knowledge and skills that are necessary for further study under the guidance of a teacher. Without this knowledge, the educational process cannot continue. Thus, homework is not only an important form of organizing learning, it is organically included in the learning process as its necessary link, representing an individual form of educational activities under the guidance of a teacher.

The value of homework also lies in the fact that a certain type of work that is impossible to do in a lesson (long-term observations of plant growth, changes in nature according to the seasons, weather changes, etc.) becomes possible outside of class time. The lesson and independent subsequent educational work at home are a single process. It is important that when doing homework, the functions of the teacher and the educator are differentiated.

The teacher prepares students for homework by explaining what is assigned and how to do this or that work. He controls the quality of home lessons. The teacher takes into account the individual characteristics of children, gives homework a creative character, including in the content of assignments solving problems, drawing up problems and examples, reading additional literature, completing assignments using a dictionary, etc. The functions of the teacher who provides pedagogical guidance in the preparation of homework include :

formation of cognitive educational activities of children;

training in independent work skills;

instilling in students the skills of self-control, mutual verification and mutual assistance;

Ensuring that all children complete their homework correctly.

In order to successfully carry out these tasks, the teacher needs to know the individual characteristics of each child, the content of the curriculum and the requirements for the skills of students.

The unity of requirements with which the teacher and educator approach students when preparing homework requires constant contact between them. The main form of communication in their work is mutual attendance at lessons and self-study hours. Attending self-study helps the teacher check the degree to which students have mastered the educational material during independent work. Attending lessons gives the teacher the opportunity to delve into the teacher’s work methodology, highlight the most significant and difficult sections of academic subjects for children in order to devote more time to them in the process of preparing lessons.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements for self-preparation

1. Uniform and sufficient illumination of the entire room.

2. Regular movement of students from a less illuminated part of the class to a more illuminated one - once every six months.

3. It is inadmissible to darken windows with curtains, flowers and trees growing nearby.

4. Maintaining normal temperature conditions.

5. Regular ventilation of the classroom.

6. Wet cleaning of the room before self-preparation.

7. Use of school furniture in accordance with the age data of schoolchildren.

8. Schoolchildren observe personal hygiene.

9. Maintaining the correct posture for children while working.

10. Conducting “physical training minutes”, a dynamic pause.

11. Elimination of noise stimuli.

12. Students should not be burdened with additional educational material.

13. Vary the change of activity due to school subjects.

Didactic requirements

1. Self-training classes are held regularly, at the same time, and have a certain duration.

2. Students complete the task independently.

3. The test is carried out in stages (self-test, mutual test, teacher check).

4. An initial step-by-step assessment of the work performed is carried out.

5. Individual work with low-performing students is planned.

6. The volume and nature of tasks are regulated through mutual contacts between teachers and educators.


Organizing time

    Organization of the workplace.

    Children's mood.

    Goal setting and work motivation.

    Determining the time for each subject.


    Prevention of possible difficulties (didactic game, tables, diagrams).

    Working with reminders.

    Determining a plan for completing work on the subject.

Independent work

    Use of signal cards.

    Self-control using tables, diagrams, reminders.

    Control by the teacher.

    Individual work with students.

Self-check, mutual check

    Using reminders.

    Check with the sample, the correct answer on the board.

    Repetition of the rule.

    Correction of defects and errors in work.

    Connection to the work of consultants.

Checking the work of a teacher. Differentiated approach to testing (weak, average, strong student).

Summing up self-preparation

    Overall assessment of the work of the group.

    Conducting reflection.

    Organization of an exhibition of works.

    Praise, support for a weak student.

Memo for preparing oral tasks

1. Remember what you learned in the lesson. Read the textbook. What is not clear, read 2 or 3 times.

2. Think about what is important in what you read. Make a story plan.

3. When reading a textbook, pay attention to the breakdown of the text and paragraph headings. Use the questions at the end of each paragraph of the textbook.

4. When reading a textbook, use illustrations (geographic maps).

Each new name for you should be tried to find in the dictionary and remember.

Memo for preparing written assignments

    Before you begin the task, you need to correct errors in previous works.

    Repeat from the textbook the rule that is associated with completing the task.

    Complete the written assignment. Check every word and sentence.

    Correct any errors that you see. If there are many corrections in the work, then it is better to rewrite it again.


1. Find the right page in the textbook.

2. Read the rule, examples. Learn the rule.

3. Repeat the rule, give your own examples.

4. Open your notebook and read everything that was written in class.

5. Look at the exercise assigned for homework.

6. Do it orally.

7.Write down the number and the words “Homework.”

8. Write down samples. Try!

9. Do the exercise.

10. Read! Check it out! Are there any errors?

11. Complete the tasks.

12. Repeat the rule.

14. Now you're ready! Good girl!

The materials are intended for GPA teachers.

Planning classes in an extended day group. What documentation does a GPA teacher need to keep? You will find answers to all these questions in this article.

Purpose, objectives and content of the activities of the after-school group

Target: extended day groups are organized for the social protection of students and provide conditions for carrying out extracurricular activities with them.

Objectives of the extended day group:

Ensure the safe and comfortable stay of students at school outside of school hours;

Organize the harmonious development of the student’s personality, taking into account the age characteristics of the primary school student, the intelligence and interests of each child;

Create conditions for achieving an optimal level of student education.

Main activities of the GPD:

Physical education and health work;

Moral and legal education;

Civic and patriotic education;

Aesthetic and environmental education;

Cultural and educational work;

Development of national and cultural traditions;

Excursion and tourism work;

Prevention of delinquency and crime among minors;

Interaction with institutions of additional education and culture;

Sociological and psychological-pedagogical research on the issues of education of students, identification and assessment of the level of their education, etc.

1. The procedure for recruiting and organizing the activities of an extended day group

1.1. An educational institution opens a GPA at the request of parents (legal representatives).

1.2. Enrollment in the GPD and expulsion is carried out by order of the director of the institution at the request of parents (legal representatives).

1.3. The educational institution organizes GPD for students in grades I-IV with a maximum capacity for students of the 1st stage of at least 25 people.

1.4. The activities of the GPA are regulated by the work plan of teachers and the daily routine, which are approved by the deputy director for educational work.

1.5. The weekly maximum permissible load in the GPD is no more than 30 hours.

1.6. The work of the GPA is built in accordance with the current requirements of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for the organization and operating hours of extended day groups.

1.7. In the GPA, the duration of the walk for students of the 1st stage is at least 2 hours. The duration of self-study is determined by the class of study. In first grade from the second half of the year - up to 1 hour; in grade II - up to 1.5 hours; in III-IV - up to 2 hours.

1.8. The GPA combines the physical activity of pupils in the air before the start of self-preparation (walking, outdoor and sports games, socially useful work in the school area) with their participation in events of an emotional nature after self-preparation.

1.9. The educational institution provides 2 hot meals a day for GPA pupils.

2. Management of after-school groups

2.1. The GPD teacher is appointed and dismissed from his position by the director of the educational institution. The teacher plans and organizes the activities of students in the GPA, and is responsible for preserving their life and health.

2.2. For educational purposes, a pedagogical psychologist, a social pedagogue, a librarian, a speech therapist teacher, additional education teachers, and other teaching staff are involved in working in the GPD.

2.3. The general management of extended day groups is carried out by the deputy director for educational work in accordance with the job description and order of the director of the educational institution.

3. Approximate planning of classes in an extended day group

4. Approximate schedule of an extended day group for primary school students

5. Documentation of the after-school teacher

5.1. Regulations on the extended day group of a general education institution.

5.2. Job description of an after-school teacher.

5.3. Extended day group schedule approved by the head of the educational institution.

5.4. Long-term work plan for the academic year.

5.5. Calendar-thematic work plan for the quarter, highlighting each academic week.

5.6. Daily work plan.

5.7. Plan for working with legal representatives of students.

5.8. Journal of the after-school group.

School is the main assistant in the development of a child’s personality. A little man finds himself in a new world, he is surrounded by teachers, classmates, children from other classes, and new relationships are formed. In modern conditions, the task of a GPD teacher is extremely important: to strive to ensure that our children grow up not only as conscious and healthy members of society, but also as proactive, thoughtful, and capable of a creative approach to business.



Petrova Lyudmila Vasilievna

GPD teacher,

GBOU gymnasium No. 642 “Earth and Universe”

Day care center

as a condition for the development of a child’s personality

Today in society there is a problem of quality leisure time for children of primary school age. On the one hand, there are a large number of development centers and children's art centers, sports clubs, and on the other hand, parents are busy, family relationships are disrupted, and children prefer computer games and TV shows in their free time.

After classes, some children go home from school, and some remain in the extended day group. And it may seem that it is at home that the child is more comfortable, it is there that he feels free, becomes independent, and learns to organize his free time. But that's not true. Psychological and medical studies prove that a child of primary school age should not be left to his own devices, since due to insufficient development of volitional qualities, the inability to independently plan, and distractibility, leisure time is aimless, useless, and often harmful to the mental and physical health of the child. Younger schoolchildren do not yet know how to optimally use free time for their physical and personal development. The character of a junior schoolchild has such features as impulsiveness, a tendency to act immediately, without thinking, without weighing all the circumstances (the reason is age-related weakness of volitional regulation of behavior); general lack of will - the student still does not know how to pursue the intended goal for a long time or persistently overcome difficulties. The emotional state of a child is increasingly influenced by how his relationships with peers develop, and not just by academic success and relationships with teachers. Even the most loving parents cannot fully independently realize the age-related aspirations of a junior schoolchild, since he can fully develop only in a group of peers, and they actively use the system of additional education in children's playground, sports clubs, etc., which, of course, is good . But nowadays, most parents choose to ensure the material well-being of the family as one of their main tasks and spend a significant part of their time busy with business, so their choice of GPA for their children is completely obvious. Parents are convinced that the child’s stay in the school GPA helps the process of personality development, guarantees his safety and health (both physical and moral).

The GPD is designed to ensure the unity of classroom and extracurricular activities of students, to promote their health, to ensure a high level of performance, good physical, moral and aesthetic well-being of children. The task of the GPA teacher is not only to keep the child busy with games and fill his free time, but also to organize activities that would be interesting and useful for the younger student, contribute to his intellectual and physical development, and enrich him emotionally. In this case, the individual characteristics of the child and his interests must be taken into account. Classes in the GPD also contribute to the formation of a system of relationships towards oneself, other people, and the world around us. A friendly atmosphere, attentive attitude, helping each other, mutual assistance are necessaryconditions for the student’s personal development, educational, leisure, and recreational activitiesthat we createin an after-school groupfor junior classes.

Strict daily routine , observed in the GPA, is simply necessary for a child of primary school age. A daily routine helps children learn to effectively manage their time, helps reduce impulsiveness, and develop strong-willed qualities.

Mandatory daily walks outdoor activities affect the physical and emotional development of the child. Those children who go home after school, as a rule, no longer go for a walk.

Organized full hot meals. Fees for meals are low, and significant discounts are provided for children from large and low-income families.

Always there at school to provide the necessarymedical carea doctor and a nurse are present.

Children attending GPA learn skills quicklyself-service; being on duty in the classroom, in the cafeteria, and in clubs contributes to the development of these skills.

At the beginning of the school year, they must be developed together with children Rules of communication : free, calm, constructive. These rules help in the development of strong-willed and moral qualities of students, in the prevention of inappropriate emotional reactions, and in the formation of effective interaction with peers and adults.

Tight communication between the GPA educator and the teacherThey allow us to better understand the student and find exactly the approach to him that will help the child to better open up and realize his potential.

Communication with parentschildren attending the GPA, as a rule, have a closer and more trusting relationship, since the teacher spends most of the time with the child, communicates, observes him in different situations and can give parents specific recommendations on raising the child, organizing his leisure time, and helping to establish child-parent relations relationship.

The school teachers themselves and the GPA teacher fill out free time children with exciting creative activities, events, and games. All sorts of free art worksclubs, sports sections, which (by choice) all GPA children attend. Games are of great importance in raising children, broadening their horizons, instilling a love of reading books and interest in learning. Game is one of the sources of speech and mental development of children, helps to consolidate knowledge, awakens interest in learning new things, and develops curiosity. At primary school age, a significant place is occupied byboard games with rules. Participation in games contributes to the formation of arbitrary behavior in children and has a positive effect on moral development. Children participate with interest in discussions on various topics, which teaches children to express their thoughts cogently, listen and hear the interlocutor, and respect other people’s points of view.

Doing homework is a mandatory condition for children to stay in the GPA. In general, during primary school, a child should develop the following qualities: arbitrariness, reflection, prerequisites for broad cognitive capabilities; he must successfully master the program; In addition, a qualitatively new, more “adult” type of relationship with teachers and classmates should appear. Mutual assistance between children is actively used: when one child has learned something, understood the material, and the other asked to explain. Each child is given a chance to become a helper for someone, and the children become interesting people to each other, and the interpreter feels like a significant, valuable person. This lays the foundations for effective interaction, teamwork, and maintains interest in learning activities.

School is the main assistant in the development of a child’s personality. A little man finds himself in a new world, he is surrounded by teachers, classmates, children from other classes, and new relationships are formed. In modern conditions, the task of a GPD teacher is extremely important: to strive to ensure that our children grow up not only as conscious and healthy members of society, but also as proactive, thoughtful, and capable of a creative approach to business. It is interesting that the children who attended the after-school program retained only kind and good memories about it and, having matured, speak very highly of the after-school groups.



Compiled by:

Considered at a meeting of the pedagogical council

protocol No. _______from

" "___________20___

2012 - 2013 academic year

Explanatory note

The strict framework of the lesson and the richness of the program do not always and not all children give the opportunity to realize themselves as individuals: to express themselves creatively, to show their individuality. But this opportunity exists. The microclimate of the after-school group is ideal for this. After all, every child is talented in his own way, and this is where the characteristics of each one can manifest themselves.

In modern school conditions, the main goal of an extended day group is the maximum development of the personality of each child: raising a conscious, healthy member of society, proactive, thinking, the formation of children's intelligence, the targeted development of cognitive mental processes: attention, imagination, perception, memory, thinking, disclosure of creative the potential of every child.

Based on the above, the following tasks can be identified:

  1. Help students master educational programs;
  2. Develop cognitive processes and interests of the individual;
  3. Develop the basic moral qualities of the child’s personality;
  4. Develop the child’s communication relationships;
  5. Develop thinking processes, creative abilities;
  6. Strengthen health and develop personal hygiene skills;
  7. Form useful habits;
  8. Develop strength, speed, agility, endurance, flexibility
  9. Foster a sense of collectivism;

The program is compiled on the basis of extracurricular activities carried out at school, taking into account the age characteristics of younger schoolchildren.

The conceptual provisions of the program are:

  1. Personally-oriented approach to each student;
  2. Creating conditions for the comprehensive development of the child’s personality (emotional - value, social - personal, cognitive, aesthetic);
  3. Implementation of a communicative approach, that is, the focus of work on the development (improvement) of all types of activities: preparing homework, games, excursions, contests, competitions.
  4. Realization of the potential of each child, preservation of his individuality

The developed program is based on the following principles:

  1. Systematicity.
  2. Availability.
  3. Scientificity.
  4. Creating a developing situation
  5. Entertaining.
  6. Consciousness and activity.
  7. Visibility
  8. Relationship between theory and practice
  9. Continuity.
  10. Natural conformity

The methodological basis of the program is the following provisions:

1. Educational level - initial.

2. Content orientation - practical.

3. The nature of development is developing.

4. Age of students - 8 - 10 years

5. Form of organization of the educational process - lesson - game.

Games are of great importance in raising children, broadening their horizons about the world around them, instilling in them a love of reading books and an interest in learning. Game is one of the sources of speech and mental development of children, helps to consolidate knowledge, awakens interest in learning new things, and develops curiosity.

During self-training, games for attention and memory, physical education sessions, poetic breaks, tasks, and travel games are conducted.

The game makes it possible to switch from one type of activity to another and thereby relieve fatigue. But the most important thing is that the game helps to absorb and consolidate knowledge in all subjects. And the most joyful moments in the life of an afterschool are games - competitions, games - competitions, games - holidays.

In its activities, the after-school group is guided by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, Model Regulations on General Educational Institutions, “Hygienic Requirements for Learning Conditions in General Educational Institutions SanPiN”, other documents on education, the charter of the MBOU "", Regulations on extended day group.

Expected results:

  1. Improving the quality of student learning;
  2. Development of students' individuality;
  3. Developing interest in the subjects being studied
  4. Development of independence
  5. Formation of useful habits

General goals and objectives of regime issues in the GPA

The objectives of educational work in the GPA in the extended day group are aimed at developing the cognitive, labor, and social activity of schoolchildren, their interests, developing abilities and improving physical development.

1. Conversation with teachers.

Goal: close relationship between classroom and extracurricular educational work of students within the framework of the continuity of the educational process, improvement of pedagogical management of students’ extracurricular educational activities.

2. Admission to the group.

Purpose: communication of the daily routine, work of the attendants in the dining room and group room, identifying the reason for being late.

3. Conversation or pre-dinner walk.

Goal: restoration of mental performance, broadening the horizons of children, instilling a culture of behavior.

4. Lunch.

Goal: instilling cultural behavior skills at school, in the cafeteria, at the table; maintaining personal hygiene.

5. Walk, excursion.

Goal: restoration of mental performance, broadening the horizons of students, developing their cognitive interests, nurturing moral relationships, discipline in the team, instilling a love of work and nature.

6. Self-preparation.

Goal: development of students’ mental abilities, formation of general educational skills and abilities, needs for independent acquisition of knowledge; fostering a sense of mutual assistance and camaraderie

Physical education breaks - maintaining active attention, increasing educational productivity, performing physical activity.

7. Outdoor games.

Purpose: replenishment of motor activity, improvement of motor development of schoolchildren, education of organization, discipline.

8. Sports hour, club hours, work groups, matinees, holidays.

Goal: physical improvement and strengthening the health of students, developing the interests and abilities of children, cultivating organization, collectivism, friendship, a sense of beauty, broadening the horizons of students.

Hygienic requirements for organizing the work of the gas pumping station

1. Regardless of weather and seasonal conditions, children are required to be outdoors.

2. Clothing and footwear must be comfortable and reliable in all respects, correspond to the season and the nature of the activity.

3. All classes are held in a sparing mode, since even children exempted from physical education lessons take part in them. Physical overload is not allowed.

4. A sufficient level of mobility is maintained during the lesson, which excludes hypothermia of the children's body.

5. Places for classes are selected taking into account the prevention of child injuries.

6. By the end of classes, physical activity is reduced so that the excitement caused by motor activity has decreased. Classes end with washing.

An equally important condition for effective activity is the rational construction of the daily routine in the group.

The regime may change taking into account the characteristics of a particular school, but sanitary and hygienic requirements must be observed in all main regime points:

The room must be ventilated (through ventilation is required).

Minutes of hygiene should be carried out before lunch and after games.

Each child attending the group must have individual hygiene products.

Children should be outdoors for at least 1.5 hours.

Sports activities must be at least 45 minutes long.

Preparing homework.

Breaks between lessons are 10-15 minutes.

During breaks, include physical education and corrective gymnastics exercises.

Objectives for the year.

  1. Improving the quality of homework; targeting children for productive work.
  2. Improving the behavior of individual students and the group as a whole.
  3. Activation of students' cognitive activity.
  4. To instill in children the need for a healthy lifestyle; compliance with hygiene standards, daily routine in the GPA.
  5. To instill in children a sense of self-respect, respect for their family members: (mother, grandmother, grandfather, sister, brother, their friends).
  6. Raising a sense of kindness in children, that is, the ability to rejoice at the successes of their comrades, worthily experience their failures and be there when the failure of another.
  7. Develop memory, speech, thinking, imagination, attention in children.
  8. To develop the curiosity of children, to captivate them with the process of learning.
  9. To expand the children's ideas of life about our village (city), to teach them to love it.


Attendance control;

Behavior control;

Self-training control;

Nutrition control;

Observing children's relationships;

Caring for indoor plants;

Control of order in the classroom.


Checking diaries;

Individual conversations with students;

News Information Service;


Summing up the month

Every trimester:

Participation in public affairs of the school;

Safety briefing.

Types of activities for the week


Day of the week

Outdoor activities

Club hours


Outdoor games

Nature. Ecology. Conversation on topics, excursions, holidays; formation of a healthy lifestyle, prevention of bad habits.


Thematic tours

Through the pages of your favorite works, reading, listening to audio recordings, discussions, quizzes, drawing competitions for works, essays.


Folk games

Native land (from the history and modern life of the country, region, city)


Target walks

Pochemuchka (riddles, quizzes, puzzles, crosswords, charades)


Sports and recreational activities

Sports and us (games, relay races, competitions, conversations, competitions)

Motto of the day:

Monday - "Learning to live among people"

Tuesday - “I’ll save my health - I’ll help myself!”

Wednesday - "Developing abilities and talents"

Thursday - “Let's do good and not do bad!”

Friday - “Bad for nature is bad for man!”

Approximate theme of club hours.

Club "Storyteller".

  1. What a miracle these stories are.

(Fairy tales, how are they different from others?) - 2 lessons.

  1. household tales. Who are the heroes of these stories? - 2 lessons.
  2. Tales about animals. - 2 lessons.
  3. Matinee or fairy tale quiz. - 1 lesson.
  4. Visit to the fairy tale room in the village. library. - 1 lesson.

Club "Why".

The purpose of the classes is to attract children's attention to what is next to us, which we pass by without noticing.

  1. What is growing around us?

(Quiz “What is it?”) - 2 lessons.

  1. Why is a dead end.

(Evening of questions and answers.) - 1 lesson.

  1. Answers to the questions you always want to ask.

(at the teacher's discretion)

Lessons from Grandfather Omniscient.

  1. Proverbs and sayings.
  2. Puzzles.
  3. Counting tables and teasers.
  4. Tongue twisters and nursery rhymes - all in one lesson.

Calendar and thematic planning of an extended day group for the 2012-2013 academic year



Lesson topic




I quarter


Dating day. Learning outdoor games: “Wolf in the Moat”



Quiz “Mysteries of Autumn”


Nature. Ecology.

Excursion “In Rowan September”


Asphalt drawing competition on the theme “Autumn is a magician”



Reading and discussion of Russian folk tales



Learning games in the fresh air: “Hurry up to grab the pin”


Sports and us

Relay "Fun Starts"


Nature. Ecology.

Health lesson. Advice from Dr. Water.


Through the pages of your favorite works

Excursion to the library



Tour of the village.



Conversation “September visiting the guys”


Sports and us

Learning outdoor games: “Hide and Seek”, “Sly Fox”


Nature. Ecology.

Health lesson. Friends Water and Soap.


Through the pages of your favorite works

Listening to an audio recording.



Forest Workers Day. "Don't leave a fire in the forest"



Fun lessons. Crafts made from natural materials.


Sports and us

Learning games in the fresh air: “Tag”, “Tag in a circle”.


Nature. Ecology.

Health lesson. Eyes are the main assistants of a person.


Through the pages of your favorite works

Asphalt drawing competition

"Gold autumn"



Rules of good manners on the topic “Appealing to a stranger and an acquaintance.”



Conversation “Your Appearance”


Sports and us

Learning games in the fresh air: “Two Frosts.” International Day of Older Persons. Making postcards.


Nature. Ecology.

World Animal Day. Quiz “Guess the animal”


Through the pages of your favorite works

Poetry competition about autumn



Excursion “In the Fall of October”



We sing school songs.


Sports and us

Learning outdoor games: "Third extra", "From place to place"


Nature. Ecology.

Health lesson.

So that the ears can hear.


Through the pages of your favorite works

Reading and discussing stories about animals



Drawing on the theme "The beauty of autumn leaves."



Oral magazine "In the world of interesting"


Sports and us

Outdoor games: "Third extra", "Fifteen"


Nature. Ecology.

Health lesson.

Why do my teeth hurt?


Through the pages of your favorite works

Reading and discussing books about friendship



Holiday "Visiting Autumn".



Hour of riddles


Sports and us


Nature. Ecology.

Excursion “Our friend - nature”


Through the pages of your favorite works

Reading and discussion of books by M. Prishvin, V. Bianchi



Learning new rhymes and folk games



Lotto game "Do you know trees?"


Sports and us

Outdoor games: “Between two fires”, “Defend the fortress”


Nature. Ecology.

Ecological game "Mushroom picker's basket"


Through the pages of your favorite works

Reading and discussing favorite books



Tricky Questions for the Curious


II quarter

Sports and us

Outdoor games: “Fish, beast, bird”


Nature. Ecology.

Health lesson. "Working tools" of man.


Through the pages of your favorite works

Preparing for Book Week



Excursion “Let's help the birds”



Competition of savvy


Sports and us

Outdoor games: “Third wheel”, “Hide and seek”


Nature. Ecology.

Health lesson. Why does a person need skin?


Through the pages of your favorite works

Drawing competition “My favorite fairy tale”



Book Festival



Competition “Guess the riddle!”


Sports and us

Competition "Strong, brave, dexterous, skillful"


Nature. Ecology.


Through the pages of your favorite works

Poetry competition “To my beloved mother”

Making postcards.



Excursion “Forest Curiosities”



Crossword “Residents of Prostokvashino”


Sports and us


Nature. Ecology.

Health lesson. If the skin is damaged.


Through the pages of your favorite works

Game-quiz “Heroes of A. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio”



Traffic rules Topic: Traffic light is our faithful friend."



Quiz "The world around us"


Sports and us

Outdoor games: “Don’t go up the mountain”, “Living targets”


Nature. Ecology.


Through the pages of your favorite works

KVN "Fairy tales dance in a round dance"



Competition "Nature and Children's Fantasy"



Riddles to the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky "Fedorino's grief"


Sports and us

Outdoor games. Making snow sculptures


Nature. Ecology.

Making bird feeders.


Through the pages of your favorite works

Quiz game “Andersen's Tales”



Learning round dances and songs



Quiz “Mysteries of Winter”


Sports and us

Drawing competition “For a healthy lifestyle!”


Nature. Ecology.

Work in Santa Claus's workshop


Through the pages of your favorite works

Matinee "Adventures at the New Year's Tree"



View “Your workplace”



Learning Russian folk round dances and songs


III quarter


Game activity. Visiting geometric figures


Sports and us

Outdoor games: “On a snowy hill”, “Fast and accurate”


Nature. Ecology.

Excursion “We are friends of birds”


Through the pages of your favorite works

Game activity. Chest with fairy tales.



Getting to know Russian sayings.



Oral journal “I want to know everything”


Sports and us

Outdoor games: “Snowballs in a circle”, “Under fire”


Nature. Ecology.

Health lesson.

Healthy food for the whole family.


Through the pages of your favorite works

Quiz game “Tales of A. S. Pushkin”



Absentee trip along an ecological trail.



Crossword “Works of K. I. Chukovsky


Sports and us

Outdoor games: “Living Targets”, “Protect the Snowmen”



Nature. Ecology.

Conversation “Fire is a natural disaster”



Through the pages of your favorite works

We and pets. Topic: Cat and dog are our four-legged friends»




Game lesson "Visiting the rainbow"




Crossword "Works of N. Nosov"



Sports and us

Outdoor games: "On a snow hill", "Live targets"



Nature. Ecology.

Labor landing "Clean desks"



Through the pages of your favorite works

Competition "Favorite literary tales"




Operation Caring (postcard to veterans)




Oral magazine "It's interesting"



Sports and us

Outdoor games: Stick in the Snow, Protect the Snowmen



Nature. Ecology.

Health lesson.

Sleep is the best medicine.



Through the pages of your favorite works

Competition “Come on, boys!”




Crossword "Road Rules"



Sports and us

Outdoor games: "On a snow hill", "Live targets"



Nature. Ecology.

Health lesson. How are you?



Through the pages of your favorite works

Game activity. Thumbelina talks about birds.




Operation "Our Class"




Quiz “There is an answer to a riddle”



Sports and us

Outdoor games: “Empty Space”, “Two Frosts”



Nature. Ecology.

Competition “Braid - maiden beauty” Health lesson. Bad habits.




Drawing competition “I, you, he, she - a whole family together”




Drawing competition "Nature in children's fantasy"



Sports and us

Outdoor games: "Tag", "Hide and Seek"



Nature. Ecology.

Health lesson.

Posture - slender back.



Through the pages of your favorite works

Reading fairy tales and stories from your favorite writers.




"Primroses" - excursion




Crossword "Vegetables"



Sports and us



Nature. Ecology.

Drawing your favorite cartoon character. Watching cartoons.



Through the pages of your favorite works

“The streams are babbling, the rooks are singing, spring is coming - make way for spring!” Poems, stories about spring.



Sports and us

Sports hour "Let's laugh together!" - reading funny poems



Nature. Ecology.

Health lesson.

If you want to be healthy!



Through the pages of your favorite works

Bird KVN. Bird Day.




Drawing competition “My dream house”




Crossword "Orchard"



Sports and us

Outdoor games: “Bear the Bear in the Forest”, “Salki”



Nature. Ecology.

Health lesson.

Water safety rules



Through the pages of your favorite works

Participation in an exhibition of crafts on the theme: “Space through the eyes of children”


IV quarter



Folk games in the fresh air: football, lapta, gorodki




KVN "Seasons"



Sports and us

Outdoor games: “Bear the Bear in the Forest”, “Sly Fox”



Nature. Ecology.

Health lesson.

I am a pupil



Through the pages of your favorite works

Reading and discussing stories about nature




Practical activity: “Green outfit of the native village”




KVN “Proverbs and sayings”



Sports and us

Morning exercise complex competition



Nature. Ecology.

World Earth Day. Game - journey “Earth is our common home”



Through the pages of your favorite works

Game activity. Stonefly introduces new plants




Excursion “Spring in Nature”




Caring for indoor plants



Sports and us

Outdoor games: “Wattage fence”, “From place to place”



Nature. Ecology.

Traffic rules “We are learning to follow traffic rules”



Through the pages of your favorite works

Raid check “Live the book”




Day of the Sun




Extracurricular activity « Mishutka introduces honey plants.”



Sports and us

Outdoor games: “Tag”, “From place to place”



Through the pages of your favorite works

Conversation “The Red Book of Nature”




Poetry competition “Children about the war”




Drawing competition “I choose life”



Sports and us

Carrying out the “Fun Starts” relay race



Nature. Ecology.

Health lesson.



Through the pages of your favorite works

Game activity. Exotic animals.




Holiday game “Visiting Berendey!”




Excursion to flowering fruit trees.



Sports and us

Russian folk game "Gorodki"



Fun competitions and sedentary games.

Children's reading. Poems and stories about the Second World War.



Game walk.

Art class. Theme: “May there always be sunshine!”



Learning the new game “Cossacks - Robbers”.

Reading and discussion of V. Krapivin’s story “Comrades” about mutual understanding.



Game "Vocabulation Auction".



Spring cross.

Sanitation in the classroom. Caring for indoor flowers.



Team games.

“A workshop on kindness and politeness. A journey along the route of good feelings, actions, relationships”



Children's recreation in the fresh air.

Game "Cabbage - radish".



Game walk. "Ocean is shaking".

Family day. “Mom is the keeper of warmth and the family hearth.”



Children's recreation in the fresh air.

Problems based on fairy tales.



Group games. Forgotten games.

Essay on the topic: “If I were...”



Outdoor games.

Journey to the Magic Land. Literary crossword. Game "Vocabulation Auction".



Game walk. Game "Broken Phone".

"Nature is our home." Oral journal.



Sports walk. “Do as I do, do as we do, do better than us!”

Last call. Matinee. “Goodbye, school! Hello summer!"


Organizational and disciplinary rules:

  1. Mandatory daily self-preparation.
  2. Economical and complete use of the time allocated for the lesson.
  3. Ensuring order in the workplace. Availability of all necessary supplies and textbooks for classes.
  1. The student must learn that it is impossible to:

a) waste time preparing for independent work;

b) break the silence;

c) distract comrades from work;

d) make any requests or advice unnecessarily;

e) engage in extraneous matters;

f) use work methods that cause noise;

g) perform the task in bad faith;

Instructions for a pupil of the GPD

Dear friend!

In an extended day group, you will learn not only to do your homework on your own, but also to think, explore the richness of the world around you, organize your leisure time and activities, communicate with friends and adults, and good manners.

Be honest and hardworking in everything you do. Respect your relatives and elders. Be good. Cherish the honor of the school.

Be obedient - that's it.

Don't waste words

Always think about everything - that's two.

Just take the best as an example - these are three.

And four - always know:

Life is not joy without work.

Elders must be respected

Don't offend kids - that's five.

If there is an order, it's six.

Be attentive to everyone - that's seven.

Responsibilities of a GPD teacher

The teacher must:

1.Check students’ attendance using the GPA log.

2. Find out the opinion of teachers about the well-being, behavior, and academic performance of children.

3. Learn about the features of homework.

4. If necessary, attend teacher lessons.

5. If necessary, make adjustments to the plan for the day.

At the beginning of work in the group, the following responsibilities are provided:

1. Receiving a message from the headman or duty officer.

2. Getting to know the requests of children and parents.

3. Acceptance of the group premises.

4. Checking the condition of the GPA corners.

5. Messages to children about the plan for the day.

6. Conducting individual and group conversations with students about academic success.

When organizing meals, the teacher must:

1. Organize duty in the dining room.

2.Check the cleanliness of hands and towels.

3.Have a two-minute ethical conversation.

4.Monitor the behavior of children in the dining room.

5.Design a comb in the dining room.

6. Monitor the orderly departure of schoolchildren from the cafeteria.

When organizing outdoor recreation, the teacher is obliged to:

1. Organize cleaning and ventilation of the room.

2. Monitor the dressing of children and their clothes.

3. Communicate your vacation plan.

4. Give a task and distribute responsibilities.

5. Monitor the well-being of children.

6. Conduct individual and group conversations.

7. Summarize the rest.

8. Monitor the order in which children return to school.

Responsibilities of the teacher when conducting classes indoors:

1. Organize preliminary preparations for the event.

2. Communicate the work plan.

3. Monitor the participation of children in the event and guide their activity.

4. Summarize the lesson

When preparing to do homework, the teacher should:

1. Organize ventilation of the room or wet cleaning.

2. Provide the group with visual aids, signal cards, and the “Learn to Learn” folder.

3. Monitor the readiness of workplaces and the placement of children.

During self-preparation you must:

1. Conduct instruction.

2. Determine the working time for each subject.

3. Select consultants (trust group).

4. Check diary entries.

5. Organize independent work of students.

6. Control the underachievers, help them in a timely manner.

7. Checking homework by students.

8. Summarize self-preparation.

9. Inform teachers in a timely manner about the progress and results of self-training.

Upon completion of the work of the GPA, the teacher must:

1. Assign duty officers for the next day.

2. Monitor the cleaning of the classroom.

3. Tidy up the play corner.

4. Have a conversation with your parents.

5. Summarize the work.

In addition to the above daily responsibilities, the educator as a teacher also has others - episodic, performed both during working hours and during non-working hours. These include planning responsibilities:

1. Drawing up an annual calendar and thematic plan.

2. Preparation of a schedule of general developmental classes.

3. Preparation of work plans, development of activities.

As a school employee, the teacher is obliged to:

1. Submit reports to the administration.

2. Speak at parent meetings, teacher councils, and MOs.

3. Submit one-time information.

The teacher must engage in self-education:

1. Constantly work on the topic of self-education.

2. Replenish your knowledge of modern pedagogy and psychology.

3. Work to expand your general educational horizons.

4. Regularly familiarize yourself with the latest pedagogical literature.

5. Timely familiarize yourself with regulatory documents.

6. Periodically undergo course training.

Basic goals:

  1. Wellness: to provide active recreation for schoolchildren, relieve children's fatigue, promote health, satisfy the need for children to move.
  2. Educational: education of moral qualities, diligence, respect for nature, a benevolent attitude towards comrades, the ability to subordinate one's desires to the team.
  3. Educational: learn to navigate the terrain; introduce different types and paces of walking and running; use of equipment when cleaning the area; learn to throw, catch, dribble, etc.
  4. Developing: to develop physical strength, agility, speed, flexibility, endurance; leadership skills; creative approach to completing tasks.

1. All classes are collective in nature.

2. Classes solve not only health-improving tasks, but also a certain range of educational tasks.

3. Each lesson requires the active participation of all pupils without exception, and for this it is necessary to determine its role for each.

4. The purpose of the lesson is communicated to all students. It should be clear to everyone.

5. During the day, not a single lesson in the chosen type of activity should be repeated. Variety and novelty should be present in all activities.

6. When choosing the motor content of classes, it is necessary to take into account the physical data of children.

7. It is necessary to saturate the classes with feasible activities as much as possible. Use the time allocated to them economically and profitably.

8. The teacher should not lose control of the lesson, you need to see and catch changes in the behavior and moods of children.

9. When conducting classes, it is necessary to encourage the initiative and activity of schoolchildren.

10. At the end of the lesson, sum up its results and give your assessment of the children’s behavior.


Often the concept of a walk is confused with such concepts as excursion, play, sports and work. This happens because in ordinary life, a walk is often combined with various types of outdoor activities.

When working in an extended day group, we suggest using types of walks that can be divided as follows:


. seasonal changes in nature;

. features of the plant world;

. life of domestic and wild animals;

. labor and rest of people.

2. WALK - TASK,purposeful

. congratulate comrades or adults on the holiday;

. invite guests to a class or school event;

. notify the population, parents, comrades about some event or event;

. provide patronage assistance.

3. WALK-TASK,aimed at solving some practical problem. For example, it is proposed to define:

. distance;

. the size of the object;

. height of the object;

. its color;

. slope steepness;

4. WALK-SEARCH.During this walk, students are tasked with finding:

. medicinal herbs;

. seedlings;

. tree seeds;

. natural material for herbarium, collection, etc.

5. WALK-HIKINGon the:

. speed;

. endurance;

. discipline;

. attention;

. terrain orientation.

6. WALK-FANTASYmust present the possibility:

. make a sketch;

. make a craft from natural material;

. weave a wreath, a basket;

. make a bouquet of leaves, flowers, branches;

. come up with a fairy tale, poem, story.

7. WALK-SHOW, poses a wide variety of tasks for the teacher. Introduce and show:

. Local Attractions;

. various items and objects;

. rare flowers, trees, shrubs;

. various properties, signs of an object.

8. WALK-PRACTICUM, provides for consolidation of students’ knowledge and skills:

. according to traffic rules;

. on safety precautions;

. by labor skills;

. on orientation;

. on culture of behavior.

9. COMBINED WALKcarried out in combination with:

. games;

. sports activities;

. labor;

. excursion work.

10. Creative walk.Goal: to cause emotional uplift and organize creative activity. During such a walk, children can make sketches and make crafts. As a result of such a walk, you can organize an exhibition of works or a celebration of creativity.

11. Outdoor entertainment.The purpose of the walk: to organize mass outdoor games, fun competitions, rhythmic musical games, round dances, and performing magic tricks under a canopy during the rain.

12. Walk-excursion. Goal: to introduce you to the history of your region.

The walk is carried out once a week until self-preparation. Its duration is 1.5 hours. The teacher determines three goals of the walk: cognitive, educational, and developmental.


1. Determine the type of walk.

2. Set a goal.

3. Develop a route and become familiar with it.

4. Choose a venue.

5. Determine the time spent on a walk.

6. Develop a task.

7. Outline the types of activities of students.

8. Make a note of the walk.


1. Warn about the walk in advance so that clothes and shoes are appropriate for the weather.

2. Tell the purpose of the walk.

3. Talk about the route and tasks.

4. Indicate the order of the route.

5. Assign responsibility.

6. Conduct training on TB.

Walk structure

  1. Organizing time. Dressing children, instructing them about the time and purpose of the walk, about the rules of behavior, about the distribution of specific assignments. The briefing conversation is held in the school yard at the group’s permanent meeting place.
  2. Movement along the intended route and completion of assigned tasks, organized observation, teacher’s conversation on the topic of the walk, independent activity of schoolchildren.
  3. A brief summary of the walk at the group’s permanent meeting place.
  4. Return to school. Changing children's clothes, hygiene procedures.
  1. Take into account: the age of the children, the equipment of the room, the number of participants, the availability of equipment...
  2. When explaining the game, children should see and hear the teacher well. Name the goal of the game, tell about the course and rules.
  3. If a game has a lot of rules, then some of them can be omitted during the explanation, and talked about during the game.
  4. Choose the drivers according to the teacher's appointment, lot, counting rhyme.
  5. First, conduct a rehearsal of the game without counting the result.
  6. Start the game in an organized manner, on a signal.
  7. Develop the creative initiative of participants.
  8. Observe the guys’ mood and emotional tension.
  9. There must be healthy, friendly relationships between players.
  10. Pay special attention to children who do not want to play with.
  11. It is necessary to dose physical exercise, alternating exercise with rest.
  12. When announcing results, motivate them.
  13. During the game you must follow safety precautions.


Self-training is a form of extracurricular educational activity in the GPA, compulsory and daily classes in which schoolchildren independently complete educational tasks in a strictly allotted time. The purpose of independent work in these classes is to develop skills of self-education, self-education and to promote the diversified development of the child’s personality.

During self-study, the teacher maintains the order necessary for independent work and ensures the successful completion of tasks by all students, trying to consolidate the knowledge that the children acquired in the lessons. The teacher must encourage the child to think independently, stimulate his volitional efforts in every possible way, and develop his thinking abilities.

The GPA teacher should provide developmental classes before self-training in order to prepare children for independent educational work that requires active mental activity from them. The short duration of such activities, a kind of mental gymnastics, requires clarity and dynamism in their implementation and always in a playful form. The most acceptable duration of such classes is 10-15 minutes. The teacher does not require students to strictly adhere to the order inherent in lessons, does not suppress the independence of children, their activity, as a result of which children receive the opportunity for positive self-expression, and therefore good rest. Rested, without signs of fatigue or agitation, children easily engage in mental activity when doing homework.

Teachers, especially in groups of different ages, often have difficulties due to the fact that students complete self-study at different times. Younger students, as a rule, cannot wait a minute for older students to complete assignments. They cannot, and should not, sit quietly and motionless at this time. What to do with them? What kind of activity can you offer so that they will be interested and will not disturb others? The same problem also arises in a group with students of the same age, since children of the same age also spend different amounts of time on self-preparation. The role of educational, entertaining games and exercises that contribute to the conscious and more lasting assimilation of knowledge and the development of certain skills provided for in modern curricula is enormous and irreplaceable here.

Activation of students' mental activity, as well as consolidation of knowledge acquired in lessons, is facilitated by entertaining games with mathematical content, which develop intelligence, attention, eye, ingenuity, and teach them to think.

The task of preparing homework follows from the general tasks of a special school, which are to develop and develop students’ skills of independence in educational and work activities. The implementation of these goals is achieved, first of all, by the correct organization of homework preparation, in which the knowledge acquired by students in the lessons is most effectively consolidated and improved.

In a lesson, students’ independent work is only an element at one or another stage; when preparing homework, this is the main activity. It must be properly organized in order to correct cognitive activity and develop independence in educational work. Homework should not duplicate what happened in class. This is a special activity for each student who is in conditions other than in the classroom.

The student independently continues what he did with other students in the class, and at the same time acquires the knowledge and skills that are necessary for further study under the guidance of a teacher. Without this knowledge, the educational process cannot continue. Thus, homework is not only an important form of organizing learning, it is organically included in the learning process as its necessary link, representing an individual form of educational activities under the guidance of a teacher.

The value of homework also lies in the fact that a certain type of work that is impossible to do in a lesson (long-term observations of plant growth, changes in nature according to the seasons, weather changes, etc.) becomes possible outside of class time. The lesson and independent subsequent educational work at home are a single process. It is important that when doing homework, the functions of the teacher and the educator are differentiated.

The teacher prepares students for homework by explaining what is assigned and how to do this or that work. He controls the quality of home lessons. The teacher takes into account the individual characteristics of children, gives homework a creative character, including in the content of assignments solving problems, drawing up problems and examples, reading additional literature, completing assignments using a dictionary, etc. The functions of the teacher who provides pedagogical guidance in the preparation of homework include :

. formation of cognitive educational activities of children;

. training in independent work skills;

. instilling in students the skills of self-control, mutual verification and mutual assistance;

. Ensuring that all children complete their homework correctly.

In order to successfully carry out these tasks, the teacher needs to know the individual characteristics of each child, the content of the curriculum and the requirements for the skills of students.

The unity of requirements with which the teacher and educator approach students when preparing homework requires constant contact between them. The main form of communication in their work is mutual attendance at lessons and self-study hours. Attending self-study helps the teacher check the degree to which students have mastered the educational material during independent work. Attending lessons gives the teacher the opportunity to delve into the teacher’s work methodology, highlight the most significant and difficult sections of academic subjects for children in order to devote more time to them in the process of preparing lessons.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements for self-preparation

1. Uniform and sufficient illumination of the entire room.

2. Regular movement of students from a less illuminated part of the class to a more illuminated one - once every six months.

3. It is inadmissible to darken windows with curtains, flowers and trees growing nearby.

4. Maintaining normal temperature conditions.

5. Regular ventilation of the classroom.

6. Wet cleaning of the room before self-preparation.

7. Use of school furniture in accordance with the age data of schoolchildren.

8. Schoolchildren observe personal hygiene.

9. Maintaining the correct posture for children while working.

10. Conducting “physical training minutes”, a dynamic pause.

11. Elimination of noise stimuli.

12. Students should not be burdened with additional educational material.

13. Vary the change of activity due to school subjects.

Didactic requirements

1. Self-training classes are held regularly, at the same time, and have a certain duration.

2. Students complete the task independently.

3. The test is carried out in stages (self-test, mutual test, teacher check).

4. An initial step-by-step assessment of the work performed is carried out.

5. Individual work with low-performing students is planned.

6. The volume and nature of tasks are regulated through mutual contacts between teachers and educators.


Organizing time

  1. Organization of the workplace.
  2. Children's mood.
  3. Goal setting and work motivation.
  4. Determining the time for each subject.


  1. Prevention of possible difficulties (didactic game, tables, diagrams).
  2. Working with reminders.
  3. Determining a plan for completing work on the subject.

Independent work

  1. Use of signal cards.
  2. Self-control using tables, diagrams, reminders.
  3. Control by the teacher.
  4. Individual work with students.

Self-check, mutual check

  1. Using reminders.
  2. Check with the sample, the correct answer on the board.
  3. Repetition of the rule.
  4. Correction of defects and errors in work.
  5. Connection to the work of consultants.

Checking the work of a teacher.Differentiated approach to testing (weak, average, strong student).

Summing up self-preparation

  1. Overall assessment of the work of the group.
  2. Conducting reflection.
  3. Organization of an exhibition of works.
  4. Praise, support for a weak student.

Memo for preparing oral tasks

1.Remember what you learned in class. Read the textbook. What is not clear, read 2 or 3 times.

2. Think about what is most important in what you read. Make a story plan.

3.When reading a textbook, pay attention to the breakdown of the text and paragraph headings. Use the questions at the end of each paragraph of the textbook.

4.When reading the textbook, use illustrations (geographic maps).

Each new name for you should be tried to find in the dictionary and remember.

Memo for preparing written assignments

1.Before starting the task, you need to correct mistakes in previous works.

2.Repeat the rule from the textbook that is associated with completing the task.

3.Complete the written assignment. Check every word and sentence.

4. Carefully correct any errors you notice. If there are many corrections in the work, then it is better to rewrite it again.


1. Find the right page in the textbook.

2. Read the rule, examples. Learn the rule.

3. Repeat the rule, give your own examples.

4. Open your notebook and read everything that was written in class.

5. Look at the exercise assigned for homework.

6. Do it orally.

7.Write down the number and the words “Homework.”

8. Write down samples. Try!

9. Do the exercise.

10. Read! Check it out! Are there any errors?

11. Complete the tasks.

12. Repeat the rule.

14. Now you're ready! Good girl!

Extended day groups at school are a necessary form of organizing extracurricular time for primary and secondary school students. Extended school days contribute to the formation of a nurturing educational environment.

Extended day groups (EDG) at MBOU “Secondary School No. 5, Shchigry, Kursk Region” were created to provide comprehensive assistance to families in teaching independence skills in learning, education and development of students’ creative abilities. Extracurricular and extracurricular work in extended day groups is an integral part of the entire system of the school’s educational process. In their activities, the GPD is guided by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, “Hygienic requirements for learning conditions in educational institutions SanPin”, and the Charter of the educational organization.

In the 2018-2019 academic year, the school opened 6 extended day groups for students in grades 1-6.

GPA operating mode: Monday-Friday from 12.00 to 17.00 hours.


The main purpose of organizing after-school groups is maximum development of the personality of each child; education of a conscious, healthy member of society, proactive and thinking, formation of children's intelligence; targeted development of cognitive mental processes in a child: attention, imagination, perception, memory, thinking; Unlocking the creative potential of every child.

Main goals:

  • help students master educational programs;
  • develop cognitive processes and interests of the individual;
  • develop the basic moral qualities of the child’s personality;
  • develop the child’s communicative relationships;
  • develop thinking processes, creative abilities;
  • improve health and instill personal hygiene skills;
  • form healthy habits.

Main areas of work of the GPA: educational, developmental, educational, sports and recreational activities .


Club hour- This is an event held for educational purposes. The teacher prepares it in advance and, if necessary, involves pupils, parents, members of the teaching staff - the organizing teacher, music director, librarian, museum worker, etc. - to participate.

Self-preparation– an organizational form of educational activity in an extended day to complete homework under the guidance of a teacher, during which independent work skills are purposefully developed. By organizing the completion of homework, educators teach children a certain order of preparing lessons, the rational and effective use of time, their clear, accurate implementation, the ability to concentrate, systematically, and always on time to complete homework, overcome difficulties, and bring the work started to the end. .

Educational tasks of self-training:

  • consolidate the skills of self-educational work;
  • to instill in students organization, composure and discipline, independence and diligence;
  • to form a positive attitude towards learning, the need and ability to complete educational tasks in a timely manner and on time;
  • teach how to use reference books, dictionaries, additional literature, and work with the library.


    To ensure the maximum possible health benefits and maintain the performance of children attending extended day groups, the daily routine is rationally organized in accordance with the requirements of Sanitary Regulations and Norms and the age characteristics of students.

    In extended-day groups, conditions have been created for the full development of the personality of a junior schoolchild: nurturing the emotional sphere, creative abilities, speech skills, strong-willed qualities, aesthetic attitude to the world around him, cognitive interests, and abilities for self-expression.

    The GPA works in the same classrooms where children study in the morning. A sports hall, library and other educational facilities are also used. GPA classrooms are equipped with children's books, toys, board games, and sports equipment.

    The GPA provides hot meals (both at the expense of parents and at a reduced rate).

    Every day there is a walk in the street in groups.

    The duration of self-training for students is determined by the class of study. After self-training, children participate in extracurricular activities and clubs.

    During the year, circles work in which teachers, teachers of additional education create comfortable conditions for the intellectual, physical, aesthetic development of children in accordance with the abilities and interests of students.

    A special place in the regime of extended day groups is given to leisure activities and the organization of work with children according to their interests (conversations, quizzes, competitions). The task of educators is to make the children's leisure interesting, rich, varied. Our educators have a variety of interesting ideas and the necessary methodological material for individual and collective lessons.

    When organizing classes in the GPA, the need for children of primary school age in both mental and play activities, as well as the individual inclinations, interests and abilities of the child, is taken into account.

    GPA educators create all conditions so that the activities of children in their free time from lessons are attractive and consistent with their diverse interests, and also rely on the initiative and self-government of children, their freedom to choose the content and forms of activity as much as appropriate.

The child attends the school in the afternoon, after school. Here he is under the supervision of a qualified teacher, has a full lunch, will definitely go for a walk in good weather, will be able to visit various clubs and sports sections, prepare lessons under the guidance of a teacher, play with classmates, and simply chat with them outside of school hours. If you have to choose between an extended day group and the fact that the child will be alone at home until the evening, then perhaps you should choose the first. You will work much more calmly, knowing that your child is protected from various troubles.



Teachers and heads of study groups who have undergone a medical examination and instructions on labor protection are allowed to work in an extended day group.
Students who have passed a medical examination, instructions on labor protection and are enrolled in the GPA by order of the school are allowed to attend classes in the extended day group.
1.1. On school grounds and in classrooms, educators, teachers, and circle leaders must comply with the following rules:
- comply with your job descriptions and internal labor regulations;
- class teachers accompany students to the extended day group after classes end;
- before the start of classes, the heads of the circles pick up students from the GPD office, and after the end of these classes, escort them to the GPA office or until they leave school;
- the teacher releases children from the GPD if necessary, subject to a written application from the parents;
- in case of injury to students, the teacher must provide first aid to the victim and immediately notify the school’s medical worker and the administrator on duty about the incident.
1.2. Educators and circle leaders are obliged to ensure the safety of children while working in an extended day group.
1.3. During classes, students may be exposed to the following dangerous and harmful factors:
- violations of posture, curvature of the spine, development of myopia due to incorrect selection of student furniture sizes;
- visual acuity impairment in low light conditions in the office;
- electric shock due to faulty electrical equipment in the office.
1.4. Extended day students must:
- when conducting classes, visiting the canteen, or going for a walk, follow the rules of behavior, the schedule of training sessions, and the established work and rest schedules;
- fulfill the requirements of the teacher regarding the organization of self-training and discipline in any type of activity;
- move around the city, accompanied by a teacher, in an organized manner, in pairs, without breaking ranks;
- do not leave the classroom, dining room, school building or territory without permission, do not leave the place specially designated for walking;
- be attentive to your classmates, avoid sudden movements that could cause harm to them and yourself;
- do not touch the technical and methodological teaching aids;
- do not enter the dining room in outerwear;
- before the start of the work of the extended day group, change into a change of clothes.
1.5. When conducting classes, walking, visiting the canteen, follow fire safety rules and know the location of primary fire extinguishing equipment.
1.6. In the event of an accident, the victim or eyewitness to the accident is obliged to immediately inform the teacher, who informs the administration, and the school’s medical worker about it.
1.7. During classes, students must observe the rules of personal hygiene and keep their work area clean.
1.8. Students who fail to follow or violate labor safety instructions are held accountable, and all students are given unscheduled instruction on labor safety.


2.1. Turn on all the lighting in the office and make sure the lamps are working properly. The minimum illumination in the office should be at least 300 lux (20 W/sq. m) with fluorescent lamps and at least 150 lux (48 W/sq. m) with incandescent lamps.
2.2. Make sure that the electrical equipment in the office is in good working order: the lamps must be securely suspended from the ceiling and have light-diffusing fittings; junction boxes must be closed with lids; housings and covers of switches and sockets should not have cracks, chips, or exposed contacts.
2.3. Make sure that the furniture in the office is correctly arranged: the distance between the outer wall of the office and the first table should be at least 0.5–0.7 m, the distance between the inner wall of the office and the tables should be at least 0.5–0.7 m, the distance between the back wall of the office and the tables should be 0.7 m, the distance from the blackboard to the first tables should be 2.4–2.7 m, the distance from the blackboard to the last tables should be no more than 8.6 m, removal of study areas from windows should not exceed 6.0 m.
2.4. Check the sanitary condition of the office, make sure the integrity of the glass in the windows and carry out through ventilation of the office.
2.5. Make sure that the air temperature in the office is between 18–20 degrees C.
2.6. Students must:
- get acquainted with the work plan for the current day;
- before visiting the dining room, wash your hands and dry them;
- before walking, wear comfortable shoes and clothes that do not restrict movement and are appropriate for the season and weather.
2.7. The class teacher must warn the teacher about the reason for the absence of class students in the extended day group.
2.8. The teacher must check attendance and ensure that students are ready to work in an extended day group.


3.1. During self-study, students should be seated at desks corresponding to their height: furniture group No. 1 (orange marking) - height 100-115 cm, furniture group No. 2 (purple marking) - height 115-130 cm, furniture group No. 3 (yellow marking ) - height 130-145 cm, furniture group No. 4 (red marking) - height 145-160 cm, furniture group No. 5 (green marking) - height over 175 cm.
3.2. Students with significant hearing loss are assigned jobs at the first and second tables. Students with reduced visual acuity are assigned seats closer to the window at the first tables. For students with rheumatic diseases, prone to frequent sore throats and acute inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, workplaces are allocated further from the windows. At least twice a year, students sitting in the outer first and third rows are changed places in order to prevent poor posture and curvature of the spine.
3.3. In order to ensure adequate natural light in the office, do not place large flowers on the windowsills.
3.4. All demonstration electrical devices used in the office must be in good working order and have grounding or grounding.
3.5. The glass windows in the office should be cleaned of dust and dirt, and the lamps should be cleaned at least twice a year. It is prohibited to involve students in this work, as well as in window covering.
3.6. When opening windows, secure the frames in the open position with hooks. When opening transoms, there must be limiters.
3.7. To avoid falling from the window, as well as injury from glass, do not stand on the windowsill.
3.8. The GPD teacher must:
- seat children in accordance with medical indications;
- ensure that children walk outdoors for at least 1 hour under favorable meteorological conditions;
- when children eat, monitor the children’s correct use of cutlery and behavior;
- control the duration of watching TV shows;
- ensure compliance with the daily regime (schedule) in the GPD.
3.9. Extended day students must:
- keep your workplace clean and tidy, do not block the passage between the rows with bags and briefcases;
- in your free time from self-preparation, play games that do not pose a danger to the health of others;
- if conflict situations arise, contact the teacher;
- treat school property with care and promptly report its damage;
- carefully use sanitary facilities and devices;
- comply with fire safety rules;
- after eating in the dining room, take the dishes to a specially designated table in an organized and neat manner;
- while walking:
- be in the teacher’s field of view and not leave the designated place for a walk without the teacher’s permission;
- do not taste any plants and fruits;
- do not touch dangerous animals, reptiles, insects, plants and mushrooms with your hands;
- do not drink water from unverified sources;
- treat the environment with care.
3.10. Students are prohibited from bringing sharp, piercing, cutting and other objects dangerous to life and safety, chemicals.


4.1. In the event of a fire, immediately, without creating panic, evacuate the children from the building, report the fire to the administration of the institution and the nearest fire station and proceed to extinguish the fire using primary fire extinguishing equipment.
4.2. If the heating system breaks, remove students from the classroom, close the valves in the heating unit of the building and call a plumber.
4.3. In case of injury, immediately provide first aid to the victim, inform the administration of the gymnasium, the doctor, if necessary, send the victim to the nearest medical institution.
4.4. In the event of an unusual situation, students must remain calm and strictly follow the instructions of the educators.


5.1. The afterschool teacher must:
- turn off all demonstration and electric lighting devices;
- close windows and transoms;
- clean your workplace;
__ accompany the children to leave school.
5.2. Extended day students must:
- go home accompanied by adults or on their own, if there is an application from their parents;
- if adults do not come to pick up the children, students must wait for them in the school building under the supervision of a teacher.

The budget pays for after-school groups in regional schools

In accordance with the law "On Education in the Russian Federation", the subjects and municipalities of the Russian Federation are responsible for organizing and financially supporting the provision of general education. Obligations to finance childcare and childcare in schools are not established, the law only provides for the creation of conditions for childcare and childcare. In the Kursk region, no fee is charged for the stay of students in an after-school, with the exception of meals. It is worth noting that hot meals are organized for all children attending afterschool in the schools of the region. For pupils from low-income and large families and children with disabilities, meals in after-school groups are usually provided at the expense of the budgets of municipal districts and city districts. For other children, food is organized at the expense of the parental fee, which averages from 20 to 55 rubles a day.



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