Feng Shui clock. Wall clock - bad feng shui

Every home must have a clock. Be that as it may, we simply cannot do without them. Our whole life is connected with them. We go to a specific time for work, a meeting, and so on. Everything exists on a schedule, which is why we use the clock. They help us adjust our actions and adapt to situations. If we talk about our home, clocks have long become a piece of furniture. In addition to their main function, they complement it perfectly and can decorate the room.

According to the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, clocks should be hung correctly in the house. Then they will have a beneficial effect on the owner of the house or apartment. Let's get acquainted with the information that will tell us where in the room you can hang a clock according to the teachings of Feng Shui, whether it can be hung in a bedroom or a nursery.

The location of the clock depending on the cardinal directions

By placing a clock on each side of the world, we can activate what we want most in life or what is missing at the moment. Much also depends on the room itself. For example, hanging a clock in the bedroom is strictly prohibited. They should not disturb you; in this room you recover after a hard day at work. A small alarm clock is allowed, which can be moved according to the occasion. Also, do not place them in front of entrance doors.

Children could use a clock in their room; it will remind them of the transience of time, which cannot be missed. A good place for them would also be the living room or kitchen. Some people prefer cuckoo clocks. According to Feng Shui, they enhance the positive energy in the room, and the noise they make will smooth out the negative. The best place for them would be the living room. There are a lot of people gathering here, so these rooms are energy-intensive.

If your watch breaks down, immediately remove it from the house, do not store it in this condition, take it for repair. If it is not possible to repair them, then simply throw them away.

For watches, according to teaching, their shape, color and material from which they are made play a big role. Each side of the world needs its own feature:

  • When there are difficulties with relationships in a family, it is good to hang the clock on the east side. If you move them to the southeast, then material wealth will be attracted to your home. For this part of the house, round or wavy clocks are used. Their shades can be bluish, black or purple. The best material to choose is wood.
  • To attract fame and recognition, you need to use rectangular and triangular clocks on the south side. Of the colors, preference is given to green and red shades.
  • Square and triangular watches, which are placed in the southwest, will help cope with the lack of love relationships in the family, but the northeast is suitable for activating knowledge and wisdom. For this purpose, watches made of porcelain or ceramics are selected. It is good to choose yellow, pink, orange and beige colors.
  • For families with children, it is suitable if the clock hangs in the west, this will affect their creativity. Moving the watch to the northwestern part will attract reliable partners, and the owner’s tourism desire will be realized. To make everything work out, round and square metal watches are selected in these areas, preferably silver or white.
  • The northern zone has a good influence on your career. For this purpose, metal watches are purchased in blue, blue and black shades. Preferably wavy or round in shape.

Using an hourglass

An hourglass will become an equally useful item in the house. They are able to influence Qi energy. This is because moving sand is like energy. The best place for them will be the one that suffers from a lack of energy. They will also help where you need to make a quick decision. Based on this, we can say that the best place in the house will be the study. Moreover, it is good to set the clock in the knowledge sector.

The presence of an hourglass in the house will help the owner to properly distribute his time so that he does not waste it. The best materials to choose are a combination of wood and glass.

Watch as a gift

Many people wonder whether it is possible to give watches to friends and relatives. Europeans consider this an excellent and practical solution. In China people are offended by such a gift; it seems to remind you of the transience of time. Older people are especially upset. It is believed that it is not advisable to give watches to each other according to Feng Shui, as this will disrupt the flow of energy that circulates around a person. Therefore, they advise people, if they cannot avoid such a gift, then give the giver a coin in order to transfer it to the category of purchases. The only exceptions are children. Such a gift will not bring them any negative influence. But giving watches to parents is strictly prohibited. People who adhere to the teachings of Feng Shui believe that it is better to refrain from giving watches to anyone at all.

We hear about Feng Shui literally everywhere. And so, as it turned out, even for clocks in the teachings of Feng Shui (in its more or less modern understanding, of course) there were also several very useful rules.

What is Feng Shui? To simplify as much as possible, from the point of view of an inexperienced person, Feng Shui is a Chinese art, very ancient (as, indeed, most other Chinese arts) and at the same time a whole science about the harmonization of the surrounding space, spheres of our life and activity. That is, Feng Shui teaches how to create harmony between us and the space in which we live, despite the fact that we can change the space around us, and it, in turn, can change us.

Moreover, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, personal well-being, career success, peace and well-being in the family - all this depends, among other things, on our relationship with the space around us. And it consists of air, water, sunlight, sky, earth, house, road and a host of other elements, many of which exist beyond our senses. Feng Shui teaches how to balance all the elements of the space around us, from arranging very simple objects like a bed or desk, to organizing invisible energy flows, so that we can live in harmony with the world around us and with ourselves. However, it seems that we have digressed a little from the topic of our conversation.

So, since the clock in the house or office is also an element of the universe, here is how, according to Feng Shui, you should treat it:

Rule 1 . Watches should be placed taking into account their color and the material from which they are made. There are only five Feng Shui materials: metal, wood, water, fire and earth. In this regard, for example, a red clock cannot be hung (or placed) on the north or west wall of the house. Why is that? The fact is that red is the color of fire, while the west belongs to the element Metal, and the north to Water, while at the same time neither metal nor water are compatible with fire. But a metal clock can be hung on a wall facing north or west. Accordingly, using the same principle, a clock in a wooden case can be placed near the eastern or southern walls of the room.

Rule 2 . You shouldn't keep too many clocks in the house. If there is one clock in one room, that is quite enough. The clock symbol - Qian - denotes strength, determination and perseverance. Those. they are like the commander in chief, with other things following. Therefore, if there are many hours, then confusion begins in the “army of things,” and a person living or working in a room where there are many hours becomes capricious, and various problems begin to haunt him. Therefore, a very small clock is enough for one room, and for the same reason there can only be one main clock in the house.

Rule 3 . The shape of the watch must strictly correspond to its location. For example, for a bedroom, which according to Feng Shui should be a quiet and peaceful place, a square clock is better suited, since a square is a stable figure that helps create a calm and peaceful atmosphere. The living room should be a more lively room, so it is better to place the most important clock here - the Qian (see the previous rule), and it is highly desirable that they be round in shape.

Rule 4 . In the office and/or home office, the clock must be round. This form symbolizes movement and flow, thus business and affairs will move more actively, and the owner of the room will receive more profit and move up the career ladder faster.

Rule 5 . There is no need to place a large or massive clock in a small room. they will literally fill the entire space of the room, and the sound of their movement, and especially the battle, will cause a feeling of incredible discomfort, even subconscious.

Rule 6 . You cannot place or hang clocks in front of doors and windows. In Chinese, the character for “clock” is “ “, which is pronounced “zhong”, and another hieroglyph sounds exactly the same “ ", meaning " completion" And " end". So, if you hang a clock on the wall opposite the door, then every time you enter that door, you will inevitably experience a feeling of anxiety, some kind of rush and lack of time ( more about doors and windows look at teplopaket.ru/).

Rule 7 . You should not place the clock too high so that you have to lift your head when you need to know what time it is. The dial of a wall or grandfather clock should be at eye level so that it is comfortable to look at. Otherwise, your time and your harmony will be out of reach, which the teachings of Feng Shui categorically recommend avoiding...

Clocks are one of the most necessary and important items in our home. Because they can not only indicate the time, but also serve as home decoration.

From the point of view of the principles of Feng Shui, clocks play a very important role, since the rotational movement of the hands of the clock can influence the “chi” energy. The location of this piece of furniture needs to be carefully considered. Because if the watch is placed incorrectly, it will not only attract negative qi, but can also cause trouble. So, let's talk about the placement of such necessary mechanisms and the use of Feng Shui tips.

Choose the right size

You need to decide what size clock will be proportional to the area of ​​your room. If the room is not too large, you should not place too large and bulky clocks in it, as this can cause you psychological tension and even provoke health problems.

Just imagine that you live in a small apartment. And in any of the rooms you can hear the ticking of a bulky grandfather clock.

This will definitely cause discomfort to the occupants of the home. Case in point: Do you feel pressure just looking at the image above?

Shape matters

It is good, from a feng shui point of view, to use a square or rectangular dial for the living areas of the house. According to ancient Chinese teachings, this shape symbolizes completeness and balance. Therefore, the watch will create positive “qi” and harmony in the family. A round or oval dial also stabilizes positive energy. But try to avoid irregular shapes and broken lines.

The mechanism must be in working order

Always replace a damaged watch or anything that is not in working order in the area where you live. Because broken things are seen from an energy point of view as a mess. According to the principle of Feng Shui, clutter is a big bad thing for a home as it creates a negative atmosphere.

If you no longer like your damaged watch or don't want to spend money on repairing it, you should say goodbye to it rather than storing it away in storage.

A broken and stopped clock symbolizes obstacles. They can attract any difficulties that you may feel in your life. It is necessary to repair the mechanism immediately, or buy others, so that the positive movement of “qi” in your life begins again.

Clocks with a pendulum are considered successful for housewives, so walkers will come in handy in the kitchen. Just don't hang them above the door. This arrangement of the ticking mechanism directs negative energy to the person passing under it.

Best direction

The eastern side is considered favorable for placing wall clocks. It is said that there is then a continuous flow of wealth in the house. The western direction can also be considered favorable for placing wall clocks. This placement is good because negative thoughts are kept away from the mind.

There should be no large wall clock in the bedroom

The bedroom is a place where you can relax and unwind. Therefore, if there is a large clock with a display in the bedroom, and a ticking sound is constantly heard in a serene environment, this can cause stress. A small alarm clock is quite enough; it does not interfere with restoring strength.

What about an alarm on your phone? A mobile phone emits radiation that impairs the quality of sleep, so it is also not recommended to place it close to people sleeping.

Unit rule

Some people like to hang or display several clocks in their room. But you must follow the unit rule. There should be only one clock in one room, or there should not be one at all. Too many of these items cause stress. Ultimately, relationships between family members will deteriorate.

Do you follow Feng Shui advice? After all, they are aimed at attracting positive energy into your life.

They are present in every home, office, room and contribute to the human energy space. Feng Shui watches are considered a powerful tool with which it is possible to accelerate the flow of favorable flows of Qi energy.


Wall clock according to Feng Shui and cardinal directions

East and southeast

By placing your watch in the east, you can catalyze family relationships, and in the southeast, you can accelerate the attraction of material wealth. For these sectors, wooden clocks with a round or wavy shape in green, purple, black or blue are suitable.

A triangular or rectangular wooden clock in the south will contribute to your recognition and fame. The optimal color scheme here would be green or red; hand-made watches and decorative watches are also suitable.

Southwest and Northeast
A clock in the southwest will help attract and establish love relationships, and in the northeast there is wisdom and knowledge. It is best when the watches located in these sectors are made of ceramic or porcelain and have a square or triangular shape. As for color solutions, shades of beige, pink, orange and yellow are suitable.

West and northwest
Western clocks will have a positive effect on children and creativity, and northwestern ones will contribute to the emergence of reliable partners and assistants in your life, and will also help in the realization of tourist desires. Round, oval, square metal watches in white or silver are welcome here.

In the career zone, the clock is responsible for professional growth and advancement. Just like in the previous case, a metal watch with a wavy or round shape is suitable here. The color range of this zone includes black, light blue, blue and metallic.

The last three zones (north, west and northwest) are the optimal zones for placing clocks in the house.

According to Feng Shui, it is not recommended to place or hang a clock in the bedroom. The bedroom is a place to relax and recuperate. At this point, you should listen to your own internal clock, and not to the ticking of the clockwork. Of course, you can’t do without an alarm clock in the bedroom, but it should be small so that it can be easily put away at any time. The clock is best suited for active, energy-intensive rooms where a lot of people gather. It could be kitchen, living room and even study .

In the children's room Feng Shui masters advise setting a large clock, but rather for practical purposes, so that children understand that time does not stand still and it is impossible to make up for wasted hours. Also, according to the rules of Feng Shui, it is not recommended to place the clock in such a way that it is visible when entering the apartment.

When buying a clock for a particular room, try to avoid the presence of opposing forces and elements in the same room (for example, never place a metal clock in the east).

Clock in the kitchen

A watch, as a mechanism with hands for telling time, has long ceased to be a necessity. We can find out the time by looking at the computer monitor, TV screen, mobile phone display and home electronics display. Precise numbers indicating time accompany modern man everywhere, but despite this, mechanisms with arrows are still in demand. A wristwatch as an accessory decorates the hand and complements the image, and interior watches serve as a magnificent decoration, allowing you not only to decorate a wall or other interior object, but also to emphasize the style originality and even add zest to the interior. Let's talk about how to use .

Kitchen clocks: where do they belong?

Where is the clock hung in the kitchen? In classic, vintage and country kitchens usually spend hours decorating place above the hearth. In our case, above the stove. This placement of wall clocks for the kitchen is traditional. The clock was hung on the exhaust hood. The exhaust hood, like the hearth itself, has always been the center of the kitchen, symbolizing home warmth and comfort. Therefore, they tried to decorate the cap. The clock was perfect for this, because it is also convenient: housewives often have to time the cooking process.

If you have classic, vintage or country cuisine , but there is no cap, the clock can be hung simply above the stove under the hood or on the hood itself. Or maybe somewhere nearby. There's room for a watch.

In modern kitchen interiors The clock is often hung directly on the kitchen apron. The clock can be mounted on the railing along with various kitchen utensils.

Another typical place for a watch in modern kitchens – above the upper cabinets and shelves. New builds are high, so there is plenty of space between the suspended kitchen units and the ceilings that can be decorated for hours.

Popular technique – placing three identical clocks side by side on the wall. They can be hung vertically or horizontally. They can show the same time or different ones (for example, Moscow, Khabarovsk and New York). In this case, kitchen clocks can be absolutely the same or slightly different: for example, the same in shape and design, but different in color, or the same in style, but different in size.

In any kitchen, regardless of style, you can hang a clock above, if there is one in the room. This is also the traditional placement of the clock. It is also common to hang a large clock above the doorway in the kitchen.

An interesting solution for kitchen interiors – creating entire wall galleries from clocks of different colors and shapes.

Kitchen clock: which one to choose?

A clock for the kitchen must be chosen, of course, depending on the color and design features of the kitchen. Everything here is individual, but there are established traditions, following which you will never go wrong.

For a kitchen with classic wooden or wood-effect kitchen furniture, you can choose an antique wooden clock. Cumbersome pendulum clocks and “grandmother’s” cuckoo clocks may also be appropriate here.

If you have a light, classic kitchen, you can decorate the room with a light round clock a la a porcelain plate.

For a kitchen interior with traditional motifs (with elements of retro-country, Provençal, etc.) watches with gastronomic and pastoral motifs . You can choose watches decorated in coffee, tea, wine, dessert and fruit and vegetable themes. You can also pay attention to still life clocks.

Also, for kitchen interiors in country and Provence styles, designers recommend forged watches.

To emphasize the “vintage” feel of your kitchen, choose a round clock with a large dial and large numbers.



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