The child's eyes become sour. Why do my child's eyes turn sour? Causes and treatment Why children's eyes turn sour

The symptom of sour eyes in a child is quite common. It can be observed both in newborns and in children of preschool and school age.

Acidity of the eyes is a serious symptom, since its presence indicates the development of a pathological process. Therefore, it is very important to consult a doctor in a timely manner.


Symptoms, in most cases, clearly manifest themselves in the morning.

The child begins to show the following signs of illness:


Acidity in a child's eyes can occur due to infection. Although the structure of the eye in young patients does not differ from that of adults, in childhood the protective functions of the body are not yet fully operational. Therefore, any even minor infection can trigger a pathological process.

Most often this is facilitated by:

  • bacteria;
  • viruses;
  • allergens.

The penetration of allergens and pathogenic microbes into the baby’s organs of vision causes conjunctivitis or dacryocystitis.


This pathology occurs when harmful bacteria penetrate the lacrimal sac. As a result, the tear duct is blocked. Because of this, tears accumulate in the lacrimal sac, become inflamed and serve as a breeding ground for the development of pathogenic microflora.

Dacryocystitis occurs more often in newborns, and is accompanied by damage to one eye (two eyes are affected very rarely in 3% of cases).

The disease begins acutely and may be accompanied by:

If for some reason this pathology is not treated, the likelihood of developing:

  • abscess;
  • phlegmon.

These are dangerous diseases that can lead to vision loss.

Be sure to remember that:

  1. Dacryocystitis always begins acutely;
  2. This disease is not caused by allergens;
  3. In infectious inflammation, the lacrimal sac is primarily affected. , secondary symptom.

Bacterial conjunctivitis

In the etiology of this inflammatory process, streptococcal and staphylococcal infections are highly likely. The latent period (hidden) can last one week, after which the disease progresses into the acute phase, in which the inflammatory process can affect both eyes.

The child appears:

  • Heavy discharge tears;
  • Discharge of purulent contents. They may be dirty yellow or green. This leads to sour eyes and the appearance of crusts;
  • Hyperemia of the eye sclera. This symptom is more pronounced with viral conjunctivitis. If it occurs due to bacterial pathology, this indicates a severe course of the disease;
  • Feeling of a foreign object in the eye area, resembling. This is the very first harbinger of conjunctivitis;
  • Fear of bright light. This symptom increases pain in the eye area and provokes, which leads to souring of the child’s eye;
  • Signs of general intoxication make the child capricious, irritable, cause symptoms of anorexia (loss of appetite);
  • With the rapid progression of the disease, body temperature can rise to 39 degrees.

To make a correct diagnosis and provide qualified assistance, you need to contact an ophthalmologist or pediatrician.

Viral conjunctivitis

Most often occurs after a cold (flu, acute respiratory infection).

The clinical picture of this pathology is basically no different from. It may be accompanied by severe redness of the eyeballs and increased lacrimation. As a result, acidification and swelling of the eyes appear.

Antiviral drugs are used to treat this pathology.

Allergic conjunctivitis

Allergens can cause sour eyes in a child if the baby has been in direct contact with them.

Allergens may be:

  • in household chemical products;
  • house dust;
  • in the fur of pets;
  • in pollen of wild and indoor plants.

If it develops, the baby most often complains of itching in the eye area. Due to the fact that they sour at night, crusts appear, which prevents the opening of the eye in the morning.

To establish a diagnosis of allergic conjunctivitis, it is very important to consult a doctor in a timely manner, since this disease requires the use of therapy with antihistamines.

Not only older people, but also many young people turn to me. Some people have problems that are congenital, while others acquire them throughout life. In any case, it is important to take adequate measures to restore vision.

A child’s eyes become sour and watery during ARVI or a cold

Against the background of influenza virus infection, souring of the eyes occurs against the background of elevated temperature. Viral infection most often develops in a weakened body.

Therefore, a small patient is first prescribed:

Green snot and sour eyes

Discharge from the nasal passages may be yellowish or green in color. This symptom indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. The mucous discharge from the nose contains a large number of dead bacteria and white blood cells.

Green coloration of the discharge is often accompanied by a symptom of sour eyes. Often these symptoms are accompanied by a cough and a rise in body temperature.

Green nasal discharge is more common in children of the first year of life and in preschool age. This indicates that the immune system is underdeveloped, and therefore the main priority in therapy is the administration of immunomodulatory drugs.

Sour eyes and green nasal discharge are most often observed with:

  • conjunctivitis of various etiologies;
  • diseases caused by viral infection;
  • pathological processes in the lacrimal sac (dacryocystitis).

These two symptoms are the reason for an urgent visit to the doctor. As an emergency aid, small patients need to rinse their eyes with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or furatsilin, and apply Tetracycline or Nitroxoline ointment immediately before going to bed.

Sour and red eyes in a child in the morning after sleep

Hyperemia of the eyeball, which is accompanied by souring, difficulty opening the eyelids in the morning, at the hour of waking up, is most often a symptom of bacterial or viral conjunctivitis. sclera in the eye area is the body's response to an attached infection.

Dilated vessels promote increased delivery of immune cells. Which, in turn destroy harmful bacteria and viruses. Drugs with vasoconstrictor effects should not be used purposefully.

The redness will disappear on its own if the child washes his eyes more often using:

  • chamomile decoction;
  • weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • furatsilina.

In children it may be accompanied by the appearance of films. Usually they do not cause concern to a small patient. But if the child is not vaccinated, such a clinical symptom often indicates the appearance of diphtheria.

Stories from our readers!
“I had chronic conjunctivitis, I suffered from it for many years. And then vision problems began because I worked at the computer. On the advice of a friend, I ordered drops for myself.

I started using them as written in the instructions. Maybe because my vision was not too bad, they helped me within two weeks! The redness disappeared, the pain went away, my vision began to improve!”

First aid

If a child develops a symptom of sour eyes, they must be thoroughly washed before visiting a doctor.

For this you can use:

  • weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • warm decoction of chamomile or calendula;
  • furatsilin solution.

This will reduce pain and remove purulent crusts from the mucous membrane of the eye and eyelids. Do not resort to using cold or hot compresses. This will enhance the development of pathogenic microflora.

The eye wash procedure must be carried out taking into account the following rules:


Only an ophthalmologist can choose the correct treatment method. Since souring eyes can be a manifestation of various pathological processes. Only a correct diagnosis will eliminate this unpleasant symptom.

Complex therapy using the following medications is usually prescribed:

  • Antiseptics. Prescribed in the form of solutions:
  • . If the etiology of the disease is a viral infection, and is prescribed.
  • .A good effect can be achieved using:
  • If sour eyes are caused by a bacterial infection, Antibacterial therapy is prescribed. Antibacterial drugs are used that do not have a pathological effect on the child’s body. Most often prescribed:
  • Ointments effective against bacteria:
  • Homeopathy-based medications can be used as an additional anti-inflammatory and therapeutic agent. For this purpose, Okulohel can be used.


  • If the disease is caused by allergens, then antihistamines are prescribed:

To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, instillation of drops and application of ointment should be done as follows:

  1. Before carrying out the procedure, you must wash your hands thoroughly with soap;
  2. To carry out the manipulation, the newborn is placed on his back; if necessary, he can be swaddled;
  3. After washing the eyes with an antiseptic solution, the lower eyelid is moved back, followed by squeezing out a small amount of ointment or instilling drops (eye drops must be instilled into the corner of the eye closer to the bridge of the nose);
  4. When carrying out this procedure, it is very important that the cannula of the tube with the medicine does not come into contact with the mucous membrane of the eye.

Traditional methods of healing for sour eyes in a child

Traditional recipes can be successfully used in the development of this pathological condition.

Mothers who are too “initiative” sometimes resort to putting breast milk in their eyes or applying tea bags. This should not be done under any circumstances, as this leads to an increase in the proliferation of pathogenic microflora. Such false healing will aggravate the course of the disease.

Massage of the tear duct

If your child's eyes become sour, you can massage the lacrimal canal. This will allow its function to be fully restored.

  1. Before the procedure, you must wash your hands with soap and water;
  2. Massage movements should be light and carried out from the eyebrows to the wings of the nose;
  3. The criterion for the correctness of the massage is the release of pus from the lacrimal openings;
  4. After this manipulation, it is necessary to perform, followed by instillation of medications prescribed by the ophthalmologist.

This procedure is most often prescribed for the development of dacryocystitis.

Walking outside when a child has sour eyes

  • Walking in the fresh air should be avoided only in the acute period. When a child not only experiences souring of the eyes, but also a rise in temperature;
  • After the severity of the process has subsided, daily walks can be resumed, while limiting them in time;
  • You are allowed to go outside if one hour has passed after the eye wash procedure. Upon arrival from a walk, be sure to rinse and apply eye drops;
  • If the weather is rainy, frosty or windy, it is best to postpone the walk. In this case, it will be enough to ventilate the room.

Notes that any manifestation of eye pathology (especially if it is accompanied by a symptom of souring of the eye), it is necessary to visit an ophthalmologist.

It is impossible for parents to make a diagnosis on their own, since all the symptoms of eye diseases are very similar to each other.

To carry out correct treatment it is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis.

The doctor also notes that correct and timely treatment gives positive dynamics of therapy already on the second day.


Proper hygienic care for the visual organs of a small patient should be carried out daily.

  • To do this, the child must have an individual towel;
  • If the child is in his first year of life, his eyes should be constantly treated with individual hyena items;
  • It is very important to change bed linen daily during illness;
  • Before carrying out hygienic manipulations, it is necessary to wash your hands with soap and water;
  • If any negative signs appear, contact the children's clinic;
  • If souring of one eye occurs, therapeutic measures occur in both eyes;
  • Children of preschool and school age need to wash their hands more often, especially after going outside;
  • Contact with the face can only be made with clean hands.


Souring eyes always cause special caution on the part of parents. If you do not pay enough attention when treating this pathology, the disease can progress. As a result, an abscess or phlegmon may develop.

In advanced forms of dacryocystitis, situations may arise when drug therapy does not bring positive results. To cure this pathology, they resort to surgical intervention. The operation eliminates the problem that was created due to the formation of a plug. The surgery takes place under local anesthesia in a hospital setting.

In order not to bring the child to a critical condition, at the first symptoms of the disease it is necessary to urgently visit the children's clinic.

The birth of a child is a very important event for any family. But the joy is sometimes overshadowed by problems with the newborn’s eyes in the form of souring. This phenomenon, as a rule, is not very common and can be quickly cured.

How does the disease manifest itself?

The fact that the eyes are turning sour can be determined by a simple visual inspection:

  • when waking up, the child has difficulty opening his eyelids;
  • in the eye, its inner corner, yellowish mucus of a greenish tint has collected, dried in the form of small crumbs;
  • red eye;
  • possible involuntary release of tears;
  • When cleansing, mucus quickly accumulates again.

At the same time, the child feels uncomfortable, capricious and irritated more than usual. Sometimes the temperature rises. Treating sour eyes in a newborn is not difficult. Just a few days of regular procedures - and the problem goes away.


To choose the right treatment, you must first understand why the disease appeared. There may be several reasons:

  • Physiological souring of the eyes appears due to embryonic tissue that did not rupture at birth. As a result, the resorption process occurs in the first days of the child’s life.
  • The eyes become sour due to dust, fabrics and toys.
  • Infection in the eyes. In this case, drug treatment and a mandatory visit to an ophthalmologist will be required.
  • The most common cause of sour eyes in infants is considered to be;
  • The child’s eye also turns sour due to a rare disease called dacryocystitis. Why does he appear? This is due to the formation of a plug that does not allow the tear ducts to function normally.

A specialist should decide how to treat the baby. Only he will be able to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate prescriptions.

Treatment options

So what to do with the problem that has arisen in the baby’s health? First, visit your pediatrician to avoid complications. Regardless of the child’s age, it is necessary to wash the eye with regular tea leaves, chamomile or calendula infusion, as well as a small amount of potassium permanganate diluted in water.

The most common reasons why infants' eyes turn sour are conjunctivitis and dacryocystitis.

Therapy for conjunctivitis

It is possible to understand whether a child has conjunctivitis or dacryocystitis by the presence of inflammation with redness of the eyelid, indicating the first disease. What to do in this case:

  • Rinse the eye with a cotton pad moistened with warm boiled water, furatsilin or manganese. Each eye is treated with a separate swab.
  • Cleanse from the outside of the eye to the inside.

If there is no positive dynamics by the end of the day, you should seek help from a doctor.

What to do with dacryocystitis?

Diagnosing a child with dacryocystitis means the following treatment:

  • Massage the tear duct area;
  • Cleaning the eye with a solution that relieves inflammation.

If you start treating your baby right away and correctly, the problem will go away within a week. In particularly advanced cases, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics. The famous doctor E. Komarovsky does not agree with this opinion, who considers the treatment of dacryocystitis with drops and rinses unnecessary.

What to do if home treatments do not work on your baby? In this case, the tear duct is cleaned in the hospital. This is a simple procedure that brings noticeable relief to the baby.

Many people wonder why mandatory treatment for this problem is necessary. The reason lies in the effectiveness of therapy only up to the child. Dr. E. Komarovsky adheres to the same point of view, and many parents listen to his opinion. At an older age, the plug becomes a cartilaginous element, and then the baby will have to be rid of the disease surgically.


Another treatment for sour eyes in babies is massage of the tear duct. You can do it yourself, following the correct technique:

  1. The area near the bridge of the nose is massaged with stroking movements of the thumbs from bottom to top (from the eyebrow to the wings of the nose) with slight pressure.
  2. After this, the eyes are washed. Evidence of a successful procedure is purulent discharge from the eyes.

Before starting such manipulations, it is imperative to consult a specialist to rule out more serious diseases and their complications. Dr. E. Komarovsky also recommends similar methods for treating sour eyes in infants.

The main preventive actions include daily hygienic care of the baby’s visual organs:

  1. Treatment is carried out only with hands washed with soap and cotton pads different for each eye.
  2. Use of the drug for preventive treatment.
  3. Immediate response to emerging unpleasant symptoms.

You should not self-medicate; it is better to first consult with a pediatrician or ophthalmologist.

If the eye turns sour, both are treated at once, even if symptoms appear in only one. The use of drops should be carried out without touching the cornea.

A child’s eyes are a particularly valuable organ, so their health must be constantly monitored. And only an adult can quickly prevent the disease in the early stages using basic preventive methods.

With the birth of a child, parents are faced with many problems that they did not even suspect existed. One of these is considered to be souring eyes in infants. Many parents, faced with this trouble, begin to worry and panic too much.

But this should not be done, because souring eyes are a fairly common phenomenon among infants, most often appearing in the first days of a child’s life, so parents should not worry too much. Now let’s take a closer look at the problem of souring eyes, its symptoms, causes and treatment.

Acidity of the eyes is a fairly common occurrence in infants and children of early preschool age. Symptoms of souring eyes are characteristic of several serious eye diseases. You should consult your doctor immediately and resort to drug treatment.

When the eyes turn sour, first of all, you need to quickly understand the symptoms, which in turn will help to discover the main cause of the baby’s illness. Parents can usually detect souring eyes in their baby only in the morning, since the eyelids have been closed throughout the night.


  • It is difficult for a child to open his eyes because the eyelids stick together with mucus that has dried overnight.
  • When the child does open his eyelids, all the mucus that has appeared overnight covers most of the eyelids and collects mainly in the inner corners.
  • This causes great discomfort for a newborn child, and he begins to be capricious and cry; for an older child (from 2 years old), he may complain that his eyes hurt and burn, that something is causing him inconvenience.
  • Children may rub their eyes vigorously in an attempt to get rid of bothersome mucus.
  • The shade of mucus can be different: white, whitish-transparent, yellowish, brownish.
  • After cleansing the eye, the pain and discomfort do not go away, and after 20-30 minutes you can observe the formation of a new portion of mucus in the corners of the eyes.

A child may be capricious, lose appetite, sleep poorly, be irritable - all these are symptoms of souring eyes that can be observed regardless of the child’s age. Both a month-old child and a 3-year-old child have difficulty enduring this disease, and at the same time the parents suffer. But before doing anything, you need to identify the reasons that could lead to this phenomenon.


There are not many reasons for souring eyes in babies, often there are 2 reasons.

Conjunctivitis- quite common among children of different ages. It often occurs with an increase in the child’s temperature. It occurs due to the penetration of crumbs of various viruses and bacteria into the body. And also when the mucous membrane of the eye is contaminated. Conjunctivitis is divided into 3 types.

  1. Bacterial (occurs when bacteria enter the mucous membrane).
  2. Viral (appears with a cold or viral infection).
  3. Allergic (an allergic reaction to something).

Unlike the first case, this is a rather rare disease, but more serious because in addition to the above symptoms there is also swelling of the eyelids and severe redness of the baby’s eyes with purulent discharge.

Only a specialist (doctor) can determine which of these reasons caused your baby’s illness, so you should not self-medicate and waste your baby’s important time, but rather consult a doctor immediately.


The doctor will be able to prescribe treatment after determining which disease caused the souring of the baby’s eyes.

Allergic conjunctivitis can be cured antihistamine. Viral - by wiping the eyes with an antiseptic drug. Antibacterial drops and ointments will help get rid of bacterial conjunctivitis.

Dacryocystitis can be cured by washing the eyes with antiseptic agents and herbal decoctions, as well as massage of the nasolacrimal duct and hygiene procedures. In addition to the treatment prescribed by the doctor, it is necessary to provide the child’s eyes with proper care and, with the doctor’s approval, use traditional methods of washing them.

Traditional methods of washing

There are several proven folk methods for washing sour eyes:

  • First method: add a glass of boiling water to a tablespoon of dry chamomile, calendula or crushed bay leaf, cover with a lid and leave for 30 minutes. Strain and rinse the child’s eyes with the resulting infusion 5 or even 6 times a day.
  • The second method: washing the baby’s sore eyes with warm, strongly brewed black tea. Rinse each baby's eye with a gauze swab dipped in the infusion. But tea bags are absolutely not suitable for this method. Tea must be loose leaf without any additives.
  • Third method: washing the eyes with furatsilin and a weak solution of potassium permanganate. But in no case should we forget that these methods should be resorted to only after the approval of a doctor! No self-medication!

Is it possible to go for a walk when a child’s eyes are sour?

When treating sour eyes in a baby, it is very important to follow the rules for caring for the child. Experts advise going out for a walk with your baby no earlier than an hour after washing your eyes.

The duration of the walk should be reduced slightly, with the exception of windy, rainy or frosty weather; in such weather it is better to refrain from walking altogether, so as not to aggravate the disease. A well-ventilated room will be enough for your baby. When you return home, you should definitely resort to one of those methods of washing the eyes that were given earlier.

To summarize, we can highlight the following algorithm for solving this problem:

  1. Contact your doctor immediately.
  2. Complete the prescribed course of treatment.
  3. Provide your baby's eyes with complete care.

Only if these conditions are met will the child be able to recover quickly and without any health complications.

What to do if the eye of a newborn, an older child or an adult turns sour? First of all, you should remember that in this situation it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate. To prevent the progression of the disease and the development of complications, you should immediately consult a specialist for medical help.

Causes of sour eyes

Why do my child's eyes turn sour? The reasons for this phenomenon are very diverse, since they largely depend on the age of the baby.

Most often, this problem occurs after the birth of a baby due to blockage of the nasolacrimal duct, since it contains remnants of fetal tissue. In this case, the tear does not have a free outflow and loses its main protective properties, which contributes to the addition of infection.

If a child's eyes become sour, the cause may be conjunctivitis of various etiologies.

This disease develops in infants, at 3 years, 5 years and any other age.

Acidity of the eyes in adults is also observed very often and develops as a symptom of the following diseases:

  1. Dacryocystitis, or inflammation of the lacrimal sac. It is quite simple to establish this diagnosis, since other signs are also present: increased tearing, swelling in the corners of the eyes, a feeling of fullness in the affected area and the appearance of purulent discharge.
  2. Conjunctivitis. The inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the eye develops as a result of the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms, viruses or fungi. In addition to acidification, there are other signs of an acute disease, such as redness of the conjunctiva, lacrimation, photophobia, edema, swelling of the eyelids, etc.
  3. Other reasons. In some cases, souring of the eyes develops as a complication of other pathologies of the visual organs. This can be blepharitis, glaucoma, dry eye syndrome, etc.

Treatment of the disease

How to treat sour eyes in newborns? If a similar problem occurs in a baby, this may indicate the development of a serious illness. Therefore, you should not try to cope with the disease on your own; you should definitely seek medical help.

The causes and treatment of sour eyes are closely related, since the direction of the therapy largely depends on this.

Principles of pathology treatment:

  1. With a bacterial etiology of the disease, it is advisable to use antimicrobial agents in the form of drops or ointments. Very often, young children with conjunctivitis are treated in a hospital setting. This is necessary to ensure that the therapy is carried out under medical supervision to prevent side effects. The use of these drugs without consulting a doctor is strictly prohibited. After all, many of them are contraindicated for use in children.
  2. When treating viral diseases that cause sour eyes in children, the basis of therapy is the use of antiseptic drugs. This is necessary in order to prevent the addition of bacterial microflora. This condition very often accompanies acute respiratory viral infections and other diseases.
  3. If the disease is of an allergic nature, it is mandatory to use antihistamines not only locally, but also systemically.

The medications needed to treat sour eyes are determined by the doctor based on the results of the examination and examination of the child.

If a newborn’s eyes become very sour, you should seek medical help as quickly as possible. After all, a very common cause of this phenomenon is blockage of the nasolacrimal duct. In the absence of a positive effect from conservative treatment, in some cases it is impossible to do without probing, which is carried out only in a hospital setting.

If the eyes of an adult become sour, what should you do? In this situation, you should also consult a doctor in order to promptly determine the cause of the disease and prevent its progression. Otherwise, there is a high risk of involvement in the pathological process not only of the conjunctiva, but also of deeper structures of the organ of vision.

Traditional methods of treatment

There are many different alternative medicine recipes that can be used to get rid of sour eyes.

However, they must be used very carefully, especially if it is a baby and not an adult.

Despite their safety, it is imperative to coordinate the use of these products with a specialist in order to prevent the development of complications, in particular, an individual allergic reaction to medicinal herbs.

The following drugs are most often used in the treatment of the disease:

  1. Chamomile, calendula, bay leaf. You need to prepare a decoction based on one of these plants. 1 tbsp. l. Brew dry herbs in 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 30–40 minutes and strain through several layers of gauze. Cool the product to body temperature and use to wash the eyes up to 5-6 times a day. In order to increase efficiency, you can use not just one component, but a mixture of them. The duration of treatment is about 5–7 days, until the symptoms disappear and the patient recovers.
  2. Good results are shown by using strong black tea as a rinse. Before carrying out the procedure, it must be strained so that no solid particles remain.
  3. A weak solution of furatsilin and potassium permanganate has an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect. These drugs have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms and contribute to a speedy recovery of the patient. Before use, the liquid must be filtered so that undissolved crystals do not injure the sensitive conjunctiva.

When carrying out the procedure, certain rules must be followed. If the problem occurs in both eyes at the same time, you need to use different tampons for rinsing. The manipulation should be done in the direction from the outer edge of the eye to the inner.

This will prevent further spread of the infection.

If there is no positive result from the treatment, you should consult a specialist again. The doctor will adjust the prescriptions according to the patient’s well-being.

A suppurated eye in a newborn can frighten even an experienced mother. But there is no need to worry too much about this. With proper care for your baby's eyes, all symptoms will go away without a trace within a couple of weeks. The main thing is to contact a specialist in time who will prescribe treatment.

Attentive parents will discover in time that their baby’s eye is festering. After waking up, the baby cannot open it; the eye is covered with a thin crust. Sometimes there is tearing, redness and inflammation of the eyelid. During the day, pus is released from the eye. If you notice similar symptoms in your baby, do not panic. Suppuration can be cured.

Possible causes of suppuration of the baby's eye

Pus can form in a baby’s eyes for several reasons:

  • Dacryocystitis. A disease that affects most newborns. It occurs due to obstruction of the lacrimal canal with subsequent inflammation of the lacrimal sac.
  • Conjunctivitis. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the child's eye with characteristic redness of the eyeball. Viral conjunctivitis develops against the background of an acute respiratory disease. Infectious - due to infection on the mucous membrane. Conjunctivitis can also be caused by an allergic reaction or direct contact of germs with the eye.

Dacryocystitis develops from the formation of a plug of a jelly-like substance in the lacrimal canal - these are the remains of the original mass that covers the entire body of a newly born child.

If you find suppuration already in the maternity hospital, this indicates that the baby became infected while passing through the birth canal. If the baby gets sick after discharge, it means that insufficient care is being taken for the eyes. Or there was contact with an infection.

Both options lead to clogging of the channel, where microorganisms begin to multiply. The eye turns red, swells, and pus begins to ooze.

Video - sour eyes. Doctor Komarovsky

What to do in case of suppuration of the eye in a newborn

The first step is to contact an ophthalmologist. He will determine the exact cause of the formation of pus in the baby’s eye. The pus is taken for analysis and the causative agent of the disease is determined.

Conjunctivitis at the initial stage is treated at home. The doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs. It is also necessary to wash the eye with a warm solution of furatsilin. For these purposes, you can also use chamomile infusion. The procedure is carried out three to four times a day or as pus forms in the eye. Each eye is treated with a separate cotton pad. Care is taken to care for both eyes of the baby, even if only one of them is festering.

Eye wash solutions

  • Camomile tea. Dry chamomile can be bought at a pharmacy. Infusion recipe: 1 tablespoon of chamomile is poured into 250 ml of boiling water, infused for an hour, used warm.
  • Miramistin solution in a 1 to 1 ratio with clean water.
  • Green tea infusion. Infusion recipe: tea is brewed much stronger than usual and used warm.
  • Furacilin solution. It is prepared quickly and easily: a powdered furatsilin tablet is dissolved in 100 ml of warm, clean water, then the liquid is passed through gauze.

The remaining solution cannot be stored. You can only use freshly prepared product.

Massage for suppuration of the eye

Dacryocystitis can be treated with regular massage of the lacrimal canaliculus. It needs to be done six to seven times a day. Massage is done with the pads of the thumbs from the bridge of the nose to the nasolabial folds. The mother or father of a newborn can learn massage. There is no need to press hard on the skin, a little pressure will be enough. Stroking and circular movements. The baby should not experience pain. If the child begins to cry, then all activities are stopped.

The doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory drops and eye rinsing with furatsilin. Most often, the disease can be cured without the use of antibiotics.

Video - how to massage with suppuration of the eyes. How to apply eye drops to a baby.

Washing the tear duct in the hospital

The positive dynamics of home eye care prescribed by the doctor should be observed within a week after the start of treatment. If this does not happen, then a specialist may prescribe a canal rinsing procedure. In this case, the cork is removed forcibly.

The ophthalmologist takes it out using a special instrument - a probe, after which he rinses the newborn’s eye with an antibacterial solution.

The child does not experience any pain. The procedure is quick, lasts about five minutes, and is done once.

Important rules for suppuration of the eye

  1. You should not put breast milk in the eyes of a newborn. Lactose, which is found in mother's milk, is an ideal environment for bacteria to multiply.
  2. In case of souring, suppuration and inflammation of the eye, self-medication is unacceptable.
  3. Before and after any manipulation of the baby's eyes, thoroughly wash and sanitize your hands.
  4. Wipe each eye with a separate cotton pad.
  5. Always work the eye from the outer edge to the inner.
  6. Place drops in both eyes, even if pus comes out of only one of them.
  7. The child must have his own towel.
  8. If you notice any damage to the structure of the eye, consult a doctor immediately.
  9. If your child is restless, constantly rubs his eye and cries, do not put off visiting an ophthalmologist.



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