Breath stinks after eating. Rotten taste and odor from the mouth: causes and treatment of discomfort in women and men

BBC Future correspondent I've looked into both the scientific evidence and misconceptions about bad breath and come up with some tips and... exposés.

One day, many years ago, when I was just starting out in radio, I walked into the newsroom to get a new assignment. I was asked to go to a clinic where they helped those people who wanted to get rid of bad breath.

The clinic had to check my own breath for any foul odor, after which I had to interview a doctor.

On the way to the clinic, I wondered: was this not a trick on the part of my colleagues who were simply embarrassed to tell me the truth to my face?

Fortunately, my breathing was fine then. However, bad breath is a fairly common problem, and the myths that have developed around it do not help at all.


The problem with this method is that breathing into your palms doesn't produce the same smell that comes out of your mouth when you talk.

You won't be able to smell what your breath actually smells like. The main place where bad odor comes from is the back of the tongue, and doctors have three ways to identify this problem.

Using their own sense of smell, they evaluate the patient's breath 5 cm from his face and the smell from the spoon, which was passed over the surface of the tongue.

They also examine dental floss used to clean between the back teeth, or a container of the patient's saliva that was kept in an incubator at 37 degrees Celsius for five minutes.

Hospitals may also have small monitoring monitors that can detect certain gases, but the problem is that they do not detect all gases.

A precise method is gas chromatography, which identifies the components of complex gas mixtures and allows you to measure the amount of sulfur in the air. But it requires special equipment, which not every hospital has.

In fact, not everyone who thinks they have bad breath actually has bad breath.

Sometimes people simply misinterpret the behavior of their interlocutor, who turned away or moved away during a conversation.

In actual cases of halitosis (a term that covers all conditions in which a person's breath has a persistent unpleasant odor), people react differently.

One study found that only 27% were inclined to move away from someone they were talking to if they had bad breath.

It is not known exactly what percentage of people have this unpleasant problem. Data range from 22 to 50%.


Volatile sulfur compounds cause bad breath. The most unpleasant of them are carbon sulfide, which has a distinct smell of rotten eggs, and ethanethiol, which smells like rotting cabbage.

These compounds are what give some people's urine a pungent odor after eating asparagus.

Such compounds are released when food and bacteria accumulate in the grooves on the back of the tongue.

The good news is that this phenomenon is usually temporary and only occurs if you eat garlic or raw onions, or after drinking coffee or cigarettes.

However, in seven out of ten cases, halitosis is caused by dental problems, such as gum disease or plaque on the tongue.

Of course, sometimes bad breath can accompany other diseases, such as diseases of the ear, nose and throat, kidneys, lungs or intestines.

But in this case, you will most likely experience other symptoms.


The first thing many people do if they suspect they have bad breath is start rinsing their mouth.

A mouthwash with mint or clove scents, as well as various antiseptic products, hide the odor, but only for a short time.

They eliminate bacteria that cause the release of foul-smelling compounds. And it is really effective for a certain time.

Rinses containing alcohol dry out the mouth, which can only increase the unpleasant odor.

This is why drinking more water throughout the day has a positive effect: water washes away food debris and prevents dry mouth.

The UK branch of the international non-profit organization that studies the effectiveness of medical technologies, the Cochrane Collaboration, is currently reviewing research on effective treatments for bad breath.

In a previous review from 2008, the top five studies found that odor was partially eliminated by mouthwashes containing antibacterial agents such as chlorhexidine and cetylpyridinium chloride, as well as chloride or zinc dioxide.

To eliminate the unpleasant odor, it is also recommended to clean your tongue with a special brush. The latest Cochrane review showed that there really is an effect from such cleansing, but it is short-lived.

The researchers also warned against using too much pressure on the brush when brushing your tongue to avoid damaging its surface. And it is best to choose a soft brush.


Every adult's mouth contains between 100 and 200 species of bacteria at some point.

Now that we understand the positive role of the human microbiome and the millions of bacteria in our bodies, scientists have begun to explore not ways to destroy microbes, but to create the healthiest combination of them.

To do this, you need to eliminate some bacteria and support others, which can be achieved with the help of probiotics.

In the study, researchers tried to get rid of harmful bacteria that cause tooth decay using a dental gel and coating that was applied in the clinic, as well as special strips that patients could use on their own.

Perhaps soon we will be able to use the same method to get rid of bacteria that cause bad breath.

But while researchers are working on this, doctors, as before, advise brushing and flossing your teeth thoroughly, drinking plenty of water, not smoking, eating a balanced diet, and if the first signs of gum inflammation appear, immediately consult a doctor.

Bad breath, causes and treatment of this phenomenon bother many adults. This symptom prevents you from freely communicating with others at home, at work, and in public places. It always suggests that there are some health problems. In fact this symptom is characteristic of many diseases of internal systems, but the reasons for its appearance are not always dangerous.

The essence of the problem

Doctors call bad breath with an unpleasant odor from the mouth halitosis. If a person notices such a symptom, he should first figure out what exactly the problem is:

  • True halitosis is the real presence of a fetid odor, noticeable to a person and those around him. The cause is diseases.
  • Pseudogalithosis is a condition in which the foul odor is so weak that only the person himself notices it.
  • Halitophobia - a person thinks that he has a putrid odor from his breath, but even the dentist does not confirm its presence.

To check for a foul odor, you can place a tissue on the back of your tongue and sniff it, or check the scent of a used toothpick. There are special sensitive devices for assessing the amount of hydrogen sulfide gas in the exhaled air, which smells unpleasantly of rot and is formed in the body during illness. If you smell an acidic odor or smell rotten, you should go to a dentist or therapist to find out the causes of the problem.

Causes of halitosis

The causes of bad breath in an adult can be extremely varied, and pathology cannot be determined by this symptom alone. Therefore, you need to take into account other symptoms that occur simultaneously with halitosis:

Possible reasons Character of the smell Associated symptoms
Dental diseases: caries, periodontitis, stomatitis. Fetid odor with a hint of rot, worse in the morning. Pain in the teeth, the appearance of ulcers on the mucous membrane, bleeding.
Diseases of the urinary organs: nephrosis, pyelonephritis, cystitis. Reminds me of ammonia. Lower back pain, fever, discomfort when urinating.
Sjögren's syndrome. Unpleasant smell, like caries. Dry mouth and eyes, photophobia, difficulty swallowing.
Pathologies of the respiratory system: sinusitis, sinusitis, proliferation of adenoids and polyps, pneumonia, purulent bronchitis, tuberculosis. Putrid smell. Pain in the throat or sinuses, mucus secretion, difficulty breathing through the nose, changes in voice and pronunciation of sounds, plaque on the tonsils.
Liver failure. Rotten smell of spoiled meat or eggs. Light-colored feces, dark urine, yellow mucous membranes and skin, bitter taste in the mouth.
Diseases of the stomach and small intestine: gastritis, ulcers. Sour breath in an adult or child. Stomach pain, heartburn, stomach or intestinal bleeding.
Intestinal dysbiosis. Putrid smell. Digestive disorders, accumulation of intestinal gases, flatulence.
Problems with the pancreas, diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus. Fetid sour odor mixed with acetone. Persistent thirst, excessive urination, weakness, accumulation of excess weight.

Dental diseases

If the cause of bad breath in an adult lies in dental problems (this happens in 80% of cases), you should consult a dentist. The appearance of a foul odor indicates that pathogenic microorganisms accumulate in carious lesions or under tartar, which cause decay processes. Ignoring the situation will lead to tooth loss due to damage to the internal tissues of the tooth or gum.

With stomatitis, bad breath also indicates the activity of bacteria. The infection can cause severe fever and serves as a source of pathogens that can travel through the bloodstream to any other organ. For treatment, the doctor will recommend antibacterial medications and mouth rinses.

Most problems found in dentistry have one cause - failure to comply with hygiene rules. If you skip brushing in the mornings and evenings for two days, your breath already stinks of rot. Bacteria are not eliminated from the surface of the teeth, they begin to multiply more actively, their waste products accumulate and, together with food, form a soft plaque, which then turns into hard tartar. Therefore, you can prevent the appearance of bad breath by following the rules of hygiene.

Digestive problems

Causes of bad breath in adults related to the digestive system are very dangerous, but not that common: about 10% of cases. They lead to exhaustion of the body, impaired immunity, provoke pain, and the patient’s breath smells sour.

If pathogenic bacteria develop in the intestines, they can enter the respiratory and urinary organs and form new foci of infection.

It is impossible to eliminate the rotten odor in such diseases with toothpaste or mouthwash., you must definitely contact a therapist or gastroenterologist who will prescribe treatment:

Liver diseases

When people try to find out why their breath smells rotten and there is an unpleasant taste, diagnostics often reveal liver dysfunction. This gland secretes bile, which has a bitter taste, which causes a periodic sensation of bitterness when gastric contents enter through the esophagus into the pharynx.

Liver diseases are provoked by a variety of reasons: viral hepatitis, poisoning, alcohol intoxication, irregular diet. Therefore, treatment is developed individually. Your doctor may recommend:

  • Quitting bad habits.
  • Prescription of drugs – hepatoprotectors.
  • Dieting.
  • Treatment of viral diseases with antiviral therapy.

Pancreas problems

The presence of a bad odor in a woman or man is always unpleasant, but this symptom sometimes allows us to identify unexpressed diseases in healthy-looking people. This happens when the smell of acetone appears from the mucous membrane of the mouth. When visiting a doctor, patients may unexpectedly discover an increase in blood sugar. The aroma of this substance accompanies the breakdown of large amounts of fat in cells that lack available carbohydrates.

The following measures will help reduce the harm of diabetes to the body and fight halitosis:

  • Constant monitoring of sugar levels and timely use of insulin when it increases.
  • Dieting.
  • Use of hypoglycemic agents.

Halitosis in respiratory diseases

In every tenth patient with complaints of bad breath, the causes of the symptom lie in diseases of the respiratory tract. For infections that provoke sore throat, sinusitis, pneumonia, antibacterial therapy is necessary, and it is better to first identify the type of pathogen. To do this, they do bacterial inoculation of the biomaterial.

If pathogenic microorganisms linger and actively multiply due to neoplasms (polyps, adenoids), surgical intervention may be necessary. But not in all cases, doctors consider surgery necessary; the decision is made after a full diagnosis, taking into account the likely harm and benefits for the patient.

Simultaneously with treatment of the respiratory system, you need to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the oral cavity so that the infection does not accumulate on the teeth.

Rare causes of halitosis

The smell of rotten breath, which is caused by problems with the kidneys, other organs or Sjögren's syndrome, is very rare. But the possibility of their occurrence cannot be ruled out. That is why, in the absence of diseases of the digestive, respiratory system and diseases of the oral cavity, you need to continue the search for pathology. To establish where putrid breath comes from, identify the cause and build a treatment regimen, the following examinations may be necessary:

  • Urine tests.
  • Ultrasound of internal organs.
  • Diagnosis of the functions of the body glands (salivary, lacrimal).
  • Biopsy of various organs.
  • Immunological examinations.

Temporary halitosis

The causes of putrid breath in adults can be harmless. This is why healthy people may experience temporary halitosis that is not associated with organ diseases:

In these cases, there is no need to worry about bad breath, causes and treatment. But if the symptom does not disappear over time and is accompanied by other abnormalities, you should consult a doctor.

Urgent symptom relief

Any disease that causes sour, rotten breath or the aroma of rotten eggs should be treated. Such diseases cannot be cured overnight; sometimes long-term therapy and special medications are required. But there are situations in life when you need to get rid of the stench urgently, for example, before a date or a business meeting. If your breath stinks, you can:

  • Chew menthol gum.
  • Brush your teeth thoroughly with mint paste and mouthwash.
  • Chew grains of coffee for a few minutes.
  • Rinse your mouth with antibacterial drugs (Chlorhexidine).

All of these methods can only temporarily remove rotten odor from the mouth; the causes of halitosis remain, and after a few hours it returns again. A more effective way to get rid of the smell of rot or rotten eggs in the mouth is to rinse your mouth with disinfectant solutions regularly. To do this, use special pharmaceutical preparations, chamomile decoction. This procedure will not get rid of halitosis immediately, but the effect will be more sustainable.

The causes of bad breath in adults and treatment options for this symptom are incredibly varied. Halitosis can occur in both healthy and sick people, so diagnosis is always necessary. Especially if the aroma is very sharp, purulent, contains impurities of acetone and ammonia, when a bitter taste is added.

If your breath stinks in the morning, it means that a person does not take enough care of his oral cavity. To get rid of the manifestations, you should brush your teeth more thoroughly and use natural and pharmacy mouthwashes more often. For ailments of the internal organs (liver, stomach, pancreas, tonsils, sinuses), you need to carry out full treatment, take prescribed medications and, if necessary, undergo surgery.

Here and now and cause self-doubt in the long term. Especially if you don't know why it appeared.

The condition, well known to doctors as halitosis, can be caused by both minor and. In the latter case, diagnosis and treatment are required, so a visit to a specialist is definitely not possible. On the other hand, if you are sure that everything is in order with your health, here are three things that could have caused everything to happen:

Bacteria in the mouth

Research shows that the most common cause of bad breath is bacterial plaque, especially on the teeth, gums and tongue. And while poor or poor hygiene is often to blame, a common trigger remains dry mouth - the perfect environment for bacteria to thrive and thrive. This also explains the fact that for most people (since saliva production stops during sleep), breathing can hardly be called pleasant.

Disease and medicine

Although this state of affairs is less common compared to the previous reason, it may still work in your case. Extremely bad breath—much worse than normal—could be a sign of lung disease, according to dentist Harold Katz in Medical Daily. In addition, bad breath can be a symptom of respiratory tract infection, inflammation of the tonsils and some other diseases. Plus, in some cases, the side effects of the medications you take as recommended by your doctor can also be associated with bad breath.

Alcohol, cigarettes and diet

Halitosis is often provoked by our bad habits, be it or. Alcohol is known to cause dehydration, but smoking can not only dry out your mouth, but also increase the amount of odor-causing compounds in your body. Nutritionists add that the list of “potentially dangerous” should also include a low-carbohydrate diet + the habit of skipping meals with enviable regularity.

Some foods, such as spices, cabbage and radishes, may also be culprits, reports. So, in any case, you should be very careful about your diet.

How to get rid of bad breath

Speaking about how to get rid of bad breath, it is important to note that if we are talking about a disease, then recommendations should come primarily from your doctor. If the situation is less serious, there are several ways to deal with the problem that are worth trying:

Hygiene habits

Brush your teeth twice a day, using the tongue pad on the back of it. And if possible, use mouthwash after every meal. This is especially important for those who are at risk of bad breath (such as people who wear braces or dentures). Among the obvious recommendations: visit the dentist twice a year and do not forget to change your toothbrush after illness.

Drink more water

In the case of bad breath, the formula works perfectly: the better, the better. We are, of course, talking about clean water without gas, while it is better to exclude sweet soda, which can harm the enamel. Water-rich fruits and vegetables such as apples, cucumbers, celery and carrots will also be a useful addition. They, experts say, can act as an alternative toothbrush, removing food debris stuck between the teeth.

What about chewing gum? This, dentists note, is also a good and universal way of hydration. “The saliva produced during chewing is responsible for reducing bad breath,” says Cassiano Kuchenbecker Rösing, professor at the University of Rio Grande do Sol.

Home Remedies

According to Jennifer Jablow, a cosmetic dentist in New York City, you can chew fresh mint leaves or parsley. She explains that parsley, for example, contains chlorophyll, which prevents the formation of chlorophyll that contributes to unpleasant odors. Ready to move on? You can also make a homemade mouthwash. Dentist Debra Glassman of Glassman Dental Care says a cup of warm water with a tablespoon of baking soda and a few drops of peppermint oil does the job.

Bad breath can nullify the entire impression of a person, even if he looks well-groomed and presentable.

An unpleasant odor from the mouth (in medical terminology, called halitosis) that appears after waking up is a normal phenomenon from a physiological point of view.

The problem is easily solved by ordinary hygiene procedures - thorough brushing of teeth and breathing in order.

Most often, the reason for its appearance is quite banal - the “bouquet” is created by certain foods that a person ate the day before.

However, every fourth inhabitant of the planet suffers from halitosis, which has a completely different nature, and it can be extremely difficult to get rid of such a scourge. All modern means give only short-term results.

You can determine the quality of your breathing yourself in several ways:

  1. Using a spoon– for testing it is better to take a plastic one. Carefully collect the plaque from the far part of the tongue and after a minute evaluate the contents for smell. This way you can not only understand how normal breathing is, but also understand the area of ​​​​localization of pathogenic microorganisms that are the cause of the phenomenon.
  2. Using your wrist– lick the area in this area so that fragments of saliva remain. Mentally count to ten and smell the area being tested. At the same time, it is important to understand that the level of odor that the interlocutor feels will be several times sharper than what you can sense on your own using such a test.
  3. Purchase a special device from a pharmacy chain– calimeter tester. The device will calculate the level of freshness on a five-point scale. It has an external similarity to a breathalyzer.

    In order for the diagnosis to be as accurate as possible, you need to blow on the device several times, and it will give results almost immediately. The principle of its operation is based on the amount of exhaled vapor. This procedure can also be performed at most dental clinics.


As we have already found out earlier, the cause of all troubles lies in the waste products of bacteria - they emit an odor, poisoning the freshness of breath. It remains to determine their nature and places of accumulation.


The most common situation provoked by oral cavity diagnoses. Infectious processes associated with dental pathologies (abscess, anomalies in the eruption of wisdom teeth, advanced manifestations of caries).

All these factors, if not eliminated in time, create optimal conditions for the development of microbes. By actively reproducing, they will “spoil” a person’s breath.

An excellent preventative measure in this case would be regular visits to the dentist, who will identify the problem in time and prescribe treatment.

Periodontal abnormalities can also be responsible for this phenomenon. The smell is very specific and allows a specialist to easily determine its cause, even without resorting to an initial examination of the oral cavity.

Mostly, people of middle and older age groups suffer from periodontal disease. As the disease progresses, the smell will only intensify and take on a sharp, rotting hue.

Bacteria in the mouth

Oral bacteria are the main culprits of all ills associated with the quality of breath. Even if a person has not been diagnosed with any diseases related to teeth or gums, he may still smell bad.

If oral care is not performed properly or regularly, germs become trapped in the hidden corners of the mouth. It won't be long before they become the cause of the diagnoses described above.

Often, poor salivation, the product of which is designed to play the role of a purifier that has a detrimental effect on pathogens, does not cope with its task and is also considered a provoking factor in the development of this anomaly.

Prosthetic structures can also play an important role in the degree of freshness of breath. Bacteria, accumulating in places that are difficult to reach for cleaning products, cause a bad odor.

Other diseases

Bad odor can also be caused by diseases of organs not directly related to the oral cavity:

  1. Airway dysfunction, allergic manifestations contribute to increased flow of mucous fluid from the nasal cavity into the oral part of the body.
  2. Consequences of tonsillitis, tonsillitis, maxillary sinus congestion- unpleasant rotting smell. In this case, bacteria accumulate, mainly in the soft area of ​​the upper palate.
  3. Patients suffering from sinusitis, cannot fully breathe through their nose, and their mouth becomes involved in the process. In this case, the cavity dries out.
  4. Taking anti-inflammatory drugs can also increase dry mucous membranes.
  5. Problems with the digestive system have an extremely negative impact on the freshness of breath. Advanced pathologies of the stomach and intestines will certainly cause a persistent odor that is difficult to correct until the cause of this phenomenon is eliminated. Often accompanying symptoms are heartburn and a characteristic, smelling belch.

A persistent, easily perceptible aroma of ammonia indicates serious kidney problems, and the taste of acetone with a similar odor indicates the development of diabetes.

General factors


A whole list of food products can be attributed to the culprits of bad breath. The notoriety of garlic and onions alone is worth it!

The remains of food during its digestion are first completely absorbed by the body, and then removed from it through the blood arteries. Bad-smelling bacteria penetrate the upper respiratory tract and enter the lungs.

From there they come out through respiratory movements, provoking an odor. The bad odor will disappear spontaneously after a few hours (based on the anatomical features of the structure of the body, this period of time is individual for everyone).

The panacea for this problem is extremely simple - do not consume such products when you are communicating with other people.


Everyone knows the specific “fragrance” exuded by experienced smokers. Despite the fact that this “bouquet” contains several root causes, the main one is nicotine, which is found in high concentrations in tobacco smoke.

During the smoking process, nicotine constantly settles inside the oral cavity - on the cheeks, gums, tongue, giving it an unhealthy, gray tint.

In addition, cigarette smoke severely dehydrates and dries out the mucous membranes. Natural disinfection is not carried out fully; saliva does not neutralize bacteria well and removes food particles, which often causes periodontal tissue.

Poor quality care products

The reasons for the development of halitosis can be very commonplace. Regular use of low-quality care products during hygiene procedures (bad or old toothbrush, cheap toothpaste that does not perform its intended functions) does not have the best effect on the sanitary condition of the oral cavity.

The causes of halitosis and its treatment are described in more detail in the video.

Methods of disposal

An unpleasant odor is a delicate problem and many people do not like to talk about it, trying to solve it without outside help. In some cases this is possible.

But, if the reason is serious diagnoses of problems in the functioning of internal organs, then it is impossible to do without competently selected treatment.

Until the source of the anomaly is eliminated, the situation cannot be corrected.

A lot has already been said about oral hygiene, but, nevertheless, it is the regular implementation of these simple rules that can get rid of this scourge (if, of course, everything is in order with your health).

You should not skimp on products to help keep this important organ clean. The choice of modern and practical accessories that will become reliable assistants in the fight for cleanliness is quite large.

They are specially designed for high-quality care and cleansing of soft and hard tissues, where bacteria most often accumulate. Tongue scrapers, flosses, ultrasonic brushes, dental floss and rinses.

A large assortment of toothpastes will not only help keep your teeth in order, but will also have a healing effect as a complex therapeutic agent.

It is worth adding that the frequency of hygienic manipulations with bad breath should be more often than in the normal state.

Folk recipes

Traditional medicine is a symptomatic treatment of the pathology of unpleasant odor. While its causes are being clarified and general therapy is being carried out, there is no need to waste time.

We need to help the body with simple, practice-tested ways to combat this problem.

Let's consider the most effective means that show persistent positive dynamics from the first days of use:

  • Anise seeds. After waking up, eat a handful of anise seeds or sugar-coated nuts - these foods produce an oily enzyme that blocks odors. Your breath will remain fresh for several hours.
  • A mixture of salt and vegetable oil– combine the components in a 1:2 ratio, mix thoroughly and rinse twice a day, trying to keep the mixture in your mouth for a while. After the procedure, do not eat or drink for at least 30 minutes. The result is 3-4 days after the start of treatment.
  • Ginger- an affordable way to control the situation outside the walls of the house. It is enough just to carry powdered ginger root with you and consume half a teaspoon of it after meals, slowly dissolving it in your mouth. Ginger perfectly neutralizes odors almost immediately.
  • Wormwood decoction. Pour boiling water over two tablespoons of dry herb, leave for half an hour and strain twice. Rinse several times a day. Well refreshes and disinfects the surface of soft tissues.
  • Medicinal collection. Take equal quantities of chamomile flowers, nettle leaf, birch leaf, St. John's wort and oak bark. Brew and drink like tea. It helps well in situations where the pathology is caused by gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Mint and lemon– add a little lemon juice to the pharmacy mint tincture. Use as a rinse aid. The product strengthens the gums and refreshes;
  • Sorrel– dilute fresh leaves of the plant in half with water. During the cooking process, avoid contact with metal objects. Rinse as needed. Pronounced, lasting effect after just a few procedures.

Quick ways to refresh

To quickly eliminate the odor:

  • fresh parsley;
  • fennel seeds;
  • coffee beans – just chew a couple of them and your breath will become noticeably fresher;
  • tinctures of bay leaf (as a last resort, you can simply chew it - the procedure is not very pleasant, but the result is noticeable);
  • the use of refreshing industrial products - sprays, rinses, mint drops, chewing gum.

Watch the video about methods of getting rid of bad breath.


Once you have gotten rid of such a problem, you should not neglect its prevention, this way you can avoid repeated relapses.

Preventive measures include:

  • the use of special moisturizers for soft mucous tissue– the products will eliminate dryness and normalize moisture exchange in the oral cavity;
  • timely treatment of diseases, preventing them from becoming chronic;
  • correction of nutrition in favor of natural products, vitamins and easily digestible foods;
  • drinking enough water;
  • giving up bad habits- alcohol, nicotine addiction.

What they are shy about and what they don’t ask about directly. Why does my breath smell? A persistent unpleasant odor, scientifically called halitosis, can be the cause not only of poor personal hygiene or recent consumption of garlic, but also of serious diseases that cannot be eradicated by taking mint chewing gum.

Possible reasons

Let's look at the main reasons:

  1. Diseases of the oral cavity and mucous membranes: caries, pulpitis, periodontal disease, stomatitis, diseases of the salivary glands. The root causes of such diseases are often the incorrect use of a toothbrush; sometimes regular brushing of teeth twice a day is not enough.
  2. Inflammation of the nasopharynx, Oddly enough, they can also become reasons. Among them: sinusitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, lung abscess (smell of rot).
  3. Dry mouth. It can be caused by various factors: constant use of medications (tranquilizers, diuretics), excessive mouth breathing, or a disease called xerostomia.
  4. Impaired functioning of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract: esophageal diverticulum, colitis, gastritis, ulcers (accompanied by a sour odor).
  5. Diabetes mellitus. The specific smell of acetone is a manifestation of diabetes.
  6. Diets. Due to cleansing the body of waste and toxins in the first days of the diet, your breath smells bad. After cleansing the body, the stench disappears.
  7. Range of products: meat, fish, milk, cheese, eggs, seafood, onions, garlic, legumes, nuts, coffee. You should reconsider your diet, limit the consumption of the listed products, increase the amount of plant foods: fruits, vegetables.
  8. Stable smoking and alcohol consumption. Want fresh breath? Give up cigarettes and alcohol.

How to assess the presence of odor

They greet you by their clothes. The catchphrase applies not only to the things a person wears, but also to his entire appearance, including bad breath. Often people do not realize that their breath smells bad. He is so used to it that he doesn’t feel it, although it is unpleasant for those around him. In this case, it is difficult to assess its presence. There are several ways to determine it:

  1. Ask a friend or close relative. The method works if you don’t feel embarrassed asking something like this.
  2. Place your palm parallel to your lips, make a maximum control exhalation and immediately draw in air.
  3. If the first two methods do not help, you have the following options. Do a trick with a spoon. Take it, lick it, leave it for a couple of minutes and smell it.
  4. You can do a similar thing with your wrist - spit a little on the skin, let it dry and smell your wrist.
  5. Take a plastic jar, exhale into it and seal it with a lid. Let sit for 5 minutes, open and check for freshness.
  6. There is a special device, a halimeter, that records the sulfur content in a person’s exhaled air. The cost of such a device is not cheap, it is approximately 6,000 rubles.

With such simple options you can easily check for bad amber.

Suspecting bad breath, we do not run to the doctor for advice; we chew chewing gum, spray a mouth freshener or rinse with a special liquid. But chewing gum will not defeat the disease; moreover, it can lead to disruption of the microflora of the cavity; let’s consider several treatment approaches.

Which doctor should I contact?

If problems arise, first contact your dentist. The doctor will conduct an examination, determine the cause of the disease, remove tartar if present, perform hygienic cleaning, and explain the rules for using a toothbrush. If the diagnosis cannot be established by the dentist, he will refer the patient for further examination and identification of the causes.

Drug treatment

Let's present a list of commonly prescribed drugs in the clinic. However, let us say that it is not advisable to take them without a doctor’s prescription.

  1. CB12. It is a liquid for rinsing the cavity. Acts as an antiseptic, fights microbes, prevents caries, and strengthens tooth enamel. Approved for use from 14 years of age. Rinsing twice a day is sufficient. Allowed to take for a maximum of three weeks. The downside of this product is that after taking it, the smell returns again. This remedy is more preventive and does not eliminate the cause.
  2. Septogal. It is an antimicrobial agent. Produced as lozenges. You are allowed to take up to eight tablets per day.
  3. Asepta balm or medicinal paste. Used for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity. The drug is based on propolis. Freshens breath, reduces bleeding gums. After applying the balm, do not eat for the first half hour. Apply 2 times a day. Please note that using the balm does not replace cleaning with a regular toothpaste.
  4. Kamistad. Reduces gum pain and fights bacteria. Recommended for people who have recently received dentures as a pain reliever, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  5. Metrogil Denta. Dental gel treats gum inflammation, stomatitis, and periodontal disease. Duration of treatment is 10 days.

The list can be continued endlessly depending on the cause of the disease, but it is better to consult a doctor for a prescription.

Folk remedies

For minor illnesses, with the permission of a doctor, you can resort to traditional medicine; in this case, teas and infusions are mainly used.

  1. Add a quarter teaspoon of salt to a glass of warm water, stir, and rinse the cavity.
  2. Take a mug of water with a spoon of apple cider vinegar 15 minutes before meals.
  3. Rinse with water and lemon juice.
  4. Crush fresh mint in a mortar or chop finely, pour boiling water over it, leave for a day. Drink like tea. Similar actions can be done with the leaves of sage, wormwood, and white alder.
  5. Pour 6 chamomile flowers into a glass of water and cook until boiling in a water bath. Cool and use as a rinse solution.
  6. Pour vegetable oil into a teaspoon, pour it into your mouth, but do not swallow, rinse in your mouth for one minute, then spit it out and rinse with water.
  7. Alcohol tincture of St. John's wort. Pour the tincture into a glass of water; the number of drops is equal to the age of the person who will be rinsing.
  8. Mix a three percent solution of hydrogen peroxide with water in equal parts and rinse.
  9. Oxalis juice diluted in water also reduces the amber.

Breath freshening products

If you need emergency help fighting odor, the following products will help:

  1. Green tea.
  2. Clove bud (chew).
  3. Anise seeds. Chew them on an empty stomach in the morning.
  4. Menthol.
  5. Apple. Cleans teeth from plaque and removes stench.
  6. Basil leaves.
  7. Orange.
  8. Pear.
  9. Melon.
  10. Watermelon.
  11. Parsley.
  12. Celery.
  13. Yogurt.
  14. Sorrel.
  15. Spinach.
  16. Tea with a spoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon.

In order to prevent amber, sometimes it is enough to follow simple rules, and the problem will bypass you:

  1. Brush your teeth thoroughly, not twice a day, but every time after eating.
  2. Use dental floss.
  3. Rinse with regular warm water.
  4. An equally important feature is cleaning the tongue. Few people focus on such cleaning, but with its help you can prevent halitosis. Bacteria accumulate on the surface of the tongue and form or. Now there are special toothbrushes with a double surface, one of them for the tongue or scrapers. Clean your tongue, starting from root to tip, first one half, then the other.
  5. See your dentist periodically.

Video about the reasons for the appearance of amber

You can learn more about why your breath smells by watching the video:

The problem of bad breath is a private issue and is rarely talked about out loud. Smart clothes and a well-groomed appearance will not save you at an important meeting if your breathing is not in order. Now we have figured out why your breath stinks. Don’t neglect the advice and check the availability of amber now. We are happy to help in this delicate matter.



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