Military unit 1257. Birthday of the Mozyr border detachment

first Wednesday of the month from 8.00 to 13.00
Pre-registration for an appointment is carried out by the head of the personnel department, Lieutenant Colonel Smirnov Mikhail Sergeevich

Gomel region, Mozyr district, settlement Prudok, military unit 1257, office No. 112
working landline phone: +375 236 21-79-45
work internal telephone: 133

Lieutenant Colonel Kim Alexander Valerievich

third Wednesday of the month from 8.00 to 13.00

Pre-registration for an appointment is made by the head of the analytical activities department, Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Ivanovich Borey.

Gomel region, Mozyr district, settlement Prudok, military unit 1257, office No. 214

work internal telephone: 131

Colonel Ruto Pavel Alexandrovich

fourth Wednesday from 8.00 to 13.00

Pre-registration for an appointment is carried out by the head of the personnel department, Lieutenant Colonel Smirnov Mikhail Sergeevich

Gomel region, Mozyr district, settlement Prudok, military unit 1257, office No. 217
working landline phone: +375 236 21-79-45
work internal telephone: 133

Colonel Tereshchuk Ruslan Vasilievich

second Wednesday of the month from 8.00 to 13.00

Pre-registration for an appointment is made by the head of the procurement and organizational planning department, Lieutenant Colonel Viktor Viktorovich Shpak

Gomel region, Mozyr district, settlement Prudok, military unit 1257, headquarters No. 2

Work landline phone: +375 236 21-79-08
work internal telephone: 132

Colonel Glukhov Oleg Vladimirovich

fifth (fourth - if there is no fifth Wednesday in the month) Wednesday from 8.00 to 13.00

Pre-registration for an appointment is carried out by the head of the department of sensitive and secret activities, Major Repin Yuri Vladimirovich

Gomel region, Mozyr district, settlement Prudok, military unit 1257, office No. 202

Work landline phone: +375 236 21-79-37
work internal telephone: 111

“Direct telephone lines” with the population from 9.00 to 12.00 are carried out monthly:

  • Head of the border detachment
    Colonel Eybatov Oleg Anatolyevich
    second Saturday of the month by phone +375 236 21-79-32;
  • First Deputy Head of the Border Detachment
    Lieutenant Colonel Kim Alexander Valerievich
    fourth Saturday of the month by phone +375 236 21-79-11;
  • Deputy Head of the Border Detachment for Ideological Work and Personnel Support
    Colonel Ruto Pavel Alexandrovich
    third Saturday of the month by phone +375 236 21-79-15 or +375 236 21-79-04;
  • Deputy Head of the Border Detachment for Logistics
    Colonel Tereshchuk Ruslan Vasilievich
    first Saturday of the month by phone +375 236 21-79-16;
  • Deputy Head of the Border Detachment for Regime and Organizational Support
    Colonel Glukhov Oleg Vladimirovich
    fifth Saturday (fourth - if there is no fifth Saturday in the month) of the month by phone +375 236 21-75-17.

Heads of structural divisions:

  • Head of the State Border Protection Department - first Thursday of the month by phone +375 236 21-79-06;
  • Head of the Border Control Department - first Wednesday of the month by phone +375 236 21-79-07;
  • Head of the ideological work department - second Thursday of the month by phone +375 236 21-79-37 (through the communications officer of the military unit);
  • Head of Human Resources - first Tuesday of the month by phone +375 236 21-79-45;
  • Head of the Recruitment and Personnel Accounting Department - second Tuesday of the month by phone +375 236 21-79-46;
  • Head of the weapons department - second Tuesday of the month by phone +375 236 21-79-28;
  • Head of the Logistics Department - the fourth Monday of the month by phone +375-236-21-79-37 (through the communications officer of the military unit);
  • Head of the medical service - second Tuesday of the month by phone +375 236 21-79-37 (through the communications officer of the military unit);
  • Head of the Financial Department - second Tuesday of the month by phone +375 236 33-77-29;
A hotline in Minsk operates 24 hours a day on issues related to crossing the state border. +375 17 216-26-12, as well as a “helpline” +375 17 265-90-08.

Yesterday evening the Mozyr border detachment began protecting the border. The detachment was created on the basis of the Prudok border service department of the Gomel border group. In his area of ​​responsibility is a section of the Belarusian-Ukrainian border with a length of more than 370 kilometers, including about 48 kilometers of water. On the territory of the unit, the birthday was celebrated with a solemn rally.
The birthday of the new military unit - the Mozyr border detachment - was celebrated according to army canons: restrained, solemn, patriotic, precise and with a soldier's bearing, to the sounds of the anthem. At the solemn meeting, congratulations from the Chairman of the State Border Committee Leonid Maltsev were read out.
Pavel Ruto, deputy commander of military unit 1257 for ideological work and personnel support, reads out: “From the very first days, you are required to carry out tasks at the highest level; maximum dedication and mobilization of the forces of the entire military collective are required.”
The head of the district administration, Evgeniy Adamenko, congratulated the Mozyr residents on the day of the formation of the new military unit, the border detachment servicemen and, one might say, fellow countrymen.
Evgeniy Adamenko, chairman of the Mozyr district executive committee, says: “Your task is important and complex. Both in bad weather and in bad weather, you defend the borders of our homeland. We will do everything to ensure that your living conditions are created first. I wish you successful service and high ranks. Good morning."
The rally became an occasion not only to congratulate, but also to reward with medals and new titles. There are military personnel in the unit who began serving at a time when the border structure was just emerging. By the way, the first border guards appeared in the Mozyr region in 1997. Since then, the structure has evolved from a commandant's office, after the Prudok border service department, and now it is a full-fledged military unit - the Mozyr border detachment.
Another modern tradition is that clergy are invited to such events. Today, the church and the army are establishing centuries-old ties that were lost during Soviet times. Says Priest Sergei Kapitan, clergyman of St. Michael's Cathedral: “We in the church offer our prayers to God, asking that the Lord protect and protect our Republic of Belarus.”
One of the reasons for the creation of a new border agency is the large length of the state border (about 670 km), located in the area of ​​responsibility of the Gomel Border Group. This is the largest area among those guarded by Belarusian border troops. And this created certain difficulties in resolving operational issues, as well as in general in managing service units located hundreds of kilometers from Gomel. And the current structural changes will allow us to take border security to a qualitatively new level. This is especially relevant now, in light of the difficult situation in neighboring Ukraine.

Victoria Sinitskaya, Oleg Fitzner

In the feature film “Time Has Chosen Us,” one officer asks: “What is the Motherland?” The other one answers him: “And this is what they are – women, children, old people.” These shots and dialogue came to mind on the way to the Mozyr border detachment. You can’t just get there, so you had to issue a pass. A few days of waiting - and the treasured official document is completed. The chairman of the Mozyr organizational structure of DOSAAF, Anatoly CHUBUKOV, kindly agreed to take me to the detachment.

Anatoly Vasilyevich is a reserve lieutenant colonel, he spent about 30 years serving the border. After graduating from the border military-political school in Golitsyno, Moscow region, he served on the Iranian border, where he was deputy chief, then head of the outpost. In Belarus he served as head of the Moldevichi border control department of the Polotsk border detachment, then in the Mozyr region. On the list of veteran border guards of the Mozyr region, Anatoly Chubukov is number one. He is the first commandant of the regional border commandant's office, which was later transformed into a border service department. By the decision of the head of state of November 18, 2014, a border detachment was created on the basis of this department, where we headed.

Having passed the large and well-maintained settlement of Prudok, we turn right and drive past a beautiful man-made lake, pleasing the eye with its blue mirror surface. Everything around is very beautiful. This is my first time here, and the places seem familiar and familiar: this country road, these fields and oak groves seem to be written in your heart and bring you untold joy. “This is a simple feeling of homeland,” flashes through my head, “without deliberate grandeur and ostentatious patriotism. It's hard to put into words. It is simply born in the heart and lives in us, resounds in us and is necessary for us, like a breath of fresh air, like a favorite job, everyday life and holidays”...

And finally we arrive at the Mozyr border detachment, military unit 1257. The length of the protected area is more than 380 kilometers. It is located on the territory of three border districts: Lelchitsky, Narovlyansky and Elsky. The detachment is in charge of the interstate automobile checkpoints "Alexandrovka" and "Glushkevichi", international checkpoints: automobile - "Novaya Rudnya", railway - "Slovechno". There are also “green outposts” in the border zone. Previously, on the Belarusian-Ukrainian section there were so-called goat trails, known to smugglers. Now this is not the case. There is order and vigilant control everywhere. The border guards are helped by the local population - people understand that the peace and safety of their families depend on their vigilance and attention.

Belarus is a transit country, and the border is of great importance in its life. It has always been and remains the subject of criminal attacks by citizens engaged in illegal activities. Here, in the south, there is the Belarusian-Ukrainian borderland, and it’s just a stone’s throw from the state border. Because of problems in a neighboring state, weapons, drugs and illegal migrants could pour into us. But the border is locked, and the people who guard it are in excellent fighting shape. For them, figuratively speaking, even a fly cannot fly through the cordon.

...Upon arrival we are met by the head of the detachment, the commander of the unit, Colonel Oleg Eybatov, and the deputy chief for ideological work, Lieutenant Colonel Pavel Ruto. In his younger years, Oleg Eybatov was drafted into the army as a conscript, and for 26 years now he has been coping with the difficult tasks of a serviceman with dignity. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the border uniform suits everyone, and the proud posture and impeccable bearing indicate that before us are special people, those who are entrusted with the borders of the Motherland. By the way, over the years of sovereignty the country has significantly modernized border security. Not only the emblem on the uniform has changed (instead of “Border Troops” - “Border Service”), but also the nature of the work of military personnel in green caps, who protect our borders like the apple of their eye. The border service is equipped with modern types of weapons, equipment, and special technical means that ensure the successful completion of combat missions. This is what I wanted to know in more detail. But, realizing that there are subtleties and secrets that are inaccessible even to journalists, I am first interested in how things are going in the military unit with automotive technical support and road safety.


We go to the vehicle park of the unit where the equipment is concentrated. The head of the weapons department, Major Sergei Yakovlev, notes:

– We constantly receive new cars of both domestic and foreign production. As a result, the availability of this equipment allows our military unit to provide reliable protection of the state border. The fleet consists of vehicles that have been in operation for no more than 10 years. As for road safety, close attention is paid to this issue. Our unit has the position of head of the traffic police and military aviation service, who is senior lieutenant Vitaly Kazersky. He is currently on a business trip, so I will briefly talk about the work being done in this direction. First of all, this is work on the routes of our unit’s vehicles, checking documents and technical serviceability of the vehicle. We work closely with representatives of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Mozyr District Executive Committee on issues of traffic safety for military personnel. We pay great attention to improving the professional level of drivers and for this purpose we conduct traffic rules classes with them, take tests, and hold uniform road safety days.

Mandatory activities include conducting classes with those who have committed traffic violations both on official and personal vehicles. In addition, we carry out state technical inspection of military units’ vehicles and do a lot of work to prevent road accidents. This includes showing video materials on preventing people from driving while intoxicated, bringing information to personnel about road accidents committed in the Republic of Belarus, and outreach work on traffic rules (making visual propaganda and much more).

On the territory of the vehicle park we talk with the driver of the logistics center, Corporal Ivan Goncharevich - a tall, slender, fit border guard. He is originally from Mozyr. He began his path to army life at the Training Center of the Border Troops of the Republic in Dzerzhinsk, where he went through a good growing up school and received the specialty of a military driver.

“My comrades and I are in a cheerful mood, we are always mobile and ready to carry out the tasks facing us,” Ivan said in a conversation. “I’m proud to serve on the border.” This is very honorable. There is a special atmosphere of mutual assistance, support and strict discipline here. The concepts of vigilance and responsibility for the borders of the Motherland are not just words for us, but unshakable traditions of many generations of border guards.

Ivan Goncharevich has 9 months left to serve, but he has become so accustomed to the army team that he is thinking of staying to serve here under a contract, as some of his comrades did. Senior technician of the Slovechno military industrial complex, senior warrant officer Oleg Adamovsky, for example, has been serving under a contract for several years. Oleg Nikolaevich is engaged in transporting personnel on a MAZ-2456 bus. Technician warrant officer Sergei Parkhomenko is also a contract soldier. At one time he was a cadet at the Mozyr driving school

DOSAAF, where I received my driver's license. Satisfied with the service, he is a disciplined and responsible specialist in his field.

On the territory of the car park there is a gas station, where Irina Uzarevich is in charge. Young, pretty and energetic, she, like the heroine of the film “Queen of the Gas Station”, creates a good mood, there is always positivity around her. Irina has been working in a military unit for a year and a half and is, as she proudly said, the wife of an officer. Her husband, Major Dmitry Uzarevich, is the head of the border detachment’s communications department. So the young family of border guards is always together: in life, in service, and in work.


Life today poses serious challenges in the field of education and training of the younger generation. The state needs healthy, courageous, courageous, proactive, disciplined and competent people who are ready to study and work for the good of the Fatherland and, if necessary, stand up for its defense. We have already talked about the creation of military-patriotic classes with a border focus in Mozyr schools. Border guards are already thinking about their replacement today. Indicative in this regard are the unique master classes as part of pre-conscription training conducted by military personnel for high school students in the city. One of them took place at the stadium of the 12th school, which for some time turned into an impromptu section of the border. Teacher-officers introduced teenagers to the nuances of service and emphasized practice rather than theory. It’s one thing to shoot in computer games, it’s another thing to see and touch real military weapons, try on camouflage items, special equipment, and communicate on the radio. It was a kind of military PR, but it made an indelible impression on many boys. Of course: searching for an attacker by following the tracks, the ability to navigate by the stars, inspecting a car, calling an alarm group using a signal flare - these are the subtleties of the border guard profession that children dream of today. And even if they haven’t mastered the step yet, they already have a sense of purpose, and the dreams of those who are persistent come true.


The everyday life of border guards is not easy. The main efforts in the Mozyr border detachment are aimed at preventing crime, suppressing illegal migration, smuggling channels and improving the combat training of employees. The detachment consists of professional dog handlers who know their job down to the last detail. Therefore, it is not for nothing that the border troops are called the shield of the state.

In addition to everyday life, the defenders of borders also have holidays in the broad sense of the word. A holiday for the soul of the personnel of the Mozyr border detachment is the military orchestra, which, figuratively speaking, can be called the highlight of military unit 1257. Its conductor Artem Patsino graduated from the Molodechno Music College named after. M.K. Oginsky in the saxophone class. Having received a diploma from an educational institution, he was called up to serve in the Smorgon border detachment in a military orchestra. After a certain time, Artem Valentinovich became a contract soldier. In 2013, the Smorgon border detachment was reorganized, the musical group moved to Minsk and became the main military orchestra of the border service.

Talented people are noticed everywhere and given the opportunity for creative growth. This happened with the young saxophonist Artem Patsino: during the formation of the Mozyr border detachment, he was offered the position of head of a military orchestra, and he gladly accepted and moved from Minsk to Mozyr.

“Our repertoire is as diverse as possible,” says the conductor. – This is jazz, march music and works of Soviet composers. The orchestra has many talented musicians who demonstrate high performing skills and feel music with both heart and soul. The leaders of our musical group, whose staff is 13 people, are trumpeter Denis Svirsky (first trumpet), foreman of the military orchestra tuba player Yaroslav Maryankov and others. We also have a girl sergeant, a wonderful performer Arina Pashkina, who plays the clarinet.

The head of the Mozyr border detachment, commander of military unit 1257, Colonel Oleg Eybatov, provided the orchestra and its conductor with the opportunity for formation and creative growth. The results that the musicians have achieved in performing skills are encouraging. 8 groups took part in the review-competition of military bands in Grodno, and Mozyr took fourth place. This is not bad at all, considering that the orchestra is only one year old. How can one not recall the words from Bulat Okudzhava’s song: “Hope is a small orchestra led by love”:

When suddenly
the still unclear voice of the trumpets,
Words are like night hawks
escape from hot lips;
Melody like random rain
thunders and wanders among people,
Hope little orchestra
governed by love.

When there is love for music, for life, for people, for children, then what is happening around seems significant and filled with a special meaning. Indeed, everything flows under the control of love and is illuminated with rays of hope for the future. The military band lives with the hope of achieving even greater success. Musicians have an increased interest in fashion shows and drill repertoire. You should see how they do it! The border detachment lives in the interests of the country and is always ready to take decisive action to suppress threats to its security. By the way, in the “Drill song of the Mozyr border detachment,” the text of which was written by the former first deputy commander of the war,

military unit 1257, Colonel Igor Mikheev (now he is the first deputy head of the Brest border group), there are the following lines:

And let the enemy of the Motherland not hope,
He won't succeed
Here, in Mozyr, it became
border detachment -
The border is securely covered!



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