Varicose veins psychosomatics - causes of the disease. Psychosomatics and varicose veins: the relationship according to Hay and Sinelnikov How the mechanism of the disease is triggered

Varicose veins are unlikely to surprise anyone due to its wide distribution among people. Therefore, patients prefer not to notice the symptoms of varicose veins until the need for treatment becomes obvious.

There are much more terrible diseases, but varicose veins, if left untreated, can have serious consequences in the form of a severe deterioration in the patient’s well-being and a decrease in the quality of life.

As you know, venous disease is primarily swollen, deformed veins protruding onto the surface of the skin, colored purple, blue or brown.

The reasons for the appearance of varicose veins are not only physiological, but also psychosomatic, that is, arising “in the head.”

From history

It has long been known that diseases appear “out of nowhere,” without any negative environmental influences.

This phenomenon was first recorded by the ancient Greeks and was subsequently revealed in the scientific works of scientists as being of Russian origin (for example, I.I.

Pavlov), and foreign (S. Freud, F. Alexander).

According to the consensus of research scientists, an unstable internal state and prolonged negative emotions can provoke the onset of a disease in the body without any external reasons. So, varicose veins - what is its psychosomatics?

It has long been established that the interaction of the body’s internal vital systems is “guided” by the brain. Thus, the opinion that in many cases the onset of the disease was provoked by psychology is completely justified.


If varicose veins appear, the psychosomatics of its occurrence may have several prerequisites.

Psychological causes of diseases:

  • Nervous unrest, stressful conditions.
  • Tension in the body, lack of rest that relaxes the soul and body.
  • Protracted internal confrontation, conflict of desires and motivations of the individual.
  • Exposure to negative emotions such as anger, hatred, and pathological fears for a long period.
  • Stagnation (psychological stagnation), that feeling when a person stops fighting for the quality of life and lets everything take its course.

All these conditions can cause a person, concentrating on his difficulties, to not feel the joy of being, and a positive outlook on life is replaced by a negative one.

Being constantly in a state of negativity, denial of beauty, seeing everything in black, can provoke the development of a number of diseases, not all of which can subsequently be completely cured.

It is possible to determine that the veins in the legs hurt “due to nervousness” only after a full-fledged medical examination and the establishment of the relationship between what happened in the patient’s life and the onset of the disease.

In addition, many themselves do not strive to restore a healthy psychological climate in the environment where they exist; they are drawn into a negative swamp of experiences and enjoy the feeling of self-pity.

And the result is obvious - the body, accustomed to constantly worrying, ceases to resist the influence of external painful factors (viruses, epidemics), healthy self-control is lost and very specific diseases arise, including spider veins on the legs.

How the disease mechanism starts

Let's say negative changes occur in the life of a particular individual.

This can be either troubles at the place of work or family conflicts.

In the “hotbed” of confrontation, a person feels bad, he is unhappy there, and a completely natural desire would be to quickly escape from the stress zone.

In addition, it is obvious that you don’t want to go where everything is bad and difficult; your legs seem to refuse to carry your body in the seemingly desired direction. Because of these reasons and factors, a problem arises in the area of ​​the lower extremities, “settling” specifically on the legs.

The internal blood flow of the body is a continuous activity, forward movement. If this does not happen in life, expect stagnation. This rule always works, including with regard to the health of the veins in the legs, which react acutely to the psycho-emotional state of the body.

The constant movement and exchange of energy disappears - stagnation of blood appears in the veins, they quickly become deformed, their walls become brittle and atonic.
For many venous patients, the phrase “psychosomatics - varicose veins” is not empty words, but a completely life-like situation.

In the majority of people suffering from venous disease, its development began with prolonged suppression of feelings and emotions, prolonged stressful situations, and emotional struggle between what is desired and what is necessary.

Is there a way out of the situation?

Of course, if varicose veins are already present, it needs to be dealt with comprehensively, under the supervision of a phlebologist. Prescriptions will most likely include ointments, tablets and physical therapy. Or maybe even surgery will be required.

However, in order for the healing process to go faster, the patient should think about what is going wrong in his life, what is the psychosomatics of varicose veins in the legs?

Take control of all areas of your life:

  1. Family relationships. Tired of constant conflicts with your family? Take measures to resolve them, do not hesitate to use the help of a family psychologist. If it becomes obvious that peaceful coexistence is impossible, maybe it’s worth changing your place of residence and/or environment?
  2. You don’t know what you would like to achieve, you’ve left everything to chance, you’ve long forgotten what the joy of life means? And here a psychologist can help! Don't be afraid to try something new in different ways, to reveal your inner abilities, desires, and potential.
  3. Professional activities. Are you satisfied with what you have to do for a living? If your job has turned into hell and you have no desire to go to it for a very long time, then try to change it. Perhaps you should think about changing your profession? Don't waste time, make every effort to make your work a joy. After all, there is only one life, and it goes by so quickly!


A long time ago, someone unknown said: “Don’t stop arranging your life until it starts to suit you.”

Let this principle become decisive in your life, because it is much better to establish harmony in all its spheres than to be content with a dull existence, noting with regret all new negative changes.

All-round harmony to you! And be healthy!


Psychosomatics of varicose veins

If a person has varicose veins, the psychosomatics of this disease should be taken into account when treating the disease.

Psychosomatics studies the influence of mental state on physical (somatic) diseases, which often arise due to stress, a sharp surge of negative emotions.

Just as feeling good affects your mood, your mood can have a positive or negative effect on your health.

This fully applies to varicose veins. Varicose veins are a common disease, and the number of identified cases is constantly growing.

Causes of varicose veins

People between the ages of 25 and 40 are most susceptible to varicose veins. These are active working people who are exposed to stress both at work and for personal reasons.

Women are especially susceptible to varicose veins. The appearance of spider veins, and especially venous “clusters” on the legs, worsens the appearance and serves as an additional irritating factor.

The gait changes, the woman feels insecure.

But stress does not always lead to varicose veins. For a disease to occur, a combination of several factors is necessary. Those at risk are those who:

  1. Any hormonal changes in the body associated with puberty, menopause, and pregnancy occur.
  2. There is a hereditary predisposition.
  3. Due to physical activity or for another reason, the pressure on the walls of the venous trunks increases.
  4. Metabolic processes in the body are disrupted.

The combination of these factors with constant mental stress and depression can lead to the development of varicose veins. The main reason is the inability to influence an undesirable situation. Psychological causes of persistent stress are:

  • negative attitude towards one's own work;
  • constant moral pressure;
  • unsettled personal life;
  • lack of confidence in the future.

Of course, the causes of the disease are not limited to psychological factors. Varicose veins develop against the background of:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • alcohol abuse, smoking, excessive coffee consumption, which lead to an increase in the size of blood vessels;
  • high blood sugar, excess cholesterol, prolonged inflammatory processes in the body;
  • flat feet;
  • impaired blood flow due to tight clothing;
  • frequent constipation;
  • excess body weight.

Varicose veins affect not only the lower extremities. Vein dilatation can occur in the esophagus, in the spermatic cord. However, varicose veins of the legs occur most often.


Humanity discovered the connection between the emergence and development of chronic diseases and mental state a long time ago.

Socrates called for looking for the causes of illness in the human psyche. “You cannot treat the body without treating the soul,” he said.

The famous healer of the past, Hippocrates, called for viewing the human body as a single whole.

Eastern medicine considers varicose veins to be a disease of cold that descends into the lower extremities.

Indian Ayurveda gives numerous advice on nutrition and therapeutic exercises to combat the manifestations of this disease.

In the Ayurvedic tradition, the cause of the disease is the suppression of anger and discontent.

So modern medicine has not made the discovery that the cause of body diseases lies in psychological ill-being. This direction is especially important because science is not yet able to answer the question of what comes first: illness of the body or illness of the soul.

How to overcome the disease

The methods of treatment of varicose veins offered today eliminate the deformation of the vessel or even the affected area itself. The most commonly used procedures are:

  • sclerotherapy - drug reduction of the lumen of the vein;
  • laser coagulation - closes the lumen of the vessel using a light guide inserted into the vein;
  • surgical intervention - the affected area of ​​the vein or the entire vein is removed.

All these methods influence the course of the disease, help restore performance, but do not exclude the further development of the disease. For complete treatment, it is necessary to eliminate the causes leading to the occurrence and development of varicose veins.

Elimination of psychological causes

Negative psychological factors leading to damage to the vascular system largely depend on a person’s personal perception. Confident people who look forward with optimism are less susceptible to the disease.

Circumstances leading to long-term stress are not always within a person’s control. But the attitude towards them may be different.

First of all, you need to change what can be adjusted. Change your unloved job, find an exciting activity that will become an outlet in a life full of worries and work.

It is impossible to completely change your character at your own request, stop being a pessimist, or get rid of shyness. But it is possible and necessary to work in this direction.

One of the effective ways to solve the problem is auto-training. Special exercises have been developed to increase self-confidence. Don't neglect them. Auto-training will help you relax, calm down and look at your problems from the outside.

Psychologists who specifically study the problem give a lot of advice on how to turn the situation around, stop worrying about trifles, and learn to look soberly at the source of stress.

Many experts directly associate a psychosomatic illness with the stress that caused it. For example, a sore throat means that a person does not want to talk about something.

Heaviness in the legs is associated with a reluctance to go to a job you don’t like or to a dysfunctional home.

It is important not to relive what has already happened over and over again. We must accept this as a given and move on with our lives.


Psychosomatic causes of varicose veins in the legs

Psychosomatics of varicose veins according to the book by Valery SelnikovDepression and dissatisfaction with life can cause varicose veinsPsychosomatics of varicose veins

Psychosomatic teachings interpret in their own way the causes of various human diseases, taking into account the person’s emotional state, fears, stress, and internal disagreement with oneself. Psychosomatics of varicose veins will allow you to identify the provocateurs of the disease and find the right solution to get out of the problem situation.

Causes of varicose veins from a psychosomatic point of view

Doctors say that the cause of many diseases is a negative psychological reaction, which provokes disturbances in the functioning of any system of the body, the same applies to the manifestations of the disease - varicose veins.

Psychosomatics of varicose veins

The causes of psychosomatic disorders are:

  • Psychological trauma, frequent worries, fear, hatred, anger;
  • Internal motivational conflict (dissatisfaction with oneself, one’s actions, etc.);
  • Conflict of motives that causes the patient's depression.

A stress factor triggers negative emotions that suppress a person on a psychological level, causing various kinds of diseases.

Legs are movement, stability, support; if such factors are absent, there is no joy in life, there is no desire to move forward - localized dilation of veins (varicose veins) appears.

Varicose veins are a symptom of loneliness: a person has forgotten about his true purpose, has stopped developing, for him life is a prison where there is no hope and freedom. Such psychological problems affect the somatic system - there is stagnation of blood in the veins, lipid metabolism disorders, and the formation of blood clots.

Statements by famous psychologists

Psychosomatic medicine studies the influence of certain psychofactors that cause bodily diseases. A harmonious person does not get sick, and if some health problems arise, they are quickly resolved.

Liz Burbo

Varicose veins of the legs, according to the reference book by Lisa Burbo, is a person’s lack of freedom, the desire to move forward, develop, improve, there is no motivation to achieve goals, or solve complex life problems.

Depression and dissatisfaction with life can cause varicose veins

The psychological causes of varicose veins in men and women are caused by stiffness in the arms and legs, systemic dissatisfaction with life, and until a person leaves the usual framework, varicose veins will not recede.

Liz Burbo focuses on the severity of the signs of the disease - the stronger the degree of damage to the veins, the harder a person perceives his life. The main step on the path to recovery is awareness of your problem and the desire to break out of the vicious circle.

Louise Hay

According to the American psychologist Louise Hay, the psychosomatics of varicose veins is a problem of insecure individuals, with a lot of fears and reluctance to change the current situation.

Varicose veins indicate that a person is not following his own path; this is the first signal that he urgently needs to change something in his life (work, home, family). In this case, Louise suggests replacing the usual uncertainty with a positive attitude:

  • I live in joy;
  • I move forward easily;
  • I enjoy life;
  • I easily solve life situations.

Valery Sinelnikov

The psychologist in his author’s book “Love Your Illness” claims that varicose veins affect people who experience feelings of guilt, dissatisfaction, lack of self-confidence, the world is small for them, everything around does not bring joy, it crushes them from the inside. And the reason for everything is the wrong chosen path in life.

V.V. Sinelnikov calls to reconsider his earthly existence, profession, family relationships. Sometimes you shouldn’t give up what you have, but it’s better to change your behavior tactics, direct positive energy to the task at hand, and get rid of the fear of the unknown.

Healing is a sinful awakening, the ability to forgive and live in harmony with oneself. This is the key to getting rid of not only varicose veins, but also many other disorders in the human body.

Psychosomatics of varicose veins according to the book by Valery Selnikov

Oleg Torsunov

According to Torsunov’s theory, the psychosomatic causes of varicose veins are a person’s constant state of tension, tone, incorrect expectations of the future, and the inability to relax and enjoy what is happening.

If a person is too fixated on some goal, then constant tension is created in the brain, which does not allow coordinating other tasks and wishes of the individual.

That's why it's important to let go of your dreams and learn to enjoy every minute you live.

This is the only way to stop the clinical manifestations of varicose veins, improve the elasticity of veins and strengthen blood vessels.


Varicose veins from the esoteric point of view of Ayurveda is the suppression of anger, dissatisfaction within oneself, when from rage the blood stops in the veins, thickens, provoking thrombophlebitis and thrombosis.

It is necessary to find the cause of this anger, forgive yourself and those around you, direct your thoughts in a positive direction, learn to love and forgive, without harboring resentment and disappointment in your soul. A person himself is capable of healing himself and destroying his life.

Psychological portrait of the patient

At risk of developing a disease such as varicose veins are people who are accustomed to carrying everything on themselves, “dray horses” who tend to blame themselves for all failures, striving to complete any assignment perfectly. A person himself creates the framework of his job responsibilities, and he has the right to fulfill his cherished dreams and desires without abandoning them due to lack of time and energy.

The causes of varicose veins are fear of the present and future, lack of lightness and freedom. It is enough to let go of negative thoughts, program yourself to be positive - the blood in your veins will begin to boil and the disease will certainly recede.


Psychosomatics of varicose veins: exploring the hidden causes of the disease

We owe the term “psychosomatics” to the German doctor Johann Christian Heinroth, who first began to use it to describe diseases of “mental” origin.

It has long been noted that the development of many ailments in humans begins against the background of a not entirely favorable internal state.

Prolonged stay in tension and stress, a constant feeling of negative emotions, which not everyone is able to cope with, gradually lead to “their” illness.

For example, varicose veins are a common occurrence in mature women who chronically do not experience joy, are forced to go to a job they don’t like, communicate with unpleasant people, and at the same time do not see better changes in their “slightly over 40.” The basic psychosomatics of varicose veins will be discussed in this article.

Why do my legs hurt?

Varicose veins are observed more often in women of active mature age, during hormonal decline, which coincides with typical changes in life.

Youth has passed, and with it love, the children have grown up, but the problems have not diminished; in addition, I’m tired of work, and so is my husband, and wow, how far away it is from retirement.

It’s easy to predict what you might come up with after being in this state for a long time.

For example, varicose veins, the primary definition of which is observed precisely during this age period.

In addition, certain age-related physiological changes in the body that can provoke varicose veins should be taken into account. They are associated with a slowdown in metabolic processes and hormonal changes during menopause, namely:

  • Changes in metabolism.
  • Increased body weight.
  • Decreased elasticity of veins.
  • Slowing blood circulation.
  • Weakening of the vascular wall and weakness of the venous valve.

Typically, the appearance of varicose veins is associated with heredity, heavy physical work or standing on your feet for a long time, pregnancy or childbirth. But there are other, purely psychological reasons for varicose veins, which are also important to consider.

Often the appearance of varicose veins is associated with pregnancy.

Psychosomatics is just the right direction in medicine, which is able to understand the psychological origin of many pathologies.

Physical suffering of the soul

Psychosomatic medicine is a special direction that studies the influence of certain psychofactors on the occurrence of a particular bodily disease.

Currently, the opinion about the “mental”, psychosomatic nature of some diseases has firmly taken root in medicine.

The patient’s personal characteristics, his constitution and characteristics of character and psyche can provoke a number of diseases, including varicose veins.

The psychosomatic causes of the disease depend not only on physiology, they are in close connection with the emotional state of the patient, on how harmonious his relationship between “soul” and “body” is. And understanding that most illnesses come from problems in the head is already a definite step towards recovery. It is no coincidence that the popular saying appeared: “All diseases come from nerves.”

Psychosomatic causes of varicose veins in women also often have a purely psychological origin. And if you carefully analyze the life situation and the emotions that a woman with a similar problem feels, you can detect the presence of some not very pleasant moments:

  1. The feeling of being in a hated situation for a long time (at work or at home).
  2. Feeling overloaded with work, constant fatigue.
  3. Mental “stagnation”, lack of life prospects.
  4. Lack of self-confidence.

Sometimes the illness has a purely psychological origin.

A long, joyless existence, dissatisfaction with life and the inability to improve it, first of all, lead to a disharmonious state of the psyche and sooner or later cause psychosomatic disorders.

And once a negative emotion arises, be it fear, anger or dissatisfaction, settling firmly and for a long time in your head, it can affect the physiological state of the body and cause some kind of disease.

An internal reluctance to go to an unloved job every day can subsequently lead to varicose veins.

The psychosomatic causes of varicose veins in this case turn out to be programmed by the patient himself, who is unwilling or unable to change anything in his life. And if there is a desire and the subconscious, hitherto hidden causes of varicose veins are known, then it will be much easier to overcome and prevent it.

In this case, classical therapy, which removes the physiological causes of varicose veins, is combined with psychosomatic treatment, which eliminates the purely psychological causes.

When soul and body are in harmony

A harmonious person does not get sick, and if this happens, it does not last long, and he recovers very quickly. This fact has been noticed for a long time, because such lucky people still exist in our ranks.

It is not difficult to identify them by their joyful facial expression and complete absence of complaints about life.

These are, basically, active, developing people who, instead of plunging into a state of dissatisfaction with the current situation, begin to stubbornly change it for the better.

Psychotherapy for venous diseases that have a psychosomatic background takes a leading place and is aimed at resolving the hidden cause of the disease.

According to the American psychologist Louise Hayes, who devoted her entire life to studying the psychosomatics of many diseases, varicose veins are the scourge of people who lack self-confidence.

Therefore, the priority condition for recovery is the patient’s psychocorrection, which is aimed at overcoming his fears and uncertainty to change the situation.

An important element for recovery is psychocorrection.

In some cases, the patient manages to understand himself and cope with the problem, but more often he still needs the help of a specialist.

Auto-training, which is easy to learn, occupies a special place in getting rid of psychosomatics. With varicose veins of psychosomatic origin, new attitudes have a positive effect.

In this case, Louise Hayes suggests replacing the usual uncertainty with a more positive option:

  • I live in joy and move forward easily.
  • I am free and live with love.
  • I move easily in life situations.

Treatment of varicose veins is a complex and lengthy process, in which drug therapy alone is not enough, which every good doctor understands.

Therefore, in order to fully understand the entire picture of the disease and identify psychosomatic “pitfalls” hidden in the depths of the patient’s subconscious, a smart doctor will always find time to have a heart-to-heart talk with his patient.


Varicose veins: psychosomatics, causes of the disease and treatment

Psychosomatics is a special branch of medicine. She studies the impact of psychological causes on the development of various diseases. Many researchers believe that varicose veins may be a consequence of severe emotional shock.

The causes of varicose veins from a psychosomatic point of view

It is necessary to highlight such psychological reasons for the development of varicose veins as an unfavorable work environment and problems in the family. The type of temperament is also of great importance. Slow, phlegmatic people are accustomed to constancy: nothing disturbs their measured life.

After work, they prefer to sit comfortably in a chair with the new issue of their favorite magazine. A sedentary lifestyle, in turn, can cause blood stagnation in the lower extremities.

As a result, the veins gradually lose their elasticity and the condition of the venous valves worsens.

Is it difficult to love yourself?

Psychology is a complex science. Despite this, the famous American Louise Hay devoted her entire life to studying the influence of psychological factors on a person’s physical health.

The books of the American psychologist have helped many people find their place in life. In one of her works, Louise Hay calls varicose veins a disease of insecure people.

The psychologist gives the following advice: the patient needs, first of all, to love himself. In this case, the disease will recede, and the person will be able to enjoy all the delights of life.

Psychosomatic gymnastics

To eliminate the psychosomatic causes of varicose veins, special gymnastics are used.

Proponents of using this alternative method of treating varicose veins are convinced that with regular exercise, blood circulation improves, the work of venous valves is activated, and the likelihood of clot formation in the veins is reduced. You can do this simple exercise:

  • The person needs to take a lying position.
  • You need to try to pull your legs towards your face.

In order to increase the effectiveness of psychosomatic gymnastics, you need to eat foods that help increase the strength of the venous wall: figs, nuts.

Sytin's principles in the treatment of varicose veins

When covering the issue of “varicose veins and psychosomatic diseases”, one cannot ignore the unique methodology of Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin.

He used a complex method of verbal-figurative emotional control of consciousness.

The moment a patient listens to the instructions of a great scientist, a powerful impulse enters his brain, and as a result, the person’s health improves significantly.

Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin’s treatments for varicose veins and other diseases were tested by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The famous scientist passed away at an advanced age.

He believed that human possibilities are limitless, and the power of self-persuasion is great. The scientist created more than 20 thousand different moods: for healing from varicose veins, preserving male strength, rejuvenation.

In order to achieve the desired effect, you need to listen to Sytin’s moods every day.

So nice to soak in a warm bath!

A patient suffering from varicose veins is recommended to take relaxing baths with essential oils of lavender or sandalwood. You can add sea salt to the water.

The following important rules must be observed:

  • Before adding aroma oil to water, it is recommended to mix it with cream or honey.
  • Essential oil cannot be used in large quantities: three drops are enough to carry out the water procedure. An overdose of aroma oil causes headaches and redness of the skin.
  • The water temperature should not exceed 37 degrees.

Psychotherapeutic methods for varicose veins

As part of the psychodynamic approach to the treatment of varicose veins, the patient discusses his behavior with a psychologist, talks about the motives of his actions, and learns to overcome internal contradictions.

Pathogenetic therapy is aimed at achieving harmony in a person’s relationships with others.

Nowadays, diseases arising due to psychological reasons are quite common. When treating varicose veins, a differentiated approach is used. It includes both medication and psychotherapeutic assistance to the patient.

Let's figure it out first what causes it this is a disease.
Louise Hay believes that a possible mental cause of varicose veins is a feeling of overload and depression, and the disapproval of others. She also offers the following healing attitude: “I am friends with the truth. I live happily and move forward. I love life. I'm free to go wherever I want."

Here is another interesting version, taken from the Living Knowledge website:
“Suppression of anger, discontent within oneself. A person is angry at someone, at life, at difficult situations, and at this time a lot of negative destructive energy is generated. Varicose veins occur when he suppresses this energy within himself with the help of will. Suppressed by the will, anger is thrown off through the legs. If dissatisfaction with something manifests itself for a long time, then the channels cannot cope with the release of destructive energy and this is reflected in the tissues of the physical body.”

On the material plane, factors that aggravate varicose veins are as follows:
1. Prolonged stay in a standing or sitting position.
2. Sitting with legs crossed.
3. Excessive consumption of dairy products and red meat.

Treatment options

Foods that improve the condition of veins: onions, garlic, herbs, fresh spices, peaches, any berries, especially those that are blue and red in color, honey, apple cider vinegar, in general, all foods high in vitamin C

Herbs and spices: aloe pulp, ginger, triphala, rose hips, cinnamon, parsley, grapes (leaves), cardamom.

It is important to drink enough water. If you drink little, the blood becomes viscous and its circulation becomes difficult.

You can also take it orally:
- 10% vodka tincture of horse chestnut (30-40 drops 3-4 times a day),
Pour 1 part of plant material (flowers) with 10 parts of vodka. Leave for 1-3 weeks. Strain, squeeze out the raw materials.

- I’ll start with the famous exercise by Katsuzo Nishi “Revitalization of capillaries”:
Lie on your back. Place a pillow or hard cushion under the cervical vertebrae. Raise your legs and arms perpendicular to your body. Feet are parallel to the floor. Knees and elbows may be slightly bent. You should be comfortable. Now start shaking your arms and legs finely and finely, trying to cause vibration in your limbs. Imagine that all deposits on the vessels are being shaken off. Continue for 1-3 minutes.
To make it clearer what this exercise looks like, I’ll say that my children call it “cockroach.”

It is important to maintain normal body weight.
- If you do yoga, be sure to practice inverted poses

It is useful to lie with your legs elevated.

External influence
- Despite the fact that allopathic medicine believes that baths and massages are harmful and unacceptable for varicose veins, Light Miller, in the book “Ayurveda for the Whole Family,” writes that massage, lymphatic drainage and steam procedures are alternative methods of treating varicose veins .

To lubricate the affected areas, prepare the following mixture. It should be used twice a day:
4 tbsp. hemp oil or castor oil,
5 drops of lavender essential oil,
5 drops of geranium ether,
5 drops of cypress ether,
5 drops of lemongrass essential oil.

You can also prepare Kalanchoe vodka tincture for external use - rub it 1-2 times a day (The principles of preparation are the same as with horse chestnut).

Quite often, diseases come into our lives as a result of certain thinking, behavior or psychological influences from the outside. This section describes the probable causes of a particular disease. Many psychologists believe that diseases do not come to us by chance, and that the cause of this or that illness can be our mental perception of this world. In order to identify the cause of the disease, you will have to delve into your spiritual state and understand what exactly could affect your physical condition. This service was created on the basis of many years of research by the American psychologist Louise Hay, the Canadian philosopher and psychologist Liz Burbo, the wonderful doctor Valery Sinelnikov, as well as the interpretation of the Russian psychologist Vladimir Zhikarentsev

1. VARICOSIS - (Louise Hay) Causes of the disease Being in a situation that you hate. Loss of spirit, discouragement. Feeling overworked and overloaded. A Possible Solution to Promote Healing I am the truth. I live and go through life with joy in my heart. I love life and I flow freely with life.

2. VARICOSIS - (Liz Burbo) See the article ERYTHEMATOUS ACNE, as well as “features of inflammatory diseases”.

3. VARICOSE VEINS - (Liz Burbo) Physical blocking Varicose veins is a disease that manifests itself in an increase in the size of the veins and a decrease in the elasticity of the venous walls. Emotional blockage A person suffering from varicose veins wants to have more freedom and free time, but does not know what to do for this. He overexerts himself, and many tasks and problems seem overwhelming to him, as he tends to exaggerate their seriousness. He does not feel joy while working. Perhaps this person constantly forces himself to be in a situation that is extremely unpleasant for him. The purpose of the part of the body in which varicose veins have arisen indicates in which area of ​​life the problem should be looked for. Mental blocking The stronger the feeling of heaviness (in your legs, for example), which is caused by diseased veins, the harder your life seems to you. It's time for you to understand that not everything in this life is defined by the word necessary. You can allow yourself to rest, relax, without blaming yourself. The quiet voice that always makes you work tirelessly is not the voice of your heart. Trust your heart, which knows your needs better. Choose what you want and what you love. Spiritual Blockage and Conclusion To understand the spiritual blockage that is preventing you from meeting an important need of your true Self, ask yourself questions. Answering these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem.

4. VARICOSE VEINS - (Valery Sinelnikov) Description of the cause Varicose veins often affect people who experience a feeling of congestion and oppression. One of the reasons for the occurrence of this disease is the wrong direction in life. Think about your profession. Does it allow you to unleash your creative potential? Or, on the contrary, does it slow down your development? If the latter is true, reconsider your attitude towards work. It should give you not only the opportunity to earn money, but also the joy of creativity, pleasure, and the opportunity for self-improvement. Staying for a long time in a situation you hate can also lead to varicose veins. For example, dead-end family relationships. A man and woman have been married for more than twenty years. He abuses alcohol, insults her, beats her. She carries the burden of family problems on herself. There has been no love and mutual understanding in the family for a long time. The woman is not satisfied with this situation, but she does not dare to take a decisive step and break off this relationship. Another important reason is fear of the future. This fear becomes an obstacle to easy and free movement forward. A young woman went to my wife for a massage for some time. She didn't work anywhere. Her husband was a big businessman, and she did not experience a lack of money. She looked great and the only thing that bothered her was the enlarged veins in her legs. The woman often talked about herself and her life. From her stories, the reasons for her illness became clear. - Lyudmila, you know, I often think about what awaits me in the future. And for some reason I always feel fear and anxiety. I feel like something might happen to my husband. And then what will happen to me? recommends visiting the website of Dr. Sinelnikov

5. Varicose veins - (Guru Ar Santem) Cause: Suppression of anger, discontent within oneself. A person is angry at someone, at life, at difficult situations, and at this time Manipura generates a lot of negative destructive energy. If a person immediately dumps it through swearing, screaming, complaints, then there may be other diseases, and varicose veins occur when he suppresses this energy within himself with the help of will. Suppressed by the will, anger is thrown off through the legs because There are channels in the legs through which the body removes unnecessary energy. If dissatisfaction with something manifests itself for a long time, then the channels cannot cope with the release of destructive energy and this is reflected in the tissues of the physical body. The energy of anger and chronic irritation resembles billowing black smoke. Pay attention to the pattern of swollen veins on the legs - that’s exactly what it looks like. The law of similarity is also evident here. A person does not want to dump such energy on others, so as not to spoil relationships, and suppresses it within himself. The energy mechanism of this disease is not the same as in the case of myopia. There the energy blow is delivered by the people around him, but here the person destroys himself.

Emotional state, character traits, stress influence the appearance of various pathologies in the body. Psychosomatics is a direction in medicine that studies the psychological nature of bodily (somatic) diseases. Today we will look at the psychosomatics of varicose veins.

Varicose veins, psychosomatics of the disease

Louise Hay in her books “Heal Yourself” and “How to Heal Your Life” names the following causes of varicose veins:

  • long stay in a situation you hate;
  • disapproval of something;
  • feeling overloaded with work;
  • inability to relax and feeling guilty when receiving pleasure;
  • fear of the future;
  • increased anxiety.

If a person is not confident in his abilities, tries to suppress negative thoughts, is dissatisfied with work that is a burden to him, then all this forms stagnation, increases blood pressure and results in varicose veins. Legs in psychosomatics symbolize forward movement. Leg problems mean reluctance to move. Legs also mean stability, firmness, which means if the disease concerns the legs. Then a person is worried about his position in society, his work, career, status in society.

Psychosomatics moves from the general to the specific. Varicose veins are not just a disease of the legs - it is a pathology of the veins, and veins are transport, highways that bring joy to life. Veins correlate with the masculine principle, so the disease most often manifests itself in women in whom this principle is not expressed. Women consider themselves “crushed” by everyday life, unfulfilled, deprived of joy in life. If these emotions are conscious, but “suppressed”, then they will look for a way out, which can result in trophic ulcers “gate”, through which negative emotions spill out.

Inflammatory processes occurring in the walls of veins with varicose veins appear in connection with anger at economic instability on the part of the husband, the man.

Varicose veins in men indicate that he is worried about his problems with the family budget and considers himself obligated to create economic stability in the family.

It is also important where the dilation of the veins is localized. On the right leg - what worries you is associated with external, social conditions. On the left leg - with internal, personal experiences. Localization on the front surface of the leg - anxiety for the future, on the back - experiences associated with the past, etc.

Liz Burbo focuses on the severity of symptoms - the stronger the heaviness in the legs, the more difficult a person perceives his life. V. Sinelnikov claims that varicose veins are a punishment for those who have chosen the wrong path in life.

Of course, not every person has problems and an unloved job that will cause varicose veins. This requires certain factors that provoke the disease:

To quickly and effectively get rid of varicose veins, our readers recommend the cream " VARIUS"The product eliminates varicose veins in one course, quickly and effectively, and consists only of natural ingredients. VARIUS is completely safe. The product has no side effects.

  • genetic predisposition to pathology;
  • long-term influence of stress factors;
  • psychological characteristics, a tendency to exaggerate the significance of troubles;
  • character;
  • temperament;
  • rigidity (inflexibility) of thinking;
  • infantilism;
  • social problems.

The term “psychosomatics” was first used in 1818. Since then, science, developing at the intersection of medicine, has been enriched with new knowledge and, from the category of metaphysical, has become completely scientifically - psychosomatically justified.

Treatment of varicose veins from a psychosomatic perspective

The main step towards recovery is awareness and clear formulation of the problem.. After a person has understood the reasons that led to the pathology, it is necessary to change, change his views on the problem, on life, and change his emotional response. This is probably the most difficult thing, since it is easier for a person to persist in his beliefs, which indicates rigidity, than to try to detach himself from assessing whether this problem is so important?

If you are not happy with your job, maybe you should change it? Chronic diseases, which include varicose veins, are treated only when they work with the “head”, that is, in the literal sense - you need to change your thoughts.

Louise Hay, realizing that it is difficult to change your character and temperament in one day, suggests reciting unique “mantras” - affirmations that will gradually adjust the body in accordance with the desired state. For example, with varicose veins it can be:

  • “I'm happy. I look to the future with confidence.”
  • “I am excited to run towards a bright future”
  • “My path lies only forward and along it I move easily and joyfully,” etc.

S. Lazarev writes in his book “Diagnostics of Karma” that diseases of the human body are due to the lack of Love in the soul. I would like to add - and not least - love for myself. It is worth loving yourself, allowing yourself to enjoy life, dreaming and striving for a dream without violence against yourself, without tension, and varicose veins, and with it many other diseases, will recede.

Do you have problems with your legs? Let's consider the metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of leg problems and diseases.

Dr. N. Volkova writes: “It has been proven that about 85% of all diseases have psychological causes. It can be assumed that the remaining 15% of diseases are associated with the psyche, but this connection has yet to be established in the future... Among the causes of diseases, feelings and emotions occupy one of the main places, and physical factors - hypothermia, infections - act secondary, as a trigger... »

Dr. A. Meneghetti in his book “Psychosomatics” he writes: “An illness is a language, the speech of a subject... To understand an illness, it is necessary to reveal the project that the subject creates in his unconscious... Then a second step is necessary, which the patient himself must take: he must change. If a person changes psychologically, then the disease, being an abnormal course of life, will disappear ... "

Let's consider the metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of leg problems.
Here's what world-famous experts in this field and authors of books on this topic write about it.


in their book “Reiki - the universal energy of life” they write about possible metaphysical causes of leg problems:
We step into the future with our feet, and if you have fear of the future or you understand that you can no longer live the way you are living, but do not consciously admit this to yourself, then your feet will clearly show you the current situation - they will hinder you step forward. Consciously look at your life situation and acknowledge the presence of this fear. If you cannot move forward in your outer life, then go inside yourself, gather peace and strength there, and then ask yourself what you really want and what you can achieve easily and without problems. Choose this and then take steps in this direction. This way you can move forward confidently and joyfully again.

Dr. Oleg G. Torsunov
in his book “The Connection of Diseases with Character” he writes about possible metaphysical causes of leg problems:
Let’s say a person at work is firmly and actively active, but when he goes home from work, he languishes, in which case his legs will gradually begin to hurt. This occurs when there is joy in professional (creative) activity, but there is no joy in general, in life. If, on the contrary, a person does not want to do his job, but in life he is joyful, lively, and his legs are strong. But if he does not want to engage in professional activity correctly, firmly and cheerfully, he is passive in it, then the bones of his hands will suffer.

Louise Hay
in his books “Heal Yourself”, “How to Heal Your Life” indicates the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of foot problems:

Our feet carry us through life. Leg problems indicate a fear of moving forward or a reluctance to move in a certain direction. Our legs carry us, drag us, drag us, and on them sit large, fat thighs full of childhood grievances. Reluctance to act often manifests itself in serious leg problems. Varicose veins are either home or work that you hate.

Lower leg diseases:
Fear of the future. Reluctance to move.
Harmonizing thoughts: I move forward joyfully and confidently, knowing that my future is wonderful.

Hips (upper):
Stable body support. The main mechanism when moving forward.
Harmonizing thoughts: Long live the hips! Every day is filled with joy. I stand on my own two feet and enjoy the freedom.

Dr. Luule Viilma in his book “Psychological Causes of Disease” he writes:
Legs (problems and diseases):
Insincerity in communication related to economic issues.
The desire to receive material gain, honor and glory in everything.

Sergey N. Lazarev in his books “Diagnostics of Karma” (books 1-12) and “Man of the Future” he writes that the main cause of absolutely all diseases is the deficiency, lack or even absence of love in the human soul. When a person puts something above the love of God (and God, as the Bible says, is Love), then instead of gaining divine love, he rushes to something else. To what (erroneously) considers more important in life: money, fame, wealth, power, pleasure, sex, relationships, abilities, order, morality, knowledge and many, many other material and spiritual values... But this is not the goal, but only means for acquiring divine (true) love, love for God, love like God. And where there is no (true) love in the soul, illnesses, problems and other troubles come as feedback from the Universe. This is necessary so that a person thinks, realizes that he is going in the wrong direction, thinks, says and does something wrong and begins to correct himself, takes the right Path! There are many nuances in how the disease manifests itself in our body. You can learn more about this practical concept from the books, seminars and video seminars of Sergei Nikolaevich Lazarev.


Liz Burbo in his book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” he writes about possible metaphysical causes of problems with the Achilles tendon:
See the article HEEL, with the addition that the person is too eager to demonstrate his power.


Liz Burbo in his book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” he writes about possible metaphysical causes of hip problems:
Typically, if a person complains of hip pain, it is very difficult to make a correct diagnosis. If it is a cramp, see the article CRAMP.
Emotional blocking:
The thigh is the section of the leg (and the legs move us forward) between the knee and hip joint; The metaphysical meaning of the hip is associated with desires and sensations. The thighs contain important arteries and veins that provide blood flow to the legs. Since blood vessels are associated with the ability to enjoy life, pain in the thigh indicates that the too serious adult part of a person’s personality will not allow him to enjoy the activities he plans. A person with hip pain holds back his feelings and often tries to prove his worth to other people.
Mental block:
Hip pain encourages you to pay attention to the desires of your inner child who wants to play and have fun. This does not mean that you should forget about your serious side - just try to establish harmony between the needs of the child and the adult that coexist in your personality. You no longer have to obey the voice of your adult self (which is an echo of the voice of your father or your mother). From now on, you must manage your own life.

Bodo Baginski and Sharamon Shalila
in their book “Reiki - the universal energy of life” they write about possible metaphysical causes of hip problems:
Hip problems also indicate a certain inflexibility and rigidity caused by fear of the future and an inability to make decisions in important situations. Don't force yourself to move forward. Reiki will help you develop inner peace, vitality and trust, on the basis of which you can once again make decisions and move forward joyfully and freely. Then every step will be a true movement forward.

Louise Hay in his book “Heal Yourself”, he points out the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of foot problems.

Hips (upper):
Fear of moving forward in implementing major decisions. Lack of purpose.
Harmonizing thoughts: Long live the hips! Every day is filled with joy. I stand on my own two feet and enjoy the freedom. My resilience is absolute. I move forward through life easily and joyfully at any age.

BURSITIS OF THE FOOT (inflammation of the sac between the tendon and the bone)

Louise Hay in his book “Heal Yourself”, he points out the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of bunion.
Lack of joy when looking at life.
Harmonizing Thoughts: I joyfully run forward to welcome the amazing events of my life.


Liz Burbo in his book “Your Body Says “Love Yourself!”” he writes about possible metaphysical causes of varicose veins:
Varicose veins are a disease that manifests itself in an increase in the size of the veins and a decrease in the elasticity of the venous walls.
Emotional blocking:
A person suffering from varicose veins wants to have more freedom and free time, but does not know what to do for this. He overexerts himself, and many tasks and problems seem overwhelming to him, as he tends to exaggerate their seriousness. He does not feel joy while working. Perhaps this person constantly forces himself to be in a situation that is extremely unpleasant for him. The purpose of the part of the body in which varicose veins have arisen indicates in which area of ​​life the problem should be looked for.
Mental block:
The stronger the feeling of heaviness (in your legs, for example), which is caused by diseased veins, the harder your life seems to you. It's time for you to understand that not everything in this life is defined by the word necessary. You can allow yourself to rest, relax, without blaming yourself. The quiet voice that always makes you work tirelessly is not the voice of your heart. Trust your heart, which knows your needs better. Choose what you want and what you love.

Dr. Valery V. Sinelnikov in his book “Love Your Disease” he writes about possible metaphysical causes of varicose veins:
Varicose veins often affect people who feel overwhelmed and overwhelmed. One of the reasons for the occurrence of this disease is the wrong direction in Life. Think about your profession. Does it allow you to unleash your creative potential? Or, on the contrary, does it slow down your development? If the latter is true, reconsider your attitude towards work. It should give you not only the opportunity to earn money, but also the joy of creativity, pleasure, and the opportunity for self-improvement.
Staying for a long time in a situation you hate can also lead to varicose veins. For example, dead-end family relationships.
A man and woman have been married for more than twenty years. He abuses alcohol, insults her, beats her. She carries the burden of family problems on herself. There has been no love and mutual understanding in the family for a long time. The woman is not satisfied with this situation, but she does not dare to take a decisive step and break off this relationship.
Another important reason is fear of the future. This fear becomes an obstacle to easy and free movement forward.
A young woman went to my wife for a massage for some time. She didn't work anywhere. Her husband was a big businessman, and she did not experience a lack of money. She looked great and the only thing that bothered her was the enlarged veins in her legs. The woman often talked about herself and her life. From her stories, the reasons for her illness became clear.
- Lyudmila, you know, I often think about what awaits me in the future. And for some reason I always feel fear and anxiety. I feel like something might happen to my husband. And then what will happen to me?

Louise Hay
in his book “Heal Yourself”, he points out the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of varicose veins:
Staying in a situation you hate. Disapproval. Feeling overloaded and overwhelmed by work.
Harmonizing thoughts: I am friends with the truth, I live with joy and move forward. I love life and move freely in it.


Liz Burbo in his book “Your Body Says “Love Yourself!”” he writes about possible metaphysical causes of dislocation:
A dislocation is a persistent abnormal displacement of joint surfaces in relation to each other, usually caused by a sudden movement. When a dislocation occurs, sharp intermittent pain occurs. The areas most susceptible to sprains are the ankles, knees and wrists.
Emotional blocking:
A dislocation occurs in a person who feels forced to go somewhere they don't want to go (legs) or do something they don't want to do (arms). He allows himself to be manipulated by others, pushes his limits, and gets angry because he can't say no to someone. He is afraid to break some rules, and a dislocation is a convenient reason for him to stop.
Mental block:
The dislocation speaks of the intensity of the suffering that you cause to yourself by stubbornly continuing to look at everything in your own way, that is, squeezing the world into the narrow framework of your rules. Try to be more flexible. Before you become outraged that others are trying to force you to do something against your will, try to analyze their motives.
Perhaps then you will either agree with them, or realize that you simply cannot live up to their expectations, and let them know about it. If you force yourself to move in a certain direction, find out what fear is driving you and how real this fear is. If you show more flexibility towards yourself and other people, it will be much easier for you to meet your needs.


Liz Burbo in his book “Your Body Says “Love Yourself!”” he writes about possible metaphysical causes of lower leg pain:
The shin is the part of the leg between the knee and ankle. Lower leg pain usually occurs when a person is standing or walking.
Emotional blocking:
Obviously, shin pain interferes with moving forward, whether walking or running, so it is related to our attitude towards the future and our ability to move forward in life. Any pain in the lower leg indicates fear, which is caused either by encountering something new, or by the need to do something to achieve a goal. Such fear may be associated with a new job or love relationship.
If the lower leg hurts when a person is at rest, it means that he is not giving himself the opportunity to stop and prepare to move in a new direction. If your shin pain is the result of an ACCIDENT, see the relevant article in addition to this explanation.
Mental block:
If shin pain occurs while moving, your body is telling you that you are thinking too long before moving forward. These thoughts, or indecision, are caused by some kind of fears that help you avoid mistakes, but at the same time prevent you from experiencing some important and necessary experience for you. Try to gain faith in yourself and in this world - this will help you move to action faster and more confidently.
If pain in the lower leg occurs only at rest, then it means that you want to do too much, too quickly. Don't think people will think you're lazy or ungrateful if you give yourself a little break.

Louise Hay in his book “Heal Yourself”, he points out the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of problems with the lower leg:
The collapse of ideals. The shins symbolize life principles.
Harmonizing thoughts: I live with joy and love at the level of my highest requirements.


Liz Burbo in his book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” he writes about possible metaphysical causes of calf problems:
The calf is a round muscle on the back of the lower leg, between the popliteal fossa and the ankle. See the article LEG (PAIN), with the addition that this part of the leg determines its strength, as well as the stability of the whole body when walking. Any problem in this place indicates that a person wants to move forward faster or more steadily, but some kind of fear is stopping him.


Liz Burbo
The following description applies to all problems that can affect the natural functions of the knee, as well as pain in this joint.
Emotional blocking:
Pain or a problem in the knee that interferes with one of its functions is a sign of a lack of flexibility in relation to the future. Knee pain usually occurs in a vain and stubborn person who does not want to accept other people's ideas and advice. This attitude only harms him, since he deprives himself of the opportunity to find easier ways to secure his future. If the pain is caused by ARTHRITIS or ARTHROSIS, see also the relevant articles.
Mental block:
This pain helps you realize that you are not flexible enough. Don't forget that your body is always trying to warn you about things you may not be aware of. You do not want to accept new ideas and change your attitude towards your own future or the future of the people you love, because you are afraid of losing control over yourself or over the situation. You no longer have to believe that giving in means kneeling or submitting. Perhaps your lack of flexibility is because you are afraid of becoming like one of your parents. Know that you can live an independent life, regardless of your parents. But absolute independence does not exist; we all need someone's help from time to time.

Bodo Baginski and Sharamon Shalila in their book “Reiki - the universal energy of life” they write about possible metaphysical causes of knee problems:
If you internally cannot or do not want to bend - out of pride, stubbornness, selfishness or unconscious fear - then this manifests itself at the body level in inflexible, unbending knees. You can avoid unpleasant knee pain by developing tolerance and empathy, as well as the ability to forgive. Reiki helps wonderfully with this. If you can bow humbly inwardly, then your knees will soon begin to bend painlessly.

Louise Hay in his book “Heal Yourself”, he points out the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the occurrence and healing of knee problems:
Stubbornness and pride. Inability to be a malleable person. Fear. Inflexibility. Reluctance to give in.
Harmonizing thoughts: Forgiveness. Understanding. Compassion. I give in and give in easily, and everything goes well.

Alexander Astrogor
in his book “Confession of a Sore” he writes:
People who are overcome by pride have pain in their knees. If pride is a good quality, because a person should be proud of himself, of his profession or work, of his children, country, and so on, then pride is already a spiritual vice of a person, it is what hits a person in the knees...
Pride is when a person compares himself with someone, but in his own favor. At the same time, the person confidently says about himself that I am better than him (her), that he will not bring me to my knees, I will not crawl on my knees in front of him! In order for your knee to hurt, you don’t have to constantly compare yourself to another person. Sometimes it is enough to create emotional tension once, so that the knee or both at once receive an energy hole. But every time a person sees the object of his pride, a sharp pain will immediately remind him of itself. If the situation is released, forgotten, forgiveness is begged, then the knees stop hurting. It's that simple. It’s more difficult to remove your pride, your stubbornness, forgive, forget, not react...
Knees also hurt those who are arrogant, and therefore emphasize their superiority even more. In this case, it is no coincidence that people say that if you become arrogant, life will bring you to your knees. But people see completely different reasons, saying that for many of them the problem with their knees is that the joints cannot cope with the load that a person’s weight represents, expressed in kilograms. No, it’s the weight and strength of your feelings that crush your soul so as not to break your spirit of stubbornness.
Having two knees: right and left, a person experiences pain in one of them, then in both at once. Why is this happening? No medicine, except karmic medicine, answers this question, and it explains it as follows. The fact is that each knee has its own energetic and mental causes, which include a painful reaction.

RIGHT KNEE - this is me with my problems, I don’t want and won’t do what they incline me to do. And sometimes it serves them right. For example, a person graduated from a university and worked for a long time at a factory, college or somewhere else. But his job was cut, the plant went bankrupt, the institute collapsed, because no one needed his research. And the person is told: “Go sell newspapers, sell ice cream, etc.” And he replies: “Yes, I have a higher education, and I will never stoop to that!” He does not understand that it was his education that turned out to be of no use to anyone, just like himself, but at the same time pride hits him in the knees.
The right knee shows us a Protestant man with his own principles that do not correspond to reality. And the more stubborn he is, the more and longer his right knee will hurt.
From the above arguments, let’s move on to the facts, which, despite the ban on disclosing the disease, are easily reported by the media.
In March 1997, American President Bill Clinton was scheduled to meet in Helsinki with Russian President Boris Yeltsin. The meeting had to be postponed by one day because a few days before, Clinton injured his right knee while going down the stairs. He had to urgently undergo surgery. The topic of the meeting: NATO expansion to the East. Clinton's sensual and emotional protest: not to bow to Russia - hit him on the right knee.
During the preparation for elections at different levels, some candidates begin to have problems with their knees. If a person puts pressure on others with his authority, name or position, then he will have problems with the menisci, usually on the right knee. How many artists and other famous people have problems not only with their right knee, but also with their left knee at the same time?
The front of the knee is covered by a knee pad called a cup. You are invited to a cup of coffee to resolve some mercantile issues, but you refuse due to your convictions, then your right knee will signal to you about that overly acute reaction that you, without showing it, suppressed in yourself.

LEFT KNEE is the world around me. It reacts to the people with whom a person lives or constantly communicates. Very often this is a psychological reaction of a husband to his wife, or vice versa, if one of them is constantly trying to subjugate the other (boss - subordinate). At the same time, education, position, money, or anything else is put on display to emphasize one’s superiority. An acute mental reaction of a person that you will not bring me to my knees leads to a disease in the left knee.
People with bad knees always feel aches and pains when the weather changes. This is similar to how our mood changes when we see a person: our soul becomes gloomy (the joy of life is lost), there is dampness in our eyes (tears), and aches as a protest against those who are trying to break us and subjugate us to their will.
The left knee can react painfully in any work group, when everyone is the same, but at the same time someone is exploiting someone, taking advantage of them. The person understands this, but cannot do anything, however, a painful reaction to these actions will cause pain in the left knee.
So it turns out that either you yourself will kneel (right knee), or you will be forced to kneel (left knee). But all this requires an acute mental reaction, which may end with the knee joint being replaced with an artificial one...
We put those we love on our knees, therefore, to relieve pain we need to put someone we love on our knees. It’s best if these are children and grandchildren, when playing with them you forget about the problems that constantly keep you in suspense. In the absence of loved ones, sit a cat or dog on your lap. Their medicinal properties have been known since ancient times...


Liz Burbo in his book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” he writes about possible metaphysical causes of knee problems:
When the knee is bent inward, the axis of the leg is also shifted inward, and when the knee is bent outward, the axis of the leg is turned outward. The legs have an arched shape. See the article LEG (PAIN), with the addition that it is difficult for a person suffering from this anomaly to be straightforward and move straight towards the goal.


Liz Burbo in his book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” he writes about possible metaphysical causes of ankle problems:
See the article FOOT (PROBLEMS), with the addition that a person is not flexible enough in terms of the ability to act, to control the course of his life. If problems are related to an ACCIDENT, see the appropriate article.


Liz Burbo in his book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” he writes about possible metaphysical causes of calluses:
A callus is a significant thickening of the epidermis. Calluses usually appear on the feet (on the soles of the feet or on the fingers) and on the hands in those places that are constantly or regularly exposed to mechanical irritation - pressure or friction.
Emotional blocking:
People who have calluses on their feet are very afraid of the future. They constantly restrain their natural impulses and desires, thus blocking their future. A callus on your hand has the same meaning, with the only difference being that fear relates more to the present than to the future.
Mental block:
A callus on your foot or hand means that you are not allowing yourself to do what you want to do. What fear is holding back your natural impulses? Fear of not being liked by the one you love? Maybe you are too demanding of yourself and therefore are constantly afraid of failure? Your body wants you to express all your abilities to the fullest and stop holding back the natural movements of your soul.

Louise Hay in his book “Heal Yourself”, he points out the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of calluses:
Hardened areas of thinking are a persistent desire to retain the pain of the past in consciousness. Ossified concepts and thoughts. Hardened fear.
Harmonizing thoughts: New paths and thoughts are completely safe. I free myself from the burden of the past and freely move forward. I am safe. I enjoy freedom.


Liz Burbo in his book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” he writes about possible metaphysical causes of toe problems:
The following problems are associated with the toes: DEFORMATION, FRACTURE, CRAMPS, CALLUS, WOUND and INGROWN NAIL.
Emotional blocking:
Since the feet symbolize our movement in life, the toes are associated with how we perceive the elements of this movement. Most toe problems prevent us from walking easily and freely, so they say that a person creates unnecessary fears for himself that prevent him from moving forward or perceiving his future. He is especially worried about all sorts of little things that prevent him from seeing the situation as a whole. They say about such people “they can’t see the forest for the trees.” Eventually he completely loses touch with his desires, and his forward progress gradually slows down.
The big toes are most often affected (for example, by ingrown toenails). Since the thumb indicates direction, problems with it indicate feelings of guilt or regret associated with the chosen direction or the direction that the person is planning to take. This guilt will definitely affect his future.
If we are talking about a FRACTURE, CRAMP, or CALLUS, see the relevant articles in this book.
Mental block:
Problems with your toes mean you need to get back in touch with your desires and your vision for the future without getting distracted by minor details. Understand that all people experience fear of the unknown and that only those who do nothing make mistakes. By focusing on details, you slow down your progress and block your own desires. Also, know that no matter what your decision is about the future, regret only creates more fears. There are no mistakes, there is only experience that will be useful to you in the future.

Louise Hay in his book “Heal Yourself”, he points out the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of toe problems:
They symbolize minor details of the future.
Harmonizing thoughts: Everything will be resolved by itself. I have a calm attitude towards the little things in life.


Liz Burbo in his book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” he writes about possible metaphysical causes of heel pain:
The heel is the back of the foot on which the leg rests when walking. Heel pain very often occurs for no apparent physical reason.
Emotional blocking:
Pain in the heel indicates that a person wants to move forward towards his goals, but hesitates because he feels a lack of support and support. A person of this type cannot take action without someone's consent or permission. He doesn't dare admit to himself that he wants someone to step on his toes. When he acts without the approval of Other people, he feels guilty. Without support, he is unable not only to move forward, but even to remain in place.
Mental block:
Your heel tells you that you can make decisions and move forward based only on yourself. You are your own best support, which you should count on. You should no longer believe that you can love or be loved only if your views completely coincide with the views of the people around you, those whose love you seek. There is not a single pair of people in this world who would agree with each other on absolutely everything. If we all thought and felt exactly the same, life would be unbearably boring. Understand that no one is obligated to support all your plans, but you are not obligated to support all the endeavors of those you love. And one more thing: let someone step on your heels, but you must move forward on your own under any conditions.


Liz Burbo in his book “Your Body Says “Love Yourself!”” he writes about possible metaphysical causes of foot problems:
The foot is the lower part of the leg that allows a person to walk, stand, etc. There are so many different problems associated with the feet that there is an entire separate branch of medicine that deals exclusively with the study of the foot. If the problem is with one of the bones in your foot, see BONE (PROBLEMS) and the description below.
Emotional blocking:
Since the feet are associated with walking, they symbolize forward movement and development. Problems with the feet indicate that a person is not developing and is not moving forward. He either feels some kind of fear that stops him, or he allows others to hold back his development. He is not confident in himself and cannot give his life the desired direction. Problems with feet can also arise if a person feels stuck and is marking time in one place. But this could also be a person who is not firmly attached to the earth or the physical world and would like to escape from reality. Some false fears force him to leave the material world for the spiritual world or the world of fantasy. Pain in the foot often haunts a person who is afraid that he may be kicked, that is, fired or otherwise removed from performing some functions. If the pain in the foot intensifies at rest, this indicates that the person does not allow himself to rest. He is in too much of a hurry to achieve his goal, makes too much effort, because he evaluates himself in accordance with what and how he can do.
Mental block:
The foot is a very important part of your physical body. Your feet support you and allow you to move forward. They tell you that you should move briskly and easily, without straining. Your feet are constantly in contact with our caring Mother Earth, so problems with them indicate that you must stand firmly on your feet, be here and now, trust the world and your intuition. Move forward boldly and without hesitation use the means that you consider necessary for this movement. Don't let others step on your toes. This way you will accumulate a wealth of experience and discover new abilities in yourself. Feel confident and Life will support you.

Bodo Baginski and Sharamon Shalila
in their book “Reiki - the universal energy of life” they write about possible metaphysical causes of foot problems:
Foot problems are generally similar to leg problems. If, for example, the toes are affected, then the problem relates to some details of the future. And here we are dealing with a certain fear of the future, caused by an insufficient understanding of the laws of life. Foot problems are a clear indication of this when your feet do not allow you to step forward effortlessly. Often problems with the feet indicate too rapid volitional progress, which is somewhat inhibited in this way. Understand that progress always arises from the interaction of two poles - activity and rest. Follow your body's demands and consciously enter the resting stage. Find within yourself that inner silence from which truth and understanding, as well as love and strength, grow. Then you can move forward with joy again.

The search and research into metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of leg problems continues. This material is constantly being updated. We ask readers to write their comments and send additions to this article. To be continued!

List of used literature:

  1. Louise Hay. “Heal yourself”, “How to heal your life”.
  2. Lazarev S. N. “Diagnostics of Karma” (books 1-12) and “Man of the Future.”
  3. Valery Sinelnikov. “Love your illness.”
  4. Liz Burbo. “Your body says: “Love yourself!”
  5. Torsunov O. G. “The connection of diseases with character. Human vital energy."
  6. Bodo Baginski, Sharamon Shalila. "Reiki is the universal energy of life."
  7. Alexander Astrogor “Confession of a Sore.”
  8. L. Viilma “Spiritual Light”, “Psychological Causes of Diseases”, “I Forgive Myself”.



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