A man’s whole body sweats profusely – what does this mean? Heavy sweating: causes in men.

Sweating is a normal body process that promotes thermoregulation. However, in some cases, excessive sweating may occur, which becomes a real problem, threatening normal professional and social life. Pathology requires careful diagnosis. Excessive sweating in a man may indicate the development of serious diseases.

Features of excessive sweating in men

Another name for the pathological process is hyperhidrosis. Heavy sweating occurs when more secretions are released than is necessary to cool the body. Normally, sweating in men occurs during excessive physical exertion, in hot weather or in a stuffy room. The glands also work in an enhanced mode during illness, when the body temperature is elevated. In this case, sweat also performs the function of thermoregulation and also helps remove toxins from the body.

We can talk about the development of hyperhidrosis when excessive sweating is observed without the influence of physical factors. Not only a change in the amount of secretion secreted, but also its composition (when sweat becomes foul-smelling) is considered pathological.

Hyperhidrosis is considered excessive sweating without the influence of physical factors.

Types of male hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis can be:

  • General (profuse sweating is observed over the entire surface of the body);
  • Local (excessive sweat production is observed in certain areas).

Patients prone to emotional stress and neuroses often develop hyperhidrosis of the palms or feet. Some are characterized by an inguinal-perineal form of increased sweating (scrotal hyperhidrosis). In addition, asymmetric hyperhidrosis can occur, when the work of the sweat glands is disrupted on only one side of the body.

According to the severity of increased sweating in men, there are:

  1. Easy degree. Sweating is increased, but does not cause discomfort to the patient, he can lead a full life.
  2. Average degree. The patient develops some social problems. Thus, a man with palmar hyperhidrosis experiences awkwardness when shaking hands.
  3. Severe degree. Sweat is released so intensely that the patient tries to avoid any social contacts.

If hyperhidrosis develops for no apparent reason, it is called primary. Often, increased sweating in men is observed against the background of other diseases. In this case, we are talking about secondary hyperhidrosis, which is more susceptible to men after 45 years of age.

Along the flow they distinguish:

  1. Permanent hypergyrosis. The pathological process does not depend on the time of year and environmental factors.
  2. Seasonal hyperhidrosis. An exacerbation is observed in the warm season.

Often, excessive sweating in men occurs only in the morning. More problems arise when hyperhidrosis occurs during the day. The patient begins to experience psychological discomfort and suffers from avoiding close contact with colleagues and friends.

Lucy Frey syndrome is a form of localized hyperhidrosis. Another name for the pathology is “gustatory sweating.” The disease is characterized by increased sweating of the facial skin during meals. The problem often develops after surgery on the parotid gland.

Causes and factors for the development of heavy sweating in men

Representatives of the stronger sex are more susceptible to developing hyperhidrosis due to increased levels of the male hormone - testosterone. The more of this substance in the body, the more sweat a man will produce during physical activity or during the hot season. Hereditary factors are also of great importance. The amount of sweat produced directly depends on the number of sweat glands. In some cases, hyperhidrosis is a consequence of the individual characteristics of a particular man’s body.

Factors contributing to the development of pathological sweat may also include:

  1. Wrong wardrobe selection. Tight shirts made of synthetic fabric lead to an increase in the amount of sweat produced in the armpits. Poor quality underwear can cause scrotal hyperhidrosis.
  2. Excess weight. The fat layer contributes to overheating of the body. In addition, a large mass can cause endocrine disorders.
  3. Lack of quality hygiene. This is especially true for foot hyperhidrosis. Regular washing of feet and proper care of shoes - these measures will help avoid unpleasant symptoms.
  4. Taste preferences. Hyperhidrosis is often observed in men whose diet is rich in carbonated drinks, spicy foods and spices.

Obesity can lead to the development of hyperhidrosis

If hyperhidrosis is not a consequence of any disorders in the body, you can get rid of unpleasant symptoms by changing your lifestyle.

Symptom or disease

High sweating may indicate the development of serious pathological processes in the body. This may include:

You can judge that you have encountered secondary hyperhidrosis by the accompanying symptoms. If, in addition to increased sweating, you are worried about weakness, frequent headaches, or discomfort when urinating, you should immediately consult a doctor.


In case of increased sweating, a specialist makes a diagnosis based on information received from the patient (history collection), excluding concomitant diseases. The following techniques allow you to accurately identify the causes of the pathological process:

  1. Patient interview. The specialist finds out when the first symptoms of hyperhidrosis appeared and what preceded them.
  2. Examination of the patient. Peeling of certain areas of the body may indicate local hyperhidrosis.

Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of hyperhidrosis.

To identify endocrine, infectious and tumor causes of hyperhidrosis, the patient is prescribed the following types of differential diagnosis:

  1. General blood test. The technique allows us to detect the presence of an inflammatory process in the body.
  2. General urine analysis. The study makes it possible to exclude kidney disease.
  3. Wasserman reaction. The study allows us to exclude syphilis.
  4. Blood test for hormones.
  5. Ultrasound of the prostate. The study allows us to identify the presence of morphological changes in the prostate gland.
  6. MRI. The technique allows us to exclude oncological pathologies in a man’s body.

Only comprehensive diagnostics makes it possible to accurately determine the cause of pathological sweating. Additionally, a man suffering from hyperhidrosis may need to consult a neurologist or psychotherapist.


Therapy for secondary hyperhidrosis is aimed primarily at eliminating the cause of increased sweat gland activity. The underlying disease identified during the diagnostic study is treated.

Drug therapy

To eliminate an unpleasant symptom (increased sweating), the following groups of medications can be used:

  1. Sedatives. These medications calm the patient’s nervous system, as a result of which the manifestations of hyperhidrosis are observed to a lesser extent. The patient may be prescribed tinctures of motherwort or valerian. The drug Persen also shows good results.
  2. Tranquilizers. Drugs from this group are used if excessive sweating is the result of excessive excitability. An unpleasant symptom can develop after severe stress or prolonged depression. The patient may be prescribed the drug Phenazepam.
  3. Belladonna alkaloids. These are atropine-based drugs that suppress excessive sweating. Bellaspon or Belloid may be prescribed. Medicines from this group can lead to the development of serious side effects, so they should be used strictly on the advice of a specialist.
  4. Gels and ointments for external use. With their help, it is possible to reduce sweating and remove unpleasant odors. Formagel and Teymurov's paste help achieve good results.
  5. Vitamins. This therapy allows you to improve the functioning of the nervous system and strengthen the body's defenses.

Modern methods of treating various types of hyperhidrosis include Botox injections. The drug blocks the nerve endings responsible for sweating. The effect of the procedure lasts from 6 to 10 months.

Medications for hyperhidrosis - gallery

Phenazepam - a drug from the group of tranquilizers Formagel - an effective remedy against excessive sweating Persen calms the nervous system


It will be possible to improve the effect of therapy for the underlying disease, as well as reduce sweating, if you adjust your diet. There is no need to adhere to a strict diet, but you will have to give up some foods. This primarily includes high-calorie foods high in fat. You will have to limit your consumption of fast food, factory-made juices and carbonated drinks. The work of the sweat glands increases after drinking alcohol, coffee, and too spicy foods.

Proper nutrition will help reduce the symptoms of hyperhidrosis

Men with hyperhidrosis will benefit from foods containing large amounts of B vitamins. The diet must contain eggs, beans, lean meat, liver, and whole grains. Calcium is also necessary for the normal functioning of the sweat glands, so it is not advisable to limit the consumption of fermented milk products.

You should definitely eat fresh vegetables and fruits. There is no need to limit your drinking regime. Preference should be given to clean, cool (not ice!) water.


Using physical methods of influencing problem areas, it is possible to achieve excellent results. The following techniques can be used in combination with the main treatment:

  1. Iontophoresis. Thanks to a low-power direct current, medicinal substances are introduced into the patient’s body to stabilize the functioning of the nervous system.
  2. Therapeutic baths. The most effective are procedures using carbon dioxide.
  3. Magnetotherapy. The procedure improves blood circulation and normalizes metabolism.

Therapeutic baths are an effective means of combating excessive sweating

Unfortunately, physiotherapeutic techniques cannot always be used due to the presence of concomitant symptoms of the underlying disease.

Surgical intervention

In severe cases of hyperhidrosis, when the patient experiences severe psychological discomfort and cannot lead a full life, surgical treatment of the disease is indicated. There are several surgical options:

  1. Sympathectomy. During the operation, the specialist acts on the sympathetic nerve trunk with an electric current or crosses the nerve responsible for sweating. Surgical intervention can be performed with complete destruction of the sympathetic nerve trunk or its partial blocking with the possibility of subsequent restoration.
  2. Endoscopic surgery. The technique allows local action on the sweat glands with minimal trauma. After endoscopic sympathectomy there are no scars in the affected area. Within a few hours after surgery, the patient can go home.
  3. Excision of skin in the area of ​​increased sweating. Such operations are performed only for local hyperhidrosis (most often in the armpit area). Liposuction can also be performed - removal of adipose tissue along with sweat glands.

Surgery is indicated for severe hyperhidrosis

Using surgical methods, you can effectively solve the problem of increased sweating in men. You should be prepared for the possibility that unpleasant side effects may occur. For example, after sympathectomy, compensatory hmyperhidrosis often develops - sweating appears in other parts of the body. And excision of the skin of the armpits leads to restrictions in movement; the patient cannot fully raise his arms up.

Traditional methods of treating hyperhidrosis

It will not be possible to eliminate the main cause of increased sweating using traditional medicine recipes. However, some methods will significantly reduce the manifestation of an unpleasant symptom.

The plant calms the nervous system, resulting in a decrease in sweating. It is recommended to prepare tea with lemon balm - pour boiling water over several fresh leaves and drink after the drink has cooled.


For hyperhidrosis of the whole body, peppermint baths help well. 200 g of dry plant are poured with a liter of water and boiled over low heat for about 5 minutes. The finished broth is filtered and added to the bath.

Oak bark

The raw materials are also used for medicinal baths. Pour 100 g of bark into a liter of boiling water and cook over low heat for about 20 minutes. Then the product is filtered and used for hygiene procedures. The effect of such a therapeutic bath can last for several days.


A teaspoon of alcohol must be diluted with a liter of clean water. The resulting lotion is used to treat problem areas twice a day - morning and evening.

Lemon juice

The fruit can also help control sweating. Freshly squeezed juice should be used to periodically treat problem areas. It is worth considering that the product can provoke the development of allergies.

Mint is an inexpensive and effective remedy against hyperhidrosis. Melissa tea calms the nervous system. Oak bark baths reduce sweating.

Treatment prognosis and prevention

If you seek medical help in a timely manner and follow all the specialist’s recommendations, the prognosis is favorable. In the most difficult cases, the problem can be solved through surgery.

Sweat is an ideal environment for the development of fungi, bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms. Lack of therapy can cause dermatological diseases.

In order not to encounter the problem of increased sweating again, you should follow simple preventive measures, which include:

  • giving up bad habits;
  • proper nutrition;
  • refusal of clothing made from synthetic materials;
  • compliance with hygiene rules.

Video: excessive sweating

Hyperhidrosis must be treated. The sooner therapy is started, the less likely it is to develop psychological complexes and other unpleasant complications.

Sweating is a natural process of body thermoregulation. Moreover, it occurs in each person with varying intensity. However, a fairly significant number of men experience excessive sweating - hyperhidrosis, which is a pathology. It occurs for various reasons.

Sweating in men most often occurs due to stress. When the emotional state returns to normal, hyperhidrosis ceases to appear.

Household causes of hyperhidrosis in men

The causes of increased sweating in representatives of the stronger sex are divided into two main groups: household and medical. Each of them should be considered in detail.

Household causes of excessive sweating in men are as follows:

  • incorrectly chosen clothes. If a man wears things out of season or they are made of materials that do not allow air to pass through, then profuse sweating is normal. In this case, you need to change clothes to ones that are not too warm and made from natural fabrics, since then excellent ventilation will be provided. Moreover, if a man also experiences night sweats, it is recommended to replace the bed linen with cotton. You can use linen sheets and pillowcases;
  • overweight. It has been noticed that excessive sweating occurs quite often in those men who have significant body weight. It usually occurs due to improper metabolism or lack of physical activity. Here you need to first reconsider your diet. You should make a choice in favor of those foods that speed up your metabolism. You should also play sports. But it is better to run in open shoes or well-ventilated shoes to reduce hyperhidrosis of the feet;
  • poor hygiene. If a man neglects water procedures, then sweating will only increase. Therefore, with such a pathology, it is important to take a shower regularly. Special care should be given to the feet. After all, if there is a lack of hygiene, the smell from them will be very pungent and strong, and it will be extremely difficult to get rid of it. Along with this, you need to take care of your shoes. After all, when there is sweating of the feet, it suffers first. Shoes must not only be washed from the inside, but must also be dried afterwards;
  • wrong diet. If a man neglects a healthy lifestyle, regularly consumes sweets, coffee, alcoholic and highly carbonated drinks, spicy and fatty foods, then increased sweating can be observed precisely because of this. Moreover, if uncontrolled introduction of all these products into the body occurs over a long period of time, then hyperhidrosis can become chronic. There is only one way out - stop drinking alcohol and sweet drinks, introduce more vegetables, fruits, and lean dishes into your diet.

Medical causes of hyperhidrosis in men

Severe sweating of the body and legs can be caused by certain ailments, that is, medical reasons. They are as follows:

  • diseases of the endocrine system. These include: diabetes mellitus, pheochromocytoma, thyrotoxicosis, hypoglycemia, carcinoid syndrome;
  • kidney diseases. They are responsible for removing fluid from the body. When the functioning of these organs is impaired, severe sweating is observed at night, as well as during the daytime. It only gets stronger over time;
  • neurological diseases. General sweating occurs in the presence of Riley-Day syndrome, Parkinson's disease, tumor of the nervous system, syphilis (this disease leads to damage to nerve fibers, resulting in hyperhidrosis);
  • tumor diseases. Excessive sweating, which is observed even at night, can occur due to lymphogranulomatosis, non-Hodgin lymphoma, metastatic lesions of the spinal cord;
  • heart problems. Sweating at night and during the day can occur after a stroke, since it disrupts blood circulation in the areas of the brain responsible for the proper release of fluid from the body;
  • infectious diseases. Sweating in men can be observed due to malaria, lung abscess, fungal infection (strong foot odor), HIV, septicemia, brucellosis, tuberculosis. In this case, hyperhidrosis manifests itself not only at night, but also during the day. It usually occurs in a chronic form.

Other causes of hyperhidrosis

Excessive sweating in men may be due to heredity. Usually it is local. So, a person may only sweat from their feet, hands, armpits or forehead. In this case, surgery may be necessary to reduce the activity of the sweat glands.

Day or night sweats can occur due to certain medications. Typically, this reaction of the body occurs to drugs containing pilocarpine, acetylsalicylic acid, insulin and some other substances. They provoke the release of large amounts of fluid from the body. You may even experience increased sweating of the head while taking these medications. But it goes away over time - after taking the drugs ends and their derivatives are removed from the body.

How to get rid of sweat?

As you can see, the causes of profuse sweating are very different. At the same time, to combat those that belong to the household group, recommendations are given to help neutralize hyperhidrosis. The medical causes of profuse sweating are quite serious. Here it is necessary to correctly establish why exactly hyperhidrosis occurred, then begin to treat the disease. Only after you get rid of it will the profuse sweating go away.

Of course, only a doctor should diagnose diseases. He will also determine whether the sweating has a domestic cause. Of course, a specialist will provide competent treatment that will ensure the best results.

As a rule, representatives of the stronger sex suffer from increased sweating (hyperhidrosis), although sometimes this phenomenon is observed in women. This is explained by the active role of a man that has developed over the centuries, which nature has endowed him with, while simultaneously adapting the “cooling system” of the male body to these functions. In addition, even our ancient ancestors had a strong smell of sweat to attract individuals of the opposite sex. The hair under the armpit and in the groin area is there precisely because of the enhancement of this effect, providing a dubious service to the modern man.

How does the disease manifest itself in men?

However, it is impossible to fully call hyperhidrosis a disease, since in most cases it is caused by natural physiological causes - this will be discussed below. In many cases, it makes more sense to talk about the individual characteristics of the organism.

Why are we even talking about increased sweating? The fact is that this condition sometimes causes moral and physical suffering for men. Hyperhidrosis is divided into two types:

  • general, in which the whole body sweats;
  • local, when individual areas of the body are moisturized - armpits, palms, feet, groin and perineum area, face, etc.

With general hyperhidrosis, the whole body sweats profusely

In both cases, the patient experiences considerable discomfort, this interferes with his normal adaptation to society. When shaking hands, he will be embarrassed by a wet palm; if he takes off his shoes, he will be worried that others will notice his wet socks. A person is afraid to raise his hand in public transport to grab the handrail, he is ashamed of a wet shirt sticking to his body, etc.

Hyperhidrosis of the armpit causes great discomfort both to the patient himself and to those around him.

Sexual relationships with a partner are also burdened by the fear of leaving a wet imprint of the body on the sheets in bed. All these circumstances are a serious problem for a man, not to mention the unpleasant and sometimes very pungent odor that occurs due to the rapid proliferation of bacteria in places where sweat accumulates. Showering and other hygiene procedures can only slightly delay the appearance of such an odor, but do not protect the patient from it.

In some cases, based on the smell of sweat, you can draw preliminary conclusions about what ailments may provoke increased sweating. The smell of ammonia may indicate problems with the urinary system, while acetone may indicate the presence of diabetes. Sweat that smells like chlorine or vinegar may indicate problems with the liver, and a strong, unpleasant odor from sweaty feet may indicate the presence of candidiasis.

Causes of hyperhidrosis of the legs, palms, groin area or whole body

Sweating is an adaptive mechanism that helps cool the skin. If sweat stops being released, the body will constantly overheat. Normally, active sweat production occurs in such cases when the body needs increased cooling:

  • at elevated ambient temperatures;
  • during physical activity;
  • with strong nervous excitement.

Active sweat production can occur during nervous excitement

Hyperhidrosis can also occur due to reasons that go beyond the normal norm:

  • due to various diseases - endocrine (hypoglycemia, diabetes, hyperthyroidism), infectious, both acute and chronic (influenza, malaria, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, mononucleosis, etc.);
  • as a result of renal failure, when excess fluid is removed through the skin, thus compensating for the functions of the urinary system;
  • with excess body weight caused by metabolic disorders;
  • with disorders of the autonomic nervous system, resulting in increased nervous excitability;
  • during the period of taking a number of medications - antipyretic, hormonal, antiemetic, etc.;
  • during menopause;
  • due to the individual characteristics of the body and hereditary factors.

Heavy sweating at night while sleeping

Often profuse sweating bothers a man at night, even if he is sound asleep. This may occur due to the fact that usually representatives of the stronger sex try to keep all negative emotions within themselves, not allowing them to come out, considering this a manifestation of weakness unworthy of them. During the night's rest, the subconscious mind seeks to give vent to these emotions, forming nightmares, as a result of which the patient wakes up in a cold sweat.

When can you get rid of it yourself?

First of all, get your nerves in order.

Hyperhidrosis with increased anxiety

If increased sweating is due to natural physiological functions of the body, you can try to reduce the intensity of sweating. For example, if a man suffers from nocturnal hyperhidrosis, it is necessary to reduce the level of anxiety using mild sedatives - “Persen”, “Barboval”, “Nevrin”, etc.

In addition, it is necessary to ensure optimal temperature conditions in the bedroom (18–20° C), not to eat at night, not to drink alcohol before bed and not to get carried away by watching action-packed films.

The same measures plus yoga classes with an instructor or at least home meditation are good for excessive sweating, which is caused by neurological disorders.

Sweaty armpits

To reduce physiological hyperhidrosis, you can use antiperspirant deodorants with a high aluminum content, which will help reduce the amount of sweat produced in the armpits. However, antiperspirants must be treated with caution - these cosmetics block the release of sweat to the outside due to narrowing or complete blockage of the sweat ducts, which can cause swelling, local irritation of the skin and allergies. In addition, it is necessary to carry out hygiene procedures twice a day.

In addition to physical discomfort, the problem also causes psychological troubles.

Wet feet and palms

You can reduce foot sweating with the help of special foot deodorants and medications freely sold in pharmacies - “Formagel”, Teymurov’s paste, “Borozin”. These products have a deodorizing, anti-inflammatory and antimycotic effect.

In addition, it is necessary to monitor foot hygiene, wash your feet with neutral soap in the morning and before bed, wear shoes made of natural materials so that your feet can breathe, change insoles more often, use cotton socks and wash them daily.

To reduce sweating of the palms, you can use medical antiperspirants intended for this part of the body, as well as cosmetic powders with aluminum salts.

General hyperhidrosis

First of all, careful body hygiene is necessary here - a contrast shower twice a day, followed by the use of local products in the places of the most intense sweating - armpits, feet, groin, etc. There are special antiperspirants for the intimate area.

With hyperhidrosis, careful body hygiene is necessary

In addition, you need to follow simple rules:

  • try to dress according to the weather and even a little lighter than the season requires, avoiding overheating of the body;
  • do not abuse alcohol;
  • exclude or limit the use of spices (curry, garlic, cumin), black coffee, strong tea, Coca-Cola.
  • keep body weight under control;
  • control the amount of liquid you drink;
  • give preference to loose-fitting clothes made from natural fabrics.

When to contact a specialist

If increased sweating is accompanied by additional symptoms - fever, itching, rash, swelling, strong odor of sweat, etc., you should consult a specialist. There is no doctor who would specialize exclusively in this problem, so start with a visit to a therapist, and he will decide where, if necessary, you will need to be referred - to an endocrinologist, infectious disease specialist, dermatologist, neurologist, surgeon, etc.

Diagnosis of hyperhidrosis

Diagnosis of increased sweating is aimed at identifying the cause that provokes hyperhidrosis. The doctor will first of all take into account the patient’s story about his condition, pay attention to the nature of the sweat secreted, its smell and assess the condition of those body systems that can influence the manifestation of pathology. To do this, the necessary laboratory tests will be carried out, as well as other examination methods to assess the condition of the organs, for example, ultrasound.

Treatment methods

Depending on the cause of the disease, both conservative therapy and surgical treatment methods can be used.

Don’t take existing illnesses to extremes

Conservative therapy

If a disease is identified that results in increased sweating, treatment will be aimed at eliminating it. In cases where hyperhidrosis is not accompanied by another disease, the following methods can be used to treat it:

  • psychotherapy;
  • drug treatment;
  • physiotherapy.

With the help of psychotherapy and hypnosis in particular, it is possible to develop in the patient the ability to control his emotions, which in some cases completely helps to solve the problem of profuse sweating.

For drug therapy, sedatives of varying degrees of effect are used, and, if necessary, tranquilizers, as well as belladonna preparations, which reduce the excitability of the sympathetic nervous system, which regulates the function of the sweat glands. If menopause is the cause of increased sweating, hormone replacement therapy is used.

Physiotherapy has a whole arsenal of treatments that can help reduce hyperhidrosis. Among these methods:

  • therapeutic baths - pine, pearl, salt;
  • souls - circular, contrasting;
  • electrosleep;
  • electrophoresis with drugs, which allows you to cause local dehydration (anhidrosis) of the problem area of ​​the body;
  • iontophoresis - blocking the sweat glands using weak electric current discharges.

Carrying out electrophoresis with drugs gives a stable effect in combination with drug treatment

The combination of all methods of conservative treatment can give a good effect, relieving the patient of excessive sweating for several months, but if we talk about a radical solution to the problem, then only surgery can do this.

Surgical treatment

Before proceeding with the analysis of surgical methods, it should be emphasized that such treatments are associated with a certain risk to the patient’s health, and therefore such treatment should be decided only if other methods have proven ineffective.


The main method of surgical treatment of hyperhidrosis is sympathectomy - an operation performed on the sympathetic trunk, during which complete or partial destruction of a segment of the autonomic nervous system occurs. Sympathectomy can be thoracic or cervical.

The operation has a good lasting effect, but has certain contraindications - pleurisy, tuberculosis, pulmonary emphysema, cardiovascular pathologies. Surgical intervention can be performed either traditionally or endoscopically.

Liposuction of the axillary area

With this operation, hyperhidrosis in the armpit is surgically treated, thus eliminating sweating in a certain area of ​​the body.

Liposuction of the axillary region is usually performed on obese patients, destroying the sympathetic nerve endings running in the subcutaneous fat. The use of a laser or ultrasound for this purpose significantly reduces the traumatic nature of the operation, but the patient is not immune from the formation of edema and hematomas. In addition, the sensitivity of the armpit is reduced.

Much less commonly used is a more radical method of excision of the skin under the arm, which leaves behind a noticeable scar.

Curettage of the axillary area

The procedure may not be 100% effective

Curettage (scraping) of the armpit allows, in addition to destroying nerve endings, to remove sweat glands. The procedure is carried out through a skin puncture under local anesthesia and the effect lasts for several years, however, over time, the sympathetic endings are partially or completely restored and increased sweating may resume.

Ultrasound destruction of sweat glands

During the procedure, performed on an outpatient basis, the sweat glands are destroyed through a small puncture in the skin. This operation gives a good lasting effect.

Botox injection

Botox gets rid of sweat for a short time

IN lately It has become popular to treat hyperhidrosis with Botox, which is used to inject the area of ​​increased sweating. This drug is able to block sympathetic nerve endings for up to six months, which significantly reduces sweat secretion.

Traditional medicine

Baths will not only reduce sweating, but also smooth out rough skin on the feet

To reduce sweating of the feet and palms, it is advisable to take baths with natural ingredients:

  1. Potassium permanganate. It is enough to keep your palms or feet daily in a weak (pink) solution of potassium permanganate, then wipe thoroughly and treat with powder (talcum powder).
  2. Birch leaves. Brew half a glass of dry crushed birch leaves with a liter of boiling water and let it brew and cool, then use it for a bath three times a week until the effect is obtained.
  3. Vinegar. Take 3 tablespoons of vinegar (preferably apple cider vinegar) per liter of water - the bath is ready. Repeat the procedure daily for at least two weeks. To enhance the effect, you can add half a teaspoon of baking soda to half a glass of vinegar, wait until it stops hissing, then add a pinch of borax diluted in a small amount of water and 30 g of glycerin - lubricate your hands and feet with this mixture after the bath.
  4. Oak bark. Brew 1 tablespoon of crushed bark with a liter of boiling water, cool, strain and add 2 teaspoons of vinegar. Oak bark can also be combined with St. John's wort.
  5. Salt. This is a very simple recipe. To prepare such a bath, it is enough to dissolve a tablespoon of ordinary table salt in a liter of water and hold your hands or feet in it for 10–15 minutes.

In addition, you can treat areas that sweat profusely with apple cider vinegar diluted in half with water, strong tea tincture, a slice of lemon or boric acid powder. If you have hyperhidrosis of the groin area, boric acid cannot be used.

For general hyperhidrosis, you can take baths with essential oils - mint, pine needles, eucalyptus.

In addition, traditional medicine offers a whole range of sedatives that will help get rid of hyperhidrosis that has developed due to nervous excitement - valerian, motherwort, peony, etc.

Is it possible to insure against relapse?

As mentioned above, hyperhidrosis can only be completely cured by surgical methods. However, it should be understood that in some cases, sweating may return after such treatment. The patient may be advised to focus on maintaining careful body hygiene while simultaneously using conservative methods of therapy, which will help neutralize the negative effects of hyperhidrosis.

What is hyperhidrosis and how to deal with it (video)

Sweating is a normal physiological reaction of the body that helps regulate body temperature and prevents the body from overheating. But if hyperhidrosis is pathological, it must be treated, and for this you need to consult a specialist.

Thermoregulation is carried out in the human body through the function of sweating. Depending on various factors, the process may have different intensity. Many people have a problem - excessive sweating, sometimes with an unpleasant odor. This interferes with normal life, reduces self-confidence, and makes it difficult to communicate with others. Finding out the cause and treating excessive sweating in men is of particular importance for restoring a comfortable life and increasing self-esteem.


Like most pathological processes, excessive sweating has its reasons. In a professional environment, doctors use the term hyperhidrosis for this phenomenon. The prerequisites for its occurrence can be divided into several groups. The first of these is the presence of diseases. Heavy sweating can accompany the following diseases:

  • infectious, viral lesions;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • kidney pathologies, in which it is difficult to remove urine from the body;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • neurological diseases;
  • imbalance of hormones;
  • tumor processes;
  • poisoning and intoxication;
  • obesity.

In men, sweating may increase when in stressful situations. Panic, sudden fear, increased nervousness, strong emotional excitement and anxiety provoke profuse and frequent sweating.

Domestic reasons can lead to a similar result:

  • high, uncomfortable temperature indoors or outdoors;
  • clothing made of synthetic or dense fabrics that prevent free access of air;
  • unhealthy diet, when the diet is dominated by fatty foods, with an excess of spices, confectionery, alcohol, sweet drinks with gas, coffee;
  • neglect of hygiene procedures.

Excessive physical activity and stress (sports training, hard work, moving heavy objects) provoke increased sweat production.

Often men's feet sweat - this process causes particular discomfort. The cause may be shoes or socks made of synthetic materials. If the phenomenon is accompanied by itching, this may indicate a fungal infection.

Sweat can be produced intensely if there is a hereditary predisposition. Close male relatives may have similar problems. This is usually severe sweating that occurs in a specific area of ​​the body.

Features of excessive sweating in men

The process of increased sweat secretion in representatives of the stronger sex has several features.

  1. May be sudden. Sweat is produced profusely both during the day and at night.
  2. Depending on the location of distribution on the body, it can be local (in certain places) or generalized (fluid appears abundantly simultaneously in several parts of the body). Local sweating in men is observed in the armpits, groin area, palms, feet, head, back, neck, face.

Types of male hyperhidrosis

Excessive sweating in men comes in two types. Experts define it as primary and secondary. The first of these is associated with a hereditary factor. It involves conducting diagnostic studies, analyzing the causes and characteristics of a similar problem in close male relatives.

The secondary type of hyperhidrosis is associated with the development of diseases. If high-quality treatment is carried out, the patient’s unpleasant symptom disappears, sweating returns to normal.

Situations when sweat begins to be produced intensely in men develop as a consequence of diseases in most patients.

Hyperhidrosis as an independent pathology is rarely diagnosed; it requires diagnosis of all organs and systems of the body to determine its true causes.

Which doctor should I contact?

Men suffering from severe sweating often cannot determine which specialist doctor should be contacted if an unpleasant symptom occurs. An initial consultation and diagnostic procedures can be carried out by a general practitioner or dermatologist.

It is logical to contact a specialist in skin diseases if you have additional manifestations:

  • itching;
  • redness;
  • peeling and other changes in the skin.

After examining the patient and interviewing him, the therapist can refer him for consultation to colleagues with narrow specializations:

  • endocrinologist;
  • nephrologist;
  • neurologist;
  • pulmonologist.

An additional appointment with an infectious disease specialist is possible.


For effective and quick treatment of excessive male sweating, it is necessary to accurately determine which factor became the prerequisite for the onset of the pathological process.

In the clinical laboratory, the patient leaves biological fluids for examination, the doctor will prescribe the following tests:

  • general urinalysis, 24-hour if necessary;
  • blood - general, sugar, biochemistry, hormones, RV;
  • sputum - for the presence of the causative agent of tuberculosis.

The symptoms of diseases that cause hyperhidrosis in men can be determined using diagnostic methods. Their choice and combination depends on the presence of other signs of the disease.

The patient will be advised to undergo:

  • fluorographic examination;
  • radiography;
  • ultrasound diagnostics of internal organs;
  • computed tomography.

In some cases, the patient may be prescribed other instrumental diagnostic methods.


The choice of therapy method that will be most effective for a particular patient depends on the results of the diagnosis and confirmed pathologies. Excessive sweating stops when the disease that caused this unpleasant process is cured. For each man, the doctor can prescribe special treatment methods - each remedy is selected individually, its effect is evaluated, and if necessary, the prescriptions are adjusted.

Drug therapy

When it is confirmed that excessive sweating is a consequence of physiological processes, botulinum toxin injections may be recommended. This modern medicine allows you to get rid of the problem in a short time. Its therapeutic effect is based on the ability to temporarily prevent the production of acetylcholine in nerve endings. This substance “starts” the active process of sweat glands.

A man may be prescribed medications that can regulate the state of his nervous system containing atropine (Atromed, Atropine Nova), sedatives (Corvalol, Validol).


Much attention in treatment is paid to switching to the diet recommended by the doctor. Food should not be hot or overly spicy. Fatty foods should be avoided.

Favorite “male” spices and foods (black and red pepper, onion and garlic, mustard) are prohibited. Any alcohol, coffee, soda, and sweets are also prohibited. It is also recommended to get rid of the smoking habit.


To regulate the activity of the sweat glands, the patient is prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • electrophoresis;
  • galvanization;
  • iontophoresis;
  • electrosleep;
  • therapeutic baths (pine-salt);
  • contrast shower.

Surgical intervention

When medication and physiotherapeutic treatment for the cause of excessive sweating is ineffective, the patient may be recommended to undergo surgery.

Local interventions are the safest; they involve a direct reduction in the volume of sweat glands.

For these purposes the following is carried out:

  • excision of skin in the armpit area;
  • removal of adipose tissue from the axillary area;
  • closed armpit curettage;
  • sympathectomy.

Traditional methods of treatment

You can combat excessive sweating with the help of traditional medicine recipes. The use of each product should be agreed with your doctor. The following are recommended effective methods:

  • Infusions and decoctions of herbs for internal use, the recipe may contain natural raw materials with a calming effect - valerian, motherwort, peony, nettle, sage, which are brewed like regular tea and drunk 2 cups a day.
  • Baths and infusions for external use from rose hips, horsetail, elderberry and birch leaves, oak bark.

To prepare the bath, you need to steam 50 g of any of the listed components in 1 liter of boiling water for half an hour. The resulting product is poured into a warm bath, which is taken for 15-20 minutes.

Treatment prognosis and prevention

The effect of therapy is noticeable when its methods are combined with prevention:

  • frequent hygiene procedures;
  • using antiperspirants;
  • wearing comfortable clothes and shoes made from natural materials;
  • avoiding stress and excessive physical activity.

Treatment will be effective when the patient and doctor jointly identified the causes of the pathology and began complex therapeutic actions.

Each of us has encountered in our lives men who sweat a lot. Of course, such a phenomenon is unpleasant not only for those around him, but also for the man himself, since he constantly feels unfriendly looks on himself, suffering from this uncertainty and a constant feeling of discomfort. In fact, sweating is not a pathology, but a completely natural process characteristic of the human body, which is simply necessary for thermoregulation. If a person is healthy, does not suffer from various diseases, and does not belong to the category of alcohol drinkers, sweating occurs without consequences. At the same time, severe sweating throughout the body indicates a pathology known in medicine as “hyperhidrosis.” What causes profuse sweating in men and how to deal with them?

Hyperhidrosis, what kind of disease?

Hyperhidrosis or profuse sweating is a pathology that affects mainly men. Of course, this diagnosis is not as terrible as a cancerous tumor or other disease, but it brings no less problems to men. They suffer from stiffness, a sense of self-doubt, and have certain professional difficulties.

The pathology is diagnosed if the patient produces more than 100 ml of sweat per hour, while a healthy man under normal conditions should produce no more than 700 ml in 24 hours. Under the influence of certain factors, such as extreme heat, physical exercise, there may be deviations from the norm; this is a completely natural phenomenon called physiological hyperhidrosis. But, if a man’s body is covered in sweat for no specific reason, this indicates pathological hyperhidrosis, when the sweating process is more than necessary for the thermoregulation process.

The development of pathology in the body can be judged by the smell of sweat. There are men who are simply impossible to stand near, they smell so unpleasant and disgusting when they sweat, you should know that this is not foul-smelling sweat, something wrong is going on in the human body.

Fact! Sweat, by its nature, is a solution of organic substances and various salts; in a healthy state of the body, it emits absolutely no odor!

Features of the pathology

The process of sweating is very important because it maintains the temperature of the human body at the same level. Hyperhidrosis occurs:

  • primary;
  • secondary.

The first and second types are characterized by local or general (generalized) sweating; the only thing that distinguishes them is the reasons for the development of excessive sweating.

Severe sweating in men, covering most of the body, indicates a generalized form of the pathology.

Important! If increased sweating is observed only in certain areas of the body, for example, palms, feet, armpits, chin, head, nasolabial area, inguinal folds, then this is a local form of hyperhidrosis.

Primary and secondary hyperhidrosis - causes

Treatment for excessive sweating depends on the type of pathology. For example, primary hyperhidrosis can occur for no reason. With this form of pathology, the patient sweats during sleep, the symptom intensifies during the day, his body reacts every time to temperature changes in the air. The body becomes especially covered in sweat during emotional experiences or stressful situations.

Important! Hyperhidrosis of the secondary type is a consequence of a certain disease, therefore, by identifying the disease and starting its timely treatment, the symptom will decrease or disappear on its own.

The causes of primary hyperhidrosis in men are mainly due to an excessive number of sweat glands on the body or they simply produce large amounts of sweat under the influence of various irritants. You've probably noticed that some men sweat a lot in hot weather or when doing physical work. Excessive sweating in such people is caused by external irritants.

Secondary hyperhidrosis can be caused by:

  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • low blood sugar levels;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • alcohol and drug addiction;
  • excessive body weight;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • cancerous tumors of lymphoid tissue.

A pathology such as hyperhidrosis cannot be ignored. After all, constant sweat on the body is an excellent environment for the development and reproduction of bacteria and viruses. Without finding out the cause and appropriate treatment of the pathology, problem areas of the skin will become inflamed. In addition, the sweat will soon acquire an unpleasant and persistent odor.

Important! To determine the cause of constant sweating, you need to consult a therapist. In the primary form of pathology, treatment is carried out by a dermatologist. Secondary hyperhidrosis is treated by a doctor whose specialty corresponds to the underlying disease, this can be an oncologist, cardiologist, neurologist, endocrinologist or other doctors.

What disease does the smell of sweat indicate?

Yes, sweat has no smell! But constant sweating provokes the appearance of various bacteria on the surface of the skin, which, in the process of vital activity, release various substances that give the sweat a certain smell. It is worth saying that the sharp, unpleasant, difficult to eradicate smell of sweat is in most cases caused by pathological conditions.

Let's look at some of them:

  • An unpleasant odor of sweat is almost always observed among professional athletes. Under the influence of constant physical activity, metabolic processes in the body are accelerated, including the removal of metabolic products;
  • sweat in diabetes mellitus has the smell of acetone with a sweet tint;
  • the aroma of “rotten apples” indicates the onset of development in diabetics of a pathology called ketoacidosis;
  • in case of liver disease, sweat has the smell of raw liver, while in case of kidney disease it takes on the aroma of ammonia;
  • the smell of fresh cabbage indicates tyrosinemia - pathology of the kidneys and liver;
  • the smell of sauerkraut is a sign of Norwegian scabies;
  • the sweet, intrusive smell of honey with profuse sweating can indicate a diphtheria infection or an oral disease;
  • sweat with the smell of cheese, and a very strong one - a sign of acidemia;
  • severe sweating of the whole body with a sour odor indicates digestive problems; most likely the patient has a pathology of the gastrointestinal tract or a skin infection;
  • a sharp, unpleasant odor in the armpit is a sign of excessive accumulation of toxins in the body.

If a person is completely healthy and feels good, then his sweat will have no odor.

Important! Any disturbances in the body, even minor diseases, can cause not only heavy sweating, but also an unpleasant odor.

Increased sweating at night

As a rule, at night, when a person sleeps, he does not sweat, since the activity of the sweat glands decreases. But sometimes, under the influence of certain factors, the opposite happens; some men experience severe sweating throughout the body at night. Let's try to understand the reasons for this phenomenon.

Excessive sweating, especially at night, cannot just happen. Most likely, the reasons are related to external factors or pathologies. External factors include a blanket that is too warm, high temperature in the room, or synthetic bedding material. Such reasons lead to overheating of the body, as a result of which the man sweats heavily.

Important! The optimal temperature in the room for night sleep is considered to be 16-21 degrees!

Men who like to eat heavily before bed often suffer from profuse sweating at night. Doctors do not recommend consuming foods with spicy seasonings, chocolate, coffee, alcoholic and carbonated drinks before going to bed. Such products provoke vasodilation, promote blood flow and the active functioning of the sweat glands.


Men with a hangover suffer from increased sweating. This is due to the fact that alcohol contains the substance ethanol, which the body categorically refuses to accept, reacting to it with stress. After alcohol enters the body, all vital systems simultaneously begin to resist it and push it out; not only the sweat glands, but also the urinary system are involved in the work. This is why a drunk person sweats so much and often runs around to relieve himself.

But, if a man does not drink alcohol, the room temperature is normal, and he sweats a lot at night - this may be a signal of serious illness, you should consult a doctor for advice.


Before starting treatment for hyperhidrosis, you must consult a doctor, who, after an appropriate examination, will determine the cause of the pathology. Treatment of sweating in men can be done with medication or folk remedies.

Depending on the form of hyperhidrosis and the cause of its development, the doctor prescribes a comprehensive treatment, including taking antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and other drugs, vitamins and minerals.

Treatment with folk remedies:

  • general hyperhidrosis is treated with baths with the addition of mint, sage, chamomile, and walnut leaves. You can prepare baths with herbal mixtures or individual herbs;
  • Oak bark will help get rid of sweaty feet. Grind the bark and pour it into socks, put them on at night, and wash your feet with water in the morning. You can replace oak bark with boric acid or starch;
  • for hyperhidrosis of the palms of the hands, squeezed lemon juice and baths with a mixture of ammonia and water will help. Lemon juice can be replaced with apple cider vinegar, which works well against sweating of the armpits, legs, and feet;
  • for men suffering from excessive sweating, you can prepare lemon balm tea or sage infusion;
  • If you have this problem, you can wipe your body with an infusion of birch buds;
  • Wash sweaty feet with prepared soda solution or make lotions from it.

In addition to medication and folk treatment, a constantly sweating person should take care of personal hygiene and regularly take a contrast shower. Knowing about his problem, a man should always have wet wipes and, if possible, fresh lemon in his pocket or bag, which will help get rid of the unpleasant odor of sweat for a while and reduce the activity of the sweat glands.

Increased sweating is not only a problem for men, but also for women, so a timely visit to the doctor will help avoid many unpleasant situations. Health to everyone!



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