Viburkol suppositories for teething children. Suppositories for teething children: which pain reliever is better to choose? A mother's special view of homeopathic medicines

The new “tenants” cause a lot of inconvenience for the kids. Teething is a challenge not only for children, but also for parents. Special suppositories, creams, preparations, syrups and gels will help relieve symptoms. Pediatricians often prescribe Viburkol for teething children, reviews of which are mostly positive.

Pharmacological action of homeopathic medicine

Viburkol is prescribed to children not only because it is a good pain reliever. It has a lot of advantages over other candles. Viburkol suppositories are made using natural ingredients, so they can be used frequently without fear of overdose.

The plant components included in the suppositories (chamomile, belladonna, nightshade, meadow lumbago) have a complex effect:

  • relieve severe pain;
  • stops the effects of toxic substances and removes them from the body;
  • reduces spasm of smooth muscles of blood vessels and internal organs;
  • restores body temperature during fever.

When teething with fever, the homeopathic remedy reduces it gradually, since it is not a direct antipyretic.

Important! If your child's temperature is too high, give him any product intended for children, but not suppositories.

Chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties. It weakens the inflammatory process and leads to a reduction in pain.

The homeopathic remedy is unique in composition and can be used without fear. In the next section, we will consider when to put suppositories, and what dosage to follow?

Suppositories are prescribed to children from the first days of life for local pain. How to use the drug for babies up to 6 months old? Children grow differently, some teeth begin to manifest themselves at 1-2 months with severe attacks of pain. In such cases, the dosage is ¼ suppository 4 times a day.

Important! For children 3-6 months old, when teething and fever, put 2 suppositories per day.

Instructions for use of Viburkol for children over 6 months:

  1. For small children under 3 years old, pediatricians prescribe ½ suppository 2 times a day. That is, 1 candle per day.
  2. When teething without fever, use 1 suppository 3 times a day.
  3. In case of acute condition of the child, it is recommended to place suppositories every 15-20 minutes. The duration of this treatment is 2 hours. After which the use of the drug can be started after 12 hours.

In pediatric practice, the maximum daily dose for acute conditions or painful eruption of new teeth is 4 suppositories per day. Further, medication intake is limited to 1 suppository 1-2 times a day.

How many days can you put suppositories? Taking homeopathic suppositories for pronounced symptoms lasts from 2 to 14 days.

Attention! Dosage and use are indicated for informational purposes. It is not recommended to use the drug without the knowledge of the doctor.

Inserting Viburkol suppositories correctly

Sequence of using candles:

  1. Before using homeopathic suppositories, mother should wash her hands well with soap, preferably antibacterial or laundry soap. This measure is necessary to avoid introducing infection into the baby’s colon.
  2. Small children up to the first year of life are placed on their backs with their legs tucked in. Older children should be placed on their sides with their legs bent towards their tummy.
  3. Before placing a candle, remove the packaging from it and warm it in your hands. Next, lubricate the baby's anus with baby cream.
  4. Spread the baby's buttocks and insert the suppository into the anus. Then close the baby's bottom so that the suppository does not come out again.

After using a suppository for toothache for children, it is advisable to leave the child to lie down so that the components of the suppository are well absorbed into the walls of the colon.

Indications, contraindications and side effects

Viburkol for teeth is prescribed for high temperatures accompanied by any inflammatory processes. For children, homeopathic suppositories are prescribed for increased accumulation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract. It can also be used for childhood infectious diseases. For example, rubella, chickenpox, measles, chicken pox.

There are no contraindications, except that suppositories should not be used if the child is intolerant to one of the components of the suppository. No side effects were found, but an allergic reaction in the form of a small rash is possible.

Important! If you are allergic to any of the components of the drug, stop using it and contact your pediatrician.

Did homeopathic suppositories help children?

Does Viburcol help with teething? This question is asked by every parent before purchasing suppositories. It is quite correct and reasonable. Firstly, I want to alleviate the baby’s suffering. Secondly, the cost of Viburkol is high for the average salary; do not waste money on a medicine that will not help the child.

Numerous positive reviews about the drug indicate its effectiveness. Many mothers write that Viburkol is the only remedy that saves them from teething pain throughout the year.

What drugs can be used instead of Viburkol

The price for homeopathic rectal suppositories is 447 rubles. The need to replace the drug is usually the reason for its high cost.

Cheap analogues that can replace Viburkol during teething according to pharmacological action:

  1. Ibufen.
  2. Pansoral “First teeth”.
  3. Dentinox gel.
  4. Kalgel.
  5. Dantinorm.
  6. Nurofen.

At the moment, Viburkol has no analogues that can replace it in composition.

The most difficult time for young parents and newborn children is the first year of the baby's life. Since it is during this period that teeth are cut, colic is tormented, and colds may appear. And after vaccinations, the temperature sometimes rises.

It is at this stage of his life that the baby especially needs his mother’s warmth and protection. And when there is a need for painkillers and healing drugs to alleviate pain in the tummy and eliminate the symptoms of the appearance of the first teeth that are too violently manifested, it is recommended to use homeopathic medicines.

Then the process will proceed more smoothly and recovery will come sooner.

One of the most effective and safest drugs based on natural ingredients is Viburkol. Candles for children that relieve teething pain and help with colds. Also indicated for adults - for certain health problems.


The drug contains herbal ingredients (the list is described below). They are light-colored suppositories (shaped like a torpedo), which are invisible and imperceptible during use (rectally, into the rectum). They have a smooth and slightly oily surface.

As reviews show, more and more parents prefer Viburkol suppositories for children (teething is especially painful). Since their effectiveness when used is either high or neutral (no negative experiences have been recorded at all). And the natural composition is absolutely harmless to the baby’s body.

And this is a fairly serious indicator. After all, babies, when their teeth begin to come out (or a cold or colic appears) need a gentle drug that will gently and gently help eliminate pain, without having a negative effect on the immune system and the body as a whole.

Features of the period up to 1 year

On average, a baby starts teething at 5-7 months. But there are cases when everything happens earlier (2-4 months) or later (9-11 months).

Some children calmly and painlessly endure all the “hardships” of this period. But mostly it’s painful and difficult. In addition to discomfort in the gum area, the baby may have a fever, nasal discharge (and even a red throat).

But if young parents are not sure that the cause is the appearance of baby teeth, then it is recommended to consult a doctor. After all, in order to prescribe the correct treatment for symptoms, an accurate diagnosis is necessary.

The process of teeth emergence

From a physiological point of view, this is due to the movement and growth that occurs in the tissue part of the gum. Initially, the tooth appears in it, and then cuts through and comes out.

In addition to the symptoms described above, this process is also accompanied by burning, heat, swelling, severe salivation, pain and lack of appetite.

And if even a large child sometimes finds it difficult to cope with such a condition (when permanent teeth come out) or an adult (when wisdom teeth appear), then it is especially difficult for a baby at these moments in life.

After all, his internal strength is still very little to endure such a state. He may completely refuse to eat, put his hands in his mouth (and not only his hands, but also all objects that come into his hands).

The body, on the one hand, reacts painfully to the process of teething, and on the other hand, it thus protects against the penetration of infections (salivation and temperature increase) and other negative phenomena.


What to do in such difficult periods? And how can we help children?

Viburkol suppositories for teething are one of the drugs for babies that copes well with these tasks, while being absolutely safe for health.

And when everything is fine with the child, then the parents have peace of mind.

Who produces?

The pharmaceutical company Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH, or "Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH" (Germany), is a fairly well-known and reliable manufacturer of medicines.

The company was founded by a doctor and scientist (originally from Germany) Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg in 1936. The doctor’s fundamental goal was to combine the resources of homeopathic and academic medicine, making drugs of completely new quality and effectiveness, as well as wide availability for other doctors and patients.

The selection of suppliers and the process of medicine production itself have always been given special importance and a thorough check was carried out at this enterprise. And this continues to this day.

Therefore, all the medications that this company produces have a positive reputation and are in demand as the best drugs.

What does the instruction say?

According to the instructions for use, Viburkol suppositories (for children and adults) are a complex homeopathic preparation. It has analgesic, sedative, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and detoxifying effects on the body.

Thanks to Viburkol, the protective functions in internal organs and systems increase significantly. This allows it to also be used during periods of cold weather as a means to support immunity.

But the drug is not an antipyretic (it only maintains the temperature within normal limits).

  • inflammation of the ears, nose and throat;
  • inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • convulsions;
  • nervous tension;
  • colds;
  • fever;
  • incoordination of labor;
  • teething in children.

The latter is especially important, since this drug is the best modern medicine, which is easy to use and effective in action, and also does not harm the child’s body.

Also rare, but side effects may occur after use, such as redness, swelling, rash, itching, anaphylactic shock. In such cases, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor.

Composition of the drug

Viburkol candles (for children and adults) are created on the basis of plant materials.

The main components of the drug are:

  1. Common chamomile - reduces inflammatory processes, relieves pain symptoms during teething, inflammation in the digestive system, and respiratory tract.
  2. Bittersweet nightshade - fights infections that cause fever, has an auxiliary effect on nephritis, cystitis, problems with joints and skin.
  3. Belladonna - reduces inflammation in the throat and mouth, cures sore throats, meningitis, skin inflammation, joint pain.
  4. Meadow lumbago - normalizes intestinal function, reduces tension in the nervous system, improves the functioning of the upper respiratory tract, and helps with otitis media.
  5. Plantain - removes swelling, stops bleeding, a good remedy for urinary incontinence, skin rashes, diarrhea.
  6. Calcium carbonicum hanemani - promotes the rapid formation of tooth tissue, eliminates cramps.

In general, the healing effects of Viburkol are achieved due to the enzymatic activity that increases during its use, which serves as a catalyst for the unification and removal of negative (toxic) bodies from the body. It also has a beneficial effect on the immune system, providing it with powerful support.

How to use and dosage

According to the instructions, Viburkol suppositories (for children and adults) are used rectally, which allows the drug to be introduced into the body in the least painless manner (without causing vomiting and other unpleasant sensations). They are also quickly absorbed from the intestines into the blood, with almost no harmful effects on the body.

This is especially important for young children who are starting to teethe, making it impossible (very difficult) to give the child pain relief in any other way.

Dosages of the drug "Viburkol":

  • children under 6 months (for teething and colds) - 1 candle 2 times a day;
  • children over 6 months (if the temperature is over 37 degrees) - 1 candle 4 times a day;
  • children over 6 months (if the temperature is over 38 degrees) - 1 candle 6 times a day;
  • children over 6 months (to normalize temperature) - 1 suppository 1-2 times a day (an additional 3-4 days).

Around the age of six months, and sometimes earlier, babies begin to cut their first teeth. For each child this process occurs individually. Whims, poor appetite and sleep, swollen gums are just a small part of the symptoms that accompany the appearance of teeth. To help the baby and his parents, there are a large number of ways to eliminate these signs, which must be selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the child.

Causes of pain during teething

The process of teething causes a lot of painful and uncomfortable conditions in the child, which are individual for each baby. The main symptoms that occur most often can be identified:

The whims and hysterics of a little man are a signal of an unusual and unpleasant state for the baby. When a tooth cuts through the gum, a wound appears, and in this place one feels intense heat, itching and aching pain. The body begins to produce saliva abundantly, which, due to its bactericidal properties, prevents the inflammatory process in the wound. To produce protective interferon, the temperature rises. This restructuring of the child’s body causes intestinal dysfunction; infants sometimes have bowel movements more than three times a day. During this period, the baby’s immunity is weakened, and the likelihood of infectious and colds increases.

Modern pharmacology has a sufficient number of drugs that can alleviate the baby’s suffering during teething. It remains only to find out which remedies are the most effective and safe for children, taking into account side effects and contraindications.

How to help your baby?

Methods of pain relief during teething can be divided into the following groups:

  1. medicines;
  2. teethers;
  3. folk remedies.

Today, pharmacies offer a huge range of teethers, which are made of different materials: silicone, latex, rubber and even wood. Diverse in shape, color and with all sorts of decorative additions, they will not leave even the most demanding child indifferent. There are teethers with special holes into which ointment or gel is poured so that the child can discreetly apply it to the gums. Some types contain water (a special liquid) intended for cooling in the refrigerator.

For picky babies, you can use carrots, crackers, bagels, apples, etc. as a teether. We must not forget that there are children who may be allergic to carrots.

Using anesthetic suppositories

For infants, the most convenient option for improving the condition of toothache is pain-relieving rectal suppositories. At high temperatures, painkillers and antipyretic suppositories Nurofen or Panadol will be indispensable, and to improve the general condition during teething, suppositories with herbal ingredients - Viburkol - will help.

Homeopathic - Viburcol

Viburcol homeopathic rectal suppositories are made from herbal ingredients, therefore they are classified as homeopathy. The drug contains the following substances:

  • pharmaceutical chamomile;
  • meadow lumbago;
  • bittersweet nightshade;
  • large plantain;
  • belladonna;
  • calcium carbonate.

The basis of Viburcol suppositories is an inert pharmacological solid fat. Since the fat base is oriented towards body temperature, the drug should be stored at a temperature of no more than +25 °C. There are usually no side effects in children. However, allergic reactions cannot be excluded, therefore, when using for the first time, it is necessary to monitor the child’s reaction and, in case of any deviations, immediately notify the doctor.

It is advisable to use homeopathic suppositories for teething in babies in the following cases:

  • high temperature and fever;
  • pain;
  • severe itching of the gums;
  • child anxiety and insomnia;
  • complete refusal to eat and lack of appetite;
  • rash near the mouth and neck;
  • the addition of a viral or bacterial infection due to decreased immunity;
  • strong crying of a child that cannot be stopped.

In addition to these conditions, it is possible to use suppositories in complex therapy for other diseases. The use of Viburcol significantly improves the child’s well-being, he becomes more active and cheerful, and stops being capricious.

The suppositories are administered rectally and begin to affect the entire body within fifteen minutes. As a result, the baby receives the following help:

  • inflammation in any organ or tissue decreases;
  • anesthesia;
  • has a sedative effect;
  • relieving intestinal spasms;
  • all toxins are removed from the child’s body;
  • body temperature decreases.

Paracetamol based - Panadol

Children's rectal suppositories Panadol are recommended for use in children aged 6 months to two and a half years. The main active ingredient is paracetamol. The dosage of the drug is calculated based on the child’s weight, but the number of suppositories per day should not exceed 4 pieces. Panadol rectal suppositories quickly and effectively eliminate painful sensations during teething, normalize temperature and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

The main contraindications are kidney, liver and blood diseases. It is also inadmissible for use by children who have recently suffered from inflammation of the rectum. Exceeding the permissible dosage causes side effects and poisoning.

Based on ibuprofen - Nurofen

The main active ingredient in Nurofen suppositories is ibuprofen, which copes well with high fever and pain of various etiologies. Suppositories can be used for babies weighing more than six kilograms and over three months of age - the dosage is calculated depending on this.

Before use by infants, parents should carefully study the instructions, because the drug has a number of contraindications. It is advisable to avoid long-term use, as there is a high probability of side effects.

Syrups and drops

In some cases, when teething, pediatricians recommend using syrups and drops. The following options are possible:

Syrups that have an analgesic and antipyretic effect can also be a good help. The most common are Panadol and Nurofen suspensions.

Folk remedies

For older children, rinsing with decoctions of chamomile, lemon balm or sage works well. Soda solution has an antiseptic effect and perfectly relieves swelling. Rinsing with propolis tincture will have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Oak bark decoction is the most famous remedy for toothache, even for adults. For small children, you can try the following as an alternative: wet a clean cotton cloth (towel) with chamomile infusion, put it in the refrigerator to cool, and then give it to the child to chew.

Alternative methods of pain relief

The most universal method that can help a baby with teething is gum massage. Massaging your finger over the inflamed gum temporarily reduces pain and discomfort. For such a massage, you can use special silicone toothbrushes.

Cold objects or cool food help relieve pain and swelling of the gums. For example, a cold towel or a cooling teether, a cold spoon, cool mashed potatoes or a banana. You should not give your child too cold food or drinks, because in this state his immunity is very weakened.

It should be remembered that even the safest medicine can lead to side effects. Before making teething easier for your child, you should definitely consult with your pediatrician. He is the one who can take into account all the characteristics of your child and prescribe effective medications.

The appearance of teeth is a difficult stage for a baby and his parents. This process does not always go smoothly; often the child becomes nervous and capricious. He may have mucus coming out of his nose, a cough, and a fever. But the baby’s anxiety is easy to understand: he is still so small, and something incomprehensible is happening to his body. He tries in every possible way to show his parents that he needs help. But what can be done in such a situation?

You tried all the special toys that were created to ease this difficult period, you made it yourself or bought drops at the pharmacy, but this was not enough. In this case, try using Viburkol rectal suppositories.

Viburkol not only copes with fever and pain. This is a complex type homeopathic medicine. It was developed so that it:

  1. Minimizes inflammatory processes in the body.
  2. Calmed the child.
  3. Acted as an analgesic.
  4. Prevented the occurrence of convulsions.
  5. Relieved painful spasms.

The great advantage of this drug is that it does not have a negative effect not only on the kidneys, but also on the liver. This is an important aspect that parents need to pay attention to. The medicine does not harm the small organism at all.

Spasmodic action is not typical for Viburkol. It acts gently, but extremely effectively: it gradually lowers the child’s rising temperature, and at the same time removes toxins from his body. Viburkol smoothes out the acute phases of the teething period and makes it as easy as possible. The result is a baby without fever or other discomfort, and parents are at peace.

Viburkol contains exclusively natural ingredients: plantain, chamomile, belladonna-belladonna, Hahnemann's calcium carbonate, meadow lumbago, bittersweet nightshade. Together, they all easily cope with the unpleasant symptoms that accompany the period of teething in a child. An allergy to this combination of components can occur in very rare cases.

Viburkol is a rectal medicine. Before use, make sure that all hygiene standards are met and that the child is relaxed and calm.

How to use Viburkol for teething in infants: instructions, dosage, reviews

This drug is most effective in the form of suppositories, so it is not produced in any other form. In pharmacies this form is also called suppository. This is the usual form for most children's medications.

Make sure that both your hands and the candle itself are not cold. Wash your hands, dry them, open the package of medicine and hold the candle in your palms for a few minutes to warm it up.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Place the baby on his side and bend his legs.
  2. Insert the candle into the anus lubricated with cream.
  3. Hold your buttocks so that the candle does not slip back.

Viburkol should be carefully and slowly introduced into the anus, previously lubricated with baby cream. Do not make sudden movements - this can cause additional stress and potential injury. It is better to administer the medicine in a position on your side. Bend your knees to make it both convenient and quick. Distract your child's attention from your actions so that he relaxes. In order for the candle to remain inside, close your palms on the baby’s buttocks and hold them there for a minute or two. Viburkol will work faster if the child is not active for about thirty minutes and just lies down.

The standard dose is one suppository two or three times a day. If the teething process does not deviate particularly from the norm, then this amount of medicine per day will be quite enough. But if the baby’s unpleasant symptoms associated with the appearance of teeth have become extremely aggravated, then it is recommended to use one suppository every thirty minutes. Do not delay taking medications: emergency measures can be used for no longer than two hours. If such measures do not help, then a doctor’s consultation is urgently needed.

Remember that it is better for a specialist to calculate the dose of medications, even harmless ones like Viburkol, than for you. Self-medication must remain within the bounds of common sense, otherwise you risk harming the child.

Does Viburcol help?

In most situations, yes. However, always keep in mind that such a drug may not be suitable for your child for many reasons. Among the main ones is individual intolerance. It may also not work if the child is sick with something else.

The most important thing in a medicine is its effectiveness. There are many positive opinions about Viburkol on the Internet. It is recommended by both ordinary users who have used this medicine in practice more than once, and well-known doctors. Even Dr. Komarovsky considers Viburkol one of the most effective means for facilitating the process of teething in children.

We will describe in more detail how Viburkol suppositories help with teething, detailed instructions and methods of their use, as well as parental reviews of the results obtained. After all, at first it is always scary to give an unknown and untested medicine to a child until you are sure that in practice it definitely helps and does not cause harm.

Every mother knows how difficult it is to see a baby suffer during the period of teething. At this time, the child is capricious, cries, behaves restlessly, clearly experiences painful sensations and cannot even sleep at night. The idea that a child can be helped with a simple and effective remedy will appeal to many.


What kind of drug is this and what is it good for? More often it is produced in the form of suppositories, which must be used rectally. They contain the following herbal and natural ingredients:

  • chamomile;
  • belladonna, otherwise called belladonna;
  • bittersweet nightshade;
  • plantain;
  • meadow lumbago;
  • and calcium carbonate.

Thanks to this, the medicine is considered homeopathic and safe for the health of the child. To give the desired shape and size to the candles, pharmacologically inert solid fat is used as a base, which softens at normal body temperature.

Indications and contraindications

Thanks to the composition described above, Viburkol has a complex effect during teething for children:

  • relieves local pain;
  • removes toxic substances and reduces their negative impact on the body;
  • reduces spasms of smooth muscles;
  • normalizes body temperature;
  • eliminates inflammatory processes.

How quickly does it work? As the suppositories dissolve and are absorbed into the intestinal walls, they gradually reduce body temperature and eliminate pain. The calming effect occurs half an hour after administration of the suppository, and pain relief and relief from the inflammatory process is achieved only cumulatively, that is, from regular use of the product twice a day.

It should be noted that the action of Viburkol is effective without or with low levels of it. But if the readings on the thermometer reach 38⁰ or more, then it is advisable to use other medications in the form of syrups or tablets.

The manufacturer notes that there are no negative consequences from taking Viburkol and it does not cause any side effects. And yet, in some cases, a child may experience an allergic reaction in the form of a rash to any active component of the product.

Instructions for use of Viburkol

Conveniently, such suppositories can be given to a child from the first months of his life, and not only when teeth are being cut, but also in other cases of fever or the appearance of a capricious state. And yet, there are special recommendations on how often it can be used, in what quantities, depending on age:

  1. When the baby is no more than 1-2 months old, the dosage is the bare minimum - ¼ of a whole candle and no more than four times a day. That is, the full daily dose is just one suppository.
  2. For children from 3 to 6 months, the amount of product used is doubled and it is permissible to use up to two whole candles throughout the day. But this is the maximum dose for this age.
  3. Most often, to eliminate pain symptoms during teething up to three years, it is recommended to use only half of the suppository twice a day. And only in the presence of temperature increase their number.
  4. In an acute condition, the doctor may prescribe the use of the drug every 15-20 minutes, but not longer than two hours in a row. After this, its re-use is permissible no earlier than after 12 hours.

The duration of such treatment should be 2-14 days, but no longer. If Viburkol suppositories do not help at high temperatures, then you should consult a doctor. He will prescribe other means that are more effective in each specific case.

How to give a suppository? As we already mentioned, they are used rectally. This means that you need to insert the candle into the child’s butt. To do this, perform the following manipulations:

  • Wash your hands with soap.
  • Hold the candle a little in your palms so that it softens.
  • During this time, lay the child on his side and spread his buttocks, the anus can be lubricated with baby cream.
  • Cover the suppository so that the index finger rests on a light notch on one side, and the pointed edge is directed towards the child.
  • With a quick movement, insert the candle into the baby’s butt and squeeze the buttocks a little. The suppository should go inside completely.


This drug does not cause any serious symptoms or adverse reactions. Thanks to its natural composition, it is harmless and safe, so Viburkol can be used even for the youngest patients.

Of all the complications, only rare cases of allergies are observed, which depends individually on the child and the state of his immune system. At the first signs of allergy, you should stop using Viburkol, consult a doctor and give an antihistamine.


Many parents, upon learning the price of the drug, want to purchase a cheaper substitute. But pharmacists do not yet offer an analogue of Viburkol with the same composition. But there are plenty of other remedies in pharmacies that can also be used to alleviate a child’s condition during teething. These include:

  • Preparations based on paracetamol to reduce fever and eliminate pain - Efferalgan, Tsefekon, Panadol, etc.
  • Products with a similar effect, but containing another active substance - ibuprofen. This is Nurofen or Ibufen.
  • As well as various pain-relieving gels that have a local anesthetic effect - etc.

It is worth noting that at high temperatures it is advisable to use not suppositories, but some drugs in the form of syrups. Local anesthetics, produced in the form of gels, have an anti-inflammatory effect and, due to the lidocaine in the composition, quickly relieve pain. True, the result may be restless behavior of the child due to new “cooling” sensations, as well as increased salivation.

Video: Viburkol - composition, instructions, etc.



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