Advice from experts - how to find a job faster. How to find a job you like: advice from a psychologist

Hi all! I have long promised to write a post based on the comments to my first article entitled “I Just Got Fired.”

It was a great experience that will be very useful to me in the future. I enjoy writing and I would like to thank you again for reading my articles. I believe that some of us are too obsessed with numbers and big corporate names, forgetting that we are all people first. It's so simple. We have feelings and hearts, aspirations and desires, and we all want to achieve success not only in our professional lives, but also in our personal lives. So why do we make things so complicated?

I am often asked the question: " How did you manage to find a new job so quickly?"

Well, I'll tell you. And I hope that this will resonate in the hearts of those who are currently searching.

Step one. Send out your resume!

Make sure you have the appropriate qualifications for the position you are applying for. The more resumes you send out, the higher your chance of getting an interview. Perhaps some of you will think: “How corny!” You'll be surprised, but many people don't do this. Also, make sure that your resumes posted on online portals contain the latest information. Nowadays, job search portals offer hundreds of useful tools to job seekers, and 99% of them are free. Use all possible resources!

Step two. Go for an interview.

I REALLY love interviews. I have been working in the recruitment field for three years now. During this time, I acquired the ability to talk for hours about human ability and why a particular candidate should be hired. That is why it was not difficult for me to tell about myself.

Be confident. This is what you will need first. Be proud of your achievements. Could it really be unpleasant for someone to talk about themselves? This is something that each of us has certainly succeeded in.

Be honest. First of all, I told my potential employer why I was fired from my previous job. The job market is currently crowded and competition is high. If you don't believe you can get the job, the person interviewing you won't believe it either.

Prepare for the interview and ask as many questions as possible. Don't be afraid to openly discuss what interests you. Both parties must be fully aware of the prospects. This is what I was missing... Well, next time I'll be smarter. I will communicate with potential employers as openly as possible and try to find out as many details as possible. Be yourself! Let your interlocutor see your personality without embellishment.

Step three. Insist that this position become yours!

It's very simple but very effective. At the end of the interview, be sure to ask about what will happen next. Be bolder! A respectful and assertive attitude will serve you well. Because in the end, you are really selling yourself. :) Tell us why you want this job. Let the potential employer know that this is what you really want and they should make a decision as soon as possible. You will probably feel much better when you realize that you did everything you could.

Step four. Feedback. Don't forget to write letters of gratitude!

Email will allow you to do this very quickly. Thank everyone who participated in the interview. This will let people know that you are serious and really want to work with them.

Step five. Repeat until the bitter end.

Finding a job is not an easy task. We all know this. Sometimes you just give up, life seems unfair, and hope melts away before your eyes. And I want to give up. But you can't do that. You just can’t, that’s all! When I moved to Los Angeles, it took me three months to find a job. And I persistently tried again and again until I finally got the answer I had been waiting for.

Don't give up! Keep hoping! The more resumes you submit, the more interviews you attend, the more offers you receive, the more options you have. Feel this moment. Enjoy it. Learn useful lessons.

You will succeed in the end! Of course, there is little new in my advice. This is a proven method that really works. I was just trying to remind you that persistence and perseverance combined with good old fashioned techniques can help you land a new job. I also advise you to apply the above techniques when organizing interactions with colleagues. Be always available.

I know that all of those readers who are currently looking can find a new job. Yes, yes, you can do it. I believe in you! And you must believe in yourself. This is my opinion. Of course, it is not the only correct one. Everything I advised above, I tested from my own experience. This may be useful to you. Or maybe not. Go for it! And please don't write negative reviews. I don't read them. Spend your energy on something else.

Katy Bruce,
Translation: Airapetova Olga

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Despite the fact that the crisis seems to have passed, there are not much fewer unemployed people. Right now, the labor market is still an employer's market, not a . Therefore, employers, as a rule, look for employees slowly - they know that they can always find a decent specialist willing to work for a small salary. Accordingly, not all applicants are considered.

However, this does not mean that it cannot be found. There are companies that are ready to hire a candidate with high salary expectations, as long as he is a true professional. Contrary to the common myth that you can now get a good job in Russia only through “connections,” many people find decent work in such companies. To do this, of course, you will have to go through a rather tough selection process.

The first stage of selection is, of course, a resume. Most job sites have a form you need to fill out. Your resume should be simple, concise, and give a clear picture of your key skills and strengths. It is especially worth mentioning your work achievements, as well as leadership experience, if any. If you don’t have one yet, focus on good knowledge acquired at university, character strengths and the desire to learn on the job.

If the employer is interested in your resume, they will call you back and schedule an interview. Before the interview, you should go to the website of the company that invited you and find out as much as possible about it. Try to think about what questions an HR manager might ask a candidate like you. It would be useful to read articles about interviews and thematic forums. Even at this stage of selection, you may be offered a test or asked a couple of questions about your specialty, if, in addition to the HR manager, there will be a department for which they are looking for an employee. So you should be prepared for this too.

The final stage of the interview, as a rule, will be a conversation with a representative of the company's top management. The most successful candidates reach this stage. At this level, it is important to discuss the details of the work and benefits package. You, in turn, will be tested on your ability to behave, communication skills and loyalty.

Don’t forget about other methods - ask your friends if they need a specialist in your profile. Few people like to be obligated to other people, but what if you really are a good candidate for a vacant position in their company. Don't be afraid to take action; eventually, you may have to help them someday.

Useful advice

Much depends on the impression you make at the interview. There are no templates, everyone is different, but there are things to remember. A confident and proactive candidate will always appear more competent and suitable. A candidate's positive attitude and openness will also make a better impression than excessive seriousness and stiffness: the employer does not want people with problems or those who seem to have problems.


  • how to find a job in Moscow

We spend a huge part of our lives at work. If at the same time it is boring and complex, this will definitely lead us to depression and dissatisfaction. An interesting job that brings income and pleasure can be found for everyone. The main thing is to correctly define your goals.

You will need

  • - Internet access.
  • - Email.
  • - Business cards.
  • - Summary.


Very often we receive this or that education without imagining the intricacies of our future profession. As a result, we risk ending up in a boring and low-paid job. It's never too late to change your life. It is awareness and the desire to change the situation in order to enjoy work that should be your first step. Think about what you would like to do (putting aside). Where do you see yourself in the future? What activity makes you feel good? This way you can determine the field of future work. You may think that the chosen type of activity is interesting, but will not bring much income. Most often this is not the case. With the right skill, enthusiasm and zeal, you can always turn your favorite hobby into a profitable business.

Once you have determined your goals and scope of activity, select a specific list of work that you would like to perform. Tired of the monotonous office routine? The global labor market is gradually moving towards a home-office system, remote work and attracting freelancers. If a free schedule is important to you, prepare the necessary base to work. A cell phone, laptop, mobile modem, organizer, high-quality business cards - all this should always be at your fingertips, because an information or project may appear at any moment.

The fear of staying idle and the desire to adequately provide for our family force us to look for a new place as soon as possible. What course of action should you choose to really quickly find a job?

Here are some really useful tips.

You have to hurry slowly

The hiring process should not be turned into a stressful situation. It may seem to you that excitement is pushing you, helping you not to waste a minute, but in reality everything is more complicated.

Stress mobilizes the body only at first, and then the resources are depleted, leaving only unhealthy anxiety.

If you want to find a job quickly, do not rush into battle immediately after receiving your work book. Give yourself a chance to switch gears. Rest for at least a week, completely throwing thoughts about business out of your head.

AND - don't overwork yourself, running around for interviews. It is better to prepare well for one promising interview and come to it fully prepared than to appear for three conversations in one day.

A positive attitude is a must

Don't take finding a job as a problem and don't feel like a damaged slave. Consider this stage as a step towards new activities, achievements, and acquaintances.

Your sense of self- an important point. People are hired by other people, and they are guided by more than just rational considerations.

You should give the employer the impression of a confident, successful person, and not a confused loser.

There must be a system in everything

Keep a file on your computer “How to quickly find a job.” Make a plan for yourself.

Treat your job search how to the project, on which you will work daily from such and such time to such and such (taking into account legal breaks for breakfast, lunch and dinner).

Identify for yourself the main points of the plan with specific and visible indicators of their implementation, for example:

  1. Write a good, universal resume and post it on all major job/employee search services.
  2. View the “Job” section in the city advertisement newspaper “Everything for everyone”.
  3. Get acquainted with the vacancies available on the major websites HeadHunter, (as well as on our resource).
  4. Post a job search ad on your social network page and ask your friends to repost it.
  5. Register with the employment center in order to receive benefits (at least one month in advance, the money is not extra) and study the electronic database of vacancies of the Employment Center.
  6. Choose 5 organizations in the city that you would like to work for and contact them directly with an offer of your services.

You need to think broadly

When considering options, don't try to find only what you already know. Many professions allow you to complete your education on the go. Think about related areas of activity.

If, for example, you worked as a Russian language teacher, try to get a job as a journalist or proofreader.

Go through all your hobbies in your mind. You have a great chance to combine business with pleasure.

Maybe, after thinking about it, you will even decide to organize a small business of your own - producing wooden souvenirs, sewing dresses, making interior toys...

A small own enterprise does not always require large start-up investments.

This article was written specifically for the majority. Let me make a reservation right away that the topic of job search is very broad, and it will not be possible to talk about everything at once. Therefore, we will limit our job search to an invitation to an interview.

Stage one: you need to decide

You have decided to look for a job. First of all, you need to decide what kind of job you want to find. It is very important to define search criteria: for example, position, job content, schedule, salary, distance from home, etc. The more specific your wishes for your future job are, the faster you will find it. Ideally, you need to take some time, sit down and write out all your job requirements. And also limit the time frame for searching for a job (you can go through the options endlessly).

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Stage two: active actions

Let's get active! The essence of this stage is that everyone around you should know that you are open to the market and are ready to consider offers from employers!

Let's take a closer look at job search channels:

  1. The most understandable and traditional way to search for a job is on specialized sites. For applicants, registration on the site is free. Some sites allow you to host multiple . This is especially useful if you are considering several job options (for example, full-time or part-time, different positions, etc.). Category “Useful tips”
    • You should not limit yourself to posting your resume on one site. Often employers (for whom the service of viewing applicants' resumes is paid and, by the way, not at all cheap) have access to only one of the sites. Therefore, I recommend not to be lazy and accommodate at least three.
    • When placing a job, I highly recommend comparing your salary expectations with the salaries of your colleagues in the industry, as well as with the offers of employers. Perhaps your salary expectations do not correspond to the market, and you need to indicate a lower/higher (!) salary.
    • Continuing the thought: do not be lazy to study the market and be sure to indicate your salary expectations. The “salary by agreement” column can play a cruel joke on you. Since the labor market is crowded, a recruiter can simply exclude a resume with a salary “by agreement” (by the way, this is done in one click), which means that he will not see your resume, no matter how “interesting” it is.
    • Be sure to update your resume regularly. It is better to do this once every 2-3 days. Some sites do this automatically (check the settings in your personal account).
    • All contacts indicated in your resume (phone, email, Skype, ICQ, etc.) must work! Again, due to the large number of applicants and the “urgency” of the vacancy, the recruiter, not finding your contacts in your resume or not getting through the first time, may no longer return to your candidacy.
      And yes, your resume MUST include a phone number and email address!
    • Pay attention to your work experience. For example, your work experience is 5 years, of which you worked as a salesperson for 4 years and as a marketer for 1 year. You are looking for a job as a marketer. In your resume, indicate your entire career path. As a result, the recruiter, when opening your resume, expects to see that you have a declared 5 years of experience as a marketer, but your experience is only a year. Moreover, if a recruiter needed a marketer with one (to three) years of experience, your resume would not be included in his selection either. What to do in this case? Review the site settings. Some sites allow you to record your work experience, but do not count it in the overall calculation. Or indicate in your resume only 1 year of work as a marketer, and below in the “additional information” column (as a rule, such a column is available in one form or another on all sites) add that you worked as a salesperson for 4 years - you know, you know how, you can do that this and that.
  2. Immediately, before I forget, we go to the active one. We don’t sit and wait for people to call us, we go and look for vacancies on our own! This is where your work wish list will come in handy. Next is a matter of technique: enter the criteria you are interested in into the search bar - and get the result. You should send your resume only if you are really interested in the vacancy and you are sure that 1) this job will suit you; 2) you fit the employer's description and will be able to perform the job successfully. Category “Useful tips”
    • You should not send one general resume to all employers. You can edit it for each specific vacancy (at least the title).
    • Write if the vacancy requires it. And if you don’t require it, be sure to write too! This is a great opportunity to highlight your resume - write (briefly) that you are interested in the position, your experience is relevant and you would welcome a personal meeting and opportunity. Sure, the site has a specific cover letter template, but who cares to read it? No one.
    • In addition, in the cover letter you can ask questions you are interested in about the vacancy (critical for finding a job, for example, schedule or proximity to the metro); it is better to ask about “tea and cookies” in a personal meeting.
    • To always stay up to date with updated vacancies, set up a subscription in your personal account (set job search criteria, and “suitable” vacancies will be sent to you by email). Very convenient.

Stage three: networking

Networking (friends, colleagues, acquaintances). Do your friends know that you are looking for a job? If not, you definitely need to tell them!

Now I am not suggesting that you “look for a job through your friends.” I suggest you build job search channels. How many friends, colleagues, acquaintances do you have? Perhaps one of them knows about a vacancy that is “interesting” for you!

For these purposes, social networks are best suited for us - Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, My Circle, Google +, etc. You don't have to register with all of them. I am sure that we have at least one page on VK or Facebook. Write a message that you are looking for a job (briefly describe what kind of job you want and provide a link to your resume).

  • I still recommend LinkedIn! The network itself positions itself as a community of professionals, and is becoming increasingly popular among recruiters. In addition, this resource will be useful for making new professional contacts.
  • If you communicate on professional forums, post your short resume there. Perhaps someone you have known for a long time will offer you an interesting vacancy.

Stage four: contact recruitment agencies

We take yours, write something “beautiful” for it (in which we describe your wishes for future work, etc.) and send it to recruitment agencies in your city.

Often, an employer is looking for personnel through an agency, and the search itself can be carried out without posting a vacancy. This is a good foundation for the future.

Stage five: finally

Saved it just in case. If you're serious about finding a job and want to make sure you've done everything you can, this final step is for you (if the previous 4 have already been completed).

So, we are left with:

  • free bulletin boards - (for example, the well-known site and the site of all mommies;
  • printed newspapers/magazines (for example, “Vacancy”, “Work in the city”);
  • employment service.

Of course, the speed of finding a job depends on many factors. On the one hand, this is the state of the labor market with a large number of applicants, on the other hand, you and your wish list for work. The main thing, do not forget - “He who seeks will always find!” And you will probably still need this useful job search skill!

Not every one of us can afford to look for our dream job month after month. There are situations in life when you need to find a job as quickly as possible. He will tell you how to act to reduce your job search time.

Set your salary expectations
Be sure to indicate salary expectations: employers look at resumes with a salary “by agreement” much less often than those whose owners did indicate the level of desired remuneration. And if your experience is still limited, then be especially critical of the figure: salaries with a large number of zeros are paid to professionals who have passed a serious selection process (several interviews, test tasks, etc.). This selection requires time, and you don’t have it. So, if you have no experience, sensibly evaluate your education and skills, compare all this with the average salary of a specialist of your level (our team will help you with this) and... reduce the amount by 10-15%. But don’t overdo it; you don’t want to make the recruiter doubt your professionalism.

Reduce requests
Think about what requests you are willing to give up in order to get hired as quickly as possible. Yes, this is very unpleasant advice, but it works. Do you really see your future nowhere other than international companies? Are you sure you can’t imagine future work without voluntary health insurance or other “goodies” of the compensation package? Are you sure that you are not ready to spend an extra 15-20 minutes on the way to work? Decide what you can give up and what is important to you, and revise your resume. The fewer restrictions, the more offers you will receive, and this is very important if the work is needed immediately.

Expand your search
Even if you have a narrow specialization, you should consider considering offers from related industries. Who knows what offers employers are ready to make you? So give them a chance!

“Ready to start tomorrow... even today!”
Another component of the success of quick employment is your readiness to go to work immediately, right tomorrow. Communicate this during interviews - in some cases it can be your competitive advantage. It happens that a vacancy needs to be filled urgently, but the candidates are all busy: one is finishing things up in the same place, the other has planned a vacation... Meanwhile, some area of ​​work remains uncovered, the company loses possible profits and becomes more accommodating.

Evaluate your resume critically
If you want to find a job quickly, evaluate your resume again. Is it clear enough to the recruiter that you are professional and adequate? Is your experience and achievements clearly presented? Edit your resume for each job you apply to: try to draw attention to that part of your experience that may be of interest to this particular employer. Read more about how to describe your achievements on a resume.

Download the mobile application
Good vacancies fill very quickly. To send your resume faster than your competitors or quickly respond to an employer’s invitation, use our mobile application to search for a job. Update your resume and call the employer directly from the application:

Work on your job search! Every day!
This is the most important point. None of the above will help if you do not search for a job thoroughly and systematically. Review new job postings every morning; send your resume to suitable companies; check the fate of your resume with those companies that have not responded to your letters; If you are rejected after an interview, ask the recruiters for advice on what you need to do to succeed in the next company. Don't sit idly by! Only persistent applicants find work quickly!

Good luck and quick employment!



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