Softening, toning and relaxing foot baths at home. Therapeutic and relaxing foot baths: the best recipes

Doctors, cosmetologists and ordinary people know about the beneficial effects of foot baths.

Such a simple procedure can work real miracles, providing a healing effect not only on tired legs, but also on the entire body.

Making foot baths at home is not difficult at all. But the desired result can be achieved only if the accuracy of the recipe, the nuances of the technology and the tricks of the procedure are observed.

Foot baths at home: to do or not to do

Carrying out home foot baths can not only help you relax, but also solve many cosmetic and medical problems. This versatility of a simple procedure is explained by a combination of several healing factors:

1. Water therapy can calm and relax, relieve tension and fatigue and simply improve your mood.

2. Exposure to heat or cold helps improve blood flow, which affects the functioning of many systems.

3. The healing properties of solutions used for baths provide a cosmetic effect on the skin and help enhance the therapeutic effect of the procedure.

4. Irritation of active points, of which there are a huge number on the feet, affects the health of many organs.

A similar combination of healing effects of foot baths helps solve problems at home:

1. Cosmetic:

Prepare the skin for further cosmetic procedures;

Soften rough skin;

Eliminate corns or spurs;

Remove unpleasant odor;

Prevent excessive sweating.

2. Medical direction:

Reduce blood pressure;

Solve vascular problems;

Relieve headaches;

Help with colds;

Eliminate painful and inflammatory reactions in joint pathologies;

Cure fungal and purulent diseases of the feet;

Relieve muscle pain.

3. Psychological and relaxing:

Helps you relax after a busy day;

Relieve fatigue;

Calm the nervous system;

Provides a hypnotic effect.

However, not everyone can perform foot baths at home. Doctors warn about the negative impact of such procedures and strictly prohibit resorting to home experiments:

Pregnant women;

Patients with thrombosis and peripheral vascular problems;

After frostbite;

If there are damage to the skin in the form of cuts, wounds, burns;

People with diabetes;

If body temperature exceeds 38;

For dermatological problems such as dermatitis, psoriasis;

For patients with high blood pressure, with the exception of specific therapeutic baths.

Foot baths at home: recipes

Most often, salt, soda, vinegar, mustard, various medicinal plants, turpentine, and oils are used as healing additives for water procedures.

To achieve the desired effect from foot baths performed at home, you need to choose the right recipe. It is foolish to wait for results in the hope of getting rid of sweaty feet by taking a bath for colds.


1. For colds, use sea salt with the addition of pine oils. You need to take 1 spoon of coarse salt per 1 liter of warm water. For every spoon of salt you will need 1 drop of oils. The oil is not dissolved in water, but is first dripped onto the salt itself, after which the oil-salt mixture is mixed into the water. The procedure should last no more than half an hour. If necessary, you can add hot water.

2. To get rid of the fungus, prepare a paste of sea salt, iodized salt and a small amount of water. This healing substance is applied to the affected areas and left for several minutes. After that, you need to immerse your feet in warm water and soar for about 15 minutes.

3. To carry out cosmetic procedures with a softening effect, add a decoction of chamomile or calendula to the salt bath. This procedure lasts up to 15 minutes.

4. Salt with lavender oil will help achieve a relaxing effect and relieve fatigue. This bath should be done in the evenings.

5. Salt with ammonia will help get rid of cracks and soften the skin. To do this, you need to use two tablespoons of salt and three tablespoons of alcohol, which are diluted in a basin of water.


Mustard can improve blood flow, as well as warm and increase sweating, and disinfect. Therefore, it is advisable to do mustard foot baths at home to combat colds, runny nose and cough. Such procedures will also help in the fight against foot odor and excessive sweating. Mustard is also used to urgently lower blood pressure. For mustard procedures, you need to dilute dry mustard powder in warm water at the rate of 1 spoon per liter of liquid. The treatment procedure lasts 15 minutes.


There are a lot of recipes using baking soda. This is an almost universal remedy that helps:

Soften the roughest and keratinized skin;

Provide a bactericidal and disinfectant effect;

Kill unnatural odors;

Prevent sweating;

Dissolve old and stubborn dirt.

You don’t have to look for complex recipes, but use pure soda, which must be added to warm water.

If desired for wound healing add a decoction made from chamomile and calendula flowers to the soda solution.

To achieve extremely effective results in the fight for perfect heels, you will need white clay (2 liters), liquid soap (2 liters), a little ammonia. By adding these ingredients to a soda bath, you can get rid of the unsightly appearance of rough skin on your legs in 20 minutes.

Foot baths at home: sequence of actions

It would seem that the procedure for performing foot baths is quite simple. Pour hot water into a bowl, add the desired ingredients and enjoy. But even here there are some subtleties. To get the desired result, you need to strictly follow a simple sequence of actions:

1. Prepare all the necessary ingredients to prepare the healing liquid.

2. Heat the water to the required temperature or dilute the boiling water directly in the basin.

3. Add ingredients to the water according to the selected recipe.

4. Before performing the procedure, rinse your feet with clean water and use soap if necessary.

5. Dip your feet into the healing liquid and wait the required time.

6. After the procedure, dry your feet and apply a little nourishing cream.

If baths are used to treat colds, it will not hurt to put on warm socks or wrap yourself completely in a warm blanket after the procedure.

Foot baths performed at home have various purposes. Therefore, you need to take into account nuances and tricks that will help increase efficiency significantly.

Water temperature

Different procedures require completely different water temperatures. So, when carrying out therapeutic manipulations, warm water will be required. To prepare your feet for a pedicure, as well as to make baths with a softening effect, you need fairly hot water. When carrying out tonic procedures, you can use contrast baths.


The amount of liquid used, of course, will depend on the shape and volume of the container used for the baths. The ideal volume of water is about five liters. It is not necessary to immerse your feet in water so that it reaches your knees. This is harmful to blood vessels. But there are exceptions. Volumetric baths are required in the treatment of joint pain in the knees.


The duration of the procedures can vary from 15 minutes to half an hour. Longer exposure to water on the skin leads to dry skin and dehydration. As a result, the skin takes on a wrinkled appearance.

Healing Supplements

It is necessary to strictly adhere to the recipe and observe the proposed proportions. Even such simple ingredients as salt or soda have a certain aggressiveness and, in case of overdose, can cause dermatological damage. In addition, many medicinal herbs can provoke allergic reactions. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct an allergy test before using new ingredients for the first time.

And don't forget to dry your feet. Applying a softening or healing cream or other product to wet feet will not have an effect, since the cream will not be able to be absorbed, and bacteria and fungi will begin to multiply intensively in a humid environment.

Hello dear blog readers. Today I am asking you this question: “how often and when do you do foot baths at home”? Please share your personal experience in the comments to the article.

I assume that most of us pay little attention to the health of our legs and feet. Therefore, in this article I will introduce you to the types of foot baths, their properties and effects. I’ll tell you about important rules for caring for your feet to maintain their health and beauty. We will definitely mention contraindications.

Foot baths have beneficial properties due to their influence on vital reflexogenic points that are located on the surface of the feet. Any impact they have has a beneficial effect on the health of the entire body. For example, water therapy relieves fatigue and tension, improves mood, relaxes the body and relieves existing pain.

The thermal effect of such baths accelerates blood circulation throughout the body.

And the addition of natural solutions and herbs solve many problems associated with the poor functioning of the processes of vital organs.

What is being treated?

Foot baths can serve as an additional remedy in combination with the use of medications in the treatment of other diseases. This will only improve the quality and effectiveness of treatment. The person gets better faster. Do not forget about the contraindications, which we will mention at the end of the article.

  1. They help in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, pneumonia.
  2. Combat excessive sweating of the feet.
  3. Treat fungal and pustular diseases.
  4. Helps with cardiovascular diseases.
  5. Used for rheumatism and joint inflammation.
  6. Reduce blood pressure.
  7. They have a great effect on the nervous system before bed, thereby helping you fall asleep faster.
  8. They soften the skin on the heels and feet, corns and calluses disappear, and are removed.

If you choose the right foot bath, taking into account the characteristics of your body, without neglecting contraindications, you can quickly and effectively solve the problem that you want to get rid of by resorting to these means.

The sequence of proper foot care procedures

  • First, you need to disinfect your feet by washing them with soap and cleaning them with special products;
  • Then apply a scrub or exfoliating foot cream to the skin of your feet;
  • Immerse your feet in a pre-prepared bath, which we will look at later in the article.

Then you can treat your feet with a special brush in areas with delicate skin. Where the rough skin should soften after the procedure, we remove it using files made of pressed granite chips. Files also come in different varieties, but first we take ones with coarser grains, then with finer ones. Do not cut the skin with scissors or tweezers under any circumstances, as this can easily cause injury.

Rinse your feet after this procedure and wipe your feet dry. Apply a suitable cream or foot mask.

I highly recommend paying attention to this one -. An excellent set for yourself and a gift for a loved one for foot care; you don’t even have to buy anything else for it. You can use all types of baths in it, which I will talk about a lot more in other articles.

When caring for your feet, don’t forget about the benefits of gymnastic exercises. After your pedicure, use at least two or three simple exercises that keep your calf muscles and knees firm.

Various baths

There are 4 types: hot (from 50 to 60 degrees), warm (36-37 degrees), cold (20-25 degrees) and contrasting.

Hot baths are quite a therapeutic procedure that helps to cope with colds: cough and runny nose. Please note: at elevated body temperatures, such baths are strictly contraindicated. You can add salt, mustard, decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs, and essential oils to them. The procedure is carried out for no more than 20 minutes, while periodically adding hot water to maintain the temperature. After this, it is recommended to immediately go to bed under a warm blanket.

Warm baths in summer can be reduced to 30 degrees. They add various means to eliminate a particular problem. The duration of the procedure is from 15 to 20 minutes.

Cold ones do an excellent job of eliminating excessive sweating of the feet, and also help relieve fatigue at the end of the working day. The duration should not exceed five minutes.

Contrast baths very popular for beginners to get used to hardening the body, relieve leg fatigue. The temperature of hot water should be at 40-50 degrees, alternating with cold water (20 degrees). You can alternate the hot bath with infusions of chamomile, linden blossom or nettle.


Such baths, very common in beauty salons, are valued as the most effective means for making the skin velvety and elastic. They help get rid of sweating, provide the legs with increased blood flow, thereby helping to relieve fatigue.

Aromatic and essential oils are added to the paraffin bath, which enhance the effect of the procedure. This topic requires more detailed consideration. There are contraindications. Therefore, expect a detailed article on this topic in the near future.

From odor and excessive sweating of feet

Both men and women suffer from this problem. Baths made from herbs and essential oils are a good way to cope with such troubles when used regularly.


  • You can make collections, or take each of the following herbs separately: infusion or decoction of oak bark, willow bark, horsetail, pomegranate peel, sage, bird cherry. To prepare an infusion for the bath, you need to take 3 tablespoons of dry herbs or mixture, pour 2 tbsp. boiling water and let it brew for 2-3 hours. Before the procedure, it will be enough to add half a glass of the prepared infusion to the foot water.
  • With essential oils. The following oils received good reviews: tea tree, eucalyptus, citrus, which tone the skin well, regulate the process of sweating and eliminate unpleasant odors. Add 3-4 drops to the bath. one essential oil for up to 20 minutes. After the procedure, lubricate the skin of your feet with a 2% boric acid solution.
  • Take 50 grams of fir needles and oak bark in equal parts, pour one liter of boiling water and cook over low heat for about thirty minutes. Let cool slightly and strain. Pour the broth into a warm bath, lowering your feet for 20-30 minutes. Wipe dry and lubricate feet with cream.
  • Take 50 grams of dried birch leaves and pine needles. Pour also boiled water (1 liter) and let it brew for 40 minutes in a warm place. Strain and pour the infusion into the foot bath. Take 3 times the first week, then the next one once for fifteen minutes. Then wipe your feet dry and apply cream.

Moisturizing and softening the skin - aromatic baths

Such procedures will be very useful for general well-being and relieving fatigue. Oil baths, depending on their composition and type, can have different effects on the human body. They saturate the skin of the feet well with moisture and nutrients. Cracks and calluses on the skin are eliminated. The following recipes will help you achieve the desired effect.

1. Pine oil is a decongestant, improves peripheral circulation, has a diuretic effect, and calms the central nervous system. Contraindications to baths with the addition of essential pine oils and other pine extracts are:

  • stroke and heart attack, as they increase the thrombin index;
  • apply for a duration of no more than 10 minutes and one week.
  • You should also use only fresh oils stored in cold places, since old and stagnant oils lose their healing properties.

2. Peppermint essential oil soothes and cleanses the skin. Use oil with caution. If you also add salt (coarsely ground), then such a bath will give a huge boost of energy and calm.

3. Lavender oil perfectly calms the nervous system and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and nails. However, such baths should not be used by people with gallbladder problems.

4. Sage oil treats fungal and staphylococcal infections. Excellent effect on the skin. There are no contraindications.

5. Essential oils of rosemary and fennel are used in combination with each other, so the effectiveness increases due to the normalization of vascular tone, because individually rosemary increases blood pressure, and fennel reduces it.

6. Geranium oil removes excess fluid and has diuretic properties.

You can mix salt, sugar, soda, honey, mustard, and herbal infusions into the oils of homemade baths.

7. A mixture of the following oils – 5 ml of castor and 2 ml of fir, pour into warm water (1 l). We lower our legs and hold for 15 minutes. Rinse and wipe.

8. Mix olive oil (20 ml) and lavender oil (3 ml), add to one liter of warm water. Next, in the same way, lower your feet for 15 minutes, then rinse and wipe dry.

9. Mix vegetable oil (50 ml) with orange oil (5 ml) and add a liter of warm water. We also do the same as the previous procedures.

10. In warm prepared water – 1 liter, add jojoba oil (10 ml). We keep our feet in this bath for 15 minutes. Rinse and wipe.

11. Rose oil – mix 10 ml in 1 liter of warm water. Keep your feet for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

12. Stir a mixture of tangerine (3 ml) and peach (20 ml) oils, dilute with 800 ml of warm water. Next we do the same as the previous mask.

13. How to make a foot bath with hydrogen peroxide, which will help soften and clean rough skin on the heels, watch the following video:

Simple recipes for softening the skin of the feet and strengthening nails

To strengthen your toenails, the masks and baths that I wrote about will help. Follow the link if it is important to you.

Honey: dissolve honey (50 g) in one liter of warm water. Keep your feet in this water for 20 minutes. This procedure not only softens the skin of the feet, but also has a beneficial effect on the entire nervous system as a whole.

With cabbage juice: Stir 200 ml of sauerkraut juice with 1 liter. warm water. Lower your legs for 15-20 minutes. The skin becomes softer and more elastic.

Dairy: Add half a glass of milk to one liter of not hot water. Keep your feet in this water for 15 minutes. Then wipe dry.

Herbal bath: Brew 25 g of chamomile in a glass of boiling water for 30 minutes. Then pour into a warm foot bath. This procedure not only softens the skin, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin, strengthens nails, and heals various cracks on the feet.


  1. Crush 100 g of dry orange zest, pour 1 liter. boiling water and let it brew for an hour. The duration of use of this bath is twenty minutes.
  2. Pour 200 ml of orange juice into hot water, add 20 ml of peach oil. You need to take it for 20 minutes. Such baths relieve tired legs and have a beneficial effect on the skin of the feet.

Salt: dissolve 25 g of salt (table or flavored), with 5 ml of iodine in one liter of water. Lower your legs for fifteen minutes. Rinse in clean water and wipe dry. Salt refreshes and cleanses the pores of the skin of the feet from impurities, relieves swelling, and relaxes. By the way, if there are violations of the integrity of the skin (cuts, wounds), then you should not take such baths.


Before doing any foot baths, consult your doctor if you have any doubts about use. For your own health. The following conditions may be contraindications for use:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Elevated body temperature.
  • For diabetes mellitus.
  • Complications of the cardiovascular system.
  • Thrombosis.
  • For peripheral vascular disease.
  • Individual intolerance.

This concludes the article. But there are also foot baths that require a more detailed consideration in detail - these are paraffin baths, hydromassage baths and other types, which we will consider in the following articles. Next, watch another video with recipes that I didn’t mention in the article, here you will see everything clearly:

A foot bath with sea salt is a simple and effective way of care that has soothing, healing, and moisturizing properties. Effective for various diseases.

Sea salt is a storehouse of minerals and trace elements. The composition depends on the place of extraction. Contains zinc, bromine, iodine, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron and other elements. This is how sea food compares favorably with cook food.

Areas of beneficial effects of mineral crystals on the body:

  • musculoskeletal system - relieves muscle tension and reduces pain, prevents the formation of edema;
  • cardiovascular system - improves blood circulation;
  • respiratory system - prevention of respiratory diseases;
  • nervous system - relaxes, calms, relieves stress;
  • skin diseases - anti-inflammatory effect, saturation with minerals, moisturizing;
  • cosmetic effect - strengthens nail plates, hair, improves skin turgor.

A salt foot bath is a procedure that should be included in your daily life.

How to properly make foot baths with salt

You can achieve a positive result by regularly conducting water therapy: the course is 10-15 sessions every other day or every 3 days for a month.

There are hot and cold bathing methods. The benefits of the hot method are relaxation; it relieves fatigue and stress; it is recommended to do it before bed. The cold procedure tones and invigorates.

Algorithm of actions in both methods:

  1. Prepare a bath: dissolve salt crystals in hot water, bring the temperature to the desired temperature after complete dissolution (dilute with cold water/add boiling water).
  2. Proportions: for a 10 liter container use 50 grams of salt (2-3 tablespoons). The ratio of salt to water may be higher, it all depends on the purpose of the procedure.
  3. Wash your feet with soap.
  4. Immerse your feet in the saline solution and hold for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Soak your feet with salt for no more than 20 minutes. There will be no more benefit, but harm can be caused by overloading the heart.
  6. Rinse off the saline solution. Dry your feet with a towel, apply cream to your feet, put on socks. Wool ones will keep you warm, cotton ones will prolong hydration.

You don’t need to properly steam your feet in a hot bath right away, but gradually increase the temperature from 38 to 40-45 degrees. Let your feet get used to it for the first 5 minutes, add hot water.

Steaming the feet can also be done in childhood, if the child has reached the age of 4-5 years.

Ready-made mixtures for foot baths can be purchased at cosmetic stores. You can make it yourself at home from salt crystals, herbs, and leaves. The second option is beneficial from an economic point of view and the absence of dyes and unknown additives.

What can you add to sea salt?

A homemade version of salon spa treatments is obtained by combining sea crystals with herbal and mineral supplements and oils. The most common broad-spectrum additive is baking soda. In combination with salt, it normalizes cell metabolic processes, establishes electrolyte balance, and helps preserve connective tissue and motor activity of joints. Such baths are indicated for medicinal purposes for arthrosis, arthritis, and neoplasms such as bones in addition to the main treatment. The discomfort caused by an ingrown toenail can be treated with foot baths: the proportion per 4 liters of water is 50:100 grams of soda/salt, respectively. If heel spurs occur, it is recommended to add a tablespoon of baking soda (1:1 ratio with salt).

The second recommended mixture for the treatment of spurs and corns is a combination with iodine. Add 15 drops of iodine to 2-3 tablespoons of crystals. The temperature should be 45-50 degrees, the procedure is completed when the water has cooled.

Dead Sea resorts receive positive reviews as health resorts, precisely because of the healing properties of the water. The sea, like a huge bath prepared by nature, gives a person health and beauty.

Foot fungus is an unpleasant disease; for preventive therapy, salt baths with hydrogen peroxide are used, which destroys pathogenic flora and stops its growth. Choose peroxide with a minimum concentration of 3%, first check the allergic reaction on a small area of ​​the dermis. In two or three sessions, the skin of the heels will become smooth, calluses will decrease, and the natural pink color will return.

The addition of essential oils gives the session an aromatherapy effect. For 3-4 liters, two drops are enough. The choice is based on the recommendations of the attending physician or the desired effect. Below is a list of the most popular essential oils.

Essential oil Action
Orange treatment of depression, insomnia, increases skin elasticity;
Jasmine eliminates dermatitis, helps relieve pain;
Lavender analgesic effect, anti-inflammatory, immune stimulation, skin regeneration;
Lemon eliminates swelling, antiviral;
Juniper restoration of elasticity of cartilage tissue, cell regeneration, getting rid of apathy;
Mint antibacterial, relieves muscle pain, reduces anxiety;
Pink increases skin elasticity, improves metabolism;
Sage bactericidal, helps with colds, increases performance, deodorizing effect;
Eucalyptus oil relieves pain (for arthritis), disinfects, activates mental activity, removes fatigue;

Adding medicinal herbs also relieves joint pain. These include tansy leaves, black elderberry, and oregano. Coniferous additives have high healing properties (pine needles, cones, pine branches are suitable).


The use of baths has a number of contraindications and limitations:

  1. Varicose veins are a direct contraindication - during the steaming process, blood flow increases, creating a load on the vessels.
  2. It is prohibited during pregnancy for the same reason - exposure to heat dilates the vessels of the lower extremities, which can lead to contraction of the uterus and the onset of premature labor.
  3. The condition for use in acute respiratory viral infections is the absence of temperature to prevent local overheating.
  4. Hot procedures are prohibited for thrombophlebitis, high/low blood pressure, diabetes, and tuberculosis.
  5. Postpone use if the skin is damaged (wounds, ulcers, burns) until complete healing.
  6. The presence of a chronic disease during an exacerbation period.
  7. Diseases of the heart, blood vessels, blood pathology.
  8. Baths are contraindicated for people with tumors (malignant - categorically).

The recipe for good health is through careful self-care. Take care of your health, take care of your body - it will definitely reciprocate.

The hustle and bustle of modern life primarily affects health. This is where the legs of many female diseases “grow.” High heels, nylon tights, tight shoes, standing on your feet all day, fast walking - all this leads to arthritis, varicose veins, bursitis, heel spurs, corns and many other misfortunes associated with beautiful female legs. In addition to the main course of treatment, all these misfortunes can be alleviated by foot baths at home, which are not only easy to prepare, but also pleasant to the senses.

Beneficial properties of foot baths

The versatility of home foot baths is explained by the fact that there are many reflexogenic, vital zones on the feet. Any impact on them affects human health, affecting almost all body systems. Firstly, water therapy is used, which gives rest, relieves fatigue and tension, improves mood, calms and relaxes. Secondly, the thermal effect of such baths on the skin is the acceleration of blood circulation, on which the processes occurring in the body largely depend. Thirdly, the healing power of such procedures is determined by the composition of the prepared solution. You can make salt, mustard, herbal, turpentine, soda foot baths - and each of them will have specific properties. In general, they solve a variety of problems:

  • are an additional remedy in the treatment of colds (bronchitis, pneumonia, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections);
  • help with cardiovascular diseases;
  • lower blood pressure;
  • relieve pain from inflammation of the joints, rheumatism;
  • treat abscess and fungal infections of the legs;
  • increase body temperature for a short time, thereby causing profuse sweat, with which harmful substances are removed from the body through the skin;
  • have a calming effect on the nervous system, help you fall asleep quickly and soundly until the morning;
  • relieve headache and muscle pain;
  • soften corns, remove heel spurs, make rough skin on the feet softer;
  • eliminate unpleasant foot odor and prevent excessive sweating;
  • treat all kinds of leg diseases listed above.

By choosing the right bath to solve your problem, you can alleviate your condition, recover faster from the underlying disease, and improve your physical and psycho-emotional state. All this is possible if not only the indications, but also the contraindications for such foot water procedures are observed.


You cannot do foot baths at home without a doctor’s permission if you have the following diseases and conditions:

  • with varicose veins;
  • with thrombosis;
  • for peripheral vascular diseases;
  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • with frostbite;
  • in case of individual intolerance to the components of the bath;
  • during pregnancy;
  • at temperatures above 38.5°C.

Failure to comply with these contraindications is fraught with deterioration of the condition and various side effects that will require serious treatment. If there are no such health problems, you need to find a suitable recipe and use it.

The best foot baths: recipes

Before choosing a specific foot bath recipe, pay attention to its composition: are you allergic to these components, are they all available to you in the required volume. Consider the therapeutic purpose of each bath. It would be foolish to wait for the effect of a cold treatment if you need to get rid of sweat.

  • Salt

In order to relieve congestion in the vascular system, it is recommended to take salt foot baths, which are very effective in relieving negative energy and emotional stress. There are a lot of recipes. For example, to bring down the temperature and relieve a cold, you can make a pine-salt bath. Dilute a few drops of pine oil in water and dissolve coarse sea salt. For a liter of warm (the temperature should be comfortable for your body) water there should be 1 drop of oil and 1 tablespoon of salt. The procedure lasts only half an hour, but during this time it is advisable to gradually add hot water with salt previously dissolved in it into the basin. For colds, salt foot baths can be done every day, to prevent venous diseases and relieve fatigue - twice a week.

  • Mustard

In childhood, many people probably took foot baths with mustard, which improved blood flow, warmed them and helped with colds, coughs and stuffy noses. For this procedure, only mustard powder is used, and not table mustard in its pure form. Per liter of water - 1 tablespoon of powder. You can keep your feet in a mustard bath for 10 minutes, or half an hour, but constantly add hot water to the basin. You need to do such baths every day until complete recovery.

  • Sodas

Very popular because of their versatility are foot baths with soda, which soften calluses and prevent excessive sweating of the feet. To prepare such a healing bath, ordinary baking soda is dissolved in a basin of warm water. 1 tablespoon of powder is consumed per liter of liquid. If you add half a glass of chamomile and calendula decoction to soda foot baths, they will perfectly heal microcracks and remove a layer of rough skin on the heels.

  • Turpentine

Recently, turpentine foot baths, which are prepared using a special pharmaceutical solution, have become widespread. They are recommended for arthrosis, arthritis, viral infections, hypertension, weakened immunity, and after a stroke. First, the feet need to be immersed in 3 liters of warm water (approximately 37–38 °C), add 20 ml (this is 1 capful) of solution to it, and mix. Sit like this for no more than 10 minutes. The full course of treatment ranges from 10 to 20 baths.

  • From sweat

Pour 50 grams of oak bark into 500 ml of boiling water and keep on fire for 20 minutes. After cooling and straining, mix the decoction with 5 grams of propolis tincture in alcohol and 1 tablespoon of fresh honey. Dissolve 100 ml of the resulting mixture daily in warm water and make foot baths to remove sweat and odor for ten days in a row.

  • From fatigue

If you are no stranger to herbal medicine, you can make herbal foot baths for fatigue, which perfectly relieve tension and pain. Place 2 tablespoons of linden blossom and chamomile (in any form - dry or fresh) directly into the basin, pour in a liter of boiling water, and leave for 5-10 minutes. After this, add another liter of water at the desired temperature and dissolve a couple of tablespoons of honey in the bath. The procedure time is about 20 minutes.

Properly prepared and used as intended, homemade foot baths are an additional treatment to the main course of therapy for many diseases. A pleasant, relaxing, healing procedure will help relieve stress, fatigue, tension before bed and will have a beneficial effect on the entire body.

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