Weakness, drowsiness, low temperature. What to do in low temperatures

Every person gets a fever from time to time, and there are a great many reasons for this: from a sudden surge of feelings of love to a common cold. There is nothing surprising or out of the ordinary in this, the situation is completely ordinary. We put in a thermometer, measure body temperature and if it exceeds 38°C, we take antipyretic medications.

But another, diametrically opposite picture is also possible: body temperature is reduced, general weakness, “loss of strength”, drowsiness, and sometimes slight dizziness are felt. Despite the fact that low body temperature is much less common than elevated body temperature, pay attention to it serious attention definitely worth it. The site will tell you what low body temperature indicates.

What temperature should be considered normal?

A drop in human body temperature of just a few degrees is quite capable of disrupting work. internal organs and damage normal life body. Moreover, in some cases, even death is possible.

For example, constant temperature body temperature no higher than 35°C clearly indicates the presence of a serious chronic disease; a decrease to 29.5°C entails loss of consciousness; at 27°C a person may fall into coma, and a decrease in temperature to 25°C is already considered incompatible with life.

Considering that most people have individual characteristics of how their body works, small deviations from generally accepted indicators may not go beyond the normal range. So, if a person does not experience any unpleasant symptoms, does not complain of weakness, feels cheerful and efficient, if the examination does not show any abnormalities, and the body temperature is constantly below generally accepted figures, then this can be considered as some kind of normal.

However, on average normal temperature The temperature range of the body is considered to be from 35.5 to 37°C. It should also be taken into account that throughout the day the temperature can vary within 1°C, reaching a peak at 16:00. And in women, in addition to daily fluctuations, there are also temperature changes depending on the menstrual cycle.

What are the reasons for a decrease in body temperature?

The body temperature may drop as a result of a serious illness, in which case it is necessary to undergo thorough examination, and for simpler and more understandable reasons: decreased immunity, lack of vitamins, previous infectious diseases, surgical interventions, stress, physical exhaustion.

As a rule, a person who has detected a low temperature does not take any measures to normalize it. This approach is completely unacceptable, especially in cases where reduced level the temperature is observed for one to two days, and there is no logical explanation for its decrease. It is important to know that to determine the causes of hypothermia and make the correct diagnosis, you must first consult a physician. Since body temperature is only external manifestation hidden problems organism, it is necessary to carefully study the available other symptoms and laboratory test results.

First of all, the general practitioner will refer the patient for an ECG and biochemical analysis blood, which will exclude any serious disease and determine the presence of just a temporary ailment, as a result of a possible weakening of the immune system. In this case, it will be enough just to adjust the diet by including vitamins and immune drugs, and change your daily routine, making it more physiological and gentle.

What does low temperature mean?

If the therapist still has reason to suspect the presence of any serious internal disease, the patient must undergo comprehensive examination, consult with specialists of a narrow profile, such as an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, neurologist, and even an oncologist, because the reasons for a decrease in body temperature may lie in the development of certain oncological diseases, for example, brain tumors. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of oncology, it is necessary to urgently conduct a tomographic examination.

Other causes of decreased body temperature

In addition, low temperature may indicate the presence of chronic inflammatory diseases, various endocrine disorders, anorexia, intoxication, AIDS. In any case, you should never resort to self-medication, because if you take uncontrolled medicines, not prescribed by a doctor, but chosen independently, the body may not cope with the true cause of the ailment and fail.

But, fortunately, most often the reason for a decrease in body temperature is just banal fatigue, which is greatly facilitated by the frantic rhythm modern life. And even if a person spends his working day sitting at a desk in the office, chronic fatigue can overtake him there too.

What does low temperature mean?

A sedentary lifestyle, constant mental stress, and stiff posture lead to fatigue, and with it a drop in temperature, not to mention such pathologies as varicose veins, osteochondrosis and curvature of the spine. It’s quite easy to correct this situation; you just need to get up, stretch, do a few simple physical exercise, drink tea or coffee, and even treat yourself to a forbidden, completely non-dietary chocolate bar.

Low human body temperature: reasons, what to do - such questions are of interest to people who have this symptom. In medicine it is called hypothermia.
Such symptoms, especially persistent long time is a reason to contact a therapist.

Often the causes of hypothermia are simple hypothermia and overwork.
But in some cases, the symptom indicates developing severe pathologies, hidden infectious processes.

General information about thermoregulation

Indicator average temperature fluctuates between 36.6-37.2° C. But a decrease in them does not always indicate pathology.
If the numbers are underestimated by one or two degrees for a long time, while the person feels well, this may be individual feature body, nothing more.
Low temperature – less than 35°C.

Reduced t may occur depending on such factors:

Lower numbers are no less dangerous than higher numbers. Figures of 32-27° C are considered critical. This can lead to death.

Interesting! Psychosomatic jumps in the body's t are very common phenomena. A person at the subconscious level convinces himself that t is growing, and after a while it actually increases. Known cases reverse effect.
The world's lowest body temperature of 14.2° C was recorded in February 1994 in a two-year-old Canadian child who spent about six hours in the cold.

Why does hypothermia develop?

If the temperature is 35 5 in an adult, the reason for this is physiological feature organism or developing pathological processes.

Reduced immunity
After suffering illnesses, with frequent stress, nervous overstrain immunity drops significantly (read here), which is manifested by a decrease in readings on the thermometer. They can range from 35-36.40 C.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia
Operational disruptions autonomic system- This is a violation of thermoregulation. With this pathology, in addition to hypothermia, weakness is observed; pressure changes; attacks of nausea, dizziness, severe headache; intolerance to bright light, loud sounds.

Transferred viral or bacterial diseases
Any infection that enters the body forces it to fight it intensively. At the same time, the temperature rises. This is the body's response to the presence pathogenic microorganisms.
But when recovery occurs, the body is exhausted, since all efforts were devoted to eliminating infectious agents.
Moreover, this condition can last from two to three weeks after recovery.

Temperature readings are 35.5-360 C, which are accompanied by weakness, dizziness and pallor skin, rapid fatigue, they talk about a lack of iron in the body.
In this case, you will need to take a course iron-containing preparations. The general condition of the body is normalized.

Endocrine system human has an impact on absolutely all processes, including thermoregulation. Tumors and brain injuries cause disruption of the hypothalamus, which in turn controls a person’s constant internal temperature.

In addition to the reduced numbers on the thermometer, disturbances in consciousness, speech, vision, hearing develop, problems with coordination of movement, headaches, and bouts of vomiting appear.

Common reason hypothermia – hypothyroidism. This pathology is caused by a sharp lack or complete absence hormones thyroid gland.

Develops against the background of dysfunction of this organ. Accompanied by weakness; reduced performance; weight gain; swelling; chilliness; dry, itchy skin; brittle hair and nails; drowsiness; memory loss.

External factors
If the temperature is 35 5 in an adult, the reason is weakness. It can occur against a background of reduced immunity or simple fatigue or lack of sleep.

When exposed to cold for a long time, during a long swim in cold water, the temperature drops.

In this case, it is enough to drink hot tea or just dress warmly. The indicators will return to normal.

Diets, fasting

Any prolonged strict diet or fasting is accompanied by the loss of large amounts of fat reserves. Fats, together with polysaccharides, are responsible for thermoregulation of the body.

As a result, thin, emaciated people are always cold for no apparent reason.

If observed low temperature human body, the causes may lie in sepsis.

This pathology represents inflammatory reaction in response to infectious process, which occurs against the background of the active proliferation of bacteria in the blood, poisoning the body with the products of their vital activity.

If inflammatory process affects the central nervous system, the center of thermoregulation, on the contrary, the numbers decrease to 34 ° C and below.

This condition in sepsis is a rather unfavorable sign. Accompanied by a general serious condition, suppression of the process of consciousness, dysfunction of all organs.


Spirits in large quantities and some psychotropic substances can cause hypothermia. This occurs due to vasodilation.

In addition, in a state of alcohol, drug intoxication Many people simply fall asleep outside during the cold season.

Food poisoning or availability intestinal infection becomes the cause of intoxication of the body.

Regular vomiting and diarrhea lead to massive fluid loss, which is accompanied by severe weakness, a significant decrease in performance.

Critical numbers require emergency medical attention, because this can lead to seizures, a sharp decrease in blood pressure, unconsciousness, dehydration shock.

Pregnancy, menopause

If the body temperature is below 36 degrees: the reasons for this may be pregnancy, menopause. During these periods, women’s numbers often decrease due to a failure hormonal levels.

Such causes of low body temperature in women do not pose a threat to life; the indicators are not considered critical.

Acute adrenal insufficiency
It's spicy serious condition, which arises as a result sharp decline or stopping the production of hormones by the adrenal cortex.
This causes dizziness; an attack of nausea ending in vomiting; stomach ache; increase in frequency heart rate, loss of consciousness due to sharp fall pressure.

Hidden bleeding can develop with a stomach ulcer, duodenum, injuries of internal organs, oncology.

In addition to decreased t, pale skin, weakness, sweating, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and fainting are observed.

Dermatological pathologies

With psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, ichthyosis, large areas of skin are affected, to which blood flows into large quantities. This provokes a violation of thermoregulation, hypothermia.

Hypothermia in children
If a child has a low body temperature, the reasons, like in adults, may be different.

For babies under one year old, values ​​from 36.4 to 37.20 C are considered normal. The numbers are less indicative of anemia, vitamin deficiency, and reduced immunity.

Symptoms to help identify hypothermia

Elevated temperature people feel it very well - the body begins to burn, the head and muscles begin to ache. Symptoms of hypothermia are often perceived in most cases as signs of fatigue.

A serious reason to apply for medical care should become following signs :

Temperature below 34°C appears:

  • severe trembling;
  • speech disorders - it becomes slurred;
  • difficulties in movement, up to immobilization;
  • ash-gray, bluish skin color;
  • weak pulse;
  • hallucinations;
  • loss of consciousness.

Figures that reach a limit of 32° C lead to death in 97% of cases.

How is diagnostics carried out?

Testing to determine the cause of hypothermia includes the following: diagnostic techniques :

  • general examination, conversation with the patient to identify symptoms;
  • body t measurement in different times days;
  • blood pressure measurement;
  • blood and urine tests;
  • electrocardiography;
  • x-ray;
  • determination of heart rate;
  • hourly urine collection.

Diagnostics are prescribed to identify the real reason, for which the numbers on the thermometer have decreased. Based on the test results, a diagnosis can be made and treatment can be prescribed.
It is purely individual and depends directly on the pathology or other factors that provoke disorders.

How to improve your performance

Sometimes for normalization general condition It is quite enough to reconsider your lifestyle and diet.
Everyday physical mental stress, stress, no proper nutrition may cause hypothermia. Overvoltage should be eliminated or reduced as much as possible, stressful situations, saturate the diet fresh vegetables, fruits.
Products with high content vitamin C, protein foods.

Drugs that can help get rid of hypothermia
Weakened immunity is one of the causes of hypothermia.
If you undergo treatment certain drugs, then the indicators will soon return to normal. You can take “Pyrogenal” (price from 555 to 715 rubles), “Echinacea” (price from 60 rubles), St. John’s wort tincture (price from 5 rubles).

How to bounce back after hypothermia
If the readings on the thermometer are below 34° C, then first of all you need to call ambulance.

While the doctors have not arrived, you should perform the following actions::

  1. Put a man in horizontal position, cover him, especially pay attention to his arms and legs.
  2. Limit the flow of cold air.
  3. If a person has been in cold water for a long time, for example, after falling into the water and his clothes are wet, he needs to take them off.
  4. If a person shows signs of frostbite on their face, they should use a thermal insulating bandage. That is, cover the limbs with fabric that does not allow air to pass through (cellophane, cellophane bag, oilcloth). Then apply a thick layer of cotton-gauze or wool (scarf, handkerchief) bandage to the fabric.
  5. Give a person tea (you can). In this state, it is strictly forbidden to “warm up” with alcohol or coffee.
  6. If the readings on the thermometer are not lower than 35.5 C, then you can offer the person to take a warm bath, the temperature of the water should not be higher or lower than 37° C.
  7. If a person has no breathing or pulse, it is necessary to do artificial respiration, indirect massage heart. A significant decrease in readings on the thermometer requires active warming, but only gradually.

What to do if you have hypothermia due to illness
In the event that, along with reduced performance, which are recorded for a long time, there are symptoms such as pain, colic, attacks of dizziness, rhinitis, hallucinogenic, convulsive states, you must definitely consult a doctor who will write a referral for diagnostic examination and further prescribe treatment.

Everyone knows from childhood that a sign of illness is an increase in body temperature in both adults and children. However, what to do if the opposite situation arises. Let’s say a person has a low body temperature, the causes and nature of which are unknown, and few people know what to do in such cases. Therefore, we will devote today’s article to this topic. You will be able to find out why deviations from the norm occur, how the temperature turns out to be low, and also what treatment will be relevant.

The human body is a unique mechanism. This is confirmed by many factors, including the process of thermoregulation, which constantly provides approximate values ​​of 36.6 degrees.

Warm-bloodedness is inherent in us by nature. Human evolution has contributed to the easy survival of people in different climatic zones. Therefore, the thermoregulation mechanism constantly maintains the same readings in any conditions. And if any changes occur, the person immediately consults a doctor. Including if the temperature drops to 35.5 degrees or lower.

Typically, the temperature of an adult and a child who does not suffer from any diseases can range from 35.5 degrees to 37. We are used to the fact that with a cold, inflammation, or other immunity disorders, our body immediately begins to burn, and the readings on the thermometer immediately increase . Now let's try to find out why they can decrease, and whether treatment is necessary.

First of all, a low body temperature that remains stable for 2 days is a reason to visit a specialist.

Many note as accompanying factors low readings also lethargy, groundless oppression, apathy. In some cases, when the body temperature is below 35 degrees, the patient notices chills localized in the arms and legs.

You can select following reasons violations that occurred:

In addition to this list, which includes diseases, there are also a number of other factors that can result in low temperature. These are the following reasons:

The thermometer readings may also drop below normal (from 35.5) after taking certain medications, as side effect when self-medicating a person. Pregnancy can also be considered as a cause of low fever. Therefore, when planning a family, you should carefully monitor your body’s readings and your own feelings.

Why does pathology occur in children?

Most often, low temperatures (35.8 and below) occur in infants. This is due to the fact that the mechanism of thermoregulation in them after birth has not yet been established. Typically for recovery optimal performance It takes about 2-3 months for the child's body temperature to rise. If parents observe a phenomenon of low temperature for 2 days, and other symptoms also appear, they should immediately make an appointment with a doctor.

In older children, as a rule, pathological changes body indications may be a consequence of an infectious or viral disease.

If the temperature usually rises with a cold, then the opposite symptom that occurs in a child may signal a disease such as diabetes mellitus. Therefore, be sure to pay attention to your baby, as changes in his condition can help prevent illness. early stage. It’s not for nothing that experts recommend constantly monitoring the readings of the child’s body.

The causes of low temperature (below 35.8 degrees) in a child from 2 to 15 years old can be:

Symptoms and signs of pathology

As previously mentioned, low temperature (35.5 and below) can manifest itself as chills in the extremities, apathy and depression. In addition, depending on the reason that provoked the decrease, the change can be recognized by a number of signs. These include:

  • physical ailment of the whole body;
  • drowsiness;
  • pale skin;
  • violation brain activity;
  • irritability.

In some situations, a temperature whose readings are constantly kept below the generally accepted norm (from 35.8 to 35.5) is considered an individual characteristic of the body. In this case, the symptoms and accompanying factors may differ. In such situations, only a specialist can say whether there is a threat to a person’s life. However, his health usually does not suffer.

If the child’s body temperature drops to 35.5 or below, the following symptoms may be a cause for concern:

  • weakness, decreased activity;
  • frequent tantrums;
  • cry.

A child whose body temperature is kept low becomes depressed and begins to think “inhibited.” Often, parents may notice a deterioration in appetite when similar pathology. At the first signs, you should consult a doctor. A pediatric specialist will conduct an examination and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

What to do in such situations?

If you notice one (several) symptoms of low temperature in yourself or your child, which persist for one to two days, you should consult a specialist. Deviations from the norm in the form of decreased readings of the human body from 35.8 degrees and below should be obligatory reason for a hospital visit. Firstly, they will help to establish the causes of low body temperature. To do this, specialists will conduct an examination and prescribe tests. Secondly, if necessary, only a doctor can prescribe adequate treatment.

Diagnose the causes of pathology in medical centers can use:

  • blood tests (biochemical, general);
  • X-ray examination;

These methods will help determine the nature of the origin of hypothermia in adults and children. Thanks to the examination, the specialist can prescribe the optimal treatment. If there are no prerequisites for serious illnesses, and the low temperature is a consequence of reduced immunity, the doctor will recommend increasing it using “folk” methods. These include: rational nutrition, a normalized daily routine that is gentle on the human body. In addition, the doctor may recommend taking vitamins and immunomodulators.

In any case, a decrease in the body temperature of an adult or child, characterized by marks on the thermometer below 35.5 degrees, should not be ignored.

The vast majority of people begin to worry when their body temperature rises above normal. body is enough rare occurrence. Many events, but if this temperature lasts for a long time, you need to visit a doctor. The reasons for such a deviation from the norm may be fatigue, overwork, or previous illness. But often the reasons for which are hidden in serious illness, may be a “bell” from the body.

What body temperature is considered low?

Doctors consider a body temperature of 35.5 degrees or lower to be a significant deviation from the norm. Why can low body temperature be dangerous? The fact is that deviation from the temperature norm is caused by a disruption in the functioning of the thermoregulation center, which is located in the brain of every person. This disorder is a consequence of exhaustion nervous system or the peculiarity of the course of certain diseases, which will be discussed below.

Low temperature human body: reason

Let's look at the main reasons:

  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases that already existed in the human body. If you have serious chronic diseases, then a low body temperature should be a good reason to visit a doctor. The causes of low temperature may be hidden in an unpleasant complication.
  • The development of hypothyroidism is a disease characterized by disruption of the thyroid gland. This may be a consequence of hormonal and other problems in the human body.
  • Low temperature can be observed as a result of damage to the adrenal glands. If you have adrenal problems, try to drink more water, eat watermelons and melons more often.
  • Use of drugs in large quantities. If you use strong medications indiscriminately and without consulting a qualified doctor, do not be surprised if you develop a low body temperature. The reasons lie in incorrectly selected medications that disabled the entire body.
  • A low temperature often indicates overwork. Don't push yourself to the point of exhaustion. If you ignore this sign that your own body has given you, excessive fatigue can result in serious illness.
  • If you have just had a severe viral or bacterial infections, for example, the flu or a cold, a low temperature can be a consequence of the natural recovery of the body.
  • Pregnancy can be a cause of low temperature. Toxicosis that occurs during pregnancy may be accompanied by low temperature. There is no need to be afraid of this, but you should carefully monitor the state of your own body during this difficult period for a woman.
  • Sometimes a deviation from the temperature norm is a consequence internal bleeding. If a low temperature is accompanied by nausea and dizziness, you should immediately call a doctor.
  • With physical hypothermia, low body temperature is also observed. The reasons for this deviation are swimming in too cold water or being in the cold.
  • And the last popular reason for a drop in temperature is considered to be a lack of vitamin C.

We must remember that a temperature below 35.5 degrees is not normal! We need to understand its causes and do everything to eliminate them! Don’t think that everything will definitely resolve itself. Low temperature is a consequence of the body not being able to cope! However, there are cases when a temperature of 35.5 has become an individual characteristic of a person. In such situations, this temperature is not considered low and is not a cause for concern.



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