Independent exit from binge drinking. Medications to help you get out of binge drinking

On your own, it will take at least a day. Purchase drugs such as Activated Carbon, Essentiale Forte, Valocordin and Mezim in advance if you have stomach problems. In addition, stock up on lemon, jam, honey, mineral water, cabbage or cucumber brine, kvass, kefir, apple juice, milk. Prepare beef or lamb broth in advance.

Start the procedure on the eve of a difficult day. In the morning, drink 1.5 liters of liquid (milk, mineral water, brine, juice, kefir) and take 1 capsule of Essentiale Forte, 2 of Activated Charcoal and 20 drops of Valocordin. Then eat the broth with bread. You can also take contrast shower. Now rest. After 5 hours, take 2 more Essentiale Forte and 2 charcoal tablets. If your heart doesn't bother you, you don't have to drink Valocordin. Eat the broth again and drink tea with lemon and honey. Relax or do enjoyable activities (watch TV, read a book).

In the evening, take medications in the same quantities as during the day, and eat. But don’t overeat – take care of your liver. Then stand in the shower longer and then go to bed. The next day, get up early and take 1 tablet of Essentiale and charcoal. On this day, try to move more. Also continue to drink plenty of fluids and take medications as described above.

Use "Ammonia". To use it to get out of binge drinking it will take 2-3 days. Dilute two drops of medicine in one glass of water at room temperature. Then mix thoroughly and drink. It is advisable to do this before meals to avoid upset.

Keep yourself busy. After all, many people are helped not to think about alcohol by being very busy, for example at work. If you are in or not working at all, offer your relatives your help. Thus, plunging into business and worries, you will take your mind off what reminds you of alcohol.

Shake your body, raise your adrenaline, get distracted by more bright emotions. For example, take up extreme sports. But if your health doesn’t allow it or there are other reasons why you can’t afford it, jump with a parachute or take a ride on an attraction. A surge of adrenaline will cover everything negative emotions and difficult feelings.

Use medications such as Valerian Extract. In large doses, this drug can relieve pain. Dissolve the drops in water and eat a large meal after taking the medicine. Aspirin can also help. In addition, pay attention to effervescent tablets which are sold in pharmacies and dispensed. Don't forget about vitamins and activated carbon.

Try to get out binge drinking using mint and drinking plenty of fluids. Buy mint tincture, mix 20 drops with 1 glass of infusion drinking water and take several times a day. In general, it is necessary drinking plenty of fluids. Consume juices that have a sour taste.

If it’s difficult to quit drinking on your own, register on thematic forums. There you will find people who want to give up alcohol. They support each other and share advice. These people are experiencing the same emotions and feelings as you. This is why it is easier to stop drinking alcohol in a group than alone. Such contact sometimes helps much better various medications.

Call a doctor at home. Nowadays, many private clinics serve patients at home. What's good about this method? First of all, because they will help you qualified specialists, evaluating general condition body using special equipment. Also, medical professionals will prescribe you adequate treatment, dose necessary medications and warn about possible side effects.

Not only alcoholics suffer from binge drinking, but also their families, friends and loved ones. Binge drinking is when a person drinks alcoholic beverages more than three days contract. If a person wants to have a hangover on the second day and gets drunk again, it means that he has overcome his drunken state. The second stage of alcoholism begins to appear, during which you want to drink more and more. Let's take a closer look at how to get out of binge drinking yourself or help a loved one do it.

Conditions for exit

Anyone can quit drinking on their own! For this, a person’s desire to get out of a drunken state is important. It is necessary to set aside a whole day to get out of the binge, and not do anything else during this period. It is also important that there is no uncontrollable vomiting, stomach ulcers, stomach bleeding, psychosis and delirium tremens. If there are such symptoms, the person must be urgently taken to the hospital to receive medical care from specialists.

Only if the alcoholic himself wants to change will it be possible to return him to normal life . His family and friends should tell him how to get out of the binge, and also help him do it.

Exit Methods

How to get out of binge drinking on your own is of interest to all people who want to change and live on without drinking. You can stop drinking yourself at home.

It is important that the alcoholic understands his problem and decides for himself that it is time for him to quit drinking. The drinker must have strong force will and desire to give up alcohol. To avoid further harm to your health abrupt refusal from alcohol, you need to stop drinking gradually, reducing the dose of alcoholic beverages.

How to stop binge drinking without putting your body into shock? Long-term binge drinking should be stopped by giving up strong alcohol. Drink beer instead. IN within three days, any food should be washed down with beer (one glass). After three days you need to completely give up all alcoholic drinks. Instead of drinking, experts recommend eating a lot. After 21 days, return to the normal portions of food you ate before.

To prevent stomach upset, you can drink a glass of water with five drops before eating. ammonia. You need to drink this remedy for two to three days. It is recommended to quench your thirst when coming out of a binge with sweet tea, kvass, mineral or lemon-acidified water, and brine. You can also drink water with mint tincture(add 20 drops).

Exit from binge drinking is also carried out medications- activated carbon, Essentiale and vitamins.

It is important to distract yourself from thoughts of drinking. Keep yourself busy, visit interesting events to get vivid emotions.

Most often, breaking out of binge drinking on your own at home is successful and better than in the hospital. The main thing is that household members support the person and stock up on hope and patience. You can consult your doctor about how to quickly get out of binge drinking.

Medication method

How to quickly quit binge drinking on your own with the help of medications? It’s very simple, just follow these 7 rules:

To cope with depression, watch your favorite movie or do something you love. If not, start a new hobby.

Restoring the nervous system

How to get out of binge drinking is clear, but how to recover on your own nervous system after suffering from binge drinking? For these purposes, take a course of multivitamins with microelements. The doctor may recommend taking Complivit. It will be enough to drink vitamins B1, B6 and C.

When coming out of a long-term binge, it will be useful sports vitamins. Such preparations contain all the necessary enzymes and trace elements in double doses, as well as ginseng.

When to see a doctor

Of course, you can quit binge drinking on your own, but if you experience the symptoms described below, it is important to urgently seek medical help from specialists:

  • if a person feels pressure, tingling and burning pain behind the sternum, which gives under left shoulder blade or you need to run to the doctor for advice;
  • if there is a fear of death;
  • if the heart begins to work intermittently, you need to urgently call an ambulance;
  • if your stomach starts to hurt and you experience nausea, vomiting, unstable chair, bitterness in the mouth, and the skin and sclera became jaundiced;
  • if your arms and legs begin to go numb, tingle and suddenly become weak;
  • if swallowing is difficult, drooling a lot, dizziness, weakness, headache, vision decreases;
  • if there is blood in the urine and stool.

If a person exhibits the listed symptoms, he should be hospitalized immediately. Otherwise, everything could end very sadly.

We help you sober up

You know how to get out of binge drinking on your own, but it is also important to remember that all actions must be performed when the person sobers up a little. What needs to be done for this? To speed up the process of breaking out of a drunken state, it is recommended to perform the following steps.

If the alcoholic does not have heart problems, put 5 drops of ammonia into his water and give me a drink. If you have heart disease, immediately proceed to the second point.

Let the drunk a man takes a shower. If he is unable to do this, put him in the bathtub, turn on the water and hose him with cool water for fifteen minutes. It is important to be with the person in the bathroom so that he does not choke on water.

After a shower you need perform a detoxification procedure. It is important to properly remove alcohol toxic substances from the body. You can do a cleansing enema and give absorbents to drink.

It is necessary to cleanse the body comprehensively. To rinse the stomach, dissolve half a tablespoon of salt and soda in a liter of water. Give the resulting drink to the patient to induce a gag reflex.

For performing an enema You can dissolve a spoonful of honey in two liters of water. Or brew chamomile flowers in a thermos. After 15 minutes, strain chamomile infusion and add as much water as you did at the beginning. Make an enema from the resulting solution. It will cleanse the body of harmful toxins by removing feces.

What is forbidden to do

You know how to stop binge drinking on your own, but you also need to know what not to do in such situations. When coming out of a binge, it is strictly forbidden to visit a bathhouse for the first 24 hours after drinking alcohol, as overheating can cause an increase in blood pressure. Also, you should not relieve tension or be distracted from unpleasant symptoms sudden movements and heavy physical exertion. Otherwise, heart failure may occur. You cannot put moral pressure on an alcoholic. Since it usually occurs after a period of heavy drinking depressive state. If relatives begin to put pressure and reproach, a person may begin to suffer mental disorders. It is also not recommended to suddenly stop drinking after long periods binge drinking If you abruptly stop the supply of alcoholic beverages to the body, disruptions in the functioning of the heart and other organs may occur.

Now you know how to get out of a drunken state on your own at home. And also what needs to be done to figure out how to quickly get out of binge drinking without harming your health even more.

Alcohol binge can be considered the most severe exacerbation; during this period a person is not able to give up alcohol. Binge drinking, in other words, a hangover syndrome in which alcohol no longer brings the expected effect, but is only a support for the satisfactory state of the alcoholic. Binge drinking can last from three days to several months, and sometimes up to several years.

During a period of binge drinking, a person is unable to give up alcohol

This phenomenon is accompanied by severe intoxication of the body. The liver fights harmful toxins, but if you abuse alcohol, the organ can no longer cope and the toxic poison spreads throughout the body.

Very often, recovery from binge drinking at home is more successful than in hospital settings. It's worth it, let's take a look. how to get out of binge drinking on your own and the principles of combating this disease without resorting to the help of doctors.

What will help you get out of binge drinking?

To alleviate the general condition of a person who abuses alcohol, you should drink as much liquid as possible. This will allow the body to detoxify itself. This can be done using: non-carbonated mineral water, cucumber pickle, fruit juice, chicken broth, weak tea with the addition of lemon or mint. When vomiting, a tablet called “cerucal”, which must be washed down, can help minimum quantity water. The following medications will also support the body from illness:

When coming out of a binge - activated carbon, will restore work gastrointestinal tract In addition, toxins will be removed from the body. Take the tablets for at least three days; for longer periods, it is better to take Polyphepan. It is an ideal sorbent and best assistant when quitting binge drinking at home.

With migraines, inner trembling, aches and severe chills Two tablets of analgin and two tablets of no-shpa will do just fine. They must be chewed and taken twice a day. It is not recommended to drink when binge drinking acetylsalicylic acid, so as not to harm the gastric mucosa, because it is already injured by alcoholic beverages and possible absence food.

What will help you get out of binge drinking at home is not a hot, but a comfortable bath, with the addition of sea ​​salt, pine extracts And herbal infusions. Restore immunity when long-term use alcoholic beverages can be supplemented with vitamins B6, ascorbic acid and glycine.

Stop drinking alcohol the night before

Following some tips when leaving alcoholic binge at home you can achieve ideal results with minimal effort. To do this you need:

  • Stop drinking alcohol the night before.
  • Do not force exhausted organs to withdraw from binge drinking: smoothly and gradually.
  • Before leaving the binge, go to bed early, after drinking a glass of water with twenty drops of mint.
  • When you wake up, don’t drink alcoholic beverages, but kvass, still water, brine, fruit drink and kefir are what you need to consume. The liquid will promote natural detoxification and dilute the blood.
  • Throughout the day, take eight tablets of activated carbon and the same amount of other sorbent. If you experience rapid heartbeat, drink validol and put glycine under your tongue. With the nausea reflex, taking mint capsules can help. Do not take the medicine with strong drink, green tea with the addition of lemon slices and honey.
  • If vomiting occurs within 60 minutes after taking medication, there is no need to stop. You should repeat taking the pills, drinking plenty of water, so that the liquid is constantly replenished, then the exit from the binge will be much easier.
  • Do not use on the first day large number food, you can get by with low-fat chicken broth, with rye bun. Following your meal, take 2-3 pancreatin tablets.
  • Rest more during the day, which will significantly improve the health of an alcoholic. The next day you can take walks in the fresh air.
  • If the patient’s condition becomes worse when leaving the binge at home, you need to drink ten to fifteen drops of Valocordin. Dissolve glycine and vitamin B throughout the first day.
  • If a person has firmly decided to quit binge drinking, but he works somewhere, he should take care of spending his time passively in advance. Since during this period there is frequent visit depressive thoughts and obsessions. Therefore, while being treated at home for of this disease, watching your favorite, positive films will calm your state of mind.
  • Relatives of a person suffering from alcohol addiction should always be nearby and not leave the alcoholic for a long time.

Kvass, still water, brine, fruit drink - should be consumed when coming out of binge drinking

Breaking out of binge drinking, daily instructions

It will be easier to remove the body from a long-term binge if you follow useful instructions.

First day: waking up in the morning and opening your eyes, drink at least 700 grams of water or brine, then take medications. The main rule of the first day is to find the strength within yourself not to drink alcohol. There is no need to rush to extreme measures and take large doses of Valocordin or other medications containing barbiturates. Valerian (decoction), motherwort, and phenibut can be used to help you get rid of binge drinking at home perfectly and harmlessly. This day is the most difficult, having survived it in all respects, it will be easier to cope with the disease in the future!

The second day: it will be easier, the pain will subside a little, the person will gain self-control. During the entire second day, you need to drink at least five liters of fluid, and take effective medications to eliminate symptoms. Do not drink alcohol, do not take sleeping pills before going to bed, you can take one Phenazepam tablet.

Third day: recovering from binge drinking at home, adhering to all the rules and regulations. Very often, an alcoholic is in a broken, depressed state, there is a risk of depression, since all his strength has been spent on fighting the disease. The main rule is: do not stop there, use healthy liquid, vitamins and medicines. During the third day, eating a variety of foods regularly can help distract your thoughts from a melancholic mood: doing your favorite activities and doing chores around the house.

When quitting binge drinking, it is important to know:

  • If within three days, after quitting the binge on your own, a person’s condition has not improved, you need to seek help from a specialist. Otherwise, you may experience serious complications, because the body has suffered intoxication, which can lead to alcoholic delirium.
  • It is not easy to remove the body from binge drinking at home. This event cannot be called comfortable, pleasant and easy, but, alas, you have to pay for excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages. Especially painful and painful symptoms observed in people who have been on a drinking binge for more than five days.
  • Breaking out of binge drinking at home will be more effective if you turn off your phone and completely ignore your drinking buddies.
  • The main threat, besides the thirst for drinking alcohol, is: excessive abuse medicines, because when severe symptoms You always want to quickly get rid of discomfort, pain and insomnia. A serious threat to the body is: phenazepam, barbiturates, sleeping pills. Before taking medications, you should carefully read the instructions, or entrust this activity to your loved ones. It is they who, during the period of withdrawal from binge drinking at home, should support the sick person and help him achieve peace of mind.
  • After three difficult days, after quitting the binge at home, you need to do any useful and interesting thing: organize renovation work in the house, go to the cinema, devote evenings to family walks.
  • Also, when breaking out of binge drinking at home, small physical exercises are useful. If you do not overuse exercise, the patient’s condition can improve much faster: blood flow stabilizes and speeds up. metabolic processes. Danger may exist when heavy loads The heart is especially vulnerable, because during the period of heavy drinking, fluid spreads through the tissues, so the blood acquires a thick and viscous consistency. The heart will need maximum effort to push dense blood through the vessels.
  • In the first two days of withdrawal from binge drinking at home, taking a contrast shower is undesirable, as there is a violation of vascular tone. In this situation, it is unknown what reaction the body will have to a rough shake; it is simply impossible to predict the outcome. A heart attack or stroke may occur, so it is better not to risk it.
  • During withdrawal from heavy drinking at home, it is advisable to consume less nicotine, and if possible, then quit smoking altogether.

If, when you quit binge drinking on your own, a person’s condition does not improve, you need to seek help from a specialist.

When coming out of a binge, should you give up alcohol immediately or gradually?

The opinions of specialists on this issue are not the same. Some are sure that it is more effective to remove the body from binge drinking at home by giving up drinking alcohol immediately, and they are sure that the first hundred grams of alcohol can be followed by 200–500 grams of the next alcohol. Accordingly, the result will be the same: a long binge. The second experts believe that the dose of alcohol should be reduced gradually, and give the following arguments:

  • Removing your body from binge drinking at home will be less painful.
  • By gradually reducing the dose of alcohol, the hangover syndrome is automatically mitigated, and the risk of developing delirium tremens, epilepsy and heart attacks is also significantly reduced.

Whatever method is chosen by a person who has decided to withdraw the body from binge drinking at home, it is necessary to remember only one thing: alcohol is a poison that slowly kills the body! Take care of your health!

Call! - a doctor is in touch for you!

How to get out of binge drinking?

First of all: I would like to note that if you think that your own strength, aspirations, desires may not be enough - even if necessary help A narcologist will help you. If a person drinks continuously for several days, several times a day, in sufficient large dosages and mostly strong alcoholic drinks, it is quite difficult to give advice, intervention is necessary medical worker, narcologist. How to get out of binge drinking is up to you, but be prudent and realistically weigh your options. After all, if you decide to quit the binge on your own, then all responsibility for your health and the absence of complications, for example: the development of delirium tremens, falls on you. If you are not a doctor, you should not risk your health. Treatment of alcoholism

How to get out of binge drinking

Binge drinking is the periodic consumption of doses of alcohol, repeated at different intervals to improve one’s well-being, relieve hangover syndrome, uplifting mood. A person strives to get into a normal, mentally more or less comfortable state and does this by drinking another portion. alcohol. But this can't last forever. The body gets used to the volume, demands more, the number and frequency of repetitions increase. And the longer alcoholization and more quantity alcohol, the stronger the hangover and the harder it is to get out of the binge. We strictly note: just don’t large doses alcohol and from 2 to a maximum of 4 days of binge drinking - a case in which the option of how to get out of binge drinking is possible. If you decide to do it yourself, then here are the basic tips:

We come out of binge drinking on our own

  1. 1. Be prepared for the process to take you from 1 to 2-3 days, free up some time. It's weekends, days off, sick leave - it doesn't matter! You will only stay at home and not leave the apartment.
  2. 2. In the last 24 hours before you decide to quit drinking on your own, reduce your alcohol intake. Replace vodka with weak beer, try to stretch the time between alcohol intakes.
  3. 3. It is important to remember that it is not recommended to stop drinking suddenly and immediately. Every human body has a number of individual characteristics. The duration and severity of binge drinking is different for everyone. Alcohol tolerance is the same. To avoid complications, everything must be done gradually, step by step.
  4. 4. In the evening or at night, before the first day, when we come out of the binge on our own, try not to drink alcohol; it will be easier to start the next morning.
  5. 5. You will need a large amount of liquid: still water, warm, slightly sweet tea. Juices are not recommended; they can irritate the gastric mucosa and cause vomiting. Brine - only if there are no stomach problems.
  6. 6. Bed rest, access to fresh air in the room, but not cold. We don’t get sober, we come out of binge drinking on our own.
  7. 7. Let the simplest set of medications be at hand: Corvalol, glycine, enterosgel, activated carbon, aspirin.

How to get out of binge drinking on your own

From the very morning of the first day, while in bed, you must remember the basic rules:

  • · a complete ban on drinking any alcohol;
  • · as much liquid as possible;
  • · going to the toilet, the more often the better;
  • · absence physical activity;
  • · more sleep, albeit superficial;
  • · try to distract yourself from how you feel;

Willpower, the ability to endure unpleasant things internal state are, perhaps, the main key factor when we come out of binge drinking on our own. Patience and time, drink more fluids and go to the toilet to cleanse the body of acetaldehyde, a breakdown product of alcohol. We take Enterosgel, one tablespoon dissolved in a glass of water, every three hours. We put two glycine tablets under the tongue, 4-5 times a day and always at night. If palpitations Take Valocordin 15 drops per glass of water, but no more than 4 times a day, before going to bed. Remember that every hour spent without alcohol, every missed time to take another shot, brings you closer to breaking out of the binge. You follow simple rules on your own and gradually feel relief as the day goes on. Try to sleep on the first night, when you are coming out of the binge on your own and this is mandatory and important condition. The fact is that according to all the canons of narcology: delirium delirium (delirium tremens ), develops with a sharp cessation of alcoholism and lack of sleep during the first three days. There must be a dream! Let it not be long and superficial. On the second day, be guided by how you feel. If you feel hungry, eat a little, not fatty. Drink more and go to the toilet again. Fresh air in the room. Don't smoke or limit the number of cigarettes. Try to move a little, but without sudden loads. If you managed to do without drinking alcohol for two days, then the option of quitting the binge on your own was a success.

Help to get out of binge drinking

Binge it heavy pathological condition for the body and how to help you get out of binge drinking is up to you. But only a narcologist with the help of droppers, special medicines can reliably and safely provide assistance in quitting binge drinking. This is not an emergency; reading a forum on how to get out of binge drinking at home is pointless.

The binge has already happened and if it happened, it means the person no longer controlled himself and allowed this situation to happen. It is unlikely that any advice will help here. Only a doctor will provide help to get out of binge drinking. Don’t risk yourself, to the question of how to get out of binge drinking at home, the answer is correct and simple: challenge narcologist to the house. Safety, results and everything goes as painlessly as possible, no need to suffer, fear a breakdown, fear delirium tremens. Binge drinking should be treated by a specialist. How to get out of a long drinking binge? Only a doctor can help! Self-medication has never done anyone any good! Please think about your health. Guarantees

After drinking alcohol for more than 5 days: Call a Doctor!

The unspoken rule of binge drinking: How many days you drink, so many days you “go away.”

Alcoholism is now considered one of the incurable diseases. Alcoholic drinks, such as beer, wine, vodka can be purchased in every grocery store, and at any time of the day (despite the ban on sales after twenty-three hours). Sellers cleverly disguise the “product” in black bags, and the “buyers”, thinking that they have deceived the whole world, are happy and carry their treasured purchase.

A person drinks at any time of the day: some alone, because they are ashamed to be seen drunk, some strictly in company, because they are bored alone. In any case, both of them drink more and more often and, as a result, go on binges (initially short, then their duration increases, and the interval between binges decreases). At first, they cope with this problem on their own, but the time comes when they need outside help.

A person on a drinking binge has little idea of ​​what to drink and where to drink it. Of course, the most effective way place him in a hospital where he will receive necessary treatment: They will clean the blood and put in IVs. But the problem is that not everyone will agree to such hospitalization, one financial problems, the other does not need a sick leave certificate with a stamp drug treatment clinic. In case a person applies for free help, there is a risk that he will be registered at a drug treatment clinic and it will not be so easy for him to free himself from this “stigma”. There is only one way left: to get out of the binge yourself. To do this, he will need the help of close people, and even better, relatives, who, in turn, need to stock up on great patience, courage and a great desire to help the patient.

How to quit binge drinking at home

To get out of binge drinking, you need to stop drinking alcohol in the evening. Try to go to bed early and sleep longer by drinking an infusion of mint or other calming herb. It is also necessary to rinse the stomach where the accumulated huge amount toxins. To do this you need to take 1 liter boiled water, one teaspoon each of salt and soda, give the patient a drink and induce vomiting by pressing on the root of the tongue. After this, drink activated carbon or another sorbent (up to 10 tablets), take Essentiale Forte for pain in the liver, validol or mint tablets for heart palpitations, dissolve glycine tablets under the tongue (it is harmless, it is even given to children).

Many people have their own proven ways to get out of binge drinking. For example, take sour juices or drinks such as apple juice, cucumber or cabbage pickle, tea with lemon, as well as mineral water without gases, fermented milk products. It is necessary to drink plenty of fluids because alcohol leads to dehydration. Fat and heavy food In the first days of recovery from binge drinking, it is not recommended to take it, only broths and light soups.

How to get out of binge drinking

A person who has decided on his own needs to gather all his willpower into a fist and begin to act: on the first day in the morning, take a tablet of aspirin and activated charcoal: aspirin relieves pain symptoms, activated carbon - toxicity. Endure nausea, dizziness, try to drink chicken or beef broth. The next day, take a contrast shower, it will improve the general condition of the body and try to eat. Of course, start moving and doing some light physical activity. Do not take under any circumstances during recovery from binge drinking. hot bath or go to the bathhouse or sauna. This can lead to cardiac arrest.

For effective treatment alcoholism experts advise AlcoLock product. This drug:

  • Eliminates cravings for alcohol
  • Repairs damaged liver cells
  • Removes toxins from the body
  • Calms the nervous system
  • Has no taste or smell
  • Consists of natural ingredients and completely safe
  • AlcoLock has evidence base based on numerous clinical studies. The product has no contraindications and side effects. Doctors' opinion >>

    How to get out of a long binge

    The man who was in long-term drinking bout(for example, a week), you need to know that simple kefir or brine will not improve the body’s condition. First, you need to do an enema of 1 liter of water, one teaspoon each of salt and soda. Rinse the stomach with the same composition. Traditionally, drink activated charcoal, if you have a severe headache, take a tablet of citramone or effervescent aspirin, if your liver is already hurting, take Essentiale Forte. You should remember about Polysorbon powder - this astringent, which will help remove toxins from the body through urine. The listed remedies plus patience and willpower will help with binge drinking for 7 days or more.

    What not to do when coming out of a long-term binge

    When helping a person get out of a binge, you need to try to support him morally, you don’t need to put pressure on him, remember all his negative actions and mistakes. In this situation, he already feels like a scum of society, some kind of insignificant person. If you have already decided to help, then this is exactly what you need to do. Moral support in this situation can help more than any medicine. It is necessary to avoid sudden physical exertion and temperature changes, this can provoke heart disease.

    Everyone has drinking man there are many so-called friends always ready to drink with him. During the period of recovery from binge drinking, it is necessary to protect the patient from communicating with them so that they do not harm him. If a person is also addicted to smoking, then it is necessary to reduce smoking to a minimum. The nicotine contained in cigarettes worsens the patient’s already condition.

    The hardest thing when breaking out of binge drinking is... Poor condition It will happen on the second and third days, but, of course, it’s much easier than the first. It is necessary, although difficult, but to try to take at least some food, 2-3 spoons, then lie down under a warm blanket and try to sleep. An organism that for a long time I didn’t see anything except alcohol, I need to replenish my strength, albeit gradually. Many people (not all, of course) who were on a drinking binge and then were able to find the strength to overcome this illness remember this period of their lives with horror and, of course, will not touch alcohol, at least for a long time. Having analyzed this period of life, they must understand that this will not lead to good: a person during his drinking bouts can die, if not cardiac arrest, then from cirrhosis of the liver, or from an accident.

    Others would like to remind you that if you quit drinking on your own, this does not mean that the problem is solved; it can come back again while you have an alcohol addiction. In this situation, you need to seek help from a good narcologist who will help relieve alcohol addiction, will carry out high-quality coding. After all, alcoholism is a diagnosis and you need to strictly control your behavior and not drink any alcohol at all. After all, if control is weakened, binge drinking can return again and again.

    Do you still think that it is impossible to cure alcoholism?

    Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against alcoholism is not yet on your side...

    Have you already thought about getting coded? This is understandable, because alcoholism is dangerous disease, which leads to serious consequences: cirrhosis or even death. Liver pain, hangover, health problems, work problems, personal life... All these problems are familiar to you firsthand.

    But maybe there is still a way to get rid of the torment? We recommend reading Elena Malysheva’s article about modern methods alcoholism treatment...

    Read more

    Another effective way, is to accept natural honey. There is a true opinion that with a lack of potassium in the body, a person’s craving for drinking alcohol increases. Consequently, addiction to alcoholic beverages will be significantly reduced if the potassium deficiency in the body is compensated.

    Honey is the biggest and quality source potassium, in addition, it contains a huge mass useful substances. If you constantly take honey in food, the need for potassium in the body will decrease, and, accordingly, the craving for alcohol. In addition, honey also has a calming effect: evening time and at night it is recommended to take 2-3 teaspoons of honey and drink sufficient quantity warm water. In this case, the person falls asleep calmly, softly and sleeps more deep sleep. This is very necessary when coming out of binge drinking. It is also an excellent diaphoretic; it is especially effective when recovering from heavy drinking. When taking honey, intense sweating will begin, and many toxins will come out with sweat through the pores of the skin.

    Imagine a family with a drunken alcoholic. These are constant scandals, insults, fights. The spouse turns into a bundle of nerves, the children are frightened, they look for help from relatives and neighbors, and then they begin to run away from home, find company they like, usually problematic, and new troubles arise, but only with children. After all, child psychologists never tire of saying that it is not enough to give children smart and kind books to read, you need to teach them by example. So they look at the father (mother) of alcoholics, they have no other examples in life and repeat the mistakes of their parents. Every child wants to go on a family hike, build a snowman, or just ride on dad’s shoulders. But, apart from drunken parents, their companies, empty containers on the table, they see nothing.

    Human life is very short and it is stupid to interrupt it due to addiction to alcohol. How will the relatives of this person feel, who, because of addiction to alcohol, have you lost the most precious thing a person has - life? Didn't you save it? Didn't they save you?



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