Development of attentiveness and observation among employees of internal affairs bodies in the process of professional training. The concept of psychological observation

We offer readers an example of an integrated lesson of the “My Professional Future” course. This course is aimed at developing skills in students that allow them to choose the right profession. One of the objectives of the course is also to increase the level of psychological competence of children, so the classes make high demands on the teacher in the field of knowledge of psychology. In this regard, the school psychologist assists the teacher in conducting those course sessions that are rich in psychological knowledge. The integration of labor training and psychology and close cooperation between the teacher and the psychologist in this case only enriches the lessons, makes them more meaningful and interesting for children, and increases their developmental potential.

Lesson topic:
“Observation as a professional human quality”
(original author's development)

In order to master any profession and work successfully in it, a person must possess and purposefully develop in himself those personal qualities that are especially important for this professional field. Today, the attention of practitioners is drawn to observation as one of the professionally important qualities of specialists working in the “person-to-person” field. This is understandable, because specialists in this field - teachers, doctors, psychologists, investigators, managers, etc. - must rely heavily on observation as a method of knowing another person and on their own ability to observe.

Therefore, the proposed lesson is devoted to observation as a human ability and a professionally important quality. The lesson gives students the opportunity not only to discover for themselves the essence of this quality and get acquainted with examples of observation in relation to other people, but also to see opportunities for their own purposeful development and even practice developing observation skills.

Goals and objectives

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

Define observation as a human quality;

Give examples of the role of observation in various areas of human professional activity;

Purposefully perceive and describe the features of a person’s appearance using the example of the structure of the head and face.


Exercise 1

Leading. Try, without looking at your desk neighbor, with whom you sat together for several lessons, for two minutes to describe (make notes on pieces of paper) what he is wearing and wearing today (features of his wardrobe today).

(As a result of the exercise, the conclusion is drawn: despite the fact that we see another person for a long time, nevertheless, we may not see him in detail, completely and in detail.)

Leading. This exercise clearly showed us how developed in us is the human quality of observation. Observation is the ability to see an object or phenomenon in detail. In this case, the subject of our observation was another person. Observation presupposes a purposeful and meaningful perception of something, penetration into the essence of an object or phenomenon.

Of course, in our everyday life, poorly developed observation skills do not particularly harm us (although sometimes they can fail us). However, it is simply necessary in professional activities, especially for those specialists who work in the “person-to-person” field, where the work is related to people, their upbringing, training, treatment, service or management.

Please give examples of such professions ( teacher, educator, doctor, investigator, lawyer, psychologist, customs officer, seller, etc..).

For representatives of these professions, it is important to see internal signs in appearance and behavior, to see the state of another person. For example, for a doctor, knowledge about the external signs of diseases and the peculiarities of people’s behavior with various diseases becomes important. During the lesson, it is important for a teacher to be able to see signs of interest in children, their manifestations and experiences of feelings and emotions in relationships with other people (peers, parents, teachers). When interacting with another person, a psychologist needs to understand his state and feelings in order to correctly reflect them and show his emotional involvement and responsiveness.

Here is an example of the professional observation of a female lawyer, taken from Sidney Sheldon’s book “The Wrath of Angels”:

« She learned to determine a person's character by their shoes and selected people who wore comfortable shoes for the jury, because they had an easy-going character... Jennifer comprehended sign language. If the witness was lying, he touched his chin, pressed his lips tightly, covered his mouth with his hand, pulled his earlobe, or pulled his hair. None of these movements escaped Jennifer, and she exposed the liar».

Prose writers and poets are excellent observers, as we see. Their powers of observation are sometimes amazing. Many vivid pictures of human images were given by them on the basis of observation and capture of subtle changes in people's behavior. Here is a sketch by writer Stefan Zweig from the novel “Twenty-four hours in the life of a woman.” This is a description of the hands of a casino player who is consumed by passion for the game:

“I involuntarily raised my eyes and saw right in front of me - I even felt scared - two hands that I had never seen before: they grabbed each other like enraged animals, and in a frantic fight they began to squeeze and squeeze each other so that the fingers a dry crack, as if cracking a nut... I was frightened by their excitement, their insanely terrible expression, this convulsive clutch and martial arts. I immediately felt that a man filled with passion had driven this passion into his fingertips so as not to be blown up by it himself.».

We see how in a person’s appearance and behavior, observant people are able to subtly notice his internal mental state and his properties. They know how not only to understand another person, but also to anticipate his behavior, since observation and deep, rather than superficial knowledge help to foresee, anticipate, and predict.

How did they learn to do this? How can you learn to be observant?

In order to answer these questions, let's look at an excerpt from a film about the brilliant detective and master of observation Sherlock Holmes ( an excerpt, the first 10 minutes, from the film “Bloody Inscription” is shown).

Both heroes, as we have seen, made their conclusions based only on observations carried out over a short period of time. Why did they come to different conclusions and why did Sherlock Holmes' conclusions turn out to be more accurate?

Sherlock Holmes had, unlike Dr. Watson, more developed powers of observation. And he also knew WHAT TO SEE, WHAT TO LOOK AT, WHAT TO NOTE when observing another person or object. It is thanks to the purposeful development of the ability to observe, to see details, that we develop the ability to distinguish between subtle things or to see different things in similar things.

Here it is also appropriate to recall the words of the remarkable writer and observer K. Paustovsky:

« Good eyes are a gain. Work, don't be lazy, on your eyesight. Keep it on track, as they say. Try looking at everything for a month or two with the thought that you absolutely must paint it. On the tram, on the bus, everywhere, look at people this way. And in two or three days you will be convinced that before this you did not see even a hundredth part of what you noticed now on their faces. And in two months you will learn to see, and you will no longer need to force yourself to do so.».

You and I don't have a month. However, there is still time to take on the role of a detective, or, in modern terms, an investigator, and practice developing your powers of observation. Just like the investigator in his daily practice, you now have to create a verbal portrait of another person. How to choose words so that this description is accurate and helps you recognize the person? First of all, you need to know What can be distinguished in the appearance of another person, for example in the structure of the head, face, since we are going to describe his portrait. Therefore, first we will understand what general signs of the structure of the head and face exist.

Let's look at the pictures ( see Appendix 1). Consider those features that stand out in the description of a person’s head and face.

What other features do you think can be included in the description of a person’s head and face? ( The shape of the eyebrows, lips and mouth, the shape of the lower jaw, chin, etc.)

Let's incorporate this information into a training exercise:

Exercise 2

Divide into groups, and each group will try to give a verbal description of the portrait in Fig. 1 and 2 ( see Appendix 2).

Now let's compare our descriptions with the professional descriptions of these portraits ( see in the same appendix).

What other features in the structure of the head and face did you identify from these descriptions?

Exercise 3

The class is divided into three subgroups. One subgroup leaves the class. The teacher shows the students portraits ( see Appendix 3) . One of the subgroups describes one portrait, the other describes another, and no one describes the third portrait. Verbal portraits must be compiled in such a way that absent group members can determine from the description who is depicted in them.

When analyzing the results of the exercise, attention is paid to which features turned out to be significant in the verbal description of each portrait. If there were errors, then you need to analyze the reasons that led to them: inaccurate words in the descriptions, incorrect identification of features, lack of significant distinctive features in the description.

Exercise 4

Leading. Without examining your neighbor further, try to describe the structure of his face and head, using the features that have already been discussed in class. After completing the task, you can carefully look at your neighbor, check your description and add to it. You definitely need to record for yourself what new things were seen while purposefully looking at another person.

Summing up the lesson

What new did you learn today about observation? Can you formulate what this quality is and what its role is in a person’s life?

Give examples of professions where, in your opinion, developed observation skills are needed? Explain your example.

Have you learned to be more observant today? What?


Sheldon S. Anger of the Angels. Mills of the Gods: Novels. - M.: News; AST, 1999.

Zweig S. Twenty-four hours from a woman's life: Novellas. - Mn.: Higher School, 1986.

Paustovsky K. Golden Rose: Stories. - Chisinau, 1987.

Regush L.A. Workshop on observation and observation skills. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008.

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Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Rice. 1

A portrait for which you need to write a verbal description. For example, a man who looks 45–50 years old. The hair is straight, combed in the middle. The face is wide, oval, the profile is wavy, sloping, the cheeks are slightly sunken, the lower jaw is massive. Short deep nasolabial folds. The nose is thin, the bridge of the nose is long and straight. The base of the nose is downturned. The eyebrows are short, narrow, straight, spread apart. The eyes are small and oval. Large bags under the eyes. Lips: upper - thin, lower - thick, protruding strongly. The mouth is of medium size, the corners are lowered. The chin is wide, rounded, the ears are medium-sized, triangular, protruding.

Rice. 2

An example of a portrait of a man, which can be drawn up according to the following description: a man, apparently 26–30 years old, thick hair, combed back, “M-shaped” hairline on the forehead, oval face, slightly convex profile; forehead of medium height and width, wavy, slightly sloping, with large brow ridges. The nose is of medium height, with a large protrusion, the bridge of the nose is deep, the bridge of the nose is long, convexly wavy, the tip of the nose is fleshy, slightly drooping, the base of the nose is drooping. The eyebrows are long, thick, straight, with drooping tails, the eyes are oval, large, horizontal. The mouth is small, the corners of the mouth are slightly raised, the lips are full, the upper lip is high, with a deep oval fossa, protruding above the lower.

Appendix 3

The legal profession obliges employees to conduct constant observations of people’s behavior, their appearance, gait, facial expressions, gestures, etc.

A legal practitioner should strive to notice in the observed object (victim, suspect, accused, etc.)

D.), all the essential features of a phenomenon, that is, to know its essence. Cognition is based on sensations as a process of reflecting reality. Sensations can be visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, etc. In the development of observation skills, the most important role is played by visual and auditory sensations.

The formation of observation skills also depends on the cultivation of attention. Without attention, deliberate perception, memorization and reproduction of information is impossible.

Observation as a personality quality develops in the conditions of practical activity. To become observant, you must first acquire the ability to observe, but this is only one of the stages in the development of this property. To transform a skill into a lasting quality, purposeful, systematic and systematic training is needed. It is carried out in the daily life of a legal worker, as well as with the help of special exercises.

The lawyer must strive to penetrate into the essence of the observed phenomenon, to notice all the significant signs related to the case materials. It is important to organize observation by setting a specific, specific goal. Only a rationally set goal of observation concentrates our psychological capabilities and forms the necessary qualities.

In parallel with targeted observation, it is necessary to develop universal observation. Such observation skills provide a deeper and more versatile study of the object of observation. It is formed in the process of practical work on the object from different points of view, that is, by setting different goals.

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More on topic 23. Observation as a professionally significant quality of a lawyer:

  1. 20. Professionally significant and personal qualities of a leader. Diagnostic methods.
  2. 45. Ways to achieve rationality and quality in the performance of professional duties of a lawyer.
  3. 1). Legal technique as the basis of a lawyer’s professional skills.
  4. Rhetoric as a concept, as a science, as a subject of study. The role of rhetoric in the professional activity of a lawyer.
  5. 64.Personality of a speech therapist, professionally significant personal qualities. Areas of activity and competencies of a speech therapist, functional responsibilities.
  6. Vocational orientation, professional adaptation and professional suitability as problems of professional pedagogy.

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Surveillance plays an important role in the professional activities of internal affairs officers. 33

It allows you to identify the criminal activities of persons of operational interest to the internal affairs bodies, their connections, personal qualities, places of storage and sale of stolen goods, identify facts related to the events under investigation, etc. Skillful organization of the surveillance process, of course in conjunction with other ways of organizing professional activities, greatly contributes to timely warning, rapid detection, full investigation of crimes, and search for hidden criminals.

In psychological science, observation is understood as a deliberate, systematic, purposeful perception undertaken with the aim of studying an object or phenomenon. Purposefulness and organization during observation not only make it possible to perceive the observed object as something whole, but also makes it possible to recognize the individual and the general in it, distinguish the details of the object and establish certain types of its connections with other objects. In other words, observation is not a simple sum of individual elements isolated from each other, but a combination of sensory and rational knowledge.

Professional observation is a purposeful and specially organized perception by an employee of internal affairs bodies of phenomena and processes that are significant for solving operational tasks. The latter include, first of all, manifestations of personality (offenders, persons on preventive registration, convicts, victims, witnesses, etc.), its states, actions, various objects, the study of which is important for revealing and investigation of crimes, the activities of the employee himself, etc.

The psychological nature of professional observation is very multifaceted. Observation is the most advanced form of intentional perception. At the same time, the employee does not perceive everything that catches his eye, but calculates what is most important, necessary, and interesting. This is due to the goals, objectives, plan, which usually form the basis of observation. Observation always relies on the active functioning of the senses. For an internal affairs officer, this is, first of all, vision and hearing. Attention plays a particularly important role in observation, acting as its regulator.

Through attention, as the direction and concentration of consciousness on certain objects, the goals and plan of observation are realized. Observation is always associated with the processing of information and is impossible without the active work of thinking. Finally, observation is also determined by the personality characteristics of the employee himself.

Observation of the activities of employees of internal affairs bodies is characterized by emotional and intellectual intensity. Its conditions are determined by the psychological characteristics of the employees’ activities. In this regard, observation, as a method of activity of internal affairs officers, must satisfy the following psychological requirements.

Firstly, the officer needs preliminary knowledge of the personality characteristics of those persons in respect of whom he is conducting surveillance (for example, the nature and direction of their criminal activity, criminal experience, their inclinations, interests, etc.).

Secondly, he must fully and accurately record, by memorization or in another way (if necessary, and with the use of technical means), the specific actions and behavior of the object of observation.

Thirdly, he must compare the recorded facts with previously obtained data about the observed and promptly analyze the results of this comparison in order to anticipate the actions of the object of observation.

The success of observation is ultimately determined by the intellect, which organizes this process according to a certain plan, establishes the necessary sequence of stages of observation and uses its results. According to prof. Ratinova A.R., in order to organize effective surveillance, an internal affairs officer must remember a number of general rules:

Before observation, obtain the most complete understanding of the person, object or phenomenon being studied;

Define a goal, formulate a task, draw up (at least mentally) a plan or observation scheme;

Look for in the observed not only what was supposed to be found, but also the opposite of it; 35

Divide the object of observation and at each moment observe one of the parts, not forgetting about observing the whole;

Keep track of every detail, trying to notice the greatest number of them, to establish the maximum number of properties of an object or features of what is being observed;

Do not trust a single observation, examine an object or phenomenon from different points of view, at different moments and in different situations, changing the conditions of observation;

Question observable signs that may be false demonstrations, simulations, or staging;

Raise questions “why” and “what does this mean” regarding each element of observation, thinking through, guessing, criticizing and testing your thoughts and conclusions with further observation;

Compare objects of observation, contrast them, look for similarities, differences and connections;

Compare the results of observation with what was previously known about this subject, with data from science and practice;

Clearly formulate the results of observations and record them in the appropriate form - this helps their understanding and memorization;

Involve various specialists in observation, compare and discuss the results of observation with your colleagues;

Remember that the observer can also be the object of observation1.

Observation as a mental process and a certain form of professional activity of an internal affairs officer develops in him such an important personality trait as professional observation - a complex personality property, expressed in the ability to notice professionally significant, characteristic, but subtle and at first glance, insignificant features of the operational situation, people, objects, phenomena and their changes (which may subsequently be important for the case). The basis of an employee’s professional observation is a stable interest in people, their inner world, psychology, seeing them from the angle of professional tasks, a kind of psychological “orientation” towards them.

What is necessary to ensure a high level of employee observation?

Firstly, the attitude towards the perception of information that is important for solving the professional problems of a co-worker. This attitude helps to overcome fatigue, apathy, and disgust (for example, when examining a decomposing corpse).

Secondly, a specific concentration of attention precisely on those objects and their properties that can provide the necessary information that is important for solving the problems that the employee faces.

Thirdly, long-term preservation of stable attention, ensuring the employee’s readiness to perceive the necessary initial information at the right moment (especially during lengthy searches, inspections of crime scenes and interrogations).

The most important direction in the development of professional observation is the employee’s mastery of the technique of professional observation, which includes techniques and methods for its implementation based on relevant psychological laws.

It is useful to divide training to develop attention into three forms.

General attentiveness. Without giving yourself any preliminary task, you find out what remained noticeable from the impressions you encountered.

Directed mindfulness. The task is given to carefully examine the named object. After which the question is asked about something related to this object, something that could be caught during examination, although the subject of the question was not known in advance.

Targeted observation. The task is given to observe certain details of a certain phenomenon, and only then this phenomenon is shown.

One of the common techniques for developing professional observation is the following: looking closely

at someone around you, you should look away from him and then imagine him in your memory, trying to mentally describe his signs, and then check yourself by looking at this person again. Or the following exercise: look for some time at a house nearby and, turning away, try to mentally describe how many windows, balconies, where the windows are open, where laundry hangs, where people are in the apartments, etc. It is necessary to take into account that knowing how many windows or balconies there are in a house does not mean being observant: their number is constant. But noticing when individual windows are open or where the light is on is already the result of observation, close attention, the ability to perceive connections and notice dependencies. Another exercise is observing an event. In this case, there is no reference to any street incident that attracts everyone's attention. It can also be an ordinary set of actions of one or several people who pursue a specific goal. “Why is this person here?”, “What is he expecting?”, “What will he do now?” - answers to these questions allow you to develop the ability to psychologically observe people, the ability to predict human behavior, which is very important in the activities of an internal affairs officer.

Attention and observation develop very successfully during the exercises. The highest degree of development of observation should be considered the level when it becomes not only a personality trait of an employee, but also a trait of his character, when it manifests itself in all types of his activities. An observant employee is precisely characterized by the fact that he will not miss anything, will notice everything in a timely manner and draw appropriate conclusions.

  • 1.4. Special methodology of legal psychology
  • 1.5. History of the emergence and development of legal psychology
  • Chapter 2. Psychological determination of lawful behavior
  • 2.1. Psychology of Law
  • 2.2. Legal consciousness as a private scientific theory of legal psychology
  • 2.3. Legal psychology of communities
  • 2.4. Legal psychology of personality
  • 2.5. Psychological aspects of legal socialization
  • 2.6. Factors influencing the legal psychology of the population
  • 2.7. Social and psychological portrait of a civil servant and legality
  • 2.8. The influence of the media on the legal psychology of the population
  • 2.9. Psychology of personal security
  • 2.10. Psychology of criminal responsibility
  • Chapter 3. Criminal psychology
  • 3.1. Fundamentals of studying and assessing the psychology of the personality of a criminal
  • 3.2. Psychology of individual acceptability of committing a criminal act
  • 3.3. Criminogenic motivation and social perception in criminal behavior
  • 3.4. Psychology of the criminal environment
  • 3.5. Psychology of criminal groups
  • 3.6. Psychology of Criminal Violence
  • 3.7. Psychological aspects of victimization of crime victims
  • 3.8. Socio-psychological monitoring of crime trends
  • Chapter 4. Personal psychology of a lawyer
  • 4.1. Fundamentals of personality psychology of a lawyer
  • 4.2. Professional orientation of a lawyer’s personality
  • 4.4. Lawyer's abilities
  • 4.5. Professional skill of a lawyer and its psychological components
  • 4.6. Professional and psychological preparedness of a lawyer
  • Chapter 5. Psychology of management in law enforcement agencies
  • 5.1. Psychological concept of management in law enforcement agencies
  • 5.2. Personality in the management system
  • 5.3. Personality of the head of a law enforcement agency
  • 5.4. Psychology of style and methods of management of law enforcement personnel
  • 5.5. Value-target factors in management
  • 5.6. Psychology of organizational relations in management
  • 5.7. Management information support and psychology
  • 5.8. Psychological aspects of managerial influences and decisions
  • 5.9. Psychology of current organizational work
  • 5.10. Psychology of managerial demands
  • 5.11. Psychology of organizing interaction between services and departments of a law enforcement agency
  • 5.12. Psychological support for innovations in law enforcement agencies
  • Chapter 6. Psychology of working with legal personnel
  • 6.1. Psychological selection for law enforcement agencies
  • 6.2. Psychological and pedagogical aspects of legal education
  • 6.3. Moral and psychological preparation of a lawyer
  • 6.4. Professional and psychological training of a lawyer
  • 6.5. Psychological support for the legality of a lawyer’s actions
  • 6.6. Psychology of discipline in law enforcement agencies
  • 6.7. Prevention of professional deformation of law enforcement officers
  • Chapter 7. Psychological service in law enforcement agencies
  • 7.1. The current state of psychological service and the conceptual basis of its functioning
  • 7.2. Psychological diagnostics as a function of psychological service
  • 7.3. Psychological correction and personality development as a function of psychological service
  • 7.4. Main directions of psychological support for working with personnel
  • Chapter 8. Psychological actions in law enforcement
  • 8.1. The concept of psychological actions and psychotechnics
  • 8.2. Psychological analysis of professional situations
  • 8.3. Psychological analysis of legal facts
  • 8.4. Psychological portrait and its compilation
  • 8.5. Studying a person in psychological observation
  • 8.6. Visual psychodiagnostics of criminal personality traits
  • 8.7. Drawing up a psychological portrait of the criminal based on traces at the scene of the crime
  • 8.8. Psychological observation of the group
  • 8.9. Psychology of professional communication, establishing contact and trusting relationships
  • 8.10. Psychological influence in law enforcement
  • 8.11. Psychological analysis of citizens' messages
  • 8.12. Psychology of diagnosing lies and hidden circumstances
  • 8.13. Psychodiagnostics of a person’s involvement in an offense in the absence of evidence
  • Question 1. “Do you know why you were invited to this conversation?”
  • Question 2. “Do you believe that this crime (incident) (say what happened) was actually committed.
  • Question 2. “Do you have any new thoughts or suspicions about who could have committed this crime (incident)?”
  • Question 4: “How do you think the person who did this feels?” A question that encourages a person to describe his internal experiences in connection with the committed offense (crime).
  • Question 5. “Is there any reason that does not allow you to be excluded as a suspect?” A question that clarifies a person’s attitude towards himself as a suspect by others.
  • Question 6. “Is there an explanation for the fact that you were (could have been) seen at the crime scene (incident)?”
  • Question 8. “Did you do it?” It must sound at intervals of three to five seconds after the first. By looking into the eyes of the person being interviewed, you can capture his emotional reaction to the question.
  • Question 10. “Would you like to take a polygraph test?” You are not asking the interviewee to do this, but are only talking about the possibility of participating in such a test.
  • 8.14. Legal psycholinguistics
  • 8.15. The psychology of exposing disguises, staging and false alibis
  • 8.16. Forensic psychological examination
  • 8.17. Post-mortem forensic psychological examination
  • 8.18. Non-expert forms of using the special knowledge of a psychologist in criminal proceedings
  • 8.19. Unconventional psychological methods for solving and investigating crimes
  • Chapter 9. Psychotechnics in the work of a lawyer
  • 9.1. Psychotechnics of speech
  • 9.2. Psychotechnics of using speech and non-speech means
  • 9.3. Psychotechnics of constructing statements
  • 9.4. Psychotechnics of speech proof and refutation of objections
  • 9.5. Psychotechnics of Ineffective speech
  • 9.6. General psychotechnics of professional thinking of a lawyer
  • 9.7. Psychotechnics of reflective thinking
  • Psychological workshop (to part III)
  • Chapter 10. Psychological features of professional legal actions
  • 10.1. Preventive and post-penitentiary psychology
  • 10.2. Psychological features of juvenile delinquency prevention
  • 10.3 Psychology of road safety
  • 10.4. Psychological aspects of the fight against economic crime
  • 10.5. Psychology of investigative activity
  • 10.6. Psychology of interrogation
  • 10.7. Psychology of confrontation, presentation for identification, search and other investigative actions
  • Chapter 11. Extreme legal psychology
  • 11.1. Psychological characteristics of extreme situations in law enforcement
  • 11.2. Employee readiness and vigilance
  • 11.3. Psychology of personal professional safety of a law enforcement officer
  • 11.4. Psychological aspects of detaining offenders
  • 11.5. Psychological foundations of negotiating with criminals
  • 11.6. Psychological support for the actions of law enforcement officers in emergency circumstances
  • 11.7. Head of a law enforcement agency in extreme conditions
  • Chapter 12 Psychological characteristics of the activities of personnel of various law enforcement agencies
  • 12.1. Psychology of prosecutorial activity
  • 12.2. Features of professional psychological selection of personnel for the prosecutor's office
  • 12.3. Psychology of police activity
  • 12.4. Psychology of customs activities
  • 12.5. Psychological characteristics of jury trials
  • 12.6. Psychology in advocacy
  • 12.7. Psychology of the activities of bodies executing punishment (penitentiary psychology)
  • 12.8. Psychology of private security and detective services
  • Psychological workshop (to part IV)
  • 8.5. Studying a person in psychological observation

    The concept and meaning of psychological observation. The most accessible and most widely applicable way of obtaining psychological information about a person of professional interest to an employee of a legal body is by observing him, observing him from the side, during a conversation, during professional contact. This can be realized through psychological observation - a special psychological action that a legal professional should master.

    Psychological observation - a special psychological action that serves the solution of law enforcement problems and is intended to study the psychological characteristics of people with whom a legal professional has to deal. 1 Its significance lies in its wide accessibility and efficiency (the ability to quickly obtain at least some information about a person and his psychology). Everything depends practically on the employee himself, his desire and his professionalism. Psychological observation is implemented with the help of special psychological techniques that meet its purpose and the rules that specify them. It would be a simplification to attribute his success only to a certain technique of work. Its implementation requires a professional to have a special stable internal attitude towards psychological observation, the presence of certain psychological knowledge, as well as increased psychological sensitivity(sensitivity to external manifestations of human psychology). All these components are interconnected. The very use of psychological observation techniques requires an up-to-date attitude, the desire and desire of a professional to use them. Inverse relationship - the practice of using techniques develops and strengthens attitude and psychological sensitivity, a professional habit arises, appropriate skills and abilities are formed, experience is accumulated, and knowledge is improved.

    Psychological observation provides information about a person, but its reliability should not be overestimated. Man as an object of psychological observation is very complex and ambiguous. Much of it contains psychological information: how he entered the room, how he approached, how he sat down, where he put his hands, what phrase he said and why, why he lingered on one question and avoided another, why he lowered his eyes, when his eyelids fluttered, at whom and in what watched the moment and much more. All this amounts to language of external manifestations of human psychology (Fig. 8.3). Its meanings are probabilistic and, nevertheless, a professional should understand them. This language will tell a professional more than a person about himself. There are citizen “artists” who try to mask their real thoughts, attitudes, qualities, states, which, of course, to a certain extent makes it difficult to understand the language of external manifestations and read the latter. However, a true professional will confidently distinguish the feigned from the real, the sincere from the deceitful. The fact is that the “artist” lives a double inner life: a demonstrated one, intended for display, and a real one, “for internal use.” Constant transitions from one to another in the process of communication one way or another reveal this bifurcation in numerous signs of inconsistency. Even if a professional fails to draw up a clear psychological portrait of a person, then, based on the results of psychological observation, he develops dissatisfaction, assumptions, and suspicions, prompting him to carry out additional checks and, ultimately, to establish the truth.

    Rice. 8.3. Observable signs of human psychology

    The technique of selectivity and reliability of psychological observation. The interest of a law enforcement officer in surveillance is not idle curiosity, it is always specific. This specificity is expressed in interest in drawing up a psychological portrait (which, as noted above, in legal activity is always selective and accentuated) or individual psychological phenomena (for example, sincerity or deceit).

    The rule of selectivity and determination recommends paying attention to the definition of observation tasks in each specific case, using recommendations for drawing up a psychological portrait, and clarifying which external manifestations, acting as signs of psychological phenomena to be assessed, are subject to observation and recording.

    Rule of complexity warns about the inadmissibility of categorical! psychological assessments based on a single recording of some signs; It is necessary to double-check the information, strengthening monitoring for their repeated manifestations. In addition, taking into account the integrity of the psyche, one should collect the widest possible range of information that corresponds to the structure of the psychological portrait. This will allow for more reliable assessment of individual manifestations.

    Rule of resistance to socio-psychological effects that reduce the reliability of psychological observation. These include the effects of “first impression”, “first information”, halo, and inertia. In the context of law enforcement, preliminary or existing information about the person with whom he is meeting has a particularly strong and negative impact. They automatically form in him a search attitude, a perception in a person’s external data and behavior of what confirms the available information received from other persons or from documents. The rule requires always to be objective, not to succumb to first impressions, to be independent, to judge a person only by directly observed and verified facts, to double-check your impressions, and to be critical of the assessments made about him and his qualities.

    A technique for identifying personality traits through observation. By appearance, facial expressions, pantomime, products of activity, words, speech, one can judge a number of qualities of a person. Rules:

    on vocabulary, speech structure, presentation of thoughts, answering questions judge his education, culture, professional affiliation, mental development, resourcefulness, criminality, legal awareness, features of legal psychology, etc.;

    by pronunciation assess his national and regional affiliation, possible place of birth and long-term residence, education;

    by tempo of speech, intonation, gestures, expressiveness of facial expressions and expressiveness of speech evaluate his type of temperament, emotional balance, self-control, willpower, self-esteem, culture, and system of value priorities. Thus, a person with a choleric temperament is fast, his speech rate is consistently high, his facial expressions are expressive, his behavior is characterized by impetuosity, impatience, and lack of restraint;

    on things and objects belonging to a person - see §8.3.

    Method of identifying criminally significant signs in observation. For a law enforcement officer, the significance of such signs is especially great.

    Rule for assessing signs of criminalization of speech. Contamination of speech with words from criminal jargon is characteristic of some categories of modern youth. A derivative of their ideas about the “fashionability” and “modernity” of such a language is a certain psychological characteristic. Addresses such as “citizen chief”, “commander”, words and expressions characteristic of “thieves’ music” and the ability to “talk about a fiddle” deserve evaluation. The more there are, the more accurate their use of words (which can be assessed by an employee familiar with criminal jargon), the more reliable the assessments.

    Rules for paying attention to tattoos. For the most part, they are not just decorations and manifestations of perverted tastes, but carry a semantic load that reveals the attitude of its bearer to the law, law enforcement officials, devotion to the criminal world, status in the criminal environment, talk about plans for the future, the nature of criminal activity, the number of “prisons” ", etc. Often located on visible parts of the human body (hands, fingers, ears, nose, etc.), they should not go unnoticed and not interpreted psychologically.

    The rule of observing gestures, movements, details of clothing, and behavioral habits. In the recent past, experienced employees very clearly noticed people who had (or had) a relationship with the criminal world by their short haircut, somewhat old-fashioned clothes, adherence to wearing padded jackets or leather jackets, the absence of a tie (“noose”), a jacket thrown over their shoulders, and a mannered gait etc. Nowadays, most of these signs are outdated, but some have survived. Characterized by intense gestures, expressive movements of the hand and fingers (in the criminal world, in places of deprivation of liberty, gestures are used for the silent exchange of information and communication), a certain manner of entering a room, gait, communication behavior, squatting against a wall, feigning illnesses, a method storage of certain things, peculiarities of waiting (three steps in one direction, three in the other), calling some people and himself by nickname, inability to use a knife and fork in the dining room, the habit of mixing different dishes into one, the presence of expensive rings on his fingers and etc. Of course, not each of these signs can be interpreted unambiguously, but taken together they become more definite. Sharpers, pickpockets and a number of other criminal “specialties” have their own characteristic habits and signs. The development of a complex of signs deserves further development by legal psychology.

    A technique for identifying signs of a person engaged in criminal activity in observation. Today, however, in most cases it is not difficult to judge who leads a criminal lifestyle; The main difficulty is in obtaining evidence. Still, it is important to understand this, because persons occupying high places in the criminal hierarchy often prefer to stay in the shadows.

    The rule for monitoring signs of personality inconsistency. Often such signs are: a discrepancy between the detected qualities and the appearance that a person is trying to give himself (for example, the unexpected discovery of a sharp mind, observation, sophistication in objections and answers to questions, detailed and accurate knowledge in some area, which is difficult to expect, for example, a “simple”, inconspicuous person, leading a quiet and modest lifestyle, holding an ordinary position); demonstrative detection of “crystal” honesty, decency, selflessness, charity, etc.; increased readiness for self-defense, acute alertness, heightened reaction to suspicion and suspicion of others, strict self-control, etc.

    The rule for monitoring signs of behavior of persons about to commit or have committed a crime, It is especially significant for police officers serving on the streets and in public places, private security, etc. Noteworthy:

    Wariness, increased tension, nervousness, unnatural cheerfulness or swagger of a person, especially when he notices a police officer or the latter approaches him to check his documents;

    Hasty or overly tense gait, indicating a desire not to draw attention to oneself;

    Anxious, impulsive looking back (“is there any surveillance”) and to the sides;

    The use of techniques for breaking away from surveillance (last-minute entry into a bus, metro and the same exit, numerous transport transfers, etc.);

    Having objects, bundles, suitcases in your hands at night or in places where people rarely carry them;

    Inconsistency of age, clothing and what a person is carrying in his hands, etc.

    Characteristic of these individuals, as, indeed, of those who have extensive criminal experience, is the habit of not allowing anyone to follow them from behind. They either speed up their pace or let the person behind them pass.

    It enhances the productivity of detecting a person about to commit a crime and the law enforcement officer’s knowledge of how to commit certain crimes. For example, such knowledge is used by detectives of task forces involved in searching for and apprehending pickpockets. They know where and when to look for them, how to pick them out from the crowd, and when to catch them red-handed.

    The rule for taking into account the psychological characteristics of identifying persons on the wanted list. The search is carried out on the basis of the use of various portraits (photographs, drawn portraits, verbal portraits, etc.), however, success depends on taking into account the capabilities of human memory by those who orient and instruct police officers going on duty. It is difficult to remember data about even five people if the instruction is not accompanied by the distribution of copies of portraits. Much depends on the training of professional memory of employees, the ability to recall information, compare a portrait and the actual person being observed, and check identity documents.

    A technique for identifying and assessing a person’s mental state. Excitement, fear, joy, worry, tension, relaxation, anger, confusion, even calm can tell a lot to an observant lawyer.

    The rule for observing external signs of mental states. Such signs are: voice intonation, changes in its tempo, pauses, timbre; eye expression and direction of gaze; complexion and sweat appearance; gestures, speech (in a state of tension, for example, the posture is somewhat unnatural, the fingers may tremble or tensely clench into a fist), hand movements (in a state of excitement a person takes something in his hands, begins to rotate, accelerates the rotation). As one experienced lawyer rightly said: “We must look not only at the Criminal Code, but also at the person’s eyes.” It is difficult to judge a person in general without once looking closely, studying him in the eyes. Observation improves in good lighting conditions.

    Rule for monitoring changes in mental state. In the course of solving and investigating crimes, detaining criminals, suppressing violations of public order, and in other cases, it is useful, if not necessary, for an employee to know the mental state of the offender, victim, and witness. Calmness or the emergence of anxiety, fear, increased tension and the appearance of sweat at some moments of the meeting and conversation indicate the significance of the moment, its danger or avoidance of danger. This, in particular, is what the diagnosis of lies and hidden circumstances is based on (see § 8.12).

    Method of psychological probing. An experienced lawyer does not passively wait for the person he is interested in to reveal his own psychology. He actively brings it out with the help of this technique and its rules.

    For example, a search was carried out in the apartment of one of the suspects, but it did not yield results. Then the team leader ordered the suspect to be taken to another room and all the furniture in this room to be rearranged. When the suspect was brought back into the room, he was observed. He, seeing the changes, quickly ran around the room with a restless gaze, holding it for a while on the grandfather clock, and calmed down, smiling. From them they extracted material evidence that was carefully hidden there. The suspect gave himself away with his reaction.

    Method of monitoring informationally significant psychological reactions in the course of an investigative or other professional action performed by an employee:

    Eye movements;

    Appearance of confusion, delay in response. Silence can say more than an answer;

    Avoiding a direct answer, moving the conversation to other questions;

    Change in mental state;

    Sudden redness and sweat on the face, tapping with a finger, increased manipulation of an object in the hands (pen, pencil, matchbox, button, ashtray, etc.), lighting a cigarette, etc.;

    Involuntary dilation of the pupils of the eyes;

    Naturalness (pretentiousness of reactions), etc.

    "Swinging" technique. Everyone has known the game “hot and cold” since childhood.

    This technique is similar to hers. When an interrogation, conversation, movement approaches a dangerous topic, question, place, fact for a person who knows his guilt, but shows insincerity and secrecy, his internal tension increases; when they move away, it decreases. These internal reactions are involuntary, it is almost impossible to restrain them from “splashing out”, and an attempt not to express them outwardly turns out to be even more noticeable, since it is unnatural.

    Psychological manifestations cannot be hidden from an experienced, psychologically observant lawyer, and any attempts by the perpetrator to deceive him, as a rule, are unsuccessful. The language of external manifestations is always more sincere than words.

    "Cm.: O'Connor Joseph and Grinder John. Introduction to neurolinguistic programming: Trans. from English - Chelyabinsk, 1997; Human factor in law enforcement systems. Languages ​​of the human brain and body: problems and practical use in the activities of internal affairs bodies. - Orel, May 29 - June 2, 1995; Shchekin G.V. Visual psychodiagnostics and its methods. - Kyiv, 1992; Skrypnikov A.I., Lagovsky A.Yu., Begunova L.A. The significance of a suspect’s behavioral reactions for rapid assessment of his psychological characteristics. - M., 1995; Kupriyanov V.V., Stovichek G.R. Man's face. - M., 1988.



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