Sink location. Feng Shui kitchen - a new type of familiar things

Kitchen location

According to the Bagua grid and the Lo Shu square, the kitchen can be located in one of the 8 segments of the house (4 main and 4 intermediate). The kitchen is usually not located in the center of the home, unless it is a wigwam with all the rooms at once.

The ideal compass direction for a kitchen according to Feng Shui is the South. The slab is Fire, which is the element of the southern zone. So everything is natural.

The Southeast and East are also suitable for placing Feng Shui kitchens there. The element of these directions is Wood. And this is health and prosperity. Surprisingly, “money” and “food” sound the same in Chinese. And it’s good when the family is healthy and lives in abundance.

According to Feng Shui, cuisine in the North is the most unfavorable direction. The symbol of the zone is Water, and it constantly “hisses” at Fire. According to teaching, in such a kitchen, if the influence of the element is not neutralized, the family rarely gathers, and they do not have a good appetite. If you still gather in the kitchen for a meal, this can lead to overeating and excess weight (if you force yourself to eat everything on the plate).

The North-West and West sides, where the main element is Metal, are neutral zones for the kitchen according to Feng Shui. The Zone is responsible for the development of children and creativity. If these points are important to you, you need to slightly reduce the influence of the gas stove or install an electric one.

If the kitchen is located in the North-East or South-West part of the house, then there is no need to particularly activate anything or, conversely, to mute it. Earth (an element of these directions) and Fire (slab) are, if not on friendly terms, then on neighborly terms. These segments are responsible for marital relationships and the thirst for knowledge.

Now let’s look at the directions in more detail. And how to create the most favorable Feng Shui in the kitchen and give freedom to Qi energy.

Kitchen in the South

The symbol of the southern segment is Fire. A Feng Shui kitchen in this area is the best option.
Segment colors: yellow, red, green, orange, brown. Bright colors improve your mood, awaken your imagination, and give you strength.

Furniture. Since our colors are bright, the kitchen set should not be massive or oppressive. But any material can be used: from metal and glass to wood and chipboard. The main thing is that the shades correspond to the Fire zone.

Make sure that the stove and household appliances are in good working order. The South zone is very active and frequent breakdowns are possible if this segment is over-activated.

You can strengthen Fire with wooden products and paintings with bright colors: sunflowers, poppies, sunny landscapes. Also suitable are dishes with solar prints, triangular plates and candy bowls.
Suitable kitchen style: rustic, country, classic, colonial, rustic.

Cuisine in the East and Southeast

The element of both segments is Wood. Therefore, you need to be careful with fire.
Segment colors: brown, ocher, green, blue, black, yellow, blue, violet, lilac. Shades in the decoration should be soft, so try to make a soft color transition between, say, wallpaper and the color of curtains, kitchen apron and furniture fronts.

Furniture, of course, must be wooden: solid wood, chipboard. The segment corresponds to rectangular shapes and smooth lines. Therefore, we choose a classic (not round) table. Transitions from the kitchen set to the stove should be soft. Cabinets of different depths with facades that form a wavy line will fit well.

A gas stove is not quite suitable. It's better to install an electric one. Or “muffle” the effect of open fire with ceramic bells hanging on the side of the hood, a ceramic spice set, or the same utensils: pots, plates, saucepans. The interior will be complemented by sets with an unusual pattern in the form of waves or with the same edge, or square plates.

Segments are responsible for relationships in the family, its health and wealth. Therefore, place wooden spoons, ceramic pots, and glass glasses on open shelves. You can hang pictures on the wall depicting paired objects, animals, birds or forest landscapes. It is better to place all these details on the eastern, southwestern, southeastern and northeastern walls.
Kitchen style: rustic, rustic, country.

Kitchen in the North

The most unfavorable direction for placing a kitchen, since the element is Water. But this too can be fixed.

Segment colors: blue, black, blue. You can strengthen the Career zone with Metal colors: silver, white, bronze, gold.
Furniture should be light, possibly metal or with open shelves, openwork facades. The line of the facades should not be angular. It's better if it resembles a wave. And choose a round table too.

It is better to choose an electric stove, or place ceramic and metal objects next to the gas surface. On the one hand, ceramics, as a symbol of the Earth, will slightly muffle Fire, on the other hand, metal will enhance this direction.
If your career is important to you, enhance the area with a painting of a seascape or place a real aquarium with fish or an indoor fountain.
Cuisine style: Mediterranean, Scandinavian, maritime.

Cuisine in the West and North-West

The main element of the directions is Metal, which is friendly with the Earth.
Colors: silver, bronze, white, gold, copper. Additional shades: sand, yellow, beige - they belong to the elements of Earth.

The shape of these segments is round, which is why this table is worth choosing. Furniture can be metal or wood, but painted in the colors of the elements. It is better to replace the stove with an electric one. Or hang a silver bell near the gas stove or place metal figurines.

You can place metal dishes, figurines, porcelain or ceramic dishes on the shelves. On the wall hang a picture with mountain landscapes or Chinese coins, space, hieroglyphs meaning career advancement, success, love for children.
Kitchen style: modern, minimalism, hi-tech.

Cuisine in the Southwest or Northeast

Earth directions element. She can put out the Fire - a symbol of the hearth.
Colors: red, ocher, yellow, brown, orange. But do not use it in its pure form, combine shades.
Furniture can be elegant or massive, but it must be made of wood; chipboard can be used. Doors are corrugated or glass. These directions are characterized by straight lines, so choose a square table. Make the working surface from natural or artificial stone. The stove can be either gas or electric.

You can decorate the interior with crystal vases, glasses, glass or ceramic dishes, and a marble mortar. These segments are responsible for knowledge and romantic relationships, so paintings with owls, mandarin ducks, a loving couple and photographs of people together and happy are welcome on the walls. Eat from square plates, and it is better to give dishes with wavy edges to relatives or place them in the living room.
Kitchen style: modern, colonial, classic.

Above we looked at the location of the kitchen according to Feng Shui, as one of the rooms of the house. Now let’s consider the kitchen as a separate room, applying the Bagua grid only to it and individual elements of the kitchen.

Triangle rule

The largest items in the kitchen are the refrigerator, kitchen sink and stove. They should not be located next to each other, since each of these elements belongs to different elements. And from a practical point of view this is bad. The refrigerator, heating up from the stove, will quickly break down. And washing dishes next to the stove on which delicious potatoes are fried is simply unsafe. Hot fat and drops of water are not the best combination. Refrigerator near the sink? It's inconvenient. And the walls will get dirty much more often. Do you have the time and desire for additional cleaning? Do you see how the teaching of harmony in Feng Shui resonates with ordinary logical conclusions?

Thus, we visually draw a triangle in the kitchen and place these three objects at the corners or edges of the triangle, maintaining a distance of at least 1.5 meters.

But this is ideal. But what should those who have a small kitchen do and it is simply not possible to fulfill the given conditions? Then you need to separate the element of Fire and the element of Water. You can do this in the following ways:

  • Install a narrow cabinet between the stove and the sink, like a Wood element. It can be mobile, and it will house detergents, household chemicals or vegetable oil, spices, vinegar, etc. (of course, either chemicals or products).
  • The sink from the stove can be separated by indoor flowers, a narrow pencil case or, at worst, a painting with a landscape on the wall.


The stove is the hearth of the home. And it should be the center of the kitchen. In any case, you shouldn’t put it in a corner to save space. Save money on something else.

A place near a window is also not the best option. When cooking, fat or water evaporates and exits through the window to the street. Prosperity and the well-being of your home are also directed there.

The best place for the stove is the southern wall of the kitchen and it should not “look” into the corridor. Otherwise, the active Qi produced by Fire will be put to sleep or will leak outside into the toilet. And this promises family troubles and poverty. The worst zones for the slab are the North and North-West.

Advice. To prevent Chi energy from running away from the kitchen in fear, keep the area clean. In addition, the gas pipe, power cord, and hood must be in good condition. If you feel the atmosphere at home is oppressive or you are stuck in a routine, wash the stove. You will soon feel that it has become easier to breathe.

No matter how many burners there are, use them all alternately. And place a beautiful saucepan on one of them. Let it be empty, covered with a lid. This is how you make it clear to the universal laws that you are ready to receive prosperity. Agree, a beggar has nothing to cook with, and nothing to cook with.

Let's summarize. There are several taboos regarding the location of the kitchen stove:

  • In the center of the kitchen;
  • Under the ceiling beam, crossbar, under the junction line of two floor slabs;
  • Under the window;
  • Near the refrigerator;
  • Close to the kitchen sink;
  • Opposite the entrance so that the hostess is forced to cook with her back to the door.


The refrigerator is the domain of Water. If you want to improve your well-being, place it near the Southwestern or Southeastern wall. Have you noticed that food spoils quickly - check if the refrigerator is located in the Southern zone?
You cannot place a refrigerator or freezer near a stove or radiators - there will be a “quarrel” of elements.
Make sure that the refrigerator is clean both outside and inside. Replenish food supplies and throw away stale or spoiled ones.

Kitchen sink

The sink, like the refrigerator, belongs to the element of Water. Therefore, the same recommendations are relevant for it as for a home glacier.
Sinks made of stone or ceramic have become popular. However, metal sinks are still preferable - Metal supports Water and washes all Sha, that is, negative energy, into the drain.

Small household appliances and accessories

Every housewife has a lot of little helpers in the kitchen, from spoons and ladles to small household appliances. Place them in accordance with the required direction to activate a particular zone. Or at least use them in the right segment.

If you have a microwave, try to only defrost or reheat food in it. Cook over an open fire, in our case, an electric or gas stove.

Important taboos or things to avoid

To ensure that every family member feels comfortable in the kitchen, that prosperity comes, and that harmful Sha does not arise and ruin everything, remember a few forbidden points. All of them can have a logical explanation.

  • A kitchen stove, as a symbol of Fire, should not stand next to a kitchen sink or refrigerator, as a symbol of Water - there will be a conflict.
    Solution: if the kitchen is small, separate them with details or shades inherent in the verses of the Tree.
  • You cannot have multi-level ceilings and floors with podiums and steps in the kitchen. Overhanging beams should also be avoided, unless they are dictated by the construction features of the room or the design style.
    Solution: if you have a kitchen combined with a living room, you can differentiate these two zones not by using floors at different heights, but by using different floor materials.
  • The door to the kitchen should not face the front door - otherwise Sha energy will fly into the house and Qi will leave the house. In addition, guests, entering and immediately seeing the kitchen, will secretly write down in their subcortex that they can always eat in this house. Or they will leave immediately after the meal. It’s also not very good for the toilet, since Qi energy can leak through the pipes when the toilet lid is open. And then wealth will simply float away from under your hands. According to Feng Shui, a kitchen opposite the bedroom is not the best option. The kitchen is a hot room, and the bedroom is peaceful. There is no need for them to quarrel.

Solution: if the position of the kitchen cannot be changed, then opposite the front door you should hang something colorful that attracts attention and distracts it from the kitchen. You can hang a crystal or wind chime on the ceiling (remember, element = material). Well, or at least close the doors to the kitchen all the time.

  • There should be no massive objects or parts overhead on the cabinets or kitchen ceiling. Firstly, it will suppress the hostess and depress those present in the kitchen. Secondly, such placement is simply unsafe.
  • Despite the fact that according to Feng Shui, the kitchen is a fiery territory, you should still not use many bright colors in the decoration, for example, rich blue or bright red. Just like colors that plunge you into depression and despondency have no place here - a lot of black and dark purple. They are best used as accents. And as the main color, choose something from the pastel range. Feng Shui for the kitchen, sector, elements, their colors and elements - this is all wonderful and correct, verified over centuries, but common sense has not been canceled.
  • There should be no sharp corners in the kitchen. The hostess or guests may hit themselves - that's it. And second, the Qi energy, having encountered a protruding corner, will simply leave this place. She needs freedom of movement, and the protrusions slow her down.
  • Such a fashionable kitchen apron, lined with mirror tiles, is very bad from the point of view of Feng Shui. It breaks the reflection into pieces and, accordingly, this can also affect your personal life. So, either install the entire mirror, or make do with just ceramic tiles. This rule applies to any reflective decorative elements.
  • You can’t just store scissors, knives, and forks on the table - they virtually shoot harmful arrows with destructive Sha energy. There should be a space reserved for them in the closet.
  • You should not sit with your back to the door so as not to fall under the accelerated flow of Qi energy.

Solution: either change the location or hang wind chimes on the window so that Qi does not evaporate into it, but dissipates throughout the kitchen.
As you can see, all taboos are not without logic, so with a little thought, it will not be difficult for you to avoid them.

Need to know

There are a few more points, remembering which, you can qualitatively change your life and that of your household for the better, get rid of troubles, ailments and attract peace, harmony and prosperity into your life.

  • Every person has a Gua number, which is calculated based on the year of birth. Each number corresponds to a favorable, neutral and negative direction. Find out the Gua number for each family member and assign him a permanent place at the kitchen table. Then the conversation will flow lively, and the food will be beneficial.
  • If there is a sink, stove or refrigerator on one wall, and a dining table on the other, install the door to the kitchen so that when you open it, you can see those sitting at the table. Then the Qi energy, flying into the kitchen, will bestow grace on those present and head to the window. There, ringing bells from the music of the wind or reflected from the crystal, it will scatter throughout the kitchen.
  • The housewife should not stand with her back to the door at the stove. She handles sharp and hot objects and may become frightened. If it happens that the stove is located this way, hang a mirror above the stove of sufficient size so that you can see those entering.
  • Keep your kitchen spotlessly clean. The entire apartment should be clean, but this applies especially to the kitchen. A clean kitchen is an influx of Qi, it is the clink of coins and the rustling of bills in a wallet, it is the health of the whole family.
  • Mirrors are rarely used in the kitchen. But if they are, install them so that they reflect not those sitting at the table, but the already prepared food. A doubling effect will be created, which will attract wealth. The same trick can be used with a refrigerator. Reflecting products. But there is no need to reflect on the cooking process - there is no need to double the mess that accompanies the preparation.

Feng Shui in the kitchen can change your life for the better. You just need to work on it a little. And remember, there are no deadlocks.

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The kitchen space is the place where the whole family spends many hours, especially if it also serves as a dining room, that is, a place to eat.

Therefore, it is necessary to organize the kitchen according to the rules of Feng Shui, because since ancient times it has been considered the heart of the home, influencing health, vitality and the ability to earn money.

In this article you will learn some prohibitions, recommendations for arranging items in the kitchen space, color depending on the location and much more.

Correct location of the kitchen according to Feng Shui

The kitchen is the element of Fire, so a corresponding sector is allocated for it, where its location is most harmonious. The remaining options are considered unfavorable and can cause discord in the house, both energetically and physically (illnesses of the inhabitants of the house). Next, we will look at where the kitchen should be located according to Feng Shui according to the cardinal directions.

Location in the north and west

The worst location, according to experts, is considered to be the north-west and north. This direction is associated with metal, which is strictly not recommended to be heated. Also, the northwestern sector is associated with masculinity, so this location can weaken a man living in an apartment or house.

Correcting the kitchen in the north-west is possible, but experts still advise moving it to a more prosperous place or even looking for a new home. If you decide to correct the negative impact, then it is better to use an electric stove rather than a gas stove. It is also necessary to monitor the sewage system and avoid blockages and broken pipes.

A kitchen in the west is also possible, but again with various types of correction, since this is its unfavorable location. An electric stove is also required. To weaken the influence of the fire of a gas stove on the metal of this sector, hang two bells over the stove - ceramic and metal. The first will neutralize the element of Fire, and the second will strengthen the element of Metal.

The influence of cuisine in the north on the inhabitants

  • Miscarriages among women are very high, and there may also be gynecological problems.
  • People's immunity decreases and, as a result, colds occur.
  • Problems with the genitourinary system appear.
  • Affects children (poor studies, memory).
  • Quarrels and conflicts appear.

The influence of cuisine in the northwest on the inhabitants

  • Problems with the health of the head appear, strokes are possible.
  • The respiratory system suffers, and colds and acute respiratory viral infections are also possible.
  • The financial affairs of everyone living suffer.
  • This sector is dangerous for women, especially unmarried ones, as it is difficult for them to find a partner.
  • Children show aggression and do not listen to their parents.
  • The most important thing is that there is no support from higher powers.

Location in the east and south

The kitchen in the east and south of your home is the best possible option, as its fiery nature goes well with the fire itself (south) and wood (east). Its placement in the southeast is also good.

Feng Shui believes that cuisine in the southwest is just as unfavorable as that in the northwest. Only in this case does she harm the mistress of the family, the mother. If the kitchen is located in the center of the home, this is also considered unfavorable, since all the odors will spread throughout the house, and there will also be more quarrels.

Other kitchen rules

Of course, in addition to the location of the kitchen in relation to the cardinal points, there are other necessary rules. Many Feng Shui experts do not recommend the currently popular layout of a studio apartment, when the kitchen and all other rooms are located together. All this can lead to quarrels and conflicts in the family.

It is advisable to equip a kitchen in the back of the apartment or house, since food is a symbol of wealth, which can easily be lost near the threshold. It is also unfavorable to place the kitchen near the bathtub and toilet (on the side or on top) and is also fraught with loss of wealth - water washes everything away.

Having a kitchen opposite the front door is also not possible in Feng Shui if you want to protect it from various energies coming through the door. After all, not only positive energy penetrates into the home, but also negative energy. If nothing can be changed, then always close the door to this room, you can hang bright curtains in the doorway (for example, beaded ones), a bright painting, a figurine, an unusual plant, etc. will help to hold your gaze and energy.

For proper energy distribution, the kitchen area must always be kept in order. Do not leave dirty dishes overnight, put all unnecessary items in cabinets, and do not clutter the countertops and tables.

The location of the stove in the kitchen

Now let's talk about how appliances should be placed in the kitchen and, most importantly, the stove. It is she who personifies the element of fire and is the main one in the kitchen. When placing a stove in the kitchen according to Feng Shui, you need to consider the following rules.

  • A very good option for its location is the south, southwest and northeast side of the kitchen, and an unfavorable option is the north.
  • It can also be placed near the wall that leads to the center of the apartment.
  • You cannot install the stove towards the stairs, towards the entrance to the house, towards the bathroom or toilet (the direction is determined by the line where the oven faces). This will bring poverty into the home.
  • Look carefully to see if it is possible to direct the slab towards the central part of the house, because... this arrangement is considered lucky. But you shouldn’t place a stove directly in the center of the house, it will burn the “heart of the house” and also attract diseases of the digestive tract.
  • Use all the burners on the stove, this will increase the flow of wealth.
  • Do not place the stove near the sink and refrigerator, as the energy of fire and water will be in conflict.
  • Also, you can’t place the stove under the window, all your well-being will fly out of it.

Other appliances in the kitchen: how to arrange them

Modern kitchens have a large number of appliances - microwave ovens, ovens, multicookers, etc. A Feng Shui style kitchen should not have broken appliances; they need to be fixed immediately. Equipment that is rarely used should not be in a visible place; it must be removed.

The microwave should not be suspended above the stove, as the movement of Qi energy above it is inhibited. The refrigerator, as mentioned above, cannot be placed near the stove; this will bring conflicts between the elements and, as a result, between those living in the house. The southeast of the kitchen is the most suitable place to place a refrigerator.

The sink and dishwasher (if there is one) should also be located in the southeast, east and north of this room. This will strengthen their energy and avoid conflicts with other elements.

Kitchen color: basic rules

Now we will consider the question of what color to choose a kitchen according to Feng Shui. Since the main elements in this room are water and fire, completely red or blue colors cannot be used only as accents or small fragments in the interior. Especially this kitchen color should be avoided in the southern sector.

If you still want exactly this color for the kitchen, then choose non-flashy and calm shades. It would be even better to replace them with blue, orange or yellow (related colors). However, the best choice, according to experts, is pastel tones of brown and green. A good kitchen color according to Feng Shui is white.

But still, the rules for designing kitchen colors require the use of those tones that are inherent in the directions of light. For example, in the south-eastern and eastern parts of the kitchen you cannot use all metallic colors, since a Melall-Wood conflict appears, although in other directions they are quite appropriate, combining perfectly with metal utensils.

Let's summarize. Paint the kitchen walls in light pastel colors, but add a few color accents in other places. For example, if you like bright furniture, then soft walls will balance it out. You can use a little red, but only in the southern part of the kitchen. Place a vase or jug ​​there, maybe a teapot.

The influence of color on nutrition

The color of a kitchen can also greatly affect the appetite of those who eat in it. Let's take a closer look.

  • Blue helps reduce appetite, so if there is someone in your house who doesn’t eat well, there should be less of this color.
  • Red, orange and yellow - increase.
  • Green is the most harmonious, since thanks to its presence in the interior of this zone, the mood for a healthy diet occurs.
  • White – the kitchen of this color instills cleanliness and also gives vigor.
  • Brown, cream and beige shades are very cozy, but can provoke insatiable consumption of baked goods and coffee and tea.

And if you want to know what color to decorate other rooms of your house or apartment, read another article on our website (link to the article about color solutions).

Mirror in the kitchen: is it possible or not?

Kitchen Feng Shui recommends handling it with caution, because an incorrectly placed mirror can increase not only wealth, but also vices, enmity, hatred, and dirt. Experts recommend not using mirror tiles, as this contributes to the breakdown of energy; it will circulate around the room in fragments.

The positive impact of mirrors in the kitchen will only be in the area where ready-made food is located (it helps to increase wealth), but you should not hang them so that people look at them when they eat. This may increase your appetite.

You cannot hang a mirror opposite the stove and work surfaces, since the cooking process is often accompanied by dirt, there is no need to increase this. And the mirror opposite the stove increases the fatigue of the person preparing the food. A mirror can be hung near the stove so that the housewife can see those entering, especially if her back is to the door while cooking (this is an unfavorable factor in Feng Shui).

You can read about how to choose a mirror and place it in other rooms of your home in our other article (link to the article about the mirror).

Is it possible to put an aquarium in the kitchen?

In principle, according to the rules of Feng Shui, an aquarium in the house is good, you just need to know where to place it so that the water cannot harm the well-being and health of the family. Experts believe that an aquarium in the kitchen will do more harm than good.

This comes from the fact that according to Feng Shui (photo), the kitchen is a symbol of fire, and therefore can come into conflict with water, which will lead to financial problems. For the same reasons, it cannot be placed opposite the kitchen.

The wisdom and rules of Feng Shui in the kitchen allow you to use all the advantages of your home to achieve maximum well-being and good luck. However, sometimes it is necessary to change the arrangement of interior items. For example, if you do put a small aquarium in the kitchen, then if a pregnant woman appears in the house, it must be removed from there, since you are jeopardizing the health of the unborn baby.

How to choose and arrange paintings in the kitchen

The elements that dominate the kitchen suggest the use of green in many interior items. Therefore, it is also advisable to hang images in the kitchen that have the greenest color. It supports the element of Wood.

Reddish shades will also be harmonious in kitchen paintings, which will support the element of Fire. If you hang them in the dining area, they will stimulate your appetite. You can also hang an appetizing still life here. This is important if there are people in the house who suffer from loss of appetite.

Kitchen paintings can depict wide green fields or beautiful trees. However, you should not hang too promising pictures, as all the positive energy will flow through them.

In addition, kitchen feng shui recommends that you also place old photos of your family in this area. This will help increase the wealth accumulated by the family and its further prosperity. It also symbolizes the protection your ancestors provide, thus keeping your family safe.

How to arrange the kitchen table and other furniture in the kitchen

Now let's look at what a kitchen should be like according to Feng Shui in terms of furniture arrangement. The most important thing is the dining table, where the whole family gathers. It must be correctly selected and placed.

If space allows, choose a kitchen table large enough to accommodate the entire family. It is desirable that it be round or oval. A triangular or semicircular table is considered unfavorable. The best material for a table is wood. It is not advisable to use glass.

You cannot place a table in front of the toilet, and you cannot move it against the wall next to it. This will affect the financial well-being of the family; with each flush of water in the tank, it will flow away. If rearrangement is not possible, then use wooden partitions and screens.

But it’s better not to use kitchen stools that are fashionable these days. If space allows, place chairs with high backs to make people sitting at the table feel confident. In any case, the choice should be guided by the fact that the filling of the kitchen and dining space is selected from the size, as well as the number of family members.

Other rules for arranging furniture

In addition, in Feng Shui kitchen design you need to follow practicality. It should fit all your appliances, as well as other kitchen utensils (especially sharp objects like knives and forks). Accordingly, the furniture should include different cabinets with doors and tables with drawers, so that when the kitchen is not working, the countertops are empty.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, there should be no bulky objects overhead in the kitchen, as this will create a strong feeling of anxiety for the person preparing the food and the person sitting in the kitchen. When designing this room, do not use sharp or protruding corners or open shelves (everything should be closed). If you do not follow these recommendations, then negative Sha energy will be created in your kitchen.

Arrange furniture freely in the kitchen, because... it must have enough light and space for the Qi energy to circulate freely in it. This will bring wealth and prosperity to the house and will contribute to the health of its inhabitants.

Now you know how to arrange your kitchen table according to Feng Shui, as well as how to properly arrange other furniture and organize your workspace. Follow these recommendations, and your well-being will not be slow to come to you.

Plants for the kitchen according to Feng Shui

Another addition to the kitchen space can be flowers. Of course, they need to be placed correctly. It should be noted right away that few plants can withstand a hot, fiery environment with a lot of moisture during cooking. Therefore, you should not place flowers there that are of a delicate nature.

Flowers for the kitchen should be of the appropriate size, so if you have a small kitchen, you should not put large and tall plants there. This can create an excess of energy. But the best place for flowers is near the window (pots on window sills or hanging above them).

It is also recommended, because it feeds on negative energy, so it can cleanse the kitchen space. For the same purpose, you can put chlorophytum on the window. In addition to clearing negative energy, it also gets rid of harmful germs.

If you want to learn more about placing flowers in a house or apartment according to Feng Shui, then on our website there is an interesting article on this topic (link to the article about plants).

Thus, decorating a kitchen according to Feng Shui rules is not at all difficult. It is only important to initially choose its correct location in the apartment, after which you only need to arrange the general color scheme and arrange the furniture. Don’t be lazy to take into account all the above rules to achieve harmony in your home, and the result will not be slow to affect your destiny and the destiny of the whole family.

The kitchen is one of the most important parts of the house. You can understand a lot by how the kitchen furniture is arranged, how the appliances are laid out, and by how and what you eat. And the main thing is to change a lot.

The ancient teaching of Feng Shui believes that the kitchen space is one of the most important in the house; the kitchen symbolizes wealth and health. And remember for yourself where the most important conversations, clarification of relationships, problem solving, family councils and even small family holidays most often take place. In the kitchen!

Magic in the kitchen: where to put the refrigerator?

According to Feng Shui, the kitchen is filled with positive energy only from good housewives. Cups with cracks, clogged pipes, leaking taps, garbage that hasn't been taken out - all this accumulates negative energy. Extra furniture, boxes, drawers, unnecessary jars, bottles that you would hate to throw away - all this will not add to your happiness. Let everything in the kitchen be economical. Everything you need is at hand.

Kitchen Feng Shui rules:
1. If you rarely cook, you sit on nothing but sandwiches, and the kitchen stove is covered with a layer of dust, that same negative energy moves around your kitchen in circles. Remember, hot food has positive energy. And your stomach will thank you!
2. It is better to get rid of corners whose edges are directed into the kitchen: negative energy is “wound” around them. Add bindweed plants to the corners or soften them in your own way.
3. If the kitchen is immediately visible upon entering your apartment, it may attract uninvited guests or cause digestive problems. Therefore, it is better to close the door to the hospitable table. And if there is no door, do a tricky maneuver: hang something distracting diagonally from the kitchen: a bright picture, a beautiful lamp.
4. In the kitchen, much more than in other rooms, two elements manifest themselves - fire and water. But don't push them nose to nose. For example, do not place a microwave oven directly above the sink.
5. It’s good if the kitchen arrangement is based on the rule of the triangle: the refrigerator, sink and stove are its corners. If the footage allows, let the distance between them be 1.5–2 meters. Then fire and water will not mix, and management will be much more convenient for you.
6. The stove should not be very close to the window. The heat of the stove, according to Feng Shui, is wealth and prosperity. Be careful, or it will blow everything away!

Magic in the kitchen: where to put the refrigerator?

What color should I paint the kitchen? Which wallpaper should I buy? So that it’s beautiful, and non-marking, and... according to Feng Shui!

Such pleasant and seemingly appetizing colors as red, pink and orange, alas, are not very suitable for the kitchen. These are strong colors of fire, which can cause equally fiery disputes and quarrels. According to Feng Shui, the ideal colors for the kitchen are cool: blue, light blue, white, light green. Fire and water, of which there is so much in the kitchen, are perfectly balanced by the most neutral color - white or cream.

Magic in the kitchen: where to put the refrigerator?

The housewife also has a number of rules in the kitchen, subject to which only positive energy will circulate in the space. The person who stands behind the stove is in an active and open position. It's good if your stove is positioned so that you can see everyone who is in the kitchen and face the door. However, in modern kitchens this is almost impossible. To prevent negative energy from “stabbing” you in the back, Feng Shui teachings recommend hanging a mirror or a cabinet with a mirror surface above the stove so that you can glance at the reflection from time to time.

In almost all families, the kitchen is the center of the home. Therefore, in addition to cleanliness and order, there should be a calm, unfussy atmosphere. And if you accidentally break a cup or plate, don’t hesitate to throw it away immediately. It is not without reason that folk superstitions say that dishes with cracks are unlucky.

What are your favorite products? What is more in your favorite kitchen – buckwheat or potatoes? This is all for a reason: every product means something.

Cinnamon – harmony and prosperity.
Ginger, salt – health, cleansing of the body.
Apples - self-confidence.
Butter helps alleviate problems in the family and establish smooth relationships.
Raisins, eggs - abundance.
Candied fruits are a symbol of love and tenderness.
Cranberry – safety.
Chocolate just lifts your mood.
Cognac makes you dreamy.
Cereals – reliability and good memories.
Pisces is responsible for a sense of humor.
Potatoes – solidity and strength of relationships.

Recommendations for arranging a kitchen

The kitchen is usually one of the most frequently used rooms in a house or apartment. According to Chinese beliefs, the appearance of the kitchen reflects the well-being of the family. In many homes, in addition to its main function, the kitchen becomes the center of communication, and almost all significant events take place there, especially if it also serves as a dining room on weekdays.

Since the kitchen is a scene of activity, the yang principle should predominate in it. Wood tips the balance in favor of yin, while metal emphasizes yang qualities, so try to balance these opposites not only based on personal taste, but also in accordance with the requirements of feng shui. Too much wood can lead to a gloomy and prim atmosphere in the kitchen, while too much metal gives the room a technological look and promotes aggressive emotions.

Colors and lighting

Lighting in the kitchen should be bright enough, but not harsh. Natural light creates the best movement of qi, so wide window panels without massive frames that block some of the light are recommended. Pull curtains away from windows, and if you use blinds, keep them up during the day. One plant in a pot or a crystal hanging in front of a window will be enough to improve the atmosphere; Do not clutter the kitchen with all kinds of items.
If the kitchen is small and quite dark, choose wallpaper in a light shade and increase the power of the overhead lighting. Avoid scarlet, dark blue and generally saturated tones, giving preference to pastel shades. Pure white, too harsh for most rooms, can be used effectively in the kitchen as it creates a sense of space.
If you want to activate some area in the kitchen with the appropriate color, it is better to do this not through the colors of furniture or wallpaper, but with the help of small objects. For example, if you want to stimulate the Fire element in the south for a more successful career, you can place a red toaster or pitcher in this zone. If you want to stimulate the Water element in the north for spiritual development, place some black object or decoration there.
When using certain shades in the kitchen, avoid combining the color with the opposite element. For example, the color black, which is associated with water, should not fall into the southern zone of Fire. Colors that are associated with Metal should not predominate in the eastern and southeastern zones associated with Wood.

Order in the kitchen

A cluttered kitchen often reflects the disordered state of a family's finances, as the kitchen as a whole is associated with the Water element, symbolizing prosperity. Therefore, it is important not to clutter the kitchen with foreign objects and keep work surfaces clean. Collect all kinds of little things in cabinets and on cupboard shelves. Remember that sha qi is created by protruding corners, open shelves and sharp objects, which should be avoided. If you have open shelves in your kitchen, use round containers for bulk products. Keep knives and forks in a separate drawer and only take them out when necessary.

Electrical equipment

Some electrical appliances, such as a refrigerator or microwave, are constantly running and therefore provide good stimulation to certain areas of the room. Place a refrigerator in the southeastern sector to improve your financial situation, or in the southwestern sector to strengthen family relationships. Try not to place the refrigerator in the south, as the Fire element is incompatible with low temperatures.
The microwave oven is easy to move from place to place, so you can choose which area of ​​the kitchen is best for stimulating your chi energy. Small electrical appliances such as kettles, mixers and toasters can also be used in various sectors to stimulate the corresponding qualities.

Negative aspects of the location of the stove

1. Opposite the refrigerator. The refrigerator symbolizes a state of stagnation, as frozen food is stored inside. Located opposite the stove, it “freezes” it with its emanations.

2. Opposite the toilet. Unfavorable position. The water flushed from the toilet tank comes into conflict with the fiery energy of the stove.

3. Opposite the sink. A classic example of the opposition of elements. Since Water extinguishes Fire, the kitchen is in a state of internal conflict, which is transmitted to people.

4. Behind the door. Bad feng shui. If the stove is located directly behind the door, the cook receives a rude jolt every time the door opens.

5. Opposite the stairs. A downward flow of qi energy directed at the slab can lead to unwanted complications. Plus, you're usually facing the stove and can't see who's coming up behind you.

6. Opposite the bedroom. If the bedroom is adjacent to the kitchen, this is already bad enough, but if the stove is located opposite the bedroom door, the situation is worse. It is better to move the stove to another place or make a new entrance to the bedroom from the corridor.

7. Under the beam. Never place a slab under a concrete beam that will direct negative energy downwards. Since the stove represents your "rice bowl", you may lose your livelihood.

8. Under the window. The stove located under the window is in a vulnerable position. The Fire element must be securely guarded; In addition, a normal draft can blow out gas burners.

9. Under a water pipe. The water pipe leading to the sink should not be higher than the level of the stove. Avoid situations where Water dominates Fire in the cooking area.

Kitchen: harmony of fire and water

In Feng Shui, the kitchen is traditionally considered the unluckiest part of the house. If you use the gua formula to establish your good and bad directions, then you know which direction is the direction of total disaster for you, and that may be the best place to place the kitchen. Why? Yes, because with daily use of the stove, a fire is lit, which, in turn, creates energy to successfully suppress all failures.
In general, the kitchen is a place where two hostile elements interact: fire and water, so kitchen Feng Shui is based on the correct balance of these two elements. A favorable interaction will bring tremendous luck, while an unfavorable one will lead to the opposite consequences. Which interaction is good and which is bad is determined by the location of the stove relative to the sink.
To balance water and fire in the kitchen, do not place the stove or oven directly opposite the sink or refrigerator. This arrangement will bring both elements into a state of confrontation. Also, don't place both of these elements too close to each other. To insure against such an accident, place a cabinet or cupboard between the refrigerator or sink and the stove.


Among other things, the way food is prepared affects the luck of the family. And a very significant impact. This is expressed in how the slab is oriented. For food to be prepared in a favorable manner, the energies that feed the fire must come from a favorable direction. Therefore, it can be concluded that for electric kitchen equipment, the important direction that needs to be taken into account will be the direction in which the plug enters the kettle or electric stove. In a gas stove, this is the direction where the gas actually flows to the stove.

Slab Placement Instructions

Do not place the stove or oven:

Directly opposite the kitchen door. This is a dangerous location, especially if the kitchen is too close to the front door.

Opposite the toilet. If you have no other choice, please keep the toilet door closed while cooking.

In front of the window. Contrary to traditional wisdom, a window above a slab means a woeful lack of support.

Directly below an exposed ceiling joist or in front of a projecting corner.

Between two water objects, for example, a sink on one side and a refrigerator on the other. This configuration will lead to mourning in the family. They say that fire in the middle of water foretells tears.

In the corner. If the stove is in a corner, the cook has to cook food facing that corner, which is a dangerous situation.

In the center of the house. Kitchens should always be located in the interior of the house, and never in the center of the house.

In front of the stairs.

Under the toilet on the top floor. If this is your situation, move the stove and rearrange your kitchen.

Directly below the water tank on the roof (if we are talking about a house). It puts out the fire - literally, and surprisingly, it attracts failure.

In the northwestern sector of the kitchen, since this dangerous position qualifies as “fire at the gates of heaven.”

Kitchen according to feng shui rules

If you decide to arrange your home according to the principles of Feng Shui, then you should start with the kitchen, since the kitchen is one of the most important rooms in the house, and besides, a woman usually spends a significant part of her time in it. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the kitchen represents food and prosperity. After all, good nutrition is always associated with wealth and health. Therefore, by designing and decorating your kitchen according to the principles of Feng Shui, you contribute to your prosperity and health. Feng Shui is a rather complex teaching represented by various schools, and advice is usually given to a specific house and specific people living in it. But despite this, there are basic principles that apply to the design of any kitchen.

Kitchen location

The location of the kitchen does not always depend on us. But if you are building a country house or have the opportunity to remodel, then you can arrange the kitchen in accordance with the principles of Feng Shui. It is better when the kitchen is located at the back of the house, or at least behind the central axis of the house. In any case, as soon as you enter the house, you should not immediately look at the kitchen. This may contribute to digestive problems. Placing the kitchen directly at the main entrance can encourage guests to leave immediately after eating, and also encourage the occupants of the house to eat all the time without stopping. But even if your kitchen is located at the front of the house, there is no need to panic; there are certain tools and techniques to reduce the negative impact of this location. Hang a curtain or beaded curtains on the kitchen door. You can also place something bright and distracting to the eye, such as a painting or any other decorative object, diagonally from the kitchen, so that when entering the house the eye falls on it and not on the kitchen.

Color palette

There should be no colors of red, pink or orange in the kitchen. These are the colors of "fire" and can provoke arguments and quarrels. So if you and your husband usually quarrel in the kitchen, then look around - maybe the color of the walls is to blame. It is best to use colors in the kitchen in light and cool shades: white, light green, blue. Of the five elements - Earth, Water, Fire, Wood and Metal - the kitchen combines the elements of Fire and Water. According to this, the best kitchen color is white as a color that balances both of these elements. Fortunately, the fashion for stainless steel kitchen appliances, accessories and decorative elements is also promoting this balance. Stainless steel can be classified as a cool and light color recommended by Feng Shui experts. Fluorescent light is not suitable for all rooms; it constantly flickers, negatively affecting the eyes and nervous system, which can contribute to increased blood pressure, intraocular pressure and headaches. However, it is very popular due to its bright light and low cost. If you decide that you cannot do without fluorescent lighting in the kitchen, supplement it with at least one regular fluorescent lamp.

Kitchen from the inside

One of the most important principles for a kitchen is that the person cooking is in a dominant position. That is, when standing behind the stove, you should be facing the door, and in no case with your back. Since this is quite difficult to achieve in modern small kitchens, Feng Shui consultants usually advise hanging either a mirror or something else with a mirror or reflective surface above the stove. The mirror can be any size, but the larger the surface, the better the correction will work. In addition, it is good when the kitchen is spacious enough and has a wide doorway. In this case, the hostess does not feel isolated from the life of the rest of the family or from the guests. From this point of view, studio apartments are ideal, where there is a living room, dining room and kitchen in one living space. Thanks to this, the one who cooks is aware of all the events at home, from smart conversations between guests about the fate of the world and ending with a discussion of the offspring’s homework. This will also make your household members more willing to help you in the kitchen. Thus, the kitchen becomes the “social center” of the entire home.

According to many Feng Shui experts, kitchen design should be based on the rule of the triangle, that is, the refrigerator, stove and sink should form the corners of the triangle. The distance between them should be 1.5-2 meters, this will provide maximum comfort with a minimum of repetitive movements. In addition, thanks to this arrangement, the Fire elements (stove, microwave) are separated from the Water elements (refrigerator, sink, dish drainer). They should be separated from each other by Wood elements, for example, wooden furniture or any other wood elements; in particular, some kind of plant or even an image of a plant will do. Like all rooms in the house, the kitchen should be kept clean and tidy. In the kitchen you cannot fuss and argue with each other. Broken and damaged items should be disposed of immediately.

The stove should not be placed next to a window, since the heat of the stove, according to Feng Shui, represents prosperity and wealth. But you don’t want your wealth to fly out the window? Cooking on a stovetop is preferable to cooking in a microwave oven, since a microwave oven emits an electromagnetic field, which has a negative effect on a person’s state of mind and body. For the same reason, it is better to use a gas stove than an electric one. In general, each family must determine for itself the relationship between the number of modern devices and compliance with the principles of Feng Shui.

Feng Shui for the kitchen

The most important, very yang room from which the life-giving energy of the hearth emanates. That is, of course, if you cook in it regularly. By lighting a fire in the kitchen every day, you awaken the element of fire, which is traditionally considered the element of good luck and prosperity. In those families where they enter the kitchen only once a day, usually in the morning, to make coffee, and prefer to eat in public catering, it gradually begins to become saturated with Yin energies and exude the abomination of desolation. It is better to eliminate such a kitchen altogether as an independent room, combining it with the living room or dining room.

If you regularly prepare food at home, follow a number of rules when arranging your kitchen so that your food is not exposed to negative energy.

When decorating a kitchen, dark shades such as dark gray, dark blue, purple, dark green, burgundy or black are unacceptable. These colors can be introduced as an addition, in very modest portions, but the main color should be light and warm - pink, beige, light green, natural wood, etc. You should not overuse white. A person who prepares food while standing at the stove or cutting table should not have his back turned to the door. The cook is supposed to be able to see who is entering the kitchen. Otherwise, he may get scared when someone suddenly approaches him from behind, and then the release of negative energy will spoil the food. Therefore, hang a mirror above the stove or above the cutting table so that the one who cooks can see what is happening behind him.

Do not install the refrigerator directly opposite or next to a stove. The same goes for the plumbing sink and washing machine. The refrigerator, washing machine and sink, in their functions, belong to the elements of water, and the stove belongs to the elements of fire, and these are antagonistic elements. It will end up with both the refrigerator and the stove working worse than they could. In addition, water extinguishes fire, and therefore your luck. Since the kitchen is the place where energy is generated that contributes to the well-being of the family, it is useful to place several indoor plants in it, as they symbolize growth and prosperity.

A refrigerator growling from hunger is a factor that negatively affects your luck. Make sure that it is not empty - then it will guard your well-being. In one of the corners (preferably the one that is closer to the southwest) of the refrigerator, place a bag of red paper with three coins and change them on the eve of each new lunar year. In this case, you will always have money.

Feng Shui of the kitchen: for those who want to lose weight

A slender, fit figure is what every woman dreams of. And Feng Shui can very well help with this!
There are a number of simple techniques that allow you to influence your destiny, change the appearance of your home and your own appearance. By following our recommendations, dear ladies, you can become even younger and more beautiful! You just need to properly plan the apartment and, especially, the kitchen. According to Feng Shui, the kitchen is the “housewife’s domain.” Plan this room at home so that you feel cozy, calm and comfortable there. If everything in the kitchen is concentrated around food - its preparation and absorption - this will not have the best effect on your figure. The entrance to the kitchen should not be visible directly from the threshold. Otherwise, the dining area will “attract” as soon as you enter the apartment. This door needs to be made as inconspicuous as possible. It will be good if it is smaller in size than room ones. Do not place bright lights near the kitchen door: it should remain in the shade and be closed. From a Feng Shui point of view, a door decorated with stained glass or frosted glass is ideal.

The layout of the kitchen itself is very important. A refrigerator that occupies the main place in the kitchen is not the best option for those who want to lose weight. If the refrigerator concentrates the attention of the person in the kitchen, it seems to provoke him to have an extra snack. Try to place it where it will be least noticeable. The refrigerator should not be brightly lit; it is better to shift the semantic emphasis to another place. For example, try placing a bright lamp in the opposite corner and decorating it with something eye-catching: a stylish vase, painting or other piece of furniture.

Kitchen gatherings are an ineradicable Russian tradition. And being in the kitchen naturally turns into a friendly party. In order to minimize the disappointing results of this “national peculiarity”, put everything related to food in the shade: do not decorate the kitchen with still lifes of fruit and calendars with culinary masterpieces, put dishes in cabinets, do not keep vases of sweets on the table. Place flowers on the table, put a couple of magazines - let the table serve as a center around which people gather not to eat, but to socialize. Landscapes on the walls, fresh or artificial flowers will complement the decor, turning the kitchen into a living room, where everything evokes thoughts of a pleasant conversation rather than eating food. Of course, Feng Shui has many more techniques in its arsenal with which you can change yourself and your destiny , attract wealth, love and luck. But this requires individual setup of the room, that is, general recommendations cannot be used here: you need to work with a specialist.

A person opens the refrigerator door very often, in fact, every time he wants to have a snack. This is one of the main items in the kitchen. Read further about the refrigerator according to Feng Shui and find out how to use it correctly.

Feng Shui refrigerator and how to use it

A refrigerator is an item that reacts very sensitively to changes in the energy environment at home. Remember that the longer you keep food in the refrigerator, the better the atmosphere in your home. But if they start to spoil before their expiration date, it means something is wrong.

Remember that the refrigerator contains the element Water, which perfectly absorbs any information. Therefore, if there are a lot of disagreements, quarrels and conflicts in the house, then this item in the kitchen will absorb all the negativity. And this will affect the freshness of your products. Do not provoke conflicts and learn to control your own emotions. And if a quarrel cannot be avoided, then leave the kitchen and open the window in the room in which you will be. This way the negativity will leave your home.

Feng Shui refrigerator and rules for its placement

Moreover, the refrigerator may start buzzing out of anger. This may be due to the fact that you have placed it incorrectly. For example, you cannot place it near the stove, since in this case two incompatible elements begin to interact: Water and Fire. Such placement of the refrigerator can cause the family to lose money. It is better to place a bedside table or table between the refrigerator and the stove. This way you can separate two opposing energies and there will be harmony and happiness in the house.

How to choose a refrigerator and how to care for it according to Feng Shui

It is worth paying attention to the color of the refrigerator. It shouldn't be monochromatic. You can hang magnets on the door of this household item. Colorful things attract positive energy. And if you place them in it, then this energy will be absorbed by food. You can also hang photos of you happy on the refrigerator.

Remember that this item needs to be defrosted. This will cleanse him of the negativity that has accumulated in him. If an unpleasant smell appears in the refrigerator, it means that there is too high a concentration of negative energy in it.



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